Vibration Measurement
Vibration Measurement
Vibration Measurement
This booklet answers some of the basic questions asked by the newcomer to vibration measurement. It gives a brief explanation to the following:
See Page See Page
Why do we measure vibration? Where does it come from? What is vibration? How to quantify the vibration level The vibration parameters, Acceleration, Velocity and Displacement Measurement Units Which parameter to measure The piezoelectric accelerometer Practical accelerometer designs Accelerometer types Accelerometer characteristics Accelerometer frequency range Avoiding errors due to accelerometer resonance Choosing a mounting position for the accelerometer How to mount the accelerometer Environmental Influences General Environmental Influences Temperature
2 & 3 3 4 5 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 & 16 17 18
Environmental Influences Cable Noise Other Environmental Influences Accelerometer calibration A simple calibrator Force and impedance measurements Logarithmic scales and decibels Why use an accelerometer preamplifier? The vibration meter What is frequency analysis? Constant bandwidth or constant percentage bandwidth frequency analysis Filter bandwidth considerations Defining the filter bandwidth Measuring instrumentation Recording results Using vibration measurements Vibration as a machine condition indicator Vibration trouble shooting charts Vibration and the human body
19 20 & 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 & 37 38 1
Since man began to build machines for industrial use, and especially since motors have been used to power them, problems of vibration reduction and isolation have engaged engineers. Gradually, as vibration isolation and reduction techniques have become an integral part of machine design, the need for accurate measurement and analysis of mechanical vibration has grown. This need was largely satisfied, for the slow and robust machines of yesteryear, by the experienced ear and touch of the plant engineer, or by simple optical instruments measuring vibratory displacement. Over the last 15 or 20 years a whole new technology of vibration measurement has been developed which is suitable for investigating modern highly stressed, high speed machinery. Using piezoelectric accelerometers to convert vibratory motion into an electrical signal, the process of measurement and analysis is ably performed by the versatile abilities of electronics.
What is Vibration?
A body is said to vibrate when it describes an oscillating motion about a reference position. The number of times a complete motion cycle takes place during the period of one second is called the Frequency and is measured in hertz (Hz). The motion can consists of a single component occuring at a single frequency, as with a tuning fork, or of several components occuring at different frequencies simultaneously, as for example, with the piston motion of an internal combusion engine. Vibration signals in practice usually consist of very many frequencies occuring simultaneously so that we cannot immediately see just by looking at the amplitude-time pattern, how many components there are, and at what frequencies they occur. These components can be revealed by plotting vibration amplitude against frequency. The breaking down of vibration signals into individual frequency components is called frequency analysis, a technique which may be considered the cornerstone of diagnostic vibration measurements. The graph showing the vibration level as a function of frequency is called a frequency spectrogram. When frequency analyzing machine vibrations mally find a number of prominent periodic components which are directly related to the tal movements of various parts of the machine. quency analysis we are therefore able to track source of undesirable vibration. we norfrequency fundamenWith fredown the
Accelerometer Types
Most manufacturers have a wide range of accelerometers, at first sight may be too many to make the choice easy. A small group of "general purpose" types will satisfy most needs. These are available with either top or side mounted connectors and have sensitivities in the range 1 to 10 mV or pC per m/s2. The Brel & Kjr Uni-Gain types have their sensitivity normalized to a convenient "round figure" such as 1 or 10 pC/ms-2 to simplify calibration of the measuring system. The remaining accelerometers have their characteristics slanted towards a particular application. For example, small size acclerometers that are intended for high level or high frequency measurements and for use on delicate structures, panels, etc. and which weigh only 0,5 to 2 grammes. Other special purpose types are optimized for: simultaneous measurement in three mutually perpendicular planes; high temperatures; very low vibration levels; high level shocks; calibration of other accelerometers by comparison; and for permanent monitoring on industrial machines.
Electromagnetic Noise is often induced in ometer cable when it lies in the vicinity of chinery. Double shielded cable helps in this in severe cases a balanced accelerometer tial preamplifier should be used.
Accelerometer Calibration
Each Brel & Kjr accelerometer is supplied individually calibrated from the factory and is accompanied by a comprehensive calibration chart. Where accelerometers are stored and operated within their specified environmental limits, i. e. are not subjected to excessive shocks, temperatures, radiation doses etc. there will be a minimal change in characteristics over a long time period. Tests have shown that characteristics change less than 2%, even over periods of several years. However, in normal use, accelerometers are often subjected to quite violent treatment which can result in a significant change in characteristics and sometimes even permanent damage. When dropped onto a concrete floor from hand height an accelerometer can be subjected to a shock of many thousands of g. It is wise therefore to make a periodic check of the sensitivity calibration. This is normally sufficient to confirm that the accelerometer is not damaged.
A Simple Calibrator
The most convenient means of performing a periodic calibration check is by using a B & K battery-powered calibrated vibration source. This has a small built-in shaker table which can be adjusted to vibrate at precisely 10 m/s2. The sensitivity calibration of an accelerometer is checked by fastening it to the shaker table and noting its output when vibrated at 10m/s2. Alternatively an accelerometer can be reserved for use as a reference. This is mounted on the shaker table with the accelerometer to be calibrated. The ratio of their respective outputs when vibrated will be proportional to their sensitivities, and as the sensitivity of the reference accelerometer is known. the unknown accelerometer's sensitivity can be accurately determined. An equally useful application for the portable calibrator is the checking of a complete measuring or analyzing setup before the measurements are made. The measuring accelerometer is simply transferred from the measuring object to the calibrator and vibrated at a level of 10 m/s2. The meter readout can be checked and if a level or tape recorder is being used, the 10 m/s2 calibration level can be recorded for future reference.
