Our Questionnaires
Our Questionnaires
Our Questionnaires
To figure out the number of youngsters who prefer to dine out3. In a typical week,
3. How many meals do you eat out? Less than 5 More than 5 4. How frequently do you go out for dinner? Everyday Every other day 1-2 days a week Once a month Less than 5 times a year
To figure out the number of youngsters who prefer to dine in and the reason why.
9. In a typical week, how many meals do you eat at home? 15-30 10-14 6-9 Less than 5 None
10. Who tends to make the food? Father Mother Family Maid 11. What types of meals do you tend to make? Take-away food Fresh meat, fruits and vegetables prepared at home Fast food with something canned 12. How long does it typically take to cook including prep? Less than 15 minutes 15-30 minutes More than 30 minutes 13. How long do you typically take to eat your meals? Less than 15 minutes 15-30 minutes More than 30 minutes 14. With whom do you tend to eat at home? Alone With few members of the family With the whole family With friends