Abe L5 Ibc
Abe L5 Ibc
Abe L5 Ibc
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Introduction to the Study Manual Unit Specification (Syllabus) Coverage of the Syllabus by the Manual 1 Principles of Communication in Business Purposes of Communication Using an Appropriate Medium and Channel Choosing the Medium How Relationships Affect Communication Communications Structures Communications Systems Written Communication Introduction Formal Documents Business Letters Formal Documents Reports Formal Documents Curriculum Vitae Informal Documents Using Appropriate Language Oral Communication Introduction Using the Telephone Face to Face Communication The Role of The Receptionist Listening Skills Non-Verbal Communication Introduction Body Language Signs, Symbols and Logos Physical Objects Barriers to Communication Introduction Definitions Barriers Caused by Sender and Recipient Barriers from Outside (Noise) Overcoming the Barriers
Chapter 6
Title Summarising Business Documents Purpose of Summarising Selecting Relevant Information / Rejecting Irrelevant Information Presenting Information Fit for Purpose The Word Limit Worked Example Passages for Practice Model Answers Electronic Communication Introduction Computers The Internet Telephones Facsimile Machines
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personal development at work. It should also provide you with examples which can be used in your examination answers. And finally We hope you enjoy your studies and find them useful not just for preparing for the examination, but also in understanding the modern world of business and in developing in your own job. We wish you every success in your studies and in the examination for this unit.
Published by: The Association of Business Executives 5th Floor, CI Tower St Georges Square New Malden Surrey KT3 4TE United Kingdom
All our rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior permission of the Association of Business Executives (ABE). The Association of Business Executives (ABE) 2011
Learning Outcome 1
The learner will: Understand and know how to apply the principles which govern the transmission of information in business situations. Assessment Criteria The learner can: 1.1 Apply knowledge of the purposes of communication. 1.2 Explain why a particular medium is appropriate or inappropriate in a given situation. 1.3 Explain how relationships between people affect communication. Indicative Content 1.1.1 Apply knowledge of the purposes of communication in order to inform, instruct, persuade, request, clarify, co-operate, buy and sell, advertise, etc. 1.2.1 Understand the advantages and disadvantages of telephone, fax, email, face-to-face communication, memorandum, and notice in a given scenario. 1.3.1 Manager/subordinate (including autocratic and democratic management). 1.3.2 Familiarity/unfamiliarity. 1.3.3 Making a good first impression. 1.3.4 The office environment and layout. 1.4.1 The communication cycle, including positive and negative feedback. 1.4.2 Horizontal, vertical and diagonal communication. 1.4.3 Chain, Circle, Star, Wheel structures. 1.4.4 Grapevine.
Learning Outcome 2
The learner will: Be able to compose all common types of written communication in a clear, complete and correct way. Assessment Criteria The learner can: 2.1 Write effectively all common types of formal business documents. 2.2 Write effectively all types of informal business documents. Indicative Content 2.1.1 Letters, correctly laid out. 2.1.2 Reports, correctly laid out. 2.1.3 Curriculum vitae, its content and structure. 2.2.1 Memos to individuals. 2.2.2 Notices to groups. 2.2.3 E-mails to individuals and groups
2.3 Use language that is appropriate to the purpose of any given document.
2.3.1 Understand the differences between formal and informal language. 2.3.2 Understand how to persuade a reader (e.g. in an advertisement). 2.3.3 Apply that knowledge appropriately.
Learning Outcome 3
The learner will: Understand the principles of communicating orally in an effective way. Assessment Criteria The learner can: 3.1 Explain how to communicate effectively on the telephone. Indicative Content 3.1.1 Good practice when making a call. 3.1.2 Good practice when receiving a call. 3.1.3 Leaving a message on a voicemail. 3.2.1 Formal meetings (organisation and structure, including agendas, venue, minutes, role of chair and secretary). 3.2.2 Briefings. 3.2.3 Speeches and presentations (preparation and delivery). 3.2.4 Interviews (preparation and conduct). 3.2.5 Business conversations. 3.2.6 The role of the receptionist. 3.3.1 Active and passive listening.
3.2 Explain how to communicate effectively face to face in both formal and informal situations.
Learning Outcome 4
The learner will: Understand the importance of non-verbal signals in communication. Assessment Criteria The learner can: Indicative Content
4.1 Explain how body language 4.1.1 Gestures and facial expressions. can help or hinder communication. 4.1.2 Posture. 4.1.3 Eye contact. 4.1.4 Personal space. 4.2 Describe how physical appearance can affect communication. 4.3 Demonstrate awareness of other common non-linguistic methods of communication. 4.2.1 Dress and grooming.
4.3.1 Logos, signs and symbols. 4.3.2 Use of physical objects, e.g. buildings, furniture, car.
Learning Outcome 5
The learner will: Understand how common barriers to successful communication arise, and how they can be overcome. Assessment Criteria The learner can: 5.1 Describe communication barriers caused by the sender of a message in oral, written or nonverbal form and how they can be overcome. Indicative Content 5.1.1 Lack of clarity. 5.1.2 Incomplete information. 5.1.3 Incorrect information. 5.1.4 Faulty equipment. 5.1.5 Inappropriate medium/channel. 5.1.6 inappropriate language 5.1.7 Wrong time and/or place. 5.1.8 Insufficient Adjustment Period 5.2.1 Poor listening skills. 5.2.2 Poor reading skills.
5.2 Describe communication barriers caused by the receiver of a message and how they can be overcome.
5.3 Describe communication 5.3.1 Physical noise. barriers that can be caused by 5.3.2 Psychological noise in all its aspects. either the sender or the receiver of 5.3.3 Physical barriers. a message and how they can be overcome.
Learning Outcome 6
The learner will: Understand the content of a passage of simple business information and know how to summarise it effectively. Assessment Criteria The learner can: Indicative Content
6.1 Select relevant information and 6.1.1 Choosing what is important and rejecting what is keep within the word limit. unimportant. 6.2 Use original vocabulary to show understanding. 6.3 Produce a summary that is fit for purpose. 6.2.1 Adapting the language of the original where necessary for clarity or meaning. 6.3.1 Adherence to the word limit. 6.3.2 Awareness of audience.
Learning Outcome 7
The learner will: Understand the role of computers and other modern communication technologies in business communication. Assessment Criteria The learner can: 7.1 Demonstrate knowledge of computers and their components and describe how to use them. Indicative Content 7.1.1 Types of computer. 7.1.2 Common hardware and software. 7.1.3 Common computer peripherals.
7.1.4 Creating a document or spreadsheet. 7.1.5 Saving and retrieving data. 7.2 Describe the ways in which computers and other modern communication technologies help communication within companies and throughout the modern business world. 7.2.1 Features of desk telephones and mobile telephones. 7.2.2 Pagers. 7.2.3 Facsimile machines. 7.2.4 Teleconferencing, videoconferencing. 7.2.5 Telecommuting. 7.2.6 LANs and WANs. 7.2.7 The internet and e-mails. 7.2.8 E-commerce. 7.3.1 Viruses, worms, bugs. 7.3.2 Phishing and identity theft. 7.3.3 Hackers. 7.3.4 Spam. 7.3.5 Password protection. 7.3.6 Anti-virus software. 7.3.7 Firewalls.
7.3 Demonstrate knowledge of common threats to the security of data held on computer, and how to protect that data against such threats.
Learning Outcome 8
The learner will: Understand common business and communications terms. Assessment Criteria The learner can: 8.1 Explain common technical words, phrases and abbreviations related to business, to communication, and to communication technology. Indicative Content 8.1.1 Abbreviations in common use. 8.1.2 Words in common use. 8.1.3 Phrases in common use.
Chap 1 Chap 1
2. Be able to compose all common types of written communication in a clear, complete and correct way.
Chap 3 Chap 3
5. Understand how common barriers to successful communication arise, and how they can be overcome.
5.1 Describe communication barriers Chap 5 caused by the sender of a message in oral, written or non-verbal form and how they can be overcome. 5.2 Describe communication barriers Chap 5 caused by the receiver of a message and how they can be overcome. 5.3 Describe communication barriers that Chap 5 can be caused by either the sender or the receiver of a message and how they can be overcome.
6. Understand the content of a passage of simple business information and know how to summarise it effectively.
6.1 Select relevant information and keep within the word limit. 6.2 Use original vocabulary to show understanding. 6.3 Produce a summary that is fit for purpose.
7. Understand the role of computers and other modern communication technologies in business communication.
7.1 Demonstrate knowledge of computers Chap 7 and their components and describe how to use them. 7.2 Describe the ways in which computers Chap 7 and other modern communication technologies help communication within companies and throughout the modern business world. 7.3 Demonstrate knowledge of common Chap 7 threats to the security of data held on computer, and how to protect that data against such threats. 8.1 Explain common technical words, phrases and abbreviations related to business, to communication, and to communication technology. *
* Note about Learning Outcome 8 There is no specific chapter covering this Learning Outcome. Rather, you need to develop, and apply in communications, an understanding of business terminology from across all the Units in your course. This manual in general, and particularly chapter 6, provides guidance on developing such understanding.
3 4 7
Choosing the Medium The Characteristics of Written Communication The Characteristics of Oral Communication Using Written and Oral Communication The Importance of Non-Verbal Communication
9 9 11 13 14
How Relationships Affect Communication Management Styles Making a Good Impression The Layout of the Office
15 16 17 17
19 19 20
Communications Systems Vertical Communication Horizontal and Diagonal Communications Formal and Informal Communications External Communication Communication Networks
22 22 23 25 26 26
We all know how to communicate. We have done it naturally since the moment we were born. A humans first communication is a cry. When a baby cries, we know that it is needing attention. However, a baby cannot say what it wants, so we, as adults, have to decide what the babys needs are. The most basic purpose of human communication is to fufil a need. As we grow up, we learn language, which makes communication far easier. We can express our needs more clearly and more precisely. Learning new words almost every day, our ability to communicate keeps improving and developing. We learn to communicate for other purposes, too, for example to build friendships, or to learn more about the world we live in. This course, however, is not just about communication; it is about communication in business. Although this requires some skills in addition to those that we should already possess, for the most part we simply have to apply and adapt for a business context, those skills that we have already learned in our personal lives. When we know how to do this successfully in a variety of situations, we can claim to be effective communicators. Successful communication depends on a variety of factors, which are unique to each situation. We have to take account of these factors before and during every communication. Among these variables we can include: Is the message spoken, written or nonverbal? Is the message formal or informal? Is the message being sent to (or received by) an individual, by a small group or by many people? If the message is for many people, are they similar to each other, or is it a diverse audience? How much time is available for the transmission or reception of the message? At what time of day (or night) is the message being transmitted? Where are the participants (e.g. at the same table, in the same room, in the same building, in a different company, in a different country)? How well do we know the person or people with whom we are communicating? Is this the first time that we have communicated with this person/these people? What is their status relative to us (i.e. superior, subordinate, equal)? What is their level of language skills? Why is the communication taking place? Gender, age, race, creed, nationality, cultural background, personal appearance of all participants, and attitudes regarding these.
These are not the only variables, of course but they are the most important and they are the ones that this Study Manual will go on to deal with in detail. For this first chapter, however, we will focus on the last of the questions above: Why is the communication taking place? We begin with this particular question because you must know the purpose of a communication in order to decide on the best way to send it. We will concentrate here on the sending of the message, because it is nearly always the initiator of a communication process who decides on its form; that is to say, the reply to a communication is normally done in the same form as the one used by the sender e.g. if someone asks you a question, you will normally reply in the same form, that is, by speaking.
The form of a communication depends on its purpose. That is, before you begin to communicate, you should ask yourself, What do I want to achieve? What result do I want from this? Then, once you know the answer, you should ask, What will be the best way to achieve this result? For example: You may be giving or requesting information, or teaching. If you are giving information, or teaching, your purpose may be to ensure that the receiver clearly understands your information so that he or she will act upon it in the way that you want. If you are requesting information, your purpose may be to confirm or gather more details on information you already have. You may be involved in buying or selling or advertising. As a buyer you want to be sure that you are purchasing the most suitable product at the best price. As a seller or advertiser you will try to persuade other people to buy your product or service. You may need someone to co-operate with you, or you may be communicating to build a closer relationship with other people. In these situations you will concentrate on creating a personal rapport with the other party.
These are just a few of the reasons why we communicate in business and for many of us, they occur every day. To be successful, you have to try and achieve your desired outcome each time you communicate. But while you are doing that, remember that everyone else is trying to achieve their own desired outcomes, too! So, how can you achieve your purpose? As stated above, you must first know what that purpose is. Then, taking into account all other factors from among those listed near the beginning of this section, you will decide on which means of communication is going to be most effective. However, always prepare to be flexible. A series of communications between people develops as it continues, as does the relationship between them. You need to be alert to these changes, so that you can respond to them and stay on course to achieve your purpose. When you are studying this course, you will find it very helpful to use the scenarios that are described in later chapters of this Study Manual, for discussion or for role-play with your teachers or fellow students. Remember that in the examination, your purpose is to obtain the highest mark that you possibly can. By studying carefully the whole of the Manual and by being able to put into practice what you have learned, you will be much more likely to achieve that purpose.
If you pass too much detail orally, it can easily be forgotten. A formal message is also more effective if it is delivered using a written medium, since that makes it a matter of record. The urgency of the message is another factor. Although oral communication is usually faster than written and is better for urgent messages because it provides instant feedback, the use of emails is increasing in business, as they are fast and leave a record. However, feedback may be delayed if the recipient is not at the computer when the message is sent. So the need for feedback must also be considered. (Skype is becoming very popular in business too, because you can send messages in written form, or you can hold live conversations and also see the other party if your computer has a webcam. You can send attachments using Skype, too, just as you can with emails.) The size of your audience is another factor. If you need to pass the same message to a large number of people, it will not be efficient to use a telephone as the channel. But giving a speech (oral) or using a notice (written) or an email (written) will allow the same message to be passed to many people without repeating it. Newspapers, television, radio and billboards can also reach large numbers of people easily. So, there are many options available to the sender of a message. Here is a grid showing the most common communication channels. Written Informal note Memorandum ("memo") Notice Letter Email Report Press release Questionnaire Skype Text messaging Oral Unplanned encounter Meeting of individuals Briefing meeting Full staff/workers meeting Interviews Formal lecture or presentation Telephone call Teleconference, Videoconference Skype Press conference
Each of the above channels has its particular characteristics, advantages and disadvantages.
Written Communication
(a) Informal notes An informal note would be sent to a close working colleague to communicate an item of information very quickly. Its advantage lies in the speed with which it can be written and in the fact that it can be left in a prominent place for the recipient to see when s/he returns to his/her place of work. However, it does have several disadvantages. Because it is usually written quickly, extra care has to be taken over expression and handwriting. Because it has to be left where the recipient will see it, it may not be confidential.
Because it is handwritten, there will most probably not be a copy for the sender to keep. Because it is left for the recipient to read on his/her return, there is no guarantee that it will be read soon after it is written.
Memos The memo is a more formal note sent to a working colleague. It is usually typed and it has the advantage that a copy will be kept by the sender. As it is usually very short, though, it has the disadvantage that while it is suitable for communicating short, simple pieces of information, it is not suitable for complex or confidential information.
Increasingly, email is being used in organisations for both informal notes and memos. (c) Notices Notices are a clear and direct form of communicating items of importance to larger numbers of people within an organisation. They are usually placed on a notice board, or in a prominent position within the workplace. If properly designed, they have the advantages of visual impact and of saving time and money because there is no need to make a large number of separate copies to individuals. Their disadvantages arise mainly from the fact that people may get out of the habit of looking at notice boards, so they may not see the message. Unless a notice board is kept neat it can become cluttered and overcrowded, so the notice could be covered by another piece of paper. (d) Letters Letters are used to communicate with people outside the company or organisation. They are the most formal means of communication. The great advantage of letters is that they can convey a number of points clearly in writing and the sender can keep a copy. They are cheap when compared with the obvious alternatives (telephone calls or personal meetings) and they are confidential, especially if the envelope and contents are prominently marked to indicate this. The disadvantages of letters are that they may be misunderstood, as may any written form of communication and that they do not allow for discussion. For this reason, you would probably need a series of letters for a full exchange of ideas. This might take several weeks, so a personal meeting might be a more efficient means of communication. Although letters are normally used to communicate with people outside an organisation, there is sometimes a case for writing a letter to an employee within the company, where personal matters or issues of confidentiality or discipline are involved. Letters tend to be slow in reaching the recipient and they can become lost on the way. It is also possible for a letter to arrive at the wrong address, so it might never be received by the intended person. (e) Emails Now the most common form of written communication, emails have the advantages of being free, fast, secure and confidential. You can also attach large documents and photographs to them. They can be used for both formal and informal communication. The main disadvantage of emails is that feedback may take time, although it will always be faster than a letter.
Reports Reports can take many forms, ranging from a single page to a bound book of a hundred or more pages. Their value lies in providing an accurate and full examination of a particular event or situation. Their disadvantages include: Their sheer bulk, which may discourage people from reading them. The time and cost involved in their compilation. Their tendency to show bias in their interpretation of data and recommendations about action, compared to other forms of communication. This is something which professional communicators should be fully aware of and strive hard to avoid.
There are no effective alternatives to reports, though they may take various different forms in details of presentation. Oral presentations may supplement written reports but it is unlikely that they can convey data in equivalent depth or clarity so that the recipients can fully assimilate it. (g) Press releases The press release is used by a company to pass on a piece of important information to a newspaper or group of newspapers. Its advantage is that the information it contains is conveyed in the language of the company, which should minimise incorrect or inaccurate reporting. The company has control of its contents. For the alternative, a press conference, see below. (h) Questionnaires The great advantage of questionnaires is that they allow information to be gained from a large number of people in a standard format, which makes it much easier for the data to be brought together and interpreted or acted upon. Questionnaires are a tool of market research, used when a company wants to find out more about the market for its product or service. They consist of a series of structured questions, which can be either closed (requiring just Yes or No for the answer) or open (e.g. asking for an opinion). They may or may not be completed anonymously. However, there are many disadvantages to them: Many people find forms very difficult to complete. For this reason great care is needed in their design, since a poorly worded question may not be understood and may fail to elicit the required information. Forms also allow little opportunity for the expression of personal attitudes and individual differences, so many people are reluctant to complete them. requests for information to be supplied in letter or report form questions asked in person enquiries by telephone.
The first of these causes problems because many people dislike writing letters; the second because it is expensive and time consuming and the third because many people understandably dislike giving information to an unknown voice over the telephone. In such cases, you will have to decide which method will be the most effective for your purpose.
Skype Written Skype messages are similar to text messages, sent using computers. However, at the time of writing, Skype is free to use, which is a significant benefit. They operate like a conversation in writing, so they provide fast feedback and are regarded as being an informal means of communication. Since Skype messages leave a record on two computers, it is important to be careful what one writes.
Text messaging This is a very informal and fast way to keep in touch with someone else, wherever they are. It is a way of communicating between mobile phones, so it is a very convenient way to get in touch with someone who is out of the office. Texting is cheaper than calling, although messages have to be kept short. Texts can be in the form of words only (SMS: Short Messaging Service) or can include music, photographs or video (MMS: Multimedia Messaging Service). Texting is not suitable for formal or detailed communications.
Oral Communication
(a) Unplanned encounters Oral communication in this situation tends to suffer from a lack of control, as we might expect. If a communication is not planned, it will always be less effective than one which you have prepared for. This can lead to a failure to communicate properly or, at worst, to the creation of anger or resentment in the recipient because they are not prepared for it. In consequence, you should use unplanned encounters only for the communication of casual, routine or uncomplicated information and leave more complex and sensitive issues for transmission under circumstances over which the sender has more control. (b) Meetings of individuals This is a slightly more formal encounter, which will often take place between members of different organisations, although it can also happen between work colleagues. The advantages are those usually associated with personal encounters, such as flexibility of response to the views of the other individual and the possibility of discussion leading towards a clear and speedy conclusion. Disadvantages include the lack of a record in writing but this is usually supplied immediately after the encounter by a letter or brief report. (c) Briefing Meeting Briefings are usually held between a manager and staff, often at the beginning of the working day for informing staff about developments within the company and telling them their tasks and targets for the day. Although they may happen every day, briefings are usually regarded as being informal. The main advantages are that it saves time, compared to having meetings with individuals and the manager can be certain that everyone has received exactly the same information. It also gives staff the chance to ask questions. The main disadvantage is that there is no written record, they are frequently held under pressure of time and as with any meeting, there may be conflict.
Full staff/workers meetings These are formally organised meetings, with agendas and minutes taken. The person who is chairing the meeting has the responsibility of making sure that everyone involved has the chance to air his/her views. They offer colleagues opportunities to build a team spirit and to discuss issues concerning the workplace. Disadvantages are that large meetings can be time-consuming and that people can be reluctant to speak their opinions in public.
Interviews Interviews may have various purposes e.g. selection, appraisal, disciplinary. Each needs careful and thorough preparation from both sides. The interviewers have the chance to ask probing questions and to find out more about the interviewee, who has full opportunity to explain their point of view to the panel. Since interviews are conducted in a situation where the interviewee is usually under pressure, they may not give a true picture of him/her. However, despite this, personal interviews remain very important elements of business communication, for which no real alternative has been found.
Formal lectures or presentations This form of communication is becoming increasingly popular. Its advantage is that it allows one person to present a clear view of a particular topic with considerable immediacy, in a manner that is more concise than a written report. It saves time because a number of people will receive the message simultaneously and there is an opportunity to provide immediate clarification and feedback. A disadvantage is that there is no guarantee that the information will be assimilated by the recipients, especially where complex statistical data are involved. However, this can be remedied by the use of duplicated "handouts" or other printed material. The use of visual aids in presentations should be regarded as almost essential, since visual media make a greater impact than simply oral and the two, when used together, reinforce each other to make an overall effect which is far greater than simple speech. You can easily think of examples of the truth of this from your own experience. Obviously, practical subjects are the ones which benefit most markedly from this dual approach but even in more academic topics, the use of a few diagrams can often speed up our understanding of a particular concept.
Telephone calls These have the advantage of speed and immediacy. They offer instant feedback. They have the disadvantage that all the other signals, which form part of a personal encounter, such as body language and gesture, are absent. There is also the problem that a call may come at the wrong time for the recipient, which may interfere with the communications process. If the connection is poor the call will be distorted. Alternatives include emails, memos (for internal communications) and Skype, all of which have advantages and disadvantages as noted elsewhere.
Teleconference and Videoconference Both of these offer communication between more than two people who are at some distance from each other. Everyone who is connected to the teleconference can hear everyone else; it is, in effect, a meeting for people who are in different places. A videoconference uses a camera as well, so that people can see each other as well as hear each other.
They allow time to be saved and also avoid the expense of travelling. Videoconferencing is particularly useful because it allows all participants to see each other and any products that are being demonstrated. The main disadvantage of videoconferencing is the cost of purchasing the equipment. But there is now a much cheaper alternative: Skype. (i) Skype As well as allowing text conversations you can use Skype to talk to each other through your computer, just like a telephone call. These conversations are free, like text messages. You can also use Skype to call a telephone from your computer, for a charge. More than two people can converse simultaneously, so Skype can be used for conference calls. If your computer has a webcam, then you can use Skype for videoconferencing. It allows you to talk to one or more people, once again free of cost. This is the route that most companies are taking when they want to set up a videoconference, because it is cheap and very easy. It needs no special equipment other than a computer and a webcam for each participant. Skype has few disadvantages, although occasionally poor signals can be a problem and there is a slight delay on the transmission, which can leave people talking at the same time, as they may think another person has finished speaking. (j) Press conference Do not confuse this with Press Release. A Press conference is a meeting held, at the request of an organisation, with journalists and reporters whom they invite. A press conference is often used to make an important announcement, such as the closing of a factory, or the launch of a new product, or to set the record straight, if false rumours have been spread. It will take the form of a representative of the organisation reading a prepared statement, and then answering questions from the audience. It has the advantage of allowing the companys message to be received directly by newspapers, radio and television. But its disadvantage is that the organisation has no control over the questions which might be asked and it could lead to embarrassment if journalists ask a lot of probing questions.
This means that there can be no misunderstanding at a later date about what has been communicated, as is often the case for oral exchanges. However, this is not foolproof as it is still possible for the sender and recipient to interpret the same message in different ways. Expression can be controlled more carefully When speaking, it is often difficult to think instantly of exactly the right words to use. In writing it is always possible to cross out one version and replace it with a better one. As a result, you can produce an item of communication which is more carefully created, in terms of the way it expresses the information and how it considers the vocabulary skills, background and attitude of the recipient. You can be more certain with a document that you have written exactly the words you wanted to use. Personal feeling is removed from the exchange Unless you are writing a letter which is a strongly worded complaint, a letter of sympathy or one of thanks, emotion can generally be excluded from written forms of communication more easily than from spoken ones. One of the implications of this is that, if you have a difficult situation to deal with, it may be easier to handle it in writing. Although this might suggest that you are avoiding a confrontation, or "dodging the issue", by refusing to meet and discuss points in difficult circumstances, this is not necessarily the case. When feelings are strong, it is often easy to let emotion override fact. Written documents which present the facts of a situation are more likely to be accurate and dispassionate than oral explanations to a person whose strength of feeling may well cause him/ her to respond emotionally instead of remaining rational. A meeting is not needed Because of modern business pressures, the problems of organising a personal meeting can be considerable. If you provide your message in writing, the recipient is free to read it whenever he/she chooses which should ensure that it receives his/her full attention. The receiver also has the chance to read the message as often as necessary in order to understand it fully. (b) Disadvantages of written communication The general advantages of the written form over the spoken form are strong in certain areas. However, to balance them, there are also some disadvantages. Lacks the personal touch Unless you are highly skilled, written communication lacks the immediacy and human contact of a personal meeting. Indeed, some situations cannot be handled at all by correspondence because a personal meeting is essential. This is particularly true for job interviews and other kinds of appraisal, such as meetings between possible co-operators in a business project. Some situations demand a personal contact because otherwise they would appear discourteous. A letter thanking an employee for fifty years' loyal service, for example, would be a poor substitute for a personal meeting of some kind. So, too, would be a communication in writing to a colleague or employee injured at work and currently in hospital. Often, both a written and a personal communication are necessary on such occasions. Not only do they display a degree of human feeling and appreciation, but they make sound business sense in showing that those in authority genuinely care about the workforce and this can only serve to increase loyalty and commitment to the company.
The same is true for communications with important clients: the personal touch is both courteous and effective in business terms. Written words can be misinterpreted As we have seen, it is possible for the recipient, at the decoding stage, to attribute an incorrect meaning to the message, so that the sender's original intentions are not correctly or fully understood. The receiver of a written message cannot always ask for immediate clarification e.g. with a letter or memo. So the sender has to ensure that the message is sent using a clear and unambiguous vocabulary. Lack of feedback One of the key elements underlying problems with certain channels of written communication is the lack of any feedback. We noted above how a message can often be modified during a spoken communication, to ensure understanding. This would be in response to feedback; the sender getting signals from the receiver (either in spoken form or through non-verbal gestures) that the message is not being understood. The communication cycle is completed quickly. With written communication, the communication cycle can be completed but it takes time. For example, the response to a letter can take several days and during the period in which feedback is awaited (if it comes at all), the message has been committed to a permanent form and cannot be corrected if it does not convey the meaning correctly. Note that the increasing use of email and texting is changing written communication, in that feedback can now be obtained very quickly. This allows much more collaborative working between individuals or groups, using the advantages of the written form, particularly in drafting material before finalising the communication. Written communication is permanent Even in the most honest businesses, there may be occasions when communications need to be carried out "off the record" with no record being kept of what was communicated. Examples of this are the early stages of meetings to discuss contracts or mergers, where written details would give the impression that ideas advanced as mere possibilities were in fact certainties. Early stages of this kind clearly need to be in the form of discussions, so that everyone concerned can explore possibilities without making firm commitments, and it is only when a clearer idea of a project or relationship emerges that it would be appropriate to put these proposals on paper. Meetings which are supposedly unrecorded can, however, be given a more permanent form. Many business people today like to make an audio recording of meetings, so even the most unofficial, "off-the-record" meeting may end up in a permanent form.
Use of body language When you can see the other person, you will be watching their body language for reactions which show s/he's puzzled, or even hostile. If you see this kind of reaction you will obviously try to clarify what you're saying. In this way, the problem of barriers in communication at the stages of encoding and decoding the message may be swiftly solved. Body language is a vital part of all personal meetings.
Immediacy Oral communication also has the advantage that it saves a lot of time. All the people involved can express their views and avoid delay by exchanging information immediately. In a business context, where decisions may have to be reached quickly, this is an obvious advantage. It also means that those who take the decisions will be able to take into account all the points which seem relevant and discuss them, gathering the best ideas. This is particularly important in meetings of committees and larger bodies.
Courtesy Meeting someone in person is a way of showing respect, especially if you have had to travel some distance for the meeting. A personal meeting shows that you are genuinely interested in the person, or in the business matter involved. This may make all the difference in obtaining an important contract or dealing with some other business concern. Personal meetings also allow those involved to develop a relationship of trust and understanding, which is most important when working together. They give those in positions of authority within a company a chance to show that they are concerned about the ideas and feelings of their staff, if they are willing to meet and discuss issues with them in person, either individually or in groups.
