t. discussion with biz users on various biz processes and making biz blue prints as per templates MM, Purchasing, Inventory management
Configuration of MM organization elements -Plants, Purchase Organizations, Purchasing groups, Storage Locations. Org levels Client : its a commercial org unit in r3 system having its own data, master recods and set of tables, high level element of all org digits alphanum company code : It is a smallest org unit with an indepent accounting dept within external ac/c, having p&l & balance sheet, 4 dig Path: SPRO>IMG>Enterprise Structure>Definition>Financial Accounting>Define Company & Edit, Copy, Delete, Check Compan Table:T001 & Program:SAPLECOP) Assign co code to company Assign co code to credit control area Assign co code to financial management area Assign profit centre to co code Assign co code to controlling area Plant : its an org logistic unit that structures the enterprise from the perspective of production, producurement, material planning warehouse, maintenance plant, 4 digit alphanu Path: SPRO>IMG>Enterprise Structure>Definition>Logistics General>Define, Copy, Delete, Check Plant (T-code:EC02 & Table Plant code 'EM36, Name, address, language, country, factory calendar Assign plant to co code Assign biz area to plant/valuation area and division SL : its an org unit differentiate material stocks within plant, IM on qty based and pi is carried out at sl level Path: SPRO>IMG>Enterprise Structure>Definition>MM> Maintain Storage Location (T-code:OX09 & Table:T001L & Program:S OX09 - Storage location creation under Plant, sloc 'N01R', description, address, etc OMIR - MRP indicator set up Allow Freezing of Book Inventory Balance in Storage Location - SPRO> IMG> MM> IM & PI> PI> Allow Freezing of Book Inv B PO : its an org that negotiates conditiions of purchase with vendors for 1 oor more plant Path: SPRO>IMG>Enterprise Structure>Definition>MM> Maintain Purchasing Organisation (T-code:SPRO & Table:T024E & P
Assign purchase organisation to plant Assign standard purchase organisation to plant purch grp: key for buyer or group of buyers responsible for certain specific purchasing activities (eg. Mech/ Elect, etc.) Path: SPRO>IMG>Enterprise Structure>Definition>MM> Maintain Purchasing Organisation (T-code:OME4,OMGF & Program:S
Configuration of Masters, which includes Material Master, Vendor Master, Source List and Purchasing Info Record. Configuration and creation of new Material types, assigned number ranges, field selection groups and field status of material ma Configuration and creation of new vendor account groups, screen layout and assigned number ranges. Creation of new PO and PR document types, assigned number ranges and field status to Purchase Requisitions and Purchase
Master Data Vendor master, material master 1 Vendor master vendor master - vendor group, vendorl no. range, assignemtn no. to group, external, internal , ext or int Vendor a/c group Path: SPRO>IMG>Financial Accounting >Accounts Receivable & Accounts Payable >Vendor Accounts >Master data >Pre Vendor Master Records >Define Account Groups with Screen Layout (Vendors) > (T-code:SPRO & Program:SAPL0F04) KRED is the SAP standard Vendor group name. Field types are General data, C.Code data, Purchasing data Vendor No. range Path: SPRO>IMG>FA>A/Cs Receivable and >Vendor A/Cs>Master data> Preparations for...>Create Number Ranges fo code:XKN1 & Program:SAPMSNUM) Path: SPRO>IMG>FA>A/Cs Receivable and>Vendor A/Cs>Master data> Preparations for...>Assign Number Ranges to (T-code:SPRO & Program:SAPL0F07) Vendor Creation
Path: SAP Menu >Logistics >MM> Purchasing >Master Data (T-code:XK01,MK01,FK01 & Table:LFA1,LFB1,LFB5, LFM1 Program:SAPMF02K) Define terms of payment Path: SPRO>IMG>MM> Purchasing> Material Master> Define terms of payment payment term code 'z30' ; description; own explanation ; account type 'vendor & customer' ; default for baseline date 'posti of days Check inco terms Path: SPRO>IMG>MM> Purchasing> Material Master> Check inco terms inco terms 'exw' ; description ; location mandatory 'X' 2 Material Master master master - mat type, mtrl no. range, assignemtn no. to type, external, internal , ext or int Material No. length Path: SPRO>IMG>Logistics-General>Material Master>Basic Settings >Define output format for material nos. (T-code:OMS Material Type Path: SPRO>IMG>Logistics-General>Material Master>Basic Settings>Material Types>Define attributes of mat types (T-co Table:T134,T179 & Program:SAPLMGCT134) mat typ 'roh', description, field ref 'roh', sref mat typ 'roh', item category 'norm' with qty structure, external purchase order '2 '0', views, price control 'v', acc cat ref '0001', qty update 'in all val areas' , val update 'in all val areas', mat type id 'gen mat mat typ 'fert', description, field ref 'fert', sref mat typ 'roh', item category 'norm' with qty structure, external purchase order '1 '2', views, price control 's', acc cat ref '0009', qty update 'in all val areas' , val update 'in all val areas', mat type id 'gen mat mat typ 'halb', description, field ref 'halb', sref mat typ 'roh', item category 'norm' with qty structure, external purchase order '2', views, price control 's', acc cat ref '0008', qty update 'in all val areas' , val update 'in all val areas', mat type id 'gen mat mat typ 'zrwk', description, field ref 'zrwk', sref mat typ 'roh', item category 'zrwk' with qty structure, external purchase order order '2', views, price control 's', acc cat ref '0010', qty update 'in all val areas' , val update 'in all val areas', mat type id 'gen mat typ 'dien', description, field ref 'dien', sref mat typ 'roh', item category 'dien' with qty structure, external purchase order ' '0', views, price control 's', acc cat ref '0006', qty update 'in all val areas' , val update 'in all val areas', mat type id 'gen mat mat typ 'hawa', description, field ref 'hawa', sref mat typ 'roh', item category 'norm' with qty structure, external purchase ord order '0', views, price control 'v', acc cat ref '0005', qty update 'in all val areas' , val update 'in all val areas', mat type id 'gen print price mat typ 'hibe', description, field ref 'roh', sref mat typ 'roh', item category 'norm' with qty structure (nr), external purchase or order '0', views, price control 's', acc cat ref '0002', qty update 'in all val areas' , val update 'in all val areas', mat type id 'gen mat typ 'verp', description, field ref 'verp', sref mat typ 'roh', item category 'verp' with qty structure (nr), external purchase or order '1', views, price control 's', acc cat ref '0004', qty update 'in all val areas' , val update 'in all val areas', mat type id 'gen Material no. range and assignment Path: SPRO>IMG>Logistics-General>Material Master>Basic Settings> Material Types>Define Number Ranges for Each M code:MMNR & Program:SAPMSNUM) select group, insert group under group tab, assign group to mat types Create material group Path: SPRO>IMG>Logistics-General>Material Group>Create Material Group (T-code:WG21 & Table:T023 & Program:SA Shipping instructions Path: SPRO>IMG>Material Management>Purchasing>Material Master>Define Shipping Instructions (T-code:SPRO & Pro Purchasing value key Path: SPRO>IMG>Material Management>Purchasing>Material Master>Define Purchasing Value Keys (T-code:SPRO & P Field selection group and field status OMSR ; Path: SPRO>IMG>Logistics General>Material Master>Field Selection>Maintain Field selection data screens Path: SPRO>IMG>Logistics General>Material Master>Field Selection>Assign Fields to Field selection groups Path: SPRO>IMG>Logistics General>Material Master>Field Selection>Define industry sector
Procurement of Stock Material RFQ/Quotation, PIR, PO, GR to QI, IV 1 RFQ/Quotation Define doc type (RFQ 'AN') & Define No. Range & assign no. range Path: SPRO>IMG>MM> Purchasing>RFQ>RFQ/Quotation>Define Document Types (T-code:OMEA & Program:SAPL0ME Path: SPRO>IMG>MM> Purchasing>RFQ>RFQ/Quotation>Define Number Ranges (T-code:OMH6 & Program:SAPMSNU Screen selections Path: SPRO>IMG>MM> Purchasing>RFQ>RFQ/Quotation>Define Screen Layout at Document Level (T-code:OME8 & Pr
Create RFQ Path: SAP Menu >Logistics >MM> Purchasing > RFQ/Quotation (T-code:ME41 & Program:SAPMM06E) Maintain Quotation & Comparision Path: SAP Menu >Logistics >MM> Purchasing > RFQ/Quotation (T-code:ME47 & ME49 (quote comparision) & Program: Purchase Info Record Define no. ranges Path: SPRO>IMG>MM> Purchasing>Purchasing info record >Define no. ranges (T-code:OMEO & Program:SAPMSNUM) PIR no. will be same though PIR is created for all 4 categories for a material and a vendor Define screen layout Path: SPRO>IMG>MM> Purchasing>Purchasing info record >Define no. ranges (T-code:SPRO & Program:SAPL0ME5) PIR Creation Path: SAP Menu >Logistics >MM> Purchasing > Master Data (T-code:ME11 & Table:EINA,EINE & Program:SAPMM06I) Source List Path: SPRO>IMG>MM> Purchasing>Source List>Define Source List Requirement at Plant Level (T-code:SPRO & Progra plant 'em36' ; name ; source list 'X' ; - Specifies that the source list must have been maintained in the case of external pro plant. If the indicator has been set for a plant, a source must be entered in the source list before a purchase order that is t can be created for this plant. Source List creation Path: SAP Menu >Logistics >MM> Purchasing > Master Data > Source list(T-code:ME01 & Table:EORD & Program:SAP Quota Arrangement Define Quota arrangement usage Path: SPRO>IMG>MM> Purchasing>Source List>Define Quota arrangement usage (T-code:SPRO & Program:SAPL0ME QA usage '3' ; The entry controls how the total order quantity is calculated in the quota arrangement, and thus which sourc for the material at a particular point in time. You can enter a quota arrangement for the following field combinations: purchase orders : The quantity of the material already ordered is included in the quota arrangement. purchase requisitions : The total quantity requested in purchase requisitions for this material is included in the quota arrang scheduling agreement : The total quantity scheduled in delivery schedules for this material is included in the quota arrange planned orders : The total quantity planned in plnd ord for this material is included in the QA. materials planning (MRP) : The quota arrangement mechanism is also used in materials planning; that is, the planned orde requisitions created by materials planning are included in the quota arrangement. production orders : The total quantity of all production orders for this material is included in the quota arrangement. Define no. ranges Path: SPRO>IMG>MM> Purchasing>Source List>Define no. ranges (T-code:OMEP & Program:SAPMSNUM) Quota Arrangement creation Path: SAP Menu >Logistics >MM> Purchasing > Master Data >Quota Arrangement (T-code:MEQ1 & Program:SAPDM06 Purchase Requisition Define document types and no. range assignment Path: SPRO>IMG>MM> Purchasing>Purchase Requisition>Define Document types (T-code:SPRO & Program:SAPL0ME Path: SPRO>IMG>MM> Purchasing>Purchase Requisition>Define No ranges (T-code:OMH7 & Program:SAPLSNR0) PR creation (Manual) Path: SAP Menu >Logistics >MM> Purchasing > Purchase Requisition (T-code:ME51N & Table:EBAN,EBKN,EBKE & Pro Purchase Order Document Type and no. range assignment Path: SPRO>IMG>MM> Purchasing>PO> Define Document Types (T-code:SPRO) & Program:SAPL0ME8)
Allowed item categories 'Standard ; B-Limit ; K-Consignment ; L-Subcontracting ; S-Third party ; T-Text ; D-Service'
No. range Path: SPRO>IMG>MM> Purchasing>PO> Define Document Types (T-code:OMH6 & Program:SAPMSNUM) Screen selection Path: SPRO>IMG>MM> Purchasing>PO> Define Screen Layout at Document Level (T-code:SPRO & Program:SAPL0ME Texts for purchase orders - Define Text Types for Header Texts & Item texts Path: SPRO>IMG>MM> Purchasing>PO> Texts for PO> Define Text Types for Header Texts Path: SPRO>IMG>MM> Purchasing>PO> Texts for PO> Define Text Types for Item Texts Texts for purchase orders - Define copying rules Path: SPRO>IMG>MM> Purchasing>PO> Texts for PO> Define Copying Rules for Item Texts
Set Tolerance Limits for Price Variance Path: SPRO>IMG>MM> Purchasing>PO> Set Tolerance Limits for Price Variance (T-code:SPRO & Program:SAPL0MRP Set up stock transport order Path: SPRO>IMG>MM> Purchasing>PO> Set up Stock transport order (T-code:SPRO & Program:SAPL0ME6) Set up subcontracting order Path: SPRO>IMG>MM> Purchasing>PO> Set up Subcontracting order (T-code:SPRO & Program:SAPL0ME6) Define reasons for ordering Path: SPRO>IMG>MM> Purchasing>PO> Define reasons for ordering (T-code:SPRO & Program:SAPL0MEB) Purchase order creation Path: SAP Menu >Logistics >MM> Purchasing >Purchase Order (T-code:ME21N & Table:EKKO,EKPO,EKET,EKBE & P Set up authorisation checks for gl accounts Path: SPRO>IMG>MM> Purchasing>PO> Set up authorisation check for G/L Accounts (T-code:SPRO & Program:SAPL0M Returns to Vendor Path: SPRO>IMG>MM> Purchasing>PO> Returns to Vendor (T-code:SPRO & Program:SAPL0WCW) Rounding Profile Path: SPRO>IMG>MM> Purchasing>PO> Order optimising> Maintain Rounding Profile
7 Contract Document Type (MK-Qty contract & WK-Val contract) and no. range assignment Path: SPRO>IMG>MM> Purchasing>PO> Contract> Define doc type & no. range Contract creation Path: SAP Menu >Logistics >MM> Purchasing > 8 Scheduling agreement Document Type (LP, LPA, LU) and no. range assignment Path: SPRO>IMG>MM> Purchasing>PO> Scheduling agreement> Define doc type & no. range
Special procurement- Consignment & Subcontracting Standard functionalities already defined in SAP. To be used during procurement process
SAP Consignment is process wherein you buy the goods from vendor, but dont valuate that stock. Only when goods are withdra you liable to your vendor for your payments. Best example would be big TV shop which buys the goods from its vendors for adve purposes and only when they sold, vendor charges him.
Consignment process in SAP MM is handled through item category in purchasing documentand it has certain prerequisites/step to work. 1) There must be price maintained in inforecord for consignment (info type 2 in EINE table) for certain material, vendor, purch Prices need to be maintained in inforecord which will be used when settling liabilities with vendor.(ME11) 2) Create the Purchase Order with item category K in ME21N to order the goods from vendor for consignment. 3) On requested delivery date in Purchase Order, do MB01 -101 that is Goods Receipt for above goods on consignment. Aga you are still not liable to pay your vendor. These goods will not be valuated, accounting document will not be posted unless consignment for your own use. 4) You withdraw the goods for your own purpose. Like in our example of TV shop, customer buys the TV. So that means shop goods from his consignment stock and now vendor will be his liability. Goods can be withdrawn in MB1A- 261 and MB1B-411 movement types with special stock indicator K used for consignme This will be valuated and will post accounting document. Now consignment stock is actually valuated 5) Invoice in MIRO is not done in case of consignment process. The liabilities are settled in MRKO for certain period say mon Vendor will be paid at price that is maintained in inforecord. As and when required, prices set with vendors must be adjuste (ME12). Scales per validity period can be maintained if they vary over period in ME12. 6) If goods are not withdrawn, you can do 102 or 122 movement types in MB01 with special stock indicator K for consignmen Here vendor is not your liability. 7) Inforecord needs to be maintained for normal as well as standard purchasing organization. Plant dealing in consignment p Purchase Order) must be assigned to standard purchasing origination in configuration. 8) Stock in consignment is seen separately in stock overview MMBE for certain material and plant.
Customizing Pricing Procedure- Creation of Condition tables, Condition types, Tax codes, Access sequence, Schema groups, a domestic and import purchasing. Conditions 1 Define condition control at plant level Path: SPRO>IMG>MM> Purchasing >Conditions >Define condition control at plant level (T-code:SPRO & Program:SAPL0 2 Define Access sequence Path: SPRO>IMG>MM> Purchasing >Conditions >Define Price determination process >Define Access sequence (T-code: Program:SAPL080M)
3 Define Condition type Path: SPRO>IMG>MM> Purchasing >Conditions >Define Price determination process >Define Condition type (T-code:SP PB00- aumating price pick up ; PBXX-manual price entry ; Both the Condition Types PB00 & PBXX are Condition Types related to Gross Price.Both the Condition types will ahve the different counter. PBXX is a manual Condition Type and will not have any Access Sequence assigned to it. It can be entered only manually i document. PB00 is an Automatic Condition type and an Access Sequence will be assigned to it. whenever a Condition record founds, the Purchasing document with the price from the Condition Record.If there is no Valid Condition record founds, then PB00 instead PBXX can be entered manualy. 4 Define Exclusion indicators Path: SPRO>IMG>MM> Purchasing >Conditions >Define Price determination process >Define Exclusion indicators (T-cod Program:SAPL080Z)
A-Delivery costs, F-customs duties, N-tax code, O-event, U-metal price, V-sales price & X-gross price 5 Define Calculation schema Path: SPRO>IMG>MM> Purchasing >Conditions >Define Price determination process >Define Calculation schema (T-cod Program:SAPL080M) ZDOMPR domestic & ZIMPPR imports
6 Define schema groups Path: SPRO>IMG>MM> Purchasing >Conditions >Define Price determination process >Define schema groups (T-code:SP Schema Groups: Vendor IM - VENDOR SCHEMA DOMESTIC & ZI - VENDOR SCHEMA IMPORTS Schema Groups for Purchasing Organizations Schema group for Porg 'EM36' - Pur Org EM36 Assignment of Schema Group to Purchasing Organization Purch org 'EM36' - Schema group for Porg 'EM36' 7 Define schema determination Path: SPRO>IMG>MM> Purchasing >Conditions >Define Price determination process >Define schema determination (T-c Program:SAPL0ME3) Determine Calculation Schema for Standard Purchase Orders
Determine Schema for Stock Transport Orders - have a look and set up if required Determine Calculation Schema for Determination of Market Price - have a look and set up if required 8 Define Transaction/Event keys Path: SPRO>IMG>MM> Purchasing >Conditions >Define Price determination process >Define Transaction/Event keys (TProgram:SAPL080C) Trans./Event Key EIN - Purchasing account ; FR1 - Freight clearing ; FR2 - Freight provisions ; FR3 - Customs clearing ; FR4 - Consignme
9 Maintain condition table Path: SPRO>IMG>MM> Purchasing >Conditions >Define Price determination process >Maintain condition table (T-code:M Create condition table - have a look and set up if required Change Condition Table - have a look and change if required Display Condition Table - have a look and change if required -
Account assignment Maintain account assignment categories Path: SPRO>IMG>MM> Purchasing >Conditions >Account assignment >Maintain account assignment categories (T-code Program:SAPL0MEQ) Define Combination of Item Categories/Account Assignment Categories Path: SPRO>IMG>MM> Purchasing >Conditions >Account assignment> Define Combination of Item Categories/Account A
Split valuation 1 Activate Split valuation Path: SPRO>IMG>MM> Valuation and Account Assignment> Split Valuation>Activate Split Valuation (T-code:SPRO & Pro 2 Configure split valuation Path: SPRO>IMG>MM> Valuation and Account Assignment>Split Valuation>Configure Split Valuation (T-code:OMWC & P (mat type, valuation class, gl account)
Configuration of release procedure for PO. Classification Document Release (Approval) Procedure Release (Approval) proceedure 1 Edit Characterstic Path: SPRO>IMG>MM> Purchasing >Purchase Order >Release proceedure for PO> Edit characteristic (T-code:CT04 & P POREL_NETVAL ; POREL_ORDTYPE ; POREL_PPV ; POREL_ZZSUBMI Characterstic 'POREL_NETVAL' ; Basic data - desc 'Total net order value' ; status 'released' ; data type 'CURR' ; no. of c '2' ; curr 'inr' ; val assignment 'multiple values 'X' & interval was allowed 'X'' ; Addnl data- table name 'CEKKO' ; field name val assignment - not ready for input 'X' ; user entry handling 'X' Characterstic 'POREL_ORDTYPE' ; Basic data - desc 'Order Type (Purchasing)' ; status 'released' ; data type 'CHAR' ; n assignment 'multiple values 'X' ; Addnl data- table name 'CEKKO' ; field name 'BSTART' ; proceedure for val assignment user entry handling 'X' Characterstic 'POREL_PPV' ; Basic data - desc 'Premium Price Variance' ; status 'released' ; data type 'CURR' ; no. of ch ; curr 'inr' ; val assignment 'multiple values 'X' & interval was allowed 'X'' ; Addnl data- table name 'CEKKO' ; field name 'ZP assignment - not ready for input 'X' ; user entry handling 'X' 2 Edit Class Path: SPRO>IMG>MM> Purchasing >Purchase Order >Release proceedure for PO> Edit class (T-code:CL02 & Program:
PORELEASE ; Class 'PORELEASE' ; Class type '032' ; Basic data - desc 'PO release precedure' ; status 'released' ; valid from ' ' valid rel' ; character ' POREL_NETVAL ; POREL_ORDTYPE ; POREL_PPV ; POREL_ZZSUBMI' ; 3 Define release proceedure for purchase orders Path: SPRO>IMG>MM> Purchasing >Purchase Order >Release proceedure for purchase orders >Define release proceed code:OMGS & Program:SAPL0MEF) Release groups
Release codes
Release indicator
Inventory management- assigned number ranges for various doc types, configured field statuses, extended creation automatic s movement types Inventory Management/Physical Inventory Inventory Management: Overview Goods Receipts 1 Plant parameters Path: SPRO>IMG>Material Management>Inventory Management and Physical Inventory>Plant Parameters (T-code:S Program:SAPL0MB8) 2 Define no. assignment for goods recipt Path: SPRO>IMG>Material Management>Inv management & PI >Number assignment > Define no. ranges for goods code:OMC1 & Program:SAPMOMB0) Define no. range assignment for material and physical inventory docs Path: SPRO>IMG>Material Management>Inv management & PI >Number assignment > Define no. ranges for materia docs (T-code:OMBT & Program:SAPLSNR0)
Path: SPRO>IMG>Material Management>Inv management & PI >Number assignment > Define no. ranges for materia docs (T-code:OMBT & Program:SAPLSNR0) Define no. range assignment for accounting docs Path: SPRO>IMG>Material Management>Inv management & PI >Number assignment > Define no. range assignment code:OMBA & Program:SAPMOMB0) 3 Set tolerance limits Path: SPRO>IMG>Material Management>Inventory Management and Physical Inventory> >Goods Receipt>Set Toler & Program:SAPL0MRP) 4 Inventory Sampling Path: SPRO>IMG>Material Management>Inventory Management and Physical Inventory>Physical Inventory>Invento Inventory Sampling Profiles (T-code:OMCK & Program:SAPL0MI0) Reservations and Goods Issues Reservations>Default Values Path: SPRO>IMG>Material Management>Inventory Management and Physical Inventory >Reservation>Define Defau Program:SAPL0MBF) Stock Transfers and Transfer Postings 1 Movement type Path: SPRO>IMG>Material Management>Inv management & PI >Movement type(T-code:OMJJ & Table:T156, T156T STO 1 Suppling plant must have the stock 2 While creating vendor, Extras>purchasing data>Enter plant 'XXX' 3 Define Shipping Data for Plants Path: SPRO>IMG>MM>PUR>PO>Set up STO>Define Shipping Data for Plants (T-code:SPRO & Program:SAPL0ME 4 Create Checking Rule Path: SPRO>IMG>MM>PUR>PO>Set up STO>Create Checking Rule (T-code:SPRO & Program:SAPL0PP1) 5 Define Checking Rule Path: SPRO>IMG>MM>PUR>PO>Set up STO>Define Checking Rule (T-code:SPRO & Program:SAPL0PP1) 6 Assign Delivery Type and Checking Rule Path: SPRO>IMG>MM>PUR>PO>Set up STO>Assign Delivery Type and Checking Rule (T-code:SPRO & Program:S 7 Assign Document Type, One-Step Procedure, Underdelivery Tolerance Path: SPRO>IMG>MM>PUR>PO>Set up STO>Assign Document Type, One-Step Procedure, Underdelivery Toleranc Program:SAPL0PP1) Consignment Subcontracting Set up subcontract order Path: SPRO>IMG>Material Management>Purchasing >Purchase order >Set up subcontract order (T-code:SPRO & P PIR with subcon category(ME11), PO (ME21N), Goods movement to subcon location with mov typ 541(MB1B), Goods to the stock with mov typ 101 and components backflush with mov typ 543 Physical Inventory Management Path: SPRO>IMG>MM>IM & PI>Define No. assignment for A/c doc > FI Doc types & FI No. ranges Cycle Counting (GR, GI, Movement type, consignment, subcon, PI, CC)
Other Inventory management processes (Consignment, Subcon, PI & CC) Configuration of automatic account determination process, valuation class, account category references and split valuation.
Valuation & Account Determination - Introduction to Material Valuation - Valuation and Account Assignment 1 Define price control for material types Path: SPRO>IMG>Material Management>Valuation and Account Assignment> Define price control for material types (T-co Program:SAPL0MBW) Price control 'V' - Mat typ 'ROH' ; Price control 'S' - Mat typ 'FERT & HALB ; 2 Define valuation control Path: SPRO>IMG>Material Management>Valuation and Account Assignment> Account determination >Account determina valuation control (T-code:OMWM & Program:SAPMOMBD)
Valuation grouping code should be 'active' 3 Group together valuation areas Path: SPRO>IMG>Material Management>Valuation and Account Assignment> Account determination >Account determina together valuation areas (T-code:OMWD & Program:SAPM0MBW) Valuation area 'EM36' - Co code 'EM36' - Company name - Chart of accounts 'COA' - Val grouping code '0001' 4 Define valuation class Path: SPRO>IMG>Material Management>Valuation and Account Assignment> Account determination >Account determina valuation class (T-code:OMWD, DMSK, OMSK & Program:SAPM0MBW) A/c category reference Create A/c category reference '0001' - Reference for raw materials ; Valuatin class Valuation class '1310 & 1320' - A/c category reference '0001' - Reference for raw materials ; Material type/account category reference Mat type 'ROH & FERT' - A/c category reference '0001' - Reference for raw materials ; 5 Define account grouping for movement types Path: SPRO>IMG>Material Management>Valuation and Account Assignment> Account determination >Account determina account grouping for movement types (T-code:OMWN & Program:SAPL0MB4)
6 Activate purchase account in company code Path: SPRO>IMG>Material Management>Valuation and Account Assignment> Account determination >Account determina purchase account in company code (T-code:SPRO & Program:SAPM0MBW)
7 Calculation of value for purchase account Path: SPRO>IMG>Material Management>Valuation and Account Assignment> Account determination >Account determina >Calculation of value for purchase account (T-code:SPRO & Program:SAPL0MB6)
8 Calculation of value for purchase account - have a look Path: SPRO>IMG>Material Management>Valuation and Account Assignment> Account determination >Account determina >Calculation of value for purchase account (T-code:SPRO & Program:SAPL0MB6) 9 Separating account document for purchase account postings - have a look Activate separate account document in valuation area Path: SPRO>IMG>Material Management>Valuation and Account Assignment> Account determination >Account determina account management >Separating account document for purchase account postings >Activate separate account documen code:SPRO & Program:SAPL0MB6) Create new doc type for separate document Path: SPRO>IMG>Material Management>Valuation and Account Assignment> Account determination >Account determina account management >Separating account document for purchase account postings >Create new doc type for separate do Program:SAPL0F62) Path: SPRO>IMG>Material Management>Valuation and Account Assignment> Account determination >Account determina account management >Separating account document for purchase account postings >Configure no. range for document ty Program:SAPLSNR0) Inventory management ; configure document type for separate F Path: SPRO>IMG>Material Management>Valuation and Account Assignment> Account determination >Account determina account management >Separating account document for purchase account postings >Inventory management ; configure d F (T-code:SPRO & Program:SAPL0MB6) Invoice verification ; configure document type for separate F Path: SPRO>IMG>Material Management>Valuation and Account Assignment> Account determination >Account determina account management >Separating account document for purchase account postings >Invoice verification ; configure docu (T-code:SPRO & Program:SAPL0MRP) 5 Configure automatic postings Path: SPRO>IMG>Material Management>Valuation and Account Assignment> Account determination >Account determina >Configure automatic postings (T-code:OMWB & Program:SAPMO20M)
Account assignment
Account assignment
GL Accounts
Involved in interfacing and integrating of MM with FI and SD and PP modules. Movement Types: MM-SD-FI : 601/602, 651/652 ; MM-PP-FI : 261/262 ; MM-FI : 561/562, 101/102 Valuation Class Transaction/Event key: (BSX inventory account) Material Type: PP-MM MM Generating Purchase Requistion Making Inquiries Raising Purchase Order Release of Purchase Order
MM-FI-PPGoods issue for consumption MM-FI-PPProduction Receipt MM-SD-FIFinished goods delivered to Customer SD-FI Raising invoice on customer Receipt of payment from customers MM-FI
Raw material account - dr GR/IR clearing ac GR/IR clearing ac TO Vendor Rawmaterial Consumption Dr TO Rawmaterial Inventory Account Finished Goods Inventory Account to Change in Stock Change in stock ac to Finished goods inventory Customer ac to Sales
Chart of accounts of the company code Valuation grouping code for the valuation area Transaction/event key (internal processing key) Account grouping (for offsetting entries, consignment liabilities, and price differences) Valuation class of material or (in case of split valuation) the valuation type Account Category Reference Movement Types Account Groupings for Movement Types Different G/L Accounts Assigned to Different Transaction Keys & Account Grouping
Data collection and migration using LSMW. User acceptance test, functional design docs for Z report and other enhancements. Designing functional specifications for various enhancements and Z reports. Preparation of Config document, end user manuals and end user training. Generation of various reports using SQVI User admin and authorization (role/profile) set up ASAP methodolozy Projection preparations : Provides initial planning and preparation for R/3 project Business Blue Print : Detailed documentation of business process requirement Realisation (Designing) : To configure and implement all business processes Final preparation (Testing) : To complete testing ,end-user training,cut-over activities Go Live and Support : Transition from project orientation to live environment
s and set of tables, high level element of all org units represented with 3
external ac/c, having p&l & balance sheet, 4 digit alphanu e Company & Edit, Copy, Delete, Check Company Code (T-code:EC01 &
MM> IM & PI> PI> Allow Freezing of Book Inv Balance in SLoc
hasing activities (eg. Mech/ Elect, etc.) Organisation (T-code:OME4,OMGF & Program:SAPL0ME6)
ce List and Purchasing Info Record. d selection groups and field status of material master fields. signed number ranges. status to Purchase Requisitions and Purchase Orders
s Payable >Vendor Accounts >Master data >Preparation for Creating dors) > (T-code:SPRO & Program:SAPL0F04) data, C.Code data, Purchasing data
dor & customer' ; default for baseline date 'posting date or no default' ; no.
rm' with qty structure, external purchase order '2', internal purchase order al update 'in all val areas', mat type id 'gen mat typ' rm' with qty structure, external purchase order '1', internal purchase order al update 'in all val areas', mat type id 'gen mat typ' norm' with qty structure, external purchase order '2', internal purchase order al update 'in all val areas', mat type id 'gen mat typ' zrwk' with qty structure, external purchase order '2', internal purchase as' , val update 'in all val areas', mat type id 'gen mat typ' dien' with qty structure, external purchase order '2', internal purchase order al update 'in all val areas', mat type id 'gen mat typ' y 'norm' with qty structure, external purchase order '2', internal purchase as' , val update 'in all val areas', mat type id 'gen mat typ', display materail,
orm' with qty structure (nr), external purchase order '2', internal purchase as' , val update 'in all val areas', mat type id 'gen mat typ' verp' with qty structure (nr), external purchase order '2', internal purchase as' , val update 'in all val areas', mat type id 'gen mat typ'
ction>Maintain Field selection data screens sign Fields to Field selection groups
uirement at Plant Level (T-code:SPRO & Program:SAPL0MEK) ave been maintained in the case of external procurement for a certain n the source list before a purchase order that is to be issued to this source
ent usage (T-code:SPRO & Program:SAPL0ME6) in the quota arrangement, and thus which source of supply is determined ment for the following field combinations: n the quota arrangement. ns for this material is included in the quota arrangement. for this material is included in the quota arrangement. ncluded in the QA. ed in materials planning; that is, the planned orders and purchase ement. ial is included in the quota arrangement.
RO & Program:SAPL0WCW)
valuate that stock. Only when goods are withdrawn from your stores, are p which buys the goods from its vendors for advertising and display
in EINE table) for certain material, vendor, purchasing org and plant. g liabilities with vendor.(ME11) ods from vendor for consignment. s Receipt for above goods on consignment. Again one important point is, d, accounting document will not be posted unless stock is withdrawn from
hop, customer buys the TV. So that means shop keeper withdraws the
ith special stock indicator K used for consignment t stock is actually valuated s are settled in MRKO for certain period say month, quarter etc. equired, prices set with vendors must be adjusted in inforecord as well. od in ME12. 01 with special stock indicator K for consignment to return goods to vendor.
ng organization. Plant dealing in consignment process (to be put in onfiguration. ain material and plant.
oss Price.Both the Condition types will ahve the same Step number with a assigned to it. It can be entered only manually in the Purchasing
igned to it. whenever a Condition record founds, then it will be updated in is no Valid Condition record founds, then PB00 will not be included
ure for PO> Edit characteristic (T-code:CT04 & Program:SAPLCTMV) ; status 'released' ; data type 'CURR' ; no. of char '15' ; decimal places ; Addnl data- table name 'CEKKO' ; field name 'GNETW' ; proceedure for
asing)' ; status 'released' ; data type 'CHAR' ; no. of char '4' ; val ame 'BSTART' ; proceedure for val assignment - not ready for input 'X' ;
; status 'released' ; data type 'CURR' ; no. of char '15' ; decimal places '2' Addnl data- table name 'CEKKO' ; field name 'ZPPV' ; proceedure for val
cedure' ; status 'released' ; valid from ' ' valid to ' ' ; keywords - 'po & POREL_ZZSUBMI' ;
ure for purchase orders >Define release proceedure for purchase orders (T-
mber assignment > Define no. ranges for goods receipt/issue slips (T-
mber assignment > Define no. ranges for material & physical inventory
mber assignment > Define no. ranges for material & physical inventory
mber assignment > Define no. range assignment for accounting docs (T-
er >Set up subcontract order (T-code:SPRO & Program:SAPL0ME6) subcon location with mov typ 541(MB1B), Goods receipt (MIGO), FG adds 543
ent> Account determination >Account determination w/o wizard >Purchase nt postings >Activate separate account document in valuation area (T-
ent> Account determination >Account determination w/o wizard >Purchase nt postings >Create new doc type for separate document (T-code:OBF4 &
ent> Account determination >Account determination w/o wizard >Purchase nt postings >Configure no. range for document type (T-code:FBN1 &
ent> Account determination >Account determination w/o wizard >Purchase nt postings >Inventory management ; configure document type for separate
ent> Account determination >Account determination w/o wizard >Purchase nt postings >Invoice verification ; configure document type for separate F
(1) FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING: Path: SPRO> F.Accounting > FI Global Settings > Tax on Sales & Purchase > - Basic Settings : Please have a look on following nodes ( Please do not change any settings here as these are genera - Check Calculation Procedure. Have a close look in Define procedures. On TAXINJ Control data, which is the pivotal point for all Indian Tax Calc Access sequence JST1 & JTAX
Define Procedures
- Assign Country to Calculation Procedure Please cross-check that the TAXINJ is assigned to India
- Define Tax Jurdictions : If you want to add any separate Tax Juridiction code, create it in TAXINJ.
- At node India > Activate Country version for fiscal years Check the account interface components are in valid fiscal year period
(2) LOGISTICS - GENERAL Path: SPRO> Log.General > Tax on Goods Movements > India > 1 Basic Settings : - Maintain Excise Registrations : Create Excise Registration details here. (eg. X) Please indicate the duty applicability (aed, sed, cess), Options a excise line items in excise invoice
- Maintain Company Code settings : Create the settings relevant for your company code. Cenvat doc type 'SA', xchange rate type for CVD 'M', CVD account ' '
- Plant settings: Create your Plant Setting with excise registration (X) you have created, If your Plant is operating a give the tick. Plant - exc registration - multiple goods receipt
- Maintain Excise Groups : Create your own excise group for your Plant with the excise registration (X) already cre a thorough look on the requirement and set accordingly like creation of EI, settings at MIGO, Automatic posting e (exc group, exc reg '1', no. of grs '2')
- Maintain Series Groups : (Relevant for Outbound deliveries, but applicable in MM for Subcontracting) : Create S excise registration (X) created already
- Maintain Excise Duty Indicators : All possible Indicators are to be maintained like 100% Duty, 50%, etc
- Determination of Excise Duty : - Define Tax Calculation Procedure : Please see that TAXINJ is assigned to India
Tax procedure condition typecode CVD Ex. tax A/P Tax juris.code Account payable BED condition payable AED conditionBED c Account payable SED condition receivable type Account type Account type TAXINJ JCV1 A0 9900 JMO1 JSO1 JAO1 JEX2 ZTAXIN JCV1 A0 JMX1 JSX1 JAX1 JEXP BED Perc AED Perc SED Perc Cess Perc NCCD Condition type AP NCCD Condition type AR Condition type AP NCCD PercECS JMOD JAED JSED JCED JMOP JAOP JSOP JEX1
ADC condition type A/P Account payable AT1 condition AT1 condition type AT2 condition AT2 condition type AT3 cond Account receivable type AT1 Perc Account payable Account receivable type AT2 Perc Account payable JADC JHX1 JESC JSEP
- Condition based Excise Determination : - Define Tax Code for Purchasing Document - It is basically creation of Tax Code FTXP Create as many the combination of A/P BED, AED & SED as 100% (It means that we are declaring that the material is 100% respective Tax % for CST/ LST for your working scenarios. This Tax code we will be attaching in PO for po Taxes. FTXP Assign Tax Code to Company code EM36 - A0 & C0
2 Master Data - Maintain Chapter Ids : Maintain the Chapter ID with Excise UOM
- Assign Users to M master screen sequence for ED Not used Chaitanya, Hemkumar, Msrinivas, Rajesh
- Define Form Types - No Input 3 Account Determination - Define G/L Account for Taxes It is OB 40 We are not using this because the accounts are assigned during the code in FTXP
- Maintain Excise Account per excise transactions No data entry 57FC, 57NR
- Specify G/L account per Excise transaction All 256 accounts are to be entered by FI.
4 Business Transactions - Incoming Excise Invoices 1) Select fields - no input 2) Define processing modes per transaction Check the transaction role and activate accordingly. For Transa activate all.
3) Define Reference document per transaction No Input here 4) Maintain Rejection Codes Maintain some rejection codes, which is used while reversing the transactions
5) Specify Movement types involve Excise Invoices Enter the movement types and select the Registers for e
- Outgoing Invoices - (Its mainly for SD) 1) Assign Billing Type to Delivery Types
- Subcontracting 1) Subcontracting Attributes Enter all relevant subcontracting attributes here. Please check the Challan type Subcontracting period (Presently it is 180 days), Number of Excise Invoice line items and Number range
2) Maintain movement type groups Please check/ enter for the combination of Movement type group and Mo involved in Subcontracting
- Exports under Excise Regulations - SD Functionality 1) Exports 2) Deemed Exports 3) Printouts of ARE docs 4) Transaction config 5) Exports
- Utilization 1) Utilization Determination It is basically fixing the % of CENVAT accounts are to be debited by the fortnigh CENVAT Report. Please note that the total of distribution should be 100.
2) Maintain minimum balances for excise accounts It is not applicable now. - Excise Registers
1) Specify SAP Script Forms You can specify the Form Layout/ Forms here with the help of ABAP/ Basis.
- Number Ranges - All relevant number ranges for each Excise group is assigned here.
(3) MM 1 Making Transfer posting for subcontracting - IMG setting MM > Inventory Management & Physical Inventory > Goods Issue & Transfer Posting > Define Screen Lay out
In Change view field selection overview, Select Movement type 541 nad mark the Purchase Order field as an option
CREATION OF MATERIAL AND VENDOR MASTER RECORDS Create the Material which are liable for Excise Duty in normal MM01 transaction Create Vendors in XK01 and dont forget to enter the CIN Details of the Vendor by clicking on the icon CIN Details on the entering the CST & LST Numbers, Excise Registration details and Pan Number. But dont forget to enter Excise Indicator click on CENVAT Scheme participant on Excise duty Tab.
Basically Excise Mater Data for a Material, Plant & Vendor/ Customer 1 MASTER DATA 1 Chapter ID Just check the Chapter ID created in IMG setting under Master Data is appearing here or not. 2 Material and Chapter ID combination - Make the entry for Material and Chapter ID for your Plant. If you are using Subcontracting, give the tick in Subcontracting box. Dont forget to give X mark if the material is declared to Exc column. Please select the proper material type. 3 Material assessable Value You can fix up the Net Dealer Value and assessable Value of the Material at a partic 4 CENVAT Determination Here you are declaring the input and Output material for a particular Plant. Tick on def
2 EXCISE STATUS 1 Vendor Excise Details Enter your Vendor details created in XK01. Please dont forget to put the Excise Indicato tick. 2 Customer Excise Details - SD Functionality 3 SSI Rate If the Vendor is SSI, enter the SSI status, Excise duty and SSI rating. 4 Excise Indicator for Plant Enter the Excise detail of your Plant with Excise Indicator and Number range group. 5 Excise Indicator for Plant & Vendor Enter the combination 6 Excise Indicator for Plant and Customer SD functionality
3 EXCISE RATES 1 Excise Tax Rate Specify the excise rates for BED, AED & SED along with Chapter ID and Excise Indicator. 2 Cess Rate Enter the Cess rate, if existing. 3 Exceptional Material Excise Rate If the material is having any exceptional rates, enter here. Please note that th picked up on priority, even if you are maintaining another rate in Excise Tax rate. 4 Sales Tax set off percentages Can enter the data, if applicable. 5 Quantity based AED & SED If the quantity base AED & SED is applicable for a material at a Plant in Chapter ID BUSINESS SCENARIOS 1 INTERNAL PROCUREMENT OF RAW MATERIAL Its a normal Procurement cycle but with Excise transactions: Pre-requisite Customization and creation of Vendor, Material and Maintaining Excise Master Records in J1ID.
Step 1. Creation of Purchase Order Its a normal ME21N activity, but make sure that you have selected GR based Invoice Verification and a proper Tax C FTXP with BED, AED, SED, CST, etc) in Invoice tab of Item detail. Check and Save the PO and note the PO Number
Step 2 Capturing Excise Invoice Transaction code is J1IEX. Select the tab of Capture excise invoice. Enter the Po number. Enter your Excise Invoic in respective tabs and check the BED, AED & SED values and rates in Item Detail, Item and Header data. Check and Note the Internal Excise Invoice Number. Note the Excise Invoice number system-generated messages.
Step 3 Goods Receipt Do the normal MIGO transaction for that Purchase Order. On allocating the Storage Location and Flagging the Item O coming in Header and Item. On Excise tab in Header select Only capture excise Invoice tab and drill down on Excise and select the Excise Invoice number created in step 2. Enter the date, check and save the document. Note the mate Number.
Step 4 Posting Excise Invoice It is the same transaction J1IEX Select the tab POST tab and enter the internal excise number. No data entry is the document. Click on Simulate CENVAT icon and see the posting. If satisfactory, click on Post CENVAT to saving Accounting document Number and serial Number. Excise Invoice is posted now. Register RG23A Part I & II are upda
Step 5 Vendor Invoice Verification Its a normal MIRO transaction. Enter the tax amount separately. Simulate and then Post the Invoice. Check the posti & SED, CENVAT clearing account and GR/IR clearing account. Step 6 Data and Reporting 1 For Checking CENVAT Register Transaction code J2I9 2 For Printing Excise Registers Transaction Code J2I6 (Any Excise Register can be printed)
2 PROCUREMENT OF CAPITAL GOODS The procedure is same, but use an asset material in Purchase Order. The difference is the duties are posted in RG23 note that the credits will be 50% for the current year and the balance is credited in CENVAT on Hold account. 3 PROCUREMENT - IMPORTS Pre-Requisite 1 Create a Vendor as Customs Normal schema group 2 Create a (Import) Vendor with a separate Vendor Schema(Y) in customizing 3 Attach the Pur Orgn and Vendor Schema(Y) and assign the IMPORT Pricing procedure in Customizing
Step 1 Creation of Purchase Order Select the Vendor (Import) for the PO. Enter the data. In Invoice tab, Dont select GR based Invoice verification and s V0. In Conditions tab, In condition JCV1 (In CVD) enter the percentage of CVD to be remitted to Customs. Select details and attach the Vendor as Customs. Check and save. Step 2 Invoice verification for the CVD Practically when material is arrived at Customs, they will issue Bill of Lading. This BOL invoice value in MIRO. Select Planned Delivery cost tab. In header enter the CVD amount and in details tab, check the Invoicing party as Vendor Check and Save the document. See that the amount is posted in CVD/ customs clearing account
Step 3 Capturing of excise Invoice for Bill of Entry Its an ordinary J1IEX transaction. But while entering the PO system will ask for a commercial invoice number, enter th number which is created during step2. Enter the PO number and capture excise Invoice. Please see that the CVD is BED. Note the Excise Invoice number.
Step 4 Posting of Goods Receipt MIGO transaction PO. Enter the Excise Invoice and commercial invoice number . Check and save the docume
Step 5 Posting of Excise Invoice Ordinary J1IEX transaction. Check the data and save the document. Note the Serial number and Accounting docume Step 6 - Invoice Verification Standard MIRO transaction for Vendor Invoice. Check the Reports.
4 SUBCONTRACTING WITH ED Step 1 Create a Subcontracting Order It is an ordinary ME21N functionality for creating SC Order. See that Components are attached in CS01 or in PO Mat Also see that the material is declared as a subcontracting material in Master Data (Material and Chapter ID combinat Select Tax code as V0 and select GR based IV. In Item conditions, In condition type JEXC IN Manual excise %- Enter the excise percentage and Save the order. Step 2 Transfer posting of components It is also an ordinary MB1B transaction. You can refer the PO and post.
Step 3 Creation of Excise Invoice Go to CIN easy access select Sales/ Outbound movements > Excise Invoice > For other movements > Excise Invoic movements ( Transaction code J1IS) Select the Reference Document type as MATD and enter other data. Also see that It is refereeing the transfer postin number. Save the excise Invoice. Note the Excise Invoice number and FI document number created by system. You can take the print of this Invoice by transaction code J1IV Step 4 Capture of Excise Invoice On receipt of material from the Vendor, Capture the Invoice using Transaction code J1IEX. Enter the required data document. Note the document number.
Step 5 Goods Receipt Its the same procedure what we have done in normal domestic procurement. Enter the required data and Save the d document number. Step 6 Posting the excise invoice Normal J1IEX function same as that of domestic procurement. Post the Invoice. Step 7 Vendor Invoice verification Ordinary MIRO function. Post the Invoice and check all repots.
5 SUBCONTRACTING WITHOUT ED Step 1 Create a Subcontracting Order It is an ordinary ME21N functionality for creating SC Order. See that Components are attached in CS01 or in PO Mat Also see that the material is declared as a subcontracting material in Master Data (Material and Chapter ID combinat Select Tax code as V0 and select GR based IV. Step 2 Transfer posting of components It is also an ordinary MB1B transaction. You can refer the PO and post.
Step 3 Creation of Subcontracting Challan In CIN role go to creation of subcontracting challan (Transaction Code J1IF01). The screen will display the material number created in transfer posting. Input other required detail, if nay and save the document. Material will go to subco Now the processing is completed and he is supplying the finished product
Step 4 Goods Receipt Its the same procedure what we have done in normal domestic procurement. But after entering the details, excise ta header and item details. In header tab select the option of Refer Subcontracting challan. Go to the details icon and e subcontracting challan number created in step 3. Save the GR and note the document number.
Step 5 Reconciling the Subcontracting challan Quantity Transaction code is J1IFQ. Screen will display the material document of Goods receipt. Click on reconcile icon, a n appears. Enter the assigned quantity at item detail and save the document.
Step 6 Completing the Subcontracting Challan Transaction code J1IF13. Screen will show the detail of challan with a status In process, check the data and save System will give a message that the challan is completed
6 STOCK TRANSPORT ORDER Pre-Requisites : 1 Creation of Customer Master data Create both the Plants are Customers in XD01 2 Creation of Vendor Mater data Create both the Plants are Vendors. For each Vendor select the other Plant as t (already created in Serial No.1). 3 IMG Settings : In MM > Purchasing > Purchasing Order > Set up Stock Transport Order > Define Shipping data
Select each Plant and enter Customer number of the other plant created in Step1 along with the data of Sales Org, e 4 Excise Master Data - In J1ID, see that the material data is entered for both the Plants.
Process Flow Step 1 - Creation of Stock Transport Order. In ME21N, mention the Issuing Plant. Please check the item tab Invoice and see the Tax juridiction code as IN00. Ch
Step 2 Transfer Posting Do the transfer posting in MB1B with proper Plant selection and movement type 351. Refer the PO and adopt the det Material document number.
Step 3 Creation of Excise Invoice Create Excise Invoice for other movements in J1IS. Select the document type as MATD. See that the system is autom the Invoice. Note the Excise Invoice Number and FI document number created by the system. Step 4 Posting of Excise Invoice The Transaction code is J1IV. Save the document and take the print. Now the Material is reached at 2nd Plant. The activities at that Plants are :
Step 5 Capturing of Excise Invoice Its an ordinary J1IEX transaction. Capture the Invoice against the stock Transport Order. See that Plant 2 is automati Enter the required detail and save the document and note the internal number.
Step 6 Goods Receipt It is also an ordinary MIGO transaction. Enter the excise invoice details, save the document and note the material do
Step 7 Posting the Excise Invoice J1IED transaction. Select the tab as posting against Vendor Excise Invoice. Input the required detail. Click on SIMUL see the postings. If it is OK, Post the Invoice. Note the serial number and Accounting document number.
signed to India
it in TAXINJ.
e registration (X) already created. Please have t MIGO, Automatic posting etc for your Plant
Account receivable SED condition type Account receivable AED condition type Account receivable CESS condition type JEXS JEXA JCES JEXS JEAP JEXP ECS Condition type ARECS condition type A/P - Imports ECS percentage JECS JEC1 JECV
e FTXP Create as many Tax codes with ring that the material is 100% excisable) and will be attaching in PO for populating EDs &
ease check the Challan type (57FC), items and Number range
the icon CIN Details on the Header. You are get to enter Excise Indicator of the Vendor and
appearing here or not. or your Plant. If you are using this Material for e material is declared to Excise at appropriate
lue of the Material at a particular Plant particular Plant. Tick on default Modvat Indicator
rification and a proper Tax Code (Created in PO and note the PO Number
ber. Enter your Excise Invoice Number ad date and Header data. Check and Save the Data. ated messages.
ation and Flagging the Item OK, Excise Tab is ab and drill down on Excise Invoice Number he document. Note the material document
se number. No data entry is required. Check on Post CENVAT to saving. Note the r RG23A Part I & II are updated
ure in Customizing
ed Invoice verification and select a Tax Code remitted to Customs. Select the condition go to
voice value in MIRO. Select the PO and select Invoicing party as Vendor Customs.
rcial invoice number, enter the document Please see that the CVD is treated as ordinary
een will display the material document ent. Material will go to subcontractor along
ntering the details, excise tab will appear in . Go to the details icon and enter the umber.
Material Master: General data Material Master: Description Material Master: Unit of Measure Material master: Export control file Material master: Plant data Material master: Storage location Material link to BOM Material valuation Material Master: WM Inventory Material Master: WM Inventory type Material: MRP profiles (field contents) Consignment price segment (old versions of SAP) Valuation of sales order stock Valuation of project stock Material Master: Consumption <Plant> Material Master: Consumption <MRP Area> Material Master: Sales <Sales Org, Distr Ch> Material Master: Tax indicator Material Master: Plant data Material Master: Forecast Material Master: Storage Location Material Master: X Plant Batches Material Master: Batches Material Master: Batch Stock MRP Area data MRP Planning File Entry: MRP Area Outstanding Material Master Records (Maintenance status) Material Master C Segment: History Material Master Storage Location Segment: History Material Valuation: History Batch Stocks: History Special Stocks from Vendor: History Sales Order Stock at Vendor: History Sales Order Stock: History Special Stocks at Customer: History Special Stocks at Vendor: History Project Stock: History Total Sales Order Stocks: History Total Project Stocks: History
Vendor Master: General data Vendor Master: Company data Vendor Master: Purchasing Data (Purchasing organization) Vendor Master: Purchasing Data (Plant, Vendor sub-range) ing
Purchase requisition: items Purchase Requisition: account assignment SAPScript Text Header SAPScript Text Lines Purchasing document header Purchasing Document: Item Purchasing Document: Delivery Schedules Material View of Order Item/Schedule Line (good to find open PO's) Account assignment in purchasing document Purchasing Source List Order price history record Release documentation Purchasing document history Purchasing document history: delivery costs "Material to be provided" item in purchasing document Account assignment specification for service line Account assignment in service package Service package header data Lines in service package Service entry sheet header data External services management: Unplanned limits for contract item External services management: unplanned service limits header data External services management: unplanned limits for service packages External services management: Unplanned limits for service types Purchase Info Record: General Purchasing info record: purchasing organization data Condition Item Condition Header
ry Management Physical inventory document items Material document: Header Material document: item Reservation: Header Reservation: Item
Verification Secondary index: documents for material FIFO results table LIFO material layer LIFO material layer (monthly) LIFO period stocks, single material Receipt data LIFO/FIFO valuation LIFO pool layer
LIFO pool layer (monthly) Document item, incoming invoice account assignment Invoice Verification: conditions Invoice Verification: quantity differences Invoice Verification Batch: Invoice document items Document header: incoming invoice Invoice document header (batch invoice verification) Taxes:incoming invoice Invoice document: summarization data Invoice Verification: summarization data, Material Withholding tax:incoming invoice Consignment withdrawals Document item, incoming invoice
Customising and other master data sing and MDLV MDLG MDLW MDLL T023 T024 T030 T156 T156T AUSP AGR_USERS CDHDR & CDPOS EDID4 TSTC TSTCT NAST
MRP Areas MRP Areas - Storage Locations MRP Areas - Plants MRP Areas - Subcontractor Material Groups Purchasing groups Standard Accounts Table (Automatic Account Determination) Movement Type Movement Type: Text Release Procedure: Strategy values (cl20n, cl24n) RS - Assignment of roles to users CDPOS - Change history of master data and documents EDI information SAP Transaction Codes, lock/unlock: sm01, created: se93 Transaction codes TEXT Message status
Customising General settings T005 1.1.2 Currency TCURC TCURR TCURT TCURX T006 T247 TFACD Currency Currency Currency Currency UoM Calendar Calendar Currency codes Wisselkoersen Currency name Decimal places for currencies. Units of measure Month names Factory calendar definition Countries Countries 1.1.1 Countries
Month names Time zones Summer time rules Summer time rules (fixed annual dates) Summer time rules (variable dates) Summer time rules texts Assign Time Tones to Countries Assign time zones to regions
Enterprise structure T880 T001 TKA01 T001W T499S TSPA TVKO TVTW TVBUR TVKBT TVKGR TVGRT T171T T001L T024E T3001 TVST TVLA TTDS FI FI CO CO CO CO SD SD SD SD SD SD SD MM MM MM MM MM MM Company Company code Controlling area Plant / sales organisation Locations Division Sales organisation / company code Distribution channel Sales office Sales office text Sales group Sales group text Sales district text Storage locations Purchasing organization Warehouse number Shipping point Loading point Transportation
1.2.1 Definition
1.2.1 Assignment TKA02 T001K TVKO TVKOV TVKOS TVTA TVKBZ TVBVK TVKWZ T024E T024W T001K TVSWZ T320 1.3 CO CO SD SD SD SD SD SD SD MM MM MM MM MM Assign company code to controlling area Assign plant (valuation area) to company code Sales organisation / company code Distribution channel / sales organisation Division to sales organization Sales aria Sales office to sales area Sales group to sales office Plants to sales organization Purchasing organization / company code Plant to Purchase organization Link plant ( = valuation area) / company code Shipping point to plant Assignment MM Storage Location to WM Warehouse
Financial accounting 1.3.1 Company code T004 T077S Chart of accounts Account group (g/l accounts)
T009 T880 T014 1.3.2 Fi document T010O T010P T001B T003 T012 1.4 Not categorized T007a T134 T179 T179T TJ02T TINC TVFK T390
Fiscal year variants Global company data Credit control area Posting period variant Posting Period Variant Names Permitted Posting Periods Document types House banks
Tax keys Material types Materials: Product Hierarchies Materials: Product hierarchies: Texts Status text Customer incoterms Billing doc types PM: Shop papers for print control
Basic data / administration Workbench related tables 2.1.1 Data dictionary tables DD02L DD02T DD03L DD03T 2.1.2 Workbench TADIR TRDIR TFDIR TLIBG TLIBT TFTIT TSTC TSTCT T100 VARID D020T TDEVC TDEVCT 2.2 Administration 2.2.1 User administration USR01 USR02 USR03 USR04 USR11 UST12 USR12 USR13 User master Logon data User address data User master authorizations User Master Texts for Profiles (USR10) User master: Authorizations User master authorization values Short Texts for Authorizations Directory of R/3 Repository Objects System table TRDIR Function Module Person responsible for function class Function Group Short Texts Function Module Short Text Transaction codes in SAP Transaction codes texts Message text (vb e000) Variant data Screen texts Development class Texts for development classes Tables in SAP Tables description Field names in SAP Field description in SAP
USR40 TOBJ TOBC TPRPROF DEVACCESS 2.2.2 Batch input queue APQD APQI 2.2.3 Job processing TBTCO TBTCP 2.2.4 Spool TSP02 2.2.5 Runtime errors SNAP 2.2.6 Message control TNAPR NAST NACH 2.2.7 EDI EDIDC EDIDD EDID2 EDIDS EDPAR EDPVW EDPI1 EDPO1/2/3 2.2.8 Change documents CDHDR CDPOS JCDS 2.2.9 Reporting tree table SERPTREE 2.2.10 LIS structure/control tables TMC4
Prohibited passwords Objects Authorization Object Classes Profile Name for Activity Group Table for development user
Job status overview table Batch job step overview Spool: Print requests Runtime errors Processing programs for output Message status Printer determination Control record Data record Data record 3.0 Version EDI status record Convert External < > Internal Partner Number EDI partner types EDI partner profile inbound EDI partner profile outbound Change document header Change document positioned Change Documents for System/User Statuses (Table JEST) Reporting: tree structure Global Control Elements: LIS Info Structure
MASTER DATA: Material master: MARA MAKT MARC MVKE MARD MSKA MSPR MARM MEAN PGMI Material master Material text Material per plant / stock Material master, sales data Storage location / stock Sales order stock Project stock Units of measure International article number Planning material
PROP MAPR MBEW MVER MLGN MLGT MPRP MDTB MDKP MLAN MARV MTQSS 3.1.1 Basic data text (sap script) STXB STXH STXL 3.1.2 Batches MCHA MCH1 MCHB 3.2 Customer master data KNA1 KNB1 KNVV KNBK KNVH KNVP KNVS KNVK KNVI 3.3 Vendor LFA1 LFB1 LFB5 LFM1 LFM2 LFBK 3.4 Customer material info record KNMT 3.5 Bank data BNKA
Forecast parameters Link MARC <=> PROP Material valuation Material consumption Material / Warehouse number Material / Storage type Forecast profiles MRP table Header data for MRP document Tax data material master Material Control Record Material master view: QM
SAP script: Texts in non-SAP script format STXD SAP script text file header STXD SAP script text file lines Batches Batches Stock: batches
Customer master Customer / company Customer sales data Bank details Customer hierarchy Customer partners Shipment data for customer Contact persons Customer master tax indicator
Vendor master Vendor per company code Vendor dunning data Purchasing organization data Purchasing data Bank details
Characteristics: Characteristics: CABN CABNT CAWN Characteristics ( o.a. batch/vendor) Characteristics description Characteristics ( o.a. material)
CAWNT AUSP 4.2 Class types and objects : TCLAO TCLA TCLAT TCLT TCLC 4.3 Links: INOB KLAH KSSK KSML 5 5.1 FI/CO : FI : SKA1 BNKA 5.1.2 Accounting documents // indices BKPF BSEG BSID BSIK BSIM BSIP BSIS BSAD BSAK BSAS 5.1.3 Payment run REGUH REGUP 5.2 CO TKA01 TKA02 KEKO KEPH KALO KANZ 5.2.1 Cost center master data CSKS CSKT CRCO 5.2.2 Cost center accounting COSP COEP . COBK COST 6 Sales and Distribution (SD) : VBFA 5.1.1 Master data
Characteristics description Characteristic Values Several class types for object Class types ( vb. lfa1 => v10 en 010) Class type text Classifiable objects Classification status Link between Internal Number and Object Class header data Allocation Table: Object (vb.matnr) to Class Characteristics for a class (internal number)
Accounts Bank master record Accounting documents item level Accounting: Secondary index for customers Accounting: Secondary index for vendors Secondary Index, Documents for Material Index for vendor validation of double documents Accounting: Secondary index for G/L accounts Accounting: Index for customers (cleared items) Accounting: Index for vendors (cleared items) Accounting: Index for G/L accounts (cleared items) Settlement data from payment program Processed items from payment program Controlling areas Controlling area assignment Product-costing header Cost components for cost of goods manuf. Costing objects Sales order items - costing objects Cost Center Master Data Cost center texts Assignment of Work Center to Cost Center CO Object: Cost Totals for External Postings CO Object: Line Items (by Period) CO Object: Document header CO Object: Price Totals
VTFA 6.1 Sales order : VBAK VBAP VBPA VBKD VBEP 6.2 Billing document : VBRK VBRP 6.3 Shipping : VTTK VTTP VTTS VTSP VTPA VEKP VEPO 6.4 Delivery : LIKP LIPS 6.5 Pricing : KONH KONP KONV KOND 6.6 contracts : VEDA 7 7.1 Material Management (MM) : Material document MKPF MSEG 7.2 Purchasing EKKO EKPO EKPV EKET VETVG EKES EKKN EKAN EKPA EIPO EINA EINE EORD EBAN EBKN EKBE EKEH
Flow shipping documents Header data Item data Partners in sales order Sales district data Data related to line items, delivery lines header data Item data Shipment header Shipment item Stage in transport Stage in transport per shipment item Shipment partners Handling Unit - Header Table Packing: Handling Unit Item (Contents) Delivery header Delivery item Conditions header Conditions items Procedure ( billing doc or sales order)
Contract data
material document material document (item level) Purchase document Purchase document (item level) Shipping-Specific Data on Stock Tfr. for Purch. Doc. Item Delivery schedule Delivery Due Index for Stock Transfer Order Acceptance/Fulfillment Confirmations Account assignment in purchasing Vendor address purchasing Partner functions(Partner Roles in Purchasing) Item export / import data Purchase info record (main data) Purchase info record (organisational data) Source list Purchase requisition Purchase Requisition Account Assignment History per Purchasing Document Scheduling Agreement Release Documentation
8 8.1
Warehouse Management (WM) : Transfer requirement LTBK LTBP 8.2 Transfer order LTAK LTAP 8.3 8.4 Master data - stock positions LQUA Inventory documents in WM LINK LINP LINV Inventory document header Inventory document item Inventory data per quant Quants Transfer order - header Transfer order - item Transfer requirement - header Transfer requirement - item
9 9.1
Quality Management (QM) : Inspection lot / info record QALS QAMB QAVE QDPS QMAT QINF QDQL QDPS 9.2 Quality notification TQ80 QMEL QMFE QMUR QMSM QMMA QMIH 9.3 Certificate profile QCVMT QCVM QCVK Certificate profile characteristic level: texts Certificate profile characteristic level Certificate profile header Notification types Quality notification Quality notification items Quality notification causes Quality notification tasks Quality notification activities Quality message - maintenance data excerpt Inspection lot record Link inspection lot - material document Inspection usage decision Inspection stages Inspection type - material parameters Inspection info record (vendor - material) Quality level Inspection stages
10 10.1
Production Planning (PP) Work center CRHH CRHS CRHD CRTX CRCO KAKO CRCA TC24 10.2 Routings/operations MAPL PLAS PLFH Allocation of task lists to materials Task list - selection of operations/activities Task list - production resources/tools Work center hierarchy Hierarchy structure Work center header Text for the Work Center or Production Resource/Tool Assignment of Work Center to Cost Center Capacity Header Segment Work Center Capacity Allocation Person responsible for the workcenter
Task list - sequences Task list - header Task list: main header Phases / suboperations Task list operation / activity Log collector for tasklists Allocation of BOM - items to operations BOM - header BOM - item BOMs - Item Selection BOMs - follow-up control BOM - sub-item Permanent BOM data Allocation of BOM - items to operations Material to BOM link Sales order to BOM link Production order headers Maintenance order header Goods movement for prod. order Order header data PP orders Order item Order componenten Order operations Quantities/dates/values in the operation User fields of the operation Work order sequence PRT assignment data for the work order(routing) Status profile Object status Order completion confirmations PRT assignment data for the work order Link of PRT to Document Document Info Record Document Types Data Carrier/Network Nodes Data Carrier Type Planned orders Kanban identification, control cycle Kanban control cycle (header data) Error log for Kanban containers Material reservations header Header record for capacity requirements Capacity requirements records Add. data for table KBED (for indiv. capacities/splits)
Planned independent requirements PBIM PBED PBHI PBIV PBIC Independent requirements for material Independent requirement data Independent requirement history Independent requirement index Independent requirement index for customer req.
11 11.1
Project system (PS) Basic data PRHI PROJ PRPS RPSCO MSPR 11.2 Equipment EQUI EQKT EQUZ Equipment master data Equipment short text Equipment time segment Work Breakdown Structure, Edges (Hierarchy Pointer) Project definition WBS (Work Breakdown Structure) Element Master Data Project info database: Costs, revenues, finances Project stock
Plant maintenance (PM) IHPA OBJK ILOA AFIH 12.1 12.2 12.3 Human resources Settings T582A Master data T527X T528T T554T T501 T503 T503K T510N T549A T750X 12.4 Infotypes PA0001 PA0002 PA0006 PA0007 PA0016 PA0008 PA0105 PA1007 PA1035 PA2001 Org. Assignment Personal Data Addresses Planned Working Time Contract elements Basic pay Communications Vacancies Training Absences Organizational Units Position Texts Attendance and Absence Texts Employee group Employee group, subgroup Employee subgroup Pay Scales for Annual Salaries (NA) Payroll Accounting Areas Vacancy Infotypes: Customer-Specific Settings Plant Maintenance: Partners Plant Maintenance Object List PM Object Location and Account Assignment Maintenance order header
Other important table JEST TJ02 System Status with object number System status description.
MRP Related MDKP MDTB MDVL MDVM PBVPV REUL SAFK SQ01 EDMSG Release Strategies T16FS T16FD T16FT T16FK T16FV T16FC SE01 / SE09/ SE10 E070 Release Strategies Description of Release Codes Descriptions of Release Strategies Release Statuses Release Prerequisites Release Codes Transport organizer Change & Transport System: Header of Requests/Tasks ( Total moved transport requests) Header Data for MRP Document MRP Table Planning file entry for long term planning Enry in MRP file Material Index for consumption of planning Material stock transfer reservation index Run schedule master data Abap query ALE message type table
ed transport requests)
Transaction variants simplify transaction flow by: 1. Inserting default values in fields 2. Changing the ready for input status of fields 3. Hiding various screen elements and menu functions, or even entire screens 4. Adjusting table control settings When you create a transaction variant, you run through the transaction
in a special mode. In this mode, you decide which elements you no longer need in your transaction and which values should be inserted where. If you choose to hide an entire screen, the system will no longer display that screen in the transaction and will proceed on to the next screen in the series. You can also adjust table control settings and determine the width of columns and the order in which you want them displayed. In tab strips, you can suppress tabs that you no longer need by setting them to invisible. You may also create as many variants for a transaction as you desire. One of these variants can be defined as a standard variant. This variant is then valid across all clients. You may also assign different variants to specific users. This is done using *Variant Transactions *Variant transactions are then places in those users' user menus instead of the standard transaction. Thanks.. Regards, Chandhru.R
On 9/9/07, murali reddy <> wrote: > > Hi, > If any one knows the proceedure for setting screen variants and > transaction variants, please mail me. > Now i need to change 'invoice party field' in MIRO to display mode. >
> > Thanks in advnace, > Murali. > > opmazhata < <>> wrote: hie > gurus > > Can someone explain to me i detail how i can use transaction and > screen variants to restrict display of cetrain fields to users. > > thank you guys Q
Please give me reply as matter is most urgent. Parag +++++++++++ Dear All, In PO, when we tick the GR BASED IV then in purchase order history we can see the GR/IR ASSGT in Change View.
Where is the setting to see the GR/IR ASSGT without enabling the mark in GR BASED IV.(is it possible?) Where are the settings in spro for maintaining the Drop down for Change view in purchase order history? Pls. comment. Regards, Sachin Kokare ++++++++++++++++++ Dear All, Can anybody tell me the logic behind the t.code MC46 for slow moving items. Various loopholes I found while analyzing the output of MC46. A. At present MC46 gives that report but following is not considering by system: 1.It ignore 281 movement, means any item is moved through 281, it only consider 261 movement. 2.It ignore 201 movement. 3.It ignore 601 movement ignore 641 movement 5.It ignore 351 movement B.MC46 report considers following movement which it should not be 1.311 movement , location to location transfer ( Means if any item is Slow moving but it is moved during 365 days from one location to other, system do not pick up as Non moving. 2.if any material do not have opening stock and there is purchase within 365 days and not issue through 261 takes place, mc46 shows as Non moving which is incorrect. Pls. comment on this. Regards, Sachin Kokare ++++++++++++++ Hi
Did you get any solution on this. I am also stuck up with the same scenario On 1/22/07, susheeliitr <susheeliitr@> wrote: > > Hi gurus > there is one scenario. > our client takes mat from trader not from main vendor . > trader takes mat from main vendor and sends us. > suppose main vendor sells trader in 100Rs and 16% BED so he pays vendor > 116Rs. > trader sells client in suppose in 150 rs and 4 % sales tax so client > pays him 156 rs. all these r fine. > when we go for migo, base value for BED should be 100 rs not 156 i.e > only 16 rs should go in cenvat account. if i do it manually then who > 156 will go in GR/IR account. i want 140 should come from GR/IR account > and rest 16 should come from cenvat account to pay 156 to vendor. > i did setting vendor master date cin tab page and define trader but not > working. > plz tell me. it is very urgen. > bye +++++++++++== Hi Sam Did you get the solution,can you let me know it as well On 7/11/07, Guru Ji < com> wrote: > > Scenario is as follows: > > (Rate unknown) Manufacture( nirma) > > Rate Known Dealer(jain acid > PO > > (Rate, Amount Qty is mentioned and remarks provided for provision Excise > Duty >
> Continue > > GRN > > continue > > Invoice > > (Tax Invoice + Duplicate for Transporter Copy) > > Dealer Manufacture > > For provision of Excise Duty > > For Payment > > 1)PO to dealer > > 2)GRN dealer > > 3)tax invoice from dealer is the total bill only, it does not contain > duty. > > 4) but modvat benefit is taken on manufacturer' s duplicate copy. > > Plz tell how to map this scenario in SAP > It's very urgent > > Thanks > > Sam > ++++++++++++++++ want your advice on following issue. I have typical scenario of dealer who passes on cenvat which he has received from main manufacturer. say 100 is the base price of the material and he is going to pass us the excise of say Rs 10.I need to pay Vendor only Rs 100 but still need to get
cenvat of Rs 10. I used condition jexc of manual excise but the problem in that case is gr is prepared at goods receipt at Rs 100.But since we are availing the cenvat of Rs 10 the GR/IR should be at Rs 90 only. Can you let me know how do you solve the issue? Regards +++++++++++ hi Nilesh, you can release the pr at item level also. pl follow the doccument Setting up simple Release Procedure for Purchase Requisitions Release Procedures (approval) can be used for Purchase Requisitions (PR), Purchase Orders (PO), RFQ's, Outline Agreements and Service Entry Sheets. The principle is exactly the same for all. If you can master one, you will know them all. Lets set up release procedures for PR for the following example: Our company have got 2 plants: Plant 3100 (London) and plant 3600 (New York). For New York (plant 3100), if PR item value is between 0 - 1000 dollars, then PR needs to be released by one person (person B) For New York (plant 3100), if PR item value is bigger than 1000 dollars, then PR needs to be released by two people (first by person B, then person C) For London (plant 3600), if PR item value is bigger than 1000 dollars, then PR needs to be released by two people (first by person A, then person C).
Key terminology: Release Codes - The different levels that the approval will go through. Release Groups - Grouping of strategies. Release Strategy - Unique, set of condition, sequence and levels of releases. Every line in diagram is a Strategy (so we have 3). Release Indicator / Status - The status of PR as it moves through the strategy. Example 'Block' (can't create PO yet) or 'Final Release' (can create PO from PR)
Here is a summary of the steps to follow to set up our example: Create Characteristics & link to comm. structure (CEBAN for PR) Create Class & link to characteristic Create Release Groups & link to class Create Release Codes Release Indicator Set up strategies - Strategies & Codes - Pre requirements - Status - Assign values for strategies Set overall / item for doc type (PR only) Create and allocate authorization profiles ------------ --- DETAILS OF SETTING IT UP ------------ --Create Characteristics & link to communication structure (CEBAN for PR) Here we define which fields are used to determine the strategy that will kick in. In our case we used 'Plant' and 'Item value'. Not all fields in the PR can be used. For a full list of fields that can be used to determine the release strategy, see tcode se12 table CEBAN. So the two fields that will be used is: Field CEBAN-WERKS for Plant Field CEBAN-GSWRT for Item Value We need to create a characteristic for every field. Tcode CT04 Any characteristic name can be used. Keep something descriptive to avoid confusion. For Item Value -- lets create characteristic Z_GSWRT
First go to Additional Data tab and enter the table/field (and Enter)
Enter currency to be used in the Basic data tab. Also select multiple values and Intervals allowed
The Intervals allowed will allow us to assign a range of values, example: If PR value is 0 - 1000 USD ..... Save the characteristic For Plant -- characteristic Z_WERKS Again, the table/field name in Additional Data to enter table/field Again set multiple values and save the characteristic The multiple values is to assign more than one plant to strategy, example: If PR for plant 3100 and plant 3600 is ... Create Class & link to characteristic Create a class (simply to group the characteristics) . Again any name can be used. Tcode CL01 -- Create Class. The Class Type must be 032. Configure Release Procedures Above actions was all master data. We now need to do some configuration. Menu: IMG > Materials Management > Purchasing > Purchase Requisition > Release Procedure > Procedure with classification > Set up procedure -- (tcode OMGQ in older SAP versions) Create Release Groups & link to class We have two groups to create AA and AB. We need to indicate the class we are working with, in out case Z_PR. Create Release Codes Create all the release code / group combinations. This is all the dots in diagram above. So we have 4. Later on, authorization profiles will be linked to these code / group combinations. Release Indicator First we create the different statuses that the PR can be in
throughout it lifecycle. Later on (below), we will be linking using these statuses. Here are the standard SAP indicators; we probably wouldn't need to add any. We will be using two of these -- X (Block) and 2 (Released) Under the Details section, you can indicate which documents can be created from this PR. For Indicator 2, one can create PO's and RFQ's. With Field Selection you can define which fields can be changed. This is the same indicator that gets used with document type configuration to make some fields read only, mandatory, hidden. Set up strategies - Strategy & Codes Every line in our diagram above is a strategy. So We have three Lets call them: Group AA / Strategy S1 -- Code L1 (for plant 0001) Group AA / Strategy S2 -- Code L1 & L2 (for plant 0001) Group AA / Strategy S2 -- Code L1 & L2 (for plant 0002) Here are the settings for AA / S2 Set up strategies - Prerequisites Fir every strategy, we need to define a release prerequisites. This indicates if one code needs to take place before the other. In this case, level 2 (L2) can only take place if level 1 (L1) has been released. Set up strategies - Status this is also done for every strategy. The screen is dependant on what groups were linked to the strategy as well as prerequisites that was set up. In this example: - if nobody releases it then PR is block. - if L1 release the PR, the PR is still blocked - if L1 and L2 release the PR, the PR can be converted to RFQ/PO Out of interest, the reason why there is not a L2 only option is
because of the setting in the prerequisites. Set up strategies - Values for strategies The values linked to strategies are master data (not configuration) and can be set in two places. Either within the configuration itself -- selecting the classification button Or, in classification, example CL24N Both methods work, the advantage of CL24N is that all the strategies can be viewed easier. Set overall / item for doc type (PR only) For Purchase Requisitions, there is an option to release either on item level or on document level. For PO / RFQ / Contracts, one can only release on header level. Back to the PR, it is highly recommended to use item release. This can be done in two places. Firstly where the groups were created On the document type configuration for PR Config menu: Materials Management > Purchasing > PR > Define document types Create and allocate authorization profiles In our example we will have three people releasing, so three profiles will need to be created. Authorization profiles can be created using tcode PFCG. Usages of PFCG are not being discussed here, but see below for relevant screen where the profile was created. ------------ --- USING RELEASE PROCEDURES ------------ --Create a Purchase Requisition Lets create a PR, and see if the release procedure kicks in. In our
case we will create it for plant 3600 and any value. So we will expect Strategy AB / S2 to kick in. Create PR -- me51n
If no 'Release strategy' tab, then it didn't work. In this case all is fine. The user can see the Release Group (AB), Strategy (S2) and release indicator (X). (SAVE) Release a Purchase Requisition Releasing can be done per PR or collective. Lets' use the collective release. SAP Menu: Logistics > Material Management > Purchasing > Purchasing Requisition > Release > Collective Release -- ME55 Select all the items to be released and then hit Save. You will see the status of the item change to the next Release Indicator. This is the absolute basics of setting up Release Procedures for Purchase Requisitions. For more posts on Release Procedures, see index of posts. SAP version used for this post: SAP ECC (ERP Central Component) 5.0 You can discuss this article here. Last edited by SAPman : 3 Weeks Ago at 01:24 PM.
-- In sapmaterialsmanagem ent@yahoogroups. com, "nazim husain" <nazsan_2002@ ...> wrote: > > u have to configure item wise relase for pr > > > >From: Nilesh Deshmukh <nilesh_sap_ mm@...> > >Reply-To: sapmaterialsmanagem ent@yahoogroups. com
> >To: SAP MM <sapmaterialsmanagem ent@yahoogroups. com> > >Subject: [sap mm] PR Release > >Date: Fri, 17 Aug 2007 06:28:49 +0100 (BST) >> > >Dear All, >> > > I have created a PR for 10 materials out of which I want to release 5 > >materials only. >> > > Is there any provision in SAP wherein I can release individual materials > >only instead of whole PR. >> > > Regards, >> > > Nil >> ++++++++++++++ you have to do the customization for release of PR at item level. Then you will be able to release the PR item wise. Thanks On 17/08/07, Nilesh Deshmukh <nilesh_sap_mm@ in> wrote: > > Dear All, > > I have created a PR for 10 materials out of which I want to release 5 > materials only. > > Is there any provision in SAP wherein I can release individual materials > only instead of whole PR. > > Regards, > > Nil ++++++++++ u can use ctrl y and than ctrl x
and than copy from excel Ctrl C and than paste in mass ctrl v >From: sabri fidan <sabri_fidan@> >Reply-To: sapmaterialsmanagem ent@yahoogroups. com >To: sapmaterialsmanagem ent@yahoogroups. com >Subject: [sap mm] mass maintance interface >Date: Fri, 17 Aug 2007 01:46:20 -0700 (PDT) > >Dear All, >In mass maintance interface is there a button like "upload from clipboard" >or any way to paste more then 17 items. I cant do it with " carry out mass >change button" because all items have different values. >Regards, > >sabri > +++++++++++++ Instead of doing transfer posting to put material from unrestricted to QI stock, please use the functionality to manually create inspection lot, that is a better and more systematic way of doing this. regards On 8/16/07, hazariwalapu <hazariwalapu@> wrote: > > hi > Can anybody tell me which movement type we should use to transfer > material from unrestricted stock to Quality inspection stock > > Thanks > > prashan ++++++++++++++++ Dear All,
sabri +++++++++++ Specify conditions in purchasing in Material master & info record. Nonkonzo Pato < za> Sent by: sapmaterialsmanagem ent@yahoogroups. com 17/08/2007 12:20 PM Please respond to sapmaterialsmanagem ent@yahoogroups. com To sapmaterialsmanagem ent@yahoogroups. com cc Subject [sap mm] Tax code - urgent Hi guys, Can anybody tell me how to make tax code to appear automatically when creating a PO on a certain order type Thanks in advance NP ++++++++++++++ Try ME54N Nilesh Deshmukh <nilesh_sap_mm@ in> Sent by: sapmaterialsmanagem ent@yahoogroups. com 17/08/2007 10:58 AM Please respond to sapmaterialsmanagem ent@yahoogroups. com To SAP MM <sapmaterialsmanagem ent@yahoogroups. com> cc Subject
[sap mm] PR Release Dear All, I have created a PR for 10 materials out of which I want to release 5 materials only. Is there any provision in SAP wherein I can release individual materials only instead of whole PR. Regards, Nil +++++++++++++ Hi, Firstly you have to create 4 material types for each one..and each material type will allow to configure Quantity updates/No Quantity updates Value Updates/No value updates Over there u can configure as per your requirement. Let me know how it works? Cheers! -With Cheers From: M.K Thamarai Kannan +++++++++++++++ Hi Vijay, Best way to handle this is maintain two material code as you have stock of unpacked material and packed goods also. tracability is easier when you have two seperate material codes Thanks Samraj --- vijay anand <vakul_harsha@ uk> wrote:
> Hemanth / Samraj, > > Yes, you both are right but in this scenario, the > packaging is done by third party hence to track the > cost at the vendor and third party (contract > packager) the client needs to maintain two prices. > The material goes directly from vendor to contract > packager and then comes to entry point of the > client. the client does want to maintain two > material codes for change in only one field. > How do you think this can be handled? > > Thanks & Regards > Vijay > > > > ----- Original Message ---> From: hemanth kumar reddy > <hemanthkumar96@ in> > To: sapmaterialsmanagem ent@yahoogroups. com > Sent: Wednesday, 15 August, 2007 11:25:47 PM > Subject: Re: [sap mm] two prices for one material-> Urgent > > Hi > > Why it is required?.If requires u have to create 2 > materials one as Semifinished Material(Before > packing) and another one as finished product. > > Hope it makes sence. > > Thanks > > > vijay anand <vakul_harsha@ uk> wrote: > Hi >
> How can we show two prices for the same material? > > Two prices in the sense material price before and > after packaging. > > Thanks & Regards > Vijay +++++++++++++ Dear All, I have created a PR for 10 materials out of which I want to release 5 materials only.
Regards, Nil +++++++++++ Hello gurus, plzz help in CIN configuration. I have idea of J1IT and J1ID but what do do further i am not getting. someone plzz gt me full step thanks in advance sameer +++++++++ there can be a practice maintained to check ME5A every morning for open requisitions >From: mohammed quraishi <ms_quraishi@ in> >Reply-To: sapmaterialsmanagem ent@yahoogroups. com >To: sapmaterialsmanagem ent@yahoogroups. com >Subject: [sap mm] Purchase request >Date: Thu, 16 Aug 2007 16:55:11 +0100 (BST) > >Hi friends, > >I have an important question, > >The purchase request created by PP For raw mateials &
>SD for finished goods to MM for purchase, >My question is: >How and where does this gets reflected in MM, how will >the MM come to know that a Purchase request has been >raised by PP or SD. >Kindly look into this iam very confused. > >Thanx +++++++++++++ Hi Dost, For that purchase request have you tried Trans code md04. if no then try that eventhough you r not satisfied I will suggest u more further. Bye mohammed quraishi <ms_quraishi@ in> wrote: Hi friends, I have an important question, The purchase request created by PP For raw mateials & SD for finished goods to MM for purchase, My question is: How and where does this gets reflected in MM, how will the MM come to know that a Purchase request has been raised by PP or SD. Kindly look into this iam very confused. Thanx ++++++++++ hi
let me know how u solved this? Thanks Bye vijay anand <vakul_harsha@ uk> wrote: Hemanth / Samraj,
How do you think this can be handled? Thanks & Regards Vijay ----- Original Message ---From: hemanth kumar reddy <hemanthkumar96@ in> To: sapmaterialsmanagem ent@yahoogroups. com Sent: Wednesday, 15 August, 2007 11:25:47 PM Subject: Re: [sap mm] two prices for one material-- Urgent Hi
Hope it makes sence. Thanks vijay anand <vakul_harsha@ uk> wrote: Hi How can we show two prices for the same material? Two prices in the sense material price before and after packaging. Thanks & Regards
Vijay ++++++++++ hi
Prashant vijay anand <vakul_harsha@ uk> wrote: Hi All, What happens when GR is made against a subcontracting PO.? I mean is the total value of the material changes?
Any inputs will be appreciated. Thanks & Regards Vijay +++++++++++++++ Hi Guys Purchase Order is that delivery is not being processed (status is A) but customer is saying, that is delivery is processed. What should I do? can any one help me ASAP Thanks Sabbir +++++++++++ Hello all, I want to know if it is possible to automatically receive in
returnable packaging with a packaging instruction? We use inbound deliveries for incoming raw material and we use rf scanners to receive the material in. i want to setup a packaging instruction for each incoming material so that when we receive in the components, the corresponding returnable packaging is also received into inventory based on the packaging instruction. Is this possible? thanks in advance for any help, gabe +++++++++++ Hi friends, I have an important question, The purchase request created by PP For raw mateials & SD for finished goods to MM for purchase, My question is: How and where does this gets reflected in MM, how will the MM come to know that a Purchase request has been raised by PP or SD. Kindly look into this iam very confused. Thanx ++++++++++ Hi...SAP MM Gurus, Plz can anybody explain the functionality of MEI7...T.code. . Thanks in advance... Best regards.. avinash. +++++++++++++
LAURO LAGMAN <mochee07@yahoo. com> wrote: Hi Sha, try checking your settings in t-code S_ALR_87000332 for the Automatic delivery control indicator Cheers, Lau ----- Original Message ---From: sabbir zahir <sabbirzu@yahoo. com> To: sapmaterialsmanagem ent@yahoogroups. com Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2007 6:15:38 AM Subject: [sap mm] P.O Order from shah Hi Gurus I am missing delivering complete late indication on Purchase order. Can any one help me for this issue please. Thanks Shah +++++++++++++++++++
Prashant Hazariwala <hazariwalapu@> wrote: MMBE IS FOR STOCK OVERVIEW ANAND CHANDOOR <mpower303@gmail. com> wrote: Try using the TCODE mmbe
On 8/10/07, hazariwalapu <hazariwalapu@> wrote: > > hi, > I have a problem in posting GR in the current period and it is giving > me a message ' Posting only possible in periods 2005/08 and 2005/07 in > company code 1000 ' then i have tried to close all these period using > Tcode MMPV but i couldn't close these posting period and i am getting > message 'the specified year 2005 is not the calender year'. > Again i can do posting in 2005/08 period but can not do posting in the > current date. > > Can anybody help me on this? > > Prashant > > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] ------------ --------- --------- ---
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed] venkat 9.1929E+11 ++++++++++++++ You will try J1ID and go to Customer Excise details, maintain and save, Regards Diwakar _____ From: sapmaterialsmanagem ent@yahoogroups. com [mailto:sapmaterialsmanagem ent@yahoogroups. com] On Behalf Of sapmmsenthil August 16, 2007 2:08 PM Sent: Thursday,
To: sapmaterialsmanagem ent@yahoogroups. com Subject: [sap mm] CIN Customizing Hai MM Experts..... Can any one Guid me the CIN Version Customization With TCode's. Regards SAPMMSENTHIL ++++++++++++++++ Hi All, What happens when GR is made against a subcontracting PO.? I mean is the total value of the material changes?
Any inputs will be appreciated. Thanks & Regards Vijay ++++++++++++++++ Hemanth / Samraj,
How do you think this can be handled? Thanks & Regards Vijay
----- Original Message ---From: hemanth kumar reddy <hemanthkumar96@ in> To: sapmaterialsmanagem ent@yahoogroups. com Sent: Wednesday, 15 August, 2007 11:25:47 PM Subject: Re: [sap mm] two prices for one material-- Urgent Hi
Hope it makes sence. Thanks vijay anand <vakul_harsha@ uk> wrote: Hi How can we show two prices for the same material? Two prices in the sense material price before and after packaging. Thanks & Regards Vijay +++++++++++++ U can use Split Valuation also. Valuation Category : Packaging Valuation Types : Pre Packaging and Post Packaging On Thu, 16 Aug 2007 hemanth kumar reddy wrote : >Hi >
> > >vijay anand <vakul_harsha@ uk> wrote: > Hi > >How can we show two prices for the same material? > >Two prices in the sense material price before and after packaging. > >Thanks & Regards >Vijay +++++++++++++++ Dear Kumar,
Thanks & Regards Pavan Kumar ----- Original Message ---From: kumar manian <maniram_chn@ in> To: mm group <sapmaterialsmanagem ent@yahoogroups. com> Sent: Monday, 13 August, 2007 10:25:06 AM Subject: [sap mm] Cancellation Service Entry Sheet document Hi,
Carefully check the log issued after every period close. regards epm
On Thu, 16 Aug 2007 Prashant Hazariwala wrote : >MMBE IS FOR STOCK OVERVIEW > > >ANAND CHANDOOR <mpower303@gmail. com> wrote: > Try using the TCODE mmbe > >On 8/10/07, hazariwalapu <hazariwalapu@> wrote: >> > > hi, > > I have a problem in posting GR in the current period and it is giving > > me a message ' Posting only possible in periods 2005/08 and 2005/07 in > > company code 1000 ' then i have tried to close all these period using > > Tcode MMPV but i couldn't close these posting period and i am getting > > message 'the specified year 2005 is not the calender year'. > > Again i can do posting in 2005/08 period but can not do posting in the > > current date. >> > > Can anybody help me on this? >> > > Prashant +++++++++++++++ Hai MM Experts..... Can any one Guid me the CIN Version Customization With TCode's. Regards SAPMMSENTHIL +++++++++++++ Hi All, Can we use the MRP to create reservations? If any one knows pls let me know in details.
Thanks. vineet +++++++++++ Please see in the delivery vl03n see the movt type is 601 or not >From: "garasai sap" <garasaister@> >Reply-To: sapmaterialsmanagem ent@yahoogroups. com >To: sapmaterialsmanagem ent@yahoogroups. com >Subject: Re: [sap mm] mm query >Date: Thu, 16 Aug 2007 10:03:31 +0530 > >my dear Nazeem >My problem is : after delivery stock should be reduced, but it is not >happening.To avoid this what settings should be done. >Thanks®ards > > >On 8/15/07, nazim husain <nazsan_2002@> wrote: >> > > after delivery the stock should be reduced > > check report vl06 for the total PGI >> >> > > >From: "garasai sap" <garasaister@> > > >Reply-To: sapmaterialsmanagem ent@yahoogroups. com > > >To: sapmaterialsmanagem ent@yahoogroups. com > > >Subject: [sap mm] mm query > > >Date: Tue, 14 Aug 2007 20:16:58 +0530 >>> > > >Hi > > >How to clean up Finished goods stock > > >After delivery and billing,finished good stock should clean up.But for >my > > >client stock is still available and not matching with physical > > >stock.Pleasehelp me and what settings should be done to avoid this. > > >Regards, > > >venkat > > >MM consultant.
++++++++++ You can display your PO in Me23n,from there go to Environment and then hearder changes or iterm changes > Go to me23n and make the necessary changes u need. > > On 8/15/07, H K <heartykid2000@> wrote: >> >> HI All, >> Can anyone tell me if theres any report for changes made in purchase >> order. say in Header or item data level. >> Thanks in Advance >> >> Regards +++++++++++++ hi, the mov type is 322 hazariwalapu <hazariwalapu@> wrote: hi Can anybody tell me which movement type we should use to transfer material from unrestricted stock to Quality inspection stock Thanks prashant ++++++++++ hello experts, Happy independence day to all of you. I m having a problem in vendor evaluation. During automatic amd semiautomatic methods how the system generates scores. i.e. whats the use of variance and how system computes scores from variance. Do help me? ++++++++++++++++ Hi,
Pl go M type 322 it will transfer stocks from Unrestricted to Quality Inspection. With Thanks & Regards Mohanrao Nagavarapu hazariwalapu <hazariwalapu@> wrote: hi Can anybody tell me which movement type we should use to transfer material from unrestricted stock to Quality inspection stock Thanks prashant +++++++++++++ me23n,environment - header changes it will be there for sure >From: "Ellis, Cindy - ERP" <cindy.ellis@ cityofhouston. net> >Reply-To: sapmaterialsmanagem ent@yahoogroups. com >To: sapmaterialsmanagem ent@yahoogroups. com >Subject: [sap mm] Purchase Requisition Header Note >Date: Wed, 15 Aug 2007 08:47:59 -0500 > >Is there a way to track changes made to a purchase requisition header note? >I do not see an option for header changes in the environment. > >Cindy E. Ellis, CPPO, CPPB >City of Houston - SAP ERP Support Team >Materials Management >voice 713-221-0682 >fax 713-221-0698 >email cindy.ellis@ cityofhouston. net +++++++++++++ 322
>Subject: [sap mm] movement type for - unrestricted to QI stock >Date: Thu, 16 Aug 2007 04:12:44 -0000 > >hi >Can anybody tell me which movement type we should use to transfer >material from unrestricted stock to Quality inspection stock > >Thanks > >prashant +++++++++++++ Hi Prasant, The movement type from unrestricted stock to quality inspection is 322 by Ramu hazariwalapu <hazariwalapu@> wrote: hi Can anybody tell me which movement type we should use to transfer material from unrestricted stock to Quality inspection stock Thanks prashant +++++++++++ MMBE IS FOR STOCK OVERVIEW
ANAND CHANDOOR <mpower303@gmail. com> wrote: Try using the TCODE mmbe On 8/10/07, hazariwalapu <hazariwalapu@> wrote: > > hi, > I have a problem in posting GR in the current period and it is giving > me a message ' Posting only possible in periods 2005/08 and 2005/07 in > company code 1000 ' then i have tried to close all these period using > Tcode MMPV but i couldn't close these posting period and i am getting
> message 'the specified year 2005 is not the calender year'. > Again i can do posting in 2005/08 period but can not do posting in the > current date. > > Can anybody help me on this? > > Prashant +++++++++++ my dear Nazeem My problem is : after delivery stock should be reduced, but it is not happening.To avoid this what settings should be done. Thanks®ards On 8/15/07, nazim husain <nazsan_2002@> wrote: > > after delivery the stock should be reduced > check report vl06 for the total PGI > > > >From: "garasai sap" <garasaister@> > >Reply-To: sapmaterialsmanagem ent@yahoogroups. com > >To: sapmaterialsmanagem ent@yahoogroups. com > >Subject: [sap mm] mm query > >Date: Tue, 14 Aug 2007 20:16:58 +0530 >> > >Hi > >How to clean up Finished goods stock > >After delivery and billing,finished good stock should clean up.But for my > >client stock is still available and not matching with physical > >stock.Pleasehelp me and what settings should be done to avoid this. > >Regards, > >venkat > >MM consultant. ++++++++++++++++++ hi Can anybody tell me which movement type we should use to transfer
material from unrestricted stock to Quality inspection stock Thanks prashant +++++++++++++++ Hi Sukla, The following dictation may help u, let me know ur query and status pls MM Pricing Procedure How pricing defined? Note : = down arrow Vendor assigned to Schema group assigned to Pricing procedure has Condition Types Note: when we make PO, if vendor is selected pricing procedure will be calculated accordingly
SPRO> Material Management Purchasing Conditions Define price determination process Define condition type After create condition type SPRO> Material Management Purchasing Conditions
Define calculation schema Define condition type Condition Types are 3 types 1. Condition class 2. Calculation Type 3. Group condition change which can be made (header/item of PO) What is Info Record? Link between material and vendor Under Procedure If you mark statistic for a condition type under a pricing procedure and use this condition type in a PO then POs net price wont be changed after discount Regards, Zusen ----- Original Message ---From: vijay shukla <vijay_sap2005@> To: sap <sapmaterialsmanagem ent@yahoogroups. com> Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2007 11:44:48 AM Subject: [sap mm] pricing procedure Hi MM gurus
1 basic price 2 discount on basic 3 gross ( 1-2) 4 packaging and forwarding charges on 3 5 excise duty on (3+4) cess on 5 7 discount 8subtotal of (1 to 7) 9 cst on 8 10 freight. 11 insurance please suggest the pricing procedure for the the Thanks in advance vijay ++++++++++++ Go to me23n and make the necessary changes u need. On 8/15/07, H K <heartykid2000@> wrote: > > HI All, > Can anyone tell me if theres any report for changes made in purchase > order. say in Header or item data level. > Thanks in Advance > > Regards
+++++++++++++++ Can the same principle be applied for paying to two different party against 1 info record. Example :Fully finished price -1000 Forging price - 800 M/cing price - 200 Regards, Shetty Vijay 2601 ____________ _________ _________ __ From: sapmaterialsmanagem ent@yahoogroups. com [mailto:sapmaterialsmanagem ent@yahoogroups. com] On Behalf Of ANAND CHANDOOR Sent: Thursday, August 16, 2007 8:52 AM To: sapmaterialsmanagem ent@yahoogroups. com Subject: Re: [sap mm] pricing procedure The query that u have posted is regarding Pricing Schema. Go to MM- conditions-pricing schemes In that u need to first create condition types. U have to make entry step by step. The query that u have posted will be found in condition types. After creating condition types u need to link it to ur pricing schema. On 8/14/07, vijay shukla <vijay_sap2005@ <mailto:vijay_ sap2005%40yahoo. com> > wrote: > > Hi MM gurus > > Can anyone explain how to create pricing procedure if following
conditions > are made . > > 1 basic price > 2 discount on basic > 3 gross ( 1-2) > 4 packaging and forwarding charges on 3 > 5 excise duty on (3+4) > cess on 5 > 7 discount > 8subtotal of (1 to 7) > 9 cst on 8 > 10 freight. > 11 insurance > > please suggest the pricing procedure for the the > > Thanks in advance > > vijay ++++++++ Hi
vijay anand <vakul_harsha@ uk> wrote: Hi How can we show two prices for the same material? Two prices in the sense material price before and after packaging. Thanks & Regards Vijay
++++++++++= The query that u have posted is regarding Pricing Schema. Go to MM- conditions-pricing schemes In that u need to first create condition types. U have to make entry step by step. The query that u have posted will be found in condition types. After creating condition types u need to link it to ur pricing schema. On 8/14/07, vijay shukla <vijay_sap2005@> wrote: > > Hi MM gurus > > Can anyone explain how to create pricing procedure if following conditions > are made . > > 1 basic price > 2 discount on basic > 3 gross ( 1-2) > 4 packaging and forwarding charges on 3 > 5 excise duty on (3+4) > cess on 5 > 7 discount > 8subtotal of (1 to 7) > 9 cst on 8 > 10 freight. > 11 insurance > > please suggest the pricing procedure for the the > > Thanks in advance > > vijay > > +++++++++++++ Hi, Two prices for same material can be done by split valuation or by maintaining info records ( Vendor/
Material/ Plant Combinations ), but your example says with and with out packing, if that is the case better you maintain two different codes. Sam --- vijay anand <vakul_harsha@ uk> wrote: > Hi > > How can we show two prices for the same material? > > Two prices in the sense material price before and > after packaging. > > Thanks & Regards > Vijay +++++++++ Hi How can we show two prices for the same material? Two prices in the sense material price before and after packaging. Thanks & Regards Vijay +++++++++++== Hi How can we show two prices for the same material? Two prices in the sense material price before and after packaging. Thanks & Regards Vijay ++++++++++++++
v received ur queries 3 times.... pls send it once...... dcms78 <dcms78@yahoo. com> wrote: Hi.... Am very new to SAP.. jus Learning... I have an Question. When one says Goods movement from Storage to Production site based on Production order...we do an Goods Issue...and we creat an goods issue and post it.. goods issue created for moving goods from storage for type isself an goods movement as the BAPI call BAPI_goods_mvt ????or??? how to confirm that the goods are delivered? as issued in GI- type 261?? based on the Goods issue posted or shud there be something done to get it delivered to production site?? Plz do reply. Would be very helpful!! Thanks in advance. Diana Balasingh ++++++++++++++ Is there a way to track changes made to a purchase requisition header note? I do not see an option for header changes in the environment. Cindy E. Ellis, CPPO, CPPB City of Houston - SAP ERP Support Team Materials Management voice 713-221-0682 fax 713-221-0698 email cindy.ellis@ cityofhouston. net ++++++++++++++++== Hi.... Am very new to SAP..
jus Learning... I have an Question. When one says Goods movement from Storage to Production site based on Production order...we do an Goods Issue...and we creat an goods issue and post it.. goods issue created for moving goods from storage for type isself an goods movement as the BAPI call BAPI_goods_mvt ????or??? how to confirm that the goods are delivered? as issued in GI- type 261?? based on the Goods issue posted or shud there be something done to get it delivered to production site?? Plz do reply. Would be very helpful!! Thanks in advance. Diana Balasingh ++++++++++++++++++ Hi.... Am very new to SAP.. jus Learning... I have an Question. When one says Goods movement from Storage to Production site based on Production order...we do an Goods Issue...and we creat an goods issue and post it.. goods issue created for moving goods from storage for type isself an goods movement as the BAPI call BAPI_goods_mvt ????or??? how to confirm that the goods are delivered? as issued in GI- type 261?? based on the Goods issue posted or shud there be something done to get it delivered to production site??
