Imo Performance Standards For Echo
Imo Performance Standards For Echo
Imo Performance Standards For Echo
4. 5.
2|P ag e
9. 10.
14. 15.
The pulse repetition rate should not be slower than 12 pulses per minute on the deep range and 36 pulses per minute on the shallow range. Output(s) should be available from which depth information may be supplied to other equipment such as remote digital displays, voyage data recorder and a track control system. These outputs should be digital, serial communication, facilities which should comply with the relevant international standards. More than one transducer and associated transmitter-receiver may be fitted. If more than one transducer is used: i. means should be available to display the depths from the different transducers separately. ii. a clear indication of the transducer(s) in use should be provided. The performance of the equipment should be such that it will meet the requirements of these performance standards when the ship is rolling + 10 and/or pitching + 5. Based on a sound speed in water of 1,500 m/s, the tolerance of the indicated depth should be either: - + 0.5 m on the 20 m range scale, respectively + 5 m on the 200 m range scale; or - + 2.5% of the indicated depth, whichever is greater. (error) An alarm signal - both visual and audible with mute function - should be provided when the water depth is below a preset value. Alarm signals, both visual and audible (with mute function) to the navigator on the watch should be provided to indicate failure or a reduction in the power supply to the echo sounder which would affect the safe operation of the equipment.