Fray Botod by Graciano Lopez Jaena

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lray 8oLod by Craclano Lopez !

Iray 8otod A Sketch

Who ls 8oLod?
Look aL hlm Lhere he goes walklng on Lhe plaza LhaL chubby frlar Lalklng wlLh a
woman aL Lhe fooL of Lhe Lallsay Lree Can you see hlm dlsLlncLly?
Look well Loward Lhe cenLer of Lhe plaza Look over Lhe plaza flx your eyes on
Lhe llLLle Lower of bamboo and nlpa lL ls Lhe bell Lower of Lhe Lown aL Lhe fooL of
Lhe ladder also of bamboo are several leafy Lrees by Lhe Lrunk of Lhe mosL
corpulenL Lallsay Lree under lLs shade ls lr 8oLod Lalklng angrlly wlLh a woman uo
you see hlm now?
?es yes l see hlm he ls bold Pow he knlLs hls eyebrows! 1he lass ls noL bad buL
lL ls obvlously by hls manner and grln lr 8oLod or devlls ls vexed buL whaL do l
see? now he ls ralslng hls walklng cane ln a menaclng gesLure
Pe ls lnLlmldaLlng Lhe young woman so LhaL she wlll accede Lo hls deslre
ls Lhls rogue of a frlar golng Lo hlL Lhe glrl?
Pe ls capable Come and look a crowd of boys from Lhe charlLyschool some
nude from Lhe walsL down oLhers from Lhe walsL up are runnlng Loward Lhe
8everend laLher Lhey klss hls hand and Lhe lgnoranL rusLlc of a frlar send Lhem Lo
blazes and frlghLened Lhe boys fled
8uL look look aL Lhe shameless frlar hes slapplng Lhe glrl Lerrlbly Pum! She
falls Lo her knees aL hls feeL she seems Lo be asklng for pardon she klsses hls
hand oor glrl! Pe Lakes her along Cursed frlar! WhaL a bruLe how
wreLched! 8uL do you allow and endure such abuses agalnsL Lhe honor of LhaL
weak creaLure vlcLlm of Lhe bruLe force of LhaL cynlcal frlar?
We are already used Lo such scenes Lhey happen frequenLly
8uL whaL ls LhaL devll of a frlar dolng ln Lhls parL of Lhe world?
Pes Lhe parlsh prlesL of Lhls Lown
arlsh prlesL! A frlar parlsh prlesL! l dldnL know LhaL frlars are parlsh prlesLs ln
Lhe hlllpplnes l have been Lold so buL l never belleved lL
Well see lL and youll be convlnced
ln my counLry we have Lhrown Lhem ouL a long Llme ago and cerLalnly by
klcklng Lhem ouL
Well here Lhey are sLlll wagglng domlnaLlng and rullng noL only splrlLually buL
also pollLlcally and lmmorally
1heres noLhlng else Lo do buL glve Lhem polsoned sausage llke sLray dogs
1he day of reckonlng wlll come and every debL musL be pald as a saylng goes
LhaL day wlll come and woe Lo Lhem! ln Lhe meanLlme leL Lhem do all Lhey fancy
1hls ls horrlble worse Lhan ln Chlna a Lhousand Llmes more vexlng Lhan ln
Away wlLh such sad LhoughLs leLs go and look aL Lhe knavlsh frlar aL close hand
!esus! !esus! !esus! Pow horrlble Pow ugly! Pe looks llke a fur seal
WhaL a comparlson my frlend!
?es yes a fur seal a fur seal wlLh musLache
1he wlLLlclsm ls amuslng
LeL us descrlbe Lhe fur seal lm wrong l mean Lhe frlar for everybodys
So be lL
lray 8oLod ls noL hls proper name or hls famlly name
8otoJ means blgbellled Lhe people chaffed hlm so on accounL of hls phenomenal
Pls bapLlsmal name (youll be asLounded) ls Aoo because he was born on Lhe feasL
day of SanLa Ana buL he geLs furlous and flles lnLo a rage when hes called lr Aoo
preferrlng Lo be called 8otoJ LoAoo
lray 8oLod or lray Ano ls from Aragon son of unknown parenLs who was found
one LempesLuous nlghL ln Lhe envlrons of Lhe Lbro 8lver near Lhe sLeps of Cur Lady
of Lhe lllar Church by a muleLeer who happened Lo pass by reLurnlng from hls
1he good man educaLed hlm Lhe besL way he could Pe wlshed Lo Leach Lhe boy hls
own occupaLlon buL aL Lhe age of fourLeen he ran away from Lhe house of hls
adopLed faLher and walklng walklng he reached valladolld and wenL Lo Lhe
convenL of Lhe AugusLlnlan faLhers Lhere
Scarcely LwenLyone years old hls superlors senL hlm Lo Lhe hlllpplnes where he
arrlved sLlll a rusLlc
Pe seemed meek buL afLer he had been ordalned and sang hls flrsL Mass afLer flve
years ln Lhe counLry eaLlng bananas and papayas and afLer hls appolnLed as parlsh
prlesL of so lmporLanL a Lown where he ls now he has become so smarL LhaL he ls
now very rlch
Pe ls very shrewd and he has more horse sense Lhan SanLlllana
1haL ls Lhe succlncL skeLch of Lhe blrLh novlLlaLe of lr 8oLod and Lhe flrsL years of
hls sLay ln Lhe hlllpplnes
LeL us now conslder hls flgure and explolLs
Pe ls a blg fellow a phenomenal guy
ShorL sLaLure bloaLed face formlng a dlsk llke a full moon
8ound cheekbones
1hlck promlnenL llps small eyes rogulsh and fellne large reddlsh nose wlLh
flarlng nosLrlls so LhaL he can smell aL a dlsLance llke a reLrlever
Palr of Lhe color of malze Lhe crown llke a coconuL shell wlLh Lonsure
uepressed and wrlnkled forehead glvlng hlm a superclllous and sLern look
Abdomen above all hls abdomen aLLracLs aLLenLlon because of lLs huge slze lLs
more of a promonLory Lhan abdomen because lL ends ln a polnL near Lhe navel
Lhe pelvlc reglon and Lhe pecLoral colnclde on Lhe same perpendlcular plane
llmlLlng a cenLral curvaLure of Lhe verLebral column
Add Lo all Lhls a shorL neck on whlch resLs LhaL unlque physlognomy and you have
Lhe flnlshed plcLure of Lhe whole flgure of lr 8oLod
Pls whole flgure ls a falLhful copy of uon Cul[oLes squlre of Lhe rldlculous
physlognomy of Sancho anza
WlLh regard Lo hls hablLs
More gluLLonous Lhan Pellogabalus a usurer worse Lhan a !ewlsh moneylender
fond of women wlLh sulLanllke explolLs
ln concluslon Pe has everyLhlng he llkes and he lndulges excesslvely
Summarlzlng lf Lhe renowned Zol would descrlbe hlm he would say abouL hlm
more or less Lhe followlng
lr 8oLod ls a wellfed plg who eaLs drlnks sleeps and Lhlnk of noLhlng else buL Lo
saLlsfy hls carnal appeLlLe ln Lhelr varlous manlfesLaLlons
* * * * * * *
See Lhere hes comlng ouL agaln of Lhe parlsh house accompanled by LhaL young
lady whos whlnlng and crylng blLLerly
lr 8oLod ls caresslng her consollng her buL she ls lnsenslble and lndlfferenL Lo
everyLhlng her moanlng ls subdued by fear she obeys and follows Lhe frlar
1hls Llme Lhey are noL alone buL followed by several glrls vylngly beauLlful some of
Lhem very young oLhers blgger buL all of Lhem are very preLLy and welldressed
now he geLs lnLo Lhe omnlbus wlLh Lhem Lheyre golng for a drlve and Lo Lhe
counLry for lunch
8uL who are Lhose glrls and why are Lhey ln lr 8oLods parlsh house?
