Introduction To Z/OS: Ibm CSDL

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The key takeaways from the session are an introduction to Z/OS and its components including terms, system structure, data storage, job management, software and programming.

The main topics covered in the session include terms related to Z/OS, system structure, data storage, job management, software and programming on Z/OS.

Some of the key terms discussed related to Z/OS include RAS, address space, EBCDIC, batch/interactive jobs, DASD, data set, VSAM, JCL, JOBLIB/STEPLIB, subsystem/started task, TSO, USS.

Introduction to Z/OS

Zhang Bo


2004 IBM Corporation

IBM China Software Development Lab

What to be gained from todays session:

This session will focus on: 1. Knowledge
Terms System Structure Z/OS Interface Data Storage Work Management Software and Programming

2. Resource
Where to get the resource about Z/OS

Introduction to zSeries

2006 IBM Corporation


Zhang Bo


2004 IBM Corporation

IBM China Software Development Lab

Z/OS Terms System

Term RAS What it stands for What it means Closest analogy Service guarantees

Reliability, Availability, The main considerations of all Servicibility research, development and support staff within the zSeries family. The isolation of applications by creating a separate memory space for each running job. Ext. Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code A format for encoding characters. Most Unix and Windows machines use ASCII code page. Jobs that run on the system to complete processing with or without user intervention.

Address Space



Code-page, also ASCII or UTF-8


Background/ Foreground process

*This is just an analogy, and not meant to indicate that the terms are equivalent. They are the closest possible match 4 Introduction to zSeries
2006 IBM Corporation

IBM China Software Development Lab

Z/OS Terms Data Storage

Term DASD What it stands for Direct Access Storage Device What it means A storage device which can be directly access by the OS through a Control Unit (CU). Storage space on DASD to store information. Datasets can be either partitioned (with internal members) or sequential. Hierarchical File System An HFS is a representation of a traditional Unix file system (with directories and files) An HFS is actually stored in a dataset. A sequentially indexed storage method. The subsystem responsible for allocating space on DASD. Now contains HSM (Hierarchical Storage Manager). Any storage mgmt product Closest analogy Hard drive

Data Set

Partitioned = Archive Sequential= File A file system on a partition



Virtual Storage Access Method Data Facility Storage Mgmt Subsystem

*This is just an analogy, and not meant to indicate that the terms are equivalent. They are the closest possible match 5 Introduction to zSeries
2006 IBM Corporation

IBM China Software Development Lab

Z/OS Terms Job Management

Term JCL What it stands for Job Control Language Job Library Step Library Subsystem/ Started task TSO USS Jobs that run without requiring user interaction Time Sharing Option Unix System Services Unix environment running on top of z/OS What it means Code used to start jobs and define required resources Indicate additional MVS Data Sets which should be searched for programs and/or libraries Core operating system functions, such as security, storage management, servers Closest analogy Shell script


PATH and LIBPATH variables


*This is just an analogy, and not meant to indicate that the terms are equivalent. They are the closest possible match 6 Introduction to zSeries
2006 IBM Corporation

IBM China Software Development Lab

Z/OS Terms Workload Scheduling

Term JES What it stands for Job Entry Subsystem What it means The subsystem that manages work on z/OS. This is a priority queuing system. Storage mechanism used by JES to manage work queues Spool Display and Search Facility Allows a user to manage events on the JES Spool process management commands Closest analogy




Resource Monitor Facility

A subsystem that allows you to obtain detailed performance information about your system

*This is just an analogy, and not meant to indicate that the terms are equivalent. They are the closest possible match 7 Introduction to zSeries
2006 IBM Corporation

IBM China Software Development Lab

Z/OS Terms Software Maintenance

Term PMR What it stands for Problem Management Report What it means A support ticket that has been opened with the IBM Support Center to report a program problem A problem report recognized by IBM as a bug in an IBM product A software update released (usually as a result of an APAR) by IBM to resolve any product issues that may arise Closest analogy Vendor specific term


Authorized Program Analysis Report Program Temporary Fix

Vendor specific term


patch, fix, support pack


System Modification Program/ Extended

Software installation and maintenance facility

RPM (Linux), SMIT (AIX)

