Columbus United Methodist Church: in This Issue

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Columbus United Methodist Church

222 S. Dickason Blvd. Columbus, WI 53925

January, 2011

In This Issue
New Years Resolution January Usher Schedule January Birthdays January Anniversaries The Spirit of Christmas Family-Friendly Friday Night Film January Fellowship Time Schedule Cookie Walk Results Wish List Upcoming Sermon Topics Children & Youth Ministries Poinsettias Mission Offering for January New Arrival Welcome News for Age 70 1/2 & Older Outreach Planning with Dan Dick UMW Saving Jesus Bible Study Calendar
Our purpose is to: Follow Jesus Together We do this by: Opening our hearts to people and to Christ in worship and fellowship, so that we know God and each other more fully, Opening our minds to deepen our Christian faith, understand our heritage, and think together to solve common problems, and Opening our doors in welcome and hospitality, even as we go out of those doors to invite people into God's church and be in service to all of our neighbors everywhere.

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The Voice
New Years Resolution
Ive never made a New Years resolution. It always seemed to me that resolutions didnt work, unless you had some system of accountability. Many people resolve to exercise more, but unless they have an exercise partner, or join a health club with some schedule, the resolve fades over time. Many people resolve to quit smoking, but the power of the chemical addiction is such that it usually takes more than a resolution to quit. Many people resolve to lose weight, but unless they join weight watchers or something similar, the body reasserts itself. There are exceptions. The grace of God does sometimes cause someone to lose their desire for tobacco or alcohol, etc. Some people find the inward discipline to stick to a diet, period. Some people find very powerful motivation in a health scare or an incident. It seems to me that New Years Resolutions could work well in the church, where we want to be accountable to each other. The church could be the perfect place for a weight-loss covenant, or a stop-smoking partnership. In church, we want to encourage one another, so a New Years Resolution can be transformed into a support network. This year, I would like to make my first New Years resolution. Id like your support in this. This year, I want to be aware of the sin of pride. I want to avoid glorifying my own opinion, and stick to what I can support with scripture and science and experience in the world around us. This will be difficult. I need to come up with lots of words in my preaching and other work, and it is hard to keep my opinion out of it. It is easy to say just what I think, rather than really try to discern what God wants. When I preach, I want the scripture to connect with the the great drama of the world around us, which includes politics, religion, commerce and entertainment. It is too easy to

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make generalizations, or point out the sin in someone else; but whenever I point the finger at someone else, three fingers are pointing back at me. It is too easy, when trying to make people think, when trying to be forceful, to also become arrogant. I really dislike arrogance. Lord, keep me from becoming what I dislike. So, I invite your help. Please help me avoid the sin of pride. Tell me when a generalization I make isnt quite correct; tell me when I point the finger unnecessarily. I thank you in advance. Jim We want to thank our church family for their prayers, love and concern you have shown us over the past three months. We are overwhelmed by your thoughtfulness. And a big thank you to those who supported Charlotte for the benefit. Your presence, food items, auction items and gifts of money all helped to make it a very successful night. God bless each of you, and may the Christmas spirit stay in our hearts into the coming new year. With love, Lyle and Louise Elske

The Voice is the monthly newsletter of the Columbus United Methodist Church. Please send all correspondence to: PO Box 392, Columbus, WI 53925-0392. Pastor: Jim Cotter Secretary: Wanda Guenther Church Office......920-623-3625 (Office Hours: Monday thru Friday from 9-3) Pastors home phone......920-623-9641 E-Mail: Website: ............................. Pastors E-Mail:

The Voice

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January Usher Schedule

Jan. 2nd: Jan. 9th: Jan. 16th: Jan. 23rd: Jan. 30th: Gene & Dorothy Hake and Ann Ehlenfeldt Dan & Patsy Roe and Carol Balfanz Stuart & Lois Smith and Wanda Guenther Philip & Peggy Waterworth and Kara & Megan Rake Audrey & Jamie Kasmiski
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Happy January Birthdays!

Jeffrey Emerson Noah Fritchen Jason Salisbury 4 Fred Goetsch Michelle Lange 5 Emma Bennett Ethan Groh 7 Jaden Buske 10 Peggy Waterworth 11 Crystal Hauge Benjamin Perry 13 Abram Glasbrenner Jason Theilen 15 Bernadine Graper 17 Debra Perry Doug Spangler Alysa Wusterbarth 18 Sam Batt 19 Kay Meyer 20 Elaine Diehlmann 22 Carol Dean 26 Louise Elske 27 Tessie Sharrow 28 William Hamilton 29 Kristin Vander Sanden

January Anniversaries
1/1 1/21 Glenn & Rachelle Albright Gene & Dorothy Hake
Check Out Our Web Site!