1hey are hls cooJloqcooJloq
WhaL are cooJloqcooJloq?
ln Lhe CasLlllan language Lhe expresslon can mean or lL ls equlvalenL Lo klds she
lf youre noL golng Lo explaln lL clearly lL ls Creek Lo me Why does Lhe bedevlled
frlar have ln hls possesslon Lhose lnnocenL creaLures and why are such angellc glrls
called sheklds?
1heyre slmply called sheklds because as Llme goes on when Lhey reach
marrlageable age do you hear do you undersLand now? Pe has Lhem ln hls
possesslon because Lhey are Lhe daughLers of poor famllles under Lhe preLexL of
educaLlng Lhem Leachlng Lhem Lhe ChrlsLlan uocLrlne Lhe caLechlsm how Lo read
wrlLe and oLher Lhlngs and decelvlng Lhelr unforLunaLe parenLs he Lakes Lhem
wllllngly or by force
8uL ls Lhere no woman Leacher ln Lhls Lown?
?es Lhere ls buL Lhe old woman and lr 8oLod are hand ln glove
1hls ls unheardof horrlble! 8uL why donL Lhey denounce Lo Lhe auLhorlLles
Lhese barbarlLles of 8obooo or of LhaL lasclvlous frlar?
Wholl accuse Lhe laLher? ln Lhe Lown no one wlll dare Louch hlm Woe Lo hlm
who would dare!
ls Lhls common general ln hlllpplne Lowns?
l donL dare say so because slnce l was born l havenL gone ouL of Lhls Lown buL
by whaL l have heard from oLhers l venLure Lo say LhaL lL ls lL ls general
An affronL! WhaL baseness! So LhaL Lhose beauLlful rosebuds perform for LhaL
cynlcal frlar Lhe same role as Lhe CrlenLal dancers ln lndla?
l donL know who are Lhe CrlenLal dancers for LhaL reason l canL say Lheyre Lhe
same lm LempLed Lo ask you Lo explaln Lo me a llLLle of Lhe hlsLory of lndla buL
above all of Lhe CrlenLal dancers because lm curlous Lo know Lhe sad role Lhose
poor glrls play Lhere
Cladly Surely Lhe frlars here conslderlng Lhelr behavlour Loward Lhe llllplno
people conslderlng Lhelr vlllalny are noLhlng more Lhan a rough loaLhsome copy
of Lhe 8rahmans or prlesLs and Lhe ra[ahs of lndla
Accordlng Lo legend Lhe CrlenLal dancers are of heavenly orlgln belng
descendanLs of Lhe apsaras courLesans or dancers of lndlas heaven
1he poeLs belleve LhaL Lhey came from Lhe sea whlle Lhe Jevos splrlLs of lnferlor
reglons and Lheozotos evll splrlLs consLanLly flghLlng wlLh Lhe gods sLrlklng Lhe
whlLe waves of foam Lrylng Lo geL Lheomtlto or ombtoslo
lmmedlaLely afLer Lhey were born Lhey began danclng on Lhe waves and Lhey
were so beauLlful and seducLlve LhaL Lhe devas and azuras forgeLLlng Lhelr Lasks
foughL each oLher flercely for Lhelr possesslon
1he vlcLorlous Jevos Look Lhem Lo Lhelr chlef lndra who made Lhem dancers of
heaven [olnlng Lhem Lo Lhe gandharbas or heavenly muslclans Lhe only ones who
unLll Lhen had had Lhe prlvllege of enLerLalnlng Lhe courL
Cne of Lhese goddesses havlng had lnLercourse wlLh a morLal who had been
seduced by her songs gave blrLh Lo a glrl who unable Lo llve ln heaven on accounL
of her earLhly orlgln was enLrusLed Lo some 8rahmans who educaLed her lnslde a
pagoda and Lhere slnce her early years lnsLlncLlvely began danclng before Lhe
sLaLues of Lhe gods
lrom her numerous love affalrs she had seven daughLers whom she LaughL how Lo
dance llke her ln Lhe ceremonles of Lhe Lemple and Lhree sons who naLurally
became muslclans
lrom Lhem descended Lhe JevoJossl or dancers and Lhe presenL muslclans of Lhe
1he dancers never marry LnllsLed ln Lhe servlce of Lhe gods Lhey cannoL be ln
mans power buL Lhey were allowed full and compleLe llberLy Lo enLer lnLo
Lemporary relaLlons wlLh men provlded Lhey would never deny Lhelr favors Lo Lhe
8rahmans upon whom Lhey depended
Crlglnally Lhey should never glve Lhemselves Lo men oLher Lhan Lhe 8rahmans
and Lhose who observed LhaL law were consldered vlrglns
1he 8rahmans were Lhe flrsL Lo prosLlLuLe Lhelr harem for proflL"
?oure rlghL my frlend 1he comparlson ls apL Lhe CrlenLal dancers and
Lhe cooJloqcooJloq have a flne Lhough sad slmllarlLy Lhey performed Lhe same
funcLlons Lhose for Lhe 8rahmans and ra[ahs and Lhese for Lhe 8everend arlsh
rlesL 1here ls no dlfference aL all Whlle Lhose were consecraLed aL blrLh Lo Lhe
lndlan gods llke Lhe vesLal vlrglns Lhese here are cooJloqcooJloq agalnsL Lhe
famlly wlll pulled ouL of Lhelr homes Lhrough decelLs false promlses and almosL
always by superlor force
lLs obvlous you feel Lhe blow so much lnfamy plerces your hearL
lm noL sorry for myself lm sorry for my people for my vlllfled counLry lL cosL
Lhe parenLs of Lhese unhappy and unforLunaLe creaLures a flood of blLLer Lears and
menLal aberraLlon Lheres no marLyrdom comparable Lo Lhelrs nor angulsh llke
Lhelrs as Lhey flnd Lhemselves powerless Lo prevenL Lhe sacrlflce of Lhe lnnocence
of Lhelr dearly beloved chlldren
8ravo bravo frlend! l havenL flnlshed yeL Lhe sLory of Lhe CrlenLal dancers lll
conLlnue buL whaLs happenlng? l hear crles whlsLles clamor commoLlon
Can lL be a flre? no no leLs go leLs look aL lL
1hey Lurned around and wenL Lo Lhe sLreeL where Lhe shouLlng came
Look! varlous sLudenLs are hlsslng aL lr 8oLod and hls companlons
Well done dlgnlLy ls beglnnlng Lo ralse an ouLcry and Lake revenge for so many
lgnomlnles ?oull see youll see where dlgnlLy wlll land!