*This is just an analogy, and not meant to indicate that the terms are equivalent. They are the closest possible match 8 Introduction to zSeries
2006 IBM Corporation

IBM China Software Development Lab

Z/OS Terms Clustering

Term LPAR What it stands for Logical Partition What it means A logical division of a machine which acts as a unique physical machine each LPAR runs its own OS instance Multiple LPARs which are able to share resources to process units of work and provide redundancy A device which enables inter-LPAR communication in a Sysplex A subsystem that attempts to optimize system performance based on your requirements Technology that allows that automatic tuning of resources between LPARs WLM for LPARs Closest analogy System Partition / Domain (on Sun)


System complex

A highly enhanced cluster


Coupling Facility


Workload Manager


Intelligent Resource Director

*This is just an analogy, and not meant to indicate that the terms are equivalent. They are the closest possible match 9 Introduction to zSeries
2006 IBM Corporation

IBM China Software Development Lab

Z/OS Terms Miscellaneous Terms

Term Abend What it stands for Abnormal program END What it means A program has terminated prematurely or in an error status All storage for an abended task has been dumped to disk for debugging purposes Initial Program Load The machine has been turned on and the operating system is loading Closest analogy Software has crashed or faulted Core file





Interactive System Panel Facility Resource Access Control Facility

An interactive panel driven (TN3270) SMIT (on AIX) interface to TSO. LinuxConf (on Linux) A System Authorization Facility (SAF) compliant security subsystem PAM (Linux) or any other security tool


*This is just an analogy, and not meant to indicate that the terms are equivalent. They are the closest possible match 10 Introduction to zSeries
2006 IBM Corporation

System Structure

Zhang Bo


2004 IBM Corporation

IBM China Software Development Lab

Operating System in zSeries

How many operating systems in zSeries? z/OS The major operating system in zSeries This session will focus on this! z/VM user acts as its own virtual operating system VM guests can include any zSeries operating system Frequently used for independent development and testing facilities Now key to the Scale Out strategy for horizontal scaling of Linux servers on zSeries z/Linux A native zSeries operating environment, not a replacement for other IBM zSeries operating systems Designed to support mixed work loads


Introduction to zSeries

2006 IBM Corporation

IBM China Software Development Lab

Operating System in zSeries

There are also some other operating systems in zSeries: VSE/ESA Small to mid-size 390 customers Most often used on very small 390 hardware Runs some common 390 components such as CICS, VTAM, etc. AIX/ESA First IBM mainframe UNIX implementation Well, there was IX/370 in 1984, but virtually no one ever heard of it Superceded by Unix System Services on MVS/ESA, OS/390, etc. and now Linux TPF Primarily for very high transaction rate, specialized applications (airline scheduling)


Introduction to zSeries

2006 IBM Corporation






IBM China Software Development Lab

Operating System in zSeries

Introduction to zSeries


VSE Linux z/OS



LIC (LPAR, etc)





zSeries hardware, with optional IFLs

z/OS Linux





2006 IBM Corporation

IBM China Software Development Lab

z/OS Concept processor storage

370-XA until ESA/390 architecture, processor storage consisted of central plus expanded storage. In z/OS architecture there is no expanded storage.


Introduction to zSeries

2006 IBM Corporation

IBM China Software Development Lab

z/OS Concept virtual storage and address space

z/OS uses both types of physical storage (central and auxiliary) to enable another kind of storage called virtual storage. In z/OS, each user has an unique address space for its running programs.


Introduction to zSeries

2006 IBM Corporation

IBM China Software Development Lab

z/OS Concept system structure


System Task

Lotus Notes



Batch Job


Address Spaces
Base Operating System LIC (LPAR, etc) zSeries hardware
Address space addressability 64-bit in z/OS 24 bit in MVS/370, 31 bit in MVS/XA > OS/390 CICS


Introduction to zSeries


Batch Job

2006 IBM Corporation

Batch Job











IBM China Software Development Lab

z/OS Component
z/OS is an integrated enterprise server operating system. It incorporates into one product a leading-edge and open communication server, distributed data and file services, Parallel Sysplex ,object-oriented programming, distribute computer environment and open application interface. Generally, z/OS consists of: BCP JES TSO/ISPF DFSMS Other software required In this session, well look into everyone of them.