Disadvantages of oral communication However, not everything about spoken communication is good. Here are some of its disadvantages: No written record Oral communication does not provide a written record of what has been said or decided. There cannot, therefore, be any reference back to the exact nature of the message and misinterpretations are less easily resolved at a later date. Messages can be forgotten, or remembered wrongly and it is not possible to check what is correct. Time-consuming Personal meetings are time-consuming, especially if they involve travelling over long distances. This can be costly and tiring. Emotional involvement Oral communication involves a personal element from both the sender and the receiver. This means that the relationship between the two may colour the interaction and distort the meaning. For example, a junior member of staff may not feel able to question or disagree with a senior manager, or there may be circumstances in which, however hard you try to establish a good working relationship, it will be impossible to do so because of a clash of personalities.
When to use oral communication Clearly, the times and places where you can use oral communications are large in number and range. Some of the more suitable occasions are as follows: When it is essential to meet the person involved to evaluate his/her suitability for a particular task. This is especially relevant to selection interviews, to ensure that you appoint the right person for a job vacancy but it is also important in other areas, such as choosing which member of a group to delegate a particular task.
When it is important to pool the knowledge of several people to arrive at key decisions. This is true of various aspects of a company's activities, from the board of directors downwards. Where you are discussing a delicate or personal matter with an individual employee or client. You may wish to raise matters carefully, while being aware of the person's reaction, in a manner which would be impossible in correspondence. Where you need to persuade listeners of a particular course of action, particularly if it involves change. People need reassurance in these circumstances and find discussion comforting even if they can't alter the outcome. For a process of negotiation, where a compromise has to be reached between alternative or rival courses of action. This is particularly important in cases where possible issues of conflict are involved, such as grievance or disciplinary procedures, or discussion of conditions of work, rates of pay and other similar matters. For informing members of a company or department about new developments in company policy where a full staff meeting will provide the opportunity to pass on information and allow employees to ask questions and discuss the matter. To convey information about training or other matters at training conferences, which involve formal presentations as well as smaller discussion sessions to exchange ideas and information. To demonstrate and explain to a potential purchaser how a product works.
So, for example, you can project a professional image by using well designed business stationery, which immediately signals that you are a professional business person working for a legitimate company. Before you actually say something, you can establish your positioning by the way you dress, your manner, the appearance of the environment that you work in or the place you decide to meet, or by such things as punctuality and the level of hospitality and warmth you show people.
Understanding non-verbal communication is important when you are dealing with internal and external customers because it is a powerful tool in your personal communications mix. You can use it to reinforce the message you are conveying and you can use it to conceal messages you would prefer not to communicate. When you are face-to-face with someone, watching their body language will help you to understand what they are really feeling. For example, a person might be looking at you while you are talking, which seems to show that they are attentive. If they are fidgeting, that could show that in reality they are not enjoying listening to you.
Consider, for example, how a message might be delivered differently if the communication happened between: best friends an older colleague and a younger colleague colleagues of different tribes or races colleagues of different religions a woman and a man a disabled and an able-bodied colleague people who have disliked each other for a long time people who do not know each other well.
This exercise can help you to understand some important things about other people and perhaps about yourself. So think carefully about how these differences between people could affect the consequences of each course of action. Dont forget that some of these differences can be increased e.g. if you have a disabled young woman who is senior to an able-bodied older man of a different race and religion. Whenever you communicate in business, you will be communicating with a real person. That is why you must be able to adapt the theories that you learn.
Management Styles
It is not the purpose of this manual to teach you how to be a manager. Yet you will almost certainly at some point find yourself working in an office under the instructions of a supervisor or manager. So it is important to know what kind of managers you may meet. Different managers will communicate with their staff in different ways. The manager is one of the most important aspects of any office. The manager's approach will determine whether the working atmosphere within an office is good or bad. A good manager will motivate the staff, will see that tasks are completed efficiently and on time, and will develop a good rapport and relationship with staff so that they will want to do well for him/her. There are two main management styles, which individuals tend to adopt according to their own personality, or the needs of the managerial job, or the nature of their workforce, or indeed the layout of the office. The two styles are called "autocratic" and "democratic." (a) The Autocratic Approach An autocratic manager will take a very commanding approach. Such a manager is in control and all the staff know it. The autocratic manager will rarely consult staff before making a strategic decision and is unlikely to give staff much independence or responsibility. Autocratic managers also tend not to share information with their staff except on a "need to know" basis. Now, this has advantages. Such an approach means that decisions are taken faster, and the staff are less likely to question them. The lines of authority are not blurred and the staff will normally respect or indeed even fear, their manager. Thus they will tend to work hard. On the other hand, a manager who needs to rule by fear may be an insecure person, and therefore not a good leader. There is no guarantee that the decisions which he/she takes will be the right ones and the autocratic approach removes the normal "checks and balances" that would examine a decision before it was made. Staff are unlikely to feel close to their manager and grapevines are more likely to develop within an autocratic environment.
The Democratic Approach A democratic manager will be seen by the staff as a part of the team. Such a manager will tend to consult staff to find out their opinions before making a decision. As a result, staff feel involved and can become more motivated as a result. Staff will feel free to approach such a manager and their relationship will tend to be more relaxed. But there are disadvantages to this approach, too. Staff who do not fear their manager may lose respect for him/her, and work with less efficiency. They can become too familiar with the manager, so that if the manager needs to discipline them for anything, it may be more difficult. Staff who feel able to approach their manager easily may waste his/her time with trivial matters.
Open-plan offices create a spirit of teamwork more easily than cellular offices. People are able to talk with each other and interact very easily. Colleagues are readily available to give assistance if required. In a cellular office there can be a sense of isolation from colleagues. However, it is often preferable to work in a separate room, because in an open-plan office there can be a lot of noise and disturbance, with ringing telephones and other colleagues talking. So it is easier in a cellular layout to concentrate on your work. Separate rooms also give people privacy, which an open-plan arrangement does not. There will be fewer casual, time-wasting conversations where the office is divided into separate rooms, simply because it will be more time consuming to find colleagues. Staff in an open-plan office may find it easier to motivate each other, although it also makes conflict and petty arguments more likely. A manager in an open-plan office will easily be able to supervise staff, although the manager will not have much privacy to do confidential work. Staff are more likely to interrupt the manager with trivial issues and if a member of staff needs to speak to the manager privately (or if the manager needs to discipline a member of staff) they will have to go to another place. A manager who has a separate office has this privacy but cannot supervise the staff so well. There is a possibility that staff may not work as hard if they are not under supervision. Of course, it can also happen that staff in an open-plan office can become so familiar with their manager that they lose respect for him/her. Whatever environment workers find themselves in they do tend to adapt to it quickly and approach their work and communicate with their colleagues, in the most efficient way. (b) Furniture and Equipment An office that is not comfortable will make work difficult. This refers not only to the temperature and brightness of the office, but also to its furnishings. Desks and chairs A desk needs to be big enough to let you do your work in comfort, but not so big that you start to use it as a storage area! Solid, good quality materials need to be used - a shaky desk will be hard to work at. If the desk is too small, you will not be able to work efficiently, since you will have to keep papers on the floor while you are working. The desk should also be at the right height for comfort. Chairs are even more important. Poor chairs can lead to discomfort, back problems and absence from work. Good office chairs are padded, have castors, and are adjustable for height. They have adjustable back rests, too. Remember that in an office you are communicating most of the time and anything which makes you uncomfortable will adversely affect your ability to communicate well. Water coolers These are becoming popular in many offices, as they allow staff to refresh themselves in an easy and healthy way. They are not, in themselves, communications equipment but we mention them here because the phrase "conversations around the water cooler" has become synonymous with the spreading of gossip in organisations!
Storage Even though computers are able to store and organise vast amounts of information without the need for paper, it would be an unlikely office that did not receive letters, faxes, or orders in hard copy. These all need to be filed and stored so that everyone who needs to find them can do so quickly. Storage of files and folders in computers is done in a very logical way and only a logical approach will work when storing information. If letters are just shoved anyhow into a box, it will be very time consuming for anyone to find one specific letter. Documents must be arranged either alphabetically or chronologically, or both, depending on the nature of the documents in question. They must be added to in sequence, so that a new document will be put at the front or back of the file, not stuffed into the middle. The whole point of a filing system is to enable information to be retrieved quickly and everyone is responsible for ensuring that they adhere to the system that is in place, because everyone benefits from doing so. Storage must also be in a secure area. The room or cupboard or filing cabinet where confidential documents are stored must be lockable and preferably fireproof. There should be separate storage for documents to which access is restricted, e.g. where staff's personal information is kept. Good storage of documents makes communication easy.
The Communications Cycle
Communication may be defined as: "The imparting, conveying or exchange of information, ideas or opinions by the use of speech, writing or graphics." In any communication process there are three basic elements, though, as we shall see, there are many other components within this which go to make up the whole of the process. The three fundamental ones are: the message itself the receiver's understanding of it the receiver's response to it, known as feedback.
All communications contain these elements. However, this is rather a simple view of the process and there are a number of further components within this basic cycle, which are crucial to its success or failure. The following diagram outlines these additional components. Look at it carefully before going any further. The Communications Cycle Encoding message Decoding message
Key Components
Probably the easiest way to understand how communication works is to define each of the key terms shown in the diagram and build these definitions back into a complete picture of the process as a whole. (a) Information This is the raw material of the communication - the actual data which it is intended to convey to the receiver. Although it is usually called "information", it does not have to be simply factual. It may be an opinion or an idea, or a combination of fact and opinion. (b) The sender The sender is the body responsible for passing on the information. Although it is most usually an individual, it can also be a group of people, such as a committee or a company. (c) Encoding This is the process by which the sender puts the information into a form suitable for sending. Usually, this will be language, either spoken or written. It could be non-verbal communication or "body language", such as a gesture or sign. It could be a photograph or film or drawing.
The way in which the information is encoded is crucial to the correct understanding of the message by the recipient. Indeed, the key element in encoding is to decide the best medium for the receiver to understand the information and then to put it into the most suitable channel. (d) The message Once the information is encoded, it is known as the message. This is what the sender sends to the receiver. (e) The medium The medium is the larger group of communication instruments within which the message belongs. As we have seen there are three main media: (f) written communication oral (spoken) communication visual (non-verbal) communication.
The channel This is the physical means by which the message is communicated: for written communication, a postal service or a notice-board for oral communication, a personal interview or telephone system for visual communication, a drawing, photograph or film, or body language.
The purpose The aim is the main reason why the act of communication has been undertaken. There are generally three chief aims: To inform This is the desire to supply factual information, or an assessment or judgment of the value of an item or product. To influence This is the desire to persuade the recipient to adopt a particular idea or possible course of action. To initiate action This is the desire to make the recipient respond by performing a particular task. Within an organisation, all three aims are often present as part of any individual act of communication. It is important to be clear about the overall aim of the communication because this can affect the way the information is encoded and the media and channels used to convey the message.
The recipient This is the person or people to whom the message is directed - an individual, a group (such as a committee or a firm), or even, as in the case of an advertising campaign, a specific target group among the general public.
Decoding This is the process by which the recipient interprets the meaning of the message. Note that this may or may not be the same as the interpretation originally intended by the sender the result of this process is what the recipient understands the message to mean. It is the senders responsibility to ensure that the message is sent in a way which will allow the recipient to understand it in the same way as the sender intended.
Feedback Feedback is the name given to the receivers response to the message. From it, the sender can decide whether or not the message has achieved its intended effect. Feedback can be positive or negative. If feedback is positive, this means that the receiver has agreed to do what the sender wants, or simply that the receiver has understood the message. Negative feedback occurs when the receiver disagrees with the sender, or ignores the sender, or does not do as the sender wanted. Note that negative feedback can be sent even if the message is understood. For example, a person reads that smoking can be dangerous. That person understands the message but continues to smoke anyway. Feedback completes the communication cycle, and also leads to the next stage of the cycle, which is the senders response to the receivers feedback. And so it goes on.
Motivation Although it is not shown in the diagram, motivation is a crucial element in communication. It is the urge or desire to achieve a purpose, to alter a given situation,
or to satisfy a need. If motivation is strong, it is likely that communication will be effective. These are the principal elements in the cycle of communication. The fact that there are many elements involved in the communication process makes it more complex than you may initially have thought. The number of elements means that there is a lot that can go wrong.
Large organisations usually have clearly defined systems of communications, so that every member knows whom to approach for information and discussion purposes. Vertical Communication Communication which flows through the hierarchical structure of an organisation (both from those at the higher levels of the organisation to those at the lower planes and also in the reverse direction) can be said to take place up and down the main lines of communication and is known as vertical communication. Horizontal Communication Communication can also take place between employees of equal status within an organisation, perhaps within a department, or between managers of different sections. Communication of this kind is known as horizontal communication. Diagonal Communication Communication between people at different levels in different departments is known as diagonal communication. These are usually internal communications, but we also need to be aware that they can be external communications. Further we need to distinguish between formal and informal communication: Formal communication Takes place through the established lines of communication within the organisation and includes both vertical and horizontal internal communication. Informal communication Takes place through the social networks formed by individuals and groups within the organisation. Typical of this is the "grapevine". The key feature of this form of communication is that it is not under the control of the authority structures within the organisation, so rumour and gossip can flourish to the detriment of the formal needs of the company. We shall examine all these features in the following sections.
Vertical Communication
This is the flow of information between levels of authority in the organisation, characterised by lines of communication following the structure shown by the formal organisation chart. When the flow is from the top levels to lower levels we talk of downward vertical communication and when the flow is from lower levels back to the top we talk of upward vertical communication. In the diagram below, vertical communication will go from top to bottom and back, through each level in turn.
Downward vertical communication Downward vertical communication follows the line of command; decisions made at the top have to be communicated and explained to the lower levels. The nature of messages, therefore, changes as they move down the organisation; broad policies become converted into orders and instructions. This process can present difficulties for communication systems. If the instructions are too brief they may not carry the exact meaning of what is required of the subordinates. If they are too detailed they may be so cumbersome that subordinates are confused. Another problem is the time it takes for instructions to reach the bottom of the organisation and the accuracy of the instructions. Each level of the organisation must receive, interpret and then pass on the information; so clearly, there is considerable room for changes and error. This is particularly true when the instructions are passed orally. Instructions passed in writing give less room for mistakes.
Upward vertical communication Upward vertical communication is the reverse of the downward process. The messages flowing upwards are not orders or instructions; they are likely to consist of reports on the progress being made at the lower levels, requests for resources, problems being experienced, etc. This upward flow of information helps employees to relieve tension and share the pressures of the normal work situation, giving subordinates a sense of participating in the enterprise. The upward flow of information also faces problems. At each stage, there are considerable risks that something of importance may be filtered out. Sometimes any criticisms and problems tend to be watered down as the information passes along, because those at one level do not wish to antagonise the people above them in the organisation; people do not like to be the bearers of bad news to their superiors. The type of management style (autocratic/democratic) will either help or hinder the transmission of accurate information from bottom to top.
Top Management
Senior Management
Senior Management
Middle Management
Diagonal Communication
Middle Management
Horizontal communication In our example it is shown between middle management levels in the two departments, but it could be between any level in Department A and the similar level in Department B. This type of communication ensures co-ordination of activities and goals and increases co-operation between line managers and functional sections of the organisation. It is also used for social interaction, building relationships, and for co-operative discussions.
Diagonal communication Diagonal communication usually takes place between just two people, for example when a request for information is made and answered.
In the simple organisational chart below, identify for yourself, which people will communicate with each other vertically, horizontally and/or diagonally.
Sales Manager
Production Manager
Finance Manager
that management needs to use informal communication to persuade and educate, particularly in situations in which change has to be introduced into the workplace. The grapevine can function to speed up or spread information widely within the organisation. It can be useful for the organisation if it wishes to spread information informally, to test the reaction of workers without making an official announcement or order. However, it can also act against the best interests of the organisation by making known information, which should have been kept confidential, or which is incomplete or distorted. There are certain key positions in the grapevine structure and many of these are held by people in relatively low organisational positions e.g. secretaries have access to a great deal of written material; cleaners may overhear conversations between managers. Management can use the informal network of communication: By passing information informally to test the reaction of the staff. By using informal groups in a semi-formal capacity to "brainstorm" new ideas. Again brain-storming groups do not have to be senior staff. To sound out opinion before action is taken. To encourage "open door" availability at all levels of staff to discuss issues that are worrying them. To encourage participation in decision-making and to get feedback about current situations and problems at the workplace.
External Communication
Organisations have communication links with both their suppliers and customers. For example, a manufacturing firm will have communications with its suppliers of raw materials and spare parts and with all customers (e.g. wholesalers and retailers) who handle its products. As organisations grow, the number of communication links with the outside environment increases. It is important that the external communication system should be integrated with the internal system. For example, an order received from a customer (external communication) has to be processed and executed within the organisation (internal communication); then the documents of sale, invoice, etc. have to be sent to the customer (external communication).
Communication Networks
Another way of classifying communications is into types of network. Communication networks are the patterns of individuals or groups who are the transmitters and receivers of information in a given organisation. Some patterns of communication are restricted, e.g. confidential financial information is made available to very few individuals. At the other extreme, some sorts of information need to be disseminated widely and this results in a large, complex pattern.
The Wheel This has a figure of authority (A) passing information, instructions, etc, to others. All information goes through the person at the centre who, therefore, has complete control of the structure. An example might be a Sales Manager receiving reports from the Sales team and giving them individual targets.
The Y This is used when two or more people (A & B) report to a third (C) who then passes it to (D) who passes it to (E). Until D passes the information to E, it is the same as a Wheel.
The Circle This is the same as the Chain (see below) except that the message passes in only one direction and the last person in the Chain takes the message directly to the first person. An example of this is when a manager asks a supervisor for figures. The supervisor asks a clerk, who takes the information straight to the manager.
The Star This is an informal network, most commonly seen in meetings where people share ideas. There is no leader, and everyone can talk to everyone else. Frequently seen round the water cooler or in the canteen, the Star is most likely to develop into a Grapevine.
The Chain Seen most commonly in vertical communication, a message is passed from one person to another, then back again through each person. But person A cannot check that person E has received the correct information until the feedback is received. The process can be a slow one.
It is not unusual to find differences between the organisational structure and the communications network in an organisation. When modern managements decide upon the pattern for a given type of communication network they can draw on the "need to know" concept. This view argues that a network should contain only those individuals or groups who need to have a given type of information to achieve their objectives.
Formal Documents Business Letters Common Features of Business Letters Layout of Business Letters Types of Letter
30 30 34 37
Formal Documents Reports Purpose and Style Types of report Structure of reports
45 45 46 46
51 51 54 57
Using Appropriate Language Formal and Informal Language Writing Good English Vocabulary The Seven Cs The Language of Persuasion
60 60 60 62 64 65
Written Communication
In this chapter we shall examine the main forms of written communication used in business. We shall look at the requirements of each particular form and when it should be used. Throughout, you need to keep in mind the principles of effective communication detailed in the previous chapter, namely, what is your purpose in writing and what response do you wish to receive. In a document, the planning, organisation, structure and clarity are crucial to getting the message across in the best way. If you keep these principles in mind, you will be able to write effective business letters, memos, etc. which convey even very complicated subject matter and ideas.
Written Communication
This section of the letter will also normally include the sender's telephone number, as well as other communications information such as fax number and address. These allow the receiver to contact the sender by other means if necessary, particularly if he/she feels an immediate or personal response is required. (ii) Receiver's name and address You include this so that you have a record of the destination of the letter and because, if the letter become opened or damaged in transit, it can be forwarded promptly to the intended recipient. If you're writing to someone in their capacity as e.g. Sales Manager, include their position, like this: J Smith Sales Manager Bloggs & Co Do this both at the top of the letter and on the envelope. If Mr Smith is away from the office, someone will open the letter and act upon it, rather than leave it thinking it's personal. (iii) "Confidential" heading If a letter is particularly confidential, and you don't want anyone else, such as the receiver's secretary or assistant, to read it first, you should type "CONFIDENTIAL" or "PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL" in capitals at the top of the letter. This is usually put above the recipient's name and address. This expression must also be clearly visible on the envelope, either by putting it on the envelope itself or by ensuring that it can be seen through the window in the envelope through which the address is shown. (iv) Date You should remember to date all correspondence. This puts the correspondence in a specific time period and allows both you and the receiver to put letters in order and have an idea of the development of ideas, negotiations or disputes which have taken place over a period of time. (v) References References are used to enable both the reader and sender to link the subject matter of the letter to previous, related correspondence and other documentation. They make it easy for linked correspondence to be filed together. Business letterheads usually contain captions for both "Our Ref" and "Your Ref". The most common form of "Our Ref" is the initials of the writer of the letter followed, after an oblique stroke, by the initials of the typist, as shown in the sample letters later in this section. Other references could be an account number, a customer reference number or some other form of reference. "Your Ref" is usually the number or letter sequence given on a letter to which you are replying.
Written Communication
Salutation or greeting This is the start of the actual letter. It usually contains the word "Dear", but what follows depends on how well you know the receiver. When writing a general letter to a firm, begin "Dear Sirs". If writing to an individual whom you have not previously met or corresponded with, begin "Dear Sir" or "Dear Madam". When writing to an individual member of a firm whose name you do not know, for example, the "Personnel Manager" or the "Export Manager", you should begin "Dear Sir or Madam". If you are writing to someone whom you have met or corresponded with for some time, you should use "Dear Mr/Ms/Miss/Mrs" as appropriate and their name.
It is now standard practice in many companies to begin letters to women with "Dear Ms". If you are replying to a letter, you should use the title that is shown there. If none is shown and you don't know whether the woman is a "Miss" or a "Mrs", it is good practice to use "Ms". (vii) Subject heading This makes clear, in a few words, what the subject of the letter is. Its purpose is to alert a reader about what to expect. It may state a general subject, such as Application for Post of Manager, or be more specific, mentioning an account or reference number, e.g. Electricity account #123456789. The heading is usually typed in bold to make it more prominent and should be placed after the salutation and before the body of the letter. (b) The body of the letter. This is the message that you are sending. This is the central part of every letter. This is where your message is composed. You need to know what you want to say, and you should say it in the most effective way. The most effective letters are those which consist of three or four short paragraphs on a single sheet. It is far easier to read a letter if it is in short paragraphs, especially if time is precious. By dividing your writing in this way you are in effect offering a further courtesy to your reader by making it easier for him/her to grasp the meaning of your writing. This will probably ensure that you receive a reply more promptly. Although the division of the content between the paragraphs varies according to the nature of the individual letter, you can follow some general principles to make the arrangement of your material logical. (i) Opening paragraph Your main concern here is to establish the circumstances, background or reason for your letter. You're halfway there with a good clear subject heading but your first sentence should expand on this by, for example: thanking the reader for his or her letter (and including such items as date, reference and subject to help the reader locate the original) stating clearly and concisely the subject of the letter (expanding on the heading) saying that you are writing to make an enquiry announcing the kind of business in which you are engaged.
This will make clear why you have written, and encourage the reader to go on.
Written Communication
When you have established the necessary circumstances, you should start a fresh paragraph. First paragraphs can be very brief: sometimes a single sentence is enough, for example: Thank you for your letter of 14 May concerning your application for the post of Manager. (ii) Main body of the letter The second and subsequent paragraphs will go into more specific detail about the general matter you established in the opening paragraph. This main body of the letter can do many things, depending on the purpose of the letter. This is where you should summarise the current position, offer alternative views, make clear what services are available, establish what action is to be taken, or perform any similar role in developing the bare statement of the first paragraph. Although your letter should be concise, it must also be complete. Do not omit important details because you are afraid that your letter will be too long. You must give details where they are necessary and keep out irrelevant material. Planning the letter can often help you distinguish relevant facts from superfluous details. Where the letter is quite long, it is always good practice to produce a draft before finalising it. Make sure, too, that your language is clear and easy to understand. Before you send a letter, always check that it is exactly as you want it to be. The tone should be appropriate to the message and technical aspects, such as spelling and punctuation, must be correct. Ask yourself and this is something we have said before, How would I react if I received this letter? There is still time to change anything that you are not happy with. Only when you are completely satisfied, should you send it. (iii) Concluding paragraph You should draw together the points made in the earlier part of the letter and conclude in a courteous or friendly or firm manner, according to your purpose. For example, you might: (c) select one course of action from a number of alternatives offered before ask for more information from the reader give a clear directive to be followed.
The tail - everything which follows the body of the letter. (If you come across a reference to the top and tail of a letter, it simply means those parts of the letter which do not form part of the message.) (i) Complimentary close (Valediction) This is the formal conclusion to the letter. There is a simple rule as to exactly which form of expression should be used. If the salutation or greeting in the letter was to a named person, the closure should use the expression "Yours sincerely". If the salutation or greeting was not personal (i.e. in the form of "Dear Sir"), the closure should use the expression "Yours faithfully".
Written Communication
So, if you began with "Dear Madam", you should close "Yours faithfully"; if "Dear Mr Jones", "Yours sincerely". It is not good practice to end formal business letters with Yours truly or Best wishes or Kind regards. (ii) Signature Typed letters will leave space for the writer to sign immediately after the complimentary close. It is normal practice to also type your name under that space so that the receiver won't have to decipher your signature to know exactly who you are. It is also usual to put the sender's position within the company after his/her name. If you're writing by hand, don't forget to print your name and position below your signature. Your name must be clear. You may come across a letter which is signed not by the person whose name is typed at the end but by another person, with the initials "p.p." before or after it. This stands for "pro persona", and means that someone else, usually a secretary or assistant, has signed the letter on behalf of the writer in his/her absence. (iii) Enclosures It is quite common for letters to enclose other documents which are related to the subject matter of the correspondence. This is often indicated by "Enc" or lines or asterisks at the foot of the letter, with details of what the other documents are. Where the letter is really only an introduction to the enclosures and has little or nothing else of substance to say, the letter is referred to as a "covering letter". (iv) Copies The final point to cover in this section of common features is the possible notification to the recipient that the letter has been copied to another person. This is denoted by the letters "c.c." (literally "carbon copy", from the days of carbon paper being used to provide duplicates when typing documents) followed by the name of the person to whom the letter has been copied. The expression will usually be set out at the very end of the letter.
Written Communication
J.T. Smith plc 14 Green St., LONDON, W24 5TP Telephone/fax: 020 7999 9284 Email: info@jtsmith.co.uk Our Ref: JTS/HJ Date: 17th May 20.. Mr K. Harris, K. Harris & Co., 14 Victoria St., SOUTHWELL, SL7 8UY Dear Sir, Account No. 9384756/02938 Note that the opening paragraph traditionally begins at the left-hand margin. However, the remaining paragraphs are all indented at their beginnings The complimentary close and the signature may also be indented, but this is optional. This type of layout is known as a semi-blocked format. Yours faithfully,
Written Communication
J.T. Smith plc 14 Green St., LONDON, W24 5TP Telephone/fax: 020 7999 9284 Email: info@jtsmith.co.uk Our Ref: JTS/HJ Date: 17th May 20.. Private and Confidential Mr K. Harris, K. Harris & Co., 14 Victoria St., SOUTHWELL, SL7 8UY Dear Mr Harris, Account No. 9384756/02938 In the fully blocked format, every paragraph begins at the left-hand margin. All the other lines of the letter, as you can see, also begin at the left-hand margin. That includes the whole "top and tail" of the letter. The fully blocked layout is becoming increasingly popular. Yours sincerely,
J.T. Smith Managing Director Enc. c.c. G.B. Martin, Lawbridge and Co., Solicitors
Written Communication
Types of Letter
We're going to look now at a number of different kinds of letter and highlight the different approaches and considerations required for each. Remember always that you need to apply the seven Cs discussed in the previous chapter and organise and structure the letter, with the objective of making the meaning as clear as possible for the reader. The examples included simply show the main body of the letter rather than including all the introductory details. (a) Confirmation letters You probably find that most of the arrangements you make are either face-to-face with someone, or over the 'phone. A letter of confirmation follows up the conversation and ensures both parties have a written statement of what was agreed. It can be useful for identifying any misunderstandings early on and for copying to anyone else who needs to be aware of the arrangements. Figure 3: Business Confirmation Letter Dear Mr Jones, Following my telephone call to your secretary this morning, I am writing to confirm that I will call to see you at your office at 11.00 am on Thursday 25 March to discuss our revised accounting procedures. I am sure that my company will be able to offer you an even better service with these new methods, and I look forward to seeing you next week. Yours sincerely, H.L. Warner Sales Manager
Notice that the letter is very short, but ends in a courteous and positive manner and that the overall impression is of efficiency and optimism. Note that this type of letter is now often sent via email because of the speed of receipt. (b) Letters of acknowledgement Letters of this kind are sent to acknowledge the receipt of items or enquiries. If you receive a detailed enquiry, which you know will take you two to three weeks to answer in full, a letter of acknowledgment is not only polite but can save the enquirer a lot of time wasting follow up letters or calls. Alternatively, you may acknowledge an enquiry from another company about your services and enclose a brochure or leaflet with further information about your own firm.