ln [all or exlle oor sLudenLs! 1heyre from Lhe unlverslLy of Manlla and Lhe
Semlnary who are home for vacaLlon 1hey have been carrled away by Lhelr
lmpresslons Lhelr youLhful genlallLles noL knowlng whaL Lheyre dolng Lhey have
acLed wlLhouL reflecLlon
l applaud Lhem Lheyre Lenaclous lads Lhey musL begln someLlme Lhelr proLesL
wlll aLLracL aLLenLlon
lLs noL yeL Llme my frlend Lhe Llme has noL yeL come lf you donL Lhlnk so walL
and youll see
1hey could hear Lhese or slmllar phrases
Pave you ever seen such effronLery? WhaL cynlclsm! Scandalously rldlng ln an
omnlbus Lhrough Lhe buslesL sLreeLs of Lhe Lown wlLh hls puplls and concublnes
one musL be lmpudenL Lo do LhaL! Co ahead you rogue rascal knave shameless
go ahead! ?ou fool around!"
1aken aback lr 8oLod composed hlmself afLerwards and wlLh hls LwlLchlng hands
LhreaLened Lhe sLudenLs who were revlllng hlm exclalmlng
?oull pay me for Lhls someday! ?oull pay me someday!
CeL down Lhe omnlbus coward plg lndecenL come down come down and leLs
flghL frlar
1he rloL conLlnued swelllng lr 8oLod fearlng LhaL Lhey mlghL smash hlm drew
back Loward hls convenL
1haL afLernoon hls pleasure was marred 1he blg belled frlar suffered sympLoms of
cerebral congesLlon 1he unexpecLed demonsLraLlon of four or flve sLudenLs made
hlm angry
Pe dld noL sleep Lhe whole nlghL Pls mouLh was froLhlng
AL four oclock ln Lhe mornlng he ordered hls luxurlous carrlage Lo be readled a
carrlage wlLh sllver decoraLlons and harness pulled by a palr of superb sorrel
colored horses
As soon as lL was ready he lefL for Lhe provlnclal caplLal
Pe reporLed Lo Lhe provlnclal governor Lhe demonsLraLlon Lhe scandal of whlch he
was Lhe vlcLlm omlLLlng Lo reporL Lhe LruLh abouL Lhe lncldenL
Scarcely had Lwo days passed when a couple of Cuardla Clvll headed by a
lleuLenanL arresLed and handcuffed Lhe slx sLudenLs leaders of Lhe demonsLraLlon
who were accused of sedlLlon and of aLLempLlng upon Lhe lnLegrlLy of Lhe moLher
1he grlefsLrlcken famllles of Lhe unforLunaLe youLhs hasLened Lo Lhe convenL Lo
plead for mercy wlLh Lhe laLher
lr 8oLod gave a cruel answer Lo Lhelr pleas saylng
lve already Lold you CaplLana lpay CaplLn lmuy Cabezang
8aruy teoleotelo Munang llscal Crong CaplLana 8lbay noL Lo send your sons Lo
Manlla Lo sLudy or Lo Lhe Semlnary for Lhey learn noLhlng or flnlsh any course of
sLudy Lhey learn only mlschlefs and nonsense 1hey well deserved Lhls
punlshmenL so LhaL Lhey would learn how Lo respecL Lhe laLher Lhe
represenLaLlve of Cod on earLh ?ou lndlos are worLhless youre llke carabaos
flogglng ls whaL you deserve
AfLer Lhls very sLupld llLLle sermon full of lmproper words as well as lnsulLs he senL
Lo blazes Lhe de[ecLed parenLs of Lhe boys
1he sLudenLs afLer Lhe flllng of admlnlsLraLlve charges agalnsL Lhem wlLhouL any
conslderaLlon were banlshed
?ou see now my frlend how dlgnlLy polnL of honor and [usLlce have gone Lo [all
and Lhen osLraclsm ln Lhls counLry lmmorallLy shamelessness scandal and
ln[usLlce are more ln vogue Lhan [usLlce
?oure rlghL my frlend l glve up lm golng Lo conLlnue my sLory abouL Lhe
CrlenLal dancers some oLher Llme now l wanL you Lo Lell me Lhe noLorlous
mlsdeeds of lr 8oLod so LhaL l can expose Lhem ln Lhe press ln Lurope and Amerlca
l wanL Lhe whole world Lo know Lhem and execraLe Lhem
1heyll noL belleve Lhem
l wanL Lhem for my lnformaLlon
So be lL here Lhey are

now the Iather gamb|es and amuses h|mse|f
Cy boy!
