97 ScissorJack

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Scissor-Jack-Damper Energy Dissipation


Ani N. Şigaher,a) M.EERI, and Michael C. Constantinou,b) M.EERI

Installation of damping devices has been limited to diagonal or chevron

brace configurations until the recent development of the toggle-brace con-
figurations. These configurations magnify the effect of damping devices, thus
facilitating their use in stiff framing systems. This paper introduces the
scissor-jack-damper system that was developed as a variant of the toggle-
brace-damper systems, with the added advantage of compactness. The effec-
tiveness of the scissor-jack configuration is demonstrated through testing of a
large-scale steel-framed model structure on an earthquake simulator. Experi-
ments showed that despite the small size of the damping device considered,
the scissor-jack system provided a significant amount of damping and sub-
stantially reduced the seismic response of the tested structure. Response his-
tory and simplified analyses produce results that are consistent with the ex-
perimental results. [DOI: 10.1193/1.1540999]

The use of supplemental or damping devices to dissipate seismic energy in building
and bridge structures has gained increasing interest in the past decade. These devices,
commonly known as ‘dampers,’ exhibit either hysteretic behavior (e.g., yielding of met-
als, sliding friction) or viscoelastic/viscous behavior (e.g., fluid viscous dampers, solid
and fluid viscoelastic dampers). The underlying objective of implementing energy dissi-
pation devices in structural systems is to limit or eliminate damage to the structural
frame by dissipating most of the earthquake-induced energy which would otherwise be
absorbed by the load-bearing-system through inelastic deformations. Viscoelastic and
viscous energy dissipation systems are also eminently suitable for wind vibration reduc-
tion. The interested reader is referred to the following for a review of this technology:
Applied Technology Council (ATC) (1997), Soong and Dargush (1997), Constantinou
et al. (1998), and Hanson and Soong (2001).
Today, many countries utilize various types of damping devices as protective systems
to reduce wind and earthquake-induced vibrations in new and retrofit construction. In
Japan, the majority of the applications utilize yielding steel devices and viscoelastic fluid
or solid devices. In the United States, engineers have primarily used fluid viscous de-
vices. In these applications, damping devices have either been installed in-line with di-
agonal bracing or as horizontal elements atop chevron bracing. The popularity of these

Graduate Research Assistant, Department of Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering, University at
Buffalo, State University of New York, Buffalo, NY 14260
Professor and Chair, Department of Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering, University at Buffalo,
State University of New York, Buffalo, NY 14260

Earthquake Spectra, Volume 19, No. 1, pages 133–158, February 2003; © 2003, Earthquake Engineering Research Institute

configurations is based on the engineers’ familiarity with such bracing systems and the
fact that all experimental research studies have utilized only these two configurations for
energy dissipation systems.
Exception to the rule of use of diagonal or chevron bracing configurations for damp-
ing systems has been the recent construction of two 37-story and one 38-story buildings
in the United States utilizing the toggle-brace configuration. As the name implies, this
configuration is based on the toggle mechanism, which magnifies the damper displace-
ment for a given interstory drift. This amplification results in a reduction in the required
damping force, and reduction in the damper volume, which may lead to reduction of
damper cost. The damper force output is magnified through the same mechanism and
delivered to the framing system. The toggle-brace configuration is suitable for applica-
tions of wind response reduction and of seismic hazard mitigation of stiff structures. A
theoretical treatment of the system’s behavior, along with experimental results confirm-
ing the validity of the concept and the developed theory, and a brief description of ap-
plications can be found in Constantinou et al. (2001).
An additional consideration related to the application of energy dissipation systems
is that in many cases the energy dissipation assemblies occupy entire bays in frames and
often violate architectural requirements such as open space and unobstructed view. With
this intent, the scissor-jack-damper system was developed as a variant of the toggle-
brace-damper system. The system combines the displacement magnification feature with
small size, which is achieved through compactness and near-vertical installation.
This paper presents the concept underlying the scissor-jack-damper configuration
and verifies the theory via experimental results. The experimental study includes earth-
quake simulator testing of a half-scale steel model structure equipped with fluid viscous
dampers. Parts of the work described in this paper have been previously presented or
briefly described by the authors and coworkers (Whittaker and Constantinou 1999a,
1999b, 2000; Constantinou et al. 2000; Constantinou 2000; Constantinou and Şigaher
2000). The scissor-jack system is also briefly described in the recent EERI monograph
of Hanson and Soong (2001). However, this paper represents the first detailed treatment
of the scissor-jack-damper system and the related experimental results, which represent
part of the doctoral dissertation of the first author.

The scissor-jack-damper system is best explained by first reviewing the conventional
diagonal and chevron brace configurations, in which the displacement of the energy dis-
sipation devices is either less than (case of diagonal brace) or equal to (case of chevron
brace) the drift of the story at which the devices are installed. If u and uD denote the
interstory drift and the damper relative displacement, respectively, then

uD!f•u (1)
where f!magnification factor. For the chevron brace configuration, f!1.0; for the di-
agonal configuration f!cos !, where !!angle of inclination of the damper with respect
to the horizontal axis. The force FD along the damper axis is similarly related to F, the
horizontal component of the damper force exerted on the frame, through

Figure 1. Illustration of diagonal, chevron brace, scissor-jack-damper, and toggle-brace-damper

configurations, magnification factors, and damping ratios of a single-story structure with linear
fluid viscous devices.

