PCDA Pension Vol - 3
PCDA Pension Vol - 3
PCDA Pension Vol - 3
Revised Edition(2006)
Issued by Authority of
PREFACE This is the third edition of Office Manual Part-IV. The second edition was published in 1972 (superceding the 1931 edition of Office Manual Part-IV, Military Pension Accounts). 2. This Manual contains detailed procedure of work done in the office of PCDA(P) Allahabad, for the grant, audit and accounting of pension/family pension in respect of Commissioned officer, PBOR, Defence civilians and their dependants. The specific function of different sections of PCDA(P)s are covered in the following volumes of this Manual. Vol-I Administration, Records, Accounts, PPO, O & M Cell, Legal Cell, Hindi Cell, Post Audit, EDP Centre and Pension Adalat Cell Vol-II Grants (Civil) in respect Defence civilians Vol-III Grants (Military) in respect of Commissioned Officers. Vol-IV Grants (PBOR) Vol-V Audit A series of major changes have taken place in the pension procedures since 1972 i.e. year of publication of the second edition. A large number of provisions made in these volumes have become obsolete and redundant due to frequent amendment of Rules, Government decisions in implementation of the successive Pay Commissions and extensive computerization of pension work. A need was, therefore, felt to review and update this Manual with reference to various Government orders, instructions, rulings, interpretations and clarifications etc. issued over past 30 years which are scattered over a number of letters, communiqu, memoranda etc. An attempt has been made to update this manual by incorporating the latest Government orders, instructions and clarifications. The existing Government orders which are still operative and which are not easily available, have also been accommodated in this Manual. References to the relevant Regulations/Instructions/Orders etc. obtaining on the army side only have been mentioned in this manual. In dealing with case of personnel serving with the Navy and Air Force units/formations corresponding orders obtaining on Navy/Air Force side may please be referred to. The instructions in the Manual are supplementary to the Rules in the Civil and Defence Audit and Accounts Code, Civil Service Regulations, CCS(P) Rules 1972, Pension and Financial Regulations etc. These are intended to serve as a guide to those employed on the work relating to the pension and should not be quoted in correspondences with officers outside the Defence Accounts Department. Nothing in this Manual will be held to supercede any rule or orders of the Government of India with which it may be at variance. Any addition or alterations which may be necessary to this manual will be notified periodically by the PCDA (P) Allahabad with the prior approval of Controller General of Defence Accounts.
9. I hope that with the help of this manual the work and functions of the office of the PCDA (P) will be better understood and followed to save time and effort in disposal of cases. Ignorance of provisions will not be accepted as an excuse for any departure from the rules or failure to comply with them
Duties Distribution of work CHAPTER-II
Para No 1 2
Page No 1 2
Circumstances in Which retiring pension claims arise Provisional Pension Processing of retiring pension claims through computer Manual processing of retiring pension claims Preparation and submission of pension claims Determination of service qualifying for pension/gratuity Weightage admissible Determination of rank for pension Determination of amount of pension Retirement gratuity Interest on delayed payment of Retirement or Death gratuity Simultaneous notification of commutation of a portion of pension Simultaneous notification of ordinary family pension Sanction of final pensionary awards Notification and documentation for arranging payment of final pensionary awards Loss of PPO Officers eligible for retiring gratuity
4 6 9 36 37 47 50 52 54 55 59 60 61 62 64 70 71
3 3 4 11 11 14 16 17 17 18 18 21 21 22 22 24 24
CHAPTER-III DISABILITY/WAR INJURY/INVALID PENSION General 78 Categorization of disability 80 Procedure for adjudication of disability pension claims 81 (Provisions applicable with effect from 1.1.1996) Documents required for grant of disability pension 82 Preparation and submission of pension claims 83 Processing of disability pension claims through 86 computer Determination of service qualifying for pension 98 Amount of disability pension 99 Period of grant of disability pension 102 Grant of disability pension when officer is suffering 108 from Pulmonary Tuberculosis/ Leprosy but are retained in service 109 Admissibility of disability pension to a disabled pensioner re-employed without disclosing his in validation Grant of disability pension in respect of Non-regular 110 officers released in low medical category Grant of disability pension in cases when officers retire 111 voluntarily Constant Attendance Allowance 114
25 26 27 29 29 29 32 32 33 35
36 37 37
Lump-sum compensation in lieu of disability element Grant of invalid pension/gratuity War Injury Pension on invalidment War Injury Pension on retention in service Lump sum compensation in lieu of war injury element War injury pension on subsequent retirement Liberalized disability pension Grant of ex-gratia awards in case of disablement of cadets(direct) Re-assessment of disability pension Appeal 116 118 120 122 123 124 125 126 127 130 38 40 40 41 42 42 43 43 44 45
CHAPTER-IV FAMILY PENSION AND GRATUITY CLAIMS OF FAMILIES OF COMMISSIONED OFFICERS General 131 Types of family pension claims 132 Ordinary Family Pension 133 Conditions governing grant of Ordinary Family Pension 134 Eligible members of family for Ordinary Family Pension 135 137 Procedure for preparation and submission of family pension claim in respect of officers who die while in service Scrutiny of claims 145 149 Procedure for preparation and submission of family pension claims in respect of officers who die after retirement Determination of entitlement of Ordinary Family 153 Pension Rates of ordinary Family Pension 154 Period of grant of Ordinary Family Pension 156 Grant of Ordinary Family Pension if both husband and 157 wife are Government employees. Grant of Ordinary Family Pension under Employees 158 Provident and Miscellaneous Provision Act, 1952 Grant of Ordinary Family Pension under the Family 159 Pension Scheme, 1971 and Employees Pension Scheme 1995, in addition to family pension from Military side Division of Ordinary Family Pension 161 Ordinary Family Pension admissible to only one 162 member of a family at a time Special Family Pension - circumstances in which a 163 claim for Special Family Pension arises Eligible members for Special Family Pension 166 Conditions of eligibility to grant of Special Family 167 Pension to widow and children Procedure for grant of Special Family Pension 168 Rates of Special Family Pension 172 Special Family Pension on re-marriage of widow 176 Division of Special Family Pension 178 Dependant's pension to parents and brothers/sisters 179 Conditions of eligibility to dependant pension to parents 180 and brothers/Sisters Procedure for grant of dependant's pension 181
46 46 46 46 47 51
52 54
55 55 56 56 57 58
58 59 59 60 60 60 61 61 62 62 62 63
Rate of Dependant's pension Liberalized Family Pension Conditions of eligibility to grant of liberalized Family Pension Procedure for grant of liberalized Family Pension Rates of liberalized Family Pension Liberalized Family Pension on re-marriage of widow Division of liberalized family pension Dependant pension (liberalized) Conditions and rates of dependant pension Ex-gratia awards in cases of death of cadets(direct) Rates and conditions of ex-gratia awards Ex-gratia payment in flying accidents cases Mode of payment of ex-gratia in case of flying accidents Grant of ex-gratia payment Procedure for grant of ex-gratia payment Grant of ex-gratia lump-sum compensation who die in harness Grant of family gratuity Death Gratuity Gallantry awards Rates of monetary allowance attached to gallantry decorations Procedure for grant of monetary allowance CHAPTER-V COMMUTATION OF PENSION General Limit of commutation of pension Types of pension commutable Commutation of pension when becomes absolute Application for commutation of pension Commutation of additional pension Scrutiny of commutation application Documents required in support of commutation application Commutation of pension after one year after retirement /invalidment Calculation of commuted value of pension Withdrawal of application for commutation of pension Scrutiny of medical board proceedings Reduction in pension due to commutation Restoration of commuted portion of pension Commutation of War Injury Pension CHAPTER-VI Incidence of pension CHAPTER-VII 250 82 226 227 229 230 231 234 235 237 238 239 240 242 246 247 248 75 75 75 75 75 76 76 77 77 77 78 79 79 80 80 184 188 189 190 194 195 197 198 199 201 202 205 206 209 212 213 215 219 222 224 225 63 64 64 64 64 65 65 66 66 66 66 68 68 69 69 70 71 72 73 73 74
Imperial pensioners 263 84
COUNTING OF FORMER SERVICE General Counting of pre-commissioned military service Counting of pre-commissioned civil service Counting of pre commissioned service-state forces Counting of pre-commissioned service-Central Government /Autonomous Bodies Authority responsible for counting of pre-commissioned service Condonation of break in service Documents required for processing the claims for counting of past service Procedure for counting of former service 264 266 267 271 272 275 276 279 281 86 86 86 87 87 88 88 88 89
CHAPTER-IX PRO-RATA RETIREMENT BENEFITS TO OFFICERS ABSORBED IN PUBLIC SECTOR UNDERTAKINGS/JOINT SECTOR UNDERTAKINGS/AUTONOMOUS BODIES/STATUTORY BODIES General 283 90 To whom applicable 284 90 Pro-rata Pension 287 91 Retirement Gratuity 288 92 Restoration of commuted value of pension 292 92 Family Pension 293 93 Procedure for grant of pro-rata pension 296 93 CHAPTER-X PENSIONARY AWARDS IN RESPECT OF NON REGULAR OFFICERS (E.C, T. C.,S.S.C. AND S.S.R.C.) General 298 94 option 299 94 Counting of pre-commissioned service 301 94 Retiring pension 302 95 Invalid pension 304 95 Disability pension 305 95 Rank for assessment of service element of disability 307 96 pension. Constant attendance allowance 308 96 Family Pensionary awards. 309 96 CHAPTER-XI PROCEDURE FOR COURT CASES, PARLIAMENT QUESTIONS, DEFENCE PENSION ADALAT CASES AND COMPLAINTS Court cases 311 97 Legal Notices 313 97 Writ Petitions 316 97 Court Judgement 319 98 Contempt petitions 323 98 Government sanction 325 98 Parliament questions 328 99 Defence Pension Adalat 330 99
Complaints 332 100
CHAPTER-XII GRANT OF RELIEF TO PENSINERS/FAMILY PENSIONERS General 333 Rates of temporary-Increase 334 Rates of Ad-hoc-Increase 337 Rates of Ad-hoc-relief to Pre-73 retirees 338 Rates of Ad-hoc relief and Relief to Family Pensioners 339 Rates of Ad-hoc-ex-gratia 340 Graded Relief 341 Dearness relief with effect from 1.7.86 342 Dearness Relief with from 1.7.96 343 Reports and returns 345 Registers and their fly leaf instructions 346 Specimen of forms 347 Illustrations 348 APPENDICES Description of Appendices List of Code Heads Instructions for completion of LPC-Cum-Data Sheet in respect of retiring pension Rates of retiring pension Maximum ceiling limit of retirement gratuity Rates of interest for delayed payment of gratuity Instruction for completion of LPC-Cum-DataSheet in respect of disability element of disability pension Rates of disability element prior to 1.1.96 Instruction for completion of Data-Sheet in respect of Family Pensionary Awards Rates of Ordinary Family Pension prior to 1.1.96 Rates of Special Family Pension prior to 1.1.96 Conditions governing the payment of ex-gratia Lump-sum compensation Rates of monetary allowance attached to postIndependence gallantry decorations Commutation table List of Erstwhile State Forces List of State-wise Public Sector Banks Evolutionary structure of pensionary awards ANNEXURES List of Annexures Reports and Returns List of registers maintained in G1/Military Section Annexure No. A B Appendix No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Relevant Para 19 35 54 56 59 97
101 101 102 103 103 104 104 105 106 107 107 107 107
7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
137 138 145 146 148 152 154 155 160 164
each register As per 188 relevant Paras quoted in each form As per 238 relevant Para quoted in each illustration --253 262
List of illustrations
Concordance Tables
Memo explanatory of each Para in the OM Part IV Vol. III (2006) Memo explanatory of the treatment in the OM Part IV Vol. III(2006 ) to each Para of OM Part IV Vol. III(1972) Register of Corrections Posted ---
ABBREVIATION A.I APO ADC AHQ AO AMC IMA CPC CDA(O) DPDO DGAFMS EC FD GOI IO Cell ID IRLA IMB ICO LPC MNS MOD NCC NPA PBOR PCDA(P) PDA PPO PM PRC PRA RVC RM RRM RSMB RMB RA SAO SSC SSRC TC WIP Army Instruction Award Panel Officer Army Dental Corps Army Head Quarters Accounts Officer/Army Order Army Medical Corps Indian Military Academy Central Pay Commission Controller Of Defence Accounts(Officers) Defence Pension Disbursing Officer Director General Of Armed Forces Medical Services Emergency Commission Fatal Disability Government of India Input Output Cell Invaliding Disability Individual Running Ledger Accounts Invaliding Medical Board Indian Commissioned Officers Last Pay Certificate Military Nursing Service Ministry of Defence National Cadet Corps Non-Practicing Allowance Personnel Below Officer Rank Principal Controller Of Defence Accounts (Pensions) Pension Disbursing Authority/Agency Pension Payment Order Punching Medium Permanent Regular Commission Pension Regulations For The Army Remount Veterinary Corps Raksha Mantri Rajya Raksha Mantri Re-survey Medical Board Release Medical Board/Review Medical Board Re-assessment Award Senior Accounts Officer Short Service Commission Short Service Regular Commission Temporary Commission War Injury Pension
CHAPTER-I Duties 1. This Section deals with all types of pension/gratuity claims of all permanent regular commissioned officers of the Army, AMC, MNS, ADC, RVC and non-regular Commissioned Officers viz. EC, SSC, TC and SSRC and their families as indicated below:(i) Retiring pension. (ii) Disability pension. (iii) Invalid pension. (iv) War injury pension. (v) Disability re-assessment. (vi) Compensation in lieu of disability/war injury element. (vii) Ordinary family pension including Joint Notification in old cases (viii) Special family pension. (ix) Dependant special pension. (x) Liberalized family pension. (xi) Dependant liberalized pension. (xii) Ex-gratia lump sum compensation. (xiii) Commutation of pension. (xiv) Restoration of commuted portion of pension to permanent absorbees who have opted for 100% commutation of pro-rata pension. (xv) Ex-gratia to cadets. (xvi) Gratuities (Retirement, retiring and invalid.) (xvii) Terminal gratuity in respect of Short Service commissioned officers. (xviii) Grant/continuation of gallantry decorations allowance. (xix) Modified parity/revision of all types of pensionary awards as per letters issued by Government from time to time. (xx) Grant of family pension in respect of State Forces pensioners (commissioned officers as well as PBORs). (xxi) Issue of audit report/assessment memo regarding counting of precommissioned service towards ICOs. Pension. Note 1: All cases of grant of Terminal gratuity to non-regular commissioned officers of the three services (including those of the Military Nursing service) are dealt with by their respective Pay Audit Officers. Note 2 Claims in respect of Military Nursing Service (Local) and NCC whole time Commissioned Officers will be dealt with in G1/ Civil Section. (xxii) Sanction and notification of all pensionary awards in respect of officers of the Navy and Air Force who retired or die while in service on or before 31.10.1985. (xviii) Revision of all types of pensionary awards in respect of officers of the Navy and Air force who retired/died while in service on or before 31.10.1985. (xix) Consolidation of pension under Government of India, Ministry of Personnel (PP&G), Deptt. of Pension letter No. 2(1)/87-P&PW(PIC) dt. 8.3.88 read with OM No. 38/38/02-P & PW dt. 23.04.2003 in respect of pensioners who ae in receipt of two pensions. (xx) Claims of authorization of One Time Increase under Government of India, Ministry of Defence letter No. 1(2)/92/D(Pen/Sers) dt 16.3.92, 1(3)/93/D(Pen/Sers) dt 25-2-94 and PC to F.1(3/93)D (Pen /Sers) dated 27.3.97 in respect of pensioners who retired prior to 1.1.1986
and issue of clarifications, if any, thereon. 2. Distribution of Work The work in this Section is distributed amongst the following groups:(i) Administration (ii) Technical. (iii) Operative groups. The function of these groups will be as under: (i) Administration- This group (a) looks after the administration of the Section in general, (b) receives and distributes the claims, letters, telegrams/Fax/e-mail, etc. amongst the various groups, (c) arranges the dispatch of claims, letters, punching medium, etc. (d) maintains centrally various reports/returns/registers and other relevant statistical data pertaining to this Section and (e) typing of draft PPOs notified manually (ii) Technical Group- This group (a) examines the rules and orders issued by the competent authorities from time to time on the pension/gratuity matters relating to the Commissioned Officers of the Army (including MNS) and brings these to the notice of the various groups in the Section, through the medium of Section Orders which bear serial number commencing with (1) for each calendar year, (b) examines and offer its comments on Office Notes, etc put up by various groups for the ruling of the Group Officer/Jt.CDA/CDA/PCDA(P), (c) maintains a Master Note Book of all the order pertaining to the pension/gratuity matters relating to Commissioned Officers of the Army(including MNS), (d) obtains ruling from authorities concerned on points of doubt in application of orders and tender advice to higher administrative authorities on Pension/Gratuity matters relating to Commissioned Officers of the Army(including MNS), (e) maintains subject files duly cross referenced with connected files, (f) ensures uniformity in application of rules and orders relating to pension/gratuity matters, (g) reviews the working of the various groups of the Section with a view to ensuring proper functioning, effecting simplification of procedure and improvement of efficiency (h) vetting of draft Government letters relating to pension/gratuity matters in respect of commissioned officers of the Army (including MNS) and (i) grant of family pension in respect of State Force pensioners of NonISF. (iii) Operative Groups- These groups deal with all matters connected with the grant of retiring/disability/war injury pension and Commutation thereof in respect of officers covered by the alphabets allotted to them. Family and dependant's pension claims are dealt with in the groups specified for the same and are not dealt with by the groups dealing with retiring and disability pension. The operative groups also deal with all complaints received from VIP, Ministries and CGDA relating to grant of above pensions including those of defence pension adalat cases.
CHAPTER-II RETIRING PENSION AND GRATUITY CLAIMS OF COMMISSIONED OFFICERS. All permanent regular commissioned officers of the Army including those of the Military Nursing Services and Territorial Army and Non-Regular Commissioned Officers viz. EC, SSC, TC and SSRC are eligible for pension under the relevant Armed Force Pension Regulations except where specifically provided otherwise vide Regn. 14, PRA Part I (1961). Circumstances in which retiring pension claims arise The claims on account of pensionary benefits in respect of the permanent regular commissioned officers arise in the following circumstances: (i) On transfer to the pension establishment on reaching the prescribed age limit for compulsory retirement:-- in this event a retiring pension/gratuity is granted as admissible under rules. (ii) On retiring from service after completing the minimum period of qualifying service prescribed in Regn. 25 PRA Part-I(1961) for pension/gratuity:- in this event he is eligible to a retiring pension/gratuity as admissible under rules. (iii) On being cashiered, dismissed, removed, or called upon to retire:in this event, the officer is granted pension/gratuity at a rate, not exceeding that for which he would have otherwise qualified, which will be sanctioned by the President at his discretion under Regn, 16, PRA Part-I (1961) read with Ministry of Defence letter No. 12(6)/95/D (Pens/Sers)dated 9.6.1999. (iv) On retirement from military service on account of a disability which is attributable to or aggravated by such service and is assessed at 20 per cent or over:- in this event, the Officer is eligible to disability pension consisting of a service element and a disability element in accordance with the provisions of Regn. 48, PRA Part-I (1961). (v) On retirement from military service on account of a disability which is neither attributable to nor aggravated by such service in which though attributable to or aggravated by military service is assessed at less than 20 percent:- in this event he is eligible to an invalid pension/gratuity as admissible under Regn. 70,PRA, Part-I (1961) It should be noted that unless otherwise specified all claims to pension/gratuity are to be regulated by the rules in force at the time when the Commissioned Officer becomes non-effective and is discharged from the Army service vide Regn. 1, PRA Part-I(1961). Provisional Pension Payment of provisional pension to the retiring Commissioned Officers against whom any departmental or judicial proceedings are pending or were instituted after retirement, in respect of an event which took place not more than 4 years before such institution can be authorised under the provisions contained in Government of India, Ministry of Defence, letter No. F.12(i)/73/556/S/D(Pension/Services) dt 20.07.1974 as amended . Provisional pension in such cases should not exceed the maximum pension which would have been admissible on the basis of the qualifying service up to the date of the retirement of the officer. In other words, 100 percent pension, which is otherwise admissible to the officer should be authorised as provisional pension, as in case of normal
retirement. The provisional pension will be notified during the period commencing from the date of retirement to the date on which, upon conclusion of the departmental or judicial proceeding, final orders are passed by the competent authority. Note1: The power to grant provisional pension has been delegated to CDA(P) (now PCDA(P) vide Government of India, Ministry of Defence, letter No B/40418/AG/PS/(e)/ 1252/B(Pen/Sers) dated 21.6.1985. Note2: The specimen of form of an audit report for grant of provisional pension GMF-11 is appended at Sl. No. 1 of Annexure-C 7. The PPO notifying the provisional pension will be marked at the top as Provisional and will contain the following guide Notes:(i) No retirement gratuity (death-cum-retirement gratuity) will be paid at this stage. (ii) Commutation of provisional pension is not permissible. (iii) No family pension will be notified along with provisional pension. When a communication regarding finalisation of the proceedings and the result thereof is received from the competent authority, the final award will be notified in the PPO, which will be issued in supersession of the previous PPO. The PPO for final award will contain the following guide Note:(a ) Where the final award is equal to or more than the provisional award:-This is in supersession of the provisional award of pension notified in PPO No., payment there on will be adjusted in full before making first payment on this PPO. (b) When the final award is less than the provisional award or where final pension is reduced:This is in super-session of the provisional award of pension notified in PPO No. However, no recovery shall be made in respect of excess amount of pension paid up to.(here specify the date on which final orders on conclusion of the proceedings are issued). (c) In cases where pension is withheld permanently or for a specified period:Intimations for stoppage will be issued to the pension disbursing authority under intimation to the Audit Section concerned and the information as to, date upto and for which the provisional pension has been paid obtained. In such cases, period of award will be suitably restricted. Note- The finalisation of the cases will be watched through a register to be opened in the form GMR-17 appended at Sl.No.13 of Annx.-B. Processing of retiring pension claims through computer. Pension payment order in respect of all regular commissioned officers, TA, AMC, MNS, ADC and RVC officers is being generated on computer based on L.P.C-Cum-data Sheet (Sl.No. 22 of Annexure-C )who:(a) retire on reaching the age of superannuation and after completion of 20 years of service (15 years in the case of Late entrants). (b) retire voluntarily after completion of 20 years service except those who opted for voluntary retirement on permanent absorption basis. (c) invalided out of service after rendering a qualifying service of 20 years or more. The following categories of cases are presently excluded from the purview of computerisation and will continue to be processed manually:(i) NCC officers.
(ii) Where officer is having more than one wife and family pension is required to be notified in favour of such wives equally, where rule permit. (iii) Time barred cases where the claim has been received after one year of the retirement of the officer. (iv) Cases relating to cashiered out, dismissal or removal from service. (v) Premature retirement cases where only gratuity is admissible. Under the computerized system, all regular claims are initiated by CDA(O), Pune , who is the nodal agency, through L.P.C.-cum-data-sheet and are forwarded along with floppy to the office of PCDA(P) four months in advance of retirement of the officer for sanction of pensionary awards. The various agencies involved will forward the required documents/information to CDA (O), Archive Section, Pune to enable him to consolidate the pension documents for initiating the claim on LPCcum-data sheet. Retiring pension claims processed through LPC-Cum-data sheet for generation of computerized PPOs are dealt with in EDP Manual group i.e. group III. The detailed procedure to be followed in this regard are explained in succeeding Paras.
Detailed Procedure For Generation Of Computerized PPOs For Fresh Claims. Pension claim along with LPC-cum-data sheet and other connected 13. documents along with floppy sent by CDA (O), Pune will be centrally received in Group I. The claim shall be diarised in duplicate showing serial number, name of the officer, IC No. and date of retirement. The pension claim with the documents received from CDA (O), Pune and duplicate copy of the list will be handed over to group III and initials of Group III representative shall be obtained in the diary for exercising proper controlling over the claims received from CDA (O), Pune with reference to the list of retirement notification of the particular month received from Army Hqrs. A monthly reconciliation will also be carried out by Group I and wanting claims called for from CDA (O), Pune 14. Pension claims received from Group I will be entered in claim register to be opened in the form GMR-3 appended at Sl.No.1 of Annexure-B and the serial number of claim register will be endorsed in the PCDA(P) cage in the bottom of the LPC-cum-data sheet (o) and page-1 of the pension application on top right hand corner duly encircled. The cases which are not to be processed on computer will be passed on to the regular claim groups concerned through a covering memo who will process the claim as per procedure laid down in Para 36.
Detailed Scrutiny Of The Pension Claim. 15. Detailed scrutiny of pension claim taken up for generation of computerized PPO involves: (a) Checking of documents. (b) Verification of LPC-cum data sheet. (c) Issue of observation memo, if any. (d) Preparation of punching medium and DID schedule for recovery of demand shown in the LPC-cum-data sheet. The various checks to be observed in conducting the detailed scrutiny are set out in succeeding Paras.
Checking of Documents 16. It will be seen that the pension claim processed through the LPC-cum-data sheet contains the following documents: (i) LPC-cum-data sheet (O). (ii) Pension application from the pensioner. (iii) Retirement notification order. (iv) Family details. (v) Commutation application. (vi) Photograph/joint photograph. (vii) CDA (O), certificate regarding verification of qualifying service. (viii) PCDA (P) audit report/assessment memo regarding counting of former spell of service, if any. (ix) Form of declaration of commutation of pension, (x) No demand certificate. (xi) AFMSF-18(Medical Examination Report) (xii) AFMSF-16 (Medical Board Proceedings) (xiii) Post retirement address. 17. Verification Of LPC-Cum-Data Sheet. The data sheet will be scrutinized to see that the same is in original and signed by the appropriate authority duly embossed with LPC seal in the appropriate cage at the bottom of the data sheet. LPC-cum-data sheet (O) consists of 61 columns. These columns will be checked with reference to information contained in the accompanying documents for filling up the columns. The columns should be checked from the documents mentioned below:Columns 1,2,3,5,9,10,15 & 16 - Retirement Order. Columns 8,11,12,14 -Army list/Audit report Column 19 -Commutation application Column 20 -Release Medical Board Proceedings. Column 21,22,23,24,25 - Family details. Columns 4,6,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34 and 35- Pension application. Columns 58 and 59 -Demand certificate. After verification of the LPC-cum-data sheet 100%, the Auditor will initial on the data sheet in the space provided therein for the purpose. At SO (A)/AAO level, 10% of the claims have to be checked 100% and for remaining claims, the following columns should be checked invariably and will initial in the space provided in the data sheet. Column Nos 1,2,5,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,16,19,20,37 to 54, 58,59. At AO/Sr AO level, 5% claims will be checked 100% including at least 2 claims already test checked by the SO(A)/AAO. In addition, following columns of the data sheet will have to be checked by him. Column Nos- 1,2,5,7,8,9,10,37,38,39,58, and 59. After prescribed check of the LPC-cum-data sheet, the AO/Sr. AO will sign the cage provided at the bottom of the data sheet in token of having approved the same for processing and generation of computerised PPO. (i) Calling For Wanting Documents. Pension claims will be returned if the pension application and the data sheet have not been signed by the retiring officer and designated authority of CDA(O) respectively. After detailed scrutiny of the claim in the manner as stated above, the wanting documents/information, if any, required for settlement of the claim should be determined. The draft of the communication
calling for the wanting documents/information should then be put up to Officer-in-Charge for approval. Before the draft is issued it should be ensured that observations are comprehensive so that the claim may be finalized after settlement of the observations. Piecemeal observations should be avoided.
(iii) 19.
Preparation of Punching Medium and DID Schedules. The demand shown in the data sheet will be transcribed with full particulars in a demand register to be maintained in the proforma given below for preparation of Punching Medium. Proforma For Demand Register.
Sl. No. Personal No, Rank and Name 2 CDA(O) Account No. 3 Amount of advance 4 Nature of Demand 5 Date of retirement PPO No under which recovery is made 7
The group III will prepare Punching Medium in quadruplicate for the demand as transcribed in the demand register by crediting the recovered amount of demand to the Remittance Head of Defence Exchange Account of the Pay Controller and debiting the same to Retirement Gratuity Head. All the four copies of the Punching Medium will be passed on to Group I for numbering and passing on the same to Accounts Section for ensuring compilation in the month in which the pension/ gratuity is payable to the pensioner. For this purpose, the group I will maintain the class II voucher Numbering Register in the following Proforma. The full particulars of the officer and details of demand should be mentioned in the Punching Medium. Proforma For Class II Voucher Numbering Register
Sl. No Personal No rank and Name 2 CDA (O) Account No. 3 Amount CDA to whom credit is being passed on 5 PPO No PM No Month / Year 7 DID schedule No. 8
The distribution of the four copies of Punching Medium by the group I will be as under:One copy of the Punching Medium duly numbered will be returned to Group III for record with pension documents. Two copies of the Punching Medium will be forwarded to the Accounts Section and the fourth copy will be retained as office copy in the Group I. Illustration For Preparation Of Punching Medium. Ex IC. No 36997 Lt Col (TS) X is due to retire from service on 31.01.2002(AN). Rs 47,955/- on account of RDR is shown as demand in LPC-cum -data sheet. This amount has since been recovered form his retirement gratuity while notifying the pensionary awards and a Punching Medium will be prepared in the manner as indicated below. Punching Medium Month 01/02 CDA 01 Section II class of Voucher II voucher No. 003 Classification Code Receipts Classification Code Charges R(1) R(2) C(3) C(4) 0/072/21 47,955 --0/014/34 47955 DID Schedules:Simultaneously with the preparation of Punching Medium, the DID schedules on IAF(CDA) 338 will also be prepared by group III in quintuplicate. Out of which one copy will be sent to Accounts Section for
noting the same centrally in their outward DID schedule register. The DID schedule will be prepared by the Section immediately without waiting for receipt of sectional compilation. However, on receipt of sectional compilation the printing of the transaction of Defence Exchange Heads will be scrutinized carefully with reference to DID schedule already prepared and a certificate rendered to Accounts Section regarding completion of this scrutiny. The distribution of five copies of the DID Schedules will be as under:Three copies will be despatched to the responding Controller, one copy to the Accounts Section of the originating Controller and one copy will be retained as office copy. Out of three copies received by the Accounts Section of the responding Controller after adjusting the same and completing the lower portion of the DID schedule showing adjustment details, one copy will be sent to EDP center processing the compilation for that particular office (along with Punching Medium for other classes of vouchers.), one copy will be sent to the Section entrusted with the works of preparing monthly report of DID schedules responded/adjusted through the computer and the third copy will be retained as office copy of the adjusted schedules by the Section adjusting the same. DID schedule number will consists of 15 digits, the first two digits will indicate the CDA, next four digits section number, the seventh digit, the class of Voucher, eight to elevenths digits, voucher number twelfth and thirteen, the month and fourteenth , the year as shown in the case of class II voucher floated by Group III. Note- List of code heads for originating and responding Cs.D.A is given at Appendix-1. 20. Processing of LPC-cum-data sheet On receipt of pension claims from CDA(O), the floppy with top list for punching of the data through magnetic media will be sent to the EDP center for generating the edit list. Pension files and data sheets are kept in Group III. The initials of the SO(A)/ AAO of EDP Center will be obtained on the top sheet and kept in EDP Manual Gp III. On receipt of the floppy and top list, the data are punched and verified by Data Entry Operators and the same alongwith the floppy is passed on to system room for generation of edit list. In the system room, the validation programme is run for checking of fields of data and generation of edit list for all records of the batch. The edit list and data sheet is passed on to EDP Manual group for hundred percent comparison with reference to the LPC-cum-data sheet and for proposing correction, if any, through the format called modification sheet supplied by EDP center. 100% comparison of the edit list with the LPC-cum-data sheet will be carried out by the Auditors. The Auditors comparing edit list will initial on the first page of the edit list and certify that 100% checking of edit list has been carried out. At SO(A)/AAO level, 10% of valid records have to be checked 100% with the LPC-cum-data sheet. In addition, all erroneous records have to be checked 100%. The SO(A)/AAO will check the following columns of the remaining valid records:Columns numbers-1,2,3,5,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,16,19,20,25,26,28,37 to 54, 58 and 59. The SO(A)/AAO will initial against the records checked by him as well as
on top of the edit list. The AO/Sr AO will check 100% in 5% of the records and initial against the records checked by him. Out of this, at least two records should be those earlier test checked by SO(A)/AAO.AO /Sr. AO has to check the following columns in every valid record. Column numbers- 1,2,5,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,25,26,37,38,39,58,59 . 24. After checking, corrections, if any, are proposed. The edit list with correction sheet is passed on to data entry group. LPC-cum-data sheet together with the pension claim is retained in EDP Manual group. Batch wise corrections, as proposed by the EDP Manual group, are received in the data entry group alongwith original edit list for data entry, Corrections (batch wise) are punched by Data Entry Operators and passed on to system room alongwith the floppy and original edit list and corrections for updation of original data are held on the computer disk. The system room undertakes the following action:(i) Updation programme is run for updation of data and updation list i.e. hard copy of corrections as proposed is generated through the system. (ii) The updated file is run for validation of data with N option and a list for invalid records will be generated through the system. The updation list/re-validation list is again sent to EDP Manual group for comparison of the updation list 100% with the correction proposed. Data found still in errors, shall be checked and correction proposed again for updation of the data. The process will continue till all the records of the batch become error free. The AO/Sr.AO in charge, EDP Manual group, on receipt of the modified edit list from EDP Center will ensure that all the errors detected either on comparing the edit list with the LPC-cum-data sheet or due to validation/re-validation run have been rectified through the proposed correction and all the records of the batch have been made error free. And then only, the AO/Sr. AO will record his order on the control run for printing of PPOs and pass on the edit list to the EDP Center. On receipt of the order of the printing PPOs, the EDP center will print six copies each of the PPO pertaining to each error free records of a batch alongwith edit list and return the printed PPOs to EDP Manual group for further action. The EDP Manual group will remove the carbons and copies of the PPOs will be segregated as under;i. Original copy (For PDA copy) ii. Duplicate copy (For GI/MILY Section) (draft copy) iii. Triplicate copy (For AUDIT Section iv. Quadruplicate copy (For CDA (O) Pune) v. Quintuplicate copy (For AHQrs, New Delhi) vi. Sextuplicate copy (For Pensioner). The draft PPOs will be compared with the information given in the LPCcum-data sheet 100% at the Auditors level. 10% of the PPOs will be compared by the SO(A)/AAO and 5% by the AO. The data sheets may be endorsed on the reverse by the Auditors, SO(A)/AAO and AO/Sr AO after comparison. In cases where discrepancies are found on comparison of the computerized PPOs with the LPC-cum-data sheet at the draft PPOs approval stage, such PPOs will be processed a fresh and reprinted. The draft PPOs will be initialed by the Auditors, SO(A)/AAO and
AO/Sr.AO. Similarly, the following endorsement will be made on Pension application:Claim notified vide PPO No. M/../.. The above endorsement will be initialed by the Auditor, SO (A)/AAO and AO/Sr.AO. The original and duplicate copies will be submitted to AO/Sr.AO 29. authorised to sign the PPOs for PCDA (P) for his signature. The AO/Sr AO will authenticate the original and duplicate PPOs on the basis of attestation of the AO/Sr.AO on the draft PPO. The original copy of the PPO will be embossed in the presence of the PPO signing officer, simultaneously at the time of authentication. The quadruplicate, quintuplicate and sextuplicate copies of the PPOs will be enfaced with a facsimile signature of the PPO signing officer. After completion of the above steps, a rubber stamp
Fair Copy issued. Sr.AO
will be affixed on the draft PPO and date of dispatch will be the copies of the PPOs with rubber stamp. 30.
fixed on all
After receipt of original and duplicate copies of the PPOs alongwith the draft copies, the PPOs will be segregated for dispatch as under: i. Original Copy (PDA-wise) ii. Duplicate copy (serial-wise) iii. Triplicate copy (serial-wise) iv. Quadruplicate copy (serial-wise) v. Quintuplicate copy (serial-wise) vi. sextuplicate copy (pensioners copy) The joint photograph of the officer and nomination form (if available) will be attached with the original copy of the PPO meant for pension disbursing authority. The EDP Manual group will also prepare forwarding memos and original, quadruplicate, quintuplicate and sextuplicate copies meant for PDA, AHQ, CDA (O) and pensioner respectively will be sent to them after recording full dispatch particulars in the claim register. The acknowledgement in token of receipt by the various agencies will be watched. The duplicate copy will be sent to Audit Section on monthly basis by the 10th of the following month. The triplicate copy of the PPO will be stitched together with the LPC-cum-data sheet and pension claim for ultimate binding and record in Old Record section. Issue of Corrigendum PPOs Through Computer Any amendment which has become necessary due to either on receipt of wanting documents/information in the PPO earlier issued or change in entitlement as per Government decision where retiring pension has been notified on computer, shall be processed through data sheet(Revision) (Sl. No.23 of Annexure C). The data sheet (Revision) will be prepared on the basis of the revised data by CDA(O) Pune in duplicate. The CDA(O) after completing the data sheet and making necessary endorsement in the relevant bottom cage, will retain duplicate copy as office copy and submit the original copy alongwith supporting documents after affixing the LPC seal wherever required to PCDA(P) for issue of corrigendum PPO on computer. On receipt of revision/amendment claim through data sheet (Revision) action to diaries the same in a separate claim diary register will be taken in the same manner as laid down for fresh claim. It will be seen that-
(i) In cage-I(basic particulars) i.e. original PPO No., personal no. and name of the pensioner in respect of whom the revision/amendment is to be carried out, have been filled in correctly. Claims will be summarily rejected if all or any of these columns are not completed. These columns will be completed with reference to the information available in the original CDA (O)/G1/Military copy of the PPO. In other words, all or any of these information even if incorrectly notified in the original PPO are to be filled in Cage-I of the data sheet (Rev.) in its original form. In case the original PPO has to be cancelled this column will be filled with Code C otherwise left blank. (ii) In cage II, the existing data sheet for notification of pensionary awards to commissioned officers has been reproduced in Cage-II as such. It should be kept in mind that only affected columns in Cage-II will be filled while initiating a corrigendum claim. All other columns should remain blank. Say for example. The correct name of spouse in a particular case was Sujata Devi which was erroneously notified as Sajata Devi in the original PPO. While initiating a data sheet(Rev.) col. 25 (name of spouse) will be completed as under::S:U:J:A:T:A::D:E:V:I: All the remaining columns in cage II of data sheet (Rev.) shall be left blank. 35. The data sheet (Rev.) will be processed for issue of computerised corrigendum PPOs in the same manner as laid down in Paras 20 to 26 above. Corrigendum PPOs will be printed and disposed of in the same manner as laid down in Paras 27 to 30. However, in the case of corrigendum PPOs, the same shall be dispatched only after linking the revised awards in the original PPOs. The details of entitlement revised may be endorsed in original PPO and the same should be signed by the AO/Sr AO concerned in each and every case. Note 1. General instructions for preparation and completion of LPC-cumdata sheet by the CDA (O), Pune are given in Appendix-2. Note 2. Specimen form of LPC-cum-data sheet (GMF-37), data sheet (Rev.) (GMF-38) and PPO formats GMF (41,42 and 44) computerized and manual are given at Sl. No. 22,23,26,27 & 29 respectively of Annexure C. Manual Processing of Retiring Pension claims The retiring pension claims which can not be processed through LPCcum- data sheet due to various reasons are processed manually in other operative groups of the Section. These claims mainly include NCC officers, where officer is having more than one wife, time-barred cases, cases relating to cashiered out, dismissal or removal from service and premature retirement cases where only gratuity is admissible. The procedure to be followed for processing of such claims manually are explained in the succeeding paragraph of this chapter. Preparation And Submission Of Pension Claims No formal application in the case of officers of the Armed Forces for grant of retiring pension/gratuity is required to be submitted by them or by the Units/Formations/Ships Establishment etc. in which they last served before the date of their retirement. On their retirement being approved notification regarding retirement from service are received from Army Headquarters (MS) Branch, Army Headquarter (QMG) Branch and
Director General, Armed Forces Medical services, Naval Hqrs/ Air Hqrs. In the case of officers of the Military Nursing Service an application form in manuscript is however required. The procedure for submission of applications for pension has been laid down in Table I to Reg. 16, PRA Pt II (1961). 38. On receipt of the retirement notification, the following action should be taken:i. A case file in respect of the officer should be opened and number allotted to it from the Numerical Index Register (GMR-1) appended at Sl. No. 2 of Annexure B. ii. It should be entered in the Index Register of Retirements/Invalidment (GMR-2) appended at Sl. No.3 of Annexure B and the serial number thereof should be quoted on the notification. iii. The latest available Annual Army/Navy/Air Force list should be consulted to find out the officers service particulars and the case file No. should be entered against the officers name therein. iv. A check List (GMF-1) appended at Sl. No.2 of Annexure C should be opened and the particulars of the officers service as given in the retirement Notification and those given in the latest Army/Navy/Air Force. List should be noted therein. The information/documents as listed in Para 16 above, required for finalisation of the claim already available will be checked and the page number of the file where the documents are recorded will be noted in the check list. As and when the wanting documents are received the check list will be completed simultaneously. Cases of any discrepancy between the information contained in the Army/Navy/Air Force lists and those furnished by Services Headquarters should be got reconciled by correspondence with the Service Headquarters concerned.
Thereafter, action will be taken to obtain the full pay commissioned service certificate and other information as shown below from Pay Audit Officer concerned i.e. CDA (O), CDA(Navy), DCDA(AF)/CDA(AF) in the form (GMF-2) appended at Sl. No. 3 of Annexure C. (i) whether the officer was paid any terminal gratuity for the period of commissioned service rendered prior to the grant of Permanent regular Commission. (ii) Paid acting/temporary rank, if any, held by the officer and the date from which such rank is held continuously. (iii) A certificate to the effect that the officers service does not include any period of forfeited service or leave/absence without pay and allowances. (iv) The pay of the rank last drawn in terms of Para 3(a) and (b) of Army Instruction No 2/S/98. The following information will also simultaneously be obtained from the 40. Service Headquarters concerned by endorsing the above mentioned communication addressed to the CDA (O)/CDA (N)/O.C.A.F, CAO. (i) The terms and conditions under which the officer was granted PRC, as well as EC/SSRC/TC, in case where such commissions were granted prior to the grant of P.R.C. Note 1. In respect of Navy/Air Force officers, the above information is invariably/ furnished by the Services Headquarters in the retirement notification itself. Note 2. The DGAFMS forwards retirement orders alongwith the above 39.
information in case of officers of the AMC/ADC and Nursing Services. (ii) Option certificate under Army Instruction 8/S/70, Air Force Instruction 4/S/70 and Navy Instruction 2/S/70. (iii) In the case of Army Officer, the officers service Record (IAFZ-2041) covering the period of his service prior to the grant of PRC. 41. A communication will also be issued in GMF-5 appended at Sl. No. 4 of Annexure C to the officer with a view to obtaining the following information/documents:(a) The name of the Pension Disbursing Authority. (b) Two copies of his latest photographs in passport size duly attested by a serving commissioned officer in the following manner as per A.O.355/63. Photograph of (Here enter the name of the retiring officer).(IC). Sd/(Rank, Name and IC No of the attesting officer.) (c) Whether he intends to take up re-employment under Government after his retirement, and (d) Particulars of his previous pre-commissioned service (together with his Regimental No and Record Office), if any. Where the retirement notification shows that it is a case of voluntary or premature retirement, it should be seen that a certificate, indicating whether or not the provisions of Reg.(16(b). PRA Part-I (1961) are attracted, has been incorporated in the retirement notification. If not, the same should be called for from Army HQ/DGAFMS. The replies to the communications to the Pay Audit Officer/Service Headquarters will be watched and pursued by issue of periodical reminders, where necessary. On receipt of a reply from the CDA (O), Pune, it should be verified that the CDA (O) has furnished the requisite information/certificate. If the CDA (O) Pune is unable to furnish information for a particular period, the concerned Regional CDA, in whose jurisdiction the officer served during the period, should be requested to furnish the certificate for that period. Before doing so it should be ensured that whether the standard service period required for earning the maximum pension of the rank and the maximum amount of retirement gratuity has been verified or not. If the officer has already become eligible for the maximum pension and maximum retirement gratuity, on the basis of verified service, no reference will be made to any other party. If the CDA (O), Pune or the Regional CDA or Civil Audit officer, as the case may be, is unable to furnish information for a particular period of service, it having been rendered in areas now in Pakistan or due to nonavailability of records on any account or as a result of the fire which broke out in the office of the CDA (O), Pune in 1948 or due to the period being very old, the particular branch of AHQ holding the Officers records of service i.e. IAFZ-2041 should be requested to furnish the requisite certificates. If the officer was on deputation to Civil etc. the concerned Accountant General/Pay Accounts officer should be requested to furnish the requisite particulars. A copy of the terms and conditions of deputation will simultaneously be obtained from CDA (O) if not already available with this office. On receipt thereof it should be seen that the government have
allowed the service rendered by the officer during the period of deputation to count for pension under military rules. 46. In the case of officers deputed on foreign service terms the confirmation of the CDA (O), Pune of the fact that necessary pension contribution had been received by him as per the terms and conditions of deputation should also be obtained. Determination Of Service Qualifying For Pension/Gratuity On receipt of the above particulars the form Statement of assessment of pension/gratuity (GMF-6) appended at Sl. No.5 of Annexure C will be completed. The following periods of service shall qualify for pension as commissioned officer: (a) (I) Service as a permanent regular commissioned officer will count in full. (II) Service rendered before attaining the age of 17 years from the date of enrolment in term of Government of India, Ministry of Defence letter No. B/39022/AG/ PS4/(a &c)/589/C/D(Pen/Sers) dated 27.3.2002 (III) Embodied service or called out commissioned service as an officer of the Territorial Army or the Auxiliary Air Force, if it is preceded without a break, previous service as commissioned officer in the Army, Navy and Air Force, irrespective of the type of commission jointly or separately, subject to the refund in the prescribed manner to the Government, of gratuity, if any, other than war gratuity, received in respect of such service provided that:(i) any service which was forfeited by special orders, and (ii) any period of unauthorized absence unless pay and allowances are admitted for the period of absence shall not be regarded as qualifying service, nor any period of ante-date except as provided in clauses(h) and (j) below. Note:- If short service commission is followed by permanent commission, the period during which an officer holds short service commission on probation will reckon for the purpose of pensionary benefits. (b) Service in the rank below that of commissioned rank, if followed by permanent regular commissioned service without a break subject to the refund in the prescribed manner to the Government of the gratuity, if any, other than war gratuity received in respect of such service. (c) All leave including study leave shall count for pension. Any period of leave without pay shall not, however, qualify for pension unless specifically authorised by government. (d) Periods of suspension from duty by order of a competent authority in the case of an officer, who is not brought to trial or court martial with results favourable to him/her shall count for pension. In all other cases, the period passed under suspension shall count for pension only under the orders of the President. Note:- while maintaining the records of the service officers under suspension specific entry as to whether the period of suspension shall be taken as qualifying towards counting of service for pension or gratuity, shall be made. In the absence of any specific entry, the period of suspension shall be taken as counting towards the qualifying service.
(e) (i) Service under an office/department/Ministry of the central Government or under a state Government shall count for pension. (ii) Service under a foreign Government or by the borrowing authority if the contribution is under general or special arrangements to be borne by the latter provided that a pension contribution is paid by the central Government or by the officer himself/herself or a local body or an autonomous corporation or a municipality or other Institutions. Any period of civil service under Central/State Government if followed by military service, without a break and subject to the condition that gratuity, if any, received in respect of such service being refunded to the Government in the prescribed manner. Service rendered in the autonomous bodies before and after their take over by the Government followed by service as a commissioned officer with or without break. The period of break, if any, will be automatically condoned under the provisions of the Pension Regulations. The period of ante-date of commission granted to an officer in respect of an approved whole time appointment held in a recognized civil hospital prior to commissioning and/or possession of a post graduate diploma/higher qualifications and the period of secondment of an officer for the purpose of attending a course in a recognized institution subject to the following maxima. (i) Ante-date of commission - 18 months. (ii) Secondment - 12 months (iii) When both ante date and secondment have been granted-24 Months. Provided that in the case of an officer who obtains a postgraduate diploma or higher qualifications while in civil service or in temporary military service, the periods of ante-date given for such higher qualification shall not be allowed to count for pension/gratuity if such civil service or temporary military service counts for pension or gratuity as a commissioned officer. However, if the post-graduate diploma or higher qualification is acquired either before joining the civil service or after leaving the civil service and before joining the Army Medical Corps or Army Dental Corps, the periods of ante-date granted on account of such higher qualification shall continue to reckon for pension under the existing rules. The period of secondment in the case of Military Nursing Officers shall not be exceeding 12 months in aggregate.
Note1. The period of close arrest preceding the sentence of rigorous imprisonment by court martial in which the officer remains in service and carries out work and undergoes military instruction in unit itself under the orders and supervision of military authorities, will be treated as qualifying for pension. Note 2. Period of service not covered by the preceding clauses shall also qualify for pension as a commissioned officer to the extent and subject to the conditions under which it has been or may be permitted by specific Government orders. (j) Service rendered in aid of civil administration shall be treated as military service for the grant of pensionary benefits. Minimum Qualifying Service For Earning Retiring Pension.
49. It may be noted that the minimum period of qualifying service(without weightage) required for earning a retiring pension shall be 20 years(15 years in the case of late entrants.) Note 1. The term qualifying service shall mean actual qualifying service rendered by the officer plus a weightage(in years) appropriate to the last rank held as indicated in Para 50 below subject to total qualifying service including weightage not exceeding 33 years. Note 2. In calculating the length of qualifying service, fraction of a year equal to three months and above but less than 6 months shall be treated as a completed one half year and nine months or more but less than one year shall be treated as a completed one year and reckoned as qualifying service. This shall however not be applicable for computing minimum qualifying service for pensionary awards.
Weightage Admissible The weightage Admissible for the purpose of calculation of pension of 50. officers will be as given below: (i) Service officers (other than Military Nursing Officer) Rank weightage in years Lieutenant -9 Captain -9 Major -8 Lieutenant Colonel(Time Scale) -5 Lieutenant Colonel(Selective) -7 Colonel -7 Brigadier -5 Major General -3 Lieutenant General -3 Lieutenant General -3 (Army commander/VCOAS/ Chief of the Army Staff -3 (ii) Military Nursing service officers: Rank Captain Major Lieutenant Colonel Colonel Brigadier Major general (iii) Weightage in years -7 -6 -5 -5 -5 -3
ECOs/SSCOs retiring after rendering actual qualifying service (a) 12 years and more but not less than 20 years -5 years (b) 20 years and above -Rank-wise weightage as given in clause(i) above Note 1. There will be no weightage for officers who retire prematurely for permanent absorption in public sector undertaking and autonomous bodies. Note 2. There will be no weightage for officers of the Territorial Army. Note 3. The above weightage shall not be reckoned for determining the minimum qualifying service specified for admissibility of retiring person i.e. 20 years for service officers (15 years for late entrants.) (i) Service which qualifies in full for pension also qualifies for gratuity and on the same conditions.
(ii) Period spent by the officer on study leave which qualifies in full for retiring pension shall also qualifies for gratuity provided that service for at least a period specified by the Government has been rendered from the date of return from the study leave last availed of . This proviso may be relaxed in the case of an officer who is permitted to retire on account of ill health within that period.
(iii) The period of ante-date of commission and secondment allowed qualifying for pension in the case of Army Medical Corps and Army Dental Corps officers shall not qualify for gratuity. 51. It should be seen that options for pensionary benefits exercised by the affected officers governed by the provisions of A.I. 8/S/70 corresponding N.I 2/S/70 and A.F.I. 4/S/70 are valid in all respects and have been exercised by them within the stipulated period. Determination of Rank For Pension Retiring pension of an officer other than the officer of the rank of General and equivalents ranks in the Navy and Air Force will be assessed on the basis of the rank actually held continuously for at least 10 months before retirement regardless of whether it was held in a substantive or paid acting capacity, vide Regn-28, PRA Part-I (1961) as amended vide Government of India, Ministry of Defence letter No. A/26973/AG/PS4 (9)/360/D (Pension /Services) dated 16.01.1970 as last amended vide that Ministrys letter No. A/49779/AG/PS4(C)/291/A/D (Pension/Services) dated 26.02.80. Having regard to this position, rank for the purpose of assessment of pension will be determined based on the information furnished by the CDA (O), Pune. It should be noted that where an officer reverts to his substantive rank under the acting promotion rules either on account of his proceeding on furlough or being on sick leave for more than six months, the period of such reversion, though not counting as service in the higher paid acting rank, will not constitute a break in that acting rank provided he retires or is discharged or invalided from service or is re-appointed to the higher paid acting rank at the end of his furlough or sick leave as the case may be vide Regn. 10(v) PRA Part I (1961). Determination of amount of pension. After having assessed the length of qualifying service and determined the rank on which pension is to be assessed, the amount of retiring pension for 33 years of qualifying service shall be calculated at 50 percent of average reckonable emoluments drawn during last 10 months of his service. For lesser period of qualifying service, the amount of pension shall be reduced proportionately. Note1. The reckonable emoluments for pension shall comprise pay including Rank pay, stagnation increment and NPA, if any, drawn during the last 10 months. Note 2. The retiring pension of an officer of the rank of Lt. Col. (TS), Brigadier or Major General and equivalent, shall not be less than the pension which would have been admissible to him/her as a Major, Colonel or a Brigadier and equivalent, as the case may be, had he/she not been promoted to the higher rank Note3. If during the last 10 months of his/her service, an officer had been absent from duty on leave for which leave salary is payable or having been suspended, had been re-instated without forfeiture of service, the emoluments which he/she would have drawn had he/she not been absent form duty or suspended, shall be taken into account for
determining the average emoluments. Provided that any increase in pay (other than the increment referred to in Note 5 Below) which is not actually drawn shall not form part of his/her emoluments. Note 4. If during the last 10 months of the service, an officer had been absent from duty or had been under suspension, the above said period of absence from duty or suspension, shall be disregarded in the calculation of the average emoluments and equal period before the 10 months shall be included. Note 5. In the case of an officer who was on annual leave or furlough leave during the last 10 months of his/her service and earned an increment, which was not withheld, such increment though not actually drawn, shall be included in the average emoluments. Provided that the increment was earned during the currency of such leave not exceeding 120 days or during the first 120 days of leave where such leave was for more than 120 days. Note 6. The rates of retiring pension prior to 1.1.86 are given in Appendix-3 Note 7. Evolution of pensionary structure of Commissioned Officers is given in Appendix-16 Retirement Gratuity The scheme for the grant of death-cum-retirement gratuity (now termed as Retirement gratuity on retirement and death gratuity in the event of death, while in service) came into operation with effect from 10.9.70 vide Army Instruction No. 8/S/70 for those who were retired from service on or after that date with 5 years or more of qualifying service (without weightage). In the beginning, two months emoluments in respect of married personnel were deducted from DCRG as contribution for ordinary family pension. However, deduction of two months emoluments was done away w.e.f 22/9/77 under Army Instruction 5/S//77. Determination Of Amount Of Retirement Gratuity (i). An officer who is governed by A.I 8/S/70 and who has completed 5 years qualifying service (actual) and is eligible for Retiring/invalid/special pension or gratuity of any type, will be granted on the termination of his service for a retirement gratuity equal to one fourth of the reckonable emoluments for each completed six monthly period of qualifying service, subject to the maximum of 16 times of the reckonable emoluments provided that in no case it shall exceed Rupees three and half lakhs. Note: A weightage of 5 years is allowed in actual qualifying service subject to total qualifying service including weightage not exceeding 33 years. (ii) For the purpose of Retirement Gratuity the term "emoluments" shall include pay of rank last held, rank pay, stagnation increment, NPA, if any, plus dearness allowance. (iii) If an officer immediately before the termination of his service or death, has been absent from duty on leave, for which leave salary is payable, his emoluments shall be what they would have, had he not been absent from duty; provided that the benefit of higher acting rank shall be given only if it is satisfied that he would have continued to hold the said acting rank but for proceeding on leave. Note: Maximum amount of retirement gratuity admissible from time to time are given in Appendix-4. (iv) The demands outstanding against the officer as intimated by Pay
Audit Officer will be recovered from the retirement gratuity in the manner prescribed in the relevant orders viz. Regulation 94, PRA Pt II (1961) and adjustment carried out as per procedure outlined in Para 19 et seq. Note1: 10% of retirement gratuity or Rs. 1000/- whichever is less is to be withheld from the amount of retirement gratuity, as admissible, to adjust the demand coming to notice immediately after notification of the pensionary awards. The withheld amount of gratuity is to be released after 6 months from the date of retirement, if no further demand is notified. In case the pensioner dies before receiving the payment, no payment thereof should be made to his heir(s) without proper instruction from this office. A clause to the above effect may be inserted in the PPO while notifying the pensionary awards. Note 2: In the event of the death of the recipient before receiving the payment of retirement gratuity, the amount of retirement gratuity is to be authorised in favour of the nominee on the basis of nomination executed by the deceased during his life time through a Corr. PPO. The Controller of Defence Accounts (Pensions) now Principal CDA (Pensions) is the competent authority under the powers delegated to him in the Government of India, Ministry of Defence, New Delhi letter No.1(8)/65/9585 /D(Pensions /services) dated 2nd November, 1968 to sanction the retiring pension/gratuity in the case of officers who retire from service on attaining the age of compulsory retirement or on completion of tenure. Subject to same provision, he is also the competent authority to sanction retiring pension (NOT GRATUITY) in the case of officers who are permitted to retire prematurely and in whose cases the provisions of Regulation 16(b) of PRA Part I (1961) are not attracted. Audit reports for grant of pensionary awards in the following types of cases will, however, be submitted to the Ministry of Defence (now Service Head Quarters w.e.f. 14.08.2001) for Government orders:(a) Retiring pension/gratuity of officers who retire otherwise than as stated above. (b) Retiring gratuity of officers who retire prematurely at their own request. (c) Cases involving abnormal features or those, which require specific consideration of Government of India as per existing orders. Note: The powers to sanction pension/gratuity death-cum-retirement gratuity where exercised by the Principal CDA (P) are delegated to the Accounts officers/Sr. Accounts Officer working in the Section. In cases where the grant of pension requires the orders of the Ministry of Defence (now Service HQrs.) vide Para-57 above, an audit report will be prepared in GMF-11 appended at Sl. No.1 of Annexure-C and forwarded to the Service Headquarters for obtaining Government sanction for pension in these cases. A PPO for provisional pension will be prepared and dealt with in the manner laid down in Para 6 above.