Plz do reply. Would be very helpful!! Thanks in advance. Diana Balasingh ++++++++++++++ Hi.... Am very new to SAP.. jus Learning... I have an Question. When one says Goods movement from Storage to Production site based on Production order...we do an Goods Issue...and we creat an goods issue and post it.. goods issue created for moving goods from storage for type isself an goods movement as the BAPI call BAPI_goods_mvt ????or??? how to confirm that the goods are delivered? as issued in GI- type 261?? based on the Goods issue posted or shud there be something done to get it delivered to production site?? Plz do reply. Would be very helpful!! Thanks in advance. Diana Balasingh ++++++++++++++++ hi, any body can explain about foriegn trade imports control and tc ++++++++++= Hi sappers Is it possible to calculate the total value for the Following in calculation schema?
1. base price 2. Add 1% pkg - on 1 3. add customs 12.5%- Upon (1+2) 4. add cvd-16%on(1+ 2+3) 5.ed cess-3%on (4) Till this i did simple "from" & "to" and calculated 6. cess on duty- 3%- on (3+4+5) - this works on line no. 3,4 & 5 i am unable to enter in FROM-TO format. 7. Spl duty (add 1to 6)*4%- this also i ma unable to enter in the FROM-TO format Total value- (add 1 to 7). Attachment can be viewed. Thanks Any ideas Samuel +++++++++++
Hi, friends, What is use of this movemeht type where we used this movement type. I have cheake but it will post cost centre.But this movement type for GI for sales . But there I don't find any sales order, Why +++++++++++ HI All,
Lau ----- Original Message ---From: indika alwis <i_alwis@yahoo. com> To: sapmaterialsmanagem ent@yahoogroups. com Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2007 2:05:55 PM Subject: [sap mm] credit limit check at delevary ststus Dear all
can any body expleane . the procedure 1. Do it need any special ABAP development, If so roughly what are the steps
Hi Sha, try checking your settings in t-code S_ALR_87000332 for the Automatic delivery control indicator Cheers, Lau ----- Original Message ---From: sabbir zahir <sabbirzu@yahoo. com>
To: sapmaterialsmanagem ent@yahoogroups. com Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2007 6:15:38 AM Subject: [sap mm] P.O Order from shah Hi Gurus I am missing delivering complete late indication on Purchase order. Can any one help me for this issue please. Thanks Shah ++++++++++ Hi Shah,
Thanks, Zusen ----- Original Message ---From: sabbir zahir <sabbirzu@yahoo. com> To: sapmaterialsmanagem ent@yahoogroups. com Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2007 5:10:14 AM Subject: [sap mm] Purchase Order Hi Guys Can anyone tell me how can i find delivery complete indicator in a Purchase order? Please let me know ASAP. Thanks Shah ++++++++++
after delivery the stock should be reduced check report vl06 for the total PGI
>From: "garasai sap" <> >Reply-To: >To: >Subject: [sap mm] mm query >Date: Tue, 14 Aug 2007 20:16:58 +0530 > >Hi >How to clean up Finished goods stock >After delivery and billing,finished good stock should clean up.But for my >client stock is still available and not matching with physical >stock.Pleasehelp me and what settings should be done to avoid this. >Regards, >venkat >MM consultant. > > +++++++++++++++ Under the delivery table in the item level in your purchase order > > Hi Guys > > Can anyone tell me how can i find delivery complete > indicator in a Purchase order? Please let me know > ASAP. > > Thanks > > Shah > +++++++++++ Hi Sabbir; you can check the "delivery Complete"indicator by going to DELIVERY Tab
of PO... to check : go to ME23N>Delivery, you can see there a Delivery complete box Lau ----- Original Message ---From: sabbir zahir <sabbirzu@yahoo. com> To: sapmaterialsmanagem ent@yahoogroups. com Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2007 7:10:14 AM Subject: [sap mm] Purchase Order Hi Guys Can anyone tell me how can i find delivery complete indicator in a Purchase order? Please let me know ASAP. Thanks Shah +++++++++++ Dear all
can any body expleane . the procedure 1. Do it need any special ABAP development, If so roughly what are the steps
hello experts, Happy independence day to all of you. I m having a problem in vendor evaluation. During automatic amd semiautomatic methods how the system generates scores. i.e. whats the use of variance and how system computes scores from variance. Do help me? +++++++++++++ Hi Guys Can anyone tell me how can i find delivery complete indicator in a Purchase order? Please let me know ASAP. Thanks Shah ++++++++++++++ Hi sreekanth I got my problem solved. I checked in OMSY and OB52. It is now working well. Thank u Regards Murthy On 8/13/07, srknt03 <srknt03@yahoo.> wrote: > > Hi Murthy! > > Have you checked the periods in OB52? Plz check up and change > accordingly if reqd. > > Regards, > > Sreekanth
Defined for 8/14/2007" error while posting Good Receipt in MIGO using a PO No. thanks msk>
> "SATYANARAYANA > MURTHY" <murtymagapu@ ...> wrote: >> > > Hello MM gurus > > when i am doing MIGO i am getting error msg > that > > Posting Period 08 2007 not open. I have done all settings in MMPV. > It is > > showing current period 08 2007 and closing period 07 2007. How to > do > > settings for this? Please help me to sort out this issue. >> > > Thanks and regards > > Murthy +++++++++++ Hi Gurus I am missing delivering complete late indication on Purchase order. Can any one help me for this issue please. I need it As Soon As Possible. Please Thanks Shah ++++++++++ Hi Can anybody help me in differentiating between the following details given below and what settings should be done and what exactly happens if I select
any one of these. No stock no value(NSNV) No stock with value update Stock update with no value update Stock update value update +++++++++++++++++++++++ Hi How to clean up Finished goods stock After delivery and billing,finished good stock should clean up.But for my client stock is still available and not matching with physical stock.Pleasehelp me and what settings should be done to avoid this. Regards, venkat MM consultant. +++++++++++++++
does anyone know why i am getting "K4 Fiscal Year variant, No period is Defined for 8/14/2007" error while posting Good Receipt in MIGO using a PO No. thanks msk +++++++++++++ Hi MM gurus
1 basic price 2 discount on basic 3 gross ( 1-2) 4 packaging and forwarding charges on 3 5 excise duty on (3+4) cess on 5 7 discount 8subtotal of (1 to 7) 9 cst on 8 10 freight. 11 insurance please suggest the pricing procedure for the the Thanks in advance vijay ++++++++++++++ Hi Sandeep Tcode SQVI does not exist, use T code SQ01 for Query Rgds Naveen Goveas On 8/13/07, Sandeep Acharya <sandeep_sapient@ in> wrote: > > > > > Dear Guru's, > > Can anyone help me... in understanding the steps for creating Sap Query > using T.code SQVI > > Thanks in advance
Hi Sandeep, The following instruction with exmaple may help u Query Creation 1. SQ02 > Define Infoset 2. SQ03 > Give all authorization 3. SQ01 > Building the query and run it SQ02 Name infoset (e.g.; MM_INFO_TEST1) Create Name and Table Name Authorization group = ZMM Insert table MARC Back and Generate Role / User group Assignment ZMM Save
Back & generate SQ03 User group Assignment Change ZMM SQ01 Edit > Other user group Name query (MM_query_test_ 1) Infoset Query [ select info set you have made] Now select Parameter list and selection criteria Save and name your query which you have made Back and execute query Regards, Zusen ----- Original Message ---From: Sandeep Acharya <sandeep_sapient@ in> To: sap mm <sapmaterialsmanagem ent@yahoogroups. com> Sent: Monday, August 13, 2007 2:39:00 PM Subject: [sap mm] steps for creating Sap Query using T.code SQVI Dear Guru's,
Thanks in advance
-Zusen ----- Original Message ---From: mm consultant <mmconsultant_ in> To: sapmaterialsmanagem ent@yahoogroups. com Sent: Monday, August 13, 2007 2:46:30 PM Subject: [sap mm] services hi all,
Hi MM Gurus, Can anyone please give me to get a solution in details. A Vendor will supply 5000 raw material with the following conditions: Gross price of the material is $20/PC. A promotional discount 10% applies to the total value of the material. Freight charge is $500 (absolute value).
Starting from the scratch please guide me how I can create the following for the above mentioned problem. I am expecting a solution like release procedure created by Chapman. 1. Condition type (with condition record) 2. Access sequence 3.Condition table 4. Calculation Schema. After that I know how it could be assigned to vendor and create a PO accordingly. Please help me.Please! Please! Thank you, sachin ++++++++++ hi nilesh AUM is the price diff ac for STO that u 've to maintain in obyc for tr event key AUM maintain the G/L account ( get assist from ur FI consult) this will solve ur probs reg prasanna Nilesh Deshmukh <nilesh_sap_mm@ in> wrote: Dear SAP Gurus, I am facing one problem in STO. I have created one STO for a semi finished good material.
Accunt determination for entry ABCD AUM not possible.Message No: M8147"
This is the differece between this two. ritu khanikar <ritu_khanikar@> wrote: Hi all,
regards ritu ++++++++ Thanks for enlightment, Sorry I miunderstood "reversal" is for "Return to
supplier" Sam --- hemanth kumar reddy <hemanthkumar96@ in> wrote: > Hi Sam, > > Pl.don't mislead the members, when u flag the > Returns indicator in PO,MVT 161 will be triggered > automatically, not 122. > > Normally MVT 122 will be used to send back the > quality rejected materials to vendor against the > material document. > > Thanks > > P Samraj <samrajpp@yahoo. com> wrote: > Hi all, > > 102 is the reversal mvt. type of 101. Every mvt. > type > has its reversal counterpart. The are many reasons > to > make a reversal of any mvt. type (mostly human > mistakes). > 122 is used when you make a returns purchase order > to > a vendor. This is a purchase order with the > "returns" > flag marked. By the way, 122 has it reversal mvt. > type > in 123. > It's true that in both cases material is being > removed > from the stock but for diferent reasons and in > diferent bussiness processes. >
> Hope I have clarified, > > Sam > > --- charles pary <charlessusai@ in> wrote: > > > both cancellation and Reversal are same.... >> > > Cheers > > Charles >> > > "Damita B.Casey" <damitacasey@> wrote: > > Cancellation is used when the goods > > receipt was done in error. The > > entire qty of the original goods receipt is > > reversed. Reversal is used > > when you received goods and are returning it to > the > > vendor. You may > > reverse the original goods receipt in its entirety > > or a partial. > > --- Naveen Goveas <naveen.goveas@> wrote: >> > > > Hi Ritu >>> > > > The effects are same >>> > > > Rgds > > > Naveen Goveas >>> >>> > > > On 8/4/07, ritu khanikar > <ritu_khanikar@> > > wrote: >>>> > > > > Hi all, >>>> > > > > While doing migo, we can use cancellation and > as > > well as reversal,
> > > what is > > > > the diference between the two? > > > > regards >>>> > > > > ritu >>>> +++++++++++++++ Dear All, Can u please provide details of a report that gives the original document numbers against the Material Document Numbers appearing in the MB51.. For Eg. an Delivery Number 100 would raise a Material Document Number 501 (when PGI done) in the Item Ledger/CARDEX. An Invoice with number 601 will be generated later. Is there any report available that links 100, 501 and 601?? Thanks in Advance. Regards, Rakesh K R +++++++++++++++ Hi gurus, plzz explain me the process of making PR mandatory. how does we do this thanks in advance sameer ++++++++++ Hi.. I think answers r for .. Q.1) Ans:B Q.2) ANS:C Q.3) ANS:E
regards, nag. On 8/12/07, bayard0707 <bayard0707@yahoo. com> wrote: > > Hi All, > Please help me with the following certifications questions. I am > preparing for the exam. > > 1)You want to activate version management for contracts. Which > combination of fields do you need (true/false) ? > a)Document category + Document type + Company code > b)Document category + Document type + Purchasing organization > c)Document category + Purchasing organization + Purchasing group > d)Document type + Purchasing organization + Plant > > 2) A confirmation control key requiring an order acknowledgment from > the vendor has been entered in a purchase order. The data in the > acknowledgment differs from that in the PO: Instead of the whole PO > quantity on the desired date, the vendor confirms delivery of half of > the total quantity on each of the two dates one week apart from each > other. How do you enter this acknowledgment (one correct answer)? > a) You enter two items with the confirmed quantities and date on > the "Confirmations" tab page in the item details > b) You set the partial delivery indicator on the "Delivery " tab page > in the item details. As a result, an additional entry screen appears, > on which you can enter the confirmed quantities and dates > c) You enter two delivery schedule lines with the confirmed > quantities and delivery dates on the "Delivery Schedule" tab page in > the item details > d) You change the delivery date of the existing PO item and reduce > the PO quantity by half. For the remaining quantity, you enter a new > PO item in which you specify the other delivery date > > About Solution Manager: > 3) Which of the following are Solution Manager Usage Scenarios? > (True/False) > a) Manage Change Requests > b) Monitor SAP Support Desk > c) Upgrade SAP Solutions
> d) Link to SAP Education > e) Implement SAP Solutions > > Thank you for your help. > > > +++++++++++++ Dear Dinesh, Thanks a million! Regards, NI. --- In sapmaterialsmanagem ent@yahoogroups. com, dinesh.singhal@ ... wrote: > > Choose scope of list C then you will get information in a single line. > > Thanks & Regards, > > Dinesh Singhal, > SAP Functional Consultant > Mob # +91-9324168248 > > > > > > > > "Novel Ilyas" <novel.ilyas@ ...> > Sent by: sapmaterialsmanagem ent@yahoogroups. com > 08/13/2007 10:08 AM > Please respond to sapmaterialsmanagem ent > > To: sapmaterialsmanagem ent@yahoogroups. com > cc: (bcc: Dinesh Singhal/RCVL/ RelianceADA) > Subject: [sap mm] List of PR
> Importance: Normal Sender's OU: Reliance > > > Dear Gurus, > > Need your info on how we can have list of PR in single row manner, > since ME5A list it in 3 rows each record. > Appreciate your prompt reply. > > Regards, > NI. +++++++++++
not possible. +++++++++++++ Hi Murthy! Have you checked the periods in OB52? Plz check up and change accordingly if reqd. Regards, Sreekanth --- In sapmaterialsmanagem ent@yahoogroups. com, "SATYANARAYANA MURTHY" <murtymagapu@ ...> wrote: >
IMG-->MM-->PURCHASI NG-->P.O- ->DF9 SCREENLAYOUT AT DOCUMENT IT MANDATORY .., SAVE IT..this is only option otherwise ABAPER can make that field mandatory through coding but in my client's location they are unble to make few fieldds mandatiry.. BRegards adarsh +++++++++++ Dear Friends; i have been assigned to object of domestic project. I have the functional specification, but the problem is that i am not getting what they exactly want In that functional specification ( FS ) they have mentioned about input requirement and processing requirement in this way Input Reqiurement : Printing of Goods Issue will be triggered after creation of Goods Issue against Process Order i.e at the time of MB1A transaction is saved. (Movement type will be 261 and 262) Processing Requirement :
For the Process Order: Check the Process Order Number Header Data: 1. Plant : Check the Process Order Number : Table Name is AUFK 2. Plant Description: Table Name is T001W. 3. Material Description : Check the Process Order Number : Table Name is AUFK 4. Material Code: Check the Process Order Number: Table Name is AFKO. 5. Batch Number: Check the Process Order Number: Table Name is AFPO. 6. Batch Size: Check the Process Order Number: Table Name is AFKO. Component Data: 1. Item No: Check the Process Order Number: Table Name is AUFM. 2. Material Code: Check the Process Order Number: Table Name is AUFM. 3. Material Description: Check the Material Code from the Process Order. Table Name is MAKTX. 4. Committed Quantity: Check the Process Order Number and Reservation Number: Table Name is RESB. (if there is no committed quantity, committed quantity column should be Zero for the particular Material) 5. Withdrawn Quantity: Check the Process Order Number: Table Name is AUFM. (take the movement types 261 and 262 only) 6. Batch Number: Check the Process Order Number: Table Name is AUFM. What i supposed to do to complete this object?? WHat will be my selection criteria ?? AS they have mentioned in FS check process order number, what does it mean?? Please help me out its urgent. Regards; Parag Gavkar. ++++++++++++++ go to ml81n,put the service entry number,it must be on the change mode.Revoke the acceptence and then save. Do the same step again after saving,then this time you candelete it.
> Hi, > > What is the procedure to cancel the service entry sheet document posted > through ML81N. > > Thanks in Advance > Ram ++++++++++ Hi,
ANAND CHANDOOR <mpower303@gmail. com> wrote: Customization is done by superuser.It means the changes that r required can be made by the user.Configuration is done by end user. Release procedure is the authority required to release a Senior manager,MD,CEO
On 8/10/07, nayna dixit <nayna_dixit@> wrote: > > HI SAP--MM ----FRIENDS > > can anyone explain me in tetails > > the defferance between configuration and custmization ? > > and what is meant by release procedure / and how to activate it ? > > pl reply me in details with example > > coz i total new to this field > > so dont be angry on me
>> > thanks in advance > nayna dixit ++++++++++ Dear SAP Gurus, I am facing one problem in STO. I have created one STO for a semi finished good material.
In Receiving Plant:Valuation class e,g 1000 Price control : S In Supplying plant:Valuation calss e.g. 1000 Price control: V
Accunt determination for entry ABCD AUM not possible.Message No: M8147"
Regards, Nil +++++++++ the code provided by u i.e bmbc does not exist. plzz check it out > u can try it in BMBC. it is batch information cockpit > > reg > prasanna
> > anil mahajan <anilmahajan_ 11@...> wrote: Dear MM Gurus and friends, > > i'm a PP Consultant > > my user wants a report that gives the W.I.P stock details with batch and date of manufat. of batch. > > i have tried MC46 and MC50 but it shows products only as our requiremet is product code with batches. > > is there any table or T code that gives such details. > > kindly revert > > Thanks & Regards, > > Anil > ++++++++++++++ Choose scope of list C then you will get information in a single line. Thanks & Regards, Dinesh Singhal, SAP Functional Consultant Mob # +91-9324168248 "Novel Ilyas" <novel.ilyas@> Sent by: sapmaterialsmanagem ent@yahoogroups. com 8/13/2007 10:08 Please respond to sapmaterialsmanagem ent To: sapmaterialsmanagem ent@yahoogroups. com cc: (bcc: Dinesh Singhal/RCVL/ RelianceADA) Subject: [sap mm] List of PR Importance: Normal Sender's OU: Reliance
Dear Gurus, Need your info on how we can have list of PR in single row manner, since ME5A list it in 3 rows each record. Appreciate your prompt reply. Regards, NI. ++++++++++ Dear Gurus, Need your info on how we can have list of PR in single row manner, since ME5A list it in 3 rows each record. Appreciate your prompt reply. Regards, NI. +++++++++ Dear Hari, pls give me further detail steps because I am not familiar with financial operation. thanks and regards david In sapmaterialsmanagem ent@yahoogroups. com, "Hari Appani" <hari.appani@ ...> wrote: > > Please find some information on subsequent credit and subsequent debit for > these scenarios. >> Hari > > On 8/9/07, superoasiscn <superoasiscn@ ...> wrote: >> > > Hi,
>> > > After receiving invoice in SAP, we found that the price in PO needs to > > be changed. How can I do in this scenairo? >> > > With regards, >> > > David +++++++++ Pls explain it in more details in a operation level. For example,where and how can I add the extra amount? Can I use negative value? Thanks. --- In sapmaterialsmanagem ent@yahoogroups. com, "ANAND CHANDOOR" <mpower303@. ..> wrote: > > Price ina PO cannot be changed.But if there is an excess amount That u need > to add, then it should be balanced by using the G/L account. > > On 8/9/07, superoasiscn <superoasiscn@ ...> wrote: >> > > Hi, >> > > After receiving invoice in SAP, we found that the price in PO needs to > > be changed. How can I do in this scenairo? >> > > With regards, >> > > David ++++++++++++++ Pls explain it in more details in a operation level. For example,where and how can I add the extra amount? Can I use negative value?
Thanks. --- In sapmaterialsmanagem ent@yahoogroups. com, "ANAND CHANDOOR" <mpower303@. ..> wrote: > > Price ina PO cannot be changed.But if there is an excess amount That u need > to add, then it should be balanced by using the G/L account. > > On 8/9/07, superoasiscn <superoasiscn@ ...> wrote: >> > > Hi, >> > > After receiving invoice in SAP, we found that the price in PO needs to > > be changed. How can I do in this scenairo? >> > > With regards, >> > > David +++++++++++ Is this answer relevant to the question???
azam hussain <azam_s007@yahoo. com> wrote: me49,me50 ----- Original Message ---From: Pushpakumara Ajith <mihin2008@yahoo. com> To: sapmaterialsmanagem ent@yahoogroups. com Sent: Friday, August 10, 2007 3:08:13 PM Subject: [sap mm] Slow / Fast moving Items Dear All,
+++++++++++++ Hi Sam,
Thanks P Samraj <samrajpp@yahoo. com> wrote: Hi all, 102 is the reversal mvt. type of 101. Every mvt. type has its reversal counterpart. The are many reasons to make a reversal of any mvt. type (mostly human mistakes). 122 is used when you make a returns purchase order to a vendor. This is a purchase order with the "returns" flag marked. By the way, 122 has it reversal mvt. type in 123. It's true that in both cases material is being removed from the stock but for diferent reasons and in diferent bussiness processes. Hope I have clarified, Sam --- charles pary <charlessusai@ in> wrote: > both cancellation and Reversal are same.... > > Cheers > Charles > > "Damita B.Casey" <damitacasey@> wrote: > Cancellation is used when the goods
> receipt was done in error. The > entire qty of the original goods receipt is > reversed. Reversal is used > when you received goods and are returning it to the > vendor. You may > reverse the original goods receipt in its entirety > or a partial. > --- Naveen Goveas <naveen.goveas@> wrote: > > > Hi Ritu >> > > The effects are same >> > > Rgds > > Naveen Goveas >> >> > > On 8/4/07, ritu khanikar <ritu_khanikar@> > wrote: >>> > > > Hi all, >>> > > > While doing migo, we can use cancellation and as > well as reversal, > > what is > > > the diference between the two? > > > regards >>> > > > ritu >>> >>> > ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _ > > > Yahoo! oneSearch: Finally, mobile search > > > that gives answers, not web links. >>> > http://mobile. mobileweb/ onesearch? refer=1ONXIC >>> > > > [Non-text portions of this message have been
> removed] >>> >>> >>> >> >> >> > > -> > Naveen Goveas > > SAP MM Consultant ++++++++++++++ Hello MM gurus when i am doing MIGO i am getting error msg that Posting Period 08 2007 not open. I have done all settings in MMPV. It is showing current period 08 2007 and closing period 07 2007. How to do settings for this? Please help me to sort out this issue. Thanks and regards Murthy ++++++++++++++= Hi All, Please help me with the following certifications questions. I am preparing for the exam. 1)You want to activate version management for contracts. Which combination of fields do you need (true/false) ? a)Document category + Document type + Company code b)Document category + Document type + Purchasing organization c)Document category + Purchasing organization + Purchasing group d)Document type + Purchasing organization + Plant 2) A confirmation control key requiring an order acknowledgment from the vendor has been entered in a purchase order. The data in the acknowledgment differs from that in the PO: Instead of the whole PO quantity on the desired date, the vendor confirms delivery of half of the total quantity on each of the two dates one week apart from each
other. How do you enter this acknowledgment (one correct answer)? a) You enter two items with the confirmed quantities and date on the "Confirmations" tab page in the item details b) You set the partial delivery indicator on the "Delivery " tab page in the item details. As a result, an additional entry screen appears, on which you can enter the confirmed quantities and dates c) You enter two delivery schedule lines with the confirmed quantities and delivery dates on the "Delivery Schedule" tab page in the item details d) You change the delivery date of the existing PO item and reduce the PO quantity by half. For the remaining quantity, you enter a new PO item in which you specify the other delivery date About Solution Manager: 3) Which of the following are Solution Manager Usage Scenarios? (True/False) a) Manage Change Requests b) Monitor SAP Support Desk c) Upgrade SAP Solutions d) Link to SAP Education e) Implement SAP Solutions Thank you for your help. +++++++++++
++++++++++++++== Hi, Cancellation has some additional features : 1. U can cancel wrt original doc no. which can fetch data automatically. 2. U can have original doc no as refence .
P Samraj <samrajpp@yahoo. com> wrote: Hi all, 102 is the reversal mvt. type of 101. Every mvt. type has its reversal counterpart. The are many reasons to make a reversal of any mvt. type (mostly human
mistakes). 122 is used when you make a returns purchase order to a vendor. This is a purchase order with the "returns" flag marked. By the way, 122 has it reversal mvt. type in 123. It's true that in both cases material is being removed from the stock but for diferent reasons and in diferent bussiness processes. Hope I have clarified, Sam --- charles pary <charlessusai@ in> wrote: > both cancellation and Reversal are same.... > > Cheers > Charles > > "Damita B.Casey" <damitacasey@> wrote: > Cancellation is used when the goods > receipt was done in error. The > entire qty of the original goods receipt is > reversed. Reversal is used > when you received goods and are returning it to the > vendor. You may > reverse the original goods receipt in its entirety > or a partial. > --- Naveen Goveas <naveen.goveas@> wrote: > > > Hi Ritu >> > > The effects are same >> > > Rgds > > Naveen Goveas >> >> > > On 8/4/07, ritu khanikar <ritu_khanikar@>
> wrote: >>> > > > Hi all, >>> > > > While doing migo, we can use cancellation and as > well as reversal, > > what is > > > the diference between the two? > > > regards >>> > > > ritu >>> >>>
Q A A A A a
try the below procedure,,, this may work for u,,, steps to follow:
1. Batch - FIFO a) Create a Characteristic using t_code CT04 for LOBM-VFDAT b) assign it to a class 023_005 using t_code CL02
ME01 - Movement type/Plant/Mat No. Class = 023_005 sort Sequence = 023_005S No. of Splits = 3,
assign search procedure ME0001 to movement type 201, active check batch f) Create a condition record t_code MBC1, Strategy Type - ME01 movement type / Plant select the line and click on selection criteria characateristic value = 01.11.2007-31. 12.2007 select the line and click on sort sort rule - 023_005S ,,, assign and save now to check in master data: 1. Create material master with batch management active in purchasing view 2. Cretae Batch Master using t_code MSC1n
Can anybody help me out for solving this issue and also one more thing i want to clarify
When I'm transferring Quantity within material to material using movement type 309.(T code MB1B). I'm getting the message "Account determination for entry ABCD AUM not possible" This is affecting only my finished material ....other Material type it is working. goto T-Code:OBYC- >AUM->check u r valuation class entry exist or not, if not exist goto new entry& add it. pl.tell me ,How do you know that a purchase requisition is created manually or thru MRP?Item details of the P.Req, there is a tab 'Contact Person' and once you open In the the tab you would find the 'Creation Indicator'.If the P.Req has beem created manually, it would show Real time case of would show MRP. you can track it through md04 if it is generated through mrp it will show there you can find through the tracking number, for MRP PRs no tracking will be there and for manual PRs tracking number will be there, This is the way to find it.If you got any additional data pl. forward it to me I want a monthly report in which MIRO and MIGO Documents no.s come. I want to track MIRO document no.s with the MIGO Document NO.s for a month. The main purpose is to know out of how many GRNs (migo) done by store,miro have been done by finance department. Can anybody have an idea of the report in which Document no.of Both MIGO(GRN)and Miro Document comes. If you want migo done for the month you can track it trough mb51 there u will find the po no against which the gr has done, then u can track the miro done for that gr no in me23 where u enter the po no and go the po history it will show u the miro against gr . I am looking for some help in the SAP automatic document adjustment. We want to update the open Purchase order price with the new price updated in the Info Record. Can any one let me know what are the configuration to be done and how it work in SAP. I have a contract with target value of $1,146,818.31. Contract header statistics indicate releases totaling $1,132,458.42 have been issued. Additional releases cannot be issued for greater than $14,359.89. However, when I pull a purchase order report (ME80FN) releases issued against this contract total $1,149.675.89. None of the release issued are on hold, have been deleted, are for return or free items.
you can create a doc type or copy the UB doc type in S_ALR_87002197 and assign a Number range in OMH6 then to SPRO>Matl Mgmt>Purchasing> Purchase Order>Setup Stock Transport Order A. Define Shipping Data (Plants) B. Define Checking Rule (SD Delivery) C. Assign Delivery type (NL) and Checking Rule (Sd delivery) and Doc type (UB) D. Assign Doc type and step procedure > Document category (Purchase Order) Thanks a lot for trying to explain me the procedure /configuration steps for Stoxk transport Order. i apreciate the effort of all u guys. But, I am still facing some problem , as have only my organisation structure without any sd component , like sales organisation, etc etc. Only I have the MM components, as being a MM guy, I dont know what r all the sd components required to execute STO and the steps to configure sd components. Did you check the item category for material for third party it should be BANS instead of NORM. 2. In sales order item category should be TAS instead of TAN which generates automatic PR. wrt PR. 3. Generate PO 4. When PO created check the delivery schedule. 5. Do MIGO with movement type 101 whereby it generates accounting document. 6. MIRO with reference to MIGO 7. Generate a Sales invoice. Do post me was this helpful or you found any other source to solve the problem. My query is regarding Physical inventory, can we specify different reasons for the uncounted quantity in physical count. Ex: book inventory qty = 100, qty counted = 90, uncounted =10, for the uncounted qty 5 i want to give the reason as Poor quality & for another 5 qty i want to give the reason as damaged. how can i achieve this do like this. yes, you can You open the T code Mb1a and use movement type 551 to post material. Select reason and fill the quantity and execute I need to make a vendor as preferred over other vendors in a source list. How to achieve that ? While maintaining source list, you need to click on fix vendor column to give preference to respective vendor. U HAVE TO CLICK ON FIX VENDOR AND SAVE IT (SOURCE LIST) My users wants to track every goods receipt against a single P.O. For example. The user will create a P.O( account assignment) for an item of Qty 2000. There will be multiple goods receipts aginst that P.O and item. Now for every receipt there should be a some trackig number. Is there any solution. to track all gr from a po you can go to mb51 give the po no and the movment type 101 u will get all the gr done against that po
Please see the PO history tab for each line item of PO . This gives the comple history of GIRs and IRs with all the information ME2N, ME2M with GR /IR A simple query can bring in the information your are asking for... you can get the information from PO history table EKBE, if not try to join table MSEG & RSEG. Delivery of not possiblble with MRP status PD.If I removed it delivery can possible.What could be the reason? can you tell me in detail. from which destination you are delivering what thing. As MRP status is used to calculate requrement of material by running MRP. In Purchasing View ,in General Data you have to maintain Plant specific material status field active i. e - E2. Try this & let me know is it working or not. pl maintain purchasing view in that perticular material For that particular material, in that particular plant, Purchasing view to be maintained in material master. Exploring a way to do it using condition records. That way one can avoid vendors in the records. this method there is no straightforward way to add Tax Code to the condition records. So stuck again. can i know what is the main purpose of creating the Inforecord without vendor you can not create info record without vendor because info recor is master data for some material with some vendor. We need to enter material to ower stocks(inventories) but the purchase ordere has been created with account assigment F directly to Production Order. It happens because the consumption to order mov type 201 must be used to appear opened into CKM3. If material doesn't thru by inventory , material ledger could not see it opened as we need. We found an user exit into CO15 and CO11N to create this stocks when Production Orders is confirmed and with this , we continue with purchase order to Prod.Order and costs appear correctly in the CKM3. Does anyone has faced the same scenario ? We can create info-record without material master record,but wut is the use of doing so. can anyone explain me this. You can create it for Material groups, the use for this is that if you have a same pricing structure for a particular group of materials, say for all Raw material like Wheat [for making finished good flour] all wheat is at 10 USD per Tonne. then all varieties of wheat are created under material group wheat and the info record is maintained at group level so whenever wheat is procured it is at 10 USD.
Well it involves the following situation: We do not know what the vendor is going to bring to us, since the commodities being procured are natural produce such as fruits and vegetables etc. of varying grades, each grade is a material code. Hence created a new goods movement to do GR and auto create PO. This makes it necessary to have info records. Now, since there are 5000+ materials 9000+ vendors and multiple plants...with material prices changing every monday morning 7 AM, you can see what an excercise it will be to create and update info records each weekend, sunday night after the gates close on 0100 hrs on monday. The update run takes more than 11 hours. If we can eliminate the LIFNR requirement from info records...we will have to do only 5000 x 15 info records, instead of 5000 x 15 x 9000 records. On 8/28/07, Alan <alan_ed@yahoo. com> wrote: I Want to create Info Record for a Material - Plant - Purchasing Org. i.e. without taking vendor into consideration. How can it be achieved ?? This doesn't make sense. the info record is where you store information on the combination of a vendor and material. No vendor = no sensible data. have you thought about what you want to do? What information do you want to store?
I have a contract with target value of $1,146,818.31. Contract header statistics indicate releases totaling $1,132,458.42 have been issued. Additional releases cannot be issued for greater than $14,359.89. However, when I pull a purchase order report (ME80FN) releases issued against this contract total $1,149.675.89. None of the release issued are on hold, have been deleted, are for return or free items. SPRO->MM->Purchasin g->Environment Data->Define attributes for system Go to Messages, in that you have to maintain (00-06-042) Version 00-Application Area 06No. 042 as Error / Warning Can any one tell me what is Z table .for what it is used in detail. Creating CUSTOM TABLES....i. e. user defined table...Any object created by user should start with 'Z'.. Some rare case 'Y' According to business requirement we will be creating it For SAP standard objects you need access key to change. For example we need 3 fields from MARA table and 2 fields from MARC tabe - in this case creating Z table is the best practice The second option is we can create internal table...That program will be created at the time of execution and it will be automatically discarded when closing.....
C201 is the Master Recipe creation transaction( Process Industries). The environement allows to create Task List as well as BOM in the same transaction. the t code for create the BOM is CS01 not C201. How to make sub-group of material group in SAP. there is no way to make sub groups to the material groups, But you can create the material groups I too faced this problem in my earlier project, you have to create subgroup as Material group. this ... For example You can try for Material Group : Description 1000 : Bearing ( Material Group) 1000.01 : Rolles Beraing ............ ......... .....Sub- group 1 1000.02 : Double Roller bearings ------------ ----Sub-Group 2 1000.03 : Taper roller bearings ------------ ------Sub- Gropu 3 Check the material master for valuation calss (Receiving Material). Ensure that for Chart of Account "ABCD" and Transaction key "AUM: Loss/Gain from Stock Transfer" proper G/L account has been assigned.
I have a problem when I tried to create Material Master Data. The system gave me an error message saying that "The company code doesn't exist or has not been fully maintained" The solution that the system provided is to configure the company code for materials management and can be done in Customizing for the Material Master in the activity Maintain company codes for materials management. I couldn't find this activity in IMG. Does anyone know the path to "Maintain company codes for materials management" activity? Any idea of what should be the cause of this problem? I double checked the creation and maintenance of all org. objects and the assignment between them and I think everything has been defined properly. Could anyone please help me Logistics General - Material Master - Basic Attaching Material Type to Plant. IMG - out? Settings - Material Types - Define Attributes of Material Types. Select the Material Type to be attached to the plant and then click the Quantity/Value updating folder in the left side of the screen. On the next screen tick the Quantity updating and Value updating columns. Attaching period to company code IMG - Logistics General Material Master - Basic Settings - Maintain Company Codes for Materials Management. To extent any material code the period should be open. In the fist instance we have to open the period through IMG setting After that from T-CODE MMPV we can open and close the period. After maintaining both of the above try and can check it in SPRO>Enterprise Structure>Assignmen t you check by creating new material code.
I am doing STO between plant 1000 and 1100. My material no 1415 is created in plant 1000 and also maintained(extended ) in plant 1100. While doing STO I got message "Not possible to determine shipping data for material 1415". How I will maintain shipping data in material 1415 in which view and what else configuration I need to do? Please guide me step by step. I have a problem in assigning class in hieararchy level (T-Code CLW1). It doesn't allow me to add more then 100 records, is there is any config or settings I have to do for this. I'm facing problems regards Purchase Order printout. I have copied message type NB to ZIMP to create messages to PO type ZIMP too. When configure on tcode MN04 , and creates PO , the message isn't generated. Does anyone have some tips or documentation about this customizing ?
When I am trying to create a shopping cart system is showing the error "ambiguous workflow". We are having a stand alone system in SRM5.0. The configs that have been done are as follows: 1)Root organization , the purchase organization and purchase groups have been created and assigned to the root organization. 2)One manager and a employee have been assigned to the root organization. 3)For the task specific workflow configuration ,under assign agents the manager has been assigned to TS 10407964. 4)The standard SAP workflow are all active and have the same currency as the shopping cart . Can anyone tell me the steps for checking the uniqueness of the workflow? Further, do we require specifying anywhere that the manager is the approver of the employee or the system is supposed to find that automatically from the organization plan? I am basically a MM guy new to SRM, so any input in this regard will be very useful. can anyone explain the customization of CIN. I read many documents but in every document its only the theory about CIN but no customization process.
I'm gtting the following error message when trying to receive goods >against PO. I closed all the periods using "omsy" and "mmpv" and for >my company code the period in "omsy" view shows yr-2007 Pe-08 Fyr>2007 mp-07 Fyr 2006 LM 12. The message is as follows> >"Period 008/2007 is not open for account type S and G/L 400000 >Message no. F5286 > >Diagnosis >Period 008 of fiscal year 2007 does not exist in table T001B either >in period 1 or in period 2 of a table entry with record type "0", the >selected company code, the account type S and the G/L account 400000. >The period is therefore not open. > >System Response >Processing cannot be continued. > >Procedure >Check table T001B for record type "0", the selected company code, >account type S and G/L account 400000. If required, make sure that an >entry is made in the table or an interval is changed." For valuated materials "material valution" is managned in logistic (Material Master) as well as in Finacial accounting. Hence the posting period (based on the posting date) should opened in both (MM and FI). > > Use the following transaction an check the period status > > MMPV - Close Period > MMRV - Allow Posting to Previous Period > OB52 - for FI period closing /opeining > > Hope this will help you to resolve your issue. One more transaction for help in this regard is OPK1/OPK2.
For every valuated movement,there will be 2 documents. 1.Material document - which you make available by MMPV. 2.Accounting document - Which you make available by OB52. In your case OB52 is not maintained.So use OB52 and maintain period for account type S and G/L 400000.If you put * in the G/L column,then all accounts of Type S will be considered for accounting document posting.
i am a sap consultant , i faced the issue last week.. > > check in t/c o m s y > > also check in t/c o m b three > > then maintain the material by extending the material in that plant >, > storage location.. > > then GR will be possible , otherwise GR is not possible Does anyone know how to block a material from order entry but not > from > delivery? The situation is that we want to block a material from > being > entered on a sales order but at the same time allow deliveries of > sales > orders created before we decided to block the material from being > entered on > an order. I don't know if sales work like MM, but in t-code MM02,Change Material, under the Purchasing tab, there is a field under General Data called Plant-sp.matl status. From the drop down box you can choose "B1 Do not buy or make". This setting prevents the user from ordering the material but allows you to receive and pay for that material on previous POs. Maybe there is a similar field in the Material master for SD.
John, to block sales order entry, you can do that in the MM02, Sales Org Data 1, field X-DIST CHAIN STATUS. Select OB and field VALID FROM, you can key in today's date. Hope this helps. Thanks Jennifer will have a look at this approach. I am an experienced vb/vba programmer, but a neubie to SAP. We have been live for only 7 weeks now. The question I have seems to have been answered at this link: htm Unfortunately, when it comes to SAP, I'm on the leash, not holding it - our parent company makes all the decisions about how SAP is to be run here. They have made no response what-so-ever with respect to the "OMW0" transaction data given at the link. My issue is this: Some of our customers do not have warehousing capabilities. So, they will purchase an entire lot of material we have produced, but only have a certain portion of it shipped to them. The remainder remains in our warehouse, where it is now considered non-valuated, as it belongs to the customer. The problem is how to show this material has no value in SAP while separating it from other valuated lots of the same material. Currently, we have to make an entirely new material number for the non-valuated material. We ship the entire lot in SAP, then receive back w/o PO the remainder under the new material number. Although workable in SAP, this solution causes a number of other problems, for instance with labelling. Furthermore, the customer purchased x kg of material 14098005, of which their records show we are still holding y kg for them. Unfortunately, our system does not concur with theirs, as our system shows that we have y kg of How many stock transfer process are avaikable in SAP? Like 1)Two step stock transfer (MM/SD) . 2)Two steap stock transfer ( MM only) Move type 303& 305. 3 One step stock transfer Move type 301. is there any other stock transfer is availbel ? if yes then let us know in details ( movment types ).
Also following stock transfer can be done. (1) One Step Transfer posting by Mvt. 311 (2) Plant to Plant Transfer by Goods Issue against P.O. (Stock Transport Orderusing item category `U' in P.O. ) by Mvt. 351
While doing MIGO, I am receiving the following error. My question is how you can make the combination of plant and material type other than selecting the material type @ mm01 and also how I update table T134M"Combination of plant YY00 and material type Raw material does not exist Message no. M3375 Diagnosis You have entered a combination of material type and valuation area for the plant that is not defined in the system. System Response An entry made up of this combination is normally created automatically for all valuation areas in table T134M if you execute the function Edit material type in Customizing for the corresponding material type and then save your data. The absence of an entry can be due to you setting up and assigning an additional plant to a company code. Although the system then determines the respective company code automatically, it does not create an entry in table T134M for the existing material types in this case. to SPRO and check for your material type whether the Quanity and valua Please go updation is define for your plant. Logistics - General --- Material Master ---Basic Settings ---Material Types ----Define Attributes of Material Types
I have requirement that there should be tolerance limit for the invoice amount at header level.(Please do noy suggest tolerance keys for price variance) What i need is system should not allow me to post the invoice containing multiple line items which exceeds by 5000 amount than expected amount as per GR. Any advice?
>I'm gtting the following error message when trying to receive goods >against PO. I closed all the periods using "omsy" and "mmpv" and for >my company code the period in "omsy" view shows yr-2007 Pe-08 Fyr>2007 mp-07 Fyr 2006 LM 12. The message is as follows> >"Period 008/2007 is not open for account type S and G/L 400000 >Message no. F5286 > >Diagnosis >Period 008 of fiscal year 2007 does not exist in table T001B either >in period 1 or in period 2 of a table entry with record type "0", the >selected company code, the account type S and the G/L account 400000. >The period is therefore not open. > >System Response >Processing cannot be continued. > >Procedure >Check table T001B for record type "0", the selected company code, >account type S and G/L account 400000. If required, make sure that an >entry is made in the table or an interval is changed."
> For valuated materials "material valution" is managned in logistic (Material Master) as well as in Finacial accounting. Hence the posting period (based on the posting date) should opened in both (MM and FI). > > Use the following transaction an check the period status > > MMPV - Close Period > MMRV - Allow Posting to Previous Period > OB52 - for FI period closing /opeining > > Hope this will help you to resolve your issue. One more transaction for help in this regard is OPK1/OPK2. For every valuated movement,there will be 2 documents. 1.Material document - which you make available by MMPV. 2.Accounting document - Which you make available by OB52. In your case OB52 is not maintained.So use OB52 and maintain period for account type S and G/L 400000.If you put * in the G/L column,then all accounts of Type S will be considered for accounting document posting.
> When I was doing MIGO, the following error was showing> > Plant and Material Type (Raw material) are not associated. Where do I > associate material type and plant in SAP. check that material is created or not in that plant in MM01 & refer this path also spro->logistics- general-> material master->basic settings->material types->define attributes of material types-> select u r material type & click on qty/value update, u r plant entry is there or not check it.
A couple of questions.. 1) Can we make a subcontracting PO... which is also third party in nature? what i mean to say, the subcontracting vendor should assemple the BOM components, and then send the finished good not to us, but to another customer. Are there any special settings required for this? 2) can we make a service PO, where the service vendor performs some service on the equipment at his site, and transfers it to another vendor for further operations? like in service PO, we add devivery address etc.
>We are faced with a lot of PR's that are not complying with the >minimum requirements for the scope of work. This poses a problem as >one gets stuck with a lot of PR that are not actionable and even >though one lets the originator know that there is a problem they still >ignore one's complaints for weeks. > >Is there functionality on SAP that could be built in to reject such >requisitions that are not complying with the minimum requirements >outright? > >Indicators - these unactionable requisitions form part of the month >end conversion stats. Please make those fiels in PR mandatory so that the users will have to fill it or else he may not be able to save the PR.cHECK IN SPRO SCREEN LAYOUT for PR.
> Purchase requsition does not have relise stragegie. > info, how can i create one and why it is not there, > please help me
go though this document. It will help to you Setting up simple Release Procedure for Purchase Requisitions Release Procedures (approval) can be used for Purchase Requisitions (PR), Purchase Orders (PO), RFQ's, Outline Agreements and Service Entry Sheets. The principle is exactly the same for all. If you can master one, you will know them all. Lets set up release procedures for PR for the following example: Our company have got 2 plants: Plant 3100 (London) and plant 3600 (New York). For New York (plant 3100), if PR item value is between 0 - 1000 dollars, then PR needs to be released by one person (person B) For New York (plant 3100), if PR item value is bigger than 1000 dollars, then PR needs to be released by two people (first by person B, then person C) For London (plant 3600), if PR item value is bigger than 1000 dollars, then PR needs to be released by two people (first by person A, then person C).
Key terminology: As per your Suggestion i have set up release procedure .But after creating PR, when i go to Collective release i.e ME55, no PR is seen in that table. pl suggest which area i should check again.
> Here i have a question about alternative BOM. I have created two BOMs > for one material now when i am creating a PO for subcontracting and i > am exploding BOM it is picking up 1st BOM. I want to know how to pick > up 2nd BOM while creating PO? for BOM some Production version concept is there, it is maintained in ME11 & MEQ1. but i don't know much more about this issue.
what i have understood the difference b/w SAP 4.7 & SAP ECC 6.0 is .. ECC 6.0 does contain all applications like SOLUTION MANAGER , which if activated alows B/W to work through it.. likewise other modules like APO etc.. also possible in SAP ECC 6.0 Which are otherwise not possible in SAP 4.7 iff user / consultant wants to work on B/W HE /she should install 4.7 & b/w in diff.servers. .
> > What is the procedure to cancel the service entry sheet document posted > > through ML81N. go to ml81n,put the > service entry number,it must be on the change > mode.Revoke the acceptence and then save. > Do the same step again after saving,then this time you candelete it. > I am able cancel the Service entry sheet document now. firat you want to cancell the payement to vendor and also invoice. and then goto ml81n. goto change mode, then enter po number and service entry sheet no. then click revoke option. then no further service can be allowed. this indicated by red indcator in the screen.
> I am trying to post goods issue in VL02N. The warehouse is setup under WMS. > All movements have been completed or have a `C' status (overall pick status, > overall WM status and pick confirmation) . The only one that has an `A' > status or `Not yet processed' is the Total Goods Movement. > > When I try to click on `Post Goods Issue', there is an error message: "No > Items Were Transferred. " or message M7300. What could be the reason behind > this error message? Is it in the config? > Did u check the delivery dates, one of the reason can be delivery date status. Is the picking status "C" do check the warehouse number in the picking status confirm is the same when you do PGI. > > Revert back for further developement. I've already checked the picking status and warehouse number. They are both correct. I've also tried checking the delivery date and it is also correct. What could be the cause of the problem?
> to attach doc like(excel sheet,drawings) to > Purchase order (PO)? > > 2.what is the difference between SAP4.6 & 4.7E ? > > can we know that Purchase requisitions are > created.
Your basis team has to activate Object services for create transactions. then you can go to "Create Object Services" button to add your attachements, it can be any file from your PC.
> while making the GR for a third party PO with > reference to PR/With out reference to PR iam facing a > problem > > error is : Purchase order document 450000001 contains > no items. > > i have checked vendor master, materia master, > inforecord, sourcelist. iam not able to find the > solution for this problem. > can anyone help me in this regard. > Do u have any release procedures,did u release the order. Purchase order document 450000001 is not Release, first you release the PO and then do MIGO. > You can do GR for 3-rd party PO with standard > customizing. What is your scenario exacly? You use > 3-rd party PO for issuing directly goods to customer > from Vendor. It means that when you create 3-rd > party Sales Order, system generates 3-rd party PR > authomatically. After customer received the goods > and signed vendor delivery order, vendor will make a > vendor invoice to us. It doesn't need doing GR from > Vendor. Based on the vendor invoice, MM will do > vendor invoicing (LIV) refer to 3-rd party PO. > Also it doesn't need doing GI to customer. Based > on the vendor invoice, SD will do customer billing > refer to 3-rd party SO. > If you still need GR/GI through 3-rd party PO, > you can copy the account assignment from standard, > and re-customizing.
> u 've to do the statitical GR in MB01. > > hope this 'll help u Check the following things 1. GR indicatior has been mainatined for the PO line item 2. if PO is subjected to release stratgey .. then whtether it has been released 3. if you are working in ECC5.0 /6.0 then the plant metioned in the selection screen should be same as in the PO Hope this will solve your problem is there any diference between thirparty item category tas and indvidual purchase order item category tab from mmpoint of view if it is there what is the benifts of tab over tas and tas over tab, this i need because i have configure this one.
> I have created a Scheduling agreement (LPA), but it is not asking for > release? what could be the reasons?? > amit bhattacharjee > > Nilesh Deshmukh <nilesh_sap_mm@ in <nilesh_sap_ mm%40yahoo.>> > wrote: > Dear All, > > I want to round off amount after being calculated from various duties and > taxes. > > Where is the option in SPRO wherein I can maintain settings for decimal > places. Sceduling agreement LPA is with release documentation, here you need to maintain delivery schedules depending on your requirement ( FRC or JIT) after you create a scheduling agreement.
> > >Can anybody tell me how to get the consolidated requirement stock i.e. > > >reserved stock which appears when we see the stock in MMBE for any > > >material. >>> > > >This reserved stock or requirement qty given net requirement qty as on > > >date considering prod orders, sales orders. >>> > > >I am able to find field name ie. BDMNG & structure name >RMMMBESTN_DATEN > > >which appears if see the technical information of that field. > > >But not able to get the table name which will give the consolidated > > >requirement for a single item in single line. >>> > > >Request you to help . It's urgent pl. > >see MB52 > >Thanks for tip but it doesn't appear in MB52. I have tried changing >layout > >also. >can u try list of reservation and than do a subtotal on material wise. >MB24 >let me know if ti works >That reservation quantity is what we have raised manually. >Not calculated by system considering Sales order & production orders etc. whether created manually or automatically u can see them in mb24 just have a try
> The business scenario is that all PO must be released before sending to > vendor except a purchase group's PO. Meaning, the POs created by this > Purchase Group do not need release. > > Does anyone tell me the steps of this configuration? It's urgent!
Just u did not add that purchase group to that characeristic value in (T-Code:CT04) .
Please help me very urgent . what are different between importpurchase order and domestic purchase order. instead of BED it will be CVD pricing pro. will be different for the customs amount we havw to assign third vendour
> > >Can anybody tell me how to get the consolidated requirement stock i.e. > > >reserved stock which appears when we see the stock in MMBE for any > > >material. >>> > > >This reserved stock or requirement qty given net requirement qty as on > > >date considering prod orders, sales orders. >>> > > >I am able to find field name ie. BDMNG & structure name >RMMMBESTN_DATEN > > >which appears if see the technical information of that field. > > >But not able to get the table name which will give the consolidated > > >requirement for a single item in single line. >>> > > >Request you to help . It's urgent pl.
Purchase requsition does not have relise stragegie. info, how can i create one and why it is not there, please help me
Basic work for development of Rel. str for PR or PO Define characteristics CT04 Define class and Assign characteristic to class CL02 Define release codes SPRO Define release strategy SPRO hope this wood halp u.
Purchase requsition does not have relise stragegie. info, how can i create one and why it is not there,
go though this document. It will help to you Setting up simple Release Procedure for Purchase Requisitions Release Procedures (approval) can be used for Purchase Requisitions (PR), Purchase Orders (PO), RFQ's, Outline Agreements and Service Entry Sheets. The principle is exactly the same for all. If you can master one, you will know them all. Lets set up release procedures for PR for the following example: Our company have got 2 plants: Plant 3100 (London) and plant 3600 (New York). For New York (plant 3100), if PR item value is between 0 - 1000 dollars, then PR needs to be released by one person (person B) For New York (plant 3100), if PR item value is bigger than 1000 dollars, then PR needs to be released by two people (first by person B, then person C) For London (plant 3600), if PR item value is bigger than 1000 dollars, then PR needs to be released by two people (first by person A, then person C).
Key terminology: I have followed your instructions, but when i create release groups & try to save it shows message as"PLEASE CHECK RELEASE CLASSES". Please help.
Also if i try to go ahead by copying the earlier made release groups then also i am not able to see any PR in collective release..Please hel delete existing entry,save it & goto new entries Thankyou very much .Now i am able to release the PR through Collective release. > Any one can give the details about e-Procurement please????.. ..... > What is e-Procurement and where the configuration will be done???? > Its very urgent.,.... .. e=procurement is done on the web you procure materials through web you will need sap SRM (SUPPLIER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT)for this.
This is asked me in the Interview Yesterday In pricing Procedure In Caliculation Schema we r maintaining different condition types at condition No 5 i have given Subtotal the value coming is rs.50 in total caluculation schema the price is coming Rs.500. Now when i do MIRO What is the price is come Options 1)Rs.500 2)Rs.50 3)Rs.550 Plz give the answer I have given this answer If statastical indicator we give to particular condition type no 5 it will not appear in Miro The price will come Rs.500 If we dont give Statastical indicator particular condition type no 5 the price of subtotal Rs.50 add to the final price Rs.500. the total price will at this situation is Rs.550
can u guys explain the configuration steps of output determination (message) with an example? i am confused with the the use of the condition technique. will appreciate any help in this regard. I guess you are asking for the output determination for PO.....the condition technique is just a way to access the right document (NEU) for the right purch Org and the right can add more fields to the table if required.... you do that in transaction MN04...explain where you are confused ..pls be a bit more specific.... How we can configur priceing procedure for header and items section in PO priceing condition type configuration . what are the conditions that you would like to configure... .like standard price, transportation cost etc...SAP comes with most of them so you usually do not need to create them but if you can explain your requirement a bit further, i'll try to help.
In Sub contract PO the lead time was fixed to 45 days in Info Record, but when the weekly Open PO runs the lead time was changed to 2 days or sometimes it takes the same day of the PO document date. Can any body help where to fix the lead time so that it should take 45 days from the date of creation of PO always.
I want to delete 1 material. but i want that system will propose alternate/new material if any user want to use old material. I am not using SD module.
We have 14 similar Company Codes spread across Europe with in a single client instance, currently in 4.6B but migrating to mySAP ECC 6. Each Vendor has an info record per Company Code, is it possible to have inforecords over more than one company code? So the buyer from Company Code A can view the Info Records for the Vendor 1 in all the Company Codes Vendor 1 exists in? Info records are mainatined with the follwoing key combimation
Vendor /Material/ Purchase Orgnisation Vendor /Material/ Purchase Orgnisation/ Plant There is no direct relacance of company code in info records. Company code is detremined ( by the system) while doing logistic transactions based on the orgnisation structure defined. Hope this will give some insight to your problem. Rest the displaying the documents (info-records) of all enterprise can be controlled via authorisation. can try the following: 1.Create a central purchase organisation which will do purchase for all company codes.Assign this purchase organisation to all plants under the company codes. 2.Create vendor and Info records for above purchase organisation. 3.Now you should be able to view the info record at purchase organisation by all the plants. 4.Try and give feed back. Also tell the difference between 4.7 and ECC 6.0 > some of the processed material supplied by the > subcontractor > is rejected by our quality department. we donot > want to send the > material back to the vendor , but we want to > reprocess the same at our > end.pls help > While taking the usage decision post the stock to > blocked stock and not in return delivery. > > From blocked stock you can rework the material and > then move it to unrestricted use. Thankyou verymuch for your reply. my client wants to scrap the material and reprocess i.e(melting) in their plant. at the same time they want the payment to vendor to be blocked by SAP System automatically( with out manual intervention) . could you please give me a step by step procedure for this scenario.
I want to change material MAP . Pls let me know the difference between transaction MR21 and MR22 . Material Revaluations Price Changes (manual) Logistics -> Materials Management -> Valuation -> Valuation -> Price Determination -> Change price - MR21 Material Revaluations Debit/Credit Material Logistics -> Materials Management -> Valuation -> Valuation -> Price Determination -> Debit/cred. material - MR22 In MR21--> U have to enter the new price and it will hit direct change the moving average price or standard price with refer to the material master settings. E.g. Material No: ZZZZZZZ Material Price: 20.00 If u use MR21 u can change the price directly in to 23 or 25 whatever u need.
In MR22--> U have to enter the amount needs to be adjusted and it will hit the moving average price or the standard price with refer to the quantity u are having in stock E.g Material No: ZZZZZZ Material Price: 0.17 Quantity: 191 Nos Total Value : 31.57 ( 31.57/191=>0. 17)
If you enter debit or credit to this material Assume if you want to add 100.00 to this material. After the change ==> Material No: ZZZZZZ Material Price: 0.69 > Pl tell me the main use for creating the different material type. > I mean why we create more material types.
As other people has pointed, there is several reasons why standard material types might not meet your buisiness needs. If you need to use a different internal/external number assignment, you might also need to add a new material type to make it possible.
Please tell me, Is there any provision to create 2 Bill of Materials (BOM) for a 1 material. For first Project Of A.C. I had creted BOM, now for Second project of AC little change in the configuration. So i have to create another BOM without changing the firstBOM. Material Code for first & second AC project is same. Please suggest me how to create Two different BOMs(Projectwise) for the same material. when u try to create another bom under same material name the system will automatically ask whether to create alternative bom. give no 2 for alternative bom and do the needful.while attaching so to bom u need to give proper altenative bom nos can do it with Alternative BOM. ye u Try this and let me know it works or not
> How can we show two prices for the same material? > > Two prices in the sense material price before and after packaging. > Why it is required?.If requires u have to create 2 materials one as > Semifinished Material(Before packing) and another one as finished product. > > Hope it makes sence.
> Yes, you both are right but in this scenario, the packaging is done by > third party hence to track the cost at the vendor and third party (contract > packager) the client needs to maintain two prices. > The material goes directly from vendor to contract packager and then comes > to entry point of the client. the client does want to maintain two material > codes for change in only one field. > How do you think this can be handled? > U can do Split valuation according to valuation category quality and keep > valuation type 1) semifinished and 2)finished in one material master. > > Now when receive goods receive it in semifinished goods and then send it > to subcontractor in the system and the receive it in finished goods. > > using this may be ur problem resolved. > > let me know how u solved this? Still say that it is easier in long run to have two material codes, keeps things much simpler plus much better form reporting view point. Remember that the material will be in one plant only both semifinished and finished val types with same code. Just imagine what your MMBE would look like. Or MB5B?
> > Can anybody tell me which movement type we should use to transfer > > material from unrestricted stock to Quality inspection stock > Instead of doing transfer posting to put material from unrestricted to QI > stock, please use the functionality to manually create inspection lot, > that > is a better and more systematic way of doing this. > Thanks for ur reply > > but how to do this?
> Use movement 322. It will show as q1 to unrestricted, but just do it and > you will see end result is unrestricted to q1. It is little strange but 322 > works for q1 to unrestricted. > > Give it a try. Use TCODE QS01 it will let you create manual inspection lots. This will let you transfer material from unrestricted to QI. After that when you wish to get it to unrestricted, record the results for the inspection. using QE01 or QE51N. Then do Usage decision to post the stock back to unrestricted.
> Hope someone can help with this issue. > > We currently have an invoice for purchase order "X", created in 2002, > for company code 1234. When checking the FI documents for the MM document > we > have two FI documents. FI document 1 displays all the information relevant > to purchase order "X" and FI document 2 points to purchase order "Y", > which > has no relation to the vendor in PO "X". FI document 2 appears in the > vendor > line item report for the vendor shown in PO "Y", FI document 1 does not > appear in the vendor line item report for the vendor displayed in PO "X". > All the purchase orders and FI documents are for 2002 and company code > 1234. > All documents, as you may have guessed, have been paid, with a clearing > document. > > I have two questions. The first is how could this have happened and the > second is how can this be corrected, without having to open up an FI > period > for 2002?
Ask your basis guys, this is possible if the client has been redone from scratch by copying from another client, the issue that arrises here is that the number ranges do not copy over properly. So, a new PO might be created and its GR will have accounting document generated for it, but an earlier accounting document will have reference to the same GR number... hence you will see the same GR having two accounting documents. This is one possible scenario. I hope it is not your production server.
Can somebody please let me know how a purchase order type is linked to item and header pricing schema/procedure doc type is noway connected to pricing procedure/cal schema. unless and otherwise if u customize (create) condn table and linked to access seq. Thanks Prasanna, but my question would be then how does a the conditions autopopulate into a purchasing req or order (or may be it doesnt). of you could shed some light on it Depending on vendor Schema gp in vendor Master , the pricing conditions populated in Order .
Transaction variants simplify transaction flow by: 1. Inserting default values in fields 2. Changing the ready for input status of fields 3. Hiding various screen elements and menu functions, or even entire screens 4. Adjusting table control settings When you create a transaction variant, you run through the transaction
in a special mode. In this mode, you decide which elements you no longer need in your transaction and which values should be inserted where. If you choose to hide an entire screen, the system will no longer display that screen in the transaction and will proceed on to the next screen in the series. You can also adjust table control settings and determine the width of columns and the order in which you want them displayed. In tab strips, you can suppress tabs that you no longer need by setting them to invisible. You may also create as many variants for a transaction as you desire. One of these variants can be defined as a standard variant. This variant is then valid across all clients. You may also assign different variants to specific users. This is done using *Variant Transactions *Variant transactions are then places in those users' user menus instead of the standard transaction. Thanks.. Regards, Chandhru.R
On 9/9/07, murali reddy <> wrote: > > Hi, > If any one knows the proceedure for setting screen variants and > transaction variants, please mail me. > Now i need to change 'invoice party field' in MIRO to display mode. >
> > Thanks in advnace, > Murali. > > opmazhata < <>> wrote: hie > gurus > > Can someone explain to me i detail how i can use transaction and > screen variants to restrict display of cetrain fields to users. > > thank you guys > Can someone explain to me i detail how i can use transaction and > screen variants to restrict display of cetrain fields to users. > If any one knows the proceedure for setting screen variants and > transaction variants, please mail me. > Now i need to change 'invoice party field' in MIRO to display mode. I have a question related to purchase order and asset accounting. The issue is of putting the goods receipt to the settle an asset.The problem is that when you enter the purchase order for say $1000, and then when you enter the goods receipt, the goods receipt is posted to zero rather than $1000. Please help.
Transaction variants simplify transaction flow by: 1. Inserting default values in fields 2. Changing the ready for input status of fields 3. Hiding various screen elements and menu functions, or even entire screens 4. Adjusting table control settings When you create a transaction variant, you run through the transaction in a special mode. In this mode, you decide which elements you no longer need in your transaction and which values should be inserted where. If you choose to hide an entire screen, the system will no longer display that screen in the transaction and will proceed on to the next screen in the series. You can also adjust table control settings and determine the width of columns and > There is requirement of our system auditor.In MIRO transaction they want " > Invoicing party " in "details tab" to be supressesed .No body from accounts > dept.while making invoice verification can enter another vendor in that > field as this vendor comes frrom PO by default. > I checked in Customisation also but unable to found this field for making > the same to be grey means supress. > Please help and guide me how to make this field supressed. In spro-mm-Invocie Verification- Incoming Invoice-Aggregation -MAintain Variants for Aggregation list. Here u have to create r u can create as per ur client requirementl like suppress,mandatory etc.. I hope this will sort out ur Problem.
Can you explain in details. I am not able to do. Please explain in step by step for customization for MIRO transaction any field to be suppress, mandatory,optional, display if any. It is urgent, I have got the same requirement. Please let me know how can I put invoing party in display mode. I HAVE SMALL PROBLEM,PL CLARIFY. WE ARE RELEASING NUMBER OF ORDERS FOR SPARES TO VENDORS IN VARIOUS PLACES,IN TURN VENDOR WILL SUPPLY THROUGH STANDARD TRANSPORTS VIZ., KTC/ARC/KRS ETC. FOR THEM WE HAVE TO PAY AND THE SAME HAS TO BE ADDED IN MATERIAL COST. FOR THIS I THINK INBOUND DELIERY IS A LENGHTY AND CUMBERSOME PRCEDURE. CAN U SUGGEST ANY BEST ALTERNATIVE? for Freght in PO itself and assign GL Code accordingly ADD the Condition Just remove the statistical indicator for this condition type in that pricing procedure.Then it'll be added to the material cost. sorry for long silence and the reason is due to some other project at office. condition ishall i maintain as FRC2 or FRb2 as the case may be. but how i can assign g/l a/c 'eiter it is carriage inward a/c or respective material g/l a/c pl eloborate could add the delivery/freight cost with the material cost with out using MAybe you the conditions. Or you could also use the conditions header of PO and set the freight cost. The system will distributed the cost per line item and you couls also see in item details of PO. Can anybody tell me about STO scenario with IMG settings How the scenario flows. step by step If some body help me regarding this it will very helpful for me
see for sto we can go through the mm route or sd route. for mm route we have to create a sto and then issue the goods from the issuing plant( it will be atransfer posting), use mvt- 351, adopt the details of the sto in the transfer posting doc- a/c doc is created in this step.then final GR for the sto in MIGO.HERE NO A/C DOCS ARE will be only a material document. for ceating sto we can use doc type as UB or NB(with item category U). IF U WANT THE I CAN ALSO TELL THE DETAILS OF THE SD ROUTE WITH ALL THE REQUIRED IMG SETTINGS.
i have some issues .pl help me. 1.i want to create ONE RFQ FOR MULTIPLE PR OF SAME MATERIAL GROUP TO SAME VENDOR? 2.IN ME5A, I WANT TO ELIMINATE THE PR FOR WHICH RFQ CREATED? OR ANY T CODE FOR PR LIST FOR PENDING PR FPR WHICH RFQ/PO TO BE CREATED.? 3.PO WHEN IN HOLD MODE, I WANT TO PRINT? IS IT POSSIBLE.THIS IS TO AVOID THE MISTAKES DONE BY USER MODE AFTER PRINT AND BEFORE RELEASE TO VENDOR,IF WE COME TO NOTICE AND WHILE CORRECTING PO DOC.(.) CHANGED AS PO SUPPLEMENT.THE SAME THING WE WANT IN CONTRACT ,RFE,SCH.AGREEMENT WHERE WE DONT HAVE "HOLD" FACILTY? 4.SHORTEST PROCEDURE OF MAINTAING OF MRP IN MM01 > I want a monthly report in which MIRO and MIGO Documents no.s come. > I want to track MIRO document no.s with the MIGO Document NO.s for a month. > The main purpose is to know out of how many GRNs (migo) done by store,miro have been done by finance department. > Can anybody have an idea of the report in which Document no.of Both MIGO(GRN)and Miro Document comes.
> If you want migo done for the month you can track it trough mb51 there u will find the po no > against which the gr has done, then u can track the miro done for that gr no in me23 where u enter the po no and go the po history it will show u the miro against gr . > I want a one report in which it shows clearly date migo doc no.and miro no. > for example i will give selection like posting date-01/07/2007 to 31/07/2007 and plant > and it will show me report date migo doc no. miro doc no. > in this way i can track whether for particular GRN(MIGO doc no.) MIRO DOC NO. is created or not for particular month(for example July). Try to use MR51. This will accounting details with material document details. Consider pulling po report via ME80FN then switch to the PO History view. But in this report you can view PO no.,Qty,Material Doc no.,but as per my request ,i also need Doc no.generated at the time of MIRO. Please check per return mail. A simple query can bring in the information your are asking for... you can get the information from PO history table EKBE, if not try to join table MSEG & RSEG.
how can get the total stock of GR blocked stock ( include all part no ) which transition can i use. please its urgently for me. MB52 What is SAP customer number ? Where I can find this?
SAP Customer number is nothing but the customer created for that plant, Easy way to fine customer number are go to transaction ME21n, Under Item category select customer data and there u do have customer filed click F4, it will list you all the customers. your answer is correct. If you are not confident ,pl mention that also. I don't think some time back,someone has given like this SAP Customer Number is a unique number representing the particular customer in SAP. You can find Customer Number (KUNNR) in the Table KNA1. Any comments from experts welcome. I have planned to sit for SAP Examination and SAP institute requested me to specify the SAP Customer Number. Hence, the need arised. If we go to SAP screen, in the top line menu bar (5th icon) you could see - SYSTEM - Going inside 12th field is Status. Inside we can see the implementation no. Please correct me, whether implementation no refers to SAP Customer no? If not, how to access the SAP Customer number is unique numberbe appreciated. customer .XD03 is customer No ?Immediate reply will which represnts display customer transcation .in the customer field you can use fnctionkey F4 where you can different selection to find customer nimber maintained.go to SE11 and give the table name KNA1 where the feild KUNNR gives you the customer.... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ... Hi Gurus, may i know if i can setup batch per material group? i know that batch can be setup at client, plant or at material level, but can i have different batch no. or serial number per material grp?
May I know if we can setup different batch number range per material grp? What I know is that, batch mgmt can be setup at client or plant or at material level. What if we use serial number?
How to use "me 97" to delete PR from sap system completely? pls send me any doc otherwise any Mass Deletion of Purchase Requisations
We will have an Z table to be used as parameter to input an WHT code at MIRO automaticaly. Some vendors and services must be taxed by certain codes. So we need change the currently code at MIRO WHT screen to new one. Could I do this thru user exit at MIRO without end user put their hands ? could I change bases too ? I found user exit 'EXIT_SAPLMR1M_ 004' but I'm sure if is possible do it !
> > I am getting following detlails about Error while doing IV.Pleasesuggest > > me where i have to make change. >> > > Tax Code V0 country In does not exit in procedure XYZ >> > > Diagnosis >> > > You entered a tax code which is not defined for the country of the > > company code to be posted to in the tax calculation procedure. >> > > Procedure >> > > Check and, if necessary, correct the entry. >> > > Procedure for System Administration >> > > If it is not an input error, check and possibly change the system > > settings. >> > > To do this, choose Maintain entries (F5). >> > > Check whether the company code is assigned to the correct country and > > whether the correct tax calculation procedure has been entered for the > > company code country. goto T-COde: *FTXP* & maintain it. > Thanks for your reply.but tax code V0 is already maintain in FTXP for > country IN.any other possiable reason for this error.
Maintain Condition Records for the tax code and Condition type. Using Condition information Criterias. By Transaction code - FV11
> Kindly help me out from the problem which I am facing right now. Our co is > going to be sold to a new company mid of the month. For a prticular co code > , say on 15th all the activities will be closed down on behalf of the old co > and new activity will be started from 16th on behalf of new company. > > Now my question is how to manage this senario with the particular MM > period (06/2007)? > Is there is any option to manage the senario? > Kindly treat this very urgent. use MMIV to initilized period and MMPV to close period. for april 2007 use 01 2007, for may use 02 2007. But use for a full month and u may use transactions from 16th of same month.
Just wanna discuss one scenario: When we compare quotations in ME49, it gives rank list. So Procurement dept usually going to place order (PO) against the rank 1 vendor(who has quoted less price) . So How the person raising PO(person who has not done price comparison) will come to that PO should be raised against rank 1 vendor. Because while raising PO, one will not come to that for that respective material so and so vendor is lested as rank 1 or quoted less price? My querry as end user persepective that, System should give error if we raise PO against rank 2 or rank 3 vendor who has been sent rejection letter already..... .
I am getting following detlails about Error while doing IV.Please suggest me where i have to make change. Tax Code V0 country In does not exit in procedure XYZ Diagnosis You entered a tax code which is not defined for the country of the company code to be posted to in the tax calculation procedure. Procedure Check and, if necessary, correct the entry. Procedure for System Administration If it is not an input error, check and possibly change the system settings. To do this, choose Maintain entries (F5). Check whether the company code is assigned to the correct country and whether the correct tax calculation procedure has been entered for the company code country.
i have a question, in PO by default Delivery address is coming from Plant Address, but i want to maintain different Delivery Address (other than Plant Address), where i will maintain this. i will not enter in (PO->item details->delivery address tab), by default system will pick automatically. any body suggest me...
In ME22N, and tried to change the address in po-item details-delivery address, there is one icon for address details. Just click on it and change the desirable address. I think it should work. Also check wth the address mentioned at header level. At header level: your company's address will appear and at item level your vendors address will appear. you can make changes in vendors address as per the requirement. In SPRO check with po header text in OMF6. where purchase order text is The requirement is that the pricing procedure has 20+ condition types which show up in the PO. However when the PO is printed, we want only some of these condition types along with their description and values to be shown along with the total value of the order. How can this be done? Go into pricing procedure which your are using in P.O. then uncheck the print option of all the condtions which you don't want to show in P.O. Print. > For Import purchases, we are following the below scenatio. > > PR > PO > Custom Duty MIRO > Clearing & Forwarding MIRO > MIGO > Part 2 Posting > Vendor MIRO > > But In case of MIGO, Additional duty amount is also adding to material > value, which has to debit Additional duty account during Part 2 posting. > > Material value will be wrong if additional duty adds during MIGO. > > Can anyone tell me how to change this. I dont want to add this during > MIGO. It has to debit during Part 2 time like CVD 16% and ECess and > SECESS. > > Allother excise duties are going proper GL A/c other than Additonal duty. > > Kindly give the path where to change this. I tried in OBYC. I have not got > the answer.
> Kindly check the Calculation procedure using T-Code OBQ3 and check the > account key specified.For that account key ensure automatic posting is > configured in T-code OB40.also check the posting keys and GL code. > Last and foremost Ensure correct calculation for the respective tax code > using T-Code FTXP Kindly check the Calculation procedure using T-Code OBQ3 and check the account key specified.For that account key ensure automatic posting is configured in T-code OB40.also check the posting keys and GL code. Last and foremost Ensure correct calculation for the respective tax code using TCode FTXP I tried in this tocdes also. all are correct. in OB40, it is showing cenvat clearing GL A/c. No. But In case of Import, we are using V0 tax code in purchase order. can you please check and tell me.
> Can anyone tell me how to get a list of PO item and its condition > types? I want to know how to set up the connection between which table ? Goto TRANSACTION CODE - ME2N Scope of List type - BEST You can use standard T,Code ME2M in layout u can select Purchase Order Condition. Or else use ME80FN got to last option in report and selecr PO History. You can create a simple ABAP report by selecting the following tables EKKO - For Header details of a P.O, EKPO - For Item details of the P.O, KONV - For condition types involved in the same P.O. Kindly provide these functional specification for the ABAP report. Futher, You can be specific on condition types by Hardcoding the condition type in KONV-KSCHL field and checking the values from field KONV-KWERT.
we we do stock transfer within two plant of our company ith goods movement 303 nd 305 it generates document no but when we want to see that against which ferecence document no we did stock transfer movement tye 305 it does not show the ref. doc. no in MB51 Where as when we want to see the ref document no in case of goods received against purchase order in our plant hrough movement type 103 n 105 it shows the document no in same MB51. this is urgent reqirement of my client plz reply me within time and help me out for this i wanna thank u all Guru's thax in advance.
Our one of the Customer need to Archive Material & Financial Documents since 5 years. and also need to view the archive document. Please send me if any document to pavankulkarni03@ or please let me knwo the archival Procedure ( Archiving and View ) in SAP
Is there a Transaction Code to mass delete old purchase requisations? ME97 to archive requisitions. In my company code FG Inventory for one Profit Centre, is showing -ve value of Rs.82,000/- whereas if I check the Plant records, nothing is in Minus. One Plant = One Profit Centre funda in my company code How can it be? Further Plantwise inventory is not at all tallying with Profit Centre. In fact I checked the Profit Centre code for all materials in the Plant. It is 100% Correct. Pls tell me what could be the reason and how to resolve the issue
The requirement is that the pricing procedure has 20+ condition types which show up in the PO. However when the PO is printed, we want only some of these condition types along with their description and values to be shown along with the total value of the order. How can this be done?
> I am getting following error while assigning Release Group to Release > Class. > Please check release classes (see long text). > & while Click on Long Text the message is : > Please check release classes (see long text) > Message no. ME492 > Diagnosis > Here you can assign release groups to release classes. Only one release > class should be used within the release groups for overall release and > the release groups without overall release in each case. However, in > this instance several release classes have been used. > > Procedure > Assign the release groups that were created for overall release to one > release class only. Assign the release groups that were not created for > overall release to a different release class. > Example: > Example: > Rel. group Rel. obj. Overall rel. Class Descripti > 01 1 _ FRG_EBAN Group 01 > 02 1 _ FRG_EBAN Group 02 > S1 1 X FRG_GF_EBAN Group S1 > S2 1 X FRG_GF_EBAN Group S2 >elete that existing entry,save it & click on new entry. d I'm trying to set up the release strategy for PR's but somehow there seems to be an error saying "final status of strategy not released". When I try to simulate the release it says to check the release statuses. I redefined everything including the release classes and the characteristics but still it remains unsolved. Can someone help me out
You have to change the status in the release strategies become "release" with CL24N (assign object to class) please make sure that status is "release" on this assigmnet.
Please delete the exsisting class names which are available in the assingnement area and then assign your group to your class. Ensure that only your group and class should be in that screen, then save it. Could any body tell me how I can set FIFO valuation and what are the configuration settings? Actually my client have a business policy to implement FIFO valuation
I have 2 questions, why do we need to Configure New document types for Purchase Order's, Purchase Requisitions, RFQ's and Contracts. First Questions. In which scenarios, a consultant need to create the above new purchasing documents, Second Question. In which scenario, a consultant need to create a customed movement types in inventory management. Please can any one tell a simple scenarion, in case of manufacturing industry. I really appreciate ur answers.
Document types for PR , PO ... need to be created according to company requirement. let say for a Telco a PO doc. type can be Import type or Admin type or Standard Type , you have to create doc type acc. to ur client requirement for different purchasing doc. Now vis-a-vis movement type--- it is also acc. to company requirement. If ur client needs subcontracting process which does not match standard SAP u may need to create new one. lets say if u want to GI multiple material to subcontracting vendor and GR one bundle product which contain muliple(3/4) items u may need to create new movement type and others related configuration. i am new to this field pl can anybody explain me transfer posting (migo) and sto ( po) means what ? and when we can use it pl explain in details Kindly call me back so that i will send some good materilas on this. 9880892104 if u have good material with u please post on this blog, so that everyone can read,kindly share your knowlege with all bcoz this is a group mail IN TRANS. POST. ( MIGO ) WE CAN TRANSFER MATI.FROM STORE LOCATION TO ANOTHER STORE LOCATION, VENDER. transfer posting in migo that is individualy movement for plant to plant without reference.sto that is also transfer posting from plant to plant via m.t 641Quoting > I need an urgent help. How to change the screen layout of MIGO under > the tab Account assignment. Thanks in advane > Kindly be more specific on requirements of changes in account assignment > on MIGO transaction
> Thabks for your prompt reply. The details scenerios are given below > > P.O will be created with internal order no. for say qty 1000 Kgs > While receiving the material ( MIGO), we would like to have the facility > to change the order no in MIGO which is under account assigbment tab., > Currently the order field is now uneditable. Try this, browse through SPRO and under purchasing get account assignment category and set account assignment changable at goods receipt option. What is the neccessity of changing P.O no (Assuming Purchase Order and not Production order) at the GR level.You will lose the tracability in such cases.Any ways you can use t-code OMBW and activate the field status for ORDER (CO/PP order) in Materials management tab . > I'm new in SAP and start developping some reporting for my client, I > would like to know if there is a table where we can find the link > between SAP Material number and customer material number. I used T VD51 to create this link between Sap material number and customer material number.
Can anyone tell me the settings to restrict the goods issue, If goods issue qty is greater than reservation qty( If we are using GI Againest Reservation ).
WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE B/W POST GOODS ISSUE (PGI) AND THROUGH DELIVERY. > Is it possible to make one GR document of multiple PO's of same vendor. > If > yes, please tell me how. > It is possible when you enter one p.o. after switch enter and enter > another po then shown you both po item.
> I tried out the scenario and the system does not allow doing GR for 2 > vendors in the same material document. Even if you try entering the second > PO against a different vendor from the first line system will throw an error > as pasted below. Please refer the screen shot. GR is a document acknowledging the receipt of one or more material from one vendor. The vendor send Delivery Challan or Invoice along with the material. This document is between your company and your vendor . Another vendor cannot be invovled in the same Document. Legally not possible u have to set the error message 107 to warning in SPRO. so It allows you to post. Beware If the receiver is receiving the same material from two vendors he must be sure of what he does. Regarding movement type 262. We had an incident last week in which a greater amount than that issued via movement type 261, was returned via movement type 262. Again this week there was another mistake made involving units of measure. The end result is that again more was returned than was issued. It was indicated to me that Standard SAP does not restrict quantity on movement type 262 based on 261 movement type. Is there any way that it can be? It seems odd that SAP would allow the creation of phantom stock without so much as a warning, whereas in other areas it is very restrictive in what you can or cannot do. It makes logical sense that you cannot return more than you allocated. Is there another way or a different transaction that can be used that will ensure this logic? I agree that we need to be careful in how we do things, but the value of a computerized system is to control scenarios such as this. It should at least show a warning that what you are about to do doesn't make sense.
Please tell me what is batch input recording and what is standard batch direct input? What is the difference between them?
Legacy Data Transfer Using Batch Input Procedure (Program RAALTD01) When you use the batch input procedure, the system creates a batch input session containing the legacy data, and automatically processes this session Batch input is a method to upload mass data in batch (nightly jobs etc). Direct input method can also be scheduled for nightly jobs(nightly means every night regular), but they are different in uploading the data into the system Function Modules, update stmts are used in direct input method Batch input programs can use call transaction Batch input method is better for handling more data load.
I need an urgent help. How to get new frieght TAB in the screen layout of MIGO under item level. Thanks in advane
As per your instruction ,i have made setting of release strategy for PR.But when i have made a PR ,and gone for collective release-ME55, no PR was seen on screen.Please suggest where i have gone wrong. follow the points to find out the mistake if any in your procedure 1.Are you selected the correct table and fields 2.Are properly linked the class(032) 3.Given correct release indicator 4.Are you given the correct inter well in the classification in each release strategy I think mostly you did the mistake in 4th step, so follow it. and find out me is it working thenot. What is or trigger for your PR release? Remember, you have to assign the class, characteristics and values via transaction "CL24N"
One of my friend have an issue pl. try to find out the solution. Hai guys,anyone can explain me material price differances. client is having two products. product 1 and product 2 differance is 1000 dollers. ex- product 1 is 7000 dollers and prod 2 is 8000 dollars. he purchased prod-1 after using some time he returned and taken the second product. -cost diff. is 1000 requirement is: Instead of creating the credit memo -( taking back the old amount and paying the new price for the new product ), they want to adjustment between the product prices. simply he want to pay the 1000 dollers( excessprice for the new product-8000) to the vendor. What are the configuration settings..
I am new in this area. I had read that the field ref. for external pur. doc. is 'F', so where is the particular set. plz help me out. you can maintain the field referance for external procurement F in material master i.e. transaction code mm01, in MRP2 view for procurement. F=external procurement E=inhouse procurement
go to MB5T (stock in transit plant to palnt)Quoting abhijit dhage <>:dear all,tell me how to genrate or see sale in transit stock report
But I need Stock provided to vendor in a perticular time for example in the month of August whais the value of the toal stock provided to a subcontracting vendor ME2O
can any body tell me which report will give me the Total Stock provided to a perticular sub-contractor in a perticular specified period me2o & mb5b if u wanna see the subcontracting stock for a particular date. Me2o do you know if there is any possibility to specify the posting for the transaction ME2O? If not, could you please let me know how the posting period is determined? try mb5l & MBLB we 1st do MIGO remove from storage--- others then we create document and this is transfered to our another plant then we do MIGO -- place in storage-- material doc.then we create this document against 1st document. this is 305 against 303 when we want to see against which document no we did 305 tht is placed in storage in MB51 T-CODE reference doc. no is not displayed in our case against which we did 305 movement type. where i have to customize or we are doing mistake that this ref. doc. no does not displayed in MB51where as we get the ref. doc. no. in case of 103 n 105 movement type.
While Creating PR / PO system showing Items not committed to Company code 10/1000 Pl give suggestion to create PR / PO
> pl tell me the differance between > std and mav price > and when we have to use it and how > if we select std price for any type of material > and then while po it takes from material master automatically ? > or we have to maintain ?
std=standard price. map=moving average price in the system of std the value of the material will not change with the corresponde to the invoice price, in this case if the price oof the material A is Rs20 in the material master we maintained with std mode, after that the price of the material is increased to Rs22, the vendor send the invoice for the amount of Rs22, O.K. in this case the stock value of the material will not change but the amount should be paid to the vendor and some of the account should be updated to the difference amount. In this case the difference amount will be posted to the price differences account. so the value of the material which is sent by vendor is Rs20 each unit. In the system of MAP the value of the materal will change with the reference to the vendor invoice price. In this case take same above example. The exes ting stock of the material is 100 units. we ordered for the material 200units the vendor sent the material and sent for the amount of 200*22=4400. actually according to old rate it should be 4000 only we posted the invoice for the material, in this case there is no price difference account, only gl a/c which is assigned the fixed price where as Map is variable. Std price is to the movement type i.e. stock a/c We can use Std price for material type :Finished,semi finished and Mav price used for material type:Rawmaterial
But I need Stock provided to vendor in a perticular time for example in the month of August whais the value of the toal stock provided to a subcontracting vendor
> Insted of extending the one material to 1500 plant, i did it > for 1550 so how can i revoke the wrongly extended material from Plant > 1500. Please Suggest me.......... . One's extending the material in one plant you can not revoke that extension. But if you does not want this extension no more then you can set the deletion flag for this material,plant and storage location.
I wanted to create stroage location; also i want to maintain description and address of storage loc in two different Language (Eg German and English)
Can anyone help me out on how to track the pending invoices to be booked in MIRO , after 103 movement(GR) and 105 movement(release blocked stock) have been made?Is there any specific T.Code?? Please try Transaction MB5S. You will get what you want. If I need to view pending invoice for PO that NON GR-based whereby the GR is not need to be done for example service, where should I go? That you can do by running transaction ME2S. Also try FLB1N MC$G - Purchasing values Material & MC$I - Purchasing Quantities Material Is the User Exit Will be Applicable for the Excise Related Transactions in STO Process. Suggest Me Guys.....
I want to make default baseline date by the system in T-code Miro ( In Payment Tab).it calculate base line date automatic.what is the procedure & i want to free for payment option as default in place of block to payment in T-code Miro.
> > I have a problem when I try to create Good receipt in MIGO. The system > > give me an error message saying that >> > > "Maintain tolerance limits for tolerance key VP (CoCode...)" >> > > I go to transaction OMC0 to add new entry for tolerance key VP in my > > company code however I am not sure what should be the tolerance limit so > > I use "do not check" for both lower limit and upper limit. >> > > When I try MIGO again, I am still get the same error >> > > Does anyone know what should be the cause of this problem? > try t code omr6 and set tolerance limit for VP I have already had an entry for my company code in the table of transaction OMR6 and it was set to "Do not Check" the tolerance limits Then I tried to executed MIGO again and for unknown reason it works.
STO involves physical movement of goods , updates stocks has financial implications. . TRANSFER POSTING is only logical moment , no physical movement of goods , so no financial implicatins
This is nothing but.. LOGISTICS covers almost all modules of production planning , material management , sales distribution, finance and accounting , human resources etc.... whereas SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT follows a cycle like right from procuring the raw material to finished good it shall incorporate mainly three four modules like Production planning . , material management , sales and distribution etc.. it has huge requirement when compare to individual modules of SAP..
Thank you for your help. But still I am facing problem. Yes I am sending raw material. I maintained sales view in my material master 1421 and I am sending material from plant 1000 to plant 1100. Both the plants are under same company code 1000. I maintained the Sales-org. 1000, distribution Channel.10. I am confused for which plant I have to maintain shipping data(supplying or receiving plant). How I will fill up the field Customer no. Plant in the screen for shipping data for plant config.(screen shot attached). What config I have to do in the material master? Please explain me in details with screen shot. Here I am not doning STOCK TRANSFER ORDER with SD and billing. Then who is the customer? In my conception Plant 1100 is the customer. Please explain me in details. I know u guys r very knowledgeable. Please help. Thank you in advance for your help. I will be eagerly waiting for your Maintain sales organisation( shipping data) view to the supplying plant (ensure the plant code of supplying plant is entered in delivering plant field in sales org. view.) of material master and purchasing view to the recieving plant of the material master.Create the customer code for recieving plantand vendor code to the supplying plant.Ensure maintanance of material master data in both the organisations at plant level. These data will enhance a smooth flow to the STO.
MB1A Goods Issue. I would like to restrict Goods Issue to only reference Purchase order or Reservation how do i do it. use FSRK (field ref selection key) in back end to control the fieds you can use issue the mati with referance of reservation no in migo you creat reservation with the help of production order creat a prod order in transition co01 and creat reservation in trnisition zppres1 and issue mati. MIGO TRANSFER POSTING RESERVATION NO
> Anybody can tell me where i can find informations (maybe period by > period)> about Moving Average Price changes for an article? > I know that i could re-calculate the Moving Average Price after each > stock movement but it's a bit tricky! > The fact is that the Mov. Average Price for an article is incredibly > high, but as the article documents are regularly archived, i've got > no view of what can have happened to explain that. > We have not Material Ledger implemented MR21 T.CODE CHANGE YOUR Moving Average Price changes can any one explain me the differance between logistic / supply chain / procurment / materials management i am very new to this field
one of our clint as a requerment of release procedure for delivery schdule created manualy kindly give your comment .
plz tell me how to insert a field in mb51. example : i have to insert material group field in it is inserted.
Try following steps. Configuration Menu>MM>Inventory Mgt.>Reporting> Define field selection for material document list. Here you can activate the field what you want from available field.
While doing MIGO against PO for Non-codified materials ( No material code and account assignment - F in P.O ), Excise Tab pop up is coming, even though there is no excise related master data maintained in J1ID. It should not come in MIGO. I am using ECC 6.0. Can any one suggest the solution.
After making PO for free of charge , in GR (MIGO) mvt is 101 but not 511 . how activate the mvt for free goods ? In Puchase order at Item details, in invoice column if you remove the tick from "Invoice receipt". Then goods will be delivered at free of cost. Also see the avilable help for this indicator. > I want to make Businness Area filed in Details tab of MIRO Screen as > Mandatory. > > Can you please tel me the path and how to make mandatory. MIRO screen Workout for many Mov.Type So based on what mov.Type you are in need to do ?
Who can tell me the the deference between the condition types, YA00 and RA00, in details? with an example?
Pl tell me the main use for creating the different material type. I mean why we create more material types. It depends on your Industry Rqmt. why you create many material types such as the maintenance of required views/fields in customizing, Abap programming rqmts, etc. As other people has pointed, there is several reasons why standard material types might not meet your buisiness needs. If you need to use a different internal/external number assignment, you might also need to add a new material type to make it possible. we create many material type as each material type has different charatcterstics , each material type have different sreen . such as finished with have only sales data and no purchasing data . similarly each material type will have different valuation class to valuate material It's related with your business process, we can make I different approach for instance between the our stock materials type with the stock consignments materials.
How many stock transfer process are avaikable in SAP? Like 1)Two step stock transfer (MM/SD) . 2)Two steap stock transfer ( MM only) Move type 303& 305. 3 One step stock transfer Move type 301. is there any other stock transfer is availbel ? if yes then let us know in details ( movment types ).
Stock transfers Without STO One step stock transfer Move type 301. Two step stock transfer ( MM only) Move type 303& 305. using STO with out delivery: doc.type: UB GI:351, GR:101 STO with delivery: GI:641, GR:101 delivery type:NL STO with delivery and billing: GI:643, GR:101 delivery type:NLCC ,billing type:IV
Can anybody tell me what does it mean by Release Strategy? Release strategy is "a condition" to release something it can be PR (Purchase Requisition or Purchase Order), the condition can be amounts, items code, etc
For my client, Make to order is the general process ther is an order from the customer for finished goods material say, Zink tank with some specifications and size, it is ok PR will be automatically rised by MRP. He is regular customer.So, If the same customer required the same finished goods material with different specifications and size but same process and working principle.Here our client needs the same material code repeatedly.Becausee very time when we get the order, creation of new material code is difficult task and there should be the existing material code for MRP. Here how the system will pick the same material code with different specifications and size. Is it possible to attend this scenario, is there way to follow. try configurable BOM for your process. Can you explain the required steps for configurable BOM
Is there a way I can impose security on a material type for a group of users via Tcode: MM01 and MM02. I'm trying to restrict access to material master records for certain material types to a particular group of users. If you have created roles for the users, then the role with the material master authorization should have a line that says material types. This is where you indicate whether they should have authorization or not. > I am a student currently taking a course in SAP MM and most of it self > learning. I have come across a problem where when i create a PO for a > particular item i get the error message "material not maintained by > purchasing" I have gone into the material master for the item but i > cannot figure out which field is causing this error message.
> For that particular material, in that particular plant, Purchasing view to be maintained in material master. > Do this and try again. > Plz Let me know the status. Thanks Mahesh, it worked. Can you please give me an example of an NLAG material. I would like to create one in Material Master as a practice exercise.
we r facing a problem in service entry sheet preparation in that,if we a have a service PO for two or three line items and if we create entry sheet it is taking only one line item and giving the error message. please suggest on this issue.its urgent. msg no SE364. SES can only be created for 1 po line item. As per SAP standard scope of supply /design, it is possible to book a service entry sheet for single PO line item. There are 2 ways to resolve your issue. 1 --- you create a single PO line item with all datails as "Service Line items" 2 --- Make use of "Model Service Specifications" functionality Could you please explain me,how to create Model service specifications and use? Can u eloborate the error message. If in case, you have more than one item, you need to check the appropriate line item in the list menu just below the P.O. No. (Right hand side - Document overview) Choose the appropriate line no. and enter the service quantity. Each line item has separate service entry in a SErvice Entry Sheet. During implementation we did not use solution manager.How we can track which data we have maintained / implemented in reference IMG.
How many stock transfer process are avaikable in SAP? Like 1)Two step stock transfer (MM/SD) . 2)Two steap stock transfer ( MM only) Move type 303& 305. 3 One step stock transfer Move type 301. is there any other stock transfer is availbel ? if yes then let us know in details ( movment types ).
> plzz help in CIN configuration. I have idea of J1IT and J1ID but what > do do further i am not getting. someone plzz gt me full step
> Can anybody tell me which movement type we should use to transfer > material from unrestricted stock to Quality inspection stock Instead of doing transfer posting to put material from unrestricted to QI stock, please use the functionality to manually create inspection lot, that is a better and more systematic way of doing this. but how to do this? Use movement 322. It will show as q1 to unrestricted, but just do it and you will see end result is unrestricted to q1. It is little strange but 322 works for q1 to unrestricted. I want to round off amount after being calculated from various duties and taxes. Where is the option in SPRO wherein I can maintain settings for decimal places. Never , Never touch SPRO settings for decimal places( for any currency ) once it is set during Implementation. It will change the entire accounting records of that currency and your financial data goes for toss. Beware ...! don't even try this aspect in the quality /development server as these settings are cross client and will impact all ( ncluding the production client ) however , you may try the help of ABAP to write a special report where in the decimal places are rounded off for the duties and other parameters. This ( change of decimal places )can be done at report level and should not be tried for transaction ( all though it is possible )
I have created a Scheduling agreement (LPA), but it is not asking for release? what could be the reasons??
I want to know the answers for these questions? 1. What is the difference between customization request and work bench request? 2. For release procedure , after trasportation of request , what are not transported in to production server? 3. Can we make External number arrangement type in Alpha numerical for vendor master record? if so, How?
Here i have a question about alternative BOM. I have created two BOMs for one material now when i am creating a PO for subcontracting and i am exploding BOM it is picking up 1st BOM. I want to know how to pick up 2nd BOM while creating PO?
> Can anybody tell me which movement type we should use to transfer > material from unrestricted stock to Quality inspection stock Instead of doing transfer posting to put material from unrestricted to QI stock, please use the functionality to manually create inspection lot, that is a better and more systematic way of doing this. but how to do this?
> > I have a problem in posting GR in the current period and it is giving > > me a message ' Posting only possible in periods 2005/08 and 2005/07 in > > company code 1000 ' then i have tried to close all these period using > > Tcode MMPV but i couldn't close these posting period and i am getting > > message 'the specified year 2005 is not the calender year'. > > Again i can do posting in 2005/08 period but can not do posting in the > > current date. > 1.check fiscal year variant at company code level whether it is K4 or V3, > and also check at maintain co.code for Material management. > > 2. again check usingT.code MMPV , until which date postings were closed,if > it is showing current 2005/08, previous 2005/07 then we have to close all > posting periods till 2007/08 in case of k4 fiscal year variant. 2007/05 in > case of v3 fiscal year variant by using T.code MMRV Try using MMPV In that u need to close time period every month from 2005 to 2007 If there are 24 months u need to change 24 times
> Firstly you have to create 4 material types for each one..and each > material > type will allow to configure > > Quantity updates/No Quantity updates > Value Updates/No value updates > > Over there u can configure as per your requirement. Let me know how it > works? I can understand but let me know what are the effects of GR and IR after considering these.Can you explain me in detail.
Re-updating info structure s031, s032 I have changed the movement type 311 for Statistically relev. 3 (Standard analyses only (update)) to blank for no updating. With this changes I now want to re-update the info structure s031 & s032 for all material document posted till date with change effect of movement type 311 changes. ( i.e. I dont want the statistically update of 311 movement. How can this possible ? pl guide me.
i am facing following problem. I had prepare PO of excisable material for which specific rate for BED is maintained in j1id. Also in tax code, jm01 is 100 %. In PO, condition type jm01 shows right amount. While capturing excise invoice j1iex with ref. to PO, specific rate of BED is right in duty rate tab but in duty value tab, total duty of BED gets double which should not happen. Please give me reply as matter is most urgent. Parag +++++++++++ Dear All, In PO, when we tick the GR BASED IV then in purchase order history we can see the GR/IR ASSGT in Change View.