F!f•FD (2)
Figure 1 illustrates a single-story structure with diagonal and chevron brace configu-
rations. Also shown in the figure are the force, F, and the interstory drift, u. Consider
that this single-story structure has an effective weight, W, and a fundamental period un-
der elastic conditions, T, and that it is equipped with a linear fluid viscous damper for

FD!Co•u̇D (3)

where Co!damping coefficient, and u̇D!relative velocity between the ends of the
damper along its axis. The damping force F, exerted on the frame by the damper assem-
bly is given by

F!Co•f 2•u̇ (4)

in which u̇!interstory velocity. It follows that the damping ratio of a single-story frame
with a linear fluid viscous device can be written as

Co•f 2•g•T
"! (5)

It is essential to realize the effect of the magnification factor on the damping ratio.
As Equation 5 suggests, the damping ratio varies proportionally with the square of the
magnification factor. In the two conventional configurations in Figure 1, a damper de-
signed to provide a damping ratio of 5 percent of critical when installed horizontally
(chevron brace), will provide a damping ratio of 3.2 percent of critical in the diagonal
In contrast to the familiar diagonal and chevron brace configurations, the scissor-jack
configuration can achieve magnification factors substantially greater than unity. This is
also true for the toggle-brace-damper systems. Figure 1 also illustrates the scissor-jack-
damper and toggle-brace-damper systems as implemented in a single-story frame. These
systems make use of shallow trusses that amplify the effect of the interstory drift on the
damper displacement and also amplify the small damper force and deliver it to the struc-
tural frame. The expression for the magnification factor, f, under the assumption of
small rotations, and its value for a typical geometry are also given in Figure 1. A sub-
stantial increase in the damping ratio with respect to that provided by conventional
damper configurations demonstrates the efficacy of these systems.
The presence of the magnifying mechanism in the scissor-jack system extends the
utility of fluid viscous devices to cases of small interstory drifts and velocities, which are
typical of stiff structural systems under seismic excitation and structures subjected to
wind load. Fluid viscous devices require special detailing when operating at small
stroke. This results in an increased volume of the device and, accordingly, cost. In ad-
dition, in stiff structural systems, the required damping forces are large, leading to a fur-
ther increase in the cost of the energy dissipation system. These damper configurations,
therefore, may lead to cost savings, provided that the cost of the support framing is not
substantially greater than the cost of the framing that would be required to support the
dampers in conventional configurations. Moreover, the scissor-jack system may be con-
figured to allow for open space, minimal obstruction of view and slender configuration,
features that are often desired by architects.
The scissor-jack damping system may be installed in a variety of configurations as
shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2. Possible installation configurations of a scissor-jack-damping system.


The effectiveness of the scissor-jack configuration is based on the magnification fac-
tor, f, defined as the ratio of damper displacement, uD , to the interstory drift, u. Figure
3 presents an analysis of the movement of a single-story frame with a scissor-jack sys-
tem. The magnification factor is

uD !A!B!"AB!
f! ! (6)
u u
where AB and A!B! denote the initial and the deformed lengths of the damper, respec-
It should be noted that the deformed configuration of Figure 3 does not take into
account any deformations in the frame (only rigid body motion is considered) and any
reduction in height due to column rotation. The latter has negligible effect on the mag-
nification factor for typical values of interstory drift and for low-rise structures. The
frame deformations, on the other hand, may have notable effect on the magnification fac-
tor. As an example, consider that the beam in Figure 3 is simply connected to the column
on the left and rigidly connected to the column on the right. Upon an interstory drift

Figure 3. Analysis of scissor-jack movement and analysis of forces.

towards the right, the beam will deflect upwards, causing a decrease in the damper de-
formation and thus, in the magnification factor. The opposite will occur when the beam-
to-column connections are reversed. This type of amplification/deamplification of the
magnification factor will depend on the relative stiffnesses of the beam and the column,
and the position of the point of connection of the scissor-jack on the beam. Additionally,
the displacements due to the forces in the damper and in the scissor-braces (i.e., dis-
placements due to finite stiffness of the scissor-braces) will reduce the magnification
factor, regardless of the structural system configuration. A treatment of the effect of the
deformations in the frame and in the damper assembly, on the behavior of the frame will
be presented in sections that follow.
Based on rigid body kinematics, the damper displacement may be expressed as

uD!!A!B!"AB!!#2•!1•$sin%!#&!'"sin !( (7)
where &!!angle of rotation of the scissor-braces. Preservation of lengths between
points C and D requires that

Figure 4. Dependency of the magnification factor on the scissor-jack geometry.

2•!1•cos%!#&!'!2•!1•cos !$u•cos ) (8)