Interest On Delayed Payment Of Retirement Or Death Gratuity (a) If the payment of Retirement Gratuity or Death Gratuity has been 59. authorised after the period specified in the succeeding clauses, from the date when its payment became due, and it is clearly established that delay in payment was attributable to administrative lapse, interest at such rate as may be prescribed by the Government from time to time in this behalf on the amount of gratuity in respect of the period beyond three or six months, as the case may be, shall be as under:-
In case of normal retirement/discharge. In case an individual retired on completion of service limit or the prescribed age limits, the payment of gratuity becomes due on the date following the date of retirement. If the payment of Retirement Gratuity has been authorised after three months from the date of his retirement, interest may be allowed beyond the period of three months from the date of retirement. (ii) In case of individuals against whom disciplinary/judicial proceedings are pending on the date of retirement and gratuity is withheld till the conclusion of the proceedings:(a) In such cases if the individual is exonerated of all charges and where the gratuity is paid on the conclusion of such proceedings, the payment of gratuity will be deemed to have fallen due on the date following the date of retirement. If the payment of gratuity has been authorised after three months from the date of his retirement, interest may be allowed beyond the period of three months from the date of retirement. (b) In cases where the disciplinary/judicial proceedings are dropped on account of the death of the service personnel during the pendency of disciplinary/judicial proceedings, the payment of gratuity will be deemed to have fallen due on the date following the date of death and if the payment of gratuity has been delayed, interest may be allowed for the period of delay beyond three months from the date of death. (c) In cases where the individual is not fully exonerated on the conclusion of disciplinary/judicial proceedings and where the competent authority decides to allow payment of gratuity, in such cases the payment of gratuity will be deemed to have fallen due on the date of issue of orders by the competent authority for payment of gratuity. If the payment of gratuity is delayed in such cases interest will be payable for the period of delay beyond three months from the date of issue of the above mentioned orders by the competent authority. (iii) On retirement other than in normal course. In cases of an individual released/retired on compassionate grounds or personal reasons or discharged in pursuance of Government policy under Regulation 111 or invalided out of Service or called upon to retire, dismissed, removed from Service or discharged under Army Act, the payment of gratuity if delayed beyond six months from the date of release/retirement/ invalidment, interest may be paid for the period of delay beyond six months from the date of release/retirement/invalidment. For those dismissed/ removed, the period of six months shall reckon from the date of the orders of the competent authority relating to grant of gratuity. (iv) On death of the individual while in service. Where the payment of Death Gratuity is delayed beyond six months from the date of death, interest may be paid for the period of delay beyond six months from the date of death. If in any case the payment of Death Gratuity is held up on account of more than one claimant staking his/her claim to the same, such cases will not automatically qualify for payment of interest under these provisions. Such cases may be examined on merits. (v) In case of permanent absorption in Public Sector Undertakings/Autonomous Bodies. (i)
Payment of interest on delayed payment of gratuity in these cases my also be decided in the same manner as prescribed in sub clause (iii) above. If the payment of gratuity has been delayed beyond six months from the date of permanent absorption, the interest may be allowed for the period of delay beyond six months. (vi) Individuals declared as missing while in Service. In cases where individuals have been declared as missing while in service and the family has been paid the Death Gratuity not exceeding the amount of Retirement Gratuity, the period of three months referred to in clause (i) above shall be taken from the date of application and interest shall, therefore, be paid only if the Retirement Gratuity is not paid within three months from the date of application provided that:Note 1. The delay in the payment was not caused on account of failure on the part of the Service Officer or the claimant to comply with the procedures laid down in this regard. Note 2. In the case of those who retired prior to 08th August 1986, if the gratuity had not been paid as on that date, the interest shall be payable only from 08th August 1986 or three months from the date of retirement, whichever date is later. (a) The rate of interest will be promulgated by Govt. from time to time. However, the rates of interest payable from time to time i.e. from 1960-61 to 2002-2003 is given in Appendix-5. (b) The interest shall be payable till the end of month preceding the month in which the payment of gratuity is actually made. (c) In every case in which it is established that the delay in the payment of gratuity was attributable to administrative lapses and there was no fault of retiring service officer or claimant concerned, the interest shall be authorised by Ministry of Defence in consultation with the Services Headquarters and the audit authorities concerned through a Government sanction without waiting for the outcome of the disciplinary proceedings against the defaulting official(s). (d) In all cases where interest has been paid, action shall be taken to fix the responsibility for the delay in the payment of gratuity and disciplinary action shall be taken against the official(s) responsible for it. Simultaneous Notification Of Commutation Of A Portion Of Pension. Army officers who apply for commutation of pension alongwith their pension, the capitalised value payable to them will be notified in the retiring pension PPO itself in the following cases:(i) where the officers have retired on attaining the normal ages of retirement and after completion of 20 years of service (15 years in the case of late entrants) and also. (ii) where the officers have been placed in low medical category, who have retired on attaining the normal ages of retirement after rendering qualifying service of 20 years. Simultaneous Notification Of Ordinary Family Pension. The amount of ordinary family pension that would be admissible to the wife after death of the pensioner, who retired/invalided out of service will be notified simultaneously in the original PPO sanctioning retiring/disability/invalid pension in respect of Army Officers. Sanction of Final Pensionary Awards.
62. The final award of retiring pension should be notified in a Pension Payment Order only after the receipt of LPC-cum-data sheet from the CDA(O). For this purpose, CDA(O) will be requested to expedite the despatch of LPC-cum-data sheet before the date of retirement of the officer. On receipt of the LPC-cum-data sheet, it should be seen that :(a) The LPC-cum-data sheet pertains to the officer in question and the rank, name and personal number of the officer shown therein are correct. (b) The LPC-cum-data sheet, received in the duplicate has been embossed with the LPC seal by the CDA(O) and any alteration made therein are duly attested. (c) The date up to which last paid, as shown both in figures as well as in words and agrees with the date of retirement, as notified in the retirement order. Note: If any demands are shown in the last pay certificate, the recovery thereof should be made in full from the retirement gratuity and the remaining amount if any should be notified for recovery @ 1/3 of the amount of pension payable to the officer. Notification And Documentation For Arranging Payment Of Final Pensionary Awards. Thereafter a draft Pension Payment Order will be prepared in IAF-CDA-327 and submitted to the Accounts Officer/Sr Accounts Officer, for approval. After approval of the draft PPO, it should be passed on to the Group I (Admin) in the Form(GMF-12) appended at Sl. No. 6 of Annexure-C for allotment of a serial number through PPO Numbering Register (GMR-15) appended at Sl. No. 4 of Annexure-B getting the fair copies of the PPO typed and for collection, sorting and binding of the draft PPO alongwith the supporting documents. On receipt of the quadruplicate and quintuplicate copies of PPO back from Group I duly typed, the following action will be taken: (a) The quadruplicate copy of the PPO will be sent to Army /Air/Naval HQrs as the case may be and the quintuplicate copy forwarded to the pensioner. (b) The original copy of the PPO is despatched to the Pension Disbursing Authority . Triplicate copy of the PPO intended for Audit Section is forwarded direct to that Section and the Duplicate copy is retained by them. After the grant of final pensionary awards, suitable entries will be recorded in the Claim Register (GMR-3) appended at Sl No 1 of Annexure-B. An intimation regarding the grant of final pensionary awards will be issued to the Officer concerned in GMF-13 appended at Sl. No.7 of Annexure C Issue of Corrigendum PPOs. Revision of the already sanctioned pensionary awards, as a result of fresh orders or as a result of fresh facts coming to notice, will be done by issue of Corrigendum PPOs. Such of the Corr. PPOs which are to the disadvantage of the pensioners ie those which involve cancellation of an earlier award, reduction in the rate of pension, curtailment of the period of grant or modification of the condition of grant etc., will be taken a special note and an entry in respect of such a Corr. PPO will be made in
64. 65.
the Register of recording the particulars of Corr. PPOs to the disadvantage of the pensioner (GMR-16) appended at Sl. No.5 of Annexure-B at the time of preparation and approval of the draft Pension Payment Order and the item No. of that register will be noted in the margin i.e. disadvantageous PPO register item No. (not to be notified) of the draft Pension Payment Order. It will be the responsibly of the supervisory staff i.e. the SO(A) and the officer approving the PPO to determine as to which PPO comes within these categories and to ensure that an entry in respect of such a PPO is made in the register. Apart from other media through which acknowledgements of the PPO are watched (see Para 69), the receipt of the acknowledgements in the case of Corr. PPOs to the disadvantage of the pensioner, will be watched through the medium of the above mentioned register also. This register will be allotted control No. and brought in the chart of registers. 69. Watching Of Acknowledgements Of The Pension Payment Orders The receipt of the acknowledgements of the PPOs from the Pension Disbursing Authorities will be watched through the PPO Numbering Register; (Register No. (GMR-15) appended at Sl. No.4 of Annexure-B referred to in Para 65) with a view to ensuring their timely receipt as also to ensuring prompt response to the reminders, the following procedure will be followed:(i) An acknowledgement card duly completed as far as possible on behalf of the Pension Disbursing authority will be attached on the top left hand corner of each out-going PPO for signature by the PDA and return to this office. The acknowledgement card will show PPO Number, senders address and this office address. The PDA will be required to mention only his reference, sign it and return it to this office. The acknowledgement card will be completed and attached by the auditor who prepares the draft Pension Payment Orders before it is given to Group I (Admin.) for allotting PPO Number. (ii) The existing endorsement on the PPO viz. Please acknowledge receipt will be amended to read as Please acknowledge receipt on the attached acknowledgment card. (iii) A careful watch will be kept by the issue of periodical reminders for the receipt of acknowledgement of PPO/Corr. PPOs from the Pension Disbursing Authorities. Monthly reminders will be issued in duplicate on form GMF-35 appended at Sl. No. 8 of Annexure C to the parties concerned for furnishing acknowledgements of the PPOs. Each reminder will not contain more than 10 entries so as to ensure receipt of prompt reply and where necessary DOs/Telegrams will also be issued. (iv) The Progress of receipt of acknowledgements will be kept under close watch and will be ensured by the Accounts Officers through monthly summaries to be prepared on 10th of each month in the PPO Numbering Register (Register No. GMR-15) appended at Sl. No. 4 of Annexure-B (v) In the case of PPOs notifying the initial grant which are left unacknowledged even after the issue of three reminders, the Audit-I Section will be consulted and if, in any case it is noted that PS number has since been allotted by the Pension Disbursing Authority then no further acknowledgement need be watched but only the PS number noted in PPO numbering registers as a token of acknowledgment of PPO. This procedure will be followed only in the
case of PPOs notifying initial grant. 70. Loss of PPO If a PPO is reported to have been lost, a duplicate PPO will be issued on receipt of a loss certificate from the concerned pension disbursing authority on the prescribed form. The specimen of the prescribed form of the loss certificate is given in the form GMF-48 appended at Sl. No. 33 of Annexure-C. Officers Eligible For Retiring Gratuity An Officer who retires after rendering 10 years but less than 20 years service and who does not otherwise qualify for pension, as late entrant, is eligible for service gratuity. The case of the Officer for the grant of the gratuity will be processed in the same manner as in the case of retiring pension. It may be noted that all service which qualifies in full for retiring pension only will qualify for retiring gratuity vide Reg. 27, PRA Part -I (1961). In the case of an officer who is eligible for retiring pensionary awards under AI 8/S/70 etc. the retirement gratuity should be assessed in the manner stipulated in Para 56 above.
73. The competent authority to sanction retiring gratuity in the case of Officers who retire on reaching the age prescribed for compulsory retirement will be the PCDA(P). In all other cases, the competent authority will be the Government of India, who will sanction the retiring gratuity and Retirement (DCR) Gratuity where admissible on the basis of an audit report, showing the Officer's title to gratuity, which will be rendered by this office to the concerned Services HQrs. 74. After sanctioning gratuity or on receipt of the sanction of the Government of India where necessary; the Officer concerned will be informed of the amount of gratuity sanctioned and will be advised to prefer a claim for the amount on a contingent bill (IAFA-115) in duplicate to this office in the following manner:(i) The contingent bill should be in duplicate, duly stamped and countersigned by the Officer Commanding of the Unit with which the Officer last served before proceeding on retirement. (ii) A certificate under AI 13/S/63, regarding acceptance of employment should also be furnished along with the claim. 75. Simultaneously, the Pay and Audit Controller will be requested to intimate public demand, if any, outstanding against the Officer and also to furnish the final last pay certificate, if not already received. 76. On receipt of the final last Pay Certificate, No Demand Certificate from the Pay Audit Officer and the claim from the Officer, the claim will be checked to see that necessary requirements have been complied with. Thereafter, the enfacement for payment on the original copy of the contingent bill should be passed by the Officer-in-Charge. The disbursement voucher daily payment sheet and cheque slip and punching medium should be prepared and submitted for approval by the Officer-in-Charge and then disposed of in the usual manner. An entry regarding the payment will be made in the Gratuity Register 77. (GMR-4) appended at Sl. No. 6 of Annexure -'B and submitted to the Officer-in-charge for attestation. The corresponding entry in the Retiring Claim Register will then be linked and cleared.
CHAPTER-III DISABILITY/WAR INJURY/INVALID PENSION General 78. The claim on account of disability pension/war injury pension/invalid pension in respect of a commissioned officers arise in the following circumstances:(i) On retirement/ invalidment from Military service on account of disability arising/ sustained under circumstances mentioned in category B and C of Para 80 below, which is accepted as attributable to or aggravated by such service and the degree of disablement is assessed at 20% or over. In this event the officer is eligible to a disability pension consisting of service element and disability element. Note: The condition of minimum assessment of 20% of disability shall, however, not be required in cases of invalidment. (ii) On retirement/invalidment from Military service on account of disability sustained under circumstances mentioned in category E of Para 80 below, he/she shall be eligible for war injury pension consisting of service element and war injury element. (iii) On invalidment from Military service on account of a disability which is neither attributable to nor aggravated by service factors or which though attributable to aggravated by military service is assessed at less than 20%. In this event the officer is eligible to invalid pension if the service actually rendered is 10 years or more, and invalid gratuity if it is less than 10 years. The CDA(P) (now Principal CDA(P) is the competent authority under the powers delegated to him in the Government of India, Ministry of Defence, New Delhi letter No.1(8)/65/9558/D/(Pensions/Services) dated 2nd November, 1968 to sanction:(1) disability Pension (Service and disability elements), war injury pension (Service and war injury elements) where the disability is accepted as attributable to or aggravated by service factors as also the grant of gratuity when the degree of disablement is finally assessed at less than 20%. (2) invalid pension/gratuity in the case of officers who are invalided out of service on account of causes which are neither attributable to nor aggravated by service factors. The decision whether the cause of disability is attributable to/or aggravated by service in the Defence Services will rest with the Service HQrs. Note 1. The powers to sanction Disability/War-Injury/Invalid Pension /Gratuity / Retirement Gratuity where exercised by the Principal CDA (P) are delegated to the A.Os/Sr. A.Os. working in the Section. Note 2. The sanctioning authority for disability awards in respect of civilian Government servants deputed for service in a Military capacity with a military force (and for ex-gratia awards) whether under civil and military rules will be:(a) military authorities in the case of those personnel whose pay accounts, etc., are maintained by the Defence Accounts authorities. (b) Director General Posts and Telegraphs/Railway Board, in consultation where necessary, with Ministry of Defence in the case
of personnel of the Posts and Telegraphs and Railway Departments respectively whose pay and allowances, etc., are maintained by Post and Telegraphs Department /Railway Department and their Accounts and Audit Officers, when cases concerning Post and Telegraphs/Railway personnel are dealt with under military rules, the Post and Telegraphs/Railway Audit officers will, where necessary, consult the Principal CDA(P) Allahabad, concerning the application of military rules. Categorization Of Disability For determining the pensionary benefits on death or disability under different circumstance due to attributable/aggravated causes, the cases shall be broadly categorised as follows: Category A Death or disability due to natural causes neither attributable to nor aggravated by military service as determined by the competent medical authorities. Examples would be ailments of nature of constitutional diseases as assessed by medical authorities, chronic ailments like heart and renal diseases, prolonged illness, while not on duty. Category B Death or disability due to causes which are accepted as attributable to or aggravated by military service as determined by the competent medical authorities. Disease contracted because of continued exposure to hostile work environments subject to extreme weather conditions or occupational hazards resulting in death or disability, would be examples. Category C Death or disability due to accidents in the performance of duties such as: Accidents while traveling on duty in Govt. vehicles or public/private transport. (i) Accidents during air journeys. (ii) Mishaps at sea while on duty. (iii) Electrocution while on duty etc. Accidents during participation in organized sports events/adventure activities / expeditions/training. Category D Death or disability due to acts of violence/attack by terrorists, antisocial elements etc. whether on duty other than operational duty or even when not on duty. Bomb blasts in public places or transport, indiscriminate shooting incidents in public etc. would be covered under this category, besides death/disability occurring while employed in aid of civil power and also while dealing with natural calamities. Category E Death or disability arising as a result of:a. Enemy action in international war. b. Action during deployment with a peace keeping mission abroad. c. Border skirmishes. d. During laying or clearance of mines including enemy mines, also mine sweeping operations. e. On account of accidental explosions of mines while laying operationally oriented mine field or lifting or negotiating mine field laid by the enemy or own forces in operational areas near
international borders or the line of control. War like situations, including cases which are attributable to/aggravated by:(i) Extremist acts, exploding mines etc., while on way to an operational area. (ii) Battle inoculation training exercises or demonstration with live ammunition. (iii) Kidnapping by extremists while on operational duty. g. An act of violence/attack by extremists, anti social elements etc. while on operational duty. h. Action against extremists, antisocial elements etc. death/disability while employed in the aid of civil power in quelling agitation, riots or revolt by demonstrators shall be covered under this category. i. Operations especially notified by the Govt. from time to time. Note- The illustrations given in each category above from A to E are not exhaustive. Cases not covered under these categories shall be dealt with as per Entitlement Rules to casually pensionary award. f. Procedure For Adjudication Of Disability Pension Claims (Provisions 81. applicable w.e.f. 1.1.1996) Findings of Medical Board, Attributability/Aggravation and adjudication of case for disability pension due to injury/disease will be regulated as per provisions contained in Government of India, Ministry of Defence, letter No.1(2)/97/D(Pen-C) dt. 7.2.2001 as modified by DGAFMS Note bearing file No. 16036/DGAFMS/MA(Pen.) dt. 2.3.2001 which is explained as under :-
Injury cases Attributability- decision regarding attributability would be taken by the authority next higher to the commanding officer which in no case shall be lower than a Brigade/Sub Area Commander or equivalent. (b) Assessment- The assessment with regard to the percentage of disability as recommended by the Invaliding Medical Board/Release Medical Board as approved by the next higher Medical authority than the one which constituted the board, would be treated as final, unless the individual himself requests for review. Note:- The word final appearing above should be construed as for life both in respect of percentage of disability as well as its duration in injury cases unless the individual himself requests for review, as clarified by Ministry of Defence vide I.D. No.1(2)/97/D-(Pen-C) dated 13.06.2002. (c) Approving authority for Medical Boards-Medical Board proceedings shall be approved by the next higher medical authority than the one which constituted the board. In case where disability is abnormally high or low, approving authority shall refer the proceedings back to the medical board for reconsideration. If required, he may physically examine/get the individual re-examined to ascertain the correct position. The next higher medical authority, as stated in sub Paras Note 1: (a) and (b) above as clarified by Ministry of Defence vide their ID No B/40139/AG/PS-4 (D)/528/D(Pen-C) dt. 4.3.2002 would be as follows:(A) Army HQrs. (a) In case of Release Medical Board (RMB): Medical Board held Next higher Confirming Remarks
(i) (a)
at hospital under authority authority DIV. ADMS(DIV) DDMS Area/Corps DDMS(Area/Corps) DDMS(Command) Command ADMS(Command) DDMS(Command (b) In case of Invaliding Medical Board (IMB)
IMB held at Designated Hospitals under DIV Area/Corps Command Next higher authority ADMS(DIV) DDMS(Area/Corps) ADMS(Command) Confirming authority DDMS(Command) DDMS(Command) DDMS(Command)
(ii) (a)
Note 2 The decision of rejection of disability pension claims in injury cases should be conveyed to the officers by the authorities holding their medical and service records i.e. MP 5 & 6 DGA/SF/MPRS(O) in respect of Medical officers and TA Dte. in the case of TA officers and Directorate concerned of Air Force and Naval Hqrs. Disease Cases Attributability/aggravation-Attributability/aggravation in respect of cases pertaining to invalidment owing to various diseases/retirement with various diseases shall continue to be adjudicated by Ministry of Defence in case of commissioned officers. AssessmentDisability permanent in nature- The assessment with regard to percentage of disability as recommended by the Invaliding Medical Board/Release Medical Board and as adjudicated by Services Hqrs. in case of commissioned officer shall be treated as final and for life unless the individual himself requests for review. There shall be no RSMB. Disability not of permanent in nature - Initial assessment will be made for two years. The individual will be asked to report for a review after two years. Necessary endorsement to this effect will be made in IMB/RMB proceedings. Assessment made during this review will be final and for life unless the individual himself requests for review. This review will be carried out by Review Medical Board which will be constituted by DGAFMS, and percentage of disability assessed by Review Medical Board will be final. Note- The above provisions will be applicable to service personnel who were in service on or after 1.1.1996. The cases, which have been finalized prior to issue of Government of India, Ministry of Defence letter No 1(2)/97/D (Pen-C) dt. 7.2.2001 will not be re-opened.
(b) (i)
Documents Required For Grant Of Disability Pension. (i) Individual notification issued by Ministry of Defence duly signed in ink. 82. (ii) (a) Release Medical Examination proceedings(AFMSF-18.) (b) Release Medical Board proceedings (AFMSF-16) alongwith annotation regarding longevity for purpose of commutation of pension and details of field service. (iii) Primary Medical Examination Report (AFMSF-81). (iv) Military History Envelope (AFMSF-7) together with medical documents as may be prescribed from time to time. (v) O.C. unit and Medical officers report on the case (IAFM-1231) in case of disease. (vi) Injury report (IAFY-2006) and proceedings of the Court of Inquiry. (vii) LPC issued by CDA(O) , showing demand , if any (viii) Charter of duties of the time of onset of ID in the case of disease/injury. (ix) Two copies of joint photo graphs duly attested by Commissioned Officers /gazetted officer. (x) Name of Bank with single Bank Account Number. Preparation And Submission Of Pension Claims. As in the case of retiring pension, commissioned officers of the services, including MNS officers are not required to submit any application for disability/war injury/invalid pension/gratuity. On their invalidment from service being ordered, Army Headquarters/MS branch;/QMG Branch/DGAFMS/Naval Headquarters/Air Headquarters issue the invalidment notification. The case for grant of disability/war injury/invalid pension/gratuity will be entered in the Register for disability pension GMR-5 appended at Sl. No. 7 of Annexure-B on receipt of invalidment notification and progressed on receipt of the invalidment notification. On receipt of invalidment notification, action as indicated in Paras 38 to 41 of Chapter II will be taken. In addition, a letter will be addressed to the Service HQrs. calling for the decision whether the disability (disabilities) on account of which the officer was invalided out of service is/are attributable to or aggravated by his military service and the degree of disablement. On receipt the requisite particulars and decision regarding the Attributability/aggravation or otherwise of the invaliding disability and assessed percentage of disablement, the title to service element and disability element of disability pension will be assessed. For this purpose, the statement of assessment of pension and retirement gratuity (GMF-6) will be used. Proforma of GMF-6) is appended at Sl. No. 5 of Annexure C. Processing of Disability Pension Claims Through Computer The notification of disability element has since been computerised and the Pension Payment Order in respect of an Army Officer notifying disability element is generated on computer. In the computerised system, a data sheet for disability element award commissioned officers (See Sl.No. 24 of Annexure-C)has been designed
for notifying disability element where regular retiring pensionary awards have already been notified either through computer or manually. This data sheet contains 41 columns and is divided into three cages. Cage-I contains basic particulars viz, original PPO No, personal No, Name etc. Cage-II contains columns 1 to 20 relating to disability particulars viz. Name of invaliding diseases, whether attributable to or aggravated by military service, percentages of invaliding diseases assessed, etc. and cage-III contains columns 21 to 41 relating to PDA and other particulars in case of PPOs issued manually. Cage I will be completed from the particulars available in the original PPO notifying the service element of disability pension. Cage-II will be completed from the Government sanction conveying decision that disability is attributable to or aggravated by military service and Medical Board proceedings (AFMSF-16) /Medical Board examination (AFMSF-18) and cage-III will be completed from the draft PPO of the service element notified through manual PPOs. 88. After completion of the data sheet, the claims will be batched together in a convenient batches. Each batch will be allotted a serial number starting from 1 (one) onwards in every processing month. A batch thus prepared will be passed on the EDP Centre under a top sheet. Action by EDP Centre. The EDP Centre, on receipt of the batch, will check the number of cases actually received with that indicated in the top sheet. Thereafter, data entry of these cases will be carried out and validation listing printed out showing all the cases. Checking Of Validation Listing The EDP Centre will forward the batch alongwith validation list and correction format to Disability Group for checking the validation listing with reference to Data- Sheets. This checking will be done 100%. Where any error is reported in listings from validation run and/or thee is any variation between the data as contained in data sheet and listings, suitable corrections in the format provided by the EDP Centre will be proposed by the Disability Group. After above action, the relevant portion of the top sheet will be completed. The corrections and top sheet will be sent to the EDP Centre for updation of data. The EDP Centre will incorporate corrections proposed, generate fresh listing and send it to the Disability Group to check and intimate whether corrections have been correctly incorporated. This process will be repeated till the data shown in the data sheets completely tallies with the validation /updation listing. At this stage, the cases in a batch may fall under following two categories-(a) cases which are valid, and (b) cases which are invalid. Printing of PPOs Order for generating the PPOs will be placed by Disability Group to EDP centre after all the items in a batch are error free. The EDP Centre will now generate PPOs in sextuplicate on preprinted stationery in respect of valid cases only. Invalid cases will be deleted from the edit lists. Despatch of PPOs On receipt of PPOs, Disability Group will take the following action:Check that all data sheets, PPOs and validation lists have been received.
Six copies of the PPOs earmarked for distribution will be segregated as under: (i) Original copy.(for PDA) (ii) Duplicate copy.(for GI/Mily) (iii) Triplicate copy.(for Audit) (iv) Quadriplicate copy.(for CDA(O) (v) Quintuplicate copy.(for A.HQ) (vi) Sextuplicate copy.(for Pensioner) Original copy and Audit Section copy will be signed by the PPO signing officer authorised specially for the purpose and office copy by AO/SAOs of G1 Military Section and facsimile signature of PPO signing officer put on remaining copies. Original copy will be embossed and date of dispatch marked on the PPO in presence of PPO signing Officer. Claim register in regard to disposal of the case will be marked suitably. The original copy of the PPO will be dispatched to the concerned PDA. Pensioners copy of the PPO will be sent to him under a covering memo. Specimen of covering memo is appended in GMF-14 appended at Sl. No.9 of Annexure-C. The Audit-I copies will be maintained PPO number wise and passed on to Audit-I Section periodically. The office copies will be kept with data sheet and other documents and got bound in convenient batches to be maintained in Old Record. EDP copies of the PPOs will be retained separately PPO number wise and got bound. PPO Numbering Register The EDP Centre will print out PPO Register in triplicate at fortnightly intervals for the PPOs generated in each fortnight in ascending order of PPO numbers. Extent of comparison/check by control and operation Task-1 Control and operational task-1 will complete all the columns of Cage I to III. He will complete Cage-I from the original PPO through which service element has been notified. Cage-II relating to invaliding diseases, percentage assessed and its attributability or aggravation aspect will be completed from the sanction conveyed by Ministry of Defence (now Service HQrs. wef. 14.8.2001) and Medical Board proceedings (AFMSF-16)/Medical Examination Report (AFMSF-18) and Cage-III from the original PPO (where service element is notified manually, otherwise columns of this cage may be left blank). The auditor will initial in the cage, at the bottom, provided for this purpose. The SO(A)/ AAO will check 10% claims cent percent and following columns in remaining claims:- Such a check will include all columns of Cage-II. The SO (A) /AAO will initial in the cage at the bottom provided for this purpose. The AO/SAO will check 5% claims cent percent which should include two claims already test checked by the SO(A) /AAO . Of the remaining cases, all columns of Cage-II will be checked cent percent. He will sign at the bottom cage provided for this purpose. Extent of check by operative task-II On receipt of the batch of data sheets and edit lists, 100% comparison of the edit lists with the data sheet be carried out by the task holder. He
will initial the first page of the edit list thereby indicating that 100% checking of the edit lilt has been made. At SO(A)/AAO level 10% of the valid records have to be test checked 100% with data sheets. In addition, all erroneous records will have to be checked by him 100%. SO(A)/AAO will check all the columns of cage-II of remaining valid records invariably. He will initial against the columns checked by him on the top of the edit lists. The AO/SAO will check 5% cases cent percent. This will include 2 cases earlier test checked by the SO(A)/AAO. In addition, all the columns of Cage-II will be checked by him in remaining records. Extent Of Check By Operative Task-III 95. The draft PPOs will be compared with data sheet 100% at the task holder(s) level for common information. 10% of the PPOs will be compared 100% by the SO(A)/AAO and 5% will be compared 100% at AO/SAO level. The data sheet will be duly endorsed by the Auditor, SO (A)/AAO and AO/SAO on the reverse. In cases where any discrepancy is reported on comparison of the PPOs at the stage of approval of the draft PPO, such PPOs will be enfaced with CANCELLED on all 6 copies and PPO register and such cases will be processed a fresh. Necessary endorsement indicating disability element awards in draft PPO of retiring pension and Medical Board Proceedings (AFMSF-16) will also be made by dealing task holder before despatch. 96. An intimation regarding the grant of disability pensionary awards will be sent to the Pensioner in form GMF-14 appended at Sl. No. 9 of Annexure-C. After notification of the awards, the medical documents relating to the case will be forwarded to the Area/Ind. Sub Area for making arrangements to bring the officer before a Resurvey Medical Board for reassessment of his disability pension on the expiry of the existing award. Note 1. General instructions for completion of data sheet are given in Appendix-6. Note 2. Specimen formats of data sheet for disability element (GMF-39) and PPO formats (GMF-43, 44 and 45) computerized and manual are given at Sl. Nos. 24,28 and 30 respectively of Annexure-C. Determination Of Service Qualifying For Pension. Qualifying service for the purpose of service element of disability pension is the same as for retiring pension vide Regulation 26, PRA Part-I (1961).
Amount Of Disability Pension. 99. It may be noted that disability pension consists of two element viz. Service element and disability element. The service element and disability element in case of invalidment and normal retirement are assessed in the manner indicated in the succeeding Paras. In Case Of Invalidment 100. Where an officer is invalided out of service under circumstances mentioned in Para-80 above which is accepted as attributable to or aggravated by Military service, he /she shall be entitled to disability
pension. The amount of service element and disability element of disability pension are to be determined in the manner indicated as under: (i) Service element- The amount of service element shall be equal to the retiring pension determined as per Para 54 above. For this purpose the reckonable qualifying service shall mean the actual service rendered by the officer plus the full weightage appropriate to the rank held at the time of invalidment (except in the case of TA officers). There shall be no condition of minimum qualifying service having been actually rendered for earning this element, if otherwise due. (ii) Disability element- The amount of disability element depends on the assessed degree of disablement by Invaliding Medical Board and approved by next higher medical authority and rank of the officer. The rate of disability element for 100% disability with effect from 1.1.1996 shall be Rs 2600/- per month. (a) Disability lower than 100% shall be reduced with reference to percentage as laid down in clause (b) below, provided that where permanent disability is not less than 60%, the disability pension (i.e. total of service element plus disability element) shall not be less than 60% of the reckonable emoluments last drawn. (b) In the case of invalidment, the extent of disability or functional incapacity shall be determined in the following manner for the purposes of computing the disability element:Percentage of disability as finally Percentage to be reckoned for computing accepted of disability element. 1 to 49 50 50 and 75 75 76 and 100 100 Note: Rounding off benefit is not admissible where disability is assessed at NIL percent by the Invaliding Medical Board. 101. In Case Of Normal Retirement Service element- The amount of service element shall be equal to the amount of retiring pension as assessed in terms of Para 54 above. (ii) Disability element - Where a commissioned officer is retained in service despite disability arising/sustained under the circumstances mentioned under category B and C in Para 80 above and is subsequently retired on attaining age of retirement or on completion of tenure, he/she shall be entitled to disability element at the rate prescribed in clause (ii) of Para 100 above for 100% disablement. For disabilities less than 100% but not less than 20%, the above rates shall be proportionately reduced. No disability element shall be payable for disabilities less than 20%. Provisions contained in clause (b) of Para 100 above shall not be applicable for computing disability element. Note: The rates of disability element prior to 1.1.1996 are indicated in Appendix-7. (i) Period Of Grant Of Disability Pension. In determining the duration of service element and disability element under Regn. 60-A and Regulation 61, PRA Part I (1961), the points explained in succeeding Paras should be kept in view.
Pensionary Award When The Accepted Disablement Is Assessed /ReAssessed At Less Than 20 Percent(for cases occurred prior to 1.1.96) 103. If an officer who is invalided out of service before completion of a prescribed age for his rank on account of a disability which is attributable to or aggravated by military service and is assessed below 20%, he/she shall be granted an award equal to service element of disability pension in accordance with Regulation 60, PRA Part (1961). The benefit will also be allowed in cases where on officer is granted disability pension at a higher percentage viz. 20% or over initially, but when degree of disability falls below 20%. In cases where disability is accepted as attributable to or Note: aggravated by military service but initially disability is assessed and accepted at less than 20%, the award of service element is payable for life if the officer has completed 5 years or more qualifying service prior to 01.01.1973. Period Of Grant Of Disability Pension When The Invaliding 104. Disability Is Incapable Of Change. (i) If the disability of a commissioned officer is accepted as attributable to or aggravated by military service and is certified on the basis of an invaliding or a resurvey medical board to be incapable of improvement, disability pension will be sanctioned for a period of ten years in the first instance. During this period the pensioner will have a right to claim re-assessment of his pension on the basis of aggravation, if any. Where pension is modified as a result of re-assessment, the pension will again be sanctioned for a period of ten years from the date of the revised award provided the disability is still regarded as incapable of improvement. At each successive assessment at a higher or a lower rate, the pensioner will be given one opportunity to have his pension reassessed on the basis of further aggravation. If the individual claims aggravation of his disability he will be asked to furnish a medical certificate with clinical notes, if any, from a registered medical practitioner. On receipt of these documents a report will be submitted to the Ministry of Defence alongwith the previous medical document for Government orders. (ii) When the percentage of disablement has remained unmodified for a period of ten years the pensioner will be brought before a re-survey medical board at the end of the ten years period and in the event of the disability still being regarded as incapable of improvement and at the same percentage, his pension will be payable for life. Thereafter, no revision of pension will be permissible. Note: The cases occurring on or after 7.2.2001 shall be regulated under the provisions of Para 81 above. Period Of Grant Of Disability Pension When The Invaliding Disability Is Capable Of Change. Where the disability whether attributable to or aggravated by 105. (a) military service of an officer is considered as capable of change (improve or deteriorate), the period of the first award calculated with reference to the date of the medical board shall be in the range of one to five years.
The actual period of award in such case shall, however, be decided by the medical board having due regard to the circumstances/conditions of each case which is subject to approval of Pension Sanctioning Authority in consultation with Medical Adviser (Pensions) appointed by the Director General Armed Forces Medical Service. The period of the award on resurvey shall also be for a period ranging from one to five years and shall be decided after taking into account the circumstances /conditions of each case. (b) when the disability is accepted at the same percentage on the basis of three consecutive medical boards including the release/invaliding medical board, the disability shall normally be accepted as incapable of change and regulated under the provisions of Para 104 and the award of disability pension/disability element shall be sanctioned for a period of 10 years. Provided that, if any case where the degree of disablement has been assessed at the same percentage by the three successive boards but the medical authorities are not in a position to recommend that the disability is of permanent nature, the same may be continued to be assessed on temporary basis for such shorter period as may be considered judicious on the merits of each case. Note: The cases occurring on or after 7.2.2001 shall be regulated as per provisions of Para - 81 above. 106. Grant Of Disability Pension When Disability Is For Life. In cases where the invaliding disability is loss of limb(s), total loss of sight, loss of one eye-amputation etc. where the question of improvement, worsening of the physical condition does not arise, the award will be sanctioned for life. Note: In cases where an officer is invalided out of service on account of a dental disablement the provisions of Government of India, Ministry of Defence letter No 131219/1/1/Pen-C dt. 16.2.1954 as amended vide Corrg. of even No dt. 19.7.1954 will be kept in view.
Disability Element in Post Discharge Cases 107. An officer, who had retired otherwise than at his own request or in any of the circumstances specified in Regulation 16, PRA Part I (1961) on a retiring pension/gratuity, but who within a period of 10 years from the date of retirement is found to be suffering from a disease which is accepted as attributable to his/her military service may at the discretion of the President, granted in addition to his/her retiring pension/gratuity, a disability element at the appropriate rate as per Para 101(ii) with effect from such date as the President may decide in the circumstances of the case vide Regulation 51, PRA Part I (1961). Note: In case an officer retired with a retiring gratuity, disability element shall be granted in addition. No service element shall, however, be admissible. Grant Of Disability Pension When Officer is Suffering From Pulmonary Tuberculosis/Leprosy But Are Retained In Service. 108. An officer suffering from pulmonary tuberculosis or leprosy attributable to or aggravated by military service, who rejoins duty having been found fit for retention in service on completion of leave, but is retired there from on account of a relapse of the disability during a period of five years from
the date of rejoining, shall be eligible for a disability element appropriate to the degree of disablement as accepted on the date he/she was found medically fit for retention in service in addition to (i) the service element of disability pension admissible if he/she had been invalided on the date immediately prior to that of rejoining duty or if more favour able. (ii) the retiring pension based on the total length of qualifying service rendered up to the date of retirement. (iii) if, however, he/she is retired from service on account of the relapse of the disability after a period of five years from the date of rejoining the disability pension shall be regulated by the normal rules/orders on the subject. Admissibility Of Disability Pension To A Disabled Pensioner ReEmployed Without Disclosing His Invalidation. 109. A disabled officer pension, who on his reemployment in the Armed Forces, does not disclose that he was previously retired from service with the Armed Forces for medical unfitness shall be debarred from the date of his re-employment from any disability pension admissible to him in respect of his previous service with the Armed Forces. If his re-employment is terminated on account of his medical unfitness or if on termination of reemployment, he is brought before a medical Board, his claim to disability pension after termination of re-employment will be submitted for the orders of the Government of India under Regulation 64, PRA Part I (1961), as amended vide CS No. 23/IV/67. Such orders will duly take into consideration the effect of his re-employment in the Armed Forces in aggravating a previous disability or introducing a new one.Any payment of disability pension made to such an officer after the date of his reemployment will be recovered as under:(i) If the officer is effective, from his pay and allowances. (ii) If the officer is non-effective, from the fresh award of disability pension, if any sanctioned on the termination of his second engagement. Grant Of Disability Pension In Respect Of Non-Regular Officers Released In Low Medical Category 110. (A) It may be noted that Non-Regular Officers viz. Emergency commissioned, Temporary commissioned, Short Service Regular commissioned and Short Service commissioned officers who are found in low medical category at the time of release than the one in which they were commissioned and whose disability is accepted as attributable to military service, will be entitled to a disability pension as admissible to them at the time of sustaining the disability, even though they are retained in service and are subsequently released under the phased release programme. The officers will have the option either: (i) to get the disability pension admissible to them immediately after sustaining the disability (viz. the service element of disability pension will be determined with reference to the service rendered till the date of getting the injury/disability only and disability element will also be determined likewise.) Or (ii) to get the disability element alone as (a) above plus gratuity which is admissible to them at the end of their service in the Army whichever they consider to be more beneficial to them.
(B) The disability pension admissible as at (a) above or the disability element as indicated at (b) above will be given only from the date from which an officer is discharged or released from the Army. (i) In all such cases where an officer exercises the choice in favour of clause (a) above, disability pension will be payable from the date of release and gratuity already received by him will have to be refunded in one lump sum. However, where an officer is unable to refund the gratuity in one lump sum, this may be recovered from the arrears of disability pension (both service element and disability element) in one lump sum and till then the payment of full disability pension may be withheld. (ii) In cases accepted on the basis of service aggravation, the officers will be entitled only to disability element plus gratuity which is admissible to them at the end of their service. Grant Of Disability Pension In Cases When Officer Retire Voluntarily. 111. It may be noted that an officer who retires voluntarily shall not be eligible for any award on account of disability provided that the officer is due for retirement on completion of service limits or on attaining the prescribed age of retirement and who seeks pre mature retirement for the purpose of getting of higher commutation value of pension. While dealing with the claim for the grant of disability element of pension in such cases it should invariably be ascertained from the Service Headquarters that the officers premature retirement was within a month of the due date and was for the purpose of higher commutation value. Reduction In Amount Of Disability Pension/Gratuity In Cases Of Serious Negligence Or Misconduct. 112. It may be noted that if the disability of an officer is wholly or partly due to his/her serious negligence or misconduct, the amount of disability pension or gratuity otherwise admissible may be reduced at the discretion of the President. Withholding Or Reducing The Amount Of Disability Element In Cases Of Un-Reasonable Refusal To Under Go Medical Treatment. 113. It may be noted that if an officer who is suffering from disability which was accepted as attributable to or aggravated by military service unreasonably refuses to undergo an operation or other medical treatment which in the opinion of the service medical authority would cure or reduce the degree of disablement, the award of disability element of pension otherwise admissible may be withheld or be granted at reduced rates at the discretion of the President. Note: The refusal will not be regarded as unreasonable when, in the opinion of the service medical authority, the treatment or operation may be severe and dangerous to life. Constant Attendance Allowance. 114. Constant attendance allowance is sanctioned to an officer who is awarded a disability pension for 100% disablement, if in the opinion of the invaliding or a re-survey medical board subject to acceptance by the pension sanctioning authority, he/she needs the services of a constant
attendant for at least a period of three months as certified by the Medical Board and the necessity arises solely from the condition of the accepted disability or disabilities. The payment of constant attendance allowance is notified in the same PPO as for the disability pension. The allowance shall also be granted if the accepted degree of disablement of an officer is assessed at 100% but a reduced award is made under Para 112 above provided the remaining conditions for the grant of allowance are fulfilled. The Pension Payment order will be notified in the following manner: (i) all the relevant conditions for the payment of constant attendance allowance will be clearly shown on the Pension Payment Order itself to make it a self contained authority. In the case of totally blind person the condition regarding non-re-employment will be omitted to be shown. If two sets of conditions are to be shown for two periods the same will also be done on the Pension Payment Order. (ii) in the body of the Pension Payment Order it will be stated that constant attendance allowance is payable subject to the production of a declaration. (iii) in the endorsement portion of the Pension Payment Order to the pension disbursing authority the following footnote should be inserted :(a) a specimen copy of the necessary declaration is enclosed and that every time payment of constant attendance allowance is made a declaration in that form should be obtained from the pensioner. (b) the grant of constant attendance is subject to the condition that the pensioner actually employs a paid attendant to look after him. The constant attendance allowance will not be payable for (i) any period during which the pensioner was an inmate or inpatient of a Government institution or Hospital. (ii) any period for which a constant and paid attendant was not actually employed to look after him. (iii) for the period of re-employment of the pensioner. (c) the payment of constant attendance allowance will be made in arrears alongwith the disability pension proper. Rate Of Constant Attendance Allowance. 115. It may be noted that constant attendant allowance at uniform rate of Rs. 300/- p.m. irrespective of the rank is payable with from 1.1.1986 However, the rate of constant attendance allowance has been revised to Rs. 600/- pm with effect from 1.1.1996 vide Government of India, Ministry of Defence letter No. 1(2)/97/D (Pen-C) dt. 31.1.2001 in all eligible battle/non-battle cases. Note: W.e.f. 11.11.85 the rate of CAA was revised @ Rs 200/- and Rs. 150/- p.m. in Battle and non-Battle cases respectively. This also covers the past cases but arrears were admissible from this date vide Govt. of India MOD No. 1(6)/85/D (Pen-C) dt. 11.11.85 Lump-sum Compensation Is Lieu Of Disability Element. (a) In case a service officer is found to have a disability which is 116. sustained under the circumstances mentioned under category B and C of Para-80 above and is assessed at 20% or more for life but is retained in service despite such a disability, he/she shall be paid a compensation in lump sum (in lieu of disability element of pension) equal to the capitalised value of disability element on the basis of disability actually assessed.
Provisions of rounding off as laid down in Para 100 will not apply. Note: The provisions of the above shall be applicable in cases occurring on or after 1.1.1986. For this purpose the age next birthday will be reckoned with reference to the date of onset of disability with loading of age, if any, recommended by the disability compensation Medical Board. The Medical Board proceedings in AFMSF-15 B alongwith longevity certificate should invariably be obtained in each case. Once a compensation has been paid in lieu of the disability element, there shall be no further entitlement to the disability element for the same disability. Such disability shall also not qualify for grant of any pensionary benefits or relief, subsequently. The payment of compensation in lieu of disability element will be made through individual running ledger account (I.R.L.A.) on the basis of payment authority issued by Pension Sanctioning Authority. The concerned Service Hqrs. will initiate a claim for payment of compensation in lump sum and submit the same alongwith compensation Medical Board proceedings in AFMSF-15 B duly approved by the disability compensation Medical Board to the Ministry. The Ministry of Defence (Service HQrs. wef.14.08.2001) after adjudication of the claim of the individual officer will endorse copies of the Government sanction duly signed in ink to the concerned CDA for making lump-sum payment to the individual officer. On receipt of the claim, the same will be entered in a Central Register (GMR-18) appended at Sl. No. 14 of Annexure-B and details of payment of compensation worked out and authorised for payment to CDA (Officers) Pune. The payment authority should be sent duly embossed with payment authority seal. The CDA (O) will keep a note of such payment authority in the individual's ledger account for subsequent noting in LPC-Cum -data sheet. The CDA (O) while issuing LPC at the time of retirement from service will endorse the fact of such payment in the LPC-Cum-data sheet to ensure that further payment on account of disability may be avoided at the time of granting disability element of pension. However, before authorising payment on account of compensation in lump sum(in lieu of disability element), the CDA(O) will obtain an undertaking from the individual officer to the effect that if he seeks premature/voluntary retirement on his own request at a subsequent date before completion of the term of the engagement of his service, he shall refund the amount of compensation paid to him in lump sum together with interest at the then prevailing rate of interest to the Government. This restriction will not, however, be applicable in those cases where an officer seeks premature/voluntary retirement within month of the actual date of retirement for obtaining higher commutation value of their commuted pension. Note: A register (GMR-18) appended at Sl. No. 14 of Annexure B in disability group will be maintained centrally under proper safe custody. The details of each payment on account of compensation lump sum in lieu of disability element will be noted under the dated signature of the AO/SAO in charge of the Disability Group. Each file on which compensation has been authorised will be got bound in convenient sizes periodically in order of entries made in the register. These files and Register will form the basis of checking of the LPC-Cum-data sheet submitted by the CDA (O) at the time of retirement of the officer. The group will verify that the claim for disability now preferred is not of that
disability for which compensation has been paid earlier. 117. Rates of disability element for calculating capitalized value for 100% disability shall be as under:(a) For cases occurring on or after 1.1.1986 -Rs. 750/- pm. (b) For cases occurring on or after 1.1.1996 -Rs. 2600/- pm. (c) The above rates shall be proportionately reduced for lesser percentage of disability 118. Grant of invalid Pension/Gratuity When an officer is invalided out of service on account of a disability which is neither attributable to nor aggravated by service, he will be entitled to invalid pension, if the service actually rendered is 10 years, at the rates indicated below: Invalid pension:- The amount of invalid pension will be equal to the service element of disability pension that would have been admissible in case the causes were attributable to or aggravated by service. Ranks for assessment of qualifying service reckonable towards invalid pension will be the same as for assessment of retiring pension. Invalid Gratuity- The amount of invalid gratuity shall be calculated at half a months reckonable emoluments i.e, pay, rank pay, non practicing allowance, stagnation increment, if any, last drawn by the officer, and dearness relief, for each completed six monthly period of qualifying service. For example, if an officer is invalided out of service after 266 days of service on account of injury, which has been regarded as neither attributable to nor aggravated by Military Service, the officer may be allowed invalid gratuity for qualifying service of 180 days or more. Note 1 The provisions for invalid pension and invalid gratuity have been made with effect from 1.4.1964 vide Army instruction No. 12/S/64. Note 2 The minimum amount of invalid pension admissible from time to time is as under: Rs. 25/- pm. w.e.f. 1.4.64 vide A.I 3/S/64 read with A.I 12/S/64 Rs. 40/- pm. w.e.f. 1.3.70. vide A.I 2/S/70 Rs. 150/-pm. w.e.f. 1.4.82 vide GOI, MOD No.1 (6)/EV/82 dt. 31/6/82 Rs. 160/- pm. w.e.f. 1.4.83 Vide GOI, MOD No. 1(3)/82/D(Pen/Sers) dt. 4/5/83 Rs. 375/- pm. w.e.f. 1.1.86 vide GOI,MOD no. 1(5)/87/D(Pen/Sers) dt. 30.10.87 Rs. 1275/- pm. w.e.f. 1.1.96 vide GOI,MOD No. 1(6)/98/D(Pen/Sers) dt. 3.2.98. The procedure for determining the notification of retiring pension as laid down in chapter II will apply mutatis mutandis in the case of invalid pension also.
War Injury Pension on invalidment 120. Where an officer is invalided out of service on account of disability sustained under circumstances mentioned in category E of Para-80 above, he/she shall be entitled to war injury pension consisting of service element and war injury element as follows:(a) Service element- Equal to retiring pension to which he/she would have been entitled on the basis of his/her pay on the date of invalidment but counting service up to the date on which he/she would have retired in that rank in normal course including weightage, as admissible. There shall be no condition of minimum qualifying service for earning this
(b) element. War injury element- Equal to reckonable emoluments last drawn for 100% disablement. However, in no case the aggregate of service element and war injury element should exceed last pay drawn. For lower percentage of disablement, war injury element shall be proportionately reduced and will be computed as under:Percentage of disability as Percentage to be reckoned for finally accepted computing of disability element 1 to 49 50 Between 50 and 75 75 Between 76 and 100 100
Note 1 The provision of "war injury pay" was made effective from 1.2.1972 vide Government of India, Ministry of Defence letter No. 200874/Pen-C/71 dt. 24.2.72 to cover all past cases and also cases of disablement occurred on or after this date. According to the above Government letter, war injury pay consists of service element and a disability element. The service element will be equal in amount to the normal retiring pension of the rank held at the time of disablement for maximum service of the rank. For this purpose, paid acting rank will be counted, irrespective of the period for which it was held. The disability element for 100% disability will be equal in amount to the emoluments last drawn by the servicemen, minus the service element, the amount being limited to Rs. 500/-. This amount has been increased to Rs. 1000/- with effect from 1.1.1986. For lower percentages of disability, the disability element will be proportionately reduced. Emoluments will comprise basic pay, dearness allowance and interim relief. Note 2 The service element in retired cases where disability due to war injury is assessed at 20% or more will be calculated with reference to the rank held at the time of retirement and length of service reduced up to that time while the disability element will be calculated at the percentage of disability assessed at the time of retirement. Note 3 With effect from 1.1.86 , War Injury Pay is known as "War Injury Pension" which will be a consolidated amount as per Government of India, Ministry of Defence letter No. 1(5)/87/D(Pen/Sers) dt. 30.10.1987. War Injury Pension for 100% disability shall be equal to the reckonable emoluments last drawn on the date of invalidment. Where disability is less than 100%, the amount of war injury pension shall be proportionately reduced. In no case, however the amount of War Injury Pension shall be less than 60% of the reckonable emoluments last drawn. Emoluments include pay, Non-practicing allowance (NPA) and rank pay, if any, drawn by the officer during the last 10 months of his service. 121. Retirement gratuity admissible on invalidment due to War Injury shall be calculated on the basis of reckonable emoluments on the date of invalidment but counting service upto the date on which he/she would have normally retired in that rank plus weightage as applicable (total not exceeding 33 years.) War Injury Pension On Retention In Service 122. An officer who is retained in service despite the disability due to war injury sustained under circumstances mentioned in category E of Para 80 above and retire subsequently shall have an option to be exercised within the period as prescribed by Government from time to time as follows:-
(a) To draw lump sum compensation in lieu of war injury element foregoing war injury element at the time of subsequent retirement. Or (b) to draw war injury element at the time of retirement in addition to retiring pension admissible on retirement, forgoing lump sum compensation. Lump Sum Compensation In Lieu Of War Injury Element (a) In case an officer is found to have a disability which is sustained 123. under the circumstances mentioned in category E of Para 80 above which is assessed at 20% or more for life but the individual is retained in service despite such disability and opts for lump sum compensation, he shall be paid the lump sum compensation in lieu of war injury element. (b) The rates for calculation of lump sum compensation in lieu of war injury element for 100% disability for life will be Rs. 1500/- and Rs. 5200/- in respect of the cases occurring on or after 1.1.1986 and 1.1.1996 respectively. (c) For disability due to war injury of less than 100% the rates shall be proportionally reduced. The one time compensation in lump sum in lieu of war injury will be equal to the capitalised value of war injury element which shall be calculated in accordance with Regulations 344 of the Pension Regulations for the Army, Part I(1961) and will be equal to the capitalised value of war injury element for the actual percentage of the disability at the appropriate rate mentioned in clause(b) above. For this purpose, the rank shall be the rank held at the time of injury sustained by the officer due to war. Age next birthday will be reckoned with reference to the date of onset of disability with loading to age, if any, recommended by the competent Medical Board. (d) Compensation in lieu of war injury element will be payable provided the degree of disablement is equal to or more than 20%. Once the compensation in lieu of war injury element due to disability for life has been paid, there shall be no further entitlement on account of such a disability at the time of retirement from the Armed Forces. Since this is one time payment of compensation, no restoration will be permitted. Note 1 The provisions of above Para shall apply to the Armed forces personnel who were in service as on 1.1.1986 or joined/join service thereafter. Note 2 The procedure to be followed for grant of such compensation as laid down in Para 116 will apply mutatis & mutandis for this purpose also. War Injury Element On Subsequent Retirement 124. (a) Where an officer is retained in service despite injury/disability sustained under the circumstances mentioned in category E of Para 80 above and does not opt for lump sum compensation in lieu of war injury, he/she shall be entitled to the payment of war injury element on a monthly basis at the rates prescribed in Para -123 above on subsequent retirement. (b) For disabilities less than 100% but not less than 20%, the above rates shall be proportionately reduced. No war injury element shall be payable for disabilities less than 20%, provisions contained in Para-120 shall not be applicable for computing war injury element. Disability actually assessed by the Invaliding Medical Board/release Medical Board, as approved by the next higher authority, shall be reckoned for computing war injury element.
(c) Retiring pension or Retirement Gratuity as admissible as per Ministry of Defence letter No. 1(6)/98/D (Pen/Sers) dt. 3.2.98 shall be payable in addition to war injury element from the date of retirement. Liberalised Disability Pension 125. With effect from 1.1.1996, an officer sustaining disability under the circumstances mentioned in category D of Para 80 above shall be entitled to same pensionary benefits as admissible to war injury cases on invalidment/retirement including lump sum compensation in lieu of disability element, as mentioned in Paras 120 and 122 above. However, on invalidment, they shall be entitled to disability element instead of war injury element in addition to service element. The service element will be equal to retiring pension to which he/she would have been entitled on the basis of his/her pay on the date of invalidment but counting service up to the date on which he would have retired in that rank in the normal course including weightage as admissible. Provisions of Para 6 of Ministry of Defence letter No. 1(6)/98/D(Pen/Sers) dt. 3.2.98, as explained in Para 54 above, shall apply for calculating retiring pension. There shall be no condition of minimum qualifying service for earning this element. With effect from 1.1.96 the rate of disability element for 100% disability will be Rs. 2600/- pm. For lower percentage of disablement, this amount shall be proportionately reduced. However, in no case aggregate of service element and disability element shall be less than 80% of the reckonable emoluments last drawn. Note: Officers sustaining disability under the circumstances mentioned in category D of Para 80 above shall not be treated as war disabled. Hence they will not be entitled to any special concession/dispensation otherwise available to war disabled. Grant Of Ex-Gratia Awards In Cases Of Disablement Of Cadets (Direct). 126. (a) It may be noted that an ex-gratia awards (except service entry) in respect of cadets in the event of disablement due to causes attributable to or aggravated by the conditions of military training shall be admissible at the rate of Rs. 375/- pm. w.e.f. 1.1.86 and Rs. 1275/- pm. w.e.f. 1.8.97 for life. In addition, a disability award on ex-gratia basis shall also be admissible to the ex-cadets at the rate of Rs. 600/- p.m. w.e.f 1.1.86 and Rs. 2100/ p.m. w.e.f. 1.8.97 for 100% disability during the period of disability. The amount of disability award shall be proportionately reduced when the degree of disablement is less than 100%. No disability award shall be payable in cases where the degree of disablement is less than 20% or the disablement has not been accepted as attributable to or aggravated by the conditions of military training. (b) Constant attendance allowance at the rates of Rs. 300/- p.m. w.e.f 1.1.86 and Rs. 600/- p.m. w.e.f. 1.8.97 shall also be admissible to the excadets on the recommendation of the Invaliding Medical Board when the degree of disablement is assessed at 100% and is accepted as attributable to or aggravated by the conditions of military service. (c) Other rules and procedure regarding assessment/re-assessment of disablement and acceptance of disability as attributable to or aggravated by conditions of military service/training shall be the same as for regular commissioned officers of the Armed Forces. Note: Awards under above Para are being sanctioned purely on ex-gratia
basis and the same shall not be treated as pension for any purpose and the powers to grant ex-gratia award to cadets has been delegated to Service HQrs. vide Government of India, Ministry of Defence No. 4684/DIR(PEN)/2001 dated 14.08.2001 and even No. dated 7.11.2001 However, Dearness relief shall be admissible on the ex-gratia awards. (Authority: GOI, MOD No. 1(S)/93/d(Pen-C)dated 16.4.1996 as modified vide that Ministry's letter No. 1(6) 99/d(Pen-C) dated 5.7.2001, even No. dated 11.2.2002 and 15.9.2003. Re-assessment of Disability 127. With regard to the continuation of disability pension, when initial awards are sanctioned by the Government of India (now Service Hqrs.), the Principal CDA (P) is competent to sanction such award under item 1(b) (ii) of Table II to PRA Part II (1961) in consultation with the Medical Adviser (Pensions) attached to his office. On receipt of proceedings of Resurvey Medical Boards (in duplicate) from Army Headquarters/Naval Headquarters/Air Headquarters duly countersigned by the A.D.M.S/D.M.S.(Navy) or D.D.M.S.(Navy)/A.D.M.S.(Air Force), as the case may be , alongwith the previous proceedings of the Medical Board, the same will be forwarded to the Award Panel Officer for adjudication. On receipt back of the case from Award Panel Officer, the percentage of disablement and the period as given by the Award Panel Officer will, alongwith the rate of disability element of pension, be notified in the Pension Payment Order. One copy of the proceedings will be recorded in support of the Pension Payment Order and the other documents will be returned to Army Hqrs/Naval Hqrs/Air Hqrs for arranging further Resurvey Medical Board when due in accordance with the provisions of Army Order no. 459/61. 128. With effect from 1.1.1996, the RSMB has been dispensed with and there shall be no periodical reviews by the Re-survey Medical Boards for Reassessment of disabilities. In cases of disabilities adjudicated as being of a permanent nature, the decision once arrived at will be final and for life unless the individual himself requests for review. In cases of disabilities which are not of a permanent nature, there will be only one review of the percentage by a Reassessment Medical Board, to be carried out later, within a specified time frame, as specified by RMB/IMB and as approved by the competent Medical authority. The percentage of disability assessed/recommended by the Reassessment Medical Board will be final and for life and need not be put for adjudication by APO/MA(P). A second and/or subsequent review (RSMB) will be dispensed with unless the individual himself specifically requests for a review. The review will be carried out by Review Medical Board constituted by DGAFMS. The percentage of disability assessed by the Review Medical Board will be final. For pre 1.1.1996 disability pensioners, Re-assessment Medical Board will be held in hospitals, which were authorised to hold Resurvey Medical Board. The assessment made will be final and for life unless the individual himself seeks for a review. Such a review will be carried out by Review Medical Board. The percentage of disability assessed by the Review Medical Board will be final. Note: It may, however, be noted that reduction/ increase in award will take effect from the date of RSMB only in cases where RSMB is held before expiry of the current award.
Reassessment Of Disability Permanently Below Pensionable Degree At The Time Of Retirement/Invalidment (Post retirement Cases). 129. It may be noted that in cases where an officer's disability at the time of retirement/invalidment is assessed as permanently below the pensionable degree, he/she may claim to be brought before a Medical Board within a period of 10 years from the date from which he was retired/invalided. If the disability is still assessed permanently below the pensionable degree, no claim for re-assessment shall be considered. It may be noted that procedure for notification of re-assessment award mutatis mutandis will be the same as for disability element of disability pension. 130. Appeal An officer may submit two appeals against rejection of disability pension. He may prefer first appeal to the Service Hqrs (Director PS-4) within six months from the date on which decision on the entitlement issue is communicated to him. In case his disability is accepted, disability pension will be sanctioned as per percentage approved by the Service Hqrs. and the PPO is issued. In case his appeal is turned down by the Service Hqrs, the officer can make a second appeal within six months from the date of rejection by the Service Hqrs. The second appeal is considered by the Defence Minister's Appellate committee headed by RM/RRM. If appeal is accepted, disability pension sanctioned as per acceptance of Government and PPO is issued. Thereafter no appeal is entertainable on this ground.