1ell 9tloclpolo Mlndang cobesooq lncoy 1lo8llay Mlnay
lLay coplto lnsoy copltooo 1lnang and oLhers Lo come qulckly Lo Lhe convenL
1hebotto card game Lable ls ready 1ell Lhem Lo come afLer supper for we are
golng Lo puL on a good hand aL nlghL
?es slr
1hese promlnenL clLlzens of Lhe Lown gaLhered around Lhe dlnlng Lable of Lhe
convenL began playlng botto concludlng wlLh elLher monLe a gambllng card
game or rouleLLe
Meanwhlle Lhe cooJloqcooJloq ln separaLe and dlsLanL rooms played among
Lhemselves bllnd hen wheel or sklpplng rope
When lr 8oLod ls wlnnlng he ls ln good humor Pe [esLs wlLh
Lhe copltooos and ptloclpolos and aL hls expense he eaLs wlLh
Lhem somoo blbloqko poto and tlkoy Whlle playlng he chews komoocblles beLel
nuL and oLher hlllpplne LldblLs buL when he loses when he ls unlucky he ls ln bad
humor and becomes lnsupporLable he sLamps hls fooL geLs furlous and snorLs
worse Lhan a ragamuffln
ln order noL Lo dlsplease Lhe 8everend laLher hls fellow players ylelded Lo hlm
made Lhemselves lose purposely ln Lhe same way LhaL lerdlnand vlls courLlers
prepared Lhe caroms for hlm
LaLe aL nlghL hls fellow frlars parlsh prlesLs of nearby Lowns would [oln hlm
brlnglng along blg sacks of money
MonLe or rouleLLe beglns
Pow Lhey cheaL each oLher! 8oLod never spares Lhe Lolls
Cambllng ls Lhe dally amusemenL of Lhe 8everenL lrlars ln hlllpplne Lowns excepL
on Sundays when everyone goes Lo Lhe cockplL wlLh hls flghLlng cock
MonLe and flghLlng cocks are lr 8oLods lnLlmaLe frlends
* * * * * * *
now the Iather performs h|s dut|es as par|sh pr|est
1lllo! 1lllo! 1lllo! 1he bell aL Lhe convenL door rlngs vlolenLly
Cpen boy he may be a player
1he boy leads Lo Lhe gamlng room an old man who ls panLlng apparenLly due Lo a
long walk
Cood evenlng slr
WhaL do you wanL?
Confesslon slr
Co boy call lr Marcellno Lhe coad[uLor
Pes noL ln slr
Why lsnL he ln?
lr Marcellno slr ls busy wlLh anoLher confesslon
1hen walL for hlm
l canL walL slr
Why canL you walL rogue savage?
8ecause Lhe paLlenL slr ls agonlzlng hes dylng
Well leL hlm dle and go Lo Pell l donL care Lo hear confesslons
Slr have plLy plLy slr
Craclous go and read Lhe AcL of ConLrlLlon Lo Lhe paLlenL and from here l glve
hlm absoluLlon
Slr slr
Move on nag donL boLher me anymore lm loslng damned [ack! Pey bruLe go
away 8oy open Lhe door Lo Lhls old man
?ou see here a good sample of lr 8oLods rellglous bellefs LeLLlng a ChrlsLlan
paLlenL who ls asklng for Lhe comforL of rellglon dle wlLhouL confesslon because of
Lhe [ack of clubs
After he has d|ed
Slr LhaL man has dled
Well and so whaL?
1he famlly slr would llke Lhree prlesLs Lo feLch Lhe remalns from Lhe house LhaL
Lhere should be an encounLer and 8equlem Mass wlLh Lhe body lylng ln sLaLe
Pas Lhe famlly of Lhe deceased plenLy of money?
lalr slr Lhe famlly wanLs Lhree prlesLs
lll do lL Lhere canL be Lhree prlesLs
1he wldow slr wanLs lr Marcellno Lo be Lhe offlclaLlng prlesL
no l donL llke lL Lhese Lhlngs are my concern Lhe coad[uLor has noLhlng Lo do
wlLh lL
8uL slr
noL aL all noL aL all noL aL all
Well slr how much slr?
Cne hundredflfLy pesos second class funeral wlLh old sllver cape
1hree prlesLs slr?
lL canL be Lhree l alone am worLh Lhree
lr Marcellno slr charges only flfLy pesos for Lhree prlesLs and flrsL class funeral
?ou and Lhe coad[uLor go Lo blazes youre absurd lr Marcellno ls good for
ardon me slr
All rlghL brlng Lhe money lf you donL brlng Lhe money flrsL your dead wlll noL
be burled do you undersLand?
All rlghL slr lll consulL wlLh Lhe famlly
WhaL consulLaLlons whaL excuses! Lnough sald brlng Lhe one hundredflfLy
pesos lf you donL Lhe corpse wlll roL ln your house and you and your whole
famlly wlll all go Lo [all
Slr (ln repenLanL Lone) have plLy slr Lhe deceased dldnL leave much money slr
All rlghL borrow money from Lhe relaLlves
1hey donL wanL Lo lend any
Well! Well! Sell Lhe rlcefleld of Lhe deceased and Lherell be money look for a
moneylender rake lf noL l donL bury your dead
All rlghL slr
Pe klsses Lhe hand of Lhe prlesL and Lhe poor man leaves
1hree hours laLer Lhe coad[uLor lnformed of Lhe demands of Lhe parlsh prlesL and
Lhe lnsulLs hurled agalnsL hlm quarreled wlLh hlm scandalously AfLer geLLlng drunk
wlLh llquor and Luba whlch he does every day lr Marcellno wenL sLralghL Lo Lhe
1he coad[uLors of Lhe llllplno secular clergy wallowed ln vlce ln Lhe same degree as
Lhe frlars Lhemselves 1he bad example spreads 1he lndlo prlesLs follow Lhe
example of Lhelr superlors Lhe frlars Lhey have bad hablLs llke Lhose of Lhe frlars lf
noL worse
1hey sald LhaL lr Marcellno very drunk looked for lr 8oLod ready Lo face hlm Lo
slap Lhe faLcheeked faLher rlghL on hls blg abdomen
lr 8oLod as soon as he descrled Lhe coad[uLor sLaggerlng on Lhe plaza guesslng
whaL he was up Lo ordered Lhe boy Lo close Lhe door of Lhe parlsh house wlLh Lhe
express order noL Lo allow Lhe coad[uLor Lo come ln
lr Marcellno greaLly lrrlLaLed by Lhls order shouLed ouLrageously close Lo Lhe
convenL Lo Lhe greaL scandal of Lhe passerby
Come down come down 8oLod lf youre brave shameless frlar fllLhy fellow
sLlngy lnfamous wlcked come come come and lm golng Lo break your neck frlar
blockhead coward you havenL a shred of shame
1he mouLh of lr Marcellno smelllng of alcohol and Luba was Lhrowlng ouL such
lnsulLs and many more
ln Lhe face of all Lhese dlaLrlbes lr 8oLod kepL sllenL buL scarcely Lhree days have
passed Lhe coad[uLor was summoned by Lhe blshop and conflned ln Lhe Semlnary
1he funeral was pompous buL Lhe famlly of Lhe deceased goL lnLo debL
now Ir 8otod enterta|ns and ce|ebrates the feast of the towns patron sa|nt
ln Lhe followlng manner
LlsLen boy Lell Lhe gobernadorclllo Lo prepare fodder for Lhe horses of Lhe
prlesLs whore comlng for Lhe flesLa
LlsLen sacrlsLan!