Written Communication
You could write that sort of letter like this: Figure 4: Business Letter of Acknowledgement Dear Ms Hyams, Thank you for your letter of 17 January in which you enquire about our company finance services. I have pleasure in enclosing a leaflet which gives full details of the services we offer, and also supplies some information about the company's history and present size and condition. Should you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Yours sincerely, H.L. Warner Customer Services Manager
Again the letter is short, simply saying a little about the document which is enclosed and offering further help if it's necessary. The final paragraph is one which will be valuable in letters of many different kinds, and you should remember its phrasing or develop a similar brief, courteous statement to the same effect to use in your own letters. (c) Letters of enquiry You may need to write letters to other firms to enquire about the supply of particular goods or services. A letter of this sort might be worded as follows: Figure 5: Business Letter of Enquiry Dear Sir, Our company is currently renewing its computer equipment in the accounts department. I am writing to enquire about the possibility of a representative of your company visiting us to advise about the number and kind of desk-top computers we would need to provide an up-to-date system for our rapidly expanding business. Perhaps you would like to telephone my secretary to arrange an appointment to call and discuss the matter with me. Yours faithfully, P.L. Mackintosh Accounts Manager
Written Communication
Here again, the letter is brief but courteous, suggesting a course of action in a polite, but fairly forceful manner which is appropriate to its reader, the sales director of a firm who will be anxious to develop contacts of this kind. (d) Letters of apology Even in the most efficient businesses, mistakes occur which need to be rectified by making speedy and sincere apologies. In letters of apology, the best course is to accept responsibility for mistakes honestly and without reservation. Figure 6: Business Letter of Apology Dear Mr Thomas, Invoice No 89746 I was very sorry to learn that payment has in fact been made for the above account, and that our department has failed to acknowledge this. The mistake was due to an error in our invoice processing department, caused by problems with staff which now have been rectified. I can assure you that such errors will not recur in the future. In the circumstances, I can only express the hope that you will accept my sincere apologies for the inconvenience which you have been caused. Should you wish for any further advice about this or any other matter, please contact me directly by telephone at the above number. Yours sincerely, P.L. Mackintosh Accounts Manager
Covering letters Covering letters are always brief and to the point and are written to explain what else is being sent.
Written Communication
For instance, if you are sending in a job application, your covering letter might read as follows: Figure 7: Business Covering Letter
Dear Sir or Madam, Please find enclosed a copy of my curriculum vitae in support of my application for the post of Sales Manager with Black, Green and White plc. My experience is, as you will see, very relevant for the needs of this vacancy. I hope that you will find my details of interest, and I will, of course, be happy to be given the opportunity of expanding upon them at interview. I look forward to hearing from you in due course. Yours faithfully, Musi Brown
Standard letters You may find that you will need to write to many people about similar things e.g. the renewal of an insurance policy, a new product that you are introducing or any other matter which occurs frequently in your own area of work. To save time, many companies have files of what are known as standard letters. These are letters, which may be used to write to any person when a particular situation arises. Generally, they consist of a letter which has several gaps left in it, for the insertion of the receiver's name and address and in the actual body of the letter, the details about an order number, item of information required or any other matter. In the past, such letters were kept as single typed copies in a reference folder but now they are stored in a word processor, where the mail merge software can include all the different details automatically and then print them. This has the advantage that each one has the appearance of being specially written. If you have to prepare such a letter, always identify clearly which parts do not form part of the standard and will, therefore, vary from individual letter to individual letter.
Written Communication
You can do this by simply leaving gaps, or by placing the information which will change for each use within square brackets Figure 8: Standard Business Letter 1
<receiver's address> Dear <name>, House Contents Insurance As you will know, your policy for the insurance of the contents of your house, Policy No <policy number>, falls due on <date>. You will shortly be receiving a renewal invitation from the company about the policy. I am writing to point out to you the advantages of our "New for Old" insurance scheme which guarantees, on payment of a small additional premium, that any item damaged in the ways covered by your existing policy is covered for its complete replacement cost. The advantages of this scheme are considerable. If you would like to take advantage of them, they are available at an additional annual premium of <extra cost> making your total annual premium <full cost>. Please let me know if you would like to take out this additional protection for your contents. I shall be glad to help in any way I can. Yours sincerely, H.K. Young Customer Services Manager
Here, the information to be completed is identified in the "blanks" to make the insertion of the relevant information easier. This is particularly useful if you're not the only person who's going to be using the standard letter, so other users are clear about what to do. When drafting a standard letter, you have to take particular care that the wording chosen will fit all the intended circumstances. So, suppose the "New for Old" scheme mentioned above didn't just apply to house contents insurance.
Written Communication
You could make your letter useful for a range of policies with a few extra blanks, like this: Figure 9: Standard Business Letter 2
<receiver's address> Dear <name>, <type of insurance>Insurance As you will know, your policy for the insurance of <type of insurance>, Policy No <policy number>, falls due on <date>. You will shortly be receiving a renewal invitation from the company about the policy. I am writing to point out to you the advantages of our "New for Old" insurance scheme which guarantees, on payment of a small additional premium, that any item damaged in the ways covered by your existing policy is covered for its complete replacement cost. The advantages of this scheme are considerable. If you would like to take advantage of them, they are available at an additional annual premium of <extra cost> making your total annual premium <full cost>. Please let me know if you would like to take out this additional protection for<type of insurance>. I shall be glad to help in any way I can. Yours sincerely, H.K. Young Customer Services Manager
The use of standard letters with blank spaces for the insertion of individualised data has been greatly enhanced by the development of "mail merge" facilities within wordprocessing systems. Briefly, mail merge allows the linking of the blanks in the letter with fields from a database of information about people. The standard letter can then be "merged" with the database and a series of personalised letters produced. (g) Circular letters Circulars are letters which companies send to a number of people at the same time. They may convey information about new facilities, offer the services of a company, or perform any similar function. Circulars are another important form of external communication, constituting a form of publicity which, although not cheap, is directed straight to individual people who may become customers. As a result, they are increasingly used as a means of advertising or publicity. You should use them sparingly though, as many people react to circulars by automatically destroying them.
Written Communication
This is an example of the kind of circular a firm might send. Figure 10: Business Circular Letter
Dear Sir or Madam, Welwyn Accountancy Services is a new company devoted to providing the best in accounting and financial services for new and expanding firms. We offer a full service of tax accounting, management accounting, cost accounting and other financial services on a consultancy basis which is geared to your own needs. Many small firms and sole traders are finding that our services are just what they need. We can offer a top-line professional service at a fraction of the cost of a company accounts department. Why not contact us to arrange a free, no-obligation discussion meeting? We'll do all we can to help. If you would like more information, please contact us by phone or letter, or call in at our new offices to discuss things in person. Yours faithfully, P. Wright Sales Manager
Complaints letters These types of letter are, unfortunately, very common in most business organisations and are very important since they deal with matters at the heart of the business transaction. If you are making a complaint you should follow a four step approach: Be specific about the facts by giving the information about the "who, what, when, where" aspects of your complaint. In other words, avoid a very subjective, emotional approach, which can distract the reader from the facts of the situation. Explain the significance of the problem and how it affects you. Specify what outcome you want, but be flexible in your approach. Close politely and positively.
Written Communication
Figure 11: Business Complaint Letter 27 June 20 Dear Mr Green, Re: telephone conversation Wednesday 24 June 20. nondelivery of wardrobe It would seem that you have been unable to trace my wardrobe in your warehouse as a further three days have elapsed since our last telephone conversation and my wardrobe has not arrived. I have now waited for six weeks and frankly, were it not for the fact that it forms part of a fully fitted (matching) bedroom, would have preferred to cancel my order. At this stage I would like a guaranteed date of delivery and recompense for the inconvenience you have caused me. I have had to take three days' holiday to date to await delivery of the aforesaid wardrobe. I would appreciate your earliest attention to this matter. Yours sincerely, Mrs J. Brown
If you are replying to a complaint letter, you should not delay your response, even if it is only to confirm receipt of the letter and to explain that you have to investigate the matter if it is a serious complaint. You should show empathy and concern for the customer and if you can make an adjustment, you should apologise and do so. If the matter is not a legitimate complaint then you should explain your reasons why there will be no compensation or adjustment. Figure 12: Business Letter Response to Complaint
28 June 20 Dear Mrs Brown, Thank you for your letter dated 27 June 20.. Your wardrobe will, I'm happy to say, be delivered on Tuesday 7 July 20.. at 10.00 am Unfortunately there was a design fault and the manufacturers recalled all existing wardrobes until this fault could be rectified. I enclose a gift voucher for 30 for use in any of our stores. Please don't hesitate to contact me should you require more information. Yours sincerely, Mr W. Green
Written Communication
Responding to complaints should: be as a result of careful investigation as to the facts/events which form the background or basis for the complaint involve checking the accuracy of statements made and potential responses be viewed as an opportunity to re-establish good relations with the correspondent and his/her organisation be recorded as part of the ongoing evaluation process and internal market research be recorded for the purpose of external market research be proactive, not reactive be viewed as an important function of the business communications process. product issues internal communication difficulties external communication difficulties distribution problems personnel and staff development requirements re-evaluation of customer perception and later focus an improved system for dealing with external communications.
Using letters of complaint (or telephone calls) in this way can identify:
Handwritten Letters Whilst it is commonly perceived to be more acceptable to send typed or word-processed letters in business correspondence, handwritten letters are often preferred, if you are applying for a job. This is because a handwritten letter will show some of your personal characteristics that a word-processed letter cannot, such as your neatness. Handwritten text can be advantageous in other ways. If you feel that you need to convey additional warmth in response, perhaps, to a letter of complaint or to congratulate a colleague on the success of a joint venture, a handwritten letter may be appropriate. However, do not make the mistake of thinking that a handwritten letter is a less formal document than a typed letter. To practise writing business letters, use the questions from past IBC exam papers, which will give you a variety of tasks. The suggested answers of the examiner are also available online for you to compare your letters against.
Written Communication
The style of a report is always formal and it should be as objective as possible. That is to say, it should not contain opinions that are not based on facts in the report. Prejudice or emotional responses to the findings or research are inappropriate. One of the ways in which objectivity is seen to be employed is by referring to the process, findings or recommendations in the third person, hence, "I found out that" becomes "It became evident that". It is common for each paragraph in a report to be numbered so that attention can be easily drawn to particular parts during discussion of the document.
Types of report
Reports can be classified in the following ways. Regular and routine: on such matters as health and safety, sales, production targets or financial performance. These are likely to be purely factual, stating the figures for such items as numbers of accidents, sales, faulty items, etc. with only short narrative sections picking out the main details for attention. They will be characterised by a standard format to allow comparison between the current and previous reports and standard procedures for implementation and evaluation. Some of these reports will go to monthly meetings where recommendations or problem areas (e.g. sales targets not being met) will be discussed. Occasional: reports produced irregularly, either as and when circumstances demand, or on a regular basis but with a large time lag between them. Examples include accident, disciplinary and attendance reports, or routine progress reports to formal committees. These are also likely to be mainly factual, although they will include more narrative comment, reflecting their more detailed coverage of issues and may contain recommendations for action. There will be a degree of standardisation between editions of these reports, again to allow comparison with previous ones. Some of these reports have a legal status as evidence of particular issues and need to be stored safely and authenticated by designated personnel. Specially commissioned, one-off reports: which are designed to inform a decisionmaking body and will include discussion of the issue under consideration together with recommendations for action. They will have been carefully researched, present full information about different aspects or approaches to the issue and evaluate the evidence before drawing conclusions.
As it is the most complex, we shall concentrate here on this last category of report.
Structure of reports
A business report is usually structured as in Figure 13 below. Some elements may be omitted, depending on the nature of the report. However, it will be very helpful to learn this structure, since it covers everything that you would wish to include. You will see that it is both detailed and logical and this is vital if a report is to be effective. If a report is thin on fact, and has a structure that is hard to follow, this will lead to the recommendations not being taken seriously.
Written Communication
Figure 13: Business Report (Introduction) 1. Title (what is the purpose of the report?) 2. Author (name, title, status as necessary) 3. Identity of the person who commissioned the report 4. Date report presented (The date it is commissioned or the date it was actually completed will not be the same as the published or presented date. A report "comes into being" on its presentation as a live document. Prior to that date it is a draft or work in progress.) 5. Acknowledgements (names of those who gave help) 6. Table of contents, pagination 7. Status, e.g. confidential. (Main Body of Report) 1. Background/history/introduction/terms of reference/aims and objectives (necessary because it provides the framework or context within which the report should be viewed) 2. Methodology/procedure (this shows the ways in which data was gathered, so readers can see how relevant and thorough the writer has been in research) 3. Findings, statistical data, etc. (these give facts and figures on which decisions can be based) 4. Evaluation and conclusions (the writers assessment of what has been discovered) 5. Key summary 6. Recommendations (suggestions for action. Note that the action will be taken, not by the writer but by those people for whom the report has been written.) 7. Appendices (including copies of questionnaires, standard letters, etc., lists of persons and sources consulted) 8. Index (optional, although useful for very long documents) 9. Circulation list (this may also appear at the end of the Introduction section depending on the status of the report). Executive Summary For very lengthy reports, an executive summary may be circulated with the report, prior to the report or as an alternative to the final report. It is often the basis for an oral presentation of the report and allows for discussion as to its main features and recommendations rather than wading through every page. The executive summary would contain an outline only of the following elements: Title, author and aims of the report Methodology and findings Main recommendations.
Written Communication
Shorter formal reports are usually in three parts: Introduction aims, objectives, background Findings sources Conclusions and recommendations.
We will now set out some samples of short reports to illustrate the above points about style and structure. Figure 14: Short Formal Business Report 1 REPORT ON NEGOTIATION SKILLS TRAINING COURSE For the attention of: Ben Firth, Marketing Director From: Hugh Heaton, Marketing Assistant 1. Introduction
This report provides information on the value and effectiveness of the recent Negotiation Skills course which Hugh Heaton attended on 4 December 20XX. 2. 2.1 Findings Course Details
The course took place at the Willow Bank Hotel on 18 November 20XX. from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. and was run by the Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply. The cost of the course was 150. 2.2. Course Content The course was delivered with a mixture of input, case studies and interaction with the audience. The course was well organised with good supporting materials in the way of handouts and illustrative material. The trainer's delivery was clear and he successfully maintained the interest of the audience. The topic of negotiation was dealt with from a buying and selling perspective and provided comprehensive coverage of skills, guidelines and tactics. It would have been improved slightly had there been an opportunity to practise skills learnt. Had the course been of a longer duration, it would have been possible to use a role play simulation for participants to demonstrate their skills. 3. Conclusions The course was effectively delivered and well-run. The content was comprehensive but lacked the opportunity to put newly-learnt skills into practice. 4. Recommendations Other members of staff who are involved in purchasing materials and supplies should attend this course when it runs again early next year. I recommend that there is some follow-up in-house training so that staff can practise implementing their negotiating skills.
Written Communication
Figure 15: Short Formal Business Report 2 REPORT ON INSURANCE SECTION'S TELEPHONE TECHNIQUE For the attention of: From: Sam Daniels Date: 15 May 20XX 1.0 Terms of Reference The quality circle team was requested to investigate the problems with the telephone service in the insurance claims section. 2.0 Procedure 2.1 Telephone technique in the insurance claims section was observed. 2.2. Complaints from customers and members of staff were looked into. 2.3 Staff in the insurance claims section were interviewed. 3.0 Findings 3.1 Staff were slow to answer the telephone and there were not enough staff to deal with all the calls. Telephone etiquette was observed to be inadequate. Staff frequently failed to identify themselves and their department, and customers were frequently left on hold for long periods while files were being located. 3.2 Staff often promised customers and staff in other sections that colleagues would return their calls but they did not. Messages were not often taken and it was noted that the section did not have a stock of telephone message pads. 3.3 Junior members of staff were reluctant to deal with incoming calls because they did not feel capable of dealing with many of the complicated queries received. 4.0 Conclusions It is evident that staff in the insurance claims section are not providing an adequate telephone service. They are extremely busy and there is an obvious staff shortage. Messages are often not relayed because message pads are unavailable. Junior staff lack training to deal with the more complex queries. All staff need training in telephone technique. 5.0 Recommendations 5.1 Additional staff should be employed in the insurance section. 5.2 All staff should be provided with a stock of telephone message pads. 5.3 Junior staff should undergo specialised training, provided by senior staff, on some of the more complex incoming enquiries which the section receives. 5.4 All staff should attend a training course on telephone technique. Signed on behalf of the quality circle team: Dated: Nicola Bingley
Written Communication
Subject: Pilot Flexi-time System The following observations were made with regard to the flexi-time system which was piloted over the last three months.
Written Communication
work experience other relevant experience your other achievements and interests details of your referees.
Date of birth is no longer compulsory; this is to prevent age discrimination, either because candidates might be thought to be too old or too young. When giving details of your education and work experience, it is usual to begin with the most recent and therefore, most relevant and work backwards from the present day. The section detailing your other interests and achievements will give the employer a broader and more accurate picture of you as a person. It is a good opportunity for you to let them see some of your attractive personal qualities. The tone must be formal; after all, you want a prospective employer to take you seriously. You may want to use a lighter tone in your application letter, which will accompany the CV. A good CV will follow five basic principles: Keep to the essentials and avoid irrelevant details. You should not include every detail about everything you have ever done; it is enough if you stimulate the prospective employers interest in you. You can give the details at the interview. Be clear, and logical in your approach. It is, for example, much easier for someone to see how your skills have developed if your CV is presented chronologically. Adapt your CV to suit the post for which you are applying. This means that you should place greater emphasis on your achievements that are most relevant to a particular post. Do not be tempted to include information which is not true, since, at interview, a lie will usually be uncovered. Ensure that it is presented as neatly and logically as possible. An untidy CV implies an untidy person. Type it, leaving plenty of white space so that it does not look too crowded on the page; you need to make a prospective employer want to read it.
We again recommend looking over your CV before you send it. Try to be objective: would you invite this person for interview? If youre not sure, then you need to make your CV more interesting.
Although all of the types of document discussed here (memos, notices, emails) can be written and used in a formal way, they are overwhelmingly used informally. Certainly, compared to letters, reports and CVs, these three are regarded as informal documents. This means that there is less of a requirement to follow a careful structure when writing them and there is greater flexibility with their presentation. However, this does not mean that they are casual. There are still rules to be followed and you must write these, just like every other document, to achieve your purpose.
Memoranda, or memos as they are more commonly called, are an effective way of conveying a single idea or group of ideas quickly within an organisation, with the additional advantage of providing a brief written record of the communication. As such, they are particularly used for reminders, for issuing instructions, giving directions about a new procedure, or as "cover notes" with files or other material which you want someone to see.
Written Communication
An important feature of memos is that they are restricted to internal use. As a result of this they have a particular form and you should never use this form with customers or people who work outside the company. Memos are designed to be read and acted on. They are, therefore, generally short and to the point. However, even though they may be a less formal means of communicating than a letter, there is still a degree of formality in their presentation. You must also remember that they can be kept and filed as a record of the communication. It is now very common for memoranda to be sent via email but the principles of their preparation remain the same. Format Consider the following sample memo. Figure 17: Business Memorandum 1 MEMORANDUM To: Assistant Manager From: S. Foster, General Manager Date: 15 February 20.. Ref: SF/AM
The main office will be redecorated during the week 12 19 March, and staff will not be able to work there. I've arranged for staff to be able to work in the second floor conference room for that week. Please inform everyone involved of the arrangements.
Think about how this differs from a letter and what the common features are in this instance. I'm sure you noticed that there's no address and realised it's because there's no need for an address on an internal communication. There are also no greetings or farewells: no "Dear Mr Jones" or "Yours sincerely". They are not necessary in this form of communication. There are four features which are common to memos: (a) To and from headings These serve the same purpose as all the detail about the sender and receiver and their addresses in a letter but since it is an internal communication, none of the other detail is necessary. You only need to note who the recipient is and who you, the writer, are. (It is usual, though, to include the position in the company of the sender and recipient.) It may be appropriate to include the sender's telephone number to facilitate a quick response, if needed. Memos are often sent to a number of people, in which case the "To" heading may have a number of names against it. Alternatively, memos may be copied to others "for information", which means they are not expected to act on the subject matter but should just note that the correspondence has taken place. In such cases, the additional recipients will also be listed against the notation "cc." (as we saw in respect of letters), usually underneath the "To" heading.
Written Communication
If the memo is being sent by email, the addresses of all the recipients will be together in the To window. (b) Date The date is important because it makes clear the place of the memo in a sequence of correspondence. It can also settle any disputes about whether the recipient was informed before or after some other action was taken. In an email, the date will be shown automatically, as will the time when it was sent. (c) Ref Short for reference, you can use the space for your initials, or an invoice number or a filing location, or anything else you want to link the memo to. (d) Subject heading A very brief subject heading, of half a dozen words at the very most, is essential in a memo. It saves space and adds to the efficiency of the communication by making the topic clear immediately. Content The aim of a memo is to convey information economically. You must come straight to the point and leave out anything which is not immediately relevant. Most memos are short and consist only of one or two paragraphs. That said, the way in which the main body of a longer memo is organised is very similar to that of a letter. There should be a short opening paragraph which sets the scene, for example, explaining the purpose of the memo, describing the circumstances which have prompted the it or explaining the relevant facts. In the second and subsequent paragraphs, the subject will be discussed and instructions given or action identified. It is likely that there will be a final paragraph summarising the key points or giving general advice or encouragement about actions to be taken. Language may be less of a problem in memos as with letters. As a memo is an internal communication, it is almost certain that you will know the recipients well. So you can assume that you will share a similar understanding of certain jargon terms and even abbreviations. However, the needs of the readers of the memo must still be considered. Where memos are used to issue company-wide instructions, say, about arrangements for holidays, the sender must be sure that the language used is appropriate for all the recipients. Consider all the above points in respect of this example of a longer memo.
Written Communication
Figure 18: Business Memorandum 2 MEMORANDUM To: All Accounts staff From: Accounts Manager Date: 20 September 20.. Ref: HG/VB
Subject: Arrangements for move to new buildings As you know, the company will be moving to new premises in the Keynes Precinct to open for business on Tuesday 7 October 20. On Friday 3 October, the office will close at 12 noon. On closure, all staff should make sure that personal belongings are removed from desks, since no one will be allowed to re-enter the office after that time. All staff will report for duty as usual on Monday 6 October at 9.00 am. Mr Jones, the new Personnel Manager, will be on hand to show staff the layout of the new building and explain the layout of desks, office machinery and the general facilities of the new office suite. The computer department has made separate arrangements to occupy the building over the weekend, so that there should be no interruption in the use of the mainframe for those who require it. However, I would like staff to make as little use as possible of this facility in the first days of operation, instead using their own desk-top computers, so that testing of routine and administrative programs may take place. I should like to ask for five members of staff to be on hand for a short period on Tuesday to guide personal callers to our new suite, so that our service to the public, in particular those making insurance claims for loss or accident damage, will in no way be interrupted by the move. Finally, may I express the hope that the move will go smoothly and effectively for everyone.
There are occasions when you need to reach a large number of people as a mass, rather than a series of individuals. Notices are designed to achieve this through providing information in a concise and eye catching way. While memos are personal, notices are impersonal. The characteristics of notices are similar to advertisements, although they serve a rather different purpose. However, you should bear in mind the same principles in the preparation of adverts as we consider here in respect of notices. Once again, we should start by stressing the need to recognise the importance of the general principles of effective communication that we keep stressing. Notices are designed to impart a message, possibly a very important one. You need, therefore, to identify clearly the purpose of the communication and the characteristics of the intended audience. Design Requirements The overall visual appearance and impact of your notice are what determine whether people stop and read it, so obviously design is very important. However, you can't plan the design until you've decided on the content.
Written Communication
Use a simple message In general terms, there are three rules to remember when you are developing the content of the message. Use a simple and direct vocabulary. You're expecting a large number of people to read the notice so you must make sure they will all understand the message. Keep the notice as short as possible. If it's too long, people won't read it. Avoid giving offence. Don't talk down or sound authoritarian because you will create resentment. Use a direct style and think carefully about the wording.
Keep in mind that, in notices, you don't need to write in full sentences as long as you make your point clearly. (b) Use a clear font A notice must be easy to read as well as easy to understand. If you choose a font that is too small, or if you crowd the text together, people will not be motivated to read the notice. Consider how advertisers use billboards to send a message to the public about their product. A billboard is a notice. It must be eye catching and memorable. (c) Use plenty of space Advertisers and designers use the term "white space" for the amount of blank paper in a notice or advertisement. Remember that notices may be read by people at some distance from the notice-board. The clearer they are, the easier it will be for people to read them at a distance, which will help to ensure that your message reaches everyone who should be aware of it. Always leave plenty of space between lines - the equivalent of missing out one or even two lines of writing in a letter. Leave wide margins at both sides and at the top and bottom. Try putting important pieces of information, such as dates, times, places of meetings and similar vital details on separate lines, with plenty of space around them.
Remember that the less cluttered your notice is, the easier it will be to read and the greater its success will be. Always try to design a notice in rough first, sketching out the main areas of information in different positions until you find a layout that is very clear and direct in appearance. (d) Highlight important words or phrases We have already suggested that you should stress key words or phrases by placing them on separate lines. Other ways of making them stand out include: using capitals underlining them using different colours placing lines around them.
You can treat in these ways: days, dates and times of meetings; telephone numbers to ring in an emergency, places to assemble in case of fire and other key words and phrases. Don't use highlighting too much. If you underline or colour almost every word, only the words you haven't treated in this way will stand out and the overall effect will be messy and cluttered. Highlight only the essential words.
Written Communication
Use illustrations Illustrations can often be useful in conveying an idea, although they need to be fairly professional if they are to be really effective. Keep them simple, though; your aim is to illustrate a point in the text, not dominate all the space available. Like highlighting, you should use illustrations sparingly to emphasise only the most important points of your notice.
These notices are designed to heighten awareness of health and safety issues. Consider how effective they are, in the light of the above points. Figure 19: Health and Safety Notices
Written Communication
Display and Siting However well you design your notice, it won't achieve its purpose unless you also display it properly. This means having notice boards in good positions and arranging notices on them clearly. The following points are relevant. Notice boards should be sited in areas where all the relevant people will see them. Avoid putting them in narrow corridors or on walls next to doors so that they disappear when doors open. Notice boards should be set around the eye level of a person of average height. Notice boards should be kept tidy. This means not allowing unauthorised notices to be put up and ensuring that out-of-date notices are removed. The board should be divided clearly so that notices about different topics each have their own areas, for example: health and safety, union, staff announcements, urgent and social. Make someone responsible for clearing notice boards regularly so that old notices don't remain for months and obscure new material. Some firms date-stamp notices when they are put up, and make a point of removing them within a certain period.
Using Email
(Refer also to Chapter Seven.) With the development of electronic communications, most organisations now use internal networks (intranet) to link their computers and it is a simple process to send messages to colleagues through this Intranet via electronic mail. Further, by connecting to the Internet, you can send messages to any other person who has a computer and an Internet connection. There are compelling reasons for the popularity of email. It is extremely quick, usually taking only a few seconds to communicate with others anywhere in the organisation or, indeed, the world. It is low-cost or free to send an email message anywhere in the world. It is easy to copy a message to many people at the same time for no extra cost. It is easy to distribute information such as reports, spreadsheets and other documents by attaching them as electronic files to the messages that you send. It is available around the clock, every day of the week.
Writing Messages The process of communicating by is very simple and the format is very similar to that of a memo. You need to specify only the recipient(s) and subject heading. The computer will insert the time, the date and your own email address. To simplify specification of the recipient(s), all systems allow the user to develop, on their own computer, their own address books of external contacts with their addresses. Within organisations, there are likely to be centralised lists of company staff available within the system. It is also possible to build up your own distribution lists of particular groups of people. This makes selecting recipients easy, you just need to pick out the particular people from the address book or staffing list, or specify a particular distribution list and the computer will insert the details and ensure the correct routing of the on completion. The system is also likely to offer the possibility of identifying other people to whom the message should be copied to (for information).