CHAPTER-IV FAMILY PENSION AND GRATUITY CLAIMS OF FAMILIES OF COMMISSIONED OFFICERS General 131. The family pension claims of the following nature in respect of commissioned officers of the Army are dealt with in G1/Military Section. (a) All types of family pension including ex-gratia lump sum compensation. (b) Death gratuity claims of the officers who die while in service (c) Claims to monetary allowance attached to gallantry decorations. (d) Ex-gratia awards to cadets (direct). Types of family pension claims. 132. It may be noted that family pension claims are of the following types: (i) Claims for initial grant of ordinary family pension. (ii) Claims for division of ordinary family pension. (iii) Claims for initial grant of special family pension. (iv) Claims for division of special family pension. (v) Claims for restoration of special family pension on second widowhood. (vi) Claims for special family on re-marriage of widow. (vii) Claims for initial grant of liberalised family pension. (viii) Claims for division of liberalised family pension. (ix) Claims for liberalised family pension on re-marriage of widow. (x) Claims for dependant pension to parents, brothers/sisters. (xi) Claims for grant of ex-gratia lump sum compensation. (xii) Claims for death gratuity. Ordinary Family Pension. 133. Commissioned officers of the Army for the grant of ordinary family pension are governed by the provisions of Family Pension Scheme, 1964. which was introduced with effect from 1.1.1964 vide Army Instructions 2/S/64(republished vide Army Instruction 51/80). Under this scheme, ordinary family pension is payable to the widow and children who died/die while in service or after retirement with a retiring/disability/invalid/special pension on account of causes which are neither attributable to nor aggravated by service except the categories enumerated below:(a) Officers of National Cadet Corps, Auxiliary Cadet Corps and Lok Sahayak Sena. (b) Officers of the Territorial Army other than those who die while rendering embodied service or after retirement with pension. (c) Officers who are executed on being convicted to a death sentence awarded by any Court. Conditions Governing Grant of Ordinary Family Pension The title to ordinary family pension under Family Pension Scheme 134. (i) 1964 arises if the deceased in whose respect family pension is claimed was in service on 1.1.1964 and to an officer who was in service on
31.12.63 and opted to be governed by the provision of this scheme. (ii) In the cases governed by the Family Pension Scheme 1964 ordinary family pension is granted to the family of a deceased soldier who dies while in service or after retirement on or after 1.1.1964, if at the time of death/invalidment while in service, he had rendered continuous service for one year or in case of death after retirement, he was in receipt of retiring/ disability/ invalid/special pension. Note:- With effect from 27.1.1979, the condition of one year continuous service has been waived vide Army Instruction 51/80 and ordinary family pension will be admissible to the family of the officer provided he/she had been found fit after successful completion of the requisite training and medical examination for commission. A certificate to this effect will be given by Service HQrs in case of service being less than one year. However, the above provision has also been extended to the officers who died prior to 27.1.79 but financial benefit will be given w.e.f. 24.10.86. (iv) The benefits of Family Pension Scheme, 1964 have also been extended from 22.9.1977 to the family of the Armed Forces personnel of those who retired/died before 31.12.1963 and also to those who were alive on 31.12.1963 but had opted out of the above scheme vide Government of India Ministry of Defence letter no. F.6(2)/85/1689/ B/D(Pension / Services) dated 8.8.1985. Eligible Members Of Family For Ordinary Family Pension. (A) It may be noted that the following members of the family will be eligible in order of priority as indicated below for grant of ordinary family pension:(i) Wife, in the case of male officer and husband, in the case of female officer, lawfully married before or after retirement. (ii) A judicially separated wife or husband subject to the condition that such separations not been granted on the ground of adultery and the person serving was not held guilty of committing adultery. (iii) Son/unmarried daughter below the age of 25 years (including those illegitimate and adopted legally before or after retirement) or till the date of earning livelihood i.e. not more than Rs. 2550/- pm., whichever is earlier. Note 1. Eligible son/daughter includes a posthumous child as well as step child. Note 2. The financial benefit of the ordinary family pension in respect of children adopted legally after retirement will be available with effect from 18.1.1993 only vide Government of India, Ministry of Defence letter no. B/40015/AG/PS4(d)/300/B/D(Pen/Sers) dt. 26.3.1998 but all cases arising even before 18.1.1993 will be covered. (iv) Widowed/divorced daughter till she attains the age of 25 years or up to the date of her re-marriage and their earning is not more than Rs. 2550/- pm., whichever is earlier. (v) Parents who were wholly dependent on Armed Forces personnel when he was alive and Armed Forces personnel has not left behind a widow, widower, eligible son or daughter or a widowed/divorced daughter, who will have a prior claim and the earning of the parent is not more than Rs. 2550/- pm. It will be the responsibility of the Pension Sanctioning Authority concerned to satisfy themselves based on the scrutiny of the service records and other relevant documents that in fact, they were wholly dependant/depended on the deceased Armed
forces personnel when he was alive and that he was not left behind any of the other specified beneficiaries who have a prior claim to the family pension. An affidavit sworn before a Magistrate, as per specimen annexed in Govt. of India, Ministry of Defence letter no. 241/B/D(Pen/Sers) dt. 28.8.2001 and reproduced below or a succession certificate from a court may be furnished which may be treated as proof in the matter for claim. "I (Name of the applicant) wife/husband/son of Shri . Aged .years resident of . do hereby solemnly affirm and declare as under The deceased (Name of the deceased service personnel) was son/daughter. I was wholly dependent upon my late son/ daughter mentioned above, for pecuniary needs and other basic necessities for my bare existence. DEPONENT VERIFICATION I, the above said ..(name of applicant), do hereby solemnly affirm and declare that the facts mentioned above are true to the best of my knowledge and belief and nothing has been concealed thereof
Note: The financial benefits of ordinary family pension to dependant parents and widowed/divorced daughter is admissible with effect from 1.1.1998 (but will cover cases also where death has occurred prior to 1.1.98) or the date following the date of death whichever is later subject to the following:(a) The family pension wherever admissible to parents, the mother will receive the pension first and after her death, the father will receive the family pension. (b) The beneficiary is required to produce income certificate, in case, they are self employed or are in receipt of income from sources other than employment, income certificate furnished by the concerned beneficiaries themselves may be accepted for the purpose. (c) Income criterion will be taken into account for both the parents when both are alive and it will be taken for single parent when only one of them is alive. (d) Eligible sons/daughters will also be required to furnish half yearly certificate in regard to their martial status to his/her pension disbursing authority. In addition to family members listed above, the following members of the family who are placed in peculiar situations shall also be eligible for ordinary family pension under the provision of the Family Pension Scheme 1964:-
(I) Handicapped childrenIf the son or daughter of the officer is suffering from any disorder of disability of mind or physically crippled or disabled so as to render him or her unable to earn a living even after attaining the age of 25 years, the ordinary family pension shall be payable to such son or daughter for life subject to conditions laid down vide Government of India, Ministry of Defence letter no. A/49601/AG/PS4 (E)/3363/B/D (Pen/Sers) dt. 27.8.1987 which are mentioned as under:(i) if such son or daughter is one among two or more children of the service personnel, the family pension shall be initially payable to the minor children in the order set out in (A) above, until the last minor child attains the age of twenty five years and thereafter the family pension shall be resumed in favour of the son or daughter suffering from disorder or disability of mind or who is physically crippled or disabled and shall be payable to him/her for life (ii) if there are more than one such son or daughter suffering from disorder or disability of mind or who are physically crippled or disabled, the family pension shall be paid in following order namely:(a) firstly to the son, and if there are more than one son the younger of them will get the family pension only after the life time of the elder. (b) secondly, to the daughter and if there are more than one daughter, the younger of them will get the family pension only after the life time of the elder. (iii) The ordinary family pension shall be paid to such son or daughter through the guardian as if he or she were a minor except in the case of physically crippled or disabled son/daughter who has attained the age of majority. (iv) Before allowing the ordinary family pension for life to any such son or daughter the appointing authority shall satisfy himself that the handicap is of such a nature so as to prevent him/her from earning his/her livelihood and the same shall be evidenced by a certificate obtained from a Medical Officer not below the rank of a Civil Surgeon setting out as far as possible the exact mental or physical condition of the child. (v) The person receiving the ordinary family pension as a guardian of such son or daughter shall produce every three year a certificate from a Medical Officer not below the rank of a Civil Surgeon to the effect that he/she continues to suffer from disorder or disability of mind or continues to be physically crippled or disabled. Note 1 For the purpose of grant of ordinary family pension the disability which manifests itself before or after the retirement or death of the officer shall be taken into account Note 2 A daughter shall become ineligible for ordinary family pension from the date he/she gets married Note 3 Ordinary family pension payable shall be stopped from the date of earning Rs. 2550/- pm. or more. It shall be the duty of the guardian or son or daughter to Note 4 furnish a certificate to the Pension Disbursing Authority every month to the effect that: He/she has not started earning his/her livelihood. He/She has not married
(i) (ii)
The benefit of family pension to such son or daughter of Army Officers shall be admissible to those who retired/died on or after 30.09.1974. However, with effect from 20.05.1987, the above benefits has been extended to such sons/daughters of those officers who retired/died before 30.09.1974. (II) Post Retiral Spouses The benefit of Family Pension Scheme, 1964 has been extended to post retiral spouses of the Armed Forces Personnel vide Government of India Ministry of Defence letter No. 6(7)/87/D(Pen/Sers) dt. 05.04.1991. Missing Personnel/Pensioners The benefits of ordinary family pension is also admissible to the families of the Armed Forces personnel/pensioners who is declared missing and whose whereabouts are not known vide Government of India, Ministry of Defence letter no. 12(16)/86/D(Pen/Sers) dt. 03.06.1988 and 20.03.1990. Note: The benefit of the family pension shall be sanctioned and paid to the eligible member of the family one year after the date of lodging F.I.R with the police. The family pension will, however, accrue from the date of lodging F.I.R or expiry of leave of the officer who has disappeared, whichever is later vide Government of India, Ministry of Defence letter no. 12/16/86/D(Pens/Sers) dt. 26.08.1993. Children Born Out Of Void Or Voidable Marriages. Child/Children born out of voidable marriages or marriage, which are held void under Section 11 of Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 shall be entitled to share family pension, if otherwise in order, though their mother would not have been eligible for the same had she been alive at the time of death of her husband vide corrigendum No. 3 of Army Instruction 51/80. Children Born from divorced wife When the deceased officer or pensioner is survived by a widow but has left behind eligible child/children from a divorced wife or wives the eligible child/children shall be entitled to share the family pension which the mother would have received at the time of the death of the officer or pensioner had she not been divorced. Minor Child/Children The minor child/children of the deceased officer are also entitled to the award of ordinary family pension in the order of their birth irrespective of the sex of the child and the younger of them will not be eligible for family pension unless the elder next above his/her has become ineligible for the grant of family pension. Twin Children In case of twin children, the family pension admissible to them on their turn will be divided in equal share.
136. The following additional documents shall be looked into depending upon the nature of the case:(A) In case of Handicapped Child. (i) Medical certificate- In the case of handicapped child, a certificate from medical officer, not below the rank of a Civil Surgeon, setting out as far as possible, the exact mental or physical condition of the child, shall accompany the family pension claim. In the certificate, the competent medical authority shall also mention that handicap is of such a nature so as to prevent him or her livelihood. (ii) Guardian ship certificate- The physically crippled/disabled children who are minors are paid family pension/gratuity through guardians
appointed by the Court of Law, till they attain the age of adulthood. A guardianship certificate from the Court would therefore be necessary in these cases vide Government of India, Ministry of Defence letter no. A/49601/AG/PS4(e)/1372/B/D(Pen/Sers) dt. 20.12.1991. In case of missing personnel/pensioners. Before grant of ordinary family pension or death gratuity to the family of the missing personnel/pensioners, the following additional documents will be looked for:(a) F.I.R-A copy of the First Information Report lodged by the family of the missing personnel/pensioners with the concerned police station. (b) Police report on F.I.R-A copy of the report from the police in response to the F.I.R that the missing personnel/pensioners has not been traced after all efforts had been made by the Police. (c) Indemnity BondAn indemnity Bond duly signed by the obligor and two solvent sureties should be obtained from the nominee/dependants of the personnel/pensioners that all payments will be adjusted against the payments due to the personnel/pensioners in case he reappears on the scene and makes any claim. Note 1 The specimen of the Indemnity Bonds (GMF-49 and 50) in respect of missing personnel and missing pensioners are reproduced at Sl. Nos. 34 and 35 respectively of Annexure-C Note 2. The Indemnity Bond should be put up to the CDA/PCDA (P) on an office Note for his acceptance. The specimen of the office Note (GMF51) is appended at Sl. No. 36 of Annexure-C In Case Of Post Retrial Spouse In the case of ordinary family pension claim in respect of post retiral spouses, the following documents should be looked for in addition:(a) An attested copy of the marriage certificate from the Registrar/Gram Panchayat/Magistrate in respect of post retrial marriages. (b) The details of child/children from previous marriage, if any, showing the date of birth, relation to the deceased personnel and their martial status.
Procedure For Preparation And Submission Of Family Pension Claims In Respect Of Officers Who Die While In Service. 137. Claims to family pensions in respect of officers who die while in service arise with the receipt of a casualty report from the Services Hqrs. 138. On receipt of the casualty report from the Service Hqrs. a case file in respect of the claimant should be opened and number allotted to it from the numerical index register (GMR-6) appended at Sl. No. 8 of Annexure B. 139. Thereafter, action will be taken to obtain the following information from Services Hqrs concerned by issuing a communication in GMF-16 appended at Sl. No. 10 of Annexure C (i) Casualty report. (ii) Next of kin certificate (iii) Nomination form, if any under Para 4 of Army Instruction No.8/S/70 for death gratuity. (iv) Details of officers children alongwith the information regarding their dates of birth as per record held with them. 140. The following information will also be simultaneously obtained from the
Pay Audit Controller by endorsing the above mentioned communication addressed to Services Hqrs. In the case of Air Force officers, however, this communication will be endorsed to the O.C.A.F, C.A.O, New Delhi with a request to furnish the requisite information to this office through the Dy. C.D.A (Air Force), New Delhi. (i) a certificate that the commissioned service of the officer did not include any period of absence without leave/leave without allowance or forfeited service. (ii) last rank held by the officer on the date of death. (iii) Whether any gratuity, other than the war gratuity, has been paid for his non-regular commissioned service prior to the grant of permanent regular commission. (iv) full pay commissioned service certificate. (v) The rate of pay last drawn by the officer alongwith original copy of last pay certificate duly embossed with Seal. (vi) outstanding demands, if any. 141. A communication will also be issued in form no. GMF-17 appended at Sl. No. 11 of Annexure-C to the widow/next of kin of the officer of the Army, intimating to her the date of casualty. A pension application form (MPB/501/Pensions (in the case of death) and MPB/501/allowance, (in the case of officers reported missing) will also be sent to the widow with a set of instructions in form GMF-17 for completion and return. The widow will also be advised to send the birth certificates of her children, if available, alongwith two passport size photograph duly attested. Note 1. In the case of Air Force and Navy officers dying on effective list, the pension application forms are sent to the widow by Air HQrs/Naval HQrs, New Delhi. Note2. In case of parents, affidavit from Notary/Magistrate and income certificate are to be obtained. 142. A copy of the above mentioned communication (GMF-17) will be endorsed to (i) the Government of India, Ministry of Defence(Pen-C), New Delhi in the case of Army Officers and to Air Hqrs, Naval Hqrs in the case of Air Force/Navy officers for attributability decision on the cause of death of the officer and (ii) to Army Hqrs, AGs Branch (MP-5), West Block-III R.K. Puram, New Delhi-110066 calling for the date of birth of the children of the officer and option certificate under Army order No. 471/68, if held with them. 143. The replies to the communications to the Pay Audit Officer/Ministry of Defence/Services Hqrs will be watched by issue of periodical reminders when necessary. 144. On receipt of the pension application form from the widow it will be allotted a claim no. and necessary entries will be made in the claim register (GMR-7) appended at Sl. No. 9 of Annexure B and the claim no. will be noted on the cover of the case file. Scrutiny Of Claims 145. On receipt of requisite particulars from the Pay Audit Controller/Army Hqrs, etc. statement of assessment of family pension/(GMF-18) appended at Sl. No. 12 of Annexure C, will be completed. 146. Thereafter, the documents required for the grant of family pension will be scrutinized keeping in view the following points:(1) the pension application has been completed properly and all the
information asked for therein, has been given. the dates of birth of the children tally with those furnished by the Service Hqrs. Where there is any discrepancy, the same is supported by acceptable documentary proof. If there is any discrepancy in the dates of birth intimated by the widow and those intimated by Service Hqrs., and the widow is unable to produce any documentary evidence, the dates of birth as intimated by Service Hqrs should be accepted as final. (3) the nomination for death gratuity is in the prescribed form. If there is no nomination it should be seen that a list of eligible surviving members of the family is furnished by the widow or the eldest surviving member. Note 1. A nomination for death gratuity can be executed in favour of any member of the family, which includes: (i) Wife or wives in the case of a male. (ii) Husband in the case of a female. (iii) Sons including step sons and legally adopted sons. (iv) Unmarried daughters, including step daughters and legally adopted daughters. (v) Widowed daughters, including step daughters and legally adopted daughters. (2)
Father including adopted parents in the case of individuals where . personal law permits adoption. (vii) Mother (viii) Brothers below the age of 18 years and unmarried and widowed sisters including step brothers and step sisters. (ix) Married daughters (x) Children of a pre-deceased son. Note 2. If there is no such nomination or if nomination made, does not subsist, the gratuity shall be paid in the manner indicated below:(i) If there are one or more surviving members of the family as in terms of (i),(ii), (iii) and (iv) of Note-1 it shall be paid to all such members in equal shares. (ii) If there are no such surviving members of a family as at(i) above, but there are one or more members as in items (v),(vi),(vii),(viii),(ix) and (x) of Note-1 above the gratuity shall be paid to all such members in equal shares. (iii) The right of the female members of the family or that of a brother of an individual, who dies while in service or on his service termination to receive the share of gratuity shall be determined with reference to the facts as they stood on the date of death of the individual. The entitlement shall not be affected if a female member married or remarries subsequently receiving his share of the gratuity. 147. On receipt of the completed pension application form and also on receipt of decision from the Service HQrs. that the cause of death is not attributable to service, the case should be progressed through control chart GMF-15 appended at Sl. No. 13 of Annexure-C for grant of ordinary family pension with the least possible delay. 148. The CDA(P) now Principal CDA(P) is the competent authority under the powers delegated in the Government of India, Ministry of Defence letter no. 1(8)/65/9585/D(Pension/Services) dt. 2.11.1968 to sanction.
Special family pension when the cause of death of an officer has been accepted as either attributable to or aggravated by service factors. The decision whether the cause of death is attributable to or aggravated by service in the Defence Services or otherwise will rest with the Government of India (now Service HQrs.). (ii) Ordinary family pension in cases of non-attributable deaths. (iii) Liberlised family pension when death is caused due to circumstances mentioned in category E of Para 80 and (iv) Ex-gratia lump-sum compensation vide Government of India, Ministry of Defence letter no. 20(i)/98/D(Pay/Sers) dated 22.9.98 Note 1. The powers to sanction family pensionary awards where exercised by the Pr. CDA(P) are delegated to the Accounts officers working in the section. Note 2. The sanctioning authority for family pensionary awards in respect of civilian Government servants deputed for service in a military capacity with a military force (and for ex-gratia awards) whether under civil or military rules or made ex-gratia will be:(i) Military authorities in the case of those personnel whose pay accounts, etc are maintained by the Defence Accounts authorities. (ii) Director General Post and Telegraphs(Railway Board in consultation, where necessary, with the Ministry of Defence, in the case of personnel of Posts and Telegraphs and Railway Departments respectively whose pay accounts, etc are maintained by the Posts and Telegraphs Department/Railway Department and their Accounts and Audit Officers. Where cases concerning Post and Telegraphs/Railway personnel and dealt with under Military rules, the Posts and Telegraphs/Railway Audit Officers will, where necessary, consult the Pr. CDA(P) Allahabad concerning the application of Military rules. Procedure for Preparation and Submission of Family Pension claims in Respect of Officers Who Die After Retirement 149. Pension claims in respect of families of officers who die after retirement with a pension. On receipt of intimation of death of officer from the widow/next of kin, the following action should be taken: (i) a verification will be done from the original PPO of the officer that whether endorsement of family pension exist therein or not. (ii) if endorsement exist in original PPO, widow will be advised to contact pension disbursing authority and to produce the original death certificate to him for commencement of the family pension. (iii) in case endorsement has not been done, simultaneously with original PPO or Corr. PPO, a case file in respect of the claimant should be opened and number allotted to it from the Index Register. (iv) a check list (GMF-1), appended at Sl. No. 2 of Annexure C should be opened and completed and placed on the left hand side of the case file. (v) a communication will be issued in GMF-17 appended at Sl. No. 11 of Annexure - C to the widow/next of the kin who should be requested to furnish the following documents alongwith her pension application. (a) death certificate of the officer in original. (b) a report from the Doctor who last attended upon the deceased (i)
officer giving signs and symptoms of the deceased and the treatment given by him. (c) family details. (d) two passport size photographs. Note 1. In case the officer retired voluntarily the Doctors report showing signs and symptoms of disease need not be called for from widow/next of the kin, as special family pension is not admissible. Note 2. In case of a Christian officer, ask the widow to forward her birth/marriage certificate to this office alongwith pension application. 150. The notification of ordinary family pension claim has been computerised both in respect of cases of death while in service and after retirement. Under computerised system, a data sheet has been designed . The data sheet contains 47 columns. These columns are to be completed with reference to information/documents received from various agencies as enumerated in preceding paragraphs: Note 1. The detailed instructions for completion of data sheet are given in Appendix-8. Note 2. The specimen of LPC-Cum-Data- Sheet (GMF-40) and PPO formats (GMF-46 and 47)computerized and manual for Family Pension are given at Sl. Nos. 25, 31 and 32 respectively of Annexure-C 151. The procedure as prescribed for processing of data sheet in respect of disability pension claims as laid down in Para 87 to 97 above will be followed mutatis mutandis for processing of data sheet in respect of ordinary family pension claims also. 152. An intimation regarding the grant of ordinary family pension will be issued to the widow in GMF-22 appended at Sl. No. 14 of Annexure C and an additional copy of the Family Pension PPO/Corr. PPO should also be prepared by endorsing the address of the family pensioner on the PPO for onward transmission to the family pensioner. 153. In the case of the officer who died while in service the rate of ordinary family pension should be determined under the set of rate prevalent at the time of death. Similarly, in the case of an officer whose death has taken place after retirement/ invalidment from service, the rate of ordinary family pension should be determined under that set of rates which was prevalent at the time of officers retirement/invalidment. Rates Of Ordinary Family Pension Normal Rate 154. The ordinary family pension at normal rate in respect of death occurring on or after 1.1.1996 shall be calculated at a uniform rate of 30% of reckonable emoluments last drawn subject to a minimum of Rs. 1275/pm. and a maximum 30% of the highest pay of Rs. 30,000/- vide Government of India, Ministry of Defence letter no. 1(6)/98/D(Pen/Sers) dt. 03.02.1998. For this purpose reckonable emoluments comprises pay including Rank Pay, Stagnation increment and NPA, if any, last drawn. Note:- The rates of ordinary family pension admissible from time to time are given in Appendix-9. Enhanced rate of Ordinary Family Pension Where an officer who dies while in service after having rendered
155. (a)
not less than 7 years continuous qualifying service, or who dies after retirement/invalidment with a pension, ordinary family pension shall be granted at an enhanced rate for a period of 7 years from the date following the date of death of the officer or up to the date on which the deceased would have attained the age of 65 years (67 years in those cases of personnel who are granted extension in service by two years and are retired/invalided/die in harness on or after 13.51998 as per notification issued by Government vide their no. 25012/2/87-Estt.(A) dt. 13..5.1998) had he been alive, whichever is earlier. With effect from 1.1.1996, the amount of enhanced rate of ordinary family pension for this purpose shall be the lowest of the following amounts: (i) 50% of the reckonable emoluments. (ii) The amount of retiring pension/invalid pension/service element of disability pension (before commutation) admissible under Government of India, Ministry of Defence letter no. 1(6)/98/D (Pen/Sers) dt. 3.2.1998, in cases where the deceased was a pensioner. (b) After the expiry of the period referred to in clause(a) above, the family in receipt of ordinary family pension under that clause, shall be entitled to ordinary family pension at the rate admissible under Para 154 above. Period of Grant Of Ordinary Family Pension 156. The period for which ordinary family pension is payable, shall be as follows:(i) In case of a widow or widower- up to the date of death or remarriage, whichever is earlier. (ii) In the case of eligible unmarried son or daughter including widowed/divorced daughter till he/she attains the age of twenty-five years or up to the date of his/her marriage/re-marriage, whichever is earlier subject to condition that his/her earning does not exceed Rs. 2550/- pm. (iii) In the case of parents-up to the date of death or till the period the income does not exceed Rs. 2550/- pm. whichever occurs earlier. Grant Of Ordinary Family If Both Wife And Husband Are Government Employees. (a) In case where both husband and wife are service officers and if one of 157. the two dies while in service or after retirement with a pension, the ordinary family pension in respect of deceased shall be payable to the widow/widower in addition to her/his pay or pension as the case may be. (b) In the event of death of both father and mother who were service officers or one of them a Government employee, the surviving children shall be eligible to draw both the ordinary family pensions in respect of deceased parents subject to the limits specified below:(i) If both the ordinary family pensions are payable at the normal rates, as specified in Para 154, above the amounts of the two pensions shall be limited to Rs. 1250/- pm. (ii) If both the ordinary family pensions are payable at the enhanced rates, specified in Para 155 above, the amount of both the pensions shall be limited to Rs. 2500/- per month, shall continue to be applicable so long as the enhanced rates of either of the two
pensions is payable. Grant Of Ordinary Family Pension Under Employees Provident And Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 In Addition To Family Pension From Military Side. 158. It may be noted that the families of the Armed forces personnel who were in receipt of military pension till their death and also eligible to draw family pension from the central Civil Ministries/Departments/State Government/Public Sector undertakings/ Autonomous bodies for the reemployed service of the deceased, were to exercise an option to draw family pension from military side or civil source. The option was to exercise within two years from the date of issue of Government of India, Ministry of Defence letter no. 10(6)/92/D (Pen/Sers) dt. 28.9.1992 or the date following the date of death of the Armed Forces pensioners, whichever is later. However, with the issue of Government of India, Department of P&PW decision no. 71 of file no. 10801/P&PW(E) dated 10.10.1994, the benefits admissible to the Ex servicemen and or to their families under the Government Family Pension Scheme would not debar, such members from the benefit under Employees Provident and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 which are based on the contributions made by a Ex serviceman during his/her re employment in Public Undertakings and Autonomous bodies.
Grant Of Ordinary Family Pension Under The Family Pension Scheme, 1975 And Employees Pension Scheme, 1995 In Addition To Family Pension From Military Side. 159. It may be noted that families of the Government servants, who were in receipt of family pension under the Employees Pension Scheme, 1995 and the Family Pension Scheme, 1971, shall be eligible for family pension from Central Government of India, in addition vide Government of India, Ministry of Defence , No. 2/CC/B/D/Pen/Sers)/2001 dated 28.8.2001. With effect from 27.7.2001, the provisions of the above O.M. has also been extended mutatis mutandis to Armed Forces Personnel who were re employed in the organization/establishments where Family Pension Scheme, 1971 and Employees Pension Scheme, 1995 are in force. A military pensioner who on retirement from military service with a 160. (a) pension and is reemployed in a civil service or post before attaining the age of superannuation and if he/she dies while holding a civil post, his/her family shall be allowed family pension under the civil rules or the family pension authorised at the time of retirement from the military service, whichever is more advantageous to the family. (b) If he/she on appointment to a civil post of service opted to retain military pension for past military service and retires without earning any pension his/her family shall be entitled to family pension as authorised at the time of his/her retirement from military service. (c) If he/she retires from civil re-employment becoming eligible for pension and opted to surrender military pension and count for military service for civil pension, his/her family shall be entitled to family pension under civil rules. Division Of Ordinary Family Pension- Payment Of Share(S) Of Ordinary Family Pension To Other Widows/Children. 161. (a)(i) Where an officer is survived by more than one eligible widow, who are eligible for ordinary family pension, the ordinary family pension shall be divided amongst them in equal shares. (ii) On the death of widow, her share of ordinary family pension shall become payable to her eligible child. Provided that if the widow is not survived by any child, her share of ordinary family pension shall not lapse but shall be payable to the other widow in equal shares, or if there is only one such other widow, in full to her. (b) Where a deceased is survived by a widow and has also left behind eligible child/children from another wife who is not alive, the eligible child of the deceased wife shall be entitled to the share of ordinary family pension which the mother would have received if she had been alive at the time of the death of the officer. Provided that the share or shares of family pension payable, such share or shares should not lapse but shall be payable to the other widow or widows and or to other child or children otherwise eligible in equal shares, and if there is only one widow or child, in full to such widow or child. (c) Where the deceased is survived by a widow but has left behind eligible child/children from a divorced wife or wives, the eligible child or children shall be entitled to the share of family pension which the mother would have received at the time of the death of the officer had she not
been divorced. Provided that the share or shares of family pension payable to such a child or children or to a widow or widows ceasing to be payable to the other widow or widows and or to other child or children otherwise eligible, in equal shares, or if there is only one widow or child, in full, to such widow or child. Ordinary Family Pension Admissible To Only One Member Of a Family At a Time: 162. It may be noted that ordinary family pension shall not be payable to more than one member of the family at the same time except as provided in Para -161. (i) The ordinary family pension should first be payable to the surviving spouse and in his/her absence or in the event of his/her disqualification/ death, to the eligible child in the order of birth irrespective of the sex of the child and the younger of them will not be eligible for family pension unless the elder above him/her becomes ineligible for the grant of ordinary family pension. Note- Where the ordinary family pension is payable to twin children, it shall be paid to such children in equal shares provided that when one such child ceases to be eligible, his/her share shall revert to the other child and when both of them cease to be in eligible, the ordinary family pension shall be payable to the next eligible single child/ twin children. (ii) In the case of physically/mentally handicapped children, ordinary family pension shall initially be payable to the minor children in the order set out in clause(i) above until the minor child attains the age of 25 years and thereafter the ordinary family pension shall be payable to him/her for life provided conditions as specified in Para135 above are fulfilled. (iii) Ordinary family pension to parents shall be admissible provided they were wholly dependant on the personnel who has not left behind a widow/widower, eligible son/daughter or widowed/ divorced daughter. An affidavit sworn before a Magistrate as per specimen given in Para 135 above or a succession certificate from a court shall be furnished, which shall be treated as sufficient proof for grant of ordinary family pension. Special Family Pension Circumstances In Which A Claim For Special Family Pension Arises 163. The claim on account of special family pension arises if the death of an officer whether during service or after retirement is caused due to the circumstances mentioned in category B or C of Para 80 above under the conditions as laid down in Para 164 below. There shall be no condition of minimum service on the date of death for grant of special family pension. 164. A special family pension may be granted to the family of an officer if his/her death was due to or hastened by either (i) a wound, injury or disease which was attributable to military a service , or (ii) was due to aggravation by service of a wound, injury or disease, which was existed before or arose during service and in case of death after retirement, if the officer had retired otherwise than voluntarily.
165. The decision whether the cause of death is attributable to or aggravated by service in the Defence services or otherwise rests with the Govt. of India, (now Service Hqrs w.e.f. 14.8.2001 vide Government of India, Ministry of Defence No. 4684/ DIR/(PEN)/2001 dated 14.08.2001 and even dated 10.09.2002) on receipt of attributability decision, application form for pension MPB/501 Pension will be supplied to the widow for completion and return. 166. Eligible Members For Special Family Pension Wife in the case of male officer or husband, in the case of female officer, lawfully married before or after retirement. (ii) A judicially separated wife or husband, such separation not being granted on the ground of adultery and the person surviving was not held guilty of committing adultery. Note: With effect from 1.1.1996, the grant of special family pension will not be discontinued on re-marriage of the widow but will be regulated as per provision contained in Para 5.8(a) of Government of India, Ministry of Defence letter No. 1(2)/97/D(pen-C) dt 31.1.2001, as explained in Para 176 below. (iii) Sons/un-married daughters/widowed/divorced daughters including those illegitimate and adopted legally. Note: Eligible son/daughter includes a posthumous child as well as step child. (iv) Father (v) Mother Note: The term Father and Mother (or Parents) shall also be deemed to include such putative parents as had not contracted a lawful marriage but were living as husband and wife at the time or got lawfully married subsequent to the conception of the deceased officer. (vi) Brother (vii) Unmarried sister (i)
Conditions Of Eligibility To Grant Of Special Family Pension To Widow And Children: It may be noted that special family pension to the widow and children 167. shall be admissible, as specified in Para 166 above, subject to the conditions indicated below:(a) widow- she has not re-married. (b) Children-In the case of an eligible son or daughter including widowed/divorced daughter, till he/she attains the age of 25 years or up to the date of his /her marriage/re-marriage, whichever is earlier. Thereafter, the special family pension shall pas on to the next eligible child. Note: The provisions relating to handicapped children and minor children as explained in Paras 135 and 136 will apply mutatis mutandis in the case of special family pension also. 168. On receipt of the attributability decision from the Ministry of Defence (now Service HQrs.) and also application form from the widow, the award of special family pension will finally be notified where the award of ordinary family pension was initially notified. For this purpose a draft PPO will be prepared on IAF-CDA-246 and submitted to the Accounts officer for approval. Note: A specific Note in the PPO will be inserted that all payments of ordinary family pension already made to the widow as authorised
previously should be adjusted against the final awards. The number and date of the previous award should invariably be quoted in the Note. 169. After approval of the office copy of the PPO further necessary action as laid down in Para 64 will be taken. The number and date of Ministry of Defence letter and the PPO No. will also be recorded in the Claim Register. 170. An intimation regarding the grant of final special family pensionary awards will be issued to the widow/claimant in GMF-22 appended at Sl. No.14 of Annexure-C. 171. In cases where award of ordinary family pension was not notified earlier, action to call for relevant documents from AHQ, CDA (O) and the claimant, as prescribed for grant of ordinary family pension shall be taken for notification of special family pension, on receipt of attributable decision from the Ministry of Defence (now Service Hqrs). However, in no case grant of ordinary family pension should be delayed for want of attributability decision. Rates of Special Family pension 172. The quantum of family pensionary benefits is determined with reference to the various factors viz.(a) Rank held by the officer (b) length of qualifying service and (c) the rate of pay drawn at the time of death while in service as may be prescribed under the various rules. 173. With effect from 01.01.1996, special family pension shall be calculated at the uniform rate of 60% of reckonable emoluments drawn by the officer at the time of death subject to a minimum of R.2550/- irrespective of whether widow has children or not. There shall be no maximum ceiling on special family pension. Note 1. Emoluments for the above purpose will comprise Pay including Rank Pay, Non-practicing allowance, stagnation increment, if any, last drawn by the officer. Note 2. In the case of Pre-96 pensioners in receipt of special family pension as on 1.1.1996, their pension will be consolidated in terms of Ministry of Defence, letter No. 1(2)/97/D(Pen/Sers). Dt 24.11.1997 in the first instance. The special family pension, so consolidated, irrespective of the date of award, shall not be less than 60% of the minimum pay in the revised scale of pay introduced w.e.f. 1.1.1996 of the rank held by the deceased officer at the time of death subject to a minimum of Rs. 2550/p.m. Note 3. The rates of special family pension prior to 1.1.1996 are given in Appendix -10 174. In case the children become the beneficiary, the special family pension at the rates mentioned in Para 173 above, shall be admissible to the senior most eligible child. 175. Family of SSCOs and ECOs who die on account of causes attributable to or aggravated by military service shall also be entitled to special family pension as indicated in Para 173 above. Special Family Pension On Re-Marriage Of Widow 176. It may be noted that special family pension on remarriage of widow shall be regulated as follows:(i) If widow has children: (a) If she continues to supportfull special family pension to
(b) children after re-marriage If she does not support children after remarriage continue to widow. ordinary family pension equal to 30% of emoluments last drawn to the re-married widow. 50% of the special family pension to the eligible children. full special family pension to
177. On receipt of the information from the widow regarding remarriage, she is advised to take up the matter with AHQ through Zila Sainik Board. AHQ in turn after due verification notify the change in next of Kin(NOK) and forward a copy thereof to office of the Pr.CDA(P) for notifying the award through a corrigendum PPO, if the payment of the special family pension notified earlier was stopped by the pension disbursing authority. Division Of Special Family Pension 178. (a) If an officer who leaves behind more than one widow and is eligible for special family pension and /or gratuity or an ordinary family pension as the case may be, such award may by order of the President (now Service HQrs. viz DDGPS) be divided amongst them. (b) If in cases where a family pension has been so divided, one of the recipients dies or disqualified, her share of the family pension may, at the discretion of the President, be paid to the other recipient or if there is more than one recipient, be divided amongst them but in no case the share of the widow will be less than the Ordinary Family Pension Note1. The division of special family pension can be done either at the time of initial grant of special family pension or at subsequent stage depending upon the circumstances of the case. In case, it is granted at subsequent stage, then the same will be notified through corrigendum PPO after making a suitable endorsement in the original PPO. Note 2. The power to grant division of special family pension has been delegated to Services Headquarters with effect from 14.08.2001 vide Ministry of Defence Order No. 4684/DIR (PEN)/2601 dated 14.8.2001, even No. dated 7.11.2001 and 10.09.2002. Dependent Pension To Parents And Brothers/Sisters 179. A claim for dependents pension arises in favour of parents(s)/eligible brothers and sisters (in the absence of parents) of the deceased officers (including officers of MNS, TA, EC and SSC) who die under circumstances as mentioned in Para 80 above as a bachelor or widower without children. Note: The question whether death is attributable to or aggravated by military service shall be determined as per provisions of the Entitlement Rules. Conditions Of Eligibility To Dependent Pension To Parents And Brothers /Sisters 180. Dependent pension to parent(s)/eligible brothers/sisters shall be admissible subject to the conditions indicated below: (i) The parent(s)/eligible brothers/sisters were largely dependent on the officer for support and are in pecuniary need.
(ii)(a) In case of parents up to the date of death or in the case of a female parent who re-marries, up to the date of re-marriage. (b) In the case of a brother/unmarried sister up to the date he/she attains the age of 25 years or until she gets married, which ever is earlier and shall be paid to the senior most eligible brother/sister at a time. Note 1. Dependents pension to brothers/sisters may be continued beyond the age of 25 years or granted beyond that age under the same conditions as for children if they are incapable of self-support by reason of mental or physical infirmity. Note 2. There shall no condition of "means limit" for grant of dependent pension to parents/eligible brothers/sisters (in the absence of parents) of the deceased officer who was a bachelor or widower without children provided they were largely dependant on the deceased officer for support and are in pecuniary need. A self attested declaration from the dependant parents/eligible brothers/sisters shall be furnished which shall be treated as sufficient proof in the matter for grant of dependant pension. The declaration shall be made on any normal paper and need not be attested by any authority other than the concerned individual drawing the dependant vide Government of India, Ministry of Defence 1(7)/89/D(Pen-C) dated 21.1.2004. Further, the means limits in Pre-86 cases, for drawal of Dependant Pension by parents/eligible brothers and sisters (in the absence of parents) has been dispensed with vide Government of India Ministry of Defence letter No. PC B/38207/36/AG/PS4(b)/2640/D (Pen-C) dated 21.10.2002 from the date of issue of the ibid Government letter. 181. On receipt of a casualty report informing the death of an officer while in service and also attributable decision from Ministry of Defence(now Service HQrs.) pension application from MPB-510 /pension in case of parents and MPB-511/Pension in case of brothers/sisters shall be forwarded to the dependents as shown in the casualty report for completion and return by issue of a communication in GMF-27 (specimen appended at Sl. No. 15 of Annexure-C). this form is to be completed by the dependants. 182. On receipt of the above forms duly completed necessary entries should be made in the claim register (GMR-7) appended at Sl. No. 9 of AnnexureB and the claim No written on the form. 183. The application form will then be scrutinised to see that they have been completed in all respects and conditions, as stipulated in Para 181 for grant of dependants pension are fulfilled. Rate Of Dependents Pension 184. It may be noted that dependants pension shall be admissible to the parents(s)/eligible brothers/sisters(in the absence of the parents) of the deceased officer at a rate equal to 50% of the notional special family pension that would have been admissible as per Para 173 above. Note. In case of pensioners in receipt of dependent pension as on 1.1.1996, their pension will be consolidated in terms of Government of India, Ministry of Defence, letter No. 1(20/97/D (Pen/Sers) dt 24.11.1997. however, the dependant pension, so consolidated, irrespective of the date of award, shall not be less than 50% of the special family pension worked out on the minimum pay in the revised scale of pay introduced w.e.f. 1.1.1996 of the rank held by the deceased officer at
the time of death subject to a minimum of Rs 1275/- p.m. 185. After scrutiny the claim, a draft P.P.O in narrative form, notifying the grant of dependant pension, will be prepared and submitted to the Accounts Officer for approval. After approval of the draft PPO the same will be dealt with in the manner laid down in Para 65. 186. After notification of the award suitable entries will be recorded in the Claim Register (GMR-7) appended at Sl. No. 9 of Annexure B. 187. An intimation regarding the grant of dependent pension will be issued to the claimant in GMF-22 as per specimen appended at Sl. No. 14 of Annexure- C alongwith a copy of the PPO. Liberalised Family Pension 188. In case of death of an officer including SSCOs and ECOs under the circumstances mentioned in category D or E of Para 80 above, the eligible member of the family shall be entitled to Liberalised family pension. Conditions Of Eligibility To Grant Of Liberalised Family Pension 189. It may be noted that liberalised family pension shall be admissible to the widow until her death or disqualification. If the officer is not survived by widow but is survived by child/children only, all children together shall be eligible for liberalised family pension at the rate equal to special family pension. Liberalised family pension shall be payable to child /children for the period during which they would have been eligible as in the case of special family pension as specified in clause(b) of Para 167, above. The liberalised family pension shall be paid to the senior most eligible child at a time. On his/her death/disqualification it will pass on to the next eligible child. 190. On receipt of the casualty report from the Services Headquarters, showing the casualty as battle casualty or physical casualty, a case file in respect of the claimant is opened and number allotted to it from the numerical index register (GMR-6) as appended at Sl. No. 8 of Annexure B. 191. Thereafter action to call for relevant documents as mentioned in Paras 136 to 140 from Services Headquarters, CDA(O) and claimant shall be taken. 192. On receipt of the requisite particulars from the agencies, as mentioned in Para 192 above, statement of assessment of family pension/death gratuity (GMF-18) as appended at Sl. No. 12 of Annexure C will be completed. 193. Thereafter, the documents required for the grant of liberalised family pension will be scrutinized in the manner as enumerated in Para 146 above, in order to see that the same are complete and valid and action to finalise the awards shall be taken as per procedure explained in Paras 168 to 170 above. Rates Of Liberalised Family Pension The rates of liberalised family pension with effect from 1.1.1996 194. (a) are laid down in Government of India, Ministry of Defence, letter No 1(2)/97/D (Pen-C) dt 31.1.2001. According to this letter, liberalised
family pension shall be equal to reckonable emoluments last drawn. Note: For this purpose, reckonable emoluments includes Pay including Rank Pay, Non practicing allowances, stagnation increment, if any, last drawn by the officer. (b) In the case of pre-96 pensioners who are in receipt of liberalised family pension as on 1.1.1996 will be consolidated in terms of Government of India, Ministry of Defence, letter No-1(2)/97/D (Pen /Sers) dated 24.11.1997. However, the liberalised family pension, so consolidated, irrespective of the date of award, shall not be less than the reckonable emoluments calculated on the minimum pay in the revised scale of pay introduced with effect from 1.1.1996 of the rank held by the deceased officer at the time of death. Liberalised Family Pension On Re-Marriage Of Widow 195. Liberalised family pension on re-marriage of widow shall be regulated as follows:(i) (a) If widow has children If she continues to support children after re-marriage
Full liberalised family pension to continue to widow. (b) If she does not support children after reOrdinary family marriage pension at 30% to widow. Special family pension at 70% to eligible children. (ii) If widow has no children Full liberalised family pension to continue to widow. 196. The action, as prescribed in Para 177 above, shall be taken to notify the revised award through a corrigendum PPO, on receipt of the information regarding re-marriage of the widow. Division of Liberalised Family Pension 197. If, on a representation made by either or both of the parents of a deceased officer, Government (now Service HQrs.), after making such investigation as they may deem necessary, are satisfied that the officer, while he was alive, was contributing towards the maintenance of the parents and, that the widow receiving the family pension is not doing so, then Government (now Service HQrs.) may, at their discretion, divide the family pension between the widow and the parent in such proportion as they may deem fit, provided that the share of either or both of the parents, as the case may be, shall not exceed the amount of dependent pension which would have been admissible to them at the rate prescribed in the Pension Regulations, as if the officer had died as a bachelor but not in action, and his death had been accepted as attributable to service factors, and that the share of the widow shall not be less than the amount of special family pension which would have been admissible to her at the rate prescribed in Pension Regulations, but his death had been accepted as attributable to service factors vide Government of India ,Ministry of Defence Corrg. No. 200847/Pen-C/71 dated 11.10.1972.
Dependents Pension (Liberalised) 198. A claim for dependants pension (liberalised) arises in favour of parents/eligible brother(s)/sister(s) (in the absence of parents) of the deceased officer (including officers of MNS, TA. EC/SSC) who dies under the circumstances, as mentioned in Para 80 above, as a bachelor or as a widower without children. Conditions And Rates Of Dependents Pension 199. If may be noted that dependent pension (liberalised) shall be admissible to parents without reference to their pecuniary circumstances at the rate of 75% of liberalised family pension for both parents and at the rate of 60% of liberalised family pension for single parent. On the death of one parent, dependent pension at the latter rate shall be admissible to the surviving parent. In the absence of parents, dependent pension shall be admissible to dependent brother(s)/sister(s), if otherwise eligible, at the rate of 60% of liberalised family pension. Note: Conditions, as laid down in Para 181(b) and Note 1 there under, shall equally apply to dependents brother(s)/sister(s) for grant of dependent pension. 200. On receipt of a casualty report informing the death of the officer while in service, action as prescribed in Paras 182 to 184 and 186 to 188 above, shall be taken in order to notify the dependent pension (Liberalised) in respect of the eligible claimant. Ex-gratia awards in cases of death of Cadets(direct) General 201. The ex-gratia awards in respect of cadets in the event of death due to causes attributable to or aggravated by the conditions of military training is admissible subject to fulfillment of conditions which as laid down in Government of India, Ministry of Defence letter No. 1(5)/93/d(Pen-C) dt 16.4.1996 as amended vide that Ministrys letter No Even dated 12.05.1997 and 1(6)/99/D(Pen-C) dt 5.07.2001 which are explained as under:As per terms and conditions of recruitment , majority of the cadets such as entries through IMA, Ex-NDA and direct entries, etc. are required to be bachelors and they can not marry during the pre-commission training. However, in cases of entries such as Technical graduate entry/post-graduate entry/short service commission (Technical and NonTechnical entry) through the Army cadet college(ACC) etc, marriage prior to pre-commission training is not a bar. Rates And Conditions Of Ex-Gratia Awards 202. It may be noted that in the event of death of a cadet due to causes attributable to military training shall be payable to the next of kin of the deceased cadet depending on his marital status:(i) on death of a married cadet during training, ex-gratia award at the rate of Rs, 600/- p.m. up to 31.07.1997 and thereafter at the rate of Rs.1275/- p.m. shall be admissible to the widow/children of the deceased cadet. This award shall be payable to the widow until her death or re-marriage(with a person other than the real brother of the deceased cadet),whichever is earlier. After death or
disqualification of the widow on account of re-marriage, the exgratia award shall be payable to the sons unmarried daughters(in the order of seniority of age) till they attain the age of 25 years. In case of unmarried daughter(s), the payment of ex-gratia shall be stopped on her/their getting married. In the absence of eligible widow/children, ex-gratia award shall be paid to the dependent parents as per rates given in clause(ii) below:(ii) in case of unmarried/widower cadet with no children, ex-gratia award at the rate of Rs.375/- p.m. upto 31.07.1997 and thereafter at the rate of Rs. 1275/- p.m. shall be payable to the dependent parent(s) of the deceased cadet for life. In the absence of parents, the ex-gratia award shall be payable to the dependent brother(s)/unmarried sister(s) in the order of seniority in age till they attain the age of 25 years. In case of unmarried sister(s), the payment of ex-gratia shall be stopped, on her/their getting married. (iii) Ex-gratia amount of Rs. 2.5 lakhs is payable in addition in all the cases of death of cadets(direct) due to causes attributable to or aggravated by military training occurring on or after 1.8.1997. (iv) The ex-gratia award shall be payable to only one member of the family at a time. (v) In the event of death of an ex-cadet in receipt of disability award, exgratia award at the above rates shall be admissible to the family of the deceased cadet provided that the death is caused by the disability sustained during military training which was accepted as attributable to or aggravated by the conditions of military training. Note 1. Ex-gratia award as mentioned under clause (i) above, shall be admissible to pre-1/8/1997 cases as well but financial effect will be given from 1.8.1997. Note 2. Rules and procedure regarding acceptance of death as attributable to by conditions of military service training in cases of Cadets shall be the same as for regular commissioned officers of the Armed Forces. Note 3. The power to grant ex-gratia award to cadets on death has been delegated to Service HQrs. vide Government of India, Ministry of Defence No. 4684/DIR(PEN)/2001 dated 14.08.2001 and even No. dated 7.11.2001. Authy: GOI, MOD No.1(5)/93/D(Pen-C)dated 16.04.96 as modified vide that Ministry's No. 1(6)/99 D(Pens-C) dated 5.7.2001 and Even No. dated 11.2.2002 203. It may be noted that the awards of ex-gratia, as explained above, are sanctioned purely on ex-gratia basis and the same shall not be treated as pension for any purpose. However, dearness relief shall be admissible on the ex-gratia award sanctioned under Para 202 above on monthly basis. 204. It may be noted that procedure for sanction of ex-gratia awards to the next of kin in case of deceased cadets shall be the same as in the case of casualties of regular commissioned officers due to attributable causes. Ex-Gratia Payment In Flying Accidents 205. The family of officers who die while traveling by service air crafts as passengers in the course of performance of their official duties(excluding those who travel on leave) as a result of accidents to the air crafts, shall be paid an ex-gratia award at the rate of Rupees one lakh only in each case in addition to special family pensionary awards with effect from
1.11.1977. Mode Of Payment Of Ex-Gratia Award 206. Payment of ex-gratia award shall be made partly in cash and partly in the form of long term bank deposits in the manner indicated below:(A) Where the deceased is survived either by widow/children or parent(s) Cash payment In fixed deposit Rs. 30,000/Rs. 70,000/(B) Where the deceased is survived by widow/widower, children and parents Cash payments In fixed deposit Widow/children Rs. 30,000/Rs. 50,000/Parents ---Rs.20,000/(C) Where the deceased is survived neither by widow/widower, children nor parents, payments to be made to brothers/sisters:In cash In fixed deposit Rs.30,000/Rs.70,000/Note 1. The amount will be deposited in any Nationalised Bank of the choice of the beneficiary for a minimum period of 63 months or longer, if so desired by the beneficiary. Note 2. The amount will normally be kept in a Bank deposit for a minimum duration of 63 months unless specifically authorised to be paid in cash. Note 3. During the period of long term deposit the monthly interest accrued thereon will be payable to the beneficiary. Note 4. Cases of above nature occurring on or after 1.8.97 shall be regulated in terms of provision contained in Paras 209 to 212 below and ex-gratia amount which have already been paid to parents between 1.8.97 to 22.9.98 need not be recovered. 207. The individual claims of officers for grant of ex-gratia and special family pensionary awards shall be adjudicated by the Pension Sanctioning Authority viz. Principal CDA (P), CDA (NAVY) and CDA (Air Force) as the case may be vide Government of India, Ministry of Defence, letter No. 1(4)/89-D (Pen-C) dt 10.4.1991. No specific Government sanction deciding attributability for grant of ex-gratia and special family pension in individual cases will be issued. 208. The attributability for ex-gratia award in such cases will be decided on the basis of the following documents to be received from Services Hqrs:(i) A certificate from the OC of the unit duly authenticated by Services Hqrs to the effect that the officer was traveling in the Service Aircraft in performance of official duty/or that he was on flying duty/or was being carried on bona-fide Government duty in the service aircraft at the material time of accident. (ii) A detailed report on the basis of the initial report, first information report furnished by the OC of the unit/Air Force Station, indicating:(1) Nature, date and place of casualty (2) Name, Rank (substantive as well as paid acting) Personal Number and unit of the individual, killed in the Air Craft
accident. (iii) A report containing information regarding:(A) Name, and address of the widow of the service officer or if there is no widow, name and address of the children. (B) Name of pension disbursing agency from where the claimant is desirous of payment of ex-gratia. (C) Nomination for death gratuity. (D) Last Pay certificate showing details of demand, if any, from CDA(O). (E) Intimation regarding family gratuity paid to the next of kin. Grant Of Ex-Gratia Payment It may be noted that ex-gratia payment is admissible to the families of the 209. commissioned officers who are killed while performing their duties in an encounter with or in an incident involving Armed hostiles, extremists, terrorists or other anti-social elements such as dacoits or smugglers and also those killed in enemy action and border skirmishes at the following rate:(a) Rs 1 (one) lakh where the death of officer takes place between 20.8.1993 to 30.04.95. (b) Rs.2(Two) lakhs where the death of the officer takes place on or after 1.5.95 to 31.7.97. 210. The ex-gratia payment is excluding the insurance amount payable under Group Insurance Scheme of each service and any other ex-gratia payments, which may be paid by the State Government concerned. This shall be subject to the following terms and conditions:(a) Any other amount like payment received by the affected families under the welfare schemes etc, shall be ignored for the purpose of the above calculation including insurance and ex-gratia from the State Government. (b) Pensionary benefits admissible under the Liberalised pensionary award scheme will continue to be paid to the affected families, as before. 211. (a) The claim of affected families for grant of ex-gratia payment shall be adjudicated as under:In case of casualties while on duty or otherwise in the operational area the claim shall be adjudicated by the Principal CDA(P) under the delegated powers as in the cases of war or war like operations. The claim of service personnel killed while on duty outside operational area shall also be adjudicated by the Principal CDA(Pensions). (b) Claims of officers killed out side operational area, while not on duty, shall be adjudicated by the Ministry of Defence. Procedure for grant of ex-gratia payment. 212. The claim for ex-gratia payment falling under the category mentioned in Para 211 (a) above, shall be submitted by the Army Hqrs to the Principal CDA(P) alongwith case for grant of liberalised family pension with a detailed statement of the case duly approved by the competent authority, with a certificate to the effect that the casualty occurred as a result of attack by or during an action against extremists/anti-social elements, etc. A special casualty report notified by the competent service authority shall also be furnished to the Pension Sanctioning Authority. A copy of the F.I.R lodged with the Police and /or proceedings/recommendations of
the Court of Inquiry will also be invariably submitted along with such claims. On the basis of documents received from Army Hqrs and after satisfying itself that the claim is admissible under these orders, the Pension Sanctioning Authority shall notify the ex-gratia payment in the same PPO under which liberalised family pension is notified. However, where liberalised Family Pension had already been notified, ex-gratia lump-sum compensation may be notified through a corrigendum PPO. Note 1. In case, the liberalised family pension has been divided initially, the ex-gratia lump-sum compensation shall also be divided in the same ratio in which the liberalised family pension was divided. Note 2. In cases of claims falling under the category mentioned in Para 211(b)above, Army Hqrs shall submit claims alongwith necessary documents and certificates to the Ministry of Defence through the Principal CDA(P), who shall submit the claim to the Ministry of Defence alongwith an Audit Report, for adjudication/final decision. Grant of ex-gratia lump-sum compensation who die in harness 213. With the issue of Government of India, Ministry of Defence letter No. 20(1)/98/D (Pay/Services) dt 22.09.98 regarding payment of ex-gratia lump sum compensation to the families of Defence personnel who die in harness, the orders issued by that Ministry vide their letter No. B/39902/XXII/AG/PS 4(d)/2069/D(Pay/Sers) dt 8.10.96 as amended vide letter of even No. 4-6-97 and as explained in Para 209, stand superseded. But, however, cases of death occurred prior to 1.8.1997 shall be regulated and finalized in terms of orders and instructions in force prior to issue of the Government of India, Ministry of Defence letter No. 20(1)/98/D/Pay/Sers) dt 22.09.98. 214. According to the above Government letter, the families of the commissioned officers who die in harness in the performance of their bonafide official duties shall be paid the following ex-gratia lump-sum compensation with effect from 1.8.1997 as under:(a) Death occurring due to accidents in the course of performance of duties (b) Death occurring in the course of performance of duties attributable to acts of violence by terrorists, anti-social elements, etc. (c) death occurring during (i) border skirmishes and action against militants, terrorists, extremists, etc. (d) death occurring during enemy action in inter-national war or such war like engagements which are specifically notified by Ministry of Defence Rs. 5 Lakhs. Rs. 5 Lakhs
Note 1. Provisions of clause (d) above shall be made applicable with effect from 1.5.99. Note 2. The conditions and guidelines to be observed governing the payment of ex-gratia lump-sum compensation are indicated in Appendix11. Note 3. The admissibility of and entitlement to the ex-gratia lump-sum compensation in the circumstances specified in clauses (a) to (d) above may be decided in each individual case by the Principal CDA(P) Allahabad/CDA(Navy) and CDA(Air Force) in respect of Army, Navy and Air force personnel respectively vide GOI, MOD No.20(1)/98/ D(Pen/Sers) dated 12.04.99 as amended vide that Ministry's Even No. dated 19.5.2000.
Grant of Family Gratuity Family Gratuity-When Payable 215. It may be noted that family gratuity shall be granted in addition to special/liberalised family pensionary awards to the family of an officer by the CDA (O) who (i) is killed in action or dies of wounds sustained in action, or (ii) is killed while on flying duty or parachute jumping duties from an aircraft or while being carried on duty in an aircraft (civil or service), under proper authority or dies of injuries sustained in such circumstances, or (iii) though not serving in field area, dies of a cause attributable to circumstances which, in the opinion of the local administrative authority , are similar to those enumerated on field service or in operation; or (iv) suffers a violent death while employed in aid of civil power; or (v) dies while laying or clearing land or sea mines; or (vi) dies while on diving duty; or (vii) dies while on duty in a submarine or while being carried on duty in submarine under proper authority; or (viii) dies due to injuries sustained in the circumstances mentioned in category E of Para 80 above. Family Gratuity-To Whom Payable 216. It may be noted that family gratuity shall be payable to the recipient of the special/liberalised family pension. If on the date on which the Pension Sanctioning Authority decides that the claim to a special /liberalised family pension is admissible but all the members in the list of eligible heirs have died or become disqualified, the family gratuity shall be payable to legal heirs under the orders of the President. Rates of Family Gratuity 217. The rates of family gratuity are given as under: Rank Where ex-gratia is paid Where ex-gratia is not paid Widow/children Parents Rs. Widow/children Parents Rs. Rs. Rs. nd 2 1335 668 2000 1000 lieutenant Lieutenant 2000 1000 3000 1500 Captain 2670 1335 4500 2250 Major 4000 2000 6500 3250 Lt. Colonel 6000 3000 8000 4000 Colonel 8000 4000 9500 4750 Brigadier 10670 5335 11000 5500 Maj. General 13000 6500 13000 6500 Lieutenant 14500 7250 14500 7250 General General 16000 8000 16000 8000 Documents Required For Family Gratuity 218. The following documents are required for payment of advance of family
gratuity:(i) A detailed report on the basis of First Information Report containing: (a) Nature, date and place of casualty (b) The Name, Rank and personal number and unit of the officer killed/died. The above documents are sent by Army Hqrs to the Ministry of Defence, CDA (O) and Principal CDA (P). (ii) In cases of deaths due to flying accidents or parachute jumping duties:A certificate confirming that the officer was on flying duty in an aircraft or was being carried on duty in an aircraft under proper authority. The above certificate is required to be sent by officer commanding, unit to the Ministry of Defence, Army Hqrs, CDA(O) and Principal CDA(P). (iii) A further report containing information regarding:(a) the name and address of the widow or if there is no widow, the names and address of the children. (b) The name of pension disbursing authority from where the claimant desires to receive the payment. The above information are to be sent by Army Hqrs to Ministry of Defence, CDA(O) and Principal CDA(P). Death Gratuity 219. If an Army officer dies while in service, his family will be entitled to death gratuity. The quantum of death gratuity will be determined on the basis of length of qualifying service and the emoluments drawn at the time of death, as defined in Paras 3 and 5 of Government of India, Ministry of Defence letter No. 1(6)/98/D(Pen/Sers) dt. 3.2.98, which are as under:Length of qualifying Rate of Death Gratuity service (i) Less than 1 year 2 times of emoluments. (ii) 1 year or more but less 6 times of emoluments. than 5 years. (iii) 5 years or more but 12 times of emoluments less than 20 years (iv) 20 years or Half of reckonable emoluments for each completed six more monthly period of qualifying service subject to a minimum of 12 times of reckonable emoluments and a maximum of 33 times of reckonable emoluments. Note. In respect of death occurring on or after 1.1.1996, the amount 1of death gratuity shall in no case exceed Rs. 3.5 lakhs. Note 2. Where the amount of death gratuity, as finally calculated, contains a fraction of a rupee, it shall be rounded off to the next higher rupee. Note 3. The reckonable emoluments include Pay including Rank Pay, Stagnation Increment and NPA, if any, plus Dearness Allowance admissible on the date of death. Note 4. Death Gratuity at the rates indicated above, will also be admissible to the families of short Service/Emergency Commissioned Officers in the event of their death while in service.