Slr ls ?our 8everence calllng?
noLlfy AunL lmay (Cernlma) copltooo 8lay (Marla) Lhe head walLlngmald of Lhe
vlrgln AunL Mamay (8omana) Chlef 8roLher Crong and Chlef SlsLer 1ayang (Clara)
Lo send Lo Lhe convenL plenLy of ham mangoes bananas elghL roasL plgleLs
assorLed cheese canned food of all klnds because Lhe laLher has many guesLs
lm golng Lo run slr
LlsLen donL forgeL Lo Lell coplto 8oclong (1lburclo) Lo send me a Macao cook
1hus he enLerLalns hls guesLs splendldly aL Lhe expense of hls parlshloners
* * * * * * *
now he does bus|ness
All for hlmself and noLhlng for Lhe oLhers
Pe ls a usurer
Peres how he operaLes
A" goes Lo hlm aL Lhe convenL
lve land slr buL l canL sow
lve no money slr
And whaL do you wanL?
8orrow money slr
Pow much money do you need?
1hree hundred pesos slr
1haLs much money
lLs llLLle slr Lhe land has a sowlng capaclLy of flfLycovooes of palay
All rlghL under whaL condlLlons do you wanL Lo borrow Lhe money?
8orrow Lhree hundred pesos and reLurn Lo you slr slx hundred pesos when l
harvesL and sell Lhe graln slr
lL doesnL sulL me lf you wlsh l glve you Lhe amounL you ask on condlLlon LhaL
you sell me Lhe palay aL harvesL Llme aL Lwo teoles foettes a cavan uo you
A blg loss slr
lf you accepL Lheres Lhe money lf you donL geL ouL and donL boLher me
1he poor man (Lhlnklng and sad) replled
All rlghL l accepL slr because lve no alLernaLlve slr
8oLod goes Lo hls chesL counLs Lhe money hands lL Lo Lhe man saylng
8e careful wlLh your pledges! uonL fall me for Lhls ls Lhe money of Lhe vlrgln l
Lry Lo lnvesL lL ln order Lo bulld a beauLlful church worLhy of Lhe Cueen of Peavens
Lhe MoLher of our Savlour
1hank you laLher
8oLod even ln money maLLers and usurlous buslness lnvokes rellglon and Lhe
When harvesL Llme comes lr 8oLods barn and warehouses are full of graln and
sugar Pe sLrlkes whlle Lhe lron ls hoL maklng huge proflLs A cavan of rlce LhaL cosL
hlm flve teoles he sells for LwenLyflveteoles
A four hundred per cenL proflL vlle Lrlcks of Lhe vlrgln!
lf by chance LhaL borrower could noL geL anyLhlng from hls culLlvaLed land because
of some freaks of Lhe weaLher Lhe lnLeresLs on Lhe borrowed caplLal lncrease ln
prodlglous progresslon 1he followlng year Lhe lnLeresL ls ralsed Lo slx Llmes
compound lnLeresL
An aLroclLy a huge mass LhaL crushes
All for Lhe vlrgln!
lL ls noL Lhe vlrgln who eaLs lL buL Lhe one who lnvenLed lL
* * * * * * *
now he p|ays po||t|cs
Pe ls more clever Lhan Cnovas he has more gall Lhan SagasLa
noLwlLhsLandlng he ls a dolL llke hls klng and Lord Charles ollceman
Pey boy boy!
?ou call slr?
?es go Lo Lhe 1rlbunal look for Lhe ulrecLorclllo and Lell hlm Lo come
Pes here slr
LeL hlm come ln
A llLLle man of abouL forLyflve years wearlng eyeglasses and carrylng a bundle of
papers under Lhe arm enLers Llmldly Lhe offlce of Lhe frlar
Pe ls Lhe ulrecLorclllo who wlll reporL offlclal maLLers Lo hls 8everence
Cood mornlng laLher
Cood mornlng8oLod replles dryly Are you brlnglng wlLh you Lhe offlclal
correspondence? Pand Lhem Lo me
1he ulrecLorclllo glves hlm Lhe flle 8oLod reads Lhem and says
1hls offlclal leLLer of Lhe Covernor orderlng Lhe repalr of Lhe sLreeLs should noL
be answered l sLlll need Lhe laborers Lo repalr Lhe klLchen of Lhe convenL
Slr Lhe Covernor wlll flne Lhe CaplLn (Cobernadorclllo)
LeL hlm do lL he has money Lo pay
uonL carry ouL Lhls order of Lhe !udge Lo apprehend Lhe bandlL Cabugao Pes
under my proLecLlon and Cabugao ls noL a bandlL
1he !udge wlll geL angry laLher LeL hlm geL angry 1ell hlm he couldnL be
Cabugao slr ls ln your klLchen laLher
uonL answer me keep your mouLh shuL and obey me carry ouL my orders and ln
LhaL way you serve Cod and Lhe vlrgln
Cod and Lhe vlrgln are always on hls llps even ln hls noLorlously un[usL and
nefarlous acLs
* * * * * * *
now he ||es and boasts
8usLlc lndlos were all rlch ln Spaln Lhere ln LhaL land of Lhe vlrgln no one ls
poor all of us are swlmmlng ln gold"
Peavens! Pow Lhls frlar flbs! exclalms a plous llsLener
8oLod conLlnues
We have come Lo Lhls barbarous land Lo wln souls for Peaven Lo be loved by our
CreaL laLher SalnL AugusLlne"
Craclous Manola! exclalms a Spanlard who happened Lo hear LhaL nonsense
of lr 8oLod
1he sermon conLlnues
We have come Lo clvlllze you rusLlcs lndlos carabaos rogues ?oure all slaves of
Spaln of ours of our CreaL laLher SalnL AugusLlne do you undersLand? Amen"
lL was Lhe flrsL Llme ln flfLeen years LhaL he had been parlsh prlesL LhaL he spoke
from Lhe pulplL and he uLLered only greaL lles
8etween a Span|ard and the Iather
lr 8oLod why donL you educaLe or enllghLen and glve good schools Lo your
lL lsnL sulLable my counLryman
?our mlsslon ls Lo Leach Lhe people under your splrlLual admlnlsLraLlon
8easons of hlgh pollLlcs forbld us When Lhe lndlo becomes educaLed learns Lo
speak Spanlsh were losL
Why laLher?
8ecause Lheyll rebel agalnsL us and endanger Lhe lnLegrlLy of Lhe moLherland
l donL belleve lL lL ls you who wlll lose your properLy and oLher bargalns" buL
as Lo Spaln
WhaL? ArenL we Spaln herself? Well well well! well!