Introduction to zSeries

2006 IBM Corporation

IBM China Software Development Lab

z/OS Component Base Element

z/OS system consists of base elements that deliver essential operating functions. In addition to the services provided by MVS/ESA, this means such functions as communication support, online access, host graphic, and online viewing of publications. MVS/ESA JES2 TSO/E ISPF DFSMSdfp USS SMP/E ..
19 Introduction to zSeries
2006 IBM Corporation

IBM China Software Development Lab

z/OS Component

Optional Element

In addition to the base, z/OS also has optional features that are closely related to the base features. There are two types : one type is always shipped with the system whether they are ordered or not, and another is not shipped automatically. JES3 RMF RACF SDSF TCP/IP FOR MVS DFSMSdss ..


Introduction to zSeries

2006 IBM Corporation

IBM China Software Development Lab

system is ready!

You can customize the system parameters upon Initialization Programming Load. There are three types of IPL: Cold Start Any IPL that loads (or reloads) the PLPA, but does not preserve VIO data set pages. Warm Start Any IPL that doesnt reload the PLPA , but does preserve VIO data set pages. Quick Start Any IPL that doesnt reload the PLPA and does not preserve VIO data set pages.
I/O configuration Load parameters and Initialize system Start Master Scheduler Start other Subsystem

Load MIC


Introduction to zSeries

2006 IBM Corporation

IBM China Software Development Lab

Most of the system configuration is provided by data set SYS1.PARMLIB. SYS1.PARMLIB is read by the system at IPL, and later by such components as RMF. This is the most important data set in z/OS operating system! There are the most important parmlib members in this data set: IEASYSxx IEASYMxx LOADxx


Introduction to zSeries

2006 IBM Corporation

IBM China Software Development Lab

Lab 1
What would be gained from the lab 1 ?

Identify Address Spaces in system

Identify system initialization from the log

Know the critical system configuration


Introduction to zSeries

2006 IBM Corporation

IBM China Software Development Lab

Where can you get the study resource? z/OS structure
<<IBM eserver zSeries 900 Technical Guide>> <<IBM z/Architecture Reference Summary>> <<z/Architecture Principles of Operation>> SG24-5975-00 SA22-7871-00 SA22-7832-01

System initialization
<<z/OS V1R4.0 MVS Initialization and Tuning Reference>> SA22-7592-03

<<z/OS V1R4.0 MVS Sysplex Services Guide>> <<z/OS V1R4.0 MVS Sysplex Services Reference>> SA22-7617-03 SA22-7618-03


Introduction to zSeries

2006 IBM Corporation


Zhang Bo


2004 IBM Corporation

IBM China Software Development Lab

Processing type
There are three types of processing available under z/OS: Interactive processing
The most common type, is quick and ideally suited for development and administration.

Batch processing
This is commonly used for running large routine programs.

Transaction processing
This is used mainly in customer service environment.


Introduction to zSeries

2006 IBM Corporation

IBM China Software Development Lab

Whats the interface for z/OS

You can communicate with z/OS with either interactive method or batch method. In this section, well focus on the primary interface of z/OS TSO and the related interface that can help you operate z/OS.

Besides these facilities, TSO command and MVS command is also very helpful for you to work with z/OS.
TSO command MVS command
27 Introduction to zSeries
2006 IBM Corporation

IBM China Software Development Lab

TSO/E is a base element of the z/OS operating system that allows users to interactively work with the system. In general, TSO/E makes it easier for people with all levels of experience to interact with the z/OS system. You can use TSO/E in any of the following three environments: Line Mode
The quick and direct way to use TSO.

The major way to use TSO. It provides dialog management service to enable users to navigate through panels.


Introduction to zSeries

2006 IBM Corporation

IBM China Software Development Lab

The Interactive System Productivity Facility/Program Development Facility (ISPF/PDF) is a set of panels that help you manage libraries of information on the MVS system.


Introduction to zSeries

2006 IBM Corporation

IBM China Software Development Lab

ISPF has four main components: Dialog Manager (DM)
This provides services to dialogs and end users. PDF assist dialog or application developers by providing development service.