220. It may be noted that payment of death gratuity shall be made to the person in whose favour deceased officer has made the Nomination during his lifetime for death gratuity as per details furnished by Army Hqrs. In case, deceased officer has failed to nominate any member of his family, the payment of death gratuity may be authorised as per provisions of para 146 above. Notification Of Death Gratuity. 221. In cases where only death Gratuity is payable, a separate PPO for the same in favour of the nominated/eligible heir should be prepared. Since the PPO will be for a single payment a dash should be drawn in the columns date of commencement and the period of the grant. The inapplicable guide notes printed on the form will be scored and the following guide note will be endorsed. the amount will be paid to the awardee himself/herself. If he/she dies before receiving the payment , the amount should not be paid to his/her heir and the matter referred be to this office. Recovery of public claims, if any, may be made from the Death Note gratuity. Monetary Allowances Attached to Gallantry Awards. General 222. The scheme of Gallantry Awards for Armed forces Personnel can be broadly divided into two categories i.e. Pre-Independence Gallantry Awards and Post-Independence Gallantry Awards. The Pre-Independence Gallantry Awards include Indian order of Merit, Military Cross, etc After independence different series of Gallantry Awards were introduced. The Vir Chakra series of awards are given for acts of conspicuous bravery/gallantry in the presence of the enemy and the Ashok Chakra series for bravery other than in the face of the enemy. These awards carry a monetary allowance with them which is payable for two lives. 223. The monetary allowance attached to gallantry decorations will be admissible to the recipient of the award and on his death to his widow lawfully married by a valid ceremony. She will continue to receive the allowance till her remarriage or death. The payment of the allowance will, however, be continued to a widow who re-marries late husbands brother and lives a communal life with the living heir eligible for family pension. Ordinarily the widow who was first married shall receive the allowance but with the special sanction of the Government, the allowance may be divided equally between the lawful widows of the recipient. Payment to all the widows shall cease when the allowance to the first widow terminates. When the award is made posthumously to a bachelor, the monetary allowance shall be paid to his father or mother. In case, the posthumous awardees is a widower, the allowance shall be paid to his son below 18 years or unmarried daughters, as the case may be. Rates Of Monetary Allowance Attached To Gallantry Decorations 224. The rates of monetary allowance attached to various gallantry awards have been revised with effect from 1.2.1999 vide Government of India, Ministry of Defence letter No 3(8)/98/D(ceremonials) dated 18.3.1999
and are as under:(i) Param Vir Chakra Rs. 1500.00 (ii) Ashok Chakra Rs. 1400.00 (iii) Mahavir Chakra Rs. 1200.00 (iv) Kriti Chakra Rs. 1050.00 (v) Vir Chakra Rs. 850.00 (vi) Shaurya Chakra Rs. 750.00 Note 1. Monetary allowance of Rs 250/- pm shall also be payable to the Sena/Nao Sena/Vayu Sena Medal awardees (where the award has been given for gallantry) will be payable to all the existing awardees. Note 2. The monetary allowance will be paid in respect of all gallantry awards received by an individual including bar attached to gallantry decorations. Further, each bar attached to Sena Medal/Vayu Sena Medal/Nau Sena Medal shall carry the same amount of monetary allowance as attached to the original grant. Note 3. The Monetary allowance at enhanced rate is also payable to the family pensioners/dependent pensioners/war injury pensioners who were/are in receipt of such awards at old rates and will be subject to all other terms and conditions contained in Ministry of Defence letter No. 3(8)/93/D(Cer) dt 31.1.95. Note 4. The claim for monetary allowance shall be admitted on the basis of details of Gazette Notification issued by Army Hqrs. Note. 5. The Monetary allowance will not be taken into account for computing dearness relief. Note. 6 The expenditure on the above account will be debitable to the relevant Heads of Defence Services Estimates. Note 7. Rate of monetary allowance attached to Post Independence gallantry decoration prior to 1.2.99 and Pre-Independence awards are given in Appendix-12. Procedure For Grant Of Monetary Allowance 225. The payment of monetary allowance, as due, will be notified through a corrigendum PPO by inserting a Note in the original PPO notifying retiring/family pension, as the case may be, in the following form:Note: "In addition, a sum of Rs pm. with effect from .. on account of monetary allowance in respect of gallantry decorations viz. is payable to ..(Name of the payee) during his/her life time, as a I/II life award. The payment of allowance will cease with effect from the date following the date of his/her death and the fact of the death of the payee will be reported to Principal CDA(P) immediately on receipt of necessary information in this respect". On receipt of intimation of death of the payee, it will be examined whether the recipient was 1st life awardee and 2nd life award is payable, the action to notify the same shall be taken in the manner as indicated above.
CHAPTER-V COMMUTATION OF PENSION GENERAL When an officer is allowed to commute a portion of his pension it is 226. meant that he is allowed (a) to forego the title to receive the commuted portion of the pension, and (b) to acquire the title to receive the commuted value thereof subject to the observance of the rules laid down in Pension Regulations. Limit Of Commutation Of Pension A commissioned officer shall be entitled to commute for a lump sum 227. payment a fraction not exceeding 43% of his/her pension which is sanctioned for life Note: If fraction of pension to be commuted results in fraction of rupee, such fraction of a rupee shall be ignored for the purpose of commutation. 228. It may be noted that commutation may take place on retirement or at any time subsequent thereto. Types Of Pension Commutable 229. (i) Commutation of pension is permissible in the case of commissioned officers in respect of retiring/disability/ invalidment/ war injury pension. (ii) Commissioned officer who is in receipt of disability pension may be allowed to commute a portion of such pension where invaliding disability is of loss of limb(s), total loss of sight, loss of eye, amputation, etc. or where the award of disability pension is sanctioned for life in the first stage itself. (iii) Where the officer is granted temporary disability pension, commutation of pension shall be allowed with reference to service element of disability pension. However, if disability is accepted for life at RSMB stage, the amount of disability element, so sanctioned, is not commutable. (iv) Where a lump sum compensation is paid to an officer in lieu of disability element, commutation of pension shall be allowed with reference to retiring/disability/invalid/war injury pension granted after retirement/invalidment. Commutation Of Pension-When Becomes Absolute 230. It may be noted that commutation of pension shall become absolute: (i) incase where officer applies before retirement- on the date following the date of retirement. (ii) in case where officer applies within one year of retirement- on the date on which the application is received by the Pension Sanctioning Authority, and. (iii) in case where officer applies after one year after retirement /invalidment- on the date on which the Medical Board signs the medical certificate. Application For Commutation Of Pension 231. When an officer is desirous of commuting a portion of his/her pension, he shall apply in the prescribed form GMF- 29 appended at Sl.No. 16 of
per Annexure-C 232. (a) Where the officer applies for commutation of a portion of his/her pension before retirement/invalidment, the application shall be submitted to the CDA (O), who will transmit the same alongwith other pension documents to the Principal CDA (P). (b) Where the officer applies after sanction of his/her pensionary awards or after one year of his/her retirement/invalidment, the commutation application shall be submitted to the Principal CDA(P) through his/her pension disbursing authority. 233. On receipt of the application for commutation of pension, it should be entered in the Register of Commutation of Pension (GMR-9) appended at Sl. No.10 of Annexure-B and it should be ensured that the same is dealt with expeditiously. Commutation Of Additional Pension An officer who has commuted a fraction of his/her final pension and whose pension after commutation has been revised and enhanced retrospectively as a result of Governments decision, shall be paid the difference between the commuted value determined with reference to the enhanced pension (by taking into account the same age next birthday, including loading, if any, which was taken earlier while computing the capitalised value of a fraction of pre-revised pension, and the commuted value already paid. For the payment of difference of commutated value, he/she shall not be required to apply a fresh. Scrutiny Of Commutation Application During the scrutiny of the application for commutation of pension, it will be seen that: (a) It is complete in all respects. (b) The date of birth shown in the application is the same as the verified date of birth of the officer and also the age next birthday shown is correct. For this purpose, the officer will be asked to forward the requisite documentary evidence for verifying his date of birth. If the officer is unable to produce any documentary evidence for verifying his date of birth, he should be advised to submit the affidavit in the prescribed form (AO 246/68) to this office for acceptance of his date of birth in audit. For this purpose, a communication will be issued to the officer in GMF-28 appended at Sl. No. 17 of Annexure C. (c) the portion of pension to the commuted is in whole rupee. (d) the total amount of pension to be commuted together with the amount or amounts previously commuted, if any, does not exceed the limit upto which extent, the commutation of pension is permissible i.e. the amount(s) already commuted, if any, does not exceed 43% of the pension sanctioned, provided that the amount left un-commuted is not less than Rs.240/- a year. (e) in case the application of a pensioner to commute a portion of his pension has been rejected on the recommendations of a Medical Board or who has once declined to accept commutation on the basis of an addition of years in actual age, he has not applied for a second medical examination until a year has lapsed. (f) no intimation regarding involvement of officer in a disciplinary case has been received. (g) every endeavor should be made to dispose of the papers relative to commutation of pension within six days of their receipt.
236. If after scrutiny of the application it is found that the same is defective in certain respects, it will be returned to the applicant for rectification of the defects. A suitable remark will be endorsed in the register of commutation of pension against the relevant entry. Documents Required In Support Of A Commutation Application. (a) For an officer who applies for commutation of pension before or within one year of his/her retirement/invalidment, a copy of the Medical Examination Report(AFMSF-18) in which the officer is categorised as shape A. (b) (i) for an officer who is released on account of being placed in low medical category and applies for commutation of pension before or within one year of his/her release, or (ii) for an officer who is invalided out of service and applies for commutation within one year of such invalidment:A copy of the annotation made about longevity of the officer for the purpose of commutation of pension alongwith Medical Examination Report (AFMSF-18) or Release/Invaliding Medical Board proceedings(AFMSF-16) and nomination, if any :The above documents will be submitted by CDA(O) to Principal CDA(P) alongwith other pension documents. Commutation Of Pension After One Year (a) When an officer who applies for commutation of pension after one year of his/her retirement/invalidment, he shall submit commutation application through his/her pension disbursing authority in the prescribed form alongwith two duly attested copies of his/her passport size photographs(one copy to be pasted on the application form itself at the appropriate place) while the other is to be loosely attached to the form. (b) On receipt of commutation application, Principal CDA (P) shall address in the form GMF-33 appended at Sl. No. 19 of Annexure C to Command Headquarters concerned who will arrange a commutation medical board at any station within his jurisdiction that may be convenient to the applicant. In case where difficulty may arise in the assembly of the civil medical board, the Command Headquarters may, at their option, convene a suitable services medical board for the purpose. (c) The pensioner shall at the same time be informed of the date on which he/she should present himself/herself for examination by a Medical Board in the Form GMF-31 appended at Sl. No. 18 of Annexure-C.
Calculation Of Commuted Value 239. When, after scrutiny, the application is found to be in order, the commuted value of pension will be calculated in the form (GMF-36) appended at Sl. No. 20 of Annexure C on the basis of the commutation value applicable to his/her age next birthday. The commutation value is calculated as under:Portion of monthly pension to be commuted. x 12 x purchase value applicable to the age next birthday. Note: The table of commutation of pension effective from 01.03.1971 is given in Army Instruction 85/71 which is reproduced as Appendix-13.
Withdrawal Of Application For Commutation Of Pension. 240. In may be noted that the applicant is entitled to withdraw his application for commutation in the following circumstances:(a) he may withdraw his application by written notice dispatched at any time before medical examination is due to take place. This option shall expire on his appearance before a medical authority. (b) in case when an addition to the age(loading) of the applicant has been recommended by the medical authority, the Principal CDA(P) shall inform the applicant in the form (GMF-34) appended at Sl. No. 21 of Annexure C by registered post, with acknowledgement of the recommendations of the medical authority and of the revised capital sum payable in lieu thereof. In such cases, the applicant may withdraw the application by a written notice to the Principal CDA(P) dispatched within two weeks from the date he/she receives an intimation of the revised sum payable on commutation. If the applicant does not withdraw in writing his/her application with in two weeks, he/she shall be presumed to have accepted the revised sum offered. In such cases, payment of commuted value shall be authorised only after expiry of the period of two weeks in which the application for commutation may be withdrawn, or earlier if the written acceptance of commutation is received. 241. Whether a medical board or single Medical Authority has to conduct the medical examination should be determined keeping in view of the following factores:(a) Medical examination in the following cases has to be conducted by a Medical Board:(i) if the total of the amount of pension to be commuted (including amount of pension previously commuted, if any) is more than Rs 100/- per mensem. (ii) when the pensioner has once refused commutation on medical grounds or after he has once declined to accept commutation on the basis of an addition of years to his actual age and when he again applies for commutation of pension. Note:- Medical Boards convened by State Government for examination of central Government servants for commutation of pension shall consists of 3 Medical Officers possessing qualification included in one of the Schedules to the Indian Medical Council Act, 1933. (b) In cases other than those mentioned in (a) above, the medical examination will be conducted by a single Medical Officer, not being lower in status than the Civil Surgeon/District Medical Officer/Presidency Surgeon.
Scrutiny Of Medical Board Proceedings 242. The medical board proceedings, after medical examination of the applicant, when received in this office should be scrutinized keeping in view the following factors:(i) the IAFM-1253 has been completed by the officer in all respects and it was signed by him in the presence of a member of the Medical Board before or at least at the commencement of the medical examination. (ii) the medical board certificate has been completed in all respects and conveys clearly the recommendations of the medical board, it has been signed by all the members constituting the medical board giving their recommendations and that it bears the date of medical examination and the seal of the hospital, where the medical examination was conducted. (iii) in a case where a pensioner has been declared unfit or who has not accepted the recommendations of the medical board, he should be informed that he can appear for one re-examination under Regn. 112 PRA Part II(1961) after the expiry of one year from the date of the present medical board for which he is required to submit a fresh application for commutation in the usual manner 243. If the officer has been recommended an average duration of life and declared fit for commutation of portion of pension, action to notify the same through a corrigendum PPO, shall be taken in the manner as explained in the succeeding Paras. 244. In cases where retiring/disability/war injury pension has been notified on computer, the CDA (O) will process the data sheet based on the application, etc received from the officer for commutation of a portion of his/her pension and send to Principal CDA (P). 245. On receipt of the data sheet from CDA (O), the same will be entered in a Central Claim diary register (GMR-9) appended at Sl. No. 10 of Annexure-B and data sheet/processed in the manner as specified in Paras 31 to 35 above for issue of a corrigendum PPO. Reduction In Pension Due To Commutation (a) The reduction in pension in the commuted portion of pension in the cases of retirement/invalidment, where the payment of the commuted value of pension has been authorised and notified jointly in the same PPO, will be operative from the date following the date of retirement if the payment is made within the same month. Where, however, payment of commuted value of pension could not be made within the first month after the date of retirement/invalidment, the pension will be reduced from the date of payment. (b) In the case of a pensioner who is drawing his pension from a Treasury/Pay Accounts Officer/DPDO, the reduction in the amount of pension on account of commutation shall be operative from the date of receipt of the commuted value of pension or at the end of three months after the date of issue of the PPO by the Pension Sanctioning Authority for payment of commuted value of pension, whichever is earlier. (c) In the case of a pensioner who is drawing his pension from a Public Sector Bank, the reduction in the amount of pension on account of commutation shall be operative from the date on which commuted value of pension is credited by the bank to the pensioners account to which pension is being credited.
If the amounts of retiring pension and disability element Note: sanctioned for life are commuted, the reduction in the amounts of these pensions should be made against each pension separately. Restoration Of Commuted Portion Of Pension 247. The pensioners who have commuted a portion of their pension and on 01.04.1985 or thereafter have completed 15 years or will complete from the respective dates of their retirement, will have their commuted portion of pension restored subject to the following conditions:(a) The 15 years period for restoration may reckon from the date of retirement it self only in cases where commutation of pension is simultaneous with the date of retirement. In other words, cases where payment of the commuted value of pension was/is made during the first month of retirement leading to appropriate reduction on account of commutation in the first pension itself will be deemed to be falling in this category. In all other cases where commutation of pension led/leads to a reduction in the second or subsequent month, the 15 year period will be reckoned from the date of commutation i.e. from the date on which reduction in pension on account of commutation become/becomes effective. If the pensioner dies on or after the day on which commutation become absolute but before receiving the commutation value , this value will be paid to the nominee, failing which to his legal heirs. If, however, the pensioner has commuted a percentage/maximum of his pension and is entitled to receive the revised rate of pension, dies before receiving the difference between the commuted value of a original and revised rate of pension, the difference will be paid to the legal heir automatically. Commutation Of War Injury Pension 248. The provision of commutation of war injury pension is made with effect from 01.01.1986 vide Government of India, Ministry of Defence letter No 1(5)/87/D/(Pen/Sers) dt 30.10.1987 and will be regulated as per guidelines prescribed vide that Ministrys letter No 1(6)/95/D (Pen-C) dt 29-02-2000, which are explained as under:(a) Commutation Of War Injury On Invalidment In cases, where an officer is invalided out of service and granted War Injury Pension equal to reckonable emoluments last drawn or proportionate lower portion, shall be allowed to commute War Injury Pension at the rate of 43% for disability of permanent nature sanctioned for life as per relevant provisions of Pension Regulations. (b) Commutation Of War Injury Pension On Retention In Service. Where an officer is retained in service inspite of war injury and retires subsequently commutation of service element and disability element on account of War Injury shall be allowed at the rate of 43% where the disability is of a permanent nature and is sanctioned for life in the first instance as per relevant provisions of Pension Regulations. Note 1. The provisions of the above Para shall apply to commissioned officers who were in service as on 01.01.1986 or joined/join service thereafter.
Note 2. The procedure to notify the commutation of War Injury Pension will be the same as prescribed in Paras 243 to 245 above. .Rates Of Disability Element On Account Of War Injury The rates of disability element on account of war injury for 100% disability are Rs 1500/- p.m. and Rs 5200/- p.m. with effect from 01.01.1986 and 01.01.1996 respectively.
CHAPTER-VI INCIDENCE OF PENSION 250. The rules regulating adjustment of pensionary charges between different Governments are laid down in Appendix 3 Section IV Defence Accounts Code(1994 Edn.). It will be ensured that the allocation of pensionary charges involved should be made in the following manner: (i) The amount chargeable to the other Government/Department on account of proportionate share of pension/gratuity is calculated and recovered at the time of Notification of final pension by raising debit against them. The debit should be supported by Audit certificate to the effect that the amount charged has been correctly calculated according to the rules. The fact that the allocation of pensionary charges has been made will be suitably recorded in the draft PPO in the form of an Office Note but the incidence of pension will be denoted in the PPO as under: The charge is wholly debitable to Defence Services (Army/Navy/Air Force) Estimate/Estimates as the case may be.
If in the absence of necessary information/documents the allocation can not be made at the time of notification of final pension a suitable endorsement will be made in the form of a foot note in the PPO to the effect that the allocation for pensionary charges will be made later on. (iii) As and when the necessary information/documents is received in this office, the quantum of proportionate share of pensionary charges will be calculated and debited to the concerned Department/Government duly supported by requisite audit certificate. An endorsement that allocation of pensionary charges has been made will be suitably recorded on the draft PPO in the form of office note but the incidence of pension will be denoted in the corrigendum PPO on the lines indicated in the clause (i), the register of allocation of pensionary charge, will be completed and the item cleared.
Note: With the issue of Government of India, Ministry of Finance O.M No. F.2(117)/76/SC dt. 26.12.1977 and Joint Controller General of Accounts OM No. S/1103/1/78/TA/725 dt. 23.2.1979, the provisions for allocation or sharing of the liability on account of pensionary charges of Government Servants with service under more than one Department among the Department of the Government of India including Railways, Posts and Telegraphs and Defence Departments have since been dispensed with. The liability for pension including gratuity will be borne in full by the Department to which the Government servant permanently belongs at the time of retirement. No recovery of proportionate pension need be made from other Central Government Departments under whom he had served. The above provisions shall also cover cases of Government servants who have rendered technical resignation on their selection for service in another department including Railways, P & T and Defence Department within the Government of India vide Government of India , Ministry of Finance, CGA OM No. S/11031/1/80/TA/1494 dated 21.04.1980
CHAPTER-VII STATE FORCES AND IMPERIAL PENSIONERS General 251. The following pensionary awards in respect of Ex- State Forces pensioners including civilians are dealt with in this Section: (1) Service Pension (2) Disability pension and invalid gratuity. (3) Family pension and compassionate family pension. (4) Gallantry award. (5) Commutation of pension 252. The claims to such awards are dealt with by this Office under the Rules/orders laid down in the respective State rules and under relevant Government orders issued from time to time. 253. The procedure regarding service pension, gallantry awards and commutation of pension are not detailed in this Chapter, as fresh claims of these nature are not emanating. Further, the work to grant of disability pension in respect of State Forces has been transferred to Grants-3 Section. Hence procedure laid down in Chapter-IV of OM IV. Volume IV in respect of personnel below officer rank will apply mutatis mutandis in such cases also. However, procedure to grant family pension are explained in the succeeding paragraph:254. The provisions of the Government of India, Ministry of Defence letter No. F.6(2)/85/1689/B/D/(Pen/Sers) dt. 8.8.1985, which was introduced for grant of family pension in respect of Pre-64 cases with effect from 22.9.1977, have also been made applicable to the personnel of Ex State Forces vide that Ministrys letter Nos B/39407/AG/PS4(b) /1406/B/ D(Pen/Sers)dt. 28.4.1986 and F.6(6)/86/D (Pen/Sers) dt. 12.5.1986. 255. Under the above scheme, the title to ordinary family pension arises only if the deceased, in whose respect family pension is claimed, was a pensioner at the time of death. Procedure for Processing of Family Pension Claim 256. Family pension claim in respect of Ex State forces pension are processed by either of the two agencies viz Record offices/State Governments as the case may be. Family pension claim in respect of the erstwhile State Forces which are merged into Indian Army and their records have been transferred to the Record offices are processed by the concerned Record Offices. Similarly, family pension claim in respect of personnel of non-ISF units of Ex-state Forces, records of which were not handed over to the Record Offices but were retained with the respective state Government at the time of merger of the erstwhile princely States with the Union of India will be processed by the respective State Governments. Note: Lists of erstwhile State Forces merged into Indian Army is reproduced at, Appendix-14 257. For the purpose of grant of family pension, the eligible members of the family have to apply for family pension to the office of the of the P.C.D.A (P) in the application form through the concerned Record Office. 258. The applicant will have to indicate all relevant service particulars of the
pensioner such as Name and Rank, Service Number, PC/PPO Number and name of the Record office, etc. He should also obtain lifetime arrear payment certificate from the pension disbursing authority from whom the deceased was drawing his pension before death and attach with the application form. 259. Record Office will then forward application forms duly completed alongwith death certificate/casualty report/details of family members to office of the Principal CDA (Pensions) and the same will be entered in the register of claim for state forces pensioner in the form GMR-13 appended at Sl. No. 11 of Annexure-B 260. Record Office will fully satisfy themselves as to the genuineness of the claimant for family pension before forwarding the claim to the office of the Principal CDA (Pensions). Where the genuineness of the claimant can not be verified with reference to the documents available with them, they will have to base their satisfaction on the basis of : (i) Succession certification from a court or (ii) Affidavit sworn before a Magistrate, or (iii) Affidavit of the claimant on plain paper supported by any two documents, which may be acceptable to them. These documents should contain also date of death. 261. In respect of Non-ISF units of ex State forces, records of which were not handed over to Record Offices of the Army but were retained with the respective State Governments at the time of merger of the erstwhile princely states with the Union of India, the claim of family pension in respect of families of non-ISF personnel will be processed by the respective State Governments based on records/service documents available at their end, affidavits and verification by zila sainik board/Rajya sainik boards, etc. The application will then be forwarded by the concerned State Governments to office of the Principal CDA(Pensions) directly for issuing of Pension Payment Order. Name and address of the Department of the State Government which will be responsible for initiating and submitting the family pension claim to Principal CDA(Pensions) may be intimated to Principal CDA(P) by the respective State Governments. The concerned Department/Office of State Government responsible to render these claims will also furnish to Principal CDA(Pension), the specimen signature of the officer not below the rank of Under Secretary/equivalent in the State Government authorise to countersign the claim. 262. The procedure for processing the family pension claim received either through Record Office or State Governments will be same as laid down for ordinary family pension in respect of families of the commissioned officers. However, original copy of the Pension Payment Order will be forwarded to the concerned Record Office/ State Government from whom the claim was received for onward transmission to the pension disbursing authority. Imperial Pensioners 263. Authorities for the payment of pensions sanctioned by the Pay Master General, Department of Social Security and other authorities of the UK to their pensioner resident in India are received from Audit Section. The awards sanctioned therein are notified by this Section in the Pension Payment Order in manuscript payable by the pension disbursing authorities mentioned therein. A separate claim register (GMR-14)
appended at Sl. No. 12 of Annexure B is maintained for recording these claims and after notification the payment authority duly endorsed with the remarks Notified in Pension Payment Order No. by the officer signing the Pension Payment Order is returned to Audit Section for further necessary action.
CHAPTER - VIII COUNTING OF PAST SERVICE General 264. The provisions for counting of Pre-commissioned service was introduced with effect from 1.6.1953. 265. Pre-commissioned service may pertain to the following services/organisation:(i) Military Services (a)- Commission officer (Non-Regular) [b]- Personnel below officers rank, (ii) Government Civil Services and (iii) Central Government autonomous bodies. Counting Of Pre-Commissioned Military Service Pre commissioned service may count towards qualifying service for pension as under:(a) Service rendered as Non-Regular commission officers shall be counted in full. (b) One half of the qualifying service rendered as JCO immediately followed by commissioned service including JCO service. With effect from 1.7.66, pre commissioned service rendered in the ranks below that of JCO will count to the extent of two thirds instead of half for pension. The above provisions will also be applicable in regard to embodied and called out OR service rendered with (AF (I) and ITF. But with effect from 1.1.1986, all pre-commissioned service rendered in the Armed forces shall be counted in full for working out the qualifying service for earning pensionary benefits subject to fulfillment of other conditions. Note: Specimen form for counting of previous service in ranks is given in the form GMF-53 appended at Sl. No. 38 of Annexure-C.
Counting Of Pre-Commissioned- Civil Service The former pensionable civil service (including service rendered on 267. combatant status) will be allowed to count towards military pension, as per Government of India Ministry of Defence letter No. F.SO(1)/52D(Pension/Services) dt. 23.3.57 as amended vide that Ministrys letter No. 10(4)/61/593-5D(Pension/services) dt 30.8.66. (a) All former pensionable gazetted service in full. (b) All pensionable non-gazetted service rendered in a substantive capacity in a permanent appointment in full where the initial pay of which is Rs. 80/- p.m. or more. The pay limit was raised to Rs 130/- p.m. and Rs. 200/- p.m. w.e.f. 1.7.59 and 1.7.66 respectively. (c) All pensionable non-gazetted service rendered in a substantive capacity in a permanent appointment half where the initial pay of which is less than Rs. 80/- p.m. The pay limit was raised to Rs. 130/- p.m. w.e.f. 1.7.59. But with effect from 1.7.66, non-gazetted civilian service will count to the extent of 2/3rd where the initial pay is less than Rs. 200/- p.m. Note: Specimen form (GMF-52) for counting of previous civil service is appended at Sl. No. 37 of Annexure-C. 268. The counting of civil service for the period occurring on or after 1.7.66
will be subject to the condition that the total qualifying civil service will not exceed one-half of the I.C.O. service counting for pension or gratuity and no pension or gratuity has been drawn in respect of the civil service. 269. With effect from 1.1.1986, full pre-commissioned service rendered under the Central Government shall be taken into account for working out the qualifying service for earning pensionary benefits subject to fulfillment of other conditions. 270. It may be noted that provisions of Ministry of Defence letter No. F.50 (I) 52/D (Pension /Services) dt. 25.3.57, as explained in Para 267 above would apply mutatis mutandis to officers of Military Nursing Service also. Counting Of Pre-Commissioned Service - State Forces Service rendered in the erstwhile State Forces in respect of officers granted 271. permanent regular commissions in the Army under Army Instructions No. 11/S/49 and No. 12/S/50 may be allowed to count towards the pension / gratuity as indicated below:Service rendered in Civil Department of the StatePrevious pensionable civil service followed by commissioned service without a break will count for pension to the extent and subject to the conditions under which pensionable civil service might be allowed to count in respect of other permanent regular commissioned officers of the Indian Army. Where the entire service was without a break but civil service intervened between two spells of commissioned service, such civil service would not be regarded as a break. It would be allowed to count as in (i) above if the officers military career was not formally terminated during such civil service irrespective of whether the civil service was pensionable or not. Where, however, his military career was formally terminated, the civil service will qualify for military pension subject to (i) above, and only if it was qualifying for civil pension and no terminal benefits were allowed for that civil service in such a case, if no pensionary benefits had been admitted for the previous spell of military service, the question of counting it also for pension will be referred to Government for orders.
Counting Of Pre Commissioned Service - Central Government Autonomous Bodies. 272. With effect from 3.12.77, service rendered in the autonomous bodies before and/or after their take over by the Central Government followed by service as a commissioned officer with or without break will be allowed to count for pension to the following extent:(i) Service rendered in an appointment, the initial pay of which is Rs 200/- p.m. or more in full. (ii) Service rendered in an appointment, the initial pay of which is less than Rs. 200/- p.m., to the extent of 2/3rd. 273. The counting of service will be subject to the condition that the total qualifying service rendered in autonomous bodies will not exceed one-half of the commissioned service counting for pension /gratuity. Retirement benefits, if any, received for the service rendered in the autonomous bodies by the officers who were in service of those bodies at the time of taking over by the Central Government, will be refunded to
the Defence Services Estimates. However, the gratuity/employers contribution, if any, received by the officers who left the service of the autonomous bodies prior to their take over by the Central Government, will be refunded with simple interest at the rate of six percent per annum from the date of receipt to the date of refund. Authority Responsible for counting of Pre-commissioned service 275. Prior to 1.7.79, CGDA was made responsible for counting of precommissioned service in respect of commissioned officers of all the three wings. But with effect from 1.7.1979, Principal CDA(P) has been made responsible for counting of pre-commissioned service in respect of commissioned officers of all the three wings who retired on or after this date vide Government of India, Ministry of Defence, letter No. 10(1)/81/D(Pension/ Services) dated 29.1.81. Later on from 1.11.1985, the cases for counting of pre-commissioned service in respect of Navy and Air Force officers have been transferred to CDA (Navy) and (Air Force) respectively alongwith the pension of Navy and Air Force officers vide Government of India, Ministry of Defence, letter No. 5/2/76/D(Pension/ Services) dated 28.6.1985. Condonation Of Break In Service It may be noted that an interruption between two spells of service rendered in civil or autonomous bodies or Military capacity under Central Government will be treated as automatically condoned and preinterruption service treated as qualifying service for pension except where it is otherwise known that the interruption was caused by resignation, dismissal or removal from service or participation in a strike. The period of interruption itself will, however, under no circumstances be reckoned as qualifying service for pension. 277. The service rendered before attaining the age of 17 years from the date of enrolment will count as qualifying service for pension. 276. 278. In the case of officers having temporary civil service only and who did not retain a lien on their civil appointments, the period of joining time and pre-commissioned training as a cadet will not be treated as a break but will not count for pension/gratuity. Documents Required For Processing The Claims For Counting of Past Service 279. Claims for counting of former Other Rank service for pension will be submitted to the office of the Principal CDA (Pensions), Allahabad through Officer-In-Charge Records concerned on the form prescribed as Appendix C to AO 582/73 (reproduced as Annexure-C) and will be accompanied by the following documents:(a) Record copies of the Sheet Rolls alongwith Enrolment Forms completed in all respects including no. and date of Gazette Notification for grant of commission as JCO/EC/SSC/TC/PC or Service Book or Sheet Roll, completed in all respects, whichever was being maintained, in respect of the previous pre-commissioned service. (b) Authenticated documentary evidence, if any, pertaining to previous pre-commissioned service, e.g. sanction of Controller of Defence Accounts, discharge certificate, proof of transfer to pension
establishment. Certificate from the officer regarding non-forfeiture of any portion of pre-commissioned service duly countersigned by the Record officer/Head of the office. (d) Certificate regarding non-payment of any terminal benefits for the Pre-commissioned service issued by the PAO concerned. (e) If should also be verified that the individual has refunded any amount of gratuity other than war gratuity received in respect of his/her former service with interest at the rate of DSOP Fund applicable from time to time, as mentioned in the Appendix-5 280. Claims for counting of former Civil service, for pension will be submitted to the Principal CDA (Pensions) Allahabad through Head of the Office Concerned on the form prescribed as Appendix E to AO 664/73 alongwith Service Book and certificate, as mentioned in clauses (c) and (d) of Para 279 duly signed by the competent authority. (c) Procedure For Counting of Former Service 281. On receipt of the claim for assessment of Pre-commissioned service, from the Record Office/Head of the Office concerned, it is scrutinised that the same are supported with the requisite documents and are countersigned by the competent authority wherever necessary. After scrutiny of the claim, a calculation sheet is prepared for approval of the AO/SAO of the Section. Specimen of the calculation sheet in the form GMF-53 is appended at Sl. No. 38 of Annexure-C. 282. After approval of the calculation sheet from the AO/SAO, an authority for assessment of Pre-commissioned service is prepared in quintuplicate and is got signed by the AO/SAO. The original copy of the authority alongwith Sheet Roll/Service Book will be dispatched to the Record office/Head of the Office concerned and the duplicate copy will be dispatched to Ministry of Defence for publishing in the Army List, Triplicate copy is retained as office copy. Quaduplicate and quintuplicate copies will be despatched to CDA Officer) Pune and Army Headquarters New Delhi respectively. Specimen of the authority letter(GMF-54) is appended at Sl. No. 39 of Annexure C.
CHAPTER -IX PRO-RATA RETIREMENT BENEFITS TO OFFICERS ABSORBED IN PUBLIC SECTOR UNDERTAKINGS /JOINT SECTOR UNDERTAKINGS/ AUTONOMOUS BODIES/STATUTORY BODIES. General. 283. The terms and conditions for grant of pro-rata pensionary benefits to officers of the Defence Services, who get absorbed in Central Public Sector undertakings under the control of Department of Defence, Production or other Civil Ministries have been laid down in Government of India, Ministry of Defence, letters No. 8(3)/85/A/ D (Pension/Services) dt 17.03.86 , 8(3)/86/A/D(Pen/Sers) dated 19.02.1987 and 8(i)/86/A/ D(pen/Sers) dt. 12.02.1988 (reproduced in G1/Mily. Section order Nos. 14 of 23/4/86, 3 of 19./3./87 and 18 of 25/10/91 respectively.) To Whom Applicable 284. The provisions of the above Government letters are applicable to those who : (i) secure appointments in Central Public Enterprises with proper permission. For this purpose, an officer selected for appointment in an enterprise on the basis of an application submitted by him before joining the Government Service will be deemed to have applied with proper permission. (ii) while on deputation to Central Public Enterprises, exercise an option for permanent absorption and are discharged/permitted to retire prematurely from Defence Services for this purpose. (iii) are appointed in Central Public Enterprises on the basis of their own applications sent through proper channel in response to advertisements and are permitted to retire prematurely from service in the Defence Services for the purpose of taking up the appointment in the Enterprises. Note: The provisions of clause (i) to (iii) above will be applicable to those officers who are absorbed permanently on or after 8.3.1985 vide Government letter dt. 17.3.86 and 19.2.87 referred to above. (iv) Joint Central Autonomous bodies on permanent absorption. These officers include such officers who (a) while on deputation to Central Autonomous Bodies exercise an option for permanent absorption and are discharged/permitted to retire prematurely from Defence Services; or (b) (b) are appointed in such organization on the basis of their own applications sent through proper channel and are permitted to retire prematurely from service in the Defence Services. Note- The provisions of clause (iv) above, will be effective from 31.03.1987 vide Government of India, Ministry of Defence, letter No. (A/479/AG/PS4/689/A/D(Pens/Sers) dt. 21.4.1988 (reproduced in G1/Mily Section Order No. 18 of 25.10.91). (v) are permanently absorbed, with the prior permission of Central Government or are appointed on the basis of their application sent through proper channel and permitted to retire prematurely from service in the Defence Services for the purpose of taking appointments, in following categories or organizations:(a) Public Sector undertakings and autonomous bodies, wholly or
substantially owned or controlled by the various State Governments. (b) Joint Sector undertakings which are wholly under the joint control of Central Government and State Government/Governments of joint control of two or more State Governments and not under one Government and a private/foreign body. Note 1. The concession under clause (v) will be admissible only where the permanent absorption of the commissioned officers in the above organisation takes place on or after 22.8.1989 vide Government of India, Ministry of Defence, letter No. 8(4)86/A/D(Pension/Sers) (reproduced in G1/Military Section Order No;. 18 of 25.10.1991). Note 2. An officer selected for a post in any of the above organizations mentioned above and released after acceptance to his request for premature retirement from Defence Services, will not be allowed to retain any lien in his parent cadre. All his connection with the Government will be severed on his release for appointment in an Enterprise and he will not be allowed to revert his parent cadre. 285. Central Public Enterprise is an undertaking wholly or substantially owned by the Government of India, and which is accepted as such by the Bureau of Public Enterprises. Central Autonomous Body is generally a non-profit making organisation which is financed wholly or substantially from Cess or Central Government grants. An autonomous body may be society registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860 or a statutory body or a Central University, having its own governing council ,whose memorandum of association/bye-laws, etc., contain provisions for complying with Government directives for carrying out its business in achieving the objectives for which the organisation is established. 286. The pensionary benefits admissible to the absorbees in the organisations referred to in Para 283 above are enumerated in the succeeding paragraphs. Pro-Rata Pension An officer who has rendered not less than 10 years qualifying service 287. without weightage prior to his/her absorption in Public Sector undertaking /Autonomous Bodies, etc. shall be granted pro-rata monthly pension from the date of such absorption with an option to commute 43% of pension under normal rules. No weightage in the qualifying service shall be allowed. Note 1-The method of calculation of pro-rata pension is given in Annexure B to Government of India, Ministry of Defence letter No. 8(3)/85/A/D/(Pension/Sers) dt. 17.3.1986 which is related to the standard period of service of the rank of the officer. The concept of standard service of rank has been dispensed with and the pension is related to the actual qualifying service together with weightage appropriate to the rank last held and the average emoluments vide Government of India, Ministry of Defence, letter No. 1(5)/87/D/(Pens/Sers) dt 30.10.1987. Accordingly with effect from 1.1.1986, pro-rata pension of officers who are absorbed in Central Public Enterprises will be determined in accordance with the provisions of the said Government letter but with no addition of weightage to the qualifying service. Note 2. In cases prior to 1.1.1986, where the officer had opted to receive
the pro-rata monthly pension, the pension of the officer will be updated under the provision of Para 10(a) of Ministry of Defence letter No. 1(4)87/D(Pension/Sers) dt. 12.05.1987. and letter of even No. dt. 27.07.1987 Note 3. Reduction in the amount of pension would become operative from the date of receipt of commuted value of pension by the pensioner or three months after notification of pro-rata monthly pension. Retirement Gratuity 288. Retirement Gratuity based on length of qualifying service of an officer till the date of absorption will be admissible, as specified in Para 56 above. 289. It may be noted that no pension or retirement gratuity will be payable to those absorbed in an Enterprise with less than 10 years of service. 290. Every absorbee will be required to exercise an option within six months of his absorption for either of the alternatives indicated below:(a) Receiving pro-rata pension and Retirement Gratuity (Death-CumRetirement) Gratuity as admissible under the rules. (b) Receiving (Retirement Gratuity (Death-cum-Retirements gratuity) and a lump sum amount in lieu of monthly pro-rata pension. 291. It may be noted that the existing facilities of receiving capitalised value equivalent to 100% commutation of pension on absorption as per Para 290 (b) above shall stand withdrawn with effect from 10.11.1996 vide Government of India, Ministry of Defence, letter No. B/38029/AG/620/A/D(Pension /Services) dt. 10.04.1996. Restoration of Computed Portion of Pension 292. The officers who had drawn lump sum payment on absorption in a Public Sector Undertakings/Autonomous body and have become entitled to the restoration of 1/3rd commuted portion of pension shall apart from the payment of revised restored amount of 1/3rd commuted portion of pension, be also entitled to the payment of dearness relief on notionally revised full pension from the date of restoration, instead of dearness relief on the revised restored amount of 1/3rd commuted portion i.e. the revised pension which the absorbed employee would have received on the date of restoration of 1/3rd commuted portion of pension, had he not drawn lump sum payment on absorption. Wherever, revised restored amount of 1/3rd commuted portion of pension plus dearness relief on notionally revised full pension as on 1.1.86 and 1.1.96 works out to be less than what was admissible to an absorbed employee prior to 1.1.86/1.1.96, the absorbed employee should be allowed to draw the higher pensionary benefits vide Government of India Ministry of Personnel, PG and Pensions OM. No. 4/3/2000/P&PW(O) dated 16.1.2001 However, the officers who have opted for lump sum commuted value of pension their total pro-rata pension at the time of absorption prior to issue of above Government letter may get their pension restored to the extent of 43% vide Government of India, Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pension (Deptt. Of Pension and PW) letter No. 4/3/86/P&PW(LO) dt. 30.09.1996.
Family Pension 293. The family of an absorbee will be eligible for benefits under the ordinary family pension scheme, applicable to him before absorption, provided he is not compulsorily covered by any other similar scheme applicable to the staff of the Enterprise in which he is absorbed. However, the provisions of Paras 158 and 159 are also applicable to such personnel as per conditions stipulated therein. 294. The benefit of ordinary family pension scheme will be admissible only if the absorbee was actually in receipt of pension from the Central Government or had opted for payment of a lump sum amount in lieu of pension on absorption in an Enterprise. This benefit will not be admissible to the family if one is absorbed in an Enterprise before completion of 10 years service. 295. In case absorbee happens to be a widower with minor eligible children or where he opts to draw a lump sum in lieu of monthly pro-rata pension, family pension will be notified by the Pension Sanctioning Authority on receipt of an application from the eligible heirs as and when the contingency arises.
296. Cases for grant of pro-rata pension to Defence Services officers need not be referred to Ministry of Defence and as and when an order for premature retirement consequent on permanent absorption in a Central Public Enterprises or Central autonomous body is issued by Service Headquarters, Note should be added therein that for the purpose of prorata pensionary benefits, the officer will be governed by Ministry of Defence letters dated 19.2.87 or 21.4.88, (referred to in Para 283 and 284 above) whichever is applicable and pensionary benefits will be sanctioned by the concerned Pension Sanctioning authorities only after receipt of intimation from the concerned Public Sector Undertaking/Autonomous body to the effect that the officer has actually joined the said organization. 297. The procedure in regard to the authorization of pro-rata monthly pension, retirement gratuity and commuted value of pension will be the same as followed in the case of normal retirement of service officers.
CHAPTER - X PENSIONARY AWARDS IN RESPECT OF NON-REGULAR OFFICER I.E. SSC, T.C., EMERGENCY COMMISSIONED AND SHORT SERVICE REGULAR COMMISSIONED OFFICERS. General. 298. The pensionary awards in respect of Non-regular officers viz. Emergency Commissioned Officers SSC, TC and Short Service Regular Commissioned officers are regulated in terms of provisions contained in Army Instruction 6/S/65 as amended from time to time. The pensionary awards admissible to above category of officers are enumerated in succeeding paragraphs. Option 299. Serving JCOs and other ranks (including corresponding ranks of the Navy and Air Force) granted emergency commission will have the option either :(a) to accept any pension (including Ad-hoc-increase)/gratuity earned for pre-commissioned service under the rules which would be applied had the officer concerned been discharged on the date immediately prior to that on which he was granted Emergency Commission service. Or (b) to forego the terminal gratuity for Emergency Commission service towards service pension /gratuity in substantive rank held before grant of emergency commission. 300. Officers mentioned in Para 299 above should exercise option not later than six months from the date of their retirement. The option will be unconditional and once exercised shall be final. One copy of the option certificate will be forwarded to the Controller of Defence Accounts (Officers), one copy to Army Headquarters (Org..3) and one copy to the Principal, CDA (Pensions). An officer who does exercise his option within the stipulated time will be governed by clause (b) of Para 299 above.
Counting of Pre-Commissioned Service 301. It may be noted that at the time of initial grant of pension to those officers, full rank service pension and full commissioned service shall be taken into account for determining total qualifying service for those who opted for grant of JCOs/Ors pension whereas in case of officers who opted for pension of commissioned officers in their cases qualifying service shall be reckoned by counting rank service as half or two-third or full as the case may be. Note: The provisions of counting of rank service to the extent of 2/3rd and full have been made applicable with effect from 1.7.1966 and 1.1.1986 vide Government of India, Ministry of Defence, letter Nos.10(1)59/5935/1/D(Pension /Services) dt. 30.08.1966 and 1(2)88/D(Pen/Sers) dt. 9.1.1990 respectively.
Retiring Pension 302. Serving JCOs/ORs including corresponding ranks of the Navy and Air Force granted Emergency Commissioned and Short Service Regular Commissioned officers will be eligible for retiring pension after 12 years of qualifying service (without weightage) actually rendered. 303. Emergency Commissioned officers/Short Service Regular Commissioned officers retiring after rendering actual qualifying service of 12 years and more but less than 20 years will be granted uniform weightage of 5 years and those retiring after rendering actual qualifying service of 20 years and more will be granted rank wise weightage as mentioned in Para 5(b)(i) of Government of India, Ministry of Defence letter No.1(6)/98/D/(Pension/Sers) dt. 3.2.1998. Note: The provisions of giving weightage rank wise as per above Government letter is applicable in cases occurring on or after 1.1.1996 vide Government of India, Ministry of Defence, letter No. PCB/39028/AG/PS4-(A&C)863/B/D/(Pension/ Sers) t. 28.11.2000. Invalid Pension 304. Officers who retired with 10 years or more but less than 12 years of qualifying service, will be eligible for invalid pension proportionate to the minimum service specified in (A) or (B) of Para 3 of Government of India, Ministry of Defence, letter No. A/49940/AG/PS4/(C)/1748/A/D(Pension/ Sers) dt. 24.10.1981, depending on whether the total qualifying service is reckoned as for a Commissioned Officer or as for a combatant, whichever is most favourable. Disability Pension 305. It may be noted that disability pension consists of service elements and disability element and shall be regulated as under:(i) Service Element- Service element equal to service pension as admissible under paragraph 6 or 7 of Army Instruction 6/S/65 as amended from time to time. (ii) Disability element- Disability element will be admissible at the same rate as admissible to permanent regular commissioned officers. Post-Release Disability Pension claims 306. An officer who is not invalided out of services but has relinquished his commission otherwise than (a) at his own request or (b) on disciplinary ground and who is found, within a period of seven years of relinquishment of his commission, to be suffering from a disability which is accepted as attributable to his commissioned service may be granted, at the discretion of the President, a disability element of pension at the rates specified below for 100% disablement and proportionately less for lesser degree of disablement in addition to the pension/gratuity, admissible to him vide Army Instruction 6/S/65 with effect from such date as the President may decide in the circumstance of the case. (i) those who became non-effective prior to 1.1.1973- Rs. 150/- p.m. (ii) those who became non-effective on or after 1.1.1973- Rs. 200/- p.m.
Rank For Assessment Of Service Element Of Disability Pension 307. Service element shall be assessed on the paid acting rank held by an officer on any one of the following dates whichever is most favour-able :(a) The date of invalidment from service. (b) The date on which he sustained the wound or Injury, or was first removed from duly on account of his disablement. (c) if he rendered further service and during and as a result of such service, suffered aggravation of his disability , the date of the later removal from duty on account of the disability. Note: In no case shall the service element be assessed on a rank lower that of a Captain. Constant Attendance Allowance 308. The constant attendance allowance will be admissible at the same rates and under the same conditions as applicable to permanent regular commissioned officer. Family pensionary awards 309. Special family pension and death gratuity to the widow and dependants pension to parents, brothers and sisters of an officer, will be paid at the same rates and subject to the same general conditions as are applicable to permanent regular commissioned officers, provided the cause of death is attributable to or aggravated by the officers commissioned service. Similarly, in case of death of an officer under the circumstances mentioned in category D and E of Para 80 above, the eligible member of the family shall be entitled to the Liberalised Family Pension as admissible to permanent regular Commissioned officers. Ordinary family pension will be admissible under the provisions of A.I. 2/S/64(substituted with A.I.51/80) if the death is held as neither attributable to nor aggravated by military service. 310. The procedure for grant of pensionary awards, as stated above, shall be the same as for permanent regular commissioned officers.
CHAPTER-XI PRODURE FOR COURT CASES, PARLIAMENT QUESTION, DEFENCE PENSION ADALAT CASES AND COMPLANTS. Court Cases 311. Legal cases filed by the Armed forces pensioners and their families seeking relief on sanction and/or payment of pension, when received in the Section, should be given highest priority and be processed to its finality as quickly as possible. Court cases, broadly speaking, comprise of the following categories :(i) Legal Notice under Section 80 CPC. (ii) Writ petition. (iii) Court Judgement. (iv) Contempt petition. The AAO/SO (A) in-charge of Group-I of the Section will maintain a Register of Court cases(as per specimen given in GMR-19 appended at Sl. No. 15 of Annexure B with separate folios for the above types of court cases. The procedure explained in the succeeding paragraphs will be followed in dealing with the above nature of cases. The legal notices are being dealt with by operative Legal Noticesgroups of the Section. On receipt of legal notice under Section 80, Cr. P.C., it will be entered in the Register opened for the purpose as per proforma given in GMR-20 appended at Sl. No. 16 of Annexure B) and then passed on to the concerned operative group of the Section for necessary action. It will be the personal responsibility of AAO/SO(A) in-charge of group concerned to ensure that a reply is promptly sent to the Advocate duly approved by the Group Officer under intimation to Legal Cell. When a final reply is sent, it should be comprehensive but at the same time, self contained, precise and supported by the relevant rules/Government Orders. The AAO/SO(A) -in-charge of Group I will monitor the case daily by personal contacts and complete the Register of court cases relating to legal notice as soon as the reply is sent to the Advocate concerned.
316. Writ Petitions - On receipt of a Writ Petition it will be centrally entered in the Register of Court cases maintained by the Group-I of the Section and passed on to the concerned operative group immediately. 317. It will be seen whether there is any indication of earlier legal notice in the writ petitions. If so, the same will be cross-linked. The points raised in the writ petition will be examined carefully and comments thereon will be prepared by the concerned operative group duly supported by relevant rules/Government Orders, where required. The comments duly approved by the SAO/AO in-charge of the dealing group and seen by the Group officer will be forwarded to officer-in-charge, Legal cell. Legal Cell in turn will prepare parawise comments and forward to Legal Cell of Headquarter Office/Sub Area made responsible to defend the case. Legal Cell of the concerned Headquarter/Sub Area will then submit it to the Standing Government Counsel after incorporating any other relevant points, if any, for filing counter affidavit in the concerned Court.
318. The operative group while forwarding comments to officer-in-charge, Legal Cell will also endorse a copy to Group I for completion of the Register of Court cases. 319. Court Judgement - All the court judgement will be received centrally in Group-I of the Section. Where these will be entered in the Register of Court cases, cross linked with the writ petition and legal notice, if any already entered in the Register and passed on to the dealing group for implementation of the judgement. 320. A photo copy of the judgement will be passed on to the Technical; group of the Section to examine whether the judgement is going to affect the individual case alone or is likely to embrace all the person either retired or serving in general. If the judgement is likely to affect all the effective or retired personnel, the matter will be brought to the notice of CDA/PCDA (P). 321. The AAO/SO(A) of dealing Group-I will personally show the judgement to the Group officer/SAO/AO concerned who will call for the Auditor/SO(A/AAO and explain to them the operative part of the judgement and urgency of the case. He will immediately arrange to notify the award where the Government sanction is not required otherwise immediate action to be taken to obtain Government sanction or file SLP/LPA as the case warrants. This may be persued till finality of the case to avoid contempt. 322. In cases where the Court judgement, can not be implemented within the time stipulated by the Court for any reason such as non receipt of pension claim, etc., the case will be shown to the JCDA/CDA and the matter will be reported to higher authority/Legal Cell/defending unit/formation to file an application for extension of time for implementation of the judgement. 323. Contempt Petitions -Necessary action for entering the contempt petitions in the Register of Court cases will be taken centrally by Group -I of the Section as in other writ cases. The contempt petition will be cross linked with the court judgement and passed onto the dealing group.
324. On receipt of the contempt petition, the following action will be taken by the dealing group : (i) In case the Court judgement has already been implemented, a reply to this effect may be sent to Government Counsel alongwith parawise comments through Legal Cell during the course of the day for preparation and filing of counter affidavit. In cases the court judgement is not implemented due to some reasons, expeditions action will be taken to get the extension of time through the Legal Cell, to implement the court judgement. The dealing group will prepare and send the parawise comments duly seen and approved by Group Officer within the course of the day to Legal Cell to facilitate preparation of draft counter affidavit.
Note: Action taken on all contempt of court cases should be shown invariably to JCDA/CDA/(PCDA). 325. Government Sanction - All Government sanction received pursuant to Court judgement will be centrally received by Group-I of the Section and entered in the Register or Court cases.
The Group-I will pass on the Government sanction in original to the dealing group. A photocopy of the sanction will also be passed on simultaneously to the Technical group for study and necessary action, if any. 326. The Group officer will personally be responsible to ensure that the pensionary award s sanctioned by the Government are notified immediately and the parties concerned are informed. After notification of the award, the Register of Court cases will be completed by the Group I. The register of court cases should be submitted monthly to Group officer. Parliament Question 328. The Parliament questions asked by the Honble Member of Parliament are to be answered by the Minister concerned by a firm date. It is therefore to be ensured by the Group Officer that the reply to Parliament questions are prepared on the same day on which the questions are received. The reply to the questions should be precise, definite, self-contained, to the point and supported by the relevant rules and Government orders. Any material found superfluous in the reply should be dropped. The relevant details may, however, be given in the supplementary to the reply. The answer should be based on the ground and real position after proper verification, checking, counting, etc. irrespective of the time available for reply. Note: The draft reply to the Parliament questions must be shown to the CDA/PCDA(P) before issue. 329. The Parliament questions are of two categories i.e. starred and un-starred. The details of these categories are as under :(i) Starred Question - These questions are to be answered orally by the Minister concerned on the floor of the House either in the Rajya Sabha or in the Lok Sabha. Answers to the starred questions may be followed by Supplementary question by the Members. Starred questions are so called from the fact that they are always distinguished by an asterisk in the list of finally admitted questions. Hence reply must always be supported by supplementary material so that any question linked to starred questions asked by the Honble MP may be answered by the Minister on the spot. An unstarred question does not carry Unstarred Question any asterik. Answer to such question is not given orally but in written form. Consequently, no supplementary is asked thereon. Short Notice Question- A short notice question is one which relates to a matter of urgent public importance and can be asked with notice shorter than the normal period prescribed for an ordinary question.
Defence Pension Adalat 330. The Defence Pension Adalat are a part of annual action plan of the Ministry of Defence and are held periodically each year in the different part of the country for redressal of grievances of Defence Pensioner. Settlement of pension adalat cases received either before holding adalat or after conclusion of the adalat, will be monitored centrally by the
pension adalat cell of PCDA (P). The progress of these cases when received in the Section is watched centrally by Officer in-Charge, Group-I of the Section. 331. Under existing orders, the complaint of a pensioner should be disposed of with in 48 hours of its receipt in the Section. Pension Adalat cases should be given highest priority and all out efforts should be made to settle the grievances of the concerned pensioner by examining the records available in this office or after calling the requisite details/documents from AHQ/CDA (O)/PDAs. The disposal of all pension adalat cases should be addressed to the pensioner with a copy to the Officer-in-Charge, Pension Adalat Cell where the complaint is marked as settled. In other cases, the pensioner will be informed of the action taken at all stages. All 332. Complaints received from Ministries, CGDA/VVIPs complaints received from various Ministries, CGDA office and VVIPs should be entered in a separate register to be maintained by Group-I of the Section. Thereafter, the complaints should be passed on to the concerned officer-in-charge of the operative group. The officer-in-charge personally call for all relevant documents and examine the case and furnish reply to the Cancerned parties after seen and approved by the Group Officer with in three days. The officer-in-charge of the group concerned shall invariably in form to officer-in-charge, AN-III Section by endorsing a copy of the reply.
CHAPTER-XII GRANT OF RELIEF TO PENSIONERS/FAMILY PENSIONERS GENERAL 333. Prior to 1.01.1973 i.e. the date of implementation of a Govt. order on the recommendation of III CPC, there was no regular scheme for compensating pensioners for erosion in the real value of pensions due to increase in prices. During that period, the price rise was considered to be temporary phenomenon as the prices were expected to stabilize. Accordingly, the Govt. sanctioned compensation mainly to low paid pensioners in the form of temporary relief, who were likely to be more affected by the price rise. The issue relating to protection of pension on account of possible increase in the cost of living was for the first time examined by the III CPC with a view to having proper pension structure for pensioners. Pursuant to Govt. decision on the recommendation of III CPC, all the future pensioners (irrespective of the fact that they were low paid or highly paid) were given relief wef 1.08.1973 appropriate to their pension at the rate of 5% of their pension subject to a minimum of Rs. 5 and a maximum of Rs 25/- pm for every 16 point rise in the 12 monthly average of the All India Working Class Consumer Price Index (1960-100). This scheme was modified with effect from 1.12.1980 when Government decided to give graded relief to pensioners for every 8 point increase in index average @ 2.5% of pension subject to a minimum of Rs. 2.50 and a maximum of Rs. 12.50 pm. It has also been decided that with effect from 1.02.1981 the monthly rate of aggregate relief payable in a case will be expressed in whole rupees. For this purpose the fraction of a rupee will be rounded off to the next higher rupee. But still there remained no correlation between the DA admissible to serving employees and the scheme of Dearness Relief to pensioners. The fourth CPC rationalized the scheme of Dearness Relief to pensioners and related the same to the scheme of DA to serving employees. It recommended adoption of slabs for regulating DR to pensioners at 50% of the slabs prescribed for regulating DA to serving employees and calculation of DA/DR at the same percentage. As recommended by the IV CPC the DR is payable twice a year as on 1st January and 1st July. The recommendations were implemented by the Govt. w.e.f 1.07.1986. Since the DR admissible to pensioners was at 50% of slab prescribed for regulating DA to serving employees, the concept of cent percent neutralization against the increase in prices could not be achieved. This concept was however, recommended by the V CPC and has also been accepted by the Govt. to sanction DR to pensioners at a uniform rate as admissible to serving employees w.e.f 1.07.1996. RATES OF T.I/AHI/AHR/RELIEF AND DEARNESS RELIEF 334. The rates of T.I/AHI/AHR/Relief and Dearness Relief admissible to the pensioners as sanctioned by the Govt. from time to time are indicated in succeeding Paras. Temporary Increase With Effect From 1.11.1943 Vide Army Instruction No. 15/44
Amount of Pension Pension not exceeding Rs 20/- p.m. Pension exceeding 20/- but not Amount of T.I Rs 3/- p.m. Rs 4/- p.m.
exceeding Rs. 40/- p.m. For pension exceeding Rs. 40/- pm but not exceeding Rs. 44/- p.m. An amount which will bring the pension upto Rs. 44/- p.m.