Go to New items will be added monthly.

The Spirit of Christmas

Every Christmas, the UMW collects items to donate to PAVE the shelter in Beaver Dam for battered and abused women and children. Money donations as well as donations of clothing, toys, and personal items are collected. Wes and Gloria Karow load the items in their car and deliver them to PAVE in time for Christmas. This year, one of the UMW members had a vision. Shirley Felland made eleven twin-size blankets and bundled them with a soft and fuzzy teddy bear. Pictured above is UMW President, Peggy Goetsch, holding one of the bears and blankets. P.A.V.E. stands for People Against Violent Environment. Those who utilize the shelter many times leave home with nothing but what they have on at the time. Many of them are children, thrown into an uncertain new situation. Shirleys vision was most definitely child-inspired to provide some warmth and unconditional love (teddy bears never judge). Everything donated helps someone at some time. Maybe the thing that helps the most is simply some shampoo and soap and a toothbrush (think about coming home from a camping trip). Sometimes it is an outfit suitable for a job interview. Sometimes a monetary donation can pay for a long-distance call or gas in a vehicle or the utility bill for the shelter. Picture you or your children or grandchildren needing these things and you will understand the good being done. Way to go everyone for your help this year. Wes and Gloria left with an entire car and trunk filled to overflowing30 bags/boxes of donations. And a special thanks to Shirley.

The Voice
Family-Friendly Friday Night Film, January 14th at 7 p.m.
Columbus United Methodist Church invites you to attend the Family Friendly Friday Night Film on January 14, 2010-at 7 pm. This fun-filled evening will provide your family with some great entertainment. There is no cost to you for the event. Columbus United Methodist Church invites you to the Family Friendly Friday Film on January 14th at 7 pm. We will be showing the Disney film SNOW BUDDIES. This Grated film is sure to be a hit with your family. The adorable talking puppies are back, and this time they venture to the Arctic and team up with two new friends Talan and Shasta in a thrilling dogsled race across Alaska. The group must band together to face challenges to win the race and find their way back home. No admission charge and refreshments will be provided. Special craft treat for all children. Come join the fun !! As always, volunteers for ushers, food servers, set up and clean up are always needed. Come and join this growing family ministry!

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This issue of the Voice is sponsored by Don and Bernetta Pritchard in memory of Alvin & Evelyn Hoppe and Harvey & Mary Pritchard

Love and Joy Come to You and to You Glad Christmas, Too
The weather held out, plenty of cookies were put out and buyers were on hand. If we can have a good sale the day before a blizzard, just imagine what we can do next time! Put the Cookie Walk 2011 in your date book for early next December. Start reminding all your friends and neighbors when you see them at Thanksgiving and were sure to have a giant success. I read somewhere that real giving is contributing baked goods for the church bake sale and then going through the line and buying them back! We had some real giving last week during the cookie walk. Thanks to everyone who contributed (either with goods, service or in any way promoting the event), thanks to everyone who purchased and special thanks to those who did both. Although the Cookie Walk is an allchurch event, it is something the community always looks forward to. It brings us together with our neighbors and thats a wonderful thing to do. I think it deserves to be on the calendar for next year. The exact figure isnt in yet, but the preliminary amount looks like $700-plus. Lets see what kind of good things it can do when we send it back into the world with love and joy. Peace Your Cookie Walk Committee

Fellowship Time Schedule January Volunteers

January 2nd: January 9th: January 16th: January 23rd: January 30th: Dave & Judy Stricker Beth Burnard The Plantenberg Family Rhonda Miller Larry & Mary Baker

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The Wills & Gifts Committee of our church is pleased to present you this Wish List. If there are any additional items you believe should be on this list, please contact the Chairperson, Lyle Elske, or call the church office at 623-3625. These are opportunities for special giving. Columbus United Methodist Church Wills & Gifts Wish List Bulletin Sponsor VOICE Sponsor Gift Bibles for 1st & 3rd Graders Child care for Praise Band Rehearsals 7 Confirmation Picture Frames & Matting (each frame holds six pictures) Seasonal silk flower arrangement for Sanctuary Easter/Wedding Altar Cloth and Pulpit & Lectern Paraments Wellness FundCounseling $15.00 per week $50.00 per month $13.00 each $15.00 per week $230.00 each frame (or sponsor one picture at $40.00) $35.00 to $40.00 each $2800.00 Various Amounts