Where is the setting to see the GR/IR ASSGT without enabling the mark in GR BASED IV.(is it possible?) Where are the settings in spro for maintaining the Drop down for Change view in purchase order history? Pls. comment. Regards, Sachin Kokare ++++++++++++++++++ Dear All, Can anybody tell me the logic behind the t.code MC46 for slow moving items. Various loopholes I found while analyzing the output of MC46. A. At present MC46 gives that report but following is not considering by system: 1.It ignore 281 movement, means any item is moved through 281, it only consider 261 movement. 2.It ignore 201 movement. 3.It ignore 601 movement ignore 641 movement 5.It ignore 351 movement B.MC46 report considers following movement which it should not be 1.311 movement , location to location transfer ( Means if any item is Slow moving but it is moved during 365 days from one location to other, system do not pick up as Non moving. 2.if any material do not have opening stock and there is purchase within 365 days and not issue through 261 takes place, mc46 shows as Non moving which is incorrect. Pls. comment on this. Regards, Sachin Kokare ++++++++++++++ Hi
Did you get any solution on this. I am also stuck up with the same scenario On 1/22/07, susheeliitr <susheeliitr@> wrote: > > Hi gurus > there is one scenario. > our client takes mat from trader not from main vendor . > trader takes mat from main vendor and sends us. > suppose main vendor sells trader in 100Rs and 16% BED so he pays vendor > 116Rs. > trader sells client in suppose in 150 rs and 4 % sales tax so client > pays him 156 rs. all these r fine. > when we go for migo, base value for BED should be 100 rs not 156 i.e > only 16 rs should go in cenvat account. if i do it manually then who > 156 will go in GR/IR account. i want 140 should come from GR/IR account > and rest 16 should come from cenvat account to pay 156 to vendor. > i did setting vendor master date cin tab page and define trader but not > working. > plz tell me. it is very urgen. > bye +++++++++++== Hi Sam Did you get the solution,can you let me know it as well On 7/11/07, Guru Ji < com> wrote: > > Scenario is as follows: > > (Rate unknown) Manufacture( nirma) > > Rate Known Dealer(jain acid > PO > > (Rate, Amount Qty is mentioned and remarks provided for provision Excise > Duty >
> Continue > > GRN > > continue > > Invoice > > (Tax Invoice + Duplicate for Transporter Copy) > > Dealer Manufacture > > For provision of Excise Duty > > For Payment > > 1)PO to dealer > > 2)GRN dealer > > 3)tax invoice from dealer is the total bill only, it does not contain > duty. > > 4) but modvat benefit is taken on manufacturer' s duplicate copy. > > Plz tell how to map this scenario in SAP > It's very urgent > > Thanks > > Sam > ++++++++++++++++ want your advice on following issue. I have typical scenario of dealer who passes on cenvat which he has received from main manufacturer. say 100 is the base price of the material and he is going to pass us the excise of say Rs 10.I need to pay Vendor only Rs 100 but still need to get
cenvat of Rs 10. I used condition jexc of manual excise but the problem in that case is gr is prepared at goods receipt at Rs 100.But since we are availing the cenvat of Rs 10 the GR/IR should be at Rs 90 only. Can you let me know how do you solve the issue? Regards +++++++++++ hi Nilesh, you can release the pr at item level also. pl follow the doccument Setting up simple Release Procedure for Purchase Requisitions Release Procedures (approval) can be used for Purchase Requisitions (PR), Purchase Orders (PO), RFQ's, Outline Agreements and Service Entry Sheets. The principle is exactly the same for all. If you can master one, you will know them all. Lets set up release procedures for PR for the following example: Our company have got 2 plants: Plant 3100 (London) and plant 3600 (New York). For New York (plant 3100), if PR item value is between 0 - 1000 dollars, then PR needs to be released by one person (person B) For New York (plant 3100), if PR item value is bigger than 1000 dollars, then PR needs to be released by two people (first by person B, then person C) For London (plant 3600), if PR item value is bigger than 1000 dollars, then PR needs to be released by two people (first by person A, then person C).
Key terminology: Release Codes - The different levels that the approval will go through. Release Groups - Grouping of strategies. Release Strategy - Unique, set of condition, sequence and levels of releases. Every line in diagram is a Strategy (so we have 3). Release Indicator / Status - The status of PR as it moves through the strategy. Example 'Block' (can't create PO yet) or 'Final Release' (can create PO from PR)
Here is a summary of the steps to follow to set up our example: Create Characteristics & link to comm. structure (CEBAN for PR) Create Class & link to characteristic Create Release Groups & link to class Create Release Codes Release Indicator Set up strategies - Strategies & Codes - Pre requirements - Status - Assign values for strategies Set overall / item for doc type (PR only) Create and allocate authorization profiles ------------ --- DETAILS OF SETTING IT UP ------------ --Create Characteristics & link to communication structure (CEBAN for PR) Here we define which fields are used to determine the strategy that will kick in. In our case we used 'Plant' and 'Item value'. Not all fields in the PR can be used. For a full list of fields that can be used to determine the release strategy, see tcode se12 table CEBAN. So the two fields that will be used is: Field CEBAN-WERKS for Plant Field CEBAN-GSWRT for Item Value We need to create a characteristic for every field. Tcode CT04 Any characteristic name can be used. Keep something descriptive to avoid confusion. For Item Value -- lets create characteristic Z_GSWRT
First go to Additional Data tab and enter the table/field (and Enter)
Enter currency to be used in the Basic data tab. Also select multiple values and Intervals allowed
The Intervals allowed will allow us to assign a range of values, example: If PR value is 0 - 1000 USD ..... Save the characteristic For Plant -- characteristic Z_WERKS Again, the table/field name in Additional Data to enter table/field Again set multiple values and save the characteristic The multiple values is to assign more than one plant to strategy, example: If PR for plant 3100 and plant 3600 is ... Create Class & link to characteristic Create a class (simply to group the characteristics) . Again any name can be used. Tcode CL01 -- Create Class. The Class Type must be 032. Configure Release Procedures Above actions was all master data. We now need to do some configuration. Menu: IMG > Materials Management > Purchasing > Purchase Requisition > Release Procedure > Procedure with classification > Set up procedure -- (tcode OMGQ in older SAP versions) Create Release Groups & link to class We have two groups to create AA and AB. We need to indicate the class we are working with, in out case Z_PR. Create Release Codes Create all the release code / group combinations. This is all the dots in diagram above. So we have 4. Later on, authorization profiles will be linked to these code / group combinations. Release Indicator First we create the different statuses that the PR can be in
throughout it lifecycle. Later on (below), we will be linking using these statuses. Here are the standard SAP indicators; we probably wouldn't need to add any. We will be using two of these -- X (Block) and 2 (Released) Under the Details section, you can indicate which documents can be created from this PR. For Indicator 2, one can create PO's and RFQ's. With Field Selection you can define which fields can be changed. This is the same indicator that gets used with document type configuration to make some fields read only, mandatory, hidden. Set up strategies - Strategy & Codes Every line in our diagram above is a strategy. So We have three Lets call them: Group AA / Strategy S1 -- Code L1 (for plant 0001) Group AA / Strategy S2 -- Code L1 & L2 (for plant 0001) Group AA / Strategy S2 -- Code L1 & L2 (for plant 0002) Here are the settings for AA / S2 Set up strategies - Prerequisites Fir every strategy, we need to define a release prerequisites. This indicates if one code needs to take place before the other. In this case, level 2 (L2) can only take place if level 1 (L1) has been released. Set up strategies - Status this is also done for every strategy. The screen is dependant on what groups were linked to the strategy as well as prerequisites that was set up. In this example: - if nobody releases it then PR is block. - if L1 release the PR, the PR is still blocked - if L1 and L2 release the PR, the PR can be converted to RFQ/PO Out of interest, the reason why there is not a L2 only option is
because of the setting in the prerequisites. Set up strategies - Values for strategies The values linked to strategies are master data (not configuration) and can be set in two places. Either within the configuration itself -- selecting the classification button Or, in classification, example CL24N Both methods work, the advantage of CL24N is that all the strategies can be viewed easier. Set overall / item for doc type (PR only) For Purchase Requisitions, there is an option to release either on item level or on document level. For PO / RFQ / Contracts, one can only release on header level. Back to the PR, it is highly recommended to use item release. This can be done in two places. Firstly where the groups were created On the document type configuration for PR Config menu: Materials Management > Purchasing > PR > Define document types Create and allocate authorization profiles In our example we will have three people releasing, so three profiles will need to be created. Authorization profiles can be created using tcode PFCG. Usages of PFCG are not being discussed here, but see below for relevant screen where the profile was created. ------------ --- USING RELEASE PROCEDURES ------------ --Create a Purchase Requisition Lets create a PR, and see if the release procedure kicks in. In our
case we will create it for plant 3600 and any value. So we will expect Strategy AB / S2 to kick in. Create PR -- me51n
If no 'Release strategy' tab, then it didn't work. In this case all is fine. The user can see the Release Group (AB), Strategy (S2) and release indicator (X). (SAVE) Release a Purchase Requisition Releasing can be done per PR or collective. Lets' use the collective release. SAP Menu: Logistics > Material Management > Purchasing > Purchasing Requisition > Release > Collective Release -- ME55 Select all the items to be released and then hit Save. You will see the status of the item change to the next Release Indicator. This is the absolute basics of setting up Release Procedures for Purchase Requisitions. For more posts on Release Procedures, see index of posts. SAP version used for this post: SAP ECC (ERP Central Component) 5.0 You can discuss this article here. Last edited by SAPman : 3 Weeks Ago at 01:24 PM.
-- In sapmaterialsmanagem ent@yahoogroups. com, "nazim husain" <nazsan_2002@ ...> wrote: > > u have to configure item wise relase for pr > > > >From: Nilesh Deshmukh <nilesh_sap_ mm@...> > >Reply-To: sapmaterialsmanagem ent@yahoogroups. com
> >To: SAP MM <sapmaterialsmanagem ent@yahoogroups. com> > >Subject: [sap mm] PR Release > >Date: Fri, 17 Aug 2007 06:28:49 +0100 (BST) >> > >Dear All, >> > > I have created a PR for 10 materials out of which I want to release 5 > >materials only. >> > > Is there any provision in SAP wherein I can release individual materials > >only instead of whole PR. >> > > Regards, >> > > Nil >> ++++++++++++++ you have to do the customization for release of PR at item level. Then you will be able to release the PR item wise. Thanks On 17/08/07, Nilesh Deshmukh <nilesh_sap_mm@ in> wrote: > > Dear All, > > I have created a PR for 10 materials out of which I want to release 5 > materials only. > > Is there any provision in SAP wherein I can release individual materials > only instead of whole PR. > > Regards, > > Nil ++++++++++ u can use ctrl y and than ctrl x
and than copy from excel Ctrl C and than paste in mass ctrl v >From: sabri fidan <sabri_fidan@> >Reply-To: sapmaterialsmanagem ent@yahoogroups. com >To: sapmaterialsmanagem ent@yahoogroups. com >Subject: [sap mm] mass maintance interface >Date: Fri, 17 Aug 2007 01:46:20 -0700 (PDT) > >Dear All, >In mass maintance interface is there a button like "upload from clipboard" >or any way to paste more then 17 items. I cant do it with " carry out mass >change button" because all items have different values. >Regards, > >sabri > +++++++++++++ Instead of doing transfer posting to put material from unrestricted to QI stock, please use the functionality to manually create inspection lot, that is a better and more systematic way of doing this. regards On 8/16/07, hazariwalapu <hazariwalapu@> wrote: > > hi > Can anybody tell me which movement type we should use to transfer > material from unrestricted stock to Quality inspection stock > > Thanks > > prashan ++++++++++++++++ Dear All, In mass maintance interface is there a button like "upload from clipboard" or any way to paste more then 17 items. I cant do it with " carry out mass change button" because all items have different values. Regards,
sabri +++++++++++ Specify conditions in purchasing in Material master & info record. Nonkonzo Pato < za> Sent by: sapmaterialsmanagem ent@yahoogroups. com 17/08/2007 12:20 PM Please respond to sapmaterialsmanagem ent@yahoogroups. com To sapmaterialsmanagem ent@yahoogroups. com cc Subject [sap mm] Tax code - urgent Hi guys, Can anybody tell me how to make tax code to appear automatically when creating a PO on a certain order type Thanks in advance NP ++++++++++++++ Try ME54N Nilesh Deshmukh <nilesh_sap_mm@ in> Sent by: sapmaterialsmanagem ent@yahoogroups. com 17/08/2007 10:58 AM Please respond to sapmaterialsmanagem ent@yahoogroups. com To SAP MM <sapmaterialsmanagem ent@yahoogroups. com> cc Subject
[sap mm] PR Release Dear All, I have created a PR for 10 materials out of which I want to release 5 materials only. Is there any provision in SAP wherein I can release individual materials only instead of whole PR. Regards, Nil +++++++++++++ Hi, Firstly you have to create 4 material types for each one..and each material type will allow to configure Quantity updates/No Quantity updates Value Updates/No value updates Over there u can configure as per your requirement. Let me know how it works? Cheers! -With Cheers From: M.K Thamarai Kannan +++++++++++++++ Hi Vijay, Best way to handle this is maintain two material code as you have stock of unpacked material and packed goods also. tracability is easier when you have two seperate material codes Thanks Samraj --- vijay anand <vakul_harsha@ uk> wrote:
> Hemanth / Samraj, > > Yes, you both are right but in this scenario, the > packaging is done by third party hence to track the > cost at the vendor and third party (contract > packager) the client needs to maintain two prices. > The material goes directly from vendor to contract > packager and then comes to entry point of the > client. the client does want to maintain two > material codes for change in only one field. > How do you think this can be handled? > > Thanks & Regards > Vijay > > > > ----- Original Message ---> From: hemanth kumar reddy > <hemanthkumar96@ in> > To: sapmaterialsmanagem ent@yahoogroups. com > Sent: Wednesday, 15 August, 2007 11:25:47 PM > Subject: Re: [sap mm] two prices for one material-> Urgent > > Hi > > Why it is required?.If requires u have to create 2 > materials one as Semifinished Material(Before > packing) and another one as finished product. > > Hope it makes sence. > > Thanks > > > vijay anand <vakul_harsha@ uk> wrote: > Hi >
> How can we show two prices for the same material? > > Two prices in the sense material price before and > after packaging. > > Thanks & Regards > Vijay +++++++++++++ Dear All, I have created a PR for 10 materials out of which I want to release 5 materials only. Is there any provision in SAP wherein I can release individual materials only instead of whole PR. Regards, Nil +++++++++++ Hello gurus, plzz help in CIN configuration. I have idea of J1IT and J1ID but what do do further i am not getting. someone plzz gt me full step thanks in advance sameer +++++++++ there can be a practice maintained to check ME5A every morning for open requisitions >From: mohammed quraishi <ms_quraishi@ in> >Reply-To: sapmaterialsmanagem ent@yahoogroups. com >To: sapmaterialsmanagem ent@yahoogroups. com >Subject: [sap mm] Purchase request >Date: Thu, 16 Aug 2007 16:55:11 +0100 (BST) > >Hi friends, > >I have an important question, > >The purchase request created by PP For raw mateials &
>SD for finished goods to MM for purchase, >My question is: >How and where does this gets reflected in MM, how will >the MM come to know that a Purchase request has been >raised by PP or SD. >Kindly look into this iam very confused. > >Thanx +++++++++++++ Hi Dost, For that purchase request have you tried Trans code md04. if no then try that eventhough you r not satisfied I will suggest u more further. Bye mohammed quraishi <ms_quraishi@ in> wrote: Hi friends, I have an important question, The purchase request created by PP For raw mateials & SD for finished goods to MM for purchase, My question is: How and where does this gets reflected in MM, how will the MM come to know that a Purchase request has been raised by PP or SD. Kindly look into this iam very confused. Thanx ++++++++++ hi U can do Split valuation according to valuation category quality and keep valuation type 1) semifinished and 2)finished in one material master. Now when receive goods receive it in semifinished goods and then send it to subcontractor in the system and the receive it in finished goods. using this may be ur problem resolved.
let me know how u solved this? Thanks Bye vijay anand <vakul_harsha@ uk> wrote: Hemanth / Samraj, Yes, you both are right but in this scenario, the packaging is done by third party hence to track the cost at the vendor and third party (contract packager) the client needs to maintain two prices. vendor to contract packager and then comes to The material goes directly from entry point of the client. the client does want to maintain two material codes for change in only one field. be handled? How do you think this can Thanks & Regards Vijay ----- Original Message ---From: hemanth kumar reddy <hemanthkumar96@ in> To: sapmaterialsmanagem ent@yahoogroups. com Sent: Wednesday, 15 August, 2007 11:25:47 PM Subject: Re: [sap mm] two prices for one material-- Urgent Hi Why it is required?.If requires u have to create 2 materials one as Semifinished Material(Before packing) and another one as finished product. Hope it makes sence. Thanks vijay anand <vakul_harsha@ uk> wrote: Hi How can we show two prices for the same material? Two prices in the sense material price before and after packaging. Thanks & Regards
Vijay ++++++++++ hi ya, it shpuld reflect 1.25 in material master of material B bechause system updates stock account for semifinished product = OP(order price) +VP (valuation price raw material material A in ur case) Prashant vijay anand <vakul_harsha@ uk> wrote: Hi All, What happens when GR is made against a subcontracting PO.? I mean is the total value of the material changes? for example if a material A is sent for subcontracting for painting and returns as material B. material A is $1.00 and after painting the value is added by $ 0.25 and the value of total value of material B is $1.25. Now if I make GR against sub-contracting PO will the material master get updated to $1.25. Any inputs will be appreciated. Thanks & Regards Vijay +++++++++++++++ Hi Guys Purchase Order is that delivery is not being processed (status is A) but customer is saying, that is delivery is processed. What should I do? can any one help me ASAP Thanks Sabbir +++++++++++ Hello all, I want to know if it is possible to automatically receive in
returnable packaging with a packaging instruction? We use inbound deliveries for incoming raw material and we use rf scanners to receive the material in. i want to setup a packaging instruction for each incoming material so that when we receive in the components, the corresponding returnable packaging is also received into inventory based on the packaging instruction. Is this possible? thanks in advance for any help, gabe +++++++++++ Hi friends, I have an important question, The purchase request created by PP For raw mateials & SD for finished goods to MM for purchase, My question is: How and where does this gets reflected in MM, how will the MM come to know that a Purchase request has been raised by PP or SD. Kindly look into this iam very confused. Thanx ++++++++++ Hi...SAP MM Gurus, Plz can anybody explain the functionality of MEI7...T.code. . Thanks in advance... Best regards.. avinash. +++++++++++++ go to SPRO---MM--- -Purchasing- ----PO--- -- screen layout for PO then select Me21 and excute,find the field delivery completed indicator, i think it was hide so set this one either optional or required or display wht ever u want
LAURO LAGMAN <mochee07@yahoo. com> wrote: Hi Sha, try checking your settings in t-code S_ALR_87000332 for the Automatic delivery control indicator Cheers, Lau ----- Original Message ---From: sabbir zahir <sabbirzu@yahoo. com> To: sapmaterialsmanagem ent@yahoogroups. com Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2007 6:15:38 AM Subject: [sap mm] P.O Order from shah Hi Gurus I am missing delivering complete late indication on Purchase order. Can any one help me for this issue please. Thanks Shah +++++++++++++++++++ 1.check fiscal year variant at company code level whether it is K4 or V3, and also check at maintain co.code for Material management. 2. again check usingT.code MMPV , until which date postings were closed,if it is showing current 2005/08, previous 2005/07 then we have to close all posting periods till 2007/08 in case of k4 fiscal year variant. 2007/05 in case of v3 fiscal year variant by using T.code MMRV Prashant Hazariwala <hazariwalapu@> wrote: MMBE IS FOR STOCK OVERVIEW ANAND CHANDOOR <mpower303@gmail. com> wrote: Try using the TCODE mmbe
On 8/10/07, hazariwalapu <hazariwalapu@> wrote: > > hi, > I have a problem in posting GR in the current period and it is giving > me a message ' Posting only possible in periods 2005/08 and 2005/07 in > company code 1000 ' then i have tried to close all these period using > Tcode MMPV but i couldn't close these posting period and i am getting > message 'the specified year 2005 is not the calender year'. > Again i can do posting in 2005/08 period but can not do posting in the > current date. > > Can anybody help me on this? > > Prashant > > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] ------------ --------- --------- --Choose the right car based on your needs. Check out Yahoo! Autos new Car Finder tool. [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] venkat 9.1929E+11 ++++++++++++++ You will try J1ID and go to Customer Excise details, maintain and save, Regards Diwakar _____ From: sapmaterialsmanagem ent@yahoogroups. com [mailto:sapmaterialsmanagem ent@yahoogroups. com] On Behalf Of sapmmsenthil August 16, 2007 2:08 PM Sent: Thursday,
To: sapmaterialsmanagem ent@yahoogroups. com Subject: [sap mm] CIN Customizing Hai MM Experts..... Can any one Guid me the CIN Version Customization With TCode's. Regards SAPMMSENTHIL ++++++++++++++++ Hi All, What happens when GR is made against a subcontracting PO.? I mean is the total value of the material changes? for example if a material A is sent for subcontracting for painting and returns as material B. material A is $1.00 and after painting the value is added by $ 0.25 and the value of total value of material B is $1.25. Now if I make GR against sub-contracting PO will the material master get updated to $1.25. Any inputs will be appreciated. Thanks & Regards Vijay ++++++++++++++++ Hemanth / Samraj, Yes, you both are right but in this scenario, the packaging is done by third party hence to track the cost at the vendor and third party (contract packager) the client needs to maintain two prices. vendor to contract packager and then comes to The material goes directly from entry point of the client. the client does want to maintain two material codes for change in only one field. be handled? How do you think this can Thanks & Regards Vijay
----- Original Message ---From: hemanth kumar reddy <hemanthkumar96@ in> To: sapmaterialsmanagem ent@yahoogroups. com Sent: Wednesday, 15 August, 2007 11:25:47 PM Subject: Re: [sap mm] two prices for one material-- Urgent Hi Why it is required?.If requires u have to create 2 materials one as Semifinished Material(Before packing) and another one as finished product. Hope it makes sence. Thanks vijay anand <vakul_harsha@ uk> wrote: Hi How can we show two prices for the same material? Two prices in the sense material price before and after packaging. Thanks & Regards Vijay +++++++++++++ U can use Split Valuation also. Valuation Category : Packaging Valuation Types : Pre Packaging and Post Packaging On Thu, 16 Aug 2007 hemanth kumar reddy wrote : >Hi > > Why it is required?.If requires u have to create 2 materials one as Semifinished Material(Before packing) and another one as finished product. > > Hope it makes sence. > > Thanks
> > >vijay anand <vakul_harsha@ uk> wrote: > Hi > >How can we show two prices for the same material? > >Two prices in the sense material price before and after packaging. > >Thanks & Regards >Vijay +++++++++++++++ Dear Kumar, Just Go into T-code Ml81n again & open your entry sheet,select change mode,you will get a new option Revoke,just click on that,your entry sheet automatically reveresed by system. Thanks & Regards Pavan Kumar ----- Original Message ---From: kumar manian <maniram_chn@ in> To: mm group <sapmaterialsmanagem ent@yahoogroups. com> Sent: Monday, 13 August, 2007 10:25:06 AM Subject: [sap mm] Cancellation Service Entry Sheet document Hi, What is the procedure to cancel the service entry sheet document posted through ML81N. Thanks in Advance Ram ++++++++++++++ Use MMPV to close periods 2005/9 to 2007/8 one after the other. i.e you have to use MMPV 24 times.Then you can do posting in 2007/08. Carefully check the log issued after every period close. regards epm
On Thu, 16 Aug 2007 Prashant Hazariwala wrote : >MMBE IS FOR STOCK OVERVIEW > > >ANAND CHANDOOR <mpower303@gmail. com> wrote: > Try using the TCODE mmbe > >On 8/10/07, hazariwalapu <hazariwalapu@> wrote: >> > > hi, > > I have a problem in posting GR in the current period and it is giving > > me a message ' Posting only possible in periods 2005/08 and 2005/07 in > > company code 1000 ' then i have tried to close all these period using > > Tcode MMPV but i couldn't close these posting period and i am getting > > message 'the specified year 2005 is not the calender year'. > > Again i can do posting in 2005/08 period but can not do posting in the > > current date. >> > > Can anybody help me on this? >> > > Prashant +++++++++++++++ Hai MM Experts..... Can any one Guid me the CIN Version Customization With TCode's. Regards SAPMMSENTHIL +++++++++++++ Hi All, Can we use the MRP to create reservations? If any one knows pls let me know in details.
Thanks. vineet +++++++++++ Please see in the delivery vl03n see the movt type is 601 or not >From: "garasai sap" <garasaister@> >Reply-To: sapmaterialsmanagem ent@yahoogroups. com >To: sapmaterialsmanagem ent@yahoogroups. com >Subject: Re: [sap mm] mm query >Date: Thu, 16 Aug 2007 10:03:31 +0530 > >my dear Nazeem >My problem is : after delivery stock should be reduced, but it is not >happening.To avoid this what settings should be done. >Thanks®ards > > >On 8/15/07, nazim husain <nazsan_2002@> wrote: >> > > after delivery the stock should be reduced > > check report vl06 for the total PGI >> >> > > >From: "garasai sap" <garasaister@> > > >Reply-To: sapmaterialsmanagem ent@yahoogroups. com > > >To: sapmaterialsmanagem ent@yahoogroups. com > > >Subject: [sap mm] mm query > > >Date: Tue, 14 Aug 2007 20:16:58 +0530 >>> > > >Hi > > >How to clean up Finished goods stock > > >After delivery and billing,finished good stock should clean up.But for >my > > >client stock is still available and not matching with physical > > >stock.Pleasehelp me and what settings should be done to avoid this. > > >Regards, > > >venkat > > >MM consultant.
++++++++++ You can display your PO in Me23n,from there go to Environment and then hearder changes or iterm changes > Go to me23n and make the necessary changes u need. > > On 8/15/07, H K <heartykid2000@> wrote: >> >> HI All, >> Can anyone tell me if theres any report for changes made in purchase >> order. say in Header or item data level. >> Thanks in Advance >> >> Regards +++++++++++++ hi, the mov type is 322 hazariwalapu <hazariwalapu@> wrote: hi Can anybody tell me which movement type we should use to transfer material from unrestricted stock to Quality inspection stock Thanks prashant ++++++++++ hello experts, Happy independence day to all of you. I m having a problem in vendor evaluation. During automatic amd semiautomatic methods how the system generates scores. i.e. whats the use of variance and how system computes scores from variance. Do help me? ++++++++++++++++ Hi,
Pl go M type 322 it will transfer stocks from Unrestricted to Quality Inspection. With Thanks & Regards Mohanrao Nagavarapu hazariwalapu <hazariwalapu@> wrote: hi Can anybody tell me which movement type we should use to transfer material from unrestricted stock to Quality inspection stock Thanks prashant +++++++++++++ me23n,environment - header changes it will be there for sure >From: "Ellis, Cindy - ERP" <cindy.ellis@ cityofhouston. net> >Reply-To: sapmaterialsmanagem ent@yahoogroups. com >To: sapmaterialsmanagem ent@yahoogroups. com >Subject: [sap mm] Purchase Requisition Header Note >Date: Wed, 15 Aug 2007 08:47:59 -0500 > >Is there a way to track changes made to a purchase requisition header note? >I do not see an option for header changes in the environment. > >Cindy E. Ellis, CPPO, CPPB >City of Houston - SAP ERP Support Team >Materials Management >voice 713-221-0682 >fax 713-221-0698 >email cindy.ellis@ cityofhouston. net +++++++++++++ 322
>Subject: [sap mm] movement type for - unrestricted to QI stock >Date: Thu, 16 Aug 2007 04:12:44 -0000 > >hi >Can anybody tell me which movement type we should use to transfer >material from unrestricted stock to Quality inspection stock > >Thanks > >prashant +++++++++++++ Hi Prasant, The movement type from unrestricted stock to quality inspection is 322 by Ramu hazariwalapu <hazariwalapu@> wrote: hi Can anybody tell me which movement type we should use to transfer material from unrestricted stock to Quality inspection stock Thanks prashant +++++++++++ MMBE IS FOR STOCK OVERVIEW
ANAND CHANDOOR <mpower303@gmail. com> wrote: Try using the TCODE mmbe On 8/10/07, hazariwalapu <hazariwalapu@> wrote: > > hi, > I have a problem in posting GR in the current period and it is giving > me a message ' Posting only possible in periods 2005/08 and 2005/07 in > company code 1000 ' then i have tried to close all these period using > Tcode MMPV but i couldn't close these posting period and i am getting
> message 'the specified year 2005 is not the calender year'. > Again i can do posting in 2005/08 period but can not do posting in the > current date. > > Can anybody help me on this? > > Prashant +++++++++++ my dear Nazeem My problem is : after delivery stock should be reduced, but it is not happening.To avoid this what settings should be done. Thanks®ards On 8/15/07, nazim husain <nazsan_2002@> wrote: > > after delivery the stock should be reduced > check report vl06 for the total PGI > > > >From: "garasai sap" <garasaister@> > >Reply-To: sapmaterialsmanagem ent@yahoogroups. com > >To: sapmaterialsmanagem ent@yahoogroups. com > >Subject: [sap mm] mm query > >Date: Tue, 14 Aug 2007 20:16:58 +0530 >> > >Hi > >How to clean up Finished goods stock > >After delivery and billing,finished good stock should clean up.But for my > >client stock is still available and not matching with physical > >stock.Pleasehelp me and what settings should be done to avoid this. > >Regards, > >venkat > >MM consultant. ++++++++++++++++++ hi Can anybody tell me which movement type we should use to transfer
material from unrestricted stock to Quality inspection stock Thanks prashant +++++++++++++++ Hi Sukla, The following dictation may help u, let me know ur query and status pls MM Pricing Procedure How pricing defined? Note : = down arrow Vendor assigned to Schema group assigned to Pricing procedure has Condition Types Note: when we make PO, if vendor is selected pricing procedure will be calculated accordingly
SPRO> Material Management Purchasing Conditions Define price determination process Define condition type After create condition type SPRO> Material Management Purchasing Conditions
Define calculation schema Define condition type Condition Types are 3 types 1. Condition class 2. Calculation Type 3. Group condition change which can be made (header/item of PO) What is Info Record? Link between material and vendor Under Procedure If you mark statistic for a condition type under a pricing procedure and use this condition type in a PO then POs net price wont be changed after discount Regards, Zusen ----- Original Message ---From: vijay shukla <vijay_sap2005@> To: sap <sapmaterialsmanagem ent@yahoogroups. com> Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2007 11:44:48 AM Subject: [sap mm] pricing procedure Hi MM gurus Can anyone explain how to create pricing procedure if following conditions are made .
1 basic price 2 discount on basic 3 gross ( 1-2) 4 packaging and forwarding charges on 3 5 excise duty on (3+4) cess on 5 7 discount 8subtotal of (1 to 7) 9 cst on 8 10 freight. 11 insurance please suggest the pricing procedure for the the Thanks in advance vijay ++++++++++++ Go to me23n and make the necessary changes u need. On 8/15/07, H K <heartykid2000@> wrote: > > HI All, > Can anyone tell me if theres any report for changes made in purchase > order. say in Header or item data level. > Thanks in Advance > > Regards
+++++++++++++++ Can the same principle be applied for paying to two different party against 1 info record. Example :Fully finished price -1000 Forging price - 800 M/cing price - 200 Regards, Shetty Vijay 2601 ____________ _________ _________ __ From: sapmaterialsmanagem ent@yahoogroups. com [mailto:sapmaterialsmanagem ent@yahoogroups. com] On Behalf Of ANAND CHANDOOR Sent: Thursday, August 16, 2007 8:52 AM To: sapmaterialsmanagem ent@yahoogroups. com Subject: Re: [sap mm] pricing procedure The query that u have posted is regarding Pricing Schema. Go to MM- conditions-pricing schemes In that u need to first create condition types. U have to make entry step by step. The query that u have posted will be found in condition types. After creating condition types u need to link it to ur pricing schema. On 8/14/07, vijay shukla <vijay_sap2005@ <mailto:vijay_ sap2005%40yahoo. com> > wrote: > > Hi MM gurus > > Can anyone explain how to create pricing procedure if following
conditions > are made . > > 1 basic price > 2 discount on basic > 3 gross ( 1-2) > 4 packaging and forwarding charges on 3 > 5 excise duty on (3+4) > cess on 5 > 7 discount > 8subtotal of (1 to 7) > 9 cst on 8 > 10 freight. > 11 insurance > > please suggest the pricing procedure for the the > > Thanks in advance > > vijay ++++++++ Hi Why it is required?.If requires u have to create 2 materials one as Semifinished Material(Before packing) and another one as finished product. Hope it makes sence. Thanks
vijay anand <vakul_harsha@ uk> wrote: Hi How can we show two prices for the same material? Two prices in the sense material price before and after packaging. Thanks & Regards Vijay
++++++++++= The query that u have posted is regarding Pricing Schema. Go to MM- conditions-pricing schemes In that u need to first create condition types. U have to make entry step by step. The query that u have posted will be found in condition types. After creating condition types u need to link it to ur pricing schema. On 8/14/07, vijay shukla <vijay_sap2005@> wrote: > > Hi MM gurus > > Can anyone explain how to create pricing procedure if following conditions > are made . > > 1 basic price > 2 discount on basic > 3 gross ( 1-2) > 4 packaging and forwarding charges on 3 > 5 excise duty on (3+4) > cess on 5 > 7 discount > 8subtotal of (1 to 7) > 9 cst on 8 > 10 freight. > 11 insurance > > please suggest the pricing procedure for the the > > Thanks in advance > > vijay > > +++++++++++++ Hi, Two prices for same material can be done by split valuation or by maintaining info records ( Vendor/
Material/ Plant Combinations ), but your example says with and with out packing, if that is the case better you maintain two different codes. Sam --- vijay anand <vakul_harsha@ uk> wrote: > Hi > > How can we show two prices for the same material? > > Two prices in the sense material price before and > after packaging. > > Thanks & Regards > Vijay +++++++++ Hi How can we show two prices for the same material? Two prices in the sense material price before and after packaging. Thanks & Regards Vijay +++++++++++== Hi How can we show two prices for the same material? Two prices in the sense material price before and after packaging. Thanks & Regards Vijay ++++++++++++++
v received ur queries 3 times.... pls send it once...... dcms78 <dcms78@yahoo. com> wrote: Hi.... Am very new to SAP.. jus Learning... I have an Question. When one says Goods movement from Storage to Production site based on Production order...we do an Goods Issue...and we creat an goods issue and post it.. goods issue created for moving goods from storage for type isself an goods movement as the BAPI call BAPI_goods_mvt ????or??? how to confirm that the goods are delivered? as issued in GI- type 261?? based on the Goods issue posted or shud there be something done to get it delivered to production site?? Plz do reply. Would be very helpful!! Thanks in advance. Diana Balasingh ++++++++++++++ Is there a way to track changes made to a purchase requisition header note? I do not see an option for header changes in the environment. Cindy E. Ellis, CPPO, CPPB City of Houston - SAP ERP Support Team Materials Management voice 713-221-0682 fax 713-221-0698 email cindy.ellis@ cityofhouston. net ++++++++++++++++== Hi.... Am very new to SAP..
jus Learning... I have an Question. When one says Goods movement from Storage to Production site based on Production order...we do an Goods Issue...and we creat an goods issue and post it.. goods issue created for moving goods from storage for type isself an goods movement as the BAPI call BAPI_goods_mvt ????or??? how to confirm that the goods are delivered? as issued in GI- type 261?? based on the Goods issue posted or shud there be something done to get it delivered to production site?? Plz do reply. Would be very helpful!! Thanks in advance. Diana Balasingh ++++++++++++++++++ Hi.... Am very new to SAP.. jus Learning... I have an Question. When one says Goods movement from Storage to Production site based on Production order...we do an Goods Issue...and we creat an goods issue and post it.. goods issue created for moving goods from storage for type isself an goods movement as the BAPI call BAPI_goods_mvt ????or??? how to confirm that the goods are delivered? as issued in GI- type 261?? based on the Goods issue posted or shud there be something done to get it delivered to production site??
Plz do reply. Would be very helpful!! Thanks in advance. Diana Balasingh ++++++++++++++ Hi.... Am very new to SAP.. jus Learning... I have an Question. When one says Goods movement from Storage to Production site based on Production order...we do an Goods Issue...and we creat an goods issue and post it.. goods issue created for moving goods from storage for type isself an goods movement as the BAPI call BAPI_goods_mvt ????or??? how to confirm that the goods are delivered? as issued in GI- type 261?? based on the Goods issue posted or shud there be something done to get it delivered to production site?? Plz do reply. Would be very helpful!! Thanks in advance. Diana Balasingh ++++++++++++++++ hi, any body can explain about foriegn trade imports control and tc ++++++++++= Hi sappers Is it possible to calculate the total value for the Following in calculation schema?
1. base price 2. Add 1% pkg - on 1 3. add customs 12.5%- Upon (1+2) 4. add cvd-16%on(1+ 2+3) 5.ed cess-3%on (4) Till this i did simple "from" & "to" and calculated 6. cess on duty- 3%- on (3+4+5) - this works on line no. 3,4 & 5 i am unable to enter in FROM-TO format. 7. Spl duty (add 1to 6)*4%- this also i ma unable to enter in the FROM-TO format Total value- (add 1 to 7). Attachment can be viewed. Thanks Any ideas Samuel +++++++++++
Hi, friends, What is use of this movemeht type where we used this movement type. I have cheake but it will post cost centre.But this movement type for GI for sales . But there I don't find any sales order, Why +++++++++++ HI All, Can anyone tell me if theres any report for changes made in purchase order. say in Header or item data level. Thanks in Advance Regards ++++++++++++ Hi,
Try set your your Sales Doc type set to "Delivery BLock" in OVAK under Check Credit column Lau ----- Original Message ---From: indika alwis <i_alwis@yahoo. com> To: sapmaterialsmanagem ent@yahoogroups. com Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2007 2:05:55 PM Subject: [sap mm] credit limit check at delevary ststus Dear all I have a problem , customer need to check the credit limit at the delivery creation stage .This is special case . Normally credit limit is check at the stage of sales order creation. But this is customer requirement. can any body expleane . the procedure 1. Do it need any special ABAP development, If so roughly what are the steps 2.Is it possible to do by configuration changes, if so what are the con fig steps in sequential order very eargent . please reply Indika ++++++++++
Hi Sha, try checking your settings in t-code S_ALR_87000332 for the Automatic delivery control indicator Cheers, Lau ----- Original Message ---From: sabbir zahir <sabbirzu@yahoo. com>
To: sapmaterialsmanagem ent@yahoogroups. com Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2007 6:15:38 AM Subject: [sap mm] P.O Order from shah Hi Gurus I am missing delivering complete late indication on Purchase order. Can any one help me for this issue please. Thanks Shah ++++++++++ Hi Shah, Go to "delivary" tab in PO item view and in right side u will find "Delivery Completed" check box Thanks, Zusen ----- Original Message ---From: sabbir zahir <sabbirzu@yahoo. com> To: sapmaterialsmanagem ent@yahoogroups. com Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2007 5:10:14 AM Subject: [sap mm] Purchase Order Hi Guys Can anyone tell me how can i find delivery complete indicator in a Purchase order? Please let me know ASAP. Thanks Shah ++++++++++
after delivery the stock should be reduced check report vl06 for the total PGI
>From: "garasai sap" <> >Reply-To: >To: >Subject: [sap mm] mm query >Date: Tue, 14 Aug 2007 20:16:58 +0530 > >Hi >How to clean up Finished goods stock >After delivery and billing,finished good stock should clean up.But for my >client stock is still available and not matching with physical >stock.Pleasehelp me and what settings should be done to avoid this. >Regards, >venkat >MM consultant. > > +++++++++++++++ Under the delivery table in the item level in your purchase order > > Hi Guys > > Can anyone tell me how can i find delivery complete > indicator in a Purchase order? Please let me know > ASAP. > > Thanks > > Shah > +++++++++++ Hi Sabbir; you can check the "delivery Complete"indicator by going to DELIVERY Tab
of PO... to check : go to ME23N>Delivery, you can see there a Delivery complete box Lau ----- Original Message ---From: sabbir zahir <sabbirzu@yahoo. com> To: sapmaterialsmanagem ent@yahoogroups. com Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2007 7:10:14 AM Subject: [sap mm] Purchase Order Hi Guys Can anyone tell me how can i find delivery complete indicator in a Purchase order? Please let me know ASAP. Thanks Shah +++++++++++ Dear all I have a problem , customer need to check the credit limit at the delivery creation stage .This is special case . Normally credit limit is check at the stage of sales order creation. But this is customer requirement. can any body expleane . the procedure 1. Do it need any special ABAP development, If so roughly what are the steps 2.Is it possible to do by configuration changes, if so what are the con fig steps in sequential order very eargent . please reply Indika +++++++++++
hello experts, Happy independence day to all of you. I m having a problem in vendor evaluation. During automatic amd semiautomatic methods how the system generates scores. i.e. whats the use of variance and how system computes scores from variance. Do help me? +++++++++++++ Hi Guys Can anyone tell me how can i find delivery complete indicator in a Purchase order? Please let me know ASAP. Thanks Shah ++++++++++++++ Hi sreekanth I got my problem solved. I checked in OMSY and OB52. It is now working well. Thank u Regards Murthy On 8/13/07, srknt03 <srknt03@yahoo.> wrote: > > Hi Murthy! > > Have you checked the periods in OB52? Plz check up and change > accordingly if reqd. > > Regards, > > Sreekanth
try omsy,ob52,,this can help u out. MSK <mb_krm@yahoo. ca> wrote: does anyone know why i am getting "K4 Fiscal Year variant, No period is Defined for 8/14/2007" error while posting Good Receipt in MIGO using a PO No. thanks msk> > --- In sapmaterialsmanagem ent@yahoogroups. com<sapmaterialsmanage ment%40yahoogrou>, > "SATYANARAYANA > MURTHY" <murtymagapu@ ...> wrote: >> > > Hello MM gurus > > when i am doing MIGO i am getting error msg > that > > Posting Period 08 2007 not open. I have done all settings in MMPV. > It is > > showing current period 08 2007 and closing period 07 2007. How to > do > > settings for this? Please help me to sort out this issue. >> > > Thanks and regards > > Murthy +++++++++++ Hi Gurus I am missing delivering complete late indication on Purchase order. Can any one help me for this issue please. I need it As Soon As Possible. Please Thanks Shah ++++++++++ Hi Can anybody help me in differentiating between the following details given below and what settings should be done and what exactly happens if I select
any one of these. No stock no value(NSNV) No stock with value update Stock update with no value update Stock update value update +++++++++++++++++++++++ Hi How to clean up Finished goods stock After delivery and billing,finished good stock should clean up.But for my client stock is still available and not matching with physical stock.Pleasehelp me and what settings should be done to avoid this. Regards, venkat MM consultant. +++++++++++++++ Can any body give me the step-by-step procedure for running MD01 /MD04 for MRP run and MPS run.
Please note that i had switched to below gmail address which has been reqularly using. "apparaoasv@gmail. com" +++++++++++++
does anyone know why i am getting "K4 Fiscal Year variant, No period is Defined for 8/14/2007" error while posting Good Receipt in MIGO using a PO No. thanks msk +++++++++++++ Hi MM gurus
Can anyone explain how to create pricing procedure if following conditions are made . 1 basic price 2 discount on basic 3 gross ( 1-2) 4 packaging and forwarding charges on 3 5 excise duty on (3+4) cess on 5 7 discount 8subtotal of (1 to 7) 9 cst on 8 10 freight. 11 insurance please suggest the pricing procedure for the the Thanks in advance vijay ++++++++++++++ Hi Sandeep Tcode SQVI does not exist, use T code SQ01 for Query Rgds Naveen Goveas On 8/13/07, Sandeep Acharya <sandeep_sapient@ in> wrote: > > > > > Dear Guru's, > > Can anyone help me... in understanding the steps for creating Sap Query > using T.code SQVI > > Thanks in advance
Hi Sandeep, The following instruction with exmaple may help u Query Creation 1. SQ02 > Define Infoset 2. SQ03 > Give all authorization 3. SQ01 > Building the query and run it SQ02 Name infoset (e.g.; MM_INFO_TEST1) Create Name and Table Name Authorization group = ZMM Insert table MARC Back and Generate Role / User group Assignment ZMM Save
Back & generate SQ03 User group Assignment Change ZMM SQ01 Edit > Other user group Name query (MM_query_test_ 1) Infoset Query [ select info set you have made] Now select Parameter list and selection criteria Save and name your query which you have made Back and execute query Regards, Zusen ----- Original Message ---From: Sandeep Acharya <sandeep_sapient@ in> To: sap mm <sapmaterialsmanagem ent@yahoogroups. com> Sent: Monday, August 13, 2007 2:39:00 PM Subject: [sap mm] steps for creating Sap Query using T.code SQVI Dear Guru's, Can anyone help me... in understanding the steps for creating Sap Query using T.code SQVI Thanks in advance
Regards Sandeep Acharya ++++++++++++++++ Service entry sheet filling up (t-code ML81N) will be against a PO. so make a PO with materials which u gonna send of servicing, and receive ur services using ML81N with materials, quentity and values as many time u want against a PO -Zusen ----- Original Message ---From: mm consultant <mmconsultant_ in> To: sapmaterialsmanagem ent@yahoogroups. com Sent: Monday, August 13, 2007 2:46:30 PM Subject: [sap mm] services hi all, can anyone explain about services processing as we are sending materials for servicing .and how to make service entry sheet and record it. thanks in advance ------------ --------- --------- --Once upon a time there was 1 GB storage in your inbox. Click here for happy ending. ++++++++++
Hi MM Gurus, Can anyone please give me to get a solution in details. A Vendor will supply 5000 raw material with the following conditions: Gross price of the material is $20/PC. A promotional discount 10% applies to the total value of the material. Freight charge is $500 (absolute value).
Starting from the scratch please guide me how I can create the following for the above mentioned problem. I am expecting a solution like release procedure created by Chapman. 1. Condition type (with condition record) 2. Access sequence 3.Condition table 4. Calculation Schema. After that I know how it could be assigned to vendor and create a PO accordingly. Please help me.Please! Please! Thank you, sachin ++++++++++ hi nilesh AUM is the price diff ac for STO that u 've to maintain in obyc for tr event key AUM maintain the G/L account ( get assist from ur FI consult) this will solve ur probs reg prasanna Nilesh Deshmukh <nilesh_sap_mm@ in> wrote: Dear SAP Gurus, I am facing one problem in STO. I have created one STO for a semi finished good material. While extending Semi finished materials from one plant to other in the same conpmany code,we maintain price control as V but when we actually produce the same mateial we change price control to S. In Receiving Plant:Valuation class e,g 1000 Price control : S
In Supplying plant:Valuation calss e.g. 1000 Price control: V While issueing material from supplying plant against created STO,I am receving error asdetermination for entry ABCD AUM not possible.Message No: M8147" Accunt " Could you please let me know the possible wrong entries happened in configuaration settings so that I can resolve the issue. Regards, Nil +++++++++++ Hi, While doing cancellation there will not be a possibility to change the quantity in the document. Means if u receive 10 qty in that document u have to do cancellation for all the ten qty's. There is no option to change the quantity's (You have to cancell the entire document) In the second case if you try to do reversal and select Return Delivery and then select the movement type as 102, in this document u can change the quantity. This is the differece between this two. ritu khanikar <ritu_khanikar@> wrote: Hi all, While doing migo, we can use cancellation and as well as reversal, what is the diference between the two? regards ritu ++++++++ Thanks for enlightment, Sorry I miunderstood "reversal" is for "Return to
supplier" Sam --- hemanth kumar reddy <hemanthkumar96@ in> wrote: > Hi Sam, > > Pl.don't mislead the members, when u flag the > Returns indicator in PO,MVT 161 will be triggered > automatically, not 122. > > Normally MVT 122 will be used to send back the > quality rejected materials to vendor against the > material document. > > Thanks > > P Samraj <samrajpp@yahoo. com> wrote: > Hi all, > > 102 is the reversal mvt. type of 101. Every mvt. > type > has its reversal counterpart. The are many reasons > to > make a reversal of any mvt. type (mostly human > mistakes). > 122 is used when you make a returns purchase order > to > a vendor. This is a purchase order with the > "returns" > flag marked. By the way, 122 has it reversal mvt. > type > in 123. > It's true that in both cases material is being > removed > from the stock but for diferent reasons and in > diferent bussiness processes. >
> Hope I have clarified, > > Sam > > --- charles pary <charlessusai@ in> wrote: > > > both cancellation and Reversal are same.... >> > > Cheers > > Charles >> > > "Damita B.Casey" <damitacasey@> wrote: > > Cancellation is used when the goods > > receipt was done in error. The > > entire qty of the original goods receipt is > > reversed. Reversal is used > > when you received goods and are returning it to > the > > vendor. You may > > reverse the original goods receipt in its entirety > > or a partial. > > --- Naveen Goveas <naveen.goveas@> wrote: >> > > > Hi Ritu >>> > > > The effects are same >>> > > > Rgds > > > Naveen Goveas >>> >>> > > > On 8/4/07, ritu khanikar > <ritu_khanikar@> > > wrote: >>>> > > > > Hi all, >>>> > > > > While doing migo, we can use cancellation and > as > > well as reversal,
> > > what is > > > > the diference between the two? > > > > regards >>>> > > > > ritu >>>> +++++++++++++++ Dear All, Can u please provide details of a report that gives the original document numbers against the Material Document Numbers appearing in the MB51.. For Eg. an Delivery Number 100 would raise a Material Document Number 501 (when PGI done) in the Item Ledger/CARDEX. An Invoice with number 601 will be generated later. Is there any report available that links 100, 501 and 601?? Thanks in Advance. Regards, Rakesh K R +++++++++++++++ Hi gurus, plzz explain me the process of making PR mandatory. how does we do this thanks in advance sameer ++++++++++ Hi.. I think answers r for .. Q.1) Ans:B Q.2) ANS:C Q.3) ANS:E
regards, nag. On 8/12/07, bayard0707 <bayard0707@yahoo. com> wrote: > > Hi All, > Please help me with the following certifications questions. I am > preparing for the exam. > > 1)You want to activate version management for contracts. Which > combination of fields do you need (true/false) ? > a)Document category + Document type + Company code > b)Document category + Document type + Purchasing organization > c)Document category + Purchasing organization + Purchasing group > d)Document type + Purchasing organization + Plant > > 2) A confirmation control key requiring an order acknowledgment from > the vendor has been entered in a purchase order. The data in the > acknowledgment differs from that in the PO: Instead of the whole PO > quantity on the desired date, the vendor confirms delivery of half of > the total quantity on each of the two dates one week apart from each > other. How do you enter this acknowledgment (one correct answer)? > a) You enter two items with the confirmed quantities and date on > the "Confirmations" tab page in the item details > b) You set the partial delivery indicator on the "Delivery " tab page > in the item details. As a result, an additional entry screen appears, > on which you can enter the confirmed quantities and dates > c) You enter two delivery schedule lines with the confirmed > quantities and delivery dates on the "Delivery Schedule" tab page in > the item details > d) You change the delivery date of the existing PO item and reduce > the PO quantity by half. For the remaining quantity, you enter a new > PO item in which you specify the other delivery date > > About Solution Manager: > 3) Which of the following are Solution Manager Usage Scenarios? > (True/False) > a) Manage Change Requests > b) Monitor SAP Support Desk > c) Upgrade SAP Solutions
> d) Link to SAP Education > e) Implement SAP Solutions > > Thank you for your help. > > > +++++++++++++ Dear Dinesh, Thanks a million! Regards, NI. --- In sapmaterialsmanagem ent@yahoogroups. com, dinesh.singhal@ ... wrote: > > Choose scope of list C then you will get information in a single line. > > Thanks & Regards, > > Dinesh Singhal, > SAP Functional Consultant > Mob # +91-9324168248 > > > > > > > > "Novel Ilyas" <novel.ilyas@ ...> > Sent by: sapmaterialsmanagem ent@yahoogroups. com > 08/13/2007 10:08 AM > Please respond to sapmaterialsmanagem ent > > To: sapmaterialsmanagem ent@yahoogroups. com > cc: (bcc: Dinesh Singhal/RCVL/ RelianceADA) > Subject: [sap mm] List of PR
> Importance: Normal Sender's OU: Reliance > > > Dear Gurus, > > Need your info on how we can have list of PR in single row manner, > since ME5A list it in 3 rows each record. > Appreciate your prompt reply. > > Regards, > NI. +++++++++++ can anyone explain about services processing as we are sending materials for servicing .and how to make service entry sheet and record it. Is possible to make Service Entry Sheet for multiple line items for PO. For example:I have one service PO. in that PO Five line items and each line item has its sarvice items. Line item 10 text........ ......... ......... ......... .... & it has twoservice items like 10 & 20. Same line items 20,30,40,50 has its own service items. So is it possible to make one Service Entry Sheet for all Line items & their service items. If it is possible then reply me how it may possible urgentlu. not possible. +++++++++++++ Hi Murthy! Have you checked the periods in OB52? Plz check up and change accordingly if reqd. Regards, Sreekanth --- In sapmaterialsmanagem ent@yahoogroups. com, "SATYANARAYANA MURTHY" <murtymagapu@ ...> wrote: > > Hello MM gurus > when i am doing MIGO i am getting error msg that
> Posting Period 08 2007 not open. I have done all settings in MMPV. It is > showing current period 08 2007 and closing period 07 2007. How to do > settings for this? Please help me to sort out this issue. > > Thanks and regards > Murthy ++++++++++
go to , IMG-->MM-->PURCHASI NG-->P.O- ->DF9 SCREENLAYOUT AT DOCUMENT LEVEL-->SELECT ME TWENTY ONE N-->DETAILS- ->SELECT PAYMENT TERMS ..MAKE .., SAVE IT..this is only option IT MANDATORY otherwise ABAPER can make that field mandatory through coding but in my client's location they are unble to make few fieldds mandatiry.. BRegards adarsh +++++++++++ Dear Friends; i have been assigned to object of domestic project. I have the functional specification, but the problem is that i am not getting what they exactly want In that functional specification ( FS ) they have mentioned about input requirement and processing requirement in this way Input Reqiurement : Printing of Goods Issue will be triggered after creation of Goods Issue against Process Order i.e at the time of MB1A transaction is saved. (Movement type will be 261 and 262) Processing Requirement :
For the Process Order: Check the Process Order Number Header Data: 1. Plant : Check the Process Order Number : Table Name is AUFK 2. Plant Description: Table Name is T001W. 3. Material Description : Check the Process Order Number : Table Name is AUFK 4. Material Code: Check the Process Order Number: Table Name is AFKO. 5. Batch Number: Check the Process Order Number: Table Name is AFPO. 6. Batch Size: Check the Process Order Number: Table Name is AFKO. Component Data: 1. Item No: Check the Process Order Number: Table Name is AUFM. 2. Material Code: Check the Process Order Number: Table Name is AUFM. 3. Material Description: Check the Material Code from the Process Order. Table Name is MAKTX. 4. Committed Quantity: Check the Process Order Number and Reservation Number: Table Name is RESB. (if there is no committed quantity, committed quantity column should be Zero for the particular Material) 5. Withdrawn Quantity: Check the Process Order Number: Table Name is AUFM. (take the movement types 261 and 262 only) 6. Batch Number: Check the Process Order Number: Table Name is AUFM. What i supposed to do to complete this object?? WHat will be my selection criteria ?? AS they have mentioned in FS check process order number, what does it mean?? Please help me out its urgent. Regards; Parag Gavkar. ++++++++++++++ go to ml81n,put the service entry number,it must be on the change mode.Revoke the acceptence and then save. Do the same step again after saving,then this time you candelete it.
> Hi, > > What is the procedure to cancel the service entry sheet document posted > through ML81N. > > Thanks in Advance > Ram ++++++++++ Hi, Configuration means by without changing the sap existing process or front screens ,only we do settings as per our or client requirements i.e. not changing sap programmes or we are fulfilling our requirements Customization means we are creating or changing Sap existing process or front screens i.e changing or creating sap programmes or as per our or client requirement
ANAND CHANDOOR <mpower303@gmail. com> wrote: Customization is done by superuser.It means the changes that r required can be made by the user.Configuration is done by end user. Release procedure is the authority required to release a Senior manager,MD,CEO what u need to do is Go to Materaials management -Release strategies, there u need to work on it.
On 8/10/07, nayna dixit <nayna_dixit@> wrote: > > HI SAP--MM ----FRIENDS > > can anyone explain me in tetails > > the defferance between configuration and custmization ? > > and what is meant by release procedure / and how to activate it ? > > pl reply me in details with example > > coz i total new to this field > > so dont be angry on me
>> > thanks in advance > nayna dixit ++++++++++ Dear SAP Gurus, I am facing one problem in STO. I have created one STO for a semi finished good material. While extending Semi finished materials from one plant to other in the same conpmany code,we maintain price control as V but when we actually produce the same mateial we change price control to S. In Receiving Plant:Valuation class e,g 1000 Price control : S In Supplying plant:Valuation calss e.g. 1000 Price control: V While issueing material from supplying plant against created STO,I am receving error asdetermination for entry ABCD AUM not possible.Message No: M8147" Accunt " Could you please let me know the possible wrong entries happened in configuaration settings so that I can resolve the issue. Regards, Nil +++++++++ the code provided by u i.e bmbc does not exist. plzz check it out > u can try it in BMBC. it is batch information cockpit > > reg > prasanna
> > anil mahajan <anilmahajan_ 11@...> wrote: Dear MM Gurus and friends, > > i'm a PP Consultant > > my user wants a report that gives the W.I.P stock details with batch and date of manufat. of batch. > > i have tried MC46 and MC50 but it shows products only as our requiremet is product code with batches. > > is there any table or T code that gives such details. > > kindly revert > > Thanks & Regards, > > Anil > ++++++++++++++ Choose scope of list C then you will get information in a single line. Thanks & Regards, Dinesh Singhal, SAP Functional Consultant Mob # +91-9324168248 "Novel Ilyas" <novel.ilyas@> Sent by: sapmaterialsmanagem ent@yahoogroups. com 8/13/2007 10:08 Please respond to sapmaterialsmanagem ent To: sapmaterialsmanagem ent@yahoogroups. com cc: (bcc: Dinesh Singhal/RCVL/ RelianceADA) Subject: [sap mm] List of PR Importance: Normal Sender's OU: Reliance
Dear Gurus, Need your info on how we can have list of PR in single row manner, since ME5A list it in 3 rows each record. Appreciate your prompt reply. Regards, NI. ++++++++++ Dear Gurus, Need your info on how we can have list of PR in single row manner, since ME5A list it in 3 rows each record. Appreciate your prompt reply. Regards, NI. +++++++++ Dear Hari, pls give me further detail steps because I am not familiar with financial operation. thanks and regards david In sapmaterialsmanagem ent@yahoogroups. com, "Hari Appani" <hari.appani@ ...> wrote: > > Please find some information on subsequent credit and subsequent debit for > these scenarios. >> Hari > > On 8/9/07, superoasiscn <superoasiscn@ ...> wrote: >> > > Hi,
>> > > After receiving invoice in SAP, we found that the price in PO needs to > > be changed. How can I do in this scenairo? >> > > With regards, >> > > David +++++++++ Pls explain it in more details in a operation level. For example,where and how can I add the extra amount? Can I use negative value? Thanks. --- In sapmaterialsmanagem ent@yahoogroups. com, "ANAND CHANDOOR" <mpower303@. ..> wrote: > > Price ina PO cannot be changed.But if there is an excess amount That u need > to add, then it should be balanced by using the G/L account. > > On 8/9/07, superoasiscn <superoasiscn@ ...> wrote: >> > > Hi, >> > > After receiving invoice in SAP, we found that the price in PO needs to > > be changed. How can I do in this scenairo? >> > > With regards, >> > > David ++++++++++++++ Pls explain it in more details in a operation level. For example,where and how can I add the extra amount? Can I use negative value?
Thanks. --- In sapmaterialsmanagem ent@yahoogroups. com, "ANAND CHANDOOR" <mpower303@. ..> wrote: > > Price ina PO cannot be changed.But if there is an excess amount That u need > to add, then it should be balanced by using the G/L account. > > On 8/9/07, superoasiscn <superoasiscn@ ...> wrote: >> > > Hi, >> > > After receiving invoice in SAP, we found that the price in PO needs to > > be changed. How can I do in this scenairo? >> > > With regards, >> > > David +++++++++++ Is this answer relevant to the question???
azam hussain <azam_s007@yahoo. com> wrote: me49,me50 ----- Original Message ---From: Pushpakumara Ajith <mihin2008@yahoo. com> To: sapmaterialsmanagem ent@yahoogroups. com Sent: Friday, August 10, 2007 3:08:13 PM Subject: [sap mm] Slow / Fast moving Items Dear All, Please let me know a TCODE to view Slow moving & Fast Moving Items in Material Management module. Thanks. Ajith
+++++++++++++ Hi Sam, Pl.don't mislead the members, when u flag the Returns indicator in PO,MVT 161 will be triggered automatically, not 122. Normally MVT 122 will be used to send back the quality rejected materials to vendor against the material document. Thanks P Samraj <samrajpp@yahoo. com> wrote: Hi all, 102 is the reversal mvt. type of 101. Every mvt. type has its reversal counterpart. The are many reasons to make a reversal of any mvt. type (mostly human mistakes). 122 is used when you make a returns purchase order to a vendor. This is a purchase order with the "returns" flag marked. By the way, 122 has it reversal mvt. type in 123. It's true that in both cases material is being removed from the stock but for diferent reasons and in diferent bussiness processes. Hope I have clarified, Sam --- charles pary <charlessusai@ in> wrote: > both cancellation and Reversal are same.... > > Cheers > Charles > > "Damita B.Casey" <damitacasey@> wrote: > Cancellation is used when the goods
> receipt was done in error. The > entire qty of the original goods receipt is > reversed. Reversal is used > when you received goods and are returning it to the > vendor. You may > reverse the original goods receipt in its entirety > or a partial. > --- Naveen Goveas <naveen.goveas@> wrote: > > > Hi Ritu >> > > The effects are same >> > > Rgds > > Naveen Goveas >> >> > > On 8/4/07, ritu khanikar <ritu_khanikar@> > wrote: >>> > > > Hi all, >>> > > > While doing migo, we can use cancellation and as > well as reversal, > > what is > > > the diference between the two? > > > regards >>> > > > ritu >>> >>> > ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _ > > > Yahoo! oneSearch: Finally, mobile search > > > that gives answers, not web links. >>> > http://mobile. mobileweb/ onesearch? refer=1ONXIC >>> > > > [Non-text portions of this message have been
> removed] >>> >>> >>> >> >> >> > > -> > Naveen Goveas > > SAP MM Consultant ++++++++++++++ Hello MM gurus when i am doing MIGO i am getting error msg that Posting Period 08 2007 not open. I have done all settings in MMPV. It is showing current period 08 2007 and closing period 07 2007. How to do settings for this? Please help me to sort out this issue. Thanks and regards Murthy ++++++++++++++= Hi All, Please help me with the following certifications questions. I am preparing for the exam. 1)You want to activate version management for contracts. Which combination of fields do you need (true/false) ? a)Document category + Document type + Company code b)Document category + Document type + Purchasing organization c)Document category + Purchasing organization + Purchasing group d)Document type + Purchasing organization + Plant 2) A confirmation control key requiring an order acknowledgment from the vendor has been entered in a purchase order. The data in the acknowledgment differs from that in the PO: Instead of the whole PO quantity on the desired date, the vendor confirms delivery of half of the total quantity on each of the two dates one week apart from each
other. How do you enter this acknowledgment (one correct answer)? a) You enter two items with the confirmed quantities and date on the "Confirmations" tab page in the item details b) You set the partial delivery indicator on the "Delivery " tab page in the item details. As a result, an additional entry screen appears, on which you can enter the confirmed quantities and dates c) You enter two delivery schedule lines with the confirmed quantities and delivery dates on the "Delivery Schedule" tab page in the item details d) You change the delivery date of the existing PO item and reduce the PO quantity by half. For the remaining quantity, you enter a new PO item in which you specify the other delivery date About Solution Manager: 3) Which of the following are Solution Manager Usage Scenarios? (True/False) a) Manage Change Requests b) Monitor SAP Support Desk c) Upgrade SAP Solutions d) Link to SAP Education e) Implement SAP Solutions Thank you for your help. +++++++++++
Dear friends i wnat to put more clarification on configuration and customizing with example.configurati on is the data which is already there in SAP . such as Po document type . It contains colums like no. range ( int and ext), field selction, Allowed item catogories e.g., NB but if client wants a diff no range and wants a perticular field to be mandatory . Then at that time you make a new doc type . It is customizing . Both data is made by consultants .Vijay 9822207362On Sun, 12 Aug 2007 02:17:27 +0530 sapmaterialsmanagem ent@yahoogroups. com wrote Customization is done by superuser.It means the changes that r required can be made by the user.Configuration is done by end user. Release procedure is the authority required to release a Senior manager,MD,CEO what u need to do is Go to Materaials management -Release strategies, there u need to work on it. On 8/10/07, nayna dixit wrote: > > HI SAP--MM ----FRIENDS > > can anyone explain me in tetails > > the defferance between configuration and custmization ? > > and what is meant by release procedure / and how to activate it ? > > pl reply me in details with example > > coz i total new to this field > > so dont be angry on me > > > thanks in advance > nayna dixit > > ------------ --------- --------- --> Moody friends. Drama queens. Your life? Nope! - their life, your story. > Play Sims Stories at Yahoo! Games. > > [Non-text portions of this message have [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
++++++++++++++== Hi, Cancellation has some additional features : 1. U can cancel wrt original doc no. which can fetch data automatically. 2. U can have original doc no as refence .
P Samraj <samrajpp@yahoo. com> wrote: Hi all, 102 is the reversal mvt. type of 101. Every mvt. type has its reversal counterpart. The are many reasons to make a reversal of any mvt. type (mostly human
mistakes). 122 is used when you make a returns purchase order to a vendor. This is a purchase order with the "returns" flag marked. By the way, 122 has it reversal mvt. type in 123. It's true that in both cases material is being removed from the stock but for diferent reasons and in diferent bussiness processes. Hope I have clarified, Sam --- charles pary <charlessusai@ in> wrote: > both cancellation and Reversal are same.... > > Cheers > Charles > > "Damita B.Casey" <damitacasey@> wrote: > Cancellation is used when the goods > receipt was done in error. The > entire qty of the original goods receipt is > reversed. Reversal is used > when you received goods and are returning it to the > vendor. You may > reverse the original goods receipt in its entirety > or a partial. > --- Naveen Goveas <naveen.goveas@> wrote: > > > Hi Ritu >> > > The effects are same >> > > Rgds > > Naveen Goveas >> >> > > On 8/4/07, ritu khanikar <ritu_khanikar@>
> wrote: >>> > > > Hi all, >>> > > > While doing migo, we can use cancellation and as > well as reversal, > > what is > > > the diference between the two? > > > regards >>> > > > ritu >>> >>>
Can anyone please give me to get a solution in details. A Vendor will supply 5000 raw material with the following conditions: Gross price of the material is $20/PC. A promotional discount 10% applies to the total value of the material. Freight charge is $500 (absolute value). Starting from the scratch please guide me how I can create the following for the above mentioned problem. I am expecting a solution like release procedure created by Chapman. 1. Condition type (with condition record) 2. Access sequence 3.Condition table 4. Calculation Schema. I have changed the price for all materials, But now I want to see old and current price and generated document no. So can any body tell me in which table or TCode I can get the same? get the all purchase history from this t-code. oher wise Go to T-code me1p. you will just make a simple query with table EKBE.MKPF. hi whenever u change the price then revaluation of the material will be done in this case u can get the details from the Ac doc generated. i have a question. if suppose we have relased the po, than is it possible to reverse the PO. if so wut is the process. u can go to me28 or me29n and cancel the release by clicking on the release flag again
Hello can anyone explain to me how to change a supplier from fax releases to receiving ASN from the supplier?
I created purchase order i got one error msg . That msg was no commitement itme 00010 1000. Hve u given any delivery date for that PO or not.Plz check I'm hoping you can assist with understanding this parameter, Planned Delivery Time. It appears in three places: The Material Master, the Schedule Agreement and the MRP Areas. It seem to do three different things...and I'm not sure I understand any of it ;-) I also understand there is a transaction, which we do not use, called WPDTC where one can calculate the Planned Delivery Time. I'd like to know if there is an optimum way to set the PDT so that we improve delivery of purchased materials. I'd also like to know where the proper place is to set and maintain this parameter, since it's in three places (and stored therefore in three different tables). I would also like to know how the Planned Delivery Time impacts the error messages that show up on the lights (MD06) and on the individual part (MD05 or MD04). For example, will I get an exception message 07? Or will I get advice to While Creating PR / PO system showing - Items not committed to Company code 10/1000 Pl give suggestion to create PR / PO Pl held any body in this problem. After receiving invoice in SAP, we found that the price in PO needs to be changed. How can I do in this scenairo? Please find some information on subsequent credit and subsequent debit for these scenarios. to seubsequent Debit /Credit, following is one of the best solution In addition provided by SAP that is "MRNB - Revaluation " to handle the business events which you are looking for. This is from SAP help" You use revaluation function within Logistics Invoice Verification to determine the difference values on the basis of price changes that are retroactively valid and to create settlement documents for them. You can also revaluate purchasing document items for which you have entered invoices or credit memos in different currencies." Do remember ... You can change the Price of PO even after Invoice Booking (ME22 or PO cannot be changed.But if there is an excess amount That u need to Price ina ME22n) add, then it should be balanced by using the G/L account.
I have read your web-page on Safety Stock Calculation ( s/safety- stock-calculatio n-in-sap. htm), which was very useful, however there is one point I need clarification on please - SAP R = Relationship between forecast accuracy and service level (Service Factor) Q. How do you calculate R?
i'm a PP Consultant my user wants a report that gives the W.I.P stock details with batch and date of manufat. of batch. i have tried MC46 and MC50 but it shows products only as our requiremet is product code with batches. is there any table or T can try it in BMBC. it is batch information cockpit u code that gives such details. can anyone explain me in tetails the defferance between configuration and custmization ? and what is meant by release procedure / and how to activate it ? pl reply me in details with example coz i total new to this field so dont be angry on me Customization is done by superuser.It means the changes that r required can be made by the user.Configuration is done by end user. Release procedure is the authority required to release a Senior manager,MD,CEO what u need to do is Go to Materaials management -Release strategies, there u need to work on it. Configuration means by without changing the sap existing process or front screens ,only we do settings as per our or client requirements i.e. not changing sap programmes or we are fulfilling our requirements. Customization means we are creating or changing Sap existing process or front screens i.e changing or creating sap programmes or as per our or client requirement to do is Go to Materaials management -Release strategies, there u what u need need to work on it. Anyone could explain the account postings during the GR for subcontract. what r all the accounts get debited and credited, Please look the below link. http://help. 47x200/helpdata/ en/4d/2b90bd43ad 11d189410000e829 fbbd/frameset. Htm
Purchase order 50 pieces of material ASSEM-1 were ordered. The subcontract price is $10/piece (total value = $500). The following components were provided to the subcontractor: 15 kg of the component COMP-1 5 pcs of the component COMP-2 Goods receipt: The subcontractor delivers 50 pieces of material ASSEM-1. At goods receipt, a consumption posting for the components provided to the subcontractor is automatically made. It is valuated at the price from the material master record, for example: 15 kg of the component COMP-1 at $20/kg = $300 5 pcs of the component COMP-2 at $30/pc = $150 The goods receipt is valuated with $950. This is calculated as follows: The subcontract price (50 pcs * $10/pc = $500) and Value of the components ($300 + $150). Invoice receipt The vendor (subcontractor) sends you an invoice for the subcontract work. However, the price is $10.50/pc. Therefore the invoice is 50 pieces ASSEM-1 * $10.50/pc = $525. Posting Schema for Moving Average Price Control In this Postings At goods receipt At invoice receipt Vendor account 525 - GR/IR clearing account 500 - 500 + External service account 500 + 25 + Stock
i have been assigned to object of domestic project. I have the functional specification, but the problem is that i am not getting what they exactly want In that functional specification ( FS ) they have mentioned about input requirement and processing requirement in this way Input Reqiurement : Printing of Goods Issue will be triggered after creation of Goods Issue against Process Order i.e at the time of MB1A transaction is saved. (Movement type will be 261 and 262) Processing Requirement : For the Process Order: Check the Process Order Number Header Data: 1. Plant : Check the Process Order Number : Table Name is AUFK 2. Plant Description: Table Name is T001W. 3. Material Description : Check the Process Order Number : Table Name is AUFK 4. Material Code: Check the Process Order Number: Table Name is AFKO. 5. Batch Number: Check the Process Order Number: Table Name is AFPO. 6. Batch Size: Check the Process Order Number: Table Name is AFKO. Component Data: 1. Item No: Check the Process Order Number: Table Name is AUFM. 2. Material Code: Check the Process Order Number: Table Name is AUFM. 3. Material Description: Check the Material Code from the Process Order. Table Name is MAKTX. 4. Committed Quantity: Check the Process Order Number and Reservation Number: Table Name is RESB. (if there is no committed quantity, committed quantity column should be Zero for the particular Material) put cursor on that field,which u want to suppress go for f1 , select technical info.. navigate u'll get field name...some alphabets..4 digits like.. then go SPRO->LG--> M.MASTER-->FIELD SEECTIONS--> MAINTAIN FIELD SELECTIONS FOR DATA SCREENS.. PUT CURSOR ON POSITION, GIVE FIELD NAME.. MAKE IT SUPPRESSED , SAVE IN T.REQUEST & GT IT TRANSPORT TO QA..TESTING. . 1. I want to make the Payment Terms Field in MIRO as display , but going through thecnical information, I have found the field name as ZTERM, and as suggested by you, I tried to search in "Maintain Field Selection in Data screen" by putting the the filed name ZTERM in Position ( reference field Selection) , but the field name is not available. Could you suggest me further. Please let me know a TCODE to view Slow moving & Fast Moving Items in Material Management module. Thanks. ME49 is for Quatation Comparision & ME50 Tcode Does not excist. T. Code ME5A MC46 - Slow-Moving Items MC50 - Dead Stock
U can find in LIS Can you please tell what LIS is? logistics information system Hello Zuohong, the meaning of LIS is Logistic Information System. The MC.9, MC.A, etc. transactions reads from them to show the results. Some of the LIS tables are S031, S032, S033, etc. any body tell me the t-code for view the open purchase requestion. Go to ME5A , uncheck the closed requistions check box , hope this wud help. i wanna ask u what is the Specific Relevance of Specifying Purchasing Group in Making Purchase Order. What are the effects if by mistake i specify wrong Purchasing Group While Making PO. I have a problem in posting GR in the current period and it is giving me a message ' Posting only possible in periods 2005/08 and 2005/07 in company code 1000 ' then i have tried to close all these period using Tcode MMPV but i couldn't close these posting period and i am getting message 'the specified year 2005 is not the calender year'. Again i can do posting in 2005/08 period but can not do posting in the do check configuration settings (i.e.SPRO) for maintaining the material plz current date. management for company code....just check the What is your current financial year..and period....tyr this The message "specified message 2005 is not calendar year" is just a warning(yellow signal) ,you can press enter and can go ahead. Make sure you close all period from 2005/7 to 2007/7. try ob52 Go to SPRO.In Material Master -Maintaning the Material Management for Company Code.In that Enter your Current year as 2007 & period as 08. I have solution, plz try and let me know if this works Firstly goto plant assignment and delete the assignment with co code. using Tcode /NOMSY, find ur plant and then enter the current fiscal year and period, save. after this reassign ur plant to ur cocode and put cursor on that field,which u want to suppress go for f1 , select technical info.. navigate u'll get field name...some alphabets.. 4 digits like.. then go SPRO->LG--> M.MASTER-->FIELD SEECTIONS--> MAINTAIN FIELD SELECTIONS FOR DATA SCREENS.. PUT CURSOR ON POSITION, GIVE FIELD NAME.. MAKE IT SUPPRESSED , SAVE IN T.REQUEST & GT IT TRANSPORT TO QA..TESTING. . Thank you very much for your prompt reply. I tried nut encountered the following. 1. I want to make the Payment Terms Field in MIRO as display , but going through thecnical information, I have found the field name as ZTERM, and as suggested by you, I tried to search in "Maintain Field Selection in Data screen" by putting the the filed name ZTERM in Position ( reference field Selection) , but the field name is not available. Could you suggest me further.
Can any one tell the configuration sttgs for mm-sd integration method.
We are in the process of elimination of vendor aid. In vendor aid, major contributor is the raw material & hence m/cing vendor cannot afford block such huge working capital. Can we have a program is SAP wherein below logic is applied. Basic raw material supplier will deliver r/m to achining vendor directly on assurance from M&M for timely payment. Machining vendor will deliver the fully finished part to M&M after processing. On receipt of f/f part, SAP will divide the invoice value is such a way that r/m contribution is paid to r/m supplier & m/cing vendor gets his contribution. Rejection due to r/m should also have the same treatment Timely payment from whom machining supplier or M&M? If the timely payment is from M & M. This can be done under sub-contracting. T code: CS01 for BOM, if multiple materials. 1. We have to place an order on raw material supplier, ME21N 2.Raw material vendor supply the material to the sub-contractor( machining vendor). 3. we have to do Goods receipt for the material received by the sub-contractor based on the acknowledgment received from the sub-contractor. GR "MIGO" movement type not sure 4. We issue the raw material to the sub-contractor "MB1C" movement type not sure. We have this procedure in place for sub-contracting, we want to get away from subcontacting w/o having any impact on landed & hence provision in SAP should be available by which sub-contractor will buy r/m & sell it to us & during payment subcontractor should get his part & r/m supplier should get his parts from us instead from sub-contractor. I have a problem in posting GR in the current period and it is giving me a message ' Posting only possible in periods 2005/08 and 2005/07 in company code 1000 ' then i have tried to close all these period using Tcode MMPV but i couldn't close these posting period and i am getting message 'the specified year 2005 is not the calender year'. Again i can do posting in 2005/08 period but can not do posting in the current date. MMBE IS FOR STOCK OVERVIEW
First u check ur controlling area settings in SPRO - enterprise structure-controlli ng. There, see whether u have defined fiscal year varient V3 or K4? If it is V3, then the yaer starts from April to March. In this case, August will become 5th month in 2007 year. Now check your company code status, in T.code: OMSY. It should be 5th month, 2007 ( In case of V3) or 8th month 2007 (In case of K4). If it is not there, then change this in MMPV, accordingly. Also, in T.code:OB52, for all 1000 related varients, open the periods upto 12th month, 2007. ( This is FI related). If required, maintain the factory calendar that is assigned to plant, even for previous 2 years. Now you do GR through MIGO. I CAN ANY ANY ONE EXPLAIN ME HOW TO MAINTAIN IN FV11 FOR THE CONDITIONS HAVING " INCLUSIVE OF EXCISE DUTY" IN E1 TRANSACTION maintian the taxes in fv11 by already defined taxes in taxinn procedure at document dates. Could you please guide me on How to configure the `Electronic Transmission' of RFQs and Quotations from and to Vendors / Suppliers. (EDI)
I had two doubts , 1. How to set vendor evaluation in IMG for perticular plant. 2.How to set release stategy for Rs.50000plus minus 2000 for perticular release group . If say PO value is Rs.52000 But release stategy for X was set for Rs.50000 ,In this case it should not go to Y for next release group it should has to go for X only . How we can set that
I need your urgent help. Our Finance Users want to make grey some of the fields in MIRO screen Layout. I am not getting in SPRO for the above option. Could you pls, help me out but did you check OMSR transaction ?? I'm not sure, When I am releasing a PO in t.code ME29N, I am getting the error 'Negative delivery costs not allowed'. First of all, why did the system apportion a negative delivery cost to one line item in my PO? Second, how do I correct this error and continue to proceed normally? Note my PO has several line items. And the delivery cost has been entered as a global amount. It is the system which does the apportionment.
We are in the process of elimination of vendor aid. In vendor aid, major contributor is the raw material & hence m/cing vendor cannot afford block such huge working capital. Can we have a program is SAP wherein below logic is applied. Basic raw material supplier will deliver r/m to machining vendor directly on assurance from M&M for timely payment. Machining vendor will deliver the fully finished part to M&M after processing. On receipt of f/f part, SAP will divide the invoice value is such a way that r/m contribution is paid to r/m supplier & m/cing vendor gets his contribution. Rejection due to r/m should also have the same treatment pl any body can explain 1.How to create Non valuated material PO 2.What is back gground process and its transaction code 3.Difference between LIV and valuation invoice verification 4.How to assign a purchase organization( standard) to plant ENTERPRISE STRUCTURE-ASSIGNMEN T-MAT. MANAGEMENT4. SPROASSIGN STANDARD ORG. TO PLANT use material type UNBW,, nd create a po, then accounting document is created while GR ,but only in gr/ir , consumption account is triggred. 1. If I understand you well, you want to create PO for material with price 0. First solution - create the new material type, non-valuated. Best way would be to create it with ROH reference and without accounting view. Second - if you want to create the PO for any "standard" material but with price 0, just check the box "Free" on item leven in PO. Don't forget to check the "GR nonvaluated" in Po! I need your urgent help . My users( finance) wants to make the Payment Terms field , non editable' in P.O ( Under Header Tab Deliver/Invoice) . The Payment terms which is coming from Vendor Master should be retained in the P.O. The person who is creating the P.O should not be allowed to change the Payment terms. I do not find any configuration to make this field in P.O for display only. On the other hand, is there any (display) viaSPRO - PO - define screen layout at Make the field non editable solution in release strategy? document level. to set the screen layout for PO in customization. Go to: SPROFor this you have MM-Purchasing- Purchase order-Define Screen Layout at document level, here select ME21N go to details. Double click on Terms of delievery and payment. Here check the boxes in to Display mode. How do we handle Service material Type? if we are not handling services in Ext services management. What will be the cycle of procurement?
What is material type HERS? Can a material under this material type hold stock quantity? indiacte that it is manufactured part. It can hold stock. Thsi typr
I would like to clarify that manufactured part can hold stock. For example, I have a ROH material X0001 and a (HERS) manufactured part M0001 referenced to X0001. When G/R against the PO on M0001, will stock update under M0001? HERS is Mfg. Part Number Which give us the information about manufacturer of a products / Material. This may use different manufacturer part numbers to identify the material.The approved manufacturer parts list contains assignments of manufacturer parts to a firms own materials taking the manufacturer, plant, a validity period, the revision level, and blocking reasons into account. In this situation, Your Client Each material is assigned with a Mfg. Part / Material Code which is Equal to your inventory. Manufacturer parts (HERS) Manufacturer parts are materials that can be supplied by different manufacturers and/or vendors who use different manufacturer part numbers to identify the materials. My understandng on manufacturer parts ( HERS ) is Original Equipment Manufacture ( OEM ) materials can be purchased from the equipment manufacturare or from the dealers, We can have stock as we keep stock of spare parts, can I check the value updation and quantity updation? Can u provide me Where tcode? Purchase order item with limits has actual value field equal to the overall limit & expected value fields. However, the po history reflects service entry/goods receipts total to less than the actual value field. This difference is still reflected in the AC commitment documents (FM & CO). Additional service entry cannot be created as no overall limit for unplanned services exist. Where can I find the details that make up the actual value field? If you have actual value under the limits is more than GR/Service entry sheet values, please execute the program RMBESTK3 by giving input as PO Number and try. You can try the test run first and check and do the final one. How do we handle Service material Type? if we are not handling services in Ext services management. What will be the cycle of procurement? Program RMBESTK3 is only for blanket PO For normal one use program RMBESTK2 My question is for SAP-MM. I am doing Purchase Requisition. I have multiple vendors assigned for one line item. I want to assign only one vendor who is L1 i.e. best to fulfil my requirement. How can I evaluate all vendors suggested by system and choose the best one vendor to place PO on him ?
maintain quotations for all the supplier,then compare the quotation price from these which supplier supply the goods with best price, quality, on required date then raise PO against particular quotation maintain source list for particular item then fix one of the supplier as a fixed vendor mintain inforecord particular material/plant/ supplier, then fix the supplier as a regular vendor in quotation can set the least pick up Maintain them Why do material cost in ZMIRO and the cost in MM02 differ? Shouldn't these cost be the same? I have been given the task of determine the cost of freight in transit; howover, when I started to investigate the cost I found that the cost were different. Please help. maintained in the master data is the cost price or u can say estimated Material cost cost for that particular material during procurement or call of new quotations the material cost varies or depending upon the vendor's quote which shoots the price during the purchase order either frm info record or from the last purchase price. i have a problem i m unable to understand pricing procedure for po. i have taken condition type gross price discount freight packaging and forwarding excise but in net price calculation it is taking only grosss- discount and invoice is also made for the add freight charge in your net price,go to MM-PURCHASING- CONDITIONSTo same amount . DEFINE PRICE DETERMINATION PROCESS-DEFINE CONDITION TYPE Define condition type-and select ur freight condition type-deactivate ACCRUALS key in control data2 (freight condtion screen) & save.Create PO again. Problem: Souce list not included despie source list requirement Sol: to verify PIR, SL along with valid dates and delivery dates
I m having a problem related to pricing procedure. Plz tell me the use nd imp. of access sequence while creating condition type. how actually the systems searches record with access sequence. why access sequence is entered during creation of gross price nd not during discount ,frieght ,packing etc.
Access Sequence is a search strategy and it searches for a valid condition record of a condition type, in a condition table. If you go to Access sequence and see, you will find the table no.s lie 17, 63 etc. Again in each table, you will find some fields like material no, vendor, plant etc.When you maintain condition records ( values), those will be stored in that tables. Access sequence will search for the records as per the sequence of tables, defined. For example, for condition type PB00, if Access sequence is 0002, then it will search for the value of PB00 in those tables, while you are creating a P.O. If any value is found, then system will automatically copy that value in P.O. If no value is found in tables, then you will have to enter the price manually. For other condition types like freight / discount, Access sequence is not defined means, that condition type is dependent on some other condition types. i.e, discount ( RA01) will be calculated on Gross price(PB00), then there won't be any Why condition type pboo is used in contract when iam doing the Miro transaction below two error message is coming Balance not ZERO, 2,028000.00 Debit,Credit : Zero -Only inputtax is allowed for account 191100 8475, V1 is not allowed. can any one help to correct the above bugs. the amount in the coloumn the error gets nullified with 0 Enter You need to select the correct tax code in the Invoice verification. As per the error V1 tax code is not applicable. Enter 2028000.00 in amount field of miro screen.& also enter correct Input Tax(Purching tax).you are entering wrong tax(output Tax.). How to get the report of date wise stock at vendor.thru MBLB I can only get the stock as on date. If I want to check the stock of vendor on some previous date wht would be the T.Code. Pls help me Mb5b is report which will tell you stock lying for material on posting date........ .... what you mean stock a vendor ... is this a special stock ...........please explain clearly thru MB5b we can only get the special stock but not the name of vendor. pls help Ineed the detail of special stock vendor wise. can u try MBLB in MBLB date selection is not there. It shows as on date stock. when i am creating a PR i am getting error no 629 i.e Item & payment budget for year & exceeded. till last day everything was ok, but now its not taking the commitmnet item and fund center. help me out
Does anyone know how to change the byer's address in the PO sheet that printed by ME9F? address of the purchase group. Change the
I think it is not possible once PO is printed. due to change of Pur. Grp Address Change i think i WILL NOT Effect.. I checked it is possible. is the requirement to change only the address for this particular PO are for all po? go to delivery address in po and change it the system will prompt if the change is to effect other places.use the Address field in Item Detail->Delivery Address tab of the I suppose you can Purchase Order. Goto Change Purchase order and do the changes, then print the PO using a program in which the delivery address is embed. How can I ME9F must link find the code of the program? there will be a Name of the Form ( SAP SCRIPT ) Assigned in SPRO . Go the Form through se71 and change the Address required .
Solution : CANCELLATION REVERSAL Canellation means total purchase item or a part of it can be cancelled when we feel it is not required and material has not yet been received by the company Reversal means Purchase Return when the material has reached your company and you want to return it back due to some reason then u can go for reversal Can any one explain me what is the Diff Between TAXINN & TAXINJ, Where it Hits In MM. is the condition based tax procedure . TAXINN TAXINJ is the formula based tax procedure formula based TAX Calculation Procedure for INDIA and is the most TAXINJ is . predominantly used Procedure in India, WHILE TAXINN is condition based TAX Calculation procedure, except for a handful of companies, others haven't opted for TAXINN. TAXINN minimises the use of ABAPOnly a few companies are using TAXINN right Let me add to the below statement. routines now. However with the advent of New Dimension products of SAP which use IPC, Billing and Tax Engines, it is advisable to start any impementation with TAXINN only, for future integaration. All companies which have used TAXINJ and are opting for CRM/SRM are swithching over to TAXINN, which in itself is a huge effort involved.
Hi Joshi, Here are some differences in TAXINN AND TAXINJ tax conditions. TAXINN: When you enter a purchasing document, for example, a purchase order, the R/3 System automatically calculates the applicable excise duties using the condition technique. Logistics - General, by choosing Taxes on Goods Movements > India > Basic Settings > Excise Duties Using Condition Technique and ... > Account Determination. Features The standard system comes with two tax calculation procedures. TAXINN is only supports condition-based excise determination, whereas TAXINJ: supports condition-based excise determination and formula-based excise determination. Customer Master Data,Vendor Master Data,Material Master Data,Plant Master data and Excise tax rate have to be maintained. Formula-Based Excise Determination: When you execute a business transaction involving materials that are subject to excise duty, the system automatically calculates the duty for you. Prerequisites In order for the system to be able to determine which rate of excise duty to apply, you must have maintained all the data on the TAXINJ: 1. It is Formula Based Tax procedure. 2. It was most commonly used upto intial phase of R/3 4.7, but the latter implementations were with TAXINN. 3. Tax Code plays a vital role, as the Tax Rate are maintained in Tax Code. 4. It is complex compared to TAXINN TAXINN: 1. It is Condition Based Tax procedure. 2. Tax Code is required to be maintained in Condition Record, & if Tax Code is not found in Condition Record, Sales Cycle will go upto billing, but not release to accounting. Hence even a single Tax code may suffice trhe requirement for different Tax rate.
If SAP is implemented for any company in INDIA and the company is in EXCISABLE range then in SAP ,CIN is implemented ( Country India Version) then you have to implement the SAP by either of the one type of CIN 1. TAX INN - Condition based CIN implementation 2.TAX INJ -Formula Based CIN implementation 1. If you are using TAXINN then system will pick rate from condition record maintained using tcode FV11. 2. If you are using TAXINJ then rates are to be entered while creating tax code in FTXP & J1ID. TAXINN is condition Based While TAXINJ is formula based pricing procedure. Now these days, in ECC 6.0, SAP using TAXINN The basic difference between both the procedure is TAXINN is a condition based for each condition type we have to maintained a condition records and TAXINJ is a formula based for which me maintained a tax code in FTXP and the same will be assigned to the condition type UTXJ with accesses sequence Country/Region of Delivery Plant/Region of Customer/ Tax Classification of Customer / Tax Classification of Material/ Tax Code when we create a condition record for SD related. In SPRO ---> Logistic General --> tax on goods movements ---> inida --> basic settigs --> determine of Excise duty --> maintaiin Excise Defaults here for TAXINJJ, you have to maintain all fields you are using but for TAXINN you have to maintain only one "JCV1" in CVD condition conditions. TAXINJ: 1. It is Formula Based Tax procedure. 2. It was most commonly used upto intial phase of R/3 4.7, but the latter implementations were with TAXINN. 3. Tax Code plays a vital role, as the Tax Rate are maintained in Tax Code. 4. It is complex compared to TAXINN TAXINN: 1. It is Condition Based Tax procedure. 2. Tax Code is required to be maintained in Condition Record, & if Tax Code is not found in Condition Record, Sales Cycle will go upto billing, but not release to accounting. Hence even a single Tax code may suffice trhe requirement for different Tax rate.
In TAXINJ: The value of a particular condition is calculated from a set of predefined values ie while defining an TAX code in a TAXINJ the structure is as follows 1 BASB - 100 2.JVRD - 12.5% of BASB 3. JIPC - 4% of BASB 4. JIPL - 2% of JIPC. All these calculations are structured in the tax code Z1 say for example, when the user wants to have such a calcuation in his PO he need to use the tax code Z1 instead if he want to have JIPL as 8% instead of 2% then in such a case he needs to create a new tax code as Z2 with JIPL = 8% ( formula of calculation is getting changed) So the tax code plays a vital role in the determination of the tax condition value in the case of TAXINJ. Where as in TAXINN: The condion records are mainted instead of hard coded percentage value in the tax code. Say for example JIPL for vendor V1 can be maintained as 2% with FV11 transaction similarly the well ascan be maintained as 8% with a combination of TAXINJ -- Condition as same Formula Based TAXINN -- Formula Based. For TAXINJ, you need to Maintain Jurisdiction code. and the Condition values will be taken from FTXP Transaction where as for TAXINN, you will get the values from Condition Records from FV11 Transaction are Tax Procedure. Tax procedure is attached to Country Key. In Firs of all both case of India , country key is IN. Taxinj is formula based tax procedure TAXINJ requires you to maintain additional data in the Excise Rate Maintenance transaction, J1ID. Taxinn is condition based tax procedure TAXINN finds all of the condition records that you have created for that combination of vendor and material. This method requires condition records to be maintained for combination of vendor and materials. SAP recommends new customers to go for Taxinn
TAXINN is condition-based excise determination procedure This method requires you to create condition records for each combination of vendor or customer and material (and possibly other conditions). When you create a purchasing document, the system calls the tax procedure assigned to India. The tax procedure finds all of the condition records that you have created for that combination of vendor and material. When you create a sales document, the excise duties and sales taxes are determined by the pricing procedure (not the tax procedure). TAXINJ is formula-based excise determination procedure This method was used in the Country Version India Add-On and requires you to maintain additional data in the Excise Rate Maintenance transaction, J1ID. When you create a purchasing document, the system calls the tax procedure assigned to India. Each of the excise duties in the tax procedure has its own condition types, and each condition type is assigned to a formula. This formula instructs the system to calculate the excise duty using the data that you have maintained in the Excise Rate Maintenance transaction. When you create a sales document, the system determines the excise duties and sales taxes using the pricing procedure (not the tax procedure). TAXINN is to be preferred for CIN usage.
Basically Cin is divided in to two types: 1. TAXINJ - Is a Routine Based that is used in the condition types. it will work on the logic what ever is there in the Routine. 2. TAXINN: - Is a condition Record based. Means we have to create condition records for each and every condition type that you are going to use in the Pricing Procedure. Since Version 4.7 this TAXINN came into picture and start using this. And one of the important points is since 4.6 c CIN comes a separate package. But after introduction of 4.7 Version, CIN is coming the SAP Package itself and even in the Customer Master Record also we will find the CIN Icon. Basically 4 types of Pricing Procedures are used in CIN and are as follows: 1.JDEPOT - Depot Sales 2.JEXPOR - Export Sales 3.JFACT - Factory Sales 4.JSTKTR - Stock Transfer Country Version India comes with four pricing procedures as follows: JINFAC (Sales from manufacturing plants) JINEXP (Export sales) JINDEP (Sales from depots) JINSTK (Stock transfers) TAXINN for all the new implementation. The TAXINN is SAP recommends to use the condition based, you can simply create the conditions records for all the Excise and Sales tax but the TAXINJ will have the formual assigned for each condition which derives the rate from the J1Id transaction with the help of taxcodes. The reason for moving from TAXINJ to TAXINN is that all the formual written in the R/3 should be written in the CRM Pricing also which is a Java code. If you have any plan to implemet the CRM in near future it is strongly recommended to use TAXINN.
We use vendor batch numbers to manage our material, the problem is that our vendors have no system in generating their batch numbers(not in numerical order). Is there a wsy to enter the vendor batch for tracking purposes, but allow SAP to generate a batch to manage FIFO. Thanks in advance for your assistance,
Why do material cost in ZMIRO and the cost in MM02 differ? Shouldn't these cost be the same? I have been given the task of determine the cost of freight in transit; howover, when I started to investigate the cost I found that the cost were different. Please help. maintained in the master data is the cost price or u can say estimated Material cost cost for that particular material during procurement or call of new quotations the material cost varies or depending upon the vendor's quote which shoots the price during the purchase order either frm info record or from the last purchase price. Is there a standard report that shows the changes that has been done during the Invoice verification (MIRO) - Header and item level or atleast at header level. Like Invoicing party, price, date, payment terms etc.
Can we increase inventory valuation without updation of stock thereis one way by transaction MR21 we can increase it, is there any anthoer method ? Yes. But only in case of FG. Since this is valuated at Std Cost, transfer the material from one code to another. Then the material is valued at the receipt material cost but the variation will hit the P&L account I Think Question is not clear to u . I will try littel more to explain my question . Can we increase total valuation of inventory without increasing / deacresing stock available level ?. your suggested solution is that to transfer stock from one code to onthor this will increase / deacreas the stock.this is possible by transaction MR21 by whcih youe can directly increase / decrease MAP/ STD price so that inventory valuation get update accordingly & there is no impact on stock of this transaction . is you want increase way ? If there any anothor or decrease the stock item for a perticular qty we can create a batch with the help of split vauation we can revaluate for the specific quantity batch. My understanding is if we decrease or increase the value by MR21 the valuation would be applicable for the entire qty in stock, in the WIP stage material also. I have some materials which is supplied by two vendors, i want to maintain Gross wt and Net wt for materials in the material master, but the thing is weight of the materials differ vendor to vendor, plz tell me how to maintain two gross weight and Net weight for a single material in one material master case 1- The stock keeping unit is same for both materials. The gross/net weight maintained in the material master is the wt of material of Base unit of measure ( for ex if the UOM is 'kg' and the gross wt is 5 then it means each unit is 5 kg) so maintain a common UOM where wt of the material is same. case 2- The stock keeping unit is different for both the materials. Go for different material codes
For this scenario you can split the material by split valuation. Can any one please suggest how is the cancellation of GR handled in case of vendor evaluation. I processed GR thru MIGO for a PO through Movement type 101 and the correct score was calculated for criteria "On time Delivery Performance" . Then i cancelled my GR through MIGO with mvt. type 102 , but it didnt reflect in the score of criteria "On time delivery performance" . What should i do. While doing migo, we can use cancellation and as well as reversal, what is the diference between the two? The effects are same Migo Cancellation is through movment 102 ( cancel GIR for wrong entry or any other mistake ) & MIGO reversal is through movement 122 ( sending back to vendor ) Both Cancellation and Reversal are same.... Movement Type 102 in MIGO will reverse the Goods Receipt for PO and the same will happen for Cancellation also...... Movement type 122, is for Return delivery to Vendor and this wont come under Reversal or Cancellation concept... Cancellation is used when the goods receipt was done in error. The entire qty of the original goods receipt is reversed. Reversal is used when you received goods and are returning it to the vendor. You may reverse the original goods receipt in its entirety or a partial. I have some materials which is supplied by two vendors, i want to maintain Gross wt and Net wt for materials in the material master, but the thing is weight of the materials differ vendor to vendor, plz tell me how to maintain two gross weight and Net weight for a single material in one material master
does anyone know if you can create contracts for internal procurement. I need to create contracts for our inter-company purchases.
*Kindly provide Transaction code to check the list of pending purchase orders.* ME2L, ME2N, ME2M, ME2O, use ME2N , scope of list ALV & change layout as per requirement. Can use transaction code ME2L for pending PO vendor wiseAnd transaction code ME2M for pending PO material wise You have other TCodes like ME2C -by material group and ME2W by supplying plant use t-codes:- ME2M, ME2L. in that give BEST OR ALV, to list all pending we can po.
you can also use ME80FN SAP--MM TEACHIES CAN ANYONE TELL ME THE DIFFERANCE BETWEEN SERVICE MASTER RECORD AND SERVCE ENTRY SHEET ? IF POSSIBLE PL DESCRIBE ME THE WHOLE SERVICE PROCURMENT CYCLE I WLL BE VERY MUCH THANKFUL TO ALL OF U Sevice master record is the master data like materail master wheras service entry sheet is like goods receipt of services. I am sorry to saay that before posting any problem to this forum,u should work atleast something then only members can help u.The problem which u have posted is very basic and silly.So pl.try to work some thing...this is my sincere request. Also please try not to type everything in capitals. It seems like shouting. Sevice master record is the master data like materail master wheras service entry sheet is like goods receipt of services. We maintain service master by T-code ac01.& for service entry sheet first make P.O. by me21n in which maintain K & D in Account & Item category.then make the service entry sheet by T-Code ML81N. then pass the service entry sheet by ml85. The expalnation given by Pavan may help u to some extend,but u have to explore many things which will be possible when u do some thing on that..don't feel bad about my words..this is for ur betterment only..