Written Communication
The organisation and structure of the body of the message will depend upon the nature of the communication. Where this is effectively being used as a substitute for an internal memo, the same structure and formality as would be used in a memo would be needed. In other circumstances, emails are used for quick informal notes or personal messages. Here, the lack of formality means that you can express yourself in, more or less, any way you like; as long as it gets the message across in a way which is appropriate to the recipient. When using email for external communications, it is important to note that an external message is an advertisement for your company, in the same way that a well presented letter on company letterhead paper is. The way it is written and what it says conveys messages about the organisation and a poorly constructed message can create a bad impression. When using email as a substitute for a formal letter, exactly the same considerations should apply as we discussed above. It should contain the same information and importantly this should include the common features identified previously, structure and formality as would be used in a letter. The body of the message should contain an opening paragraph to orientate the recipient to the purpose of the message and be followed by a series of relatively short paragraphs explaining the detail of the information to be conveyed, and end with a concluding paragraph. For internal emails in particular, there is no set rule about using a salutation, such as "Dear John" or "Dear Sir", as the opening line of the text of the message itself. If you are unsure of what to do, it is better to err on the side of caution and include a greeting, as the absence of one could make you appear rude. Generally though, emails do not require formal greetings in the way that letters do. Similarly, you do not need to use a formal closure such as, "Yours sincerely" or "Yours faithfully" unless you have opted for a formal greeting; although most people would sign off with a closing term of some sort, such as just "Regards", followed by their first and last name if they do not know the person, even though it is usually clear to the recipient who is the sender of a message. If you do include a formal closure you may want also to include your job title and company contact details. It is easily possible to set these as a default, so that every email you send will include the details automatically. As with any form of communication, before you send an email message, you should consider what you expect to happen as a result of sending it and also think of the needs of the recipient(s). You should also note the following features which are particular to emails. Because of the speed of preparing email messages it is easy to think of them as a cross between a telephone conversation and a letter. Consequently, it is often too easy to send an email which is unstructured and colloquial. Where there is any degree of formality to the message, this should be avoided and the normal rules of formal expression and structure should be applied. Although you do not really need to think about layout in conjunction with an email, it is better to avoid sending messages that are one long block of text. It is much easier to read if you use spaces between paragraphs. Your message will be one of many that a recipient might receive in a day. Therefore, your subject line should be concise but give an indication of the context of the message. It is better to avoid sending a message that attempts to fulfil many different purposes at once, as you risk causing confusion. When replying to an email received, it is common practice to use the "reply" facility which retains the original message below your own. This ensures that the recipient is clear about the nature of the correspondence and has all the necessary information to hand in the one place.
Written Communication
If you are sending attachments you should state that is the case in the main body of the message and provide any details necessary to access and open the attached files. (If you are worried about other people being able to alter an attached document, it is possible to "password protect" it so that the recipient can only read it.) Where you need to connect to the Internet to send a message, it is general good practice to work off-line in planning and preparing the message before sending it. There may be a temptation, where the cost of connection time is an issue, to spend as little time as possible in rushing off and sending the message without adequate forethought.
Do not forget that emails are saved and archived. They are, therefore, a permanent record of the correspondence and can be legal evidence with as much status as a paper document. Issues Connected with Email Use The ease of use and speed of communication enabled by email has made it an extremely popular means of communication within organisations and increasingly between organisations and their external business contacts: customers, potential customers, suppliers, etc. This growth in its use, together with the ease of that use, raises a number of issues for business organisations. The first of these is overload. It is very common in some organisations for senders to copy messages to many more people than would have been the case with paper documents. Indeed, there are many instances where there is no distinction between proper recipients and those to whom the message is just copied for information. Blitzing other staff with information which is not specifically relevant to them is a waste of everyone's time and can actually be counter productive, e.g. where someone takes action on the basis of an email which was not actually designed for him/her. This problem reinforces the need to give proper consideration to the principles of specifying purpose and being aware of the recipient. Email tends to be treated less formally than business letters or memos. There are good reasons for this in the ease of use and the general lack of any great need to spend time on format and presentation. However, this can lead you to write things in an email message that you might not consider including in a more formal letter: language, grammar, punctuation and use of spacing/paragraphs may be sloppy, which can mean that the message is difficult to follow. Many organisations find that email can be abused when people spend an inappropriate amount of time sending or receiving unnecessary messages. In some organisations the distribution of jokes and other "social" messages is rife. There are occasions when email is not the best way to communicate. It would be inappropriate to hide behind email instead of talking face-to-face, for example, if you needed to discipline a member of staff. Similarly it is not appropriate to use email as a method of passing difficult business issues around where no-one takes responsibility for their resolution. A great feature of email is that you can attach files to the messages that you are sending. However, problems can be caused if you send files which the recipient cannot open or if you attach very large files which can occupy the recipient's communication capability for an excessive amount of time.
Written Communication
So, for example, Strict adherence to the regulations is essential for all participants is clearly formal, whereas Everybody has to stick to the rules! is informal. This does not mean that formal language cannot contain short sentences but it does mean that formal language is more exact, more carefully expressed than informal language. Formal language is respectful and more businesslike and keeps the receiver at a greater distance than informal language. Informal language is unlikely to be used in business between people who have not met before but is quite acceptable between friends and colleagues. Having said that, we also need to stress that whatever language you use, it must be appropriate to the situation. So here is some advice on how to write effectively. In both spoken and written communication, the way in which we choose our words and the way in which we construct sentences, paragraphs and our speech will have great impact on the successful receipt of our messages. Clarity of language is important in three specific ways: the need to convey ideas precisely the need to establish a suitable and positive relationship the need to create a favourable impression of yourself and/or of the organisation you represent.
The production of effective messages, whether spoken or written, can be facilitated by the clarity of the language you choose. A number of guidelines can be identified.
Written Communication
Keep it simple and precise The writer George Orwell, in an essay called Politics and the English Language, gave six essential rules for precision in language which you should constantly bear in mind: Never use a metaphor (e.g. "a lion of a man", "a dream of a car") or a simile (e.g. "as brave as a lion", "it goes like a dream") which you are used to reading in print. It could become a clich, and if you gave it a bit more thought you could probably come up with a better description. Never use a long word where a short one will do. If you can leave a word out, do so. Never use a foreign word, scientific word, or jargon word or phrase where a simple, everyday English equivalent will give the same meaning. Never use the passive where you can use the active. Break any of these rules rather than say something which is downright barbarous.
We can summarise these: Always write as simply and directly as you can, in language which will be clearest to the largest range of possible readers. All Orwell's points are clear enough, but the fifth perhaps needs expansion if you're unused to the language of formal grammar. The passive is that kind of expression which tells you that something was done, not that somebody did it (as in the example above.) Why did Orwell prefer the active to the passive? It is far more direct and forceful, making clear that people initiate actions, rather than suggesting that actions somehow happen by themselves. It is more honest. The active voice leaves no doubt as to who is responsible for a particular action. When you avoid this in business correspondence, you may give the reader the impression that you wish to conceal something, or to deny responsibility. This can seriously endanger a relationship of trust between writer and reader which is so essential in business communication.
Expressing yourself clearly is important not only in conveying your ideas but also in establishing trust between you and your reader - a vital element in business. (b) Use short sentences and paragraphs Short sentences are nearly always more effective than long sentences. Some people suggest that sentences of 12 - 20 words are ideal for business communications. You may have to work on this if your natural instinct is to use longer sentences. Graduates, for example, have been found to use longer sentences than non-graduates. This is probably a consequence of using a great many reference books, which themselves tend to use longer sentences. Use punctuation correctly but do not over use it. Pay particular attention to the proper use of full stops instead of commas. Full stops divide text into sentences and each sentence should only contain one idea or related ideas. Often you may see a comma used instead of a full stop to link two units of expression which are really separate sentences. This is wrong and an example will make it clear to you: Always make sure that fire doors are closed at all times, failure to do this will allow fires to spread very rapidly. This passage is wrongly punctuated. It should be punctuated as follows:
Written Communication
Always make sure that fire doors are closed at all times. Failure to do this will allow fires to spread very rapidly. Paragraphs should also be short. It has been suggested that for successful business communications, the ideal paragraph length is 6 8 lines. One useful technique for conveying meaning quickly is called signposting. This is where you deliberately aim to get to the point of the paragraph as quickly as possible. For example, take the following sentence, which might open a paragraph: "In response to many letters and telephone calls, and following extensive discussions, we have decided to introduce the new product in January." The important part of the message, the introduction of the product, is right at the end of the sentence. Far better to signpost as follows. "The new product will be introduced in January. The decision has been taken following many letters and telephone calls and extensive discussions." Signposting is effective because when the reader first looks at a long piece of writing, he/she often "skims" by reading just the opening lines of each paragraph. In this way it is possible to get the meaning across much more quickly.
Whatever channel of communication you use, the effectiveness of the message will be largely dependent on the individual words selected to reflect your meaning. We use an internal selection process based on our education and experience to choose the right word or phrase for every situation in which we find ourselves. The key point is that the other person should understand your message in the way you intended it. There are a number of ways in which you can help to make this more likely. (a) Avoid colloquial language and slang This kind of language is used by members of particular groups of people. It is a relaxed, informal language, used mainly in speech and personal letters. In such contexts, the language is appropriate, as it is clear, vigorous and confirms that the user is a member of the group. However, in business communication, such language is usually unsuitable, mainly because it is imprecise. It's perfectly acceptable when leaving a friend to say "See you" or "I'll give you a buzz" but in a business communication you need to give a clearer indication of when the next meeting or contact will take place. Also, if you use slang in business documents you will give an impression of laziness and a lack of respect for your reader, which in turn suggests a lack of care for detail and accuracy in business matters. It is best to avoid colloquial language in business communication. (b) Avoid clichs Clichs are words or phrases which have been used so frequently that they have effectively lost any force they once had. To speak of "leaving no stone unturned" or "establishing a meaningful dialogue" is to use a pattern of words which has really become exhausted. Instead of clichs, try to use fresh, direct expressions, which convey the same ideas but in a more straightforward way. Saying "I will do all I can" is more forceful than "leaving no stone unturned", for example, because it stresses a direct personal intent.
Written Communication
Avoid redundant expressions Many people feel that expressing a simple thought in a complex group of words makes it sound more respectable or more impressive. "At this moment in time" has become a very popular expression but in fact it means nothing more than "Now". "Due to the fact that" is far less effective than "Because". "Conducted a full and frank exchange of views" says nothing more than "Discussed" or "Talked".
Always be aware of such expressions. We all fall into the trap of using them at times. Make a point of rooting them out when reading through any item of business communication which you have drafted. You will greatly improve your communication if you do. (d) Avoid jargon There are two types of jargon: There is the expression which members of a particular group use simply because it has become the custom. Such phrases include foreign expressions such as "inter alia" instead of "among other things", or fashionable words such as "parameters" instead of "limits" and "discrete components" instead of "separate parts". Expressions of this kind serve only to obscure rather than reveal your ideas, and you should avoid them. The second kind of jargon is more positive. In any specialised occupation or area of interest, new concepts will emerge which people refer to by specific groups of words. If a psychiatrist refers to "sensory deprivation", other members of the same group will know what he or she is describing. Those outside the group may have difficulty in understanding and they will have to learn the special meaning. Language of this kind is acceptable where it is the clearest way of expressing the idea or phenomenon it names and where it is used to other members of a group who will understand it without question. However, where you are writing as a specialist to a lay person, for example, when explaining a legal aspect of accountancy to a client, you should always be careful to explain such terms when you first use them, or translate the terms into ordinary language. (e) Avoid discriminatory language We should always ensure that we do not allow prejudice to show in our choice of language, either in spoken or in written communication. This is a basic requirement in showing consideration for the recipient of the message, whether you know them or not. Problems derive from assumptions we make about the individual or group to which we are referring, based on stereotypical attitudes. The use of sexist or racist language is unacceptable and now in some societies illegal. Usually it is easy to see the pitfalls, but indirect discrimination, as the following examples show, can also occur with remarkable ease! Consider the following statements which are only too common: "Let me speak to Mr. Brown's secretary. I am sure that she will be able to help me." "Please tell the doctor that he should call as soon as possible." "I want to advertise a vacancy for an office junior. She should have good keyboard skills."
Written Communication
In these examples, it is quite possible that Mr Brown's secretary is a woman and that the doctor is a man. However, it may well not be the case and the assumption that they are is very offensive. Many office juniors are female but this is not necessary (and such discrimination in recruitment is unlawful).
The Seven Cs
This approach sets out a range of practical points which will help you to convey the content of messages effectively. (a) Clear If the message is ambiguous or otherwise unclear, then the communication itself will be a waste of time and effort. Careful thought needs to be given to the composition of the communication, so that the ideas are organised and the words and phrases used are clear in expression and meaning. This may mean defining particular technical terms or lesser known concepts or procedures. Short, simple, structured sentences help, as does the use of headings. (b) Concise Sometimes it will be necessary to spend time explaining a particularly important issue, but brevity will more often help to get the message home. This does not mean that you should cut corners in conveying the information. It means that you should give careful thought to the most effective and most economical way in which you can express your ideas. Often, we are tempted to dress up our language to make it sound "important". If we can resist this, we will still be able to produce professional and appropriate communications which are not full of "verbal padding". (c) Correct In most business communications, accuracy is of paramount importance. The implications of inaccuracies can be very serious indeed, particularly when recorded in official documents. It is, therefore, vital that all facts and figures should be checked. Do not lose sight of the need to check the text for errors, especially in figures, names (there is nothing worse than misspelling someone's name on a letter!) and addresses. (d) Courteous In any form of communication, it pays to consider it as a personal address to the recipient(s). This applies to all communication: to customers or clients, to colleagues, or to subordinates alike. "Tone" conveys much about the organisation and perhaps about you as an individual. This can have a great influence on future relationships. Being courteous does not mean being weak and you are more likely to achieve your aim if you are not rude. (e) Complete It can be very frustrating to receive a communication only to find that it gives only half the picture, or half the answers to your questions! It is important, therefore, to ensure that you deal with each piece of information fully. There may, of course, be occasions when it is impossible to give a complete answer, for example, if you are awaiting further information yourself. If this is the case, you need to state that clearly, so that the recipient knows when and how to expect a full response.
Written Communication
Consistent The flow of language is considerably aided by consistency in its use, such as standardising the person and tense used and sticking to a particular style and tone throughout. If you keep changing your style and type of vocabulary, you will just confuse and frustrate the reader.
Convincing This last point is often overlooked. It is very important to show confidence and commitment in what you communicate, even though there may be times when you do not actually feel that in your writing. Uncertainty will show through very clearly in all forms of communication. You have to believe in what you are saying or writing. Messages need to be conveyed with conviction or they will not be taken seriously.
One way to grab readers' attention is to use their name and to personalise the text by using "you", "your" and "yours". Write from the reader's viewpoint in relation to their needs and wants. Consider their values and expectations, their position and their ability to understand you.
Written Communication
The purpose of advertising is not necessarily to describe the product or service but to persuade the reader to buy it, or at least be interested enough to want to know more. The general approach, then, is to convert features into advantages and benefits for the reader and explain these benefits, rather than the features themselves. Sentences should be kept short and simple so that all readers are able to understand the message easily. At the end of any advertisement, you should be able to answer the question "What's in this for the reader?" This really is the most important question of all. If that is not clear to you and to the reader, then the advert will not work. You may want to consider the layout of the advert to produce emphasis on certain aspects, such as special benefits, offers and the date that any promotional offers end. The following elements all contribute to this: headings (short, sharp, and to the point white space (readers are put off by an overcrowded page) highlighting (use bold text or large text or a different colour) graphics (drawings or pictures) captions (catchy phrases that the reader will remember easily) use of command words (e.g.: Hurry!) use of unique words (e.g. exclusive, special luxury only etc) use of punctuation, especially exclamation marks, to suggest excitement.
Advertisements can break the normal rules of writing. For example, they do not have to use sentences; they can put single words anywhere on the page that they want; they can combine words with pictures; they can use different colours, styles and sizes of font. There are few rules about what an advert should look like. Good advertisements will have a visual appeal as well as using emotive words to attract the reader. If you are writing the text of an advert, you must use all the linguistic tricks that you can, to make it attractive. To see how you do this, simply pick up a magazine or newspaper and look at the adverts there. Which ones work best? Which ones dont appeal to you? Consider carefully why that is and learn what you can include and what you must avoid, to become a convincing writer.
Using the Telephone Understanding the Equipment Making Telephone Calls Answering a Call Leaving a Message
68 68 68 70 71
Face to Face Communication Conversations Briefings Interviews Types of Interview Meetings The Agenda The Minutes Procedure in Meetings Giving a Presentation or Speech to an Audience The 6 Ps of Presentations and Speeches Knowing your Audience Subject Knowledge Non-verbal Communication Participation
71 72 73 74 76 79 80 82 84 85 88 90 90 92 93
Listening Skills Problems in Listening Principles of Active Listening Techniques to Improve Listening
94 94 95 95
Oral Communication
Oral communication is the most common and important form of human communication. It occurs in two ways: face to face, when we are able to see the other person or people with whom we are speaking on the telephone, when we cannot see the other person.
We need to employ different skills in each case, to ensure the maximum effectiveness of our communication.
Mobile phones now are becoming essential for business people. They allow you to take and receive calls anywhere, at any time. They can send and receive text messages, which can be very useful for sending or confirming short pieces of information, such as meeting times. They can send and receive photographs and video. Many mobile phones also offer access to the Internet and hence to email facilities, including the transfer of files. It is important that you know how to use the various facilities of your telephone. This will enable you to assist callers efficiently and convey a favourable impression of your firm. It will also enable you to carry out business quickly and effectively.
Oral Communication
Purpose Sort out the specific purposes of the call in your own mind before even thinking about making it. If necessary, write down the overall aim of the call and note the various key points that you need to make to get this overall aim across. This will also help in gathering all the relevant information you need. It is important to have that information to hand during the call as you do not want to go looking for it during the course of the conversation. Leaving the other person hanging on is very discourteous and off-putting (even a few seconds silence is too long.) So, if the aim of the call is to arrange a meeting, make sure you have your diary with you, or if you are calling about a particular invoice, have the invoice and any other information relating to it next to you.
Audience Think carefully about who you are calling as this will influence a number of factors in the call. For example, you need to think about when would be the best time to call; at a time when the other person will be available, one which suits the other person or even possibly at a time which you know will not suit them. Be extra careful if the other person is in a different time zone. One thing you must remember about telephone calls is that there is no body language to provide signals and cues about the other person and their reaction to you (or, indeed, the same on your part). You need, therefore, to listen carefully for vocal cues about how the other person is really feeling and be prepared to adopt an appropriate style for the particular person.
Style In the absence of any non verbal cues from body language, the way in which you speak (tone, pitch, pace and volume and the form of expression used) is very important. You should always try to sound interested and enthusiastic by varying the tone and pitch of your voice (speaking in monotones can give the impression of boredom) and add affirmative remarks into the conversation to keep the flow going and provide feedback to the other person. Other aspects of style include: Speaking clearly, in your normal voice there is no merit in putting on an affected "telephone voice". Do not try to speak too quickly or too slowly, as the listener may lose track of what is being said. Be careful with pronunciation. Telephone connections can be very poor at transmitting certain sounds at the best of times and confusion can occur between, for example, "fifteen" and "fifty". It can also be difficult to make out words which you have not heard before, such as names and addresses. To avoid these problems, you can spell such words. Always be courteous. Remember that you are representing the public face of your company when making telephone calls outside the organisation and you need to give the right impression. Avoid being abrupt as this can seem very disrespectful of the other person. Ensure that you are not going to be interrupted during the course of the call.
Structure The same principles apply as we have seen before the telephone conversation should have a beginning, middle and an end.
Oral Communication
The opening section should be used to ensure the other person is aware of the subject of the call, is the right person to deal with it (if you were not certain beforehand) and the two of you are at ease with one another by exchanging some general chat before getting down to the real business. The middle, main section should concentrate on covering the detail of the subject matter clearly and concisely, allowing for any discussion to ensure complete understanding. Having some notes of the points you need to get across can be very helpful here. The concluding section of the call should ensure that you are both clear about what courses of action have been agreed and that there is a common understanding of the subject matter. It is also always good practice to end a call with some general pleasantries so that you part on good terms.
You will generally find it helpful to take notes of telephone conversations as they occur and these notes may be written up afterwards in a more formal way to provide a record of the conversation. It is sometimes necessary to write a letter or email formally setting out the content of the call so that it is a matter of record for both parties. The first part of a call can sometimes seem the most difficult, so the following points are designed to identify the correct procedure. First of all you have to dial the correct number. If you have not got straight through to the person you wanted to speak to, you need to ask for that person. If you do not have a named contact, you need to explain briefly the nature of your call and ask to be put through to an appropriate person who can deal with the subject. Once you are through to a specific person, if you do not know them, you must give details about yourself: name, company, company business and your role in the company and then outline the nature of the subject you are calling about. It is always best to check that the person you are speaking to is indeed the person who deals with this subject. Always make sure you are clear about the name of the person you are speaking to as you may need to contact him/her again or refer to him/her in any written follow-up.
Answering a Call
When you answer the telephone you are, to all intents and purposes, the public face of the company (or at least its voice!) You do not necessarily know who is calling and what the call may be about, so you need to be prepared for anything. The most important point to make is that you convey a friendly, courteous and efficient image to the caller. This will start the call off in the most advantageous way and make things as easy as possible. You should always answer the telephone by giving the name of the company and your own name. Give a pleasant greeting, appropriate to the time of day, such as, Good afternoon. XYZ Company, Sam speaking. How can I help you? This helps the caller to know if they have got through to the right person or section and opens the conversation on a personal note. Few things are more irritating than to be kept waiting for several seconds for a phone to be answered, only to be met with a curt "Hello"! If you do not know the caller, you need to establish who they are, the company they represent or in what capacity they are ringing, and the reason for the call. These are the very same things that we noted above should be given by the caller but as the receiver, you need to clarify these things at the outset.
Oral Communication
From there on, you should try to deal with the call in the most efficient and friendly manner. The following points are relevant. If you cannot help the caller, say so. Ask them if they would kindly hold while you connect them to someone who can help. Dont just cut the call and leave them hanging while you put them through. If you cannot find anyone who can help, then take a message and arrange for the other person to call them back. If you can help, do so quickly. Calls can be expensive and apart from this, rapid service will impress a caller with your firm's efficiency. If you cannot give the required information immediately but think you may be able to find it, suggest that you call back. This will save time and money for the caller and allow you time to find the relevant material. As in the case of making a call, it is bad practice to leave callers hanging on whilst you go looking for information. Make sure that you confirm the callers name and number before you ring off. This will ensure that you know whom to contact should the need arise. Make notes as the call is progressing and write these up into a formal record of the conversation if necessary.
Whenever you take a message on behalf of someone else within the organisation, ensure that you make a written record of the message and pass it on to the person concerned. Most organisations have a standard form for recording telephone messages and if so, this should always be used.
Leaving a Message
If you call someone who is not available and you are prompted to leave a voicemail, you should leave the following information: your name your organisation briefly, the reason you are calling your number the times when you will be available to be called back or state that you will call back later, preferably giving an indication of when you will do so end the message courteously.
Keep your message short and ensure that it is clear. If you make a mistake, the other person may be unable to contact you.
Oral Communication
In all face to face communication,body language plays an important part. We will consider body language separately in Chapter Four.
These are the least formal communications of all and by far the most frequent. They are unplanned, nearly always happen spontaneously and they fulfil many purposes, both social and commercial, from simply building relationships to discussing business deals. They can occur at times when two people meet by chance in the corridor, at lunchtime, or at any other time during the working day. But please do not think that because conversations are common they are unimportant. On the contrary, they are the lifeblood of every business. These encounters provide just as much opportunity for effective oral communication. On a daily basis, we may have conversations with family, friends, colleagues, business associates, shop assistants and fellow travellers (whom we may never have met before. You instinctively know how to adapt your conversational techniques to fit the different occasions..So, there is no reason why you should have any problems in more formal, planned situations. (a) Advantages Chance meetings have a number of benefits. Speed The great advantage of seeing someone by chance is that it allows you to bypass "the usual channels". You can say what you have to say directly, without making an appointment or waiting until the other person is free. This may enable you to clear up a matter straight away, which helps efficiency. Directness Because chance conversations often happen under time pressure, they can help those involved to reach a decision speedily, although, as you will see later, this may not always be a good thing. Informality Some points would appear too important if you were to make them the subject of a special meeting. By raising them in passing, you have an opportunity to discuss and resolve minor issues without wasting time. A related advantage is that, because there is no record of such meetings, they are a useful way of informally gauging people's reactions to new ideas. The human touch Having a few words with someone in passing will maintain contact at a human level, which is important especially when dealing with staff on a lower level than yourself. Even chatting about the weather will help to develop a relationship of trust and discussing work related issues will show that you have a genuine interest in the people who work for you. (b) Disadvantages There are, though, real problems with relying on unplanned encounters to achieve a particular purpose. Lack of time Because such meetings have not been scheduled, both parties will probably be in a hurry. You do not have enough time to consider all your options.
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This means that messages can be wrongly expressed and misunderstood; any decisions you take might not be the best ones. Always be wary of trying to do too much in a situation like this. Lack of preparation This is the largest single disadvantage. Even if you have all the information at your fingertips, it is unlikely that the other person will. This means that any discussion will be very limited. In addition, it may well prejudice the listener against a fuller, later discussion if the matter was raised in an incomplete way in the first place. The best rule is to avoid raising complicated issues at encounters like these. Lack of privacy Discussing confidential matters in public places, which is where such encounters will often take place, is not a good idea. It may encourage rumours if snippets of the conversations are overheard out of context. This is never a good thing, so avoid it if you can. Lack of control In a planned meeting there are various ways in which you can structure the discussion, moving on to new points at the best times. In an unplanned encounter, you cannot do this and inaccurate or incomplete communication may well result. Striking at the wrong time For most people, there are good and bad times to discuss certain issues. You may be lucky and raise the issue at just the right time; on the other hand, you may have chosen completely the wrong time for such a matter. The only way to avoid this problem is to stick to clearly defined meeting procedures, unless you are sure how the person will react. Gauging this is something you will only learn by working with people and getting to know their personalities and general attitudes. You can see that there are points in favour of chance meetings and points against them. In general, for work issues, try to use them only sparingly; when there is real urgency or a point has to be cleared up quickly. One way of avoiding problems is to mention to the person concerned that you would like to see him/her about something and then wait to see how this is received. If he/she seems interested, you might begin to develop the subject a little more but do defer a lengthy explanation unless you are sure that the time is right for it. Overall, chance meetings should be approached with caution. If you are in any doubt, use the more formal channels. They may take a little longer but they are better planned and allow you to put across ideas and information more clearly and precisely.
A briefing is a short meeting at which information on a specific topic is passed to a selected audience. It regularly takes place in an organisation at the start of a shift, or working day. This is when a manager may give instructions to the workforce about the days tasks and targets. A briefing might also be used to pass on other important information, for example a change in working practices, or the illness of a colleague, or a reminder about certain Health and Safety issues.
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Although briefings are normally given by senior staff to junior staff, they can also occur between people of the same rank, or even from a junior to a senior (e.g.: a junior colleague who has been asked to write a report, tells the managers what the recommendations are, before they actually read it). Outside the workplace, a common type of briefing is a press briefing. This is similar to a press conference (see Chapter One) but is slightly less formal. Although a briefing might be supported by written material (e.g. a printout of sales figures) it is always delivered by word of mouth. This allows two-way communication and the audience can ask for clarification, or even make their own suggestions.
The word "interview" refers to any meeting between two people. However, generally, we use it to describe a planned, formal meeting between people of different status in an organisation, or in connection with selecting the best candidate for a job. There are many other purposes for interviews, as we'll see in this section. Whatever their purpose or aim, though, they all have certain elements in common, most particularly in terms of their organisation and conduct. Interview Principles We can sum up the basic principles of conducting a successful interview in six key words: preparation, activation, attention, structure, summary, action. Let's look at these in more detail. (a) Preparation An interview is effective only if it is thoroughly prepared for by both parties involved. If you are organising an interview, you need to prepare for it in the following ways. Ensure you have the necessary information (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) Make sure that you have all the necessary data, by going through your files and reading carefully all the relevant matter. Make notes about matters which are particularly important. List the main areas you wish to discuss, or note down specific questions you will ask. Keep the information with you and make sure that you know it really thoroughly.
If you do this, you will have a good factual basis for the exchange, which will give you confidence as well as ensuring a secure foundation for any decisions or action which may be taken as a result of the meeting. Take account of both setting and atmosphere (i) (ii) Plan a time for the interview which suits both people. Make sure that the room is suitable. It should be quiet, well lit and arranged properly for the task. If it is a formal interview, you may prefer to sit behind a desk. If it is less formal, you may prefer to sit at a table with the other person involved. Make sure that there will be no interruptions from the telephone or other visitors, by giving instructions that no calls should be put through and using an "engaged" sign on the door. Remember that the interview will only be effective if both people can concentrate and feel at their ease. This is impossible with a constant stream of interruptions.
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Find out what you can about the person you are meeting This is essential before conducting an interview. Knowing what kind of person you are dealing with will make things much easier. It also shows that you have taken the trouble to find out something about his or her background, which in itself is a sign of courtesy.
Activation Your task in an interview is to activate the interviewee. This means making him/her communicate openly, freely and honestly. You can do this in at least two ways. Always try to be encouraging to the interviewee, who may feel nervous. It is up to you to put the interviewee at ease, to be able to relax and concentrate fully on the meeting. Remember that questions may be asked in two distinctly different ways. A closed question can only be answered in a very limited way, usually by "yes" or "no". This limits the response which the interviewee can give and may suggest the answer that is expected; neither of these will encourage a free and honest response. Open questions invite a range of responses. "Did you like my proposal to change the accounts procedures?" is a closed question, which can really only be answered by "yes" or "no". If you ask instead, "What did you think of my proposals?" you are giving the interviewee the chance to express his/her opinions freely (if tactfully!). You can practise turning closed questions into open ones yourself. You'll find that closed questions always start with a verb, like the example above.