Every mile is two in winter. ~George Herbert Winter either bites with its teeth or lashes with its tail. ~Proverb The color of springtime is in the flowers, the color of winter is in the imagination. ~Terri Guillemets Winter is the time for comfort, for good food and warmth, for the touch of a friendly hand and for a talk beside the fire: it is the time for home. ~Edith Sitwell Winter is the season in which people try to keep the house as warm as it was in the summer, when they complained about the heat. ~Author Unknown One kind word can warm three winter months. ~Japanese Proverb If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant: if we did not sometimes taste of adversity, prosperity would not be so welcome. ~Anne Bradstreet

Upcoming Sermon Topics

Sunday, January 2nd: Epiphany Sunday, January 9th: Sunday, January 16th: Friday, January 23rd: Sunday, January 30th: Holy Communion, Mission Moment, Matthew 2:1-12 Renewal of Baptismal Vows, Matthew 3:1-17 Everyday God Speech, Numbers 6:22-27, 1 Corinthians 1:1-9 God Only Knows, Luke 16:10-17, 2 Corinthians 12:1-10 Worship with prayers for healing, Patsy Roe preaches

The Voice
January News & Notes : Children and Youth Ministries Coordinator

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Sunday School We welcome volunteers for teaching. Our materials are well done and easy to use. We have opportunities to use your talents and gifts in the Creation Station, HOLYWOOD (showing related videos with activity and teaching pages), Tent of Tales (storytelling and reading), and Games (all printed and organized for your tailoring and set-up). Students and teachers are truly blessed as we work together as a faith community to bring the Good News of Gods love to children and youth. Give me a call and we can discuss our Safe Sanctuary program for children and youth as well as the wonderful opportunity for fellowship with our Christian Education group. Our Childrens Christmas program was held on Sunday December 19th at the 10:30 Service. Children Pre Kindergarten through 6th grade, Confirmation Students, High School students and adults made possible this wondrous blessing for all who were present to enjoy it. I was so happy to see the children and many adults who usually attend the later service at Coffee Hour. The Birthday Cake for Jesus was served to children and families who came early to prepare for the program. People from both services were all able to be together. It is delightful to see our faith Community !! I look forward to more opportunities to have this fellowship. The Piata festivity following the program had the usual delightful squeals of laughter and JOY followed by treats for all. God blesses us so richly!! Our January Rotation will begin our journey with Jesus from the manger to the cross. We will meet several key people in the New Testament, learn from the Parables and the Beatitudes, and discover the wondrous stories of Jesus.

Family Friendly Friday Film is Snow Buddies Join us January 14th at 7 p.m.. This Disney film is rated G and is sure to be a hit with your family!! These Disney adorable talking puppies are back, and this time they venture to the Arctic and team up with two new friends Talan and Shasta in a thrilling dogsled race across Alaska. The group must band together to face furraising challenges to win the race and find their way back home. Tell your friends about this great ministry to the families of our community. We had 18 children and 8 adults in December and we are adding new faces each time. It has been great to welcome new people from the community and greet church friends we may not have seen for a while. This is a wonderful way to extend Gods love to others. We welcome volunteers to provide a simple snack, set up, clean up, and help during the film. This Mission of caring is going and growing!

These words of prayer seemed fitting for the new year Lord, help us to spend less time on what we need to have and more time on who we need to be and what we need to do as Your hands and feet and voice of mercy and justice in the world. From Guide My Feet by Marian Wright Edelman well known child advocate With Love and Prayers for a new year filled with Gods Blessings, Mary Baker

The Voice
Thank you for making our Sanctuary so beautiful for this joyous Christmas season! The poinsettias were donated by:

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Nick & Tessie Sharrow & Family in memory of Lon Skinner Bond Nick & Tessie Sharrow & Family in memory of Hannah Agnew, Philip J. Sharrow, Jr., and Mary Sharrow Nick & Tessie Sharrow in memory of Mary Pat Jahnke-Hansen Wanda Kilian in memory of George & Meredith Hembree Dave & Judy Stricker in memory of Art & Pearl Van Buren and Keith Stricker Rhonda Miller & Gary Lane in memory of May & Ray Miller and Barb Lane Hyacinth Lange in memory of Lelon Lange Fred & Della Dartt in memory of their parents and brothers Gene & Dorothy Hake in memory of Dorothys brother, Tom Larry & Mary Baker in memory of Mary & Ruth Roof and Marie Baker Dan & Patsy Roe in memory of their parents Harlan & Marilyn Roe and Elmer & Millie Stickles Phil & Peggy Waterworth in memory of their parents The Gwenn Gmeinder Family in memory of Ann, Arnold, Adeline, Elmer & Ethel Theede Mildred Henke in memory of Ben Henke Anna Ehrke in honor of Charles & Lynne Fuller Julie & Tim Jensen in memory of Howard Rahn Stuart & Lois Smith in memory of Wallace & Daisy Kukuk and Leonard & Lessie Smith Mildred Henke in honor of her family Dan & Beth Burnard in memory of their parents The Hoffman Family in memory of Bob & Marion Hoffman, Sr., and Robert Hoffman, Jr. Marlo Gaddo in memory of John J. Gaddo Lyle & Louise Elske in honor of their families Esther Circle Ruth Marks in memory of Russell and Tom Marks Jim & Judy Vale in honor of the Vale Family Jesse & Shirley Felland in memory of Jesses & Shirleys parents Faye Venden & Family in memory of Morris Venden Faye Venden & Family in memory of Linda Venden Platz Ron & Wanda Guenther in honor of their grandson, Blake Ann Ehlenfeldt in memory of Don & Rachel Ehlenfeldt Ann Ehlenfeldt in memory of Richard & Lynn Ehlenfeldt Jim & Kara Rake in memory of Betty & Roscoe Premo