What is FFF Class and where it can be used for? I have a internal part X in bom with three manufacturer part M1, M2 and M3. Two of them, M1 & M2 can be used in product. What is the best practice so I will not do wrong GI to production?
1.Could any one tell me whats the exact difference between workbench request and customizing request? 2.What is meant by Version managment?Where it is used? workbench request indicates ..tasks / objects done by technical guys.. customising request is for ...tasks done by technical people.. Can we increase inventory valuation without updation of stock thereis one way by transaction MR21 we can increase it, is there any anthoer method ?any anthoer method ?only in case of FG. Since this is valuated at Std Cost, transfer the material Yes. But from one code to another. Then the material is valued at the receipt material cost but the variation will hit the P&L account I Think Question is not clear to u . I will try littel more to explain my question .
Can we increase total valuation of inventory without increasing / deacresing stock available level ?. your suggested solution is that to transfer stock from one code to onthor this will increase / deacreas the stock. this is possible by transaction MR21 by whcih youe can directly increase / decrease MAP/ STD price so that inventory valuation get update accordingly & there is no impact on stock of this transaction . is there any anothor way ? For cancellation of GR There is transaction MIGO movment type 102 and another Transaction MBST Lets us know when should we use MBST& MIGO with 102 mov.? use GR mvt 101 then you got Material Document Number. You can use Mat If You doc Number for cancel MBST and MIGO (mvt 102). Please understand the reason behind every transaction code. MIGO is for GIR ( Good In Register ) for Procurement related transaction. ( though common movement is 101 ). MBST is cancellation of Material documentation. In SAP a material document gets generated whenever there is a movement of material or value addition of material. Some of the Movements are automatic ( non-optional ) and some are decided by the user ( optional ) MBST can only cancel a material document where the movement type is Optional ( Inventory management transactions like MB1B, MB1A etc ) where by you can reverse the transactions by canceling the respective material document . This is an alternate route to reversal of such documents through their original TR ( like MB1B, MB1A etc ) ( Please note, in SAP, there is no real cancellation , only reversal of any entry is possible ). MBST CAN NOT cancel/reverse material documents generated through automatic postings ( Like closure of Production order, Phy inv adjustment etc ) Such cancellations has to be done through respective Reversals only ( ex: MIGO cancellation etc ) 101 movement is defined for debit Stores ( entry to stores ) either by Purchase order or by Production order. 102 is the reversal of the same. ( explanation given by " ugenx " is absolute rubbish. Please don't mislead .) .Accodrdingly go through Kindly suggest where do I mention Shelf life of a material. Material master - Plant Storage Data 1 When i am doing LIV for Exciable material,Excise is also calucating on Frieght(Like BED,Edu Cess & SHE on Frieght). But in Migo there is no Entry. What will be the reason,can anyone please send me the changes i have to do. U hv to maintain condition records JMX2, JEX3, JHX2 AS 100% , then the values wont be captured in MIRO
COULD ANY ONE EXPLAIN THE APPLICATION OF T CODE MRDC AND MRRL. ALSO TO EDIT THE MIGO IN WHICH EXCISE INVOICE DATE WRONGLY ENTERED. I HAVE ONE PROBLEM IN CLASSIFYING PR FOR LOCAL PURCHASE AND SENT FOR RFQ .AS THESE ARE HANDLED BY DIFFERENT PERSONS,SOME TIMES IT IS GETTING DUPLICATED,COULD ANYONE PLASE GUIDE ME TO DIFFERENTITE THE SAME WHILE CREATION OF PR ITSELF? I suggest you create two different PR document types for ur scenario. And then navigate to SPRO > Materials Management > RFQ/Quotation > Define Document Types. here under the 'Link purchase requisition - document type' folder, define the PR document types for which can be adopted in an RFQ, which in your case is the 'PR for RFQ'. By defining this this the user will not be able to create an RFQ that is being adopted from the local PR. However, i also sense that there is something wrong abt the whole process as it seems a bit dodgy. Let me knw the whole scenario so that i can help you out better. which is your parent material and child material in BOM. parent material is the one which is assy & child material is which fits into assy. Parent material for a subassy is considered as child assy for FG of higher level. You can check the level of material in BOM. Depending on the level code of item they are in BOM.. parent material is mentioned in po.. n the material u r mentioning in bom r child matrials
What is the difference between LSMW & CATT? At which situation we can use this tools? is Legacy System Migration Workbench. It is used to upload the data from LSMW legacy system to SAP system before golive. CATT is Computer AidedTest Tool, used for testing data in SAP system. hi frnds can any one hlep me to know the table names for PR RFQ PO MIGO MIRO and BOM ; PR - EBAN / EBKN ; PO - EKET / EKBE / EKKN / EKPO ; BOM - MAST ; MIGO / MIRO - Which fields you want ?
How can I block Miro of invoice if materials are> unapproved or rejected? Dear prasanth,i have a modified problem of what sumedadescribed. if the goods received and accepted and got regected in production centre and want to hold the MIRO,is there any way.?pl guide me. you can put manual block. Use 103 movement at the time of MIGO .It will not allow MIRO untill 105 is not done.
try doing MIRO wrt PO The ideal solution for you would be to enter a return delivery for the goods that have been rejected at the time of production. However, if you still want to hold the MIRO. Move the stock into quality inspection and consume it physically, once consumed move the approved pieces into unrestricted (in SAP) and post the consumption. Reject the rest of the goods from quality inspection. Since invoicing and payment cannot be done for goods in quality inspection. While posting doc during MIGO I got error message "Posting period not open". Then I tried closing the previuos period using MMPV I got the message "Incorrect Period in control record of Comp Code XX. No Conversion the current period (mm/yy) of the control record is XX". I also tried fixing this using OB52, but surprisingly I couldnt see 2007, pls see attached file. Can anybody suggest some solution? I will really appreciate your response in this regard. I am facing probelm in issuing material against reservation and message coming is as: CO-document number assignment not possible for business transaction COIN in CO area .what is mean by Transaction COIN in controlling area ,pls reply Check out the Number ranges in customizing. create a new group. and insert COIN into that group I am facing probelm while MIRO transanction ,the message is as : Tax code VN country IN does not exist in procedure TAXIN. even though i have maintain tax code. I am Facing a Problem Regarding BOM Updation. Whenever After Making BOM through CS61 , i go for BOM Updation Through CS62 an update termination Error is Getting Generated and BOM is not getting Updated. I am Facing This Problem Regulary and Unable to Trace The Error. What is difference between "terms of payment" and "payment terms"? In what context you are asking. If you are asking aout PO then Payment term is used to calculate due date in MIRO where as "terms of Payment" is a text field which can be used for long description if you v. They mean the same thing but they are specified at different level, ie. Company Code and/or Purchasing Org Level. Could anyone please help me how can i Transfer a material from its present material type to another material type. Is there any t-code for that? To transfer a material from its present material type to another material type the Tcode we have to use is MMAM
There are restriction on this kind of transfer !!! Have a look on Sap help You can change a material type to another material type using T-Code MMAM. Prerequisite is the material should not be in any Bill of Material, no Purchase Order should exist, no reservation exist and no valuated stock exist. Go to MB1B select movement type 309 and do it. If the material are relevant with batches you have to create a new batch I want to take only list of pending GR/IR i.e 105 list. Kindly advice from with t-code or from which report I can take the same. MB5S, MB51 have already used MB5S but limitation of this option is that we could not find one summary list of all parties with number of 105 which is going to be passed in SAP. If we find this type of report than we can easily control pending bills for passing in accounts on weekly basis in spite of party basis. what do you mean 105? 105 is movement type from which we make entry for stock through migo. Now I want to take a list of pending stock entries (105) for passing in account of party ledger. i want to transfer stock from unrestricted use to quality inspection. wut movement type i shold use, or tell me how to do this. Hi, use Mvt type 322.... 322 is reversal , but i want to send it to quality inspection from unrestricted use Satish is right, it has to be Movt type 322 only. Do not worry about Movt type 321, evenif u have nopt carried out 321, Movt type 322 works independently if u want to move from Unres to ? Is QM implemented Quality Can any one guide me how to find the total amount for a Particular Purchase requesition. Is there any Report for this? You can try ME5A but you will have to select your desired output fields (It does have the Total Value Field). this a pblm facing in my company, there are 2 document types zdnb and zcnb zdnb is used as purchase req(prs1),zcnb is used as purchase req(prs2) i need zdnb to ask account assignment as mandatory field where as in zcnb i need not how can configure this Is it possible to reverse the UD given in QA32 & goods & accounting movement of the same. mvt due to UD is 122. Pl help. Its very urgent.
Can any one explain the following in length ACCOUNT MODIFIERS,VARIANCES , TRANSACTION EVENT KEY. Explanation with an example would help me a lot.
please tell me Invoice Amount and Purchase Order No display T-code I mean Invoice amount means Purchase order -> Purchase Order History -> Invoice Receipt amount and purchase order no. Try ME80FN and change view to PO History Can any body tell me what material group reports can we get? i couldn't get you what you meant to ask????
please tell me Invoice Amount and Purchase Order No display T-code. I mean Invoice amount means Purchase order -> Purchase Order History ->Invoice Receipt amount and purchase order no.
I have problem on MiGO, message account determination for entry INT KBS 0001 3000 not possible. I have used OBYC but the Kbs is grey and could not make any entries. What else can i do. you tell ye self as SAP papa & u dont know the simple solution for the ans go to OBYC & assing the GL account Can anyone tell me,what is meant by 'back flushing'? The non-manual posting of an issue of components some time after their physical withdrawal for an order. The goods issue posting for backflushed components is performed automatically at the time of order completion confirmation. Kindly help us on how to edit the last serial number. Our user accidentally create a wrong serial number that is why everytime they will create a new serial number, a wrong last num serial number has been displayed and generated. Attached is the screen shot of the last num serial number. Thanks! have a look with SNRO and the appropriated object Can you help me out to find out the Total Amount for Purchase requisition having multiple line items? (Total value of a Purchase requisition) For the document type of PR,check the overall release requirement in SPRO.You could get the header value of PR.
IN IMPORTRED PO, MIGO EXCISE TAB IS NOT COMING. HOWEVER CVD ,SPL DUYTY ARE MAINTAINED IN DELIVERY COSTS AS PER MY CONSULTANT INSTRUCTIONS. PL GUIDE ME FOR EXCISE POSTING. For Import p.o,following components will come: 1.Basic price (CIF,C&F etc) - However this will be arrived including cost,insurance, freight,landing cost etc. 2.Basic customs duty on item 1(percentage will vary based on product customs classifcation) 3.CVD - 16% on item (1+2) 4.Excise cess - (2+1)% on item 3 5.Custom cess - (2+1)% on item(2+3+4) 6.Special duty - 4% on item (1+2+3+4+5) Ensure above all components are figured in your import calculation schema. KINDLY GUIDE ME HOW TO RETRIVE HOLD MIRO DOCUMENT FOR WHICH I HAVE NOT KNOWN THE THE DOCUMENT NO? SECONDLY, IN ONE SOEDIFIC CASE WHILE I AM POSTING MIRO I HAVE A MESSAGE "ACCOUNT 45600000 REQUIRES ASSIGNMENT CO OBEJECT" 45600000 IS OTHER GAINS ACCOUNT. COULD ANY ONE GUIDE ME TO SORT OUT ABOVE PROBLEM problem you just go into preporties of your G/L aaccount,assigan a cost For second center to this G/L. I was reading some documents regarding RFID used in SAP. The idea is cool but I can't really imagine a scene like this - a truck is edging away into the gateway of a warehouse. When it reaches the scope of RFID reader, material administrators suddenly see 10,000 goods receiving's in SAP because there're 10,000 SKUs with 1 RFID tag sticked on each SKU, which possibly leads to a system crash... Further, how it's going to deal with special cases like purchasing kanban (you can't just make goods receiving with MIGO because then kanban cards status won't change to FULL), go without saying purchasing documents out of a normal PO (such as delivery schedule). Is that the way RFID works in SAP?
anil, this is problem of AAD, use T.Code OBYC, select KBS ie Account assigned purchase order, n give the credit n debit , like 91 81, n save than u try the save service entry, group add valuation
I'm trying to find out where the Purchase Requisition header text (Header notes) configured. I searched in SPRO could not find . I could see Purchase Reqsuisition item text. I have created 3rd party sales order and I want to pass sales order header text to Purchase requision or purchase order header text. I could not find where the configuration for header text.... I'm able to configure Item text.. Please help me where could I configure the header text. to get the 3rd party sales order header text to Pruchase req and purchase order...?... I'm looking for how to configure from 3rd party sales order header text to purchase requsiton / Purchase order header text? or MM user-exit... ? Please could you help me that SAP MM config flowchart.or config start point to end point. Can anyone explain with examples?? 1.) acceess sequences 2.) condition records 3.)condition types 4.)condition tables Access Sequence: A combination of accesses to condition records. The access sequence defines the order in which the system searches for condition records. Condition Record: A data record that stores a condition or condition supplements. Conditions include Prices,Discounts and surcharges,Taxes, Output. Condition Type: A characteristic of a condition. For example, in pricing, different condition types are used to distinguish between a discount that refers to a net price and a discount that refers to a gross price. . Condition Table: A table that defines the structure of condition record keys. The key consists of a variable part that represents one or more fields, and a fixed part that is identical for all condition records. In the Vendor Master Record the Conciliation Account field is grayed out I can't input any data in this field. I tried to fix it by Tcode: omsg and make the field as required field but still it is grayed out. Please some one help me to fix this problem immediately. Is there a way to know all the SAP table names and the kind of data it hold ... You can also try T-Code: MM00
Description: Values for TINC & TINCT tables are not consistent. The following codes are included in the TINCT table but missing in the TINC table: CFR CIP CPT DDU DEQ DES FH UN Please note that the Vendor Autoload tool is mapped to the TINCT table whereas the vendor master creation transactions (XK01, XK02) are mapped to the TINC table. Vendor Autoload tool is a tool to create vendors Autoload users are able to select any of the above values. however, the request cannot be processed as these values are invalid in PCM.;
We received X material with qty 50 kg then dispatch to production at the end of pack we calculate the total issued quantities we found 49.600 kg we want to calculate excees and shortage .how this equation called reconcillatin or what . you may say so Even if you remove the reason for blocking the invoice, you have to release the blocked invoice in separate steps, it does not get released automatically. Yes you have to release it by Tcode: MRBR.
When ever u find an error in MIGO as such u have given, the reason will be available in the top line itself. Pl check the document type of MIGO selected, the ref doc, the number of ref doc and item no and finally the MvT used. the combination should be correct. ur error message will not come.
we have automatic updation of info record for all purchase order type.we want to block for one of the purchase order type. please explain the procedure .
I have maintained the quota arrangement and source list for the required material and plant.But when PR is made iam not getting the source from quota arangemnt or Source list but it is determining from info record. How to set it right? can anyone tell step by step procedure?where iam doing mistake? Another issue is, i maintained release procedure with out classification for PR based on value for particualr material group and plant. But when i do PR for more than the value set for same material and plant also PR is not going through relese procedure. How to set it right? can anyone tell step by step procedure?where iam doing mistake?
what is the function of unit of accounts in warehouse it is related to Purchases all special order items. Prepares requisitions and Reviews billing .
147 Account determination for entry INT KBS 0001 not possible, This error had come at the time posting service entry sheet. So please solve this error as soon as possible. I have maintained Quaota arrangement & source list for a material and plant. But when i do PR and i click source determination iam getting a source from Info record but not from quota arrangemnt or source list. In source list and quota arrangement different source is maintained. Can anyone tell me where iam doing mistake with sequence of operations? Another issue is i set release procedure without classification for PR which is based on value and is saved and activated. But when I do PR with same material group and plant also PR is not going through RP it is directly released. Can anyone tell me where sources are selected in automatic source selection. When you open the only valid iam doing mistake with sequence of operations? screen, first tick source determination, then enter rest of the data. You also need info records of vendors you mentioned in source list, quota arrangement. 1.Have you checked source list requirement and quota arrangement in Material Master Purchasing view? 2.Value is item value or header value?RS set is at value or header level?Both have to match. Can anyone tell me,what is meant by 'back flushing'?
What is the difference between the Discounts what we give in Vendor Master record and the Discount what we give in Pricing. 2. How does the system know which to ADD and Which to Subtract in Pricing. 3. What are the Transaction Keys Hot when we Post record/contract/ sch.agree will apply to purchases involving 1.Discount given in info MIGO? the particular material.Whereas discount in vendor master applies to all purchases involving that vendor. ex.turnover discount.i.e. Vendor master discount can be applied over and above the material discount. 2.While defining condition type in price determination process (SPRO) you will be mentioning positive or negative. 3.Not understand your query.
I have business requirement to develop release strategies on contracts and purchase orders in such a way that if Purchase Orders are created from a contract and the contract already has been released/approved via ME35K, there should not be a need to release the purchase orders, if the pruchase orders (for the same PO doc type) are not created for a contract, they are subject to release strategy... Is there any standard solution that could be applied, or is there a user exit which I can use in it is better to have different document types for normal p.o and release p.o. I think this situation.. any help would be appreciated with which your requirement can be fullfilled. Please help to solve this issue. PO qty = 100 ; GR 1 qty = 80 ; IR qty = 100 Once I post Invoice it goes into blocked, in my opinion when I post GR 2 for qty 20 the invoice should be released for payment automatically. But it is not. Is my thinking wrong? Do I need to still run T.Code MRBR for releasing the blocked invoice? In your case,invoice is blocked for quantity variance.An invoice which is blocked for any reason,need to be released manually. u need to run the automatic release blocked invoices cycle, Once all the blocking reason for an invoice are not valid, invoice releases automatically in run. Can anyone tell me if there is a BADI or a Function Module to create an Inbound Delivery? Can we change the database any time i.e assume that we have initially started implementation with oracle 10i and later after one year If we want to change the data base from Oracle to xxxx . will SAP system supports that .If Yes what are the possibility. change, Yes you can created two release streategys 01 01 and 02 02 and created Charecterstics Doc Type(NB),Vendor( 000100015, 0001000279. .) and NetOrder Value(<250000USD, >250000USD) and assigned these charecterstics to the Class.First release strategy 01 01 (NB,000100015, 0001000279 and<250000USD) and second Release strategy(NB and >250000USD) and i dont want to restrict as per the Vendor for second release strategy.My system is triggering only first release strategy and second releasestrategy is not at all triggering since Vendor value going blank.How can i make my second release strategy should work with out restricting the Vendor?Can anybody help
iam doing implementation project to maufacturing company. the client want to assign batch number for his raw material and the same number has to be carried upto finish goods.After sales any queries with respect to product will be tracked down wrt batch number.So for ease plz help me wrt my doubts. 1)At the time of GR suppose PO is having X line of items can i assign different batch number for each line of item ,if i prefer for external assignment of batch number. 2) Can i opt for alpha numeric for batch number n what is the char length? 3)In material master in Purchasing view if i check the box is it sufficient for activation of batch management fot the particular material(Apart customizing- i prefer to maintain the batch at Please tell me daily purchase list T-code in SAP MM Must fields in Invoice Amount and Invoice Qty. In MB51 Tcode we see daily purchases but in MB51 invoive amount and invoice Qty fields is not there. Use MIR5 Please let me know how to get Account Group-wise Avendors List and also Schema Group-wise Vendors List. You can get Account group wise list of vendors using transaction MKVZ. I fee there is no standard report for schema wise report. May be u can customise a report based on the above transaction. Can someone explain me what is Bill of Ladding, Please. b/l is a negotiable shipping document confirming the possession details of the cargo that is been shipped in vessel or containers including., exporter / shipper, receiver / importer, consignee / notifed parties to be presented, carrier details ( ship / vessel ), port of loading, port of discharge / destination / country, cargo / goods / consignment details, details of packing with weight, shipping bill details, and details / terms of contract or carrier / vessel / etc.,. issued by the master of the vessel or their authorized agents. can any one guide me, how to know how much amount is balance in a value contract for which I have already created 2 release orders. Is there any SAP report. I am able to find by Excel addition, but I want to know is there anything to know how much is balance in SAP in ME3N,, standard report u can get the open target value,, I have supplied excess material to sub contractor ,After sending finished product some material is left over with Sub contract vendor .Tell me how to receive it back,what are the movement types You can use the T-Code MB1B with the help of movement type 542.Reqd. material will be in your area with this. Movement type: 542
how can i make a release strategy fo po which is to be used only in one plant and not in the other .also how can i set the value limit in it In the char maintain Plant as one of the parameters and in classification data maintain only one plant.. Maintain total value as another char and maintain values ( eg 1000 etc as classification data ) Your answer should be like this ' Create two characertstic for plant and value and assign the same to a class. Follow RS and check for RS settings '' read the attACHMENT . may be useful Can i know the T-Code which is given by as attachmnet Can anybody tell me how to create/define standard purchasing organisation, pl. Standard purchase organisation is nothing but normal purchasing organisation. If several purchasing organizations procure for a certain plant, you can define one of them as the standard purchasing organization for the transactions "pipeline procurement", "consignment" and "stock transfers". In source determination for stock transfers and consignment, the system automatically utilizes this standard purchasing organization. In the case of goods issues of pipeline materials, the purchasing info records of the standard purchasing organization are read. It can be assigned for a plant in customization settings. Please do help if u have overcome with the following senerio, PO is with inclusive of Excise, During GRN we dont know the Excise amount , Modvat Incoive received after Preparation of GR & we come to know the Excixe Amount How to handle for the same, as no excise.then capture & post the excise & update the register. First do G.R While processing falied IDocs (message type MBGMCR) in 51 status, some Idocs in reprocessing failed with following errors. 1. No items transferred 2 Qty and / or "delivery completed" ind. or final issue ind. are missing 3. Already Material Document posted - Avoid posting Duplicate. can anyone throw light on this issue and please also ell me how to trace parent Idoc from material/accounting document? Education Cess (ECS) is not taking value in Excise Invoice, any idea please... Check any note to apply Search for the relevant notes in SAP marketplace or write to SAP for help. Plz explain more detail in what Automatic safty stock is. Thanks. As per my knowledge, automatic safety stock is not possible, however automatic reorder point is possible. Use MRP type V1, V2, VM
I want to list materials according to puchasing groups. Are there any t codes for this?table MARC, MARA It is working. thanks. (In MARC table, EKGRP field) Use I was hoping someone could give me (or point me to) a detailed explanation of how stock with the Restricted status can and cannot be used for production. Our situation is this: We are a research pharma company. Generally, production of our finished goods (FG) consists of anywhere from 2 to 10 consecutive batch processes. Each intermediate product (Semi-finished good/SFG) is tested against specifications while under Quality Inspection (QI) status to deterine if it is acceptable for the next process. Occasionally a material will fail this testing, and so cannot be used in the subsequent process. However, there is a possibility that this material could be repurified/reproces sed so as to become of acceptable quality and thus be used for the next step. So, given that the material fails specifications, it should never be fully released under the "Unrestricted" status, otherwise the lot could be inadvertently picked for a subsequent step in the process by SAP's automatic lot picking. This has serious cGMP (current Good Manufacturing Practices) implications and would likely cause us to fail any audit which brought this action to light. What we would like to do is release the material into a "Restricted" status, where the material is restricted for use only in the repurification batch and cannot be be picked, inadvertently or otherwise, for anything else.Is this what the "Restricted" status QI SAP is for? If so, stockdo we issue it is repurified. Block stock You can post your in stock to blocked how till the time Restricted stock to a can't be used for production. Ust mvt type 349 & 350 Once it is ready you can again post to it to QI or Unrestricted Use stock. use mvt type 343 & 344 can any one tell me what is the difference between .material type and material group. type is based on materail " attributes " whereas material group is basis " material characteristics " Material type:it's material having same attributes e.g. Raw material, finish material Material group: Material having same characterstics. e.g. sheets( metal,fibre, plastic), oil(hydraulic oil,lubricating oil) I hope u will understand the difference We have a business scenario. In this scenario, we use Info Record like this. The info Record contains 'Valid to' but, no 'Price', no 'Material Item'. In this case, we found the DATE in table EINE-PRDAT (Price Valid Until) is not equal to the DATE in Info Record. For example, In Info Record, the Valid to Date is 9999-12-31. But, In EINE-PRDAT, it is some day else. How and where can I get the correct data? Thanks.
My company is looking for software that can help us load thousands of materials into SAP MM. SAP has demoed their module that cost big bucks but I am asking if anyone recommends any other tools out there that can help us out. Thanks LSMW will help you to lond n number of materials to SAP. Initially for 5-10 then go for group wise.It is very easy and effective to load master data. can you help please... how do you get the table name from application? i need the table for the BOM component in a PO. anyone knows? You need to click the icon "components" in item detail for the Kitting PO. Let me know if you have questions. Try the ff tables :- STKO- BOM Header the component field as a reference to your material number). Thanks for your help... but both table dont have the PO number.... do you know any key relating to EKPO? Go to the Application Press F1 --for help menu click on technical detail icon from the icon bar of help ment a new dialog box will appear there u can find the table name WE can create purchase requisition with refernce to MRP (automatically) or existing Purchase requisitions or manually.Can we create it with ref. to contract? please possible. use doc overview for the same. yes its confirm it. Yes. Use document overview and 'Outline Agreement' caetgory. here you can search for ur contract or scheduling agreements and create a PR with reference to it. in Scheduling agreement, delivery schedule is already given for a material ie But this quantity of this material will be delivered on this date.Can we still create PR with ref to sch. agreement then convert into PO against this sch. agreement? I mean how it would work?In case of contract,we create PR with ref to contract and then convert it into release order.Please confirm about scheduling agreement. I need your valubale suggestion regarding the same i am working on SAP from last 5 years as a user but now i want to develop my skill with doing SAP MM Course. I enquired some two tarining institute they r ready to give the training for the same course. Herewith i am attaching Road Map for SAP R/3 MM Module which is provided by the institute. So pls guide whether it's worthy to doing same. You have been working as an end user for the past 5 years. It means tou must have got good knowledge of SAP at least from the point of end user. Better read notes which are easily available on the net. or join Genovate or Siemens & learn it. There are companies like L&T infotech which conduct FTR (Functional trainee resource) batches every year. But you have to pay a Bank guarantee for it. & at the ned of 2 or 3 years, you get your complete money back + you become an emplyee of the co. immediately after training & work as a MM consultant.
Somebody know how can I copy MM02 to a new transaction, I create ZMM02 like copy of MM02 in SE93 transaction, but when I try to execute ZMM02 the system return the message Error of transaction control, I finded the table T130M with transactions to material master, but I dont know where I can configure this table in customizing to include my Z transaction in this table. Somebody know?
I have problem in capturing Excise invoice.While entering the PO number it is saying Excise year determination failed in this plant.What would be the problem.Can any one help. chk no ranges when moving handset (has IMEI number) from one location to another location in a site Movement type 311,system throws error "No subsequent listing is possible". Can anyone help why this is so?
I have problem in capturing Excise invoice.While entering the PO number it is saying Excise year determination failed in this plant.What would be the problem.Can any one help. Please let me know, on how do we create a Subcontracing Service PO and its further processing (in short) Subcontracting service PO?I do not understand. Can you tell the scenario? I want to customize the PR release strategy so that if the IPR is made it will go to two HODs simultaneously and both will be able to release it. The first HOD if releases it it will move to next stage for release that means -- any of the HOD who see it first will be able to release it. This will help to avoid pending of IPR while the HOD is absent. We want two HODs in parallel. Kindly tell me the process of customization. Is it possible ? I faced a problem when I am verified Invoice on System When I am trying to simulate the Invoice the error msg given by the system "G/L ACCOUNT IS NOT DEFINED IN CHART OF A/C (CHART OF A/C NAME LIKE INT)" I am done everything what is possible by me Pls help me out what is the mistake by me every time on system then system given the msg or what is the possible solution for this error might be error in automatic account determination. You need to check out the there customizing settings for particular transaction whether G/L a/c is assigned? It means you haven't defined that particular G/L account under your Chart of Accounts. Check it once.
Please send me some of the tickets on GL AR AP & Dunning atleast two or three withSystem not shows any G/L account no on the error msg , what should I do for My solution. this problem what is the possible solution for this type error pls write it in details when I am trying to simulate the Invoice the error msg given by the system "G/L ACCOUNT IS(G/L a/c no not known) NOT DEFINED IN CHART OF A/C (CHART OF A/Ccheck that the G/L u have assign is not in your chart of account.please Please NAME LIKE INT)" check ,create a new G/L in ur Chart of account & assign. Mr. Saberi has been working in the SAP arena for 12 years and has dedicated the last 7 years to the Utility industry. He has worked on numerous ISU implementations in multiple countries both as a Solutions Architect and as a Training Instructor. Course: The ATR210 course is designed to be a crash course in ISU and will cover areas of ISU/CCS as shown in the figure below. As much hands on training will be provided as possible. Prerequisite: Sound knowledge of Utility Industry and SAP Software Navigation Kindly refer this email message to your known HR Professionals / Colleagues / Friends. For further information & participation confirmation, kindly email on or before: December 20th 2007, our email: contact@atrinova. Com This class will be offered in Hyderabad, India which is your parent material and child material in BOM I think components are parents and main procurement material is child Can anybody explain briefly About Tax procedure .As i m fresher in MM-sap i don't know the invoicing procedure's. At the time of creating PO whether i want to follow any Tax conditions. In my company, (Create PO -Sending to vendor-GR ) this 3 process no problem after GR here we r doing Parking invoice(MIR7) , from MIR7 we r getting problem excise duty , manual excise,sales duty,j1iex,j1id, CIN..etc related to Tax...something like tax,excise duty, j1iex i did'nt hear abt this.. Please kindly somebody help how to handle After GR(MIGO)..If u want i will send my Queries breifly in particular E-mail ID... so because day by day i m getting more doubts ..please send the ID for me. If it is possible , help me Regarding BED,SCESS,EDU CESS &CST..etc related to Tax pricing procedure. I am looking for the transaction which allows to assign stock values to the legacy master data t be converted to SAP Material matser Data
What is the difference between LSMW & CATT? At which situation we can use this tools?
LSMW and CATT both tools are used for uploading master data into SAP. CATT can be used for both functional testing and master data upload. where as LSMW is exclusively used for uploading the master data. I have loaded 4.7EE in my laptop. while posting MIGO. Error: for object RF_beleg,1000, number range interval 49 does not exist FBN1. Sol: i created 49 in FBN1 of available numbers 1 to 99999. so, with this i successfully posted the material document. when i am posting the invoice documents it is throwing an error 51 number range for year 2007 is missing and when trying to maintain in FBN1 it is showing no free intervals exit or enter intervals with out over lap. I tried mmpv,ob52,fbn1 but error is same. Give me a solution for this issue. We have created some characteristics for e.g. purchaing org, document type etc for po release strategy. After creating some release strategies, we have added new values for characterisitcs in SPRO "Edit characterisitcs" . However we find that the new values are not available for selection at the time of creating /modifying release procedure. Would like to know if some set up lining is required after creating new values for charactetristics so that same can be used. Will appreaciate your inputs. You need to add these new values in the Class. I believe the TCode is CT04 and class add values using CL24N. Characteristics and values are not transportable Also, is 032. I have a scenario 1) Factory to Depo Transfer & 2) Depo To Depo To Transfer. The route should be STO with DElivery and Invoice and in second Case Frieght should be loaded on inventory and frieght Payable Entry should come so as to pay the frieght Vendor. I as there any easy and best solution
I got a job interview next week in Logistic Company. Role Description ; The major function of the role is to provide SAP freight and Management systems support to users and business owners. This IT role provides technical support for users, monitoring of system jobs and interfaces and managing issues raised to resolution with the aide of related teams in ABAP, Basis, Systems Integration and other technical teams. The role will require technical knowledge of the SAP SD, MM and LES modules sufficient to diagnose and resolve issues presented. The role includes development of system and user support material to enable more selfsufficiency in the business. Could you guys please help me out with interview questions and any real time examples.
Hope someone provide the detail steps of configuring the PO release strategy. For example, how to set one purchase group to a certain release strategy? create one characteristic for prchase group(CEKKO- EKGRP) with values(t-code: CT04)& assign in class(t-code: CL02). then in release strategy select your required purchase group for that strategy. You are first to maintain purchase group as a characteric .. then maitain classification data through cl20N ( ie which PG you want to assign release ) Goto spro - material management - PR-release strategy( here you can chhooose between itemwise or header release ) The next 5 steps are then to be defined . For this you have to create chracteristic for purchase group by selecting table: CEKKO and field: EKGRP. After this you have to maintaine this chart. in your release class by assigning the value of purchase group for which you want release strategy. Is there any efficient way to issue 2 kinds of POs to one vendor? One is standard PO, another is subcontrcting PO? I mean, one material, one vendor, but 2 kinds of POs. possible, two separate info records are required Yes it's What are the Testing Tools we use to test the SAP data? You can use 3rd party tools to do can check that out on Google...there are a few available... .but the best of all is SAP CATT test environment. you can use SECATT or SCAT transaction to do that as per my knowledge integratin and quality testing The testing tools we generally use are CATT, provided by SAP. QTP for functional testing. LoadRunner for performance testing. can any body tell how to advance the reservation date. i have tried with reservation - changes -- go to - header But iam not able to change the reservation date. can any one help me. mode - MB22 you can see an icon details fm item if click that if you go to change icon on header it will lead to change the Reqmt date. i think this answer will resolve your problem, further queries please mail to my id. Pls help me create "Standard Purchase Organization. " When I go to SPRO>Assign Std Purch Org to Plant, it doesn't give me options. I am trying to create automatic PO while doing GR (MIGO).. i see that this is one of the prerequisites. . Ccietutorial. com is your gateway to the best sites on the Internet for Software! Looking for Computers, Domain Names, or Education? Browse our recommended resources or just try the Ccietutorial. com search http://ccietutorial .com/
But one WARNING is still coming during GR." Message 4F122 : BED, AED, SED FOR EXCISE ITEM IS ZERO" I want to calculate BED as 16% and AED AS 4 %. But GR is not defaulting any BED value , tried a lot solve issue but couldnt. Please guide me. I have maintained following details as follows: A) In J1ID 1. Chapter ID 2. MATERIAL- Chapter ID combination 3 Cenvat Determination : I have mentioned only input material please tell me whether output material is mandetory?, "X" not maintained, int date : not maintained 4.Vendor Excise Details : Have maintained all details with " Excise Indicator :" 1", SSI status not maintained, "CENVAT" is not checked. 5.Excise Indiactor for plant: Maintained all data with Excise Indicator as "1" 6.Excise indicator for Plant and Vendor : Maintained 1,2,3 . Please guide whther all 3 entries are mandetory? 7.In excise tax rates : Excise indicator is "1"., In Excise Rate : 16, and have not maintained any other entries in fileds including excise duty rates. I have not maintained further J1ID details like cess rates, exceptional rates, SSI rates, quantilty based AED etc. B.) I am using Taxinn procedure. In FV11 i have maintained JMOP AS 16%, for material , plant, vendor combination. Please guide me which different field in FV11 i should maintain.Should i mention tax code there?? C.) In excise tax defaults in A/P BED : JMOP , in A/P AED : JAOP NO other entries i have maintained. Though postingpurchasing pricing procedure some good can you send me a sample import the message in detail, still want while creating purchase requesition/ document the mandetory field asks Cost center if enter then it will ask G/L account, then again it will automatically displays 400000 like numbers then if we eneter we cant proceed. please help me,how to overcome this combination of A/c assignment cat, item cat, cost centre & G/L a/c Pl use correct problem can a po has more than one purchasing? To my knowledge you can only assign one purchasing group at a time. COULD ANY ONE GUIDE ME TO PUT A COMMON TITTLE IN PR AND WHERE THE TEXT TO BE ADDED? thank you LEKATE.My problem is to put a common if i want to speicify " all spares for compressor EH200"where i can put? if i go to item text, it will repeat for every item which is seen ugly. so i want to give as a tittle for the pr which is having 25-30 items. if i put in header note it is not carrying in rfq? pl guide me. To put additional text go to the TEXT tab on the item details or use TEXT on the header level of the PR.
As I created PO for the excisable material and also captured the excise invoice in J1IEX with one material in two line items(i.e two different coils of same material with different weights) .In the first line item is greater than second line item(i.e. first line item is 7 tonne,second line item is 6 tons) When I did MIGO, am getting error. as "Part1 will not be done for the excess GR Qty.",Message No.4F266 I am accepting qty in MIGO which is same in PO and excise invoice. also the excise showing in migo for both items are with 6(the last line item) qty only if i am doing smaller qty in line 1 & bigger qty line 2,there is no message at the time migo but excise details showing for the both qty are last line item qty only could anyone tell me how to configure the material master for original batches?the ob management field is available in the screen sequence 21 in purchasing/general plant2/workscheduli ng.but is not available in the mm01 transaction. i checked the field references,field selection groups where they are set to optional.any help is highly appreciated i have a doubt regarding the reservation and goods movement combination medha is using 201 movement type to issue only reservation goods. so can is it possible to assign an error to this movement type asking " issue can only possible with reservation" if it so can u briefly explain the path
we had created a PO for two items with 2pc each. then we deleted the line items and saved the PO. again we added same two items 2pc each. now when we see the print preview we are seeing the deleted items as well with the readded items. also at header level conditions we are seeing the total for 4 items instead of 2. ... at item level we can see only the basic price for deleted items and basic price with taxes for readded items. i want the total at header level to be of only of the readded items and at item level i wana see the conditions for only the readded items ... can anyone help?? can anybody help me to resolve the problem? When i do migo, the error(po doesnot contain any selectable items) comes. I checked,quantity was not received earlier and confirmation control is not set.release strategy also is not set. what could be the reason? can anybody help me out? this purchse order. Please check if the Shipping Notification exists for may be wrong doc type selected. What is the document type,item category & A/C assignment for the PO?
While making PO, that date display as PO from that delivery period consider.But to release that PO from all autority it take long time.Here I want to display final releae date in PO, and from that date we will conider delivery date. Hence Acc.people consider period from that date to cut penalty for late delivery. till the time you release PO, you can't get msg output e.g. print. Print output of PO shows the date of print & not the date of creation. Same you can match with date of release & accordingly calculate the delivery date. i am geting error messary 0721, when i try to do GI that understock for part no:726124-54. But i have configure the system to allow negative stock both at valuation,plant and storagelocation level. What could be the problem? Moreover in the 0721 showing as error message with red colour but i have checked in configration and its only a warning message. How worning message in configuratin is becoming error message stock in plant in Material Master- Plant Data Storage 2 do u activated the negative during transaction. View,,, i have one problem while doing migo how automatic po will generate and which settings i have to do for that first you create standard purchasing organisation and assign it to plant.after this you create inforecord for this stdandard purchase org and material combination. you should activate the automatic po for the movement type in coustamizing( mvt 101). plaese try these settings you will be able to create auto po during migo. Could you please explain me how to create a standard purchasing organisation in SAP. I know how to maintain purchasing organisation. while doing po i got a problem like this no commitment item entered its a problem of fico but the system shows the diagonsis that fund mgmg cash mgmt is active for this compnay code how to solve this problem. can any one help me ?
i have one problem while doing migo how automatic po will generate and which settings i have to do for that pl reply fast first you create standard purchasing organisation and assign it to plant.after this you create inforecord for this stdandard purchase org and material combination. you should activate the automatic po for the movement type in coustamizing( mvt 101). plaese try these settings you will be able to create auto po during migo. Can anyone explain how to take print-out of Goods receipt note?
I have requirement to track the progress of goods in the PO. I recently bump into tcode EXPD and want to use this functionality. My detailed requirement is like this: a. We have status of: - Leaving Factory - Arrive Port - Received in Warehouse b. When the status is assigned, I only need to put the planned date for last status (Rec in Warehouse), and then system should be able to calculate the planned date for the preceeding 2 events. From the explanation in library it seems that all functionalities can be covered by EXPD. I have configured the status as events. Define status rec in warehouse as starting point for automatic schedule, and then define the schedule for all the events as backward. However when I specify the planned date for the event Rec in Warehouse, and click schedule, and i click refresh, but still nothing happen. I have never seen this in work before, but I assume that the system should be able to put the planned date for each event based on the date that i put as starting point. What do i miss in here? Or the functionality is not meant to be like that?
Is it possible for me to restrict users based upon Material types by means of authorization control? I want to restrict Material type DIEN/ROH TO 2 Users Try PFCG hi guru's can anybody provide me the list of q and a database in MM while implementing and i did not get it in the sap-img and sap 123 , can u provide me if thanks for reply u are having ? In my company we use specifically 201 for issuing reservation goods. Now the problem is how can i make the reservation number a mandatory field for movement type 201 in goods issue. can any body please explain this in brief. Transaction OMBW, select mvt type 201, maintain, materials management, make reservation number field as required entry by means of radio button. what ever u have been said i already done.but its effect goods issue is nil can u specify the reason Regarding field selection, there is standard priority defined in SAP system i.e 1 Hide , 2 - display ; 3 - optional ; 4 - required ( mandatory) You may need to check, wherever this field is applicable in field selection criteria, it should be required everywhere. Even if 1 case of other selection of higher priority will override all other selections. In my company we use different po documents where here in the invoice field the check box invoice receipt,gr base invoice are been automatically in check position how can i control that check for a particular po. can any body pls give a explanation in brief
Invoice receipt & GR based IV is maintained in material master & vendor mastere. Default values are copied from there. You can change the same in master as well as particular purchasing document also. During PO creation, the condition value which PO creator manually entered on their previous PO has been automatically copied on their next PO. How can I control this? Thanks! We are Having a discrete Production System were materials are dispatched after making Production Orders. During Production Order Confirmation Some Materials are Deleted and Thus its Cost Doesn't Reflect in Final Billing. I wanna have a list of Materials Deleted in Production Order. Can Anyone Help Me With the Procedure and T-Code Ok, I have this scenario, I have material that I want to sell to a sister plant. The sister plant do no want to issue a PO for the material until they have had a chance to inspect the material. Keep in mind that the material is still in our inventory. Is there a way to physically ship the material to the sister plant wait for the material to inspected, then after inspection recieve a PO from sister plant and process and relieved inventory. Am having an issue in mc.9 report one keyfigure novalstckzero is not updating correctly ...the user say it is updating as per batch but it should update as per value there any link with batches to information structures in config or with any movement types please let me knoe help will be appreciated I just joined this yahoo group one of my friend recommended to post my question here
I've been looking all over spro for the message control for LP327 WM Not active for plant storage location I cannot seem to find the setting anywhere, I'm wondering if it is it even possible to turn off. We have just upgraded our SAP system from 4.6 to ECC6.0, While doing a repetitive manufacturing backflush using transaction MFBF a warning has appeared (LP327 WM Not active for plant HPLR storage location CD), , the plant is active for WM but in this instant the storage location is not. This is a new warning message and I was wondering if this particular warning could switched off. I have checked table T320 the plant is warehouse managed but with a different storage location HPLR and storage location 0001, so in a sense the warning is correct HPLR and CD location is not warehouse manged, could this warning be switched
As we know, in Purchase orders, Condition type PB00 flows from Outline agreements/inforeco rd/Condition records etc, while condition type PBXX is to be maintained manually.Also PBXX if maintained supersedes PB00 i.e is considesed for Gross/Net price calculations. The requirements at a client's place is as follows: For most of the regularly procured materials, contracts are maintained. Hence generally the P.O. price will be automatically determined as PB00. However there are cases where P.O is placed at a price which is different from generally agreed price maintained in contracts. In such cases price is to be entered manually as PBXX in P.O.,but the defaulted price should also remain i.e the p.o.should show both PB00 & PBXX so that Purchase Manager's attention is drawn to such cases The issue is while standard Gross/Net/Tax calculations are taken care of ,subtotals in the pricing schema are going wrong. To illustrate.. . Step Counter condition type Description from To 10 1 PB00 Gross Price 10 2 PBXX Gross Price 20 1 R000 Discount 10 10 Subtotal (Net price) 10 20 The subtotal(Net price) which is the base for some of the further condition types in the schema , calculated as sum of PB00 & PBXX minus Discount. It should be PB00 could any one tell me what is the mov. type we can use to create automatic po. i have done all the settings to create it and i am using 501 mov. type. u can use mov type 101 ,, to create auto po pre-requisites: 1. OMJJ - mov type 101 - auto PO (active) 2. Material Master - Purchasing - auto PO (active) 3. Standard PIR ,, with vendor & material combination with price. Procedure: 1. MIGO - GR - others - 101 - material - qty - vendor ,,,, save,.. can check now an auto PO might have been getting an error while trying to check/post the GR. The I tried doing that, but I am generated . error is "enter vendor" despite giving a vendor. Please advise.. check whether ,,,,, u have created a standard PIR with material and vendor combination with net price. Which safety stock calculation is best using a quantity or using safety days in the MMO2? Please advise as soon as possible. The best practice for safty stock is Automatic safty stock but you need historical consumption values and the service level Plz explain more detail in what Automatic safty stock is. Thanks. our company is upgrading to ECC 6.0. Can anyone give the transactions n let me know wut are the changes in
what is meant by inbound and outbound delivery ? physical inventory means what and count ?
Inbound delivery is when supplier is sending you the material. If confirmation control is active, you have to make inbound delivery & then Post GR. Outbound delivery is when you ship the material to customer, GI posted with reference to outbound delivery. Physical inventory is verifying the stocks available in warehouse as per system & physical. If there is difference, post the difference in system & stocks should be corrected so that it will give realistic picture to MRP for accurate material planning. Inbound Delivery - Pertain to all incoming goods, which you can receive either from a vendor / Plant or as a result of sales return from a customer. . Outbound DeliveryPertain to Outgoing movement of Goods from ur warehouse. This can be happen as a result of sales order or stock transfer out. Physical Inventory- physically counting the individual warehouse stock to maintain the book and physical stock .Outbound Delivery- Pertain to Outgoing movement of Goods from ur warehouse. This can be happen as a result of sales order or stock transfer out. Physical Inventory- physically counting the individual warehouse stock to maintain the book and physical stock . Is there a report to run that will show both material on warehouse block or hold and on quality hold or block. Thank you for quick response to this inquiry you can check VBFP table for invoice item level detail Could u please clarify me, when (the scenarios) do we use planning run types NEUPL,NETCH, NETPL in CBP. Could u please distinguish the usage of these run types? NETPL,you use this when there is changes(change indicator) for a material with in the planning horizion(replenishm ent lead time).so when you run MRP system runs MRP with in this planning horizon only. NETCH,you use this when there is changes for a material with in the total planning horizon(including planning horizon). you can you these NETPL & NETCH only when there is changes(changes may be due to changes in stocks,alter the stock of material etc). where as the NEUPL is also called as regenerative planning,system plans all materials included in planning file,irrespective of the change indicators. can anybody clear me, where to and how to assign a customer no. to the receiving plant for making inter company as well as intra company stock transport order?
We have just upgraded our SAP system from 4.6 to ECC6.0, While doing a repetitive manufacturing backflush using transaction MFBF a warning has appeared (LP327 WM Not active for plant HPLR storage location CD), , the plant is active for WM but in this instant the storage location is not. This is a new warning message and I was wondering if this particular warning could switched off. I have checked table T320 the plant is warehouse managed but with a different storage location HPLR and storage location 0001, so in a sense the warning is correct HPLR and CD location is not warehouse manged, could this warning be switched The system always create a standard purchase order !!!! Why ? And what is the way to answer at this requirement I have a purchase requisition of type ZRO and I have a purchase order of type ZROC. Requirement : I want to create automatically a purchase order type ZROC from a purchase requisition of type ZRO. u create first pr with me51n then go to me59n u will get automatic po For PO- Doc type ZROC ,,, SPRO-MM-Purchasing- PO-Define Doc Type select ur doc type ZROC , click on link purchase requisition ,,, here u assign ur PR Doc Type ZRO - item category STD,,,, and try the mistake u might have done is ,,,, u might have copied PO Doc type NB and created doc type ZROC,,,becoz of which it has copied all the PR doc answer my queries. Also Urendra., I am stuck up of Purchase You are right, Please types. Register. Can i get the Source code of this with all the include files. what is meant by inbound and outbound delivery ? physical inventory means what and count ? __._,_.___ ++++++++++++++ *Post message: *SAP MM Tips: *SAP Books: *SAP Training CBT: *SAP Jobs: ++++++++++++++ If you are on retail Environment will be nice do a check in transaction WB02.
how many master records can system hold for the above mention range. will it be only 9899 records as per numeric value or the system will hold as per permutations and combinations wise.
plz let me clear about the external number range. For ex: if i selected external number range for a group which consits of few material types and if i mention the range as from AAA to ZZZZ. can any one tell me how to make PR mandatory to create PO This has already been given by charles pary . Please go thru this and it will work go to Authorization Buyer.. t-code OMET (function Authorization) then new entry give any name say 11, & PO from PR only then at the top in general parameters , in that field selection choose--NBF then in Possible reference objects-->choose Ref to Purchase Requisition save then t-code SU3, or system-->user profile-->Own data click parameter in Parameter ID, give EFB, then in parameter value give ex 11, just what u save in OMET, save. Now ME21n try to create manually, it will throw error, as not possible to create Po without reference doc(PR). been saved without I followed the same procedure but it didn,t work. po has reference. go to Authorization Buyer.. t-code OMET (function Authorization) then new entry give any name say 11, & PO from PR only then at the top in general parameters , in that field selection choose--> NBF then in Possible reference objects-->choose Ref to Purchase Requisition save then t-code SU3, or system-->user profile-->Own data click parameter in Parameter ID, give EFB, then in parameter value give ex 11, just what u save in OMET, save. Now ME21n try to create manually, it will throw error, as not possible to create Po without reference doc(PR). actually I wants to do for all user at time. Thnx, but this is user specifc Re: [sap mm] how to do purchase requisition mandatory at the time of making purchase order Thnx, but this is useruspecifc actually I wants to do for all user at time. its not user specific. can try I had tryied, In su3 t code - login user is coimng, for that user system is blocking for PR but if you try in another user system is allowing to make purchase order without refering to PR Go to SPRO -->MM -->Purching -->PO --> Define screen at documant level --> select me21n (T-Code) -->Reference data, item Mark PR as reuired field. By field selection problem will not be solved. u can try . Only way to do it is, through functional authorization which i explained in my last mail .. check u can do it only by adding user exits User exit :ZXM06U43
Dear Mahavir Pande Thanks for yr reply but please could u explain more ---because I dont have shelf life expiration date and nothing to mention for manufacturer date to enter....but my client want good issue on first come receipt basis....
--- On Mon, 19/11/07, mahavir.pande@ in.schneider- electric. com <mahavir.pande@ in.schneider- electric. com> wrote: From: mahavir.pande@ in.schneider- electric. com <mahavir.pande@ in.schneiderelectric. com> Subject: Re: [sap mm] FIFO---during issue (how can be issue the material 1st , which was received 1st in the stock) To: sapmaterialsmanagem ent@yahoogroups. com Date: Monday, 19 November, 2007, 10:37 PM Activate SLED check in customizing. Maintain Material master data for the particular material with respect to shelf life, in Plant Data - Storage 1. Maintain total shelf life in master. At the time of GR posting enter mfg. date. System will check shelf life at the time of GR as well as propose old one at the time of GI. Though material doesn't have shelf life but same can be used for FIFO. Thanks, Dear All, Could u please help me out in the following senario. My client want to enter vendor batch number at the time of good receipt. and at the time of good issue , system should get the batch which was received 1st for issue. Means FIFO procedure , the material which is received 1st must be selected automatically for the good issue 1st. Could anyone tell me the procedure step-bystep. in advance thanks Shahab Hi Sahab,,
try the below procedure,,, this may work for u,,, steps to follow:
1. Batch - FIFO a) Create a Characteristic using t_code CT04 for LOBM-VFDAT b) assign it to a class 023_005 using t_code CL02 c) Create Sort Sequence SPRO-Logistic General-BM-Batch Det & Batch CheckDefine Sort Rule create sort sequence = 023_005S, assign characteristics LOBM-VFDAT d) Define Strategy Types - SPRO-Logistic General-BM-Batch Det & Batch CheckStrategy Type- Define Inv Management Strategy Type ME01 - Movement type/Plant/Mat No. Class = 023_005 sort Sequence = 023_005S No. of Splits = 3, e) Search Procedure-SPRO- Logistic General-BM-Batch Det & Batch Check- Batch Search Procedure Allocation and Check Activation-Allocate IM Search Procedure assign search procedure ME0001 to movement type 201, active check batch f) Create a condition record t_code MBC1, Strategy Type - ME01 movement type / Plant select the line and click on selection criteria characateristic value = 01.11.2007-31. 12.2007 select the line and click on sort sort rule - 023_005S ,,, assign and save now to check in master data: 1. Create material master with batch management active in purchasing view 2. Cretae Batch Master using t_code MSC1n 3. Now do the goods receipt and issue,,, u can sort the quantity by means of expiry date as FIFO ,,, and can split the issue quantity to various batches. try this out,,, and let me know the result.
At the time of GR posting enter mfg. date. System will check shelf life at the time of GR as well as propose old one at the time of GI. Though material doesn't have shelf life but same can be used for FIFO. Activate SLED check in customizing. Maintain Material master data for the particular material with respect to shelf life, in Plant Data - Storage 1. Maintain total shelf life in master.
I am unable to find out the settings by which the storage location comes automaticaly during the creation of the Inbound delivery ,while in the item category of delievery i have ticked the "determine storage location" and aslo in the path shiping->shipping point and good recieving point determination ->assign goods recieving points for the inbound deleveries . I have assigned the shipping point as the good recieving point for a plant and the storage combination ,but then also the storage location is not appearing automaticaly during the creation of the inbound delivery. I want this setting on the material level i.e particular material shud be putaway in particular storage location during the creation of the inbound delivery as it happens during picking in the outbound delivery e.g in the case of the outbound delivery it happend by defining the storage condition and entering the same in the material master of that particular material for which you want to get it picked up during the creation of the outbound delivery Can anybody help me out for solving this issue and also one more thing i want to clarify by which setting the delivery type get assinged to the inbound delivery/outbound delivery ,mean to say how the system determine the which delivery type is to be used during the creation of the inbound/outbound delivery ,as i cud't find any setting for this ,kindly shed some light upon this also.
i have question regarding LSMW when v r doing LSMW we give datatype char if it is character and Numeric if it is number like what i should mention if it radio buton and if it is check box plz let me know it will great help 4 me. If the data element refers to the XFELD domain, the field is displayed as a checkbox in the dialog. If the data element refers to a different domain with fixed values, these values are displayed in the dialog as a radio button group. The first 11 characters of a fixed value are used as the radio button's identifier. With combo boxes this indicator has the effect of displaying the field with an input help (F4) button. Request you to guide me how to get a table from structures which helps us to make a report. go to transaction SE11 and put the field in 'Data type' and select the corresponding radio button. Then click on 'Where used' button. Thus you can find all the tables that uses the field you entered. Hope from there you can find out the transparent table. I hv chcked this ,it is not working.SAP can make GRN against delivery completed PO.
When we set the delivery complete indicator, further GR against this PO is not expected but is possible. If you want to restrict the same, pl make the Open PO qty zero in Change PO ME22N & set delivery complete indicator.
during the making of purchase order the system giving the error message "enter rate eur/inr rate type m for 15.11.2007 in the system setting item 10 schedule line 1" how i can come out from this problem. one other problem that where we can control the currency decimal places. for example we need 3 decimal places and using the INR currency and want if we enter rate in p.o. inr 100 then the system should make it 100.000. plz help and i will appreciat it. thanks in advance. I want to know that how can we set delivery compelete indicator after releasing PO because after release we can not change any field of PO screen . I want to know also that how can we restrict user for makign GR against delivery completed PO. Actually whats ur requirement? After receiving a partial quantity of the PO, if u want that the system should not allow the further GR, goto T Code ME 22N and just above the item level, u find a "Blocking" Icon and using that u block the PO. After this, if u try to do GR, the system will not allow u to do so. Hoe this will meet ur requirement. If not, lease come backPO] but when I block the PO if any pending I have tried already this [Blocking of MIRO is there then system did not allow to do the miro. My purpose is to restrict user to make GR against "Delv Comp.PO" but pending MIRO should not be affected. , SELECT THE DELIVERY SCHEDULE TAB OF ITEM DETAILS, YOU IN ME22N CAN TICK THE BOX FOR DELIVERY COMPLETED. THEN FURTHER MIGO/MIROthis ,it is not working. SAP can make GRN against delivery completed I hv chcked WILL BE BANNED. PO. When we take a print of the PO through ME9F, In the tab where we maintain the printer name, can we default the number of pages that can be printed. printer name is mentioned in messeges of PO. You can define default printer for purchasing group. pl remember to change the subject.
Although u haven't mentioned where (storage type) system is showing this negative stock. if u are getting this in any storage type then go and check the setting in below mentioned path. - Logistics Execution-- Warehouse Management -- Master Data -- Define storage types. check Allow negative stock whether it is check if it is check uncheck it
during the making of purchase order the system giving the error message "enter rate eur/inr rate type m for 15.11.2007 in the system setting item 10 schedule line 1" how i can come out from this problem. one other problem that where we can control the currency decimal places. for example we need 3 decimal places and using the INR currency and want if we enter rate in p.o. inr 100 then the system should make it 100.000. plz help and i will appreciat it. thanks in advance. I feel that there is no need of 3 decimal places for currency as 1 INR consists of 100 paise only and 1 USD will have 100 cents only. Same in the case of all major currencies. any currency is to be rounded off to a meaningful 2 digits . the numer of decimal places can be controlled in customizing by default it is three see path in IMG - general settings - curencies - set decimal place for curencies. also note that this setting should be done initially any changes after FI documents are posted will make them incorrect. please check the IMG document before making changes I want to know that how can we set delivery compelete indicator after releasing PO because after release we can not change any field of PO screen . I want to know also that how can we restrict user for makign GR against delivery completed PO. I have tried already this [Blocking of PO] but when I block the PO if any pending MIRO is there then system did not allow to do the miro. My purpose is to restrict user to make GR against "Delv Comp.PO" but pending MIRO should not be affected. Actually whats ur requirement? After receiving a partial quantity of the PO, if u want that the system should not allow the further GR, goto T Code ME 22N and just above the item level, u find a "Blocking" Icon and using that u block the PO. After this, if u try to do GR, the system will not allow u to do so. Hoe this will meet ur requirement.SELECT THE DELIVERY SCHEDULE TAB OF ITEM DETAILS, YOU IN ME22N , If not, lease come back CAN TICK THE BOX FOR DELIVERY COMPLETED. THEN FURTHER MIGO/MIRO WILL BE BANNED. If u know that the deliveries are completed/enough,then revise the PO Qty to actual delivered/required quantity. In my organization for one material system showing Negative stock, But in configuration I verify at Plant level/ SLoc level and in Material Master (Plant/SLoc. data view2), no setting is done for negative stock. pl check if there are any setting changes. difference between time of setting changes, & posting. Whenever I post a PO using MB01 & the M-Type 101, I get this error "Part1 will not be done: 000000000200001102 does not exist. Material Chapter ID table & with the Message no. 4F167". Actually the numbers "000000000200001102 " is my material number. I'm able to use MIGO & post the PO but not with MB01.
Can you explain me again, because i do not see your reply... Awaiting.
Please help me to know the Invoice item levels are stored in which table. Thank you for your reply. But I asked for Invoice details and not for Purchase Order. - Header Date & EKPO * Item Detail EKKO my problem is that when even though we are taking credit for excise while making gr for first/second stage dealers the cost is getting added to inventory only. Check excise condition type i think u mark non deductable tax for excise condition type i.e why ur excise value added to inventory a/c so go to excise condition type & remove the tick non deductable it will solve ur problem We do not any condition type in the PO for dealer's. The basic cost which is settled with the vendor includes the excise amount forwhich credit is availed. make the p.o. as u r making for other vendors and attache the deductiable tax code and at the time of gr select only part-1 at the excise tab filed at header level. after do the j1iex with reference of that gr and change the excise base amount and put the actual excise assessable value. in this way ur rg23a-i & part-II will be updated. and at the time of invoice verification (miro) reduce the tax amount from the actual dealer bill amount and this way ur inventory will revaluated net of excise duty. can anyone tell me the exact difference between ECC No. and Exicse Reg.No.?? Can u please let me know the tables of MM Purchasing conditions. 1) table EKKO, take condition record number(field= EKKO-KNUMV) 2) that KNUMV is input ot this--->KONV try for RSEG table. as "Part1 will not be done for the excess GR Qty." I am accepting qty in MIGO which is same in PO and excise invoice.also the excise showing in migo for both items are with 7 qty only in line 1 & bigger qty line 2,there is no message at the time if i am doing smaller qty migo but excise details showing for the both qty are bigger qty only As I created PO for the excisable material and also captured the excise invoice in J1IEX with one material in two line items(i.e two different coils of same material with different weights) .In the first line item is greater than second line item(i.e. first line item is 7 tonne,second line item is 6 tons) When I did MIGO, am getting error
you need to maintain appropriate the pricing procedure for Purchasing Org, Document Type and Supplying Plant Combination. if you maintain those parameters your problem will be resolved. make sure whether the PB00 or PBXX Exist in Check the scema determination for STO. Please the Pricing procedure u assigned. SPRO - > Materials Management - > Purchasing -> Conditions -> Define Price Determintaion Process -> Define Schema Determination - >Determine Schema for Stock Transport Orders my problem is that when even though we are taking credit for excise while making gr for first/second stage dealers the cost is getting added to inventory only. We do not any condition type in the PO for dealer's. The basic cost which is settled with the vendor includes the excise amount for which credit is availed. Check excise condition type i think u mark non deductable tax for excise condition type i.e why ur excise value added to inventory a/c so go to excise condition type & remove the tick non deductable it will solve ur problem Every time i do a po in the po item tab i am getting invoice receipt as an default checked.can i can make it control how to do this depending on the document type pls can any body help me
We maintain ship to address in transaction MEAN but I cant seem to find a table or transaction that can list all the available ship to addresses that correspond to the address numbers. All I can get is a list of addresses without the address number. Can someone pls give me the table or show me where I can get a list of ship to address numbers and the corresponding address?Thanks Try SE16 to pull ADRC table Can any one explain whts the difference between Accelerated SAP and Value SAP? can any one throw some lights on the following queries 1. in Sub contracting how to do the reverse process (i.e i want send a machine to sub contracting vendor for dismantlement of the parts ) for this how to create a BOM, and how to make the Sub contract PO and how to receive the dismanteled parts. i've tried by creating the parts of the machine in the BOM as -ve qty. During PO i added the parent material (Machine ) in the BOM as recursive matl and posted the PO. This makes possible to issue the Machine to Sub cont Vendor. But In MIGO i am getting the problem that i'm receiving the dismantled parts along with the machine (this must not happen which is being consumed) 2. how to make separate conditions for the matls subjected to split valuation. for eg if a matlfollows make PO for Machine housing with BOM of machine, and all Try this as is having 3 valuation types hoe to make separate price conditions for other parts. in PO machine as +ve and other materials are -ve then when goods reciept u get the machine housing and all parts which are negative. try this First u clear what is your organisation buisness & Whether you have to do this thing regularly? If it is regular then for this before receiving u have to put Serial no. to each part. By which U can keep the track of those parts. Please help us to correct our SAP Error. We have problem at MM proses (POSTO) The Error appear when we make some changes at STO PO. (transfer between plant) The Detail Error message appear as : "Error in net price calculation, item 000010 (Please correct)" Message error no. 06213. Diagnosis Possible causes: The net price is negative. Check the prices and conditions entered. An error has occurred during currency translation.Check whether the foreign currency is defined in the system. The unit of measure of an item is not allowed. Check the units of measure entered. An internal error has occurred during the price determination process. A mandatory condition type is not defined in the system. Please contactyour system administrator.
I have an IDES version & have created a lot of company codes. Now, can I delete company code that i don't want permanently & its related files??? If anyone knew, please explain me how to do this... thanks
I hava query. Actually we have to give a report of various cost reductions we have achieved at the end of every month. Its difficult to keep a track of all these materials manually. Is it possible to get a report wherein we can get a list of all the materials in which there is a reduction in price than their earlier one, for a particular month?
my problem is that when even though we are taking credit for excise while making gr for first/second stage dealers the cost is getting added to inventory only.
can anyone tell me the transaction to check out the services. i want the report by which we can see the services. use ML84 & use SMSRV6 As I created PO for the excisable material and also captured the excise invoice in J1IEX. When I did MIGO, am getting error as "Part1 will not be done for the excess GR Qty." I am accepting qty in MIGO which is same in PO and excise invoice. May be the partial gr already happen against this p.o. plz check and confirm accordingly. try with subsequent delivery option (in MIGO select document type) Tcode-MIGO Subsequent delivery option is not possible. Earlier I was getting the error as" Part 1 will not be done for excess GR Qty." More to this when I captured the excise invoice in MIGO , found that as soon as I put the Excise invoice no.,the system captures the qty & duty of the last line item same for all the line items.(If there are more than one line item.) For ex.if there are two line items as qty 10 with duty Rs100 and qty 20 with duty Rs. 200,the system captures both the line items as qty 20 & 20 resp. as well as 200 & 200 Rs as duty. during the making of purchase order the system giving the error message "enter rate eur/inr rate type m for 15.11.2007 in the system setting item 10 schedule line 1" how i can come out from this problem. one other problem that where we can control the currency decimal places. for example we need 3 decimal places and using the INR currency and want if we enter rate in p.o. inr 100 then the system should make it 100.000. plz help and i will appreciat it.
I feel that there is no need of 3 decimal places for currency as 1 INR consists of 100 paise only and 1 USD will have 100 cents only. Same in the case of all major currencies. any currency is to be rounded off to a meaningful 2 digits Please HELP!I'm new, only 4 months with SAP. I need to change all Source Lists ("end period" to 12/31/2008 i/o 12/31/2007) in Outline Agreements. Any suggestions? I read I can use Me05 for automatic generation the source list for several materials , but don't understand how to do step by step Please HELP!!!!!!!! !!!!!! There is one more problem when a material is said to be maintained under reservation and if i issue the with reference to reservation i want the material quantity to be fixed that mean if i reserve an 200 quantity of material and when i want to issue material via goods issue reservation there should be no option to change the quantity. suppose if i enter 210 instead of 200 .the goods issue must not happen can it can be done like this.any possible wayissue qty more than through msg M7 362 in inventory management u cannot reserved. this message really work thank u once again for your suggestion u can create screen variant SHD0 and can fix the quantity during Goods issue, in this case u cannot issue the quantity more or less than the reserved quantity,,, i can explain u in detail if required I was also looking for the same and really its working. Can I control the same Movement typewise ie for 201, 221, 261
how can i upload the price that has been changed. eg: there is material a600000128 and now it has a master record in which standard value is 256/- and moving average value is 10.40/- now as some peiods have been closed the system is not allowing to change the moving average price.Now how can i update this moving average value. is it possible tough any transation codes let me please know it. For moving avg price material, rate change is not entertained. However there is a provision in MR21 T Code to change the price. This will create the variance beween the existing rate and the new rate which you are going to give in the above T Code. In case of Standard Price material, only the Std Cost calculation will change the price This is allowed only once in a month. Even here, for rate difference, system calcuates and updates the variance
In my implementation project the client want to make a goods issue which is returnable of a component of an asset to the external service provider. the component is not having any material code individually in SAP system but it is the part of an machine i.e asset. client wants to consider the goods issue of the component as gate pass for record purpose. Please help me to know the Invoice item levels are stored in which table.
how can i upload the price that has been changed. eg: there is material a600000128 and now it has a master record in which standard value is 256/- and moving average value is 10.40/- now as some peiods have been closed the system is not allowing to change the moving average price.Now how can i update this moving average value. is it possible tough any transation codes let me please know it. Try MR21 Can u please let me know the tables of MM Purchasing conditions
While processing falied IDocs (message type MBGMCR) in 51 status, some Idocs in reprocessing failed with following errors. 1. No items transferred 2 Qty and / or "delivery completed" ind. or final issue ind. are missing 3. Already Material Document posted - Avoid posting Duplicate. can anyone throw light on this issue and please also ell me how to trace parent Idoc from material/accounting document? Iwant to maintain class in the material numbers. what is the transaction codes for class. pls throw some lights. pls note this class is not for release procedure. CL01 while posting MIGO. Error: for object RF_beleg,1000, number range interval 49 does not exist FBN1. Sol: i created 49 in FBN1 of available numbers 1 to 99999. so, with this i successfully posted the material document. when i am posting the invoice documents it is throwing an error 51 number range for year 2007 is missing and when trying to maintain in FBN1 it is showing no free intervals exit or enter intervals with out over lap. I tried mmpv,ob52,fbn1 but error is same. Give me a solution for this issue.
What are the necessary fields that are to be included in the controlled substance inventory report ? What are the required fields to be included in the output report and what are the input selections fields. Kindly explain.
At the time of posting service entry sheet I have face following error so please solve this error 147 Account determination for entry INT KBS 0001 not possible
my problem is that when even though we are taking credit for excise while making gr for first/second stage dealers the cost is getting added to inventory only. Check excise condition type i think u mark non deductable tax for excise condition type i.e why ur excise value added to inventory a/c so go to excise condition type & remove the tick non deductable it will solve ur problem We do not any condition type in the PO for dealer's. The basic cost which is settled with the vendor includes the excise amount for which credit is availed make the p.o. as u r making for other vendors and attache the deductiable tax code and at the time of gr select only part-1 at the excise tab filed at header level. after do the j1iex with reference of that gr and change the excise base amount and put the actual excise assessable value. in this way ur rg23a-i & part-II will be updated. and at the time of invoice verification (miro) reduce the tax amount from the actual dealer bill amount and this way ur inventory will revaluated net of excise duty. try this link and get free SAP e-books I am a student on SAP , Pls help me out for bellow mention question when I am go to receipt of goods through MB01 then the system shows the error message part 1 will not be done material xyz (suppose cement) does not exist in material chapter ID table msg no :4F167 till date I did not found where is the Mistake If you you are using CIN, please chekc the CIN settings for material master in EA. all the material which have to maintain in the rg23a-i register has to be maintain alongwith their chapter id, chapter id rate, cenvat determination etc.etc. for this u may use the t.code j1id and use the t.code migo instead of mb01 of goods receipt U HAVE TO MAINTAIN MATERIAL AND CHAPTER ID COMBINATION IN J1ID.THEN DO MIGO.UR PROBLEM MAY GET SOLVED I want to see materials that had been maded 303 movement but still hasn't been maded 305. I want to see material number, 303 movement date and there any t code for this?
Generally,MB5T is meant to see stock in transit,which is the case for you.It should definately work.Remember, MB5T-Plant receiving and not supplying,transit stock is always valuated for receiving plant. MMBE-STOCK IN TRANSIT,OR OPEN ORDER STOCK CAN ALSO BE USED. MB52 -receiving plant transit stock, MB51-to see your document no., MB5BSTOCK ON PERTICULAR DAY AT PLANT LEVEL nope you can check the document no with the movement type which cihan COULD ANY ONE EXPLAIN THE STEP BY STEP PROCEDURE FOR PO AND RFQ REMINDERS IN ME22N
I need help how to match the fields selection Movement type with G/L accounts Program:RM07CUFA I running the above program and giving the movement type, company code and GL account number and them i am changing the fields by matching with Accounting details, Now the problem i am facing is that Example: i am using the movement type 101, CC and Gl account and change some XX field(actually marked that field as hidden) and when i am using the same mov type with different GL account, the field which i changed is mandatory for this account now how should i solve. Actually this is for ECC6.0 new deployment. Please help me or through some light on it.
Can anyone help explain why a message "Purchase requistion ######## cannot be released" when a rea;ese strtegy does not exist. can u explain the process u did or any modification that u have done can anyone tell me the transaction to check out the services. i want the report by which we can see the services You can use "ME2M", then select Item Category "D". I think u can try with ME2S. use ML84
I want to see materials that had been maded 303 movement but still hasn't been maded 305.I want to see material number, 303 movement date and there any t code for this? use MB51
I always solve this problem on account determination with WRX. Now on, with a new plant I have checked all the setting but when run migo(good receipt) still have this error message. I have spent two days without a solution. So, I seek your help. The account category ref is 0001 for raw and material type copied from raw. I have created my valuation class and assigned to a GL account. Error: account determination for entry INT WRX__ _TTTT not possible. My valuation class is TTTT and the account number is both in company code level and chart of account (int) using GR/IR accout 191100. Any other place to check within the plant. I am a student on SAP , Pls help me out for bellow mention question when I am go to receipt of goods through MB01 then the system shows the error message part 1 will not be done material xyz (suppose cement) does not exist in material chapter ID table msg no :4F167 till date I did not found where is the Mistake If you you are using CIN, please chekc the CIN settings for material master in EA. it means that your particualr products Excise Chapter heading is not maintained in CIN master . Go to J1id and maintain Material Excise Chapter heading and maintained Material and chepater id and Cenvat percentage accordingly for that material MAINTAINN CHAPTER ID AND MATERIAL COMBINATION IN J1ID AND THEN TRY goto "omet" transaction code create an new authorisation Eg:vn and select the check box purchase request also give the fields of po document type eg: nbf and save it now go to "su01" give the user name eg: sapuser and go to parameter screen give nbf as parameter and assign"vn" to that now save the setting log off and log on once again. go to me21n/me21 and check this will u can attach ms word file to PO using t_code ME23N,,,,services for object - create attachment,, , browse and attach ur file,, and can view ur attached file from attachment list. Let's say I have a PO in currency MYR. We have received in the materials and have used up the materials. We then get the invoice from the supplier which is in USD. When we perform LIV for this PO, the currency will be captured as MYR automatically. Can we change the currency to USD when we want to do the LIV? If can't,filling theany alternative waybefore entering P.O.,change the currency in after is there details in MIRO & to solve this? will work. Is there someone who has the procedure to archive Material Master Record in SAP 5.0 via the transaction SARA ?
can any body please explain how to assign and create the char group for batch management characteristic u can check the standard characteristic LOBM_VFDAT using t_code CT04,,, if not available create the same characteristic using table MCH1 and field VFDAT,,,,(for expiration date) Data type : Date Format,,, Create a Class 023_005S, using t_code CL02,,,,pre requisites , Class Type : Batch Basic Data: Description : Search class with expiration date Staus: Released Char.: assign ur characteristic LOBM_VFDAT and finally save the class A meter has been created with a wrong serial number. How do I delete this meter on SAP? change serial no alloted to any material with serialised profile update in IQ02 is for master enter the details and then check in menu option we have a serial change optionget this clear? Is a meter a material, if yes, then you can change the incorrect Can I from old to new serial number with the correct serial number on IQ02. You do not delete material on SAP but can archive it or change the master data. what happens if u change the serial number using t_code IQ02,, this is a trial,, not sure,, I have created one PO with Account Assignment Category as A (Asset). Kindly suggest how can I check the history of purchase from that Asset no. (e.g. details for purchased material, qty, value and date) try using t_code ME2K,,, Asset - Asset Number and execute,, hope this may suits ur requirement Currently i am working on CIN. I have maintained all details like Chapter id for material, material chapter id combination, and other J1ID details also. Also i have maintained the excise registration of plant,company codes, maintained excise groups etc. Problem arises when i do GR against PO . Though i have maintained the various details on excise still the excise tab is not getting displayed in GR window. I checked configuration any times but couldn't able to find the solution. Do i missed any configuration in above.? Also which important configuration i should check again? Please guide me to solve this issue ASAP. As our client wants to activate CIN as earliest possible. Hav you maintained the cenvat determination in J1Id and the vendor excise details (manufacturer, dealer etc). Please revert back if matter not solved Hi all, I want to report price differences between purchase orders and invoices based on material numbers or suppliers. Is there any transaction code for this please try and let me know ME49
ME49 is based on quotation or collective rfq number but I want to know price differences based on material number.MC$G is better tcode for me. but couldn't understand gr value in MC$G report screen. Sometimes its value is too big againts to purchase order value. example: po value 100, good receipt value 10.000...when I search in the help menu, I found that: "Value of goods received in local currency The value of goods received is calculated in two different ways: at data record level of information structure S012 at aggregated level (totals line and aggregated list levels) The goods receipt value at data record level is derived from the quantity of goods received valuated with the average order price. The average order price is calculated by dividing the effective order value by the purchase order quantity. The effective order value is the value of the purchase order including the discounts, surcharges, delivery costs, and CANCELLATIONS. " Is it mean that, cancalled po's are included in the calculation of good receipt value??? in BOM we are providing the componets for the end product to the vendor. while recieving as finished product from the vendor how we know the particulars componets whihc have been given to vendor has can make number of finished products. eg i have given number of components to instal bike how i know how many bikes can make for this components. I THINK YOU HAVE NOT CLEARLY MENTION THE DOUBT ? BUT STILL - THE FUNDA IS SIMPLE , FIRST CREATE BOM FOR REQUIRED FINISHED MATERIAL - IE TO PRODUCE ONE FINISHED MATERIAL REQUIRED COMPONENTS , THROUGH T-CODE CS01 , SECOND THIS WILL ALLOW YOU TO KNOW WHAT EXACTLY COMPONENTS REQUIRED WHILE ME21N FOR ANY NO OF FINISHED ITEM TO RODUCE MBLB - T-CODE FOR WHAT COMPONENTS AVAILABLE AT SUBI want to report price differences between purchase orders and invoices based on material numbers or suppliers. Is there any transaction code for this? try t_code MC$G,,,, hope this will work for u,, please try and let me know ME49 I have created one PO with Account Assignment Category as A (Asset). Kindly suggest how can I check the history of purchase from that Asset no. (e.g. details for purchased material, qty, value and date)
I want to return the rejected material from blocked stock to the vendor But i ma not able to find the correct movement type. Kindly tell me which mov type is usefull and with which TCode like MB1A,MB1B,MB1C or MIGO.
You use MIGO transaction and moment type 122. You can select the same from purchase retun wrto material doc. system automatically selects 122 moment type. Then in item details go to quantity tab and select stock type blocked stock. You will be able to post the pur returns. MIGO/MB01 --> RETUN DELIVERY AGINST MATERIAL DOCUMENT NO USE MOVEMENT TYPEif122 not remember the doc. no. u can find out from the PO history In Also, u do ME23N TXn code(or from MB51/101 movt type). As ravi has mentioned u can select from the menu, "A02 Return Delivery", "R02 Material Document" System automatically selects 122 movt type and u can pocess further as u want & post the document.transfer unristricted stock to blocked stock. T.Code - MB1B & Mvt type Try this to 344CODE: MIGO MVT. TYPE 124 FROM BLOCKED STOCK TO VENDORS TR RETURN I have one more problem related to the above issue. Is it possibel to return the material after the MIRO from block or unrestricted stock. If yes then HOW? THROUGH MIGO USING 326 MOVEMENT TYPE IT CAN BE DONE. JUST TRY AND CHECK & REPLY This is possible You can create the return PO, Thenafter go for GR of Return PO , Your problem will be solved , But take the concern from FI department Cancel the MIRO & send the material back with mvt 122 if the material has been released from quality then u have to cancel the QI entry also .If the payment has been done thae u haave to activate in customise for the MVT 122 after relezse of payment MIRO document make the return po for how much quantity you want to reverse the send back to vendor necessary taxes & excise will be taken care by the Tax Code.
can any body please explain how to assign and create the char group for batch management characteristic
COULD ANY ONRE PL GUIDE ME TO SAVE /EXPORT THE PO IN LOCAL FOLDER AND TAKE PRINT U can install CutePDF Writer and convert ur PO print in PDF format. and can save to Local Folder For that you have to conevrt PO in PDF form.There is a SAP standard program i.e. RSTXPDFT4 which convert the spool request to PDF File.I think that will serve your purpose. Get the report which you wnat in SAP. Then go on the top and click on the System, then click on List and then click on Save and then choose Local File and then Xml Spreadsheet. This way you will have the report in the Excel form.
Currently i am working on CIN. I have maintained all details like Chapter id for material, material chapter id combination, and other J1ID details also. Also i have maintained the excise registration of plant,company codes, maintained excise groups etc. Problem arises when i do GR against PO . Though i have maintained the various details on excise still the excise tab is not getting displayed in GR window. I checked configuration many times but couldn't able to find the solution. Do i missed any configuration in above.? Also which important configuration i should check again? Please guide me to solve this issue ASAP. can anyone guide me by giving t code for listinng inbound deliveries WHICH TRANSACTION CODE,I SEE G R BLOCKED STOCK DO THE NEEDFULL T Code VL06i to list inbound deliveries. TRY MMBE. T.CODE : You can use VL31,VL32, VL33 last time i told u it verywell it will difine by using movement hi pradeep i know ZMMR24 OK. I have an issue. Description: Values for TINC & TINCT tables are not consistent. The following codes are included in the TINCT table but missing in the TINC table: CFR , CIP , CPT , DDU , DEQ , DES , FH , UN * Please note that the Vendor Autoload tool is mapped to the TINCT table whereas the vendor master creation transactions (XK01, XK02) are mapped to the TINC table. Autoload users are able to select any of the above values. however, the request cannot be processed as these values are invalid in the master client.;
Request you to guide me how to get a table from structures which helps us to make a report go to transaction SE11 and put the field in 'Data type' and select the corresponding radio button. Then click on 'Where used' button. Thus you can find all the tables that uses the field you entered. Hope from there you can find out the transparent table Request you to guide me how to get a table from structures which helps us to make a report There is one more problem when a material is said to be maintained under reservation and if i issue the with reference to reservation i want the material quantity to be fixed that mean if i reserve an 200 quantity of material and when i want to issue material via goods issue reservation there should be no option to change the quantity. suppose if i enter 210 instead of 200 .the goods issue must not happen can it can be done like this.any possible wayissue qty more than through msg M7 362 in inventory management u cannot reserved.
Can use t_code OMCQ or SPRO-IMG-MM- Inv Management-Define Attributes of System messages- Version-00, Application- M7, Number-362, message category-E u can create screen variant SHD0 and can fix the quantity during Goods issue, in this case u cannot issue the quantity more or less than the reserved quantity,,, i can explain u in detail if required Can anyone give me some idea about variant configuration. I wana know what it is and how we configure it in SAP R/3.
I have a problem in SAP IDES version. If a vendor is in US & another is in China. The SAP is accepting only the Chinese vendor & gives an error when the US vendor is defined or created. When creating the enterprise structure, i copied tables from 1000. And i don't understand why its not allowing the US vendor to be defined.
this an new issue, in my company the goods issue movement type201 is used to only issue reservations so is it possible to make 201 movement type can only be used to issue reservations as 201 is a standard movement type lets suppose i copied all the related files to a new movement type 999 how can i restrict it to only issue reservation or can i make any message prompt related to this 999 movement type such that it throws an error asking for reservation numb please give an detailed information regarding this issue. While creating Po by junior Engg. Po date is generated & same is printed .However, Po is required to be release by the various authorities .generally it takes some time. The Po can be issued to the vendor only after realization of Po by all concerned. Hence the Document date printed on Po is not the actual date of issue of the Po to the Vendor after it's Release. In case Penalty is levied for delay in delivery ,the period is calculated from the document date of Po & not from date of issue of the Po to the Vendor as it is not exhibited in system. So please guide me,How to exhibit Actual release date in PO, so further deduction on delivery will be consider from that date. It may not be possible to change the date in the PO. The system takes the system date at the time of creation of PO itself. Hence can't be changed. Please study howmany days it is taking for each po to release from top authority. Average number days can be added to the delivery period. Before doing this have a word with vendor doingaverage, how many days it takes to release a PO, before saving, After knowing on so. change the suggested date that is assign to the PO to current date + average days to release. ANY ONE PLEASE EXPLAIN ABOUT bom EXPLODING
Partner roles and partner functions are one and same. The following are some partner functions. Ordering ; adress ; Goods supplier ; Invoicing Party ; Different payee Partner roles are determined by the accounting group selected in Vendor master records. U can configure partner roles by the following T codes in customising: OMZ1: Define partner roles in purchasing OMZ2: Key re-assignment of Partner roles OMZ3: Permissible partner for each accounting group OMZ4: Partner schema for Vendor Master OMZ5: Assign partner schema to vendor Accounting groups OMZ6: Partner scheme for purchasing documents Please try and confirm results. can any one guide me how to do the plant to plant consignment stock tranfer and wat will be the movt type. and help me to do with single step procedure and two step procedure. 301 (ONE STEP) & T.Code MB1B mvt 303( to issue) and then T.Code MB1B mvt at recieving plant MB1B mvt 305(to recieve) You could look at this website which has the MIGO transaction with screen shots for the Transfer Posting Plant to Plant. Step by Step. I have used it as user training material for last project. It is simple and easy to use. Please assist me in setting the field short text optional entry. It is currently greyed out. On SPRO it is set as optional entry but doesnt allow any entries. Would you know where but pl check field selection key NBB-Purchase requisition, Field I'm not sure else to check? settings - short text - required entry NBB also has the same settings. The short text is set as optional entry>but the field is greyed out This will not work.. There are 6 FRSKs in the system for resultant field setting. You have to go throgh the SPRO documentation before selecting them Pl make it as required entry not optional The are no changes even when the field is set as required entry. Can >this has something to do with the system? No idea. However I had checked with same settings, it is working fine with me. Yes got it. Pl check field selection key AKTH, there in short text must be in display mode, make it optional, save the settings Thanks for all your help. The field selection shown below didn't work for me. I found the solution on field selection NBB-Purchase requisition.
I think you had not read my mail i had clearly written. "please check all the entries in the list apart from " me51 52 53 me 21 22 sometimes any one if is made dispaly it hampers all the settings try this settings, path is SPRO->MM->purchasing->purchase requisition->define screen layout at document level->select ME51N click on details->basic data->short text change the status to optional Can you assist in solving this query? When printing a Purchase order after making changes, it only prints the changes effected, and not the whole documen Is there a way that I can do a mass change on the material document that has serial numbers.. I have +- 8000 serial numbers to be changed. The serial number once created can not be changed . Only way you first return tghem to vendor or issue to scrape account and agains made the incoming entry with the correct serial number COULD ANY ONE EXPLAIN THE STEP BY STEP PROCEDURE FOR PO REMINDERS IN ME22N
Change in Material type If u want to change the material type of a material, one of the condition has to be fulfilled. (a) Both material types must be assigned to same account category reference (b) There must be no stock, open PO and Reservations. Further use T code MMAM. In ASAP Methodology Which type of data is upload at the time of Final preparation stage In my view Master datas any thing else(It is called Cutover Period) Generally following data should be uploaded - (1) Material Master, (2) Vendor Master, (3) Service Master, (4) Open Purchase Order , (5) Open Purchase Request , (6) Open Reservation, (7) Historical Data, (8) Tax Master, (9) Any other documental transaction which is used in your organisation like Gate pass, Scrap related documents etc , (10) All open transaction during cut over period which will uploadwill beGo Live of data always. 1. Master data & 2. Cut Over data i.e Open There after two types data for uploading.
Need to set authorisation for ME35K i.e. Contract for nearly 5 Release codes. I have 2 document types in Contract. How to proceed. My basis guy is not able to create this. The back ground, let me tell. For PO & PR i.e ME29N & ME54N the release strategy strategy is working fine with all the release codes. I have almost 10 users. For the above two Txn codes my basis guy has assigned ME22N/ME53N also ME35K & ME52N/ME53N also ME35K for the PO & PR release TXn to work. I do not understand why ME35K is also needed to be assigned to the object for PO & PR release to work. What extra I should do so that ME35K should in authorisation matrix perform these activities:work for theM_EINK_FRG (Release object : users assigned for code and Group) assign ur release codes and release group belongs to contract,,, Let's say I have a PO in currency MYR. We have received in the materials and have used up the materials. We then get the invoice from the supplier which is in USD. When we perform LIV for this PO, the currency will be captured as MYR automatically. Can we change the currency to USD when we want to do the LIV? If can't, is there any alternative way to solve this? If a user account have not developer key, can the user create and record a CATT TEST? Where to control the record right To create and use CATT TEST the Client should be active for CATT and secondly the user should have authorisation for transaction SCAT then only one can create & record CATT TEST and no developer key is required. Thanks for your details. I am using ECC 6.0 and the Extended CATT works for me. Does anyone know how to make the PARTNER FUNCTION field in PO creation a required field? Sorry, I don't Know. Can I know, what is Partner Function Thanks for your reply. The Partner function is in the PO Header. can we make goods movement restrictions to a particular storage, location if so can i have an detail explanation Eg: consider a plant has 2 storage locations 0001 0002, i want all gr with 101 movement type to be allowed in 0001 where as this allowance to be restricted to 0002, and 501 can be allowed to 0002 while must restricted to 0001. how can i do that please give me an detailed explanation with related transaction codes through Authorization control u can do this,, MM- Inventory Management, Object M_MSEG_LGO, Goods Movement - storage location - movment type , 0002 - 501 , 0001 - 101, try this,,, can fulfil ur requirement,
Thank u sir it really worked thanks for ur suggestion. before the authorisation i think i must activate the authorisation for storage location in mm>logistic invoice verification> authorisation managent. KINDLY CHECK FOR MATERIAL MANAGEMANT - INVENT MANAGEMANT GOODS ISSUE / TRANSFER POSTING We have a requirement to change the material type configuration from valuated to non valuated. I performed this change in sandbox and the system allows me to change the configuration. There are some impacts of doing that like we need to kill all the open PO's an create new ones and also the value of stock will never get clears out etc... So my question is whether is this a good practice to change the materialtcode configuration or not. try with type MMAM to change material type No need to get into configuration changes change the material type but not from valuated to non valuated,but it was We have some different configured material types ,but we have changed at a very initial stages when there were no stocks for the materials ,there were some pr or po whici we deleted than changed the material type and than again created the new pr and po As I created PO for the excisable material and also captured the excise invoice in J1IEX. When I did MIGO, am getting error as "Part1 will not be done for the excess GR Qty." I am accepting qty in MIGO which is same in PO and excise invoice. Tcode-MIGO try with subsequent delivery option (in MIGO select document type) How do you change the delivery address on the PO ? I have tried doing this on the PO delivery address tab but it only works for that PO . The documents created after that doesnt adopt the new address. Where else can I change it permanently For permanent change in delivery address, Change the address of concern plant in SPRO. Go to SPRO setting change the address in the plant Is there a way to enable users to change unit of measure on a material when doing GR, GI and placing an order? Scenario: Buying goods in a box, and issuing in packets or each Where can I make these changes? The only change that will affect your UOM is when you place an order.(GR/GI will consider what has been captured when an order is placed) Bear in mind that the UOM is dependent on the type of Order that you are placing. Internal Order will always check for Base Unit of Measure, whereas, External Order will do the conversion if you use Preq. If you place External Order directly on ME21N, the system will automatically pull through your Order Unit. Hope this will make sense. ( All this changes can be done on MM01/MM02)
You can maintain the conversion in Material Master (MM01/MM02) in the additional data(Unit of measure) WHILE CREATING SERVICE ORDERS, TO CHANGE THE G/L A/C NO W/O DELETING THE SERVICE LIMIT, COULD ANY ONE PL GUIDE ME?
is it possible to see the last usage date of a materials with movement type. Use T.Code MB5B While creating Po by junior Engg. Po date is generated & same is printed .However, Po is required to be release by the various authorities .generally it takes some time. The Po can be issued to the vendor only after realization of Po by all concerned. Hence the Document date printed on Po is not the actual date of issue of the Po to the Vendor after it's Release. In case Penalty is levied for delay in delivery , the period is calculated from the document date of Po & not from date of issue of the Po to the Vendor as it is not exhibited in system. So please guide me,How to exhibit Actual release date in PO, so further deduction on delivery will be consider from that date. i m creating a reservation of 50 units in one storage location in a no of units are 60 in that s.loc. now when i n creating a stock transfer without refering to the resevation i m able to make a transfer of all the 60 items. what happend to the resevation stock.i can see the items have been reserved in MMBE. The reservation created in SAP are only a soft reservations and will not restrict you to transfer the materials. U can block the materials so that u dont transfer them. which type of movement type can be used for blocking the material? it seems that you,after creating reservation you did not tick the movement allowed indicator.if you dont tick this indicator,even if you create reservation system will not consider this reservation for goods movement.please try this. Can you restrict reservation based on MRP type Only unrestricted stock quantity is allowed MRP takes input for generating PR for a material from following source (1) ROL & ROQ (LOT Size) and present unrestricted stock level (2) Created reservation for same material As you want to allowed reservation only for unrestricted stock quantity then MRP will take input from only first source.
In my situation, I have configured vendor evaluation however it compute score only for a vendor that is evaluated for the first time. After the first evaluation, no matter how many procurement transaction have been created for the same vendor. The system always display the same score as the first time. From my understanding the system will compute the score automatically everytime after the procurement is closed and will display the average score when the user run vendor evaluation (ME61). Does anyone know what should be the cause? Thank you for every help and suggestion, In me61 transaction, after entering pur orgn and vendor to be evaluated, follow the path Edit--> Auto new evaluation to evaluate the vendor. Thank you Girish. Your suggestion is exactly what I did and what I mean by"the system doesn't generate score for latter evaluation". The score is always the same no matter how many time I procure material and evaluate this vendor. The only reason I can think of is because the configuration for vendor evaluation for example the point score is changed after the first evaluation. I'm not sure is this reason cause the problem. What am I thinking is the system doesn't generate new score if there is a change to the evaluation parameter since the first evaluation to ensure the consistence of the evaluation score.Any idea? What is the use of J1I6 T.code how we can use that Please explain me
i m creating a reservation of 50 units in one storage location in a no of units are 60 in that s.loc. now when i n creating a stock transfer without refering to the resevation i m able to make a transfer of all the 60 items. what happend to the resevation stock.i can see the items have been reserved in MMBE. The reservation created in SAP are only a soft reservations and will not restrict you to transfer the materials. U can block the materials so that u dont transfer them which type of movement type can be used for blocking the material? 344 Please try this for freezing the material. SPRO->MM->Inventory management and Physcial Inventory-Allow freezing. I guess this will fulfil ur req. Pl. let me know the feedback. I am doing inbound delivery. what field in the material I have to maintain so that I can create inbound delivery with this material and what else customization I have to do for that. Please hellp. How can I configured\ my printer so that I can print necessary transaction results locally.(not print screen)
sir my attitude is to settle all the disturbances of freight in po itself.i new about the provision in miro for unplanned cost.but my thinking is why this freight is acting in different way?cant we alter within po every time as the lot is said to be arrived. -- In sapmaterialsmanagem ent@yahoogroups. com, "BHAVIN TRIVEDI" <bhavin.1927@ ...> wrote: > > you can mannual add the amount of the freigh during MIRO if u have made > provision & the value at freight coloum seams tobe ZERO. Please try & > confirm > > bhavin > > On 11/12/07, y2me210 <y2me210@... > wrote: >> > > thanks for ur advice. > > one thing here is the freight is calculated on weight basis in the > > company and made as fixed amount.its an header value,and not an item > > in purchase order several line items are present we cant give As I created PO for the excisable material and also captured the excise invoice in J1IEX. When I did MIGO, am getting error as "Part1 will not be done for the excess GR Qty." I am accepting qty in MIGO which is same in PO and excise invoice. Please check is partial delivery already received As per your suggestion,I checked partial delivery which recd earlier. It couldnt solve the problem. As I created a PO with qty. 33.380 Mt. and splitted this qty. in one excise invoice with two line items such as 16.740 Mt & 16.640 Mt. In MIGO,the system accepts only 16.640 mt and not more than this.(ie if I put the two line items as 16.640 & 16.640 respectively, the system accepts these quantities.) That means the system accepts only the smaller qty.(As I checked whatever the qty in PO ie for eg. 100mt.Split up as 16.740&16.640, it gives the warning message.)
i m creating a reservation of 50 units in one storage location in a no of units are 60 in that s.loc. now when i n creating a stock transfer without refering to the resevation i m able to make a transfer of all the 60 items. what happend to the resevation stock.i can see the items have been reserved in MMBE. The reservation created in SAP are only a soft reservations and will not restrict you to transfer the materials. U can block the materials so that u dont transfer them. which type of movement type can be used for blocking the material? it seems that you,after creating reservation you did not tick the movement allowed indicator.if you dont tick this indicator,even if you create reservation system will not consider this reservation for goods movement.please try this.
Some of my friend said .. that I must create co-product setting .. for example : A finish good ; B raw material ; C Scarp material ; So when I do back flush .. material C will increase stock and material B will be consumed Is it correct Dear Budhi, Add the conversion at material master between sheet and KG. Dear All Can somebody help me I have issue in my company. I will explain a lill bit about my company bussines process. My company use discrete manufac for automotive and will produce assembly sheet (for body part) Finish good UOM for sheet was PC and for the scrap my employee maintain manually and the UOM was Kg. Can someone help me .. how to maintain this in SAP and give the process in system plizzzz ^_^
As I created PO for the excisable material and also captured the excise invoice in J1IEX. When I did MIGO, am getting error as "Part1 will not be done for the excess GR Qty." I am accepting qty in MIGO which is same in PO and excise invoice. May be the partial gr already happen against this p.o. plz check and confirm accordingly. one thing here is the freight is calculated on weight basis in the company and made as fixed amount.its an header value,and not an item in purchase order several line items are present we cant give each and every item dividing the freight to each item. you can mannual add the amount of the freigh during MIRO if u have made provision & the value at freight coloum seams tobe ZERO. Please try & confirm
Could you please let me know how can i make field Gross Price of an service enrty. Now quantity field is modifyable but gross price can not be modify as it is not modifyable. entry it will picked up form the PO only. Or in the conf u might have during service done as a display field. ML81N Can someone please tell me how can I receive the delivery Manualy for a STO? I did MB1B for transfer posting with mvt. 351and the PO History tab is there now, but I want the Delivery Completed box checked under Delivery Tab. I have to use mvt 101 for the GR. Correct me if I am wrong in that..... U have to do MIGO Goods reciept -Purchase order - than the PO number AND CAN COMPLETE THE GR is it possible to see the last usage date of a materials with movement type date is possible but not mvt as per my knowledge Use MB51 and than put the material and movement type if u want than u can see that movement was done on which date . Use MB5B Material A has a BOM. In the BOM, there is a material B. A is produced by a subcontractor. For each A, one B is needed. There is a PO for 1000 PC of A. When GR for the PO, and GR QTY is 30, for example, 1000 PC of B is deducted, instead of 30 PC of B. That's strange. I don't know why. pls check UOM let me try to explain to you in this way, I call A as parent material and I call B as child material When you do MB1B and ME21N, A & B will be linked automatically through BOM, it this clear, When you want do MIGO for 30 pcs only, you have to enter qty 30 with reference to A and also with reference to B, Hope your problem will get the base quantity for the BOM and in the PO made check the req. being Check sloved. picked for making 1000 pcs in the components tab. Ur issue will get resolved. The quantity available with the subcontractor end will be 30 only,so it is taking 30 only What is RTA?
Can anybody tell me how & where to configure the system to check the PO Quantity to not exceed the PR Quantity when creating PO with Reference to PR, i dont want the field PR to be mandatory when creating PO, & i knwo an error message when exceeding the PR Quantity but i want it through user exist as it is applied for specific users.
We are a part of large Denmark based group .We urgently require following sap consultants having experience of one full life cycle implementation at least for our sap implementation. FICO Functional SD Consultants MM Consultants Sap ABAP Consultants PS Consultants Please send urgently your Resume at WHILE CREATING PO W.R.T.OTHER PO BY COPYING, AFTER SAVING THE DOCUMENT ,WE ARE UNABLE TO IDENTIFY FROM WHICH PO IT WAS COPIED? COULD U PLEASE GUIDE ME IN THIS REGARD? it will copied from the po which you have taken , or if u not choosen any po it will take from the last po. is it possible to see the last usage date of a materials with movement type
Today we use Rounding value to show forecast in correct reelsizes and also to place orders correct according to reelsize, Rounding value is updated as reelsize per material but if we have two different reelsizes from a split between two suppliers we use minimum multiple i.e. one supplier have 2000/reel and one have 3000/reel we put in 6000 in rounding value. Is this correct way to do in SAP or is there other solutions that we can use to get Quota split correct? Is there another solution in SAP that can handle reelsize/material so we will place orders correct to package size and also show correct package multiple in forecast? Or a solution if we can just have one of these demands fullfilled(Correct package when placing orders but forecast show per one or the opposite way)? Is there a way to enable users to change unit of measure on a material when doing GR, GI and placing an order? Scenario: Buying goods in a box, and issuing in packets or each Where can I make these changes?
