The circuit uses an IR sensor, microcontroller, current driver chip, and voltage regulator ICs as its main components. An IR sensor TSOP 1738, microcontroller 89C51, current driver chip ULN2003A, and 78XX series voltage regulator ICs make up the key parts of the circuit.
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The circuit uses an IR sensor, microcontroller, current driver chip, and voltage regulator ICs as its main components. An IR sensor TSOP 1738, microcontroller 89C51, current driver chip ULN2003A, and 78XX series voltage regulator ICs make up the key parts of the circuit.
The circuit uses an IR sensor, microcontroller, current driver chip, and voltage regulator ICs as its main components. An IR sensor TSOP 1738, microcontroller 89C51, current driver chip ULN2003A, and 78XX series voltage regulator ICs make up the key parts of the circuit.
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The circuit uses an IR sensor, microcontroller, current driver chip, and voltage regulator ICs as its main components. An IR sensor TSOP 1738, microcontroller 89C51, current driver chip ULN2003A, and 78XX series voltage regulator ICs make up the key parts of the circuit.
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The main components of the circuit are
IR sensor TSOP 1738,
microcontroller 89C51, current driver chip ULN2003A and all voltage regulator ICs (78XX series).