Utilizing Equations 7 and 8, the damper displacement can be written as

" # $
uD!#2•!1• sin cos"1 cos !$
cos )
2•!1 %& '
•u "sin ! (9)

where in Equations 7 to 9, positive signs hold for drift towards the right (u and &! as
shown in Figure 3) and for damper extension (uD%0). For drift towards the left, these
equations are valid with negative signs.
Equation 9 may be used to calculate the damper displacement given a value of drift,
provided the latter is small. However, the equation cannot be solved for the ratio of two
displacements, which is of much practical value. Realizing that for most applications &!
is very small, Equations 7 and 8 may be significantly simplified to easily yield the mag-
nification factor

cos )
f! (10)
tan !
It can be shown that Equations 1 and 10 provide a very good approximation to the exact
damper deformation (Equation 9) for &!*0.2!. Moreover, Equation 10 provides insight
into the major factors affecting the performance of the scissor-jack configuration.
The dependence of the magnification factor, f, on angles ! and ) is illustrated in
Figure 4. As the figure suggests, the magnification factor assumes very large values as !
approaches 0"; but this has no meaning since the scissors tend to act as a single brace
inclined at angle ). Rather, when designing such systems, emphasis should be placed on
the fact that the magnification factor should have minimal sensitivity to small changes

in geometry. A typical geometry is shown in Figures 1 and 4, which is representative of

the tested scissor-jack-damper system. Practical values of the magnification factor lie in
the range 2 to 5.
The forces that act on the scissor-jack and on the single-story frame are also shown
in Figure 3. It should be noted that the frame shown is a mechanism such that force F
represents the component of the inertia force that is balanced by forces from the damp-
ing system. Considering equilibrium in the original, undeformed configuration reveals
the forces that develop in the scissor-braces as

T! •F (11)
2•sin ! D
where T and FD denote the forces in the brace and damper, respectively. Note that the
forces T are greater than the force FD by a factor of 1/2•sin ! due to the shallow truss
configuration of the scissor-braces. The resultant of the horizontal component of forces
T equals force F, that is,
F!2•T•cos !•cos ) (12)
Equation 12 together with Equation 11, result in Equation 2. That is, the magnification
factor can be written as

uD F
f! ! (13)
u FD
which proves the accuracy of the analysis presented.


The addition of energy dissipation devices to a building results in a nonclassically
damped structure even if the structure itself has classical damping. Exact methods to
determine the dynamic properties (e.g., frequencies of free vibration, mode shapes, and
damping ratios) of the damped structure are available, but may become involved since
they necessitate complex eigenvalue analysis. The interested reader is referred to Velet-
sos and Ventura (1986) for a comprehensive treatment of the complex eigenvalue prob-
lem, and Constantinou and Symans (1992) for an illustration of the exact analysis for the
case of linear viscous and viscoelastic fluid dampers.
Moreover, the addition of energy dissipation devices to a building results in an in-
crease in stiffness and a reduction in period. This phenomenon is well understood for
devices with viscoelastic behavior (e.g., see Soong and Dargush 1997, Constantinou
et al. 1998, and Hanson and Soong 2001).
An alternative to the exact methods is the use of approximate methods of analysis
based on energy principles. Such methods are very simple to apply and, accordingly,
have been utilized in analysis and design provisions and guidelines (ATC 1997, FEMA
2000). The approximate methods of analysis typically provide results of acceptable ac-
curacy when complete vertical distributions of damping devices are used.

The energy dissipation assembly exhibits, in general, viscoelastic behavior depend-

ing on the geometry, stiffness and damping of the elements comprising the assembly. In
the case of a linear viscous damper with a damper coefficient, Co , the assembly can be
represented by a spring in series with the viscous damper. The behavior is then best de-
scribed by the Maxwell viscoelastic model for which the horizontal force, F j , exerted on
the frame at story j by the energy dissipation system is described by

F j&+ j•Ḟ j!Coj•f 2j •u̇ j (14)

where u̇ j is the interstory drift velocity at story j, + j is the relaxation time that is the ratio
of the damping coefficient to the stiffness of the damping assembly at story j, and f j is
the magnification factor at story j. The interested reader is referred to Hanson and Soong
(2001) for a treatment of the issue of the effect of the flexibility of the energy dissipation
assembly. Herein it is of importance to emphasize that the energy dissipation assembly
includes, in addition to the damper-bracing assembly, the frame to which all these are
connected. For example, significant flexibility will result from frame deformations in
structures with scissor-jack-damper systems when installed as shown in Figure 1. This is
also true for structures with toggle-brace-damper systems as demonstrated by Constan-
tinou et al. (2001). Actually, the development of the reverse toggle-brace-damper system
has been motivated by a desire to minimize the flexibility of the energy dissipation as-
The force F may be alternatively, in a further simplification, described using the
Kelvin viscoelastic model as a function of relative displacement u, and relative velocity
u̇, as

F j!k!j %,'•f 2j •u j&c!j %,'•f 2j •u̇ j (15)

where k!j and c!j are, respectively, the storage stiffness and damping coefficient of the
energy dissipation system at story j, which are given by

Coj•+ j•,2 Coj

1&+ j •, 1&+2j •,2
k!j %,'! 2 2 and c!j %,'! (16)

and , is the frequency of free vibration of the damped structure. It should be noted that
for infinitely stiff bracing (+ j!0), the energy dissipation system behaves as a pure vis-
cous system and Equations 14 to 16 reduce to Equation 4.
The approximate energy method starts with the assumption that the frequencies and
mode shapes of the nonclassically damped structure are identical to those of the un-
damped structure with the added effect of storage stiffness, but not of damping, from the
energy dissipation assembly. Thus, the frequencies and mode shapes can be determined
from standard eigenvalue analysis. Assuming that the structure undergoes vibration in
the kth mode with period Tk (or with frequency of vibration in the kth mode equal to ,k),
the damping ratio at the jth story may be expressed (Constantinou and Symans 1992,
ATC 1997, FEMA 2000) as