The only change that will affect your UOM is when you place an order.(GR/GI will consider what has been captured when an order is placed) Bear in mind that the UOM is dependent on the type of Order that you are placing. Internal Order will always check for Base Unit of Measure, whereas, External Order will do the conversion if you use Preq. If you place External Order directly on ME21N, the system will automatically pull through your Order Unit. Hope this will make sense. ( All this changes can be done on MM01/MM02) Purchasing View. Plant Data View. Put the conversion of box to packets in the material master; additional data->units of measure In my situation, I have configured vendor evaluation however it compute score only for a vendor that is evaluated for the first time. After the first evaluation, no matter how many procurement transaction have been created for the same vendor. The system always display the same score as the first time. From my understanding the system will compute the score automatically everytime after the procurement is closed and will display the average score when the user run vendor evaluation (ME61).Does anyone know what should be the cause? Thank you for every help and suggestion, The client need the report on the unreleased PO/SA and their approval level (lowest level only). In the Structure RM06B, We have two fileds ANZEF : Final Release ANZFR : Release to date The difference between the two fields will give me the unreleased PO/SA. My question is 1) Does data comes from Structure-Field combination, if not 2) What is the equivalent Table-Field combination and how dobesee it. I hink your problem can I well solved easily by ME2m(Scope of list ALV) by filtering the release Indicator and u can see the corresponding Release Group and release code. I hope this can solve your problem Here is a problem i am facing in the company imports section when ever an PO is raised to the material we generate freight in the condition tab. but on other hand we receive material in lots(batches) Every one knows that freight is dependent on the each lot of delivery. But when we come to invoice verification, freight in the first lot is shown as cleared and for the next lot the freight that has to be added is automatically shown to zero. why this is happening? can anyone please help me.If so please send the solution to my mail id y2me210@yahoo. any other clarification needed i will surely provide them to you.
I need your help urgently on the following scenerio We have two plant per say A & B. A plant will produce a finsihed product X and its base unit measure is Pound and Material type is FERT. This product will be used as raw material Y in the plant B. The Raw material Y is having Base unit of measurment "KG" and Material type "ROH" The plant B will receive the material from plant A using STock transport Order. Problem Arises here How do we convert the material X to Y ( whose Base unit is different from Y) Shall be very much grateful, if you could kindly give me solution under such business scernerio I want to change kurs when i do MIRO,..could u tell me how..?..or customized.. ?..
I have diffculty in making report for material that having two version. When i m check my meterial tru md04, i always cannot see aterial e.g (label) version in store. Is that any transaction make easy way to capture both version & at the same time make one report Trx: MM60 to get the report you want Please try to use MM60 Still show not separate qty with diffrent version. It only indicate the descriptive information on material not the version & qty on storage.
Hi, The theory how MM activity triggers A/c posting is: Each movement type has quantity and value string, which decides what to update. Also each movement type has transaction event key ( account modifier) which in turn depending upon valuation grouping code and valuation class decides which G/L account to post. The flow is as follows. Material type --> Account Category reference --> Valuation class -->Material. Movement type -->Transaction event key-->Account modifier. you have to do the configuration settings using Tr. code OBYC. Try with Tr.code OMBW to check which G/L accounts are being hit on Plant, Material and movement type. Hope you got the solution. Best wishes. Ravi. Rahul Shah <srahul38@yahoo. com> wrote: Thank you Ravi for the previous answer.... I have one more favour to ask today...Could you please give me an answer for the following question? it's very urgent. We have movement type 343-Damage Remove 344-Damage Add I would like to know how to create a new field reference by copying Field reference ROH for material type.?
Kindly help me solve the following MRP queries. 1) We had taken MRP run on 4/11/07. But for one of the items we got Delivery schedule for 1/11/07. What could be the reason for getting such backdated scheduling line? 2) What is the effect of pending STOs (Stock Transfer Orders) on MRP run? i.e whether we will get the procurement schedule more than or less than the actual required? 3) What is the effect of pending SOs (Sales Orders) on MRP run? i.e whether we will get the procurement schedule more than or less than the actual required? 4) After MRP run, for some items we get schedule lines more than the actual required & for others we get it less than the actual required. What could be the posssible reasons for these differences? Kindly extend your expertise for these
does anybody know a program to create transfer orders for pre allocated stock in background I want confirge a Subcontracting PO with delivery . and i have setup the Delivery type "ZBL" for Subcontracting Order . but the new PO could not generated shippoint when i create a new Subcontract PO.
When doing GR to subcontract PO, the system determines the components for each order item and creates a goods issue item for each component. But, why the system can't determines the correct quantity of the components for each order item when doing partial GR to the subcontract PO? For example, BOM is B under A, 1:1. When GR to a PO for 100 of A, system does GR for 100 x A and GI for 100 x B. But, when doing GR for only 30 x A, why does the system do GI for 100 x B, instead of 30 x B? This is a strange and urgent issue. Does anyone throw some light on it? i m creating a reservation of 50 units in one storage location in a no of units are 60 in that s.loc. now when i n creating a stock transfer without refering to the resevation i m able to make a transfer of all the 60 items. what happend to the resevation stock. i can see the items have been reserved in MMBE. reservation is just for indicative purpose. It doesn't block the stock. You can transfer material without reservation also. If you don't want any movement of material pl put the same in blocked stock When I receive goods into the system via MIGO. If I order 30 pieces of material but the vendor only sent 20 pieces. I only received 20 pieces and want to do vendor evaluation for this vendor so that this vendor will award low score because of delivery quantity. Assume that I have done all configuration for vendor evaluation. When I evaluate this vendor, the system can't generate score for quantity reliability because this purchase order is not closed (10 more pieces still missing). How can I received only 20 pieces and indicate that this purchase order is completed but the vendor failed to deliver the order quantity. I heard about "Delivery completed indicator". Does anybody knowsystem will calculate the score for qty reliability. .you once u close the po, then only how to solve this problem? can close a po in change po( me22n) by choosing dely completed ind. or you can choose in MIGO also( the one u did for 20 pcs)
Can I change the rule based on material type Pl check whatever options available in same screen. AT THE OUTSET, I WISH U ALL HAPPY DIWALI.COULD ANY HELP ME IN DIFFERENTIATE THE MEANING OF FOLLOWING SELECTION PARAMETERS WITH EXAMPLES,SINCE I AM GETTING SAME LIST FOR ALL. 1.OPEN TARGET QTY 2.OPEN INVOICES 3.OPEN ISSUE QTY 4.OPEN GOODS RECIPT 5.GOODS RECIPT EXISTS(WE102, WE110&WE106) 6.ROUGH GR Go to ME2L or ME2M in selection parameters select RECHNUNG it shows list of pending imvoices I think to view the pending invoices in respect of the vendor we can try FBL1N Transaction I would like to know how to create a new field reference by copying Field reference ROH for material type.?
I have two type of items. one which are covered in MRP and PI is raised through MRP other which are not covered in MRP. PI are raised mannually. My company want that the there should be no limit on reservation for MRP items . For Non MRP items reservations should not be such that it exceeds the available quantity. In customizing transaction OMB1 you can set up dynamic availability check for reservations & define checking rule as per your requirement. Accordingly you can setup warning or error msgs. I could not create info record.It is asking to enter all fields.The field Valid to is made mandatory but it is not activate to enter data.Please help me to sort this out. From general data screen directly goto pur org 2( path : goto --> pur org 2) then to conditions screen.....once u r done with this comeback to pur org 1 sceen for data entry..... i m trying to creat a third party order but it is asking me to enter the plant, even though i m entering the delivery address. i think is must not be needed to enter the plant as the matarial is to b send to the del add. You have to enter plant , for which plant u r creating a purchase order.
We have some materials that were set up incorrectly for batch management. I need some help understanding how to correct. For parts that were set to batch managed and transactions have occurred, what has to be done to fix? For parts that were not set to batch managed and transactions have occurred, what had to be done to fix? I have removed all inventory and tried to set the batch management but it gives an error still. of those batches....go to MB51 and try reversing the documents (if For each possible)... this might be a tough job though...... or else is finance agrees then move those batches with a 711 movement to the variance account..... can we creat po for 10 different items each having the same price without entering the price for all items. Create info record for the alll the item, while creating PO it will take price from the info record Could any one let me the Transaction code get the details of Transfer Order line items confirmed with with Difference can you pl elaborate the scenario & what is your exact requirement. Is anyone aware of how to report on unplanned services for both purchase requisitions and purchase orders? This option does not appear to be available with any of the standard list displays or reports. Checking this forum before creating adhoc query. Does anyone know how to make the PARTNER FUNCTION field in PO creation a required field?
One advise needed on the following scenario: Index pricing is available in Sales pricing procedure. Does any body aware if the same functioanality is also available in MM pricing procedure.Requirement is: 1) Inter Co sto is created 2) Goods issue posted 3) Billing is posted agaisnt delivery 4) GR posted against STO at price STO price 5) while invoicing at the month end, there is a price change (specific to oil & gas industry scenario) How to adjust this price change as all the other documents like GR/GI is already posted at the old price. u can change the amount n adjust at the time of invoice verification n payment.
I think we cannot simply change the price at the time of invoice. It all depends on PO terms and coditions. PO is a valid legal doc.I think you may have implement price variation based on PO clauses. i m trying to creat a third party order but it is asking me to enter the plant, even though i m entering the delivery address. i think is must not be needed to enter the plant as the matarial is to b send to the del add.
can we creat po for 10 different items each having the same price without entering the price for all items.
I have problem in creating info record.The valid to field is deactivated and i cannot enter in that field.Without that info record could'nt be created.Can any one can help me ? do this in two ways, either u can go to screen layout n change the settings or u can u can skip the page by clickin on text button at top aftr enterin text page u can click nxt content button n u can enter the gross price, the net price will automatically come so u donn hav to com bk n u can save thr. even if u give any significant no in the valid to field it wll can b changed at altr stage. I have maintained a quota arrangement for Procurement of some material from two vendors with 50% split between the two.I have given that if the amount of req is more than X than only split.but the planed order for the material is not getting split 50-50. Kindly tell what could be the reason. say X here is 780,000 and the total quantity is getting split as 115,000000 and 89,000000 why is such a split and not 50-50 split Splitting among different sources is carried out if a lot-sizing procedure for which the splitting quota indicator has been set is assigned to the requested material in the latter's master record. get back to me if i am correct Is it possible to BLOCK only a SINGLE MATERIAL FROM PR creation? If so How U can also make use of the Material Field(MM03) -X plant mat status. It will not allow any PO to be created. Try to mark indicator "flag for delition" for that material but before that see no stock exit for the same material. We are made PO By Using "K"Acc.Assign.Hence Stock not available at st.loc.(i.e. direct Consumption to Cost center).and MIGO & MIRO of that material has also done. If We want to bring that material at stock then what is the procedure? Pleae suggest the solution ,this is an important isuue.
Take the material back into stock with mvt type 202, but also let me know why u want the materia lback into stock what about the valuation part of the material. Can anyone tell me how do the consumable items/non stockable items pick or are assigned the G/L accnts I think the material type NLAG is not assigned any ACR in our system. I could not create info record.It is asking to enter all fields.The field Valid to is made mandatory but it is not activate to enter data.Please help me to sort this out. From general data screen directly goto pur org 2( path : goto --> pur org 2) then to conditions screen.....once u r done with this comeback to pur org 1 sceen for data entry..... Kindly let me know what are the steps & goods movements for scrap disposal You can use transaction MB1A & Movement type : 551 Can I use MRKO for backlog (Backdate) process? MRKO is for pipeline & consignment liability settlement, liability may be backdated or present We are made PO By Using "K"Acc.Assign. Hence Stock not available at st.loc.(i.e. direct Consumption to Cost center).and MIGO & MIRO of that material has also done. If We want to bring that material at stock then what is the procedure? Pleae suggest the solution ,this is an important isuue.
There is a Transaction of PR to PO (ME59n) but when ever i try to execute it thows an error No Suitable requisition Found This is very important process to keep endusers interested and quick whil creating PR click on source determination, and than goto me59, and over there click on ref. to pr. plzz check and let me know for automatic creation of PO thro PR, Standard P Org should be needed Try this and reply feedback try to check that , may that PR's not assigned any source of supply, its better to check open that po->item details->Source of supply
I have created a framework PO and have set a limit value for this particular PO however it doesn't work. I'm not sure is it because the way I used this framework PO is not correct or the way I create it is not correct. What I did is I adopt new PR to this PO then I receipt the goods (MIGO), then create invoice (MIRO) until posting payment. After finished one procurement then I adopt other PR into the same PO and repeat the same procurement steps until the value of the goods that are procured exceed the limit value in framework PO. However I can still add new PR to this PO even it type r u the limit. Does anybody know what I went wrong? Which document is over using while creating the PO. I'm not really sure what do you mean by document type, Could you give me some example? I'm using Framework Order instead of Standard PO when I create this PO and I set Item Category to "B" limit. Then I set a limit value for this framework PO but the system still allow me to add purchase requisition to this PO even the value exceed the limit. When ever you run transaction "OMWB",you will find three buttons on the top. "Account Assignment", "Simulation" and "G/L Account". Click on "Simulation", here enter plant,material and movememnt type for which you want to see the g/l account.And press "account assignment" button. It will show you the a/c which will be hitted with the posting keys. This is done with the help of transaction code "OBYC". This is account determination setting. This is also called as MM-FI integration. Depending onyou plant, chart of account,transaction event key, valuation class and movement type system will pick G/L account. Could anyone pls. let me know which table capture the stock quantity of all types of materials mesg Use table "MARD". (Plant and sloc combination) . Mbew( Material price I have to comeup with the idea and program for Phy inv. We have Mainframe-->Biztalk- --->SAP. My company wants to bypass Biztalk and wants the data directly come from Mainframe into Sap.
Could you please give me detailed steps for 'Inter Company Stock Transfer Order'including required prerequisites and Configurations settings? By using Tcode ME21N u can create stock tran.Order. Refer the below screen print But I need prerequisites and all configuration settings and the material movement types.
Move the consigment stock to plant own stock. then create STO between the plants. then convert the plant own stock to consigment stock. even I am not sure about the third step. first two steps will do. Krishna
On 11/5/07, ravi rk <svrk1234@yahoo. > wrote: Hi Alan, If you know the correct answer plz give. Not better to lower other consultants. Sorry for taking interfering. Everybody may not be knowing A to Z. Thanks, Best wishes, RK
Alan <alan_ed@yahoo. com> wrote: Dear Suniths, once again you have given an incoreect answer. Why do you think it is not possible to do a transfer posting of consignment stocks between plants.
thanks a lot... --- In sapmaterialsmanagem ent@yahoogroups. com, mahavir.pande@ ... wrote: > > I think simple solution is increase stock by mvt 561 & reduce in other > material by mvt 562. > Is there any issue in this?? > > Thanks, > > > > > > David Pedley <david.pedley@ ...> > Sent by: sapmaterialsmanagem ent@yahoogroups. com > 11/05/2007 06:46 AM > Please respond to > sapmaterialsmanagem ent@yahoogroups. com > > > To I need help. Some one by mistake changed the posting date to months 9/10 of 2007 .. it shud have been 7/8 of 2007 financial year is from april to march how to undo this .... can anyone guide me
I could not create info record.It is asking to enter all fields.The field Valid to is made mandatory but it is not activate to enter data.Please help me to sort this out.
Hi Jai We do not use split quota. Instead, we use allocation quota whereby the system picks up the vendor on turn by turn basis. Notwithstanding, I had experimented even with split quota with the following steps Lot size procedure is modified to enable quota splitting. Minimum quantity for split is specified in the quota file But, no luck. The system just created one schedule line for one of the two component vendor. By the way, I am also based at Noida. Could we meet at mutual convenience. A K Jain ----- Original Message ----From: "Jai Khurana, Noida" <jai.khurana@> Date: Monday, November 5, 2007 11:37 am Subject: RE: RE: {Disarmed} RE: [sap mm] Subcontracting MRP AreawithQuotaArrang ementUsage To: sapmaterialsmanagem ent@yahoogroups. com > HI Jain, > can we have two pricing procedures with single vendor ; if yes then in which situation and wat steps we have to configure for that. ; 2)can we trnsfer consignment stock from one plant to another plant to the consignment stock of the plant wat wiill be the movement type and wat configuration we have to do hi u can't transfer consignment stock from one plant to another plant. U only can tranfer from one storage location to another storage location with in a plant. that too only possible to do single step stock transfer from one storage location to another storage location. T.code MB1B single step procedure - mvt type 311K once again you have given an incoreect answer. Why do you think it is not possible to do a transfer posting of consignment stocks between plants. I can only guess you're not an MM consultant as this is the second incorrect answer I've seen from you in one update. Maybe you should attend some MM training If you know the correct answer plz give. Not better to lower other consultants. Sorry for taking interfering. Everybody may not be knowing A to Z.
You can create but one will be the suplementory condition which will be use in the contract & quotation Ex. Contract with suplementary condition. Contract rel Order with the condition which u have mention in the vendor master data. I am importing some material in one depot and then transfering it to another now, I want to transfer and i want the freight should get loaded into the material cost and also I should get frieght payable entry so that FI can pay the bill You make the MIGO with freight at one Depo where u do the import & after that u create STO for the another plant where u want ti transfer with the freight data in stock transfer PO. after migo, any leftout delivery cost is not addable in po in ME22N.As we are GOVT PSU a/c dept is not adjusting the same in MIRO and doing the payment.can any one guide me for the above problem? If it is not possible during MIRO then u have to cancel the MIGO amend the PO & them do the MIGO i dont think any other solution for the same We have an urgent need to use subcontracting MRP area with Quota Arrangement usage so that components can be directly delivered to subcontractor from third party vendor as per quota arrangement. Does SAP support the functionality in 4.6 C or any later version. If not, is there a work around available. supports ur req...but u hv to approach MM Consultant Can you explain in detail for this requiremnt. How to fulfill this type of requiements. Waiting for expert's comment. Their r lot of things to be maintained for it. Few of them , 1) Activate MRP area , 2) DEfinesub con MRP Area for the plant , 3) Maint. The quota for vendor , 4) Maint an inforrecord for sub con vendor , 5) While creating PO , make the delivery at SC location and specifythe location for it.
All this has already been done but without any success. The issue is that we have two vendors supplying same component to a given sub con vendors. Secheduling agreements are in place with both the component vendor duly providing for direct delivery to sub con vendor. Both the scheduling agreements are included in source list and are MRP relevant (indicator 2 - this was possible by amending system message 375 from error to warning). Both the comonent vendor are included in the quota. MM setting both for plant and sub con vendor MRP area are in order. Special procurement key 20 is assigned in sub con vendor MRP area. When we run MRP for sub con vendor area, system is creating a schudle line but the agreement picked up is not of the vendor who ought to receive the schedule as per quota. Further, the schedule line quantity is not updated in the quota. It appears that quota record are just not considered by the system while running the MRP for sub conactivated splitting quota for lot size, as such standard SAP doesnt hv this Have u vendor. activated. Maintain the quota a fresh after doing the same and logging out. I am facing the problem of, there are 35 items in one p.o but it shows only 20 items in print preview and moreover the total eff.price are also not displayed in print preview Please check has remaining 15 ites are deleted fr the PO . or check with yr BASIS team for the print paramater , Can anyone give me some idea about variant configuration. I wana know what it is and how we configure it in SAP R/3.
Could you please give me detailed steps for 'Inter Company Stock Transfer Order'including required prerequisites and Configurations settings?
I have a problem with getting the current stock qyt and value . i am taking table S033, I am calculating current stock = received qty -issued qty : ( S033_MZUBB ) (S033_MAGBB) ; received total stock value value of issued stock) (S033_WZUBB) (S033_WAGBB) but values are incorrect for certain materials. am I selecting from wrong table?. what is the right table? Current stock equal to OP stock + Recipt - Issue qty. Please search for the table & let me know also. can anyone guide me by giving t code for listinng inbound deliveries MMBE & try vlo6i
I want to transfer a material to another. But uom's are different. source material is kg, destination material is can I do this? migo dont let me this T. Code MB1B will allow you to transfer material to material. However the base has to be the same. There is no two way about this. Work around solution: Create destination material with same base unit and same moving average price (MAP), then write off the balance from the source material and write on the balance to the destination material write of and write on situation over here. can u pl explain the Material X has base unit "ea" - each, quantity 5, moving average price $11.00 ; Material Y has base unit "bt" - bottle, quantity 2, moving average price $10.00 ; In the above scenario, the system will not allow you to transfer the quantity of material X to material Y because the base units are different. Option 1. - Use t. code MR21 to change the MAP of material Y to $11.00 if necessary. Create the physical inventory document MI01 or MI31 with only material X and Y. Enter the count for X as zero and the count for Y as 5. View the variance report with MI20 and post the physical inventory document (variance) with MI07. Option 2. - If it is ok to create a new code, then do so, material Z, with the base unit as "ea" and the moving average price or standard price at $11.00. Create physical inventory document using t. code MI31 or MI01 for material X, material Y and material Z. Enter the count for material X has zero and the count for material Y as zero and the count for material Z has 5 + 2. When you run the variance report (MI20), you will see the amount of 5 being written off from material X and simple solution2 being written off by mvt 561 & reduce in other material written think the amount of is increase stock from material Y. You will see 7 being by mvt 562. Is there any issue in this?? PL GUIDE ME HOW TO CORRECT THE MATERIAL TYPE IN INTIAL SCREEEN IN MM02 Material type can be changed by t code MMAM but there should be no open data for that material .for eg PR,Po,Reservations, Stocks Etc should nto be there I want to know that how can we set delivery compelete indicator after releasing PO because after release we can not change any field of PO screen . I want to know also that how can we restrict user for makign GR against delivery completed PO The delivery complete indicator can be set at the time of receival. In t. code MIGO_GR, change the indicator "set automatic" to "set" when receiving if the quantity received is less than the PO quantity. With MB01, you can set the delivery indicator if the quantity received is less than the PO quantity or even if the item is not delivered. I think your PO configuration is set so that no changes allowed to PO after release. Therefore, the above is an option I know of and it works.
I have a problem with total invoice reduction as if we assign tolerance group to a vendor in vendor master data total reduction is follow as per that tolerance group but if we don't assign any tolerance group to vendor in vendormaster data it follows tolerance range for the small difference for each company code. My question is where do we set this tolerance range for each company code in spro? SPRO->MM->Logistic Invoice Verification->Select co-code-absolute Set the reduction limits I am getting the following error everyday for diffrent articles., Defict of SL Blocked 1 EA:3765553 0250 1000 Article: 3765553 , Mvt :343 , S.Loc: 1000 , Plant :250 , Can someone please explain the cause of this error and solution ASAP. Hi, Pl check whether storage location blocked or not with Tr.codeMM06 Use t. code MM06 to check if the storage location for the material is blocked. Because you are trying to issue from storage location that is either blocked or does not have enough stock PL GUIDE ME HOW TO CORRECT THE MATERIAL TYPE IN INTIAL SCREEEN IN MM02. The precoditions to change a material type are: There are no stock, no open purchase orders, no scheudleing agreements, no reservations, no open physical inventory docs for processing. i am facing some problems while doing pricing procedure Please intimate ur exact problem See go to your calculation schema there you make following changes in your pricing procedure. See the GRN stage you are getting the error that seect adherence to shipping instruction for this you go to have check this fied as i am not sure whether comes on the Where tab or the PO tab of the .line item in the MIGO. for pricing procedure in calculation schema u put tick mark for P(printing) for gross price and for shipping instructions in where tab one column for shipping instructions is there u can evalute that shipping instruction. u can contract me at any time I want to transfer a material to another. But uom's are different. source material is kg, destination material is can I do this? migo dont let me this Try with movement type 309 I want to know that how can we set delivery compelete indicator after releasing PO because after release we can not change any field of PO screen . I want to know also that how can we restrict user for makign GR against delivery completed PO You can set the delivery completed indicator in ImConfiguration. SPRO->MM>Inventory Managment and Physical Inventory-> Goods Receipt-> Set Delivery completed indicator.
after migo, any leftout delivery cost is not addable in po in ME22N.As we are GOVT PSU a/c dept is not adjusting the same in MIRO and doing the payment.can any one guide me for the above problem?
where do i find currency conversation table in SAP? It is There in OC41. transaction Sorry, OB52 is for FI period. OB08 is for currency. I think the table is "TCURR We are in the process of SAP implementation, likely to GO-LIVE by Apr'08. We have issue in handling receipt of raw material in DUAL UOM. We account any material receipt in both NOS and MT and the weight relation varies every consignment, hence we cannot adopt to fixed weight norm. Any way to address this DUAL UOM with dynamically varying norm. Can anybody help. check this link http://help. erp2005/helpdata /en/ef/f53f710fa 549ab8ffeb00f5ce fda4a/content. htm always try to maintain basic UOM as a stock keeping unit UOM and whenever you want to make PO, that time u make use of ORDER UNIT concept I think there are 2 methods for Dual UOM maintenance. 1. Same plant with SPLIT valuation. 2. SAme material With different plant. create new plant and extend the material with different UOM check this link http://help. erp2005/helpdata /en/ef/f53f710fa 549ab8ffeb00f5ce fda4a/content. htm Can anybody tell me how to create/define standard purchasing organisation, pl. Standard purchase organisation is nothing but normal purchasing organisation. If several purchasing organizations procure for a certain plant, you can define one of them as the standard purchasing organization for the transactions "pipeline procurement" , "consignment" and "stock transfers". In source determination for stock transfers and consignment, the system automatically utilizes this standard purchasing organization. In the case of goods issues of pipeline materials, the purchasing info records of the standard purchasing organization are read. It can be assigned for for the reply. Whatever usettings.correct. Whatever you mentioned is Thanks a lot a plant in customization said is from SAP help document. But, when I am trying to assign the the standard purhasing Organisation to Plant the available entries were empty. Without defining a Std. Pur org. we cannot assign, right? So, could you please tell me how to define a Std. Pur Org. out of create purchasing organisations. follow the path, spro-->img-- >ent. structure--> defination- ->material management> maintain purchase organization
But how to define a Std purchasing organisation out of created purchasing organisations std purchasing organisation is nothing but normal purchase As I told earlier, organisation. One thing u need to do is to assign the normal purchase organisation to a plant as standard purchase organisation. The process is correct. I have created one plant and some pur. org. When I tried to attach a puchase organisation in 'assign standard purchasing org to plant' no values were found. Then how to assign?
is there any option to delete the storage location or to block. because i dont want to use that storage location You can LS06 T code to block / Unblock the Storage Bins Try MM06 Transcation it seems u r talking abt storage bin and azam i s talking abt SLOC I recently posted a link from a website about the tutorial on doing transfer postings : MIGO: 301 from plant to plant On the same website i found a good video about how a proper implementation of SAP can work wonders for your company. I am posting that link here: http://sapphire06. imagetips/ waytouse. html visit it if you are interested hi can any one guide me how to do the plant to plant consignment stock tranfer and wat will be the movt type. and help me to do with single step procedure and two step could look at this website which has the MIGO transaction with screen shots You procedure for the Transfer Posting Plant to Plant. Step by Step. I have used it as user training material for last project. It is simple and easy to use. http://sapphire06. imagetips/ migo301.html This is a good website but does it have more transactions other than MIGO 301. COULD ANY ONE GUIDE ME TO POST THE MIRO OF BILL OF ENTRY OF IMPORT ORDER OF MORE THAN 3 LINE ITEM THRO"STEP BY STEP PROCEDURE do a LIV for the goods or for the import duty? In case it is import Do you need to duty component then you need to have the import duty as an expense condition in the PO or STO [depending on your treatment of the issue]. Then simply go to the MIRO screen and input the order number and select delivery/expense, hit enter and you shall see the various line items where you can select the ones you wish to process. Just like MIRO of expense conditions of a normal multi line item PO. Correct solution, But can you please explain how the CHA expences of the unplaned transportation expences can be booked during the LIV of Import Goods?
In case of standard MM treatment, if your costs are unplanned, meaning that there is no corresponding expense condition record in the PO or STO, then, there is no way you can do an IV for that cost in reference to the PO or STO in question. You might have to do an FB60 transaction in FI to book that expense. You can try "Subsequent Debit" in MIRO. Subsequent debit will not work as in case of unplanned cost item, that cost item will not show up in MIRO against that PO. You can only take it through FB60 to a non-inventorised GL HOW TO CHANGE THE EXCHANGE RATE IN MIRO FOR IMPORT PO/B/E think you can change exchange rate while doing MIRO itself in vendor master what are the datas we are maintainig at plant> level... vendor master is not maintained at plant level. It can be maintained only on Client, company code and Purchasing org. level. How can I view the Vendor data in SAP MM Module Kindly guide me. try MKVZ, for vendor list, we can also maintain Vendor master for plant level also if only the data retention level is active we can maintain purchasing and partner functions for plant level and VSR level xko3 or mk03 See Vendor master has folowing data ; Data at client level ----may be company or corporate ( group of company ) ; Data at company code ---- company code specific data ; Data at purchsing org level--- related to the purchasing PL GUIDE ME HOW TO CORRECT THE MATERIAL TYPE IN INTIAL SCREEEN IN MM02.
Try the following transaction codes for solving all your queries regarding the posting periods. 1. Use T Code SE38 for ABAP Editor and run program ZMMPER1A for all company codes of ur organisation. 2. Use MMRV to see what is the existing period and allow posting to the previous period. 3. Use MMPV for closing the the period every month. 4. Use MMPI if u are intialising ther posting for the first time and previosely there was no transactions carried out. 5. OBBO for creation of posting period vaiants (by FI/CO) 6. OBBP for assigning CoCode to the posting period. (FI/CO) 7. OMSY to see all the posting period updation. 8. OB52 to to make all accounts cklarified A, D, K, M, S and +. I want to transfer a material to another. But uom's are different. source material is kg, destination material is can I do this? migo dont let me this
I have a problem with total invoice reduction as if we assign tolerance group to a vendor in vendor master data total reduction is follow as per that tolerance group but if we don't assign any tolerance group to vendor in vendormaster data it follows tolerance range for the small difference for each company code. My question is where do we set this tolerance range for each company code in spro?
It is the same period initializing issue, can any body throw some light & clarify, how to initialize MM period every month. I hope that Im not wrong, when I say I should never use The TXn code MMPI. for this.I think this is stopped from rel 4.5 or so OB52 I am sure is for FI period opening. Should i close the period with MMPV every month & hereinitializing we r using 6.1 do we use MMPV for month end closing nothing else required For Fi they use OB52 may be ,that i m not sure Follow the instruction in Note 487381 and then do MMPIthen u can open previous period Period initialization is basically activated or ticked in two scenario, 1. When a new system is installed and a new company code is created. 2. Correction purpose Initializing directly assigns current period to all stocks,also initializing is not a period closing activity. You are absolutely right OB52 is used for FI period opening. In OB52 you can maintain the number of open periods for the settlement of accounting documents. Hope this has enhanced your thought on initialization and FI period closing.
We have an urgent need to use subcontracting MRP area with Quota Arrangement usage so that components can be directly delivered to subcontractor from third party vendor as per quota arrangement. Does SAP support the functionality in 4.6 C or any later version. If not, is there a work around available Yessap supports ur reqbut u hv to approach MM Consultant i have a doubt first i want to explain u the scenario when we want to consume some materials(tools or consumables) we issue it to the cost center .movt type 201 .this wayt the stocks and the accounts both go fine .an entry is created in the consumption gl account for that amount of material value. but here is the problem suppose in productioon the tools got broken or the consumable got spoilt which cant be used again comes back to the stores ,so we make an reverse of issue to cost center by movt type 202 .the stocks are updates in the inventory but the gl account is also hit and it shows a negative consumption. but actually that material was already consumed and got broken in the production .the stock is not a problem but the account are getting effected badly . is there any solution to take back the broken materials back to the stos without creating any finance entry. i will like to give an example suppose isse material cons1122 ,quantity 1 pcs ,to cost center by movt type 201 the 1 pc will be deducted from the storage location and the gl account will be having a value of say 100 rupees (means a 100 rupees is being consumed by the cost center) till here everything is fine but suppose the cons1122 got broken in production and cant be used than it is sent back to the stores .we do movt type 202 and take back in the stores .here a stock 1 is increased in the stores that is ok but also in the gl account one entry of -100 is created that shows it is a reversed consumption. butany valuable material is i understand ur scenario. but pls note if u consume actually the material then it will make definately a fi entry. in ur case u can issue these unusable material to production overhead or scrap cost centre and this way the respective gl will be updated. But plz note that it can not be possible that material wil scrap and no fi entry wil passed. whereever u post/issue a valuable material the system wil must make a gl entry also.
when we consume a material , a fi entry should no doubt be passed ,i have no issue regarding that ,but the problem is ,when the consumed material get damaged and is taken back by 202 ,an fi entry is again created nullifying the before consumed entry but in actual we have consumed the material and the material during consumption is broken or damaged which cooming back to stored is not of any use again .(so the actual consumption entry in fi should not be nullified as the material have been actually already used and consumed by the company,its coming back dont give any proifit to the company but when i do 202 it shows and fi entry indicating a profit i.e.negative ofpost cost of mvt 551 as per my understanding you should the scrap, consumption). i hope u Though I do not have complete idea how u are handling the material out of the three scenarios I have mentioned in my previous reply, What i feel, scrapping by means of 551 should solve your issue as amount equaling the material price will be deducted from the inventory & consumption for the cost center issued will be added. FI entries should be OK. Look we generally use 202 for reversal for this purpose if we are maintaining valuated material master for tooling. If you have UNBW i.e. non valuable material then the problem does not arise, then we have some other issues other than FI to handle i.e are valuated and have a very high values evenback if toold are moreother The tools how to procure exhausted quanity etc. Come some you have any than 100's of dollars .That is why i m more concerned aboutt the valuation rather than the stocks.If i take the material back by 202 and than scrap it by 551 will the same consumption account will be effeced or have to see the account maintained for scrapping and movt type 551 .Please reply with surity as it is a real time scenario Do scrapping and issuing to cost center hold the same effect on gl account/ There is not much diference between Issuing to cost center for Consumtion/use of tools & Issue to costcenter (551) for scrapping. Both the activities will hit the same type of account i.e inventory & Consumption. The only difference could be Cost center in both the cases. The same scenario is working fine for me and we have 10,000 Tools/Accs. out of which almost 70% are imported formUS/Europe & are carry Good valution. We are Live only. I guess you have to have a word with your FI & CO Guys as both the people are involved & your Business process Owner(Client) so that there is a Rule/Displn. for carrying out this activity. As more than a SCM guy they should be worried upon how the accounts should be hit as per the business requirement. i If you if i maintain the same gl accountbe happy to knowin theuconsumption than think are in agreement with me, I will for scrapping as how have solved this my net consumption will be we are not using scrapping till now. I will talk to the Fi person and the busines s persons
i created info record for an item in my system and while i entring that inforecord number in my purchaseorder as a line item, it is not taking the complete details of that inforecord ie. pur org, Vendor, item price, plant..can i get header data and pricing data of that item using inforecord number in PO..pls reply..
while creating document type we assign item category to the document type. Can any one explain how should we select item category while creating the doc type. Do item category have any effect on the document type. Also what is the significance of link PR .If i wanted to create document type ZCAP for PO what item categories i should select or what item categories are preferred
1.HOW TO CANCEL THE FAULTED RFQ? 2.HOW TO CREATE PR WITH RESPECT TO INTERNAL ORDER FOR BUDGETTEDMATERIALS? Change RFQ - ME42 Create PR - ME51N COULD U PLEASE DETAIL. Ie. IN ME42 WHAT ENTRIES TO BE MADE FOR CANCELLATION SIMILARLY IN ME51N , WHERE INTERNAL ORDER REFERENCE CAN BE MADE FOR TRACKING? Use me51n & Put "F" In acc.ass. Enter the Internal order no & the other details of PR. Save the PR I would like to change the standard price in the material master for the finished goods materials. The standard is set up in the material master one time when the material is created and is never changed. I would like to change the process to updating the standards for these materials on a quarterly basis and need to understand the effects that this change will have in SAP. I know there is a transacton MR21...wanted to understand the EFFECTS THAT THIS CHANGE WILL HAVE IN SAP, besides the price changing?? Can you assist in solving this query? > When printing a Purchase order after making changes, it only prints the > changes effected, and not the whole document. > How can I fix this? Go to t-code ME22N,go to messages,then choose neu,print out put,enter,enter a printer name after saving go to me9f excecute and go to sp01. You can call me on 053 830 8861 if you are not clear,i'm also in DWAF kimberley
When we create a debit / credit entry for vendor with reference to a P.O. due to some price difference in P.O. & bill of vendor,the amount which pass thru debit / credit entry will load on material price. if yes then please give me example & also send problem can be analysed in two ways. Your me SAP screen shot. 1. If the material is valuated with moving average price (v ), the difference of price what ever will go to stock account i.e., loaded on to the material, provided there is sufficient stock coverage. EXAMPLE. you have recieved material of 100 kg, but at the time of invoice verification you have only 80kg stock, so the price difference amount for 80kg only will be loaded to the materil, and the remaining amount for 20kg price difference will be debited to the PRICE DIFFERENCE ACCOUNT. 2. If the material is valuated with Standard price then the difference amount will be debited to PRICE DIFFERENCE ACCOUNT. While releasing the IPR and after saving it, we are getting error like [Express document "Update was terminated " received from author XYZ]. This makes PR unreleased.What is the problem? Will you please guide me in resolving this problem. PR-I know.But what is IPR? its same act we use it as IPR ( internal purchase requisition) . But over all it is known as PR.TO NUMBER RANGES IT MAY DUE Is there any report which shows the list of all purchase orders amended in a given period (for a week or a month etc.)? U can use t.code se11 and table ekko I am Unable To put on sap123 If u have the answer please Reply (g.doc attachment) When we create a debit / credit entry for vendor with reference to a P.O. due to some price difference in P.O. & bill of vendor,the amount which pass thru debit / credit entry will load on material price. if yes then please give me example & also send me SAP screen shot. please explain..what is procedure for cancellation of a PO.. is there any transaction for cancellation Use me22n and delete all the line items 1.HOW TO CANCEL THE FAULTED RFQ? 2.HOW TO CREATE PR WITH RESPECT TO INTERNAL ORDER FOR BUDGETTEDMATERIALS?
Change RFQ - ME42 Create PR - ME51N COULD U PLEASE DETAIL. Ie. IN ME42 WHAT ENTRIES TO BE MADE FOR CANCELLATION SIMILARLY IN ME51N , WHERE INTERNAL ORDER REFERENCE CAN BE MADE FOR TRACKING? When cancellign the RFQ,you go to ME42,enter the RFQ numbet and then press enter,select all your iterms and press the dust bin sign,then SAVE It is better u reject the quotation, which is not required Vendor block u can block the vendor T.code xk05. y cant we try t_code OBR2 to delete the master data, in this case i hope we require program,,, try this let me know Is there any function module or program available for finding latest GR number for a part number, vendor, and plant combination? Pls try use "ME2M". You can use MB51 T Code. Mvt Type 101 to find the list of GR for an article While creating the Vendor master record i IDES i am getting an error . System prompts for the Reconciliation account. Prior to creation of vendor master record i already have done following configurations 1.I CREATE COPY OF CHART OF ACCOUNTS from INT1 to create my COA.( As country is india any suggestion which reference COA i should select to copy from) 2. Assigned new COA to my company code. 3 I also maintained controlling area which is my company code. When i click the Recon field in XK01 i found no possible entries. Please guide me as without mentioning the Recon account i am not able to save the vendor master record. What else configuration i need to make, so that system can find the recon account on its own. check whether have u defined any account group 'LIAB' with account numbers from and to,, in t_code OBD4. Now create a Reconcilation GL Account in t_code FS00, there u use the account group 'LIAB',, now try to create vendor master ,,,, hope this may work for u I' d like to know what is the transaction that I can use to registe dates into the table Home tax ( em portugues domicilio fiscal). Do anyone know?
There are some concepts about the pricing in PO that I never got it clear. I really appriciate it if someone can help me. What is the base amount for calculate the tax via tax code? In the invoice verification there often is a tax code in which a tax rate is decided. But what is the base amount of the tax? How does the system get the base amount from all kinds of conditions from purchase order? Does it related to the configuration in the condition type, or in the calculation schema? I looked into the tax code configuration to find the base amount condition type as BASB without any access sequence. and for India there is a basetype 362 in the pricing schema. I can not understand the code in routine 362, and for example there even isn't a basetype in China. Then how does the system get the proper amount for calculate the tax? Please explain me how to define the tax code appeared in IV. From where does the system takes base value to calculate the tax amount i info record i could not able to work on conditions if i click on conditins no response. y so can any one help on this info record for STO why it is required hey not only for sto for any i could not able to work on conditons. check if the conditions screen is activated in config Check out if there is default procedure is there & assigned to vendor in the system. U have to check in Pricing procedure for this. There are various vendors and tax codes in our system which are not in use.So we want to delete those vendors and tax codes Permanantly from the system.Please let me know the process of arciving this from the system. I need to know which transaction permit to see which transfers (313) are waiting for receptions (315) and where I can find out a reception X (315) to which transfer corresponds (313). in mb51 & see its happens or not or u have to double clik on Try to set the varrient the material document it will give u the ref docu, in STD SAP it will not avilable what u want. How can I change the object text (description) in transaction code CL24N?
This is Maruthi,Can anybody explain me about QM and MM Integaration and Integaration testing scenarios
can anybody help me how to proceed with tcode CJ20n,ie how use it and for what purpose its solvedCJ20N SAPLCNPB_M Project Builder Can anybody guide me how to maintain decimals beyond upto 4 places for example 1.0012 usd. Never ever try to attempt to change the deciaml places once set during implementation. It will screw up all the finalcial data of the company Beware.....! If you want to consider more decimal places for ordering in PO, you can make it as a quantit term ex : price of an item is 0.44536 per peice you have decimal place up to 2 in PO enter price as 445.36 for 1000 numbers. this will solve your problem. Never attepmt to change decimal places even in Dev / Quality server as these changes are cross client and will change all your data in the production server also. See also facing same problem. if points price Rs.100 & qty is 200 then amount it am SAP works upto 2 decimal i enter shows as 200.00 instead of 20000. pl avice Please get Decimal Notaion changed in user master data We can set no. of decimals as per our requirement, in user parameters, use SU3 for the same I am really sorry .we can set currency to different decimal points . Each currency has a different number of decimal places. If you are adding new currencies, which do not have two decimal places, you have to enter these currencies in the menu option 'Decimal places'. In the settings delivered with the system, the most important currencies which do not have two decimal places are pre-set according to the ISO standard. See SAP works upto 2 decimal points You can use a pricing unit of 1,000. In your example, price the item at 1,001.20 per 1,000 i have 2 val type of one material: 1. ind-spare, 2- ind-prj simultanously we use different val class for diff val type when we want to procure material for project, then we use ind-prj and when we want to use material for operation then we use ind-spare. for project procurement we create pr in cj20n then do po and migo and for operation we create pr in me51n and do po and migo. but problem is this for val type ind-prj, price and qty in material masster is not updating but for operation it is updating. so code and to know the problem andfor which qty and value updations use OMS2 t i wanted select the material type solution. are not taking place. check whether the qty and value updations are checked by valuation area. if not check both the buttons and save. this will solve the problem how to get the list of technical names of transactions in customizing like OMS2. In SAP Easy Access Screen - there is option to show technical names. same way it is not available in IMG in SPRO Check the field "Proj stock valuation class" in Material Master Accounting 1 view.Have you put the valuation class there?.
is it posssible to put on hold the contract wnenever we have doubt while creating? print preview of contract is possible in info record i could not able to open the conditons can any one help on this Go to ME13, Input Vendor & other details & open Info Record , Conditions button is there, press the same or F8 will take u to conditions. In case of any error messege you are getting, what is the msg? i am transfering one mateiral to another material (quality to unrestricted use) in 321 movement type. but error is came i.e change the inspection stock of material in QM only. use t code qa32 it is quality module transaction beause quality has been Please activated for this material do the result recording and than make the usage decision We are made PO by using "K" in Acct.Ass.& we did MIGO Of the same due to this we were not get material in stock ( i.e. Direct consumtion to the Cost center)But now if we want to see detail stock of each item ,is that possible? If it is then How? Please gudecharge the materials, then no stock account got updated. However, you If you direct me. can use MB51 with movement type 101 which will show you all the receivals for those direct charge items. Take this to be the stock. hey u can see the stock overview T.code MMBE Enlighten me. How can you see stock for items for which the PO have been made with "K" so that the items are expensed when received. As far as I know there is no inventory, so you cannot see stock Use t code MB51 .U can also use MB1A than goto Environment on top and than select document mvt .fill mvt type(313,315, 241)whose document u want to sea.fill material and plant and store location .recive with mbsu(315) . Hi guys, I need to know which transaction permit to see which transfers (313) are waiting for receptions (315) and where I can find out a reception X (315) to which transfer corresponds (313).
Supose that I did the mvt 313 doc. number 4900006255, material 900607 quantity 5000 UN. Then I did de mvt 315 doc number 4900006330, quantity 4000 UN. Which TCode tells me the doc. number whose received the doc. number 4900006255, material 900607 quantity 4000 UN. For example: Mat. Document Material Quantity UM Reference 4900006255 900607 4000 UN 4900006330 Then which TCode tells me that the doc. number 4900006255, material 900607 they still lack 1000 UN to receive. For example: Mat. Document Material Transit UM 4900006255 900607 1000 UN Try >MB51 - shows movement of material >MB5T - shows material still to be received TCode MB51 don't show me the doc. referenced in mvt 313 and 315, like Hi David, this Mat. Document Material Quantity UM Reference 4900006255 900607 4000 UN 4900006330 and MB5T only show me the purcharse order in transit, not de mvt 313 in transit and its document number. Ruben, try MB5B apply t code MB1a and go to environment then to material movment fill the M code ,plant ,store location and movement type. In ERP, does the system have the ability to determine the impact of safety stock on carrying costs (or inventory costs)?
Kindlu guide me how to define the Business Organisation Structure in ECC 6.0. From financial angle what is the maximum utilization of various terminology such as Company, Company Code, Business area, Functional area, Consolidation Business area, FM area, Segment and profit center . What is the relation in between . Please depict a pictorial diagram for better understanding. This is very urgent that you attend a complete SAP-MM training or SAP-FI? I am not sure I suggest which module you want to go in for from the information given below I am facing one problem while creating stock transport order. The system gives me error: S:ZCA:005. There is no any long text with this error
We are handling under Assets, so the above issue is handled under depreciation. In your case you have created Master for the Tools. It is true that once u make reversal for the broken or Consumed tools u will have Accounting entry. What about Scrapping the Broken/Consumed tools after the reversal. Inventory gets reduced & Consumption gets added to the amount of the material. We have one client in us , who handles this types of materials under UNBW category.
We are made PO by using "K" in Acct.Ass.& we did MIGO Of the same due to this we were not get material in stock ( i.e. Direct consumtion to the Cost center)But now if we want to see detail stock of each item ,is that possible? If it is then How no, now u can not see the stock position of said material. only way u have to check the sotck physically as in the system it has been already consumed. wat s the diff between pboo & pbxx in detail
what are all the configuration required for centralise purchase organisation in terms of assignment ...... either assign to company code or plant or some other For this you have to make use use of the reference purchasing organisation and you have to assign the purchase organisation to this refernce purchase organisation. Example : 0001 is refrence Purchase organisation ; 0002 Purchase organisation 1 ; 0003 Purchase organisation 2 ; 0004 Purchase organisation3 ; 0002 ,0003 , 0004 are to be assigned in the step ; Assign purch. organization to reference purch. ; organization in this way you can make use of the condition maintained forthe physical inventory doc auromatically after GR immediately how to create the reference P org to other P organisations instead of creating manually in mi01? I heard 'FireFighter' but I don't know the details about it. Does anyone tell me what the function of it and how to perform it? Thanks.
In my company i have been activated material ledger & parallel currency. I want to make sure is my setting is correct or not and i want give the example: Material master data: MAV material : Company code currecny : 20000 IDR Group currency : 2 USD Purchase Order (foreign currency) PO currency : 2 USD Qty order : 10 PC Result of FI document on GR transaction( Exchange rate : 9000): Document Currency Inventory 22,22 USD 200000 IDR GR/IR 20 USD 180000 IDR ML 2,22 USD 20000 IDR Group Currency Inventory 20 USD 200000 IDR GR/IR 20 USD 180000 IDR ML 20000 IDR My assumption, calculate to get amount inventory in document currency & group currency is different, In import PO i want to see the LC no and expiry date, landed cost shipment status active and then will get report on the LC no , LC expiry date , bank gurantee etc.. how can I link these document with the PO
Can you give details on automatic account determination becuase in my implementaiton this was done by fi guys but in interview they ask this questiopn many times also the terms used in it and there links like valuation class ACR posting keys and glscan do on their own, either they know something of MM or they How do the FI guys have taken the help of a MM guy, the reason is they do not have much to do in Acct determination as they are required to provide G/L accts alone based upon process requirements and the Books to be maintained by the client. Contact them as it is a elaborate proces which covers all the valuaton classes & processes being used in the organisation.
Our Pm was Fi guy so he said he doesn't want to take the risk and since i was not so confident i could not oppose so that is why i want to knwo it learn it properly so next time i want to do on my own My client requirement is LIFO-FIFO during the Good issue .....they want to issue material to the user dept whuch was received 1st, automatically how should i do it I want to change the valuation class of a material for a particular plant, but when I tried to change I received a message, valuation class cannot be changed. There is no stock for the material in the plant and also there is no movements of this material in the current period or the previous period. There is no stock of this material in other plants but, there are movements in other plant during the previous period. Could you please advise why the system is not allowing to change the valuation class?. Please see the total coverage stock of required material using T code MMBE. Any open PR/PO or reservations might be there in yor plant. Procedure to change val class: Change message status to warning. Transaction OMT4. ; Messages 00 MM 326, 00 MM 327 ; Check if stock in transfer exists ; Set Delivery completed indicator in PO items Empty stock- mvt 561/562 ; Change val class ; Then return back all previous steps.
in our company sap auto miro is configured . we are doing it successfully . but when we do this in the miro generated reference number get overwritten by miro number which is earlier the party bill no. so in sap is there any configuration where it can be stopped u do auto MIRO settimngs how did we are doing auto miro with mrrl i am facing the problem oin creating a material & stock transfer with mov.type 562 Hi can u clarify why are u using the Movt type 562, this is used for reversal of Initial Uploading of material master. Are u under some kind of training wher-in it is standard practise to boost the stock using 561. i have a doubt regarding realeaseprocedure for P.R creation What kind of doubt? The entire procedure or a part of 2 kind of rel. procedures available for PR find the best shops in every city. use tcode OLMRLIST can i help for everbody i want sap mm T.code
I do not think anyone understands your request. Are you asking for all the Sap MM transactionssimple and understandable English for others to response your Please use queries. as per my consltantant advise ,for the purchase of item in E1 transactions inwhich ed is inclusive,we have been asked to maintained as exclusive in FV11.the difference in assable value can be coorected in doing this ed a/c is ok. but in MIRO the difference in assable value is to resolve this. otherwise anyother method is there for ed conditions? error "Posting period __XX 2007 not While posting the doc during GR, I am getting open ". I tried to check using T code MMPV also but still getting the error. Any suggestion is really appreciated I think you have to check your FI opening period thru T-Code OB52 and open for the period closed. I assume your are working in IDES. If you are on Production server, you have to ask your FI team to work on this issue as its not the responsibility of MM Functionals resource controlled, which are as follows: FI There are two places the posting period is transaction OB52 MM MMPV I want toknow if there is any process to delete vendors permanently from theclient, like we do with materials. use t--codexk06 Thanks for the reply, but my question is like we use mmdeto delete material pemanently from client is there any transaction todelete vendors from the system permanently. XK01 is for flaging thevendors for deletion but it will remain in the system. When i was creating Old P.O. with Old delivery date i.e.08.12.2003, system generate message "Period not in Co.Calander" Message No.M087. Why you wana create the PO with old delivery date, the system is delivering a correct message. Create PO with correct future date, you will be fine Is there any standard report in MM which shows me history of moving average prices for a material. with reference to Purchase order (with or without) Problem of Payment Terms comes at time of Invoice verification of particular supplier, Payment term in P.O is A (30 days.) Payment term in Vendor masterPurchasing and finance view is B ( 45 days.) but at time of MIGO system takes C (60 days ) Supplier was having C ( 60 days) payment terms but none of active P.O/Schedule agreement is with C payment Terms. For every other Supplier System takes Payment Terms as mention in P.O/Schedule agreement u can change the terms of payment in MIRO. also u can change the Terms of Payment in configuration section n thn assign it. but thr is some system setting error in migo plz chk it. what are all the configuration required for centralise purchase organisation in terms of assignment ... either assign to company code or plant or some other
Can we change the valuation type of a material already define in split valuation type. If yes how The Stock/Requirements list is displaying the delivery schedule lines for the deleted delivery schedule. There are 3 components m1,m2,m3 for a BOM Material M123. A sub-contracting Scheduling Agreement is created for the M123 and Delivery Schedule is maintained.Subseque ntly a couple of schedules are deleted. Now when i run Stock/req list MD04 for m1/m2/m3,the delivery schedule lines are also created for the delivery schedules already deleted. Appreciate if you can give any solution/reason for this any program/report to be run to correct the md04 list. For SAP MM T-codes Goto this link u will find all SAP transaction code . http://www.easymark transactions- m.php
i have some basic questions: 10.what is the expansion of MIGO & MIRO? it possible to put hold on contract? 30.contract print preview other than mein me35k is possible? 40.after supplementing the po we ar getting the changes only in the print .if we want both the print ,then how? 50.for nlag material, while crating po it is asking to assign a/c assignment category which is not possible by dirct to resolve? i think this is some thing with material master. I want automatic generation of PR for the shortage materials. example. Customer Order X material of 100 Qty, we find shortage of materials 40 Qty via availability check. what are the settings to be made in mm run inVendor list is and gomaintained. have Pl. check you have configured for MRP. part. your system alredy for MRP to auto PR generation through system T.code MD01/MD03 Is there any standard report in MM which shows me history of moving average prices for a material. with reference to Purchase order (with or without) Run Tcode: ME1P Thanks for the reply. That does not solve my problem. I tried find out with the with the reports list avaialble in MM, but I could not suceed. Any other Txn codes anybody aware. May be I have to go for separate new report generation for this. I was trying to avoid this ABAP report stuff, but seems it can not be avoidable. Kindly try Trx code: CKMPCD
Problem of Payment Terms comes at time of Invoice verification of particular supplier, Payment term in P.O is A (30 days.) Payment term in Vendor masterPurchasing and finance view is B ( 45 days.) but at time of MIGO system takes C (60 days ) Supplier was having C ( 60 days) payment terms but none of active P.O/Schedule agreement is with C payment Terms. For every other Supplier System takes Payment Terms as mention in P.O/Schedule agreement u can change the terms of payment in MIRO. also u can change the Terms of Payment in configuration section n thn assign it. but thr is some system setting error in migo plz chk it. I have one problem in 4.7 IDES (tranning )as follow, In RFQ message coming as : company code is not assign to country or calculation procedure . pls reply me where is the probelm in custmization ? ur reply is valuable , See check for the compnay code whether the country key has been given or not and if it is fine then check for the calculation ( tax procedure ) . But to me it looks that at the time of RFQ it will not show this error .May be one more possiblity that you areaworking with tax jurdiction code reason, there is no Calculation procedure This is common problem in IDES. The existing & assigned to Country India. The solution can be (particular to IDES only) 1. Financial Accounting-- ->Financial Accounting basic setings---->tax on sales/puchases- -->check calculation procedure--->Define Procedures , here copy one of the sales tax proceudres example TAXGB and name as TAXIN. 2. Assign Country to calculation procedure in the next step save it and ur problem will be gone.. I would like to repeat this is for training purpose only, as in real case u have to have actual Procedure Taxinj or Taxinn will assigned to co country India for Taxes Hi,We have a material with serial number.some materials is used some areas in the city before we started to use SAP.After SAP,we add these materials to the system,and appears as mounted anywhere.Then the producer company produce new materials by the same serial numbers with the last years.And then the new materials can be added into warehouse ( i have no idea how the system accept this operation ).now some materials appear mounted and stored at the same time.when I try to mount the material in the warehouse the system is not allowed this operation,cuz this material is already mounted in the area.I changed the serial number of the mounted material to be able to use the stored one, but when i changed mounted one also stored changed too.basically, i have two material with same serial in reality but system have one material with two property.My last plan is, I will move the material as a scrap from the warehouse and then again enter the warehouse with any movement.But this is not acceptable for enter you have had some model code and add to accountancy if there is any other
I have a problem in MRP. I have two plants 1001 and 1002.A material x will be procured from plant 1002 to 1001. I have put special procurement key ST(Stock transfer) in material X of plant 1001 (recieving Plant). When I run MRP for 1001, a PR is created because of demand and for same quantity PRRel should created in 1002. But in my case, when I run MRP for 1001,a PR is created in 1001 for demand and in 1002 (issuing plant),A PRRel and also a PR is generated for same quantity.PR in 1002 should create when I run MRP in 1002.But here If I run MRP in 1001, A PRRel plus a PR is created in 1002. Can somebody give a step by step instructions of resetting the PO number range, am trying to change the From number and it is giving me "Only can be change at initial closing the existing no range, no should be set to initial, then close. create while entry" error new no range as per your requirements and assign To do this go to OMH6 t.code and select the number range and make the changes below : Say ur current number in system is : 45 4500000000 4599999999 4500000004 What you have to do 45 4500000004 4599999999 then you will able to do , but the missing number you have to check with basis as i they cannot be tracked ........... We having some material which after use( Ist GI) we rework on them and again use( II nd GI).My question is how take this material in stock after Rework?
We are assign Moving Price to our material at the time of BAPI. I want to know whether this price change (i.e. It's Equally divide on remaining Stock item) if We Change IN PO. OR If this not happen what to do?
1. Can you configure MRP to include shelf life? 2. If you activate 'shelf life' in config. does it affect every material or can you limit it to specific plants/storage locations? 3. If you have same material (same material number) in 1 warehouse purchased seperately with different shelf lives, when you issue goods out how does SAP know which of the materials you issued from ? 4. Do you have to insert shelf life into master record or can you work off something else e.g. goods reciept date or manufactured date? 5. Can you configure SAP to account for item manufactured date as when shelf life begings?
you have to activate shelf life for plant & mvt type. You can do MRP for shelf life material through user exit, shelf life will be activated for the material for which you hace mentioned in the Material master Data for shelf life Exp Date When u post the goods issue & if u have activaed for mvt type 201 the system will check min remaining shelf life during goods issue & will issue the same also you go to mm03 / me23n & serch help function for the SLED will get better idea regarding date of Prodn & Do you have the user exit that does it I have a scenario which I want to map into SAP. I am explaining the problem with the help of a T-shirt selling. Let us assume I want to sell T-shirts. I have 100 individual T-shirts & 100 packs of T-shirts. Each pack contains 3 T-shirts. ie, totally 400 T-shirts.I will be selling the individual T-shirts at MRP 100 Rs/pc and a pack at M.RP Rs 250/pc. At off-season I will be only Selling T-shirt packs at Rs 250/- and during peak season I will be only selling individual pieces at 100 Rs/pc so as to make profit. if you can I map this scenario in all the three should have diff material very simple How have three types of tshits SAP? code while in off season make a package of this three tshirs as new material code. give pricing of 250 for this new code system will pick automatically from three diff stock of material and issue as one pakage in sales i can suggest a way but how far it'll works i don't know!!! try to make base unit of measure as Sinle T shirt as EA/ PC (whatever) and make ordering unit as Pack such that 1 pack = 3 PC now make variable unit active in mm master pur view. maintain the info record for both the unit with different price for different validity periods. i have understood from this is that you are base unit of meaure is EA .But See what the you are selling in Pack also you you have too set conversion factortht 1 pack = 3 shirts . Now if the shirt is of smae material or colour you can treat them as seperate material code .But if you wanna to use one material code you can take help of help of variant confiuration where youwill define the different types of shirt base on the charatcetric and you can maintain the conditions ( prices accordinly ). Coming to your peaksituation prices you handle this thru the reabte or discount ............ ......... Please correct me if i have not understood correctly... ...... I hav one scenario ... assume we hav three subcontracting vendors and we r deliverying the end products from the previous vendor to the next vendor witout comin int our factoy premises. after completing all the process from all the 3 vendors we are receiving the material .my question is how to get the scrap from all the 3 sc vendors separately
job work end piece return back to 542 movement T.code mb1b after made 551 scrap I presume u are using 3rd party process, now are u using 3 separate orders for the 3 vendors? Do u havescrap item codes? How u are planning to handle, fixed or variable scrap quantity, u have to finalise/clear all these before u handle Goods receipt for Subcontractor material including scrap. As far as ur question goes it is possible to receipt scraps separately from 3 vendors based upon how u have treated the scenario. i want to transfer from one plant to another plant in same company code thru sto and thru sd route can i include frieght payable in the proforma invoice and also can i load the frieght cost in the receiving location
i want to learn CIN & then configure. so i want CIN implementation document(for MM),please send to me
Can someone please let me know what is the menu path for creating purchase group and storage location ? Also where can I assign plant to multiple purchase organization a mm guy or what look the following path - img - mm - purch - creat hi man are u pur group - go with trans -ome4 to creat pur group To create P. Group go the Material management & to create St loc Enterprise Structure - Material managemnt. No u can not assign plant to P. Organisation, but u can assign P. Org to the different plant. Enterprise Structure - Assignment Material Managemrnt Can we make the accounting entry while making the transfer posting thru movement type 311. If yes how? pls. help MVT type 311 is trf fr st loc to st loc in single step. No accountin doc will get gererated in this case. If the material is of split valustion a/c doc will get generated. I try this but no account doc is generated. Is any customization is required for this?. No accounting document gets generated if u are transfer posting of stock inside same valuation area. There is no need of it as material price remains same. Only the with plant willchanges TP SLoc Virtual not generate anu acc doc Can anybody tell me the path in IMG for defining accruals for Service purchase order, the pricing procedure I am calling is based on service nos. entered in the services tab of line item and not on the basis of item mentioned in item detail.
Could anybody tell me how can trasfer stock from unrestricetd use to blocked stock U can use mvt 344 . Go to MB1B use Movement type 344,enter plant and SLOC
Through MIGO Mvt type 344 / 343 Fr unrestricted to block & from Block to unrestrivted. suppose i want to make po only with refrence to pr not my any other means that is without rfq manually or with contract how will i customize . what is the difference between mnt type 102,122 and 161 122 is line Rejection(material issue item rejection that line rej) , 102 is a reversal of 101 goods receipt , 122 is a return delivery( return to vendor) 102 in MIGO will reverse the Goods Receipt for PO and the same Results as that of the Cancellation of the Goods reiept . 122 is Return delivery to supplier or to production .The effects of movement type 122 correspond to a cancellation of movement type 101. 161 :Return for purchase order , Movement type 161 has the same effects as movement type 122.In purchase order item is marked as a returns item, the returns to vendor are posted using movement type 161 when the goods receipt for purchase order is posted. I am having one scenario in which you have to plan such a way that you should be aware about Work in progress at supplier premises , about his stock position on line with out including that dedicated unit in to your enterprises structure ie he will be suppling component for your finished product, he is your vendor dedicated to produce those components for you. pl help me out how you will create enterprises structure for this i need to send a matl to a vendor without acc impact. wht is the way See your query is not clear to me.If you are sending material to the vendor as the case may be the subcontract vendor then then in such case account posting takes place the time when you are recieving the material .There will be not account posting when you are issuing the material to sub contractor .there will account posting at time when you will do the GR for the final product. Now tell me is this ur case . If not then what is ur case ............ ......... ......... ...... if you dont mind can you please tell what is ur sceneario where you are sending material to vendor . While creating PO check the check box Free Item. When you will do GR, no accounting documents will be generated Can any body tell me the transaction code or menu path for new company code initial period assignment you can do this with t.code OMSY
I have deleted GMF release code and release strategy and changed the Head of SCM limit 0 - 10000000 for PO acc. to user requirement. Previously for PO, Head of SCM limit was 0 - 500000 and for GMF 500001 - 1000000(with double release strategy). after deleting GMF release code and strategy, for 900000 PO, release applies for Head of SCM which is ok. but it does not working in PRD. Please help me out for this, what are the things i should consider to delete one from the release strategy. careful while deleting release strategies. The problem is even-if u Please be remove the details remain inside. What u can do is, create new class & assign the caharacteristics & values fresh, do not try to insert things in the old config. I had faced similar problem & i could solve the issue by creating new release class and multiple strategies for the same class. Try this if ur problem in similar in nature. 1. Can anyone tell me with some example, in which case we go for value contract and in which case we go for Qty based contract, 2.While posting service entry sheet for services PO's what are all the documents generated? 3.How to block the invoice posting,Some settings please? 4.Can anyone suggest any SAP MM books that covers the entire things starting from basic ideas upto customisation I have posted GR and Excise Invoice on incoming raw materials. After excise audit, it was pointed out in some cases where CENVAT reversal need to be posted. Since my GR is ok, i used J1IH Excise JV- other adjustment to reverse. I entered the requried field like doc no/yr/excise grp/register type etc and then material wise details in next screen. When i post, it gives err message "Debit/Credit indicator is inconsistent". Can you please suggest in this regard.
Kindly let me know the step by step procedure to add new fields in first screen of T.code :- Mb01.
when im posting an invoice in cin i get an error that tax code is invalid in tax procedure taxinn. i've maintained all config settings like FTXP OBBG OBCL FV11 BUT STILL ITS NOT UPDATING.ANY HELP IS HIGHLY APPRECIATED
I am trying to reverse the material document for non stock material,in which PO has created using Acct assignment 'K'.I did GR and Invoice. Then i reversed the IR and when i try to reverse the GR system throwing an error "Deficit of SL unrestricted in Storage location. Since this is a non stock item how can we put this into stock. you can return material from same cost centre through mvt type 202 you can return material from same cost centre through mvt type 202 next issues about the SAPwm functionalities: - is the any trigger to warn you for a warehouseload (palletplaces occupied) of ig. 93%? if so, where? - how do i arrange the double in orderpicking: a putaway followed by a orderpick, followed by a putaway etc - what is the specific ID (if any) for return items, and where to define?
I want see comparision statement in SaP.please tell me transaction code. ME49 is there any one work in warehouse incoming materials of pharmaceutical company
I facing probelm in pricing procedure in IDEAS 4.7 i had defined pricing procedure for my purchasing org and assigned to vendor but when i go to create PO then only one condition type is coming and other are not appearing .Message is coming as: enter all condition types. when i checked in dropdown button then no condition found whether your calculation schema/pricing procedure is defined for the Check schema groups combination of your purchase organisation and the specific vendor assign ur schema to the schema group pur org.then asign ur pur org to thr schema group pur org.assign thr schema group to ur vendor in the vendor master. 1)In TCODE FTXP iam unable to maintain tax rate for condition type. 2)Is it mandatory to maintain tax rates through transaction code fv11 for Plant/Vendor/ Material combination. 3)I have maintained tax code V0 as a default taxcode for company code through tax procedure and the same tax procedure is maintained for coumpany country at the time of MIRO the error iam getting is ZTXINN (tax procedure defined and assigned to country and default tax code for the ccode is maintained) is not assigned to country IN.
I always often confused about the TAXINN and TAXINJ.. TAXINN is new conditions based tax calculation procedure. For this procedure we maintain condition type thru the FV11 transaction code. I wanted to whether is it necessary to maintain taxcode for TAXINN thru FTXP? When we create the PO with TAXINN, is it necessary to mention taxcode in INVOICE tab of PO? If not how can i check/see the various amounts of the taxes that system have calculated? Also in import PO various condition values are calculated in foreign currency , how to maintain them in INR ANY CUSTOMIZATION FOR THE SAME? how to cancel the parked/delete liv? could u pl guide by step by step instruction use T.CODE MR8M. In Cancellartion put the Document # which was generated .and post for cancellation how do we find the table of particular field,i have tried F1 key,,,but some time i get tables, but most of the time, it displays structure. Is there any other way to find out. if you see that tables a structure, switch to tab ENTRY/HELP Check and you can see the related table Use transaction code SE84 goto ABAP Dictionary<Fields<Table Fields<Enter Field Name<Execute. This will display the names of Tables having this While releasing the IPR and after saving it, we are getting error like, Express document "Update was terminated " received from author XYZ]. This makes PR unreleased. What is the problem? Will you please guide me in resolving this problem. PR-I know.But what is IPR its same act we use it as IPR ( internal purchase requisition) . But over all it is known as PR. Kindly solve my problem. Still not clear with your answer. Kindly elaborate your answer with procedure Can anyone please mail me the config details of the IDEAS 4.7 server. I had it initially. But when I changed my platform from Windows 2000 to Windows XP. My SAPLogon pad became blank.
Kindly tell me what is meant by R to R Cycle in SAP. I heard that P to P Cycle means Purchase to Pay, Same way what is the extension for R to R Cycle are u usinf R to R concept? are u in product dev pl help me in creation of import po.the problem is my overseas vendor currency is euro. after cif indian port for my custom authorities (as a vendor) i have to maintainJCDB, JCV1,JEDB, JECV,ZCE1, ZCH1,ZAD1 IN INR. PL GUIDE ME HOW TO DO IT
I have a problem in IDES 4.7 , when I am go to Issue a material from Plant then System shows the message CO DOC NO : ASSIGNMENT NOT POSSIBLE FOR BUISNESS TRANSACTION COIN IN COMPANY CODE XXX Pls Give me a solution which is help me out from this problem and what is the error I made in my system , then system shows the message
We have a material with serial number.some materials is used some areas in the city before we started to use SAP.After SAP,we add these materials to the system,and appears as mounted anywhere.Then the producer company produce new materials by the same serial numbers with the last years.And then the new materials can be added into warehouse ( i have no idea how the system accept this operation ).now some materials appear mounted and stored at the same time.when I try to mount the material in the warehouse the system is not allowed this operation,cuz this material is already mounted in the area.I changed the serial number of the mounted material to be able to use the stored one, but when i changed mounted one also stored changed too. basically, i have two material with same serial in reality but system have one material with two property. My last plan is, I will move the material as a scrap from the warehouse and then again enter the warehouse with any movement.But this is not acceptable for accountancy if there is any other way.. i need to send a matl to a vendor without acc impact will the material will come back to you, are u selling the same as free of cost, If the material is going to received back send the same with MVT 541 , if you selling the material at free of cost to yr vendoe which is not going to back then create free Sales Order & send to vendor as a sample
I have some problems when doing transfer posting plant to plant, my problem is about the value of the material. Why do the values of the material follow the material values in receiving plant. Is it possible if the value of the material follow the material values in a Giver Plant? Because that's the need in our business process. And how we can do this, through customizing SPRO or T-code? But i'm sorry if this problem is not MM module only, but FICO also i think. pl help me how to reverse the service accptenance by step by step procedure. Display already created service entry sheet using T code ML81N. Click on the "pencil" button to bring it into change mode. Click on the "revoke acceptance" button to reverse the acceptance and then save it. Again bring service entry sheet into change mode and then you will be able to see "delete" button which is a dustbin symbol. goto ML81N select that Service Entry Sheet, click on change mode button & click on Cancel Release(Ctrl+ F8) button If we cancel the MIGO and part 1, then in J1I7 report this cancelled documents are showing as pending if we select Part 1 posted and part 2 pending radio button. If we select this button, it should show only pending documents. But in our case, all cancelled MIGO documents are also showing as pending. This will result wrong report. And also in J1I7 report, ECS and SECess is not appearing. We need to appear ECS and SECess also in J1I7 report.
We can find out the list of pending orders by using WE101 (Open Goods Receipts) in the selection parameters. But can anyone pls tell me how to find the list of pending schedule lines. i.e schedules have been put material is not yet recd Try ME3M, Selection parameter WE101 SAP v 4.7, When I look at a PIR, on the condition screen, I can click on Extras --> Status information. I see a status of "Condition is active". How is this status maintained? Can I create and use additional status' here?
I know that T Code COR3 gives actuals and standard consumption for a given Process Order. Simillar data for a given Subcontract PO, from which T Code I can get? the transaction code ME2O .this is for the subcontarcting Check ME2O is only for issuing to the sybcontractor, what is needed is a report which would tell the actual conversion ratios compared to the planned ratios from the components in the PO
I am purchasing some raw materials from a vendor X and I want to send these raw materials directly to Subcontractor S for processing into finished goods. For this I have clicked option of 'SC vend" at Item level in deliver address tab.But in the print out of PO,delivery address is of my plant only instead of subcontractor. What do I do so that delivery address will be of subcontreactor. Youhave to give the vendor code there and youhave to set the tick at vendor SC HAVE U GIVEN THE SUBCONTRACTOR VENDOR CODE JUST BESIDE WHERE U HAVE TICKED SC VEND?
I have mentioned subcontractor code too. In PO display I could see the delivery address of subcontractor but in print preview its not appearing.System is taking plant's address as delivery address.
During printing of PO from ME9F the unreleased po is not allowed however if we print from ME22N and ME23N unreleased po can be printed. We want to restrit the printing from ME22N and ME23N You can make use of the GUI setting .Basis person can do this .He will make Print option not availabe. Other alternative you make use of the authorization object for this Could anyone tell me how to close PR manually---- I dont want to delete or block that PR---the senario is like list---Purchasing has been done on PR based (cash purchase from my own pocket)----- NO PO generated -----------GR has been done with automatic PO------ PO will be used for reference of LIV-------but i want to close PR-----so that noone can use that PR again----or if u have some other suggestion Open the particular PR which u want to close. Then go to quantities / dates at the lower tab. Tick on the check box "Closed". save and come out T.Code ME52n select PR document # , Go to item tab field below , select tab =Quantities/ Dates and , make the check(Tick) in Closed box SIMILARLY PO PENDING QTY MAY GET CLOSED?BECAUSE AFTER MIGO CREATION, DEL IND COMPLETED IS GREYED OUT
We are developing ERS for the Invoice Verification but the same is not functioning, Is there any Customize in the Assign ERS Invoice Number Rnnges To company code is it necessary if yes what we have to do in the same, In T. CODE MRRL Postable Key is coming not changeble , how to make the same as changable,
Also your vendors need to be created with the following settings. the fields in red rectangles in the image are essential, the one in blue are required only if you are going in for automatic po creation. (refer 'ven' jpeg attachment) Can anyone tell me if we can create two type of materials. 1. Reservation is possible even if stock is zero 2. Resevation can be made for more than quantity available in stock Item 1 is needed for MRP items Item 2 is for rest of the items For MRP item, reservation is possible with out considering stock For Non MRP items, reservation is possible with respect to - Stock + qty. on PO + qty. on PR I have created one PO against which I have done GR and IV.Also I have ticked option "GR based IV".Still I can delete the material from PO after GR and IV being done.System is not throwing any error message.I want to change this setting so that system will not allow me to delete materials.
While making P.O for STO ,it is showing message as source list is maintained for this material,but even after making source list ,it is showing me same message. In this case you should remove the tick of the indicator from material master record of your material in the "purchasing" tab page. Because of this indicator the system is giving you this message. & you have to maintain source list before creating PO. SINCE SOURCE LIST IS MAINTAINED CREATE STO WITH REFERENCE TO CONTRACT USE TRANSACTION ME21 If you mean STO is stock transport order create a source list with plant from which you are sourcing the material. how and where do I organise a combined movement in orderpick: this is putting a pallet away in stock, directly follwed by picking out a pallet needed for a TO, ect.
While doing MIGO of subcontracting PO system gives me an error Account 417001 requires an assignment to a CO object Ask your FICO person.or otherwise assign CO object in T-code okb9 but before assign please consultant your FI person I have already solve the problem in T-code KA02 by assiging the cost centre to cost element, 417001.
I need to give External Number range HU_VEKP,Its working but Not taking the leading zeros(prefix zeros). Coz its vendor supplied HUs and the Number they are using starts with 2digits-00 + 18 digits. Example Carton:00-123456789 123456789 Pallet:01-123456789 123456789 When I am using external Number Range its not taking the Prefix zeros Trying to create a metric report by using Header text Need to see if users are updating customer daily when parts are not ship out from our vendor..Is there an easier way of doing PO metrics on such
Is it possible to prevent people drawing on specific contracts? i cant see anything in security where you can control who has access to draw (CRO) from a contract
have problem for transfer posting material to material with movement type 309. - Material receive can't follow the alternative unit of measure for the case : i have material number : A with base UoM - PC and alternative UoM - KG B with base UoM - PC and alternative UoM - KG when i doing transfer posting form A to B with alternative UoM ( KG ) , in material document for material A is not problem but in material B can be only receive in PC activate not in KG Please and can automatic alternative uom field in MM then u can try for STO. let me inform if problem persist U CANNOT CARRY OUT an article to article movement IN SAP STANDARD WITH DIFFERENT UOM In order to carry out a transfer posting from material to material both materials must be managed in the same stockkeeping unit. Such a transfer posting is always carried out in one step and without advance planning. The posting can only be carried out from the unrestricted- use stock of the issuing material into the unrestricted- use stock of the receiving material. If i am not wrong the Base unit of measure iswe can activate alternative unit of measure in MM. we can define in Mat But where the stock kepping unit........ Master. but where to activiate
Can anybody tell me how to reverse the document ,if i posted a physical inventory document wrongly.i know how to delete the physical inventory document but dont know how to cancel the Posted documents in MI07
Deleting the physical inventory document doesn't help. You have to do the reversal of what you did. In other words if you had quantity 10 in stock and wrote off 3 in error, then you will have 7 in stock. To bring your stock back to 10 you have to write on How to limit customer consignment stock? (say we want to control that it should not go above a specific level Try to run the MRP for the Consignmet Stock so it will not raise the PR, Or user should not raise the PR if the stock isavilable i dont think any other solution You can limit in the Purchase info record Purchasing view Max quantity filed. This trows a message numbered:06803. Change this warning message to error Can it posiible to receive contract material without making release orders to it.(i.ePO)not possibe. Wehaveto create Contract release order it is In PURCHASE REQUISITION DOUCMENT TYPE CREATION, I WANT TO KNOW THE USEABILITY OF SOME FIELD IN EASSY ACCESS. IN PR 1.LINK PR TO PURCHASE DOCUMNET NO ACCOUNT ASSIGNMETRADIO BUTTON (N) .WHAT IS THE USE 2.CONTRACT RELEASE ORDER/SA DELIVERY SCHEDULE (R/S). WE HAVE 3 PURCHASE ORGANISATIONS, THE PO CREATED IN 3 PUR. ORG. IS OF SAME DOCUMENT TYPE, THE DOCUMENT NUMBER (PO NUMBER CHANGES AT THE END(LAST 3 DIGITS) . P.ORG1 ---- PO NO-4500000451 ( BUT PO DOCUMENT TYPE P.ORG2 ---- PO NO-4500002522 USED IS SAME IN ALL P.ORG3 ---- PO NO-4500001633 PUR. ORG. )
PIPE LINE MATERIAL EXAMPLE IS -OIL,GAS,ELECTRICIT Y LIKE THAT KIND OF EXAMPLES FOR OTHER TYPES OF MATERIAL TYPES. WHERE AND ,WHAT SCENARIO THOSE ARE USED SERVICES- DIEN OPERATING SUPPLIES- HIBE NON STOCK MATERIAL- NLAG NON VALUATED MATERIAL-UNBW EMPITIES- LEER PACKAGINGKindly clarify with solution. My client wants immediate PR for the stock shortage against orders, We are using availability check. Example: customer Orders X materrial of Qty. 100 units. Availability of stock 60 Units. shortage of material automatic P.R to be generated in the back ground.(the No. can be visible va02 change view of sales order)based on the PR we create P.O. Kindly explain complete process of so I assume that youmapa consultant? If so, I cannot You mentioned your "client" IMG settings how to are It. beleive that you are asking for the "complete process of IMG settings how to map it". Even if you are not in a consultant role, who would you expect someone to just hand you all the answers? The only way you will ever learn is if you do some work on your for Your email, There some meening in my question,If U know pls answar Thanks own the question what are the settings are needed im MM and to create PR for a shortage quantity of sale order. I did the settings of availability check and TOR in SD Part. send Ur mail Id I will get in touch with U for explanation what UR asked.By oversite It has mentioned the complete IMG process,for that Iam sorry,I should not take much time of Urs.SAP is wast in that my knowledge is verry little and uncomparable. If U feel now UR confirt pls repply with the requirement Purchase order is made for 5 items,but 3 items has been received .When I do goods receipt for 3 items,system is not allowing to save.Display message "Select all items ".Kindly solve this the Item Ok check box is ticked before you save your You need to make sure that document. From the configuration side,change the message from an error message to a warningensure that the DELIVERY indicator of PO Item data in Delivery Tab shud Please massage be ticked. If not ticked, then tick it & after that try making GRn. You'll get it..... I created a sales quotation and then created sales order for that quotation. then I run MRP using MD03 for that material. when I checked the created planned order in MD04, it shows the quotation number in sales order field in Assignment Tab in planned order.. I want it to show the sales order number.. Is there any configuration or indicator that I need to look at solve that problem?
It is right because sales order has been generated thru sales quotation. If you will create direct sales order then sales order will come in this field But how can Configure MRP to show the sales order number in planned order I managed to solve the problem by removing the requirement type from quotation item category. It's under sales -Basic Function - Requirement / ATP area. then planned order take the sales order number this is regarding batch managenment & shelf life. i have not tick the batch management in the material master. i want only to shelf life of the material to be apper. i have customised the shelf life tab in IMG , it also appers during the migo also ( date of manufacture ) but after migo , in MB5B report expiry date is not appearing. does this mean unless batch management tick expiry date will not appear.or is there any other arrange ment i.e. for shelf life without batchmanagement i have a question that How to add reference document for transaction in MIGO in SPRO? I have tried with spro- MM - INV. MANAGEMENT - ENJOY MIGO SETTINGS - SETTING FOR TRANSACTION AND REFERENCE DOCUMENTS here i can only display or change the reference that are already in system. Like as per my system it is taking a reference of MATERIAL DOCUMENT for transaction RELEASE A GR BLOCKED STOCK. i want to add one more reference for this transaction. can any one pl. tell me how can i do this? while raising GRN i am getting an error as WM movement type 101 not allowed for warehouse number*** Movement types in WM are assigned to specific warehouses, You need to define the Movement Type in warehouse configuration What is the Trans code to find out the amount of purchase done in a particular month for a particular Tracking no. t,code is ME2B for the purchase order by requirement tracking order could anyone explain how to force the invioce even though it's exceeding the over tolerence limits. See it doesnt make the sense to post the invoice which has crossed the toerance limits.Even you want to post you can change the tolerance limits and then post the invoice a
We have had a request to create a central warehouse for specific stock items for various divisions The request is that specific quantities of items stocked (although same material) be assigned to each division and no other division be allowed to draw on them e.g. - if we stock material A in the warehouse, then 10,000 of matrial A be allocated to division 1 and 5000 for division 2. Once division 1 has used up their allocation they cannot take from division 2, ie. SAP will not allow them access. I was thinking to separate divisions by storage location and/or separate material masters for each one Any ideas on best way to handle this would be great Also which is the best way to monitor 'shelf life' in SAP, is there something or some way SAP can tell us that a material's due date is almost up, e.g. if we stock medications with a 3 year life span. Can SAP include expired materials into MRP hai sacchi i am putting here whatever i know and hope may help you Services: say u r running a hotel and hope some company places an order with u for supplying food to their employees on some occasion in the process they incurr expense for the food i.e. they have to pay ur bill right so the amt whatever u claim for they will enter in their record as expense incurred due to the service- "providing the food" this is one example and take another simple like a hardware person comes and repairs(maintenance work so this becomes a service and u enter in ur records for enabling u to pay that persons bill in future) Trading goods:say i am running some business which has lot of activities like providing services,manufactur ing some things,etc and among them one let us consider that i purchase some goods frm one person and sell it to other person i.e. as a mediator so that goods whatever i purchase and just sell them out becomes an example for trading goods Packaging:say a garment company in its process of running its business it procures some thousands of materials some go for stiching,some for office work and some ************ ********* ********* ********* ********* *** for packing the materials (dresses that are being manufactured or being sold)say boxes or cartons etc and these will be considered/recorded as packaging material I have made two release strategies as '01' and '02' with respect to two different plants and there respective document type 1 doc type is assigned to release strat. '01' and other doc type to '02' but both document types as picking '01' as default release strategy. kindly tell me if there is any other setting releavent to releasing and doc. type
In MC$G the report is based on Month wise details but the client wants date wise. Since for this report standard Info Structure is S012 and we dont want to change the standard one and created new info structure by coping standard S012 and below are the steps I followed. 1. Created new Info Structure S554 by copying the standard one S012 after that structure is saved and Generated. Tcode MC21 2. Updated the Structure since we required data to be displayed as Date wise so updated the rules by using MC24 (Create Update Rules) 3. Copied the historic values(Month wise) to new structure(Date wise) from S012 by using Tcode MCSZ and checked the values in data base and perfectly copied. 4. By using MC9C and entering Structure number the report will generate but the values are displaying irregularly and some times it will not show the data. What will be the problem? Did I miss any step in configuration step? We are trying to create Purchase order. We have given output message as Fax. While print previewing the Purchase order we are getting the following message:"Call of SHENBH with 9054793558 FAX Error occurred in R/3 in SAPconnect" Here SHENBH is the user id and 9054793558 is the fax number maintained in the vendor master record. Whenever we save and display the purchase order we are not able to see any output message type in the PO. For Print output and external send.uses fax number format which starts with country name e.g. India - IN. pl SAP check your fax number as per required format In case of import P.O. scenario, while capturing customs duties in MIRO, the sequence of condition types is not as defined in P.O. ( no GR bassed IV, MIRO before MIGO). For example, sequence defined in P.O : 1. Basic duty , 2. CVD , 3. Spl. Addl. Cess , 4. E.Cess on CVD , 5. S&H E.Cess on CVD , 6. Customs E.Cess etc... While capturing the customs duties in MIRO, after entering the P.O. no, the system should propose the same sequence of condition types as defined above (i.e., P.O). But it is proposing in the following sequence. 1. S&H E.Cess on CVD , 2. Basic duty , 3. E.Cess on CVD , 4. CVD , 5. Customs E.Cess , 6. Spl. Addl. Cess The sequence of condtion types defined in pricing procedure is also same as shown in P.O. have error mesage on miro, invoice verification. Here is the message, no taxes on sales/purchase are allowed for account 159999 2000 is not allowed. (attachment 'miroerror')
Go to fs00 select gl acct no. 159999 in c.code 2000 click on control tab & just tick on posting without tax allowed it will solve ur problem In the accout 159999, without tax allowed is ticked. Where else can i check
I am working on functional specification (interface) to upload physical inventory count from access to SAP. Could any one give me a layout of how to go about this? Should have to create a custom Tcode. Should i use MI04 or MI09? will this be a batch run program You can use of T-Code MI10 and if you need and if more materials are there then you can do the LSMW of the above T-Code In spro how to creat GL account and cost element,. I costcente then i get error creat GL account and cost element . I am not found
We are ordering material from a vendor but they will supply material from different plants. How can we create a vendor with different supplier points, so that vendor address in the P O will be depending on the supplying plant Use partner roles, define supplying plant under supplier partner role You have to need create different supplying points A/c for same vendor Plz tell me in T-code ME80FN how to find or add invoice document no's in view of purchase order history display AS PER MY EXPERIENCE YPU CAN SEE THE INVOICE NO IN CONFERMATION TAB. Can u pls tell me how to Configure the Release Procedure For PO
can anybody tell that how we cancel the credit memo document(MRHG) use T-Code: MR8M U r entering some unplanned services in the service entry sheet and hv not maintained the same in limit tab of Po . Enter the same value in the expected value also so that the same is reflected in the Po at header level.
I got a problem while posting Service entry sheet, please find the following: After entering the respective details in the new sheet...Error message is automatically displaying "No overall limit of Rs..... for unplanned services exists" in Maintain service details. Please drop-in your valuable solution and the reason for this message
try to maintain over all limit in u r PO->item details->limits tab. Is there a way an authorization check stopping a 311 movement at specific storage location level
What is the table that store the information of the PO release details such as Release Date and Time, Released By EKKO and EKPO are the table to store PO information, what about the PO release details I guess it is CEKKO table, please correct me if i am wrong but CEKKO is a structure not table.. and I can't through SE16. How to check structure and chekc the same go to se11 PO Release Details is avaiable only in CDHDR and CDPOS tables. From the PO u hv to take the release strategy and release group (EKKO-FRGGR and EKKOFRGSX ) go to Table T16FS ( in this table u can find the release sequence ) From the PO Environment - Header changes u can find , when the release changes an number is generatred, that too be made use in the table CDHDR.... The change header table CDHDR will store the purchasing document number in the field OBJECTID. So I try to create an infoset (SQ02) to link the table EKKO and CDHDR together by the PO number. EKKO-EBELN link to CDHDR-OBJECTID but there is an error saying that it's a Illegal join condition. What should I do? pl help me , by giving t code for finding the po puton hold
Pur Req (PR) Does not print to the P2L2 (short name) printer. Prints incorrect output to LOCL printer. Do I have to do any customization. If not then what/where do i need to specify a PR to print to a printer other than LOCL See in SAP we do not have the message detremination for the PR.You have to go to PR and there you have the print icon cick there .the Printer name is to defined in the system if it is not defined .The request wi besent to spoo.Go to SP02 you will there the spoo request and seect that and cick the print icon.You will able to take printwhy do u need to print a PR But out, is there any day wise stock report in mm MB5B I have made 2 release strategy for RFQ. 1.Amount <10000 2.Amount<=20000 But whenever i make RFQ for more than Rs.10000 & go for release it opens only in Amount<10000.
change the value of the second item & put it in interval format 10,000 - 20,000INR, it will work fine I have made the changes as per your suggestion ,but still my RFQ for more than 20000 shows in amount <10000. pl suggest where i have to make change Hv u entered the value in the characteristics (CT04), unless u enter the interval over their and then mention in the release strategy using CL24n, it will not work
We need to block the ' consumption from specific storage locations per user' for the transaction code MFBF, in a repetitive manufacturing scenario. Kindly advise on the 'Authorisation Object' & the modalities for the same,please These are the following authorization i think you can try this as in my case we dont have repetitative manufacturing .So i cannot test this in my system Functions of.... Authorization object Repetitive manufacturing C_SAFK Repet.manufacturing Backflushing C_BFLS Backflushing Resetting reporting point quantities C_BFLS_R Resetting Reposting reporting point backflush. C_BFLS_N Repost Restricted backflush C_BFLS_L Restricted backflush Hope this can hep you out.Do let me know Can you help. There is a blocked invoice appearing on MRBR. This invoice was previously released and paid, but it still appears on MRBR. It is also cleared in the vendors account. Can please you assist me on resolving this issue?
(1) the List of Pending/Open Purchase Orders each item-wise/Vendor- wise alongwith Expected Date of Delivery as mentioned in PO (2) the details of Shelf life for List of selected material line items
Point No. 1 Purchasing List for Open Purchase Order, Goods Receipt, Invoices Open Purchase Order = Open Goods Receipts ( Selection parameters WE101). This two parameters determined what information is shown: selection parameter , scope-of-list parameter , The configuation transaction code is OMEM You can define additonal selection parameter for your users as well as untick those fields which you does not want it to be printed. Your can have the Purchasing Documents by :ME2L - Vendor ME2M - Material ML93 - Service ME2K - Account Assignment ME2C - Material Group ME2B - Requirement Tracking Number ME2N - Purchase Order Number ME2W - Supplying Plant Point No. 2 You can use T.Code. ZMST and put your required data in required field. Please use Tcode: ME80FN I tried OMEM but it is not working."Transactio n OMEM does not exist COULD ANYONE GUIDE ME TO GET THE COMPLETE LIST AND TOTAL QTY OF RECIPTS,ISSUES FOR A SPECIFIED PERIOD AGAINST A MATERIAL CODE use T.Code MB5B or ZVS3. Both are for material ledger. You can Use t/code MC.9 but youll have to change the layout to display what u want you can use use t-code ZVS3 Try to use Transaction Code : MC$G U can use MB5B - Stock on Posting Date WE CAN GET ALL REPORT ABOUT MATERIALS RECEIT AND ISSUE WITH THE HELP OF MOVEMENT MB51 mmbe is the transaction code in MB5B or mc.9 month wise list coming but i want day wise tell me any solution.
After saving PO, if I have to change condition type (e.g. handlg. charge, service charge etc.)then here that field remain grey. I tried to delete that, but not possible. Then how to overcome this problem. Please guide me Pls. open your PO thru T.code ME22N and put your amount in AMOUNT Column and SAVE done, u can change the condition type as follows; 1. select the If migo is not wrong condition 2.delete the row 3.enter the same conditionwith correct price/reqd condition
How to view the enterprise structure (flow link) created in SPRO? go to ec01 then click on structure and then on navigation u will find it use t code ec 01 then go to structute then enter ur plant and co code then click on navigation and see the enterprise structure Can someone explain me STO step by step process with transaction codes in MM and SD point of view. Also please send any document related to STOs Step for STN Creation : ME21N - Create Stock Transfer order (STO) ME22N - Change STO ME23N - Display STO VL10B - Create Delivery VL02N - Post goods issue & Batch / qty. picking VF01 - Create Billing Documents ( STN ) VF02 - Display STN VF03 - Printout for STN Step for STN Cancellation : VL09 - Reverse post goods issue VL02N - Reverse delivery / pick qty. ME22N Cancel / delete STO Reports : ZVE6 GR updating ZVSLDET Billing Documents details ME21N - Create STO ME22N- Change STO ME23N- Display STO MIGO - Goods issue for STO [MM route, no delivery created] MIGO - Goods receipt against STO - in case of MM route simply do MIGO against purchase order, in case of SD route where you have created a delivery using VL10B, do GR against Outbound Delivery. If you do GR v/s PO in SD route, then the SD document flow will not be updated. i want to configure the PO STO to be created only with a reference to PR, i went throught the Field selction key in PO Document type & in reference data item i made the Purchase requisition as required field. but still can make the order without ay PR. Although i tried to make another field like infor record as mandatory & it works..... i dont know if theres a system message that i should configure as an error but i already tried some of them & still not working ...... any idea would be great
How we can WM and Barcode devices be integrated. Do we need any developement in SAP Assume that I've never done a vendor evaluation before and I have already created (let say 10 procurement transactions) for one vendor. I want to evaluate vendor based on "on-time delivery" and "quantity reliability" . Is it possible to run the evaluation for all existing procurement transactions? It seems to me that the vendor evaluation has to be executed every time after there is new procurement. Is there another to configure the system to evaluate the vendor and update vendor score automatically after new procurement is created have created new company code and new plants for an offshore manufaturing plant. At MIGO, I get this message 'Please check table 169p. Entry 1200 does not exist" 1200 is the new company code we created. I have checked configuration at Goods receipt and all have been updated. Please advise what I might have missed out in config or maybe this is an area that the FI/CO guy has to get involved? Error 1. Company code not existing during goods receipt against a purchase order. Reasons. I. One of the reasons might be due to non-availability of Invoice reduction default parameters for the Company code. This parameter can be set inside Logistics Invoice Verification Configuration by copying the existing 0001 company code details or defining the company code parameters fresh. II. Company code not assigned to Company In your case the first case is applicabe as u might not have maintained the Invoicing config for the company code. The table 169p is for Invoicing related only, at can check it in SE16. Pls ignore message below. Finally found solution u In case anyone come across this problem, the solution is to update company code at OMRG which is Change View "" Stochastic block:Value"":Overview. I added the new company and was able to carry out MIGO successfully How do I export my Material master data from a SAP V4.6c system. I understand there is way to it via ALE. Is there any direct output like direct input using LSMW.
Let me know what configuration setting need to be done for Automatic Vendor evaluation
I need help in identifying a field where-in I can fill-in the old PO No. while uploading OPEN PO into the production client. Is it possible later to refer the old po number to can a report UNSEZ (our reference) available at header level of PO in U get use field communication tab for entering old PO no I would like to ask you a question. Please consider it urgent . We are closing down and selling one of our production facilities. Once the sale completes, we want that no postings can happens in that plant and we would like to officially lock that plant in SAP (Read - Decommission that plant in our system). We do not want to severe the Company Code - Plant link (due to Auditors) but want to handle it in some other better way. Please advise with your experience as to how can we do that. U can delete the assignment of plant to the company code, no posting will happen there after remove permissions from users for the company code and plant We have used the Tracking No in the Purchase Order. You can get the report based on the tracking No view profit center in any MM reports (excluse mm01,mm02,mm03)
Can anybody explain What is the difference between General Item Category Group and Item Category Group in MM01
If invoice is completed for a particular PO, Can we see through the tables whether invoice is completed or not? if so what is that table, please help
HAVE GOT AUTHORISATION FOR AC02 T CODE WHEREAS I DONT HAVE CHANGE ICON IN THE SCREEN. PL HELP ME TO GIVE PROPER AUTHORISATATION Contact your Basis person (Technical person) in your organization to get authorization for changes IAM NEW FOR SAP MM. WHEN IAM DOING INVIOCE VERIFICATION, IAM GETTING PROBLEM WITH TAX CODE FOR LAST THREE DAYS. I HAVE NO ANY IDEA FOR HOW TO PROCEDURE. PLS TELL AS CLEARLY AND HELP ME OUT. Is it possible to compare RFQ's with several line items? If possible please advise on how to maintain the system for that It is maintained by manually thru Tcode me47n and to see the comaprision all RFQs thru Tcode me49n. How it config. first I will check after that mail to u.
wut means what can u plzz explain wut is work order We are currently being advised that SAP can only handle PR authorisation through workflow at PR line item level rather than header level which we require. Can anyone advise if this is correct or can SAP be configured to handle this? PR can be released on header level.Only disadvantage is that addition of item can be made(without knowledge of final authority ) without affecting final authorisation It is possible to have the release at header level with the PR block for changes at the first release In my organization, it is the end user requirement that the PR should be mandetory while creating PO Pl. help me Thanks & Regards Sandip Patil SAP MM Consultant t code omet Try this & test it carefully there is one If you use OMET t-code it will be applicable to all document types.If you want to make PR mandetory for particular document type,use userexit which works fine.We have applied one user exit in our organisation for this requirement. material ABC external i created as non stock and raise P.O against cost center but after few days i reliaze that this material would be a stock material now i want to keep same material no. for stock it possible if possible how???? You can do the sme by the following ways: - Cancel the PO, in case no GR happenned and change the material type. Tr. Code MMAM (or) - Check the quantity and value updation for this material type in your valuation area (Plant) - Tr. Code OMS2 I HAVE A MATERIAL PROCURED FROM TWO VENDOR, ONE VENDOR IS LOCAL AND THE OTHER ONE IS OUTSTATION VENDOR(IMPORT), MATERIAL CODE FOR BOTH IS SAME AND IN THE MATERIAL MASTER LEAD TIME AND PROCESSING TIME IS MAINTAINED AS PER LOCAL SUPPLIER. BUT SOMETIMES MATERIAL IS PROCURED FROM BOTH I HAVE PROBLEM IN MAINTAINING PROCESING AND LEAD TIME FOR BOTH HOW TO MAINTAIN THE SAME THROUGH A MATERIAL CODE SO AS TO FACILITATE FINANCIAL PART In this case, one can extend the same material 1.1 to create similar purpose material 1.2 for import procurement of material as per the requirement. Path: SPRO --> IMG --> MMR (Initial screen after creation of the material 1). try to use Split Valuation concept. valuation types are two: one for local procurement & other for import procurement.
is there any tcode to see all plants puchase organisation and company code wise list how to see the profit center for a perticulat material.
