Bmgonzález - Used To For Past Habits
Bmgonzález - Used To For Past Habits
Bmgonzález - Used To For Past Habits
We use the USED TO expression to talk about: 1.An activity that we regularly dId in the past. 2.A situation that was true in the past. 3.For past situations which are no longer true.
Structure of USED TO
subject Auxiliary not main verb did use Infinitive verb
+ ?
In primary school In secondary school When I/she/he was ____ years In the past When I was a child/ a baby/ a little girl Many years ago
Affirmative sentences
The The The Its
affirmative form is: subject +used to + verb negative is: subject+ didnt use to + verb interrogative is: Did + subject + use to + verb
used with all the pronouns all the verbs after USED TO in the base form
a housewife
Watch the pictures and make sentences with used to. Use time expressions
Not be a nurse Play golf Go fishing? Ride a bike Not go to the gym
1era opcin (movie maker) Editar un video en el cual compartan sus hbitos pasados a travs del USED TO, haciendo contraste con el presente simple para comparar. Dicha actividad se subir a su blog para compartir con sus compaeros con el objeto de aportar y recibir retroalimentacin. 2da opcin: Crear su lbum fotogrfico para expresar dichos hbitos a travs de photo scape. Subir al blog para compartir. 3era opcin: Presentacin a travs del openoffice.