Note: 1 These increases will have effect from 1st November, 1943 i.e. on the pension due in December, 1943, and will be in operation for one year. Note: 2. Childrens allowances are regarded as part of family pension and do not sperately earn any increases under the above scale. Note:3. These increases will not apply in cases of service pensioners reemployed during the emergency for so long as they remain reemployed. 335. Temporary Increase With Effect From 1.1.1945 Vide Army Instruction 541/45
Amount of Pension Pension not exceeding Rs 20/- p.m. Pension exceeding 20/- but not exceeding Rs. 60/- p.m. For pension exceeding Rs. 60/- p.m. but not exceeding Rs. 100/- p.m. Pension exceeding Rs. 100/- but not exceeding Rs. 106/- p.m. Amount of T.I Rs 4/- p.m. Rs 5/- p.m. Rs 6/- p.m. An amount which will bring the pension upto Rs. 106/- p.m.
These revised rates of temporary increases will be subject to general conditions laid down in A.I.(I) Nos. 15 and 369 of 1944 and 421 of 1945 and any other instructions issued on the subject. Temporary Increase With Effect From 1.04.1958 Vide Army Instruction 6/S/60 336. W.e.f. 1.04.1958, the existing rates of temporary increase in pension admissible under Para 3 of Army Instruction No. 172 of 1945 and the Army Instruction No. 66 of 1957 to pensioners of the Indian Army (including those of DSC) will be enhanced as under:Amount of Pension Pension not exceeding Rs 50/p.m. Pension exceeding 50/- but not exceeding Rs. 100/- p.m. Pension above Rs 100/- p.m. Amount of T.I Rs 10/- p.m. Rs 12.50/- p.m. Such T.I as will bring the total pension to Rs. 112.50/- p.m.
The temporary increase in pension as revised under this Instruction will continue to be regulated in accordance with the detailed provisions as amended from time to time, of the Army Instruction quoted in paragraph1 above. Ad-hoc Increase With Effect from 1.10.1963 and revised w.e.f. 1.09.69 Vide Army Instruction Nos. 19/S/63 and 4/S/69 337. Ad-hoc Increase in pensions (service, disability and family/dependants pensions including allowances for children) to the pensioners of the Indian Army (including DSC) will be allowed at the following rates:
Amount of pension Pension up to Rs. 30/- p.m. Pension above Rs. 30 but not above Rs. 75/- p.m. Pension above Rs. 75 but w.e.f. 1.10.63 rate of adhoc increase in pension Rs. 5/- p.m. Rs. 7.50/- p.m. Rs. 10/- p.m. w.e.f.1.09.69 rate of ad-hoc increase in pension Rs. 15/- p.m. Rs. 17.5/- p.m. Rs. 20/- p.m.
not above Rs. 200/- p.m. Pension above Rs. 200/p.m. Such ad-hoc increase as will bring the total pension to Rs. 210/p.m. Such ad-hoc increase as will bring the total pension to Rs. 220/- p.m.
All other orders in force in regard to temporary increases in pensions will apply mutatis mutandis to these ad-hoc increase also. Ad-hoc Relief to pre-73 Retirees with effect from 1.1.73 338. Government of India have decided to grant ad-hoc relief and relief to all categories of Armed Forces pensioners excluding pensioners in receipt of ordinary or special family pension who retired prior to 1.1.73, at the rates mentioned below w.e.f. 1.1.73 vide Rs. Rs. Letter No.F.11(I)/74/ D (Pension/Services dated 9.5.1974.
Pension range Below Rs. 85/Rs. 85 and above but below Rs. 209 Rs. 210 and above but below Rs. 499 Rs. 500 and above Amount of Ad-hoc relief in pension Rs. 15/- p.m. Rs. 21/- p.m. Rs. 25/- p.m. Rs. 35/- p.m.
Note: The term original pension does not include either the ad-hoc increase, if any granted prior to 1.1.73 or the pension equivalent of DCRG but includes the commuted portion of pension if any. The above orders will not apply to pensioners whose pension has been determined ad-hoc such as political pension, special pension, war risk pension, etc. and the pensioners who were in re-employment on 1.1.73. Ad-hoc Relief and Relief to family pensioners w.e.f 1.10.1975 (i) Government of India have decided to grant Ad-hoc Relief/Relief to 339. the families of Armed Forces personnel (including Ex State Forces pensioners and pensioners who migrated from Pakistan up to 25th March, 1971), who are in receipt of ordinary family pension, special family pension and dependents pension including children allowance, a relief to the extent of 25% of pension drawn from time to time, subject to a minimum of Rs. 25/- and a maximum of Rs. 125/- pm wef 1.10.75 on an ad-hoc basis. (ii) In addition to the relief mentioned in Sub Para (i) above the President is pleased to grant to such of these pensioners who are in receipt of pension from a date prior to 1st January, 1973 an ad-hoc relief at the following rates w.e.f 1.10.1975.
Family Pension Range (Based on Amount of Ah-hoc relief in pension original pension or Rs. 40/- p.m. where the original pension is less than Rs. 40/- p.m. Below Rs. 85/Rs. 15/- p.m. Rs. 85 and above but below Rs. 210 Rs. 21/- p.m. Rs. 210 and above but below Rs. 500 Rs. 25/- p.m. Rs. 500 and above Rs. 35/- p.m. (iii) The term original pension for the purpose of calculation of ad-hoc relief in Para 2 does not include the temporary/ad-hoc increase in pension admissible prior to 1.1.1973. (iv) The quantum of relief in Sub Para (i) above will be calculated on the total of the elements mentioned below
(a) Original pension as mentioned in Sub Para (iii) above. (b) Temporary/Ad-hoc increase in pension where admissible prior to 1.1.1973. (c) Ad-hoc relief as mentioned in Sub Para (ii) above. (v) In the case of families who have been sanctioned Authy: Rs. of India, Ministry of Defence letter No. 11(1)/74/D(Pen-C) dated 27.04.1976 Ad-hoc Ex-gratia 340. Government have decided to grant on a purely ad-hoc and ex-gratia basis, payments at the monthly rates to the Armed Forces Pensioners who retired prior to 10.9.1970 and also those who retired on or after 10.9.1970 but before 1.1.1973, w.e.f. 1.9.1984 at the rates indicated below and no arrears are payable prior to this date.
Amount of ahoc-exgratia Pensioners who Pensioners who retired on or retired before after 10.09.1970 but before 10.09.1970 1.1.1973 Rs. 35/- p.m. Rs. 25/- p.m.
Non-regular officers granted EC/SSC from the ranks of the Army 2nd Lt. and Lt. Captain Major Lt. Col.(TS) Lt. Col. (Selective) Colonel Brigadier MNS officers
Note 1. The above amounts of ad-hoc ex-gratia are in addition to pension/relief as due under extant orders. Note 2. These will not be reckoned as pension for any purpose such as relief on pension or for calculation of minimum pension under the extant orders. Graded Relief W.E.F.1.8.1973 Graded Relief is admissible to all them existing pensioners/family pensioners at the rates notified by Government from time to time which are indicated in the chart as under:
Chart For Payment Of Graded Relief On Pension In Respect Of Those Who Retired From Service On Or After 1.1.1973
Period Retired before 30.09.1977 Retired between 30.9.77 & 30.1. 1982 and opted for merger of DA as pay up to average CPI 272. Point for pension/gratuity Retired between 31.1.82 & 30.03.1985 Between 31.03.1985 & 31.12.1985
Max. In Rs 25 50 75 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 288 300 313 325 338 350 363 375 388 400 413 425 429 450 463 475 488 500 513 525 538 550 563 575 588 600 613 625 638 650 663 675
Max. In Rs.
Max. In Rs
Max. In Rs.
1.08.73 1.01.74 1.04.74 1.10.75 1.04.77 1.09.77 1.12.78 1.11.79 1.05.80 1.09.80 1.12.80 1.2.81 1.4.81 1.6.81 1.8.81 1.10.81 1.11.81 1.2.82 1.4.82 1.6.82 1.9.82 1.12.82 1.3.83 1.5.83 1.7.83 1.8.83 1.10.83 1.11.83 1.1.84 1.2.84 1.4.84 1.6.84 1.8.84 1.11.84 1.1.85 1.5.85 1.8.85 1.11.85 1.01.86 1.4.86 1.6.86 1.7.86
31.12.73 31.03.74 30.09.75 31.03.77 31.08.77 30.11.78 31.10.79 30.04.80 31.08.80 30.11.80 31.1.81 31.03.81 31.5.81 31.7.81 30.9.81 31.10.81 31.1.82 31.3.82 31.5.82 31.8.82 30.11.82 28.2.83 30.4.83 30.6.83 31.7.83 30.9.83 31.10.83 31.12.83 31.1.84 31.3.84 31.5.84 31.7.84 31.10.84 31.12.84 30.4.85 31.7.85 31.1085 31.12.85 31.3.86 31.5.86 31.6.86 ******
5 10 15 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 57.5 60 62.5 65 67.5 70 72.5 75 77.5 80 82.5 85 87.5 90 92.5 95 97.5 100 102.5 105 107.5 110 112.5 115 117.5 120 122.5 125 127.5 130 132.5 135
15 20 25 30 35 37.5 40 42.5 45 47.5 50 52.5 55 57.5 60 62.5 65 67.5 70 72.5 75 77.5 80 82.5 85 87.5 90 92.5 95 97.5 100 0.5 105 107.5 110 112 115
75 100 125 150 175 188 200 213 225 238 250 263 275 288 300 313 325 338 350 363 375 388 400 413 425 438 450 463 475 488 500 513 525 538 550 563 575
40 42.5 45 47.5 50 52.5 55 57.5 60 62.5 65 67.5 70 72.5 75 77.5 80 82.5 85 87.5 90 92.5 95 97.5 100
200 213 225 238 250 263 275 288 300 313 325 338 350 363 375 388 400 413 425 438 450 463 475 488 500
13 25 38 50 63 75 88 100
Dearness Relief to pensioners/family pensioners w.e.f. 1.07.1986 In pursuance of Government decisions on the recommendation of the 342. Fourth Central Pay Commission, the president is pleased to decide that dearness relief shall be paid to Central Govt. pensioners and family pensioners to compensate them for rise in cost of living beyond average
CPI 608 at the following rates: Rates of Dearness Relief
Date 01.07.86 01.01.87 01.07.87 01.01.88 01.07.88 01.01.89 01.07.89 01.01.90 01.07.90 01.01.91 01.07.91 01.01.92 01.07.92 01.01.93 01.07.93 01.01.94 01.07.94 01.01.95 01.07.95 01.01.96 01.07.96 01.01.97 Pension up to 1750 4% 8% 13% 18% 23% 29% 34% 38% 43% 51% 60% 71% 83% 92% 97% 104% 114% 125% 136% 148% 159% 170% 1751 to 3000 3% 6% 9% 13% 17% 22% 25% 28% 32% 38% 45% 53% 62% 69% 73% 78% 85% 94% 102% 111% 119% 128% Subject to min. In Rs. 70 140 228 315 403 508 595 665 753 893 1050 1243 1453 1610 1698 1820 1995 2188 2380 2590 2783 2975 Exceeding Rs. 3000/2% 5% 8% 11% 15% 19% 22% 25% 28% 33% 39% 46% 54% 59% 63% 67% 74% 81% 88% 96% 103% 110% Subject to min. In Rs. 90 180 270 391 510 660 750 840 960 1140 1350 1590 1860 2017 2190 2340 2550 2820 3060 3330 3570 3840
Dearness Relief to Pensioners/Family Pensioners w.e.f 1.07.1996 343. Dearness relief is payable in pursuance of Govt decision on the recommendations of V CPC to Central Govt. pensioners/family pensioners to compensate them for the rise in the cost of living beyond average consumer price Index 306.33(as on 1.01.1996, as against average CPI 1510) with effect from 1.07.1996 and thereafter as sanctioned by the Government from time to time at the uniform rate as indicated below:-
Rates Of Dearness Relief
Period 1.07.1996 1.01.1997 1.07.1997 1.01.1998 1.07.1998 1.01.1999 1.07.1999 1.01.2000 1.07.2000 1.01.2001 1.07.2001 1.01.2002 1.07.2002 1.01.2003 1.07.2003 1.01.2004 1.04.2004 1.07.2004 1.01.2005 1.07.2005 to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to 31.12.1996 30.06.1997 31.12.1997 30.06.1998 31.12.1998 30.06.1999 31.12.1999 30.06.2000 31.12.2000 30.06.2001 31.12.2001 30.06.2002 31.12.2002 30.06.2003 31.12.2003 31.03.2004 30.06.2004 31.12.2004 30.06.2005 31.12.2005 Rate of D.R per month. 04% 08% 13% 16% 22% 32% 37% 38% 41% 43% 45% 49% 52% 55% 59% 61% 11% 14% 17% 21%
For the purpose of payment of dearness relief 344. Pension/family pension in the case of pre-1.01.1996, retirees and where family pension was sanctioned prior to 1.01.1996, means the consolidated pension or consolidated family pension as the case may be, effective from 1.01.1996, in terms of Govt. of India Ministry of Defence letter No. 1(2)/97/D(Pen/Ser) dt. 24-11-97 Report Returns Registers and Forms 345. Reports and Returns rendered by this Section which are peculiar to this Section are shown in Annexure-A. 346. The registers maintained in this Section which are peculiar to this office and their fly leaf instructions are shown in Annexure-B. 347. Specimen copies of forms, LPC-Cum-data sheets, PPO formats and Miscellaneous Application forms used in this Section are published in Annexure-C. 348. A few illustrations indicating calculations of the various pensionary awards are published in Annexure-D.
LIST OF APPENDICES Sl. No 1. 2. Subject List of Code Heads of CsDA Procedure for submission of retiring pension claim and instructions for completion of LPC-cum-data sheet Rates of retiring pension prior to 1.1.86 Maximum amount of retirement gratuity from time to time Rate of interest for delayed payment of Gratuity Instructions for completion of data sheet for disability element Rates of disability element prior to 1.1.96 Instructions for completion of data sheet for family pension Rates of ordinary family pension prior to 1.1.1996 Rates of special family pension prior to 1.1.1996 Conditions governing the payment to exgratia lump sum compensation Rates of monetary allowance attached to Post-Independence gallantry decorations. Commutation Table List of erstwhile State Force merged in to Indian Army List of authorised Public Sector Banks for disbursement of Defence Pensions Evolution of pensionary structureCommissioned Officers Relevant Para 19 35 Page No. 113 114
130 135 136 137 140 141 148 149 151 155 157 158 163 167
Appendix-I ( See Para-19) Codes For Operating Punching Medium Originating And Responding Code Heads Of Cs.D.A.
Sl. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27 28. 29. Name of the CsDA C.D.A., PATNA P.C.D.A(P),ALLAHABAD C.D.A.(O), PUNE C.D.A.(ARMY), MEERUT P.C.D.A.(SC),PUNE C.D.A.(ORs),SOUTH BANGALORE P.C.D.A.(WC) CHANDIGARH P.C.A.(FY) KOLKATA C.D.A.,(AF),DEHRADUN C.D.A.(NAVY),MUMBAI Jt.C.D.A.(FUNDs),MEERUT C.D.A.(ORs), NORTH MEERUT P.C.D.A.(NC), JAMMU ZONAL OFFICE(DPD) CHENNAI C.D.A.(CSD),MUMBAI P.C.D.A.(HQrs.) NEW DELHI C.D.A.(ORs) CENTRAL NAGPUR C.D.A., CHENNAI C.D.A.(RandD), NEW DELHI C.D.A.(PD) MEERUT C.D.A.,GUWAHATI P.C.D.A.(CC) LUCKNOW C.D.A.(BR) NEW DELHI C.D.A.(R&D), BANGALORE C.D.A.,SECUNDRABAD C.D.A. JABALPUR C.D.A.(AF), NEW DELHI C.D.A., HYDERABAD. C.G.D.A. New Delhi CDA Code No 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Originating DEA Heads 0/070/21 0/071/21 0/072/21 0/073/21 0/074/21 0/075/21 0/076/21 0/077/21 0/078/21 0/079/21 0/080/21 0/081/21 0/082/21 0/083/21 0/085/21 0/086/21 0/087/21 0/088/21 0/089/21 0/090/21 0/091/21 0/092/21 0/093/21 0/093/31 0/093/41 0/093/51 0/093/61 0/093/71 Responding DEA Heads. 0/070/22 0/071/22 0/072/22 0/073/22 0/074/22 0/075/22 0/076/22 0/077/22 0/078/22 0/079/22 0/080/22 0/081/22 0/082/22 0/083/22 0/085/22 0/086/22 0/087/22 0/088/22 0/089/22 0/090/22 0/091/22 0/092/22 0/093/22 0/093/32 0/093/42 0/093/52 0/093/62 0/093/72
DIDs No.
CDA 00 Section 0000 Class of Vrs. 0 Year No. 0000 Month 00 Year 00
Appendix-2 ( See Para-35) Procedure for submission of retiring pension claim and instruction for completion of LPC Cum data sheet. 1. General Pension Payment Orders in respect of commissioned officers of the Army retired or retiring on or after 30.06.1990 is being generated on computer based on LPC-CUM -Data Sheet. For this purpose, CDA(O) , Pune will be nodal agency for consolidating pension documents after obtaining the same from various agencies. As per the existing procedure laid down in the AHQ letter No. B/42110/AG/PS-4(C) dt. 31-01-90 as amended vide their letter No. B/39010/AG/PS 4 (c) dt. 11-08-95, the order of retirement of Army officers is required to be issued at least 10 months in advance of their retirement. Thereafter, Org. 3&9/MPRS(O) of AGs Branch of Army HQrs are required to send an advisory letter to the officer for compliance of various requirements for grant of their pensionary benefits. The concerned agencies, viz the officers, A. HQrs. Units/Formation are required to send the requisite documents to the CDA(O) Pune at least four months ahead of the date of retirement. The CDA(O) after consolidating the related documents is required to send them to PCDA(P) Allahabad along with the LPC_Cum-data sheet two months ahead of the date of retirement. The PCDA(P), Allahabad , after finalizing the claim is required to issue PPOs to respective Link Branches of Public Sector Banks/other PDAs, one month in advance of the date of retirement. Thereafter, the link branches take some time for carrying out the prescribed checks/entrees in their documents before sending the PPOs to the paying branches for payment of pension who also have to complete some formalities. As a result of all this, it is likely that some retiring officers may not get the DCRG/Commutation on the date following retirement as prescribed. 2. Now the procedure/time frame has been revised in consultation with various agencies involved viz AG/Org-3/MRS(O), MS Branch, CGDA, CDA(O), Pune and PCDA(P), Allahabad and is outlined in succeeding paragraphs and will be followed with immediate effect:I. Action By MS Branch/DGAFMS Officer proceeding on retirement on superannuation: The retirement orders will be issued at least 10 months in advance of retirement. Four copies will be endorsed to CDA(O) Archives Section, Pune for initiating action on pension. The Retirement Order will also incorporate a DV certificate whether any disciplinary /judicial /vigilance proceeding are pending against the officer or otherwise. II. Officer proceeding on premature retirement/resignation. (a) The premature retirement/resignation orders will include a certificate that there are no disciplinary/judicial/vigilance proceedings pending against the officer. The effective date of retirement will be intimated to CDA(O) Archives Section, Pune immediately on receipt of Part-II order from the last unit of the officer.
Discipline/Endorsement of Certificate with Retirement/premature Retirement/Resignation Applications Following action will be taken by the concerned Unit/Formation /Headquarters whenever disciplinary or administrative action is contemplated against officers, who are due to retire Prematurely or on superannuation or resignation. Officers who have applied for premature retirement/resignation: The Commanding Officer will indicate in Part-V of the Application, if any disciplinary/administrative action including investigation by CBI is in progress or contemplated against the officer or he is involved in any inquiry wherein his character and military reputations likely to be affected Formation commanders in chain will also check before endorsing their recommendations on such application from officers that there is no such case against them. In case the officer is involved subsequently in any of the above cases after forwarding the application, MS Branch(MS7/MSX) DGAFMS, (for Medical officers) and AGs Branch(DV2) will be informed immediately through and OP immediate signal by the Unit or Formation of the officer concerned of the details of the disciplinary/administrative action contemplated or Inquiry ordered which is likely to affect the date of premature retirement/resignation of the concerned officer. Officers due for Superannuation: Since Retirement Orders are issued well in advance, any disciplinary /administrative action contemplated or in progress will be intimated by the Commanding Officer to Army Headquarters immediately. The information must reach the MS Branch (MS7/MSX), DGAFMS (FOR medical officers) AGs Branch (DV2 and PS4C), CDA(O) and PCDA(P) through staff channels at the earliest, if need be, by OP immediate signal and well before the due date of retirement. The Commanding Officer will invoke Army Act Section 123, when so warranted to progress disciplinary action against the concerned officers. However, the officers retirement on superannuation will not be held up on this count. This is to ensure that timely action to authorise payment of provisional pension can be initiated also to ensure that such officers do not draw benefits of commutation and retirement gratuity, which they are not entitled to, Dte and the Unit/Formation concerned will inform MS Branch, AGPS4(C), CDA(O) and PCDA (P) Allahabad if any disciplinary/administrative/CBI or any other Inquiry case surfaces subsequently. Immediate communication of the officers involvement in the disciplinary/judicial proceedings by unit/formation concerned needs to be emphasized again and again, so that no lapse occurs in this regard. In case of any default the responsibility for the same should be pin pointed and the action initiated for making good the loss incurred by the Government. Action by AG MP-5/MPRS(O) On receipt of retirement orders from MS Branch, MP-5/MPRS(O) of AGs Branch, Army Hqrs. are required to send a brochure on terminal benefits to retiring officers and their families along with an advisory letter to the officer for compliance of various requirements for grant of their pensionary benefits. ( The detailed information on benefits along with forms/documents to be used by the officer have been given in the brochure).
5. The following documents will be sent to reach CDA(O), Archive Section, Pune six months in advance of the date of retirement of an officer:(a) (b) Complete details of service including pre-commission service, if any. Particulars of members of the family along with the date of marriage of the officer and date of birth of wife and children as noted in the records. Action by the Units/DDMS(Command) In case of officers in Medical Category Shape-I:
In accordance with the provisions of AO 3/89, a release medical examination (AFMSF-18) in respect of personnel in medical category shape-I will be held 8 months in advance of retirement. Since AFMSF-18 does not require approval of ADMS concerned, this will be disposed of directly by OC unit of the individual. Two copies of the medical examination report will be sent to CDA (O), Archives Section, Pune six months (instead of four moths as at present) in advance on the retirement of the individual for authorization of commutation of pension/ distribution of the remainder copies of the AFMSF-18 will be as per AO 3/89.) (B) In case of officer proceeding on release in low medical classification (other than Invalidment) : The Release Medical Board proceedings (AFMSF-16,18 And 81) will be forwarded to the respective DDMS(Command) for confirmation after its approval by ADMS/DDMS of the Area/Div/Corps as the case may be. After its confirmation DDMS command will send two approved copies of Release Medical Board Proceedings to Archives Section CDA (O) Pune in respect of every officer (including AMC/AD Corps/MNS Officers). With the revised provisions to hold the Release Medical Board eight months in advance it should be ensured by all concerned that one copy of RMB proceedings along with annotation regarding longevity for the specific purpose of Commuted value of pension will be sent to CDA (O) Pune as soon as the RMB is held. These may be unapproved copies. Subsequently the final approved RMB proceedings will be sent to Archive Section CDA (O) Pune, at least four months in advance. (Distribution of the remainder copies of the AFMSF-16, 18 AND 81 will be as per AO 3/89). (C) SOS Part II Order of the officer to be issued after the date of SOS from the Army ServiceThe Part-II order will include his permanent address where officer intends settling down, correspondence address if any and details of leave accumulated. Copies of Part-II order be forwarded to all concerned including, Army HQ (MS Branch), CDA(O), Pune and PCDA(P), Allahabad. Action to be taken by the Retiring Officer: The following documents/information will be sent by the retiring officer to reach CDA (O), Archives Section, Pune at least six months in advance of his retirement:(a) two copies of joint photographs with spouse duly attested. (b) information regarding particulars of pension disbursing officer viz. name of the Public Sector Bank, address of the Bank and account number from where the officer wishes to draw his pension..
(c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) details of pre-commissioned service, if any, declaration for grant of Provisional Pension/Commutation. application for commutation. permanent address after retirement. address for correspondence, if any. duly attested signatures or thumb impression of spouse (in duplicate) along with additional marks of identification in the form of a Descriptive Roll.
On receipt of required documents/information from various agencies as mentioned above, CDA (O), Pune will consolidate pension documents on the LPC -Cum-Data Sheet and forward the claim to PCDA (P), Allahabad four months in advance of the retirement of the officer. PCDA (P) in turn will notify pensionary awards at least two months in advance of the retirement of the officer and intimate to the officer, CDA (O), MP-5, MPRSO, AG/PS-4(C). Instructions for Filling of LPC-Cum-Data Sheet(O) The LPC-Cum-Data Sheet(O) consists of 60 columns, which are required to be completed by the CDA(O) in accordance with the instructions given in the following paragraphs. The data sheet may be filled up neatly and accurately in block letters. Only one alphabet, numeric or special characters, as the case may be should be filled in one box. Cuttings and alternations may be avoided. However if such cutting/alterations become unavoidable, it may be properly attested by the Accounts Officer.
The data filled in the data sheet may be one of the following categories: Alphabetic Data: Alphabetic data consist of alphabets A to Z. for instance name of the pensioner, name of the spouse, nationality, bank/sub treasury code, state code etc. the alphabetic data may be filled in from the left side to the right side of the relevant column. In case the number of boxes are more than the alphabets to be filled in the remaining boxes on the right side will be left blank. Numeric Data The numeric data consist of numbers from 0 to 9. For instance various dates, codes, pay particulars and demands etc. The numeric data may be filled in from right side to the left side of the column. In case, any boxes in the left side are found unused, the same may be filled with zeros. Following columns of the data sheet may be completed with numeric data. Columns 1,3,8,9,11,12,13,19,20,23,26,27,35,37 to 54, 58 to 60. All the dates for example date of birth, date of commission, date of retirement etc. may be filled in the format given below. Y Y M M D D Where YY denotes year MM denotes month DD denotes date/days Example : If the date of birth of the officer is 5.1.52. the same will be filed in as follows:
5 2 0 1 0 5 Columns provided for amounts of pay, demand etc. may be filled in whole rupees. Example: If RDR demand of Rupees 4,473/- is outstanding against the officer, the column 58 of the data sheet may be filled in as under 0 0 4 4 7 3 Alphanumeric Data The alphanumeric data are mixed data consisting of a combination of alphabets, numerals and special characters. Alphanumeric data should be filled in from the left side of the column to the right side. Alphanumeric data may be filled in the following columns. Column 57 11. Column wise instructions for filling up of LPC-Cum- data sheet(O) for commissioned officers
Column 1 (Rank last held) This column may be filled with reference to codes as given in Annexure-I of this Appendix for various ranks held by commissioned officers. Rank should be verified from the retirement order, full pay, commissioned service certificate. Example : If the rank last held by the officer is Brigadier, the entry in column 1 will be as under 0 8 Column 2 (Personal Number) This column may indicate the Army No. of the officer as per Army list/Retirement order. While completing this column, left most three boxes may be filled with prefix of Army number, next five boxes may be filled with Army number and right most one box for the check digit. Example: 1 If the personal number of the officer is IC05743L, column 2 will be filled as follows I C 05743L_Example: 2. If the personal number of the officer is NTRI 5723K the same will be filled as NTR15723K_ Column 3 (Corps of Officer) The relevant code for Corps of the officer may be filled as per AnnexureII of this Appendix. This may be ascertained from retirement Order. Example: If an officer belongs to corps of signals, the column 3 may be filled as under 03 Column 4 (Nationality) The nationality of the officer may be filled in as under:Indian -I Nepalese -N Bhutanese -B Column 5 (Name) The name of the officer as recorded in the Army list/Retirement order may be filled in this column. One box may be left blank between first,
middle and surname etc. Example :If the name of the officer is Kuldeep Kumar Sharma, it may be filled in as under:K U LDEEPKUMAR SHARMA_ This column has been provided with 35 boxes in exceptional cases, if it is found inadequate, the name should be suitably abbreviated. Column 6 (Sex) Following codes may be used to fill up this column. Male M FemaleF Column 7 (Category) This column may be filled as per codes given below for various categories of officers. CategoryCode Regular commissioned officers S MNS officers M TA Officers T AMC Officers A ADC Officers D RVC Officers R Column 8 (Date of Birth) Date of birth may be filled from Army list. In case the verified date of birth is not available therein, the matriculation certificate may be relied upon for this information. Example:-The date of birth is 5.2.52. it will be filled in as under:5 2 0 2 0 5 Column 9 (Date of Commission) Date on which first commission was granted to the officer may be filled in this column from the Army list. Column 10 (Date of Retirement) This column may be filled from the Retirement order. Column 11 (Former Service) The period of former service, if any, to be counted towards pensionary benefits may be filled in this column. It may be verified from Army list/PCDA(Pensions) certificate. Example: If the officer has a former service of 1 year 3 months and 12 days, the same will be completed as under. 0 1 0 3 1 2 Column 12 (Total Non-qualifying service) Total non-qualifying service, if any, may be filled in this column. It may be verified from the Army list/IRLA/service card. Column 13 (Net Qualifying service) The net qualifying service ie service inclusive of the former service and excluding the non-qualifying service, may be filled in this column. Column 14 (whether late entrant) This may be verified from the Army list/other source of information available in the CDA(O). if the officer is a late entrant in the service, this column may be filled with Y otherwise with N.
If any disciplinary/judicial case is pending against the officer, this column may be filled with Y. If no such case is pending the column may be filled with N. This information may be available in the Retirement order or any separate letter of intimation from A.HQrs/Unit last served. Column 16 (Nature of Retirement) This column may be filled with reference to the retirement order. Following codes maybe used for different categories of retirees. Nature of Retirement Code Superannuation S Voluntary V Invalid I Premature P Column 17 (Pension Recommended Code) Following codes may be used to fill up this column. Pension amount Code Full F Three fourth T Half H Column 18 ( DCRG Recommended Code) Following codes may be used to fill up this column. DCRG Amount Code Full F Three forth T Half H Column 19 (Percentage Commuted) This column may be filled with reference to the percentage of commutation opted by the officer in his commutation application. However, it may be seen that percentage commuted may not exceed 43%. Column 20 (loading in age) Loading an age may be filled in completed years only. This may be verified with reference to Release Medical examination Report/Medical board Report. Column 21 (Married Before Retirement) If the officer got married before the retirement, this column may be filled with Y otherwise N may be indicated. Column 22 (spouse alive) Wife alive or not should be filled as under: If wife is alive-Y. If wife is not alive N If wife is alive and extension of 2 years granted vide Govt. letter dt 13-0598 - E If marriage is under dispute- U If a case of divorce- D If a case of plural marriage- P Column 23 (Spouse year of birth) If the officer married and spouse is alive, the year of birth of spouse may be entered in this column. Column 24 (Nationality of Spouse) The nationality of the spouse may be completed as under. Nationality Code Indian I Nepalese N Bhutanese B Foreigner F
Note:- Column 21 to 25 may be completed from the family details intimated by the AHQrs .Column 25 (Name of spouse) The name of spouse may be filled with reference to family details received from AHQrs. One space may invariably be left blank between first, middle and last portions of the name. Column 26 (PDO Code) In this column, codes given as under, may be filled for different pension disbursing agencies. PDO Code DPDO 1 Post Office 2 Treasury 3 Indian Embassy, Nepal 4 PAO 5 Directorate of Accounts 6 Panaji, Goa. Financel Secretary, Gangtok 7 Political Officer Thimpu 8 Public Sector Banks 9 Column 27 (DPDO code) This column may be completed only if the PDO code in the column 26 is 1 i.e. the officer desires to draw his pension from a D.P.D.O A list of codes for all the DPDOs is given in the Annexure-III of this Appendix. The appropriate code for the DPDO concerned may be ascertained and filled in this column. Example: -If the officer desires to draw his pension from DPDO, Gurgaon, column 27 will be filled as under. 1 8 Column 28 (PDO station) The station from where the officer desires to draw his pension may be entered in this column. However, if he opts to draw his pension from a public sector bank this column should be left blank. Column 29(PDO State Code) Alphabetic codes assigned to various states as per Annexure-IV of this Appendix may be used to fill up this column. Column 30 (Bank/Sub-treasury code) Three digited alphabetic codes assigned to various public sector banks as shown in Annexure-V of this Appendix may be used to fill up this column. Abbreviation of sub-treasury as SUB may filled up in this column, if the individual desires to draw his pension from a subtreasury. Note: A list of Statewise Public Sector Banks is given at Appendix- 15 Column 31 (Link Bank) This column may be filled when the officer opts to draw his pension through a public sector bank otherwise it will be left blank. The corresponding link bank for the paying bank branch at the station may be ascertained from the standard list supplied by RBI, Bombay and indicated in this column. It has to be ensured from the list of link bank branches that the public sector bank is authorised to make disbursement of pension to defence services pensioners at that station.
Column 32 (Bank Accounts Number) The bank account number of the officer in the paying branch may be entered in this column. It should be ensured that it is not a joint account number. Example: If the Account number of the officer is SB/4502. It should be filled as under. S B / 4 5 02_Column 33 (Bank Branch) The name of the branch of the public sector bank at which the officer desires to draw his pension may be indicated in this column. Column 34 (Bank Station) The station where the paying bank branch is located may be entered in this column. Note: Columns 26 to 34 should be completed with reference to the application of the officer intimating mode of payment. If the officer does not opt to draw his pension from a bank, columns 30 t0 34 should be left blank. Column 35 (PDO Pin Code) PDO Pin code may be indicated in this column. Column 36 (CDA(O) A/C Number) This column may be filled with reference to information available in the IRLA/Service card of the officer in the CDA(O). Column 37, 38, 39 (Last Pay details) Basic pay as has been drawn by the officer at the time of retirement may be entered in the column 37. Example :- If an officer was drawing basic pay Rs. 11400/- per month, the same may be entered as under. 11400 If the officer has been drawing Rank Pay. It may be filled in column 38 otherwise all zeros should be filled in this column. Example:If a major was drawing a rank pay Rs. 400/- at the time of retirement, the same may be shown as under:0 4 0 0 If the officer has been drawing Non-Practicing Allowance (NPA), it may be entered in column 39, otherwise all zeros may be filled in this column. The information given in the IRLA of the officer may be relied upon for filling up of these columns. Column 40 to 54 (Pay drawn during last 10 months) A maximum of 3 spells showing date from, date up to, basic pay, rank pay and non-practicing allowance (NPA) during last 10 months have been provided. In case the officer has drawn different rates of basic pay, rank pay and NPA during last 10 months, the same may be separately shown in these columns. Example: An officer was due to retire on 31st December, 89 and his increment was due in May 89. He has drawn a basic pay Rs 4350/- and rank pay 800/- upto 30th April and Rs 4500/- and 800/- respectively till 31st December 89. It will be indicated as under. 8 9 0 3 0 1 8 9 0 4 3 0 4 3 5 0 0 8 0 0 Column 55 to 57 (Gallantry award) Column for a maximums of 3 gallantry awards have been provided in the LPC-cum-data sheet (O). These columns may be completed with reference to the codes provided for different awards in Annexure-VI of this Appendix.
Column 58 and 59 (demands) The amount of demands to be recovered from the DCRG/CVP of the officer is required to be intimated. Amount of RDR demands may be indicated in column 58 and other than RDR for demand in column 59. The amounts may be filled in full rupees. Demands may be verified from the demands register/IRLA maintained by the CDA (O). Column 60 (Date of Receipt of Commutation Application) The date on which the application for commutation from the officer has been received by the CDA (O) may be filled in this column. Authority: PCDA(P) Section Order No. 14- Dated 15/06/1990 bearing file No. G1/ M/ 01/ ICO/ XIX( Computer)
Annexure-1 of Appendix - 2 Rank Codes Rank 2nd Lt. Lieutenant Capt. Major Lt. Col (TS) Lt Col (S) Colonel Brigadier Maj. Gen Lt.. Gen Lt. Gen. (Army Cmdr.) DGAFMS Lt. Gen (VCOAS) Chief of the Army Staff Annexure-II of Appendix - 2 Unit/Corp Name Unit/Corp Name Armed Corps Arty Corps Signals Mech. Tpt EME Command Hqrs Mily Farms Engrs. Engrs. (MES) Inf ASC Animal Tpt AMC MNS Ord RVC Pioneers Army Hqrs Other Hqrs Education & Int Mily Attache T.A Officers Mily Farms Tpt DRDO DGI Code 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
Code 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Annexure-III of Appendix - 2 CODES FOR DPDOS Codes For DPDOs Chandigarh Red Fort-I Red Fort-Ii Barar Square Hyderabad Secunderabad Palampur Hamirpur(H.P.) Dharamshala Yol Mandi Shimla Karnal Ambala Bhiwani Jhajhar Sonepat Gurgaon Rohtak Narnaul Hissar Riwari JammuTawi-I(Akhnoor Road) JammuTawi-II Shastri Nagar (Jammu Cantt) Udhampur Shrinagar Rajouri Leh Bangalore Ernakulam Kottayam Trichur Trivendram Quilon Amritsar Kapurthala Batala Ludhiana Moga Jullunder (Cantt) Jagraon Patiala Bhatinda Ropar Hoshiarpur Ferozpur Sangarur Pathankot Gurdaspur Jaipur
Codes 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51
Madras Vellore Meerut Kanpur Gorakhpur Allahabad Calcutta Una Pathnamthitta Jhunjhnu Dasuya 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62
1.Andhra PradeshAP 2. Assam 3. Bihar including Jharkhand 4. Gujrat 5. Haryana 6. Himachal Pradesh 7. Jammu And Kashmir 8. Karnataka 9. Kerala 10. Madhya Predesh including Chhatishgarh 11. Maharashtra 12. Manipur 13. Meghalaya 14. Nagaland 15. Orrisa 16. Punjab 17. Rajasthan 18. Sikkim 19. TamilNadu 20 Tripura 21. Uttar Pradesh including Uttaranchal 22. West Bengal UNION TERRITORIES 23. Andaman And Nicobar 24. Arunachal Pradesh 25. Dadra And Nagar Haveli 26. Delhi 27. Goa, Daman And Diu 28. Lakshadweep 29. Mizoram 30. Pondichery Foreign Governments 31 Nepal 32. Bhutan
Name Of Bank Allahabad Bank Bank Of Baroda Bank Of India Bank Of Maharashtra Canara Bank Central Bank Of India Dena Bank Indian Bank Indian Overseas Bank New Bank Of India Oriental Bank Of Commerce Punjab National Bank Punjab And Sindh Bank State Bank Of India State Bank Of Bikaner & Jaipur State Bank Of Hyderabad State Bank Of Indore State Bank Of Mysore State Bank Of Patiala State Bank Of Saurashtra State Bank Of Travancore Syndicate Bank Union Bank Of India United Bank Of India United Commercial Bank Vijaya Bank Corporation Bank Andhra Bank Sub Treasury CODE ALB BOB BOI BOM CNB CBI DNB INB IOB NBI OBC PNB PSB SBI SBB SBH SBD SBM SBP SBS SBT SYB UBI UTI UCO VJB COB ANB SUB
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29.
Annexure-VI of Appendix - 2 TYPE OF GALLANTRY AWARD
SN 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. Type Of Gallantry Award ParamVir Chakra ParamVir Chakra With One Bar ParamVir Chakra With Two Bars ParamVir Chakra With Three Bars MahaVir Chakra MahaVir Chakra With One Bar MahaVir Chakra With Two Bars MahaVir Chakra With Three Bars Vir Chakra Vir Chakra With One Bar Vir Chakra With Two Bars Vir Chakra With Three Bars Ashok Chakra Ashok Chakra With One Bar Ashok Chakra With Two Bars Ashok Chakra With Three Bars Kirti Chakra Kirti Chkra With One Bar Kirti Chkra With Two Bars Kirti Chakra With Three Bars Shaurya Chakra Shaurya Chakra With One Bar Shaurya Chakra With Two Bars Shaurya Chakra With Three Bars Sena Medal/Nav Sena Medal/Vayu Sena Medal Code P0 P1 P2 P3 M0 M1 M2 M3 V0 V1 V2 V3 A0 A1 A2 A3 KO K1 K2 K3 SO S1 S2 S3 GO
APPENDIX-3 (See Para 54) I. Rates of retiring pension and standard service periods of P.R.C. officers(other than SL officers). Rates of retiring pension and standard service periods of PRC officers (other than SL officers) admissible from time to time are given as under:Rank Standard service periods for the rank Pension Between 1.6.53 and 16.4.56 AI 2/S/53 & Regn 29(a) PRA Pt-I (1961) as amended vide CS No 13/67 Pension between 17.4.56 and 30.9.61 Regn. 29(a) PRAPt-I (1961) as amended vide CS No. 13/67 Rs. p.m. 275 350 475 625 Pension between 1.10.61 and 31.12.72 (not governed by post DCRG) Regn 29(a) PRA Pt-I (1961) as amended vide CS No 13/67 Rs. p.m. 300 425 550 675 Pension between 10.9.70 and 31.12.72 (Post DCRG) AI 8/S/70 Pension on or after 12.10.70 Regn 29(a) as amended vide CS N0.125/67
2nd Lt/Lt Capt Maj. Lt Col (Sele ction) Lt. Col (TS) Col Briga dier Maj. Gen. Lt. Gen. General
20 20 22 24
26 28 30 30 30
Pension w.e.f.1.4.79 (along with DCRG) GOI MOD No B/40725/AG /PS4/1816 /A/D(Pen/Se rs) dt. 28.9.79 (Section Order No 14 of 79)
Pension on or after 31.3.85 GOI,MOD No B/ 42114 /AG/PS4/2871/A/D(P en/Sers) dt 13.9.85 (Section Order No. 27 of 85)
2nd Lt/Lt Capt Major Lt col (Selection) Lt col (Ts) Col Brigadier Maj. Gen Lt Gen General
Rs. P.m. 350 575 675 775 700 900 1000 1050 1100 1200 (for COAS)
Rs. p.m. 525 750 875 950 900 924 (b) 1100 1125 1175 (c) 1275 1375 1475(d) 1700 (For COAS)
Rs. P.m. 575 800 925 975 1000 1150 1250 1425 1500 1500 1700
Rs. p.m. 600 825 975 1025 1050 1225 1325 1425 1500 1500 1700
Rs. p.m. 650 875 1000 1075 1100 1275 1375 1500 1500 1500 1700
Rs. p.m. 950 1200 1400 1575 1525 1850 2025 2275 2400 2500 2825
Rate of pension upto 11.10.1970 Rate of pension w.e.f. 12.10.1970 Rate of pension w.e.f. 2.7.79 Rate of pension on w.e.f.1.5.79 Rate of pension w.e.f. 1.8.79
Note 1. The retiring pension of an officer of the rank of a Major General shall not be less than pension which would have been admissible to him as a Brigadier, had be not been promoted to the rank of Major General. Note 2. Chiefs of the staff of the three services who had retired and were alive on 1.4.79, irrespective of the date of retirement, and the rank held on the date of retirement would be entitled to retiring pension of Rs. 1700/- per mensem. Vide GOI MOD letter No 1(s)/84/3229/A/D (Pen/sers) dated 24.10.85. Note 3. Rate of deduction from the standard rates of pension where an officers qualifying service is less than the standard service period for his rank, the amount of retiring pension is the standard rate for that rank reduced by one deduction according to the table below for each year or part of year of the deficiency. Retiring pension RS. p.m 2501-3000 2001-2500 1501-2000 1201-1500 1001-1200 1000 to 751 750 to 601 600 to 401 400 to 301 300 to 201 200 and below Rate of deduction Rs. p.m. 85 75 60 45 35 30 20 15 10 05 2.50
Deduction shall be made successively until the number of deductions due to be made has been completed, and each deduction in turn shall be at the rate appropriate to the amount remaining after preceding month .
Rates of retiring pension and standard service periods Special List Officers
Standard service period Pension between 1/6/53 and 30/9/61 (Regn. 29(c) PRA Pt I (1961)as amended vide c s no.13/67) 250 325 450 575 --Pension between 1/1/73 and 31/3/79 (with DCRG) 350 575 675 775 700 900 Pension between 1/10/61 and 31/12/72 (If not governed by post DCRG) 275 400 525 625 -700 Pension w.e.f. 1.4.79 with DCRG
20 20 22 24 26 26
Pension between 10/9/70 and 31/12/72 (governed by post DCRG)A.I. 8/S/70 247 352 457 537 -588
Note 1. The rates of pension as shown in Para-1 above are also applicable to special list officers with effect from 1.7.1982. Note 2. The provision of Note-3 below Para(1) above regarding rate of deduction from the standard rate of pension shall apply.
III. Rates of retiring pension and standard service periods: MNS officers.
Rank Standard service periods Pension between 1.10.61 and 31.12.72(Not governed by post DCRG) (A.I. 3/S/65) Pension between 10.9.70 and 31.12.72(post DCRG) A.I 8 / S/70 Pension between 1.1.73 and 31.3.79 (A.I. 1/S/77) Pension w.e.f. 1.4.79 (with DCRG) (GOI, MOD No. B/ 40725/AG/PS4(c)/31(A/D) (Pen /Sers) dt 10.1.80 (reproduced in Section Order No 4 of 80) Pension w.e.f 31.3.85 Personal Pension (PP)
Captain Major Lt Col Col(comman d Principal Matron) Col. (Chief Principal Matron) Brig (Matron in-chief) Maj. Gen
20 22 24 26
28 30
575 --
483 --
750 825
950 1025
1550 1700
Note- The provisions of Note 3 below Para (I) above regarding rate of deduction from the standard rate of pension shall apply.
APPENDIX-4 (Referred to in Para 56) Maximum amount of retirement gratuity (DCRG) as admissible from time to time
Date of retirement (i) 10.9.70 to 31.12.72 (ii) 1.1.73 to 31.1.82 (iii) 1.2.82 to 31.3.85 Maximum ceiling of retirement gratuity(DCRG) Rs. 24,000/Rs. 30,000/Rs. 36,000/Authority A.I 8/S/70 A.I. 2/S/73 GOI,MOD No.B/38055/AG /PS4/ (a)/2574/C/D/(Pen /Sers) dt.18.12.82 GOI,MOD No.5(3)/85D(Pen /Sers) dt.11.6.85 GOI,MOD No.1(5)/87/D/(Pen/Sers) dt. 30.10.87 GOI,MOD No.5(1)95/D/(Pen /Sers) dt.8.8.95 GOI,MOD No.1(6)98/D/(Pen /Sers) dt.3.2.98
Rs. 2,50,000/-
Rs. 3,50,000/-
APPENDIX-5 (See Para 59) Rate of interest for delayed payment of gratuity
(1 April to 31st March) 1960-61 1961-62 1962-63 1963-64 1964-65 1965-66 1966-67 1967-68 1968-69 1969-70 1970-71 1971-72 1972-73 1973-74 1.4.74 to 31.7.74 1.8.74 to 31.3.75 1975-76 1977-78 1978-79 1979-80 1980-81 1981-82 1982-83 1983-84 1984-85 1985-86 1986-87 1987-88 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 1991-92 1992-93 1993-94 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-06 Rate Of Interest Per Annum 3.75% 3.75% 4% 4% 4% 4.25% 4.60% 4.80% 5.10%- upto Rs.10,000/- & on balance @ 4.80% 5.25%- upto Rs.10,000/- & on balance @ 4.80% 5.50%- upto Rs.10,000/- & on balance @ 4.80% 5.75% -upto Rs.10,000/- & on balance 5% 6% upto Rs.10,000/- & on balance 5.30% 6% upto Rs.10,000/- & 5.30% beyond 10,000/6.50% upto Rs. 10,000/- & 5.80% beyond Rs 10,000/7.50% upto Rs. 25,000/-& 7% beyond Rs. 25,000/7.50% upto Rs. 25,000/-& 7% beyond Rs. 25,000/8%- upto Rs. 25,000/- & 7.50% beyond Rs. 25,000/8%- upto Rs. 25,000/- & 7.50% beyond Rs. 25,000/8%- upto Rs. 25,000/- & 7.50% beyond Rs. 25,000/8.50%- upto Rs. 25,000/- & 8% beyond Rs. 25,000/9% upto Rs. 25,000/- & 8.5% beyond Rs. 25,000/9% upto Rs. 35,000/- & 8.50% beyond Rs. 35,000/9.5% upto Rs. 40,000/- & 9% beyond Rs. 40,000/10% 10.5% 12% 12% 12% 12% 12% 12% 12% 12% 12% 12% 12% 12% 12% 12% 11 9.5% 9% 8% 8% 8%
APPENDIX - 6 (Referred to in Para 97) Instructions for completion of data sheet in respect of commissioned officer for sanction of disability element General The data sheet contains 41 columns. This data sheet is meant for the cases for which service element has already been notified either through computer or manually. The data sheet may be filled up neatly and accurately in block capital letters. Only one character (alphabet, number or special character) should be filled in one box. Cutting & alterations may be avoided. However if such cuttings/alterations become unavoidable, it may be properly attested by the responsible Officer. The data filled in the data sheet may be one of the following categories. ALPHABETIC DATA. Alphabetic data consist of alphabets A to Z. For instance name of the pensioner, name of the spouse, nationality, bank/sub treasury code, state code etc. The alphabetic data may be filled in, from the left side to the right side of the relevant column. In case the number of boxes are more than the alphabets to be filled in the remaining boxes on the right side, will be left blank. Following columns of the Data Sheet may be completed with alphabetic data. Columns:- C,D,E,1,2,4,5,7,8,10,11,13,14,18,23,26,29,31 & 32. NUMERIC DATA:- The numeric data consists of numbers from 0 to 9. For instance various dates, codes, pay particulars and demands etc. The numeric data may be filled in from the right side to the left side of the column. In case, any boxes in the left side are found unused, the same may be filled with zeros. Following columns of the data sheet may be completed with numeric data. Columns-3,6,9,12,15,16,21,22,23,24,25,27,28,33,38,39,40 & 41. Date field- Column 19,20,35,36, & 37. All the dates may be filled in the YYYY/MM/DD pattern, where YYYY denotes year in 4 digits. MM month in 2 digits & DD date in 2 digits. ALPHANUMERIC DATA- The alphanumeric data are mixed data consisting of a combination of alphabets, numerals and special characters. Alphanumeric data should be filled in from the left side of the column to the right side. Alphanumeric data may be filled in the following columns. Col.- A,B,17,30 & 34. Columnwise Instructions for filling of data sheet for Disability Element- Commissioned Officer. 1. COLUMN A: ORIGINAL PPO No.-It should be filled with the original PPO No. through which service Element has been notified. 1st Col. Should be filled with pre-fix M Next 6 Col. Should be filled with PPO No. like numeric data and remaining 4 Col. should be filled with year in 4 digit i.e. PPO No. M/3675/2000 be filled as
/ 0 03675/2000_
2.1. 2.1.1.
2.1.2. 2.2.1.
Column: B: Personnel No.:- 1st three boxes are for the prefixes like IC, MR, NTR, etc. If prefix is of 2 characters only, it may be filled in the first
3. two boxes leaving third one blank. Column: C: NAME- May be filled with the name of the officer as shown in the original PPO notifying the service element. Important:- Columns A,B & C are the basic data for computerized PPOs and these should be filled accurately as per the Pension Payment Order notified through computer. 4. Column D: It may be filled up with either C or M. C stands for PPOs notified through Computer & M for PPOs notified manually. Column E: It may be filled up with the following Codes. I For invalided out cases. R For normal released cases. Columns:1,4,7,10 & 13. These columns are for filling up with the Name of I.D. One character in one box. One box may be left blank after a word. Columns:- 2,5,8,11 & 14. These Cols. are for indicating whether I.D. is attributable to or aggravated by army service. Following Codes may be usedAT - For Attributable cases. AG - For Aggravated cases. 8. Columns - 3,6,9,12,15 & 16 which are for assessment percentages should be filled as numeric data e.g. 40% should be filled as 040 In case there is only one I.D. with assessment percentage more than zero, Col. 16 meant for percentage of Composite assessment should be filled with zeroes. Column. 17. Period of acceptance may be filled the period assessed for OR with the following codes. P For Permanent. Q For life. Cage III PDA & other Particulars Columns. 21 to 41 may filled up only when Col. D of cage I is filled with M other wise these cols. may be left blank. Columns. 21, 22, 24, 25, 27 & 28 may be filled up with code provided in respective Annexure I,II,III,IV & V and respectively of Appendix-1 Column. 23 Nationality may be filled up with the following codes: 1 For Indian. 2 For Nepalese. 3 For Bhutanese. Column. 34. CDA(O) A/C No:First three boxes are meant for the section of the CDA (O). In case, it is not available it may be left blank. Remaining 9 boxes may be filled up with the CDA (O) A/C No. as shown in the original manual Pension Payment Order/other documents. Remaining Columns. may be filled up as per their nature viz. Alphabetic, numeric, date field or alphanumeric. Columns. 35, 36, 37,38 & 39 may be filled up, only when commutation is applicable, other wise these may be left blank.
14. 15.
16. Columns. 40 & 41- these are meant for latest two manual corrigenda PPOs, if any done on manually notified PPOs. (Authority: PCDA(P) Section Order No. 22 dated 21.09.2001 bearing file No. G1/M/01/ XIX/Comp/IV)
APPENDIX-7 (See Para- 101) Rates of disability element in respect of Commissioned officers (other than those of the MNS) sanctioned from time to time.
Sl. No. 1 1 2 3 4 Period 2 1.6.53 to 24.4.67 25.4.67 to 31.12.72 1.1.73 to 31.12.85 1.1.86 to 31.12.95 50% 8 Rs. P.m. 75/71/25 85/375/100% 3 Rs. p.m. 150/142/50 170/750/40% 9 Rs. P.m. 60/57/68/300/90% 4 Rs. p.m. 135/128/25 153/675/30% 10 Rs. P.m. 45/42/75 51/225/80% 5 Rs. p.m. 120/114/136/600/70% 6 Rs. p.m. 105/99/75 119/525/-
Authority 12 Regn. 60, PRA Part I (1961). A.I. No. 90/ 67 A.I.No. 4/S/75. GOI, MOD letter No. 1 (4) /87/D(Pen /Sers) dt 27.7.87 The rate is applicable to officers including those of MNS.
APPENDIX- 8 (Referred to in Para 150) Instructions For Completion Of Data Sheet For Family Pensionary Awards In Respect Of Commissioned Officers. General 1.1 Data sheet has been designed for notification of the family pensionary awards through computer. The data should be filled in neatly and accurately in block letters. Only one alphabet or numeric or special character should be filled in one box. While filling various data viz., alphabetic, alphanumeric and numeric, instructions earlier issued from time to time respecting data sheet should be kept in view. 1.2 Cutting and alterations should be avoided. However, in case where such cuttings/alterations become unavoidable, it should be properly attested under the signature of authority competent to do so. 1.3 Various kinds of data may be filled in various Columns of data sheet are given below: (a) Alphabetic Data Alphabetic data shall be filled in from the left hand side to the right hand side of the Column. If the number of boxes are more than the alphabets to be filled in all the remaining boxes on the right hand side should be left blank. Similarly, if the numbers of boxes are less than the number of alphabets, alphabetic information may be suitable abbreviated but in no circumstances additional boxes shall be created. Following Columns will be filled with alphabetic data. Columns: - 5, 6, 11,12, 15, 17,19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 31, 32, 46. (b) Alphanumeric data Alphanumeric data consists of alphabets, numeric and special characters. These data are also filled in from the left side to the right side of the Column. Unutilized boxes are left blank and if the boxes fall short of requirement, suitable abbreviation will be carried out but in no circumstances additional boxes should be created. Following Columns will be filled with alphanumeric data. Columns :- 1, 2, 4, 28, 30, 33, 35, 36, 44, 45. (c) Numeric Data Numeric data will be filled in form right hand side to the left hand side, zeros shall be filled in the unused boxes on the left hand side. Following Columns will be filled in with numeric data. Columns: - 3, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, 16, 18, 27, 29, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 47. 1.4 Various dates appearing in the data sheet will be entered as YYYYMMDD. Here YYYY denotes Year with century, MM denotes Month and DD date. 2. Columnwise Instructions For Filling Up Of Data Sheet Column wise detailed instructions are as under: Column 1. (Original Pension Payment Order No.): Column 2. (Latest Corrigendum Pension Payment Order N0.): The column 1 and 2 i.e., original Pension Payment Order no. and latest corrigendum Pension Payment Order no. fields to be filled only in cases of family pension where these are to be printed in family pension PPO's as a reference. These fields are consist of three parts of 8 characters for prefix to Pension Payment Order, 6 characters for Pension Payment Order no.
and last 4 characters for Pension Payment Order year. For example in a joint endorsement case, original Pension Payment Order no M/0004568/75 may be filled in as underM /0004568/1975_
Column 3. (Rank Code): The column may be filled with reference to the codes given in Annexure-1 of Appendix-2 for various ranks held by the commissioned officer/deceased. If the case pertains to Air Force or Navy the code for corresponding rank my be filled in.Example : If the rank held by the officer/deceased is Brigadier, the entry in column 3 will be as under08 Column 4 (Personal Number): This column may indicate the Army No. with prefix Alfa character of officer as per army list. While completing this column, left most three boxes may be filled in with prefix of the army number, next five boxes may be filled with army number and right most box for the check digit. Example: If the army number of the officer/deceased is IC5743L, column will be filled as under I C 0 5 7 4 3 L
Column 5 (Name): Name of the Officer/deceased may be filled in this Column. One box should be left blank between different parts of the name. Column 6 (Category): This column may be filled as per codes given below for various categories of officers: Category Regular Commissioned Officers MNS Officers TA Officers AMC Officers ADC Officers RVC Officers Air Force Officers Navy Officers Code S M T A D R F N
Column 7 (Date of Birth): The date of birth may be filled from the army list. In case the date of birth not available therein, the matriculation certificate may be relied upon for this information. Example: The date of birth is 05.02.1945 it will be filled in as under: 1 9 4 5 0 2 0 5 Column 8 (Date of Retirement ) and Column 9 (Date of Death): In case of death occurs during service period, the column 8 for date of retirement will be filled with zeroes otherwise, the date of retirement i.e., last date up to which paid may be filled in column 8. In cases of joint endorsement the column 9 for date of death will be filled with zeroes. These columns my be filled in the form of YYYYMMDD. Column 10(Net Qualifying Service ): The net Qualifying Service will be worked out after deducting the period of non-Qualifying Service and adding former service if any, and filled as YYMMDD. Column 11 (Family Pension Type): This column should be filled carefully with reference with reference to Annexure-II of Appendix-2. Column 12 (Whether Family Pension To Be Notified): If family pension
is to be notified in the PPO this column may be filled as Y otherwise if the same is NOT be notified in PPO, this column may be filled as N. family Column 13 (Family Pension Payable From The Date): If pension is to be notified i.e., column 12 is filled as Y this column may be filled with the date from which family pension is payable in the from of YYYYMMDD. If column 12 has been filled N. This column will be filled with Zeroes. Column 14 (Name Of Spouse/Family Pensioner): The name of family pensioner/dependent pensioner may be filled in this column. The relation of family pensioner as filled Column 15 (Relationship): in column 14 with the officer may be filled in the column. The codes for relationship are as under:
RELATION Wife Husband Son Daughter Divorced Daughter Mother Father Brother Sister RELTIONSHIP CODE W H S D R M F B T
Column 16 (Date Of Birth Of Spouse/Family Pensioner): The date of birth of family pensioner may be filled as YYYYMMDD in this column. Column 17 (Nationality Of Family Pensioner): Nationality of the family pensioner may be completed as under:
NATIONALITY Indian Nepalese Bhutanese Foreigner CODE I N B F
Share of family pension for Column 18 (Share Of Family Pension): Full, One half, One third, One fourth may be filled as under:
For For For For FULL family pension ONE HALF family pension ONE THIRD family pension ONE FOURTH family pension 1 1/2 1/3 1/4
Column 19 (Child Y/N): If there are any eligible children for family pension, this column will be filled as Y otherwise filled as N. In case widow alive, this Column 20 (Whether Widow Remarried): column may be filled with code Y or N as the re-marriage status is, otherwise this column may be left blank. case widow Column 21 (Whether Widow Supporting Children): In supports children after re-marriage this column may be filled as Y otherwise if she does not support children after re-marriage this column may be filled as N. If widow do not re-marry or the relationship is other than widow, this column may be left blank. Column 22 (Whether Spouse Alive): This column should invariably filled with code Y or N as the case may be. Column 23 (Whether Parents Alive S/B/N): In case family pension is
for spouse or children, this column may be left blank. For dependent pension to parents or brother/sister this column may filled with codes as under: Both parents alive B Either mother or father alive S Neither mother nor father alive N Column 24 (Physically/Mentally Handicapped Y/N): If the family pensioner is child, this column must be filled with code Y or N as the case may be. In other cases this column may be left blank. Column 25 (Guardian's Name): In case pensioner is child and minor on current date or the child is handicapped, this column may be filled with the name of guardian. In all other cases this column may be left blank. Column 26 (Whether Gratuity To Be Notified): If death gratuity to be notified in the PPO, this column may be filled as Y otherwise as N. Column 27 (Percentage Of Gratuity): If gratuity to be notified in the PPO, i.e., column 26 is filled as Y, this column may be filled with percentage of gratuity to be paid. For full gratuity this may be filled as 100. Column 28 Pension Disbursing Authority (P.D.A.-Code): The codes for different PDAs are given in Annexure-III of this Appendix. The same should be filled as per the code shown against each. Column 29 (DPDO Code): List of codes as given in Annexure-III of Appendix-2 may be used to fill up this Column. The Station Headquarters of Pension Column 30 (PDA Station): Disbursing Agencies from where individual had desired to draw his pension will be entered in this column. This Column should be left blank in cases of Public Sector Banks. Column 31 (PDA State Code): Codes for various states as published in Annexure IV of Appendix-2 will be used to fill up this column. These are two digit alphabetic codes. Three digit alphabetic Column 32 (Bank/Sub-Treasury Code): codes for PSBs as published in Annexure V of Appendix-2 will be used to fill up this Column. If the individual had desired to draw his pension from a sub-treasury, Code SUB will be filled in this Column. Note: List of state by Public Sector Bank is given at Appendix-15 Column 33 (Link Bank): Link bank branches are located at Distt. Headquarters. Complete address of the Link Bank branch should be filled in this column. Link bank branch for a particular station will be found in the list of link bank branches at various stations in the list as notified by the RBI. Column 34 (Bank Account Number): This Column will be completed on the basis of information as furnished by the individual in his application. No Joint Account number should be entered in this Column. The name of the bank branch from Column 35 (Bank Branch): where the pensioner desired to draw his/her pension will be indicated in this Column. The station where the Column 36 (Bank/Sub-treasury Station): bank branch or sub-treasury is situated is to be entered in this column. Column 37 (PDO PIN CODE): The pin code of the link bank may be filled in this column. LAST PAY DETAILS Column 38 (Basic/Pay)
Column 39 (Stagnation increment): Column 40 (Rank Pay): Column 41 (N.P.A.): In Column 42 (Original Basic Pension for post-96 Pensioner): case family pension type is other than JN or FP, and pre-96 case this column may be filled with zeroes but in case of post-96, the rate of original basic pension granted to the officer may be filled in this column. Column 43 (Ex-Gratia Award): The amount of ex-gratia sanctioned, if any, the same may be filled in this column otherwise it may be filled with zeroes. Column 44 (Gallantry Award-I): The first gallantry award if any, may be filled with reference to Annexure-VI of Appendix-2. Column 45 (Gallantry Award-II): The second gallantry award if any, may be filled with reference to Annexure-VI of Appendix-2 Column 46 (Medical Allowance): If individual has opted for fixed medical allowance this Column should be filled with Y alphabet otherwise with N alphabet. Column 47 (Demand): Any outstanding demand which is to be recovered from death gratuity/family pension, is to be filled in this column. If there is no demand this column may be filled with zeroes. Authority: PCDA(P) Section Order No. 23 dated 21.9.2001 bearing file No. G1/M/01/XIX/COMP/IV.