1he lnLeresL of Lhe frlars ls Lhe lnLeresL of Spaln lL cannoL be changed
* * * * * * *
now he takes h|s s|esta
lL ls Lhe cusLom ln Lhe hlllpplnes Lo sleep and resL aL mldday
lL ls Lhe vlce of easy llfe
lr 8oLod never mlsses a slesLa
lr 8oLods slesLa ls all an lneffable drowslness ln Lhe mldsL of Lhe caresses of
hls cooJloqcooJloq
lL was aL Lhese slesLas LhaL Lhe sheklds llke Lhe CrlenLal dancers Lhe JevoJossl of
lndla perform Lhelr dellcaLe funcLlons around Lhe sacred person of Lhe llllplno
Lven aL Lhe rlsk of belng censured as lmmodesL and a dlsclple of Zol l wlsh Lo
descrlbe here Lhe mysLerles of lr 8oLods bedroom
LeL us break lnLo hls room LhaL ls full of allegorlcal prlnLs more or less obscene
Pere a copy of 8esurreccln Pldalgos los vltqeoes ctlstlooos expoestos ol
popolocbo over Lhere a passage from Lhe Cld 1esLamenL 5osooo eotte sos
ooclooos seJoctotes hlLher anoLher blbllcal passage showlng Lhe scene of
Lhe locest commltteJ by Absolom oo tbe wlves of bls fotbet uovlJ oo tbe toof
qotJeo of tbe poloce over Lhere 1be wlfe of 9otlfot bolfooJe potsoloq Iosepb
Cn Lhe consoles and Lables are somewhaL crude sculpLures nude angels among
lgoroL ldols represenLlng procreaLlon scaLLered
among 8tevlotloand voJemecom lltotqlo y Motol Je lttoqo are pornographlc
ln Lhe mlddle of LhaL rlchly furnlshed room sLands a preclous bedsLead of
kamagong exqulslLely carved wlLh Creco8oman and Chlnese deslgns ln hlgh rellef
1he bed ls adorned wlLh a rlch border of josl and sllk and a canopy of dellcaLe plnk
gauze whose ends are Lrlmmed wlLh lace coqueLLlshly gaLhered and Lassels
1he bed wlLh lLs decoraLlons and Lhe room wlLh lLs plcLures presenL an exclLlng
provocaLlve scene
1he specLacle beglns
Look aL hlm Lhere Lhrough Lhe LransparenL mosqulLo neL Lhe obese lr 8oLod ln
hls undergarmenLs sLreLched on hls back on such a magnlflcenL and sofL bed
resLlng hls huge head on a rlch plllow hls feeL on anoLher plllow and on boLh sldes
long plllows
Cn a nlghL Lable wlLh marble Lop are a whlp wlLh four sLraps and a scraLcher wlLhln
reach of hls hand
1he whlp ls Lo lash Lhe sheklds lf Lhey are rebelllous or sLubborn
1he scraLcher ls Lo deaden Lhe lLchlng LhaL consLanLly LorLures Lhe heavy body of
Pls 8everence
noLe he breaLhes wlLh dlfflculLy and sonorously 1oday he has eaLen excesslvely
and he ls dlgesLlng dellclously
lL ls well known LhaL hls gluLLonous sLomach has a force of Lwo hundred Lhousand
horse power Pls huge abdomen undulaLes llke a placld lake lLs undulaLlons are
perfecLly marked
8uL Lhls ls noL Lhe besL
Look and marvel
1he sheklds now begln Lo perform Lhelr duLles 1helr funcLlons are varled
Look Culcay (lranclsca) fans hlm aula ls Llckllng Lhe sole of hls feeL Loleng
(uolores) ls rubblng hls head 1lLang (LnrlqueLa) ls removlng hls llce wheLher or noL
he has any Manay (8omana) ls Llckllng hls ears wlLh a llLLle feaLher Arang (Clara) ls
pulllng hls flngers genLly plnchlng Lhe palm of hls hand arms and armplL Ansay
(venancla) pulls ouL wlLh a graln of palay Lhe flne halrs of hls face and flnally Lhe
beauLlful and mosL graclous 8lay (Marla) sLrokes and resLrokes wlLh a very flne sllky
brush hls curled up abdomen
now now Lhe laLher Llred of lylng on hls back sLreLches ouL face downward
Mlnsay (Clemencla) Lakes Lhe scraLcher and beglns applylng lL on Pls 8everences
adlpose back full of rash and gravelly granules
Calay (ascuala) Lhe charmlng pubescenL Calay ln a merry and melancholy volce
sllps Lo Lhe ears of Lhe drowsy 8oLod sLorles of falrles enchanLmenLs and
ln Lhe mldsL of Lhese dellghLs produced Lhrough varlous ways 8oLod sank lnLo
sweeL and placld glddlness dreamlng of earLhly [oys
Such are Lhe funcLlons of Lhe sheklds around lr 8oLod besldes oLher Lhlngs LhaL
l know whlch l do noL Lell
llnally a loud snorLlng of Pls 8everence followed by nolsy breaLhlng wlLh rhyLhmlc
snores a slgn LhaL Lhe laLher ls asleep
1hen Lhe compllcaLed chores of Lhe glrls sLop and on LlpLoes slowly leave Lhe room
Pardly are Lhe poor glrls ouL of slghL when a secreL door opens Lhrough a
mysLerlous sprlng
1wo blg mlddleaged women of uncouLh beauLy enLer 1hey slL on chalrs near Pls
8everences bed sllenLly muLely waLchlng Lhe sleeplng laLher and awalLlng hls
orders upon awakenlng
1hey are Lhe offlclal concublnes of Lhe laLher
Pere you see skeLched ln large sLrokes Lhe lnLlmaLe llfe of lr 8oLod CLher
mysLerlous pleasures of hls bedroom l leave Lo Lhe lmaglnaLlon of Lhe curlous
* * * * * * *
1hank you Lhank you my frlend for your exqulslLe aLLenLlon now lL ls my Lurn
Lo reclprocaLe Lhe favor by resumlng my lnLerrupLed accounL of Lhe dancers of
AfLer whaL has been seen and observed lL ls flLLlng Lo descrlbe Lhe scenes ln Lhe
llfe of Lhose unforLunaLe creaLures whlch lm golng Lo do wlLh greaL pleasure
l repeaL LhaL Lhe mlserable role of Lhe cooJloqcooJloq and LhaL of Lhe CrlenLal
dancers among Lhose prlesLs of dlfferenL rellglons are slmllar alLhough whaL
happens here ls a sad parody of LhaL ln lndla
l have no doubL LhaL Lhe frlars have Lhe crazy ldea of converLlng Lhese lslands
lnLo a place of lnlqulLy 8y Lhelr deeds and acLs l can see LhaL Lhey wlsh Lo be
8rahmans raLher Lhan mlnlsLers of ChrlsL
Colng back Lo Lhe CrlenLal dancers say my frlend whaL lve seen ln a reserved
place ln Lhe palace of a ra[ah was a scene very slmllar Lo whaL youve [usL
LeL me Lell you Lhe means Lo whlch one musL resorL Lo be able Lo see a specLacle
as orlglnal as LhaL
lLs necessary Lo llve Lhere for a long Llme Lo famlllarlze oneself wlLh Lhe cusLoms
and language of Lhe counLry ln order noL Lo be consldered a sLranger 1hen you
may be able Lo persuade some rlch lndlan or ra[ah Lo lnLroduce you Lo Lhe dancers
ln hls house and allow Lhem Lo perform before your asLonlshed eyes as Lhey creaLe
a palplLaLlng aLmosphere of passlon and freneLlc rapLure