The Voice
Mission Offering for January
The mission offering for January will go to Human Relations Day. What is Human Relations Day? Human Relations Day is one of the six church wide Special Sundays with offerings of The United Methodist Church. Human Relations Day strengthens United Methodist outreach to communities in the United States and Puerto Rico, encouraging social justice and work with at-risk youth. When is Human Relations Day celebrated? Human Relations Day is celebrated on the Sunday before the national observance of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.s birthday. Because of your offering, caring ministries continue providing childcare, after-school tutoring, gang intervention, work with at-risk teens, outreach with current and former prison inmates, homeless services, emergency aid, jobs training and more. Your Missions Committee

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On November 20th, at 1:53 a.m., Molly Louise Elske was born to Lon and Amy Elske. She weighed 7 lbs. 8 oz. and was 19 inches long. Molly has a big sister, Charlotte. Lyle and Louise Elske are the proud paternal grandparents and Jean and Jerold Wagenknecht of Jackson, WI are the proud maternal grandparents. Congratulations to the whole Elske family! Update on Charlotte: Charlotte has completed three separate courses of chemotherapy since her diagnosis of acute megakaryoblastic leukemia on September 11th, 2010. Each course has involved 5-10 days of aggressive drugs causing both her leukemic and healthy blood cells to die off. This extends each stay in the hospital to 3-5 weeks while her body rebuilds blood cells and her immune system recovers enough for her to be out of a protective environment. We are usually at home for 7-15 days between rounds while she regains her health and blood counts build high enough to start another round of chemo. The doctors perform a bone marrow aspirate to determine how much leukemia her body is rebuilding after each round. After the second course, her leukemia count was less than 1%, far better than the over 50% she was originally diagnosed with. Charlottes treatment continues, however, as this is a very aggressive disease. She will have another biopsy on December 23rd to see how she responded after an intensive third course of chemo. Because her subtype of AML is so rare, the doctors have decided that Charlotte should receive an allogeneic bone marrow transplant instead of continued rounds of chemotherapy. This could be done as early as mid January 2011 and she would be hospitalized for 4-8 weeks while she recovers. This is a risky procedure, but it could lead to a leukemia-free future for her. We are so very thankful for our families and friends. Without their continued love and support, we would be lost. We appreciate your prayers and thoughts during Charlottes time of need. Lon and Amy Elske

Ushers and Fellowship Time Volunteers

The schedules of Ushers, Fellowship Time Volunteers and Scripture Readers for 2011 are being prepared. We are so grateful for the volunteers who serve us in this way every week. If you would like to volunteer to help and be included in the rotation for either of these teams, please call the church office at 623-3625. These are wonderful and easy ways to help the church.

The Voice
Welcome news for those age 70-1/2 and older!
The new Tax Reform Act that was just signed into law on December 17th restores the IRA Charitable Rollover for 2010 and permits its use through December 31, 2011. If you own an IRA and are over age 70-1/2, you may transfer up to $100,000 directly from your IRA directly to your local United Methodist Church or any United Methodist ministry because they are all qualified public charities. If you have not taken the 2010 required minimum distribution from your IRA, you may instruct your IRA custodian to send your RMD directly to the church because we are a qualified charity! Even if you have taken your required IRA distribution for this year, you still may find the IRA charitable rollover a very convenient way to make a gift this year. Qualified charitable distribution (QCD) rollovers to the church (or another charity) may be made anytime before January 31, 2011 to qualify for a 2010 gift. An easy way to start an IRA Charitable Rollover is to send an email or a letter to your IRA Custodian. The reverse side of this note includes the wording for a sample email or letter. Please be sure to enter your IRA account number in the blank provided. The following is also a link to an informational video on the 2010 IRA Rollover: ira_rollover_vid.html For more information, contact: Wisconsin United Methodist Foundation 750 Windsor Street, Suite 305 PO Box 620 Sun Prairie, WI 53590 1-888-903-9863 or 1-608-837-9582 Email