g Tk•- jc!j %,k'•f 2j •.rj2

"k! (17)
where .rj is the kth modal interstory drift of the jth story; Wi!lumped weight at the ith
level; and .i!modal displacement of level i in the kth mode of vibration. Summation j
extends over all stories and summation i extends over all lumped weights. Note that f j is
equal to cos ! j (! j!inclination angle of the dampers) for devices installed diagonally; is
unity for the case of chevron brace configuration of Figure 1; and cos ) j /tan ! j (refer to
Figure 1 for angles ) j and ! j) for the scissor-jack system. For a single-story structure,
.rj!.i!1, i!j!1, and Equation 17 simplifies, for the case of rigid energy dissipation
assembly, to Equation 5.
Within the context of approximate methods of analysis (as, for example, those de-
scribed in the 2000 edition of the NEHRP Recommended Provisions), the mode shapes
may be assumed or calculated for the undamped structure without the effect of the stor-
age stiffness resulting from the viscoelastic nature of the energy dissipation assembly.
Such an approximation produces acceptable results when the distribution of damping de-
vices is complete over the building height. In such cases, it is of interest to develop a
simple approximate method of estimating the periods of the damped structure. In arriv-
ing at an approximate method, we recognize that

Tk!!2•#• " -iWi•.2i

g•- jK j•.rj2 '

where T!k is the kth mode period of the undamped structure and K j is the horizontal stiff-
ness of story j. Moreover,

Tk!2•#• " -iWi•.2i

g•- j%K j&c!j •+ j•,2k •f 2j '•.rj2 '1/2

Equations 17 to 19 may be combined to arrive at the following equation provided that

the mode shape is the same for the undamped and the damped structure:

Tk!Tk!• 1" " 4•#•+•"k

Tk ' 1/2

where parameter + was assumed to be the same for all stories of the structure, or + is an
average representative value for all stories. Equation 20 is implicit in the calculation of
period Tk , requiring an iterative procedure to solve. However, given the approximate na-
ture of the calculation, the following equation, representing the first iteration result, may
be used.

Tk/Tk!• 1" " 4•#•+•"k

Tk! ' 1/2

The scissor-jack-damper system was first tested in a frame connected to a strong
floor and subjected to an imposed displacement history, and then in a model structure on
the earthquake simulator at the University at Buffalo. The model was the half-scale
steel-framed structure, which was previously utilized for testing of the toggle-brace-
damper system (Constantinou et al. 2001). The model structure consisted of two identi-
cal frames that could be tested individually on the strong floor or together on the earth-
quake simulator with an added mass on the top of the frames. Figure 5 illustrates one of
the two tested frames with the scissor-jack-damper system. A view of the structure on
the earthquake simulator is presented in Figure 6. The model features the following char-
1. Beam-to-column connections of the model frames were easily convertible from
simple to rigid, by bolting stiffened angles to the flanges of the beam and col-
umn (see Figure 5). This enabled testing with one rigid and one simple connec-
tion per frame (referred to as rigid-simple or simple-rigid configurations) and
with two rigid configurations per frame (rigid-rigid configuration). The rigid-
simple, simple-rigid, and rigid-rigid configurations were tested in the strong
floor experiments, whereas the earthquake simulator testing included only rigid-
simple and simple-rigid configurations.
2. The scissor-braces were connected to the frame (scissors-to-beam and scissors-
to-column connections) utilizing plates, which were designed to undergo mainly
rotation. As shown in the detail of Figure 5, these plates were designed with
sufficient length to prevent inelastic action. The damper-to-brace connections
were designed as true pins to avoid transfer of bending forces to the damper.
However, this was not fully accomplished because of tight pin configuration that
exhibited considerable friction.
3. The concrete weight used for earthquake simulator testing comprised of two
blocks weighing a total of 142.3 kN, and was secured atop the columns by way
of simple connections. The center of mass of these blocks was 1,113 mm above
the centerline of the beam.
4. A total of three viscous fluid dampers were utilized for the floor and earthquake
simulator testing. Shown in Figure 7 are the peak force-peak velocity charac-
teristics of the dampers (shown by triangular symbols), extracted from harmonic
testing. It follows that for damper 1 (used in strong floor testing), the behavior
is practically linear, which can be described by Equation 3 with Co
!25.8 N-s/mm for velocities up to 500 mm/s. Dampers 2 and 4 (used in earth-
quake simulator testing) exhibit linear behavior for velocities to 250 mm/s (with
Co!40.0 N-s/mm in Equation 3), after which the behavior deviates towards
nonlinearity. For these dampers, the overall behavior can be described via FD
!CNo•u̇D0 , where CNo!137.3 N-(s/mm)0 and 0!0.76. All dampers were of the
run-through rod type construction, and had a length of 273 mm, a diameter of
44.5 mm, and a stroke of #28.6 mm.

Figure 5. Tested scissor-jack-damper configuration.


Figure 6. Model with scissor-jack damping system on the Buffalo earthquake simulator.