Use the field changeability option in OMGQ>Release indicator>Details , Changes/Addition will not be possible
While creating a PO I am getting "Not Relevant Grant" error message. Can anybody suggest some solution
Will anybody help to get following report. 1.Moving average price after each transaction like MIGO ,REturn etc. 2.itemwise unrestricted stock in various plant (different plant in different columns and material in different rows) 3.Average consumption of items daywise and monthwise and file should be able to print or convert in excel sheet.
I HAVE ONE PROBLEM. WE ARE BUYING COAL FROM SCCL FOR WHICH WE ARE HAVING RELEASE ORDERS AGAINST A VALID CONTRACT. BUT UNLOADING OF COAL CHARGES COMES RS28+12.36% SERVICE TAX.WHEN I ADD THE COST IN MATERIAL ORDER AS A ITEM CONDITION,THEN SERVICE TAX IS NOT POSSSIBLE.IF I MAKE A SERVICE ORDER I CANNOT POST THE CHARGES DIRECTLY ON MATERIAL G/L A/C. PL HELP ME TO RESOLVE THIS While doing GR of a P.O ,It is taking Movement type 161 by default in item line. pls suggest me from where it is piking this M.type & how to resolve it. Go to Yuor Purchase order and check for the line item you have ticked the Returns field.Please untick that field and then try to do the GR you will be able to do the Goods reciept .You willnot face that error.Revert back to me in PO line item u r checked line item as Returns Item Its nothing my friend, you used the last GR with movement type 161 its defaulty come, better u check any other movement type and post it ,next time that movement type will come..
How to get combination of message output while saving PO in one shot ? What r the settings involved? Go to T.code Mn04 Select the message output ....and key combination and choose the print medium go t to further data there you select key 3 send immediately and in the communication give the printer name and save. After when you wiill create PO the system will pick this condition record and will send this PO to spool plz may i know how we can close the po. You can close your PO by seeting the Delivery completed indicator in the PO Please follow as below in Purchase order data tab of MIGO, "Del.completed" ind. 2 Set, Save the arrangement once u shift from auto indicator to set indicator suppose the gr does not happens till particular date and i want that my should be closed automatically how we will do this You have to make a program that will run in background to close the PO automatically . for this i think there BAPI function available .Ask ABAP person to make program which will run after the number of the days you want to close the PO Can anyone guide me for the settings done for not allowing to issue goods more than the qty entered in reservation. Means system should throw message while issuing goods more than that of reservation qty
First of all, the intent of this message is not to offend or attack anyone, but I feel there are some things that need to be said here. I am completely fed up with the questions that say "give me step by step instructions" or "send details with screen shots" etc. I think it is about time that those of you who expect others to just hand you the answers go do some research on your own. You will never learn anything by just having answers given to you. There is an almost limited supply of resources available (SAP Note, Internet groups, etc.) and if you are not motivated to dig around a little, then you have no business in this profession. Also, there are numerous questions regarding what to say in a job interview. If you are not qualified for a position then you shouldn't be interviewing and you certainly do not deserve the job. Many of us have devoted a great deal of time and effort to further our careers and if you are not willing to do that, go find another line of work. I am sure that I speak for many of us in that I am glad to help people out who have tried hard but just can't figure something out, but I will not help anyone who is simply lazy and doesn't want to make an honest effort.
I could not agree more. Over the last year or so, I have seen so many instances of this, it is ridiculous. I too will help anyone who has made a solid effort and just hasn't been able to find resolution, but I will not respond when it is apparent that someone is just looking to take the easy way out. You are absolutly right .i must say thanks to you as if they dont put their effort they will never undertstand. this is place where we can share our problems which be are facing very true & I am in completely in line with you. i appreciate ur comments and its true that untill unless everybody not put their own efforts can not do anything in his life. What is WBS Element in MM? please drop-in information WBS is known as work breakdown structure and it is a part of the Project systems in SAP .This is used when you are working with project and for making this youhave to cretae PO with account assignment category P and at the line item you will find tab account assingment there you have tto Give the WBS elemnt creteated .You have first create project and after creating project you have to release the project.For this you have to work in consultation withthe PS guy. I have one clarification in Excise. If we post cenvat credit in J1IEX, ie for example. If we post it as capital goods 50% Cenvat Hold account and 50% Cenvat BED account. Then I want to reverse this using the J1IH. In J1IH if you select J1IH, it has to split up and credit to cenvat hold account and cenvat BED account and debit to cenvat clearing. But in our case, all the 100% is crediting to Cenvat BED account and debiting to Cenvat Clearing account. We are currently being advised that SAP can only handle PR authorisation through workflow at PR line item level rather than header level which we require. Can anyone advise if this is correct or can SAP be configured to handle this?
One is checked in LS26. The stock Catagory indeicator is "S" As I understand, the stocks in Quality Control is "Q", Stocks Returns is "R" & Blocked stocks is "S". How do I move these goods stocks to the unrestricted stocks.. stock u sue To move/transfer the block from Bolcked stock to Unresticted movement type 104 in MB1C transaction
while doing MIGo transaction, please tell me what should be the corrective action when the error message "control indicators for the controlling area bpl4 does not exist or not maintained" appears. and also some times in migo ,the message comes as said below "purchase order 4500015397 has no items", but i had created the purchase order with some materials clearly. Did u maintain Quantity & Value updation indications for the materials? Check this out I have created my own doucument tpe and number ranges for PR .but when i go to crete PR then system gives message as : Item category is not allowed to this documet tpye Document types , in the same definition you have to allow your While defining desired Item categories for the document type Go to your document type, select it and then click on allowed item category on left hand side. here you can define the item category for your new doc type. We have defined our raw material warehouses(spread all over India) as storage locations in SAP and assigned them to our manufacturing plant(which is a plant in SAP) so that we can run MRP at the plant and we can take all stocks lying at external locations for netting.However, since these stocks are at different physical locations, we need to build in the lead times for them to travel to the mfg. plant from storage location.Thus when calculating the need for material, I should subtract the stock that is present at Chennai warehouse.However, since it takes two days to move stock to mfg plant, it should also alert the user or cognise for the lead time and not show the material as available for production. i have copied from movt type 101, and have seen that i had copied allowed transactions . but still its showing an error. if u do not mind can you repeat the erreor I wanna know how to release the materials in the quotation after the quotation got expired no standard practise to release the material from the expired quaotation, There is but if you want to procure the material, then go to change mode of the Quaotation and then procure the required. I am talking about the sales quotation, not the purchase quotation while creating a PO for services I am getting error message "Tax code ( VN ) in procedure TAXUSA is invalid". I check ed the TaxCode but could find anything causing error. it will help u. 1). T-Code: FTXP enter u r tax code & check it. try to check this 2).spro->financial accounting->financial a/c global settings->tax on sales/purchase>basic settings->check calculation procedure->click on define procedures->select TAXUSA & click on control data & compare with (1).
Thanks for your reply. I did what you mentioned but 1 & 2 dont match. Then in the Item Detail under Invioce I changed the Taxcode to someother value (VN was not in the tax code selection). But still its not working. So if you have someother wayout thenVN me know. by defult, You have to create your own tax code country related & Tax let will come to assign to PO or not assign any tax code in PO Thanks for the reply. Now its working. How we config release procedure for RFQ,PR, PO, Contract? Pls help step wise and screen shots wise. How many stepes involved for config the release procedure. For the release procedurefor PO documents you have do following: 1first you create characteristics for a release procedure for purchase documents (POs/RFQ/ Contracts )Create a characteristic for each field from communication structure CEKKO that is to be a criterion for your release strategy. Enter the table name and the field name on the tab page Additional data (for example, table CEKKO for field GNETW for the net value .in similar you can create charaterstic what you want........ ......... .... 2.create classes for a release procedure for purchase orders a. Create a class with the class type 032. You have a free choice of names for the new class (e.g. REL_RFQ for the release of RFQs). b.Assign a name for the new class on the tab page Basic data. c.. You can view an error message if different characteristics with identical values have been assigned to a class. To be able to do so, select the Check with error message indicator in the Same classification area. d.Asign your characteristics to the class via the tab page Characteristics. 3.Define release procedure for the PO documents .Here you will definw the releasse group/Release codes/release indicator/release strategy. Create a release group for your release procedure and assign it to a class.then release codes you need for your release strategy and assign the codes to your release group then you have cre ate a release strategy for your release group and assign your release codes Release prerequisites release prerequisites, you specify the order in which the individual release points while doing mb1c the message is account determination for entry GBB--------- ----BSA 3000 NOT POSSIBLE For this you have to make entry for threGBB by going thru OBYC transcation code and select GBB it will ask you chaart of account give your chartof account and make entry for valution modifer BSA for valution class 3000-- give the G/L account there.
Can you be specific on which movement type you are using for T-code MB1C.Kindly check the same with T-code OMWN in account grouping,if the account modification BSA is maintained for the TE key GBB in the respective movement type.If maintained enter T-Code OBYC i.e, Automatic posting check with TE key GBB whether for Account modification BSA with the combination of valuation class 3000 the GL account codes are maintained for debit and credit posting goto t-code: OBYC->double click on GBB->enter u r chart of accounts->check for this entry 0001-BSA-3000- G/L account,if does not exist goto new entries. can any body tell me what is TCode for standard REPORT WHERE I CAN SEE Type the T-code SAP1 & u can see a list of all std. reports In consignment settlement when we do the stock transfer (MB1B) from consignment stock to company's own stock and settle the vendor's claim with the transaction MRKO, the accounting documents are created Can anyone please tell me which tables and the fields from these tables the system is using to create these accounting documents.(please mention tables and fields for the two transaction separately) Is there any customization other than entering K (manually) in the item category field in ME21N, so that we don't have to enter every time "K" in the item category field manually to indicate that it is a consignment PO. See Achra this is SAP standard process that you have to enter the item category K for consignment .You can set the default value for item category or can make of the parameter .But there will be problem when you will be crating the other PO ( normal po). I have created a new movement type copying from movt type 101.(using t code OMJJ). but when i am doing GR through MIGO using that created movt type then its giving error. that choose the allowed movt type. please tell where i am wrong. Check the Allowed transactions for the copied movt type, if there are no transactions , then enter Transactionsin new entries
WHILE DOING A GR WITH RESPECT TO A PURCHASE ORDER THE STOCK ACCOUNT > GETS DEBITED AND THE GR/IR ACCOUNT GETS CREDITED. > NOW MY QUESTION IS THE AMOUNT WHICH SHOWS IN THE STOCK ACCOUNT > ASWELLAS THE GR/IR ACCOUNT IS WHICH AMOUNT TAKEN FROM THE PRICING > CONDITION FROM THE PURCHASE ORDER?IS IT THE NET VALUE OR THE MATERIAL > COST? > THE REASON BEHIND MY QUESTION IS I HAVE DONE A PO WHERE I HAVE GIVEN > THE FOLLOWING CONDITION: > GROSS PRICE :1000 > TAX ON PO : 200 > ------------ --------- --------- --------- ------> NET VALUE :1000 > ------------ --------- --------- --------- -----> ABSOLUTE DISCOUNT: 10 > NON-DEDUCTABLE TAX:35 > ------------ --------- --------- --------- ----> MATERIAL COST WITHOUT INVOICE : 1025. > > NOW WHEN I AM DOING THE GR OF THIS PO IT IS SHOWING THAT THE STOCK > ACCOUNT AS WELLAS THE GR/IR DEBIT ACCOUNT IS 1035 i.e. IT ISNOT > CONSIDERING is being maintained with StandardPrice, then the If the material in question THE 10 RUPEES DISCOUNT. Discount amount of Rs. 10/- will be posted to Discount Clearing Account Initially and when the Invoice is posted, the same will be transferred to Gain on Price Difference Account. If the Material is maintained with Moving Average Price, then it will be transferredthe Stock Account at the time ofyou fill up in PO, so that I can Just let me know to following information which Invoice Posting. clear all of your doubt regarding account posting. PO Quantity ? Net Price ? Tax Amount ? Discount ?details asked by u: the following are the > gross price rs.1000 > tax on po rs.200 > ------------ -----> net value rs.1000 > nondeductable tax rs.35 > absolute discount rs.10 > ------------ -----> material cost before in. rs.1025 > but when i am doing gr,the account posting is taking > rs.1035 instead & of rs.1025 the discount price is enter in inforecord at condition tab interms of % or rs.
for Account document creation go to t-code--obyc double click on KON enter GL acc num fill valuation |gen modifier|valuation class|debit| credit 0001 30000
Please advise if there is a way to restrict the purchase order document type that may be created in reference to a specific contract document type. We have multiples of each, and need to establish restrictions. I see how to link document types to requisitions, but not purchase orders or contracts.
In MM50 (extend material) after entering the material number and pressing execute, the extend material overview screen is appearing. By default it shows the columns (Status, Created on, Material, M Type, I, Plant etc.) but the client wants to have the Status description column to appear against each Status since the status code alone is confusing them. for example: A-Work Scheduling, B-Accounting, CClassification, D-MRP etc...). Please let me know if it possible and confirm the steps to customize the 'Extend Material Overview' screen so that the description column comes next to Status 'S' column. Could you please explain me the steps to Configure, 'Print Output' for Contracts (ME31K) via ME9K To use me9k, 1. Click the message Icon in the Contract , 2. Enter Output type - NEU Medium- Print output (enter others if others) PartnerFn-Vn language- En 3. Communication method Logical destinatin- LP01 (Enter the printer name Configured for SAP print out) GO-back 4. Further Data Send with own application Go-back (twice) & save the contract. IF RELEASE IS THERE THEN RELEASE THE CONTRACT AND PROCEED FOR ME9K OR PROCEED DIRECTLY FOR ME9K I think now u should be able to enter the details in ME9K, try it if not then come back , Unless the above is done, ME9K will not have any doc. to process.
In Sub-contracting PO --- the components are consumed during GR of finished products from Subcontractor. During this process we have the option that we can change the no. of components consumed (under/over consumption) for the finished product. My question is that for under consumption we can change the no shown during GR from subcontractor without any question, but how we can do it for over consumption, where did the subcontractor found this excess material, as we didn't send it to vendor yet. Please explain. Another question how we will manage the scrap from the Subcontractor? We can mention it as negative quantity during creation of PO but how? Say I have two components each 10 pieces, then how I will show the the scrap quantity you make allowance for that in the Bill of Material In relation to scrap quantity in the PO? Please explain (BOM) for prt material , i am getting an error message of " valuation record does not exist " while making migo. do anybody is having the solution what is material type you are using production resourse & tool ,, valuation class - 3070 We want to use Asset Purchasing through P.O in our Organization. Can any one tell me what is the procedure and what are the configuration settings? IN PO CREATION SELECT ACCOUNT ASSIGNMENT CATEGORY AS " A"..THEN ACCOUNT ASSIGNMENT ASSET TAB WILL APPEAR.U MAINATAIN THE ASSET MASTER OF THE ORDERED ITEM(WHICH IS MAIINTAINED BY FINANCE GUY THRO' TCODE AS01) AND SAVE IT Can any one please tell me that do we need to maintain material master of all the capital goods/Assets without material master, how you can maintain material/asset to be picked up for procurement? ?????? for all materials/assets we have to maintain master and we have to consider the "AAC-Account Assignment Category" for the procurement process. this is my stand reg. this Assets are to be created & maintained in Asset Master & can be procured without material code asset master?????? ? let me know somemore about this pls is there any other tcode for getting the materials list with all details like legacy code,plant, sloc.... all Materials list in MARA Table in T.Code SE11 instead of You may have get MM60
thanks for ur reply and tmrw i will check in my office and today i found one more option through MM03 and I got legacy code, mat description, sap material(sap code). There i was unable to get sloc and all.......anyhow, i will check ur answer. IN MM03, ENTER THE MATERIAL NUMBER, SELECT THE ORGANISATIONAL LEVEL,THERE U CAN FIND PLANT, STORAGE LOCATION AND VALUATION ETC. for ur reply and there i m not having option to enter plant....... .. i want list out thanks all the materials which is coming under one plant...... when i do migo mov101 error:postinly only possible 2006/04 and 2005/04 so i change on mmpv change the pstng prd. even samy come how to salve this use T-Code OB52 and change the periods to current periods and ur problem will be solved. to close the period in the material master.Logistics --->MM -----> Material You have Master ----> Other ----> Close Period. You have to enter the next period and fiscal year I have maintained a new taax procedure with new tax codes and maintained condition records.When iam creating a material at the time of PO and checking INVOICE TAB everything is OK.I have maintained FRB1 (FREIGHT FIXED VALUE).Default tax code is V0 (ZERO INPUT TAX) and tax code for material is 12 (Taxes are calculating correctly in PO) But when i post invoice for this PO after GR. Even iam selecting V0 as tax at header level even freight charges are also getting taxed by the same tax code i.e tax code:12 to which i maintained for material. Even if i tried to post planned delivery costs separetly also the same thing is happening. Kindly help meCode for Planned Delivery Costs ( ie., Frieght ) at item level and for take Zero Tax material take the tax code which is relevant could you please provide me with the information necessary to find out the value of the planned material requirements by month. I am not referring to a detailed list by part number but a summary with the global value of the raw materials to be withdrawn month by month according to MRP schedules
Pl. provide me the related information about "What is the difference between the material type Non-valuated material and Free material which is maintained in P.O.(that means some vendors give offer that if we purchase the 100 nos of material they will give 5nos free in kind). I am creating a Purchase Requisition for procurement of Asset by assigning "A" in the account category. I have a issue, In the Valuation tab of the PR The indicator for "GR Non-Val" is activating automatically. My end users does not want that to happen. Where do I do the customising for that so that it should not come again
Pls go to transaction OME9 where you will be find the account assignment categories, there you can change the GR non valuated I want to add unit of measures how can i customise... .. please mention path use t code: CUNI it is and img activity can u all telll me how to get the list of invoice. plzz tell me the t.code for the same T CODE MIR 5 Can any one tell me what r types of valuation. Is it allowed to have value in negative ,in MAterial master accounting view total value
PL GUIDE ME TO GET THE LIST OF PR FOR THE FOLLOWING : 1.PR WHICH ARE CONVERTED AS RFQ ,TO BE CONVERTED AS PO. 2.PR WHICH ARE CONVERTED AS PO. 3. PR WHICH ARE HAVE NO ACTION TAKEN. PL SUGGEST THE T CODE AND SELECTION PARAMETERS IN DETAIL You can see the PR list thru T.Code - ME5A Y_AC3_67000372 Try this T.Code for PR status is it a customised Txn code? Can you guide with node names for this report
IN PO , OUR STAFFS ARE MAINTAINING TAX CONDITIONS AND PUT ON HOLD AND THE DOCUMENTS ARE COMING TO ME FOR VERIDFICATION. I AM ALSO VERIFIED THE SAME AND SAVED THE DOCUMENT. BUT AFTER MIGO MY FINANCE GUY WANTS TO PAY THE TAX WHICH IS NOT REFLECTED IN MIRO AND ALSO IN PO ALSO. HE COMPLAINTED. I VERIFIED AND CONDITIONS ARE STILL EXISTS IN FV11. BUT NOT REFLECTING IN PO MIRO. WHY? HOWEVER IN FV12 I HAVE RE ENTER THE SAME CODE , THEN PO BECOMES ALRIGHT . BUT NIT IN MIRO OBVIOUSLY,AS MIGO ALREADY DONE your Vendor master data for TAX information. If the supplier is not registered Check for the tax condition it wont pull through on MIRO. Can you help me out to find out the Total Amount for Purchase requisition having multiple line items? (Total value of a Purchase requisition) i also having the same question as i am having the values for line by line item only and while taking print only i am getting full PR values for multiple line items.
any idea wher we can find the total amount for PR. Currently I have used myABAP guy to write a logic for this and using a report kind of thing to know the total amount. Expect valuable comments & help in this regard Use SUM keyword to calculate the total of any column in a report. Ex: where u r writing the data in the report just let thecolumn which u r doing the calculation it shud be placed in the end of the internal table that will be gud and handy..... SUM. itab-netwr, itab-mwbsk. I would like to seek advice on this issue. I need to do a stock transfer using 303 and 305. However, during reservation, the mvt type 303 is not allowed (is this true?). So have to choose 301. Then when I do MIGO with reference to the reservation, the movement type is defaulted to 301. How to go about this issue? MVT type 303 and 305 are exclusively for Stock Transfer Posting in two steps. You can make use of movment type 309 also in T-Cdoe MB1B, in 301 you can transfrer the material from one plant two another, but in 309 you can tranfer from plant to plant, also Sloc to Sloc What is Backorder processing of sales orders? What are the steps and t-code involved? Please let me know max how many release code we can assign to release strategy. 8 maximum I have a doubt in MRP. I have checked in MD04 for two materials. I found out that for one material the requirements were pushed from the order and for the other material the requirements were displayed with respect to the delivery. What is the control that triggers whether it should be triggered from order or delivery
Please assist me, I need a transaction to draw a report showing the top ten suppliers in Rand value (ZAR) for professional service providers Try transaction "ME81N try using t-code MC$4 if this is fit with you rqmt. i'm not familiar with ZAR your referring to. I want daily summary of receipts,issues and closing stock details daily report use MB5B for stocks on posting date to cross-check, use MB51 and change your lay-out to gridlines While creating vendor using T code XK01,I am gettign an error message as "Screen layout for purchase organization XYZ is not defined'
Financial Accounting >Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable >Vendor Accounts>Master Records<Preparations for Creating Vendor Master Records>Define Screen Layout per Company Code (Vendors) chek here you will get Please check the vendor a/c group which u assigned. Because the only one perameter that controls screens of a vendor master is ven A/C group. i created material in mm01. and also created PR & Po but. i cant do MIGO the error display is Material X1, plant- x , storage location -X does not exist can u give solution for that you have not maintained the plant and storage data . Maintain that view view you have use MM01 t.code you will able to do i have a doubt regarding split valuation for a material .How it works & in what scenarios? kindly let me answer as quickly as possible The SAP R/3 System allows you to valuate stocks of a material either together or separately, that is, according to different valuation criteria. Split valuation is necessary if, for example: 1. Stock from in-house production has a different valuation price than externally procured stock. 2. Stock obtained from one manufacturer is valuated at a different price than stock obtained from another manufacturer. 3. Different batch stocks of a material have different valuation prices. while creating po i got a problem that no commitment item 0001/1000 for this company the system shows the diagnosis that for this company fund / cash or project management is active so pl maintain the commitment item pl telll me where i have to check this or how to deactivate it / reply soon this is mainly work of fi/co guys.the commitment item is related to profit centre of company, which is also linked to cash management. chk ur fico settings. it happens that when u create a company/cost centre it is automatically linked. so chk ur settings or try to give all 9 in commitment item if u r using 1000 ctry code. If u input the cost centre, this error should not come the utility of the purchase group is from the reporting point.Purchase group is a buyer .group of buyer responsible for buying activites .Purcahse group is not assigned to any of the organisation level purchase group is a floating entity, it is not assigned at any org. levels(mat. type is also floating entity).
i have a problem in creating my own P.R after realease the P.R in three lavels It shows some error message & also flag is not comming on the top.can you help me out the detail procedure from realease of P.R to my own P.O.
are u assign to pur. organization, if yes where This is done within our security roles NO, is an independent org is not assigned anywhere but only defined. daily wise receipts,issues, closing stock report. MB51, MC.1, MC.9 Mc.1 and Mc.9 will give you stock status for the particular period not on particular date and MB51 you will get the material document list . I feel that is not fullfulling the requirement as asked byrajesh use t.code MB5B that will give stock on posting date .that is the stock on particular date opening stock /reciepts /closing date Material Returns To Vendor. Assuming that I have some materials which have been in the store for some periods of time. A few months later, some were found to be faulty. So I need to return back the materials to your vendor but it does not relate to any particular PO and vender is reddy for return. I am taking modvet & bill passed return PO, tick the check box under return items column for the materials to Create by acct. dept. be returned.Then do goods receipt with reference to this PO using movement type 161 Create Return Purchase Order and fallow the all trasanction Code as it is .and you will get the Create the Credit note. in case of Excise u need to generate the same way using J1IEX. Since there is no any PO Reference, you need to fallow like this. other wise directly using reference of material document can possible to return and excise can be reversed using Transaction Code : J1IS Can anyone help me to get all SAP (MM) ALL T-CODE with function. try SM01 try MM00 for all tables pls try tcode TSTC T.Code is SE93 and put the MM* in transaction code and press f4 key. I tried with T.Code is SE93 with MM* in transaction code and pressed f4 key But some error message is appearing which is attached so pls do the favour Use Transaction code : SE16
When my users create a reservation (MB21) for movement type 201, they want to be able to enter the GL account optionally. If they leave it blank the account assignment must be determined by the material's valuation class. Is there a way to do this in SAP? I know that in OMJJ you can switch on/off the display of the GL Account, which works fine. My question is this: If I have the value in OMJJ set to ' ', which means account entry is optional, how can I make it in MB01 to also be optional? In this scenario, if the user does not enter the GL account,OBYC->GBB->VBR-valuation class-G/L enter According to customized settings in he receives the error message "Please account assigned, system by default that G/L account will pick, if we want it can change. if no settings&blank definitely system will rise account determination error. if u want your customized error, i think contact with ABAPer The default G/L account is set up correctly in OBYC->GBB->VBR with valid GL accounts. I have found out in the mean time that there is an additional check in the field exit of the GL account, specific to our company, which explains why I get the error I need to programmatically create a vendor on the master data. Looking for a BAPI, I could only find BAPI_VENDOR_ CREATE, which is online. Do you know a function module that I can use to automatically create a vendor? ME2W T-CODE pl guide me to find out the status of pr pending for conversion, which are converted to req, to po. if ME5A means selection parameters pl
Why there is need to flag option of " GR BASED IV" in Purchase Order. How does it affect while performing MIGO or MIRO. GR based IV means that your invoice will be based on the goods receipt. What will happen during MIRO if I dont click on "GR based IV" in PO. Will FI people able to do invoice verification ? Of course FI people able to do invoice verification n GR based IV. In GR Based IV a seperate invoice item is created for each delivered partial delivery. You can assign each invoice item to a uniquely good receipt item. GR based IV is for Domestic Purchasing procedure. If you want to pay for vendor after goods receipt then you have to check GR based IV.IV is not possible to process before GR. But in Import procedure you have to make invoice for customs duties before goods receipt,in that case you should not check this GR based IV in PO.
u can select gr based IV in PO in the item-invoice tab,u can click on the box (check in the attachment), by taking P.O.reference only we r doing GR & MIRO (refer 'r1' attachment 1)I want report where i can see combination of G/L account Vs valuation class. 2)how to assign G/L to valuation class 3)is it possible to assign number of G/L code to single valuation class U can assign G/L accounts to Valuation Class in OBYC in concerned Transaction key. U can't assign one valuation class to no. of G/L accounts, but u can assign one G/l account to no.of Valuation Classes Can a Service PR can be created with reference to Service Contract. U can create Service PO w.r.t Service contract Yes you can create a service PR with reference to a contract,it is very much possible. In T-code Me51n you put "D" under Iterm catagory for services and you put the contract nymber under outline agreement.when you press enter in the next screen you will see the services mantained in the contract then choose from them. Tellthe bottomdon't come ok will a clikable button which is "SERVICE On me if you of the page you SELETION" click it,on the next screen you will see the contract number that you've put,make sure that the contract check button is checked then enter.on the next screen you will be able to see you items from the contract. I did the same thing but i is not coming thing but i is not coming I did the same Can I check the info record is available for same vendor and same material with my different plant. If yes how ? please help me in this case . for info record mandatory fields are Material number(with/ with out material master) & vendor number is Mandatory, but plant is optional. what is exact requirement? explain detail We have 2 different plant say PLANT-1 and PLANT-2, in PLANT-1 My case is this we have RATE-1for VEND-1 & MATERIAL-1 now i want a check at the time of createion of info record for PLANT-2 with the same vendoer and material. We can customise the me11 transaction so that plant is made mandatory try ME11_PLANT In our company has several plant. Each plant using same material for production. Each plant raised P.R for same material and differ qty and same delivery date. Purchase department convert P.R to P.O for single line item for total qty. My question is how can we identify P.R convert to P.O or not. In purchase order one line single line item in PO for same material, we can use more line items for the For item we can refer only one P.R same material from DIFFERENT PR and this is possible. Can any body please tell me if 2 Uoms of a single item can be displayed in the PO ?
at a time in one po, we can use one UOM only. Meanwhile we can maintain ALTERNATE UOM in material master Is there any way to delete all the PR which is Not Released Pls. use T.Code ME5A and open your pending PR list and then use T.code ME52N and put your PR and delele all PR one by one Check for a BAPI....for PR deletion.... That might help..... When making gr to po , during posting 101mov, the following message come 1price changing amounting to % in month 2- price changing amounting to 19000 % in month 12/2007 3- posting can only be made to G/L a/c 300000 in curr.GBP THESE MESSAGE ARE YELLOW MARKED MESSAGES. SO U CAN IGNORE IT. ONLY POINT NO 3 ONLY U HAVE TO CHECK BEFORE POST IT. ur problem is quite natural, u may have given the price standard or moving average price in info record, which is low and in the tolerance limits u have given the variance in some percentage. That is y it is showing % of price changing amount, for the change the old to new price go MR21 transaction and give the new price. Pl. provide me the related information about "What is the difference between the material type Non-valuated material and Free material which is maintained in P.O non valuated materia is non valuated at your plant end ow ever u need to pay to vendor. in case of free material vendor is sending you as fre. u need not to pay to vendor. hi otheres : if any deference more than this please let me know Is there any way to delete all the PR which is Not Released which pr you want to release either not yet released fully nor not yet started to release When ever at my work, such problem occur. We were deleting line item of the PR which is not released or released but material not requires Pls. use T.Code ME5A and open your pending PR list and then use T.code ME52N and put your PR and delele all PR one by one While posting GR for an asset, system not able to pick up offset account(GR/IR account). Anyone got the idea where my configuration settings are missing ?
Can any body please tell me if 2 Uoms of a single item can be displayed in the PO ?
A po has 50 items, all the 50 items have the same price, instead of entering the price for each item 50 times is there any option in Sap where the common price can be entered in one go. I have tried but i couldn't solve it, Give the solution for his type of scenario. since in sap, release strategy is item oriented( plant, pgrp and value) , we have to do in this scenario. in the meantime, we can do it in the EBAN table settings and it will affect in normal scenario my client is facing problem related to pr release.he is unable to do second level release of one particular pr.other pr he is able to release. actually,the pr is having 3 level release,the first level release has been ok,but user in the second level releaseis not able to release the pr. in pr, it is showing small yellow traingle(symbol) 1)i have checked the release strtegy, 2)basis consultant checked user profile and access issues related to t-code me54n.we are using standard sap configuration and custimazation only. 3)workflow consultant is telling that -no problem with workflow. the pe is having account assignment category-"K" . is anything special to be checked. please provide valuable olution for this issue. your suggestion are taken valuable. whether pr release strategy is maintained properly??? pls check once again. yes i have checked the release strategy and also the agent addition in workflow.everything found to be ok.the user can(first level) already released the pr.this is for PR is allready released. Pls check the value on which ur release It seems ur this pr only. strategy is fixed.Please inform once ur problem is fixed. on the screen where u see the ellow triangle,put /osu53 ad give that screen to ur basis guy i had this problem before but i dont remember the authorisation obect.u try this may be solve ur problem I am having this problem with PRs and POs on more than one occasion. All settings and configurations are ok. My simple solution is to cancel the release so that it goes back to the first person, then hopefully to the second. This work most of the time for me. When it does not work we cancel PR or PO and do new one. The hierarchy mentioned in the PR strategy needs to be monitored. in migo gr to po mov 101 unable to post ON DISPLAY LOGS FOLLOWING DISPLAYED - PRICE CHANGING AMOUNTING TO % IN MONTH/ - PRICE CHANGING AMOUNTING TO 1,9000% IN MONTH 12/2007 - POSTING ONLY CAN ONLY BE MADE TO G/L A/C 300000 IN CURR. GBP in gr where does the price will come and what is the price growth % whether pr release strategy is maintained properly??? yes i have checked the release strategy and also the agent addition in workflow.everything found to be ok.the user can(first level) already released the pr.this is for this pr only.
I am having this problem with PRs and POs on more than one occasion. All settings and configurations are ok. My simple solution is to cancel the release so that it goes back to the first person, then hopefully to the second. This work most of the time for me. When it does not work we cancel PR or PO and do new one. Pls let me know how to create condition type so as to input on the po for a asset so that invoice for it gets blocked /will not be posted Use Invoice Tolarance limit procedure I would also requset you to give me the detailed process of configuring that . Because this is just to have control on unapproved vendor invoice payments or to configure for mile stone based invoices, And this is specially for equipment purchases I would like to add few things regarding Asset procurement. 1. There is no need to maintain material master, instead Asset master is to created where-in asset no & the corresponding G/L no is attached to the asset no. for Posting during fututre procure ment. This is basically FI/CO acitvity. 2. There will be internal order which is basically budgetary provision for procurement of assets. SCM gut needs to maintain Asset number & Order number against which asset is procured in the Account assignment category tab of PR/PO. 3. of-course it goes without saying that one has to maintain "A" in the account assignment category column 4. There will be no accounting document generated during GRN if the indicator for GR-Non valuated check box is not removed. One has to coordinate with the CO guys for Budgetary alocation/provision /availability details before going ahead with asset procurement. 1) Assets are to be maintained by finance asset master. The data is shared among a) PP - for Production Planning in Mfg. schduling if the assets are machines b) PM - for maintenance of machines etc., c) Finance - maintenace of both machinery and non-machinery aseets like buldings, lands etc. in asset master, Tax - Excise Duty / customs duty are returned if u r producing goods using assets / machines ( in some % of assets) d) Controlling - budget allocation via projects, forecast requiremnt, new ventures etc., Creation & Maintenance of GL accounts for Asset Procuring, asset mainteance, assets servicing etc., e) MM we can create a separate Account Asignment Categories for Asset I think - for procuring the assets, for negotiating service contracts for maintenance Procurement. However, we need to mention all posting entries, GL accounts etc can anybody send me a sample of domestic and importe Po Pricing with TAXINN condition
Why can not we change the vendor for a created PO "Not released yet"
by MIGO during receive mov101 error : posting only possible GBP 30000 only then i put mov 103 blkd stock so now how to bring to where have to change a/c can any one tell on how to return goods purchased, and to create a DR memo for the returns.. ie(cancelation of MIRO/MIGO/ returns movement type etc......) regarding material return pls go ahead with return po with mvt type 161. When u do Returns , there is two methods. 1. With Material document . called as with reference to PO 2. Wthout material document which called as Return Purchase Order. the first situation will come in industry that if u have any reference document, like GR number or PO number, u can able to do the purchases using that ref. document. other wise the second one will be prefered . for suppose some material procured long back and do not have any ref. documents and the same material going to send back to vendor. in this situation, the second method will be prefered. in first method 122 movement will be get hit in second method 161 will get hit You can create credit memo with respect to delivery note Could you please explain process flow for VMI in SAP ? What is the logic behind VMI and how to map it in SAP ? Vendor Managed Inventory i want to use 313 E for storage location two step transfer of salesorder stock but i m not able to do > it gives erro that 313 E does not exist> do i hvae to make some setting in omjj?> can anyone guide> use T-code 301 301 is plant to plant one step transfer ,i want to transfer sloc to sloc and that also two steps I think u want to transfer plant(A) to plant(B) and also storage location of Plant A(1) to storage location of Plant B(1). Am I right? use 303 & 305 303 and 305 for plant to plant i want sloc which is 313 and 315 but i cant use for sales order stock that is 313 e and 315 e.
no i want to use two steps transfer from plant (a) sloc (a )to plant( a) sloc (b) >first i will use 313 to transfer from plant (a) sloc (a),and than again recieve the material at plant (a) sloc(b) by movt type 315 >this i am able to do for normal stock but i want to do the same for sales order stock ( special stock E) >that is i want to use 313 E and 315 E. >hope somebody can help first u need to check in OMJJ whether for 313 and 315 t.code special stock indicator E is available or not have to do any settings ? what is quota arrangement ? Quota is done when u have more than one vendor.T-CODE= MEQ1 quota arrangement means u can alot a quota while venodr selection We are start our system from April'07. we are procuring some material from last budget(Manual) and the same materail we used till end of Jully.We have not Stock updated of this material in system at april'07. Now we have to show consumption of this material, for that we have to Updating that Stock. But now problem is that if we do that our this year budget will consume.So please guide me in this case. whether stock is updated in initial stage(before go-live) by 561 MVT into sap from your legacy or not??? You have to update the materials thro MB1C movement type 561 (receipt per initial entry of stock balances in to un resticted use). Enter if you have any batch nos for the above materials. Automatically the stocks were updated in your system and ready for issue. Kindly help me by answering my queries mentioned below: (1) What Report can we get wrt to Purchase orders by using Purchasing Value Keys & How? (2) How to howthe see all PRShelfHOW Muchof selected material line items. plz tell me get to details of and life for List PO is raised againest that PR You can use T.code - ME5A T.code for purchasing value - ME84/ZRF2/ MC$4 and T.Code for selflife - ZMST Does anyone know of a report in SAP that can show the Posting Date and the Delivery Date for Stock Transport Orders? It would allow reporting of transit times for hauliers. T.code ZVSLDET if you are updating this data AND for intransit You can use T.code is MB5T Can somebody explain me how to get EXCISE TAB during MIGO when I am working on CIN?
If Material maintained in J1id (Excise Master) and Vendor maintained in Excise Master (J1id) then only Excise Tab appear in MIGO. Go to Exise master data using t-code J1ID. Maintain record for material in transaction Cenvat determination & Vendor Details in the relevant transactions. U will getdone these in MIGO but still tab not available. I have excise tab settings When u diclare a material as Exciable in Excise Master , system automatically Pop up the Excise Tab. First you Declare material as Excisable in Transaction Code : J1ID. i wanted to know the basic difference between Requirement, Condition formula for alternative calculation type and alternative formula for condition base value.
Kindly throw some light on how to use alternate BoM's at PO level If you are creating Subcontracting Purchase Order / Scheduling Agreemnt the following process 1) Create Alternate BOM (Version 2) (T Code CS01) 2) Crete Production Version in MRP4 go to Production version and maitain the the same 3) Then Create Info record. In info record Version tab must maintain 0002 (BOM Alternate Version) (T.Code MM02) 4) After maintaing Info Record u can create Subcontracting Scheduling Agreemnt ALternate BOM automatically pick from info record in PO (T Code ME21N / ME31L) plz tell me regardind movement type to see how much PR is raised and againt that how much PO is made U have to create Version for the BOM & then We buy boxes from a vendor. When we receive stock, chances are the quantity from the vendor will be different. That is, if we order 500 boxes, we might receive 485 boxes or 512 boxes. Hence we have set tolerance levels of quantities to -10% and 10% in MM02 Purchasing tab. So we can MIGO quantities that fall within the tolerance and the PO will be closed. Problem is the system doesnt do this? Can any advice The system doens not know about the tolerence % of particular material. I am pharmaceutical field. We use Raw materials and Packing materials. In RM we are not facing any problem because the order qty and the received qty is mostly same. In packing materials we are not expected the currect order qty will be supplied by the vendor. Because he have some minimum order level for the particular material. In our case we have order 1000 nos of packing slips the vendor supply only 5000 nos. Hence in the PO itself we mentioned/put the allowed tolerence % the system automaticlly allow to post the GRN. Anyhow ithave to use "order tolerance limit"material/minimum order qty fiexed by us. here you is depending upon the nature of both overtolerance and undertolerance in order qty and can solve this issue.
I had configared new plant with all configarion, but during posting showing define internal number . Please send solution by mail on rbalegar@gmail. Com
I am facing the problem in the pricing Procedure as while I am creating PO , all the values are picking up as per pricing procedure , but at the time of Goods Receipt the values are not picking up , i.e. when i am giving discount after net value it is not picking up My Client requirement Basic Material Cost 100 100 BED(Non Deductable) 16% 16 CESS(Non Deductable) 2% 0.32 Hi Cess(Non deductable) 1% 0.16 SubTotal 1 116.48 Less Discount on Sub Total 6 6 SubTotal 2 110.48 Add Vat/Cat on Sub total2 4% 4.4192 Add Entry Tax 10 Add Octroi/or 20 Add Entry Tax 10 150.48 I created the Pricising Procedure (Attached in attachment), in MIGO the discount Please all it is illegal to solvediscount after charging EXCISE so please check First of give an idea to give the problem wether the discount after excise or before excise U can make use of Manual excise JEXC for excise purpose. ie: enter excise BED amount in JEXC. Create another condition type for discount with negative value entry. Assign the same in the pricing after manual excise and give subtotal as 4. Create tax code with BED-0%,BED Setoff-100%, ECS-2%, setoff-100%, SECS-1%, Setoff-100% & Vat-4% Now ur problem will be solved for both vat & excise.
First of all you have to set tolerance limits in Purchase Order in IMG-Materials Management-Purchasi ng-Purchase Order-Set Tolerance Limits for Price Variance: In this screen select ur Com.Code, give the Tolerance Key and put the tolerance limits as lower limit, upper limit. When you creating P.O give the tolerance limits in Delivery tab. If you set these configuration setting then only you can solve your problem. We need to be able to change the GL account on the detail tab in MIRO, but it is shown disabled. Someone knows how to enable it in customizing ? Go to matertial Mgt in SPRO - Logistic invocie Verification - Incoming Invoice Activate Direct Posting to G/l A/c, then the popup will come for the G/l A/c. We are facing here problem of Advance payment.My case is that we did 100% adavnce payment to vendor for a material (by Tr.Co F-47), Hencefore our budget head deduct Material cost.But when we done MIGO for this material again the same cost has deduct from our Budget head. So Two time our budget head consumed for a single puchasing of Materil. I know this problem relate with FI-Co Moduleafter doing invoice verification & vendor settlement, this problem will be I think, , but anybody knows solution of this please forward. solved. Pls try and reply I have changed tax code at miro , (GRN ,excise posting already done with previous tax code ). With same tax rates of previous tax code but only desciption of CST chaged Tax amounts are calculating wrong . We are working on 4.7 .All master data is correct . In the same invoice this is happening with only one material. For remaining materials with same tax code calculations are correct Pls any one has faced this previously pls forward solution as this is critical Hi all, I want to list materials that have VB mrp type. are there any t codes for this? may be it is possible through tables go to material master and see the field name for material type try through se11 transaction code USE table MARC to get the list Go se16, table marc enter VB and exceute, Use MARC table, field DISMM What is VB Mrp type ?
VB MRP Type is Material Planning on Manual re Order Point . U will maintain an re order point along with this mrp type .if your stock goes below the re order point than during the MRp run a automatic planning of this material will be done and a planned order or purchase requisition will be created in the system. eg stock = 100 grams, reoder point = 50 grams, MRP Run No PR or planned Order stock = 25 grams, reorder point = 50 grams, MRP Run PR or planned Order will be created for 50-25 = 25 grams I hope is clear u r correct except the planner order qty calculation. system will consider already existing PO, GRN to be made, material under inspection .... Thanks for the addition i forgot to add We need to be able to change the GL account on the detail tab in MIRO, but it is shown disabled. Someone knows how to enable it in customizing ? System proposes the Recon.Account number in that G/L field which is maintained in the vendor master record In our company has several plant. Each plant using same material for production. Each plant raised P.R for same material and differ qty and same delivery date. Purchase department convert P.R to P.O for single line item for total qty. My question is how can we identify P.R convert to P.O or not. In purchase order one line single line item in PO for same material, we can use more line items for the For item we can refer only one P.R. same material from DIFFERENT PR and this is possible. If you see the P.O print same material no. and differ qty display in more than one line. May be vendor feel something wrong in this P.O. in a single line item in one PO, you can use more number of PRs for the same material. keep it in mind FOR SAME MATERIAL ONLY IN SAME PLANT this is possible CREATED FOR DIFFERENT PLANT DEFINETLY PR NO ALSO GET WHEN PR DIFFERED.SO WHILE CREATING PO CREATE PO W.R.T. PR WITH RESPECTIVE PLANT. Eg: ITEM QTY PLANT PR XXX 10 001 101 XXX 20 002 102 XXX 30 003 103 AND SO ON. WHILE PEINTING ALSO NO CONFUSION, AS AFTER EVERY LINE ITEM PLANT DELIVERY ADDRESS WILL BE PRINTED HOPE THIS WILL SOLVE UR PROBLEM user department to create PR based on Plant Why not u suggest to the Specification. .?? ask them when they create PR the Plant is mondatory. So when ur Converting the PR in to PO system automatically determine the Plant and create the PO ....Hope this would be better . and all other answers also pretty much correct
Please tell me T-code for month wise purchases qty and purchases value T Code : MC$4 & MC$0 Can anyone pls provide the T-Code to get report relating with PR , PO , GRN , and Service Entry in one Report only. Try MB51 with varrient selection or ME2n with ALV grid, Please try ME80FN pls try ZMRET (Z REPORT) I DONT KNOW AVAILBALE FOR YOUR PLANT I need to get the Issue Report of all Project materials except three materials how i can get this Pls do the needful at the earliest as i have to submit the report . use mb51/ksb1 Sometimes we can find in MD04 there is PR number followed by a *. This means this PR's date is firmed. Who can tell me this indicator is in which table and which field? This is urgent. Pls help I want to know how we should customize the setting for PO so that if the PO is released no field like PO qty, Net price etc. can be changed.Same i want to know for PR also. After release no field should be changed. Can you guide through step by step procedure. is it possible to translate the entries of the purchasing groups in order to have a different visualisation by two divisions located in two different countries? If possible, how?
We are creating Excise Invoice through J1IS for return delivery. Excise invoice is generating but the status field in the Table J_1IEXCHDR is showing as P ( ie., Pending to adjust excise amount). But by default it is adjusting automatically. If you open J2IUN, balance amount is showing the deducted amount, but in the pending invoice display for adjustment. I need to make the status field and Censtart field as C ( ie., Completed) while posting excise invoice with Tcode J1IS.
If you tick "GR Based IV" in Purchase Order we can do MIRO only if GR is happened. The functionality is working fine such as we process invoice only after GR and we can not do a GR reversal once it is paid etc. However, our client has the requirement to do MIRO before GR, therefore we unticked "GR Based IV". It is working fine, we can process the invoice without the GR but the big problem is that we can do a GR Reversal once it is paid. The question is, Is this the standard SAP behaviour?. If yes, what is the alternate configuration so that the AP clerk can process the invoice without GR?. We are aware that the Invoice will be blocked in this case until the GR happens. SPRO->MM->Inventory mgmt&phy. invtry->Goods receipt->GR based IV,reversal of GR despite Invoice->102 mvt-check it. I am getting the following error everday for several diffrent PO. Can someone please explain the detailed reasn for this errors. Message: MARC-VMTRA exceeded by 1 EA , Material :4839866 , Plant: 0245 , S.Loc: 1000 , Mvt. Type: 101 , Mvt. Disc.:PO/STO Receipt , P.O no.: 4700056811 How to change material type or in which situation we can change material type. Use the t.code MMAM to change the material type, but you have to consider the follow issues: -No valuated stock should exist for the material -No open PO's should exist. The razons to change it could be: -Wrong material type at creating. -When for example, you have a material as NON-STOCKABLE type (NLAG) coz is for ocassionaly use and purchasing, but now you have buy it frequently and Is there any report which will show the balance GR/IR quantity & Amount for a particular Period against PO/Contract? Try running FBL3N for open items and enter the G/L accounts (GRIR Accounts). When selecting the columns, make sure you have Year/Month, Assignment and Amounts columns. You can then do subtotals by either Assignment or Year/Month. try transaction MR11. You can also I was doing GR against a Purchase Order wherein I got error message as, "could not determine receipients for message type ACPJMM" Could anyone explain me what this error is and what is the remedy for this error. I am in deep need to take GR so please let me know on urgent basis.
we are working with account assigned Purchase order ( P) projects where the system is picking the G/L account thru valution class from the OBYC and we are giving the WBS element.In my PO we have different conditions for base price , frieght and others. my goods reciept is nonvaluated and when i doing the invoice my conditons are appearing as seperate line items but the account is same as what is in PO. My requirement is that i wanna to post Material cost and fright to sepearte G/L acount . To me it seems that it should to that G/L account. I wanna to post material cost and freight cost to sepearte .......... Please suggest me how i should move soset account key & acrualsbe pricing procedure. spro->MM->purchasingyou can that my requirement can in meet. >conditions->price determination process->define calculation schema->select u r prcing schema&click on control data->enter in account key & accrauls for u r required conditions like freight, etc.. made the condition frieght as delivery with That is ok .These setting are there i accural and assigned the account key and accural in my pricing procedure ......... but that is not picking the account at the time of invoice posting. Could you pls give me details about Fabric Constructions: e.g. 130x72 / 30+30 x 16+16 I need to explanation about this.
Can anyone know how can i use first in first out (FIFO)during good issue (i.e) i wanna good issue to consumption ----1st those goods are received ist need to go 1st to consumption. Maintaine the Accounting2 view in material master for FIFO Can you explain in details where this is updated in accounting view 2 of material master. Waiting for your reply. First go to the material master and select the FIFO indicator in Accounting 2. Then go to, MRF4 and maintaine your material can use a FIFO if the batch mgmt is active, set the batch search strategy and the sort seq. for issue mvt type, it will work. Thanks a lot for clearing my doubts. Can you explain in details MRF4 transaction. What happen if you maintain material in this transaction. Waiting for your reply. Let us suppose there is a material M1 .... and we recieve 100pc of M1 from vendor V1, 200pc from vendor V2, 300pc from vendor V3 and we do the GR for all I want to know if there is any Tcode which shows me M1 recvd from each vendor...seperately I dnt want to see the combined qty (600) MB51 Use T C - ME2C And put PLANT----Purch org------Material code(Item code)------Execute (F8). Best way is to use T C - ME2M. Put - material, plant, Purc Org.
Use Tcode MB51,you can shows to enter of goods of M1 with the 3 purchase orders of V1, V2, and V3. Please tell How to Implement KANBAN bin system in SAP without going for warehouse management module it is a SAP standard function. First, you need to make decision that which field where you want to implememnt Kanban, production or procurement? 2nd, which kind of kanban do you want, ... Pls tell me in details. Thanks for reply, We have to implement in Production and Procurement Both. We dont have storage capacity of more than 3 days inventory. so we have to build up pull type of management. we tried using zreports but could not linkup the standard purchase order to them. Please help. Is it possible to set up a storage location for specific plant for quarantine materials? We would then be able to place stock that is not in use or is damaged in a location (where we can still see it on the system and it is still in our inventory), but so it will not confuse or interfere with the MRP system for the production and purchasing personnel. I'll appreciate any comment or idea that you can give me.
In SAP system, at PO Creation, the exchange rate type M will be picked up You can set your exchange rate by overwriting the default. On the top you can set the "fix Exchange rate" flag to ensure that the same rate is picked up at GR & IR Now friends is there any config step where i can change my Exchange rate type M and set any other e.g. BSR to be used for creation of PO Dear Execute Tcode OB08 or else put directly search in img and in finacial accounting you will find what you needed. i am not getting the right effect of quota arrangement i have defined quota arragnement usses 4 and source list indicator in material master purchasing view. then i have maintained info record after that i have also maintained source list finally i have maintained quota arrangement through meq1 t-code now when i am creating purchase requisition it suggest source one by one to each source list not according to quota rating calculation. i am not getting that where i did mistake if anybodyto sap, can u tell me the it its urgent.thanx in advance. and what is use of i m new can help me thn plz do process of qouta arrangement that.
To set up a quota arrangement for the procurement of a material, proceed as follows: Master data -> Quota arrangement -> Maintain, enter the material and plant number, press ENTER to display the overview screen for the quota arrangement periods, Enter a validity period for quota arrangement, Enter date until which the quota arrangement is valid. The start date is calculated by the system. Press ENTER . Select the quota arrangement and choose Goto -> Item overview to display the item overview screen of the quota arrangement. Enter a quota arrangement item for each source of supply you want to include in the quota arrangement. You must enter the following data. - Procurement type - Special procurement type, Enter k in the S column, for example, if a consignment arrangement for the material exists with the vendor. > > > - Vendor number > > > - Procurement plant (supplying plant): > > > - Quota column, enter the quota assigned to each item. Press ENTER . > > > The percentage distribution of the quotas is calculated and displayed automatically by the system. > > > Save the quota arrangement. The system assigns a number to the quota arrangement item automatically , if u want to setup quota arrangement for a particular material,that material should not have fixed vendor (from source list) as well as regular vendor(info record) keep in mind > > > mahavir.pande@ wrote: > > > Suppose for 1 item 2 supplier are there, then u can > > define % ge of supply
To set up a quota arrangement for the procurement of a material, proceed as follows: Master data -> Quota arrangement -> Maintain, enter the material and plant number, press ENTER to display the overview screen for the quota arrangement periods, Enter a validity period for quota arrangement, Enter date until which the quota arrangement is valid. The start date is calculated by the system. Press ENTER . Select the quota arrangement and choose Goto -> Item overview to display the item overview screen of the quota arrangement. Enter a quota arrangement item for each source of supply you want to include in the quota arrangement. You must enter the following data. - Procurement type - Special procurement type, Enter k in the S column, for example, if a consignment arrangement for the material exists with the vendor. - Vendor number - Procurement plant (supplying plant): - Quota column, enter the quota assigned to each item. Press ENTER . The percentage distribution of the quotas is calculated and displayed automatically by the system. Save the quota arrangement. The system assigns a number to the quota arrangement item automatically , if u wantlot now i am getting the right effect particulararrangement material should thanx a to setup quota arrangement for a of quota material,that but i wanna know about few things in quota arrangement we use quota base quantity coloum in case of new vendor inclusion. 2. how we can use spliting coloum whts are the effect which we can get throughdefined . u have done the steps right. it should pick Check for validity period u have it vendor according to min quota rating have maintained quota arrangement & source list but at the time of MRP run qty is not getting divided as per quota arrangement. I am trying to generate scheduling lines but only one scheduling line is getting generated. Also when I try to manually generate scheduling line for other scheduling agreement then system give s warning - Quota arrangement specifies vendor 900198. Check the lot size configuration. i m new to sap, can u tell me the process of qouta arrangement and what is use of that. Suppose for 1 item 2 supplier are there, then u can define % ge of supply among them. e.g. 60 & 40 can any body tell me the complete procedure from the material master record to creation of purchase requisition to get the right effect of quota arrangement its urgent plz reply me mm guru's.
I have on doubt - (Eg) If i transfer 100 stocks of m/t from one plant to another plant but in my receiving plant they got only 80 stocks and remaining 20 is scrap, done by two step procedure.what my question is - for 100 stocks transfer posting value be raised by issuing plant, but who will raise for scrap stocks.... First u hv to do receipts of 100 pcs at the receiving plant, then do the scrap booking of the same scrap? How to book Use mvt type 551, Xn MB1A, u hv to enter the CC, responsible for absorbing the cost. Obviusly the receiving plant will decide what is good material and what is bad. Secondly as told above scrapping can be done from any stock after receiving the full quantity into stock by means of movements type 551 to 556. There has to be a cost center reference as material is going to be consumed against scrapping. Please check the movement types from 551 to556 can any one tell me the t.code to check the reports for GRN ME80FN u can check the GR numbers by MB51 T.Code,in that u can see GRN by material,vendor ,doc.dates etc what is that Tx code ZMMIV ? Is it a custom developed Report? MB5S & ZMMIV How the end-user will know a specific material is created for which Sales Area? MVKE gives the sales org and not sales area, it is maintained at customer level using XD01 and not at material level. U can hv different sales area based on different sales org. for a particular material. If u want to check the sales org., while viewing Mat master using MM02, click on sales view and then take a drop down of sales org, system will show the list of sals org for which the material is extended. U can check the Purchase Requisition created by whom ,this may be useful for u (refer attachment 'PR' hi try se16 -table MVKE ...if it does not solve ..please revert back.. What purpose have material group on basic data 1 trough supply chain (especialy in production process)
I wish to know what might be the reason ,after creating a mtl 100 in material master with all the accounting view maintained the system is giving error asking to provide the account assignment category while creating the p.o please reply at the earliest.
Kindly let me know can we create Service PR from Service Contract & then Create Service PO with reference to Service PR Use ME51N, use document overview, my contracts, select your contract. U can create Service PR. In same way, service PO can be created I did the same things what you have mentioned,Contract No is appearing but while adopting it is not copying in the PR, also it is not showing any error I have an materil produced from Production in the stage state , whic is yet again used as raw material in second material with other ROH materials. MY doubt is I need to move this goods made in 1st stage in CONTAINERS to Storage Location. Where will I specify that its go to be containers in to which it should be packed??? It needs to be also Identified saying its pertaining to this order number , how can I do it?? Pl state your doubt clearly. Not able to understand the scenario I am able to generate automatic schedule lines at the time of MRP run(MD03) but it is not getting splitted as per quota arrangement( 60:40) i.e. I am getting only one schedule line instead of two. I have maintained quota arrangement & source list for this process. Lets say tht there is material M1 ... Using MMSC we enter SL for it .... 0001,0002,0003. I want M1 to be stored only at 0001 and want to delete 0002 & 0003 permanently for M1 .... How to do that?? .. Any Tcode ?? SLoc once extended cannot be moved away from MMSC, however u can delete the sloc for a material using MM06. Then the system will not allow u to do receipts/issues from that sloc. U may hv to convert the messg no. M7127 for issues to1 Material code have many storage Location then you want use only 1 storage If a error one loc. You can delete flag that storage use t-code MM06. Pls consider if you have stock. Can any one explain the procedure to create automatic PO from GRN? You have to first ativate yr plant & MVT 101 to create automatic creation of PO. You must have Tick in the Material Master in Automatic Creation PO Buttom Same in the Vendor Master also You must have Valid Info record for the same tried this, but when i am creating the grn than an error is coming, i.e business area not defined, but could not find where to solve this problem from. can u help me.
Check in Spro, setting ES Assignment LG Assign BA to plant. Enter the business area for the plant for which u r auto. Creating PO , it will work To use Tcode ME59N pls let me know when i try to create a material say some 'XXX' 'in MM01,under Industry sector-Mechanical Engineering Material Type-Raw Material after entering the above details and press ENTER key,the screen changes and in Material type field Finished product is displayed and a warning message also pops up telling that: material type Finished Product copied from Master Record and the Message no is M3310. why is it so (Instead of Raw material it shows as Finished product)how to overcome this problem what are the things i need to change or any customization prblm material number solution This means that the pls let me know you entered, already exists Check the initial screan on mm01(creation of mmr), in that in reference material field, there may be some material name or number is reflecting. IIt is causing the problem. you do one thing remove the name or number of the reference material and try Migo ... Mvt 602 ... generally reversal is done by next even mvt type
kindly tell me what is meant by VALUATION CLASS and how it differs from g/l a/c and cost centre. what is the application of the same in sap? Valuation Class means a key to Assignment of a material to a group of G/L accounts,by this u can attach material to G/L accounts ,there are many valuation classes like as follows 1.Raw Material - 3000,3001,3002 , 2.Semi-Finished 7900,7910 , 3.Finish : 7920 , 4.spares : 3040 , This valuation class are used for automatic account determination Pls explain how to create the import pricing procedure in detailed steps. See the attachment and maintain the orange coloured conditions in PO conditions (refer attachment PO taxes and Z reports) pls explain how to link this procedure to po. I am setting up release strategy on Purchase Orders. Wanted to know the steps so that I can can set up the PO so that the release strategy tab appears/displays on the Purchase Order. Can any one tell me what is MM closing and what is FI closing? How can I know if period is closed
In order to see the currently open MM period go to the TCODE : MMRV . There select the company code you wish to check for. The others have answered about the difference between MM and FI period closing. Remember if FI period is closed but MM period is open you still cannot post material movements which have an accounting implication. MM closing means that you can not post materials document. In MM area you have two open periods current and previous. if you do not set other in MMRV - here you can check which are the open MM periods for company code. If you check Allow posting to previous period - it will forbid MM posting in pr period. FI open period allow to post FI documents. As I know you can allow postings for some accounts - for example forbid material accounts for previous period in order to prevent MM posting until you finish all FI documents. to close MM period pls use the MMPV transaction what is the pocess of creating the stock transfer order? what is the essential inputs of stock trans. order. this is only within the comp.code(W/ o SD) 351+101 MvT. with SD 641+101 (refer attachment 'sto') Does anybody know a different way of how to look at the changes for a >specific field within the material master? Currently while in the >material master, I go to display changes. But this gives me all the >changes made to every field in the material master and I would like to >know of a way to only display the changes to a specific field. (ie. MRP >controller number field or safety stock field) Please try using Tables : CDHDR and CDPOS thur SE16 Transaction .Most of the field changes get recorded there.If you wish to see only changes to a particular field say "MRP" , then you need to give MRP field name in the selection screen and then you see only the changes done to that field. can any one explain me what is STO AND TRANSFER POSTING pl explian in details with tr code and mvt type
Let us say that you are moving goods from one end of the city to another or from one ware house to another and in so doing you are incurring a cost, let us say freight. Then you are going to have to do a stock transfer of the said goods from one plant to another or from one storage location to another. for this you need to create a stock transfer order using the TCODE : ME21N and then depending on whether you need a challan or not you can either issue using MIGO or create a delivery VL10B. In case you are moving goods from one shelf in a warehouse to another, without incurring a specific cost which can be uniquely attributed to the movement, let us say your employees moved the goods for you [employee wages are for a period of time not for specific jobs], then you have done a trasfer posting using MIGO. The actual goods movement to be used depends on then go to VL10B, and create first you have to create STO via t-code ME21N, your configuration and the move delivery can anyone explain about different types o reports in SAPMM& how they execute?
can somebody explain what is the best way to configure Debit Note and Credit Note for Cross Company STO (which involves Delivery & Invoice)? Also, what is the best way to setup Returns for STO? Has anybody setup Returns for STO which has a single step stock transfer from Supplying Plant? From SAP Notes, I see that it is not possible to update Returns process in the document flow for single step stock transfers. What is the basic difference between User exits,Enhancement & Modification? Pls explain with suitable example
can any body help me ? from which t-code i can get inventry wip (work in process) T Code KKAO gives Wip Report Is the moving average price the same as price from ppc2 calculation??? how to find the list of ppc2 calculation for all materials fron stock? I have passed a sale transacation with mvt 601 Can any one explain how to reverel of the same 602 You can reverse the same with the following movement type 451 and 453 from the respective customer.
How can I make the PO to release again after I change the PO say from 2000 meters to 1000 meters or $2 to $1? Currently, the our PO is subject to releasing only when there is an increase in PO qty or the unit price or both. However, during decrease for both no releasing. Please provide inputs and advise.
FPLA and FPLT are the tables to store the purchase order invoicing plan data. There is a field in FPLA which store the Purchase Order Number. But I cannot find the field that store the Purchase Order Line Item Number. How to link the invoicing plan with the line item in Purchase Order? try EKPO Unable to cancel GRN error message "You cannot cancel GR, since inspection lot is already partly posted" After GRN material received in quality Further transferred to Unrestricted Now again transferred to quality. Still it is not allowing GRNu have to cancel the suggest First cancellation. Kindly Mat document which is generated by UD then only u can reverse the GRN you can't reverse movements done by UD complete the cycle, post all stock from Quality to Unrestricted & reject from warehouse using mvt type 161 or 122. Post excise entries & again post new GR if required. pl tell me what is the benifit of sap implementation ? what chaneges and progress of company after sap implementation
Benefits of SAP implementation : Benefits to the suppliers : 1) SAP increases their market share and , increased business by virtue of AMCs 2) Implementer gets business and people working at client side will build their resume 3) Hardware manufacturer gets their share of business without any effort Clients : 1) Efficient , user specific, customized legacy system dies. Along with all the trained people to manage it will also loose their importance and gets demotivated. 2) Increased cost of IT by virtue of Initial expenditure on SAP licenses/ Hardware/ Net working & implementation. recurring costs /year goes up by virtue of AMC for SAP licenses and support 3) Entire Company performance goes down. Each person puts the blame on SAP for not working properly, 4) Trained manpower in SAP leaves the company in search of better ( ? ) opportunities leaving the systems department in disarray . This puts more dependence on support from AMC ( which is a mirage and clients pay heavy price ) 5) One year post go live, with great difficulty , companies finalise accounts and have nightmarish times explaining the auditors. 6) Educated end users will find out lots of open ends in various clearing accounts. Due to pressure from Sr.Management, they try to pass manual entries and end up in differential account balances. ( simple inventory statement form MC.1 does not tally bodysum of corresponding GL accounts before implementation and after Any with have the orginal performance data ) implementation You can't compare performance before and after implementation SAP. As explained by NO NAME entirely depends on business nature ..and in numerous cases SAP implementations proved to be a disaster for company. It is not that SAP is the only best solution available in market ....but it is one of the best solution ....and in market depending on business requirement many other application like people soft , Baan , I2 , Red prairie , JD Edward etc is available. And it's the job of Solution Strategist to propose best fit solution for a particular Can anybody tell what is Reconciliation account how do we define in practical
Can you tell me how the system is calculating Cummulative schedule Quantity which comes in delivery schedule for particular delivery date in scheduling agreement.I need to develop a report which calculates this.Please reply asap.
I want to take a print out for Gr difference Quantity recieved. Let me detail first Suppose vendor has mentioned in Delivery challan 100 Nos: but the reciever has recieved 95 Nos: Only. so my client to want to intimate the vendor reflecting the following fields PO Quantity: Delivery Challan Quantity: Recieved Quantity: In customizing i able to find out the condition type MLMD which suits for my requirement but iam unable to aset conditions for this condition type.So kindly pass ur valuable suggestions in this regard. this is must required bz my client recieves vendor invoice along with material so he want to intimate his vendors about SHORT/EXCESSask ABAPer to create a report with the fields what you want on My suggestion is goods reciept. print out and when ever the client wants to send to vendor,he can execute and and take print and he can send that.if you need more details let me knw. While Posting GRN u put Delivery note qty as mention in Challan & in the ?Rec qty u put whatever u rec it will come as a shortage doing grn, while posting into usage decision itself we should post this difference in grn by using the field shortage Can i use document type used for credit memo for invoice reduction or i heave to create new document type for invoice reduction and assign number range. u can use Doc Type KG which is Vendor Creit Memo and no need to create new doc type and new no range. I have two qurries , 1)How many total views and fields are presnt in material master 2)What is the use of costing 1 and costing 2 views in Material Master 3)What is use of MRP3 /MRP4 views for MM module 1. 27 Views , 2.mrp 3 - Release strategy , availablity check, forecast , requirements ; mrp 4 - rem profile, bom explosion How can we use MRP- 3 & 4 views for below descriped function can u explain me this MRP3/4 views are related production planinng and who is going to fill up data in it in actual MM master cretaion
I try to sharing with you about material master, The material master is the sum total of all information about all materials which a company purchases, produces, stores and sells. For the company, the material master is the central source for materialspecific data. The material master is used by all components of the SAP logistics system. We can see all of information and There are 24 views in material master. In MRP 1,2,3 and 4 are related with MRP or Purchase Requisition and Production Order. In MRP 2 there're : 1.Backflush, used for indicator whether materials BOM consumed automatically at Production Order or not. If not so you don't mark it. 2. Prod. Sloc : Warehouse or storage your material in production process (staging area) 3. Scheduling >>> How long you can produce the product if In House production, and plan delivery time in day, etc 4. Net requirement calculation >>> Safety stock, Minimal stock level in FG I think in MRP 2 a lot of used for Production order. And then In MRP 3 there're: 1. Forecast requirement or periode indicator for using forecast (monthly, weekly or daily) 2. Strategy Group >> Show you how to make product whether make to stock, planning with assembly, planning w/o assembly, make to order, or how you clasify your strategy for produce your product. >>> Consumption mode : indicator mode to consumption material at BOM whether Backward, Forward or combined about your prod. order. Can anyone suggest me to upload in purchase order / scheduling agreemnt in item detail tab convert X (Quality inspection) to Unrestricted use for more than 100 items at a time (Mass Changes)
When SD-Post Goods Issue, system will generate a Material Document no. Could we configure system to populate "Customer PO" field (in Sales Order), to display at Material Document Header Text. Is there any configuration or user exits to update the Material Document Header Text?
Can anyone suggest me stape by stapes transaction code of the purchasing of oxygen cylinder (including return of empty cylinder).
Is it possible to create Source List and Info Record automatically ? where is the custmization setting . check the IMG. SPRO Info record will be created automatically once you create a first PO for a material with vendor. For Source list creation, If i am correct it cannot be created automattically. Some one can clarify on this I HATE SAP. TO KNOW IAM CERTIFIED SAP COSULTANT, WHO HAS FUCKED OFF THIS THING, BECAUSE FUCKING COMPANIES LIKE M/s DEXLER INFORMATION > SOLUTIONS R IN THIS BUSINESS, AND THEY MAKE > PROFESSIONALS LIKE US WHO DESERVE ABOUT + 5000 EUROS(I.E WHAT I GOT AFTER QUTTING SAP) IN OUR DOMAIN GET OUT OF TRACK. SO PLEASE JOIN I HATE INDEED I HATE VERY, VERY ....... MUCH DEXLER INFORMATION SOLUTION, DOMLUR , join to SAP? Please do not make this type Mr. Chandrashekar Patil who asked you BANGALORE of bad comments ina public group. Mr. Subbarao, iam extremely sorry to hurt your feelings. I am 100% sure that you are not a certified consultant. Because only than you can understand my feelings. I know and it is almost evident, please donot understand me wrong, that most of the candidates, and mostly people belonging to AP are the one big culprits who has spoiled the noble SAP. Because they don;t even know ABC of SAP and get some fake SAP experience and pretend asif they know every thing. It is because of such kind of people, noble persons who really excel in this field are diminished. And really u find no bodyyour comments are forward for SAP. about Andhra peole. I Atta teri chup basa. putting every thing very,very... ......bad studied in Maharastra, worked in Maharastra I know very well about people who is tht stupid fellow scolding bad comments on andhra people. abbe salle chup ke bytere.. i know about u all guys from maharastara u r more than cheap of us. can u explain me scenario, Consignment Subcontracting Third Party Quota Arrangement special stock types in material management. The below are consignment: in this vendors material is stored/kept at your place. so its valuated at storage location level. with item category K. the owner is still the vendor. vendor liability arises only if the stock sell it off. eg big bazaar. subcontracting: here you provide the material to vendor to create the finished good for yourself. the material provided is stored in po as material to be provided. BOM components can be part of that. item category is L. here the materail is valuated at plant level as the material is lyingwith vendor and you are the owner of the same. Here vendor use the bom component or semi finished good or raw marerial provided by you and prepare the finished good and
Third Party order is that you order a material to a vendor and the material is delivered to a third party and not to you.That is you are not the reciever of the material instead you ask the vendor to deliver to some third pary.The item category used is S. Regarding the Quota arangement: For example if you procure a material from two vendors A and B.You can allocate percentage of material to be deliverd by each one of them.i.e if you require 100nos of the material you can allocate 60nos to A In which schenario we can use both std and moving avg price for material you can use both if the material is in transit and change the valuation type. which is called split valuated. in mm01 there is field for split valuated material too You can use in stock transfer. In one plant you can use Std. Price and in the other plant you can use Moving Avg. Price. But we have to consider the movement types and related documents If material is procured externally than use moving avg. price. If material is internal process material (like steam, semifinish material etc.) than use standard price. You can use in stock transfer. In one plant you can use Std. Price and in the other plant you can use Moving Avg. Price. But we have to consider the movement types and related documents time u can use only one at a The same material u r producing Inhouse & purchasing from Outside & then selling. when i post against po error: posting can only be made to G/L acct. 300000 in curr. gbp please explain
Can please guide me ,whether it is possible to assign a single user to more than one people for releasing.i. many relation.Example is a single person reporting to two bosses.Once he prepare the PO and release the same PO needs to be released by any of the bosses as per requirement. you can manage by creating 2 different purch gps Can anybody explain me the difference between condition types and when to use : Freight % ; Freight Value ; Freight /quantity
Following is the requirement what can i do to solve this. The PO has been approved all the way through all 5 levels. The original cost of the PO is $100,000. Now , The PO price in the Net Price field was then lowered to $60,000.After the price was lowered, it canceled all of the approvals and retriggered the approval process. If the Net Price is raised, then the approval process should be retriggered, and it is; however, it should not be retriggered if the Net Price is lowered. The same thing happens when the quantity is changed to lower the price. The original PO has been approved all the way through for 100,000 pcs at $1 for a total of $100,000. When the quantity is changed to a lower number to bring the price down to another approval level, the approval process is started all over again My client has a special requirement. The base unit of measurement for all the materials are in 'lbs', we have our ordering units in 'TONS'. As the inventory unit of measure is 'lbs', all our inventory report (except MMBE and MRP report) shows the values in 'lbs' We require our inventory report to show up in 'TONS'. Is there a config setting that can be done to get the report in different unit of measure? Change Base Unit of Measure One raw material we assigned base unit of measure as OZ, later add alternate unit of measure as ML. Now I wanted to change the base unit to ML and alternaet to OZ. For that I deleted component from the BOM. Related PO's, Prd ord and demand are closed. Deleted the alternate unit from purchasing and plant/stock (Area were we assign the alternate unit), then try to change it giving message as Unit of measure ML used as alternate unit. (In additinal data screen still the alternate unit and conversion available) You can do the following procedure (after deleting the material in all concerened documents ie inventory, open demands, prs): 1. Delete the uom from Unit of issue field (General Plant Data / Storage 1) in MM if you have mentioned it there. 2. Go to additional data , use delete line tab and delete the conversion factor by keeping the cursor on that line. 3. Come to main data, now change the base unit of measure to the required one. 4. Then give the alternative unit of measure, system will ask for conversion factor. 5. Then save could someone tell me the transaction code where i can extend a material to the particular warehouse?.. like in MMSC we can do for storage location You can extend the material in MM50 Wouldn't MM01 work as well?
I'm trying to create a PO for returns to a vendor which in fact is a plant in the same company code. I'm getting this error message " No delivery type for returns processing assigned to item 00010". I assigned the delivery type LR for both plant in IMG. please give me a solution ASAP
can anyone tell me what is bill of lading?how can an invoice be posted referring an bill of lading?delivery note??. bill of lading is nothing but shipping document in the case of import purchases.if the migos generated w.r.t B/L then MIRO can be posted w.r.t. B/L I have a scenario were I am importing a material and forwarding it to the manufacturing unit, There the material is inwarded but there are some expenses like shipping company bills,freight bills and warehouse bills are reaching after MIGO so I am unable to book those expenses in PO itself and those remain unbooked So friends please help me to attach un plan expenses with reference to PO directly separate service order and maitain the gla/c and cost center for the u can create specific imported material, then expenses will automatically booked in the respective material a/c i have forgotten to flag the gr based iv in po ,resulting i could not get migo wise miro for payment.and in cumulative as on date. since migo has already generated i could not flag the same thro, ME22N. pls help me to resplve this. as per the co policy miro adj. is not acceptable The best way is to cancel the Invoice documents (mir8 i suppose) and cancel the GR documents (MBST) and redo the same using GR based invoice verification option. This method can be adopted if the number of POs to be corrected are few in number. Also after cancelling the Invoice documents do not forget to clear the Accounting entries on the FI side in the respectice GL Accounts. This should solve your problem. thx for ur immediate response. my problem is against particualr release po (against contract), around 40-50 migo already generated.can u suggest alternate ease method. While opening the period in MMPI TCode , I got the error message as "Follow the instruction in note 487381 before initialization U hv to set todays date in the parameter id of ur user profile then then u can reopen previous period. What is parameter ID? is it in 'SU01' T.Code? In Parameters tab of 'SU01' i ve not find any date? for whihc parameter id i can set todays date? please give steps.
Before you start period closing with initialization, you must be aware of the consequences of period closing with initialization. This note describes the possible data inconsistencies that might occur if you carry out the initialization in a productive system.The resulting inconsistencies are not to be traced back to a system error but they are a result of the period closing program with initialization. Hence, these inconsistencies can only be corrected within the remote consulting purchased separately since normally you no longer need to start the period closing program with initialization in a release > Rel. 4. 5. If you use release <4.5 refer to the note to find the solution. I got problem during goods receipt Posting. as error message is "Period 010/2007 is not open for account type S and G/L 399999" In transaction OB52 you should enter for company code and acc type S /G/L acc/ period 10. As I know S is need for GR/IR account. Ask the FI people for more details. Here is my scenario User creates a Vendor Return PO for goods that are going to be analyzed at the supplier for errors. They were received back from a customer with errors. Goods are issued to the Vendor. Vendor decides the goods are broken at the customers fault so we will not Debit the supplier for the cost. The quantity is so small that we will not receive the goods back from the Supplier. Question is how to close out the PO since we dont receive the goods and dont debit the supplier? One option is a virtual receipt, but this is cumbersome and adds no value. Are there any settings we can make so we can close it out without invoice or receipt what is the procedure to release a contract Plz use T- Code .... ME35K FOR RELEASE OF CONTRACT using ME35K also i am not able to release the contract I think u must receive any massage when u try ot release contrac. plz explain or send same screen to us Check ur release code first, is it the right one and proper authorization is being given, else let us know the error being displayed at the status line Please check in the configuration if you are authorised to release the contract. If your name or user ID is not in release codes, you are not allowed to do it. ME35K for contract, & ME35L for Scheduling agreement.
Here is the scenario, we re trying to implement release procedures on Contracts, we already have release procedures set up on POs. We use the same PO doc type for contracts. What we want to do is if the Purchase Order is created against a contract which has been released/approved via release procedure on the contract. An automated routine will release the PO in teh background. If this could be done without a user exit, rel. strategy let me know. Since u already hv also please set for Contract, why is their a need for auto release of PO, u can remove the config at PO level and go ahead with one level release at Contract level. Auto release of PO doesnt hv any meaning. can any body help me from which table i can get openning stock. examplesuppose today is 05/10/2007, but i want to get oppening stock on dated 01/04/2007, please let me know the table name. U can check the stock in MB5B Xn, it shows stock by calculating from MSEG table only. There is no specific table for it. hello jai thanks for your feedback. in mb5t i have seen the table name as mard_labst. but i am unable to find it in data browser, try in MB5B can any one explain the config. for automatic creation of PO with GRN. Suppose we raise a GRN with movt type 501 than is it possible to genertae PO for the same GRN. Pre requisites: 1).in Material master record->purchasing view->select auto PO indicator 2).in Vendor master record->purchasind data->select automatic PO 3).SPRO->MM- >Inv. mgmt&phy.inv- >Goods receipt->Create PO automatically>Mvt.> type 501 select it. you have just shown how little you know about MM. What the original poster seems to be asking about is the automativc generation of a purchase order at goods receipt time. If this is the case, what you have answered about the automatic creation of purchase orders from assigned purchase requisitions does not apply in the slightest. As to whether or not a purchase order can be created automatically when doing a goods receipt with movement type 501, again firstly this is not possible. Secondly, it doesn't make sens. 501 is used to record a goods receipt for a purchase order not created in the SAP system. Therefore, why try and create one. If you want to create a purchase order for a movement type 101, then this must bbe allowed in customising for movement type 101, a standard purchasing organisation must be assigned to the plant in which the goods receipt takes place, the material must have value updating do i see info record must for thebeen created for the its working, but how and an the created PO have same
When u post the GR, don't come out of MIGO transaction, display material document just created. Go to purchase order tab, u can see the PO no. generated. Double click on same will take u to po goto any T-Codes like ME2M, ME2L.... enter material or vendor or posting/document date like that u can search it. i got ur point, i tried wut u said, but how to see for the PO that has been created automatically while using 101 mvt type and raising grn 1.Can u pl. tell me wht is conventional IV? and wht is the diff between convention invoice varification and Logistic invoice varification? 2. what is controlling area and how can we assign in organization structure? and wht is its use ? 3. wht is business area and how can we assign in organization structure? and wht is its use ? 4. when we save Market price from maintaining quotation where it is saved? and how we can use that? 5.Where material type display in Tcode - Display Material master? 6. in customizing, SPRO-mm-purchasing- conditions- define condition control at plant level. and as per book it has some connection with info update indicator in PO. can u tell me wht is the use of this and effet of this? 7. where can we find in customizing to define how the system handles conditions from the last PO like conditions from the last po are always copied
Conventional Versus Logistic Invoice Verification Can any one let me know the basic difference between Logistics invoice verification and normal / conventional invoice verification? MRHR for other goods receipts. Logistics Invoice Verification [MIRO] was developed to take into account requirements that were technically not possible in the conventional Invoice Verification component, such as distributing MM and FI to separate systems. All the functions in conventional Invoice Verification are available in Logistics Invoice Verification. If required, you can use conventional Invoice Verification and Logistics Invoice Verification alongside each other. The following functions in conventional Invoice Verification are not possible in Logistics Invoice Verification: 1. Verification of invoices with no reference in the system to a purchase order or a goods receipt. 2. Posting directly to a G/L account, asset or material 3. Changing the account assignment in the purchase order 4. Simulation of documents Some new functions are only possible in Logistics Invoice Verification : 1. Unlimited multiple selection 2. Manual invoice reduction 3. Automatic invoice reduction 4. Invoice verification in the background 5. Verification of invoices with installment conditions. 6. Posting across company codes. I would like to block the PO creation with reference to Contract,if the quantity mentioned in the contract is completed If PO created with respect to Contract and the quantity exceeded it gives a warning message saying that the target quantity exceeded by that much quantity If this message is changed into error message going into message determination topic in configurations this thenbe done. If qty is completed can no any release order create by any user. Qty is over then contract is over. any t code is available for finding list of material with opening balance,recipt ,issue.closing balance for a specified period MB5T MB5L want to take the list of materials which are all not having any purchase related documents (i.e., not yet used for procurement and stock qty is zero rightnow) in plant XXXX wat is the purpose or scnerio?
we want to delete all duplicates in the particular plant and we want to enrich material master with details. This is the scenario. u can do this thro mb51 and take the report only those material which have procured from outside (raw mat., packing mat., consumable, spares etc.) and download this report to excel and u can see and takeout such material those have no material docs and afterthen can findout the duplicate one and can remove/delete or alter to work. As you will get the record in MB51 only after the I don't think it is going accordingly. goods receipt has been posted. From MB51 you will not able to make out if any PR or PO has been posted for the particular material code for which no goods receipt has been posted. We have developed our own Z code for this purposes which will search in all purchase related tables EBAN, EKPO etc and give the report Can anyone suggest which field should I use in Material Master to maintain PACK SIZE OF FG? Is it Base unit of measurement? e.g. Material - SUGAR , Pack size - 1KG , Qty - 1 maintain it as alternative unit of measure in Additonal view you have to maintain basic UOM in the issuing unit. e.g., if you are purchasing sugar in KG maintaining basic uom KG and issuing in GRAM then you can post it during GI? always try to keep basic UOM in material master and prefer alternate UOM for ordering unit as "ORDER UNIT". Are there any way for issuing 701 and 702 movements from migo without Physical Inventory document? No.. It is not possible... Ofcourse this is the business requirement. and also system automatically pick the 701 & 702 Movments based on Physical Inventory only
(1) I am a officer in stores & puchase Department in a textile industry namely Rajasthan Textile Mills, Bhawanimandi. (Rajasthan) In our unit SAP ERP system has implematted so I request you to please give me all the transaction code for Stores & Purchase department which is used or linked by stores & purchase. (2) We have done migo for any excise material but the time of migo, excise do not mention in purchase order and also excise bill not received at the time of I did not take only part I in excise tabe at the time of migo, after migo we received excise invoice and after receiveing of excise invoice we have to capture this excise invoice against material document.IN the item detail we will see quantity tab the qty of material not entered in credit available, in this condition if we captured this excise invoice then excise invoice do not post. 3. we have done migo for excise material. and found material doc. number, excise invoice has been posted. after some time few qty recd in material doc number.and done subsequent delivery by me. In case what is the process for excise duty. 4. Finally please send a complete circle fo SAP for Stores Department. i got one problem while doing migo the system show s the error message that account determination entry INT--------- BSX------ ---3000 not possible how to solve this problem i used omwb but cant get the solution any one can help me regarding this ? This message indicates that the valuation class set up on your material master does not agree with the movement type you are trying to post. In most cases, the valuation class on the master needs to be changed. Config BSx in transaction code OBYC assign the plant to valuation grouping code and then check OBYC this error clearaly says for chart of a/c INT & valuation class was not maintained for BSX Tr event key. go to OBYC thr u select BSX double click on that one & then for G/L a/c 30000 u create new valuation class or change the VC in Material master which is existing in the system... can any one explain how can track the goods in transit using in bound delivery? or any alternative method is there? try for MB5T I CREATED A PURCHASE ORDER WITH 5 LINE ITEMS,BUT WHEN I DO GOODS RECEIPT ONLY 4 ITEMS ARE APPEARING.HOW TO SOLVE THIS,AND WHAT MIGHT BE THE REASON. Pls check the Delivery in th P.O , tick in the delivery completed.
Are these line items inventory items. Are they direct charge items. If so, then maybe one of the account assignment indicators does not require GR. Therefore, you would be missing a line item when you do the GR. try to check in PO->item details->delivery->Goods Receipt indicator selected/not for all 5 line items. have forgotten to mainatain vendors for supplu as "GR BASED INV". IS THERE ANY CODE IS AVL FOR MASS MAINTENANCE TO ALL VENDORS U can do mass maint. Using Xn MASS, use table LFM1 and field WEBRE. Also make it as a default entry in screen layout, so that whenever u create a vendor, u make this entry as mandatory *Account 510010 requires an assignment to a CO object*- 510010 is a cost element. The above is the error i am getting during MIGO for a subcontracted material receipt. I would like to clarify few things here. The G/L ccount mentioned here is the GBB account and I am doing a normal subcontract procurement , i.eI am paying for the process charges only for the material. I have completed the Goods issue of components and trying to get back the ordered material from the subcontractor. 1. My query is why do system asks for a Cost center assignment here as I am not doing any procurement against cost center. (Evenif I ma going via MRP run and then procurement it is forcing me to enter Costcenter and G/L account during routing maintenence) whether it is mandatory sap requirement if so how do I over come it? is it that i have to assign a cost center and guy has to donot convinced about theto know is why is so and the True, an FI/CO proceed. I m this. But what I wanted end result. consequences if I assign a Cost center to the G/L account it is asking. For production of any material for sale, there is a concept of Product Costing in CO. This requires that all costs incurred in production are to be captured. In this case the cost incurred is captured as a costing element i.e.the GL a/c maintained needs to be assigned to a CO Object (which captures the cost) I hope this answers your query Thanks, if we see it from production perspective i am able to get the answer. Needed an cost center as the consumption accounts are P/L accounts. tested it aftre assigning a Cost center to the cost element and working fine. Could anyone please tell me how can i change a PR's doc type. User has create a PR of type ZE(emergency) now he wants to convert it as NB(standard). Please help me out if it possible to convert a created PR document type goto SPRO->MM->Purchasing->PR->Define Document types->select that doc type ZE & click copy as NB.
Actually document type of created PR needs to change I don't know if it will help you - but I have done some day exactely the same mistake. To repair it I have entered into the same document in ME52n and just changed the document type in the header (if you have different types of PR, the user can choose it). Then save - and the document number should stay the same and the items , too. I don't know if ythis user is to maintaining different number- range of document do Problem is that, here we are create different types of PR because if he is to number for different document type and for that system does not allow to change document type. Please tell me, what is MAPPING
I want to check whether "delivery note" has been eneterd before making a goods receipt. how can I do this setting in customizing? goto T-code: SPRO->MM->Inventory mgmt&phy.inv->settings for enjoy transactions->filed selection for MIGO->select Delivery note status is required thanks but I mean that I want to check whether the same delivery note has been entered before the last 101 movement. for example: at 03.10.2007 I made 101 with delivery note 54444 when I want to make 101 at 04.10.2007 with the same delivery note, I want to system warn me. how can I do? according to my knowledge with Standard SAP delivery note number in MIGO is not any control field, can u explained asset Purchase Schenario in MM ? Material master is required for asset PO material?what about stock of asset Purchases. In project scenario all PO are asset pos only? Please help how to guide for archived document , like material document or accounting document
I m getting error at the time of hitting service sheet entry by t. code ML81n & my error is '' 147 Account determination for entry ZZ WRX 0001 not possible'' & ZZ is my Chart of account so pls help me its very urgent what is 0001? generally WRX contains only GR/IR clearing G/L account only, goto OBYC->WRX->ZZ verify it, it may help. I already assing GR/IR account in wrx by using t.code obyc & 0001 is my valuation grouping code after doing all these then also i m getting same error How to send PO by email in bulk. e.g. All POs raised today to different vendors to be mailed in single shot to all respective vendors, without going into individual PO.
Can you please give me the solution to solve this problem. I am not working on IDES environment. So what can be done to resolve this issue. Please guide me.
quickly... in cross company stock transport order, do we have to have a particular material type , or all the types are valid for this transport? bcos, we do not see shipping tab in PO even after maintaining the shipping data in the IMG
Pl. tell me workflow in release strategy of po/pr. regards ME29N for release PO Release Procedure follows following steps 1. Relase Group 2. Release Codes 3. Release Indicator 4. Release Strategy 5. Work flow I have to work in a industry where SAP has been upgraded from 4.6c to ECC 6.0. I have to do the MM documentation part. Can anyone please tell in details how I can do that. please tell me about detailed Pricing procedure & Release Procedure.
Pricing Procedure in SAP works on the concept of Condition technique. Each Pur Org is attached to a Pur Org Schema. Each Pur Schema has a pricing procedure attached to it. For this, condition types are defined for each pricing procedure in SPRO. These condition types are then attached to Access Sequence. The access sequence in turn has a list of condition tables. These tables contain condition records. Each condition record fetches the applicable price. You can go to SPRO and check for yourself how it the stepsunderstand it better. define price in pricing procedure, this are works to to follow navpath for determination process spro->sapcous& imple guide-->materidals management-- > purchasing-> conditions- ->define price determination process-->define acess sequence select for gross price-0002 2nd step--define condition type 3rd step--define calucaltion schema 4th step-define schema group I am getting one error message during PO creation I can not able to save PO.Error is '' PO approver is mandatory" . I cheched me29n for PO release but i m not able to see any release strategy set for this PO but a warning message is coming that this PO can not be released. Please help me to solve this problem. If your are working on IDES environment with Multiples users accessing the same database/ release strategy configuration, you will get this error generated. Could you please help me to list out some of the frequently asked questions related to Implementation module? I have been in our company project in end to end implementation as part time member. In particular, interviewer' s focus their attention (ie., Business Blueprint (or) project realisation, etc.,) to which areas. If it is Business Blue Print area,what the likely question's to posted by the interviewer ?
I want to block 413 movement type for some users. How can I do this? use T.code SU01>> enter required user >> choose appropriate role >> under Object (MM_B) Materials Management: Inventory Management/Phys. Inventory>> uncheck the mvt type 413 I am getting one error during the creation of PO error - Customization for company g105j_iindcus missing in table. error documentation says- check global setting please help me for solving this problem
how we can maintain the same material ( two materials) under same material types but in two different plants in value basis and quantity basis??
Same material can be maintained in different plants with different value and quantity pertaining the valuation area is defined at plant level thanks a lot and where we have to set these?????? It would be in Material master Using T- code OMS2 you can maintain Differentiation for quantity/value updation. Also you need to maintain the material master at both the plant levels. In OMS2 - material type creation, we are able to maintain either qty or value updation only.if i am maintaining any one of these qty/value updation, then how i can get in different plant in different way??? Split valuation is entirely a different concept.To be precise split valuation is used for valuating a material within a plant in two different types. You can maintain in Tcode: OMS2, go to your material type, click on quantity/value update. Here you can maintain your material type for different plant as per your requirement. Can anyone tell me detailly what is the Blueprint, how to createit and what is the purpose of doing it? Are there any links where I can find some examples of it? It is rather urgent, thank you kindly in advance for help, goto com, & search it I have created my own characteristics & classes for the realease procedure.can you help me out to solve the problem relatring with/without classification. Hope to get your response soon use with classification only Can any one suggest me how to rounding of the Tax amount (During PO / MIRO). It include Excise / VAT / CST. I hope Rounding isn ot possible in Indian Excise In taxinn or taxinj procedure for the particular condition type in altconditionytpe colimn put 17 as requirement key. Also in general settings in spro there setting i can remember the exact path where you have to mention 100 as rounding units for country IN.the table is t100r i this and your tax will round off. While doing Goods Receipt, If i check in T.C.MMBE found that at a time material updated in both Un Restricted Stock, Quality insection stock, What could be the reason. very urgent I think it is not possible to show in both. Please check your GRN in MIGO Display and also check material ledger with t.code ZVS3 or MB5B it will show the actual status to migo no in the migo desplay and check in the "where"tab in the detail level see that you. and check that in which sloc it has been received.
By accident I changed standard prices in the system - stock value is wrong and stock movements are wrongly booked. IT says the only way are the new calculations of standard price (which takes time). Is there any other way??? Can we make manual postings on stock accounts? Of course it can be done . use invoice verification MIRO and use the G/L posting tab for naming the material/s and G/L account/s for this purpose. Sorry but this is rubbish. Firstly, there's no mention that the material is even purchased and that therefore there will be an invoice. Secondly, posting to a material via MIRO does nbot change the material's standard price. Why not use the revaluation transaction to get bthe correct value for the material? This is madhu . i am in usa (Houston). I have try for job in SAP MM & WM . please any body help him for me. You have to assign pricing schma to Account group & the group to Vendor as as sson as you create a Purchase Order thg Vendor & Account group assign to particular vendor it picks while creating Purchase order. means while creating po --u have to enter vendor and thr that vendor it will pickup pricing schema i have a question for you pls help me out with the suitable answer with full details containing as to how it can be solved and its like this .....while creating a material master record in client 800 for some material belonging to ROH - raw material type the default raw material type itself was got deleted unknowingly and so now how can i retrieve it back or how can i have it back into my material type list pls explain/tell me how tomaterialdetail. you go to oms2 your do it in type available or not. somebody have delete your material type. you create new one then proceed. I need ur valuable attention at this point and it seems like this while creating purchasing inforecord i come across a field like predicted delivery days .....,in the second screen i suppose,which even made optional (its status)also it doesnt allow me to go ahead without filling anything or even when i fill some arbitrary value also why does it happen like this in such situations what shld i do this is simple man, create info record that time you go to click the texts you enter name info, then you go to conditions next you go to second screen you are not getting problem. you observe validity period. after also you are getting pb mail me. Could someone help me...I want to put UPC code in the Basic Data Tab in the material master but my 10 digit code is not being accepted. Do I have to make a change in configuration?
You will have to check two things...... .First Create a 10 digit number range using transaction W4EN (Navigation: SPRO>Logistics General>Material Master>Settings for key fields>International Article Numbers>Define Number ranges for EAN/UPCs). Second, assign the number range to the UPC category in Define Attributes of EAN/UPCs. Since you are manually assigning the UPC code put the number range in Ext. number range field. Also the EAN length field should have 10. If there is already a 10 digit number range assign that to UPC category (you can Please tell me about different types of movement types( with description) used in MM module. My issue is such that when my users enter a return PO (through return indicator in the PO), PB01 base price shows a negative value and the ZTAX condition suggest a positive value summing up an incorrect total. How can I rectify this? Pls check the assignment in the pricing procedure STILL IT'S NOT WORKING,EVEN AFTER I CHANGE CONDITION DETAILS TO PLUS/MINUS STILL THE SAME PROBLEM. IS THERE ANY OTHER PLACE I CAN MAINTAIN THESE DETAILS? and correct it u will ASSGHNMENT I CAN CHECK pl check the pricing procedure ALSO WHERE IN get +ve reply Please tell me about Gap Analysis, CIN & workflow in mm module
Please advise where the following two settings may be changed for defaults on account assignment tab of requisitions & purchase orders when multiple account assignment is selected: Distribution Indicator & Partial Invoice Indicator. Currently distribution indicator defaults to Distribute Proportionately, need default to be Distribute to Following Row
Can any one guide me, why there are no accounting document generated During GR for an ASSET which is procured using PO with Acct assignment as "A". I am able to see all the vendor posting in simulation with Txn MIRO but not during GRN. The scenario is if an Invoice is sent late by a vendor, how do the liability to vendor is tracked in the system for the Asset aftre GRN has been processed. Information is I am using as internal order with G/L accout assigned at Order level to create a PR and then PO.
How we can deselect storage location if selected wrongly by mm01 transaction or automatically way how to remove it however it's possible to restrict use of the SL don't know the for the plant. Use SPRO->MM->Inventory Management and Physical Inventory>Authorization Management->Authorization Check for Storage Locations. Check the indicator to prevent use of the SL. You can use the help how it's working Pls explain about the sap landscape its like a server system SAP is divided into three differant landscape i.e. develoment, quality assurance and production DEV-- would have multiple client QAS--may again have multiple clients PROD-- may have something 200-production a request will flow like development --quality--- production not backward SAP Landscape is nothing but the servers used viz. development testing production sandbox What is meant by Client Dependent data and Client Independent data in SAP MM??????? Client inpependent: if u change any configurations in one client, it will for example.. also effects on other clients also client dependent: if u change any configurations in one client, it does not effects on other clients. pls explain about CIN. Country India Version, it is basically used in indian Excise & Tax procedure Can anyone kindly explain me how the Purchase Order picks up the pricing schema? pricing schma to Account group & the group to Vendor as as sson as You assign you create a Purchase Order thg Vendor & Account group assign to particular vendor it picks while creating Purchase order. 1. in Mendor Maser is assigned a Schema group for Vendor 2. in Purchase organisation is assigned a Schema group for Purchase oraganization these (1+2)=pricing wil triggred assigned. vendor master of vendor which you are the pricing schema schema is through the maintaining in the P.O. for that you have to assine the vendor to the any one schema group, which is assined to schema group purchasing organisation. schema group purchasing organisation is assigned to prucahsing organisation of plant. i think you got idea with this
For the PO with document type Legacy PO, the changes/creation of line item text is not reflecting in print preview. For all other document types its coming fine, i mean iam able to create new text as well as the text from material master is reflecting in print preview. kindly advice. Is it a SMARTFORM issue?
could you please let me know your feedback on the fllowing questions? 1. How the transaction STAD is populated? 2. Suppose that we have one SAP system and two clients (one used for development and another one for production), what is the customizing to do in order to define a trasport route from development to production via transaction STMS? 3. Do you know if there is some transaction to change massively user's password? 4. Is there any standard procedure to provide access to external business partners for a limited time? 5. Could you please let me know where I can find standard SAP profile per each departments (i.e. Purchasing, sales, etc..)?