Annexure - I of Appendix -8
Annexure -II of Appendix -8 FAMILY PENSION TYPE CODES
Sl. No. 1. 2. 3. FAMILY PENSION TYPE Joint notification endorsement of family pension in favour of spouse Ordinary family pension after death of pensioner to spouse or child Ordinary family pension after death in service due to causes neither attributable to nor aggravated by military service, to spouse or child. Dependent ordinary family pension to parents Special rate of family pension to spouse or child Special rate of dependent family pension to parents and brother/sister (Category B & C to MOD. letter dated 31.01.2001) Special family pension at ordinary rate on re-marriage of widow and not supporting children - to widow & child (Category B & C to MOD letter dated 31.01.2001) Liberalised rate of family pension to spouse or child. (Category D & E to MOD letter dated 31.01.2001) Liberalised rate of dependent family pension to parents and brother/sister (Category D & E to MOD letter dated 31.01.2001) Liberalised family pension at 30% & 60% on re-marriage of widow and not supporting children - to widow & child (Category D & E to MOD letter dated 31.01.2001) Sanction of Gratuity only Sanction of Ex-Gratia only CODE JN FP OF
4. 5. 6.
8. 9.
11. 12.
Appendix - 9 (Referred to in Para 154)
Rates of Ordinary Family Pension
The rates of ordinary family pension admissible from time to time are as under:Prior to 01.06.1953. The rates of ordinary family pension for the widow of an officer was a fixed rate per annum for each rank and the same were as under:Rank 2nd lieutenant/lieutenant Captain Major Lieutenant Colonel Rs. Per annum 600/670/935/1200/-
(Authority- Regn. 88, PR (INDIA) Part II (1940). From 01.06.1953. The rate of ordinary family pension for the widow of an officer was half the rate of special family pension laid down for appropriate rank in paragraph 18 of Special Army Instruction 2/S/53 (Authority: - SAI 2/S/53 and Regn. 96 PRA Pt I (1961). From 01.01.1964 but before 1.1.1973. Family pension was admissible at the following rates:Pay of the deceased Below Rs. 200/- p.m. Monthly pension of the widow. 30% of pay subject to a minimum of Rs.25/(where pension is less than Rs.40/- p.m. the same has to be raised to Rs.40/- p.m. w.e.f. 1.3.1970.) 15% of pay subject to a minimum of Rs 60/- p.m. and maximum of Rs. 96/- p.m. 12% of pay subject to a maximum of Rs. 150/p.m. 30% of the pay subject to a minimum of Rs. 60/and maximum of Rs. 100/15% of pay subject to a minimum of Rs. 100/and a maximum of Rs. 160/12% of pay subject to a minimum of Rs. 160/and a maximum of Rs. 250/-
Rs. 200/- p.m. and above but below Rs. 800/- p.m. Rs. 800/- and above.
Below Rs. 400/-) Rs. 400/- and above but below Rs. 1200/- p.m. Rs. 1200/- p.m. and above
APPENDIX - 10 (See Para 173) Rates of Special Family Pension The rates of Special Family Pension admissible from time to time are as under: Prior to 01.06.1953 The rates of special family admissible to widow was a fixed rate per annum for each rank and the same were as under
Rank 2nd lieutenant and lieutenant Captain Major Lieutenant Colonel Rs per annum 1200 1300 1870 2400
Authy: SAI 2/S/53 and Regn. 95,PRA Part-I (1961) From 1.03.1968
Rank 2nd Lieutenant /Lieutenant Captain Major Lieutenant Colonel Colonel Brigadier Major General Lieutenant General General Rs. Per annum 170 170 220 270 300 330 350 360 400
(Authy: Regn. 88, PRA Part-I (1961) as amended vide Ministry of Defence letter 197829/68/Pen-C/IV dated 30.10.68 From 1.1.1973
Pay of the deceased Rs. 400 and above but below rs 1200/Rs. 1200/- and above Monthly pension of the widow 25% of pay subject to a maximum of Rs. 250/- and a minimum of Rs 125/20% of pay subject to a maximum of Rs 460/and a minimum of Rs 270/-
(Authy: Regn 95 of PRA Pt-I(1961) as amended vide GOI,MOD No. 213486/76/Pen-C) dated 24.03.77. From 1.1.1978 Special Family Pension would be payable to the widow at double the rate of ordinary family pension or 50% of pay of deceased officer whichever is less of the deceased officer had rendered a qualifying service of 7 years or more (Authy: GOI,MOD No. A/38708/II/AG/PS-4(d)/826/Pen-C dt. 11.2.81
(F) From 1.1.1986
Rate of special Family Pension (pm.) (a) If widow is childless (i) Not exceeding Rs.1500/(ii) Exceeding Rs.1500/- but not exceeding Rs.3000/(iii)Exceeding Rs.3000/50% of reckonable emoluments 40% of reckonable emoluments subject to a minimum of Rs.750/30% of reckonable emoluments subject to a minimum of Rs. 1200/- and maximum of Rs.2500/60% of reckonable emoluments subject to a minimum of Rs 750/- and maximum of Rs 2500/-
Note 1. The special family pension or the above rates shall be admissible irrespective of whether the deceased officer had completed 7 years of service or not Note 2 The reckonable emoluments for the above purpose will comprise of pay plus NPA and rank pay, if any, last drawn by the officer. (Authy: GOI,MOD letter No. 1(S)87/D(Pension/Services) dated 30.10.1987.
APPENDIX-11 (Referred to in Para-214) Conditions Governing The Payment To Ex-Gratia Lump-Sum Compensation And Guidelines To Be Observed. The main condition to be satisfied for the payment of the ex-gratia lumpsum compensation in the specified circumstances is that the death of the service personnel concerned should have occurred in the actual performance of bonafide official duties. In other words, a causal connection should be established between the occurrence of death and military service. Powers having been delegated to the Administrative Ministries to sanction ex-gratia payments under these orders, it shall be their responsibility as well as that of the Financial Advisers to satisfy themselves that the death of the service personnel to be compensated by the payment of the lumpsum ex-gratia to the family in fact occurred in the actual performance of bonafide official duties and to establish its causal connection and nexus with military service. This could be done on the basis of medical and other documents relating to the case. Even if Defence personnel had died in such circumstances that a medical report could not be secured, the nexus and causal connection with military service would need to adequately established in determining the entitlement to the ex-gratia lump-sum payment. In deciding this issue, all evidence (both direct and circumstantial) shall be taken into account and the benefit of reasonable doubt given to the claimant. The benefit of reasonable doubt will be extended more liberally in field service cases as provided in the guidelines for conceding attributability of disablement or death to military service forming part of the Liberalised Pensionary Award Scheme, Pension Regulations for Defence Service. In cases of accidents to commercial aircraft resulting in the death of passengers, compensation is payable to the next of kin by the national or private airline concerned in terms of international conventions. The exgratia lump-sum compensation in terms of these orders will, therefore, not be admissible in addition in the event of death due to accident while traveling on duty by commercial aircraft and shall be restricted only to those cases where death occurs in an accident while traveling on duty by service aircraft. The payment of ex-gratia in these cases will be without prejudice to the bond required to be executed by the service personnel, if any, indemnifying the Government against any claims on account of death while traveling by service aircraft. Railways also pay compensation to the next of kin of passengers killed in train accidents. Therefore, the ex-gratia compensation admissible in terms of clause (a) of Para 1 of these orders shall be reduced by the compensation, if any, received by the next of kin of service personnel killed in train accidents while traveling on duty. Ex-gratia compensation under clause (b) of Para 1 will be admissible to service personnel killed while employed in aid of the civil administration in quelling agitations, protest demonstrations, riots, etc; regardless of whether such agitations, demonstrations, etc; are resorted to by members of the public political parties, etc; or by other public servant including police personnel. In addition in the context of a perceptible increase in violence related incidents over the years. Service personnel on duty could become unwitting victims of bomb blasts in public places or vehicles, indiscriminate shooting incidents in public etc, often resorted to by terrorists, anti-social elements, etc. The compensation under clause
(b) will also therefore, be admissible in cases of death in such incidents, provided the service personnel concerned were actually on duty at the relevant time. Cases of death resulting from acts of violence or assault by terrorists, anti-social elements, etc; against a service personnel with the intention of deterring or preventing him from performing his duties, or because of any act done or attempted to be done by such service personnel in the lawful discharge of his duties, or because of his official position will also be covered under clause(b). Ex-gratia compensation under clause(c) of Para 1 will generally be restricted only to those cases where the death of the service personnel is directly caused by actual field operations. In addition, families of service personnel killed after being kidnapped by militants, terrorists, extremists, etc, because of their official position or with a view to spreading terror will also be entitled to the compensation under this clause. Few illustrative examples of cases to be covered under the different clauses (a) to (c) of Para 214 are contained in the statement mentioned below for the guidance of sanctioning authorities, in case of any doubt in regard to the applicability of the ex-gratia compensation scheme, such cases will be referred to the Department of Pension &Pensioners Welfare for appropriate decision in consultation with the Department of Expenditure. The ex-gratia compensation in the circumstances specified in these orders shall be admissible in addition to such other benefits as may be admissible under the Liberalised Pensionary Award Scheme as the case may be. This will also be mutually exclusive of such other benefits as may be admissible under the Group Insurance Scheme of the respective Defence service fund etc, and will be payable in addition to such benefits. In determining the admissibility of the ex-gratia compensation payable from Central Government funds, ex-gratia payments, if any, made to families of the deceased service personnel from State funds by the State Government concerned shall not be taken into account and shall be excluded. In certain cases, relief is also provided to families of deceased service personnel from sundry Government sources, such as the Prime Ministers Relief Fund, Chief Ministers Relief Fund etc in such cases it should be ensured that the aggregate of the relief/ex-gratia compensation paid from different sources does not exceed Rs. 10(Ten) lakhs in each individual case. In view of the fact that the ex-gratia compensation in terms of these orders is payable to the families of the deceased service personnel default or contributory negligence, if any on the part of the service personnel concerned shall not be taken into account in sanctioning the compensation. Any related issue not specifically covered in these orders shall be decided in terms of the relevant provisions in this regard contained in the Liberalised Pensionary Award Scheme as amended from time to time and the instructions issued there under. Where any doubt arises as to the interpretation of the provisions of these orders, it shall be referred to the Department of Pension & Pensioners welfare for decision.
1. Clause (a): Death Attributable to accidents while on duty: Death as a result of an accident while traveling in a public, private or official vehicle or otherwise, of a Group D employee, Dispatch Rider, Messenger, Postman, Notice server etc. deputed to distribute dak notices, etc. or of personnel on field duties. Death occurring due to an accident while traveling on bonafide official duties in a service aircraft. Accidents during test flights of aircraft and non-schedules flight of chartered aircraft resulting in death of service personnel traveling on duty in public interest in such flights. Death, in train accidents, of personnel undertaking official journeys on duty. Accidents to ships, river steamers, etc. resulting in death of service personnel undertaking journeys on duty by these modes of travel. Death, as a result of accidents, of service personnel while proceeding on raids against anti-social elements etc. Death, due to contact with live electric/power lines of personnel deployed on flood/cyclone relief activities. Death, due to electrocution, of service personnel engaged in rectification of defects in generation and distribution of electricity. Accidents while engaged in rectification of defects in machinery and equipment. Death, due to accidental explosion of boilers, storage tanks of inflammable materials, chemicals etc. Death due to fire accidents while on duty. Death of fire fighting staff engaged in fire-fighting operations. Clause (b): Death Attributable to acts of violence by terrorists & antisocial elements etc. Death resulting from acts of violence or assault by terrorists, smugglers, dacoits, anti-social elements etc. against individual service personnel: (a) With the intention of deterring of preventing him from performing his duties: or (b) Because of any act done or attempted to be done in the lawful discharge of his duties, or (c) Because of his official position. Service personnel killed in the course of performance of their duties as a result of violence or attack by armed hostile, extremists, terrorists, antisocial elements, etc. Service personnel on duty, killed in incident of terrorists violence in Jammu& Kashmir, the North Eastern Region, Punjab, etc other than in actual operations and encounters. Death, due to stone-throwing, use of weapons and other violent acts by demonstrators, anti-social elements, etc service personnel while employed in aid of the civil administration in quelling agitations, protest demonstrations, riots, etc. Death, of service personnel while proceeding on raids against anti-social elements, etc, attributable to attacks by the parties so raided, including anti-social elements. Death, while on duty as unwitting victims of bomb blast in public places or vehicles, indiscriminate-shooting incidents in public etc. often resorted to by terrorists, anti-social elements, etc. Clause(c): Death occurring during wars or border skirmishes and action against militants, terrorists and extremists.
2. 3.
The ex-gratia compensation under clause(c) of para 214 will be restricted only to those cases where service personnel are killed in actual field operations. A higher rate of compensation has been prescribed in these cases having regard to the magnitude of the hardship and risks involved in field operations including combing operations against terrorists, militants, etc. This will generally be applicable only to the service personnel deployed along the borders line of control etc. as well as those engaged in combing terrorism. The condition of being actually involved in field operations will therefore, have to be satisfied before the higher exgratia compensation of Rs. 7.50 Lakhs is sanctioned. As indicated in Para 214 compensation under this clause will be admissible to families of service personnel killed: (i) In action in international wars. (ii) While fighting in war-like situations or border skirmishers with any country. (iii) In action against armed hostile, militants, terrorists and extremists. (iv) During laying or clearance of miles, including those laid by enemies, militants, terrorists, etc. as well as in the course of minesweeping operations. (v) As a result of exploding mines on route to an operational area. (vi) During battle inoculation as part of prescribed training exercises involving the use of live ammunition. In addition families of service personnel killed after being kidnapped by militants, terrorists, extremists, etc. because of their official position or with a view to spreading terror will also entitled to the compensation under this clause. (Authority: GOI, MOD letter No. 20(I)98/D(Pay/Sers)dated 22.9.98)
APPENDIX-12 (Referred to in Para 224) allowance attached to
1.5.85 to 31.12.86 GOI, MOD No.3(8)/ 83 /D(Cer.) dt. 09.5.85 1.1.87 to 31.12.9 4 GOI,M OD No. 3(21) 85/D (Cer) dt. 12.04.8 8
1.1.95 to 31.12.95 GOI,MOD No. 3(6)93 (Cer) dt. 31.01.95 1.1.96 to 31. 1.99 GOI, MOD No. 3(8) 98 (Cer.) dt. 8.6.1998
Gallantry Decorations
Param Vir Chakra Each Bar Mahabir Chakra Each Bar Vir Charka Each Bar Ashok Chakra Each Bar Kirti Chakra Each Bar Sauraya Chakra Each Bar Sena/Nao Sena/ Vayu Sena Medal
100 40 75 25 50 20 90 35 65 20 40 16 -
200 200 160 160 120 120 180 180 140 140 100 100 -
350 350 275 275 200 200 325 325 250 250 175 175 -
1500 1500 400 400 300 300 450 450 350 350 250 250 250 w.e.f. 1.2.99
19.4.99 onwards (GOI, MOD No. 7(67)/92/D (AG) dt. 19.4.99)
Gallantry Decorations
(a)Indian Order of Merit Each Bar (b)Indian Order of Merit Class I Each Bar (c)Indian order of Merit Class II Each Bar (d)Distinguished Service Each bar (e)Military Cross Each Bar (f)Distinguished Flying Bar Each Bar (g)Conspicuous Gallantry Medal Each Bar (h)Military Medal Each Bar (i)Indian Distinguished Service Medal Each Bar (j)Distinguished Flying Medal Each Bar
100 100 85 85 85 85 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 25 25 20 20 15 15
175 175 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 45 45 35 35 25 25
350 350 375 375 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 90 90 70 70 -
Note- Payment of monetary allowance attached to Pre and Post Independence gallantry decorations are subject to guidelines prescribed in Para 224. (III) Lump-sum monetary awards to Nepalese Gorkha recipients of Indian Gallantry decoration. Gorkhas of Nepalese domicile in the Army, Navy and Air Force who are awarded the gallantry decorations will get special lump-sum monetary awards as per the scale given below:
Gallantry Decorations Wef 3.12.71 vide GOI, MOD No. F-3(32) /72 / D (Cer) dt. 13.11.72 Wef 1.8.2003 vide GOI, MOD No. F-3 (5) /98 / D (Cer) dt. 5.9.2003
Param Vir Chakra Ashok Chakra Mahavir Chakra Kirti Chakra Vir Charka Sauraya Chakra SM/NM/VM(G) Chakra
Note 1. The award of Bar to the Medal will not entitle the recipient of the same to a further monetary award. Note 2. In the case of posthumous awardees and awardees who died before the receipt of the reward, the lump-sum monetary rewards will be paid to the heirs in the order mentioned below. (a) The widow of the deceased(in case the recipient leaves two or more widows, the amount will be paid in the manner prescribed in Rules 240(b) of Pay and Allowances Regulations (Revised Edition) (b) The male lineal descendants of the deceased in the male line of descent. (c) The unmarried daughters of the deceased. (d) Parents of the deceased. Note 3. The expenditure on this account will be debited to Major Head 2071 Minor Head 02(2.11.4) Civil Estimates Non-effective charges.
APPENDIX-13 (Referred to in Para 239) Commutation Table vide A.I. No. 85/71 (Commutation Table prescribed under Rule 7 of the Civil Pension (Commutation) Rules, effective from 1st March 1971.) Commutation values for a pension of Re. 1 per annum
Age next birthday Commutation value expressed as number of years purchase Age next birthday Commutatio n value expressed as number of years purchase 4 15.87 15.64 15.40 15.15 14.90 14.64 14.37 14.10 13.82 13.54 13.25 12.95 12.66 12.35 12.05 11.73 11.42 11.10 10.78 10.46 10.13 9.81 9.48 Age next birthday Commutatio n value expressed as number of years purchase 6 9.15 8.82 8.50 8.17 7.85 7.53 7.22 6.91 6.60 6.30 6.01 5.72 5.44 5.17 4.90 4.65 4.40 4.17 3.94 3.72 3.52 3.32 3.13
1 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39
2 19.28 19.25 19.11 19.01 18.91 18.81 18.79 18.59 18.47 18.34 18.21 18.07. 17.93 17.78 17.62 17.46 17.29 17.11 16.92 16.72 16.52 16.31 16.09
3 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62
5 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85
Note: This table is based on a rate of interest of 4.75 per cent per annum and taken effect from the 1st March 1971.
APPENDIX-14 (Referred to in Para 256) List Of Erstwhile State Forces Merged In To Indian Army Armed Corps Record Ahmad Nagar Patiala State Forces Ist Patiala Lancers 2nd Patiala Lancers Patiala Muslim Sqn Madhya Bharat State Forces 2nd Gwallor Lancers 3rd Gwallor Lancers PUO Lancers Rajasthan State Forces Jodhpur Kachhawa Horse Jodhpur Lancer Rajender Hazari Guard Mewar Lancers Durga Horse Dungar Lancers Mysore State Forces CAV Units Mysore Lancers Mysore Horse Sawrashtra Horse CAV Sqn Hyderabad State Forces Units ARTILLERY RECORDS, NASIK ROAD CAMP I. Hyderabad Forces (Hyderabad Field Battery) II. Rajasthan Forces (Bikaner Field Battery) Bengal Engineer Group, Records Roorkee Pepsu Forces Bombay Engineer Group, Record Kirkee Pune. I. Erstwhile Hyderabad State Forces Madras Engineer Group, Records Bangalore I. ITTC Deolali & 2 TTC Jullander Cantt. RECORDS THE PUNJAB REGIMENT RAMGARH CANTT. I. Ist to 5th Patiala Infantry II. Jind Infantry III. Nabha Akal Infantry IV. Faridcot Garrison Coy V. Kapurthala Jagatjit Infatry VI. Combined training centre VII. HQrs-81 Infantry BDE (Patiala) VIII. Div. Regt. Rec. Trg. Cent. (DRRTC) IX. IRLA-Ist Patiala Infantry Bde. X. Depot Pepsu Froces XI. Ist Bhawalpur Inf. XII. Malerkutla Garrison Coy XIII. AFI Bareilly Contingent XIV. AFI Dehradun Contingent XV. Agra Contingent Records the Madras Regiment Wellington Mysore State Forces I. Ist Bn Mysore Inf. and Band II. 2nd Mysore Inf. III. 3rd Mysore Inf.
3. 4. 5. 6.
IV. Mysore Garrison Bn.(4th Mysore Inf.) V. Mysore Inf. Training Centre VI. Coorg State Forces VII. Travancore Cochin Force Records the Grenadiers Jabalpur Gujrat State Forces I. Barla Ranjit Inf. II. 1dr Sri Pratap Inf. III. Lunavada State Forces IV. Rajpipla State Forces V. Kutch State Forces
Rajasthan State Forces I. HQrs Rajasthan State Forces II. HQrs Jaipur Bde. III. Records Accounts Section IV. Depot of cleaning office Kotah Umed State Forces I. Rajasthan Combined training center Kotah II. Kotah Umed Inf. III. 2 Kotah Brig. Raj. Inf. Udaipur State Forces I. Mewar Sajjau Inf. II. Mewar Inf. III. Mewar Inf. Training Centre Alwar State Forces I. Alwar Jaipaltan II. Alwar Pratap Paltan Bharatpur State Forces I. Jaswant House Hold Inf. II. Bharatpur Inf. Training Centre Dholapur State Forces I. Nar Singh Inf. II. Garrison Coy Dholapur Accountant General Rajasthan Jaipur Bikaner State Forces I. Ganga Risala Bikaner 9. Records the Raj Rifles Delhi Cantt. I. Ist Jaipur Inf. II. 2nd Jaipur Inf. III. Inf. Training unit Jaipur IV. Sawai Man Guards V. Ist Sawrashtra Inf(NS) Nawa Shatrushala VI. 2nd Sawrashtra Inf(NS) (BOP) Bhavnagar Dharanghara Porbander. 10. Record Rajput Regt. Fatehgarh Banaras State Forces Records of ISF Units Jodhpur State Forces I. 2nd Jodhpur Inf. II. 3rd Jodhpur Inf. III. Inf. Trg. Unit Jodhpur IV. Military Band Jodhpur Bikaner State Forces I. Karni Inf. II. 3rd Inf. Bikaner
11. III. MMG P-1 Bikaner Records the Jat Regiment Bareilly I. Bhopal State Forces II. Rampur State Forces Records the Garhwal Rifles Lansdowne I. Tehri Garhwal State Forces Records the Kumaon Regiment Ranikhet Madhya Bharat State Forces I. 2nd Gwalior Inf. II. 3rd Gwalior Inf. III. 4th Gwalior Inf. IV. Combined Training Centre (Gwalior/Indore) V. Ist Inf. Indore VI. Mahesh Guard VII. Maharan OwlGuard VIII. Army HQrs Indore IX. Dhar State Forces Records the Assam Regiment Shillong I. Assam Valley Light Horse II. Surma Valley Light Horse III. North Bengal Mountain Rifles IV. Late Tripura Rifles Record the Bihar Regiment Danapur Cantt. Cooch Bihar State Forces Records the Mahar Regiment Sagur Madhya Pradesh State Forces Unit I. Venkat Bn. Rewa II. INF Training Centre Rewa III. Mil Hospital Rewa IV. Wireless Sec. Rewa V. Chhatrasal Inf. Panna VI. Ist Govind Inf. Datiya Record the JK Rifles Jabalpur I. J&K State Forces Pers discharged after Nov. 1947 II. J&K State Forces Pers discharged prior Nov. 1947 maintained by J&K Archives Repositary Jamu ASC Records (Supply) Bangalore I. State Forces of Rajasthan II. State Forces of Hyderabad III. State Forces of Madhya Bharat IV. State Forces of ICC V. State Forces of Pepsu ASC Records (AT) Gaya Cantt.(Erstwhile State Forces Personnel belonging to Animal transport) I. Gwalior Transport II. Holker Transport III. ATTC Indore Forces IV. Hyderabad Army Tpt. Coy (Animal) V. Rajasthan Jodhpur Troops VI. Jaipur PNY Corps VII. Rewa Mule Coy ASC Records (MT) Bangalore I. Hyderabad State Forces (MT) Personnel II. Mysore State Forces (MT) Personnel
12. 13.
15. 16.
III. Patiala Pepsu (MT) Personnel IV. Jaipur State Forces (JSTC) Personnel V. Bikaner Bde (MT) Section VI. 59 Rajputana MT Section VII. Indore State Forces (Holker Mech TPT) (MMT) Personnel VIII. Gwalior State Forces (MT) Personnel IX. Gwalior Transport Corporation AOC Records Secunderabad Erstwhile Hyderabad Army Ord Depot CMP Records Bangalore 82 Bde Area Rajasthan Pro unit (Ex. Rajasthan State Forces) Records the Pioneer Corps Bangalore I. Erstwhile Auxillary Pioneer Corps later redesignated as present Pioneer Corps. I. Erstwhile Indian General Service Corps Records the MLI Belgaon (I) Hyderabad State Forces Ist Hyderabad Inf. 2nd Hyderabad Inf. 3rd Hyderabad Inf. 4th Hyderabad Inf. 5th Hyderabad Inf. 6th Hyderabad Inf. 7th Hyderabad Inf. 8th Hyderabad Inf. 9th Hyderabad Inf. 10th Hyderabad Inf. 11th Hyderabad Inf. 12th Hyderabad Inf. 14th Hyderabad Inf. Hyderabad Army Sting Band Hyderabad Army Inf. Taining Centre Hyderabad Army Combined Training Centre Hyderabad Army Officers Training School Hyderabad Army Recruiting Org. Hyderabad Welfare and Re-settlement Directorate Hyderabad Army Resettlement Training Centre Divisional HQrs Hyderabad, Hyderabad HQrs Army Supply Depot Hyderabad Army, HQ Printing Section Hyderabad, Army Lands and contingent Hyderabad Dewab Centre Hyderabad Army, Army Control Record Office Hyderabad Forces Baroda State Forces Baroda Lancers (Conversed Inf.) Baroda Wireless Sec. Ist Baroda Inf. 2nd Baroda Inf. Baroda Inf. Training Centre Kolhapur State Forces Kolhapur Raja Ram Rifles Raja Ram Rifles Training Centre Raja Ram Rifles Boys T.U Kolhapur Bands No. 8 LSS Training Team No. 33 LSS Training Team AMC Records Lucknow I. Raj. State Forces (Medical Unit) II. Madhya Bharat Forces (Medical Unit) III. Hyderabad IV. Pepsu
(IV) 25.
26. V. Mysore & Travancore RVC Records (Meerut Cantt.) I. Hyderabad State Forces (Veterinary wing) II. Madhya Bharat State (MMOB Vet Sec Morar) Records the Dogra Reg. Faizabad (I) I. Chamba State Forces II. Mandi State Forces III. Suket State Forces IV. Sirmour State Forces EME Secunderabad Hyderabad Army Eng. Services Authority: CGDA New Delhi No. EDP/NPDS/603 dated 18.7.1989
APPENDIX-15 (Referred to in Para 35 read with Appendix-2) State-Wise List Of Public Sector Banks authorised to disburse Defence pension
S.N. 1. State Kerala Name of the Public Sector Banks (i) State Bank of India (ii) State Bank of Travancore (iii) Canara Bank (iv) Syndicate Bank (v) Union Bank of India (vi) Central Bank of India (vii) Indian Bank (viii) Indian Overseas Bank (ix) Vijaya Bank (i) State Bank of India (ii) State Bank of Mysore (iii) Canara Bank (iv) Syndicate Bank (v) Union Bank of India (vi) Indian Bank (vii) State Bank of Hyderabad (viii) Corporation Bank (ix) Vijaya Bank (i) State Bank of India (ii) Bank of Maharashtra (iii) Bank of India (iv) Central Bank of India (v) Dena Bank (vi) Union Bank of India (vii) State Bank of Hyderabad (viii) Bank of Baroda (ix) Canara Bank (x) Syndicate Bank (xi) United Commercial Bank (i) State Bank of India (ii) Dena Bank (iii) Bank of Baroda (iv) Central Bank of India (v) Bank of India (vi) Union Bank of India (vii) State Bank of Saurashtra (viii) United Commercial Bank (i) State Bank of India (ii) United Bank of India (iii) United Commercial Bank (iv) Central Bank of India (v) Allahabad Bank (vi) Bank of India (vii) Bank of Baroda (viii) Punjab National Bank (ix) Union Bank of India (i) State Bank of India (ii) Punjab National Bank (iii) Central Bank of India
West Bengal*
(iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) (ix) (x) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) (ix) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) (ix) (x) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) (ix) (x) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) New Bank of India Oriental Bank of Commerce Punjab & Sind Bank United Commercial Bank Bank of India Indian Overseas Bank State Bank of Patiala State Bank of India Punjab National Bank Central Bank of India Syndicate Bank Bank of India Union Bank of India State Bank of Patiala New Bank of India Oriental Bank of Commerce State Bank of India Punjab National Bank Allahabad Bank Central Bank of India Union Bank of India Bank of Baroda Canara Bank Oriental Bank of Commerce Syndicate Bank Punjab & Sind Bank State Bank of India Punjab National Bank Central Bank of India United Commercial Bank State Bank of Patiala Bank of India State Bank of India State Bank of Hyderabad Syndicate Bank Indian Bank Union Bank of India Central Bank of India Andhra Bank Corporation Bank Vijaya Bank Canara Bank State Bank of India United Bank of India United Commercial Bank Punjab National Bank Central Bank of India Allahabad Bank State Bank of India Central Bank of India Punjab National Bank Bank of India United Commercial Bank Allahabad Bank United Bank of India
Andhra Pradesh*
13. Himachal Pradesh (viii) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) (ix) (x) (i) (ii) (iii) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) (ix) (x) (i) (ii) (iii) (i) (ii) Bank of Baroda State Bank of India Punjab National Bank United Commercial Bank State Bank of Patiala Central Bank of India Union Bank of India State Bank of India Punjab National Bank Central Bank of India United Commercial Bank State Bank of India State Bank of Indore Central Bank of India Bank of India Punjab National Bank Allahabad Bank Bank of Maharashtra Union Bank of India United Commercial Bank Dena Bank State Bank of India United Bank of India United Commercial Bank State Bank of India United Commercial Bank Bank of India United Bank of India Indian Overseas Bank Indian Bank Andhra Bank Central Bank of India State Bank of India State Bank of Bikaner & Jaipur Punjab National Bank Bank of Baroda United Commercial Bank Central Bank of India New Bank of India Union Bank of India State Bank of India Indian Bank Indian Overseas Bank Canara Bank Union Bank of India Syndicate Bank Bank of Baroda Bank of India Central Bank of India Corporation Bank State Bank of India United Bank of India United Commercial Bank State Bank of India United Bank of India
Tamil Nadu*
(iii) (iv) (i) (ii) (iii) (i) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (i) (i) (i) (i) (ii) (i) United Commercial Bank Bank of Baroda State Bank of India United Bank of India United Commercial Bank State Bank of India State Bank of India Indian Bank United Commercial Bank Indian Overseas Bank State Bank of India Bank of India Bank of Baroda Central Bank of India Canara Bank Syndicate Bank Dena Bank State Bank of India State Bank of India State Bank of India Syndicate Bank Syndicate Bank
23. 24.
Sikkim Pondicherry
Dadar & Nagar Haveli Mizoram Arunachal Pradesh Andaman & Nicobar Island Lakshadweep
*For metropolitan cities of Delhi/New Delhi, Mumbai, Calcutta, Bangalore, Lucknow, Chennai and Hyderabad where the scheme was introduced with effect from 1st April 1987, all Public Sector Banks have been authorised to disburse pension under this scheme.
APPENDIX-16 (Referred to in Note -7 of Para-54) Evolution of Pensionary Structure of Commissioned Officers. History of Pension for Armed Forces personnel may be traced in older days since British Periods. However, it was in different shape. However, the concept of Pension was defined clearly when Pension Act, 1871 was introduced. Prior to 1.6.1953 (the date from which New Pension Code was introduced), pension structure in respect of commissioned officers was governed under Old Pension Codes vide A.R.I 1918 PRI-1928 and 1940(Edns). The special features for grant of Pension for ICOs prior to 1.6.1953 were as under:Minimum qualifying service required for earning a retiring pension was 15 years and for a retiring gratuity was 10 years. Only complete years of qualifying service were taken into account. Retiring pension was consisting of a service element based on the officers length of qualifying service and a rank element, for Majors and Lieutenant Colonels according to qualifying service in the substantive rank from which an officer retires. Officers who retires with less than one complete year qualifying service in rank from which he retires was eligible for pension for the lower rank. Period of ante-date and any service forfeited by a special order were not treated as qualifying service. Service for gratuity was calculated in the same manner as service for pension. An award on account of disability was not admissible in case of voluntary retirement. The officer pronounced permanently unfit on account of a disability attributable to military service was eligible for disability element at the rate appropriate to his degree of disability. The disability element was in addition to pension for rank and service, if any. No disability element was admissible for disability less than 20%. Officers who had completed 5 years qualifying service were eligible for service and rank element of pension permanently. Officers who had completed less than 5 years qualifying service were eligible for service and rank elements of pension so long as the disability was at least 20%. Officers with 10 to 14 years qualifying service retired due to disability not attributable to military service were eligible for gratuity only. Officers with 15 years qualifying service and retired due to disability not attributable to military service were eligible at the ordinary rate of retiring pension. Ordinary family pension and/or childrens allowance was admissible to the widows and legitimate children, under 18 years of age, of officers who die while on the active list or retired list otherwise than through wound, injury or disease directly attributable to the conditions of military service subject to fulfilment of certain condition specified in Regn. 83, PR (INDIA) Part-II (1940). Special rates of family pension was admissible to the widow, parents, brothers or sisters of an officer or a special childrens allowance to legitimate children under 18 years of age, if death was due to wounds, injuries or disease directly attributable to military service subject to
1. 2. 3.
4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
13. 14.
17. 18. 19. 20. fulfillment of conditions specified in Regn. 85, PR (INDIA) Part-II (1940). Pension not exceeding one-half was commutable. Provision of Temporary Increase was made w.e.f. 1.11.1943 to compensate the pensioner due to increase in cost of living. There was no provision for invalid pension, D C R G, liberalised family pension, benefit of years qualifying service and rounding of pension No Medical Adviser (Pensions) was posted to Principal CDA(P) for adjudication of re-assessment of disability pension. From 1.6.1953 A new pension structure, called New Pension Code, came into force w.e.f.1.6.1953 for the Armed Forces vide Army Instruction 2/S/53. The structure was based on the recommendations of the Armed Forces Pension Revision Committee[AFPRC]. In new pension structure, there was no direct correlation between emoluments and length of qualifying service. The rates of pension were, however, revised from time to time. The salient features of the New Pension Code are as under: The minimum qualifying service for retiring pension was raised to 20 years for regular commissioned officers and 15 years in case of late entrants. Rank for assessment of retiring pension was substantive rank held by the officer on his retirement. Rate of retiring pension was standard rate as per standard service fixed for each rank. The officers who have since more than or equal to standard service, on their retirement, were granted pension as for standard service. If an officer has less qualifying service than the standard service, the reduction in pension was not proportionate. Instead, the reduction followed a slab basis under which rate of deduction for shortfall of one year below standard service were prescribed for different ranges of pension. The pension for standard service was rounded off to the next multiple of 25. The reckonable service for pension was so much of an officers qualifying service as was rendered after attaining the age of 20 years. Minimum qualifying service for retiring gratuity was 10 years. Disability pension in case of invalidment consist of service element and disability element. Service element was to be calculated as per retiring pension and the disability element as per degree of disablement. Rank for assessment of service element of disability pension was to be assessed on the substantive rank held by the officer on the date of invalidment from service. Special family pension was admissible if the cause of the officers death was attributable to or aggravated by military service. Ordinary family pension was admissible if the cause of the officers death was neither attributable to nor aggravated by, military service. Rank for the purpose of assessment of family pensionary awards will be the substantive rank held by the officer on the date of his death, if death occurs in service or the date of invalidment from service, if death takes place after invalidment. Dependants pension in respect of the parents of an officer whose death was attributable to or aggravated by military service was admissible at the rate of 3/4th of the widows special family pension and of the widows special family pension in the case of brothers and sisters
(2) (3)
(14) collectively subject to means limit. With effect from 22.4.1960, service rendered 180 days or more was taken as year for qualifying service. Similarly, with effect from 28.6.1983, service rendered 3 months and above shall be treated as a complete one half year and reckoned as qualifying service for determining the amount of pension/DCRG. Prior to 12.4.1966, pension was sanctioned in Rupees and Paise in the actual calculation works out in rupees and paise. Pension was rounded to next 5 paise from the date decimal coinage system was introduced in 1955. But with effect from 12.4.1966, pension is rounded off to the next higher rupee. With effect from 12.12.1985 payment of retirement gratuity and the commuted value of pension is rounded off to the next higher rupee. The scheme of DCRG (now termed retirement gratuity and death gratuity) wef 1.1.86 was introduced with effect from 10.9.1970 vide Army Instruction 8/S/70. The maximum percentage of pension which could be commuted after introduction of DCRG was reduced from 50% to 43%. The concept of war injury pay was introduced to all war injured personnel who were/are invalided out of service in an international war/war like operations/border skirmishes since 1947-48. However, this benefit was made available to past pensioners with effect from 1.2.1972 under Government of India, Ministry of Defence letter No. 200847/Penc/71 dated. 24.2.1972. The pension structure underwent a change on implementation of recommendations of IIIrd Pay Commission with effect from 1.1.1973. The changes were as under: Retiring pension was calculated at the rate of 1/80th of emoluments for each year of service. The reckonable qualifying service was to the standard service plus weightage, ranging from 3 to 9 years, for each rank, subject to a maximum of 33 years. For reckonable emoluments, maximum pay of the rank was taken. Dearness pay was introduced with effect from 30.9.1977. In pursuance of Supreme Court landmark judgement in DS Nakras case, benefit of 10 months rank rule was introduced with effect from 1.4.1979. According to this, pension was to be revised with reference to emoluments drawn during last 10 months regardless of whether it is held in a substantive or paid acting capacity. After 1.1.1986, there had been a change in the method of determining retiring pension. The concept of standard service of rank has been dispensed with and the pension was related to the actual qualifying service together with weightage appropriate to the rank last held and the average emoluments. Accordingly, w.e.f. 1.1.86 retiring pension was calculated at 50% of the reckonable emoluments drawn during last 10 months. With effect from 1.1.1986, addition of 5 years to actual qualifying service for determining DCRG subject to a maximum of 33 years was allowed. The term of War Injury Pay was changed to War Injury Pension with effect from 1.1.86 in pursuance of IVth Central Pay Commission recommendations. This will now consist of service element and disability element but will be a consolidated amount. War Injury Pension for 100% disability shall be equal to reckonable emoluments last drawn. Where the disability is less than 100% , the amount of War Injury Pension shall
(16) (17)
(18) (19)
(a) (b)
(24) (25)
be proportionately reduced but in no case, it shall be less than 60% of the reckonable emoluments last drawn. The concept of compensation in lieu of disability element /war Injury element was introduced w.e.f 1.1.86 in pursuance of IV Central Pay commission recommendations. According to this, lump-sum compensation equal to capitalized value in lieu of disability/war injury element is admissible when the officer is retained in service despite disability/war injury, which is assessed at 20% or more for life. W.e.f 1.1.86 means limit for dependant's pension was done away. In order to shorten the gap between pension rates between pre-86 and post-86 retirees Government had introduced the scheme for payment of One Time Increase (OTI) w.ef. 1.1.92 to all pre-86 retirees. This is not payable to those who were re-employed or in receipt of two pensions. Note: The payment of One Time Increase has been discontinued w.e.f. 1.1.96 under Vth Central Pay Commission's orders since existing pension including One Time Increase was consolidated w.e.f 1.1.96 under Government of India, Ministry of Defence letter No. 1(2)/97/D(Pen/Sers) dated 24.11.97 Minimum amount of retiring pension and Family Pension :-. various dates on which minimum pension and Family Pension were raised increased and the amount of pension are as under:Dates Rs. pm 1.1.1964 25/1.3.1970 40/1.1.1973 150/1.4.1983 160/1.1.1986 375/1.1.1996 1275/Consolidation of pension in respect of Pre-96 pensioners/
(27) (28)
family pensioners. In pursuance of recommendations of VCPC, Government of India, Ministry of Defence issued orders for consolidation of existing pension/Family Pension of all the pre-96 pensioners/Family Pensioners w.e.f. 1.196 by adding together the following:-Existing pension/Family Pension - It includes basic pension before commutation, One Time Increase.(ii) Dearness relief up to CPI 1510@ 148% ,111% and 96% of basic pension.(iii) Interim Relief I and II(iv) Fitment weightage @ 40% of existing pension/Family Pension. The amount which will be worked out as above will be the revised and consolidated pension(RCP) with effect from 1.1.96 and revised dearness relief will be payable with effect from 1.7.96 on this revised consolidation pension (RCP)
Consolidation Of Pension Where Individual Is In Receipt Of Two Pensions
Provisions for consolidation of pension are laid down in Government of India, Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances Pensions, & PW OM No. 2/187-P &PW(PIC) dated 08.03.1988. According to this, w.e.f. 1.1.86 Armed Forces pensioners who are in receipt of more than one pension, their pensions will be consolidated in terms of provisions contained in Government of India, Ministry of Defence letter No. 1(4)/87-D(Pen-C) dated 12.05.1987 and even No. dated 27.07.1987. For example, if an Armed Forces pensioner who is in receipt of a second pension as a
civilian pensioner, the pension sanctioned first will remain undisturbed at the consolidated amount as on .1.1.1986 and the pension sanctioned second will be increased by so much amount that the total of both consolidated pensions is Rs. 375/-.However, in cases where a pensioner is in receipt of pension/family pension from the State Government /Public Sector undertaking/Autonomous body shall not be taken into account for consolidation as well as for applying the minimum limit of Rs. 375/-. However, with the issue of Government of India, Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & pensions,. OM No. 38/38/02-P & PW(A) dated 23.04.2003, both Military and Civil pensions will be consolidated separately under that Ministry's OM No. 45/86/97-P & PW(A) Part-II dated 27.10.1997 and Ministry of Defence letter No. 1(2)/97/D(Pen/Sers) dated 24.11.1997, if it falls short of Rs. 1275/- p.m. The floor ceiling of Rs. 1275/- p.m. taking the two pensions (Military and Civil) together will not apply. One Time Increase (OTI) W.e.f. 01.01.1992, one time increase is payable to Armed Forces pensioners who were discharged prior to 01.01.1986 at the rates prescribed in Government of India, Ministry of Defence letter No. 1(2)/92/D (Pension/Services) dated 16.03.1992 and 1(3)/93/D (Pension/Services) dated 25.02.1994.
2. The salient features of one time increase are as under. (i) the amount of OTI is based on the rank and qualifying service and pension. (ii) It is admissible as a separate element. However, dearness relief is payable on OTI. (iii) The Ad-hoc ex-gratia amount sanctioned to pre 01.01.1973 w.e.f. 01.09.1984 will continue to be paid as a separate element in addition to pension and the OTI but no dearness relief is, however, payable on that ad-hoc ex-gratia amount. (iv) Personal pension sanctioned to personnel who retired on or after 31.03.1985 but before 01.01.1986 will be absorbed in the OTI. Where the OTI is less than Personal Pension, the unabsorbed portion of Personal Pension will continue to be paid as unadjusted Personal Pension w.e.f. 01.01.1992 but no dearness relief is payable on this amount. (v) No part of OTI is commutable. (vi) The provisions of OTI shall not be applicable to the categories of pensioners mentioned in Para 4.1 of Ministry of Defence letter dated 16.03.1992 as amended vide that Ministry's letter dated 25.02.1994. (vii) The pension disbursing authorities are authorised to pay the OTI without any further authorization from Pension Sanctioning Authorities. In cases, where obtaining authorization of the correct amount of OTI becomes necessary due to non-matching/non availability of basic information, the same may be obtained from the PCDA(P). (viii) Pensioners who are entitled for OTI are to apply to their respective pension disbursing authority in the prescribed Application Form appended to Government letter of 16.03.1992 3. The payment of one time increase has been discontinued with effect from
01.01.1996 under Vth CPC orders since existing pension including OTI has been consolidated under Government of India, Ministry of Defence letter No. 1(2)/97D(Pen/Sers) dated 24.11.1997.
Modified Parity
This is a unique feature of Vth Central Pay Commission, which stipulates that w.e.f. 1.196, pension of all Armed Forces Pensioners irrespective of their date of retirement shall not be less than 50% of the minimum pay in the revised scale of pay . introduced w.e.f. 1.1.96 of the rank last held by the pensioner. This will be the pension for 33 years service. If the service is less than 33 years including admissible weightage, the pension will proportionately be reduced. Similarly, w.e.f. 1.1.96 Family Pension shall not be less than 30% of the minimum pay in the revised scale introduced w.e.f. 1.1.96 of the rank last held by the pensioner/ deceased individual. Note: Non Practicing Allowance in respect of Pre-86 retirees will not be taken into account for purpose of Modified Parity. Revision of pension- Post and Pre 1.1.96: (34) Pension shall continue to be calculated at 50% of the average emoluments in all cases and shall be subject to a minimum of Rs. 1275/pm and a maximum of up to 50% of the highest pay applicable to Armed Forces personnel but the full pension in no case shall be less than 50% of the minimum of the revised scale of pay introduced with effect from 1.1.96 for the rank last held by the commissioned officer at the time of his/her retirement even if the rank held for less than 10 months before retirement. However, such pension shall be reduced proportionately, where the pensioner has less than the maximum required service for full pension. Similarly, Ordinary Family Pension, so calculated/ consolidated under Para 8 of Government of India, Ministry of Defence letter dated 27.5.98 shall not be less than 30% of the minimum of the revised scale of pay introduced with effect from 1.1.96 for the rank held by the pensioner/deceased commissioned officer. Note 1. The family pension of an officer of the rank of Major General and equivalent shall not be less than family pension which would have been admissible to the family of the officer as a Brigadier or equivalent, had he not been promoted to rank of Major General and equivalent. Note 2. Non-Practicing Allowance (NPA) granted to medical officers is not to be taken into consideration after re-fixation of pay on notional basis on 1.1.96. It is also not to be added to the minimum of the revised scale of pay as on 1.196 in cases where consolidated pension/Family Pension is to be stepped up to 50% /30% respectively in term of Government of India, Ministry of Defence letter no 1(1)/99/D(Pen/Sers) dated 7.6.99 as clarified vide that Ministry's letter No. 11(1)/99/D(Pen/Sers) dated 11.9.2001. Rank Pay 35. Rank pay is admissible to the commissioned officers of the three services, holding their rank either in a substantive or acting capacity. It is that element of their pay identified with their Rank, which in turn, has a relationship with their scale of pay. It is granted separately in recognition of the specific needs of their conditions of service and command structure. It will consequently be taken into account for determining their entitlement to such of those financial benefits, concessions etc. including retirement benefits as are directly related to the basic pay of their pay scale.
36. Payment of Dearness Relief to Employed Family Pensioners All family pensioners in receipt of family pension from the Central Government and who were/are employed under the Central Government or State Government or a Corporation/Company/Body/Bank under them in India or abroad shall be eligible to draw dearness relief at rates applicable from time to time on the amount of Family Pension with effect from 18.7.97 through their pension disbursing authorities. In all other cases of employed Commissioned Officers pensioners no dearness relief shall be admissible on pension during the period of their re-employment for the reasons that (i) the pension is taken into account in such cases and is not entirely ignored (ii) the pay on reemployment is not required to re-fix at the minimum of the scale in all cases and (iii) dearness relief is also admissible on the pay fixed. payment of dearness relief in these cases shall become admissible only with effect from the date they cease to be re-employed. The pension disbursing authority shall require such a pensioner to produce a certificate of cessation of re-employment from the office in which he had been reemployed. Medical Allowance Every existing Armed forces pensioner/family pensioner with effect from 1.12.97 will be entitled for payment of fixed medical allowance of Rs. 100/- pm in lieu of out door patient that he/she is residing in an area where no Military Hospital/ M.I. room facilities exist. The option and undertaking are to the given to the pension disbursing authority where from the pensioner is drawing his/her pension. The specimen of the option and undertaking are given in Annexure-I and II at the end of the Appendix. Similarly, all the prospective pensioner/family pensioners will also be entitled to it subject to option and undertaking as above, in their cases, fixed medical allowance will be notified in the Pension Payment Order it self. As and when grant of medical allowance is authorised by the PDA intimation to this effect shall be sent to the PCDA(P) in the prescribed proforma as per Annexure-III of this Appendix. Note 1. Only one change in the lifetime of the pensioner/family pensioners shall be allowed. Note 2. If any pensioner or family pensioner is in receipt of two pensions, medical allowance @ Rs. 100/- pm would be admissible only on one pension, if he/she does not avail of the medical facilities provided by the respective organization. Note 3 Where medical allowance is shared by two widows/claimants, same criteria as in the case of dearness relief is to be adopted. Note 4 Lifetime arrears of Medical Allowance would be admissible to the Nominated heir. Medical Allowance Is Not Admissible To The Following Categories: (i) Re-employed pensioners/employed Family Pensioners as medical facilities are provided by his /her organization. (ii) The beneficiaries of the ex-gratia and compassionate allowance as they are not treated as defence pensioners/family pensioners Form of Option Annexure-I (i) I . hereby opt. For the medical facilities from Armed forces Hospital/MI rooms
OR (ii) I .. hereby opt to claim fixed medical allowance of Rs. 100/- pm as I am residing in area where no Armed forces Hospital/M.I. room (OPD facility) is available OR (iii) I .. hereby opt to claim fixed medical allowance of Rs. 100/- pm in lieu of OPD facilities at Armed forces Hospital/M.I. Room. Existing address: Signature Name Personal No /Regt. No. Unit/formation Date Station Countersigned Commissioned Officers/Treasury/ PSB/Paying Branch/DPDO/PAO Seal To be scored out if not applicable. This is one time option. Annexure-II Form of undertaking to be furnished by pensioners to his PDA.. I hereby declare and undertake that I am entitled to medical facilities in Armed Forces Hospital/M.I. rooms but I am residing in area where no such medical facilities are available I hereby declare and undertake that I am entitled to medical facilities in Armed Forces Hospital/M.I. rooms but not wish to avail OPD facilities at Armed Forces Hospital/M.I. rooms in order to claim the fixed medical allowance. My residential address is Vill/Moh.. P.O. . Distt. Pin Sign. . Name. . PPO. No.. SB/Current A/c. No. . P.D.A. . Date Station Countersigned Commissioned Officers/Treasury/PSB/Paying Branch/DPDO/PAO Seal Annexure-III Intimation to PCDA(P), Allahabad regarding payment of Medical Allowance to pensioners. (to be prepared in duplicate) Name of the pensioner/Family Pensioner (2) Rank and I.C/Regt. No. of the pensioner/deceased. PPO. No. (3)
(i) (ii)
TS/PS/HO. No. SB/Current A/c. No. Whether opted for Medical Allowance Yes /No. Whether pensioner has submitted an undertaking Yes/No. Whether necessary entries regarding payment of (8) Medical allowance has been made in PPO and pension certificate of the Pensioner Yes /No. Signature of PDA Bank Branch Distt. Seal. Ex-servicemen Contributory Health scheme (ECHS) Service personnel who are transferred to pension establishment on or after 1.04.2003 will compulsorily be a member of Ex-servicemen Contributory Health scheme (ECHS) by contributing his/her share of contribution as given below and the scheme would be applicable for life time similarly, ex-service men who have already retired can become members by making a one time contribution. There would be no restriction on age or medical condition the rates of lump- sum contribution are indicated below: Pension/Family Pension Lump Sum Contribution Upto Rs. 1500 Rs.1800 Rs.1501 to Rs. 3000 Rs. 4800 Rs. 3001 to Rs. 5000 Rs.8400 Rs.5001 to Rs. 7500 Rs 12000. Rs 7501 and above Rs. 18000 The amount so recovered will be indicated in the PPO as proof of recovery to enable the pensioner to produce the same if required for issue of identify card to avail the facility wherever the recovery of ECHS contribution is not indicated in the PPO of the Defence Service personnel transferred to pension establishment. W.e.f 1.4.2003, the lump sum contribution will have to be remitted into the treasury for credit to Govt. by the individual ECHS beneficiary The pensioners would be making similar one time payment towards ECHS contribution as the civilian pensioners making payment for availing CGHS facilities by contributing 10 times the annual contribution payable at the time of retirement. Retired personnel joining the scheme will for feit the medical allowance of Rs. 100/- presently admissible to them and those who do not join the scheme would continue getting medical allowance as hither to fore. Such persons should not be entitled to any medical facility from Armed forces clinics/ Hospitals or polyclinics set up under the scheme. Authy: Government of India, Ministry of Defence, letter No. 22(1)/01 /US (WE)/ D(Res) dated 30.12.2002 and CGDA New Delhi letter No. At/IV/4807/ECHS Dated 02.04.2003) (4) (5) (6) (7)
ANNEXURE-A (Referred to in Para 345)
List of reports and returns due from Grants-Military section SL No. Particulars of reports and returns Authority Form on which rendered Manuscript To whom due Date on which due
1. Revision of pension CGDA No. 5189/AT-P VCPC/ MON / Pre96/Dis dt. 18/9/01 and 20. 11. 01 CGDA. No. 9928/AN. Dated 5.9.58 PCDA(P) No. GX/1197/ WR dt. 25.2.89 CGDA No. 5607/ATP/UN Return dt. 23.9.96 PCDA(P) No. A/1/062-X dt. 14.7.2000 PCDA(P) No. GX/0554/H dt. 11.10.88 CGDA No. 5639/AT-P/ dt. 28.2.97 CGDA Monday
Charged Expenditure
Accounts Section
6. Progressive Use of Hindi Manuscript Hindi Cell 5th of each quarter.
INDEX OF ANNEXURE-B List of registers maintained in Grants-Military Section and their flyleaf instructions.
SL No . 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Name of register Form No Relevant Para 14 and 67 38 38 65 and 69 68 Page No.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10 . 11 . 12 . 13 14 . 15 . 16 .
Register of claims for retiring pension Numerical Index Register Index register of retirement/invalidment PPO numbering register Register for recording the particulars of Corrg. PPOs to the disadvantage of the pensioner Gratuity payment register Register of claims for disability pension Numerical index register (Family pension) Register of claims for family pension Register of commutation of pension Claim register for state forces pension Register of claims for imperial pension Provisional pension claim register Register of claims for compensation in lieu of disability element Register of court cases Register of legal Notice
GMR-4 GMR-5 GMR-6 GMR-7 GMR-9 GMR-13 GMR-14 GMR-17 GMR-18 GMR-19 GMR-20
77 83 138 & 190 144 ,182 & 186 233& 245 259 263 8 116 312 313
184 185 185 186 186 187 188 188 189 189 190
GMR-3 Reference: Serial No 1 of Annexure B Fly leaf instruction of maintenance of the register showing claims on account of retiring pension service officers Paras 14 and 67 O.M Part IV Vol-III To register, record and watch the progress and disposal of pension claims of service officers.
Case file No Date of retirement Date on which audit report rendered (In case audit report is not rendered) it will be mentioned in this column. 5 Number of PPO notifying the award The rate of provisional pension sanctioned
Authority: Object:
Sl No.
No and date of Govt letter sanctioning the final award/date of sanction of the final
7 award by section officer 8 9 10
2. The following drill will be observed by SO(A)/AAO/Auditors in maintaining the claim register. (a) Entries should be initialed as soon as an audit report is rendered to service Hqrs. (b) Subsequent stages in processing the claims should be recorded in the appropriate columns. (c) A monthly summary showing the general progress made in the disposal of claims is to be prepared before 10th of each month. The register should be closed and submitted to officer-in charge by 10th of each month for the preceding month. GMR-1 Serial No 2 of Annexure B Flyleaf instructions for the maintenance of numerical index register showing record of pension case files. Para 38 of O.M. Part IV Vol III To keep a record of pension files opened in the section. The register will be maintained in the following proforma:Rank, Name and IC No of the officer 2 Date of retirement/Invalidment. 3
Authority: Object:
Sl No of the file 1
The register will contain the No and Name of the officer concerned (other than the subject files) and is recorded in a serial numerical orders. When a new file is opened, the next serial No. after the last No in the register will be allotted to it and its particulars noted in the register. The register will be submitted to the officer-in-charge on the 10th of each month. GMR-2 Serial No 3 of Annexure B Fly leaf instructions for the maintenance of register for watching action in respect of retiring and disability pension claims. Authority: Para 38 of OM Part-IV Vol-III To maintain a complete record of retirements/invaliments of all Object: commissioned officers of the Army and to render audit reports wherever necessary. A register in the proforma indicated below will be maintained. Proforma Reference:
Sl No 1 Case file No 2 Rank, I.C. No. and Name of the officer 3 No and date of Service Hqrs. letter notifying retirement/invalidment 4 Reference to serial No. of claim register Date of retirement/ Invalidment 5 Remarks.