Attention It is, of course, most important to make the interviewee feel that he/she is enjoying your attention. As we noted above, the skill of effective listening is often overlooked. We are so eager to think about what we are going to say next that we do not pay attention to what the other person is saying and sometimes we may interrupt before the point is complete. You should always make an effort to listen carefully, making sure that you understand what has been said and asking further questions to make quite sure if there is anything you do not understand. Non verbal communication can play a significant part here too. Our body language, particularly gestures and expressions, can show whether we are really listening to what is being said. You also need to ensure that your body language responses reinforce your verbal ones, not cancel them out or contradict them.
Structure Your preparation should include planning the content and order of the interview; the points you wish to make and the order in which you want to make them. There is no reason why you should not make clear to your interviewee, at the start of the meeting, what you want to cover, where the best place to start is and also ask whether there is anything further he/she would like to raise. It is a good idea to decide how much time you can afford to spend on each of the points you have listed. Arrange for a clock to be clearly visible and try to stick to your "time-table" unless important matters are being raised which you feel should be allowed to run their course.
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Summary As you complete each point on your list, summarise briefly what you have decided. Make clear what action is to be taken, if any and who is to do it. This is a very important exercise which takes little time but greatly increases efficiency: It is very easy to think that the other person is carrying out an important task, while all along they are thinking that you are doing it. Your final summary will bring together all the decisions you have made at the intermediate stages described above and conclude so that you both know exactly what is to happen, who will carry out what action and when you will meet again if necessary.
Action Before you start an interview, you should have a clear idea of what you want to achieve at it. Sometimes this will be fairly obvious, as in the case of a job interview. At other times it will be less clear. Decide what you think is reasonable to achieve in the time available and state this as an aim at the outset of the interview, when you talk about the points you wish to cover.
These are the key principles of good interviewing. Make sure that you learn the six key words, what they stand for and that you apply their principles whenever you have to conduct an interview. Opinions vary on the practice of note taking during an interview. Many people feel that taking a few quick notes helps them to remember what has been said, especially in a selection interview. Others feel that writing of any kind is out of place, as an interview is a spoken form of communication and writing things down interrupts the contact between the two people and may also make the other person feel uneasy. It is for you to decide what you feel is the better path here. If you feel that note taking during an interview is inappropriate, you should make full notes at the close of the meeting, while it is still fresh in your mind. The knowledge that you are going to do this will also help you to concentrate harder during the interview itself.
Types of Interview
Formal planned meetings between two or more people are a regular occurrence in business as a means of discussion, planning and decision taking. Here we are concerned with, essentially, one-to-one meetings, or meetings between one person and a small panel of interviewers. There are many types of interview but we shall be concentrating on just two here. These are situations which you are more than likely to encounter in most types of work. (a) Selection interviews These interviews are concerned with selecting the right person for a job. The general principles discussed above still hold true for this type of interview but there are a number of specific characteristics, which we shall explore. (i) Additional planning tasks There are certain tasks which have to be completed before the interview takes place; a long time before in some cases. These include the following. Preparation of a job description and person specification The job description tells you exactly what the person appointed will have to do. It will list the tasks, make clear to whom he /she will be responsible, and over whom they will have authority. It will also describe salary, conditions of employment and other necessary details, such as holidays, pension scheme etc.
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The person specification describes the essential and desirable knowledge, skills and other attributes required for performance of the job. These two documents form the basis of the interview, allowing the interviewer to attempt, by questioning, to determine whether or not the interviewee meets the specified criteria. Obtaining suitable candidates The vacant post needs to be advertised and interested candidates for the job will need to complete an application form or send in a CV. There will then be an initial selection process, known as shortlisting, to reduce the candidates to the number who will be called for interview. As far as possible, the aim will be to select for interview those candidates who appear, on the evidence of their application, to have the potential to do the job. (ii) General arrangement and conduct of the interview All the points made in the general section on conducting interviews are important in selection interviews. However, two initial points should be made: The aim of the interview is to enable the candidates to make the best possible case for themselves. They need to be relaxed and comfortable with the arrangements and conduct of the interview. This should start from the moment they arrive; giving them somewhere to wait and providing refreshments. This general aim should be carried on into the interview by making the questioning as encouraging as possible. A selection interview also gives the candidates an opportunity to assess the organisation, to see if they want to work there. The arrangements and conduct of the interview need, therefore, to make a good impression on the interviewees. Opportunities should be provided to enable the candidates to ask their own questions and find out about the exact nature of the job and the organisation. Ask open questions to obtain the fullest answers from your interviewee. Do all you can to put the candidate at ease. Begin by asking general, straightforward questions to establish trust before going on to more complex ones. Listen carefully and show the candidate that you are involved in what is being said. Always encourage the candidate to expand or develop points made and give time for him/her to ask about the job. Keep what you say to the minimum. Avoid lengthy, ill-defined questions. Remember that it is the candidate who should be doing the talking, not you. If a group of people is conducting the interview, make sure beforehand that they all have copies of the application forms and other relevant material. Divide the areas of questioning: for example, one can cover the education and family background; another, working experience; another, suitability for the present post. It is good practice to make notes which can be referred to later when making a decision, and also used for reference should there be anything raised about the conduct of the interview.
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The decision Once the interview is over, make sure that your thoughts and impressions are recorded in some way as soon as possible. If several interviewers took part, arrange a meeting with them to discuss the candidates. Finally, don't forget that the candidates will be anxious to know your decision! Let them know the result as soon as possible.
Appraisal interviews Appraisal interviews are held by many companies on a regular basis, typically every three months, six months, or twelve months. They provide employees with an opportunity to discuss, at frequent intervals, their progress within the company and their job performance. They are likely to cover the following topics. (i) Personal Assessment A good starting point for an appraisal is to ask the employee what he/she thinks of their progress, achievements, strengths and expectations. It is better not to ask employees to describe their weaknesses; the manager should do that, if applicable but in a positive way, showing how the company will help the employee to improve. (iii) Possible future steps The place of the employee within the company and possible development is another important area which must be discussed. Without this, employees will feel that no one takes an interest in what they are doing; morale, and consequently efficiency, will fall. (iv) Personal development This area will generally cover training, in particular the introduction of new procedures within departments. Appraisal interviews provide an opportunity for individual employees to discuss their aspirations and for managers to arrange necessary training. (v) Suggestions Appraisal interviews are not simply a one-way process and if you have to conduct any, take care to let workers put forward their own suggestions about improvements in the way tasks are carried out. When you are conducting an appraisal interview, you should make sure that it is as relaxed as possible. Do all you can to put the interviewee at ease and make clear that it is not simply a case of being given an "end of term report" on performance. If praise is due, give it, as this will be motivation. An appraisal interview is not the place for disciplinary action, or complaints about the standard of work of the individual. Such matters should be dealt with as and when they arise, so that any ineffectiveness can be quickly remedied, before it has a chance to grow and possibly to spread to other employees. In general, appraisal interviews should be seen as a chance to talk in an informal, friendly way about the past year (or so) at work and how its achievements can be built on by the individual and the manager to ensure a consistent development and growth in the future. Make sure that your conduct of the interview reflects these aims, so that the employee feels that management are genuinely interested in what he/she has done and how his/her career can be developed for everyones benefit.
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Planned meetings are an essential type of communication within a business and you must know how to organise and conduct them effectively. The main functions of meetings may be summarised as: allowing the exchange of information, views and opinions between members generating ideas or solutions to problems monitoring and evaluating performance or progress making policy and other decisions allowing participants to get to know each other better.
Meetings don't just happen; they have to be organised. This can be considered in three stages: (a) before the meeting the planning of what will happen at the meeting the conduct of business during the course of the meeting itself after the meeting wrapping up the proceedings by producing the record of the meeting and following up on the issues discussed and decisions made. Preparation for meetings Meetings have to be planned. Efficient undertaking of the necessary work prior to any meeting, whether it is for the AGM of a public company, or a work group, will invariably smooth the conduct of business at the meeting itself. The starting point is the preparation of an agenda. This is fundamental to any meeting as it sets out, in order, the business to be transacted. It provides, not only the statement of what the meeting will consider, its content but also defines its structure. However, prior to that, perhaps the first step is to determine if the meeting is really necessary. Many of us will have felt the frustration of spending two or three hours in a meeting where no progress has been made, or there was nothing of substance to discuss, or even where it was evident that decisions had already been taken elsewhere. Meetings are an expensive way of using staff time and effort, so they need to be cost-effective. So, if it is not a required meeting of a formal committee, its appropriateness or necessity should be questioned and alternatives considered for achieving the desired outcomes. When it has been decided that a meeting will take place, the secretary will notify all participants of the date, time, location of the meeting and the reason for it. A draft agenda may be sent at this stage and participants asked if they wish to suggest other appropriate topics that can be included on the agenda before it is finalised. The invitation should be sent by the secretary well in advance of the meeting, to give people time to prepare for it. The invitation can be by letter, although it is more common, now, to use email and to ask people to reply and confirm their attendance. Invited persons who will not be able to attend the meeting should give their apologies in writing. (b) The conduct of business The proceedings of a meeting may be considered a structured discussion. At the meeting itself, it is the chairperson who actually controls the meeting. This is the key role in any meeting, setting the tone and style of the meeting and generally ensuring that the business of the meeting is efficiently and effectively conducted. However, this role is not simply one of a passive, neutral referee of proceedings. It is a powerful
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position, giving the holder the ability to control what is discussed and how that discussion progresses. The other key role is that of the secretary. The secretary ensures the effective administration of the meeting, including all work before and after the proceedings and advising the meeting on the application of the rules of business. The secretary will have a close working relationship with the chairperson to ensure that the proceedings go smoothly and the desired outcomes are achieved. The secretary also informs participants about the meeting, preparing the agenda and writing the minutes; that is, taking notes of proceedings at the meeting itself. These minutes will become a matter of official record, so it is essential that they are taken accurately. (c) Work after meetings This breaks down into two areas: to prepare the record of the meeting and to ensure that decisions taken at the meeting are subsequently implemented. The secretary will type the formal minutes of proceedings and will pass them to the chairperson for approval. These minutes will provide a record of all essential information, particularly what decisions have been taken and a statement of who has to take what action. This official record of information can then be circulated to all participants and other stakeholders. It is important to remember that the information must reach all those who need to know about the meeting, either to make them aware or because action is required, rather than just those who were present. Finally, it is worth noting that the purpose of meetings is to help to get work done. It is sometimes tempting to think of them as talking shops which have no relevance after the event. However, if they are to have any meaning, the discussions and decisions must be followed up and put into effect. Meetings then become a key element in the decision making and operating processes of the organisation, rather than just a distraction.
The Agenda
The main purpose of the agenda is to set out, in order, the business to be transacted at the meeting. It should normally include the following elements: the date, time and place of the meeting apologies for absence provision for the reading of the minutes of any previous meeting matters arising from them (where the issues are not included as items elsewhere on the agenda) provision for the reporting and consideration of any correspondence received (where the issues are not covered by items elsewhere on the agenda) a subject heading for each item of business to be transacted, together with a brief explanatory comment, if necessary (often by reference to attached reports, correspondence, etc.) a final item of "any other business" to allow, at the discretion of the chairperson, discussion of any relevant issue which has arisen since the production of the agenda a final, final item to determine the date of the next meeting. Agendas may appear in a variety of formats. The example below, in the form of a letter, combines the notice of the meeting with the agenda and the agenda contains all the usual necessary elements.
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Figure 1: Agenda in Letter Format HAMSHIRE ASSOCIATION OF PARISH COUNCILS SALEM AREA COMMITTEE Chairman: Mr.J.Tobey Bragdale Farmhouse Bragdale Road Feversham LX53 8XY Tel: 01878 555555 7 February 20.. Dear Sir/Madam, The next meeting of the Salem Area Committee will be held on Monday March 2nd 20.., at 7.30 pm in the Council Chamber, Salem House, Settingly. The agenda and supporting papers are attached. If you have items for inclusion under "any other business", they should be with the Secretary no later than 5.00 pm on Friday 27 February. Yours sincerely, J. Pride Secretary AGENDA 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Apologies for absence. Minutes of the last meeting. Matters arising. Correspondence. Reports from representatives on: (a) Police Consultative Committee (b) Executive Committee Rural Lanes Survey see Report AB/123 attached Any other business. Date and topic for next meeting. Hon Sec.: Mrs J. Pride 16, High Street Lower Allwood Settingly LX95 7DY Tel: 01878 888888
6. 7. 8.
You should note the following points about this example: The headed paper clearly gives the contact number for the secretary, so that apologies for absence can be sent and discussion about items of urgent business can take place. The agenda has been circulated almost four weeks in advance of the meeting, giving participants plenty of time to familiarise themselves with it and the attached documentation.
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The date, time, and place of the meeting are clearly set out. Here, they are included in the letter which gives notice of the meeting. If the agenda was sent on its own, this would need to be included at the top of the agenda. Members are specifically reminded about considering "any other business" in advance of the meeting. The first four items are usually fixed for all regular meetings and generally appear in this order. Items 7 and 8 are also fixed. The items which form the variable subject matter of any meeting should include sufficient detail to enable members to understand the nature of each item.
The Minutes
Minutes are the factual record of the proceedings and resolutions of a meeting. They constitute a true and impartial record of the events. (a) The format of minutes The way in which the events at a meeting are recorded in the minutes is likely to vary between organisations. However, a number of general principles can be identified. The primary purpose of the minutes is to provide authorisation for actions to be taken. As such, the key element which must be recorded is the decisions taken at the meeting. This may be done by simply stating the motions passed by the meeting, using the exact words of the motions as voted on. For example: Resolved: That the Treasurer's Report (ref. FD.045) be adopted, subject to the assumed Government funding becoming available for development of the new site by the end of the financial year. There may have been lengthy, vigorous debate about the issue, which the minutes do not reveal. However, at the simplest level, the only important point is the final decision at which the meeting arrived. Whilst this is the essential element of minutes, it is often the case that they need to go further than this to accurately convey the events of a meeting. Indeed, this may be necessary since, in the event of a dispute as to what transpired or was agreed, the minutes may be cited as legal evidence. So, it is quite possible that the minutes will record all motions and amendments put to the meeting (with their proposers and seconders), together with brief details of the discussion and subsequent vote. It is also sometimes necessary to record details about the voting on particular motions, either as totals "for" and "against", with abstentions, or even the way individual members voted. Finally, in addition to decisions taken by the meeting, it is normal for the minutes to record events in respect of each item on the agenda, including: names of those members present, together with absences for which apologies were made at the time agreement about the minutes of the previous meeting(s), together with any changes made to them brief notes about items or issues introduced to the meeting but not specifically referred to on the agenda or in supporting papers, as in the case of reports or discussion about matters arising from the previous minutes, correspondence and any other business the start and finish times.
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Minute writing The production of clear and accurate minutes is an exercise requiring many of the communication skills we have considered previously. It is important to listen effectively and consistently, to take accurate notes and then to translate these into a coherent and comprehensible written statement. There are a number of points of good practice in minute writing. The essence of minutes is that they are a brief note i.e. a condensed statement of the proceedings of a meeting. As such, they are not the same as a report. They are designed to record the decisions taken, and that is all. On the other hand, they need to be sufficiently detailed and complete to convey what transpired at the meeting and to provide clear instructions and authorisations for action. The minutes should be positive, free from bias and ambiguity and capable of standing on their own. For example, resolutions should not merely say "resolved accordingly" or "resolved as agreed" but state precisely what the decision was, using the exact wording on which voting took place. Minute writing requires accurate, concise and objective language. They should be written in the third person i.e. using "he/she", "they", "them", etc. and in the past tense. It is important to emphasise the word "factual" in the definition above. Minutes must not express personal opinions or offer interpretations of what has been said. They should be a simple statement of fact. Thus, it would be wrong to write: "The Treasurer displayed such excellent persuasive skill in putting forward her argument that she took all the members with her." This should be expressed as: "There was unanimous agreement to accept the Treasurer's report." Minutes should be completed as soon as possible after the meeting. It is surprising how quickly your understanding of your own notes can fade and your memory of a certain discussion become cloudy. It is normal practice in many organisations for the accuracy of the minutes to be checked with the chairperson before circulation. The following example of an extract from the minutes of a meeting illustrates many of these points.
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Figure 2: Minutes of a Meeting SALEM PARISH COUNCIL GENERAL PURPOSES COMMITTEE Minutes of the meeting held on 9 January 20.., between 7.00 pm and 9.00 pm in the Assembly Room at Salem House. 1. Members present: Councillor Green (in the chair); Councillors Brown, Black, Cyan, Grey, Maroon, Purple, Red, Tan and White. Apologies were received from Councillor Jones. The minutes of the meeting held on 12 December 20.. were approved and signed as a true record. Pay rise. After a full discussion, it was proposed by Cllr Red and seconded by Cllr White that the opinions of all employees be sought by means of a questionnaire. An amendment that the questionnaire should also ask if employees would prefer a oneoff or staged arrangement was proposed by Cllr Cyan and seconded by Cllr Black. This was passed by six votes to three, and the motion that the questionnaire be produced and circulated was then passed unanimously.
2. 3. 4.
Procedure in Meetings
As we have seen, there are a number of specific roles within all meetings. At the meeting itself, it is the chairperson who actually controls the proceedings. This is the key role in any meeting, setting its tone and style and generally ensuring that the business of the meeting is efficiently and effectively conducted. The role of Chairperson can be summarised as: To ensure that the meeting is properly constituted and that there is a quorum (a minimum number of participants to allow the meeting to take place). To control the meeting in accordance with the standing orders and any other legal requirements that apply. To take the business in the order that it appears on the agenda, by opening the discussion and guiding the debate such that all those who wish to speak may do so. To allow people to speak with their permission and to limit the time spent on one speech or one topic, if required. To ascertain the sense of the meeting at the conclusion of the discussion on an item (by reaching common agreement or by voting on a specific motion) and to ensure that the decision reached is properly recorded.
In all these matters, the chairperson is assisted by the secretary to the meeting. In many meetings, the secretary is not a formal member of the body itself and therefore, has no voting rights or any formal role in discussions. However, his/her contribution is likely to be
Oral Communication
sought (or provided) on the issues involved in the agenda items and the implications of proposals and decisions. All members have a general responsibility to participate actively in the proceedings of the body. This requires commitment and careful preparation by all concerned so that each member is knowledgeable about the topics under discussion. It also means that each member has a responsibility to other members to allow contributions to be heard and to enable discussion to flow freely and positively. Thus, all participants must show respect for each other. To ensure that a meeting proceeds in an orderly fashion, there are a number of conventions or general rules of behaviour, which need to be followed, including: Acknowledging that the chairperson is in charge. Speaking through the chair waiting for the permission of chairperson to speak and always addressing remarks to the chairperson, not directly to other members (although this may not be so necessary in less formal, smaller meetings). Keeping to the point avoiding digression or pursuing one's own particular agenda to the detriment of the consideration of the items before the meeting. Not interrupting other speakers except for procedural reasons for example, to seek clarification through a "point of order" or to seek to give a "point of information".
Obviously, the degree of regulation of formal committee or board meetings is far in excess of that applying to most other types of meeting. However, the principles discussed here apply to all meetings. There will always be some formal or informal rules about what the meeting is competent either to discuss or to decide and how it should go about doing so. There will always be a chairperson whose role is to ensure the proper conduct of the meeting. There will also always be someone responsible for planning the meeting and recording the proceedings.
We shall examine these in detail later, but first we shall look at some of the key elements of making a presentation and the different demands of different types of presentation.
Oral Communication
Key presentational elements Consider this checklist when you plan the delivery of any presentation. Understanding the difference between written and spoken communications Oral communication skills (style, delivery, rapport) Using non-verbal techniques, e.g. body language Understanding your audience's requirements The ability to interact with an audience Preparation and planning Knowing your subject Presenting enough but not too much information/data Careful selection of information/data Summarising salient points Using appropriate visual aids Pace (not too fast or slow, but varied).
We shall be concerned, in the following parts of this section, with illustrating these skills and how you can make your presentations more effective by using them. (b) Types of presentation The size of the audience, the subject matter, time-scale or location will change from presentation to presentation and the purpose will vary enormously. To is understand this context, you need to ask yourself: What is the purpose? Who are the audience? How will it be judged? By whom? Are there any specific requirements/criteria which have to be met?
We can categorise the types of presentation you are most likely to have to make according to the audience and/or context. Thus we could identify the following types: to prospective employers at a job interview to senior managers to colleagues to actual and/or potential clients product launches, etc. at exhibition stands/trade fairs at in-house training/staff development events.
In each of these instances, the context will determine how you approach the planning, design and execution of your presentation. So, it will not always be appropriate to use audio-visual aids and sometimes you will be alone. At other times you may be part of a team of presenters. Note, too, that your status will vary in the different situations and this will affect how each audience perceives you. In every case where a presentation or speech allows questions from your audience, you have to be very well prepared to answer them. The chart that follows illustrates some of these variables.
Potential Audience/Size
Job interview
1 8.
Exhibition stand
Could be hundreds, but probably viewed in groups of 1 5 at a time. Representing your organisation. Need up-to-date product/service knowledge. Relevant; factual; most likely to be on sales or financial forecasts; accurate. Establish rapport with group. Must not patronise. Listen/accept ideas. Key factor: present benefits to clients. Requires planning and knowledge of their requirements. Key factors: avoid complacency/ over-familiarity. Present benefits.
Additional orders. New clients. Reduced orders. Retention of status. Promotion/demotion. Part of appraisal. Immediate feedback. Gelling of team New orders. No response. Negative response. Valuable market research. Increased/ decreased sales. Implementation of new processes/systems. Increased sales/ promotional activity.
Senior management
Potential clients
Actual clients
Staff development
Avoid superiority. Be concise and clear. Review presentation. Team-building skills. Teammembers skills. Co-ordinated approach. Know what you are talking about and who the audience are.
Oral Communication
Company conference
Invited speaker
Further requests.
Oral Communication
Oral Communication
In every case they are a medium for corporate strategy, objectives or ideas to be revealed, discussed and communicated. Figure 4: Purpose of Presentation Type of Presentation Product launch Informative Exhibition stand To senior managers To colleagues "Pitch" to potential clients Purpose
Communicate to external market; generate sales. Teaching; Raising awareness of issues (e.g.: health & safety; social issues; planning & development; etc) Raise awareness; communicate to external market; generate sales. Generate support for an idea/proposal; test market for an idea; establish presenter as the expert. Share ideas/proposals; establish team hierarchy. Communicate corporate ethos and attitudes to external market with the objective of making future sales.
Political sensitivity Presenters need to be aware of the potential impact of the content of their speech. Some issues are politically sensitive in the largest sense (e.g. AIDS, nuclear waste, closing hospitals or schools). In other instances there could be internal politics to be considered (e.g. reallocating workloads from one department to another). Presentations on topics like these are often the hardest to do successfully. Sensitive issues need sensitive handling, so that no-one is offended. That takes great skill.
Personal commitment If you have no interest in the planning, none in the writing or presenting of the material, the presentation will fail. However, if you have too much commitment to the subject matter you may be unable to see potential pitfalls or problems and may also come across as biased, overzealous or "preaching". Too much personal involvement can also result in an excess of nerves and overplanning which destroys the impact of the presentation. Your commitment should be to extensive and relevant preparation and professional delivery that takes your audience with you.
Personal communication skills It is of the greatest importance to establish a rapport with your audience. Obviously, you can't retain eye contact with a hundred people but you can make sure that your physical appearance, body language and style of presentation contribute to, rather than detract from, what you are trying to communicate. The following tips may come in useful: Wear clothes which are smart (and clean) in which you feel comfortable. Avoid being fussily dressed or too formal. Your speech, not your clothes, is what the audience should focus on.
Oral Communication
Try to control your mannerisms and the general nervous "tics" which we all have fiddling with pens, scratching, etc. Use the space you have available to you; move around it, so the audience have to follow you and stay attentive. Look directly at your audience, not at your notes, the floor or the ceiling. This is actually easier with a large audience. As before, if you are not comfortable looking people in the eye, look at the space between their eyebrows. This gives the appearance that you are looking directly at them.
Polish This is the most difficult element to achieve; it rarely comes naturally and is usually a result of practice, rehearsal and experience. A truly polished presenter can be professional yet sincere and friendly at the same time. Even if you have to give the same information to a variety of audiences, vary your presentation. Remember to present the identified benefits to each particular audience. Involve them in your speech. Avoid clumsy phrasing, jargon or rambling. It's worth looking at news bulletins to see how professional presenters use their material and respond to the unexpected. Live shows are an even greater test of presenters and reflect polish to varying degrees.
The organisers of the event should be able to give you answers to most of these questions. Whilst the needs of the audience should not be allowed to prevent you achieving your overall aims, they will almost certainly influence the specific objectives and the way in which you will deliver the presentation. Finally, it is useful to put yourself in the audience's shoes. Once you have some sort of profile of the possible audience, think about it from their point of view. What will they be looking for and what will grab their attention? Make sure that the tone, style, speed and vocabulary of your speech all contribute to its effectiveness.
Subject Knowledge
In oral communication generally, it is essential to "know your stuff ". You can't look it up as you go along. This means that you have to thoroughly research the topic and gather as much information as possible about it. Whilst you obviously need to focus on information that is directly relevant to your objectives, it is good to get as wide a perspective about the subject as possible. This will help you to deal with additional issues or questions, which your audience might raise. Make sure that your information is up-to-date.
Oral Communication
To a large extent, this is the same as any information gathering exercise. However, there are certain aspects which are of particular relevance to presentations, as opposed to other forms of communication. Exemplification It is always helpful to illustrate the points you make by providing examples but during presentations, examples provide a welcome opportunity to add life and colour to what may be a dull subject. Any exemplification needs to be accurate, relevant and memorable. You can use slides, PowerPoint, drawings or other visual aids to create impact. Anecdotes, short stories about real incidents, are helpful in illustrating a practical application of a theory. Putting a humorous slant on them can be very effective in adding life and colour to the presentation. Depending on the type of presentation, it may also be appropriate to involve the audience in some way, by getting them to contribute information or examples from their own experience. You need to be very clear about the type of information you want them to contribute and how you will use it. (We shall return to the issue of getting audience input and participation below.) Exercises If your presentation deals with skills development, it is likely that you will want to include some practical work for the participants in the session. For example, when introducing a new accounting system, it would be important to give the audience some practical experience in trying out the procedures. Any such exercises need to be carefully worked out in advance. They should be relatively simple so that participants can understand what is involved straightaway and you, as the presenter, can easily explain what is required. Participants who complete these tasks successfully will feel motivated and positive about you. Structuring your material If you have done your research thoroughly, you will undoubtedly have far too much material to include in the presentation itself. You need, then, to organise that material: determining what should be used, so that you are able to cover all the objectives in the time available structuring the session and the material so that the audience can be effectively led through it in a way which enables them to meet the stated objectives.
Oral Communication
This concentrates attention on those key elements which must be included; those that are central to meeting the objectives and will, therefore, form the core of the presentation. Anything else is supplementary to the main points and may be divided into those elements which should or could be included: Material that should be included will support your main points; important material but not essential and could be omitted without detracting from the exposition, if there is not sufficient time Material that could be included is that which extends your central material into further areas, not central to the main theme of the presentation. If there were unlimited time, it would be good to include and it would add to the amount of relevant information. However, the objectives can be met without it.
The point of this exercise is to focus on the core. It is this core, not the supplementary material, which needs to be organised to give the structure to the presentation and this is far easier when you have stripped the content down to the essentials. It is important not to let detail get in the way of the overall structure. It is better to have a well rounded argument, based around the core points of a presentation, than to try to include too much of the supporting detail. In doing this, you need to think carefully about the order in which you wish to present your points. The aim is to develop the presentation in a logical fashion, starting from the basics and developing complexity as you work through it. Make sure that your speech has a clear introduction, a detailed body and a memorable conclusion. This helps to make your arguments persuasive. Structuring the presentation to work, step-by-step, through your subject also helps to divide the session into a number of "chunks" and provides natural break points. These allow both you and your audience, periodically, to take stock of progress through the subject and make it easier for you to keep track of where you are. Making and using notes Very few speakers are able to remember everything they need to say at the time. You will need, therefore, to have some notes to help you remember all your points and to guide you through them in the correct order during the presentation. When we say "notes", we mean notes, not a full script for the presentation. There may be a temptation to write it all out but this will only encourage you to read the words out to your audience, rather than speak to them. It is best to use cue cards, rather than sheaves of paper. These are small cards which simply state the key points to be covered, the main and sub headings. If you are well-prepared you will not need any more detail on the cards. They have the advantage of being small and easily handled, they do not rustle if you are nervous and can be easily bound together to keep them in order. The words on the cue cards need to written clearly and boldly so that they can be easily read while you are standing up and speaking. They can be numbered, or written in different colours to help identify, clearly, the different elements and stages of your presentation.
Non-verbal Communication
Body language is very important in delivering presentations, as this conditions the rapport you establish with the audience. You need to adopt an open stance and a style which engages with the audience, rather than distancing you from them. You also need to be as natural as possible in your speaking tone.