Software Configuration Library Manager (SCLM)

This is a library facility that supports the software development cycle of an application from the program design phase to release of final products.

Client/Server Component (C/S)

This enables users to run ISPF on a workstation, integrate workstation tools and data with host tools and data.

Program Development Facility

This is the environment for programmers to develop programs, dialogs and documents.


Introduction to zSeries

2006 IBM Corporation

IBM China Software Development Lab

System Modification Program Extended (SMP/E) is a tool designed to manage the installation of software products on your z/OS system, and to track the modifications applied to those products.


Introduction to zSeries

2006 IBM Corporation

IBM China Software Development Lab

Many different activities are required to keep your z/OS running smoothly, and to provide the best service on the basis of the available resources and workload requirements. Resource Management Facility is the tool that helps people do this effectively.


Introduction to zSeries

2006 IBM Corporation

IBM China Software Development Lab

System Management Facility collects and records system and job-related information that you use in billing users, analyzing the configuration, scheduling jobs, maintain an auditing security, and so on.


Introduction to zSeries

2006 IBM Corporation

IBM China Software Development Lab

z/OS Security Server integrates Resource Access Control Facility (RACF) on local and distributed z/OS systems. RACF controls authorized user access by: Identifying and authenticating users. Authorizing users to access the protected resources. Logging and reporting attempts of unauthorized access to protected resources. RACF includes encryption, data and transaction integrity, individual authentication, and transaction accountability.
34 Introduction to zSeries
2006 IBM Corporation

IBM China Software Development Lab

Beginning with OS/390 V2R3, UNIX System Services has been merged with the BCP, and is now part of the BCP FMID. In addition, OMVS address space is started automatically. z/OS UNIX interacts with the following elements and features of z/OS: Two interfaces: Shell interface
You can use shell in z/OS just like what you do in other unix system.

Through API, program can run in any environment of z/OS, and request both MVS service and unix service.


Introduction to zSeries

2006 IBM Corporation

IBM China Software Development Lab

TSO Line Command

In TSO/E line-mode you type TSO/E commands one line at a time. It is a quick and direct way to use TSO/E and was the way programmers originally used to communicated interactively with the z/OS operating system.

Example 1: allocate da('zosinter.partds.s1') new dir(4) block(800) space(20,10) dsorg(po) recfm(f,b) lrecl(80) blksize(3200) catalog

Example 2: allocate da('zosinter.partds.s2') like('zosinter.partds.s1')

Reference: z/OS TSO/E Primer, SA22-7787 z/OS TSO/E User's Guide, SA22-7794 z/OS TSO/E Command Reference, SA22-7782-04


Introduction to zSeries

2006 IBM Corporation

IBM China Software Development Lab

MVS Command
If you want to learn and configure the system quickly, MVS command is the most powerful way for you. Generally, you can execute MVS commands in SDSF and get the system responses. Some useful command: D IPLINFO D PARMLIB D U,DASD,ONLINE SETLOAD SETPROG .. Reference:
z/OS MVS System Command, SA22-7787 z/OS MVS System Message, SA22-7631-05 z/OS MVS System Code, SA22-7626-04


Introduction to zSeries

2006 IBM Corporation

IBM China Software Development Lab

Lab 2
What would be gained from the lab 2 ? How to logon z/OS?

How to create a data set using TSO command?

How to do the same action using ISPF?

How to identify a z/OS system using MVS command?


Introduction to zSeries

2006 IBM Corporation

IBM China Software Development Lab

TSO reference
<<z/OS V1R1.0 TSO/E Primer>> <<z/OS V1R3.0 TSO/E User's Guide>> SA22-7787-00 SA22-7794-02

ISPF reference
<<z/OS V1R2.0 ISPF User's Guide Vol I>> <<z/OS V1R2.0 ISPF User's Guide Vol II>> SC34-4822-01 SC34-4823-01

SMP/E reference
<<SMP/E V3R1.0 Reference>> <<SMP/E V3R1.0 User's Guide>> SA22-7772-02 SA22-7773-02

RMF reference
<<z/OS V1R4.0 z/OS RMF User's Guide>> SC33-7990-02 <<z/OS V1R2.0 RMF Reference Summary>> SX33-9033-01


