Fuel Cells
Fuel Cells
Fuel Cells
Positive post of the fuel cell Etched channels distribute oxygen to the surface of the catalyst. Conducts electrons back from the external circuit to the catalyst Recombine with the hydrogen ions and oxygen to form water.
Proton exchange membrane. Specially treated material, only conducts positively charged ions. Membrane blocks electrons.
Special material that facilitates reaction of oxygen and hydrogen Usually platinum powder very thinly coated onto carbon paper or cloth. Rough & porous maximizes surface area exposed to hydrogen or oxygen The platinum-coated side of the catalyst faces the PEM.
On the cathode side, oxygen gas (O2) is forced through the catalyst
Forms two oxygen atoms, each with a strong negative charge. Negative charge attracts the two H+ ions through the membrane, Combine with an oxygen atom and two electrons from the external circuit to form a water molecule (H2O).
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CO2 discharged with methanol reform Little more efficient than alternatives Technology currently expensive
Many design issues still in progress
Hydrogen often created using dirty energy (e.g., coal) Pure hydrogen is difficult to handle
Refilling stations, storage tanks,
Fuel Cells
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