AnoLher way ls Lo brlbe Lhe 8rahmans of a pagoda locaLed far from Lhe clLy or
vlllage and perhaps one nlghL you would be admlLLed lnLo Lhe lnLerlor of Lhe
Lemple 1here had been such lnsLances
1he Lrue dancer ls noL allowed Lo dance ln publlc Pavlng Lo exclLe Lhe senses
LhaL laLer she saLlsfles she needs darkness and mysLery lLs necessary LhaL she geLs
exclLed gradually LhaL her walsL Lremble on her hlps LhaL her breasL palplLaLe LhaL
all her muscles shake LhaL her body bend under Lhe physlcal exclLemenL of a
freneLlc ecsLacy
AnoLher glrl dances halfbenL wlLh her halr hanglng loose on her bare back
dragglng herself on Lhe maL coverlng Lhe floor of Lhe hall LwlsLlng her body llke a
lasclvlous caL darLlng Lo Lhe specLaLors her blg black eyes loaded wlLh llghLnlng
and flre and she knows how Lo make Lhem appear molsL wlLh languor and deslre
now she ralses her eyes Loward Peaven llke an lnsplred vlrgln assumlng splendld
posLures of lnvocaLlon and darlng now she ls a dellrlous mad woman who swoons
under Lhe lnfluence of unknown pleasures llke Lhe malds of Louvaln or Lhe lnsplred
malds of Lhe CemeLery of San Medardo
1hen follow Lhe mosL seducLlve mosL dellcaLe mosL provocaLlve bendlngs of Lhe
body llngerlng on Lhose LhaL besL show Lhe curve of Lhe hlps Lhe flexlblllLy of Lhe
flgure and of Lhe movemenLs and Lhe gorgeousness of Lhe whole performance
Cnce aL mldday when all nolses cease when Lhe slesLa beglns when everyLhlng
ls parched and LllLs on accounL of Lhe burnlng sun of lndla whlch wasLes away Lhe
body and weakens Lhe mlnd Lhe verandah ls covered wlLh veLlver curLalns whlch
are sprlnkled wlLh waLer now and Lhen by an aLhleLlc man nude unLll Lhe walsL
We are sLreLched on maLs ln Lhe mlddle of a hall of whlLe marble surrounded by
oLher rooms wlLh Lerraces ln fronL LhaL shuL off Lhe llghL from us excepL LhaL
fllLerlng Lhrough Lwo or Lhree layers of LapesLry 1he punkah was kepL vlgorously ln
moLlon over our heads by men who are relleved every hour
l had accepLed Lhe lnvlLaLlon for lunch by Lhe 8a[ah of Samnogur and we had [usL
lefL Lhe dlnlng room Lo breaLhe freely ln a cooler room Many servanLs enLered Lhe
room brlnglng for each of us a large Chlnese cup of punch made of rum glnger and
Lea wlLh long hollow bamboo so LhaL we could slp Lhe drlnk wlLhouL geLLlng up 1he
servanLs wlLhdrew sllenLly
AL our feeL saL llLLle boys who Lended Lhe flre of our lncense burner whose
fragranL fumes puL us ln a dellghLful drowslness
lL ls necessary Lo have llved ln Lhe CrlenL Lo undersLand fully Lhe dellclous
en[oymenLs one experlences ln Lhose surroundlngs ln Lhe mldsL of uLLer obllvlon of
oneself and Lhe whole world
We dld noL Lalk abandonlng ourselves Lo poeLlc or maLerlal dreamlng accordlng
Lo our bellefs and afflllaLlons Suddenly aL a slgnal from Lhe ra[ah Lhere rose up as
lf by maglc a curLaln made of sllk wlLh sllver Lhread and Lhere appeared four
dazzllng dancers graceful youLhful and beauLlful reanlmaLlng aL once our drowsy
lmaglne LhaL huge hall a mlxLure of arabesque and lndlan archlLecLure never
peneLraLed by sun rays Lverywhere was a mysLerlous and dlscreeL llghL and Len
paces away from us were Len glrls of scarcely flfLeen years beauLlful llke Lhose of
Lhe Plmalayan races lasclvlous by LemperamenL whose gesLures and poses have
been LaughL Lhem slnce chlldhood by a Leacher skllled ln Lhe arL of sLlrrlng up Lhese
senses lour glrls wlLh deepseL black eyes long molsL eyelashes loose halr bare
breasL and Lhe resL of Lhe body covered only wlLh sllk gauze adorned wlLh gold
quleLly anlmaLlng LhaL darkness and sllence
Pe should have sald LhaL Lhey were four fanLasLlc apparlLlons four hourls of Lhe
paradlse of lndla who had come down Lo earLh Lo reveal Lo man Lhe losL secreL of
Lhe puresL form and Lhe mosL exqulslLe beauLy
1hey began danclng
1ake Lhe mosL graclous poses consecraLed by arL and by Lhe palnLlngs of Lhe
masLers lmaglne forLhwlLh Lhe rapLures of bacchanLes lnLoxlcaLed by llbaLlons and
mysLerlous perfumes plcLure Lo yourself flnally Lhose glrls dragglng Lhemselves aL
your feeL flexlble and caresslng Lhelr eyes molsL wanderlng wlLh languor Lhelr
breasLs Lhrobblng wlLh feverlsh exclLemenL Lhe llmbs Lrembllng by Lhe effecL of
hashlsh as lf lL were Lhe beglnnlng of a nervous crlsls and you wlll have a vague
ldea of Lhe sLrange and fasclnaLlng specLacle LhaL we wlLnessed
1hose glrls were exclLed Lo Lhe polnL of dellrlum by a preparaLlon conslsLlng of
exLracLs of glnger Spanlsh fly and hemp and such was Lhe sklll of Lhose who
admlnlsLered Lhls preparaLlon LhaL lL produced no lmmedlaLe bad effecLs buL
lndeed afLer prolonged use lLs harmful effecLs became noLlceable
lL ls lmposslble Lo bear wlLh lmpunlLy Lhe slghL of such excesses
1hese emoLlons repeaLed excesslvely are bound Lo lead Lo a bruLallzed old age
common among rlch CrlenLals whose llves are wholly dedlcaLed Lo physlcal
8uL Lhere ls sLlll more
lor Lhese prlesLesses of love Lhe dance should end ln Lhe compleLe exhausLlon of
Lhelr sLrengLh lf Lhey wlLhsLand Lhe flrsL rapLures and swoonlng Lhey afLerward
begln Lo roLaLe wlLh lncredlble speed unLll exhausLed and selzed wlLh verLlgo Lhey
collapse halfnude on Lhe floor3
lve flnlshed now you know my frlend LhaL Lhere are also ln Lhe pagodas of Lhe
vedas cooJloqcooJloq wlLh more exqulslLe and superlor educaLlon wlLh a more
subLle knowledge of Lhe secreL arL of love Lhan Lhose here
lLs admlrable a wonderful colncldence LhaL Lhere were also palnLlngs and vlews
ln our convenLs slmllar Lo Lhose youve [usL Lold me abouL
l would llke Lo see Lhem
lLs lmposslble Lhe sancLuary of Lhe cancan of Lhe moto lo colebto ls noL open
Lo Lhe profane
Well paLlence lm saLlsfled wlLh whaL lve seen
Ah! l forgoL one preclous deLall of lr 8oLods bedroom do you know how Lhe
room of LhaL Spanlsh 8rahman smells?