One frame with the scissor-jack system (as shown in Figure 5), simply supported on
a W21'50 beam that was bolted on the strong floor, was subjected to sinusoidal move-
ment at various frequencies and amplitudes at its beam-to-column connection. The pur-
pose of this testing was to confirm the predictions of the scissor-jack theory. Alternate
types of beam-to-column connections were tested to observe the effect of the frame de-
formations on the magnification factor.
The behavior of the scissor-jack-damper system is illustrated in Figure 8 for the
rigid-simple configuration of the frame. As noted earlier, this configuration, which is
shown in Figure 5, produces the highest displacement magnification factor. The figure
shows the relation between lateral force and lateral displacement of the frame, damper
force and damper displacement, and damper displacement and lateral displacement of
the frame (i.e., the magnification factor). Lateral displacement of the frame is the dis-
placement of the beam-to-column joint (drift) and the lateral force is the force required
to impose this displacement. In consistency with the earlier sign conventions, drift to-
wards the right, resulting increase in damper length, and corresponding forces in the
frame and the damper are taken positive.
The following observations can be made in the results of Figure 8:
1. The magnification factor attains its largest value under quasi-static conditions
(0.01 Hz) when the viscous damping force is practically zero, and decreases
with increasing frequency. This behavior is primarily the result of frame defor-

Figure 7. Peak force versus peak velocity relation of tested fluid viscous dampers.

mations under the action of forces in the scissor-jack system. Although the
damper forces are low (force FD in Figure 3), the resultant force on the frame
(resultant of forces T in Figure 3 equals FD /tan !) is large (for the tested con-
figuration, !!9" so that FD /tan !!6.3 FD) resulting in deflection of the beam.
2. Under quasi-static conditions, the magnification factor is higher than predicted
by theory. For the tested frame, uD!f !•u, where f !/f•(h/hs), and h/hs is a factor
accounting for the geometry in which the vertical projection, h, of the scissor-
jack is less than the story height, hs , where drift, u, occurs (see Figure 5). In this
case, h/hs!0.838 and f/1.8; whereas testing under quasi-static conditions re-
vealed f/2.9 for negative drift (damper undergoes compression) and f/2.5
otherwise. The difference between the predicted and the observed magnification
factors can be explained by the fact that with the beam-to-column connections
configured as rigid-simple, part of the damper deformation is caused by vertical
deflection of the beam (for either direction of drift)—a factor not accounted for
in theoretical predictions. In addition, under negative drift (towards the left), as

Figure 8. Recorded response of frame when subjected to lateral joint displacement.

the scissor-braces close, the angle ! decreases, causing an increase in the in-
stantaneous magnification factor, which results in a larger value of f (see Figure
3. Under dynamic conditions, for which considerable forces develop in the scissor-
jack assembly, the magnification factor attains values of about 1.6 to 1.9, de-
pending on whether the angle ! increases or decreases, respectively. The sub-
stantial reduction of the magnification factor from the values attained under
quasi-static conditions is due to deformations of the energy dissipation assem-
bly (primarily beam deflections) caused by the damping forces.
4. There is considerable increase in the effective stiffness of the frame when sig-
nificant damping forces develop, as it is evident in the hysteresis loops of the
top graph in Figure 8. These loops show a 60 percent increase in effective stiff-
ness, which corresponds to about 25 percent increase in frequency. This is con-
sistent with the predictions of Equation 21 and experimental results to be pre-
sented later in this paper.

Figure 9. Amplitude of transfer function of model structure with rigid-simple and simple-rigid


The dynamic characteristics of the model (as depicted in Figures 5 and 6 with mass)
were identified by exciting the structure on the earthquake simulator (with and without
the scissor-jack-damper system) with stationary-banded white noise excitation. Transfer
functions were then constructed as the ratio of the Fourier transform of the acceleration
at the concrete mass-to-column joint to the Fourier transform of the base acceleration
(obtained from east frame instruments). Note that the rigid concrete mass is simply con-
nected to the top of the frames so that the movement of the concrete mass-to-column
joint is effectively identical to the movement of the center of mass of the structure. Ac-
cordingly, the transfer function calculated on the basis of the description above may be
used to obtain the dynamic characteristics of the model structure when it is represented
as a single-degree-of-freedom system.
The amplitudes of the obtained transfer functions are presented in Figure 9. Note
that the model structure was tested in two different configurations of the beam-to-
column connections: rigid-simple, which amplifies the magnification factor, and simple-
rigid, which causes an undesirable reduction of the factor. The amplitude of transfer
functions reveals a simple relation that is characteristic of single-degree-of-freedom sys-

Table 1. Identified dynamic characteristics of model structure with and

without scissor-jack-damper system

Beam-to-Column Frequency Damping
Connections Configuration (Hz) Ratio
No Dampers 3.2 0.035
Rigid-Simple Scissor-Jack-Damper 4.0 0.130
No Dampers 3.2 0.031
Simple-Rigid Scissor-Jack-Damper 3.5 0.055

tems. Accordingly, the frequency and damping ratio on the basis of the assumption of
linear elastic and linear viscous behavior may be easily determined. They are presented
in Table 1 for each of the four tested configurations.
An observation to be made in the results of Table 1 and Figure 9 is the significant
difference in the added damping in the two configurations of frames, of which the origin
has been previously explained. Another important observation is the significant stiffen-
ing of the structure, marked by the increase in frequency. For the rigid-simple configu-
ration, the increase in frequency from 3.2 to 4.0 Hz is significant and consistent with the
approximately 60 percent increase in stiffness of the frame observed in testing under
imposed displacement. This increase in frequency is the result of viscoelastic behavior
caused by frame and energy dissipation assembly deformations under the action of the
damping forces.