How can I access to a specific partition in a shelf in client has a 5 shelves or rack(A,B,C,D, E) in a storage location and each rack or shelve has more than 50 small partition(1. .......50) .......and they wanna get acess on each small partition directly through the MM module it possible if how????????? ??? MM does not go any lower than the storage location U hv to go for WM Module impl. Then only requirement will be fulfilled. With out WM module you can do the following: While issuing you should go to defaulted value and choose FIFO, LIFO, Shelf life Exp.asc or Shelf life Exp.desc . No if you're using just MM this is not possible. MM does not go any lower than the storage location
One of my friends is facing the following problem.Kindly help. I have set reorder point planning in Mrp type in MM and NO forcast Indicator in Automatic reorder point in customization( OMDQ). Also I have put reorder point and safety stock only then Requirement is given to PIR, then MRP is run, then in stock requirement list system minus safety stock quantity form available quantity, but their no automatic purchase requisition is generated. Also I have set purchase requisition generate in MRP type in customzation. In Mrp run(MD02) I have set purchase requisition generated in openning period, but system has not generated purchase requisition ? What setting is required to generate purachase requisition in stock requirment list? Can anyone tell me,How we can handle the rejection of that material which we have already taken in our account as an asset with the movement type 101.We want to send this material to supplier as a rejection.Pls. send a reply soon change movt type 122 in the migo for the combn of GR N PO, u can reject the total quantity or u can change it in item detail of migo. After creating the material in the material master with some desription say mobile and also the info record for the,while entering the same in the me21n, with plant it is asking for account assignement category.pls help it urgent. First, please check if the material master has been created properly with all existing views and obligatory fields. Then please check what material type this is and if the Accounting view exist for this type. Also check valuation classes for it in SPRO. If this material is to be non-valuated one and no Accounting view nor valuation class exist, account assignment category during creating PO is mandatory. Anna is correct. if u have created a master record for a material with out accounting view then While creating ME21n it will ask you a accoult assignment category i. e procurement against cost center it is as simple as that. please chk if u hav chkd in your material type in oms2 the subgroups i.e, quantity n value against ur plant if account assignment has been asked while creating the PO then during the defining of material type check in the control data whether quantity and value are updated in your plant
WHILE POSTING INVOICE THROUGH T/CODE MIRO WITH RESPECT TO A PURCHASE ORDER I AM GETTING A ERROR WHICH AS FOLLOWS: MOVING AVERAGE PRICE OF MATERIAL XXXXXXXX IS NEGATIVE. I HAVE CHECKED THE MATERIAL STOCK VALUE WHICH IS PERFECT. THE REFERENCE PURCHASE ORDER DO CONTAINS 10 LINE ITEMS AND THE MATERIAL FOR WHICH THIS ERROR IS COMING HAS COME FROM A PRODUCTION ORDER. I hope u are not changing the price manually in PO level. Generally The PR--->PO conversion takes the price from info-record of the material. How is that u are referring a material used in production as bought out, doe it have both procurement type? what is ur cycle or business flow? Moving average price is negative, why you are checking stocks. It has nothing to do with the stock. If it is production order, check the setting in G/L of raw materials correctly incorporated. if the raw material is not taken in to account, the cost of raw material is not considered, but production it shows. Hence the moving average price shows negative. I'm running Global MRP. The output for certain materials must be a Transfer Purchase requisition. . The problem here is that the purchase requisition is being generated with Purchase oganization XXXX but it must be assigned with purchase organization YYYY. So my question here is what can I do for having the correct purchse organization in the purchase requisition? . As an addittional Info I already create a Source list but I still have the incorrect purchas organization There are few things, What is the that Global MRP u are running? Is MD01 is the TXn u r running? Second, what is the Pur orgn u are using in Source List? Third, Did you assign any agreement/s to vendor/s in source list? Please clarify in detail. Please check whether the purchase organisation YYYY in the source list and try u can use quota arrangement / fix vendor indicator in source list for optimal remedy. We have maintained the Subtransaction type IP in the Excise Transaction type. For Example In CAPE & GRPO we have maintained.Now Both plain CAPE & GRPO and CAPE IP & GRPO IP is there. I need clarification, in which scenario plain GRPO will take and in which scenario GRPO IP will take. In some case palin GRPO is taking and in some cases GRPO IP is taking. I am not able to trace out. In which base this IP is taking. Sub transaction type IP will appear in case u r doing GR for imported item, system will determine the G/L a/c automatically for it and for domestic receipts, it will be blank.
Thanks for your reply. In case of import purchases, the system will take Subtransaction type IP, that is correct. my question is how the system will determine weather IP should take or blank should take. Where exactly the system will take IP, is it depends on Pricing procedure. If so where in pricing procedure. I heared that there is a CVD indicator. If it is ticked, then the sytem will pick the GRPO IP. If it is not ticked the system will pick plain GRPO. But I am not finding the CVD indicator tick. Can anyone help me in this regard. I was wondering if there is a way to see the changes only for a certain field in the material master. When trying to find a certain change right now, I'm clicking and drilling into each and every change to find a specific field change while in the material master. But is there a different way to find the changes to a specific field within the material master? Could you please tell me what else I have to do for updation of info record automatically. The check box of info update in Purc. Order is OK. I have done the GR as well. But new price is not showing in info record. The info update indicator in the P.O. ONLY updates the last purchase order in the info record. It NEVER updates the conditions. Please enter into me22n go to the conditions in items details and select the condition line which is to be updated ,press update button and edit the price as required I have done all.. info record is still not updated with new price. Please let me know about info update it will not update the price in PO , just it will update the last PO number. Then wot the use of info update indicator in po.... if i am not wrong u can update info record from PO but before that u have to define conditions from last PO in customizing: it has a option like Are always copied are not copied when the price is entered manually are never copied i think in ur sys it has selected 3rd option. but i don't know where can we find this in SPRo you create Info Record and enter the price manualyy in that and after that case1:If u cretaed PO and selected Info Update then Info Record will update with new prices.Otherwise it will not. Case2:Without info record if u create Po and selected Info Update then it will create Info Record but will not update the price
could you please let me know your feedback about the following issue in VL31N: Enter a material or an item category Message no. VL383 If i am rght u r creating an Inbound delivery wrt a Purchase Order, frst check if that Purchase Order still contain Items, i mean if it is not Ordered in Full. otherwise try to make a manual entry of the line item / Material of course the PO is open Kindly define me the steps of pricing procedure. What is the use of Access Sequence, Condition types, Calculation Schema, Schema Group and Condition Table. I want to use the pricing procedure with Standard po. How can I do.
My company wants to use SAP consignment programs, but understand that the AP payment must go to the same vendor number as the order from/issue vendor. In the past, we order from vendor number 123, but we pay vendor number 456 (as per the vendor's request). Is there a way to use partner functionality or home office functionality with the two vendor numbers to accommodate both?
if i have 5 plants at different locations. and i have a server located at different place. then how is the connectivity between the plants is done and will the tcodes used will be the same. please tell be different types of connecting techniques.
Is there a way of tracking the time from requisition creation up until payment of vendors? We want to be able to see the time a process was undertaken.
I have created my realease stratergy with and with out classification. also i am using t.c omgs.what happens is i have created two realease groups. the 1st one is showing some errors showing an message showing the realease group is not properly defined or sometimes it pops it is not in my classification system.can you solve check it out ,only one release group it allowed for with classification try to the problem created a realse procedure for a contract. The releasee strategy is working for PO but not for the contracts. Can anybody has a solution? could you please tell me the steps with detail for creating release procedure coz i hve created release procedure for PR ,but still it is not showing in my system.
Follow the navigation Spro---Mat Mangmt---Purchasing ----PO--- -Rel Prod of PO---Def Rel Proc for PO--- ; Then Release grp, Release code, Release Indicator, Release strategyshots of "CT04", "CL02" and "CL24N" in an excel file or word Attached screen document. Send to david.pedley@ superclubs. com I will offer what help I can. (refer attachments 'class1, karaktrestic1, strategy1) I advise that cleare all of your procedure and make it again. 1. create charactheristic via ceban table for purchase req.(add. data tab page) for example, table CEBAN, field ERNAM... 2. create class with class type 032 3.create release group for purchase req. 4.create release codes for your strategy 5.create indicators for your purchase req. 6.and define your strategy try to check Charactaristic values like Document Category in Class(t-code: CL02) . Document Catogory: F-for PO,K-for contract Could you tell me what is mean be landscape in SAP I have done by SAP MM certification, in one of interview, the interviewer asked me about landscape. nothing but the servers ur using that is devlopment,quality, production etc. Kindly refer the below link u get a clear pitcure of SAP Landspace. http://sap-img. com/general/ what-is-sap- -landscape. htm Landscape is like a server system or like a layout of the servers or some may even call it the architecture of the servers viz. SAP is divided into three different lanscape DEV, QAS and PROD. - DEV would have multiple clients for ex: 190- Sandbox, 100- Golden, 180- Unit Test. - QAS may again have mutiple clients for ex: 300- Integration Test, 700 to 710 Training. - PROD may have something like a 200 Production. DEV-Development QAS-Quality Analysis Can any one tell me what is the diff between Customisation & Configuration configuration: what is the standard settings available in R/3 ; customization : changes done as per client requirment configuration means selecting the oprions what we have already in SAP i.e. standard options. Customisation means making our own options, i.e. creating our own options.
configuration: -configure the system to meet the needs of client requirements by the using existing data. where as customisationis: -- customise or adopt the system to meet the needs of client requirements by the process of maping sap to client bussiness process We are using batch management for products that have multiple countries of origin. Every origin has it's own batch (E.G. China, Netherlands, Romania....made in MSC1N). Only problem is that it is very hard to make a product batch management when it is already a excisting material. Therefor we want to make every products batch managed. Only thing we don't want is to bother people in the warehouse to enter the batch when creating the T.O. Therefor we want to fill this field automatically (in P.O., Inb. del. or T.O.) when there is only 1 batch available. We only use the batches that are already made with transaction MSC1N. Can somebody tell me if this is possible? I create a new plant and activate split valuation for this. But when I am creating a material Valuation Category in 'Accouning View' is not enabled but list is displayed for Split Valuation.Pls give the solution. First Go to SPRO and Configuring Split Valuation and if you want to create your own valuation category create it otherwise if you want to use the sap standard use that. Then say if you have selected split valuation by quality then you create your valuation types(ex first quality,second quality etc) and then activate it. Now when you extend the material you will find the list. I hope I have answered to your question and if you have further doubts please mail me. Can anyone know how can i use first in first out (FIFO)during good issue (i.e) i wanna good issue to consumption ----1st those goods are received ist need to go 1st to consumption. Maintaine the Accounting2 view in material master for FIFO U need to have batch mgmt active, for the system to understand FIFO concept. You then have to activate the batch search strategy for issue to happen on FIFO basis. How can I access to a specific partition in a shelf in client has a 5 shelves or rack(A,B,C,D, E) in a storage location and each rack or shelve has more than 50 small partition(1. .......50) .......and they wanna get acess on each small partition directly through the MM module it possible if how???
can anyone tell me the way to handle the rejection against the material provided by customer with the movement type 501 Use Mvt type 651- To get the material Back from Customer which is sold. (Here the material is not posted directly to Unrestricted, it is posted to Blocked stock returns to check the quality (only physically not in system), from here transfer posting is to be carried out to transfer it to Unrestricted Mvt type 453.) 453- Transfer posting from Blocked stock returns to unrestricted. Can u use MVT type 451 Please try (Sales Return) If you are receving the Customer material through MIGO- 501 movement, you can reverse the same through MIGO -502. use the reversal materaial document, make DC and send it back to customer ( You can enter the reason for return ) MVT 501 mean Goods Receipt without ref of PO to Un restricted stock i dont think that MVT will hepl you out please look the same through SD point of View as the same is yr finished goods which you have rec back from yr customer. Can any one explain me SAP hierarchy? Sap hierarchy is the systematic order in which various organisational units are placed in sap. In Fico for example hierarchy is operating concern , Chart of accounts , controlling area , Company code, Business Area. compnay code--plant- --sotrage location--purchasin g organisation this is the sap heirarchy think storage location is at the lowest level. It should be client - company code plant - storage location. Purchasing organization can be defined at plant level or company code level based on org structure the company having i.e. centralized purchasingralavent to ur module. Might be it is also possible to ask about your Mainly it is or plant wise purchasing. Project @ the time of Interview. Sap hierarchy is nothing but the organisation structrure in SAP,ie Client,Co. Code ,Plant,Pur.Orgn,Storage Location,so on and soforth answer to your question is module hirearchy in sap 1.t code for list of prs which are not converted as either rfq or po 2.t code for list of rfqs which are not maintained 3.step by step procedure for giving authoristion for VL31N 4.t code for list of pos not delivered/invoiced 1. ME5A, processing status:N 2.ME4M,L,... choose selection parameter as u required 3. 4. ME2M,L,...choose selection parameter as u required
1. PLease can u help me in getting the T code to list the material which are assigned to respective Purchase Group 2. T code to list the Vendors corresponding to the material (ie material assigned to vendor list) MM60 Try IH09 or i have posted GRN without PO . I want automatic PO should be created with the reference to the same GRN, is it possible if yes how can we do this, pllzzz explain me stepwise Yes it's possible, while posting GR select Non ordered item in item details. In material master, Automatic PO indicator should be selected. In vendor master Automatic PO indicator should be selected. In customization, settings to be made for automatic PO . Presently I am dealing in Raw materials, in this type of bulky material party is finalized after confirmation (i.e after quality inspection report) of sample qty supplied by them and only after that total Purchase order qty finalized including this qty, This takes four or five days. In this case without SAP purchase order I am not able to update my stock, Which is required at the time of making 103 movement. So kindly advice me can I update my stock with these goods entry before making SAP purchase order and after making the same in SAP on the basis of manual PO, I relate this PO with these GRNS. Please help me to answer the following Certification Questions. (some answers should be yes/no and if yes or no what is that?) 1.A service master record has information at the plant level? 2.The order in which the condition technique in PO pricing occurs is Access Sequence Condition Type Calculation SchemaCondition Table Condition Record 3.Invoices for blankets POs can be entered through Conventional IV or LIV? 4.Invoice reduction can be done through Conventional IV or LIV? 5.Invoice verification in the background can be done through Conventional IV or LIV? service mater doesn't have an information at plant level. but if u can maintain 1. No, pricing condition at plant lvel. 2. i didn't understand this question. 3. can u tell me what do u mean by convention IV. Could anyone guide me what is the procedure to be a MM certifier? What is the pre-requisite for it? What is the fees for it? Where to be applied to get it?
To appear for certification without attending any SAP course you need to fulfil the following criterias: - Minimum 2 years of SAP Implementation Experience in the particular module with minimum of 6 months experience in the version in which you wishe to take up certification. - Out of the 2 years 1 year should be with your present employer - Your present employer should be a CUSTOMER or PARTNER of SAP in INDIA If you fulfil the above criterias please send us your updated project profile as per the attached format for direct certification evaluation. On establishing your eligibility we will giude you through the process of registration. I created a vendor and didn't give schema group. then created p.o and system picked pricing z1. now i gave schema group in vendor ,i want pricing as z2 now. now how to change the pricing in p.o.even i made update and selected carry out new pricing,pricing is not changed to z2.
In implementation in which server we configure the releaseprocedures (PO/PR). If we have 3 servers 1. Development 2.Quality 3. Production. Many of our configurations will be done inDevelopment server. But whether Release procedure also configured inthis or not? need to do release Procedure in Development server. at the time of development, u If u have Request concept Containts to be trasfered.and remaining to me maintained inQuality server manually and test it. for Authorisation for Release the Document , u need to maintain manually. This Procedure is as pur our last project. If is there any Procedure pleasevery simple. Config. activities are to be carried out The issue of release strategy is let me know in Dev server only, i.e as already mentioned by a member in this communication, Rel groups,release codes, release strategies etc are to configured in DEv and transported to Quality & from Quality to Production. What is required here is , in each server, under each client one has redo the class/characteristi cs again. Apart from that The values assigned to characteristics in DEv client never gets transported, so the assignment of values are to be done again in each client in different servers. The production client is also to be opened for this activity outlined are correct except for the part about opening the production The steps you under careful observation. client. Why would you have to do that? Rel Groups, Codes, Indicators and Strategy arecreated and released from DEV server. However Table Cl24n have to bemaintained in each server. System giving message "Table CL24n does not exist in T-code SE11.where i can find this table. CL24n is a transaction NOT a table
Rel Groups, Codes, Indicators and Strategy are created and released from DEV server. However Table Cl24n have to be maintained in each server. Stock Trafer and Transfer Posting Importances are same up to Plant to Plat . How ever Customer ( Client ) Prefer Stock Transfer than Transfer Posting . See the Below Adevantages of Stock Transfer more than Transfer Postings : The transfer of stock using a stock transport order has the following advantages over the transfer of stock without a stock transport order: A goods receipt can be planned in the receiving plant. You can enter a vendor (transport vendor) in the stock transport order. Delivery costs can be entered in the stock transport order. The stock transfer order is part of MRP: Purchase requisitions that were created in MRP can be converted into stock transport orders. The goods issue can be entered using a delivery via Shipping (LE-SHP The goods receipt can be posted directly to consumption. The entire process can be monitored via the purchase order history. How ever We need to do some times Plant to Plant Trasfer Postings only in some industires . this is based on Customer Requirement.
how can I print migo screen? I want to print a special documant from migo secreen. But print button is passive. How can I activate this button?
When I am capturing an entry service in trans. ML81N, I am getting the error SE323: You cannot enter the unplanned service. And yet, in the PO my limit has not been exceeded yet. How to resolve this issue? try to maintain PO->itemdetails->Limits......then it will allows un-planned services. tell me how to genrate or see sale in transit stock report ? mb5t, MB52 I am looking for report which can give following details: List of purchase contracts , Created by , Creation date , Released by , Released date , Changes made after creation, Note: Above info can be obtained in individual contract. But is there any report which can details for range of contracts. ME3N. Change Scope of List to ALLES. ME2L-THIS MAY SOLVE UR REQUEST u can try T-CODE ME3L and in that use scope of list as ALV and generate report . U can filter it as per requirement ,
I had raised a job order in J1IF01 for a particular material. Before receiving the processed material against that job order completely within 60 days, I should not raise another job order for the same material. Is there any setting for this?
I have sale order in which 5 line items are there and i am entering frieght and insurance as header item but in g.l account it is coming as 5 line items can i get this as consolidated I need to move the intermediate product of production in 1st stage, in to container and store them in stotrage before the 2nd stage of same production starts. How do I go abt it? Can i do it without HU or its required? the major reason is , the plant moves the semi-finished goods in container to can i do it?
while creating vendor master record i am getting an error message. i have created vendor account group. initialy i have created vendor taking the new created account numbe but now i am getting an error. the error is "ENTER PARTNER NUMBER" plzzz help me as asap. During the creation of PO if u give account assignment category just like for example K ,in the item details we get a new tab to enter cost centre.In extreme left there is a icon click on it we get 2 methods of multiple account assignment for the same material 1)Progressive fill up method 2)propotionate distribution method.we can select anyone method to distribute our material to different accounts. Multiple account assignment is posting a material to seperate accounts as per our requirement for quick valuation etcme22n, me23n. I have added customer data tab Currently i am working on me21n, in ITEM DETAILS of PR. Under this tab i am having three fields. I am having the same tab in PO also.Now when i create PO i want the values of these three fields of (respective) PR tobe there on PO. THese values are not coming what should i look for. The following is the sentence on which i have to work on. The three fields need to copy from the requisition to the PO when a requisition is copied to the PO is there any tcode which can tell that to which G/Laccount the posting is done. Use T-code OBYC ,with respect to the posting keys and chart of accounts you can check the Debit and Credit posting to the defined GL accounts. generally t-code is OBYC,w.r.t. posting keys and chart of accounts.if u have already created a material with out posting the G/L acc'ts,we can use MMPV month by month for the fisical year.
can u anybody tell me . while i am creating purchase order i got one error .That error is ( No commitment item 00010 43300). commitment item u have to maintain while creating po and then save it In the same screen, at the bottom u can find one tab "Account Assignment">Commitment Item (Enter the commitment Number and save it) i have one qurie creation of vendor master (XK01) in that payment transation screen what i ahve to enter in the fields 1.ctry , key , accoount can any one please explain this It is given for the purpose if you want to directly deposit the amount in vendors bank account. Generally, In india vendor's are paid by cheque hence it is not used. However if u want u may use thanks for your input .the requirements is we are going to make a bank transfer to the vendor account so in that case what i have to maintain in the below three fields you need to contact Basis & FICO consultant in this case Details asf Country Bank key is a number ( alpha numeric) which is provided by the bank itself normally for forex transactions. Say Deutsche bank provides - DEUT IN Bank account number details This creation of vendor is done in the module of FI but the demand for Purchase to Pay functionality makes MM Guy to be versed with this. Country-- The country in which the bank or the bank account exist. Bank Key-- it should be provided by the bank or the vendor it is unique for country and bank. Banki A/C no.-- which module ur taking vendor. ? if u r in mm then u dont have to may know for should be provided for training fillup this field u just left it blank and go ahead understand this work if of fico Can anybody tell me what is mean by multiple account assignment ?How multiple G/L account assign to same material number , while posting GR there is option in item details - Assign multiple accounts During the creation of PO if u give account assignment category just like for example K ,in the item details we get a ne tab to enter cost extreme left there is a icon click on it we get 2 methods of multiple account assignment for the same material 1)Progressive fill up method 2)propotionate distribution method.we can select anyone method to distribute our material to different accounts. Multiple account assignment is posting a material to seperate accounts as per our requirement for quick valuation etc Can any body help in building a custom info structure similar to MC.9 /MC$G report but should be able to run the report by specific dates or fiscal year periods
We know that delivery without charge for materials subject to MAP no accounting document is created. What about for standard price? Please help. no a/c document will take place in both the case. For STD price the a/c document will get generated & for the Diff the Prices Diff a/c will get effected. I want to know how we create a PO for a Non Valuated Material. Pl describe. How can i Tick on Item > Delivery > GR Non valuated at the time of PO Creation. If you are making PO for non valuate material thenfor line time go to delivery tab there you select the good reciept and GR nonvaluted .for such PO if you are doing Good reciept then it should be non valuated the non valuated stock are not managed on below are not totally correct as also for the valuated stock in case of the answers value basis . flag for "GR-Non val" the GR will be NOT valuated! I strongly suggest to check the standard SAP help for this field (available in the PO line item): Goods Receipt, Non-Valuated Specifies that the goods receipt for this item is not to be valuated. Use Set the indicator if goods receipts involving this material are not to be valuated. The valuation of the purchase order item will then take place at the time of invoice verification. This indicator must be set in the case of multiple account assignment for example. Note If the indicator has been set for an item with the material type non- valuated, the quantity recorded in Inventory Management can differ from the value in Financial Accounting during the period between goods receipt and invoice receipt, since the valuesome body is writng the invoice is posted in Financial Accounting. what is not updated until first have look on that solution then make comment .In my sloution i have written that if you are doing the GR for nonvaluted material then this tick must be there . further tell me in which situation for valute dmaterial goods recipet is no valuated (n that is tick non valuated is done). please explain me. I have checked the question and answer and again, according to me, even if dhaka was referring only to the "NON-Valuated stock", it was good to provide also the option of valuated goods as this flag is mainly used to minimize the PPV in case of uncertain price (at the time of the PO creation) and having all the booking done at the time of LIV. while creating po there is tab of delivery go to that there remove the tick invoice verification required.
can any one tell me how to maintain market price . which is used to calculate price variance in vendor evaluation. Market prices is mean value of the quotation you received is there any tcode which can tell that to which G/L account the posting is done. Use T-code OBYC ,with respect to the posting keys and chart of accounts you can check the Debit and Credit posting to the defined GL accounts pl.clarify me " What is the use of solution manager during Implementation? How we can track which data we maintained/implemen ted in reference IMG? solution manager is used for preparing readymade teplate .there are buisness scenario mapped which you can utilise . com/services/ pdf/BWP_SB_ SAP_Solution_ Manager.pdf you can refer to this link. Previously we used asap methodlogy but now the the same way we have to use the solution manager. In solution manger we have to define the from to date fro each configuration . based on that we can track how much we completed I need report from SAP in the following format. i can give selection e.g 01.08.2007 to 31.08.2007 plant-xxxx Company code-yyy BILL NO. QTY PARTY MATERIAL PURCHASE DATE Use MB51 report with mvt type 101 & 102 for Good Receipt & Returns & change the layout as per your requirement. In calculation schema I defined procedure as G then went to control data and I entered my two condition type as Gross price and discount rate so what will be the exact formula for getting net price. in the calculation you have included two condition types one is gross price and other is discount in the calculation you have to give on what you have define on what value you to calculate the discount .Net value = Gross value- Discount That will pick up accordingly. ......... have to give value if itis valued bassed condition and % if it is % based condition. u entered in that the sub total u will get net price Is it possible to have the msg output in PO as print, fax & email at a time. If yes how? as well as how to create msg output request in different POs at a time in bulk?
Create conditon record for the message type for PO using T.code MN05........ ......... ......... ......... ......... .for print email ............ ......... ......... ........then the system will automatically allocate the message type as soon as the PO is saved. if you have defined for the message type as Master data -> Messages -> <Purchasing document> -> Create or Change from the Purchasing menu. 1. Enter the message type and choose the key combination. The latter determines the condition table in which the condition record is stored. 2. Make the necessary entries. ( key combination print email,...... ....) 3. On the next screen, create the individual condition records. 4. Via the menu options Goto -> Means of communication, enter the desired means of communication ( e.g. EDI, or an output device such as a printer) for each message record. 5. Save your data can anyone please explain the difference between non valuated material type and the non stock material type Non valuated stock are managed stock quantity basis not on value basis.Material type UNBW are nonvaluated stock Nonstock material NLAG is non stock material .is managed on value base not on aty basis .an example to this operating supplies which are consumed I am facing a weird problem. For the material "Base Unit Of measure " > is " G" and Order Unit is maintained as "KG" in the material master. User wants to key in the "order Unit " in Info record . System is not allowing with the message that"base unit of measure is diferent in material master and info record. I dont understand how the info record got creaeted with the "Base Unit Of Measure" field as blank (Although this is required entry) and should have come as default value from material master. The base unit in Info-record gets picked from material master automatically, What is required, In info-record you have to enter the conversion factor if it is not there, i. e relation between Gram---> Kilogram. Check this out if this is the issue if not coem with exact error/situation to the forum. skmmap is right. you should set your conversion factor in Material Master Additional data b/w Gram and Kilogram, set KG as your order unit in ME12 .Consider the timing difference when you change the Info record and create the should update first the Info record prior to PO creation. Setting for material mmaster is done ..Both "Base unit of measure" and " Order Unit" is correctly populated... When I go into info record and try to update the same in Inforecord I get the message " Base Unit Of Measure in Material master Inforecord is not the same. I find the "Base Unit Of Measure" field set as blank in the Info record.and its a greyed field as it auotmatically gets populated fro material master.I could not understand how an info record can be created with this field as blank and greyed as its a required entry not optional.Any one of you are aware any OSS note ..To me it seems a program error.
I am new to MM, plz tell where to link inspection lot , PO & Vendor. I have PO & vendor code , now i want to check inspection lot. U activate QM view & related insp type u will get insp lot there are tow ways to create inpection lot in the system .for that you have activate the QM i.e that you have maintain quality view for the material in material master or in the purchasing view set the indicator Q inspection tick . please the t.code QA01 Create Inspection Lot , QA01A Create Inspection Lot for creating the inspection lot. QA03 for displaying the Inspection lot. Inspection Lot will be created the answer below is not totally correct! The (automaticfally or manually) ONLY if the QM module has been activated using the standard settings at material master and customizing level. While the QM box available in the purchasing view is only available if teh QM is NOT active and in that case (if not removed during the PO/GR creation) the gods will be received in quality inspection thing.You are right that why in reply generated. Let me clear one status but NO Inpsection Lot will be i have writtten that you have cretae Inspection lot using T.code Qa01 with tick in the purchasing Choose Logistics Quality management Quality inspection Inspection lot processing Inspection lot Create(QA01) .These are possible only when you hvae done the required setting are done in system(customising) . and other possiblity is by making QM active ( and maintaing QM view in material master) use t-cd mmbe and check quality inspection qty plzz tell me how to check for the relaese of service entry, how will i come to know if service is released or not. try to check in T-Code: ML85, if it display after that execution of T-Code, means it is not released/accepted, if its displayed means SES(service entry sheet) is not accepted/released. OR display that SES in ML81N in top side indicator will display accepte/not (like traffic signal lights). Use Tcode ML81N The service entry sheet you have created has the status No acceptance , if it is not accepted or released To release it Choose Entry sheet Set status Acceptance. The entry sheet status Will be accepted .
First open the service Entry Sheet using Tcode ML81n Then click on Goto ---> Entry Sheet ---> Release Stategy and check the release status. can anyone tell me how to create a new special stock type. SAP has provided you special stock .What is your requirement which is not fullfileed by what is provided by SAP. SAP has provided each type of stock then again which type of stock u want to create ? pl give me details i will provide u the customization While doing the PGI of stock transfre order. it is showing acoount determination for entry UMB is not possible. how to resolve it???? See manish when ever there change in price then there is revaluation of material for this UMB key is defiend and account is given where this value due the change in price will go, use t.cod e: obyc there select UMB and maintain the missing G/l account the your valution area(plant) What is for Fulle error description? we are facing some problem at the time of PO, GR, GI related to material Description For example Material Code 500001 Description in System : belt SPZ1400 but some deptt use the same code in PR but he change the Description (Belt SPZ-1545) at the time of PR & system Save the PR and print is same, but we are facing the problem at the time of PO , system automatically use the actual description so pls freeze/lock the material Description it should not happen as per DBMS in SAP. for the same code, how he can edit and that mat description will be picked automatically while doing PR. whether he is doing service PR or material PR while creating this PR???????? it should not happen. See the description is picked from the material master which is master data .You can change that in PO/PR .But if there is differenet description why dont you use the different material code . Check the Po print form(smartform/ sapscript) , their the field which u r picking is from MAKT table, change it to EKPO-TXZ01. It will work. Please check you printing program. It may be your own custom development. Change the program to print the text from purchasing document rather that Material master restrict the user while creating PR, For material description change.You You can can make this field as display only. Then it will appear as per the material code. The issue is, how the same same material no. can have 2 descriptions at different levels. During PO the system definitely will pick material master description only. The issue, if One wants to print with different description of a particular material, this has to be done by picking the field into PO print fromat instead of actuals. For this a Function design document is required to carry out all the tasks given to ABAPer.
i am unable to move forward after entering material, MRP, Plant As per my knowlage i have to select plant order but I am unable to locate the same. What is the error staement? I am not able to move forward to complete the TC MD04. Roadblock in between is not finding the Key/text Plant Order
In order to run Open Invoice (especially PO with GR-based IV is unchecked), Can I use ME2N and select the paramter 'OPEN INVCE')? u can go ahead with this what is the t-code of report of open stock transfer order. you can use transaction ME2W (WA351) is there any possibilty of comaparing terms and conditions along with price? in ME 49 check all the options in the t-code me49 and reply pl tell me how to separate the pr's which has converted as rfq(separate report) and pending pos not yet delivered.
Could someone tell me how to incoporate Workflow into Release Procedure. I know we need to assign the Agent ID to the release code, my question is how do we create the Agent ID and also please let me know if I have to do any other settings to make this thing work. i required urgently freight reconcialliation abap sample program please help me.
Plz tell if there is any report that show only PR whose PO has yet to be made, other information should not come in the same.Blocked, deleted, closed Pr should also not come. ONLY PR whose PO is yet to be GENERATED. Use t-code me5a with processing status =N Use Transaction code - ME5A List display purchase requisitions. on the screen in processing status field - Select criteria - N not edited. You will get the list of Purchase requisitions whose PO is not created yet. Again you have many selection criterias in the same field, check for it. what is the step by step procedure to realease an P.R in sapmm.Hope to get your response soon
release procedure is like approval by senior authorities who has given authorisation to release the document Currently i am working on Purchase Requisition. I have copied 3 fields under the customer data tab. these three fields needs to copy from requisition to PO when requisition is copied to PO. can any one explain me how i can do this. OR how can i trace When PR is copied TO PO. Currently i am working with Purchase requisition. i have three fields under tab Customer data but i am not able to do the following requirement. fields are zzref_matnr, zz_tool_ind Tooling indicator , and one more field. The requirement is *The three fields need to copy from the requisition to the PO when a requisition is copied to the PO.Also The fields should be required on the requisition if the PO type is ZTG. For this requirement where do i have to make the changes. Please help me out in this. i am new to this.
We have a consignment which will be supplied to us as free goods but we will bear all the cost such as freight, customs etc. When we create the Purchase order as free goods we cannot enter any condition records for freight/customs duty. Could anyone help a calculation procedure with new condition types for Freight , customs Try creating us on this?. duty etc as ZXXX .Maintain correct access sequence to the respective new condition types,ensure condition class as price and calculation type as quantity dependent.You can create a new tax code if feasibile.Assign Account keys similar to the regular freight ,customs duty condition types in the calcution (Pricing) procedure for new condition types.ensure enabling of new condition types in new tax code.Same ACCOUNT keys as former is assigned inorder to ensure postings to the actual GL accounts.Also Maintain condition records for the afore specified new condition types. These sequence can be performed by following T-codes New condition type--OBQ1 ,and make the IR field should be in " unticked" condition in pls check mvt type 511 Enhance Pricing procedure--OBQ3 New TAX code--FTXP PO and make price column"0" in PO.
I am in the Retail Industry and our company is having a problem as below: * Sap Implementation is Failed so the company is using mainframe and at the same time SAP as well. * There is 4 months Gap for Inventory and data. * There is no documentation for implementation. My question is what shall be my first step to correct all these?
Inspite of creating my own realease code,stratergy, indicator, it is not assigned properly by t.c omgs. pls tell me about the step by step procedure to realease a p.r in sap mm.Hope to get your answer soon.
If we are using ERS, vendor will not send his invoice. But from the vendor perspective, will he generate an invoice at all? (outside of SAP perspective - this is a domain question) If so, how does he link his invoice number with the payment cheque number what we make? I mean, how does he tally his PIS
we have two types of subcontract activities. 1. Printing 2.Loan licensing We want entries to hit different GL code for each type (Ours is a Pharma Industry). In FI config Auto Posting only 1 GL is getting hit.
have one query regardin MIRO. in our configuration, system allows the user to change the vendor in the MIRO screen. Even if the GRN is for goods from one vendor, in the MIRO screen, the system allows me to change the vendor code to any other vendor. I wanted to know if there is any way to disable the vendor text box so that whatever the system suggests remains as it is . pl explain me what are the gross price , net price , surcharge , frieght charges ? calculation schema , schema group schema determination means what ?access sequence , accruals , automatic account determination means what ?if u have any document then pl supply me asap pl reply as soon as possible Go to com or it will solve your most of issues.
These are different condition types in PO..we call it pricing procedure in short (as termed in SD side) for the calculation Schema, this is sequence in which the price is determined.( say Gross less Discount =Net +taxesas an example) Freight Charges , this is a delivery Cost..part of the total landed cost when we purchased a Material. Schema Group, you group together the same Calc sequence valid to the the vendors or Orgn Automatic Account Determination, a certain condition type is automatically posting the amount to Revenue Account or the GL Account . Say when we have a Freight Charges , this is automatically posted to Revenue Acct Freight Charge in FI side. I don't have a complete documentation, i would suggest can anyone please tell me the difference between transfer postings and stock taransfers. what are the material documents are generated.and what are the accountsposting : plant to plant/ Storage location to Storage Location. Transfer hits. In which if the valuation area is same. i.e. Sloc to Sloc within one plant then there will be no accounting entry occurs. however if the its Sloc to Sloc but with two different plant. and valuation area+valuation price is diff then there will accounting doc and material doc created for the same. Stock Transfer: there are unrestriected stock, quality inspection stock, blocked stock. Also you can have GR Blocked stock, special stock too. it will update the quantity. In transfer posting, only material doc will generate. While, in stock transfrer: material and accounting document will generate but not neccessary that accounting doc will generate. that, for any transaction material doc. is generated in Inventory try to under stand management. but the accounting document is generated only it leads to change any inventory value. if goods movements are with in a plant, no a/c doc. generated, it the goods movements between plants means a/c doc. generated. Stock Transfer = physically stock transfer of goods, Trasfer posting= may physical (or) logical(not physical) stock transfer of goods. I want to make Businness Area filed in Details tab of MIRO Screen as Mandatory. Can you please tel me the path and how to make mandatory Use T-code OMBW select the mov types and field selections in the field group Account assignment u can make Business area as mandatory field. That's right, but this is in Goods Movement that is MIGO transaction not the MIRO. Please reply back. You are right OMBW is field selection for MIGO transaction with respect to goods movement.You can select T-code OB41 and select respective posting key for invoices defined for the posting to respective GL accounts. Enter into field status tab of the specified posting key and select account assignments. Here in account assignments you can mark Business area as required entry. Kindly revert back with the results.
Can u please explain the procedure to release the CONTRACT. Through ME35/ME35K/ME35L transaction. Please try but before this you have to set all the customizing setting for release procedure. Which reports are available in SAP MM to view list of amendments made to Purchase Orders in a specific time period? use Trans ME2M ....Scope of list ALLES How do you create movement types? What are the steps involved? When will you recommend a new movement type? OMJJ but can you tell about the steps involved in it . Plz guide me how to block list of vendors at the same time as xk05 allows only one?XK99 (vendor block) Use You can use MASS transaction, object LFA1 You can you use txn code "XK99", Select "LFA1" table, and field " SPERQ" Blocking Function. Execute and follow the screen requirements. Can any body teach me about import p.o and duty? Please explain what the procedure is for the same.
Indian Import cycle is bit more complicated and SAP is not geared to handle in a straight manner through single MIGO as the cycle consists of multiple vendors. This requires special Schema to be developed and needs Both FICO and MM consultants to work together. Imports will have two categories . Category 1: Bonding and De-bonding cycle ( Freight and Insurance during Bonding and other duties during De-bonding ) Category 2 : Home consumption ( all charges to be accounted at one stage ) Further Import cycle also has two types : Type 1 for Manufacturing plant ( CENvat credit for certain duties to be availed ) Type 2 for trading plant ( no credit of duties ) In altogether there are 4 procedures to be adopted for the above. The schema should be such that, at PO stage, We should be able to assign multiple vendors : Import supplier for Items ( foreign currency ) , India customs for Duties ( Indian currency ) , Freight and Insurance separately ( Indian or foreign currency as the case may be ). During schema, duties have to be defiend as VATable and non VATable. Accordingly, accounting posting keys to be defined. Most important aspect is the FI transactions and mapping it to import cycle. In case of Import cycle, MIRO is done first and then MIGO is carried out later steps. Payment of Advance to Supplier : Vendor advance and corresponding enctry in GL account, credit Bank a/c , debit Vendor A/c MIRO is done in Three or four instances ( may be five also if cenvat credit for duties to be taken ). Stephave to maintain the pricing procedure for the same. My suggestion is you You 1 have two plants, let us say your impoted cargo is arriving at PORT 1, then have two plants PORT 1 INBOND and PORT 1 EXBOND. the cargo for which you have not paid import duty yet, [ie. it is lying in bond] will be in plant inbond. hence each import PO to have GR in the INBOND plant. Then when you do file the bill of entry to pay the import duty then you create a STO [with diff pricing procedure - PO type] in which the import duty, the AED, BED, CVD etc are maintained. In my organization we have implemented DMS(Document Management System) but now my client wants that all the document witch is has store in DMS Server can be view from our company Internet site , so that our external Customer like , Vendor and View those document, so kindly give some input how to configure this
pls explain the difference between one step and two steps material transfer between plants, company and sloc??? what will be the effect in accounting and what is triggering to two step procedure instead of one step procedure of material transfer.
in one step material transfer , material is directly transfered from the plant to plant , or storage location. but in two step material is withdrawn from the issuing plant or s loc and in next step it is received by the receiving plant. till that till material is shown as in transit. Two step is normally done when a person is not having an authorisation of two plants. or when it takes some time to transfer material. for accounting point of view , there is no diff in one be transfered from plant to plant In one Step material transfer, material is could step or two step. with particular storage location using the movement type 311. This process usually done for those materials located with same location of warehouse and management. There are no implication in accounting side, just only the movement of stock from one another negartive (-) from the supllying plant and (+) to receiving plant. In two step material, needs an request/order to transfer or issue the material to another plant. The systems will generate requiements to issue a material or what we called Stock Transfer Requisition (STR) that could be subject for approval before it will convert procedure, you have invoke movement type 315 to inward the Adding up to 2 step to Stock Transfer Order (STO). goods in receiving plant. Then only,the stock will get updated. Please clarify my doubts regarding the placement assistance provided by microsat corporation. I came to know that the company is providing placement service with good mnc's but thing is that i have been asked to pay 25000.Could some one tell me is it really worth paying 25000? will they really help me in getting job? how far i could believe them? the money i paid wouldn't be refunded if i dont get job Since it is located in noida(i reside at kanyakumari) i feel very difficult to find if they are doing it really. i have got 11 months of experience in sap mm but i dont have any implementation experience. Kindly helpcarriedam waiting forplacementonly then i could take which ask for Do not get me . I away by any the reply assurance agencies some final upfront money. All good placement agencies do it for free. Post your resume in internet job sites and keep reading the news papers how to see stock with vendor on a particular date.kindly help me with the t.code MB5B, MBLB
TO my knowledge, there is no single report to get this statement. Though ME2O gives the statement on the day of running the report, it can not give the vendor's stock for a previous date. We use the following method which is fairly accepted by out auditors TR code : MB51 enter plant code and select all storage locations in that plant leave the vendor column open ( so that you will get for all vendors ) enter posting date ( The date for which you need the report ) Enter movement types : 541( out ward ), 542 ( reversal of 541 ), 543 ( consumption through MIGO ) , 544 ( reversal of 543 ) so that you will get the Net quantity as on the psoting date Export this report to a XL file so that you can arrive at the desired statement by algebraic summation of quanitities. This report will not give the value of the stock . It will only give the net quantity. Normaly auditors ask for the value of stock, for which you need to multiply the quantity by respectve MM solution, Good STD as the case may be ). once you are An excellent work around price( MAP or job In SAP standard only MBLB is the tcode for stocks at subcon vendor. You can also try MBLB and MB51 with mov type 541. But there is no report to check sub con stock usea particularMovt type 541 or MC.9 if you could see the particular stock with try to for the MB51 date the given date ME2O ME2O is not working according to requirement. ex:i issued qty 100 on 12.09.07,qty 100 on 15.09.2007,qty 100 on 17.09.2007 now when i execute me2o and entered date as 12.09.2007 the result is 300.but the issue is only 100. what ever might be the dates the result is showing as total 300.
cany one tell me in detail about the document types . how a new document types arecreated. and what are the configuration setting done .
pls advise me that what are all the documents required/ to be prepared for doign sap mm implementation.
pls explain about return delivery PO and its requirement and configuration with mvt types the movt type for return delivery po is 161. for this you have two check the indicator in t code me21n . Thanks a lot for ur info and what will be the effects in accounting and inventory List of pending invoices
Go to ME2L or ME2M in selection parameters select RECHNUNG it shows list of pending imvoices I think to view the pending invoices in respect of the vendor we can try FBL1N Transaction I have a reqirement as below and request advise. SO and Invoice created with 2 materials(2 line items) Item 1 - Excisable material and Item 2 non-excisable material. Is there a way other than user exits to ensure that item 2(non excisable material) from the invoice is NOT to be copied to Excise invoice.
whats the procedure to release a i pursue through the release procedure of the contract and create for the contract the already existing procedure of purchase order gets deleted.please clarify me how to release a contract.Without releasing a contract i cant adopt it to create a purchase order.Thank u to all my friends in advance for ur help. While configuring RFQ, I observed that, whenever I add vendors,system is generating new RFQ numbers. Business scenario - i want to create an RFQ which has to be sent to 8 vendors. While adding 8 vendors one by one, system generates new documents (6000000051 to 59) Why is this so? Conceptually, RFQ number is ONLY ONE eventhough it is sent to 1 or 100 vendors.Can somebody suggest how do i create an RFQ with a SINGLE NUMBER to be sent to 8 vendors? System will always generate new no., however, u can enter collective RFQ no. manually at header level while generating RFQ for 8 vendors, through which u can do comparsion also later on RFQ Numbers will different wrt to vendor. because this is required to maintain quotations & price comparisions. As per your requirement, If only one RFQ Number will come. Then how can you go further ? Please check in the system. You are absolutely right .. this is how system is designed. But the Mr. Saama is taking about the genuine business requirement. Business want tarck the various quotations released aginst a single requirement. To the my opinion you can make use either "Collective Number" form RFQ header or requirement tracking number from are absolutely right.As collective number. You PR item level. Best is per the RFQ business process there should be only ONE NUMBER FOR A particular set of RFQ'S for a item or a number of items. I have been trying to find a solution for this for a long time as I had done a similar development on the Main frame . The real problem will come when the Buyer handles large number of Purchase Requistions such as MRO items,etc.
you can not create single RFQ for many vendors. the reason is while maintaining a rfq it ll be a problem, different vendors gives a different price for a single material. then how will u maintain in single RFQ. You will create a PO wrt to RFQ, if u maintain single RFQ how will u create a PO for that RFQ. Plse verify, if u found solution givetracking same against a single requirement is the use of the Collective Only way of me the RFQs number. That way you can track all RFQs and get comparisons etc. based on a single requirement. The system WILL create multiple RFQs for diff vendors. The term RFQ is not to be confused with Tender based bid invitations. A RFQ is a request for quotation from a SINGLE vendor. That is the way the system has been designed. And that is the way it WILL work. I agree what my friend said, to be precise: RFQ - Request for Quotation is used for inviting quotations from suppliers / contractors for a defined set of services or items, by the purchaser. After providing the set of services / items in RFQ, for every vendor the system generates individual nos. (which needs to be different for different vendors for the sake of identification) . However, you need to compulsarily feed the collective no. (identical 10 digit no) for a particular RFQ (for all vendors). On saving, the RFQ will provide different nos. for different vendors for the sake of carrying that particular quote for PO. Hence, Collective no. will be identical and RFQ no. will be continuous numbers. For display purpose, if one RFQ no. is provided by system, you cannot differenciate the various quotes provided by the a Adding further to Jai comments, please make sure that the Collective number is unique number. Secondly, SAP has records which are based on its numbering system. Each vendor has a material number. If you sent just one RFQ to various vendors ( 1 or 100) how are you going to maintain history in SAP for each vendor. In order to keep track of each vendor and to enable you to compare the princes and conditions, SAP uniquely assigns a new RFQ nu for each vendor. Collective number is the only number which corelates similar RFQ and help you to analyse comparative statement. In ECC 5.0 certification curriculum there is a topic "Orders", not "PO". and also we can see in the document overview of MIGO both PO and Orders. My question is what is the difference between Orders and PO. Are they same? If same why there are two options in document overview of MIGO as "Orders" and "PO"? Please help. Mahesh is it possible to give me your phone no. so that I can call you and clarify my issue with regard to STO. I think there is a misinterpretation of the issue which I can clarify by phone.
pl explain me what are the gross price , net price , surcharge , frieght charges ?* calculation schema , schema group schema determination means what ?access sequence , accruals , automatic account determination means what ?if u have any document then pl supply me asap
can any one explain me what are the types of accounts chart of account ,inventory-raw account , gr/ir account, vendor account means what pl explain me in details with example or if any one have some soft copy s regarding this then pl forward it to me HOW TO SEE STOCK ON POSTING DATES ACCORDING TO MATERIAL GROUP use MB5B You can WISE? try to use the MC.1 to Mc.9 I have 2 POs created: a. 1 for a specific service material (using DIEN material) & b. another one specifying no material master, just material grp (services). I just entered service items in the SERVICES tab. For the first PO, I did a GR via MIGO. For the second one, I did a GR via ML81N. May I know what is the difference between those two receipts? and what is the impact in the business? I have a client that procures service to a vendor, and I am not exactly sure whether I will setup a service material receiving the goods in your warehouse. We need to use a material MIGO is use for or just create PO using option b. master to be able to recieve the goods delivered by the vendor with a supporting documents of D/R. If the material master is a stock item the recieved goods will store on a particular storage location with bin code. So, the item that being recieved can be monitored by the warehosue man. ML81N is use for service entry. it requires a document that statting the particular services being done by the contractor or service prvider. The documents should be signed by the focal point before going to make an service entry. Service master defined the specific description and meaningful. Service group and valuation class Could anyone please let me know the t-code of changing moving average price of material in the master data. After creation of material the moving average price field is deactivated. .. Try MK12 MK12 is for change in Vendor not for change in Price in material master hi try mr21 Try to use the MR21 or MR22 i have a requirement to create one condition type in the ex. system what are all the steps i have to follow can any help me in this i am very new to procing proceudre
How to restrict the items for further consumption/ movement whose shelf life has been expired. We found so many items whose expiry passed & still they are usable. Should we restrict from Material Master from Plant Data/Stor.1 view. Pls. give us the suitable solution ASAP activate FEFO method Pl update SLED field while posting GR also update SLED check in customization Thanks for the valuable suggestion. Is it necessary to activate BATCH MANAGEMENT for workout of the same. B'coz SLED/BBD field is coming while making GR for only those material where Batch Management is active. In customization, whether I need to assign SLED check for each movement type. For the present client we are planning to upgrade the sap system from 4.7 to ECC 6.0.....Can any body help how to proceed from MM point of view ... 1.What are the differnce between 4.7 and ECC6.0 2.What are the advantages and disadvantages of ECC6.0 Any documents from your end ...... I'm not sure whether this will help you are not but i suggest you to check it out . step 1 : open this link http://solutionbrow fmpmedia. com/ Step 2: Select Source relation version : R/3 Enterprise Step 3: Select target release version: SAP ERP 6.0 Step 4 : Select Solution Area : Procurement & Logistics Step 5: Select Module : MM Step 6 : Click on Search Now check out the screen on right hand side. Now put tick on select all option on right hand side then scroll down and click : view selected details. You can also download this information. As per my opnion there are no major changes form functionality point of view. Changes are huge for archieving tech. you can refere above document and learn by yourself. Three fields under the customer tab are not getting copied into the PO. What should i check.for this.
COULD U PL EXPLAIN ME HOW TO VIEW THE CONVERSION FACTOR BETWEEN UOM AND ORDER UNIT AND METHOD OF CHANGING THE SAME IFview these on material master transaction "MM03", select Additional data" You can REQUIRED? tab, then Units of Measure. Chnaging this can be done on MM02
In matl master, u have specify order unit beside that u have issue unit. If uhave given other unit than order unit it will ask convertion factor. This is the only way i think so. iam comparing the two quotations for a material wrt two vendors, thing is it is only taking the Basic Price and comparing, if i include Effective Price option it is taking only extra charges without Basic Price, but what i need is it should compare the prices inclusive of all the condition types and the Tax value how it can be obtained
I am doing STO between two plants without SD and billing. I have explained to you in details in my last posting what I am doing. I have to use tcode:ME21N with document type UB and Item category U. Please guide me in this line. I don't want to use tcode ME27 and moreover tcode OMGN doesn't work in ECC 5.0 In ME21N you don't have an option of maintaining details of Supplying plant like in ME27.You can can create a standard purchase order (NB) in case you are using ME21N T-code.Then you need to create a Sale order , then a relevant delivery and then create a Billing doc.This will be a laborious process instead creating a STO with T-code ME27 and then creating a direct delivery relevant to the ST order and the GR for the delivery should be a easier path. Kindly clarify your usage of T-Code ME21N for STO than ME27. also try the path if you are accessible for SPRO screen, SPRO----->MATERIALS MANAGEMENT-- -->PURCHASING- ---->PURCHASE ORDER PROCESSING-- ----SET UP STOCK TRANSPORT ORDER. Using this you should activate the details provided in my previous mail.
*Stock Transport Order with Delivery and Billing Document/Invoice <http://help. erp2004/helpdata /EN/4d/2b911d43a d11d189410000e82 9fbbd/frameset. htm> * *Purpose* With this type of stock transfer, the transfer posting is not valuated at the valuation price of the material in the issuing plant, but is defined in both the issuing and receiving plants using conditions. Stock transfers that include deliveries and billing documents/invoices are only possible between plants belonging to different company codes. If you want to carry out a cross-company- code stock transport order with delivery but without a billing document, you must set the *Relevant for Billing* (data element *FKREL*) indicator in Customizing of the item type to "blank" (*Not relevant for billing*). The following applications are involved in this type of stock transfer: - Purchasing (*MM-PUR*) in entering the order - Shipping (*LE-SHP*) in making the delivery from the issuing plant - Billing (*SD-BIL*) in creating the billing document for the delivery Our organisation wants release strategy to be applied to delivery schedule generated mannuly.(not for MRP generated) kindly give me the procedure for the same. Try Customization, Materials management - Purchasing- Outline agreements Define release strategy.
go to the customising activity of info record in the define screen layout for inforecord activity select ME11 and check the the settings for the field Presently we issue the material for project against 261/281, against which we want separate GL code to be hit for Utilities in project plant.
In our SAP system, it was observed that items ordered though overseas purchase orders were wrongly valued by the system when they were received in two or more consignments. While CIF values were correclty apportioned, only part of total amount of local charges incurred was added to value of the stock items. Example: There are 2 consignment. 6/7 of the local charges incurred on the first consignment is allocated to stock received through the second shipment. Local charges incurred for the second consignment are not fully allocated to stocks received. Hence, 1/7 remains unallocated - i.e only 6/7 of the costs incurred have been included in stock value. can anyone explain me the steps to create release procedure? my client wants all po's to be blocked ,but po's should be printable In the Rel Strategy for PO, there is an option to create a Release Indicator. In the release code you define "B" for Blocked and "R" for released. Here you define that POs should be printable even if its not released. SPRO-Mat Mgmt-Pruchasing- PORelease Strategy for PO-Define Release Indicator what is is your requirement to define the release indicator... ......... ......... ......... .........could you explain this to me. **When I perform the S.loc to S.loc transfer, in WM level it's creating a posting change notice. ** **Usually Positng change notice will be created for the following cases,** **1) Releasing stock from inspection** **2) Designating available material as inspection stock** **3) Changing a material number** **4) Splitting materials into two or more batches** **5) Converting special stock, such as consignment stock or returned stock, into company stock** **6) Changing ownership of stock from one plant to another**
**My Question is: For S.loc to S.loc transfer, In WM level it has to create a posting change notice (or) Transfer Requirement..??**
Can someone explain to me i detail how i can use transaction and screen variants to restrict display of cetrain fields to users
If any one knows the proceedure for setting screen variants and transaction variants, please mail me. Now i need to change 'invoice party field' in MIRO to displayamode. I have question related to purchase order and asset accounting. The issue is of putting the goods receipt to the settle an asset.The problem is that when you enter the purchase order for say $1000, and then when you enter the goods receipt, the goods receipt is posted to zero rather than $1000. Please check if there is a GR Non-Valuated indicator ticked under DELIVERY tab of ITEM DETAIL. If it is ticked, then remove that.Then it'l work Extracts from the SAP Document.. TCode: SHD0 Transaction variants simplify transaction flow by: 1. Inserting default values in fields 2. Changing the ready for input status of fields 3. Hiding various screen elements and menu functions, or even entire screens 4. Adjusting table control settings When you create a transaction variant, you run through the transaction in a special mode. In this mode, you decide which elements you no longer need in your transaction and which values should be inserted where. If you choose to hide an entire screen, the system will no longer display that screen in the transaction and will proceed on to the next screen in the series. You can also adjust table control settings and determine the width of columns and the order in which you want them displayed. In tab strips, you can suppress tabs that you no longer need by setting them to invisible. You may also create as many variants for a transaction as you desire. One of these variants can be defined as a standard variant. This variant is then valid across all clients. You may also assign different variants to specific users. This is done using *Variant Transactions *Variant transactions are then places in those users' user i hve probelem while creating info record in purch org dat 1 tab page there is in condition ..valid date field is deactivate and its required entry how can i activate it ? Go to Customizing - SPRO, Materials Management. change screen layout for Info Record. make that particular field mandatory instead of hidden. check the field status group for thr Info record .confirm the setting there. there you can make that as mandtory /........... ....... I want to see all delivery line generated after MRP run, which will give me details like name of vendor ,material,qty and date Go to MD04 Choose details or ME3L Selection Parameter - WE101& change layout as per requirement. Can anyone help me in butch number assignement? I want to define in Customising a externe number for butch of a material types in a plant?
go to SNRO and check the object BATCH_CLT for the number range...from there you can tick EXT for external assgnment you only mention that you want to activate external assignment for material types, does this mean that your Batch Internal assignment was activated already? this is a running have the option to do both external or internal..edit your message ID in OCHS and make it a warning message only so the system will allow you to assign external or internal during Goods Mvt. this is what we've done coz we cannot limit by material type. Maybe somebody from the group have a better solution. Message "Materials for PReq XXXXXXXX, item XXXXX, already partially ordered". Schedule line exist for the material. PR created from sale order schedule line. Order quantity 3, PR Qty 3, PO Qty 1. If i go for pending qty PO, system suggest above message We have maintained Se CEss condition type JA1s in Taxinj. We are getting the SeCess value in PO in Invoice tab (Taxes)in development server but not in production server. I have checked almost all the excise relevant configuration and comared with development & production. but I could not figure out the reason. Check the data in PRD server with the help of abaper in debugging mode. i have a requirement to create one condition type in the ex. system what are all the steps i have to follow can any help me in this i am very new to procing proceudre
i am a phd student from Malaysia. I am trying to optimize the indirect material of a production line. CAn anyone share with me some literature regarding how to calculate the idm at different companies?
Recently in one interview, they have asked me what business processes used in the project. some one tell me what it is
Can any one please tell me what is COGI? & how to clear it?
I have a problem when I try to create Good receipt in MIGO. The system give me an error message saying that "Maintain tolerance limits for tolerance key VP (CoCode...)" I go to transaction OMC0 to add new entry for tolerance key VP in my company code however I am not sure what should be the tolerance limit so I use "do not check" for both lower limit and upper limit. When I try MIGO again, I am still get the same error Does anyone know what should be the cause of this problem? Not only for VP, u have to complete all the settings for the following keys. (TCOMC6) AN Amount for item without order reference AP Amount for item with order reference BD Form small differences automatically BR Percentage OPUn variance (IR before GR) BW Percentage OPUn variance (GR before IR) DQ Exceed amount: quantity variance KW Var. from condition value LA Amount of blanket purchase order LD Blanket PO time limit exceeded PP Price variance PS Price variance: estimated price ST Date variance (value x days) VPtMoving average set tolerance limit for VP try code omr6 and price variance I have a problem to create the production order confirmation, the error message displayed is "no price could be determined for material .... plant ....... because none of the valuation strategies in valuation variant 007 was successful". What caused this error message ? I have checked the Moving average price in the material master (MM03), the value is zero. And i also check the PIR , it has a value (not zero) and the period is correct. Is the problem caused by the Moving average price. I also tried to change the moving average price through mr21, but the error message display "No valuation types maintain for this material". Actually the valuation type of thishow to help you in determination of (Moving Average Price) in I dont know exactlly material has already been defined cost. but if itsnt necessary to calculate cost you can create production order confirmation, but before do that you must desactivate cost in control keys operations in custo transaction OPJ8
My question is whether there is a way to link MSEG and BSEG items Let me give an example: MSEG contains 2 records, for a 551 movement for 2 items on a material document BSEG contains 4 records, for the 2 G/L postings per material on the mat doc (DR & CR) How do I link item 1 on MSEG to items 1 & 2 on BSEG, and item 2 on MSEG to items 3 & 4 on BSEG? Does such a link even exist? This is for a customised report which shows the GL postings for each material adjustment (typically 551's, 701's etc). while creating the plant , u forgot to copy from existing plant that's why u dont find in T/C OMJ8 * what you have to do ? extend the material by T/C MM01 , give the material name , put cursor on second field , enter , select all views , again enter , give ur plant name , storage location no. say enter , like wise finish copying/ extending all views then save it..
I am facing the problem while posting the grn the system gives the error "Material control record missing in company code en12" can you please any one Kindly check the entries in SPRO-Logistics general,Material master-Basic SettingsMaintain Company code for Material Management. Here for the copany code in which you are getting the Error try to enter 1.Current year,current month 2.Current year,Previous month 3Previous year,Last month of the previous year. Thanks for you excellent support . i tried the same again the system gives the error your entering the wrong peroid to this company code like that .i hope while creating the company code the fi person may be not use the copy function .or what is your idea in thischeck the FY years are open for the company codes your are working Try OB52, on. check and come back to you.thanks lot and one ,more thing i am facing the i will problem in vendor partner function i created new vendor gruop number assign ment and partner function also . i saw the same in xk03 partner function all the four waht i did gs,vn,pa,ip ok but i created on po using the same vendor in not showing any partener function in po header what can i do pl. help me The configuration you have done in Partner > determination is Generic. > When you create a PO, you can also define the > partner functions in the header and it would accept > if the configuration is done right.
i have a requirement to create one condition type in the ex. system what are all the steps i have to follow can any help me in this i am very new to procing proceudre Messages In This Digest (25 Messages) 1a. Re: Error while posting the GRN From: Mahesh Baddireddi 1b. Re: Error while posting the GRN From: murugan jayaraman 2. Quality Management From: pavankulkarni03 3a. output determination From: sure 3b. Re: output determination From: monika.hubanova@ 4a.
In external services in purchase requisitions, RFQ or PO, I would like to have the following 1.0 For standard services taken from service master, the gross price field picks value from pricing data maintained thro ML51, I require that this field should be display only 2.0 For non standard services, where gross price field value is manual entered, I require that the field should be input field & changeable
Can any one suggest, how to achieve both together. If I change setting in SPRO thro External service>Screen layout, then it becomes display for both I am facing one problem i maintained the partner function it shows in xk03 all the four fun. again i raised the po in that po header partner function only two partner function is coming i want all the four what i created in partner function (gs,ve,ip,pa) what can i do pl. help me Im landed on a very strange Issue that when i do the Scrap material using 551 movement type, system is not updating stock Quantities.. how it is possible..?? ? is there Availibility Check will be effect..?? or any other Configs required..Please LEt me know have a scenario where a po is raised on a vendor .vendor has 3 different branches from there he supplies goods and sends invoice from that diff branches. how to record this gr and ir. how to solve this see if there are different address then you have create three different address and if you reiceve invoice from diffrenet party then make that as partner function that is invoicing partner functions in Vendor Master Record try to maintain I am a student currently taking a course in SAP MM and most of it self learning. I have come across a problem where when i create a PO for a particular item i get the error message "material not maintained by> purchasing" I have gone into the material master for the item but i cannot figure out which field is causing this error message. Someone please advise. Kindly ensure purchasing view is created in material master using T-Code MM03.If not, Maintain the purchasing view with relevant fields using T-code MM01. Kindly ensure purchasing view is created in material master using T-Code MM03.If not, Maintain the purchasing view with relevant fields using T-code MM01.
try to check your parameters in material master (MM01/MM02) and the said materials also extended on what particular plant. Organizational Level, Purchasing, Plant level. Hope this should fine you have to maintain purchasing view for the material. For that particular material, in that particular plant, Purchasing view to be maintained in material master. Do this and try again. Thanks Mahesh, it worked. Can you please give me an example of an NLAG material. I would like to create one in Material Master as a practice exercise. I am trying to create a Stock Transport Order (STO) with document type UB and item category U. My objective is to transfer material from Plant (supplying plant) 100 to Plant (receiving plant) 1100 within one company code (1000) with STO. For this purpose I created a raw material 1434 in plant 1000 with sales org 1 view and in that view entered in delivering plant field 1000 as delivery plant. After that I extended material 1434 to plant 1100 without changing anything what I did while creating the material first in Plant 1000 except in organizational level I entered 1100 in the plant field. I entered Sales org 1000 and distribution channel 10 in organization level for both plant while creating and extending the material. In me21n I chose Stock Transport Order with document type UB and item category as U also receiving Plant as 1100. With this when I tried to save the sto the message I am getting as Can not determine shipping data for the material 1434 What else I need to do to create STO please explain step by step. I am doing solely mm function why Ithe following things, Usingmaster? OMGN ensure following is the Kindly try out need to create Customer T-code In this case plant 1100 things, 1. You have to maintain details of customer master record code/Sales organisation code/Distribution channel code/Division for inter company billing in the receiving plant. 2.Maintain Checking Rule 3.Define Checking rule and group with availability check 4.Assign delivery type/checking to the supplying plant Maintain delivery type as 'NL' Replenishment delivery/and checking rule. 5.Maintain purchasing document type UB to the combination of Supplying plant and Receiving plant. Hoping you have created customer master record for the receiving plant and maintained the material master record at both the organisation levels. Using T-code ME27 create a STO. enter the relevant data. Using the T-code VL01 create a delivery for the respective STO. complete the activity of picking and post goods issue. GR can be accomplished using T-code VL07 i.e, GR with regard to Delivery.
1. Mat.(1434)should be maintained in both the plants.(@1000& 1100). 2.Should have enough stock in supplying plant(1000). 3.Make its supplying plant as a vendor in vendor master record in receiving plant(1100). 4.Make it receiving plant as a customer in customization. Create customer (xd01) & and define the shipping data for plants in both the plants. Path: spro img m.mgmt purchasing po set up STO define shipping data (1 by1 ) In Receiving plant (1100) in Supplying plant (1000) Customer num. 123345 (for ex.) Customer num. ---------(don't fill) Sales org.yyy Dist. Channel Sales div. y 5. Assign doc. Type is "NL" for intra company STO. If STO is inter company, Assign doc. Type is "NLCC". Position doc type is "UB" Enter supplying plant(1000) & doc type (NL)&checking rule (ex:01) 6.Assign doc. Type is "UB" to u'r plants.(PO) Go for new entries Enter supplying plant(1000) & Receiving plant (1100)&doc type (UB). 7. Create a PO, choose the doc type is `UB' & item cat.'U', Enter supplying plant as a vendor in PO of the receiving plant(1100). 8. Provide this num (PO) to SD people, they will do the delivery by using transactional code is VL10B. 9.sales people they will provide "out bound delivery num". 10 Do the GR. In GR the second tab 05 out bound delivery instead of PO mov.type 101. Still I am getting the same message "Can not determine shipping data for the material 1434". I am sending material 1434 from plant 1000 to plant 1100.Both the plants are under same company code 1000.According to your suggestion I created a raw material 1434 and maintained sales org 1 view and in that view I entered in delivering plant field Plant 1000. I also exteded the material for plant 1100. I maintained the Sales org as 1000, distribution Channel.10.You told to create customer code and vendor code. what do you mean by that? Do you mean Customer master record and vendor master record? Please explain me in details. I know you r very knowledgeable. Please help.performing for STO. Lets solve the Kindly provide me the detailed steps you are problem more specifically Ask your FI person on the team to create an Internal Customer for the Delivering Plant. The delivering plant has to be assigned a customer # . Also make sure that you configured the following objects for STO in MM --> Purchasing --> PO --> Set up Stock Transport Order : -Define Shipping Data for Plants -Assign Delivery Type and Checking Rule -Assign Document Type, One-Step Procedure, Underdelivery Tolerance
can any body tell me how to make the short text in PO non editable. Bcoz when making a PO if we enter a material code it will take the short text from the Material Master description field, but the thing is any body can chane it for ex if it is 50ml then v can change it to 500ml but the material code remains the same. You can maintain short text in info record as well. i.e. in texts. Don't forget to tick No mat master text indicator. This text will appear in PO & won't be editable I did'nt find such type of text in Inforecord,Can u elaborate little bit. Is stock items quantity and average price is independent of fiscal year? Meaning Suppose I have 2 fiscal years (2007, 2008) and both are opened Suppose I have Item "Tel" (Average Cost) Now If I purchase 60 "Tel" in 2007, What will be the "Tel" Quantity in 2008? (Notice that I don't run EndOf-Year Procedure for 2007) Am I allowed to buy and sell in 2008 without End-OfYear Closing for 2007?
Can we have a report of Pending MIROs for a particular month? use t.code MB5S or just use as a display with T.code MR11 there is one scenario. our client takes mat from trader not from main vendor .trader takes mat from main vendor and sends us. suppose main vendor sells trader in 100Rs and 16% BED so he pays vendor 116Rs. trader sells client in suppose in 150 rs and 4 % sales tax so client pays him 156 rs. all these r fine. when we go for migo, base value for BED should be 100 rs not 156 i.e only 16 rs should go in cenvat account. if i do it manually then who 156 will go in GR/IR account. i want 140 should come from GR/IR account and rest 16 should come from cenvat account to pay 156 to vendor. i did setting vendor master date cin tab page and define trader but not working. YOUR WORKING IS SOMEHERE WRONG. I WIL EXPLAIN YOU. PL SEE IS IT RIGHT AND SUITABLE TO YOU. PRINCIPAL PRICE IS RS100+RS16.48ED+ CST TRADERS PRICE SHALL RS150+CST WHEN TRDERS DIRCTING MATERIAL FROM THEIR PRINCIPAL ,THEN IT IS CALLED E1 TRANSACTION AND FOR STEPS ARE LIKE THIS: IN PO PUT BASIC PRICE AS RS 150 AND IN FV11 MAINTAIN JMOP,JMX1,JEC1, JEX1,JSEP, JHX1 & JIPC FOR MATL/VENDOR/ PLANT COMBINATION .NOW IN MIGO WHILE CATURING EXCISE INVOICE BASE VALUE WILL BE RS150 TO BE CORRECTED AS 100 TI GET ED AMOUNT RS16.48 OFFERED BY PRINCIPAL.
I am creating Good Issue data for a Pipe Line material.but I am getting an error (doc attached). Can anybody suggest something to relosve this error?
I am new in ERP world and need some help in Inventory and End-Of-Year Closing relation. As SAP is the Number One ERP Solution in the world, i assume it is the most perfect in the Concepts too. If you have some time, please read on Suppose we Open physical year 2007 (1-1-2007 / 12-31-2007) Define Item "Tel" with AverageCost as valuation method At 11/05/2007 Purchase 50 Tel with 40$/Unit so AVCost = 40$ At the end of 2007 we open another year 2008, and leave 2007 open until Stock Count is finished The Questions Can I make purchasing / Sales in 2008 before I make End-Of-Year Closing procedure for 2007? What is the current Qty for item "Tel" in 2008? Is it zero (till I close 2007) or it is 50 units? Anybody can tell me where i can find informations (maybe period by period)> about Moving Average Price changes for an article? I know that i could re-calculate the Moving Average Price after each stock movement but it's a bit tricky! The fact is that the Mov. Average Price for an article is incredibly high, but as the article documents are regularly archived, i've got no view of what can have happened to explain that. We have not Material Ledger implemented However, you have to set You could use the Tcode: MR21 for chnaging the MAP. an formal documentation for a justification i got a problem in material document and po print out and my abaper is asking for the program to change. where can i find out this? SPRO->Material management-> Inventory Management and Phisical Inventory>Output Determination- >Maintain Output Types Choose Output Type and from Processing routines you can find the program, form /smartform When Im doing UD, system is giving error that No Char. Results are available for Inspection lot..?? what might be the Problem.. and also when i activate the Ins. Set up in Material Master Data, Im unable to dot he GR.. pls let me know the reasona n d do the needful
How can I view the object classification structure. Is there any Tcode?
The client wants to give access/change to select no. of users for Conditions in Consignment Info Re. only. The other three info rec. can be used by all the users. If I make display (button) on ME12 Tcode., all the info. rec. will be on display mode.
How can I configure a new movement type such that I can have an automatic population of a G/L account. In another thread tcode OBYC was discussed, I went there but there is no direct link to a movement type. How can I do this or even if it is possible.configure new movement type by using OMJJ. You can Thank you for your help. I did the step 1 & 2 as you advised. Step 3 is not clear to me; please make it more specific with my supplying plant 1000 and receiving plant 1100.In step 4 in which plant should I enter Customer number (created by tcode: xd01). Please mention separately all entries to define shipping data for my both plants 1000 and 1100. I mean what fields I have to fill up and with what data for supplying plant and receiving plant. Please dont be annoyed these are the very new people who really want to learn SAP from knowledgeable people. From step 5 to 10 are inter company Stock transport order with SD and billing. Here document type is not UB it is NB. I am doing intracompany STO within one company code. When I would be comfortable with intra company STO I will get back to you with steps 5 to 10 for intercompany STO.Now please help me to clear i will have a resolution of the problem of Reference (MARA-XBLNR) .(report de reference). for example i have the materiel number 108 this reference is a123, i modify the reference of 108 on b123. , result: the new reference of 108 is : b123. ; the old reference of 108 is : a123. ; if i research the materiel 108 by reference the result is: ; - reference b123 : result 108. ; - reference a123 : no result. Can I GR/IR clearing list for a particular month, as the current Txn code MB5S does not have the duration
Currently we have release strategy set up on POs, we are wanting to now set up release strategy on Contracts. What we want to do is that if the Contract has been released, all the POs for that contract should not have to be released. Is it possibe
Does anyone know if it is possible to print out the schedule of materials that pending to be counting for the next month or next quarter?
any body explanin (or) send doc. for *Free Goods Handling in MM point of view (configuration & process).*
Even though i dont have any stock....pending purchase order or any production order i cant change valuation class for materials. would someone give me some idea how can i change the class only if u are having no stock in the warehouse, nor any open p.o's or production orders then u can change the valuation class of a material. if u r having any stock then u have to post the stocks out to an intermidiate account ,then change the val.class and again post the stocks back into the warehouse. if u r having any open p.o's then u have to delete them (mark them for deletion) then u can change the val.class. as u mentioned, how to move the material to the intermediate account and what effect does it have. You can use 561/562 to ckear stock, posting usual is make to non-balance account In config change system messages MM326 & MM327 to warning only, to allow changing valuation class on materials with pending purchase orders. what is the* Message Class for Invoice verification? * Message class for Invoice Verification is M8 pls advice reg my querry in consignment. I created a material,vendor and created consignment inforecord. I made PO for that consignment material. when i intended to transfer post that consignment material,an error message is coming....PURCHASIN G INFORECORD NOT FOUND IN PURCHASING ORGANISATION. ...pls advice. and also pls send me the correct CONSIGNMENT procedure if inam wrong info record in ME11 purchase organisation u maintained or try to check i Purchase not. During part 2 excise credit, we are not able to take credit, because the cenvat amount is showing in Inventorised duty column. By mistake we have selected Non deductable tax code in PO. Now we need to take the cenvat credit which is in Inventorised duty. Can anyone please suggest how take credit Just change the tax code while doing the Invoice verification.
We need to take cenvat credit for this. In J1IEX, we are not able take cenvat credit, because of Inventorised duty amount. How to assign two or three plants in one company code. It is possible I think but can u tell me steps. Go into SPRO. & go in enterprises - > then - >assign -> plant to company code. just double click on ur company code it will show u the list of the plant.u just select your plant & save it can anyone explain me the whole procurment cycyle of mm ? what stock / consumable / automated material ?
can any one explain me what is good issue in migo and how to do it ?
I want to assign a cost center in subcontracting 453 movement. Thats when the GRN is done for the PO, automatically the expenses should be charged to pre configured cost centers. Where can I maintain these cost centers other than in PO level Tcode : ME2L, Problem: There is a bug in the the report, the result of the still to be invoiced is not the same if you choose the scope list BEST or ALV I correct that by the OSS note 670708 but the problem still remain for the deleted item: The still to be delivered and the still to be invoiced are not the same in BEST or ALV. Can any one help me in migration of PP Master Data I need a model of excel file to load BOM and Routing With LSMW
I am getting following 2 Errors while transfer material from consigment stock to unrestricted stock. 1. Pipeline/consignmen t movement posted without value 2. Deficit of VC Qual. inspection 5 TO : MS PLATES SC01 CP01 K
I am looking at the stock value in mb52 and mc.1, i find always there is a difference. Stock quantity is always matching between these two reports , only values are not matching .Can you pls. help out why there is difference
The stock value in MB52 is always current. That is, as of the date when running the report. Notice, there is no date range in MB52. MC.1 stock value will always be as at the end of the accounting period, whether 30 or 31 days depending on the number ofan issue.month. the 31st Aug 07 Stock data on 1st Sep 07 from MB52 to too have days in I took know my stock material no wise. MB5b T code gives stock value as on the date of posing. Today If I execute MB5B Report with 31st Aug 07, this is not matching with my MB52 Report Why and what is the reason I am a student practising configuration for procurement process. I have a problem when I executed MIGO. The system generated an error said "For material XXX, no material master data exists in plant Y and storage location Z" I have already created the storage location Z in the plant Y and I am sure all the assignment for Organisational units are correct. The problem seems to be When I copied Material master data from the existing one. I only copied data from 5 views which are Basic Data1, Sales: Sales Org. Data1, Sales: General/Plant Data, Purchasing and Accounting1 The problem is solved after I created new material and also copied Plant data/storage 1-2 as well. However in the system that my university use to provide SAP course, student executing procurement process only required to copied 5 views of Material Master Data from the existing one as mentioned above. They are able to generate good receipt without having the error that I encounter when I create good receipt in my environment. My environment means I have created my own data for the entire company using the system being used in my university as a reference. All data used in my environment are brandnew, not copied from the existing data in the system.Could anybody explain me why this problem occurred in my environment but not in the system being used in my university? Is there another way to specify which material is stored in a particular plant anddo a GR location? (without specifyis extended, either u can If you are using u cannot storage unless the store location in material master data) extend it mm01 with view general plant data storage 1 or using mmsc tcode after creating the material..u saw ur students creating the view but u did'nt see it properly, u r trying to create the same using sales:general plant data stoarge view which is a different thing. Go to OMJ8 (in SPRO) and activate Create storage location automatically for your plant and if necessary for movement type. It would allow you to post a Goods receipt automatically even if the material is not extended to Storage Location When I go to OMJ8, there is no entry for my plant and the system doesn't have an option to create new entry. (from menu bar-> Edit -> New Entries become gray) How can I create new entry for my plant?
1. How to configure the system for automatic conversion of Purchase Requisition to Purchase Order. 2.Configuration for automatic creation and selection of storage locations in Inventory Management. 3. How to maintain automatic determination of G/L accounts during GR/GI/Transfer posting Kindly find the following solutions, 1. Ensure automatic purchase order field in Material Master (purchasing view) and Vendor Master is ticked,Maintain the source list for respective materials and vendor Also maintain correct data at the MRP views. On the MRP run system will generate purchase requisitions for the following materials . Using T-code ME59 conversion of purchase requisition to Purchase orders is possible. 2. Auto creation of storage location in inventory management can be created with respect to the movement type and plant.Using t-code OBM2/OBM3. For automatic storage location selection Storage location data can be specified in procurement storage location field of MRP view in Material master and Issue storage location fielD in Bill Of Material. 3.Automatic account determination of GL account can be maintained using T-code OBYC by specifying GL code for specific valuation class within the posting key(TEKEY) maintained for respective movement types. Do anyone know when release are sent out to suppliers where does the mode of transportation date pulls from? 1. (MMO2) material master 2. The Sch Agreement 3. ZSHIP. Please respond soon
Can somebody please let me know how a purchase order type is linked to item and header pricing schema/procedure doc type is noway connected to pricing procedure/cal schema. unless and otherwise if u customize (create) condn table and linked to access seq. Thanks Prasanna, but my question would be then how does a the conditions autopopulate into a purchasing req or order (or may be it doesnt). of you could shed some on vendor Schema gp in vendor Master , the pricing conditions Depending light on it populated Schema is under the following combinations. . In Pricing in Order for Standard PO, Schema group vor vendor-Schema group for Purchase org=Schema for STO, Schema group for Purchase org-*Dcoument type*-Supply plant=Schema CAN ANYONE HELP ME OUT BY LETTING ME KNOW THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN MATERIAL REQUIREMENT PLANNING(MRP) AND STOCK REQUIREMENT PLANNING(SRP) ?
i have problem with sto i make daily sto for branch to branch and store to store through outbound delivery we complete this prosses i creat daily one sto for location to location now in vl10b i have previous too much sto i want sloution how i can delete previous sto or cancel Can we send the same Dependent components/material s to 2 different vendors to produce the same finished product.(i think it is possible in real scenario). if vendors have sent only half the quantity of PO. how can we see our stock(i.e rawmaterials) available at vendors place, for both the vendors. I require more clarity on my question plz let me know. I want to round off amount after being calculated from various duties and taxes. Where is the option in SPRO wherein I can maintain settings for decimal places I have created a Scheduling agreement (LPA), but it is not asking for release? what could be the reasons?? for round off currencies refer this path spro->SAP netweaver->general settings>set decimal places for currencies. The business scenario is that all PO must be released before sending to vendor except a purchase group's PO. Meaning, the POs created by this Purchase Group do not need release. Does anyone tell me the steps of this configuration? It's urgent!did not add that purchase group to that characeristic value in (T-Code:CT04) Just u . Please help me very urgent . what are different between importpurchase order and domestic purchase order. instead of BED it will be CVD pricing pro. will be different for the customs amount we havw to assign third vendour I have a list of 600 part nos. i want to close all pos in one stroke (in 600 part nos.) can any one help me. Step 1 - USe t code me2m to find all PO having these particular code. Step 2- Use t ocde -mass and Further Purchase order to delete/ change Status I thought one option That is Mass Maintenance but in this case require Basis Module helf but I am not sure You tri It.
pl help me,after doing miro of customs miro, i tried migo of import consignment, but i am not getting excise tab, shall i go ahead?if i post the migo shall i get the CVD,Additional duty inJ1IEX. After Customs Payments u need to capture Exicse Invoice hello i am new this protal can anybody tell me the Diff. between Standard price and moving price in material master in accouting views standard price of a material is one which donot change with the Qty of the stock in it is defined by the warehouse with a stanadrd value regardless of PO price.. In case of MOving avg price, it will vary with qty of Storage location. eg: if a vendor supplies soaps for 100 pcs @ 10/- each = 1000 if the other vendor supplies for 100pcs @9/- each = 900 then MVG avg price : (1000+900)/200 = 9.5/upto that stock finishes.. I think u understood ..if any problem let me know... Thanks for your reply. But what i asked was slightly different from what u have answered. I asked why and what is the criterion by which a company decides that a particular material is demmed as S or V?? Generally the materials purchased from outside (external procurement) the company will be made as "V" type the material made inside the company will be "S" Here 'S' stands for standard valuation and 'V' for variable. These are for the valuation of inventory and booking consunmption whether standard or variable. Does MAP also consider the inventory carrying cost? With most common things in SAP that what type of price are you maintaining in your company if you are maintaining standard price than your price will be fixed but in moving price (total quantity / total price) = moving price, in this procedure system automatically calculate moving average price. If you need to know more pl. do not wait. standard/moving average price come under price cotrol,in accounting viewof material master(mm01) standard price means a material is always valuated at fixed price. if an invoice receipt(IR) or a good reciept(GR) has a different price for the material,the variance is not taken into account, and differences are posted to a price difference account. moving average price is the ratio of the current total value to the current total quuantity in stock. if any price difference between IR and GR posted to the inventory/stock account. MAP is itself updated
standard price is considered as constant value for stock material irrespective of purchase cost from differant vendors. where as variable cost is change as and when you purchase the stock from differant vendors at diff value this can be called as book value of the stock or MAP value this will change at each and every transactions. standard price is considered in manufacturing units for stock valuation. they may change this price in diff periods as per the production requirement changes or production cost estimates takes place. variable cost is considered in trading organisations. since there is no further process of the material. Price: Standard Irrespective of purchase/manufactur ing cost,the specified materials book value remain same.The difference between purchase cost and book value will be accouted in PRD account as profit/loss. On review of PRD account over a period,book value will be revised.Standard price is activated for a material whose value is insignificant in fixing the end product selling price.Here a standard price with a high margin is fixed.However on reviewing the PRD a/c the price can be revised.The advantage is all consumtion are debited uniformly. MAP For every GR or IR,if there is a difference with book value and sufficient stock coverage is available,the differnece will be accounted in book value itself.If there is no stock coverage,then only accounted in PRD.MAP will be activated for the material whose value is having high importance in fixing the end product value.The advantange here is all consumption are debited precisely. When creating STO, error is coming as "shipping data is not maintained for the material. am doing Stock Transport Order with Delivery via Shipping. Kindly pls give me the solution and pls tell me if any further SPRO settings and the inventory partcheck your material's master 1 plant data, 2 Sales data. i'm confirm, this is plz for the same. your problem solution. There are two propable reasons for this Error. 1.Material is not extended for the Sales Org. 2. Customer is not assigned to the plant in OMGN Have you maintained the shipping points- data in Plant Profile for the two Company codes? Can anyone explain in detail the various tax types like excise, freight charges, etc with example. What is its impact & use in MM & SD? How is it linked?
Tax Types are like below : Excise : Excise is relevant to Indian Excisable materials . for this u have to configure Excise Components. VAT : Value Added Tax.Earlier know as LST CST : Central Sales Tax Import Tax's : which occurs in material Imports About Freight , is one of the Condition. u can use this condition in your pricing procedure only . other than there are few conditions in pricing and Excise, u can find this in Financial Accounting >FI Global Settings >Tax on Sales / Pru chases >Check Cal . Procedure. > Define Condition Types. and as well as in Pricing related condition types. I'm not clear on your Query:: Impact& use in SD&MM How it is linked Can you explain the steps to configure various taxes in system.
alot of GR/IR stuck in GR/IR Account due to wrong entry of posting date in the system. PO had tick on GR based IV Entered LIV posting date is previous then GR Posting date System shows both entry as incomplete in MR11. The net effect become zero Please help me how to remove from MR11 or GR/IR account
plzz help me out .wut r the steps for carrying out physical inventory step 1 MI01' , Step 2 MI04, Step 3 MI20 , Step 4 MI07 i hope this is the answer to ur Question these are simple transaction that u can use i need further elaboration pls let me know
I have done mvt type 101 move the qty to blocked stock. Now i want revese this qty unrestricted use stock. How can I do it. Please do Migo Transfer posting and use the mobvement types 343 it will definitely solve the problem Use MB1B transaction with Movement type 343 with your Plant and Strorage Location and post the document so the stock from Blocked to Unrestricted will takes place. use MIGO transaction for releasing GR blocked stock with reference to You have to Purchase Order. Only thing is that you have to use Movt Type 105 instead of 101. 105 stands for "Release GR Blocked stock for Warehouse". Maintain the data on the initial screen and specify stock type as Unres.useand also specify Storage location if required. This is not GR blocked stock. This is only blocked stock for this I have used 101 mov type. Now I want reverse the same. If you want to reverse blocked stock, cancel that material document and the process will be reversed or simply move the material from blocked to unrestricted thru transfer posting (343) To reverse any goods movement done with Movt Type 101, you have to simple use *Movt Type 102*.
The following error observed during info record creation "company code not assigned to country or country to calculation procedure" Conform while creating a plant given country or not I am facing problem regarding Purchase return. I had purchased material from a vendor and was accepted by quality. But during production it was rejected. I want to send the material back to the vendor with invoice through purchase cycle. Transfer post the material to blocked stock and if you have post the invoice, do credit memo for the purchase order for that particular material and then do the return delivery. Try this out and pls reply whether it is ok or not. Can a source list be coppied from one Pur Org to another pur Org ? YES We Maitain a Source list with Material Plant Validity Period Purchasing Organization/ Outline agreement. if you want to extend that material source from one Purchasing organization other frst maintain that vendor for that Purch. Org. then simply add this as a line item under Source List Maintainence ME01. I was advised that the conditons and contracts with plant specific can be used by Standar pur Org if mapping/Assigning of Plant specfic Pur Org toStandard Pur Org is done. Does this Mapping/Assigning cannot use the same source list ? My client was go live in april 2005 they are not using MR11 for a/c maintainance. now they want to post MR11 with new G/L code (banance sheet) developed for this purpose until 2006 and remaining GR/IR with normal posting. I have checked MR11 for customer specified G/L but unsucceed. I posted FI entry F-02 but it is not reflected in PO history or MR11 or mb5s or f.19 a/c ; GR Inventory a/c ( 106) Dr ; Client want to post new G/L instated of inventory GR/IR a/c (217) Cr ; Now MR11 New a/c (275) Cr, GR/IR (217) Dr We r using SAP 4.7 transition key WRX GR/IR clearing a/c One of our customer, wants a third party to come down to do a study of their existing IT Infrastructure in terms of Hareware, Softwre, Network, their RFP made for Data center and ERP, their received quotations from multiple vendors etc and submit them a independent report on processes and suggest the right steps to go forward and place their recommendations there on. May be only one person or one technical and one functional person will need to fly down to do that study. Nature of their group business : Project, construciton, education, etc. Look forward for your immediate reply. With good communication skills, and final report preparation. Its 2 weeks assignemnt, with excellent pay and if anybody will meet the above, let me know immediately. Location : Middle east.
With reference to your mail of 5 May 07 concerning the Third Party Audit, We are pleased to introduce ourselves as Global Consulting Services, A SAP consulting services firm with its offices in Hyderabad & Singapore. We arevery much interested in doing this third party audit, hence, provide us any further details in order to arrange a visit at the earliest. My client have one requirement. They want to restrict few materials in particular storage location. They have to create PO and do MIGO with that particular storage location only. Can anyone tell how to do this one? See for GR u can maintain the field Storage location for EXt procurement for Goods issue u can maintain the field producton storage location Both are in MRP 2 view If u maintain some sloc in this field it will be defaulted while GR and Goods Issue Thanks for your mail. But I am not getting which view I have to maintaing default SL for PO/GR/GI. if u want to do GRn to a prticular storage Location you can Enter Storage Location at the time of PO Creation in the Line Item, it will pick this Storage Location at the time oftry this. in po default settings for items choose the st loc which u want to be U can GRN automatically. default. and proceed MIGO. u can be alter the field unless the fied is made display/supress. in plant/ st.loc view u have field called Default st.loc for EP.. in material master there enter st.loc for each material so that during GR ir wil be copied No such field is found in Material master. In the materail master MRP2 VIEW,Storage location for EP field is there,you can give the Default storage location for external procurement. Subcon PO services for same material (for example Repair service case ) here we are not using PP Module nd we are using Batch Management My business senario is that I want to issue and receive the same material. what will be the best solution for this scenario and how the accounting will take care at time of GR posting.
For Subcontracting PO services what you need to do is create a Material Master for this Service materials with Standard Price Control "S" and value maintained in the Material master should be Zero, As these are not stock materials you don't find any stock in your plant or Company(Repair service materials) But you need a Stock to issue the material to Subcontractor. So Create a stock using 202 mvt type in MB1A transaction in the Plant as the Value is zero u don't worry about accounting documents. Create the Subcontracting PO with same materials in both side means in main screen and also components Provided also, with Subcontracting charges and do the goods movement with 541 mvt type to Vendor So stock will be updated at the Vendor side check in Transaction MBLB Once the Subcontractor process your service material (means after repairing) he raises his invoice and sends the material to your Plant. Based on Subcontracting PO material will be inwarded with same material code and stock will be updated in the Plant or Company. After this you need to reverse this stock in the MB1A transaction with movement type 201 with zero value only. So 201 & 202 will match and your subcontracting charges will be updated as per GR and IR and Payment process to I am trying to create PO automatically for 161 movement type. for this i configured material purchasing view and vendor purchase view and created info record. while doing 161 movement type in MB01 T.Code and PO Unknown option it is giving error "Please enter net price". But i was mainted price in info record. I am not understanding why this error is comming. can anyone help me out on this. If I am not wrong, for Auto PO you need to maintain Std.POrg and info record should be maintained against that Std.POrg. Also check for 161 Auto PO is right yes sidd Thanks for your mail. You are right. We should maintain Std POrg in inforecord In SPRO, under split valuation I created 1 global valuation catergory (Q) and 3 global valuation types( high, medium, low). I activated them for plant 1000 in the local definition for account cat ref 0001 (raw material). I created a raw material with item catergory (Q) and valuation class 3000. After that when change the material(MM02) i can see the valuation type field but high, medium and low is not displayed. (msg: No values found) I have checked the split valutation for the material and it is Cat. Maintained in Accounting Data 1 Screen or not check Valuation active. Please extend the materail in transaction code MM01 at valuation type level. Then your valuation type will be available. First create a material with valuation category in accounting view. Again goto the same material in creation mode MM01 (but you have choosen change mode).Here it will ask the valuation type.
I am facing the proble inPr release. I have configure the release strategy with four release code C1->E2->A3-> T4. I have set the prerequsite and check the simultaion.All working fine there.But when i cheked it in the PR it is not.Problem is that when A3 rlease the Pr Release indicator for teh T4 automaitically set and vice versa.I dont know where is the problem.While all other release working fine.I have configure more than 2800PR and PO release in our system and find this is the only case whihc is not working accordingly. Where shoud i check. for PR in IMG settings Check your Release Prerequisites in the Release Procedure whether combination for the release codes is correct or not. All the check boxes are selected or you left any. check this I have done all settings for PR release, like characteristics, class, release group, release code but in me54, i cudnot enter the screen..where is the problem check authorisation details Check the history.
I hope you can help me. I am looking for a way to restrict a user that created a Purchase Order from using MIGO on their PO's. Can this be done? I have gone through the IMG and can't find anything related to it. We have situations here where someone place the order and receive it. Management wants to know if it can be restricted. For that user, dont give authorization to create MIGO. You can restrict him by defining unique authorizations of task he/she can do. Take help of Basis. Pls correct if I am wrong This can be done through Authorization procedure. Get your co. SAP Authorization team and request them to remove the receipt role from that user's profile. Or Ask them to create a new role, Copy all the existing role and remove the "MIGO" Transaction. what if this user still needs to use MIGO for other PO's created by Thank you. But someone else (other than themselves)? But I think that is not correct. You can not allow user to perform Creation of PO's and do goods receipt PO at the same time unless you want to run into problems. ( Segregation of duties) Remember, when performing goods receipt, the system does not check the PO creator, it only checks if Goods Receipt has been done or not. The other check that you can implement is in the authorization goods receipt role is, On the goods receipt for each user, restrict it by receiving plant AND on the PO Creation role, you should also restrict it on the requesting plant not the same as the receiving plant. Please consider that deeply as that can impact your yearly audit. Ask your ABAB guys to create a user exit for you it must include your conditions.i mean it's possible,put it's an ABAB programm not config.
Step1> check plant vendors are mantianed for both plant step2> check plant costmers are mantined for both sales org. and sales view you have to mainatian shipping data confirm that becoz of ur getting that error. step3> check OMGN setting and let me know if you have clarification
The client created the PO with service material item (erect staging) one unit . Posted GR for the PO and cancelled it next day. They posted IR after that for the full amount plus tax. (No GR PO). Then they posted GR for one unit, but the value picked is 50% of the invoice amount. I have replicated the same in test server, it is picking up the value as invoice amount. What will be the error?
SAP provides a warning message when creating a purchase order with item price different from material master price. Please investigate and advise current tolerance. Create a report of when this occurs including date, plant, purchasing group, PO creator, PO number, vendor number and name and percentage difference. Provide transaction to pull report.Selection criteria should allow by vendor, purchasing org, purchasing group, plant or document date. have someCIN scenarios if someone knows how to configure pls help out Partial Credt -how to configure ; Plant non-excisable , but material and vendor excisablehow to configure ; Vendor non excisable , but plant and material excisable- how to configure Can anybody provide the Business flow of Mining processes
Is is possible to flag a PO/STO so that the shipping location is informed that all line items must be shipped together? (i.e. the whole order must wait for delivery until all materials are available). This is desirable in the cases like customer do not want to receive their order in multiple deliveries.
I am stilling strugling with error in po. I check accounting & MM assinment in SPRO. All assinment is ok in my openion. finally my problem is same. I am enable to continue my work so i request please help me to solve the problem so. I am facing error when i genrate Po sthrough ME21N it give me error Customization For VILj_1iindcus missing in Table. Message No. 81303 Maintain the Company Setting. Above error come exect when i enter Tax Code is V0. it wants Jurisdict code when i press F4 the list is empety. So. Please help me to configure Jurisdict code Customize your Jur. Code in SPRO. If you ar using VAT, Please Switch off Jur. Code Option in SPRO Settings I check your suggestion. (Switch off TAXTransation between local and document ) When I use this option there is no transaction i assign entry there do accourding your advise. The problem is remain same. Please Check your Plant define in Enterprise Structure whether have you assigned any Tax jurisidicion code and any county code check properly. This Tax jurisdiction is applicable in US only. If you want to Config this Jurisdiction Code the IMG path is as follows SPRO - Financial Accounting ---Fin A/c Global settings -Tax on Sales/ purchases -Basic Settings setting in Financial Account or first check your Invoice VerificationI check all the -- Define Tax jurisdictions But MM->Logistics Plant define >Define Tax Jurisdiction etc.. As per your suggesstion it's not applicabel in India. How we close the option. Can you check your Factory Calender in the Plant define. I think you have assigned the US Factory calender. I check and assign Factory calender is Z1. there. I check and assign Z1 inf Factory calender in the plant define. But one thing is there region is empty. Keep that region as empty only , don't enter any county code or region code there. Now you can process your tax codes.If any error comes let me know Can any one help me with the transaction code or report name that I can use to run a Stock Value report for a specific date. try T-Code MC.1, MC.9, mc.5 you can use transaction MB5B , stock type valuated stock try MB53... it will give you by month wise sorry.. not Mb533 . Please try with MC.B Use MC.9 for particluar period. Then go to Extras->Detailed Info->Stock Movement>Stock quantity (will provide stock on particular date for that period) similarly, if you select Stock Value (will provide stock value for all particular date). Try transaction MB5B
I have been asked following questions which I was unable to answer to the client Please help me out : 1. Is it possible to prevent service entry when the contract end date has already expired? 2. Is automatic price determination possible for services? If so,how? 3. How will you automate G/L account determination in service procurement? 4. Explain functions of Service Outlines? Can you assign services items to outline levels? 5. Explain the use of Model Service Specifications? Can you have text based services and service outlines in this master? 6. What are the tools available for data migration in SAP? i have stock of 200 items in Sloc X. when i try to issue 25 items from the 200 items, iam getting a message telling me that i have a deficit and cannot issue. what could be the problem? available Quantity (Txn.MMBE) before you do the issue Please check the On mmbe, check if you do not hav any deliveries assigned to your available stock and also check if your stock is not assigned to any other storage location except "Unrestricted which stock the material is for issuing it should be in unristricted use you check in stock the stock in mmbe and also in is possible that you have already check taken delivery note for that material and not cancelled the same. Pls Check Issue Sloc You can check what is the "stock type" of the material stored in the Storage location X. I mean, you can issue material from Unrestricted use stock type. Just check that it is not blocked stock. u might have taken delivery note for the balance qty or if not u moight not have cancelled any old del note for the same qty or stock might be in quality check I want to see the Inventory of a Material which is Batch & Serial Managed. Is there a Standard SAP report available? Kindly let me know the reports available to see the inventory of a Material based on Serial Numbers. try ME16N I think there is no T.code as ME16N. May be The T.Code IQ03 may be useful for you. iq09 specify plant/slock wher you want to know check while creating stock in [MB1C]and overview in [MMBE], created stock is not seen with an error message reading: MOVEMENT TYPE XXX NOT ALLOWED FOR WAREHOUSE No.YYY. Please guide where to assign movement type to WH NO.with T.code n menupath.
Each Inventory Management movement type that is relevant to the WM system is allocated to a reference movement type, with which the system determines the corresponding movement type in the WM system. Inventory Management movement types that do not initiate any activity in the Warehouse Management System have the reference movement type 999. You define the Mvt 561/501 in IMG > Logistic exc > warehouse Mgt >Interface > Define Mvt type . In that you do two activity 1. Assign WM Movement Type References to IM Movement 2. LE-WM Interface to Inventory Management Also check whether the movment type is updated here also Follow this path in Img settings. SPRO- Logistics Execution-Warehouse Mgmt-Activities- Transfers -Define Dlv. type (dlv. catgry OD for mat. 442959 and BWART 411) cannot be determined Message no. VL295 while doing transfer posting.(mb1b, mvt type 411 E) Also applicable to Handling unit movement (Tcode HUMO).How to get delivery type, delivety category, material and mvt type combination. I tried various methods and I couldn't get. Anyone can help me? an auditor saw that we did not have safety stock on many of our low usage items example 5 items a year 90 days to mfg ; 10 days to process the order ; 10 days to ship ; 2 days to QC ; cost 300 each how do you calculate the safety stock on this item? then figure 20 items 100 items same parameters I don't know how SAP dynamically calculates the numbers
How to include discount for some vendor exceeding some price. Scenario: When ever for vendor x P.O values is greater than 1 Lack rupees it triggers discount of 15%. PO can be both PO for materials or service. TCode: MEKE Create a condition for the vendor with respect to Pruchasing Org. In this case use scales option when creating this discount How can i maintain drawing details in material master? In material master, in basic data 2, the field called (RMMOU - MMZUO) documents linking icon, how can i activate this tick, presently this is in display mode? or if there is different solution then pls let me know? You can try In material master goto additonal data,then select document data there u can enter the details.
we have one requirement. .. for few materials, they dont want to procure material externally(i. e they dont want to raise PO and GR), but they will issue material for production order. can anyone teell how to do configuration for this requirement. In OMS2 select 'No PO's allowed' for external purchase orders and also look for type of the message it should. If it should restrict completely, customise it to 'error' message Do you mean you want to manufacture the material in In-house production? u can do it in matl type settings ( oms2) choose the proc type as internal. and choose the no external po allowed indicator. u can also do in matl master in purchasing view in plant staus field as block matl for purchasing. Thanks for your mail. what your saying is right. we can do that setting for material type level. but my requeriment is material level only. for materieal i tried for basic data, purchasing data, MRP2 views. but these are not satisfying our requirement. Actually our requirement is we have to use material for in-house production, but cant procure meterial data 1 in material master "X-plant matl status" try to configure There is field in basic externally(no PO). for Purchasing. For making a mtrl only for inhouse production check MRP2 view and maitain "E" in the Procurement type. I doubt whether u can do like that! Unless otherwise u have stock (inventory) how can u issue to Produciton Order. Any dummy strategic will help- just think it out! Try creating the material to act assigned and input the material in BOM as a non stock material and this will resolve your issue. Similarly this happens to low value items like glue, stapler pins etc in some seat manufacturing industry. I beleive that ur trying to manufacture the material inhouse instead of going for external procurement. In this case in the material master Basic data 1 tab you can specify in the field material status that the material is restricted for external procurement. This will serve ur purpose,bcoz nobody will able to procre the material from external vender. How to configure a new plant in SAP system, what are the components / steps I need to do? Go to mm.htm. It contains almost all the basic config information that you require.
i realised what the problem was. in the PO the material was assigned to a particular cost center, and the user was trying to issue the same to another cost center. so the system detected a deficit because the mateial had already been charged off (consumed) . what i did was to cancell the grn , go to the p.o and remove the account assignment, so that the material goes to stock first then it can be issued to the cost center.