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Outreach Planning with Dan Dick

Our church has a passion for caring for people, whether they are ones we know well, or people we don't yet know. There were several generous gifts to some individual needs at Christmastime, and there were willing hands to help with the food pantry and Salvation Army bell ringing. We have reached out spiritually, as well. Our 10:30 worship service was designed to meet the needs of people who might not come to our traditional worship service. On Sunday, January 16, beginning with a noon lunch, we will be looking at our next outreach. What new "community" of people can we create and nurture? Our 10:30 worship has been a new "community" of people that has recently grown quite a bit. Can we create a new "community" online, or with an off-site worship service or Bible study? What can we do that would bring Christ's love to a new group of people. Dan Dick, our Conference Director of Connectional Ministries, will be here to help us begin some strategic planning, so we can start our next outreach in the fall of 2011.

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Decembers meeting was an exercise in sharing. We shared wonderful refreshments and conversation. We shared prayer. We shared thoughts on giving during the Christmas Season and beyond. Three of us (Kerrie, Mary and Peggy) shared touching stories about Christmas, giving and UMW. We shared song, accompanied on piano by Lois Smith whom I hope will do so again. Kerrie shared The Word and inspiration on spiritual growth. Peggy shared information on P.A.V.E. (People Against Violent Environment) and we had the chance to donate to the table of gifts. Shirley shared about how she made blankets with the help of her daughter and paired them with stuffed animals to donate. A collection was taken to help reimburse her for those. We discussed P.A.V.E. and the good it does. We made some plans for the cookie walk that was held two days later. It was exciting to be in the company of all these wonderful women who care. Especially on such a snowy night! I feel the excitement growing. We are moving forward and combining the history and wisdom that have come before with the energy and ideas for the future. Januarys meeting will offer another opportunity to share with each other. We will feature a presentation this month and would love as many women to join us as possible. I would like to share that we donated 30 bags/boxes of items along with monetary contribution to P.A.V.E. for which they were grateful. I wish you could have seen Wes and Glorias car loaded to the brim! Please see the letter of thanks they sent which is on the upper right corner of the UMW bulletin board. I would also like to share with you that the Cookie Walk was a success thanks to all who participated. We raised over $700 that we split between UMW and the general fund. I would also like to invite you to join us January 13th at 7:00pm. Be part of the excitement. Peggy Goetsch

"Saving Jesus"
At 6:30 p.m. on Mondays, beginning January 24th, Pastor Jim will lead a 12-session video-based Bible study looking at Jesus from historical, biblical and modern perspectives. It is titled "Saving Jesus," and includes video commentary by a number of leading Biblical Scholars, and plenty of discussion time. The study will make people say, "Aha!" and make people squirm, as they wrestle with the question of whom Jesus was and is. A daytime option can be offered, too. Please let Pastor Jim know if you would like to be part of the study. The promotional material for the study says, "Ever feel like Jesus has been kidnapped by the Christian Right and discarded by the Secular Left? Saving Jesus is a DVD-based small group exploration of a credible Jesus for the third millennium. New contributors including Brian McLaren, Diana Butler Bass, and Robin Meyers join Marcus Borg, Walter Brueggemann, John Dominic Crossan, Matthew Fox, Amy-Jill Levine, and a host of others for a conversation around the relevance of Jesus for today.

The Voice
Columbus United Methodist Church
PO Box 392 Columbus, WI 53925-0392
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Upcoming events you might want to know about!


January 2nd: 9:00 a.m.Traditional Worship/Communion 10:00 a.m.Fellowship Time 10:30 a.m.Sunday School 10:30 a.m.Contemporary Worship/Communion Thursday, January 13th: 7:00 p.m.UMW Meeting Friday, January 14th: 7:00 p.m.Family-Friendly Friday Night FilmSnow Buddies Sunday, January 16th: 9:00 a.m.Traditional Worship 10:00 a.m.Fellowship Time 10:30 a.m.Sunday School 10:30 a.m.Contemporary Worship 12:00 noon2:00 p.m.Planning Meeting with Dan Dick Monday, January 17th: Newsletter Deadline Sunday, January 23rd: 9:00 a.m.Traditional Worship 10:00 a.m.Fellowship Time 10:30 a.m.Sunday School 10:30 a.m.Contemporary Worship 3:00 p.m.Christian Unity Service at St. Jeromes

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