The model structure was tested on the earthquake simulator in its rigid-simple beam-
to-column connection configuration (see Figure 6). It was subjected to several ground
motions, which were scaled in time by a factor of & in accordance with the model’s
length scale factor. The data acquisition system consisted of accelerometers, displace-
ment transducers and load cells, which measured the response of the frame as well as the
motion of the earthquake simulator. The instrumentation scheme was similar to that of
the previously tested toggle-brace system, which can be found in Constantinou et al.
The ground motions used in the earthquake simulator testing included the 1940 El
Centro, component S00E; 1952 Taft, component N21E; 1971 San Fernando at Pacoima
Dam, components S16E and S74W; 1985 Mexico City at SCT, component N90W; 1978
Miyagiken-Oki, component EW; 1968 Hachinohe, component NS; 1995 Kobe, compo-
nent EW; 1994 Northridge records at Sylmar, component 90"; and Newhall, components
90" and 360".
A summary of the earthquake simulator testing results for a sample of ground mo-
tions is presented in Table 2, where each record is denoted by the excitation name, com-
ponent, and acceleration amplitude scale. For example, EL CENTRO S00E 50% implies
that the record was component S00E of the El Centro earthquake, scaled in amplitude of
acceleration to 50 percent of the actual value. Tabulated in Table 2 are peak values of the

Table 2. Peak response of model in earthquake simulator testing

Peak earthquake
simulator motion

Damper Damper
Displ. Veloc. Accel. Drift Accel. displ. force Scissor Magnification
Excitation (mm) (mm/s) (g) (mm) (g) (mm) (kN) damper factor

EL CENTRO S00E 50% 20.2 115.6 0.200 14.3 0.606 - - NO -

EL CENTRO S00E 50% 20.7 112.1 0.187 3.1 0.240 4.9 4.44 YES 1.6–1.8
EL CENTRO S00E 100% 41.5 219.7 0.340 6.5 0.459 10.8 8.66 YES 1.7–1.9
TAFT N21E 100% 21.8 103.5 0.156 7.3 0.336 - - NO -
TAFT N21E 200% 43.6 207.6 0.316 7.6 0.560 11.7 9.77 YES 1.5–1.7
HACHINOHE NS 50% 25.1 108.0 0.127 8.5 0.378 - - NO -
HACHINOHE NS 100% 50.0 212.1 0.252 5.9 0.432 8.9 7.47 YES 1.5–1.6
HACHINOHE NS 150% 75.1 321.3 0.371 8.7 0.600 12.1 9.94 YES 1.5–1.7
MIYAGIKEN EW 100% 17.3 94.6 0.146 10.6 0.451 - - NO -
MIYAGIKEN EW 200% 34.7 203.2 0.284 6.9 0.494 10.8 8.64 YES 1.5
MIYAGIKEN EW 300% 52.4 308.0 0.456 10.3 0.683 15.9 11.56 YES 1.5–1.6
MEXICO CITY 100.1 412.8 0.196 6.8 0.321 - - NO -
N90W 100%
MEXICO CITY 101.1 417.5 0.199 3.2 0.192 6.4 2.40 YES 1.9–2.0
N90W 100%
SYLMAR 90 25% 24.9 115.6 0.165 8.6 0.385 - - NO -
SYLMAR 90 75% 76.2 317.5 0.413 7.8 0.561 13.0 9.87 YES 1.5–1.8
NEWHALL 360 25% 29.6 153.7 0.188 10.0 0.450 - - NO -
NEWHALL 360 50% 60.0 298.5 0.414 7.2 0.534 12.4 9.36 YES 1.6–1.7
NEWHALL 90 25% 17.6 105.4 0.171 7.2 0.315 - - NO -
NEWHALL 90 50% 35.8 203.2 0.402 9.0 0.655 14.9 10.04 YES 1.5–1.7
PACOIMA S74W 50% 27.9 219.4 0.486 9.0 0.689 15.7 12.27 YES 1.6–1.7
PACOIMA S16E 50% 74.4 307.6 0.505 9.5 0.670 15.5 11.81 YES 1.6
KOBE EW 40% 28.6 232.7 0.269 7.6 0.556 11.9 9.75 YES 1.5

earthquake simulator displacement, velocity and acceleration, and peak frame response
in terms of drift (displacement of the beam-to-column joint with respect to the simula-
tor), beam-to-column joint acceleration, damper displacement, and damper force. The
peak frame output values are the average of the two quantities measured at east and west
frames. The two values differ slightly due to accidental asymmetry caused by slight
variations in stiffness of the two frames, and in damper properties.
The table also provides information on the measured range of values of the magni-
fication factor for positive and negative directions of drift. As noted earlier, the magni-
fication factor is dependent on the direction of movement due to changes in the geom-
etry of the scissor-jack system. Measured values of the magnification factor lie in the
range of 1.5 to 2.0 and are dependent on the excitation type. By comparison, the theo-
retical value is 1.8, whereas values measured in the testing of the frame under imposed
harmonic displacement varied between 1.6 and 1.9.

Figure 10. Peak response of model structure as a function of peak earthquake simulator accel-
eration: peak drift ratio (top) and normalized peak structural acceleration (bottom).