Introduction to zSeries

2006 IBM Corporation

IBM China Software Development Lab

SMF reference
<<z/OS V1R4.0 MVS System Management Facilities (SMF) >> SA22-7630-05

RACF reference
<<z/OS V1R4.0 Security Server RACF Security Administrator's Guide>> <<z/OS V1R4.0 Security Server RACF System Programmer's Guide>> SA22-7683-03 SA22-7681-03

USS reference
<<z/OS V1R4.0 UNIX System Services User's Guide>> SA22-7801-03

MVS reference
<<z/OS V1R4.0 Introduction and Release Guide>> GA22-7502-04


Introduction to zSeries

2006 IBM Corporation

Data Storage

Zhang Bo


2004 IBM Corporation

IBM China Software Development Lab

Basic Concept
Some basic concept for data storage in z/OS: Data Record Data Set Access Method Storage Device DASD TAPE



Introduction to zSeries

2006 IBM Corporation

IBM China Software Development Lab

Non-VSAM Data Set

Data Set is the term IBM uses to refer to files. There are three basic non-VSAM data set types in the MVS environment. Sequential Data Set Partitioned Data Set Partitioned Data Set Extended


Introduction to zSeries

2006 IBM Corporation

IBM China Software Development Lab

Non-VSAM Data Set

Sequential Data Set Sequential Data Set records are arranged in the order in which they were written. New records are added to the end of the data set and are stored on DASD or tape. To retrieve a record, the system looks at each record in sequence until the required record is found. Partitioned Data Set Partitioned Data Sets (PDS) are divided into members containing one or more records and identified by a unique name. A directory located at the beginning of the data set contain each member name and its starting location within the data set. With a partitioned data set, you can retrieve any member without searching the entire set. Members can be added or deleted, but space cannot be reused until the data set is reorganized. Partitioned Data Set Extended Partitioned Data Set extended (PDSE) is similar to partitioned data sets, but makes more efficient use of DASD space. Although the size of PDS directory is fixed, PDSE directories expand to fit the members stored in it. Space is reallocated automatically when members are deleted or added to use when needed, without having to reorganize the set.


Introduction to zSeries

2006 IBM Corporation

IBM China Software Development Lab

VSAM Data Set

In addition to the three basic data set types, z/OS also support Virtual Storage Access Method (VSAM) data sets. VSAM data sets use one of four data organizations.

Entry-Sequenced Data Set (ESDS) Key-Sequenced Data Set (KSDS) Linear Data Set (LDS) Relative Record Data Set (RRDS)


Introduction to zSeries

2006 IBM Corporation

IBM China Software Development Lab

VSAM Data Set

ESDS The Entry-Sequenced Data Set (ESDS) sequences records in the order they were entered in the data set. New records appear only at the end of the set, and existing records can not be deleted. KSDS The Key-Sequenced Data Set (KSDS) places logical records in the data set in ascending collated sequence by a unique, contiguous key field. The key determins the record's collating position in the data set. LDS The Linear Data Set (LDS) has a control interval size of 4096 bytes to 32768 bytes, with a block size of 4096 bytes and no imbedded control information. These sets are processed as a restricted ESDS. LDSs can not be accessed for individual records since they do not contain control information. LDSs are used to contain data space and hiperspace data. RRDS Fixed-length Relative Record Data Sets (RRDS) consist of several fixed-length slots sequenced by ascending relative record number. Data records are fixed in individual slots. Variable-length RRDS are placed in order of their ascending relative record number. Unlike fixed length data sets, they do not have slots.


Introduction to zSeries

2006 IBM Corporation

IBM China Software Development Lab

System tracks the locations of data sets through catalogs. Users can search for data sets in the catalogs by name and move data to another device without changing its references. A master catalog contains pointers to all system data sets, which are used for system initialization, and aliases or indirect pointers to user data sets. Aliases point to a user catalog where user data sets are cataloged.