The block diagram shows how a typical modern vibration meter is built-up. The accelerometer is connected to a charge amplifier input stage with an input impedance of several G so that a separate preamplifier is not necessary. With a charge amplifier input, long input cables from the accelerometer, (up to several hundred meters), can be used without any appreciable loss in sensitivity. An integrator stage allows velocity and diplacement parameters, as well as acceleration, to be measured. The high-pass and low-pass filters can be adjusted so as to limit the frequency range of the instrument to the range of interest only, thus reducing the possibility of interference from high and low frequency noise. After proper amplification the signal is rectified to a DC signal
suitable for displaying on a meter or chart recorder. The detector can either average the RMS level of the signal or register the peak to peak level, and if required can retain the maximum value occurring. This is a particularly useful feature for measuring mechanical shocks and short duration (transient) vibrations. After passing through a linear the signal is displayed on a covering two decades. to logarithmic converter logarithmic meter scale
An external bandpass filter can be connected to the vibration meter so that frequency analysis can be performed. Output sockets are provided so that the rectified and unrectified vibration signal can be fed to an oscilloscope, tape recorder, or level recorder.
or alternatively, continuous coverage of the range can be achieved with a single tunable filter.
Measuring Instrumentation
A portable, general purpose vibration meter as described on p. 27 will usually be the most convenient measuring instrument to use but vibration measurements can also be made in the field with a suitable B & K sound level meter. The microphone is substituted by an integrator adaptor and accelerometer to enable the meter to measure the RMS level of acceleration, velocity and displacement. However these meters do not have the convenience of a charge amplifier input and need to be calibrated separately for each measuring parameter. Battery operated filters can be added to enable octave, third-octave, and narrow bandwidth analysis to be performed. Mains-operated laboratory oriented instrumentation offers greater versatility, especially in the detailed analysis and data reduction spheres. A basic measuring chain would consist of accelerometer, preamplifier, and a measuring amplifier, possibly with an external filter. The measuring amplifier and filter are often combined into one instrument which is called a Frequency Analyzer or Spectrometer. The ultimate in operating convenience and analysis speed is obtained with a real-time analyzer, where a targe number of parallel frequency bands are evaluated almost instantaneously and shown on a continuously updated display screen. Real-time analyzers are usually equipped with a digital output and remote control facilities so that they can be connected to a tape punch, computer etc., to make fully automatic analysis systems.
Recording Results
Where more than a few vibration measurements are made, or frequency analyses are performed, it is a severe drawback to have to manually plot results on a record sheet. The use of a level recorder will facilitate the automatic recording of time and frequency spectra on a precalibrated paper chart. Here again we can choose between small battery operated instruments intended for use with portable vibration analysis equipment, or mains operated recorders which have the additional facilities required to take full advantage of laboratory oriented analysis equipment. Tape recorders are widely used in vibration measurements to collect data in the field for later analysis in the laboratory. By replaying the tape at a higher speed, very low frequency signals can be brought into the frequency range of ordinary frequency analyzers. Speeding up the tape replay is also used to reduce frequency analysis time. Where the signal recorded is rather short in duration, for example mechanical shocks, or the vibration signal recorded when a train passes over a bridge, normal sequential analysis is not possible due to the short sample of signal available. In this case, the piece of recording tape bearing the signal is made into a continuous loop so that on replay it appears as a periodic signal, which can be analyzed in the normal way. A digital recorder is also available which will capture short duration signals and reproduce them when desired in almost any speed transformation ratio.
frequency and harmonics, due to periodic variations such as eccentricity. The first upper and lower sidebands will appear at the tooth mesh frequency (ft) plus and minus the gear rotation frequency (fg), the second sidebands at ft 2fg, and so on. Around the tooth mesh harmonics a similar pattern may be present (i.e. 2ft fg etc.) It is often impracticable to alter forcing frequencies (shaft speeds, gear ratios etc.) so other methods of reducing undersirable vibration levels are used. For example. detuning the machine element (altering its resonant frequency) by changing its mass or stiffness; by attenuating the transmission of vibration with isolation materials, or by adding damping materials to reduce the vibration amplitude.
We have already seen that with frequency analysis of vibration signals we are able to locate the source of many of the frequency components present. The frequency spectrum of a machine in a normal running condition
Usually 1 x rpm Often 2 x rpm Sometimes 3 & 4 x rpm Impact rates for the individual bearing components* Also vibrations at high frequencies (2 to 60kHz) often related to radial resonances in bearings
A common fault
Sub-harmonics of shaft rpm, exactly 1/2 or 1/3 x rpm Slightly less than half shaft speed (42% to 48%)
Primarily Radial
Looseness may only develop at operating speed and temperature (eg. turbomachines).
Primarily Radial
Hysteresis Whirl
Primarily Radial
Vibrations excited when passing through critical shaft speed are maintained at higher shaft speeds. Can sometimes be cured by checking tightness of rotor components Sidebands around tooth meshing frequencies indicate modulation (eg. eccentricity) at frequency corresponding to sideband spacings. Normally only detectable with very narrow-band analysis. Also sub- and inter-harmonics as for loose journal bearings
Tooth meshing frequencies (shaft rpm x number of teeth) and harmonics 2 x rpm
1, 2. 3 & 4 x rpm of belt 1 x rpm and/or multiples for higher order unbalance
Primarily Radial
Blade & Vane passing frequencies and harmonics 1 x rpm or 1 or 2 times sychronous frequency
We hope this booklet has served as an informative introduction to the measurement of vibration and will continue to serve as a handy reference guide. If you have other questions about measurement techniques or instrumentation, contact your local Brel & Kjr representative, or write directly to :