Oral Communication
If you are the sort of person who would naturally use your hands as you express yourself, feel free to do so but avoid over expansive gestures, as this will detract from what you are saying. It is important to maintain eye contact with the audience as a whole. This helps to show interest in and engagement with your audience. Let your eyes move over the audience and avoid fixing your gaze on one particular individual. This is where you will see the importance of using only cue cards rather than a full script. You will be able to glance at your notes without losing the impact of eye contact. Eye contact is also important because you should be watching for feedback from the audience all the time and assessing people's level of concentration. Try to vary the intensity of your delivery to take into account the need for individuals to refocus. In using any visual aids, it is important to remember that you need to maintain contact with your audience. Do not turn your back for too long and never speak without turning to face the front.
The final point to consider in the delivery of a presentation is the way in which you interact with the audience. Oral communication is essentially a two way process so, although you will be doing a lot of one way presenting of information, do not lose track of the need for some participation. At the least, you need to consider how you deal with questions. There are, basically, two alternatives: Leave them until the end, when you can set some time aside for them. This provides you with more control over the running of the session but can reduce the audience's involvement. Take questions as you go along. This has the advantage of resolving any issues as they arise, but may throw your timing out or disrupt the order in which you planned to deal with topics. A minor point may be expanded into something major if you allow too much time to be spent on it. This method allows for a higher degree of audience involvement and works best with smaller, less formal groups. However, even in larger, formal presentations, it is best to allow some degree of questioning on points as they arise; do not be afraid, though, to cut the discussion short and defer consideration of particular points to a later stage, or the end, of the presentation.
Whichever method you use, you need to keep control over it. When giving a presentation, it will proceed according to the rules you set. That gives you every possible opportunity of making it successful.
Oral Communication
The receptionist should welcome visitors by: Being smartly dressed Being well groomed Making eye contact with them Smiling Asking how he/she can help Dealing with them courteously and efficiently Concentrating on them Keeping them informed if they are kept waiting for any length of time.
A receptionist who is slow, doesnt smile, is distracted by other things, or seems to be not particularly interested, will create a strong negative impression both of him/herself and the company. Visitors will feel that they are not valued. Clients who feel unwelcome are unlikely to give that company their custom. On the telephone, the same rules apply as for receiving any phone call, described above. The receptionist is the voice of the company and those skills are particularly important for the person who fulfils this role.
We have written a lot about the skills we need to be effective oral communicators but there are two sides to a conversation: speaking and listening. Listening is an essential part of communication. It is the other "end" of the communication process to speaking and the process needs both ends to be working for the whole communication to be effective. However, we often pay little attention to the need to develop our skills in listening. Listening is not hearing. Hearing is what might happen when you have the radio playing in the background, or when there is a noise outside. Listening is an active rather than a passive function. This means engaging your mind, concentrating and being active in seeking information from the speaker and then organising, interpreting and storing it. Developing your listening skills puts you in a better position to obtain the necessary and relevant information in business situations. It also helps you avoid time wasting by asking unnecessary questions and shows interest and understanding to the speaker. Combining these benefits will help you to maintain good relations with both internal colleagues and external contacts. This is particularly important when a customer is trying to air grievances.
Problems in Listening
When you hear what another person is saying but you dont take it in because you are not interested, or because you are distracted by something else, that is called passive listening. Poor listening invariably results in misunderstanding. The reverse of this, means that good listening must promote understanding. We need, therefore, to identify what causes poor listening. The major problem in listening is not paying sufficient attention. Everyone is capable, consciously or otherwise, of "switching off". You can think four times faster than you can speak, so as a listener you have time to allow your mind to wander. It has been estimated by some researchers that as much as 80% of a message can be lost during a formal presentation. The causes of inattention include several that are external to the listener:
Oral Communication
The presentation by the speaker seems to you to be dull or irrelevant. The information being presented uses language which you cannot fully follow e.g. it is too technical. Information overload; there is simply too much information to take in. Distractions/noise disrupting the communication process from the outside.
To some extent these problems are beyond the control of the listener, although we could always say that they show a need to concentrate harder. However, there are some problems which are under our control, arising from the state of mind of the listener. Many breakdowns in communication occur because people do not listen to what is actually said. Rather, a process known as filtering or filtering out occurs where we hear what we want or expected to hear. This is also called selective hearing. Prejudices or fixed ideas about things may intrude. If you are listening to something with which you disagree, you may react by pretending to listen but may tune out of the communication and become angry and distracted from the message. Also, going into a conference with the preconceived idea that the speaker will be boring or predictable is not likely to promote careful listening to his/her message. Lack of time. If you are in a hurry or under pressure, your ability to listen and understand a message "first time around" will be affected. Emotions and having "other things on your mind". An anxious, excited or distracted person cannot usually concentrate effectively.
Oral Communication
Listen for feelings and emotions on the part of the speaker; this helps in understanding the speaker's point of view. As well as listening to what is actually said, you also need to pay attention to what is not said and to observing non-verbal signals. These all provide clues about the speaker's attitudes, etc. Shut out your own emotional response to the message, if that seems to be interfering with understanding. You need to be open minded and guard against prejudice and stereotyping. Take notes where possible. This combines the benefits of oral and written communication. Be positive in your responses. This involves looking to advance the communication rather than stalling it by disagreement. In dealing with complaints, it is particularly important not to argue and instead, to look for solutions. Provide feedback to the speaker. This can be done either by verbal responses or through body language and has a number of effects. (i) Asking questions allows you to check or develop your understanding or seek clarification, as well as letting the speaker know that you are concentrating on, or at least attempting to follow, his/her remarks. Summarising your understanding at what seem to be key points or breaks in the communication, perhaps by paraphrasing the message, as understood in your own words, allows you to check that understanding as well as providing the opportunity for the speaker to correct misunderstandings. Using appropriate body language to provide a stream of positive signals back to the speaker. This shows, continuously, that you are being attentive and empathetic with the speaker. The techniques include making eye contact, nodding your head in agreement or using paralinguistics, such as "mm-hmm", etc
Body Language Gestures and Facial Expressions Head and Face Signals Contact Proximity Orientation Posture Movement During Speech Punctuality Dress and Personal Grooming
Physical Objects
Non-Verbal Communication
By non-verbal communication we mean the process of communication without using words. There are three main aspects to this. Body language. This is by far the most important and complex. It refers to all the signals that we give to others, often without realising, by our gestures, expression and movements and by our dress and personal grooming. Signs, symbols and logos. Physical objects.
It has been said that people can make up to twenty judgements about other people in the first ten seconds after meeting them. If this is even partly true, they are making many of those judgements based on how other people appear, not what they say. This is why the control of our body language is so important. Body language is used as a support for face to face oral communication. When you speak with someone whom you can see, it is impossible to avoid using body language. Sometimes we are aware of the signals that we are sending but many signals are given unconsciously. There are times when your body language will contradict your words: for example, you might tell someone that you are interested but if you are fidgeting, it will show that you are in fact uncomfortable. In this sort of situation it is your body language people will believe, rather than your words. So, it is vital to understand the signals that you, or others, are conveying. Most of the signals that we send with our bodies have consistent messages and we should be particularly careful to control those that have negative implications.
Non-Verbal Communication
being said. If you nod, it usually signals agreement with the speaker, whereas shaking the head suggests disagreement. (b) Facial expression This is another obvious sign of feeling and one which is very hard to control. The eyes and the mouth are of particular importance. Smiles reveal pleasure, friendliness, agreement and warmth. Frowns may suggest disagreement but also concentration or deep thought. Eye contact suggests honesty, sincerity, confidence and focus on the message. An inability to make eye contact suggests boredom, lack of confidence or insincerity.
Try to develop the habit of using positive signs in an unobtrusive way to indicate that you are interested in and understand what is being said. It will give the speaker confidence and help him/her to express ideas fully and freely. If you use eye contact, do not stare, as that is rude and can be intimidating. When you are talking to a group of people, make sure that your eyes travel across the room, so that you can look at each person in turn. Arrange the room so that you can maintain eye contact with everyone who is there. Without this, people quickly become bored, as they feel isolated and left out.
The amount of bodily contact between people tells us a lot about their relationship. A good, firm handshake can signal the beginning and end of a meeting and also signify trust and good faith between the two people involved. The form and strength of such contact can also be taken to indicate confidence or weakness. People are often judged by their handshake, even before they speak. Approach other forms of contact with caution. While some people will respond to a pat on the arm or slap on the back, others may find it intrusive or even offensive, even though you intend it as a sign of friendship. This is not the place to explore all the possible cultural differences that surround the interpretation of contact but be aware of what is acceptable and what is not acceptable, in the place where you in. Different cultures have different values and a hug, for example, which might be used in some cultures to offer support, or to say a warm thank you, may in another culture give offence. Be careful.
Proxemics is the study of how people use space and movement. For example, by going to the top of the table or the highest seat you can indicate to others that you feel superior to them. Similarly, how people use your and their personal space, moving closer to people they like and away from people they dislike, is also a strong body language signal. People need to have their own personal space. This is a zone in which they feel secure and is known as the comfort zone. We all have comfort zones and we feel it disturbing or even threatening if someone else intrudes into it by approaching too closely. However, everyone has different limits and your comfort zone will vary depending on the circumstances. You will allow family members closer than you will allow business colleagues. Those whom you dislike, you will not allow to come close to you. By breaching someone's personal space you can intimidate them and be perceived as overbearing and insensitive. However, one acceptable move into someone's space is getting up from your chair to shake someone's hand, which is seen as a sign of respect. Again, be alert to other peoples feelings.
Non-Verbal Communication
Proximity to others can have important consequences for the arrangement of seating and the layout of rooms, where people are going to interact, such as in meetings.
By this we mean the direction in which your body is facing. If you face the person who is speaking to you, you give the impression that you are listening to him/her. On the other hand, if you face away, then it looks as if you have no real interest in them. Be aware of important signs like this when conducting oral exchanges. If someone gets up and walks over to the window during a conversation, it may suggest that they are bored, or perhaps upset. Look for such responses throughout oral exchanges and be aware of your own orientation, too. Face your audience.
This is one of the clearest signs of a person's feelings or response. If you sit forward and look at the speaker, you are showing involvement and active interest. By contrast, if you sit back looking at the floor, you are indicating boredom. A person sitting with folded arms is probably being defensive, resisting any new ideas; someone leaning back comfortably, with hands on the back of the head, seems to be thinking in a free, relaxed way, which shows trust in the other people present. A person who stands straight is probably confident, whereas one who walks looking down is not. But not every posture will mean the same thing in all circumstances. Sitting on the edge of a seat, for example, can show either interest or nervousness. It is up to you to judge and interpret the meaning by looking at other signs as well.
The time at which you arrive for an appointment will send signals about your attitude. Lateness can show either disorganisation, or it may be deliberate, because you are really communicating that you regard the other person as a fairly low priority in your day's work. This is also true if someone else arrives for an appointment with you and you keep that person waiting.
Non-Verbal Communication
In an office, if you wear smart, clean clothes and shoes and in general abide by the dress code, you will make it clear that you value the company and the people you are meeting, because you have done them the courtesy of taking trouble about your appearance. Conversely, wearing dirty or untidy clothes will suggest that you do not care much about either the other people or their values. It may also suggest that you are not efficient, since an onlooker might think that, if you take so little care over your personal appearance, you may be similarly careless about your work and your customers. The advice in this manual is aimed at students who are likely to work in offices. However, do note that there are important exceptions to the statements made in the previous three paragraphs. People who are engaged in dirty jobs, e.g. .mechanics or plumbers or painters, will wear clothing that is appropriate to the job they are doing. Their clothes have to be practical rather than smart. People are always more willing to deal with a person who is smart, than a person who is scruffy. But people will make judgements about you based on other aspects of your appearance, too. For instance: Is your hair neat and tidy, or is it unwashed and uncombed? Are your fingernails clean or dirty, cared for or bitten? How much makeup are you wearing and how well have you applied it? How much jewellery are you wearing and of what type?
Since there are many different attitudes towards makeup and jewellery, you will have to judge for yourself what is appropriate for each situation, e.g. for going to work, or attending an interview, or meeting an important client for the first time. There are very few absolute rights and wrongs but as a general rule, it is better to be understated than overstated. After all, the most important aspect of communication is you, yourself. Other people should not be distracted from you and your message because you are wearing too much makeup or jewellery.
Non-Verbal Communication
Signs contain symbols to make their message clear and universal. Symbols are shortcuts, that allow a message, which in words might be quite long, to be passed with no words at all. For example, a skull above crossed bones on the outside of a container indicates that the contents are poisonous. Symbols themselves can be used anywhere, for example in an email or a text message. This symbol () shows happiness. On the taskbar of your computer is a row of icons, which are of course symbols; they tell you more easily than words can, what commands they control. International currencies are defined by symbols, e.g. GBP or $US or , make the currency immediately identifiable. It is a short step from a symbol to a logo. A logo is a special symbol which identifies a company or a product. This is of great value to international brands, where the logo transcends barriers of language. Major international brands, such as McDonalds, Coca-Cola and Nike all have instantly recognisable logos. Indeed, some may argue that a good choice of logo is part of the reason for their success. But even small companies are likely to use a logo to identify themselves. The power of a visual message is very strong.
Physical objects can send signals to other people about the wealth, status and power of an individual or a company. They are a key part of business communication. Such objects can range from the type of pen that a person uses, to the size, design and location of a companys head office. They can also include the clothes and accessories that one wears, such as a bag or a wristwatch. The manager who sits in a top quality chair behind a large desk in a spacious room is sending signals about status and power without having to do anything else. Indeed, even when the room is empty, its size and location send a message about the person who uses it. A top floor location with an open view suggests power, whereas a room on the ground floor looking out at a wall suggests that the person who uses the room is low in the organisational hierarchy. A company with a large, modern office in the centre of the capital city is regarded as being more powerful than a company whose main office is in a small building in a back street. Big companies use their location as a means of advertising their influence. Cars and houses are often purchased because they are status symbols. The way a room is furnished, for example the choice of ornaments and pictures, also sends messages. Just as we make instant judgements about people from their appearance, so we make judgements based on the physical objects that relate to people. Be alert to this and also to how you can use physical objects to help create the impression on others that you want to create. The characteristics of the physical environment within which interpersonal communications take place can also have a significant impact on the way in which the encounter proceeds. In simple terms, the design and layout of the room and its contents can either help the communication process or hinder it. If you set out a meeting room as a series of separate tables and chairs, with a single desk at the front facing the others, you will create the impression of a very formal setting in which one person i.e. the person at the desk dominates the meeting, rather like a school classroom. If you arrange the chairs around a single large table, you will suggest a coming together of equals making the atmosphere more relaxed, so that the meeting will proceed in a far more effective manner. In offices, it is often the case that managers will sit in a large chair behind a desk. People who enter this type of office have to sit on a lower chair opposite the desk, thus creating a
Non-Verbal Communication
barrier and signalling the difference in status and authority. It is likely also to suggest a level of formality that is expected from the visitor. In office situations people sometimes place objects or furniture to create a barrier or to lay claim to their personal space.
Non-Verbal Communication
Barriers Caused by Sender and Recipient Distortion Inadequate Communication Skills Faulty Equipment Wrong Time or Place Insufficient Adjustment Period Physical Barriers Psychological Noise
Overcoming the Barriers Define the Purpose Know When and How to Communicate Understanding the Receiver Personal Communication Skills Conclusion
Barriers to Communication
A barrier to communication is anything that can cause communication to be unsuccessful. Any system which involves the exchange of information, especially complex information exchanged over long distances, has to overcome many potential barriers. They do not all exist in every communication but there can be no communication that does not contain a potential barrier. It is the job of both the sender and receiver to be aware of all that can go wrong and to take steps to ensure that these barriers are overcome. The barriers may be divided into two kinds: Those which are found within the sender and/or the recipient and which result in part from a difference in attitude or experience between them. Those which result from outside influences in the communication process.
Distortion is a process which occurs either at the stage of encoding or decoding the message. It comes about when the information is put into a form which the recipient cannot fully understand. We all believe that language is shared by everyone and that we all use the same words to express ideas but this is often far from true. Sometimes we succeed, quite unintentionally, in offending another person by saying something which was "taken the wrong way" or interpreted as an insult instead of a compliment. Distortion can also occur by using body language which is wrongly interpreted by the other person. Distortion in communication will lead to incorrect understanding of the message, or only partial comprehension of its meaning, by the recipient. (a) Distortion by the Sender Where the distortion arises at the encoding stage, the sender is responsible. Lack of clarity is by far the most likely source of the problem, since every effort must be made to frame the message in a way the receiver can understand. On a very basic level, the sender must speak clearly or have easily readable handwriting. The sender must be aware of the audience and frame the message in a way that suits them. For example, using inappropriate language such as jargon terms to a non specialist audience will confuse them, because they do not understand these terms. If the receiver is not willing to ask for an explanation (perhaps due to shyness or embarrassment) the message will not be passed properly. Another cause of distortion is information overload. This can occur if the recipient of the message receives too much information all at once. The sender should communicate the key points of the message, otherwise there will be too much to remember and much of the message will be forgotten. (b) Distortion by the Receiver Distortion at the decoding stage may arise where the recipient is not paying enough attention or interprets the message in a way which the sender could not have
Barriers to Communication
anticipated. This is due to poor listening skills or poor reading skills. In such cases, the failure of the communication is the responsibility of the receiver. The receiver must listen actively to a spoken message and always ask for clarification if unsure about anything. If the message is written and the language is clear, the receiver should read it two or three times, if necessary, until she/he is certain that the message is fully understood.
Faulty Equipment
Both the sender and receiver need to make sure that all equipment they use is functioning properly. For example, if a mobile phone runs out of power, or a fax machine runs out of ink, a message cannot be passed properly. This is obviously not a potential barrier for face to face communication. To avoid this happening, check the equipment regularly and top up anything that is running low.
Barriers to Communication
For a message to be effective, its delivery and reception must be at a time and in a place that is suitable to both parties. If necessary, make an appointment, then, the receiver will be prepared to speak with you, rather than being taken by surprise.
Physical Barriers
Some of these have been discussed in Chapter Four. Any object which comes between a sender and a receiver is a physical barrier. For example, the person who sits behind a big desk is deliberately creating a barrier to communication. It will affect the other party, who may become less confident. If the person comes out from behind the desk, the atmosphere will immediately become less formal, more relaxed. Other barriers include partitions that separate working areas. Some people use their computer screens, or stacks of paperwork, or a newspaper, as a barrier. They hide behind these, often because they do not want to be disturbed and this makes good communication more difficult.
Psychological Noise
This is probably the most important barrier of all. Psychological noise is not real noise. The term refers to the ways in which we allow our personal feelings and attitudes to affect our judgement and our interpretation of a message. There are many ways in which psychological noise can distort communication. They include: Perceptual Bias This occurs where the recipient has "selective hearing" and selects what they want to hear. This can result in the wrong message being received. For example, smokers may see the warning message on cigarette packets but the message may not be transmitted because a barrier is created which enables smokers to select only favourable messages about smoking and to tune out messages they do not like. The word bias means that you lean towards one side or the other; bias prevents people from making an objective judgement. Unclarified Assumptions This term describes a situation in which one or more of the people who are communicating believe something to be true, which they have not checked. It can also be called Preconceptions. For example, if your manager approaches you with a stern face, you may assume that you have done something wrong. That may not be the case; your manager may be thinking of another issue entirely. Unclarified assumptions lead to mistakes and wrong decisions. Stereotyping This is a type of unclarified assumption. It describes an attitude towards other people that implies all people of that type behave in the same way. Stereotyping makes
Barriers to Communication
assumptions about the personalities; the likes and dislikes, the behaviour, of a whole group of people, without ever taking the trouble to discover what an individual person is like. An example of stereotyping might be: Everyone from that part of the country is stupid. Stereotyping is nearly always negative. Inevitably, the stereotyping of individuals because of the group that you think they belong to, can prevent you finding out what they are really like as people. It can cause great offence to them and it will almost certainly cause serious damage to your relationships. Prejudice This is the most extreme form of psychological noise and the most unacceptable. Prejudice refers to a strong hostile attitude that a person holds towards another group of people who are different in some way. This may be because they are of a different gender, age, tribe, race, nation, culture, religion or even because they support a different team. There are many reasons for prejudice and they are all damaging to communication. Prejudice will cause you not to pay proper attention to the message because you are too involved, emotionally, with your prejudice against the person who is delivering the message. People who allow prejudices into their minds will always find major barriers to successful communication. All aspects of psychological noise can be overcome by having an open mind before you begin communication and by focusing on the message, not the messenger.
Barriers to Communication
People in business, from shoppers to senior managers, rarely have time to waste on nonessential matters. As a result, it pays to make sure that you know exactly how much you need to convey in your communication. Knowing what not to say is almost as important as knowing what to say, so cut out all material which is not central to your intentions. This is really another way of saying that you must define your purpose clearly and exactly.
These are the kind of questions you need to ask yourself when thinking about beginning the communication process.
Barriers to Communication
You need to consider the best way of achieving that desired response by using language appropriate to the purpose, as well as to the recipient's own vocabulary, background and attitudes. Accuracy and precision in the message are important if it is to be decoded correctly. Successful communication occurs when the barriers of prejudice, bias and unsuitable language are avoided and the information is transmitted using the most appropriate channel, in line with the needs of the message and the recipient. Avoid jargon or technical words that may not be understood and try to avoid ambiguity. Put yourself in the place of the recipient and ask whether you would respond in the way you want if you were faced with the communication you plan to send. This is always a good exercise to perform before sending off a written communication, or before adopting a particular approach in oral communicating. A good relationship between the sender and the receiver helps to make business communication effective. The receiver needs to feel comfortable with the message, to trust in it and therefore, in the sender. An understanding of an audience's needs should mean that you are both able to have the same "mental picture" of the subject of the communication.
Following these rules will not guarantee perfect communication on every occasion. There will be times when external "noise" and internal "distortion" will still create barriers and times when disagreement or even failure is the outcome of attempts to communicate. However, if you strive to follow these rules on all occasions, you will find that communicating becomes far more effective as you learn to consider the other person's point of view and assess the real purpose of what you are trying to achieve.
Barriers to Communication
Worked Example Sample Question Model Answer How to reach the Model Answer
The ability to summarise a range of business documents is an important skill to master. Its purpose is to bring together the key points of a longer piece of writing and to present them in a coherent way. A summary is always done for a particular purpose and has a particular audience in mind. For example, you may be required to summarise a company report, to help stakeholders better understand the companys performance. You may be asked to prepare the key points of a long message so that your manager can take quick action on it. The task may be to create an advertisement to sell a product or service. In this case you will have to include all the essential information and also present it in a persuasive manner. Summarising has two main aspects. Selecting relevant information and rejecting irrelevant information. Presenting the selected information in a way that is fit for purpose.
In the examination, you also have a word limit which you must not exceed. Summarising should not be a difficult skill to master. You use the skill of summarising virtually every day of your life. When you go shopping and later tell a friend about it, you always summarise. In only a few minutes, you will describe events that in reality took one or two hours. You leave out information that is not important because you know that to tell everything exactly as it happened, omitting no detail, however trivial, will be extremely dull for your friend. For example, you might have gone to buy new shoes. You visited five shops before you found a pair that you liked. From leaving home to returning home, you were out for three hours but your description of what happened might take only a few seconds. It could be as brief as I bought new shoes today. You might include a little more detail I bought these shoes today. I was in five shops and tried on about twenty different pairs before I found them. I think some of the assistants were getting a bit impatient with me. Even though this is more detailed, it still leaves out almost everything that happened. You have chosen the important information only. All of us know how to summarise, selecting the key points, leaving out what is not important, and trying to keep our story interesting. We do this instinctively. The differences in an examination, unlike a shopping trip, are firstly that we are faced with information that is unfamiliar to us and secondly that we have to present the summary in writing. This, of course, is exactly what would happen in an office. There are a number of different ways in which we can tackle the task of summarising. The advice offered here is only one possible way to approach it. If your teachers show you other techniques, try them and then choose the one that works best for you.
You cannot begin to undertake the summary itself before you have grasped the meaning and intention of the passage. Put simply, you cannot recount an event if you do not know what happened. Even as you are reading, have your pen or pencil ready to make marks on the question paper. This is perfectly acceptable and it will help you because you can mark those points that you think are most important and put a line through those words, phrases and even whole sentences that are not needed in your summary. Remember that in every passage, there are always going to be irrelevant or unimportant pieces of information, which should be left out of your final summary. As you read, you will be judging whether a piece of information is important enough to be included in your summary, or not. The process of reading, then, is also a process of filtering. You will read the passage to understand it, then you will read it again and again, to filter the information. Each time you read the passage, you should be able to cross out more of the less important information. So, after a few readings of the passage, you might have reduced the original to half of its length, or even less. When you are satisfied that there is nothing left that you want to cross out, read what remains to see if it is coherent. In other words, see if it makes good sense and if the ideas flow in a logical way. By now you will know the passage well. You will have gained an awareness of what the original passage was about, so it will be easy to see if you have accidentally crossed out something important. When you are satisfied that all the key points remain and only the key points remain, it is time to start writing your summary in your answer book. Write your answer, sentence by sentence, thinking all the time you are writing about your vocabulary and about the content of the sentence. Often, one sentence in your answer will combine two or more sentences in the original passage, so you must ensure that it flows well. Then check the sentence once you have finished writing it. This will help you to find and correct mistakes and will also help you obtain a smooth flow as you move into your next sentence. If you check your answer only once, after you have finished it, you are less likely to spot mistakes and you will not be able to correct them.
So, a summary that is too short will cost you marks and a summary that is too long will also cost you marks. You will be penalised for writing too much. If you do not write enough, you will penalise yourself. The only way to prepare for the task of summarising is to practise doing it. With practice, you will become more skilled and it will be easier and quicker to choose the right information and present it in a clear and fluent way.
There now follows a detailed example of the approach described above, which will show you, stage by stage, how a long passage is reduced to its required length. The working is in several stages so that you can easily follow the way in which the technique works. Study it carefully and take your time reading it, so that you understand it. The working is shown in six separate stages, for convenience. In the exam itself you will make the deletions on the exam paper; you will not write out the passage at each stage. You are advised to cross out words neatly, so that the words which remain are always obvious. This is the question we have to answer:
Sample Question
It is the year 2025. The following report on your companys trading performance has been written for your chairman (who founded the company in 2020) by someone in the Accounts Department. But the chairman has just handed it to you (you are his personal secretary) with the instruction: This is too long. Summarise it for me no more than 250 words, please. Dont include obvious stuff that I already know, and dont include anything that refers to more than two years ago. Use headings & bullet points if you want. Just make sure its clear, and try to make the language a bit simpler. Summarise this report as he has requested.
Tonel Corporation (UK) Full Report for the Financial Year 2024-2025
1) Between 1 September 2024 and 31 August 2025, the Tonel Corporations financial year, we continued to build on the successes of previous years and made good progress in spite of trading conditions which were at times difficult, even challenging. We broke the million pound barrier for the first time, and that is cause for celebration. Because our main products are electrical personal grooming items such as hairdryers, razors, styling tongs, nailcare kits, etc, our trade is inevitably subject to seasonal demand, with the period leading up to Christmas, and the first two weeks of January, traditionally being our most profitable. In the five full years that the company has now been trading, since its humble beginnings in July 2020 when it was based in a large garage, it has increased its turnover every year. In 2020-2021 the companys gross turnover was 240,000; in 2021-2022 it almost doubled to 450,000; in 2022-2023 it increased further to 700,000; 2023-2024 brought further success, with an increase of fully 260,000 to 960,000 (this represents a year-on-year growth rate of over 37%). By comparison, this years progress was more modest, moving from last years 960,000 to 1,200,000 in 2024-2025. However, as this represents growth of 25% we cannot be entirely dissatisfied. Operating costs have grown, too. Last year at 720,000 they accounted for 75% of our gross turnover. This year we were able to trim them to 70% of our gross turnover, which still means that they increased by 120,000 to 840,000. This, then, left us with a gross profit for the 2024-2025 financial year (before tax and other deductions) of 360,000 a very healthy 30% of turnover. This compares favourably with a gross profit of 240,000 in 2023-2024 (25%) and only 70,000 in 2022-2023 (10%). In the companys first two years of trading, as we all know, it did not make any taxable gains. We have again increased the number of distribution outlets for our products during the last financial year. After our very successful agreement in April 2024 with Bestco, whose chain of out-of-town supermarkets all now hold stocks of Tonel products, we reached an agreement in January of 2025 with Betterco. Although Betterco is a much smaller chain than Bestco (which is the market leader) they do have outlets in different parts of the country to Bestco. While Bestco are dominant in the south of England, Betterco are predominantly based in traditional town centres in the north of England and Scotland. This new agreement has allowed us to expand our geographical penetration, and has made our brand familiar to a wider cross-section of the public. One major investment that we have made during this financial year is that we have undertaken a complete rebranding of all our products, giving them new packaging that has proved more appealing to customers. This has driven our unit sales higher in the eight weeks during July and August 2025 for which we have figures. Like-forlike sales grew by 15% compared to the same period in 2024, and this gives us excellent prospects for next year and beyond. Despite the cost of developing the new packaging, its production is far less costly than that of the old red boxes which we used originally. Indeed, the extra cost of development has already virtually been cancelled out by the savings we have made in production. We also decided to move the production of the new boxes to a local factory; this has generated a lot of good local publicity for us in the press, radio and on television.