Master Catalog

User Catalog


Introduction to zSeries

2006 IBM Corporation

IBM China Software Development Lab

The Data Facility Storage Management Subsystem (DFSMS) simplifies storage, data, program, and device management as well as access to distributed data. The Storage Management Subsystem (SMS) works with other components to help automate and optimize storage management. As new data is created, the SMS automatically assigns services and attributes to the data using values defined by the installation. Through SMS, user can establish policies for the use of hardware resources and control how these resources and control how these resources are used and what service levels are available; this includes data availability, performance, space, and security. Once these policies are established, the system manages the complexities of optimizing the use of expensive hardware to meet performance criteria.
48 Introduction to zSeries
2006 IBM Corporation

IBM China Software Development Lab

The Data Facility Storage Management Subsystem (DFSMS) simplifies storage, data ,program, and device management as well as access to distributed data.


Data Management


Data Movement

DFSMShsm: Life Cycle management

DFSMSrmm: Tape Management


Introduction to zSeries

2006 IBM Corporation

IBM China Software Development Lab

Lab 3:
What would be gained from the lab 3 ? View data sets Edit data sets Create data sets Move/Copy data sets Where to store the database data? Identify the catalog


Introduction to zSeries

2006 IBM Corporation

IBM China Software Development Lab

Where can you get the study resource? Data Sets
<<z/OS V1R3.0 DFSMS: Using Data Sets>> SC26-7410-02

<<VSAM Demystified>> SG24-6105-01

<<z/OS V1R3.0 DFSMS Introduction>> <<z/OS V1R3.0 DFSMSdss Storage Administration Guide>> <<z/OS V1R3.0 DFSMSrmm Guide and Reference>> <<z/OS V2R13.0 DFSMSdfp Utilities>> SC26-7397-01 SC35-0423-01 SC26-7404-01 SC26-7414-02


Introduction to zSeries

2006 IBM Corporation

Work Management

Zhang Bo


2004 IBM Corporation

IBM China Software Development Lab

JCL What is JCL?

Job Control Language (JCL) is used to tell the system what program to execute, followed by a description of program inputs and outputs. JCL consists of a seires of statements, each of which provides specific instructions or information for batch processing jobs. It provides the system with a source of information about the details : the programs to execute the location of required data set the department to be billed for CPU processing time the job priority


Introduction to zSeries

2006 IBM Corporation

IBM China Software Development Lab

JCL statement structure

There are three basic JCL statements: JOB
Provides a name (job name) to the system for this batch workload. It can optionally include accounting information and a few job-wide parameters.

Provides the name of a program to execute. There can be multiple EXEC statements in a job. Each EXEC statement within the same job is a job step.

The Data Definition provides inputs and outputs to the execution program on the EXEC statement. This statement links a data set or other I/O device or function to a DDNAME coded in the program. DD statements are associated with a particular job step.


Introduction to zSeries

2006 IBM Corporation

IBM China Software Development Lab

JCL parameter
Parameter JOB REGION CLASS NOTIFY MSGCLASS . EXEC PARM COND TIME DD DSN DISP SYSOUT Parameters known by and passed to the program. Boolean logic for controlling execution of other EXEC steps in this job Imposes a time limit. The name of the data set; this can include creation of temporary or new data sets or a reference back to the data set name. Data set disposition, such as whether the data set needs to be created or already exists, and whether the data set can be shared by more than one job. Defines a print location (and the output queue or data set). What it is for Requests specific memory resources to be allocated to the job Directs a JCL statement to execute on a particular input queue Sends notification of job completion to a particular user, such as the submitter of the job Directs job output to a particular output queue


Introduction to zSeries

2006 IBM Corporation

IBM China Software Development Lab

JCL - example


Introduction to zSeries

2006 IBM Corporation

IBM China Software Development Lab

JES - what is JES?

The system uses a job entry subsystem (JES) to receive jobs into the operating system, schedule them for processing by MVS, and control their output processing. JES2 and the base control program (BCP) provide the necessary functions to get jobs into , and output out of the MVS system. Who will manage the jobs ? Before processing --- JES During processing --- BCP After processing --JES


Introduction to zSeries

2006 IBM Corporation

IBM China Software Development Lab

JES Job Life Cycle

The batch job processing cycle includes the following steps: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Job Submission Job Reading Job Spooling Job Selection Job Execution and Output Spooling

Users submit work to the operating system whenever it needs to be processed. JES reads user jobs into the system. JCLs are stored by the JES on the spool data set awaiting selection for execution. A job is selected from the spool for execution based on a job class, designating the type of work it is, and its job priority, which specifies its relative importance. Application is performed and data is processed. The input data is processed and the output data is stored, until it is needed. During execution, some of the job's output may be placed on the spool for later transcription.