l dldnL noLlce lL havlng losL my sense of smell on accounL of Lhls perslsLenL cold
Well LhaL beauLlful room smells of glnger coJlomand garllc
l undersLand Lhose splces are Lhe favorlLe of Lhe prlesLs of venus Lhelr smell ls
Lhe mosL pleasanL lncense Lo Lhls goddess of love
* * * * * * *
now a fr|ar pun|shes
8ecause an lndlo falled Lo work ln hls esLaLe for Lhree days he deprlved hlm of hls
wages and admlnlsLered flfLy sLrokes on Lhe bare buLLocks of Lhe unforLunaLe
Conslder Lhls
Pey man why havenL you reporLed for work for Lhree days?
My wlfe was slck slr
Pey boy!
1he bench and Lhe whlp Alo olo! CeL down flaL
Slr slr my wlfe was slck
1haLs a lle Alo geL down!
1he poor devll geLs down face downward on Lhe bench lr 8oLod hlmself removlng
hls Lrousers and shorLs so LhaL hls buLLocks were exposed and Lylng hls feeL and
head Lo Lhe bench
And you sacrlsLan geL Lhe whlp and glve hlm flfLy lashes l remlnd you LhaL Lhe
whlp has Lhree lashes so LhaL noL flfLy sLrokes buL one hundred flfLy were applled
WhaL bruLallLy!
Lnough slr enough slr oty! oty! oty! Pow palnful slr enough slr! enough!
keep quleL bruLe beasL! 8oy brlng red pepper and vlnegar
Cver Lhe brulsed parLs caused by Lhe lashes on Lhe buLLocks of Lhe unforLunaLe
fellow Lhe lnhuman frlar pours Lhe vlnegar and rub on Lhem Lhe hoL pepper Lhus
causlng Lhe unlucky fellow Lo see sLars ln Lhe sky
lLy plLy slr! Lnough enough laLher! Aty! Aty! Aty!
1he hapless fellow rolled abouL ln paln sLruggllng ln valn Lo unLle hlmself
AfLer Lhls lnhuman LreaLmenL Lhe sacrlsLan resumed Lhe lashlng unLll compleLlng
Lhe senLence of flfLy
1errlble momenLs! 1he man geLs exclLed he Lurns over lmpeLuously hls whole
body ls ln nervous spasm screams ayes moans are dylng ouL ln hls LhroaL
8ecause when Lhe sLrengLh ls exhausLed unconsclousness and falnLlng follow
1he slghL of LhaL man whose buLLocks are all sore lnsplres compasslon and plLy
Pe ls ravlng and blood ls oozlng from hls wounds
1he frlar was amused by hls cruelLy laughlng llke a fool
A dlsmal lmage of Lhe pasL lnqulslLlon! lr 8oLod ls worse Lhan a hyena
* * * * * * *
uays laLer as we sLrolled ln Lhe envlrons of Lhe Lown Lhrough Lhousands of
coconuL mango and mabolo Lrees LhaL border exLenslve flelds of sugarcane we
saw seaLed on a mllesLone Lhe svelLe young woman who aL Lhe beglnnlng of Lhls
skeLch we spled Lalklng obsLlnaLely wlLh lr 8oLod
now wlLhered crumpled wlLh angulsh all over her face her counLenance was an
eplc poem of sorrow
Llke Lhe SamarlLan woman of Lhe 8lble Lhere was beslde her feeL a plLcher of
waLer and a packeL of cooked rlce wlLh a small salLed and drled flsh lay on her
Per food was unLouched her splrlL was ln Lhe grlp of an lnLense sadness her eyes
fasLened on Lhe sky seemed Lo be asklng for vengeance and [usLlce
Cur lmprudenL lndlscreLlon drew her ouL of her ecsLaLlc LrlbulaLlon
8eauLlful young woman!exclalmed my frlend
As lf awakened from deep slumber confused lrresoluLe sLuplfled her eyes
opened wlde looklng aL us wlLh amazemenL
lmmedlaLely she Lrled Lo run away buL we sLopped her l sald Lo her genLly
?oung woman donL be afrald of us were noL golng Lo hurL you Lell us only
whaL lr 8oLod dld Lo you Lhe oLher day?
Ay slr slr donL ask me lm very unforLunaLe he dld me someLhlng LhaL lm
ashamed Lo Lell you buL Manuel wlll avenge me
My frlend unable Lo resLraln hlmself furlous exclalmed
WreLched frlar! ! !
upon hearlng Lhls Lhe young woman became very exclLed
She dlsengaged herself from our grasp aghasL halr dlsheveled Lears flowlng ouL of
her eyes her hands sLreLched upward Lo Lhe sky she ran ran Lerrlfled shouLlng
1he frlar Lhe frlar Lhe frlar! Pelp help help! 8oLod 8oLod 8oLod 8oLod 8oLod! !
She was lnsane uamned frlar! uamned

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