One disappointment which must be noted deals with our trading performance during the Christmas period, 2024. In the six weeks before Christmas and the two weeks after it, we sold fully 23% fewer units than we had sold in the same period of 2023-2024. This was due to one problem in particular. We had a supply difficulty in September 2024 with an important electrical component. This meant that in a three-week period during September and October 2024 we were not able to assemble nearly enough hairdryers and razors to fulfil the Christmas market demand. Customers inevitably bought other products, made by our rivals. In October 2024 we terminated our contract with Dozo, the company that had been making these components for us. In November 2024 we signed a contract for the supply of electrical components with Tingold, and so far they have proved extremely reliable. (740 words)
Model Answer
Between September 2004 and August 2005, the company made good progress in spite of difficult trading conditions. We broke the million pound sales barrier for the first time. The company has increased its turnover every year since it was founded. This years turnover was 25% higher than last years (1,200,000 compared to 960,000). Gross profit, at 360,000, has increased to 30% of turnover (25% in 2003-04). Operating costs now account for only 70% of turnover, compared to 75% last year. More shops now stock our products. The agreement with Bestco in 2004 has given us outlets with the market leader, and now we have an arrangement with Betterco. Although Betterco is smaller, it is well located in other regions of the UK. This has opened new markets to us. During the year we rebranded all our products. The new packaging is more attractive and is cheaper to produce; costs and savings have cancelled each other out. Our decision to use a local company to make the packaging has also been good for our market profile. Christmas sales were disappointing, down 23% on 2023, due to supply difficulties of components, which left us short of stock to sell. That issue has now been resolved by changing our supplier. Tingold seem to be more reliable than Dozo. (215 words)
Step 1 Amending the original Passage (740 words) 1) Between 1 September 2024 and 31 August 2025, the Tonel Corporations financial year, we continued to build on the successes of previous years and made good progress in spite of trading conditions which were at times difficult, even challenging. We broke the million pound barrier for the first time, and that is cause for celebration. Because our main products are electrical personal grooming items such as hairdryers, razors, styling tongs, nailcare kits, etc, our trade is inevitably subject to seasonal demand, with the period leading up to Christmas, and the first two weeks of January, traditionally being our most profitable. In the five full years that the company has now been trading, since its humble beginnings in July 2020, when it was based in a large garage, it has increased its turnover every year. In 2020-2021 the companys gross turnover was 240,000; in 2021-2022 it almost doubled to 450,000; in 2022-2023 it increased further to 700,000; 2023-2024 brought further success, with an increase of fully 260,000 to 960,000 (this represents a year-on-year growth rate of over 37%). By comparison, this years progress was more modest, moving from last years 960,000 to 1,200,000 in 2024-2025. However, as this represents growth of 25% we cannot be entirely dissatisfied. Operating costs have grown, too. Last year at 720,000 they accounted for 75% of our gross turnover. This year we were able to trim them to 70% of our gross turnover, which still means that they increased by 120,000 to 840,000. This, then, left us with a gross profit for the 2024-2025 financial year (before tax and other deductions) of 360,000 a very healthy 30% of turnover. This compares favourably with a gross profit of 240,000 in 2023-2024 (25%) and only 70,000 in 2022-2023 (10%). In the companys first two years of trading, as we all know, it did not make any taxable gains. We have again increased the number of distribution outlets for our products during the last financial year. After our very successful agreement in April 2024 with Bestco, whose chain of out-of-town supermarkets all now hold stocks of Tonel products, we reached an agreement in January of 2025 with Betterco. Although Betterco is a much smaller chain than Bestco (which is the market leader) they do have outlets in different parts of the country to Bestco. While Bestco are dominant in the south of England, Betterco are predominantly based in traditional town centres in the north of England and Scotland. This new agreement has allowed us to expand our geographical penetration, and has made our brand familiar to a wider cross-section of the public. One major investment that we have made during this financial year is that we have undertaken a complete rebranding of all our products, giving them new packaging that has proved more appealing to customers. This has driven our unit sales higher in the eight weeks during July and August 2025 for which we have figures. Like-for-like sales grew by 15% compared to the same period in 2024, and this gives us excellent prospects for next year and beyond. Despite the cost of developing the new packaging, its production is far less costly than that of the old red boxes which we used originally. Indeed, the extra cost of development has already virtually been cancelled out by the savings we have made in production. We also decided to move the production of the new boxes to a local factory; this has generated a lot of good local publicity for us in the press, radio and on television. One disappointment which must be noted deals with our trading performance during the Christmas period, 2024. In the six weeks before Christmas and the two weeks after it, we sold fully 23% fewer units than we had sold in the same period of 20232024. This was due to one problem in particular. We had a supply difficulty in September 2024 with an important electrical component. This meant that in a threeweek period during September and October 2024 we were not able to assemble nearly enough hairdryers and razors to fulfil the Christmas market demand. Customers
inevitably bought other products, made by our rivals. In October 2024 we terminated our contract with Dozo, the company that had been making these components for us. In November 2024 we signed a contract for the supply of electrical components with Tingold and so far they have proved extremely reliable. Second Version (628 words) When we remove everything that has been deleted, we are left with this: 1) Between 1 September 2024 and 31 August 2025, we continued to build on the successes of previous years and made good progress in spite of trading conditions which were at times difficult, even challenging. We broke the million pound barrier for the first time, and that is cause for celebration. In the five full years that the company has now been trading, it has increased its turnover every year. 2023-2024 brought further success, with an increase of fully 260,000 to 960,000 (this represents a year-on-year growth rate of over 37%). By comparison, this years progress was more modest, moving from last years 960,000 to 1,200,000 in 2024-2025. However, as this represents growth of 25% we cannot be entirely dissatisfied. Operating costs have grown, too. Last year at 720,000 they accounted for 75% of our gross turnover. This year we were able to trim them to 70% of our gross turnover, which still means that they increased by 120,000 to 840,000. This, then, left us with a gross profit for the 2024-2025 financial year (before tax and other deductions) of 360,000 a very healthy 30% of turnover. This compares favourably with a gross profit of 240,000 in 2023-2024 (25%). We have again increased the number of distribution outlets for our products during the last financial year. After our very successful agreement in April 2024 with Bestco, whose chain of out-of-town supermarkets all now hold stocks of Tonel products, we reached an agreement in January of 2025 with Betterco. Although Betterco is a much smaller chain than Bestco (which is the market leader) they do have outlets in different parts of the country to Bestco. While Bestco are dominant in the south of England, Betterco are predominantly based in traditional town centres in the north of England and Scotland. This new agreement has allowed us to expand our geographical penetration, and has made our brand familiar to a wider cross-section of the public. One major investment that we have made during this financial year is that we have undertaken a complete rebranding of all our products, giving them new packaging that has proved more appealing to customers. This has driven our unit sales higher in the eight weeks during July and August 2025 for which we have figures. Like-forlike sales grew by 15% compared to the same period in 2024, and this gives us excellent prospects for next year and beyond. Despite the cost of developing the new packaging, its production is far less costly than that of the old red boxes which we used originally. Indeed, the extra cost of development has already virtually been cancelled out by the savings we have made in production. We also decided to move the production of the new boxes to a local factory; this has generated a lot of good local publicity for us in the press, radio and on television.
One disappointment which must be noted deals with our trading performance during the Christmas period, 2024. In the six weeks before Christmas and the two weeks after it, we sold fully 23% fewer units than we had sold in the same period of 2023-2024. This was due to one problem in particular. We had a supply difficulty in September 2024 with an important electrical component. This meant that in a three-week period during September and October 2024 we were not able to assemble nearly enough hairdryers and razors to fulfil the Christmas market demand. Customers inevitably bought other products, made by our rivals. In October 2024 we terminated our contract with Dozo, the company that had been making these components for us. In November 2024 we signed a contract for the supply of electrical components with Tingold and so far they have proved extremely reliable.
As you can see, that took out over 100 words. But it is still far too long. Some information which the chairman ought to know has been left in for the moment, because we do not want to delete too much, too soon. For the next stage we must begin to look at phrases where information is repeated, or expressed in a long-winded way. Step 2 Amending the Second Version 1) Between 1 September 2024 and 31 August 2025, we continued to build on the successes of previous years and made good progress in spite of trading conditions which were at times difficult, even challenging. We broke the million pound barrier for the first time, and that is cause for celebration. In the five full years that the company has now been trading, it has increased its turnover every year. 2023-2024 brought further success, with an increase of fully 260,000 to 960,000 (this represents a year-on-year growth rate of over 37%). By comparison, this years progress was more modest, moving from last years 960,000 to 1,200,000 in 2024-2025. However, as this represents growth of 25% we cannot be entirely dissatisfied. Operating costs have grown, too. Last year at 720,000 they accounted for 75% of our gross turnover. This year we were able to trim them to 70% of our gross turnover, which still means that they increased by 120,000 to 840,000. This, then, left us with a gross profit for the 2024-2025 financial year (before tax and other deductions) of 360,000 a very healthy 30% of turnover. This compares favourably with a gross profit of 240,000 in 2023-2024 (25%). We have again increased the number of distribution outlets for our products during the last financial year. After our very successful agreement in April 2024 with Bestco, whose chain of out-of-town supermarkets all now hold stocks of Tonel products, we reached an agreement in January of 2025 with Betterco. Although Betterco is a much smaller chain than Bestco (which is the market leader) they do have outlets in different parts of the country to Bestco. While Bestco are dominant in the south of England, Betterco are predominantly based in traditional town centres in the north of England and Scotland. This new agreement has allowed us to expand our geographical penetration, and has made our brand familiar to a wider cross-section of the public. One major investment that we have made during this financial year is that we have undertaken a complete rebranding of all our products, giving them new packaging that has proved more appealing to customers. This has driven our unit sales higher in the eight weeks during July and August 2025 for which we have figures. Like-for-like sales grew by 15% compared to the same period in 2024, and this gives us excellent prospects for next year and beyond. Despite the cost of developing the new packaging, its production is far less costly than that of the old red boxes which we used
originally. Indeed, the extra cost of development has already virtually been cancelled out by the savings we have made in production. We also decided to move the production of the new boxes to a local factory; this has generated a lot of good local publicity for us in the press, radio and on television. 6) One disappointment which must be noted deals with our trading performance during the Christmas period, 2024. In the six weeks before Christmas and the two weeks after it, we sold fully 23% fewer units than we had sold in the same period of 2023-2024. This was due to one problem in particular. We had a supply difficulty in September 2024 with an important electrical component. This meant that in a three-week period during September and October 2024 we were not able to assemble nearly enough hairdryers and razors to fulfil the Christmas market demand. Customers inevitably bought other products, made by our rivals. In October 2024 we terminated our contract with Dozo, the company that had been making these components for us. In November 2024 we signed a contract for the supply of electrical components with Tingold and so far they have proved extremely reliable.
Third Version (534 words) 1) Between 1 September 2024 and 31 August 2025, we continued to build on the successes of previous years {previous successes} and made good progress in spite of trading conditions which were difficult,.{despite difficult trading conditions}. We broke the million pound barrier for the first time. In the five years that the company has been {our five years of} trading, it has {we have} increased its {our} turnover every year. 2023-2024 brought further success, with {saw} an increase of 260,000 to 960,000 (a {37%} year-on-year growth rate of over 37%). By comparison, this years progress was more modest, moving to 1,200,000 in 2024-2025. However, this represents growth of 25%. {This year we grew 25% to 1.2m}. Operating costs have grown, too. Last year at 720,000 they accounted for 75% of our {last year were 75% of} gross turnover. This year we were able to trim {cut} them to 70%, which means that they increased by 120,000 to 840,000. This left us with a gross profit for the 2024-2025 financial year of 360,000 a healthy 30% of turnover. This compares with a gross profit of 240,000 in 2023-2024 (25%). We have again increased the number of {our} distribution outlets for our products. After our agreement in April 2024 with Bestco, we reached an agreement in January of 2025 with Betterco. Although Betterco is a much smaller chain than Bestco they do have outlets in different parts of the country to Bestco {regions}. This new agreement has allowed us to expand{ed} our geographical penetration, and has made our brand familiar to a wider cross-section of the public {more people}. One major investment that we have made is that we have undertaken a complete rebranding of all our products, giving them new packaging more appealing. This has driven our unit sales higher Like-for-like sales grew by 15% compared to the same period in {from} 2024, and this gives us excellent {future} prospects for next year and beyond. Despite the cost of developing the new packaging, its production is far less costly than that of the old red boxes. Indeed, the extra cost of development has already virtually been cancelled out by the savings we have made in production. {The cost of developing the new packaging has been offset by the savings made in its production}. We also decided to move {moved} the production of the new boxes to a local factory; this has generated a lot of good local publicity for us.
One disappointment which must be noted deals with {was} our trading performance during the Christmas period, 2024. We sold fully 23% fewer units than we had sold in 2023-2024. This was due to a supply difficulty in September 2024 with an important electrical component. This meant that we were not able {unable} to assemble nearly enough hairdryers and razors to fulfil the Christmas market demand. Customers inevitably bought other {our rivals} products, made by our rivals. In October 2024 we terminated our contract with Dozo, the company that had been making these components for us {component manufacturer}. In November 2024 we signed a contract for the supply of electrical components with Tingold and so far they have proved extremely reliable.
We have now made quite a significant reduction in the word total, without losing any important information. But the passage is still more than twice as long as the final version should be. The next step is to start making some changes to the words being used, to shorten the passage further, while at the same time looking for more details that we can still take out. Step 3 Amending the Third Version 1) Between 1 September 2024 and 31 August 2025, we continued to build on the successes of previous years {previous successes} and made good progress in spite of trading conditions which were difficult, {despite difficult trading conditions}. We broke the million pound barrier for the first time. In the five years that the company has been {our five years of} trading, it has {we have} increased its {our} turnover every year. 2023-2024 brought further success, with {saw} an increase of 260,000 to 960,000 (a {37%} year-on-year growth rate of over 37%). By comparison, this years progress was more modest, moving to 1,200,000 in 20242025. However, this represents growth of 25%. {This year we grew 25% to 1.2m}. Operating costs have grown, too. Last year at 720,000 they accounted for 75% of our {last year were 75% of} gross turnover. This year we were able to trim {cut} them to 70%, which means that they increased by 120,000 to 840,000. This left us with a gross profit for the 2024-2025 financial year of 360,000 a healthy 30% of turnover. This compares with a gross profit of 240,000 in 2023-2024 (25%). We have again increased the number of {our} distribution outlets for our products. After our agreement in April 2024 with Bestco, we reached an agreement in January of 2025 with Betterco. Although Betterco is a much smaller chain than Bestco they do have outlets in different parts of the country to Bestco {regions}. This new agreement has allowed us to expand{ed} our geographical penetration, and has made our brand familiar to a wider cross-section of the public. {more people}. One major investment that we have made is that we have undertaken a complete rebranding of all our products, giving them new packaging {more appealing}. This has driven our unit sales higher. Like-for-like sales grew by 15% compared to the same period in {from} 2024, and this gives us excellent {future} prospects for next year and beyond. Despite the cost of developing the new packaging, its production is far less costly than that of the old red boxes. Indeed, the extra cost of development has already virtually been cancelled out by the savings we have made in production. {The cost of developing the new packaging has been offset by the savings made in its production}. We also decided to move {moved} the production of the new boxes to a local factory; this has generated a lot of good local publicity for us. One disappointment which must be noted deals with {was} our trading performance during the Christmas period, 2024. We sold fully 23% fewer units than we had sold in
2023-2024. This was due to a supply difficulty in September 2024 with an important electrical component. This meant that we were not able {unable} to assemble nearly enough hairdryers and razors to fulfil the Christmas market demand. Customers inevitably bought other {our rivals} products, made by our rivals. In October 2024 we terminated our contract with Dozo, the company that had been making these components for us {component manufacturer}. In November 2024 we signed a contract for the supply of electrical components with Tingold and so far they have proved extremely reliable. Fourth Version (351 words) 1) Between 1 September 2024 and 31 August 2025, we continued to build on previous successes and made {make} good progress despite difficult trading conditions. We broke the million pound barrier for the first time. In our five years of trading, we have increased our turnover every year {since the company started.}. 2023-2024 saw an increase of 260,000 to 960,000, a 37% year-on-year growth. This year we grew 25% to 1.2m. Operating costs last year were 75% of gross turnover. This year we cut them to 70%, which means that they increased by 120,000 to 840,000. This left a gross profit for 2024-2025 of 360,000 a healthy 30% of turnover. This compares with a gross profit of 240,000 in 2023-2024 (25%). We have again increased our distribution outlets. After our agreement in April 2024 with Bestco, we reached an agreement in January 2025 with Betterco. Although Betterco is smaller they have outlets in different regions. This new agreement has expanded our geographical penetration, and has made our brand familiar to more people. One major investment we made is a complete rebranding of our products, giving them new, more appealing packaging. This has driven our unit sales higher. Likefor-like sales grew by 15% from 2024, and this gives us excellent future prospects. The cost of developing the new packaging has been offset by the savings made in its production. We also moved the production of the new boxes to a local factory; this has generated a lot of good local publicity for us. One disappointment was our trading performance during the Christmas period, 2024. We sold fully 23% fewer units than in 2023. This was due to a supply difficulty in September 2024 with an important electrical component. This meant that we were unable to assemble nearly enough hairdryers and razors to fulfil the Christmas market demand. Customers inevitably bought our rivals products. In October 2024 we terminated our contract with Dozo, the component manufacturer. In November 2024 we signed a contract for the supply of electrical components with Tingold and so far they have proved reliable.
You can see that we have been able to make quite a significant reduction this time. By this stage we are moving within range of the prescribed word limit and now we must begin to shape the passage towards its final summarised form. It is at this point that we can start to think about style and the use of our own vocabulary. Remember that each time you read through the passage, not only are you shortening it but you are also becoming more familiar with it and getting to know it better. Looking at what remains, you can see that most of what we have removed has come from the first half of the passage. So we might now have to look more closely at the second half, to be sure that our summary will be a balanced version of the original.
Step 4 Amending the Fourth Version 1) Between 1 September 2024 and 31 August 2025, we continued to build on previous successes and made {make} good progress despite difficult trading conditions. We broke the million pound barrier for the first time. In our five years of trading, we have increased our turnover every year {since the company started.}. 2023-2024 saw an increase of 260,000 to 960,000, a 37% yearon-year growth. This year we grew 25% to 1.2m. Operating costs last year were 75% of gross turnover. This year we cut them to 70%, which means that they increased by 120,000 to 840,000. This left a gross profit for 2024-2025 of 360,000 a healthy 30% of turnover. This compares with a gross profit of 240,000 in 2023-2024 (25%). We have again increased our distribution outlets. After our agreement in April 2024 with Bestco, we reached an agreement in January 2025 with Betterco. Although Betterco is smaller they have {which has} outlets in different regions. This new agreement has expanded our geographical penetration, and has made our brand familiar to more people. One major investment we made is a complete rebranding of our products, giving them new, more appealing packaging. This has driven our unit sales higher Like-for-like sales grew by 15% from 2024, and this gives us excellent future prospects. The cost of developing the new packaging has been offset by the savings made in its production. We also moved the production of the new boxes to a local factory; this has generated a lot of good local publicity for us. One disappointment was our trading performance during the Christmas period, 2024. We sold fully 23% fewer units than in 2023. This was due to {There was} a supply difficulty in September 2024 with an important electrical component. This meant that we were unable to assemble nearly enough hairdryers and razors to fulfil the Christmas market demand. Customers inevitably bought our rivals products. In October 2024 we terminated our contract with Dozo, the component manufacturer. In November 2024 we signed a contract for the supply of electrical components with Tingold, and so far they have proved reliable.
Fifth Version (276 words) Between 1 September 2024 and 31 August 2025, we continued to make good progress despite difficult trading conditions. We broke the million pound barrier for the first time. We have increased our turnover every year since the company started. 2023-2024 saw an increase of 260,000 to 960,000, a 37% year-on-year growth. This year we grew 25% to 1.2m. Operating costs last year were 75% of gross turnover. This year we cut them to 70%, which means that they increased by 120,000 to 840,000. This left a gross profit for 2024-2025 of 360,000 a healthy 30% of turnover. This compares with a gross profit of 240,000 in 2023-2024 (25%). We have again increased our distribution outlets. After our agreement in April 2024 with Bestco, we reached an agreement in January 2025 with Betterco, which has outlets in different regions. This new agreement has made our brand familiar to more people.
One major investment we made is a complete rebranding of our products, giving them new, more appealing packaging. This has driven our unit sales higher by 15% from 2024. The cost of developing the new packaging has been offset by the savings made in its production. We also moved the production to a local factory; this has generated a lot of good local publicity for us. One disappointment was Christmas period, 2024. We sold 23% fewer units than in 2023. There was a supply difficulty in September 2024 with an important electrical component. In October 2024 we terminated our contract with Dozo, the component manufacturer. In November 2024 we signed a contract for the supply of electrical components with Tingold, and so far they have proved reliable.
Step 5 Amending the Fifth Version Now we are getting very close to the word limit. So, all that remains is to write our summary, using our own words. The laborious work of selecting information is almost complete, so now we need to produce as tight and fluent a finished product as possible. By comparing these last two versions side by side, you will easily see what the final small changes are. Sixth and Final Version (215 words) Between September 2004 and August 2005, the company made good progress in spite of difficult trading conditions. We broke the million pound sales barrier for the first time. The company has increased its turnover every year since it was founded. This years turnover was 25% higher than last years (1,200,000 compared to 960,000). Gross profit, at 360,000, has increased to 30% of turnover (25% in 2003-04). Operating costs now account for only 70% of turnover, compared to 75% last year. More shops now stock our products. The agreement with Bestco in 2004 has given us outlets with the market leader, and now we have an arrangement with Betterco. Although Betterco is smaller, it is well located in other regions of the UK. This has opened new markets to us. During the year we rebranded all our products. The new packaging is more attractive and is cheaper to produce; costs and savings have cancelled each other out. Our decision to use a local company to make the packaging has also been good for our market profile. Christmas sales were disappointing, down 23% on 2023, due to supply difficulties of components, which left us short of stock to sell. That issue has now been resolved by changing our supplier. Tingold seem to be more reliable than Dozo. (215 words)
In recent years, there have been growing fears about the effects on the Earth of a phenomenon known as global warming. Now, these fears have been confirmed by an official study. A panel of some 3000 scientists, called the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), was set up by the United Nations to investigate whether or not global warming is a reality, and to assess what its likely impact might be. The study was by far the most complete investigation ever undertaken into the Earths climate. The research lasted over three years in total, and was based on millions of measurements taken from locations all over the planet. The researchers measured rainfall and average temperatures on every continent, including Antarctica, in every type of landscape and at every altitude. They entered their data into sophisticated computer programs, which analysed the figures and produced projections for the future. The conclusions do not look good for the planet. Within two generations, they say, if nothing is done to check what seems to be an unstoppable rise in the Earths temperatures, the consequences will be devastating for life as we know it. Across the continent of Africa, they predict, deserts will continue to spread and there will be less agricultural land for the rapidly-expanding population. In Asia, climate change will dry up much land that is currently fertile, so crop production will decrease and famines will be certain. In Arabia it is predicted that fresh water will be in such short supply that wars will be fought over who controls it. Australia will also become a land of drought. As temperatures rise, the polar icecaps will continue to melt, and sea-levels will rise. The Antarctic ice-sheet holds more than fifty percent of all the Earths fresh water, and if this melts the worlds sea levels will rise by as much as a metre. The consequences of this will be disastrous on a scale never seen by mankind before. Low-lying countries like Bangladesh, with a population of over one hundred million, will be completely drowned. Most of Holland and Florida will disappear. All coastal areas throughout the world will be flooded, and since it is estimated that half of humanity lives in coastal regions, we can see what enormous disruption that will cause. Coral reefs will be destroyed, and a huge number of species, on land and in the sea, will become extinct as their habitats disappear forever. This is frightening. Yet, despite these scientific conclusions, there are still people who say that throughout the history of the planet Earth, its temperature has fluctuated. Todays deserts were once fertile, and what is now land was sea millions of years ago. Therefore, they say, there is no cause for alarm. But what makes this climate change different from any other in history or pre-history is that it is not caused by changes in the Earth itself, or by the effects of the Sun. Todays rise in temperature is entirely due to the actions of one species Man. Our relentless burning of carbon-based fossil fuels such as coal and oil, especially by the industrialised nations of the northern hemisphere, has produced huge amounts of socalled greenhouse gases which are preventing the Earths natural cooling mechanism from functioning. Instead of excess heat rising through the atmosphere to escape into space, these gases act as an enormous blanket in the upper atmosphere, trapping heat underneath. The IPCC panels report contains warnings to governments all over the world about what will happen if they do not take swift action to halt and then to reverse the trend. The problem is that with the Earths population rising at a faster rate than ever before, and with demand for water, food and energy greater than it has ever been before, no-one knows if we can actually reverse the process. No-one knows if mankind actually has a future. (646 words)
Passage 2 The following paragraph contains information that I want to use to advertise my chair in the local newspaper. The newspaper will charge me a fee according to the number of words I use, so I have decided to use a maximum of 50 words to tell people about the main features of my chair and its price. Using only the information given, write the advertisement in a maximum of 50 words. You do not need to write in sentences. The first two words of the 50 will be: For Sale. Ive decided that I want to buy a new office chair, so Im selling the one Im using just now. Ill be sorry to see it go, because its a really comfortable chair. Its two years old, and I use it only when Im doing my exam studying. Its in very good condition, and it is upholstered in a hard-wearing dark blue fabric. Im going to buy a new one in green. It is a proper office chair, with arms and a high back, and it is designed to be comfortable even after sitting for eight hours (although I dont often sit for eight hours studying!). It has five castors (small wheels) so it glides easily over the floor. The chair has three adjustment levers. The seat of the chair can be adjusted to the most suitable working height, and you can also tilt the angle of the seat to make it as comfortable as possible. The back of the seat can also be adjusted forward or backward of vertical. There is a wheel at the side of the seat, and if you turn it you can change the shape of the chairback to give you more support in your lower back, which I have found to be a great benefit because this lumbar support, as they call it, prevents me from getting a sore back when I have been sitting at my desk for a long time. The chair cost me 100 when it was new, and I want about 25 for it now. I can arrange for it to be delivered by courier for an extra 10 to any address in the country. My telephone number is 0123456789, and my e-mail address is bluechair@desk.com. (284 words)
Passage 3 Your college is going to be visited tomorrow by Dr Sami Simi, who will give a lecture on Business Management and Communication. Dr Simi has sent the following document to your principal, who has asked you to use the information given to deliver a short speech to your classmates. The purpose of your speech is to introduce Dr Simi to them in an interesting way, before Dr Simi begins the lecture. Read the passage carefully, select the information you will need, and write the text of your speech. Including any short introduction and/or conclusion that you may wish to put in, the total length of your speech must not exceed 290 words. You are encouraged to use your own words as far as possible, but do not change any facts. In your speech you are expected to show: An awareness of your audience and your relationship with them Sensible selection of relevant detail and rejection of irrelevant detail A willingness to put the information in your own words An ability to make Dr Simi seem interesting and worth the attention of your classmates An attempt to make your speech entertaining.