The results of Table 2 clearly demonstrate that the scissor-jack system operates as an
effective damping system. Drift is substantially reduced. For example, observe the re-
sults in the El Centro motion. Without the scissor-jack system, the structure (which is
essentially elastic with damping ratio of about 0.04) undergoes drift of 14.3 mm. The
damped structure undergoes less than half that drift when excited by the El Centro mo-
tion scaled up by a significant amount. Interestingly in this case of elastic response, the
peak-recorded acceleration is also smaller in the damped structure despite the stronger
input. Similarly, the reader may want to compare the responses of the undamped and
damped structures in the Mexico City motion. For the same input, the damped structure
undergoes 50 percent lesser drift and 40 percent lesser acceleration.
A comparison of the performances of the structure without and with the damping
system is presented in Figure 10 (using circular and triangular symbols, respectively),
where the recorded peak drift ratio (peak drift—from Table 2—divided by the height of
the tested structure) and normalized peak structural acceleration (peak acceleration of
beam-to-column joint divided by peak earthquake simulator acceleration—both from
Table 2) are plotted against the peak earthquake simulator acceleration. The latter may
be regarded as representative of the intensity of the seismic excitation given the low pe-
riod of the tested model. The benefits offered by the damping system are clearly evident
in this figure: lower drift and lower acceleration for a given intensity of seismic excita-

tion. These benefits are typical of what damping systems may offer—the intent in show-
ing these graphs being to demonstrate the equivalence of the scissor-jack-damper con-
figuration to more conventional configurations.
Of interest is to discuss the effect of the stiffening of the structure on the reduction
of response. The reduction in displacement response is certainly the combined result of
stiffening of the structure and of increased damping. However, the reduction of accel-
eration response is primarily the result of increased damping. It should be noted that the
model structure is stiff with a fundamental period that falls within the acceleration-
sensitive region of the spectrum for all of the earthquake motions used in the testing, for
which, reductions in period (stiffening) do not result in reduction of acceleration.


Dynamic analysis of the tested structure was performed using the computer program
SAP2000 (Computers and Structures, Inc. 2000). This program is suitable for modeling
structures that are primarily linear elastic, but may have a number of predefined nonlin-
ear elements. That is, geometric nonlinearities and yielding frame action are not taken
into account. The program was thus expected to replicate the dynamic behavior of the
structure under the assumption of small deformations. While modeling of the structure
was rather direct, it is beneficial to include a few details herein. The dampers were mod-
eled as nonlinear viscous elements (using the Nllink element, damper property) with
force-velocity relation given by FD!CNo•u̇D0 with parameters CNo!137.3 N-(s/mm)0,
and 0!0.76, to simulate their behavior for a large range of damper velocities. In addi-
tion, artificial rotational springs were introduced at the joints where the scissor-braces
and the damper were connected. These connections were not true pins so that the con-
nections exhibited a finite amount of fixity, which slightly limited the rotation capacity
of the joints.
Sample comparisons of experimental results to analytical predictions are presented
in Figure 11 for El Centro S00E 100% and Sylmar 90 100% records. As evident in the
figure, the analytical model is well capable of capturing significant characteristics of the
behavior of the system such as the stiffening effect (evident by the matching frequency
contents of the experimental and analytical response histories) and peak values of drift
and acceleration. Also, the analysis tended to slightly overestimate the damper displace-
ments and forces. It appears that the observed discrepancies in the calculated and mea-
sured responses of the dampers are due to geometric nonlinearities in the scissor-jack-
damper system that cannot be accounted for in the SAP2000 analysis.

Response history analysis represents the best means of calculating the seismic re-
sponse of a structure with the scissor-jack system. Illustrated in Figure 12a is the com-
plete structural representation of the tested model that was used in the response history
analysis reported in the previous section with the exception that the damper is linear vis-
cous as described by Equation 3. This representation may be simplified for ease in the
dynamic analysis by replacing the scissor-jack assembly by an equivalent spring and
dashpot system as shown in Figure 12b. Note that the quantity Ka represents the stiffness

Figure 11. Comparison of analytical (SAP2000) and experimental response of model structure
with rigid-simple beam-to-column connections for: 1940 El Centro earthquake, PGA!0.34 g
(left), and 1994 Northridge earthquake, Sylmar record, component 90, PGA!0.60 g (right).

of the assembly only, which is typically very large. It is determined by the procedure
illustrated in Figure 12b. Note that in the calculation of stiffness, the damper is consid-
ered ‘‘locked’’ so that it acts as a spring with stiffness equal to that of the oil column in
the damper. The stiffness is given by Ar2•B/V, where Ar is the piston rod area, V is the
effective volume of fluid, and B is its bulk modulus. In the case of the damper in the
tested model, the stiffness of the locked damper was represented by a steel element hav-
ing a diameter of 10 mm and length equal to that of the damper.
Simplified analysis is based on the premise that a linear elastic and proportional lin-
ear viscous representation of the structural system produces estimates of the seismic re-
sponse that are of acceptable accuracy. A discussion on the subject may be found in
Hanson and Soong (2001); several examples of application of simplified methods of
analysis and evaluation of the accuracy of the methods may be found in Ramirez et al.
(2000). Herein, we concentrate on the prediction of the fundamental period and associ-
ated damping ratio of the tested model using simplified methods of analysis described by
Equations 17 and 20.

Figure 12. Representation of structure for simplified analysis.

