PART A - USB ELM327 Setup Guide
PART A - USB ELM327 Setup Guide
PART A - USB ELM327 Setup Guide
1. Install the software " for Windows v1.13" from the CD. 2. Plug in ELM327 to your computer USB port, it will look for driver from the CD, and create a virtual com port to your PC. The com port number could be found from: Start -> Control Panel -> System -> Hardware -> Device Manager -> Ports. See figure1 below. 3. Then look for the port number for the device. Remember the COM port number; you will need the number when using the ELM software setup. 4. When open the software, we have to configure the port number, BAUD rate = 38400 BAUD. See figure2. Fugure 1.
4. Select Outgoing, then Browse the ELM327 Bluetooth device, make sure it is connect to your car and the vehicle engine is running. 5. It will create Bluetooth COM Port and COM number, use this number for the ELM327 software.