6 7 8 9
To ensure timely action in respect of all retiring and disability pension claims, the following drill will be followed for the purpose: (a) On receipt of the retirement notification from Army Hqrs, MS Branch/Medical Directorate, an entry in the register will be made by the auditor concerned and attested by the SO(A)/AAO. (b) As and when provisional award are sanctioned, an audit report are submitted. The entries in the register will be cleared by the auditor and attested by SO(A)/AAO. (c) At the end of each month, the outstanding item in the register will be reviewed by SO(A)/AAO and a report as to the outstanding cases will be prepared. (d) The register will be submitted to the officer-in-charge of the Section on the 5th of the each month.
GMR- 15 Reference: Serial No 4 of Annexure B Authority: Paras 65 and 69 of OM Part IV Vol. III To allot a running Serial No to the PPOs (including corrigendum Object: PPOs) issued during a year under M series. The register will be maintained by Group I (Admin) in manuscript in proforma given below :2. The following drill will be observed in maintaining the Register:(i) The register will be maintained calender year-wise. (ii) Serial No 1 will be allotted to the first approved PPO received in the beginning of the calender year. Thereafter, running serial numbers will be allotted to the draft PPOs as and when received. First column of the Register will be marked accordingly and columns 2 to 6 should be filled in from the particulars noted on the draft PPO. (iii) Columns 7 to 9 of the Register will be completed as and when acknowledgements to PPOs are received from the P.D.As. (iv) The receipt of acknowledgements from PDAs will be watched. Monthly reminders on GMF-35 will be issued to PDAs for expediting acknowledgement to PPOs not received. (v) The register will be submitted to the officer-in-charge of the section monthly on the 10th of each month of outstanding items in respect of which acknowledgments are awaited. PROFORMA
PPO No Case file No Previous PPO / Claim No 3 Page no of acknowledgeme nt file 8 Initial notification of corr. PPO 4 Initials of Auditor 9 Rank, Personal No and Name of the officer. 5 Remarks
Flyleaf instruction for the maintenance of the Register for recording the particulars of corrigendum pension payment orders to the disadvantage of pensioners. Object:To keep a special watch over the receipt of acknowledgements of such of the PPOs as are to the disadvantage of the pensioners e.g. PPOs canceling an earlier award, reducing the rate of pension, curtailing the period of grant or modifying the conditions of the grant, etc. This register will be maintained by the Admin Group of Grants (Commissioned Officers) Section centrally for the Section as a whole in manuscript in proforma given below. The following drill will be observed in maintaining the Register:The register will be maintained calendar year wise. Columns 1,2,3,5,6 and 7 will be completed at the time of preparation and approval of the draft PPO by the concerned Auditor/SO(A)/AAO. It will be the responsibility of the supervisory staff i.e. the SO(A)/AAO and the officer approving the PPO to determine as to which PPO comes within the categories to be entered in the Register. Column-4 of the register will be completed by the Group-I (Admin) responsible for the maintenance of register, by consulting PPO numbering register GMR-15 . SO (A)/AAO of Group I (Admin.) will also periodically ensure completion of column 4 of the Register. Columns of 8, 9, 10, and 11 will also be watched by that Group. The Register will be allotted control No noted on chart of Registers and submitted to the officer-in-charge of the section on 10th of each month with outstanding drawn for which reminders will also be issued to parties concerned simultaneously monthly. PROFORMA
SL No No of previous PPO 2 Name, Rank and personal No of the officer 3 Corr. PPO No (To be completed on allotment of PPO No.) 4 Initials Audito r 9 Initials SO (A)/AAO 10 PDA from whom acknowledgement is to watched. 5 Reminder issued on (Date) 11 Initials Auditor
6 Remarks
Initials SO(A)/AAO 7
Authority: Object:
GMR-4 Serial No 6 of Annexure B Fly leaf instructions for maintaining register for recording payments on account of gratuity. Para 77 of OM Part IV Vol. III. Gratuity register in maintained to avoid that no double payment is made to an individual discharged from service. A register will be maintained in the proforma indicated below: Proforma
Sl No. 1
File No 2
By whom claimed. 3
Authority 4
Amount claimed 5
Amount paid 6 Initials Auditor SO(A)/AAO 7 Remarks 8
All gratuity claims passed for payments will be entered on the proper page allotted to a Centre. The Auditor and SO(A)/AAO will initial in the column provided for the purpose. The voucher no. assigned by the D Section will be recorded in the register before submission of the same to the officer-in-charge for inspection. The register will be submitted to officer-in-charge of group on 10th of each month for inspection. It will be submitted to the Group officer for inspection once in every quarter i.e. 10th of January 10th of April, 10th of July and 10th of October. GMR-5
Authority: Object:
Serial No. 7 of Annexure B. Fly leaf instructions for maintenance of the register showing claims on account of disability pension of service officers. Para 83 of OM Part IV Vol. III. To register, record and watch the progress and disposal of disability pension claims of service officers. The register will be maintained in the following proforma :Proforma
Case file No. 3 Date of retirement 4 Initials of Auditor SO(A)/AAO Date on which audit report rendered (in case Audit report is not due) it will be mentioned in this column. 5 No and date of Govt. letter sanctioning the final award/date of sanctioning the final award by the Section officer. 8
Sl No. 1
The following drill will be observed by SO(A)/AAO/Auditors in maintaining the claim register:(a) Entries should be initialed as soon as an audit report in rendered to Service HQrs or provisional pension is sanctioned as the case may be. (b) Subsequent stages in processing the claims showed be recorded in the appropriate columns. (c) A monthly summary showing the general progress made in the disposal of claims is to be prepared before 10th of each month. The register should be closed and submitted to officer-in-charge by 10th of each month for the preceding month.
Reference: Serial No. 8 of Annexure B Fly leaf instructions for the maintenance of numerical index register showing record of family pension case files. Paras 138 and 190 of OM Part IV Vol. III. To keep record of family pension files opened in the Section. The register will be maintained in the following proforma:Proforma
Case file No Rank, Name and I.C. No. of the deceased officer 3 Date of death
Authority: Object:
Sl No.
The register will contain the No and Name of the officer concerned (other than subject files) and recorded in a serial numerical order. When a new file is opened the next serial No and after the last No in the register will be allotted to it and its particulars noted in the register. The register will be submitted to the officer-in-charge on 10th of each month.
GMR-7 Reference: Serial No. 9 of Annexure B Fly leaf instructions for maintenance of register showing claims on account of Family Pension. Paras 144, 182 and 186 of OM Part IV (Vol. III.) To register record and watch the progress and disposal of family pension claims in respect of service officers.
Rank and Name of the deceased 3 Name of the claimant 4 PPO No and year 9 Date of receipt of the claim 5 Date on which audit report rendered(if necessary) 10 Remarks
Authority: Object:
Sl No 1
Case file No 2
Date of death 6
Date and rate of ordinary family pension sanctioned 8 PPO No and year notifying special family pension. 12
Initial of Auditor/SO(A) 13
2. (a) (b) (c) The following drill be observed by SO(A)/Auditor in maintaining the claim Register:Claim is registered as soon as the application duly completed in all respects is received from the next of kin. Subsequent stages in processing the claims should be recorded in the appropriate columns. Monthly summary showing the general progress made in the disposal of claims is to be prepared before 10th of each month. The Register should be closed and submitted to officer in charge by the 10th of each month for the preceding month. GMR-9 Serial No. 10 of Annexure-B Fly leaf instructions for the maintenance of the register showing disposal of commutation application of service officers. Para 233 & 245 of OM Part IV Vol. III. To register, record and watch the progress and disposal of commutation application of service officers. The register will be maintained in the following proforma: Proforma
Amount of pension 3 Date on which sanction received 7 Portion of pension commuted 4 Date on which commutation took effect 8 Capitalised value 5 Remarks
Authority: Object:
Sl No 1
All applications for commutation of pension as soon as they are received should be entered in this register. After the sanction for commutation of pension has been accorded by the competent authority and medical board proceedings from the medical authorities have been received, the Register should be completed and the entry initialed by the Accounts officers in support of the amount authorised for payment or rejected claim. This register will be submitted to the officer-in-charge on the 5th of every month and half yearly to Group officer (i.e., June and December) GMR-13 Serial No. 11 of Annexure B. Fly leaf instructions for the maintenance of Register showing the claims in respect of State Forces Pensioners. Para 259 of OM Part IV (Vol. III.) To watch the progress and the disposal of pension claims in respect of State Forces Pensioners. The register will be maintained in the following proforma:
Unit 4 Name of the individual with Regt. No. and rank 5 Initial of the Auditor
Authority: Object:
Sl. No 1 File No. 2 No. and date of communication with which the claim was received 3 Name of the
Date of Release
Nature of
Date of
/Retirement /Invalidment 6 Date of submission to EDP 11 applicant 7 Date on which received back from EDP 12 claim 8 PPO No. and Year 13 receipt 9 Date of dispatch 14 SO(A)/AAO 10 Initials of the Auditor/SO (A)/AAO 15
The following drill will be observed by the SO(A)/AAO and Auditors in maintaining the register:(i) The pension claim Register would be maintained Record office wise/unit wise. (ii) On receipt of a fresh claim from RO, Columns 1 to 9 of the Proforma should immediately be filled in by the Auditor. The Auditors should record their initials in Column 10 of Performa and the SO (A)/AAO should also put in his initials therein in token of the correctness of the entries. (iii) Subsequent stages in processing the claims should be recorded in the appropriate columns from 11 to 15 provided in the proforma. (iv) A monthly summary showing the number of claims outstanding upto the period with RO/AHQ/Govt. should be prepared on the claim register in the following proforma:Summary of claims outstanding on------Opening balance Receipt Disposal Total closing balance with items No. and date of oldest. U/R to U/R to U/R to In hand OC Govt. Others Oldest date
The register should be closed monthly and submitted to the officerin-charge by the first week of the following month.
GMR-14 Reference: Serial No. 12 of Annexure B Flyleaf instructions for the maintenance of the register showing the claim in respect of Imperial Pensioners. Para 263 of OM Part-IV Vol. III. To register, record and watch the progress and disposal of pension claims of Imperial pensioners. The register will be maintained in the following proforma: Name of the pensioner 3 PPO No. Initial of the Auditor /SO(A)/AAO 5
Authority: Object:
Sl. No. 1 No. and date of Audit Section letter under which claim received 2
As and when claim is received from Audit Section, Local entry is made in the register. After finalising the case relevant columns are completed. A monthly summary showing the general progress made in the disposal of claims is to be prepared before 10th of each month. The register should be closed and submitted to the officer-in-charge by
10th of each month for the preceding month. GMR-17 Serial No 13 of Annexure-B Fly leaf instructions for maintenance of the register showing claims on account of provisional pension. - Para 8 O M Part-IV Vol. III Authority To register, record and watch the progress and disposal of Objectprovisional pension claim of service officers The register will be maintained in the following proforma: Proforma Reference:
Sl. No. 1 Reference to Index Register 2 Case file No. 3 Date of retirement 4 Final decision on disciplinary /court case 8 Nature of disciplinary/ court case 5 No of PPO notifying the final award 9 Initial of Auditor/S O (A)/AAO 10
The following drill will be observed by SO(A)/AAO/Auditor in maintaining of claim register:(a) Entries should be initialed as soon as provisional awards is sanctioned. (b) Subsequent stages in processing the claims should be recorded in the appropriate columns. (c) A monthly summary showing the general progress made in the disposal of claims is to be prepared before 10 th of each month. The register should be closed and submitted to officer in charge by the 10th of each month for the preceding month. GMR-18 Reference: Authority: Object: Serial No. 14 of Annexure B Para 116 of OM Part IV Vol. III. To note details of compensation paid in lieu for disability element. The register will be maintained centrally in manuscript as per proforma given below. following drill will be observed in maintaining the register: On receipt of the claim for compensation in lieu of disability element, columns 1 to 4 will be completed by the Auditor. After passing the claim and issue of payment authority, columns 5 to 8 should be completed. Remaining columns should by completed after notification of the service element of disability pension. The Register should be put up to officer-in-charge of the group for authentication of the entries made in the Register as and when payment on above account is authorised.
Date of Birth 3 Accepted percentage of disability 4 PROFORMA Amount of compensation 5
Sl No. 1
No and date of payment authority 6 File No 7 Initial of Auditor/SO(A)/AO 8 PPO No under which service elements disability pension notified. 9 Remarks
GMR-19 Reference: Serial No. 15 of Annexure B Flyleaf instructions for the maintenance of the register for court cases Para 312 of OM Part-IV Vol. III To keep a record of all court cases received in the Section. The register of court cases Register will be maintained in the following proforma:Proforma
Sl. No. 1 File No. 2 Court Case No. 3 Name of Court/ CAT and Station 4 Name and IC no. of applicant/pensioner 5 Action taken 9
Authority: Object:
To ensure timely action in respect of all court cases, the following drill will be followed for the purpose:(a) On receipt of Court case from the pensioner, an entry in the register will be made by the Auditor concerned and attested by SO(A)/AAO. (b) At the end of each month outstanding items in the register will be reviewed by the SO(A)/AAO and a summary be prepared and submitted to officer in-charge on 5th of each month.
GMR-20 Reference: Authority: Object:Serial No. 16 of Annexure B. Para 313 of OM Part-IV Vol. III To keep a record of legal notices received in the section.
Action taken 7
followed: (a) On receipt of legal notice from the applicant/lawyer, an entry in the register will be made by the Auditor concerned and attested by SO (A)/AAO. (b) At the end of each month, all-outstanding case of legal notices should be reviewed and a summary be prepared and submitted to officer-incharge by 5th of each month.
INDEX OF ANNEXURE-C List of Forms used in Grants-Military Section
Sl. No. 1. Nature of Form Audit report in respect of officers who have been cashiered/dismissed/permitted to retire, resign, etc. Check List-Retiring pension, etc. Memo calling for full pay commissioned service certificate from the pay Audit officer viz CDA (O), Pune-Army officers Memo calling for information /document from the officer Statement of assessment of pension gratuity Covering list for forwarding draft pension payment orders to PPO cell for typing Intimation to officers regarding notification of final pensionary awards Memo for reminding the PDA for the acknowledgement of PPOs Intimation to officer regarding grant of disability pension/disability element of pension Family pensionary awards-communication to Army Headquarters asking for option certificate under AO 471/68 and satisfactory service certificate, etc. Communication to the widow of the deceased officer asking her to return form MPB-501 pension duly completed Statement of assessment of family pensionary awards Control chart for family pension Intimation to widow regarding finalisation of pensionary awards Communication to the parent of the deceased officer calling for certain information and documents Form of application for commutation of pension Memo calling for documents required for verification of date of birth of officer for the purpose of commutation of pension Intimation to officer regarding submission of audit report for commutation of pension Memo for arranging Medical Board for commutation of pension Check statement for payment of capitalised value of pension Intimation to officer regarding addition of years to his actual age for commutation purposes by the commutation Medical Board LPC-Cum-data sheet form for retiring pension LPC -Cum-data sheet form (Rev) LPC-Cum-data sheet Form for disability element Form No. GMF-11 Relevant Para 6 & 58 Page No. 194
2. 3.
38 and 149 39
195 196
4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
141, 142 & 149 145 and 192 147 152 ,170 and 187 181
16. 17.
GMF-29 GMF-28
231 235
209 210
35 35 97
25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. LPC-Cum-data sheet Form for family pension PPO format for retiring pension computerized PPO format for retiring pension corrigenda Computerized PPO format for disability element computerized PPO format for retiring, invalid, war injury pension(manual) PPO format for disability element (manual) PPO format for family/ dependant pension computerized PPO format for family pension Ordinary/ Special/Liberalised Specimen form loss certificate Indemnity Bond-Missing officers Indemnity Bond-Missing pensioners Office Note for acceptance of Indemnity Bond Report frm civil authority in regard to the verification of civil service of ICOs pension. Counting of other Ranks Service toward, permanent commissioned service Intimation memo regarding assessment of precommissioned Military/Civil service towards ICOs pension GMF-40 GMF-41 GMF42 GMF-43 GMF-44 GMF-45 GMF-46 GMF-47 GMF-48 GMF-49 GMF-50 GMF-51 GMF-52 GMF-53 GMF-54 150 35 35 97 35 & 97 97 150 150 70 136 136 136 267 281 282 219 220 221 222 223 226 227 228 231 232 234 236 237 238 239
Sl. No. 1 of Annexure-C G.M F 11 (See Paras 6 & 58) Registered No. G1/M/ Office of the PCDA (Pension) Allahabad Dated To, -------------------------------Grant of Retiring Pension ----------------------------------------------------Reference: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The above named officer was retired/cashiered/dismissed/permitted to retire/resign w.e.f. -------------. He is stated to be involved in a Disciplinary /S.P.E. case as intimated by you in your No. An audit report on his pensionary entitlement was also required from this office vide your No.. Satisfactory service certificate in respect of the officer has also not been received. 2. An officer of the category as mentioned in Para 1 above is not eligible for full retiring benefits. He may however be granted such an award to the discretion of the President not exceeding that admissible to him, had he retired in the normal course as shown in the succeeding paragraphs. 3. With reference to Regulations. of Pension Regulation for the Army/Air Force Part-I (1961) /Navy Pension Regulation-1964 all commissioned service excluding the periods of forfeited service or leave /absence without pay and allowances qualifies for pension. According to the audit particulars of service as recorded at page.of Annual. .last.. and those contained in your Headquarters letter cited above and in the communication received from the Pay Audit Officers concerned, the Officer will have/had to his credit a period of .years qualifying service for pension/gratuity on .(the date of retirement). It has also been confirmed by the Pay Audit Officer that the Officer was not paid any gratuity other than war gratuity for service rendered prior to the grant of P.R.C. to him. 4. The officer has elected to receive pension under New Pension code/A.I 8/S/70 vide his election certificate (enclosed in original). 5. According to the facts mentioned in Paras..above, the officer will be eligible for a retiring pension or Rs. ..(rupees) . Per mensem/gratuity w.e.f. on the date of his retirement. 6. Sanction of the Govt. of India on the case may kindly be obtained and communicated to this office at an early date. Accounts officer (Pensions) Subject:
Sl. No. 2 of Annexure-C G. M. F. 1 (Referred to in Paras 38 and 149) Check List- Retiring Pension Name . (appears on page of the Annual Army List 197.) 1. Particulars appearing in Annual Army List. Date of birth (Verified/Unverified) E.C./S.S.R.C P.R.C. Sub Rank ... Pre-commissioned service allowed to count for pension:Date of Promotion to paid acting rank intimated by C.D.A.(O). Promoted to the paid acting Rank on.(see page.of the file). 3. (a) date of Retirement as intimated .(See page ..of file). (b) Nature of retirement - Normal/ Premature. 4. Service verified as under: (a) Pre commissioned Service (i) Vide Annual Army list. (ii) Vide PCDA letter at page of file .. (b) As I.C.O. as intimated by C.D.A.(O) Form .to(Page.of file) .to(Page.of file) .to(Page.of file) .to(Page.of file) 5. Service in the paid Acting rank verified as under as intimated by C.D.A (O):From .to(Page..of file) .to(Page.....of file) .to(Page..of file) 6. Whether gratuity (other than war gratuity) For non regular service paid/not paid (See page ..of file) If paid, whether gratuity refunded by the officer. (See page ..of file) 7. Demands against the Officer. (See page ..of file) 8. Election certificate of retiring pension. (See page ..of file) 9. Name of the P.D.A (See page ..of file) 10. Election certificate for ordinary family pension. (See page ..of file) 2.
Sl. No. 3 of Annexure-C G.M.F-2 (Referred to in Para 39) No. G1/M/.. Office of the PCDA(Pensions) Allahabad. Dated. To The CDA (Officers) Pune-1 Subject: Reference: Retirement: AHQ MS Branch letter No . Dated.
Please furnish the full pay commissioned service certificate and other particular in respect above named officer on the usual proforma with reference to CGDAs No 6527/AT-P dt 18-8-66. the pay of rank last drawn by the officer in terms of para 3 (a)(i) & (b) of AI. 8/S/70 may also please be furnished specifically. Accounts Officer (Pensions) Copy to:Army Headquarters. M.S Branch DHQ Po New delhi-11 With reference to their Head Quarters letter quoted above. Kindly furnish/intimate:(a) the satisfactory service certificate in due course. (b) The effective date of retirement from the army service. (c) No and date of specific AIs under the terms and condition of which the above named officer was granted EC/TC/SSC/SSRC and subsequently PRC. 2. Army Headquarters, AG;s Branch, PS4(e) IInd floor, R.K. Puram, west Block N0.3 Wing No2 IInd . New Delhi for information. 3. Army Headquarters, (Org.3, RR&C) DHQ PO, New Delhi-11. (a) (b) The officers record of Service (IAFZ-2041) for the non-regular period may please be furnished. Please forward option certificate exercised by the officer under A.I 8/s/70, if received by your Headquarters.
Sl. No. 4 of Annexure-C GMF-5 (See Para-41) Registered ACK due No.G1/M Office of the Pr. CDA(P), Allahabad Dated: To. . Sub: Retiring pension . Ref: Army HQrs./DGAFMS letter No dated . Please furnish the following information/ documents at an early date to enable this office to progress your pension case and to authorise pension/retirement gratuity without delay::1. 2. The particular pension disbursing authority from whom you wish to draw your pension. Two copies of your latest photograph (in passport size) duly attested by a commissioned officer other than yourself. It should be attested as follows "Attested photograph of .. (IC. .) " Whether you are likely to be re-employed in Army/Navy/Air Force after retirement. it is seen that you have pre-commissioned JCO/OR service qualifying for pension as ICO. Please furnish your Regimental/Army No. relating to that service and the name of the Record officer who is maintaining your Sheet Roll relating to that service. your post retirement permanent address. Accounts Officer (Pensions)
3. 4.
Sl. No. 5 of Annexure-C G.M.F.-6 (Referred to in Paras 47 and 85) Statement of Assessment of Pension/Gratuity Name .. .. . (Name appears at page . . of Annual . List for .) I. Particulars of Service Date of birth Date of I st Commission EC/SSRC under Date of P.R.C. under Date Sub. Rank of (i) .. (ii) Date of promotion to the paid acting rank of . Date of Retirement . Nature of Retirement Normal/Premature Pension Rules by which governed :Pension Regn./A.I. 8/S/70 II. Qualifying Service for Pension (i) Pre-commissioned service (ii) Commissioned service Total (or years complete) From To. . Note :- The officer's service from to .. has not been verified so far. Whether that period has effect on the amount of pension/Death-cum-retirement gratuity. . No/Yes. III. Retiring Pension Admissible to the above named officer vide Regulation 9, 28, 29, 30 and 31 P.R. (Army)/AF) Part-I (1961)read with A.I.8/S/70 for the acting/substantive rank of .. Rs. (Rupees . ) per mensem with effect from (the date of retirement) IV. Retirement Gratuity Admissible to the officer (a) Rate of Pay . Rs. Para 3(a) (i) and (b) of A.I. 8/S/70 No. of completed years service. (b) Total Retirement Gratuity. Accounts Officer (Pensions) Yrs. Days. ------------------
Sl. No. 6 of Annexure-C G.M.F.-12 (See Para 65) Grant-I(Military) Section Statement of Assessment of Pension/Gratuity Covering List of Draft PPOs PPO No. Year 1 I.C. No. 2 Rank/Unit 3 Name 4 PDO 5 Remarks 6
Sl. No. 7 of Annexure-C G M F -13 (Referred to in Para 67) No. G1/M/.. Office of the PCDA(Pensions) Allahabad. Dated. To, -------------------------------Subject: Reference: Notification of pensionary awards in respect of Army officer. Your pension application/letter No. . dated
Pensioners copy of PPO meant for your record is enclosed herewith. The PPO has been despatched to your Banker's Link Branch mentioned in your PPO under Principal CDA(P), Post Office Postal Receipt No. dated .. The Link Branch in turn will transmit the same to your paying bank if different for making payment of your pensionary benefits. In case of non receipt of the PPO in your paying branch, you may contact the Banker's link branch for expediting submission of your PPO to paying branch for early payment. As per your pension claim it has been, observed that you have applied for commutation of pension but CDA(O) while sending the case to this office has not shown the commutation of pension against col. NO. 19 of LPC CumData Sheet for want of Release Medical Board with them. Hence the commutation of pension could not be notified by this office. Please contact CDA(O) in this regard for issue of an amended LPC cum Data Sheet duly supported with RMB. Encl.: As above (Note: Score which is not applicable) Accounts Officer (Pensions)
Sl. No. 8 of Annexure-C GMF-35 (To be issued in duplicate) (See Para 69) No. G1/M/.. Office of the Principal CDA(Pensions) Allahabad. Dated To, The Treasury Officer/DPDO/Manager PSBs ---------------------------------------------------Subject: Pension Payment Orders-Acknowledgement of. Your acknowledgments for the PPOs detailed overleaf have not been received so far. Please confirm that the same have been received by your office. 2. This communication is being sent in duplicate and it is requested that one copy may be return to this office after completion.
Accounts officer(pension)
No. Dated .. From : The Treasury Officer/DPDO/Manager PSB -------------------------------------------------To The PCDA(Pensions) ALLAHABAD It is confirmed that all the PPOs mentioned below have been received. * Treasury Officer/DPDO/Manager
Sl No. No. of the PPO Name of the Pensioner to whom the PPO relates Date of dispatch of PPO by PCDA (P) Allahabad
Sl. No. 9 of Annexure-C GMF-14 (See Paras 92 & 96) Registered No. G1/M/.. Office of the PCDA (Pensions) Allahabad. Dated To, -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A disability pension consisting of service element @ Rspm and disability element @ Rs. pm disability element of pension @ Rspm for the period from to as for % disablement has been sanctioned to you. A pension payment order bearing No. G1/M/.. to this effect has been sent to your bankers link Branch. And a copy thereof meant for your is enclosed. The link Branch in turn will transmit the same to your paying branch. 2. you are advised to contact your paying branch after a fortnight from the date of receipt of this communication. 3. in case of non-receipt of your PPO in your paying branch, you may contact the bankers Link Branch for expediting the transmission of our PPO to paying branch for early payment.
Encl.(As above)
Copy for information to 1. Army HQrs. AG's Branch (PS-5) West Block-III, RK Puram New Delhi-110066 Army HQrs. AG's Branch ( MP 5(d)) West Block-III, RK Puram New Delhi-110066 AO(P)
Sl. No. 10 of Annexure-C GMF-16 (Referred to Para-139) No. GI/M/F O/o the Pr. CDA(P), Allahabad Dated: To Army Headquarters MS branch/Medical Directorate Branch D.H.Q., P.O., New Delhi-II Sub: Family Pensionary Awards in Respect of Late. Ref: Army Headquarters casualty report No. ... . dated . endorsed to this office amongst others. Kindly refer to the above cited casualty report and intimate the No. and date of the particular A.I. under the terms and conditions of which the above named officer was granted commission. His pre-commissioned service if any, may also please be intimated to this office. Please also furnish the satisfactory service certificate in respect of the above named officer. Please also furnish the following documents in respect of the officer:(i) Option certificate if any, in terms of Government of India Ministry of Defence letter No.1(4)/68/1035-D/S/D(Pens/Sers) dated 30.10.68 (ii) Option certificate as required under Para 14(a) of A.I. 8/S/70 (iii) Nomination, if any, under Para 4 of A.I. 8/S/70. Accounts Officer (Pensions) Copy forwarded for information to:The CDA(O) Post Bag No.1 Pune-1 With the request to intimate the substantive rank as well as higher paid acting/ temporary rank if any held by the officer on the date of his death. Please also furnish a certificate to the effect that the entire commissioned service of the officer was on full pay stating inter-alia whether or not any gratuity has been/will paid in respect of above named officer. Please also intimate the basic pay last drawn by the above named deceased officer in terms of Para 3 of A.I. 51/80.
Sl. No. 11 of Annexure-C GMF-17 (Referred to in Paras-141,142,& 149 No. GI/M/F O/O the Pr. CDA(P), Allahabad Dated: To Sub: Family Pensionary Awards in respect of Late This office notes with regret the death of your husband on .. To enable this office to forward your pension claim to the Army Hqrs., please complete the enclosed form "MPB 501/Pensions" and return the same to this office. A set of instructions to be followed in completion of the above form is also enclosed. Please also obtain and forward the birth certificate of your children below 25 years of age, if any, in support of your claim. Kindly also obtain and furnish a death certificate of your husband from the Hospital/Nagar Mahapalika or from the doctor who might have attended the deceased at the time of death showing the signs and symptoms of disease from which he expired and the treatment given to him Yours faithfully Accounts officer (Pensions) N.O.O. Copy forwarded for information to:AHQ, AG's Branch DHQ PO New Delhi-11 With reference to their letter No. .. dated kindly intimate the dates of birth of the children of above named deceased officer, if available le in his service record. The option certificate of the officer under A.O. 471/68 if held, may also please be forwarded. It is requested that the entitlement decision as to whether or not the cause of death of above named deceased officer was attributable to his military service may kindly he communicated to this office, at an early date. Necessary action for the grant of ordinary family pension, if any, admissible will be taken by this office on receipt of the pension application form duly completed from the widow. Accounts Officer(Pensions)
Sl. No. 12 of Annexure-C G.M.F-18 (Referred to in Paras 145 and 192) Statement attached to Case file No. G1/M/F
Name . . (Name appears at Page .. of annual list for .. I. Particulars of Service :Date of I st Commission /EC/SS/RC (Under ) Date of P.R.C. (Under ..) Rank held on date of death II. Qualifying Service for Pension:Years . Months Days . (i) Pre-commissioned service (ii) Commissioned Service From . To . Total Note : The officer's service From .. To .. has not been verified so far. . Whether that period has any effect upon eligibility of Family Pension and Death Gratuity . No./Yes. Whether the service rendered has been satisfactory or not. Details of Family. Name of the widow . Born on Date of marriage .. Name of children born on . V. Amount of Pension Admissible. (a) Under the Rules in PRA Part-I (1961) VI. Amount of Death Gratuity Admissible:(a) No. of completed years of service .. (b) Rate of Pay the officer is in receipt of (c) Total death Gratuity admissible .. VII. Person eligible to receive Gratuity as per nomination indicating % applicable:(1) (2) (3) VIII. If no nomination exists/subsists details of surviving members eligible to the Gratuity in equal shares and actual amount payable to each :(1) (2) (3) Accounts Officer (Pensions) IX. Family Pensionary awards as below sanctioned :(a) Pension to Smt. @ Rs. P.M. w.e.f. . (b) Death Gratuity payable to: III. IV.
Sl. No. 13 of Annexure-C G.M.F.-15 (See Para 147) Claim No. . File No. Name of the deceased officer .. (Appears on Page .. of A.A. L. ) I. Particulars of the Deceased Officer (a) Date of birth . Date of First Commission. Date of P.R.C. Pre-commissioned service (Page.) Gratuity for service prior to grant of P.R.C. paid/not paid (Page) A.I.underwhichgrantedcommission (Page.) Full pay commissioned service from . To.. (Page.) Last Pay drawn Rs. / pm. (Page.) (a) (i) Date of death (Page.) (ii) Date retirement (Page.) (b) Date of sending pension application (Page.) (c) Date of receipt of pension application Details of children (Page.) (a) Satisfactory service certificate (Page.) (b) Attributability decision. (Page.) (c) Option certificate A.I. 8/S/70 (Page.) (d) Option certificate under A.I. 471/68 (Page.) (a) Date of grant of pension (Page.) (i) Ordinary (Page.) (ii) Special Delivery (Page.) (b) Date of intimation to widow (Page.) (a) Date of issue of L.P.C. (Page.) (b) Date of issue of Final P.P.O (Page.)
Sl. No. 14 of Annexure-C GMF-22 (See Paras-152 , 170 and 187 ) No.G1/M/ Office of the Pr. CDA(P), Allahabad Dated:
To. Smt... W/O Late. . Sub: Family pensionary awards in respect of Late . Madam, On receipt of the Government of India(now Service HQrs. decision that the death of your husband was caused due to reasons attributable to/aggravated by service factors a special Family Pensionary awards has been sanctioned in your favour vide this office PPO. No. M/F//(Copy enclosed ) The above award has been sanctioned in place of Ordinary Family Pension notified earlier vide PPO No. M/F//Yours faithfully
Sl. No. 15 of Annexure-C G.M.F. 27 (Referred to in Para 181) Registered No. GI/M/D/ Office of the PCDA (Pensions) Allahabad , dated To, -------------------------------------Subject:Claim for the award of dependants pension in respect of Late Sir/Madam, This office notes with regret the death of your son onService Hqrs are being requested to intimate as to whether or not the cause of death of the above named deceased officer is due to his military service and on its receipt further action regarding grant of pensionary awards if any, admissible will be taken and you will be informed accordingly. 2. To enable this office to proceed with the dependants pension claim in respect of the above named deceased officer please state if your son was married and also the name of his widow and children if any may please be intimated to this office. In case he was not married, enclosed forms MPB-510/Pensions may please be got completed from a person who would like to prefer dependants pension claim and return to this office duly supported by the requisite information/ certificate. The declaration on page 4 of the form MPB510/Pension and on page 2 of form MPC -60 should be attested by a commissioned Officer of the defence Services, not below the rank of Capt. or equivalent on the effective list or by a Magistrate under his court seal or any serving civilian gazetted officer. On receipt of the above forms duly completed in all respects further action in the matter will be taken by this office and you will be informed accordingly. The enclosed annexure for grant of death Gratuity may also please be completed and returned to this office duly attested. Your faithfully Accounts Officer (Pensions) N.O.O Copy forwarded for information to:(1) The AHQrs, AGs Branch MP-5 DHQ P.O. with reference to their casualty report West Block-III, RK Puram New Delhi -110066 It is requested that the entitlement decision as to whether or not the cause of death of the officer was attributable to his Military service may please be communicate to this office, at an early date. The option /nomination for death gratuity in terms of A.I 8/S/70 may also please be furnished.
Sl. No. 16 of Annexure-C GMF-29 (Referred to in Para 231) Form of application for commutation of pension When this form has been duly filled up and signed, it should be sent to the appropriate authority mentioned in Para 232. Sl. No. 1 2. 3. 4. 5. Questions The personal number, rank and name of applicant? Place of Birth? Date of birth-Age next birthday years? Married or single? Have you on any previous occasion applied for permission to commute a portion of your pension, and, if so, with what result? What percentage of your pension do you now wish to commute? Name of the nationalised bank from where you desire payment? Answers
6. 7.
Place Date.
Sl.No. 17 of Annexure-C G.M.F.28. (See Para 235) No. G1/M/ Office of the PCDA(P) Allahabad Dated: To. . Sub: Verification of date of birth for purpose of commutation of pension. Ref: Your letter Your date of birth viz shown in the commutation application is not verified in audit as per records available at this end. 2. In order to take the necessary action in the matter please produce the following documents as evidence of date of your birth in the given order of precedence vide A.O. 410/58 as amended:(a) The Matriculation certificate or the Higher Secondary school Leaving certificate or a certificate recognized by an Indian University as equivalent to Matriculation, or the State Government Gazette containing the date of birth in those cases where efforts to obtain a certificate from the Board/University are not successful or failing that, (b) Birth certificate issued by the Municipalities/Police Stations./ Health authorities or an extract from their records duly certified by the proper authorities, or Birth certificates issued by the Pradhan, Gram Sabha/Sarpanch, Village Panchayat certified as correct by the District Magistrate or Baptismal certificate in the case of Christian officers or failing that, (c) The record of admission in the registers of School or Schools in which the officer was educated. 3.You should make every possible effort to obtain and produce the available document in original as early as possible. 4. In case you are not able to produce any of documents referred to in Para 2, you are advised to submit personal affidavit supported by the affidavit from a person who has personal knowledge of your birth. The forms of affidavit are given in Annexures A & B to AO 246/68. On receipt of the same your date of birth will be verified by this office. 5. In case you are unable to furnish the documentary evidence mentioned in Para 2 above you may please furnish a simple statement to that effect. Your date of birth will be verified (in accordance with the provisions of AO 10/61) with reference to your apparent age given in your enrolment form. For this purpose you are advised to intimate your regimental No. as on OR/CO and the name of the Record Officer from whom your enrollment form can be obtained by this office.
Sl. No. 18 of Annexure-C G.M.F.31 (See Para 238 ) No. GI/M/ Office of the CDA (Pensions) Allahabad, dated
Your commutation application dated..together with this office audit report showing your title to the capitalized value of Rs. for commuting Rs.per mensem(i.e.%) of your retiring pension of Rs.p.m. in the event of your being declared fit by the Medical Board on or after..but beforehas been forwarded to Headquartersfor arranging a Medical Board on you. You are, therefore advised to contact the above Headquarters for further instructions regarding your Medical Examination.
Sl.No. 19 of Annexure-C G.M.F.33. (See Para 238) No. G1/M/ Office of the Pr. CDA(P) Allahabad Dated: To. HQrs. . . Sub: Commutation of a portion of pension of The above named officer has applied for pre-mature retirement/is due to retire/has retired from Army service with effect from . He has applied for commutation of Rs. / .. percent/ maximum permissible portion, of his pension, and desires to be medically examined at on .. 2. His commutation application dated which contains his address also, is enclosed. The date of birth of the officer viz. has been verified in audit. 3. Necessary arrangements may be made to bring him before a Medical Board to be assembled in accordance with the provisions of Regulation 108(c) PR Part-II(1961) on or after the date of his retirement. 4. IAFM 1253 (form of Medical Examination by Medical Board of Applicant's for Commutation of pension) is to be completed by the officer in the presence of the Medical Board and certificate of the Board is invariably to be given in the specimen form referred to in the Regulation 110 ibid. Three copies of IAFM 1253 and the prescribed forms of medical certificate are enclosed herewith. Two copies of these forms may please be arranged to be returned to this office duly completed. 5. If addition of any year(s) to the actual age of the officer is recommended by the Medical Board for purposes of commutation, the procedure laid down in Regulation 111(a) will be (ii) followed. 6. Commutation of pension is not permissible in respect of officers re-employed in a Military capacity during an emergency vide Regulation 343 PRA Part-I. In case the officer is re-employed in the Army/Navy/Air Force before he appears for Medical Examination, Medical Board should not be held and the documents returned to this office.
Copy to :-
With reference to his letter No. .. dated , the officer may please be advised/ He is advised to contact the above Hqrs. regarding his Medical Board. He may please appear before the Medical Board only, on or after the date of his actual retirement from service and not earlier, otherwise the proceedings of the Medical Board will be null and void. The capitalized sum due will be determined after the amount of retiring pension is assessed on receipt of the requisite service particulars etc. from the Pay Audit Controller and other concerned. Accounts Officer (Pensions)
Sl. No. 20 of Annexure-C G.M.F-36 (Referred to in Para 239) Commutation of Pension-Check Statement File No. G1/M Rank, Name, etc. of the officer -------------------------1. Date of birth -------------------------2. Whether date of birth is verified in audit -------------------------Yes/No 3. Age next birthday --------------------------Years 4. Nature and amount of pension sanctioned --------------------------5. PPO No. notifying the pension --------------------------6. Date of commencement of pension ---------------------------7. Amount of pension already commuted, if any ---------------------------8.Amount of pension at present, if issue ---------------------------9. Amount of pension to be commuted vide application at page No. ---------------------------10. Is the amount at No. 9 above within the prescribed limit? ----------------------------Yes/No 11. Is the residual pension equal to/above the stipulated minimum? -----------------------------Yes/No 12. Medical papers are at page No. -----------------------------13. Purchase value at years of age -----------------------------Commuted value due as/if the medical board signed/sign the medical certificate before next birthday viz(Rupees ) Amount of Pension commuted x12x purchase value = CVP Auditor SO(A) AO/SAO(P).
Sl. No. 21 of Annexure-C G.M.F.34 (See Para 240) Registered/Ack. Due No. G1/M/ O/O the PC.D.A. (Pensions), Allahabad, dated To ________________________ ________________________ Subject: Ref: Commutation of Pension This office even no. dated ______________________________________
The Medical board held on you on ______________has recommended the additional of __________________years to your actual age for commutation purposes. Accordingly, your age, next birthday for commutation purposes will now be taken as ___________years. The capital sum payable on the basis of this age would be Rs. ___________________(instead of Rs. _________________). 2. Kindly intimate if the revised sum is acceptable to you. If so, your acceptance may be communicated to this office, under intimation to HQrs.___________________________If you desire, you are at liberty to withdraw your commutation application within 2 weeks from the date of receipt of this letter. If no reply is received within this period or 2 weeks, the rules provide that your consent should be assumed, and as such arrangements for payment of the capital sum would be made by this office. 3. It may be stated for your information that in case you choose to withdraw your application, you will be eligible for one re-examination by a Medical Board provided that a period of not less than one year has elapsed since the date of the first medical board viz._________________ Accounts Officer (Pensions) Copy for information to: Headquarters ----------------------------------------------------------------------With reference to their No. __________________dated__________________on receipt of the officers acceptance, sanction of the competent authority for the revised capital sum of Rs. ____________may kindly be obtained and communicated to this office. Accounts Officer(Pensions)
Sl. No. 22 of Annexure-C GMF-37 (Referred to in Para-35) LPC-CUM-Data Sheet for Pensionary Awards-Commissioned Officers
1. Rank Last Held 3. Corps/Deptt. 5. Name 7. Category 9. Date of Commission 11. Former service 13. Net Qualifying service 15. Whether disciplinary/Judicial Case pending 17. Pension recommended Code 19. 21. 23. 25. 26. 28. 30. 32. 34. 36. Percentage Commuted Married Before retirement Spouses year of Birth Name of Spouse 2. Personal Number 4. Nationality 6. Sex 8. Date of Birth 10. Date of retirement 12. Total Non Qualifying service 14. Whether late entrant 16. Nature of Retirement 18. D.C.R.G Recommended Code 20. Loading In Age. 22. Spouse alive 24. Nationality of Spouse
PDO code PDO Station Bank/Sub Treasury Code Bank Account No Bank station CDA(O) A/c. No.
DPDO Code PDO State Code Link Bank Bank Branch PDO Pin code
LAST PAY DETAILS 37. Basic Pay 38. Rank Pay PAY DRAWN DURING LAST 10 MONTHS 40. Date From 42. Basic Pay 43. Rank Pay 45. Date From 47. Basic Pay 48. Rank Pay 50. Date From 52. Basic Pay 53. Rank Pay 55. Gal Award 1 57. Gal. Award 3 58-A Interest On RDR Demand 60. Date of Receipt of Comm. Appl. CDA(O) Adr./Sr. Adr
37-A. Stagnation Increment 39. NPA 41. Date Upto 42-A. Stag. Inc. 44.NPA 46. Date Up to 47-A. Stag. Inc. 49. NPA 51. Date Upto 52-A Stag. Inc. 54. NPA 56. Gal Award 2 58. RDR Demand 59. Other than RDR demand 61. Medical Allowance
CAGE-I: BASIC PARTICULARS (As per original PPO) A. Original PPO. No. B. Personal Number C. Name D. Action Code. CAGE-II: AMENDMENTS /REVISIONS PROPOSED 1. Rank Last Held 2. Personal Number 3. Corps/Deptt. 4. Nationality 5. Name 6. Sex. 7. Category 8. Date of Birth 9. Date of commission 10. Date of Retirement 11. Former Service 12. Total Qualifying Service 13. Net Qualifying Service 14. Whether Late Entrant 15. Whether Disciplinary/ Judicial 16. Nature of Retirement Case Pending 17. Pension Recommended Code 18. D.C.R.G Recommended Code 19. Percentage Commuted 20. Loading in Age 21. Married Before Retirement 22. Spouse Alive 23. Spouse's Year of Birth 24. Nationality of Spouse 25. Name of Spouse 26. PDO Code 27. D.P.DO. Code 28. PDO Station 29. PDO State Code 30. Bank/Sub Treasury Code 31. Link Bank 32. Bank Account No. 33. Bank Branch 34. Bank Station 35. PDO. Pin Code 36. CDA(O) A/c. No. LAST PAY DETAILS 37. Basic Pay 37-A. Stagnation Increment 38. Rank Pay 39. NPA PAY DRAWN DURING LAST 10 MONTHS 40. Date From 41. Date Upto 42. Basic Pay 42-A. Stag. Inc. 43. Rank Pay 44. NPA 45. Date From 46. Date Upto 47. Basic Pay 47-A. Stag. Inc. 48. Rank Pay 49. NPA 50. Date From 51. Date Upto 52. Basic Pay 52-A. Stag. Inc. 53. Rank Pay 54. NPA 55. Gal. Award-I 56. Gallantry Award-2 57. Gallantry Award-3 58. RDR Demand 58-A. Interest On RDR Demand 59. Other than RDR Demand 60. Date of Receipt of Comm. Appl. CDA(O) Checked & Verified Adr/Sr.Adr. SO(A)/AAO AO/Sr. AO Pr.C.D.A.(P) Certified that no manual Corr. PPO has been issued. Adr/Sr.Adr. SO(A)/AAO AO/Sr. AO
2. Attributable /Aggravated 1st I.D 3. Assessed % of 1st I.D 4. Name of 2nd I.D nd I.D 5. Attributable /Aggravated 2 6. Assessed % of 3rd I.D. rd I.D 7. Name of 3 8. Attributable /Aggravated 3rd I.D 9. Assessed % of 3rd I.D. 10. Name of 4th I.D 11. Attributable/Aggravated 4th I.D 12. Assessed % of 4th I.D. 13. Name of 5th I.D 14. Attributable/Aggravated 5th I.D 15. Assessed % of 5th I.D. 16. % of composite Assessment 17. Period of Acceptance 18. CAA 20. Date Receipt of Claim in PCDA(P) 19. Date of MB Held CAGE-III PDA AND OTHER PARTICULARS IN CASE OF MANUAL PPOs. 21. Rank 23. Nationality 25. DPDO Code 27. PDO State Code 29. Link Bank 31. Bank Branch 33. PDO Pin Code 35. Date of receipt of commutation Application 37. Date of Birth 39. Loading in Age 41. Corrg. PPO 2 22. 24. 26. 28. 30. 32. 34. 36. Corps PDO Code PDO Station Bank/Sub. Treasury Code Bank A/C No. Bank Station CDA(O) A/C No. Date of retirement
1. Original PPO No. 3. Rank 5. Name 7. Date of Birth 9. Date of Death 11. Family Pension Type 13. Family Pension Payable from the Date 15. Relationship 17. 19. 21. 23. 25. 27. Nationality of Family Pensioner Child (Y/N) Whether Widow supporting children Whether Parents Alive S/B/N Guardians Name Percentage of Gratuity 2. Latest Corr. PPO No 4. Personal No. 6. Category 8. Date of Retirement 10.Net Qualifying Service 12. Whether Family Pension to notified 14. Name of Spouse/Family Pensioner 16. Date of Birth of Spouse/Family Pensioner 18. Share Family Pension 20. Whether Widow Remarried 22. Whether Spouse Alive 24. Physically/Mentally Handicapped Y/N 26. Whether Gratuity to be notified
PDA DETAILS 28. PDO Code 30. PDO State 32. Bank/Sub Treasury Code 34. Bank Account 36. Bank Station LAST PAY DETAILS 38. Basic/Notional Pay 40. Rank Pay 42. Original Basic Pension 44. Gal. Award 1 46. Medical
DPDO Code PDO State Link Bank Bank Branch PDO Pin Code
39. Stagnation Increment 41. NPA 43. Ex-Gratia 45. Gal. Award 2 47. Demand
COPY 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Sl. No. 28 of Annexure-C
(Referred to in Para-97)
Sl. No. 29. of Annexure-C GMF-44 (Referred to in Paras 35 and 97) PPO Format for Retiring/Invalid/War Injury Pension(Manual) IAF- (CDA) 327 (MOD) OFFICE OF THE PRINCIPAL CONTROLLER OF DEFENCE ACCOUNTS (PENSIONS) ALLAHABAD. Pension Payment Order No. M/ / Retiring/Invalid pension and Ordinary Family Pension as per details given below is sanctioned to the following individuals: 1.1. Retiring/Invalid Pension/War Injury Pension. Rank,Name Corps/unit (a) Qualifying Personal Number Date of Birth service and nationality (b) Average emoluments (c) Last pay drawn. 3. Rs. (Rupees .. ) Rs. for life
2. (a)
(c) Rs. Dearness Relief on pension is payable in addition at the .% per mensum from .till orders as sanctioned by the Government of India from time subject to the terms and conditions stipulated in Department of and Pw OM No. 2/5/87-PIC dated 22.4.1987.
Note:- The amount of Dearness Relief is to be worked out on the gross amount of Pension shown in column 4. Retirement Gratuity:2.1. In addition, a Retirement Gratuity is Sanctioned as under:Retirement Gratuity-. Rs. Less (1) Amount withheld for adjustment towards unassessed dues
(2) Other recoveries, if any Rs. Net amount of retirement gratuity payable Rs. (Rs. ) 2.2. The withheld amount of Retirement Gratuity as mentioned in para 2(1) above shall be releasesed the pensioner after six months from the date of
retirement unless otherwise notified by this office. 2.3. If the officer dies before receiving payment of Retirement Gratuity sanctioned above, the same shall not be payable to his/her heir and the matter reported to Grants (Commissioned Officers) Section, office of the PCDA (Pensions) Allahabad. COMMUTATION OF PENSION 3.1. The above named individual has commuted a sum of Rs only out of his pension of Rs. (Rs. ) for a capitalized sum of Rs. . (Rs. .) The commutation of pension becomes absolute, on . The capitalized sum is to be paid to him/her provided he/she was alive on that date and his/her pension is reduced to Rs. (Rs..only) per mensum. The date of reduction shall be as under: (a) Where Commutation becomes absolute after the date of commencement of pension reduction in pension shall be made: (i) By Treasury/DPDO/PAO etc. from the date of payment of capitalized sum or at the end of 3 months after the issue of this PPO (see the date of despatch) or (ii) By PSBs from the date the capitalized sum is credited to pensioners account, whichever is earlier. (b) In case commutation becomes absolute on the date of commencement of pension, the reduction in the amount of pension on account of commutation shall be made from the date of commencement of pension. Where payment of commuted value of pension is made after the month of the commencement of pension, the reduction in pension shall be made from the date of payment of commuted value of pension but the date of reduction shall be notionally the date of commencement of pension for all other purposes. 3.2. The commuted portion of pension shall be restored on i.e. after expiry of fifteen years from the date pension was reduced on account of commutation.
ORDINARY FAMILY PENSION 4.1. Ordinary family pension is also sanctioned to Smt. /Shri . Nationality Wife/Husband of the above Commissioned officer as under: Ordinary Family Pension Rs. pm. wef. the date following the death (Enhanced rate) Rs. of the pensioner at Para 1 for 7 yrs. or up to the date of attaining the age of 65/67 years whichever is earlier. Ordinary Family Pension Rs. pm from onward till death (Normal Rate) Rs. or remarriage whichever is earlier.
Note:- Ordinary family pension shall be payable only on receipt of death certificate and after proper identification of the claimant with reference to
descriptive particulars and photograph on record. 4.2. Dearness Relief on ordinary family pension sanctioned above is also payable as sanctioned by the Govt. of India from time to time. 1. Amount payable are chargeable to Def. Services, Civil Est.
Notes: (Army) 2. 3. 4.
In-come tax shall be recovered if assessable. Photograph of officer/joint photograph of officer and his wife is enclosed as additional means of identification. dearness relief is not payable during re-employment/employment with govt. Deptt./autonomus bodies/public undertakings etc. Address of Officer:Place and Channel of payment:(In case payment is desired from PSB, Full address of paying Br. with saving/Current account no.) Accounts Officer (Pensions) For Controller of Defence Accounts (P)
5. 6.
No. G1/M Copy to: 1. The (PDA) (In case of PSBs, full address of link Branch) 2. The Officer-In-Charge GI/Mily Section (Local) 3. Officer in-charge Audit Section (Local) 4. CDA (O) Pune - 411001 5. Army Hqrs. AGs Branch (MP-5) West Block-3, R.K.Puram, New Delhi110066 (In case of all arms/services excepting AMC, MNS&ADC) Army Hqrs. MPRS(O) L Block DHQ PO New Delhi-110011. (In case of AMC MNS & ADC Officer). 6. Pensioners address ACCOUNTS OFFICER (P)
Sl. No. 30 of Annexure-C G.M.F.45. (Referred to in Para 97) PPO FORMAT FOR DISABILIT ELEMENT (MANUAL) OFFICE OF THE PRINCIPAL CDA(P), ALLAHABAD Corr. P.P.O. No. M/ Dis/ This office PPO No. M/ In respect of . The Competent Authority has been pleased to decide that the Disability viz. (i) (ii) (iii) From which the above named officer was found suffering at the time of release from service should be regarded as attributable to or aggravated by his military service and degree of disablement assessed at % for the period from (the date of release from service) to. (Viz years from the date on which the release Medical Board was held.) Accordingly Is sanctioned subject to usual condition the disability element of pension @ Rs. (Rupees. only) PM for % disablement w.e.f. .. to Note: (i) The above award is in addition to retiring pension already notified vide PPO NO. M/ (ii) Relief are also payable in addition at applicable rate on total of retiring pension plus disability pension. (iii) The disability element of pension is debitable to Defence Services Estimates. Place and Channel of Payment. Authority: Government of India, Ministry of Defence letter No. 1(2)/97/D(Pen-C) dated 31.1.2001 other entries remain unchanged. For C.D.A.(P) No. GI/M/ Copy to 1. The Manager Please acknowledge receipt. 2. The O.I/ C GI/Mily Section, Local 3. The O.I/C. Audit Section, Local 4. CDA (O) Pune 5. Army PP & R/Naval/Air HQrs. DHQ, PO New Delhi. 6. Pensioners Name Address:-------------------------------------Sr. A.O.(P)
Sl. No. 32. of Annexure-C GMF-47 {Referred to in Para 150} format for Family Pension (Manual)
Name, Nationality & date of birth of widow. Rank, Number, Name and Corps of the deceased officer, date of his retirement and death. 2 Total Qualifying Service & Total reckonable emoluments Amount description of pension (whether Ordinary Or Special or Liberalised Date of Commencement and period of Grant. Place & Channel of payment.
REMARKS (a) (b) The charge is debitable to Def. Services Civil Estimates. Retiring pension notified vide PPO No.M/
NOTES: (i) Relief is payable w.e.f. at @ rate of family pension drawn from time to time rounded off to the higher rupee. (ii) No further consolidation at the rates admissible under Govt. of India, Ministry of Defence letter No.4/87/D(Pen/Sers) dated 12.5.87. 1(2)/97/D(Pen/Sers) dt. 24.11.97 and 1(1)99/D/(Pen/Sers) dt. 7.6.99. (iii) The award of family pension is payable during widowhood. The payment of pension shall cease from the date following date of her re-marriage or death. (iv) In addition the above named widow has also been sanctioned DCRG
of Rs. (Rs. ). The payment thereof should be made after adjustment as indicated below: (a) withheld DCRG Rs. (b) Demand on a/c of Rs. Total Recovery Rs. Balance Rs. Net amount playable is Rs. (Rs. This amount may be paid to the widow in lump sum FORTHWITH. INSTRUCTION: If the widow is died before the amount DGRG is paid to her, no payment on this account should be made to her heir (s) without prior instruction from, this office. In addition, the widow is entitled to the payment of Rs. (Rs. On account of Ex-gratia sanctioned under Govt. of India, Min. of Def. Letter No. dt. Out of the above amount a sum of Rs. (Rs. ) on account of family Gty. over paid to her may be recovered and balance of Rs. (Rs. ) may be paid in lump sum. In addition monetary allowance Rs. (Rs. nd life award to the above ) as a 2 named widow wef till the date of her death or re-marriage whichever is earlier. The payment of the allowance shall cease from the date following the date of her death or re-marriage and the fact reported to this office immediately on receipt of necessary information in this respect. (vii) DCRG Amount withheld Rs. 1000/- (Rs. One thousand only) is payable after 3 months from the date of death of the officer. FOR P.C.D.A.(P) (vi) (v)
The Please enter in the respective column of your payment Register Class -I, the following particulars also regarding the above named pensioner with a view of the necessary arrangement being made for the payment of the award sanctioned at (i) Pension Bill Forms IAFA-818 to be used (ii) I.T. shall be recovered, if payable (iii) Family pension is payable monthly in arrears.
In the event of cessation of family pension or death or remarriage of the pensioner the fact may please be intimated to this office. (v) The date on which the first payment of award is made may please be intimated to this office. Pl. ack. receipt. The O.I/C G-1/Mily Section (Local) The O.I/C. Audit Section (Local). CDA (O) Pune Army HQrs., AGs Branch, W.B-III, RK Puram, New Delhi-66. Air /Naval HQrs, DGQ, PO, New Delhi. Pensioners Address:Sr.A.O. (P) (iv)
2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Sl. No. 33 of Annexure-C GMF-48 (Referred to in Para 70) FORM OF LOSS CERTIFICATE
Certified that Pension Payment Order No. Date: Rank Unit In respect Name: Saving Bank A/C No. Has been lost/is not available and to avoid double payment a note has been kept in the Check/Descriptive/Payment/Index Register on record in my office. The same PPO if found out at a later stage will not be acted upon but will be returned to the Pr.CDA(P) Allahabad for cancellation.
Sl. No. 34 of Annexure-C GMF-49 Referred to in Note 1 to Para 136) INDEMNITY BOND [In the case of missing Personnel] KNOW ALL MEN by these presents that we(a).(b).. the Wife/son/brother/nominee, etc., of (c ). who was holding the rank of ..in the Unit/Corps of . is reported to have been missing since . (hereinafter referred to as missing service personnel) resident of ..(hereinafter called the Obligor) and (d) . son/wife/daughter of Shri resident of . and . son/ wife/ daughter of Shri resident of . the sureties for and on behalf of the Obligor (hereinafter called the Sureties) are held firmly bound to the President of India (hereinafter called the Govt.) in the sum of Rs. .. (in words) equivalent of the amount on account of payment of salary, leave encashment, Retirement/Death Gratuity and each and every sum being the monthly family pension well and truly to be paid to the Government, on demand and without a demur together with simple interest @ . % p.a. from the date of payment thereof until repayment for which payment we bind ourselves and our respective heirs, executors, administrators, legal representatives, successors and assigns by these presents. Signed this day of two thousand and .. WHEREAS(C ) .. was at the time of his disappearance in the employment of the Govt. receiving a pay at the rate of Rs. (in words) only per month from the Govt. AND WHEREAS the said (c ) disappeared on the day of 20 . and there was due to him at the time of his disappearance the sum equivalent of (i) salary due/(ii) leave encashment, (iii) AFPF Fund and (iv) Retirement/ Death Gratuity. AND WHEREAS the obligor is entitled to family pension at Rs. . (Rupees. only) plus admissible dearness relief thereon. AND WHEREAS the obligor has represented that he/she is entitled to the aforesaid sum and approached the Govt. for making payment thereof to avoid undue delay and hardship. AND WHEREAS the Govt. has agreed to make payment of the said sum of Rs. ..(in words) and monthly family pension @ Rs. (in words) only and relief thereon to the Obligor upon the Obligor and the Sureties entering into a Bond in the above-mentioned sum to indemnify the Govt. against all claims to the amount so due to the aforesaid missing Govt. servant. AND WHEREAS the obligor and at his/her request the Surety/Sureties have agreed to execute the Bond in the terms and manner hereinafter contained. NOW THE CONDITION OF THIS BOND is such that, if after payment has been made to the Obligor, the Obligor and/or the Surety/Sureties shall in the event of a claim being made, by any other person or the missing employee on appearance, against the Govt. with respect to the aforesaid sum of Rs. (in words)and the sums paid by the Govt. as monthly pension and relief as aforesaid then refund to the Govt. The said sum of Rupees .. (in words) and each and every sum paid by Govt. as monthly pension and relief together with simple interest @ . % per annum and shall, otherwise, indemnify and keep the Govt. harmless and indemnified against and from all liabilities in
respect of the aforesaid sums and all costs incurred in consequence of the claim thereto THEN the above-written Bond or obligation shall be void and of no effect but otherwise it shall remain in full force, effect and virtue. AND THESE PRESENTS ALSO WITNESS that the liability of the Surety/Sureties hereunder shall not be impaired or discharged by reason of time being granted by or any forbearance act of omission of the Govt. whether with or without the knowledge or consent of the Surety/Sureties in respect of or in relation to the obligations or conditions to be performed or discharged by the obligor or by any other method or thing whatsoever which under the law relating to sureties would but for this provision shall have no effect of so releasing the Surety/Sureties from such liability nor shall it be necessary for the Govt. to sue the Obligor before suing the Surety/Sureties or either of them for the amount due hereunder, and the Govt. agrees to bear the stamp duty, if any, chargeable on these presents. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Obligor and the Surety/Sureties hereto have set and subscribed their respective hands hereunto on the day, month and year above-written. Signed by the above named Obligor in the presence of 1. .. 2. Signed by the above named Surety/ Sureties 1. .. 2. Accepted for and on behalf of the President of India by [ Name and designation of the Officer directed or authorized , in pursuance of Article 299 (1) of the Constitution, to accept the bond for and on behalf of the President] in the presence of . (Name and designation of witness) Note 1. servant. (c) Name of the missing service personnel. (d) Full name or names of the Sureties with name or names of the father(s)/husband(s) and place of residence. Note 2 Note 3 The Obligor as well as the sureties should have attained majority so that the bond may have legal effect or force. The rate of simple interest will be as prescribed by the Govt. from time to time. It is 6% p.a. on the date of issue of the OM. (a) (b) Full name of the claimant referred to as the Obligor State relationship of the Obligor to the missing Govt.