6. 7.

Output transcription Job Purging

After the job has completed, the job output is retrieved from the spool transcribed, and usually printed. The system deletes the job from the spool.


Introduction to zSeries

2006 IBM Corporation

IBM China Software Development Lab

JES how to process a job?

During the life of a job, both JES2 and BCP handle different phases of the overall processing. Jobs go through six phases:

Input Conversion Processing Output Hard Copy Purge


Introduction to zSeries

2006 IBM Corporation

IBM China Software Development Lab

JES the difference between JES2 and JES3

IBM provides two job entry subsystem from which to choose: JES2 and JES3. If a system uses only one processor, JES2 and JES3 perform similar functions. If there are several processors in a configuration, each JES2 processor controls its own job input, scheduling ,and output processing, while a single JES3 controls all job selection, scheduling and device allocation functions for all the other JES3 systems.


Introduction to zSeries

2006 IBM Corporation

IBM China Software Development Lab

After submitting a job, it is common to use System Display and Search Facility (SDSF) to review the output for successful completion or review and correct JCL errors: Viewing the system log and searching for any literal string Input system command Controlling job processing (hold, release, cancel, and purge jobs) Monitoring jobs while they are being processed Displaying job output before deciding to print it Controlling the order in which jobs are processed Controlling the order in which output is


Introduction to zSeries

2006 IBM Corporation

IBM China Software Development Lab



Introduction to zSeries

2006 IBM Corporation

IBM China Software Development Lab

Lab 4:
What would be gained from the lab 4 ?

Create a simple JCL

Execute the JCL

View and analyze the log by SDSF


Introduction to zSeries

2006 IBM Corporation

IBM China Software Development Lab

Where can you get the study resource? JES
<<z/OS V1R4.0 JES2 Introduction>> <<z/OS V1R4.0 JES2 Commands>> <<z/OS V1R4.0 JES2 Commands Summary>> <<z/OS V1R4.0 JES2 Diagnosis>> SA22-7535-02 SA22-7526-03 SA22-7527-03 GA22-7531-03

<<z/OS V1R2.0 MVS JCL User's Guide>> <<z/OS V1R4.0 MVS JCL Reference>> SA22-7598-01 SA22-7597-04


Introduction to zSeries

2006 IBM Corporation

Software and Programming

Zhang Bo


2004 IBM Corporation

IBM China Software Development Lab

Software on z/OS

Systems Data Management Tools Management Tools




Collaboration Tools Key

zSeries H/W & Firmware Operating Systems OS Features Major SW Subsystems Perf. Monitor & Analysis. Customer/ISV Applications.


z990 z/VM Linux


Transaction Management Tools

Rational WebSphere


Enterprise App. Dev. App. Deployment & & Modernization Integration Tools Tools
Introduction to zSeries
2006 IBM Corporation


IBM China Software Development Lab

Programming in z/OS
Language Environment provides a common run-time environment for C,C++,COBOL, Fortran, PL/I and assembler programs. With Language Environment , you can develop new applications and keep existing ones. You can modularize and share code using mixed programming languages to develop applications that behave consistently across different operating systems. Now, z/OS also supports Java language.


Introduction to zSeries

2006 IBM Corporation

Other Useful Resource

Zhang Bo


2004 IBM Corporation

IBM China Software Development Lab

Redbook provide PDF version for most of the technical documents. It is one of the most important study resources in IBM. Feel free to download the books form this site:


Introduction to zSeries

2006 IBM Corporation

IBM China Software Development Lab

BookShelf collects most of the IBM books together. Although it takes a large space, you can search any information in multiple books quickly.


Introduction to zSeries

2006 IBM Corporation

IBM China Software Development Lab



Introduction to zSeries

2006 IBM Corporation

IBM China Software Development Lab



Introduction to zSeries

2006 IBM Corporation

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