The tested model is simple in the sense that it essentially is a single-degree-of-

freedom system undergoing elastic deformations. Yet, application of the simplified meth-
ods for predicting the period and damping ratio are complicated by the effect of the de-
formations of the frame under the action of the damping forces, which results in a
substantial increase in stiffness. Prediction of this increase in stiffness is important in the
application of simplified analysis.
Figure 12c illustrates the procedure for calculating stiffness parameter Kb . Half of
the structure (due to symmetry) is analyzed with the lateral degree of freedom re-
strained, the scissor-jack assembly disconnected from the column and a displacement D
applied along the axis of the scissor-jack. The force P needed to produce displacement D
is calculated and the stiffness parameter is computed as Kb!P/D. This stiffness is sim-
ply related to the added stiffness provided by the energy dissipation assembly. Stiffness
Kb was calculated to be 34.5 kN/mm.
Shown in Figure 12d is a single-degree-of-freedom representation of the model
structure. In this representation, KF is the lateral stiffness of the frame, exclusive of the

energy dissipation system, and KS and CS are the stiffness and damping constant, respec-
tively, contributed by the scissor-jack-damper system (two scissor-jacks) inclusive of the
effect of its interaction with the frame. These parameters are given by

KS!2•Kb•cos2 )• # &
.r1 2
/2•Kb•cos2 )•
H #& 2

tan2 !

.1 # &
Co•cos2 ) .r1 2
Co•cos2 ) h
tan2 !

H #& 2

where .r1 is the relative modal horizontal displacement of the two ends of the scissor-
braces and .1 is the modal displacement of the center of mass of the concrete block. For
the model structure, .r1 /.1/h/H, where heights h and H are identified in Figures 4 and
Analysis of the single-degree-of-freedom representation of Figure 12d is itself com-
plicated, given the viscoelastic nature of the system. For example, calculation of the pe-
riod and damping ratio requires complex eigenvalue analysis (Constantinou and Symans
1992). Simplified analysis would require a further step of replacing the Maxwell element
in Figure 12d by an equivalent Kelvin element of stiffness k! and damping constant c!
(Constantinou et al. 1998), as shown in Figure 12e, where

k!! (24)

c !! (25)

KS tan !•Kb
+! ! 2 (26)

Parameter ,!2•#/T1 is the frequency of vibration of the damped structure. Note that
parameter + is the relaxation time, which also appears in Equations 20 and 21.
On the basis of the representation shown in Figure 12e, the period, T1 , and damping
ratio, "1 , of the damped structure are

T1!2•#• " '

!T!1• 1"
T1 '
4•#•+•"1 1/2

c!•T1 Co•cos2 )•T1
2 •
4•#•m 2•#•m•%1&+ •, '•tan ! H
! 2 2
#& 2

where T1! is the period of vibration of the structure exclusive of the energy dissipation


Equations 27 and 28 are identical to Equations 20 and 17, respectively, for the model
structure, with the exception that .r1 /.1 appears instead of h/H.
For the purpose of performing calculations Co!40.0 N-s/mm was used, a value
which represents well the behavior of the dampers for velocities less than about 250
mm/s (see Figure 7). Equation 26 results in +!0.046 s. Period T1!!0.31 s based on the
model identification (frequency of 3.2 Hz). Moreover, .r1 /.1/h/H!0.68 and Equations
27 and 28 are iteratively solved to result in T1!0.27 s and "1!0.12. Note that the period
of 0.27 s corresponds to a frequency of 3.7 Hz, which is less than the identified value of
4.0 Hz (see Table 1) but sufficiently close for practical purposes. Also, the calculated
damping ratio of 0.12 represents the added value supplied by the damping system. Since
the inherent damping was of the order of 0.04, the total damping ratio is about 0.16.
Identification of the structure showed a total damping ratio of 0.13 (see Table 1). Sim-
plified analysis predicts well the dynamic properties of the model.

Scissor-jack-damper energy dissipation systems offer a new opportunity to apply
damping systems. As the toggle-brace-damper system that preceded its development, the
scissor-jack-damper system utilizes shallow trusses to magnify the damper displacement
for a given interstory drift, and to magnify the damper force output delivered to the
structural frame. The system thus extends the applicability of damping devices to cases
of small interstory drifts, such as stiff structures under seismic loading and structures
subjected to wind loading. Moreover, the scissor-jack damping system can be configured
to allow for open space through its compactness and near-vertical installation, a feature
that is often desired for architectural purposes.
This paper presented a theoretical treatment of the scissor-jack-damper system and
experimental results that demonstrated its effectiveness. Testing of a half-scale steel
model structure on the earthquake simulator indicated a significant increase in the damp-
ing ratio, accompanied with reduction in drift and acceleration responses. The scissor-
jack-damper system also caused stiffening of the structure, marked by the increase in
frequency. This viscoelastic behavior occurred as a result of frame and energy dissipa-
tion assembly deformations under the action of damping forces.
The response of the model structure was reproduced analytically with acceptable ac-
curacy by response history analysis. The analytical model satisfactorily captured signifi-
cant characteristics of the model such as the stiffening effect, and peak values of drift
and acceleration. In addition, the application of simplified analysis methods for predict-
ing period and damping ratio of the model structure was presented. Simplified analysis
requires a proper representation of the increase in stiffness of the structure due to the
damping system. Results of this analysis were in close agreement with those of the ex-

Financial support for this project was provided by the Multidisciplinary Center for
Earthquake Engineering Research (MCEER), tasks on Rehabilitation Strategies for
Buildings and Experimental Facilities Network, and by Taylor Devices, Inc., N.
Tonawanda, New York. Taylor Devices also manufactured the damping devices. The au-
thors thank Professor Andrew S. Whittaker for his constructive comments.

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(Received 26 December 2001; accepted 26 September 2002)

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