Doctor Sami Simi (biographical information) I was born on the 7th of December, 1962, here in Capital City and I was the second child in a family of three. My older sister, Anola, is a secretary with the Central Mining Corporation, and my younger brother, Lar, is heavily involved in conservation projects all around the world, most recently in Central America. My mother has retired from her job as a police officer, but my father still works as a taxi driver. My mother is also a very good piano player; she wanted me to learn, but although I tried, I never had the patience to do the practice. I regret that now. I was educated at Standard Local School, where I won the medal for being the best student in my final year. I went on to study Business Management at Cowal International University, and I obtained a first class honours degree. I was offered the chance to stay and take a postgraduate qualification but being young I wanted to travel and see the world, before settling down. Luckily I had earned enough money with part-time work as a tour guide for visitors to the country and that enabled me to take a year travelling and occasionally working all over the world. This was something that I very much enjoyed and I had some great experiences and made many friends. I did white-water rafting on the Zambezi, helped to build a school in Peru and saw all the great cities of Europe, just as a few of the highlights. When I came back home I started working as a trainee manager in the Capital City branch of Boba-Bola and within two years I was promoted to manage my own department. It was at this point that I decided I wanted to gain more qualifications and I began a part-time postgraduate University course in International Business Administration, which eventually led to the award of my doctorate. I spent seven years altogether with Boba-Bola and then I felt that I needed a change. So I decided to start up a company of my own. It was a risk, of course but one that I wanted to take. So I set up the Simicit Consultancy, which exists to help other companies to find ways to solve their business problems. For example, we can advise companies on personnel and recruitment issues, tax problems and we can also help them to plan their companys development in ways that do not have a negative impact on the environment. Simicit has grown in the last fifteen years so that we now have ten advisers in all, each of them specialists in a particular area of business and commerce. We are, I believe, a highly-respected firm in our area of expertise. In the early years of Simicit, I worked long hours and tended to do most of the administration myself, but my two daughters have now followed me into the business, and they are taking a lot of the responsibility for the administration of the company. This has allowed me to step back a little from the day-to-day running of Simicit, and has given me the time to pursue some of my other interests. I still do a lot of work at Simicit but I now also work part-time as a lecturer in Business at the University and I have written two books, Business Skills for a Changing World and Success? Who Wants It? Both of these books are now standard University textbooks, I am pleased to say. One of the things that I most enjoy doing, is to visit schools and colleges to share my experience with students and business trainees. I still enjoy travelling, whenever I have the time and I often take a holiday to visit my brother, spending my time helping him with whatever conservation project he happens to be working on at the time. So, I have been lucky enough to work with turtles, orang-utans and tigers and I have helped to plant trees on three continents. (666 words)
Passage 4 You work in a company which produces publicity material for the tourist industry. Your manager has handed you the following description of a new holiday hotel, written by a junior member of staff at the hotel and has given you this instruction: Rewrite this in no more than 200 words and make it more appealing to the potential visitors who will read it. Its really boring as it stands. I dont know who wrote it but some of the information has no place in your description, so be careful what you choose. You must use a better vocabulary that makes the hotel more attractive but do not change any facts. Why not try and wirite it as if you are addressing the visitors directly? If lots of visitors want to book a holiday at this hotel after reading your description of it, you might get a bonus! Do as your manager has instructed. The new Mantris Hotel has just been built near the safe, sandy beach on the west side of the resort of Tupafehy, 5km from the town centre. This resort, which used to be a quiet fishing village, has been a popular tourist destination for over twenty years now. It has a long, safe, sandy beach, lots of shopping and nightlife and is a good base from which to explore the surrounding countryside, where tourists can see lots of species of wild animals, nice plants, and other things that are quite interesting. But if tourists just want to come and relax at the hotel, then they can do that too. The Mantris Hotel has 200 bedrooms. All of them are quite big and they all have a small table and one or two chairs in them. These bedrooms are well furnished,and they all have private bathrooms. About half of the rooms have views of the sea and the bay where the town sits. The rooms at the back of the hotel overlook an area of rough land that is going to be used for building, next year. At the moment, it is a very stony area and some local people have been using it to dump things like old beds, refrigerators, and other rubbish. So when the weather is hot there can be lots of flies and some of our guests have complained about the smell. The hotel has eight floors and two lifts. There are two swimming pools and two restaurants. One of the pools is on the roof of the hotel and the hotel does not let children use this pool. The other pool is shallow and safe for children and is right beside the safe, sandy beach. Every day the Mantris Entertainments Team (who call themselves the METs) organise games and activities for the children. One of the restaurants offers formal dining with top quality food prepared by our chefs. The other is a buffet where visitors can choose from a wide variety of dishes, including international food. All of the hotel staff aim to give visitors a memorable time. The staff are always on hand to help visitors and they are well-trained too. Many of them speak more than one language. They all speak English. They are very friendly and welcoming. Some evenings the hotel puts on its own entertainment for guests, which might be some local singers, or a cultural show, or a dance. The hotel can arrange a variety of trips into the countryside so that tourists can see wildlife or discover the culture of the country. The hotel always uses local guides. Many interesting excursions are available. These guides all speak English and some speak German, Spanish and French, as well as the local language. For visitors who want to explore the town of Tupafehy, the hotel has its own minibus which runs at regular intervals throughout the day to the town centre and back again. It is free for hotel guests. Visitors who visit the Mantris Hotel will be guaranteed a great holiday. (515 words)
Passage 1
The most complete scientific study ever undertaken into global warming, backed by the UN, has confirmed recent fears about its likely effects. About 3000 scientists took millions of rainfall and temperature measurements over three years from all over the planet and studied climatic patterns. Their prediction shows that drought, famine and disastrous flooding are certain to become commonplace if current trends are not checked. No part of the Earth will escape. Deserts will increase in size, fresh water will become scarce, polar ice-sheets will melt and sea levels could rise by a metre, flooding all low-lying land. Many species will be wiped out as their habitats disappear. There are still those, however, who say that climate change is to be expected. But what makes this one different is that it is due entirely to the actions of Man, burning fossil fuels and releasing greenhouse gases, which trap heat within the atmosphere. The IPCC panel has warned governments that swift action must be taken. But it may already be too late. (170 words)
Passage 2
For Sale: comfortable office chair with arms and high back, two years old, hardly used, clean hardwearing blue fabric. Five castors for easy movement, adjustable seat height, angle, and back support for maximum comfort. Cost new 100, asking only 25 plus 10 delivery. Phone 0123456789 or e-mail bluechair@desk.com (48 words)
Passage 3
Good morning, fellow classmates. It is my great honour this morning to introduce our speaker, Dr Sami Simi. Dr Simi is a lady whose experience makes her well qualified to speak to us this morning. She has a first class honours degree in Business Management and a doctorate in International Business Administration, both from our own Cowal University. Dr Simi has extensive experience of business, having worked as a manager with BobaBola for five years, after which she started her own consultancy, Simicit, a company whose high reputation we all know. Led by Dr Simis energy, Simicit has grown to be one of the premier business consultancy firms in the country. In recent years Dr Simi has been able to step back from the day-to-day running of the company and has turned her attention to lecturing, both at the University and in visits to colleges like ours. We have all read the two very stimulating books that she has written.
Dr Simi has travelled all over the world and has a great experience and knowledge of people as well as business. She is very interested in conservation and spends much of her free time engaged in conservation projects all over the world. As she has experience of working with tigers, she should be able to handle this class with ease! Fellow classmates, we are looking forward with great anticipation to what Dr Simi has to say to us this morning and it is my great pleasure now to ask Dr Simi to address us on the subject of Business Management and Communication. Thank you. (264 words)
Passage 4
The new Mantris Hotel is the latest and greatest addition to the wonderful facilities of the popular resort of Tupafehy. Situated right beside a safe, sandy beach, only 5km from the town centre, it is ideal for relaxing and also a great base for exploring the fascinating countryside nearby. The hotel runs its own free shuttle bus into town throughout the day. Half of the hotels 200 large, comfortable bedrooms, on eight floors, have stunning sea views, and all bedrooms are en suite. For adults only, there is an amazing rooftop swimming pool, while children have a safe pool next to the beach, where there are daily fun and games, organised by the hotels dedicated staff. We have two award winning restaurants with excellent international cuisine, including an all-you-can-eat buffet every night. You can be sure of a warm welcome at the Mantris. All of our fully trained, attentive staff speak English and for them, nothing is too much trouble. During the day we can organise excursions for you to any number of fascinating places, while in the evenings we offer a huge variety of memorable entertainment. Come and enjoy a fantastic holiday at the Mantris. (193 words)
Computers Types of Computer Hardware and Software Computer Peripherals The Basic Functions of a Computer Preparing and Editing Documents Storage and Retrieval of Information Sharing Information (Networking)
Facsimile Machines
Electronic Communication
There has never been a time in human history when the world of communication was changing so quickly. Twenty years ago, computers were still uncommon sights in offices; now, it is hard to imagine an office that can function without one. Even the humble telephone has become much more than simply a means to talk to another person a long way away. Besides these, the functions that are now available in other machines such as photocopiers and scanners, make communication a very different process from how it used to be. With an area that is so diverse and developing so quickly, it is essential that you are aware of the most important opportunities that technology gives us. It is desirable that all students who are sitting the IBC examination should have had experience using the technology, so that they are familiar with all of its possibilities. This chapter will, for simplicity, deal with the technologies separately. However, it is very important to remember that modern office life depends on ones ability to use all of these technologies, comfortably and to choose the most appropriate one in any given situation. It is not enough to know how to use them; you must also know when and why you would use them. The chapter will also deal with ways to keep your communications secure, since this is a major issue for businesses and individuals the world over.
This section is, of course, the biggest and most complex but dont be put off by the level of detail. Although there are so many tasks that a computer helps us do, a computer on its own operates just like a writing desk and a filing cabinet. You can create documents and spreadsheets on it, edit them and file them. Then, if a computer is linked to other computers, or connected to the Internet, a whole world of communications possibilities opens up.
Types of Computer
Three types of computer are in everyday use in offices. These are: (a) The desktop computer has a number of separate components, which include the mouse, keyboard, monitor and the computer tower. Because these components are separate, if any one of them goes wrong it can be quickly replaced without the whole system having to be replaced. The laptop (or notebook computer) is designed for portability and ease of use. It is lightweight and every item of necessary hardware is included in a single piece of equipment, about the size of a large book. All laptops now include wireless connectivity, which means that they can access the Internet without having to be plugged into a socket. So, they can be used in places such as airports, hotels and trains. This makes them extremely useful to business travellers, who can easily keep in touch with their office, wherever they are in the world. The more powerful laptops have a speed and storage capacity equal to most desktops. The palmtop (or handheld computer) is the smallest of the three, as its name implies. They are about the size of a pocket diary and can do almost everything that can be done on a desktop or a laptop. Users control it by navigating around a touch screen using a special pen. Palmtops are very light and very popular with business travellers. If palmtops have a disadvantage, it may be that the size of the screen limits the amount of information that can be viewed at any one time. Another name for a palmtop is PDA, which stands for Personal Digital Assistant. A typical PDA has, nowadays, developed from being only a computer to being a mobile phone as well.
Electronic Communication
Both laptops and palmtops can be connected to peripheral devices such as printers and photocopiers, in the same way as a desktop can. The connection in most offices is usually wireless.
Computer Peripherals
A peripheral device is any device that can be connected to a computer. They are usually connected to a Universal Serial Bus (USB) port on the computer by a USB cable. Peripherals include both input and output devices. An input device allows information to be downloaded to the computer; an output device allows the computer to send (upload) information to that device. The connection between a computer and another device is known as an interface. The most commonly used peripheral devices are: Printer (output): information sent to a printer will be reproduced on paper exactly as it appears on the computers screen. A printer changes a soft copy (i.e. the one on the computer that cannot be physically touched) into a hard copy, which can be touched. Some printers are combined in the same machine with a photocopier and a scanner. Scanner (input): takes a hard copy of a page which is inserted into the scanner and sends it as a soft copy to the computer, where it can be stored as a separate file or incorporated into an existing document. Words and images can be scanned. A scanner does not produce a piece of paper. Memory stick or card (input & output): a backup device used to store data temporarily. It gives security because if the computer crashes, data held on the memory stick will be safe and can easily be retrieved. It is always connected directly to ports in the computer to transfer information. Floppy disk drive (input & output): a temporary storage device which can interface with the computer in the same way as a memory stick. However, because of their limited storage capacity, floppy disks are being superseded by memory sticks and rewritable compact discs (CD-RWs). Digital camera (input) allows digital photographs to be transferred and stored on the computer for viewing, editing and sending to someone in an email, etc. Photocopier: an output device, which, because it does not need to be connected to a computer to do its job, is not, strictly speaking, a true peripheral device. A photocopier allows exact copies of documents to be printed off on to paper by taking a hard copy and making other hard copies from it. Modern photocopiers can copy many pages very quickly and they have many options for arranging the copies, e.g. colour or black and white or grey tone; single-sided or double-sided; larger or smaller than the original, etc.
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Making Calculations using Spreadsheets Spreadsheets consist of a series of cells (boxes), arranged in horizontal rows and vertical columns. The rows are identified by numbers, the columns by letters. An individual cell is named by its position in column and row: thus cell H77 is in column H, on row 77. Into these cells you can input either numerical data or textual information. The purpose of a spreadsheet is to enable you to perform fast and accurate calculation and manipulation of figures. The best known example of a spreadsheet is Microsoft Excel . Spreadsheets also let you create formulas and draw graphs. Within each cell or chosen group of cells, you can change the presentation of data (format cells) as freely and easily as you can with a text document. You can import these figures or graphs into a text document, too. So, for example, if you are writing a report on sales figures, you can include a graph (created on a spreadsheet) within the body of your report (which is a text file) for easier understanding of the figures and trends. Spreadsheets perform even the most complicated calculations instantly and with total accuracy. The only thing that will make a calculation go wrong is if the data is input incorrectly by the computer operator.
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Security and Backup However, storing all this data safely depends on the computer system working properly. In the past, data could be stored safely in filing cabinets and would be lost only if there was a major disaster like fire or flood. Computers can and do go wrong and if a computer develops a fault very few of us know how to put it right. If the fault is serious, then we might lose all the information on the computer. This, obviously, could be disastrous. So it is very important to back up your work regularly on a separate device, such as a memory stick or an external hard drive. This keeps your data safe and secure, whatever happens to the computer itself. You can even set your computer to automatic backup, so that it will save your files for you at regular intervals, without you having to remember to do so.
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Staff in a store can use the LAN to check the stock of an item in another of the companys stores, for example. It is very efficient, saving the time and cost of a phone call. (ii) Extranet An Extranet is an extended intranet which also lets business partners, clients and suppliers, access some of the companys information. The company must carefully control the type of information that can be viewed in this way, so that sensitive material is not seen. Extranets can be expensive to set up and they will reduce direct personal interaction between the company and its customers. But they are also an extremely efficient way of making information available. Customers, for example, can find information that they need, without having to take up the time of an employee to explain it. All LANs operate in exactly the same way, whether they are contained within a single building, or operate throughout a large company with many worksites. (b) Wide Area Network Also called a WAN, this describes a large number of computers which can be linked together, not restricted to a single company or geographical area. Typically, a WAN will operate internationally, the best-known example of a WAN being the Internet itself. WANs permit people to browse a huge amount of information on an almost unlimited number of websites. Access to a WAN is not restricted like access to a LAN. By their nature WANs are more vulnerable to security problems. A WAN is essential to any company that uses communications technology to carry on its business. Without a WAN, e-commerce, for example, would not be possible. (c) Videoconferencing When two or more people use computers and webcams to see and speak to each other, this is called videoconferencing. While teleconferencing describes conversations on the telephone between more than two people simultaneously, videoconferencing uses computers rather than telephones and all parties are able to see each other as well as speak to each other. It is possible to have a teleconference using computers, for example, using Skype without webcams. Although a computer uses a telephone line to connect to the Internet, a telephone on its own cannot support videoconferencing. All good laptops now have integral webcams, so that videoconferencing has become cheap or even free, using Skype. It has become very popular, as it lets people see each others body language, builds relationships and allows customers to actually see products. Other significant advantages for businesses include the saving of huge amounts of time and travelling costs. (d) Telecommuting Do not confuse this term with teleconferencing. A person who travels to work is called a commuter. When work is done at home instead of at the normal workplace and the worker is connected to the workplace LAN by computer, this is called telecommuting. The person is at work but doing the work at home and can be in regular contact with colleagues via email or intranet, sharing and developing ideas with them. It can increase efficiency and no time or money is wasted on travelling. However, it is possible only for people who use a computer to do their work. A manager who has to supervise staff personally, for example, cannot telecommute. The arrangement works on trust. An employee who is allowed to work at home is trusted to work for about the same amount of time as they would if she/he was in the office. Employees can also spend time at home doing other things, for instance,
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looking after children, as long as that other task does not interfere with their work output. However, the privilege is open to abuse. Another drawback of telecommuting is that it limits interpersonal connection. A worker who tends to work most of the time at home will not have the opportunity to build relationships with colleagues in the same way that would be possible if they were all in the same office. So it can be isolating.
It is impossible to use computers effectively without using the Internet. The Internet has, in only a few years, revolutionised the way in which we communicate and share information. It is now routinely used for buying and selling goods, booking holidays, checking bank accounts, or just keeping in touch with other people. It is the biggest communication network of all. An abbreviation for INTERnational NETwork the Internet, as we know it, came into existence as recently as the 1990s. The growth in its use since then has been phenomenal. It allows anyone who has a computer, anywhere in the world, to have access to a vast body of information that is stored on the World Wide Web (the Web) and to communicate with any other person who also has a computer. Connections take only seconds and are very cheap or even free of charge; certainly the two main reasons for its astonishingly rapid growth. The term, World Wide Web, refers to the vast amount of information that is available to any computer which is connected to the Internet. The Internet is the connection; the World Wide Web is the information. The two terms are often confused and people use the word Internet to mean the information; for most people, the distinction is unimportant.
Search Engines
A search engine is a tool whose purpose is to help you find information when you do not know where to look, or you do not know the address of the website. A number of search engines are available, of which the best known is Google. There is a box on the screen where you will type in the information you want to find. For example, if you have forgotten ABEs web address, you can simply type abe into the search engine and every example of abe on the will appear in seconds (the number is actually in excess of two million because it includes examples of words where these three letters appear together, such as label or Aberdeen). Of course, if too many entries appear, you will have to make your search request more precise. For example, if you type Association of Business Executives into the search engine, you will find exactly what you are looking for straight away and you can go straight to ABEs website.
A website is the location of a company or an individual on the Web. A company will create a web address, which always starts with www. Then there will be the companys name or identifier, followed by the location of the website. Thus the web address for the Association of Business Executives is www.abeuk.com. If you type that into your computer when you are on line, you will be immediately taken to the ABE website, where you can find out all the information you need about the organisation. Remarkably, if you type the web address in any document, clicking on it will again take you straight to the ABE website, as long as you have an Internet connection. This address appears in blue automatically. A shortcut like this is called a hyperlink. Note: a web address is not the same as an email address.
Electronic Communication
Since hundreds of millions of people use the Internet every day, a website is now one of the most important tools that a company has to make itself known. A website can be accessed by anyone from anywhere in the world. So, companies will go to a lot of trouble to ensure that their website is easy to find and easy to navigate through. They will employ a web designer to make their website attractive and user friendly. They want to look good, to generate an interest in themselves and their products and services. Websites are, essentially, a form of advertising. They are a companys virtual shop window where they try to present themselves and their products in an attractive way. They can incorporate colour and patterns, pictures and illustrations and moving images, sound and music, as well as links to other websites. So, they are extremely versatile and very powerful marketing tools. They have several different areas, which potential customers can navigate through just by clicking on the relevant tabs. Companies can advertise thousands of products at a time. The website will include their catalogue of products and services, contact details, information about the company and might even advertise jobs. Unlike other types of advertisements, websites have no placement cost. Once a company has paid for the website to be set up, they can update it for next to nothing as often as they require. However, not every website exists for marketing reasons. Some do no more than provide information (e.g. government websites) but every commercial company, which has a website, uses that website to sell its products and/or services directly to customers. This is called electronic commerce but is always referred to as e-commerce.
This is the buying and selling of goods and services using the Internet. It is an increasingly popular way of trading because it is fast, convenient and cost effective for both purchaser and seller. It also offers sellers a huge potential market, since it is a very quick way to reach a large number of people anywhere in the country, or elsewhere in the world. The process of e-commerce is fairly standard, although there are of course differences in the way that websites are set up. (i) (ii) First you log on to a companys website and browse the website in search of a suitable product. You can look at the websites of several other companies to compare the choice, price and delivery time of their products. When you have decided which product you want to buy, you return to the relevant companys website, click on the picture or the name of the item, and click on the label add to basket or add to cart. This virtual shopping basket keeps information about everything you are buying until you are ready to go to the checkout. At the checkout you will see everything that you have put in your basket and you can still change your mind. Only when your shopping is complete, will you then click on the checkout tab and on a new page you will be asked to input your name, home address, email address and your credit or debit card number. There are only a limited number of ways to pay over the Internet, and the other way that is often used is PayPal. Paying by card or Paypal is almost instantaneous and usually safe. You type your card number into the box on the screen, the software will check that your address matches the delivery address (to avoid fraud) and the sale will be confirmed. It is as easy as that. The payment will be sent automatically from your card to the sellers bank account, and the seller will despatch the item to your home.
E-commerce is efficient, speedy and convenient but as well as advantages you must be aware that it also has some potential drawbacks.
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Advantages of E-commerce You do not have to leave home in order to shop and you can use the Internet for buying groceries or buying a car, or anything in between. You dont have to travel, or carry large amounts of cash. It saves time, effort and often saves you money. The World Wide Web makes it possible to buy products that are not available in real shops in your own area. If you are not satisfied for any reason, you can nearly always return the product. All reputable companies allow this and will refund your money promptly, as long as they receive the product back unused. Arrangements for returning goods vary from company to company but many companies will bear the cost of postage. For the selling company itself, the website offers a far wider customer base. Instead of thousands of potential customers from the local area, they now can have millions of customers from all over the world. They can display their goods on their website without needing to invest in large, expensive showrooms and they can be more efficient by centralising their delivery arrangements from large warehouses. This means that their products can often be found more cheaply on the Internet than in a shop. It is not possible for you to see or touch the actual goods you are buying; you see only a picture. There is no personal interaction between sales staff and customer. This is quite important, since a website cannot offer the advice that a properly trained sales assistant can. However, it is always possible to ask questions and receive replies by email. Buying on the means giving out personal details, which might not always be secure. Credit/debit card fraud is on the increase, especially on the where you cannot confirm your identity with your cards PIN number. If a product is faulty it can sometimes be troublesome to have to send it back or have it collected, compared to simply returning it to the local shop.
Disadvantages of E-commerce
The rapid growth in e-commerce suggests that its benefits outweigh its drawbacks. Reputable companies always give guarantees and there is absolutely no reason why the quality of goods bought via the Internet should be poorer than those bought in a real shop. Many individuals also trade privately, using on-line intermediaries such as eBay, where virtually anything that is not illegal or dangerous can be bought and sold between people all over the world. There are more dangers when buying from strangers, so it pays to be very careful what information you give out about yourself. It will be your own responsibility if you allow yourself to be cheated.
Electronic mails are used by everybody who uses the Internet. They are the commonest form of written communication. Emails allow us to send messages instantly and free of cost to other people all over the world. They serve as a matter of record and unlike a telephone call, the sender and receiver do not have to be there at the same time. A message will be delivered to the other computers mailbox, to be read whenever it is convenient. Emails also have the huge advantage of allowing files, pictures, even music and movies, to be sent as attachments, again free of cost. Another advantage that they have is that a copy of what you send is kept on your computer for your own records. The process of sending an email is as follows: once you have logged in to your Internet account, you click on the Write email icon on the toolbar. A box pops up on the screen.
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The box contains an address book of people you have written to before. You can either click on one or more of these, or write a new email address in the box labelled To: You create a subject title for the email; then you type your message in the message box. If you want to attach a file to the message, you find the file where it is stored on your computer, click on it, and click Open. This will automatically attach the file to your email. Then you click Send and the message is transmitted, together with the file attachment. You can send the same email simultaneously to several people, without having to rewrite it. Simply click on the button labelled cc (copy) and put their addresses in that box. If you want to send copies to some people without letting others know, then use the bcc button. This stands for blind copy. These addresses will not be visible to anyone else who receives your email. This system is highly efficient. If the receiver needs a hard copy of your attached document, she/he will simply send it from their own computer to a printer to print off. Emails are less formal than letters, so they tend to be used for more routine communications. However, there is an increasing acceptance of emails as a kind of formal communication. For example, it is becoming more acceptable for job applications to be completed on line and sent to the company through the Internet, with a copy of your CV attached. However, a letter is still the preferred option for most companies. There is no need to include your own address in an email, because your email address is all that is needed and that is sent automatically along with the communication. This means that you can see the identity of the sender before you open an email. So, if you receive an email from an address that you do not recognise, you can safely delete it without opening it. That can be very useful, because a very common way in which viruses spread between computers is via email attachments. If you do not open strange emails you are less likely to be affected by a computer virus. Another drawback of emails is spam. This is the term used to describe emails that you have not asked for, advertising things you do not want. Spam can be a real problem, so some ISPs (Internet Service Providers) offer an automatic spam filter service, which can dramatically reduce the amount of junk emails that you will receive.
Security is the most important issue for any computer user on the Web. There are many ways in which your computer can be damaged, or your own personal security compromised and it is worth knowing how to avoid the most obvious risks. (a) Identity Theft A threat that has been mentioned already occurs when personal information that you provide on the Internet is used fraudulently by other people. This is called identity theft. Fraudsters can use your personal details to purchase items, pretending to be you. To prevent this happening, you must be extremely careful about giving out personal information via your computer. Use only websites that you are sure you can trust. Once you give out personal information, you have no control over where it is sent afterwards. (b) Viruses Another danger is posed by viruses. A virus is a program, which, as its name suggests, will infect your computer and prevent it from working properly. However, a virus cannot enter your computer unless you invite it in. This can be done in one of two ways: either by downloading an email attachment which contains a virus, or by downloading a file from the Internet in which a virus is hidden.
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In almost every case it is not possible to spot the presence of a virus in a file. So, the safest way to proceed is to be extremely careful what you download and which websites you visit. Depending on the nature of the virus, it can steal information from your computer, or corrupt your files, making them unreadable, or it can infect your email program and use it to send spam to everyone in your address book. Whatever form it takes, a virus will always do damage. A common way of protecting computers from a virus is to install security software. These programs will continually scan your computer for the presence of a virus and will automatically delete any that they find. However, they are not totally foolproof because new viruses can be created, which the security software may not recognise as a virus, so it will not kill it. Software which prevents hacking, that is, unauthorised access to your computer or network, is called a Firewall and it is sensible, for your own protection, to install a firewall on your system. It has been said that leaving your computer with no protection is like walking out of your home and leaving the door open.
The telephone is the oldest type of communication technology still in regular use. In recent years, it too has been transformed from a mere talking device into something much more sophisticated. Telephones are still the preferred choice of medium when a message is urgent, instant feedback is needed and the other person is in another place. However, the cost of making phone calls, especially international calls, has led to more and more oral communication being done via the computer, as explained above. Advice on how to make and receive business telephone calls is given in Chapter Three. In this Chapter we are concerned with understanding the technology that gives modern telephones their range of capabilities.
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Last number redial. If a number is engaged, it can be called again by touching just one button, the Redial button. You can do this as often as you like until the call is answered. Call forwarding allows a call to be transferred to another telephone (e.g. a mobile) when someone is not at their desk, so no calls will be missed. The desk phone is usually set up to transfer the call automatically. Conference facility allows several people to hold a simultaneous conversation in different locations using their telephones. It is commonly known as a conference call or teleconferencing. It will normally require the phone to have a loudspeaker. Loudspeaker. Often used during conference calls to let everyone in a room hear what is being said at the other end of the line. When the loudspeaker is in use the phone does not need to be hand held. Hands free facility allows the user to do other things, such as making notes, during a call. To use hands free you must have either a loudspeaker or a headset. Call transfer allows the person who answers the phone to transfer the call to another person who is linked to the same telephone network. It keeps the caller on hold while this is happening. Do not confuse this with call forwarding. Secrecy button (or Mute button). When this button is pressed, the person at the other end of the phone cannot hear what is being said between the people in the room. It allows for private discussions during a call to a third party. Voicemail. This asks a caller to leave a message when the person being called is not available. The telephone usually has a flashing light which alerts its owner to the fact that a message has been left and it can be retrieved and listened to at the first convenient moment.
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Talk to your own computer Download music from the Tell you where you are (using GPS).
Mobile phones are capable of storing and transferring huge amounts of information. Models such as the BlackBerry and iPhone are extremely popular with business people because of their versatility and ease of use. Such mobile phones operate as palmtops (PDAs). They have qwerty keypads and a vast range of commands and functions that satisfy the needs of even the most demanding business user.
A pager is a small, portable device which is used to alert someone to the fact that there is a message for them. A secretary, perhaps, will dial a pager number and the pager will ring or vibrate. Pagers are usually carried by doctors, managers or senior maintenance staff. Their advantage is that they can allow a person to be contacted, even if that person is not close to a telephone. However, pagers cannot make calls, so the person who has been alerted has to find a telephone and make a call to discover what the message is. This is their major drawback. Pagers are increasingly being replaced by mobile telephones, which are far more versatile.
This is the full name of the fax machine, which not long ago was at the cutting edge of telecommunication. A facsimile is an exact copy of a document. A fax machine sends copies through a telephone line. Any document can be sent, text, pictures, graphs, etc. The document is fed into the fax machine, which scans it as it goes through and an exact copy is transmitted immediately to the fax machine on the other end of the line. The big advantage of the fax machine is its speed in sending documents to anyone, anywhere, who has a fax machine. Whilst computers sending email attachments have taken over from faxes in many situations, with an email, you have to print out a hard copy; with a fax this is done automatically. Faxes have disadvantages, too: They are not guaranteed to be confidential, since anyone who is beside the fax machine can read the fax as it is being printed. If a confidential fax is going to be sent, it makes sense to alert the receiver just before the transmission. A phone call is the best way to do this, since you can be certain that the other person will then be prepared to receive your fax. You cannot guarantee that they have been safely received by the person for whom they are intended, unless you check by another means, e.g. phone call or email. If the receiving fax machine is faulty, or out of ink, or out of paper, the fax transmission will not be received properly. A fax is not always acceptable as a hard copy. Many business situations require a follow up letter which includes the original documents. Some faxes use a special fax paper on which, over time, the ink will fade; these cannot be stored long term for record keeping. If you misdial, the fax could be received by someone for whom it is not intended.