Sl. No. 35 of Annexure-C GMF-50 (Referred to in Note 1 to Para 136) INDEMNITY BOND [In the case of missing pensioner]
KNOW ALL MEN by these presents that we(a).(b).. the Wife/son/brother/nominee, etc., of (c ). who had retired was discharged in the rank of .from /Department/ Unit / Corps.and who was in receipt of pension from PCDA (P) is reported to have been missing since . (hereinafter referred to as missing pensioner) resident of ..(hereinafter called the Obligor) and (d) . son/wife/daughter of Shri resident of . and . son/ wife/ daughter of Shri resident of . the sureties for and on behalf of the Obligor (hereinafter called the Sureties) are held firmly bound to the President of India (hereinafter called the Govt.) in each and every sum being the arrears of pension and monthly family pension and relief thereon well and truly to be paid to the Government, on demand and without a demur together with simple interest @ . % p.a. from the date of payment until repayment for which payment we bind ourselves and our respective heirs, executors, administrators, legal representatives, successors and assigns by these presents. Signed this day of two thousand and .. WHEREAS(C ) .. was at the time of his disappearance a Central Govt. pensioner receiving a pension at the rate of Rs. (in words) only per month and relief thereon from the Govt. AND WHEREAS the said (c ) disappeared on the day of 20. and there was due to him at the time of his disappearance the sum equivalent of arrears of pension due. AND WHEREAS the obligor is entitled to family pension at Rs. . (Rupees. only) plus admissible dearness relief thereon. AND WHEREAS the obligor has represented that he/she is entitled to the aforesaid sum and approached the Govt. for making payment thereof to avoid undue delay and hardship. AND WHEREAS the Govt. has agreed to make payment of the said sum of Rs. ..(in words) and monthly family pension @ Rs. (in words) plus relief thereon to the Obligor upon the Obligor and the Sureties entering into a Bond in the above-mentioned sum to indemnify the Govt. against all claims to the amount so due to the aforesaid missing Govt. pensioner. AND WHEREAS the Obligor and at his/her request the Surety/Sureties have agreed to execute the Bond in the terms and manner hereinafter contained. NOW THE CONDITION OF THIS BOND is such that, if after payment has been made to the Obligor, the Obligor and/or the Surety/Sureties shall in the
event of a claim being made, by any other person or the missing pensioner on appearance, against the Govt. with respect to the aforesaid sum of Rs. (in words)and the sums paid by the Govt. as monthly family pension and relief as aforesaid then refund to the Govt. the said sum of Rupees.. (in words) and each and every sum paid by Govt. as monthly family pension and relief together with simple interest @ . % per annum and shall, otherwise, indemnify and keep the Govt. harmless and indemnified against and from all liabilities in respect of the aforesaid sums and all costs incurred in consequence of the claim thereto THEN the above-written Bond or obligation shall be void and of no effect but otherwise it shall remain in full force, effect and virtue. AND THESE PRESENTS ALSO WITNESS that the liability of the Surety/Sureties hereunder shall not be impaired or discharged by reason of time being granted by or any forbearance act of omission of the Govt. whether with or without the knowledge or consent of the Surety/Sureties in respect of or in relation to the obligations or conditions to be performed or discharged by the obligor or by any other method or thing whatsoever which under the law relating to sureties would but for this provision shall have no effect of so releasing the Surety/Sureties from such liability nor shall it be necessary for the Govt. to sue the Obligor before suing the Surety/Sureties or either of them for the amount due hereunder, and the Govt. agrees to bear the stamp duty, if any, chargeable on these presents. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Obligor and the Surety/Sureties hereto have set and subscribed their respective hands hereunto on the day, month and year above-written. Signed by the above named Obligor in the presence of 1.. 2 Signed by the above named Surety/ Sureties 1.. 2 Accepted for and on behalf of the President of India by [ Name and designation of the Officer directed or authorized , in pursuance of Article 299 (1) of the Constitution, to accept the bond for and on behalf of the President] in the presence of . (Name and designation of witness) Note 1. (a) Full name of the claimant referred to as the Obligor (b) State relationship of the Obligor to the missing pensioner. (c) Name of the missing pensioner. (d) Full name or names of the Sureties with name or names of the father(s)/husband(s) and place of residence. Note 2 The Obligor as well as the sureties should have attained majority so that the bond may have legal effect or force. Note 3 The rate of simple interest will be as prescribed by the Govt. from time to time. It is 6% p.a. on the date of issue of the OM. (Authority: Government of India Ministry of Defence No. 12(16)/86/D(Pen/Sers) dated 23.03.92 )
Sl. No. 36 of Annexure-C GMF-51 (Referred to in Note 2 of Para 136) Office Note for submission of Indemnity Bond for acceptance. ( In respect of minor child/children)
Ex . Who was employed in unit .. and died on . has left behind . Minor children who are eligible for pensionary benefits in respect of the deceased as under: (a) Family pension to minor son/daughter ----------------------------- @ Rs. p.m. from .. to (a) Dearness Relief on pension where admissible @ Rs. .. p.m. from to .. (b) Death Gratuity to minor son/daughter Shri/Smt./Kum. . Rs. Total Rs. . 2. Indeminity Bond had been submitted for Rs. .. only completed by Shri/Smt .. of the deceased and in whose custody the minors are. An affidavit has also been received in support from the obligor. 3. The indeminity bond has been gone through carefully and found to be in order. It has been furnished on plain paper and is in the proforma prescribed in Govt. of India, Ministry of Defence letter No. 12(16)/86/D(Pen/Sers) dated 23.03.92 ) The indemnity bond is submitted for acceptance by the CDA(P)/PCDA(P).
Sl. No. 37. of Annexure-C GMF-52 (Referred to in Para 267) Report From Civil Authority In Regard To The Verification Of Civil Service Of ICOs Pension. 1. Name, Grade and IC No. 2. period of Former Civil Services indicating Ty/Pt/Gazetted/ Non-Gazetted. (a) The Name of Post held (b) The name of Office /Deptt to which attached. (c) Scales of pay attached to the civil post. 3. (a) whether the civil service rendered by the officer was pensionable under the civil rules. (b) whether any period of temporary or officiating service in non-pension able establishment/period of casual/daily rates service or period of service in post paid from contingencies are included in the above period of services. (c) whether the officer was paid any pension or gratuity in respect of his above period ..civil service(In case of any payment the amount may please be shown. (d) whether any leave other than CL/EL/PL was availed of by him during the above period of civil service (e) whether the officer was holding any lien on his civil post. If so, the date of termination may please be shown. (f) whether any leave salary or pension contribution was paid by the defence deptt. to the civil deptt. for the officers service for the period upto .i.e. prior to the grant of permanent commission. If so, full particulars thereof may please be shown. (g) whether the service verification certificate Have been endorsed in Gazetted service. (h) whether the officer has resigned his civil post before joining the Army. If so, whether the case falls under the scope of Art. 418(b)CSR. A suitable note to this effect may please be incorporated in service Book. (i) whether the officer was paid any pay and allowances beyond the date of relief for joining time etc. (j) whether the service Book/History sheet of Gazetted service duly completed upto the date (regulated to be submitted, alongwith the report) is enclosed. The above facts have been carefully verified. Signature of the competent Civil authority bearing name, designation and seal of the officer. Case file No. Dated Office of the
Sl. No. 38. of Annexure-C GMF-53 (Referred to in Para 281) Office Note No. GI/M/238697/II O/o the PCDA (P) Allahabad Dated:service towards permanent
SUB: -
1. 2.
The Re-assessment is based on the following documents:enrolment Form and Sheet Roll field in conduct sheet(AFB-122-M) or Certificate in lieu. Certificate regarding Non Payment of Service Gratuity by the PAO/CDA(O) (Where applicable)
4. Special documents if any. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Further particulars of the Officer. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Name, Grade & IC No. Date of Birth Date of Enrolment Date of Promotion as JC Period of reserve service if any (not to be counted) Date of Grant of EC/TC/SSC Date of grant of permanent commission as Recorded in AAL whether the officer was in service on 1.7.66. Whether any service gratuity paid Whether there is any forfeited service or non qualifying service.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Period of service with calculation years extent to which counted. AS OR AS JCO AS CADET Submitted for orders. Auditor A.A.O./S.O. (A) AO/Sr. A.O. (P)
Sl. No. 39. of Annexure-C GMF-54 (Referred to in Para-282) Registered/Insured For Rs. 200/No. GI/M/ Office of the PCDA (P), Allahabad Dated TO, The Officer-In-charge Records. Sub: Assessment of Pre Commissioned Military/Civil Service towards ICOs Pension in respect of Ref: Your Letter No. Pre-Commissioned Military/Civil Service rendered by above named officer has been assessed for ICOs pension given below. The assessment will appear in due course in the Army List.
Nature of Service Service From As As As As ORs CADET JCO Assts./Pt. Civilian To Full counted Full counted Years Days Extended to be counted.
NOTE:1. The above named officer was granted PRC Notification NO. vide Gazette dated
The above assessment is based on the assumption that the officer is in service or has retired after 1.1.86. In case the officer has retired prior to 1.1.1986, his case for counting for Pre Commissioned service may be resubmitted to this office for reassessment.
Sheet Roll and Enrolment Form is returned herewith. Please acknowledge receipt. For PCDA (P) Copy to:
1. Ministry of Defence Army list Section, WestBlock VIII, R K Puram, Wing 5, New Delhi-66. The CDA (O) Golibar Maidan Pune-411001. Army Hqrs AGS Br. MP-5 WestBlock-III, RK Puram, New Delhi-110066.
The name of the officer appears on page no.--of the annual Army list. The above assessment of service may please be shown against the name of the officer in the next issue of the Army List
INDEX OF ANNEXURE-D ILLUSTRATIONS Illust- Subject ration No. 1 Retiring pension, gratuity, CVP and Joint notification of ordinary Family Pension 2 Disability pension on invalidment 3 War injury pension on invalidment 4 Re-assessment award of Disability Element 5 Ex-gratia award to Cadet 6 Ordinary Family Pension (Enhanced and normal rates) 7 Ordinary Family Pension (Normal Rate) 8 Ordinary Family Pension in case of (Parents) 9 Ordinary Family Pension in case of children 10 Special Family Pension 11 Liberalized Family Pension 12 Dependant Pension (Special) 13 Dependant Pension (Liberalised) 14 Commutation of Pension 15 Restoration of commuted portion of pension in respect of officers absorbed in central Public enterprise Para Page
54 100 120 127 126 154 154 135 135 172 194 184 199 239 247
243 245 246 247 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 256
1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Name I.C. No. Rank Date of Birth Date of Commission Date of retirement Pre-Commissioned Service Non Qualifying Service Scale of Pay (i) Pay drawn during last 10 months (ii) Rank Pay (iii) Dearness allowance Relevant Authority X 33340 H Colonel Substantive Rank colonel from 01.07.1997 05.01.1949 03.012.1972 31.01.2003 Nil Nil Rs. 15100-450-17350 Rs. 17,350/-pm Rs.2000/-pm Rs.10,062/- pm Government of India ,Ministry of Defence, letter No. 1(6)/98/D(Pension/Services) dated 03.02.1998 50% of the average emoluments drawn during last 10 months for 33 years of qualifying service including weightage. 30 years 1 month 29 days 7 years 37 years 1 month 29 days Restricted to 33 years. (17350+2000) = 19350 2 2 Rs. 9675/-pm th of reckonable emoluments for each completed six monthly period of qualifying service plus weightage of 5 years subject to a maximum of 16 times of the reckonable emolument provided that the amount of retirement gratuity payable shall in no case exceed Rs. 3.5 lakhs 30 years 1 month 29 days 5 years 35 years 1 month 29 days Restricted to 16 months. Rs. 17350 +Rs. 2000+ Rs. 10062= Rs.29412 =29412x16.5= Rs.4,85,398/Restricted to Rs. 3,50,000/9675x43/100= Rs. 4160/55 Years Rs. 11.73 4160x12x11.73=Rs. 5,85,562/50% of the reckonable emoluments for a period of 7 years from the date following the date of death or upto the date on which the officer would
II. CALCULATIONS 12. Retiring Pension Formula Total qualifying service from 03.12.1972 to 31.01.2003 Add Weightage Total Pay and Rank Pay
13. 14
Total qualifying service Add weightage Total Service Pay, Rank Pay and D.A.
Retirement Gratuity admissible Commutation 43% of Retiring pension Age next birth day Purchase value Amount of commuted value of pension Entitlement of Family Pension Enhanced rate formula
have attained the age of 65 (67 years after 13/5/98) whichever earlier or amount of retiring pension whichever is less. Rs. 9675/- for a period of 7 years from the date following the date of death or up to 4.1.2016 whichever is earlier. 30% of reckonable emoluments Rs. 5805
23. 24.
ILLUSTRATION NO.2 (See Para-100) Disability Pension on Invalidment (SE+ DE) 1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Name I.C. No. Rank Date of Birth Date of Commission Date of Invalidment Percentage and period of disability accepted 8. Total Qualifying Service 9. Weightage admissible 10. Revised pay Scale introduced wef 1.01.96 11. Rank Pay 12. Average Pay drawn during last 10 months II. CALCULATION. 13 Service Element Formula P IC-52864 A/Capt.(wef. 10.7.97 14..5.1972 16.6.1994 22.5.1998 30% for life (rounded off to 50% disablement) 3 years 11 months 12 days 9 years Rs. 8250-300-10,050 Rs. 400/Rs.9250/-
14. 15.
50% of average emoluments drawn during last 10 months for 33 years of qualifying service including weightage. 9250 X13/33 X1/2 1821.96 Say Rs. 1822/-pm 2600 X 50/100 = Rs. 1300/-pm
Authority : Regn. 48,PRA Part-I(1961), GOI ,MOD No. 1(6)/98(Pen/Sers) dt 3.02.98 and 1(2)/97/D(Pen-C) dated 31.01.2001.)
ILLUSTRATION NO.3 (See Para-120) War Injury Pension on Invalidment 1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Name I.C. No. Rank Date of Birth Date of Commission Date of Invalidment Deemed date of retirement Deemed Qualifying Service Weightage admissible Restricted to 9. Revised pay Scale introduced wef 1.01.96 10. Rank Pay 11 Pay last drawn including Rank Pay II. CALCULATION. 12 Formula 13. Amount of retiring pension 14. War Injury Element 15. Total of (9) and (10) 16. War Injury Pension restricted to P 35366W Lt. Col(TS) 27.03.1956 10.06.1978 10.01.2003 (27.03.56+52) 27.03.2008 (27.3.2003) 10-06.1978 17-09-29 +5 17.09.34 33 Years Rs. 13500-400-17100 Rs. 1200/Rs.16,300/-
16300 X 50/100= 8150/100% of Rs. 16300/- =16300/8150 + 16300= 24450/Rs. 16,300/- i.e. last Pay drawn.
Note- Retirement Gratuity and commutation shall be calculated as par Illustration No. 1 Authority : GOI ,MOD No. 1(2)/97/D(Pen-C) dated 31.01.2001.)
ILLUSTRATION NO.4 (See Para-127) Re-assessment Award of Disability Element I - DATA 1 2. 3. 4. Name I.C. No. Rank Nature of disability Y IC-30201 N Lt. Col(TS) (i) Cervical C Lumbar spondy losis 40% (ii) Second degree heart block- 40% Composite- 60% 60% wef 1.05.2001 to 22.11.2002 23.11.2002 to 16.12.2002 17.12.2002 ID static and hence acceptable Rs. 2600/-pm
Degree of disablement and the period of previous award 6. Interim period, if any 7. Date of RSMB 8. Remarks of MA(P) regarding interim period 9. Rate of disability element for 100% disability II. CALCULATION. 10. Amount of disability element admissible 11. Period of grant
Note- The award is in addition to retiring pension already notified. (Authority : GOI ,MOD No. 1(2)/97/D(Pen-C) dated 31.01.2001.) ILLUSTRATION NO.5 (See Para-126) Ex-gratia Award to Cadet Ex. Cadet M (26343/D/101) was with drawn from training in NDA w.e.f. 16.08.2000 on account of invaliding desease ASOM (with Labyrinthitis with facial N Palsy (Rt). The invaliding desease has been accepted by the competent authority as attributable to military service training with degree of disablement at 30% for life Therefore, the sanction of the President is hereby conveyed for grant of disability award @ 30% for life in addition to monthly exgratia Amount of Ex-gratia award- Rs. 1275/-- w.e.f. 17.08.2000 for life Amount of disability element Rs. 2100/- for 30% from 17.08.2000 for life
ILLUSTRATION NO.6 (See Para-154) Ordinary Family Pension (Where enhanced and normal rate admissible) I - DATA
1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Name M I.C. No. 34991 L Rank Lt. Col. Date of Birth 21.07.1956 Date of Commission 17.12.1977 Date of Death 05.10.2002 Whether cause of death accepted No. as attributable to or aggravated by military service 8. Revised Pay Scale introduced Rs. 13500-400-17100 w.e.f 1.01.96 9. Pay Details Basic Pay Rank Pay Rs. 14,700/- Rs. 1,200/- Rs. 8,268/- Rs. 24,168/D.A Total 10. Details of Family 11. Name of Widow N 12. Date of Birth 13.02.1963 13. Date of marriage 09.11.1986 10. Children - Son- Date of Birth 16.04.1988 02.02.1990 Daughter Date of birth II. CALCULATION. 15 Enhanced rate of 50% of the reckonable emoluments for a period of seven years ordinary Family from the date following the date of death or upto the date on Pension Formula which the officer would have attained the age of 65 /67 years whichever is earlier or Amount of retiring pension which ever is less. Rs. 15900 X 50/100= Rs. 7950/-pm 16. Period of grant at enhanced rate From 6.10.2002 to 5.10.2009 17. Normal rate ordinary Family 30% of reckonable emoluments Rs. 15900 X Pension 30/100 = Rs. 4770/-pm 18. Period of grant at normal rate From 6.10.2009 till widowhood or death whichever is earlier 19. Death gratuity - For service exceeding 20 years or more Half of amount for every Formula completed six monthly period of qualifying service subject to a minimum of 12 times and maximum of 33 times of emoluments or Rs. 3.5 lakh whichever is less. 20 Total qualifying service from 24 years 11 months 10 days say 25 years + 5 17.12.1977 to 05.10.2002 years 30 years Weightage admissible Total Service 21. Amount of death gratuity admissible Rs.14,700+Rs.1,200+Rs 8,268/- = Pay + Rank Pay+ DA Total Rs.24,168/- 24168X 30/2= 24168X15=362520 Restricted to Rs.3,50,000/Authority : Regn. 86, PRA Part-I(1961 and GOI ,MOD No. 1(6)/98/D(Pen/sers) dated 3.2.98)
ILLUSTRATION NO.7 (See Para-154) Ordinary family Pension (Where normal rate alone admissible) I - DATA 1 Name K 2. I.C. No. 6709 3. Rank Major 4. Date of Birth 25.08.1934 5. Date of Commission 06.06.1954 6. Date of Retirement 06.05.1975 7. Date of death 06.02.2002 8. Date of attaining the age of 65 years 24.08.1989 9. Revised pay scale of Major introduced Rs. 11600-325-14850 w.e.f. 01.01.1996 Rs. 11600/- Rs. 1,200/10. Pay details -Minimum Basic Pay Rank Pay Total 12,800/11. Whether Nomination executed ? If So, Yes. In favour of wife in whose favour 12. Details of family Name of widow M 29.05.1939 19.08.1960 Date of birth Date of marriage II. CALCULATION. 13 Entitlement of ordinary family 30% of the minimum of the pension Formula revised scale of pay introduced wef 1.01.1996 of the rank last held by the deceased 12800 X30/100 =Rs. 3840/pm 14. Period of grant W.e.f. 9.2.2002 till widowhood or death whichever earlier (Authority : GOI ,MOD letter No. 1(1)/99/D(Pen/Sers) dated 7.6.99.)
ILLUSTRATION NO.8 (See Para-135) Ordinary family Pension (In case of Parents) I - DATA 1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Name I.C. No. Rank Date of Birth Date of Commission Date of death Martial Status Status of the parents Revised Pay scale introduced wef 01.01.1996 10. Minimum of the revised Pay 11. Earning from all sources II. CALCULATION. 11 Formula for grant of Ordinary Family Pension to parents K SS-25731 2nd Lt/Lt. 03.12.1950 30.04.1972 28.01.1973 Died as a bachelor Mother (father already expired) Rs. 8250-300-10050 Rs. 8250/Less than Rs. 2550/- p.m. 30% of basic pay subject to a minimum of Rs.1275/- pm subject to the condition that earning of parents is not more than Rs. 2550/-pm 8250 X30/100 =Rs. 2475/-pm Wef 1.1.1998 till widowhood or death whichever is earlier
12. 13.
(Authority : GOI ,MOD letter No. B/38207/AG /PS4(b)/931/B/D(Pens/Sers) dated 26.08.98 and 1(3)/99/D(Pen/Sers) dated 24.11.99.)
ILLUSTRATION NO. 9 (See Para-135) Ordinary Family Pension (in case of Children ) I - DATA 1 Name X 2. I.C. No. 24968 L 3. Rank Major 4. Date of Birth 1.10.1943 5. Pre- Commissioned Service 8years 23 days (From 27.11.62 to 1912.70 6. Date of Commission 20.12.1970 7. Date of Retirement 11.01.1990 8. Date of Death 26.12.1997 9. Revised Pay Scale introduced Rs. 11600-325-14850 wef 1.01.96 10. Rank Pay Rs.1200 11. Details Children , Son One 12. Date of Birth 22.10.1981 13. Martial Status Unmarried 14 Daughter Two 15. Martial Status One daughter married before her father's death second daughter married on 28.12.2000 II. CALCULATION. 16. Enhanced rate of ordinary 50% of the reckonable emoluments for a Family Pension Formula period of seven years from the date following the date of death or up to the date on which the officer would have attained the age of 65 /67 years whichever is earlier or amount of retiring pension whichever is the lowest 17. Details of Pay Basic pay Rs. 11,600/- Rs. 1,200 Rs.12,800 12800X Rank Pay 50/100=6400/-pm Total 18. Amount of ordinary Family Rs. 6400/-pm Pension at enhanced rate 19. Period of grant at enhanced 29.1.2000 to 26.12.2004 rate 20. Normal rate of ordinary 30% of reckonable emoluments Family Pension 12800X30/100=3840/21 Amount of ordinary Family Rs. 3840/Pension at normal rate 22. Period of grant to son 27.12.2004 to 22.10.2006 or getting employment or marriage whichever is earlier Note- Death gratuity has been notified in favour of nominated heir in term of AI 8/S/70 (Authority : A.I. 51/80 read with GOI ,MOD No. 1(6)/98/D(Pen/Sers) dated 3.2.98)
ILLUSTRATION NO.10 (See Para-172) Special Family Pension to Wife I - DATA 1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Name I.C. No. Rank Date of Birth Date of Commission Date of death Whether cause of death accepted as attributable to or aggravated by Military service 8. Revised Pay Scale introduced w.e.f 1.01.1996 9. Last Pay drawn 10. Details of Family 11. Name of Husband 12. Details of Children II. CALCULATION. 13 Formula for Special Family Pension Y NR-18739H Capt.(MNS) 1.12.1964 19.121986 06.06.2000 Yes
Rs. 9400-30012100 Rs. 10,900/Husband "Z" Nil 60% of reckonable emoluments subject to a minimum of Rs. 2550/-pm 10900X60/100=6540/w.e.f 7.6.2000 till death or remarriage whichever is earlier
14. 15.
Note :- Amount of death gratuity shall be calculated as per Illustration No. 6. (Authority : Regn. 85, PRA Part-I read with GOI ,MOD letter No 1(2)/97/D(PenC) dated 31-01.2001)
ILLUSTRATION NO.11 (See Para-194) Liberalised Family Pension I-DATA
1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Name of the deceased X I.C. No. 42045F Rank Lt. Col. Date of Birth 22.11.1963 Date of Commission 09.06.1984 Date of Death 18.07.2002 Cause of death Battle casualty in UN Mission in Congo (MON UC) Total qualifying Service 18 years 1 month and 9 days , say 18 years Weightage for Gratuity 5 years admissible Whether nomination executed If Yes, in favour of widow 100% so, in whose favour Pay last drawn Basic Pay Rs. 13,875/Rank Pay Rs. 1,200/D.A Rs. 7,839/Details of Family Name of Widow 'Y' Date of birth 29.08.1967 Date of marriage 16.5.1989 Details of children one Date of birth of son 21.06.1991 II. CALCULATION. Formula for grant of Liberalised Equal to reckonable emoluments last drawn . Family Pension Amount of liberalized Family Rs. 13875/- + Rs. 1200/- "Rs. 15075/-pm" Pension Period of grant Wef 19.07.2002 till widowhood or death whichever is earlier. Death gratuity Formula For service exceeding 20 years or more Half of amount for every completed six monthly period of qualifying service subject to a maximum of 33 times of emoluments or Rs. 3.5 lakhs whichever is less. Qualifying service plus 18+5=23 weightage Amount of death gratuity Rs. 15075/-+ Rs. 7839/- Rs. 22914X46/2= Rs. 527022/- Restricted to Rs. 350000/Amount of ex-gratia lump-sum Rs. 750,000/compensation
(Authority : GOI ,MOD No. 20084/Pen-C/7/dt 24.02.72,1(2)/97/D(Pen-C) dated 31.01.2001,20(1)/98/D(Pen/Sers) dated 22.09.98 as amended vide that Ministry letter Even No. dated 12/4/99 and 3/8/99)
ILLUSTRATION NO.12 (See Para-184) Dependant Pension (Special) I-DATA 1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Name I.C. No. Rank Date of Birth Date of Commission Date of Death Revised pay scale Pay last drawn Whether married Details of parent Whether death accepted as attributable to or aggravated by military service II. CALCULATION. 12. Formula Z 11-39034K Lt. 03.06.1978 03.03.2001 24.11.2001 Rs. 8250-300-10050 Rs. 8250/-pm No Father yes
50% of notional special Family Pension i.e. 30% of the last pay drawn 13. Amount of dependant pension 8250X30/100 =Rs.2475/- pm 14. Period of grant W.e.f 25.11.2001 till death or change in position of parents whichever is earlier (Authority : Regn. 85, PRA Part-I(1961 and GOI ,MOD No.1(2)/97D(Pen-C) dated 31.01.2001)
(See Para-199)
Dependant Pension (Liberalised ) I-DATA 1 Name K 2. I.C. No. 59116N 3. Rank Acting Captain from 11.12.2001 4. Date of Birth 28.08.1977 5. Date of Commission 11.12.1999 6. Date of Death 02.06.2002 7. Cause of death Battle casualty (OP Prakaram) 8. Total qualifying service 2 years 174 days 9. Whether married No 10. Details of parents Father and Mother alive 11. Revised pay scale introduced wef 1.1.1996 Rs. 8250-300-10050 12. Rank Pay Rs. 400 Rank pay was admitted as the deceased officer was granted acting rank 13. Pay last drawn Rank pay DA Rs. 8850 Rs 400 Rs. 4533 14 Total Pay drawn Rs.13785/II. CALCULATION. 15 Formula 75% OF LIBERALISED Family Pension for both parents 16 Amount of dependant pension 1250X75/100=Rs 6958 p.m. 17 Period of grant W.e.f. 3.06.2002 for life or till change in position of the parents whichever is earlier. 18 Amount of death gratuity 13783X6=82698 19 Amount of ex-gratia lump-sum Rs. 7.5 lakhs (Authy : GOI, MOD No. 1(2)/97/D(Pen-C) dated 31.01.2001 and 20(1)/98/D (Pen/Sers) dt 22.09.98 as amended vide that Ministry letter Even No. dated 12/4/99 and 3/8/99)
(See Para-239)
Commutation of Pension
1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14 15. 16. Name I.C. No. Rank Date of Birth Date of Commission Date of retirement Nature of pension sanctioned Maximum percentage of pension commutable Percentage of pension desired to be commuted Amount of pension sanctioned Amount of pension commutable Date of approval of Medical Board proceedings. Loading if any, recommended by Medical Board Age next birth day Commutation value applicable as per A.I. 85/71 Amount of commutation payable Formula Z SL-03009A Lt. Col. 08.04.1946 25.07.1983 30.04.2003 Retiring 43% 43% Rs. 7950/Rs. 3418/25.03.2003 Nil 58 years 10.78 Amount to be commuted X purchase value X12 3418X10.78 X12 Rs. 442153/Rs. 4532/-
ILLUSTRATION NO.15 (See Para-247) Restoration of commuted portion of pension in respect of officer absorbed in central public enterprise
1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14 15. 16. 17. Name I.C. No. Rank Date of Commission Date of retirement Total qualifying service Amount of retiring pension Whether officer opted for lump-sum in lieu of pension Amount of capitalized value Date of payment revision of pension under modified rules Minimum pay Rank pay Total Retiring pension Amount to be restored Date of restoration Dearness Relief Y 6617-M Lt. Col. 13.12.1953 29.09.1984 30 years 9 months 16 days Rs. 982/wef 30.09.84 Yes
2.12.1986 Rs. 15,100/Rs. 2,000/- Rs. 17,100/17100X31/2x33=Rs. 8032/pm 43% of Rs. 8032/- Rs. 3454/- pm 2.12.2001 45%
Memo explanatory of each Para in the OM Part-IV Volume-III (2006)
No. of Para as in the OM Part-IV Vol.III (2006) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 to 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 No. of Para as in the existing OM Part-IV Vol.III (1972) 1 2 3 4 5 New Para New Paras 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 New Para New Para 18 19 20 21(I to iv) New Para 21(v to viii) 25 32 New Para New Para New Para 33 34 35 36 37 38 & 39 39-A 39-B New Para Explanatory Remarks
Enlarged Enlarged Modified Modified -Based on GOI,MOD No. F.12(i)/72/556/S/D (Pen/Sers) dated 20.07.74 Based on LPC-cum-data- instructions vide PCDA(P) Sectin Order No. 14 dated 15.06.1990 -----------Modified based on GOI,MOD No.B/39022/AG/PS-4(a&c) 386 /C /D (Pen/Sers) dated 27.3.2002 Based on GOI,Ministry of Defence No.1(6)/98/D (Pen/Sers) dated 3.02.98 Based on GOI,Ministry of Defence No.1(6)/98/D (Pen/Sers) dated 3.02.98 ----Based on Army Instruction 8/S/70 Modified based on GOI,MOD No.1(6)/98/D (Pen/Sers) dated 3.2.98 --Based on GOI,MOD No.27(1)/79//2905/C/D (Pen/Sers) dated 8.8.86 as amended Procedural Procedural --------Procedural
71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 to 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 40 41 43 44 45 46 47 New 48 New New New 49 50 53 New Paras 63 64 65 54 56 New Para New Para 57 New Para 57 (iii) New Para 57(v) 57(vii) 57(viii) 57(ix) New Para New Para New Para New Para 62 New Para New Para New Para 68 & 69 New Para 67 New Para New Para -------Based on GOI,MOD No.1 (2)/97/D (Pen-C) dated 31.1.2001 No Change Based on GOI,MOD No.1 (2)/97/D (Pen-C) dated 31.1.2001 Based on GOI,MOD No.1 (2)/97/D (Pen-C) dated 7.2.2001 Procedural -Modified based on GOI,MOD No.4684/DIR(PEN)/2001 dated 14.8.2001 Modified based on GOI,MOD No.4684/DIR(PEN)/2001 dated 14.8.2001 Based on LPC-cum-data- instructions vide PCDA(P) Section order No. 22. dated 21.9.2001 Modified ---Modified based on GOI,MOD No.1(2)/97/D (Pen-C) dated 31.1.2001 Modified based on GOI,MOD No.1(2)/97/D (Pen-C) dated 31.1.2001 Modified based on GOI,MOD No.1(2)/97/D (Pen-C) dated 31.1.2001 No Change Based on Army Instruction 4/S/76 and Regn. 61, PRA Part-I (1961) -Base d on GOI,MOD No.A/25196/AG/PS4(d)/86/97(Pen-C) dated 30.8.76 as amended --Modified based on GOI,MOD No.22679/DGAFMS) D/G3A/2721/D(Med.) dated 18.7.74 -Based on GOI,MOD No.F.210795/Pen-c dated 30.11.77 Based on GOI,MOD No.1(2)/97/D (Pen-C) dated 31.1.2001 Based on Regn. 51 PRA-I (1961) Based on Regn. 52 PRA-I (1961) Modified based on GOI,MOD No.1(2)/97/D(Pen-C) dt 31.1.2001 Modified based on GOI,MOD No.1(2)/97/D (Pen-C) dated 31.1.2001 Based on GOI,MOD No.1(2)/87/D (Pen-C) dated 30.10.87 Based on GOI,MOD No.1(2)/97/D (Pen-C) dated 31.1.2001 No Change Based on GOI,MOD No.1(2)/97/D (Pen-C) dated 31.1.2001 Modified based on GOI,MOD No.1(2)/97/D (Pen-C) dated 31.1.2001 Based on GOI,MOD No.1(2)/97/D (Pen-C) dated 31.1.2001 Based on GOI,MOD No.1(2)/97/D (Pen-C) dated 31.1.2001
123 124 125 126 New New New New Para Para Para Para Based on GOI,MOD No.1(2)/97/D (Pen-C) dated 31.1.2001 Based on GOI,MOD No.1(2)/97/D (Pen-C) dated 31.1.2001 Based on GOI,MOD No.1(2)/97/D (Pen-C) dated 31.1.2001 Based on GOI,MOD No.1(5)/93/D (Pen-C) dated 16.4.1996, 1(6),00/D(Pen-C) dt. 5.07.2001, even Nos. dated 11.02.2003 and 15.09.2003 -Based on GOI,MOD No.1(2)/97/D (Pen-C) dated 7.2.2001and DGAFMS No. 16056/DGAFMS/MA(P) dt. 2.3.2001 Based on Regn. 54 PRA-I (1961) Based on GOI,MOD No4684/DIR/PEN/2001 dt 14.8.2001 and even No. 10.9.2002 --Based on A.Is 2/S/64 and 51/80 Based on GOI,MOD No.F.6(2)/85/1689/B/D (Pen/Sers) dated 8.8.1985 Based on A.I.51/80, GOI,MOD No.6(7)/87/D (Pen/Sers) dt. 5.4.91, B/38207/AG/ PS4(b)/931/B/ C(Pen/ Sers dt. 26.9.98, 1(3)99/D(Pen/Sers) dt24.11.99 and CGDA No. 5189/At-P/VCPC dated 8.11.2000 Based on GOI,MOD No.A/49601/Ag/PS4(e)/ 3363/B/D (Pen /Sers) dt.27.8.87 & 20.12.91 ----------Abridged --Procedural Procedural -Modified Based on GOI,MOD No.1(6)/98/D (Pen/Sers) dated 3.2.98 Based on GOI,MOD No.1(6)/98/D (Pen/Sers) dated 3.2.98 Based on A.I.51/80 Based on A.I.51/80 Based on GOI,MOD No.10(6)/92/D (Pen/Sers) dated 28.9.92 Based on GOI, MOD No. 2/CC/B/D(Pen/Sers)/2001 dated 28.8.2001. Based on GOI,No.1(65)/P&PW/91-E dated 19.5.93 Based on A.I. 51/80 and GOI,MOD No.A/6320/Div/AG/PS4 (e)/395/B/D (Pen/Sers) dated 25.5.92 Based on A.I. 51/80 Based on GOI,MOD order No.1(2)/97/D (Pen-C) dated 31.1.2001 Based on Regn. 81 ,PRA-I (1961) Based on GOI,MOD order No.4684/DIR/PEN/2001 dated 14.8.2001 and even No. dated 10.09.2002
57(iii)&(ix) New Para New Para New Para 70 New Para New Para New Para New Para
136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165
New Para 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 &96 78 79 80 81,97 & 98 82 and 89 148 New Para New Para 100 84 New Para New Para New Para New Para New Para New Para New Para New Para New Para New Para New Para New Para
166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 New Para New 109 110 111 New 84 New New New New New Para Based on GOI,MOD order No.1(2)/97/D (Pen-C) dated 31.1.2001 Based on Regn. 85 ,PRA-I (1961) Modified --Procedural Modified Based on GOI,MOD No.1(2)/97/D (Pen-C) dated 31.1.2001 Procedural Based on GOI,MOD No.1(2)/97/D (Pen-C) dated 31.1.2001 Based on GOI,MOD No.1(2)/97/D (Pen-C) dated 31.1.2001 Based on GOI,MOD order No.1(2)/97/D (Pen-C) dated 31.1.2001 Based on Regn. 97 PRA Part-I(1961) and GOI, MOD No. 4684/DIR/PEN/2001 dated 14.8.2001 and even No. 7.11.2001 and 10.9.2002 Based on GOI,MOD order No.1(2)/97/D (Pen-C) dated 31.1.2001 Based on GOI,MOD, No.1(2)/97/D (Pen-C) dated 31.1.2001 and 1(7)/89/D(Pen-C dt. 21.1.2004. Based on GOI,MOD No.1(5)/97/D (Pen-C) dated 30.10.87 and PC. No. B/38207/36/AG/D(Pen-C) dated 21.10.2002 --Based on GOI,MOD order No.1(2)/97/D (Pen-C) dated 31.1.2001 Modified based on GOI,MOD order No.1(2)/97/D (Pen-C) dated 31.1.2001 and 1(20/97/D/(Pen/Sers) dated 24.11.97 --Based on GOI,MOD order No.1(2)/97/D (Pen-C) dated 31.1.2001 Based on GOI,MOD order No.1(2)/97/D (Pen-C) dated 31.1.2001 Based on GOI,MOD order No.1(2)/97/D (Pen-C) dated 31.1.2001 Procedural Procedural Procedural Based on GOI,MOD order No.1(2)/97/D (Pen-C) dated 31.1.2001 Based on GOI, Ministry of Defence , No.1(2)/97/D (Pen-C) dated 31.1.2001 Procedural Based on GOI,MOD,No. 200847(Pen-C)/71 dated 11.10.72 Based on GOI,MOD, No.1(2)/97/D (Pen-C) dated 31.1.2001 Based on GOI,MOD, No.1(2)/97/D (Pen-C) dated 31.1.2001 Procedural Based on GOI,MOD, No.1(5)/93/D (Pen-C) dated 16.4.1996 as amended vide even No.dt. 12/05/97 and 1/6/99/d (PenC) dt. 5/7/2001, 7/11/2001 & 11/2/2002 Based on GOI,MOD, No.1(5)/93/D (Pen-C) dated 16.4.1996 as amended vide even No.dt. 12/05/97 and 1/6/99/d (PenC) dt. 5/7/2001, 7/11/2001 & 11/2/2002 Based on GOI,MOD, No.1(5)/93/D (Pen-C) dated 16.4.1996
New Para
179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201
134 New Para 135 136 137 New Para 140 141 142 New Para New Para New Para New New New New Para Para Para Para
New Para New New New New New New Para Para Para Para Para Para
New Para
New Para
as amended vide even No.dt. 12/05/97 and 1/6/99/d (PenC) dt. 5/7/2001, 7/11/2001 & 11/2/2002 Based on GOI,MOD, No.1(5)/93/D (Pen-C) dated 16.4.1996 as amended vide even No.dt. 12/05/97 and 1/6/99/d (PenC) dt. 5/7/2001, 7/11/2001 & 11/2/2002 Based on GOI,MOD, Air Hqrs letter No.24229/171/PP & R3/4990 (Pen-C) dated 26.6.78 Based on GOI,MOD, Air Hqrs letter No.24229/171/PP & R3/4990 (Pen-C) dated 26.6.78 Based on GOI, MOD, No.1(4)/89-D (Pen-C) dated 10.4.1991 Based on CGDA letter No. 5635/AI -P dt.7.8.91 Based on Government of India, Ministry of Defence NO. B/39902/XXII/AG/PS4(d)/2089/D (Pay/Sers) dt. 8/10/96 Based on Government of India, Ministry of Defence NO. B/39902/XXII/AG/PS4(d)/2089/D (Pay/Sers) dt. 8/10/96 as amended vide even no. dt. 4/6/97 Based on Government of India, Ministry of Defence NO. B/39902/XXII/AG/PS4(d)/2089/D (Pay/Sers) dt. 8/10/96 as amended vide even no. dt. 4/6/97 Based on GOI,MOD, No.B/39902/XXII/AG/PS4(d) /971/D (Pay/Sers) dt.4.6.1997 Based on GOI,MOD, No.20(1)/98/D (Pen/Sers) dt 22.9.98, 18.4.99 & 15.5.2000 Based on GOI,MOD, No.20(1)/98/D (Pen/Sers) dt 22.9.98, 18.4.99 & 15.5.2000 Based on GOI,MOD, No.200847 (Pen-C) dated 24.2.72 & Regn.104,PRA Part-I(1961) Based on GOI,MOD, No.200847 (Pen-C) dated 24.2.72 & Regn.104,PRA Part-I(1961) Based on GOI,MOD, No.197828/68/(Pen-C)/III dt30.10.68 Procedural Based on GOI,MOD, No.1(6)/98/D (Pen/Sers) dt3.2.98 Based on A.I. 8/S/70 Procedural Based on GOI,MOD, No.3(8)/98/D (Cermonials) dt 18.3.99 Based on GOI,MOD, No.3(8)/98/D (Cermonials) dt 18.3.99 Based on GOI,MOD, No.3(8)/98/D (Cermonials) dt 18.3.99 Based on GOI,MOD, No.3(8)/98/D (Cermonials) dt 18.3.99 --Based on AI. 8/S/70 Based on Regn. 342 ,PRA-I (1961) Based on GOI,MOD, No.B/40323/AG/PS4-(C)/1750/D (Pen/Sers) dt.26.10.81 Modified Based on GOI,MOD, No.B/40323/AG/PS4-(C)/2545/A/D (Pen/Sers) dt.13.8.85 -Based on Regn. 348 ,PRA-I (1961) --Based on GOI,MOD, No.B/40323/AG/PS4-(C)/1750/D (Pen/Sers) dt.13.8.85 Modified as per on CCS (COP) Rules:91 --
New Para
New Para New Para New Para New Para New Para New Para
New Para
212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239
New Para New Para New Para New Para New Para New Para New Para New Para New Para New Para New Para New Para New Para New Para 152 New para Note below Para 152 New Para New Para 153 New Para 156 New Para 154, 157 & 184 158 New Para 160 159
240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 167, 179 &180 New Para 169 & 182 170 New Para New Para New Para 178 New Para New Para 185 186 187 New Para New Para New Para -Procedural -Modified Procedural Procedural Procedural Modified Based on GOI,MOD, No.1(5)87/D (Pen/Sers) dt.30.10.87 & 1(6)/95/D(Pen-C) dt. 29.2.2000 Based on GOI,MOD, No.1(5)87/D (Pen/Sers) dt.30.10.87 & 1(6)/95/D(Pen-C) dt. 29.2.2000 Enlarged --Procedural Based on GOI,MOD, No.B/40323/AG/PS4-(b)/1406/B /D (Pen/Sers) dt.28.4.86 & F.6(86/D(Pen/Sers) dt 12.5.86 Based on GOI,MOD, No.F6(2)/85/1689/B/D (Pen Sers) dt. 8.8.85 & B/39407/A/G/PS4(b)/1406/B/D (Pen/Sers 28.4.86 Based on GOI,MOD, No.F6(2)/85/1689/B/D (Pen Sers) dt. 8.8.85 & B/39407/A/G/PS4(b)/1406/B/D (Pen/Sers 28.4.86 Based on GOI,MOD, No.F6(2)/85/1689/B/D (Pen Sers) dt. 8.8.85 & B/39407/A/G/PS4(b)/1406/B/D (Pen/Sers 28.4.86 Based on GOI,MOD, No.F6(2)/85/1689/B/D (Pen Sers) dt. 8.8.85 & B/39407/A/G/PS4(b)/1406/B/D (Pen/Sers 28.4.86 Based on GOI,MOD, No.F6(2)/85/1689/B/D (Pen Sers) dt. 8.8.85 & B/39407/A/G/PS4(b)/1406/B/D (Pen/Sers 28.4.86 Based on GOI,MOD, No.F6(2)/85/1689/B/D (Pen Sers) dt. 8.8.85 & B/39407/A/G/PS4(b)/1406/B/D (Pen/Sers 28.4.86 Based on GOI,MOD, No.39/407/2/Non-ISF/AG/PS4-(b)/ 145/DA /91/D(Pen/Sers) dt.15.5.91 Procedural -Based on A.I. 2/S/53 Based on GOI,MOD, No.10(1)/59/593-S/1/D(Pen /Sers) dt. 30.8.66, 80617/AG/PS4-(C)/138/S//D (Pen/ Sers) dt.15.5.68 and 1(9)/87/D(Pen/Sers) dt. 30.10.87 Based on GOI,MOD, No.10(1)/59/593-S/1/D(Pen /Sers) dt. 30.8.66, 80617/AG/PS4-(C)/138/S//D (Pen/ Sers) dt. 15.5 .68 and 1(9)/87/D(Pen/Sers) dt. 30.10.87 Based on GOI,MOD, No.10(1)/59/593-S/1/Dpen/ Sers) dt. 30.8.66, 80617/AG/PS4-(C)/138/S//D (Pen/ Sers) dt.15.5 . 68 and 1(9)/87/D(Pen/Sers) dt.30.10.87 Based on A.O. 664/73. Based on GOI,MOD, No.1(5)/87/D (Pen-C) dt.30.10.87 Based on GOI,MOD, No.86878/AG/PS4-(C)/4889/D (Pen / Sers) dt. 11.6.58 Based on GOI,MOD, No.F.79/10154/470-B/D(PP) dt. 25.1.56
New Para
New Para
New Para
New Para
New Para
New Para
New Para
272 273 274 275 276 New Para New Para New Para New Para New Para Based on GOI,MOD, No.B/40392/AG/PS4-(C)/420/ C/D (Pen/Sers) dt.24.2..81 Based on GOI,MOD, No.B/40392/AG/PS4-(C)/420/C /D (Pen/Sers) dt.24.2..81 Based on GOI,MOD, No.B/40392/AG/PS4-(C)/420/C/ D (Pen/Sers) dt.24.2..81 Based on GOI,MOD, No.F.50(1)/52.D (Pen/Sers) dt. 25.3.57 and 10(1)/81/I/D (Pers/sers) dt. 29/1/81. Based on GOI,MOD, No.A/49606/AG/PS4(a)/2855C/D (Pen/Sers) dt.31.10.79 as ame3nded vide Even No. dt. 29/3/95 Based on GOI,MOD, No.B/39022/AG/PS4-(a&c)/589 /C /D (Pen/Sers) dt.27.3.2002 Based on A.O. 664/73 Based on A.O. 582/73 and MOD, No. A/48977/AG/PS4(b)/891/C/D(Pen/Sers)dated 4.10.95 Based on A.O. 664/73 Procedural Procedural Based on Government of India, Ministry of Defence, No. 8(3)/85/A/D(Pen/Sers) dt. 17/3/86, even no. dt. 19/2/87 & 12/2/88, A/497-38/PG/PS 4(C)/689 A/D (Pen/sers) dt, 21/4/88 Based on Government of India, Ministry of Defence, No. 8(3) /85/A/D(Pen/Sers) dt. 17/3/86, even no. dt. 19/2/87& 12 / 2/88, A/497-38/PG/PS 4(C)/689 A/D (Pen/sers)dt, 21/4/88 Based on Government of India, Ministry of Defence, No. 8(3) / 85/A/D(Pen/Sers) dt. 17/3/86, even no. dt. 19/2/87 & 12/ 2/ 88, A/497-38/PG/PS 4(C)/689 A/D (Pen/sers)dt, 21/4/88 Based on Government of India, Ministry of Defence, No. 8(3)/ 85/A/D(Pen/Sers) dt. 17/3/86, even no. dt. 19/2/87 & 12/ 2/ 88, A/497-38/PG/PS 4(C)/689 A/D (Pen/sers)dt, 21/4/88 Based on Government of India, Ministry of Defence, No. 8(3)/ 85/A/D(Pen/Sers) dt. 17/3/86, even no. dt. 19/2/87 & 12/ 2/88, A/497-38/PG/PS 4(C)/689 A/D (Pen/sers)dt, 21/4/88 Based on Government of India, Ministry of Defence, No. 8(3)/ 85/A/D(Pen/Sers) dt. 17/3/86, even no. dt. 19/2/87 & 12/2 / 88, A/497-38/PG/PS 4(C)/689 A/D (Pen/sers)dt, 21/4/88 Based on Government of India, Ministry of Defence, No. 8(3)/ 85/A/D(Pen/Sers) dt. 17/3/86, even no. dt. 19/2/87 & 12/2 / 88, A/497-38/PG/PS 4(C)/689 A/D (Pen/sers)dt, 21/4/88 Based on Government of India, Ministry of Defence, No. 8(3)/ 85/A/D(Pen/Sers) dt. 17/3/86, even no. dt. 19/2/87 & 12/2 /88, A/497-38/PG/PS 4(C)/689 A/D (Pen/sers)dt, 21/4/88 Based on Government of India, Ministry of Defence, No. B. 38029/AG/PS4(C)/620 /A/D (pen/sers) dt. 10/4/96 Based on Government of India, Ministry of Personnel, Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & pensions, &PW No. 4/29/99/P&PW (D) dt. 12/7/2000 Based on GOI,MOD, No.8(3)/86A/D (Pen/Sers) dt. 19.2.87 Based on GOI,MOD, No.8(3)/86A/D (Pen/Sers) dt. 19.2.87 Based on GOI,MOD, No.8(3)/86A/D (Pen/Sers) dt. 19.2.87 Based on GOI,MOD, No.8(3)/86A/D (Pen/Sers) dt. 19.2.87 Based on GOI,MOD, No.8(3)/86A/D (Pen/Sers) dt. 19.2.87 Based on A.I. 6/S/65
New Para New Para New Para New New New New Para Para Para Para
New Para
New Para
New Para
New Para
New Para
New Para
New Para
291 292
299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 to 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 New Para New Para New Para New Para New Para New Para New Para New Para New New New New New New New New New New New New New Para Para Para Para Para Para Para Para Para Para Para Para Para Based on A.I. 6/S/65 Based on A.I. 6/S/65 Based on GOI,MOD, No. 10(1)/59/5935/1/D (Pen/ Sers) dt.30.8.87 and 1(2)/88/D/(Pen/Sers) dated 9.01.90 Based on GOI,MOD, No. 10(1)/59/5935/1/D (Pen/Sers) dt. 30.8.87 and 1(2)/88/D/(Pen/Sers) dated 9.01.90 Based on GOI,MOD, No.PCB/39028/AG/PS4(A&C) 863/B/ D / (Pen/Sers) dt. 28.11.2000 Based on GOI,MOD, No. 49940/AGPS4(C)/1748/A/D (Pen/Sers) dt. 14.10.81 Based on A.I. 6/S/65 Based on A.I. 6/S/65 as amended vide GOI, MOD A/ 49 940/ AG/PS4(C)/1748/AD/(Pen/Sers) dated 14.10.81 Based on AI 6/S/65 Based on AI 6/S/65 Based on AI 6/S/65 Based on AI 6/S/65 Procedural General introduction Based on A.I. 15/44 Based on A.I. 541/45 Based on A.I. 6/S/60 Based on A.I 19/S/63 and 4/S/69 Based on GOI,MOD, No.F11(1)/74.D (Pen/Sers) dt. 9.5.74 Based on GOI,MOD, No.F.11(1)/74/.D (Pen-C) dt. 27.4.76 Based on GOI,MOD, No.1(3)/84/.D (Pen/Sers) dt. 29. 8.84 amended vide that ministry's letter dt. 18.9.84 Based on MOD letters issued from time to time in the context of -III, IV and Vth CPC recommendations Based on MOD letters issued from time to time in the context of -III, IV and Vth CPC recommendations Based on MOD letters issued from time to time in the context of -III, IV and Vth CPC recommendations Based on GOI,MOD, No.1(2)/97//.D (Pen/Sers) dt. 24. 11.97 -----
New Para New Para New Para New Para 189 190 191 192
1 New 2 New 3 New 4 New 5 New 6 New 7 New 8 New 9 New 10 New 11 New 12 New 13 New 14 New 15 New 16 New Annexures Annexure-A Annexure B RDR classification Hand Book Based on PCDA(P) Section Order No. 14 dated 15.6.90 Based on Regns/Govt. Orders /A.Is. Based on Regns/Govt. Orders /A.Is. Based on Regns/Govt. Orders / A.Is. Based on PCDA(P) Section Order No. 22 dated 21.9.2001 Based on Regns/Govt. Orders /A.Is. Based on PCDA(P) Section Order No. 23 dated 21.9.2001 Compilation of rates from Government Orders Compilation of rates from Government Orders Based on GOI,MOD, No. 20 (1 / 98/.D (Pay/Sers) dt 22.09.98 Compilation of rates from Government Orders Based on A.I. 85/71 CGDA No. EDP/NPDS/603 dated 18.7.89 PSB Booklet issued by MOD Compilation of History Annexure-I Annexure-II Modified and enlarged (i) No change except the Deleted being obsolete following Sl.No. 8-GMR8 Sl.No. 10-GMR-10 Sl.No. 11-GMR-11 Sl.No. 12-GMR-12 No Change except the Deleted being obsolete following Sl.No. 3-GMF- Modified Added 3 Sl.No. 4-GMF-4 Sl.No. 7-GMF-7 Sl.No. 8-GMF8 Sl.No. 9-GMF-9 Sl.No. 10-GMF-10 Sl.No. 19GMF-19 Sl.No. 20-GMF20 Sl.No. 21-GMF-21 Sl.No. 23-GMF-23 Sl.No. 24-GMF-24 Sl.No. 25GMF-25 Sl.No. 26-GMF26 Sl.No. 30-GMF-30 Sl.No. 32-GMF-32 Sl.No. 33-A-GMF-33-A Sl.No. 33-GMF-13 Sl.No. 37GMF-37 Sl.No. 54-GMF54 Added as per relevant paras of OM Part-IV Vol. III quoted in each case. Added as per relevant paras of OM Part-IV Vol. III quoted in each case. Added as per relevant paras of OM Part-IV Vol. III quoted in each case.
(ii) Specimen of Data Sheets (iii) Speciment of PPO for mats (iv) Specimen of Miscellaneous Application form Annexure-D
Memo explanatory of the treatment accorded in the OM Part-IV Volume-III (2006) to each Para in OM Part-IV Vol. III(1972)
No. of Para as in the OM Part-IV Vol.III (1972 Edn) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. (I to iv) 21(v to viii) 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 39-A 39-B 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. No. of corresponding Para in OM Part-IV Vol.III (2006 Edn.) 1 2 3 4 5 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 51 52 53 54 56 --57 ------58 62 63 64 65 66 67 67 68 69 71 72 -73 74 75 Explanatory Remarks
Enlarged Enlarged Modified Modified -----------Modified ----Modified based on GOI,MOD, No.1(6)/.D (Pen/Sers) dt.3.2.98 Deleted being obsolete Deleted being obsolete Deleted being obsolete -Deleted being obsolete Deleted being obsolete Deleted being obsolete Deleted being obsolete Deleted being obsolete Deleted being obsolete ------------Deleted being obsolete ----
46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. (i) 57(ii to iv) 57(v) 57(vii) 57(viii) 57(ix) 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 76 77 79 83 84 --85 98 -99 102 104 106 107 108 109 ----114 95 96 97 120 118 118 131 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 -153 ----148 ---Modified based on GOI,MOD, dt.31.1.2001 --Deleted being obsolete Deleted being obsolete --Deleted being obsolete Modified based on GOI,MOD, dt.31.1.2001 ------Deleted being obsolete Deleted being obsolete Deleted being obsolete Deleted being obsolete Modified based on GOI,MOD, dt.31.1.2001 ---Deleted being obsolete Modified based on GOI,MOD, dt.31.1.2001 Modified based on GOI,MOD, dt.31.1.2001 Modified based on GOI,MOD, dt.31.1.2001 Modified ------------Deleted being obsolete -Deleted being obsolete Deleted being obsolete Deleted being obsolete Deleted being obsolete -Deleted being obsolete
No.1(2)/97/.D (Pen-C)
No.1(2)/97/.D (Pen-C)
No.1(2)/97/.D (Pen-C)
91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. 116. 117. 118. 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. 129. 130. 131. 132. 133. 134. 135. 136. 137. 138. 139. 140. 141. 142. 143. 144. ------143 147 147 150 152 -----------168 169 170 -------------------------180 182 183 184 ---186 187 188 ---Deleted being obsolete Deleted being obsolete Deleted being obsolete Deleted being obsolete Deleted being obsolete -----Deleted being obsolete Deleted being obsolete Deleted being obsolete Deleted being obsolete Deleted being obsolete Deleted being obsolete Deleted being obsolete Deleted being obsolete ---Deleted being obsolete Deleted being obsolete Deleted being obsolete Deleted being obsolete Deleted being obsolete Deleted being obsolete Deleted being obsolete Deleted being obsolete Deleted being obsolete Deleted being obsolete Deleted being obsolete Deleted being obsolete Deleted being obsolete Deleted being obsolete Deleted being obsolete Deleted being obsolete Deleted being obsolete Deleted being obsolete Deleted being obsolete Deleted being obsolete Deleted being obsolete Deleted being obsolete Modified based on GOI, Ministry of Defence , No.1(2)/97/D (Pen-C) dated 31.1.2001 ---Deleted being obsolete Deleted being obsolete ---Deleted being obsolete Deleted being obsolete
145. 146. 147. 148. 149. 150. 151. 152. 153. 154. 155. 156. 157. 158. 159. 160. 161. 162. 163. 164. 165. 166. 167. 168. 169. 170. 171. 172. 173. 174. 175. 176. 177. 178. 179. 180. 181. 182. 183. 184. 185. 186. 187. 188. 189. 190. 191. 192. Annexure-I Annexure-II -----149 ----168 226 231 235 -233 235 236 239 238(b) ---------240 -242 243 -----------247 240 240 -242(iii) -235(g) 250 251 252 263 317 318 319 320 Deleted being Deleted being Deleted being -Deleted being Deleted being -Modified Modified Modified Deleted being -Modified ---Deleted being Deleted being Deleted being Deleted being Deleted being Deleted being Modified Deleted being --Deleted being Deleted being Deleted being Deleted being Deleted being Deleted being Deleted being Modified Modified Modified Deleted being -Deleted being No Change Modified -------Annexure-A Annexure-B obsolete obsolete obsolete obsolete obsolete
obsolete obsolete
Modified and enlarged No Change except the following Sl.No.-8 Deleted GMR-8 Sl.No.-10 being GMR-10 Sl.No.-11 obsolete GMR-11 Sl.No.-12 GMR-12
Annexure-III Annexure-C No Change except the following Sl.No. 3-GMF-3 Sl.No. 4GMF-4 Sl.No. 7GMF-7 Sl.No. 8GMF-8 Sl.No. 9GMF-9 Sl.No. 10GMF-10 Sl.No. 19GMF-19 Sl.No. 20GMF-20 Sl.No. 21GMF-21 Sl.No. 23GMF-23 Sl.No. 24GMF-24 Sl.No. 25GMF-25 Sl.No. 26GMF-26 Sl.No.-30 GMR-30 Sl.No. 32GMF-32 Sl.No.-33-A GMF-33-A Sl.No.-13 GMF-13 Modified and Enlarged Deleted being obsolete Modified
Para affected
Para affected