I am facing problem in Cenvat Clearing. Scenario si as follows: While doing J1IEX Cenvat A/C Credited and while doing MIRO Cenvat Clearing A/C for BED & Cess has been debited on separate lines. I ran F.13 for knocking. Then checked in FBL3N for open items. I could able see both documents of J1IEX & MIRO accounting documents , but those were not knocked. It is a Std. SAP transaction. My client have accumulated nearly 2lac such entries which were open from 2005 & 2006 yr. How to proceed further. But in some cases it is knocking. could you please help with the attached error. I am trying to reverse the received Assets on MIGO. I am getting following error message Balance for transaction type group 10 negative for the area 01 you have capitalized the asset. now u open the asset for posting am i right. check GR/IR amount and post accordingly U pls used MB1B transaction code to take asset in. Then go for the MIGO reverse Actually i am facing a problem, when i go for create schedule agreement(ME31L) , afer puting all the data when i enter or save , the system gives a erroe like Account Assignment create, wht should i do now? plz help me out.
We all know that movement 551 used to take out the obsolete and scrap materials from the stock. What about surplus is there any different movement type or we should use the T/CODE FOR THIS MOVEMENT TYPE? WHAT IS THE same? Txn codes : MB1A or MIGO_GI about surplus: maybe MI01 create, MI04 count, MI07 post - this will post your diff to the gain and lost account What is the best practice for keeping catalyst and chemicals as stock item? These items will be stored for long period and definitely will be affecting the Turnover Ratio. Most of all our items under ERSA MRO spare parts. Any idea how we can we handle this issue. Please kindly reply to me the steps to make movement 561 creates TR and can be putaway normally as a GR. Also if you can help me with the basic configuration to process a two step confirmation to a determined storage type
I have created P.O For service entry sheet. I got problrm while doing service entry sheet. Its asking cost center and G/L a/c.Which nos. i have to enter. U had to ask your department regarding the G/L account and cost center.
I hope u will be creating PO with some PR reference adopt the cost centre from that otherwise ask the dept that asked you to raise PO to give their work centre code. at worst case download or check work centre list data and name the work centre. SES is also given the same problem in which I have not done through PR Another First Check u select K in item Account assignment category & also check that u enter cost center & G/L no. properly in Account assignment category tab in item level you create the Service Po without entering the G/L account and cost centre. if How . it is default be taken from background setting. So check the PO again. If you have maintain the PO it will not ask you again to enter in the Service entry sheet it will defaultly come from PO and copied to SES. Please let me know the step of configuration of POSTO with delivery and how to make delivery. Use tcode OMS4 and make new status for purchasing block.
While posting a parked invoice its giving an error: "Account 613220 is set as not relevant for Tax" check invoice document.
We have a requirement to set up a stock transport order using PO type UB. Here only the freight charges are to be paid to the vendor. Hence we have a freight condition type in the PO with the SPRO setting of entering vendor seperatley at the time of GR. But during GR, we do not get the freight tab to enter the vendor. Any idea what the is possible onlybe? Stock tansfer problem could between Plants/Str Loc, I have not heard of vendor doing stock transfer. Please clarify i know sto happens only b/w plants & not with vendors. But i have seen one querry where client i snot getting his freight conditions in INVOICE but it is there in PO. Pls help get those conditions when you select *'Goods/service items + planned You me with the same delivery'* option in the invoice entry screen in the PO reference section. it is just a begining for me in SAP. help me out in defining calculation schema from MM prospective. What are all steps for this. Any Config doc available, pl share it with me. This question may be a redundent. I need to know is there anyway of getting the material changes in a report (like a standard report). I know using MM04 i can get a changes on the material, also using CHDHR i can write some abap program to generate the changes. Is there any other way i can get this info.
Use t-code IH09 There is 1 User Exit available(QEVA0008) which an be applied to transaction QA 13 for reversing the Usage decision. Can any one explain me how to write the code for the same. am facing a problem, when i going to create Auto PO and i put the required data. when i execute than the system shows error like PO not generate due to some erroe. when i click this line the system shows PUT THE NET PRICE.
Please let me know if you know the steps to configure the movement 501 to make after perform MB1C SAP creates an Inbound Delivery?
While doing MIGO for subcontractor I have received the erorr as follows. 543 mvt type in not valid. Movement Type 543 is applicable to the items those are to be provided to the subcontracting party/vendor and not to the final item( final item which should have Mvt type 101). Pls check. Yea final product mvt type is 101 only the materail provided to SC is in 543 Could any one explain, where i do the customize for Restrict GR before Delivery Date...I expecting ur replies ya..... in purchase order you select latest gr date and in exeption massage set error message. i have a problem plzz help me out,I want automatic creation of PO while doing GRN. i am doing GRN using mvt. type 161 than an error message is coming, like "Business area not entered in line item 0000000002" wut is this message n how to rectify this plzz help.
While doing MIGO for Imported material, Higher & Secondary Education Cess (SECess) value is not getting displayed. Where BED, Education Cess is displayed well. Kindly provide the solution at the earliest.
Automatic updation of inforecord can be done by setting the valid info update indicator in "Maintain Quotation".- (T.code ME47).But i cannot able to find the Indiactor.can u please guide me. In ME47, Double click the material in the line item you will find the Infoupdate. can anybody tell me whether we can create an inforecord for a material and vendor? and the material or does not have a master record? Yes you can do that,provided u mention the material group and short text in the info record. Also other than material no. u enter the other details like plant, pur org. in the initialscreen info record for material group yes u can create Please say the use of creating a info record with out a material . Later if you create purchase order it will ask for the material While using the Release in RequestForQuotation (T.Code me41),error message :Thpurchase document**** *** not suitable to release strategy is comming,what are all the steps to be followed before doing release in RFQ.Please Guide me.
Can anyone tell me how many Chapter IDs are there ? there are large no of chapterids it is given by government for materials for exelectrical goods, mechanical goods - etc It all depends on the product you manufacture and the raw materials used for the manufacruing process did anyy body know what's table name for conditions amount on PO header as you see on the attachement. did any one know what's table name for PO estimated condition Open EKKO table and find knumv Open KONV table, input knumv CMIIW on PO header. number .. you will see the amount in KBETR field komv Please tell me how to find Fright and discount amounts in ME80FN Tcode. Otherwise tell me Tcode for find Fright and discount amounts and also Invoice amount in a Purchase Order. You can find the Freight,Discount amounts in the Conditions Tab-Item Details of the PO. Invoice amount can be seen in the invoice Tab- Item details of the POME23N -T.Code. We have seperate Material Types for Import Parts & Local Parts. Is it Possible in SAP to keep the one material code for above types?. i.e. We do not want to change the material code even material type is changed.
You can use this transaction MMAM If You dont want to change the material code ,only change material type. As material code is maintain at cetain organizational levels it is not maintained on material types so u can not create two same material code at the same organizational levels. Instead u can try split valuation. you are right.
I am having doubt on how Manual Excise ( condition JEXC ) Amount in Pricing Procedure is transferred to BED amount of Tax Procedure ( of FTXP). It will transafer based on Requirement type given in Pricing Procedure . But i am not clear with specifing requirment type in pricing procedure.
How to add "Contract" selection criteria to ME05? I have "Plant" and "Material" criterias, and I need to have a possibility to create source lists by Contract. May be someone knows how to do this?
These are MM certification Exam. Please help me with 100% accuracy. For real SAP MM Gurus it is nothing difficult. Thank you in advance. 1. GI/IR clearing account is value based or quantity based? 2. In automatic reorderpoint planning SAFETY STOCK is created automatically. If SATETY STOCK falls below the minium level can we fix it manually? 3. What is the relation between Purchasig Organization and Purchasing Group. Is it mandatory that we have to assign Purchasing Group to Purchasing Organization? 1.The GR/IR Clearing account is a value based . 1.The GR/IR Clearing account is a value based . 2. if u select automatic reorder point planning , manual selection is not possible , but u can change it . 3. pur org isa the org which takes the care of procurement, pur group is the responcible for procuring the material. 4. there is no assignment of pur group to pur org. 1. Quantity differences between goods receipt and invoice receipt for a purchase order result in a balance on the GR/IR clearing account It is value diff. or qty dif.? PURCHASE GROUP IS RESPONSIBLE FOR PROCUREMENT OF SPECIFIC GROUP OF MATERIAL,THERE IS NO RELATION BETWEEN PURCHASE ORG.AND PURCHASE GROUP.
With automatic reorder point planning and forecast-based planning, the system determines and adjusts the value automatically for forecasting purposes.With manual reorder point planning, you can enter a value in the material master record. However, it is merely for information. it is value difference and it is not mandatory to assign a purchasing group to a purchasing org I have just joined this group. I have a problem in stock transfer from GR Blocked to Unrestricted use. For this first I did Migo to release the GR Blocked Stock to Block Stock by using movement type 105+3, It came out good . But when i check MMBE(Stock) it doesn't show any quantity in Blocked stock. And also tried MB1B( Trnasfer Posting) by movement type 343(From Blocked stock to Unrestricted use) and system show message that Dificit SL Bloclked 10 PC. Please find details for the GR/IR Clearance account in SAP system GR/IR Clearing Account Maintenance Quantity differences between goods receipt and invoice receipt for a purchase order result in a balance on the GR/IR clearing account. _ If the quantity invoiced is larger than the quantity received, the system then expects further goods receipts for this purchase order to clear the balance. _ If the quantity received is larger than the quantity invoiced, the system then expects further invoices for this purchase order to clear the balance. You can also clear differences for delivery costs. If no more goods or invoices are to be received, you must clear the balance manually.
my client requirement: while releasing the p.o authority must know the delivered & landed cost of the p.o(item wise)which is not available in the system.
The po release is at header level as c is configured with ekko that is header level release if they whant to now item wise then enanhcement needs to be done that is c must be configured with ekpo table.i hope it may help you. If anybody can explain, on what are the issues will be in Retail master data. List of master data in retail module???
Pls clarify my problemHow can we create conditions for vendor discount.Senario: If the purchase order value is for example more than one lakh rupees (irrespective of materials), the vendor will give us 10% discount. If we select that particular vendor the system should automatically take the discount when the PO value exceeds one lakh. I tried with Tcode MEKE, but for one line item only, the discount applies (if the PO contains only one line item it is OK). If I entered more than one line item, it doesn\'t take the discount. Pls do the need ful condition type and check the result select discount condition as group condition in I would like to know if you have any website that I could view and read a full cycle implemenation of Material Management.
can any one tell me, what all steps / configuration settings are required for vendor master record, so that i can create vendor master data.
pls tell me how to block a vendor and customer You can block vendor by t-code xk05,for purchasing organization for purchase order or total block if u want to block vendor for all procurement u can block it by usinf command mk05 and if u want to block one particulr materrial u can block it into source list for material and vedor the Vendors use transaction XK05 here you block this vendor If you want to block with respect to all the company codes or only to Purchasing Organisation If you want to block the Customers use transaction VD05 here you can block this Customer with respect to Sales areas( Sales Dist--Dist ch-- Division combination)
My scenerio is as follows : We are goint to implement Split Valuation. I know for this following condition should meet : 1. There should not be any stock. 2. There should be no open purchasing documents exists. transfer material or physical inventory can be done. After creating valuation category & valuation type, I can put them in rerspective type. While I am changing material for Valuation category it is telling that combination of material, plant & s.loc. has stock. System is not allowing to change for this reason. But when I check there is no stock but it has certain qty. resevred for this combination. These reservations are made thru automation thru production order (mov. type 261H).
If there is one material type (eg:raw material) & four material groups (eg:-remote, spk,ic ,chasis) is it possible for us to assign this four material groups to one material type while customising in define number ranges for material group. According to my knowledge, that won't be a problem. Subject to correction. we can assign more than one material type to one material group,but i want to assign more than one material group to one material type which is not happening. please show how to do it. Pls tell me how can change the valuation Class of material . Issue out the stock, then change the valuation class on the accounting view of the material master. You can then cancel the GI. You can change valuation class of material in t-code mm02,but there should not goods movement for material.
I am a beginner in SAP MM, i want to ask you about tax in pricing condition. Can I have a journal like this, when do MIGO : Expense 100 ; Tax (accrual) 10 ; GR/IR 100 ; Tax 10 ; Or when do MIRO : ; GR/IR 100 ; Tax (accrual) 10 ; A/P Vendor 100 ; Tax 10 How can I configure it?
STO has been created for 16 items, during outbound delivery (VL01) it is just picking 13 items. What could be the reason for this? I am aware it is not related to MM, still this issue is given to me. Also, a brief explanation of working of STO using SD route/WM would be appreciated.
Can you check the STO whether all the line item Materials have shipping data in the item level of the STO and also the delivery type. One more thing VL01 is doing Outbound delivery w.r.t Sales order. what you do with STO there You can Use VL10B I need some good material which shows how exactly workflow can be linked to a PO release strategy. I tried to search for it in SAP library but could not get the same. The scenario is very simple. There are 2 release codes M1 and M2. M1 will first approve the PO followed by M2. Initially M1 shud get a mail in his SAP inbox that PO is for approval followed by the same to M2. But I did not understand how the positions, agent id's etc are to be created and linked to the release codes.
can we relate p.Group to Accounting assignment cat.if yes then send me the procedure.(Ex. - if i select P.G. which is responsible for service while making P.O.,then in account assigment cat. value will default take 'K' & Item cat value will take cannot be done that user cann't change.) This 'D'.& disable so in Standard SAP. You need to use User Exit and through ABAP coding you can control this. Can anyone provide me with the difference betwene single and multiple account assingment in points or business scenario adopting between these 2. I have some understanding but as it is more affecting on FI i am not able to make up the exact definition of these two. the Single and Multiple account assignment is How you The difference between can divide this quantity and Value of this PO among the account assignment category means take an example of Cost centre as Account Assignment catagory. If it is Single account assignment the quantity & value will be to single cost centre say A only If it is Multiple account assignment it will divide among all the post item materialA,Bdifferent cost elements then you can distribute If you want to cost centres say to and C item for this cost elements. This is multiple account ssignments. While creating po on account assignment tab you can distribute by quantity or % basis. to split the qty to different account assignment category then in item level If i have itself i can put as line item 10 with 5 qty and item 20 with remaingin 5 qty. where do u maintain this cost centre? are u mentioning about the acocunt assignment category = cost centre "K" ? How can the following requirement be met in MM. Creation of a one single PO based on Contract on Time basis, wherein the Quantity and Price will vary every quarter. Also we dont want to do any changes in the PO.
what is the procedure/method/ t-code for re-open the the previous period. for example:the current period is 02 2007 but some one closed this period and made it to 05 2007,and already so many postings are done. the question is i need the period back from 05 2007 to 02 2007 Try the Tcodes MMRV or MMPV For allowing to post the Previous Year Data . These Tcodes are for display and close period only. To my knowledge, it is next to impossible to open / post already closed periods. Can you check and confirm? To reopen previous period t-code is mmrv, with this you can open previous period only.MMPI Use I think MMRV is for allow posting to previous question is to change the posting period from 05 2007 to 02 2007 You cannot change the Period now to 02 2007 once you open the next period say 05 2007 system will not allow you to again open the closed period using any transaction like MMPV, MMRV. MMRV will allows you to post to only one month for previous period not for 2-3 months So you need to post the documents which are pending from 02 2007 to either 04 2007 or 05 2007 month only not to any other previous month. So be careful while opening any periods in MM or FI side. You can use MMPI ( But SAP never recommends this , it will mess up all stock valuations ) however, using this T-code please go through OSS note 487381, the main contents as follow: Before you start period closing with initialization, you must be aware of the consequences of period closing with initialization. This note describes the possible data inconsistencies that might occur if you carry out the initialization in a productive system. The resulting inconsistencies are not to be traced back to a system error but they are a result of the period closing program with initialization The initialization of the posting period to a previous or to any posting period may lead to the loss of the information of the inventory balances of the previous periods. The book value of the current posting period is taken as the basis also for values of the previous period in this case. If you want to continue working with this new posting period, in addition you should execute report Z_DEL_HIST_ENTRIES attached so that Please send me the report Z_DEL_HIST_ENTRIES to my e-mail address as this forum does not deliver or accept attachments.
You misunderstand my reply. I didn't attach any document in my reply. Z_DEL_HIST_ENTRIES is a program. If you need to know deeply, contact your Basis or ABAP person. Or please read SAP Note... I never done this process directly or indirectly in my system, coz of SAP not recommended this process. This is a post I found on SAP Blog which explain some basic steps to reopen the MM period. 1. Lock all users out of PRD 2. Take snapshot of MB5L for all materials at company code for current and previous periods 3. Add User parameter MMPI_READ_NOTE with value = current date in this format YYYYMMDD 4. Stop all processing that updates inventory values 5. Run t-code MMPI with correct period 6. Run Z_DEl_HIST_ENTRIES program 7. Take MB5L snapshot for all materials at company code fs01 for current and previous periods 8. Validate that values match on MB5L pre-post snapshots or are appropriate. 9. Unlock all users in PRD 10.the Z* programs are the user program All Remove User parameter MMPI_READ_NOTE from user ID I just said it's a program (XorY) More clarification, should connect ABAPers I have created SA and line while doing GR. I have entered the SA no it showing difference in the price determination. Net price should not zero. But I have enterd the price in SA. Acess sequence Kindly check your We we use top level BOM for all "A" part forecasted in ZPLA. We cannot view forecasts for our "B" or "C" (ABC Indicator Parts) as we leave MRP 3 "Planning" blank for these two Indicators. Is there anyway we can use the forecast based planning of MRP Type (VV), would we need to enter anything in the MRP 3 "Planning" section in order to view the forecasts? The B and C parts have a long leadtime and when the demand is placed on us by a Pld Ord or Dep Req - it is usually too late to respond and get parts from vendors.
hi, does anybody knows how to customize Replenishment for Fixed Storage Bins with automatic TO creation during confirmation.
can anybody provide a me some material on configuration for stock transport order, stock transfer. can somebody correct me on the following idea i have, I think stock transport order is between plants of different company codes(intercompany) and stock transfer is between the plants of same company code(intra company). correct me if i'm wrong. It is Intra-Company transfer. can body send some real time production support queries with answers to me your help is highly appreciated
Good Afternoon. So long time we are talking. I Have a issue regarding UOM which is NO. But in transaction MMBE ith stock shows 0.3. I check in cuni transaction for NO. Please give me the solution, whenevr you have a time. is nothing but No unit for that material as per CUNI. I am not getting you NO unit why u are relating UOM with MMBE. I think you have inward the material with UOM - NO ( i.e No Unit ) for quantity 0.3. now it is showing the Stock in MMBE as 0.3. Then what is the Problem you are facing so please explain in detail. Material should have some Unit may be you defined the UOM as NO. There is one message in the message group ME with message number 678 .Please check that message and i n the customisation make this message in the messsage attributes as an error .thena the system will not be allowing such qty. How does the system calculate taxes You need to maintain Tx code in PO. System will calculate the taxes as per rates maintained w.r.t. condition types in tax code. T. Code FTXP In India , TAXINJ and TAXINN is tax calculation procedure used for Tax calculation. T. code OBQ3 While in pricing procedure the taxes are calculated statistically for JEXS conditioan type. T. Code M/08 I hope it would have given fair idea about it. How does the system calculate all the taxes at condition type NAVS in MM For condition type NAVS- Non-Deductible Tax,You need to select statistically indicator [This indicator causes a surcharge or discount to be set in the document statistically (that is, without altering the value). ] . You need to assign relevant routines. then system calculate the taxes accordingly The system calculates NAVS- Non-Deductible Tax which are usually Sales Tax
The net price is calculated by summing up the gross price condition type and subtracting /adding all discount/surcharge type condition types respectively. Any condition type which is not marked as statistical will be considered for net price calculation. Create Pricing Schema with all condition not marked in Statistical column if you need all condition Record to be calculated. For Example : Level CondTy Description From To 100 PB00 Gross Price 200 RA01 Discount % on Gross 300 ZMUP Mark Up (value) 400 Base Value for Tax 100 300 500 ZDIS Disc. Excluded Tax 600 Net Amount 700 MST Tax 400 400 800 Net Amount With this Schema: - Net Amount will be calculated from PB00, RA01, ZMUP, ZDIS. - Tax will be calculated from PB00, RA01, ZMUP. Total amount will be calculated from net amount and Tax. So, ZDIS will included in Netmentioned by excluded for Tax. As Amount and you , If we have selected JEXS in M/08 ,we need not do it in OBQ3 FOR TAX Calculation. (In India , TAXINJ and TAXINN is tax calculation procedure used for Tax calculation. T. code OBQ3 While in pricing procedure the taxes are calculated statistically for JEXS condition type. T. Code M/08) How are you all. Iam a new team memeber. My querry is - 1) How can I extend all materials of a material type to a new plant.Similarly how can I extend all info of master data like vendor master data, info record & source list to a new plant. 2) When a material is deleted from a material master how do you remove the records from info records, POs, Pr, reservation use t-code MC.9. Generate output in Excel. regarding the first part of your problem etc. Ask ABAP team to upload in new plant using LSMW. 1. Use transaction SE16, Tabel name MARA. Click on MATNR and Run the report. It will give all materials listing. Now download this and upload using LSMW for new plant. Also, you can define new parameters for some fields, like delivery time which may change depending on plant location. 2. Ideally, material is not deleted till stock last in the plant. You cannot delete PO for which material is to be supplied.
my company has its own pricing procedure management wants that they want to feed each nd every condition type manually and not to take it from pricing procedure assigned while creating purchase shouldnot affect the inforecord also. kindly let me know the process in detail to carryout this process.
How do we block material n for wut reasons we block materials. There are different reason why the material can be blocked, eg. Payment Investigation/ Not Manufactured any longer/ No movement after a certain period / Receiving faulty items from vendor/There is a replacement material / too much stock etc and the blocking of the materials will depend on the reason customized within your org. e.g. Block for Purchasing / Block for Inventory /Item Discontinued / Block for all transactions etc. Flag for Deletion, you could select per Client Level or Try to use the T.code: MM06 Plant Level. If the particular material identified as an obsolete or totally will not able to use you may flag for deletion. But you have to consider the affected areas such as PRs, PO, STR, STO, stock and BOM. You have to clear the active transactions. Also, you have to consult your end-user for the changes. Can you please give clear idea between this two stocks. Specially in what situation we receive goods in blocked stock ( not GR blocked stock)
What transaction can I use to find out how many requisitions were issued last fiscal year? 1. Which fields are mandatory when creating a Purchase Requisition? 2. Can you make certain fields mandatory? Use ME80A. i got a doubt i want that the system has to show the error message when i post the GR before the delivery date that is where we do configuration so that i can restrict the GR posting for a particulat PO before the delivery date.plzz its an urgetnt. Set Message number " *M7 254* Earliest possible delivery date is & " as error. *Path :* IMG -> Materials Management-> Inventory Management and Physical Inventory->Define Attributes of System Messages I need your urgent help. I need to increase the no of rows in item overview ( of P.O screen). Could you tell me how to increase
One of my customer requirement is make setting in MIRO (invoice verification) in such a way that system should not allow MIRO to get posted for GR which are yet to be cleared from Quality inspection stock . That is , if a material is subjected to quality stock and unless the material is moved to unrestricted stock system to be configured in such a way that MIRO can not be done. If we do MIRO , system should tell that MIRO can not be done because the item is still in QI stock . Is there any standard setting/configurati on available . If there is no standard setting can it be done through exit ? if yes pls let me know the user exit. No standard setting is available for the same but a user exit definitely exists You can do this by maintaining the Quality View in Material Master. In this Procurement Data, QM Proc. active tick is made, QM Control Key should be 0007 which is nothing but Del. Release. Invoice Block, Certificate type enter,Maintain the Inspection Setup 01,15,89 which is applicable to your system. Please do this changes to Material Master. Check the scenarios. Correct me if i am wrong. i have maintained the QM Proc.Active with QM control key 0007. now, i made a GR with the goods lying in quality and then cleared partial qty to unrestricted store and partial qty to blocked store. even when the goods lying in blocked store the system allows to do IR and once it is done, it is blocked for payment. fine but what i need is the system should not allow to make IR for the goods lying in blocked store. is there any settings available for this. pls let me know. not possible because Blocked Stock is as well the Valuated Stock, So IR is This is possible, but when the stock is in quality stock, IR is allowed, but payment can be blocked. Please try this. Or you can do this in other way by creating 103 MVT which is nothing but the GR Blocked stock which is Non-Valuated. Then transfer this 103 to 105 after check the Quality manually. for material, it will not allow invoice Pl. make quality inspection setup active verification it material in Quality inspection stock. Just take the material first in block stock,it will not allow you to do invoice verification, when you need to material then first take the material in un-restricted & do the verifation of the same qty.there is no standard setting to stop invoice verifation after material recipt in QI. Could u pl. tell me t.code for finding the list of items which are in GR Blocked Stock . Can Use the Tcode MB52 to view the Blocked Stock. If any Seperate Tcode U Exists kindly Let me Know. for a single material u can check in MMBE for list of materials goto MB52 There are some reason to move stock into blocked area e.g Internal plant transfers using movt type 911. I will adviise you to use table "Mard" and capture in your blocked storage location "1003" depending on your Org config. or Use txn cd " mb51", also key in your blocked storage location.
There is no field for finding the GR Blocked Stock in mb52. Blocked Stock is different from GR blocked Stock . GR Blocked stock is pending 103 Document for 105 ConversionClarification Mr.Ramakrishnan I Think No Standard Report is Thanks For U'r . Availabe .We r using the Zreports to view the GR Blocked Stock. If Anyone is aware of it,kindly let me know. i had a querry relating to creation of vendors, while creating vendors even for regular vendors like external number for one time vendor it is asking. My question is how to make vendor number in VMR creation screen mandatory or not. Pls explain me with about the difference & types of deductable & nondeductable taxes . can you tell me steps. Wut is pricing procedure,n how does it works.if i have made a pricing procedure than how does it acts for a material
How do I get a list of open / pending POs by inputting a date-range? Use command MMBE. If you need information at plant level keep your cursor there and press shift +F2. You will get complete list of open POs only. If you need information at SLoc level keep your cursor there and press shift +F2. You will get complete list of openIt dosen't work. Pls. check. something is wrong. POs only. Go to Environment - Open Pos , check on ME2L or ME2M for getting open PO qtysto use the ME80FN, with the functionality of Dynamic Selections, select the Try delivery completed and key in the not equal to "X". IN MB1B trabsfer poting, there is a provision for 4 line items to enter. My clients wants to have 30 line items in Item entry screen. Is there any way to increase the line items. Shall be grateful, if you anyone can help me out Try the following T.CODE: ME2B REQT TRACKING NO: AS REQD PURCH ORGN: AS REQD SCOPE OF LIST: BEST SELECTION PARAMETERS: WE101 PLANT: AS REQD DOC DATE : AS REQD THEN EXECUTE (F8) By mistake one user has done GRN more than PO qty. Due to which the extra qty is uploaded in stock with 501 M mov type in RT package. we cann't reverse by using 502 M movment type. Is there any transaction code to reverse from RT package to vendor. PL REVERSE COMPLETE DOCUMENT THEN MAKES GRN WITH ACTUAL QUANTITY.
One of my my client is having is having following scenario: 1. While in process, material gets failed and the goods received are sent back to vendor as return to P.O. once we do system will generate the debit note to vendor. But the issue is while we return to vendor the debit should also include both the P.O price and the process cost incurred by him. Is it done by any of the standard SAP transaction. 2. While we return to Vendor i include the items which are not processed having the same material status as we receive against the P.O. But once it has changed it form from one process to another, how to include this item also for return to vendor. Even though some how i include the transformed items also for returns to P.O, what i will do for the exciseis no standard solution in the excisealso had faced a For the first problem there part. How can i capture SAP. We price for the similar problem in one of our clients. for the first one, vendor will not take responsibility as these material is damaged while processing and for these the responsible person is your material GRN signed people only. for the second one, ( the same material and it is not yet used) you can reverse the GRN after checking with excise dept whetehr part 1 and part2 is submitted or not????? this is my view and am i correct????? For first problem you can raise either return PO and mentioned the amount or raise subsequent debit / credit option In one one of my client, Scenario is: They are using tools after some process is tranformed to other status of Material: SAY X IS THE TOOL AND DURING OPERATION THIS TOOL IS DAMAGED AND TRANSFORMS TO SAY Y. BOTH OF THESE TOOLS X AND Y ARE USED IN PROCESS. AND FOR TAKING Y INTO INVENTORY I USE MATERIAL TO MATERIAL TRANSFER. BUT HERE THE ISSUE IS SAY MATERIAL X IS HAVING SOME VALUE 10 AND MATERIAL Y IS HAVING VALUE 8. THEN WHEN WE DO MATERIAL TO MATERIAL TRANSFER THE IT ALSO HIT THE PRICE DIFFERENCE ACCOUNT AND IN TIME WHEN THIS CONTINUES, THIS PRICE DIFFERENCE ACCOUNT WILL PILE UP VERY MUCH TO THE EXTENT, WHICH MY CLENT DOES NOT WANT. HOW CAN ADDRESSmaterial x and y. Use split valuation for THIS. SAP recommends a different material code for any material changing its charecteristics, so you can go for a diff mat code.material to material transfer can still be done provided both are in same UOM. Second option is go for split valuation.
how you will get the stock for the item "y" which is coming from the damaged item "x" in order to transfer from material to material transfer?? material "y" is occuring due to the damage of material "x" in the processing. So, where you will get the stock of material "y" in stock???? You would need to make a transfer posting from Material X to Material Y. So automatically, the material X stock will be reduced by that quantity and the stock of material Y will increase by the same quantity. I would suggest that after you made the transfering of material to material with same UoM. You may use the MR21 to adjust the Moving average price of course with the approval of Finance people. So in that case the MAP will maintain of that level. I hope this suggestion could give you an options of what to do. In t-code MB1B you can transfer one material to the other provided they have the same unit of measure What is the movement type for issuing goods against STO? and also the Tcode please. Once STO is created then create and out bound delivery by t.code vl10b and then change that delivery by using transaction vl02n there you pick the qty and do PGI from there Ok what movement type should be used for posting goods issue. You will not give any mvt type sytem will pick the mvt type if i am not wrong i think 641 mvt type and do recieve the material wrt to outboun delivery in th plant from where you have issued the STOP While doing MIGO for subcontractor I have received the erorr as follows. 543 mvt type in not valid. Mvt type 543 is automatic mvt type.Say for example subcontatcting vendor is doing some operations and after that he is giving back you materials .He has consumed some of the raw materials provided then when you will do the GR for that subcontarcting vendor wrt to PO then theraw materials which were issued ( transfer posting to SC vendor ) will be shown in the GR line with the mvt type 541. In normal subcontracting scenario we will issue components to vendor and we will get final assembly but i want know about reversal scenario we will provide final assembly and we have to get all components from vendor. How this scenario can be configured in MM . Plz give me the solution. I am faced this in a interview See this is situtaion where customer is placing and order to your organisation for the final product and you are providing the final product to the party .You will place order to the vendor for the materailk required for materials you need for manufacturing that fianl product. is updated but no value Use materail type UNBW only qty The scenario is like this .we are giving a car to a vendor and we have to get back all the we will configure in MM Please explain me in steps
While creating PO I am gettitn the error message " Enter rate / EUR rate type M for 17.05.2007 in the system setting" . Can anyone please help ASAP. By default the Vendor currency will be the PO currency. Confirm your venodor currency and the PO currency first.May the problem with this otherwise just come back for further assistance. We have to analse the FI settings. I think u can solve this problem by exchange rate setting in FI. go to OB08, set currency / exchange rate,for M... it wil be corrected I had a problem with material valuation when i am posting a document with MVT type 561 (i.e intial entry)It is giving me tha error,"Material valuation is incosistent in _____ valuation area",for this material(val. area) material ledger is active. Pl maintain transaction key BSA g/l account. i have an issue " When materials (Stock) transferred with in a plant b/w two Storage location Subsequent Document (FI) is not generating". the solution i found from the books is Accounting Document is generate only if the materials is Split valuated and valuation type changes in the course of the transfer" Can you please tell me where this materials is split valuated and where this valuation type changes in the course of stock transfer.... .
I am trying to implement PM PCS interface through which I want to download vibration reading data from a CSI software and also some other measurement point data from other Plant other level-II automation system to SAP. Can anybody throw some light. I want to restrict maintenance notification and order creation based on measurement value crosses the prescribed limit and also with my intervention. I have deceded to use PM-PCS interface and available function modules I am facing one problem. when ever i open Transaction ME21n and MIGO system proposes document date and posting date as 02.02.2007. and each time i have to change this date. I have set my posting period as 05.05.2007by OMSY and MMPV transaction . Also in subcontracting when i tried to provide vendor components with ME2O system giving error that posting is only possible in current period 5.5.2007 and i cannot provide materials. I have created PO and BOM date in current period only. also tried with OB 52 but i could not sove this problem. Please help me in solving this problem.
How to create info record for split valuated material(Ex. Having price rs. 10 for domestic and rs. 15 for international) . Please explain procedure to do the same in SAP. Hi, pays you to read ads on your cellphone! These ads are only about your interests. Not only that, you get to decide when you want these ads. Based on my calculations I can easily make enough money to free up my cell phone bill. Check it out... http://www.mginger. com/index. jsp?inviteId= 152768 See how much you can make. Have fun calculating. ..and sign up.
Is it possible to run MRP for newly created material which is having all views?????? i maintained all requirements like safety stock, ROL and minimum stock and MRP type also.
is it possible to upload all material view while migrating the material from legacy system into SAP by LSMW or some other means???? Ofcourse it is posible it depends upon the lsmw program u make ,u can open all the views in lsmw what is the impact in accounting documents by valuation class while transfering some material from one plane to another if these two plants are having different valuation step procedure : At issuing plant: A material document is generated With two class?? along with an accounting document is generated @ valuation price form issuing plant. At receiving plant: A material within the company. What about the CrossThis is Intra-Company transfer document is generated .No accounting document is company transfer. Please specify which document and accounting entry is generated, Also please give the customization setting both for Intra as well as Inter Company Stock Transfer. Waiting for your positive reply from you. For different co. code , system will generate addiitonal accounting document at receiving plant too. I will get back you on customization for different co. code.
Need to carry out following customization as per my logic goes. didn't finished full customization due to other urgent requirements 1.0 Create co. code. 2.0 Create Plant 3.0 Assign plant to co. code. 5.0 Prepare Stock driver " UB " Document type . 6.0 MIGO : Goods Issue : MVT 351 7.0 MIGO : Goods Receipt : MVT 101 This should finish your requirement. if your valution is at plant level and your doing stock transfer between plants recieving plant will generate 1 accounting and 1 matrial docment and issuing plant will also generate the same in one step procedure check for mov type 301 could any one let me know the difference between the BOM (bill of material) and configural material with examples.
Plz explain me the sequence steps of scrap handling in subcontracting what is the procedure ,how to handle it,explain in brief7give steps for practice. Scrap in subcontracting can be handled in two ways 1. Give scrap percentage in the BOM itself, So that when your transferring material to vendor , system will also consider the scrap percentage Eg: Let us say for making 1 Part You are giving 10 kg in BOM. If you put 10% scrap, system will transfer 11kg. 2. Another method is Create new material code for scrap and In BOM put it as negative quantity.So when you transfer the material to vendor this scrap is generated automatically by 545 movement type to stock at vendor. Then you can transfer it into unrestricted stock by using movement type 542. I want to address two questions to you. First one How to handled BYE-PRODUCT in the Subcontracting Process. Second one is how to reverse all the transactions in the Subcontracting Process with details explanation along with the accounting entries. Please give the details steps of reversals of this process. Waiting for your valuable reply form you. Please help me in getting clarification 1. Can price control be changed from moving avg price to std price or vice versa? What if transactions have been done, stock is available, material movement done. 2. What are the benefits of defining sales depot as plant? What if sales depot is defined as depot only. 3. What is the need of defining separate rejection store? Can we avoid it even if in our plant rejection is generated during production
Following is the extraction of SAP help on change in proce control : Under certain conditions, you can change the type of price control: From standard price to moving average price You can make this change at any time. The moving average price (which until now has been updated for informational purposes only) replaces the standard price and is used for valuation from now on. From moving average price to standard price You cannot make this change in the following two cases: If the material master record is set up as a valuation header record for a material subject to split valuation For more information, see Split Valuation. If the standard price comes from costing and is not equal to the moving average price If the change is possible, the moving average price becomes the standard price, which is then used for valuation. You change the type of price control by overwriting the price control indicator in the material master record with the new Control Mandatory , while Appart from this if you deselect the indicator : Price indicator. customizing the material type, then only it will allow you to select/change price control type can change price control at any time. But not getting clear about the It means we implication on material valuation. In my case split valuation is not there. What are the benefits of taking std price control for semi-finished & finished goods and if as per client demand we make price control for semi-finished & finished goods as std price control and latter we change it to moving avg price, what will be the impact? Need clarification on sales depot defined as plant (cash sale is there from sales depot) and requirement of separate rejection store (rejection is generted during production process). Please help me on following issues:1. We require a report whereby on processing ME2M for open pos,current stock as on date, plant wise, storage location wise(globally) appears 2. Requirement for Debit Note printout as per user to map?
When repair/rework sale order is created and MRP is run, system is netting the repair order quantity also. Since repair / rework does not require raw material, I want MRP to plan for the entire forecast quantity and netting off not required. For example: Forecast quantity for finished goods - 1000 Nos. (Demand reqt) Repair / rewor sale order quantiy - 200 Nos. (Supply, treated by SAP) After MRP, system creates planned / prod order for 800 numbers. rework QUANTITY is treated as supply in SAP and netted off against the demand quantity of 1000, net planing made for 800 numbers. pls provide solution for this how we give quotas to different vendors, plzz help me out with step
Currently, we are facing of valuation of imported raw material in the SAP, this is mainly because of improper loading of local expenses on the inventory at the time of grn preparation. To overcome this following procedure is proposed:- This will require creation of a virtual plant location called "EXIM" .All import will be stored first in the virtual location. after collecting all the local expenses,material will be transfer to the main plant location. In short only material cost will charged on EXIM plant & all other cost is charged upon MAIN plant. Pls. comment whether it is feasible /implications on Can anybody give me infomation on how to change the date which is coming as default when opening me21n and Migo transaction. Because of this i cant issue materials to vendor by me2o.I am getting error posting only possible in 05.2007 which i have set by mmpv. the error is not due to the default date in po and migo it is due to the month openng u have already closed the month of april ,so u can do postings in may only ,only two months can be opened at a time in logistics. if u want to open april u can use mmrv the default date is no problem of ur error Check MMPV again. System should allow for current and previous month posting. otherwise you can post document back dated also. Thank you for your reply for solving my problem. Actually problem was not because of open periods.It was because of my system date only. Now i can post goods issue to vendor by me2o.I had set my posting periods right my mmpv. But even with out using MMPV you can set it by removing plant Co code assignment temporarly and after setting period in omsy you can reassign it .I want to know this procedure is right or not .for solving my problem. Actually problem was not because Thank you for your reply of open periods.It was because of my system date only. Now i can post goods issue to vendor by me2o.I had set my posting periods right my mmpv. But even with out using MMPV you can set it by removing plant Co code assignment temporarly and after setting period in omsy you can reassign it .I want to know this procedure is right or not . than it can hav e some financila implications over the If u remove the assignment valuation of the postings better consider some other idea I want to enquire that how we can fix the cost centerwise quota arrangements for goods issue.Pls. give me the right way to implement this issue in my industry. Please help me on following issues:- 1. We require a report whereby on processing ME2M for open pos,current stock as on date, plant wise, storage location wise(globally) appears 2. Requirement for Debit Note printout as per user to map?
How do you handle this scenario in SAP. 1. Material A is imported from USA and cleared thru a port In India. 2. The payment is made in advance to bank. 3. The material is shipped from port to factory thru different trucks and the freight charges for individual trucks will be paid. 4. Now the entire consignment is consists of product cost + clearing cost + freight charges. 5. How do you calculate the total cost of the product. 6. and how are the necessary condition types as per the requirement. Mainly in you have to create different documents linked with each other Import pricing all the costs are known at the time of GRN i.e. in the condition types delivery charges tab will marked if u c the condition types. U can create frieght eg.FR1,FR2,FR3 like that and give description as u wish Other condition types are Insurance,CIF, CVD,Customs duty,Custom education chess like that. Can anyone send me all customization steps for Vedor Evalution,with Screen shot will be better I want to have PO release by vendor. I did the configuration, but when I am checking the classification in release strategy in SPRO (OMGS), I am getting "error in classification" want to know which is cost account when doing the goods receipt. when doing GR sysytem post as follows. Dr stock (is this the cost of sales?) Cr GR/IR (what exactly is GR/IR) and when do IV it post Dr GR/IR Cr Vendor DR Stock (101) -> Inventory Cost.
Goods Receipts/Invoice Receipts for Purchase Order Transaction OMW1 allows you to set whether the Price Control is a mandatory "S" or "V". V indicate that you want the system to value the stocks with the latest price. S indicate that you want the system to value the stocks with a fixed price method. Price Control V - Moving Average Price Assume Material Master current price is 10 Goods Receipts for Purchase Order - Movement Type 101 Material Document Posting created - inventory increases Accounting Document Posting created Debit 12345 Inventory 12 Credit 67890 GR/IR 12 New Moving Average Price = ( GR value + Total value ) / ( GR quantity + Total stock ) Invoice Recipts for Purchase Order - MR01 Accounting Document Posting created Debit 67890 GR/IR 12 Debit 12345 Inventory 3 Credit 45678 Vendor 15 New Moving Average Price = ( Inventory difference of 2 + Total value ) / ( Total Stock) Price Control S - Standard Price Material and Accounting Document is the same. The one with the lower value will be posted with a price variance entry. Event of RawMaterials triggers FI entries based on valuation class, right ? Same way, it could be WIP, FG and so... I would like to know the list of Account codes (FI) built in the system where it is being mapped against different type of material valuationOBYC : To make assignment of Respective G/L account to respective V. T code : classes! class. & T. code : OMSK : to make assignment of V. Class to Accoutn category and Material Type. Whether any report available for DELIVERY CONDITION GRN & LINE ITEM WISE. I want the report for particular PO or GRN prepared in specific period. Is there any standard functionality or I need to develop Y-Report. In ME2L : Seelct scope of list : everything possible This will give the item wise GR and opened qty itry cooispi for various reports You can use FB1LN REPORT TO SEE DELIVERY CONDITION GRN & LINE ITEM WISE. I am new to SAP and in learning phase. Can any body help me getting details about CIN, it's use and customisation in MM prospective.
Could you please let me know what are the Special Stock Indicators. Please help me. Special stock indicators are the ones that identifies special stock material like vendor consigment material(K), pipeline stock(P), project stock(Q), orders on hand(E), etc., Usually it is combined with the movement types.( you could see a single character field close to the movement typesfield like in MIGO). Special stocks are stocks that are managed separately as a result of their not belonging to your company or being stored at a particular location. There are several types of special stocks. e.g. Stock of material provided to vendor (Subcontracting) , consignment stock, returnable transport packaging etc. You can find a single character "item type" indicator while creating Purchase Order for each line item, which your query is about the special stocks available at your plant, the If i assume that indicates special stocks stocks are differentiated in MB52 warehouse stock report where the the stocks of each material available is specifically differenciated for example "E" is for Sales order stock and "O" for Vendor stock check the report for other types. Request you to please explain me what is Account Reference Key.
Can anyone give me some examples of user exit that is applied in MM area in a real time scenario? 1.User exits can be found out using a development class or a package. 2.For which transaction you would like know whether user exit is available or not. example 1. When ever i will crate a purchase order my vendor is same for a particular purchasing group and a particular purchasing organization . Procedure to find out the user exit . 3.Foer which transaction u would like to see the user exits forst got to trandsaction got system status and find out the technical name i.e is package. 4. By going to the SMOD transaction give package name and find out the real user exits available or not .once it is available go ing to edit attributes write program by givng the filed name = '9999' (some vendor) and save ,ceck ,save ,activte. 5. go top CMOD transaction gove that user exit in the filed area and activate . 6.Go and observe in me21 and see that 9999 vendor by default will come when ever you will crteate po.
Find this Develop Enhancements for Purchasing In this step, you develop enhancements for Purchasing. The following SAP enhancements are available for the Purchasing area: AMPL0001 User subscreen for additional AMPL data (manufacturer part number) LMELA002 Adoption of batch number from shipping notification at time of posting of a goods receipt LMELA010 Incoming shipping notification: adoption of item data from IDoc LMEQR001 User exit for source determination M06B0001 Role determination for release of requisitions M06B0001 Changes to communication structure for release of requisitions M06B0003 Number range and document number M06B0004 Number range and document number M06B0005 Changes to communication structure for overall release of purchase requisitions M06E0004 Changes to communication structure for release of purchasing document M06E0005 Role determination for release of purchasing documents ME590001 Grouping of requisitions for PO split in transaction ME59 MEETA001 Determination of schedule line type (backlog, immediate requirement, forecast) MEFLD004 Determination of earliest delivery date for checking at time of goods receipt (PO only) MELAB001 Generation of forecast delivery schedule: realization via creation profile MEQUERY1 Enhancement for document overview ME21N / ME51N I wanna create a PO, which when printed should include different delivery ( ship-to) addresses, with a common invoice (bill-to)address. Apart from manually entering the delivery info in the header text of the PO ( which is laborious), is there a way out? any BAPIs u can think of??? Use trans. code "MEAN" to create the ship to address. When making POs goto item detail and enter the code in the tab "Delivery address" field "address". You may type plant code for the delivery address billing address could be different. In case of standard PO,Schema group is attached to vendor in Vendor Master and this scema group decides the Pricing Procedure to be picked up in Purchase order. In case of Stock transport Order (STO) how does system picks the pricing Procedure. Also in STO the condition tab does not come up as SAP standard.So what is required to be done for condition tab to come up during STO creation For stock transfer order , pricing schema is attached to document type.
Suppose i have to transfer material from Bhivandi to Mumbai plant because of which the valuation of material changes.To get the effect of change in valuation of hte material what r the settings. Use Stock Transport Order for this txn. There is an option caleed Split Valuation. It can be used to solve this issue. Same Item code at two different plants can be maintained at two different valuation levels. is it Inter company or intra company me for both the cases. How to get the Pending Purchase Order details considering the Inbound delivery document(Intransit Entry Details).
what is vendor evaluation.. what is its transaction code..pls tell the procedure..pls ME61 Good Morning.I Have 2 Problems in Subcontract System in SAp. We send the Material to vendor (thru 541 mvt type) .we Create a Challan For this and material is send out. 1. My Problem is when we send the Material in 2 Batches we are notable to reconcile the Challan . 2.Also it is a long Process For the User. Creating the challan,Reconceilin g it. Is there any Possibility to minimize the steps of Subcontract Process. You have to create separate separate challens for two batches. After grn you can reconcile challen by t-code J1IFQ.YOU MINIMIZE the steps incorporating reconciliation of challens at grn itself
Ask to your Technical Consultants to write a program which will chage the tables MARV, - BUKRS & MARV - LFGJA .. If I want to mainatin source list for RFQ & at the same time for general Vendors too for same matearial. IS it Possible?If Yes then How to do it. YES POSSIBLE,FOR THAT WHILE CREATING RFQ YOU CAN MAINTAIN SOURCE LIST THROUGH ENVIRONMENT TAB. FOR GENERAL VENDORS USE T-CODE ME01 I thnk you have to maintain the source list, putiing all the vendors which you have identified. Also you could also maintain the Quota Arrangement to put the ratio / percenatge of all the vendors indicated to your source list can you tell me about the difference & types of deductable & nondeductable taxes . Difference between PB00 &PBxx how they take axes sequence. Like this way plz explain for some imp condition types
PB00- automatic pricing PBXX- manual pricing To explain it in details..... 1. If you create an info record manually or automatically, the gross price entered or adopted is assigned to the condition type PB00. When a PO is created without reference to a contract or quotation, a vendors gross price for the material is adopted from the info record conditions (or wherever appropriate from the order price history) as the default value for condition type PB00. If no valid info record conditions exist and no order price history is found, R/3 system is not able to suggest a price and requires the manual entry of the net price. The manually entered price is assigned to one condition type which have access There are two types of condition type that condition type PBXX. sequence associated with them.In such types of the condition record are maintained and the records are read based on t he search startegy defined in the Acess sequence. PB00 is condition type for price havig acess sequence associated . Where as the condition type PBXXPBXX are Condition Types related to Gross Both the Condition Types PB00 & is manual condition ( access sequence attached Price.Both the Condition types will ahve the same Step number with a different counter. PBXX is a manual Condition Type and will not have any Access Sequence assigned to it. It can be entered only manually in the Purchasing document. PB00 is an Automatic Condition type and an Access Sequence will be assigned to it. whenever a Condition record founds, then it will be updated in the Purchasing document with the price from the Condition Record.If there is no Valid Condition recordis with accessPB00ie the valuse for this instead PBXXpickec up from PB00 founds, then Seq will not be included condition are can be entered condition records PBXX is mainly used for the automatichave to manually put the if u have any PB00 is with out Access Seq ie u will price in purchase order, values in PO condition record like info record, contract or any other condition record, in the PO system will fetch PB00, otherwise the system will fetch the PBXX, because for the conditon type of PBXX in the control data it has been given as manual entry has priority. Only PB00 will be there in the condition record. u cant find the PBXX.
Difference between CType PB00, PR00 & PBXX Can someone pl. explain the difference betwenn Condition type PB00, PR00 & PBXX. Also which are the condition types do not have Access sequence and why. PB00 is the price entered manually in the info record. When no PB00 is found, the standard pricing procedures look if there has already been created a purchase order. If so, it tries to copy the price of the last purchase order. This is noted in the purchase order as PBxx. PR00 is the standard sales price. Some condition types like PB00 and PBxx do not have an access sequence. This means that those pricing conditions have to be filled in via the info record. Nice reply only it's wrong. PB00 is the price found using any condition access, not just info record. ANd PB00 does have an access sequence assigned to it. My honest mistake. PB00 does indeed have an access sequence. Conditions like FRx1 don't have an access sequence. This means that you enter those conditions on the inforecord or directly on the purchasethe PRICE considered for the PRICING PROCEDURE,where in PB00 is PBXX is order. the BASE PRICE considered for TAX calculation,example if you have maintained PBXX=100 and FRIEGHT=10 you have configured you pricing procedure such way that ,the freight gets added up to the BASE PRICE(PBXX) and on that TAX is applicable ,in such scenario's PBXX=100 ,where in PB00=110 ,on which TAX is calculated can you tell me about the difference & types of deductable & nondeductable taxes Deductible: If the tax is deductible means that the taxes will be taken seperatley from the base amount based VAT,Service tax,Excise etc and will be assigned to separate GL accounts which will be used further for Utilisation Non-Deductible: If the tax is Non-Deductible,the taxes will not be taken separately to GL accounts and will be added to material accounts. In case of some materials, the tax paid on purchase of items can be availed back from the goverment, This is called deductible tax. Here tax portion is not loaded to material inventory, It is posted to a separete GL account as per the config and later stage it will be cleared-off by finance In case of non-deductible tax, the tax amount will be loaded to material inventory. Here company can not claim this amount back from govt. regarding configuration, u have to define a new account key in case of deductible tax and assign gl accounts in case of non-deductible tax u can use SAP standard key NVV
How to get price automatically in the purchase order? Price in PR doesnot get picked up from a contract or, an Inforecord.It always get picked up from the Valuation price in the Material Master.But,when you convert that PR to PO,it automatically picks up the Contract price if reference of contract is given. make the PR price come to PO automatically How to 1. Go to SPRO > MM > Purchasing > Authorization Management > Define Function Authorizations for Buyers > Function Authorizations: Purchase Order > Here "New Entries" and define Function Authorization Key as "01" and give description. OR use T. Code - OMET Here under "General parameters" subscreen, cctivate "Adopt PO Price" indicator and select "Enter conditions" In "Possible ref. objects", select "W/o reference" otherwise reference documents (for e.g. PR, RFQ, etc...) for PO creation will become mandatory. 2. Now go to SU01 > Enter User ID > Parameters Tab > Here for Parameter ID EFB i.e. Function Authorization: Purchase Order, maintain value "01" and check in PO, PR will become mandatory for that user. 3. Now during creation of PR in ME51N, under "Valuation" Tab, you will get option for PO Price Adoption as Net or Gross. Select as per your requirement and it will copy Price to PO. In order to create purchasing document is mandatory with PR reference . I have done in config "Define Function Authorizations for Buyers" for all Purchasing Document such as PO, Contract and RFQ then assign them in SU01 for parameter EFB, however, only PO works others do not affect. Is there any parameters besides EFB shold be set in parameter? Thanks. .The function authorization is defined only for Purchase order documents not for all purchasing documents. 2.The user parameter ID EFB only controls the Purchase order Function Consignment process in SAP
SAP MM Consignment SAP Consignment is process wherein you buy the goods from vendor, but dont valuate that stock. Only when goods are withdrawn from your stores, are you liable to your vendor for your payments. Best example would be big TV shop which buys the goods from its vendors for advertising and display purposes and only when they sold, vendor charges him. Consignment process in SAP MM is handled through item category in purchasing documentand it has certain prerequisites/steps for consignment process to work. 1) There must be price maintained in inforecord for consignment (info type 2 in EINE table) for certain material, vendor, purchasing organization and plant. Prices need to be maintained in inforecord which will be used when settling liabilities with vendor.(ME11) 2) Create the Purchase Order with item category K in ME21N to order the goods from vendor for consignment. 3) On requested delivery date in Purchase Order, do MB01 -101 that is Goods Receipt for above goods on consignment. Again one important point is, you are still not liable to pay your vendor. These goods will not be valuated, accounting document will not be posted unless stock is withdrawn from consignment for your own use. 4) You withdraw the goods for your own purpose. Like in our example of TV shop, customer buys the TV. So that means shop keeper withdraws the goods from his consignment stock andwith consignment settlement. While trying to settle the I am having a problem now vendor will be his liability. consignment in MRKO, I am getting the following error message: Consignmnt settlement: No message was found for partner 123/company code 1000. Is there any message indicator which needs to be turned on? You can goto tcode MRM1, specify the condition type = "KONS" for consignment and Company code = 1000 Remember not to specify the partner in the condition record. Then proceed to MRKO to do your consignment settlement. I did what you suggested and now I am able to settle the consignment. I am able to see the invoice document that is created. Thanks once again for the help!
will system create different record nos during different info record creation for the same material and vendor?
System will consider only one info record no. for three different categories of info records (standard, subcon, consignment) for the same material & vendor
am facing a problem we want to reverse some goods movement Done in jan 2007 & i know that in MM period i just cant do that am allowed only to post in the current & the previous period. is there any other solution so that user can post this movementseems & we now in may 2007 movements to go backward. Since we Actually It in jan difficult to reverse some already on the month of May'07. If its one month ahead we could open the previous period (MMPV / MMRV). The only you thing you could address that issue if you conduct a quartely inventory count. So , that is the time you could correct your inventory with valid justifciations. could anyone tell me the procedure for bidding process where in the vendors give security deposit(EMD) ?how do we map this in sap
I want to know one thing.Is this possible to post an invoice and credit memmo simultaneously. How to confiure that, putting invoice reduction as allocation and reason as "vendor error" if vendor charges more.Will system generate two accounting documents.One invoce document and one credit memmo.I cant able to post invoice and cant generate two accounting documents.Can anybody tell me how to configure it. When creating parts order via custom transaction got the following short dump message 'DYNPRO_FIELD_ CONVERSION' Custom tranaction is equivalent to VA01 I was created witholding tax for TDS and E.cess. While doing MIRO E.cess is calculating on base amount, it is not caluculating on TDS. Can anyone help onthis.
Would anyone know what the REPLY TO dataname is of an SAP/Internet SMTP email? We have been able to pass an email address to the TO attribute, but currently the email is getting set up with the SAP logon userID and user email address. We need to override that value from a lookup table of Customer Service Rep email addresses. Then when the customer REPLIES to the email, we can dictate to whom it will be returned.
Another question has arisen concerning the SAP/Internet email object. Does anyone know about the FORWARDER field? This shows up in the code, but seems to always be null. We are running SAP v4.7, and desire to re-populate the FROM or REPLY TO field such that when the SMTP SAP/Internet email becomes delivered to a customer, if they choose to REPLY to the note, the email REPLY TO value will be populated or formatted by programatic choices, rather than using the SAP logon userID email address of the person who created the iniital outgoing email object. We want the email to become replied to another email address than the person who sent it out. I would like to know the concept of Split Valuation in material. Anybody could explain and make a scenario as well.
How to execute this scenario? Set up intercompany movement of finished goods based on triggering a "background" Stock Transport Order/Materials Movement to shift ownership of Finished Goods from Parent Company to Sales Company upon receipt of inventory from either manufacturing order or purchase order (incase of Third Party manufactured items) to allow appropriate intercompanyaccount ing to occur. a case where both MM and SD are involved. We have to use Standard This is Purchase order for the same. The movement types to be used for transfer of Goods is 643 and the GR at the receiving plant should have the movement type 101. Steps involved are: 1. Creation of PO 2. Delivery of Goods (Dely Type NLCC) 3. Billing 4. Receipt of Goods 5. Invoice Verification for Intra-company transfer. Is it the case of subStock Transport Order is created Can anybody throm some light on "background" contracting? Can anyone tell me how the t.code MC46(SLOW MOVING ITEMS) works . I mean how system calculate the slow moving item by considering & excluding which movement types. What are the selection criteria I need to enter
How to extract report form the system regarding Dead Stock,Non Moving,Slow Moving,Fast Moving Items from the system. Please give me the Standard SAP Transaction , and how to run that. Please explain, it is urgent. Please try MB5B Please try MC46 for report on slow moving. Non moving Try the Tcodes Mc46 and Mc50 For Dead Stock,Non Moving,Slow Moving,Fast Moving Items
How can i configure, so that during GR for raw material sap will: Debit Stock Account ; Credit GR/IR ; and at the sametime, Debit Purchase account ; Credit Purchase Offset account ; I have already activated the purchase account management, and also i have done a tick in Receipt Value and Delivery Cost at SPRO : Calculation of Value Purchase Account. Also I have assigne a GL account to FRE and error in OBYC.receive? doesn't work. What is the FR1 that you But it still There is no errror , but the purchase account still doesn't work. When I do GR, the jurnal generated is : Db Stock Account 1100 Cr GR/IR 1000 Cr Freight 100 I want the jurnal generated is : Db Stock Account 1000 Db Freight Offset 100 Cr GR/IR 1000 Cr Freight 100 Thanks for your help. can u help me to ealuate two vendor on cost quality and delivery basis , the case is vendor 1 vendor 2 Quality 30% 85% 90% Cost 30% 100.00 110.00 Delivery 40% 8 days 10 days How do i evaluate plz guide me, I am new in MM. Plz tell me whats the difference between Valuated stock & Non Valuated stock. Valuated stocks are those stock which carry inventory values and non valuated stocks are those which are having no values (ur inventory value is nil) Can anyone please tell me the steps involved in configuring Workflow for Invoice Parking? want to set a new field reference with name ( Industry Sector ) Use OMS3 to create new field reference I have a question about release strategies. Can I create more than one release strategy for the same transaction? For instance, our approval process for Assets is different than it is for Expenses. My relase procedure for assets has already been created and is working properly, it uses fields fields CEBAN-GSWRT (value), CEBAN-KNTTP( Acct. Assignment). I want to create a new one for Expenses. (both for PReq Release). The new release procedure would use fields CEBAN-GSWRT (value), CEBAN-KNTTP(Acct. Assignment) and CEBAN-MATKL( Material Group), since I need to exclude some material groups we don't want affected by the release strategy. Can you could create one, but thethe system only allows one RS? as well to Yes I create a new one? or does existing one MUST be changed include the new characteristic - material group since only one class can be assigned to release group.
We are planning the beneficts of migrating from 4.6C to 4.7, 5 or version 6 of SAP. We were wondering if anyone knows about the cost of the migration between version, the cost of consulting and waht kind of techinal issues you have to considerer before making this step. According to SAP, the recipient of an email will reply to the FROM value, unless the REPLY TO HEADER of the email object is populated. We are having trouble trying to locate where you can populate this REPLY TO HEADER. Does anyone know of some field or datanames they we could track down? Our goal is to send the email and have the recipient REPLY TO a different person than the SAP logonID of the sender. I have been following this forum for a while and this is my first post. Hope you can help me on the following issue: Scenario is that a Corrective type Work Order is created for a component of an equipment. The activity type is Replacement. This is a stock item with no available stock and thus generated a Purchase Requisition against the Work Order. This PR goes through the procurement process for the new component from the vendor. When received, it is received against the work order and the work order is closed. Now, it is decided that the defective component from that equipment needs to be repaired/refurbishe d. So how can I (through a Work Order): a) Put it back into inventory and under what cost (salvage value)? b) What will indicate in the Purchase Requisition that this component is owned by us and just needs a refurbishment service at vendor site w/o entering subcontracting (it is out of scope for this project..don' t ask me why) c) How will I receive it back into inventory when the service is performed by the vendor d) What value do I put it back with in inventory? e) When I put it back in stock, how will this close the work order? To give you some further background as per our current design we currently have split valuation forto utilize SAP subcontracting there is no way to reflect the If your not going new and refurbished only. inventory in vendor except as TEXT. Also, there would be difficulty on the accounting posting since it will be posted to subcontracting account instead of part of inventory costs. Unless, your willing to do manual monitoring, account re-classification then its possible, but let me warned you its a long process. Kindly try to persuade your boss to give subcontracting a second look.
Through MM route it is not possible Use PM module for this : Create Refurbishment Order : IW81 Transaction Do goods issue to vendor against this . Then do GRN for this . Refurbishment cost will be loaded on material Value . I need the Complete Release Procedure For Purchase Requisition .Can Any Body Expalin me in Detail.
Could u pl. tell me how to do the mass deletion of old Schedules and POs. Use TXN: MEMASSPO, Select 'Deletion Indicator' from Fields tab and mark 'X' for selected PO's. Execute! Try txn cd "MEMASSPO" i hv a problem & have to solve it by today. my cllient wants that while creating purchase order,d vendor-material data 4m inforecord shouldnot follow in PO.but at same time d inforecord souldbe uptodated as usual. how to solve this problem.pls help change the p.o. manualy . If anybody knows other than this , kindly give the u can feedback . How to get SLED (Shelf Life Expiration Date) report? Try MB51 and sort (ascending/descendi ng) SLED/BBD wise U can get thro lx27 Is there any tcode or report for reporting lead time of all materials (diff between po date and gr date) can anybody tell me about printer output settings or EDI settings for any purchasing documents. in the sense if i want to take output of a finalised purchasinfg doc ,howto make that settings Is it possible in sap for mass deletion of old reservations. pl. tell me the t.code and how to set the parameter for deletion of old reservations. Mass deletion of reservations is not possible as per my understanding I Want to Know the User Exit Enhancement Object For Tcode ME28 ( Purchase Order Release).
Actually there are some User exits are there for Purchasing documents release some of them are M06E0004---Changes to communication structure for release purch. doc. M06E0005 --Role determination for release of purchasing documents i have Written the Paasword Checking Details in M06E0004 For Me29N. It is Working Fine .But I Need the Same Checking Procedure For Me28 Also. I am Not able to Find Out the Specific One. If it not available in the standard lists of User exits, you need to adopt the same user exit here also. You cannot get a specific User exit like one for one transaction, Try to utilize the same one for this transaction ME28 i have question,is it possible to do GRN with out PO n due to that GRN PO is created automatically. if yes than plzz tell me the steps. Like we create PR and PO can be automatically created the same way. Automatic creation of POI think it is not possible I think it is not possible . IN VENDOR MASTER SELECT INDICATOR OF AUTO PO ACTIVATE SAME IN CUSTOMIZING You can receive material without PO into stock. Use movement type 501 501 mvt. type is ok. but suppose i am using 501 movemt and doing GRN.but i want automatic creation of PO againt the same can we do this In Customizing -- Material Management-- Purchasing- -Goods Receipt--Automatic creation of purchase Order and make it active for Plant and Movement Type 101. then on transaction do the following, Use MIGO and select - Goods Receipt, Refrence - Purchase Order, and click settings and choose Default values, and select 101 movement type against Material. Click Ok. On Item Overview line Choose+ for additional receipts without Purchase Order, and this will allow you to enter material and quantity storage location and Vendor. PO will be generated with the goods receipt.Material Management-- inventory management-- Goods Receipt-In Customizing -Automatic creation of purchase Order and make it active for Plant and Movement Type 101 and for other movement types as required. then on transaction do the following, Use MIGO and select - Goods Receipt, Refrence - Purchase Order, and click settings and choose Default values, and select 101 movement type against Material. Click OkOn Item Overview line Choose+ for additional receipts without Purchase Order, and this will allow you to enter material and quantity storage location and VendorPO will be generated with the goods receipt.po created It is possible to do GRN without PO and at time of posting GRN automatically. Auto PO tick in Vendor Master and Movement type 101 Create Info redord with Standard Purchase Org., Enter Goods Receipt / Other / 101.
1.In Customizing -- Material Management-- inventory management-- Goods Receipt--Automatic creation of purchase Order and make it active for Plantand Movement Type 101 2. then use t code migo and select reference to PO 3. Below the item overview screen select Non ordered items and enter the material & qty 4. In item detail enter the vendor. 5. prerequiste: A info record for material and vendor combination should exist. 6. postto configure autorespective materialthe mtypeclick on the PO tab. work on the i need and display the po generation for doc and 161, an am able to same for mtype 101, what facing problem with mtype 161. can anybody tell the configuration steps ? try ---------MIGO_ ----setting- --------- default values------ --------- ----change mtype 101 to 161 in non order item. not only that we need to go to OMJJ transaction, and select 101 movment type and select the feild selection enjoy and place lifnr also. Then only you can do Auto PO creation What is the significance of Industry sector in Materials Master creation?
Kindly guide me on the selection of Materials Block as mentioned in the system there are Exclusive & Late Material Block, plz tell me which type is prefered & what are the merits & demerits of the same.
Specifications, Functional and Technical. who creates them and why it is required and if possible briefly what does they contain inside? Do a specification is to be written during a user-exit creation giving tables reference etc.
Is there a way that I can change the layout of a std sap report , example "execute txn cd "ml84". I want to streamline the output into 1 single line. Please advise on how to do that apart from re-coding it.
I'm facing a problem. Until release 4.6C we got send mail to more than 1 people after we release PO. 'But now on ECC 6.0 only one is possible. Could I do it by abap program ? Does anyone has already faced this problem ?
In line with below query, I am also having one query. How to send PO to supplier by email. I have tried sending but it goes in text format as an attatchment which contains only PO no. not other details.
In line with below query, I am also having one query. How to send PO to supplier by email. I have tried sending but it goes in text format as an attatchment which contains only PO no. not other details.
Plz guide me regarding the settings for the Drop Down Icon. I have created plants in my co code however after droping down the options the list i get is of my plants alongwith all the plants which are created by others. Plz guide its very urgent.Instant response dropbdown list completely. But you set your plants to your You cannot remove the will apreciated. personalised list. so only those will appear when you press F4. What you need to do run the transaction and press F4 there Near to find button you will find the insert in personal list, so select your plants and put in the personal list, then come out of the transaction and then again check in the F4 you will find only your selected plants will be seen in the list. This is a temporary if any body removes that personalised list then again other plants will shown in the drop down list. How to send Purchase order by email.
I have setup the PO output for STO to be DP, but after creating STO the message output is not finding the delivering plant. How to assign a partner to the plant?
The purchase request is subjected to line item approval by cost center... there are totally 300 cost centers and one release code is applicable to 10 to 50 cost centers. How to assign the characteristic value in Mass (like 50 cost centers).
Looking for some knowledgable person to address this fundamental question: HOW DO I POPULATE THE "REPLY TO" PROPERTY OF AN OUTGOING SAP EMAIL? We are running SAP v.4.7. We have located the function module called SO_OBJECT_SEND but cannot populate the Reply To field. Recipients respond to an email and it returns back to the FROM field, which contains the SAP logonID. Can we fill the REPLY TO field such that we control where the recipient email will return the email?
I have an issue with sub contracting PO. In our company we create a subcontract PO for items based on customer PO. i.e., Sales order creation drives the PR and so PO ( 3rd Party order processing). This PO item category is S-3rd party as per standard SAP. For subcontracting items, we want it to be L-subcontracting in the PO. So our requirement is: If you get a 3rd party order for sub contracting items, system should create a subcontracting PR/PO. Any ideas/suggestions please. Can u tell pricing procedure steps. After Evaluation of Vendor by ME 65 We found the ratings as below:- SCORE 02 Unequal Weighing PRICE 43 20% Quality 100 40% Delivery 44 40% Overall score 66 We don't no how system calculate the price and Delivery In the above vendor is of single source. Its price has to 100% but it showing less. Please clarify how systemcriteria l there price and Delivery. whichvendor is For price,quality, delivery calculate the is varience of % by deviated as per that system gives score of mark Can any one help me out and explain me how to handle loss in transit when transfering material from warehouse to stores or from plant to plant ...... In sap show material as scrap in receiving or sending plant in any one of them. Alternate way is to receive full qty at receiving plant then post scrap movement to the cost center who is responsible for loss. When We raise the P.O for value of Rs.1000/- but when we receive the invoice for the value of Rs.1100/- Please give explanation how to process document entry is any configuration I have to change. You can sue invoice reduction in this Customization required : OBYC : Select RKA : maintain g/l account number ; OMRA : Select document type in invoice verification --> Select MIRO --> Select Document type ; OBF4: Define document type if required or use standard SAP settings. Transactional : MIRO 1.0 Header Amount should be same as Vendor amount. 2.0 Line item amount : Actual amount 3.0 Invoice amount to vendor ( Same amount as item no 1) System will generate two documents 1.0 Invoice document Vendor A/c : Credit 1100 G/R A/C : Debit 1000 Invoice reduction a/c : Debit 100 2.0 Credit Memo Invoice reduction a/c : Credit : 100 Vendor a/c : Debit : 100 AMEND the po value Basically the value of PO is 1000 and printed Po as well. The vendor will acknowledge the amount indicated on PO. The Invoice to be recieved sholud have the same value of PO. So, during the goods receipt and invoice verification it will have the same amount.
i am having a problem & i have to get the solution by today. my client wants that while creating purchase order the vendor-material data maintained in the inforecord shouldnot flow in the PO but at the same point the inforecord should be uptodated as usual. pls show me the way how to solve this problem as quickly as possible.
I couldn't able to capture Freight cost in MIRO against each delivery note. Scenerio is like this : We have freight condition defined and are attached to PO. GR based IV is selected in PO. Freight vendor is same. For single line item of PO, 4 GR were booked. In this accounting entries are correct , i.e. Inventory Dr , GR /IR Cr , Freight Cr. I want to make IR for one GR with freight cost. I selected Purchase order /schedule agreement along with line item, then select all information + planned deliver cost lay out , then select delivey note. I selected required delivery note no. in lines. when I am going to select another line for Freight cost , I observed system took TOTAL AMOUNT OF 4 GRs (it accumulated all pending GRs ) . In this I need to change freight cost manually for this one GR. Is there any way to do IR for perticular line you are using in MIRO You have cost. otions to choose. 1.0 Check layout item , one GR along with freight three Goods/Serivce Items 2.0 Planned delviery cost 3.0 Goods/Serivce Items + Planned delviery cost Let me know which layout you have choosed, that will decides further probing.
You cannot allocate delivery note for Freight cost, you have to call in the bill of lading for freight. pl see table below. Allocation to: More Allocation Criteria Type of invoice items Purchase order/Scheduling agreement Multiple allocation Goods and services only Planned delivery costs only Goods, services, and planned delivery costs Delivery note You can enter a delivery note number for every goods receipt. The number can then be referenced later in the invoice for a goods item. You can use the delivery note to uniquely match up the invoice by selecting goodsreceipt- based invoice verification in the order item. Multiple allocation Selection vendor Goods and services only Bill of lading I am using Goods/Serivce Items + Planned delviery cost lay out. I want to add planned delivery cost (freight ) to GR / IR account. For getting above result I did as per following customisation : 1. I checked freight conditions. checked pricing procedure. Made one new account key and assigned to this freight condition. Removed accrual key against this freight condition. 2. Assign the same G/ L account no. which assigned to GR / IR accout (WRX). Made PO. Did GR. In GR accounting are : inventory Dr, GR / IR cr , GR / IR Cr (this cost is freigt). there are two lines for GR / IR. While doing IR (MIRO) I found that system is considering only one line amount of GR / IR , not two. It is taking freight cost amount which was converted to GR/ IR another line. For doing correct amount of GR / IR in MIRO can change account for that freight condition as WRX in pricing procedure. Is there any other implication.
I AM FACING A PROBLEM WHICH I HAVE TO SOLVE BY TODAY,SO PLS IF ANYONE CAN HELP ME. I HAVE CREATED A TAX CODE(16%ED+3% CESS) AND HAVE MAINTAINED IT IN J1ID CODE. NOW I HAVE CREATED A NEW SCRAP MATERIAL AND MAINTAINED IT IN J1ID CODE. WHILE MAKING A PURCHASE ORDER WITH THAT NEWLY CREATED MATERIAL AND APPLYING THE TAX CODE IN THE INVOICE TAB AT ITEM LEVEL,I AM FINDING THAT THE TAX CLASSIFICATION ISNOT TAKEN. AT THE SAME TIME IF I AM USING ANY PREVIOUSLY MAINTAINED MATERIAL WITH THE NEWLY CREATED TAX CODE,THEN THE TAX CLASSIFICATION IS TAKING PLACE. IS THEREmaintained the input and output for that material MATERIAL? WHAT Have you ANYTHING WRONG WHILE CREATING THE and also the tax type (full or partial) in J1id plz try the same. we have a scenario that we have subcontracting PO and components are drawn from the different plants in same COMPANY and when we are doing GR for that PO we got the error as special stock O (vendor no) (material ) doesnot exist message no M7076 Before Goods Receipts against PO , First you have to issue material to Subcontractor for processing. Then this error does not come. please try this. how to get back the PIR for a material that is flagged for deletion. Goto MD62 delete the pir for that material and save and than can do the mrp run go to t.code:me5m You need to remove deletion flag of material by using Tr. code MM06 Pls. check, There is no such transaction when we have PO for 3 materials and when we invoice it we want diffrent TAX assigned to each do we do that As soon as you Oder material with diff line items , you need to maintain tax code respective to line item. This default information get flows to MIRO when you will select line item to process for IR. You can check on TAX tab on header of document. Hope this would have cleared your doubt where to maintain condition groups for a material in IMG
can anyone send me mm-cin configuration and business process overview You need to caary out configuration in Logisitics General--> TAxes of Goods Movment --> India. Refer SAP help for Contry India version
Can anyone tell me how to find the change record on an Info Record? I trid to use the ME13--> Extras--> Changes. But, it needs to key in a date.This is not what I like because I don't know when the change happens. And, I don't want to check the change on price. I want to check the change on other fields, like Minimum qty, etc. Per me you are on right path. This will also display the qty changes too. If I don't know the date when someone changed the mini qty, how can I find the change record? try, me14 and make the date towards beginning of year that way you get a listing of all changes. Plz tell me how to create Graduated Pricing scale. You can maintain in respective condition for purhcasing documents. I have a problem while doing Good Receipt without any reference (OTHERS). I am getting following message. "Cost element 191100 does not exist in chart of accounts INT" Can anybody help me on this? Go to T.Code-FS00 and put the G.L a/C no-191100 then click the edit tab then You see top of the screen one Tabb Cost Element and create the cost element. I got the error -GR based invoice verification not active for line items 8-10 of a PO # 10004092. I tried to tick the GR-based IV flags in transaction code ME22N but they remain grayed out when I tried to do so, even though the GR postings have been reversed already. I checked on this PO in ME23 and noted however that the garbage can icon is showing up for the line items 8-10. Can this be the reason why I cannot select the GR-based IV flag? Please advise what should be done in order to correct thethe GR Thanks in advance for your assistance. You can find error. BASED IV tab in Material Master & Vendor Master. You can go there and maintain it. cancell the gr and go to the vendor (xk02) purchase data and check the gr base iv box then check the gr base iv box also in p.o. and make the gr. i think it shoud work. plz let me know the result. yes that can be a possible reason as it Garbage bin says that this items are no longer in PO so u can not do any change in this item. One more thing is that if u have deleted this items before u do GR it should not be appear in MIGO. Please check you have not selected the free item tab in the po for that line items
It is not possible in SAP one thing you do split valuation in This case maintain in system same material in different valu.
We have seperate Material Types for Import Parts & Local Parts. Is it Possible in SAP to keep the one material code for above types?. i.e. We do not want to change the material code even material type is changed. I need your help, hints on EDI. How to make the link with suppliers. I need a steps by steps configuration and functional ideas.
Please provide Tansaction code & Path for Define Procurement type. In system only 2 procurement types are defined. I want to create another procurement type. so please tell where i have to go for the same. This field will come in Material master record-> MRP2 View-> Procurement Tab -> Procurement type.
How can one find table name for a field that is associated with some structure? E.g: I need to find out the table name for field 'Delivery Note' in MIGO. Structure for which is GOHEAD. Please help Use the Tcode Se15 .Abap Dictionary -> Fields -> Table Fields. Expand the Tree and Remove the Tick of the Views and the Pools and Cluster Table. Search Only in Transparent Table. U get the Table Name. when i tried to create a PO iam getting the following problem.I went to OB08 and entered the specified date but still i could not solve it.Pl help in solving this problem. "Enter rate / EUR rate type M for 20.05.2007 in the system settings Message no. SG 105 Diagnosis : For the conversion of an amount into another currency, an entry is missing in the currency conversion table." Plz tell me what does Material activation means & how to activate it .
How can i see 1. who created the reservation 2. reservation creation date The reservations created for a material can be viewed through T.Code MB1A. Enter the TCode,give the specified mandatory requirements and select the tab "To Order".In that screen it will askm for order numbers.Below that you will see a column asking for material.Just give the material number and pressF6(Adopt) . You will be able to see the reservations for that material.You can change the layout of this screen and view the required fields. Please let me know whether it was useful to you.
Please use MB25 it will definitely provide the info required by u U can use mb25 for viewing all the required details. do anyone have idea for creating a service entry sheet in ml81n and taking all the line items of the po in the same Entry Sheet You need to seelct PO Select New Adopt services from po. flag accepatance Save serive entry. while adopting service we can adopt a single line item from the po, i m looking for adopting 20 to 25 line items of the po can u suggest something Enter ML81N --> click other purchase order(above) , enter ur PO no. Then click create button, beside that.. enter description of service of render. then below click button service selection... enter ur PO no again.. then select ALL THE LINE ITEMS OF UR PO..( AS U REQUIRE THIS) then select copy services.. then entry sheet will have all line items of ur po. then click green flag (release), service will be accepted, then note down Entry sheet No. then save.. then MIRO (t-code) select PO preference tab.. select service entry sheet.. then enter that entry sheet no.. simulate & post.. ml81n and enter the po number it takes a line item along with it but when we enter it doesnt gives option for multiple line items can u please give me a screen shot Sorry i am not able to do this. In my service PO in header there is 4 main line item, and each main line item there is a 4 services , so total 16 services are there for the 4 Main service line items. I want to create the service entry sheet for all the 4 Main service line items which is total 16 services. So how to go about that. Please explain in details. Waiting for your positive reply from you create a new entry sheet with reference to your Po. Click select service and then services a pop up window will appear, give your po number and then check adopt all then okay. Surely all services will be adopted from po while selecting po in the first place when i click on other PO to select a po in ml81n the line items comes with it ,if i one line item there are several services i can adopt all but if in one po there are several line items i m not able to make SES for all in one SES. i hope u understood the problem. For each line you should repeat the same process as you did first. do any one have idea of configuring a new unit of measure i have already configured them in the transaction code CUNI ,but still i cannot see them in mm01,do i have to assign them or carry out some others steps,please let me know ,a bit urgent plzz throw some light on reservation, how to make a reservcation. wut is the transaction to do this. Run MB21 transaction
use MB21 to create reservation document. MB26 to pic up material. MB1A is to issue goods against reservation. MB21 OR YOU CAN RESERVE THROUGH
I want to Write a User Exit For the Screen MIGO. My Problem is User's Enter the 105 Date Earlier than the 103 Date. I want to avoid this. Is there any other Settings in SPRO or i should Go For the User Exit.
We are working on both SAP & Web CRM.Now we got a task to connect both SAP & Web CRM in such a way so that if i update any entry in web CRM it should get automatically updated in SAP.Please help us.
While adopting services we can adopt a single line item from the PO. I am looking for adopting multiple line items of the PO. Can You throw some light and suggestion on same. Is there any customization setting on that. Waiting for positive reply from you. Can anyone tell me if there is any way other than FBL1N to see whether the materials bill of a vendor has been paid?? U Can View the Bill Pass Status in Tcode MB5S. If the Invoice Ampunt is 0.Bill Not Passed. very much.But do I have any option to view the same data only for a Thank you particular period or posting date???Please clarify Can anybody throw some light on TAXINN Procedure Configuration changes required for VAT and Service Tax Implementation. if anybody knows about the releavnt SAP Note, please provide me. i will be very thankful to you. i need TAXINN with VAT and Service Tax Conditions. Please throw some light on this.
Where are PO attachments stored ? In T.Code ME2L i ve created a stock transport order for a stock from plant1 to i wanted to receice the goods using MIGO..when i choose the same PO as reference is displaying the msg as DOC contains no items..pls help me ..hw can i reveivereceiving the in Plant2. against the "Outbound Delivery" not the P.O. Try and the material materials
First check whether the Stock transfer Po is released or not? If not, Please release it. Second check where Outbound Delivery is created against the Stock transfer PO. Third check against the Outbound Delivery that the PGI is made or not? if not then do PGI so that stock goes to In Transit. Fourth you do Good Receipts against the Outbound Delivery at the destination Plant where the material is required. This is the complete steps of Stock Transfer activity. Please do this steps then you are enable to do goods receipts. Waiting for yourthe Case of Stock Transport Order, first we need to create a outbound delivery For valuable reply from you. using t-code: VL10b, then Post goods issue and then GR for the plant2. The transaction code mentioned is for purchase orders-fast display.please specify the correct code.(is it VL01n??) No.. The T Code is Currect VL10B only.. for Purchase Order delivery. VL01N is for Sales Order Delivery i have been working on Stock transport order. After creating a Stock transport order, when i go to VL10B i don't see any delivery there? Tcode For OutBound Delivery is VL01N VL10N is the correct Tcode, u select ur S.T.O ,then create an Outbound delivery Document ,Then pick the delivery quantity and do a P.G.I.,then in the receiving plant ,do GR(MIGO) against the outbound delivery. For delivery of stock tranfer the T.Code is VL10D & somebody trying VL10b i.e they are not getting deliveries After creating PO u go to VL10d there u remove the date & click on purchase order there u give po no. click execute u find ur order with qty u select the box left hand side then click on background then ur order qty zero it converted into green then select the box green one again click on dialog box black box next to backgroung then select the line click on documet u will find the doc no. after this u can do PGI with T.code VL02N there u give actual posting date & under picking u the qty then click on Post good issue. after this u try Migo i want to receive goods against STO, when i used ur process with my STO no, here in is displaying that list contains no data. pls help me to receive goods against STO. when i created STO with some Qty, the same is appearing as open type Qty in the receiving plant /Storage location. what is this open type Qty. i just want to receive that openin ur plantto unrestricted. for transfer u do one thing u can upload stock it means type Qty there is no stock by T.code MB1C M Type 561 I am doing MIRO invoice receipts. I would like default the currency as USD in the MIRO scrren. Can anybody throw some lights on this. if u want to keep usd default at the time of miro u do one think u can make the changes in vendor mater in purchasing data there is order currency under that u can give usd & save
While entering an invoice,the system is giving an error message'Maximum no. of internal tax items is reached'.When seen the description it shows that you have entered more than 999 items.whreas the total enteries are 345. when entered in two steps i.e.,first 300 enteries and then the remaining,the system allows to do the transaction. Check the Default values for Invoice Document how much it is ... might be it was set as 345 only.. change it as required Please explain me in detail or if possible give me the path. u go to T.Code OBA7 select document type RE & double click u entered inti doc type u find no. range code for eg.02 right side u click on number range information then give company code click on display interval there u ckeck ur code 02. & check the interval number that is finished or not The problem is in no. of fields available for entering invoice items, not in the no.range. I have been trying to add a storage location for materials through tcode MMSC, but prompted by following dialog message: "Material not fully maintained for this transaction/ event." Thereafter, I've looked at material master transaction e.g MM02, unfortunately only a few maintenance views are activated (as I found just Basic Data and Accounting view). Is it the right path for me to add storage location through this way? How could I activated other maintenance status (as I need to activate Warehouse Management view or Storage Location stocks view) ? As I have tried to use tcode MM50 but somehow when I clicked the maintenance status button the screen directed into MM01 (only a few maintenance status activated).need system is in version R/3 4.7. What you The to do is goto transaction MM01 and put your created material number there then select the views General Plant Data / Storage 1 or General Plant Data /Storage 2 , put your plant and storage location and Just extend this view to that material code and save the material number. Then You can use MMSC transaction for extending the other storage location to that material code. To be able to add new views in material master (e.g. MRP1, MRP2, Acounting View, Storage Location etc) you need to extend the material of a required view. You may use the MM01 or Extend / Replication Program. Then you could now add/ extend storage location or use the MMSC. I hope this input could help to address your query
In addition to mm01, better you can use mm50 to extend the required views. In mm50 you have field called "Maintenance status" from where you can select the views. for example below; B Accounting K Basic data C Classification G Costing P Forecasting D MRP X Plant stocks F Production resources/tools E Purchasing Q Quality management V Sales L Storage Z Storage location stocks S Warehouse management A Work scheduling Please do let mematerial at purchasing level through MM01 then only you can First create your know for further clarification. maintain SLOC through MMSC. I'm having problem with the material master creation, I actually assigned a coding mask on the config, which looks like XXXX-XXX-XXXXXXXXX. Afterwards, I assign the material type to external number assignment with the same coding. Now, the issue is on the creation of material master record a message keeps prompting up which reads like Mess:BMG141 Entry is too long; format is XXXX-XXX-XXXXXXXX. THe number and format is the same yet I still receive the error. Do I need to use user-exit? If yes, do you want exit? i have defined no. range and document type but i dont know how to assign this for the PO or PR for which i have defined,plzz help me out. go to purchae order type under type u have to assign no range Please explain me where to configure procurement type. I want to create more procurement type. This field comes under in MM01 in purchasing view. Please anyone of you reply for this. Go, to split valuation, and create different procurement types, like Domestic, Imports etc Goto-Production- ->>Material Requirements Planning---> >Master Data-->>Define Special Procurement Type.
Please follow these steps first you select IMG, Logistic General, Material Master, Basic Settings, Material Type. Now we can make new type of material. What u configure in split valuation is Valuation Type... Not Procurement type.. Pl.correct urself.about procurement type, not material type. dont confuse vineet is asking Does it make any sence??? why would u want more procurement types??...I mean arent external,in- house and both along with the various special procurement types enough?? standard procurement types are: 1) Consignment 2) Subcontracting 3) 3rd part 4) outline agreement these are used while issuing Purchase orders and with the help of transfor posting. IMG - MATERIAL MANAGEMENT - CONSUMPTION BASE PLANNING MASTER DATA - DEFINE SPECIAL PROCUREMENT TYPE. Due to Seggregation we will be adopted different procurement types. Yes I would like to run my consumption base planning. Pl send how to run. i think imports&domestics will come under valuation(global )catagories, in house production & external procurements types come under procurement( valuation) types. may be i dont have much knowledge in MM I have configured CIN using tax procedure TAXINJ. Did all the required settings in customizing and also maintained all the values in J1ID. Also in FTXP I have maintained 100% against the condition type JMO1. Now when I am creating a PO the system is calculating ED as 100% on the basic value instead of 16% maintained in J1ID. I am new in this sector.Though I have lots of domain experience.In this moment I am facing problem deleting a plant.How is it passible?Will anyone help me?
what is the procudure to delete a plant entirely from the company code? As SAP standard we should not delte the plant, you can delink the assignements which you made for that plant with other organisational elements like company code, purchasing organisation, shipping points etc.. Hope it is clear, still if you want any assistance on this issue please let me know. u can delete the plant if no transaction done under the plant by T.code OX10 select the plant click on Delete icon & save But tell me Why we are not supposed to delete the plant. Waiting for positive reply form you.
Why U should not do so, it is because a lot of transactions will be there to close and finalise. u can delete a plant if no transaction done under a particular plant I have Written a User Exit For ME29N in Development Server.It is Working Fine.But i Production Server it is Not Working. What will be the Problem.I have u Give the might be with CTS(CORRECTION AND TRANSPORTATION problem Sln Today. SYSTEM).TRY SE10,SE01.STMS just copy the production client config. into development and then debug the program .. then u can find the problem is it logic problem are any config. problem.. after creating an sto with delivery go to vl10b,give the purchase order no-executeon the next screen select our po and click the radio button -create in backgroundclick enter on info screen-select the line item with green traffic light-and click on details-note down the sd document number. that document number is nothing but delivery document num can anyone give me details about how to configure third party subcontracting process. have u maintained the excise rate for the chapter id.? if not, maintain the excise rate over there as 16 %. then it will take 100 % of 16 % of the base value. i hope u maintain the other J1ID Settings properly. like material and chapter id relation. i/o and o/p and material relation. excise parameters for the plant and all.
can any body tell me where I can change the quantity of decimals that I need to the net price in a PO.? Use transaction code OY04 Goto Main Main--->>System- -->>User Profile--->> Own data. You can set however you want as per your convinent. Do Transaction code SU3 , set the decimal points in defaults tab. That's that I need, but, I've only this manner of do it. On the other hand, when I can change the decimals point for quantity in PO? Use transaction code OY04
I am working on setting up a subcontracting scheduling agreement. I am now stuck at the point of receiving in the finished good. When i try to receive the parts in i get the following msg "Account 650085 requires assignment to a CO object". but when i assign a CO object such as a cost center to the account then the parts do not go into my inventory. Can someone please explain to me how i can do a MVT101 on the finished component from the vendor and put it into inventory?? go to that particular material master select view costing1 under that u do one thing fill cost center Since this is Subcontracting type..u should use movement type 101 with special stock indicator 'O'. Try and lets see whether u could solve it out...Also what i understand from this is whenever you are doing subcontracting type of GR there is no question of any account assignment ans thus there is no cost centre. try with movement type 101+'O'. i dont have the option to receive in the finished part as 'O'. The two sub components are type 'O' and are mvt543. And if i were to receive the finished part in as type 'O' then wouldnt that put it in "material provided to vendor" stock? MVT 101 IS FOR INVENTORY AND DOES NOT REQUIRE COST OBJECT ASSIGNMENT. THE COST OBJECT ASSIGNMENT IS REQUIRED FOR MVT 543 UNDER WHICH THE SYSTEM CONSUMES THE MATERIAL SENT FOR SUBCONTRACTING. PLEASE DO THE FOLLOWING STEPS: 1. ASSIGN COST CENTER IN THE GR FOR SUB-CONTRACTED MATERIAL CONSUMED IE SUBITEM OF THE MAIN ITEM. 2. GIVE A DEFAULT COST CENTER IN TRANSACTION CODE OKB9 FOR SUB-CONTRACTING CHARGES ACCOUNT. Thanks for the help Kailish, i was able to receive the parts in now. But i have one more question. Right now we are only using subcontracting for 1 line/cost center, but if in the future i want to use multiple cost centers how would i be able to set up multiple cost centers for subcontracting and how would i be able to pick the correct one upon receipt? ECC 5.0 We are running standard SAP batch program RLINV050 to create and activate cycle counting inventory documents. There does not appear to be any parameters for printing the count sheets for those inventory documents. Standard SAP program RLLI0400 does not have any selection parameters and does not support any variants. Online transaction LI04 does support any variants for picking the warehouse, storage type, printer, etc. How do run a batch job that will create, activate AND print inventory documents? Any help would be greatly appreciated! !!!
can anybody explain me what is dunning procedure? How it is used in sap(mm). It is a reminder letter it is used to remind the customer abt their dues i want to create the new material , relevent to that initially i need to create 1) NEW company code 2) new plant 3) new purchasing organisation can some one suggest me the same how do the same step by step procedure would be helpful. For Company Creation SPRO -> Enterprise Structure -> Definition -> Finicial Accounting -> Define Company For Plant Creation Tcode is OX10 U Should Assign the Plant to a Company. For that SPRO -> Enterprise Structure >Assignment . No u cant assign plant to company u can assign plant to company code i hav following problems while creating the release procedure for the purchase order type........ can any body explain the release prosedure for the purchase order with an example.( using 3 strtigies) what is the procedure for assigning the object to the assignment to class/ classes. what it mens " no assingment for the classtype 032"? how to solve this? "XX is not in the table T16FS" ------- ???? i can see the "XX" code in the table T16FS but still it is showing an error. how to solve this??? I had extensive experience in release strategy configuration and considering its complexity, I don't think it can be explained simply by email. My suggestion is bring an MM consultant on-site and let him configure your system.
We are at material and maintenance consultancy organization and providing consultancy services in the area of : MM & PM MM Master data set up and global data maintenance - Data cleansing, enrichment, and conversion - Material master data preparation - Material coding and cataloguing - Material standardization - Vendor master preparation - Data Dictionary - Base data preparation - Materials functional audit - Spare parts management - Inventory optimization - Inventory audit & analysis - Warehouse management - Physical inventory and optimization - Project material handling - External service management PM - Master data set up and global data maintenance - Asset hierarchy build / Functional location - Equipment master Can anyone please help me understand the consequences of deleting a Purchasing Group? If there are open SAs or Info-Records, would this affect?
Can some one help me that MM-FI balance comparison.It shows like, In a sme co.code 1000 MM SAP is showing balance difference in Inventiry accounts for MM & FI. We have executed report RM07MMFI . MM has value 691,583.50-INR FI has value 1,244,444.97- INR THe difference 9,567.27-INR The difference is also be seen through MB5B and FBL3N How can it be manged to match the difference as Zero. how you ran the report RM07MMFI?? Iam not able to find it Can you please tell Can anybody suggest how to do? out.(No such report in SAP) This is a sap developed program.Here i have attached the screenshot. How can we match the diff.of the MM-FI? This is program name ,so goto SE38 ,in the program field give this RM07MMFI and Execute it (F8).
My company is upgrading from 4.6 C to ECC 5.0 . In my company they have an issue with MIRO.Due to that in 4.6 C also they are using MRHR for posting invoice transactions. But in ecc 5.0 MRHR transaction code is not available.How to resolve this issue in MIRO of ecc 5.0. The following are reasons why they use this tran code (MRHR) in place of MIRO in 4.6c : 1. when invoice has shipping charges which are not taxable. 2. when the PO has the G/L account 110420 with Asset # (Contra account: acquisition value could not be found). In miro of ecc 5.0 the above issues to be resolved. Please find solution. how do i create UOM kgf/mm2 , in t code CUNI , where do i enter the conversions
is there a report where i can get the exact qty of material issued to work centre Asset use MB51 and then select movement type 201 for cost centre
cost centre
plz help me gurus 1. how i delete PO 2. how i change of main vendor, plant delivery vendor & vendor's amount in PO after MIGO & MIRO. 3. how can i genrate pending & completed MIRO report date & month wise. 1) You can delete the PO by deleting all the items one by one in that PO. 2) You cannot change main vendor You can change the amount in PO by first reversing the MIGO ( mvt type 102) & MIRO & then in ME22n u can change the amount in PO I have a scenario where a material is plannesd in one plant say 1100 but due to some problem it has to be processed in second plant say 1200, how to complete the pp & mm cycle?We do not want to create stock transport order. You have to do Stock transfer order there is no option as you cannot map the subcontracting scenario in plant to plant of same company code. So your option is Stock transfer order and do the PP cycle and MM cycle once the stock transfers in b/w plants Please tell the complete steps of this process. As per your reply suppose we do Stock Transfer PO between plants. Give the complete steps of the PP cycle and MM cycle once the stock transfers in b/w plants.
1) Once the Stock transfer Order is created by receiving plant , the supplying plant supplies the material through 351 mvt type to recieving plant then there the receiving plant will do the GR w.r.t that STO 2) So stock updates in the receiving plant then there the PP Dept will creates the Production order with BOM structure and then the finished product will be produced by using this materials supplied by then plant. 3) Then the supplying plant will creates one more STO for that finished product to other plant, then that plant will process the same 351 mvt type doc and sends the finished materials,so the supplying plant will recieve the finished product in there stock. Don't confuse here supplying and recieving plant , this are 2 mutual process done on the same procedure in both the plants. to know the complete process of Inter Thanks for giving complete process. I want Company Stock Transfer. Also the related Customization if any. Lastly the detail difference between the Intra and Inter Company Stock Transfer. Explain the accounting document generated in the both the process. Sorry i am troubling you. But you can detail answer whenever you have a spare time. I know that you do not have spare time, but please to give the detail answer for this question. I Have Written a BADI .I want to Attach this to My Program. Can AnyOne Help Me.
Please tell me where to define valuation grouping code. I know thats the part of financial department, but still if anyone knows pls guide me. You can define valuationj grouping code in IMG\Materials management\Valuatio n & a/c assignment\a/ c detemination\ without wizard\group together aluation area just go to spro-materials management-valuatio n and account assignment-account determination- account determination with out wizard-group valuation areas(valuation grouping code). Try OBYC. While running MB5B ( Stock Posting on date ) for a material 600061( Moving Average Price 221.10 INR defined in material master ) for valuated stock we observe amount to be 221.10 INR per unit as defined moving average price in its material master. Now if see valuated stock through transaction MC.9 for the same material valuated with standard valuation option in MC.9 ( used for moving average price defined materials) , we observe amount to be 138.60 INR instead of 221.10 INR If we run do valuation with Material Ledger active option in MC.9 than the amount comes 221.10 per unit as equal with MB5B transaction. What could be the reason for this . Please explain at earliest.
There could be many reason. One reason which i know is such that If material value or material moving averrage price is increased/decreased through TCode MR22. then this effect is included in MB5B but this effect is not shown in MC.9. Thanks for your reply. Please find snap shots for MB5B and and MC.9. In our case the moving average price of this material is never changed since last 3 years and it is always procured at 221.10 INR. While running valuation in MB5B for last 2 months the material the valuation comes to be 221.10 INR , but in MC.9 for same period it comes to be 138.60 INR with standard valuation. Since the price is always same than why is the difference . Can you list out number of probable reason. I have a problem can any one take me through this problem? I have 3 company codes for my client and I have to assign a purchasing organization to only 2 of these company codes. Can any one tell me if this is possible and if it is so then how can we do it? Iam facing following in the below given scenerio. I want to make freight cost entries to GR / IR account. I am facing problem in tax procedure, condition is not calulating. Changes in Pricing procedure: Add one new condition for freight qty. based, removed accrual & key for this. This cost adds to Basic cost. It is OK. Changes in Tax procedure: In this I will deduct freight cost before applying duties like Excise etc. by adding one more condition, so that it will work fine. In that condition, condition class: Discount & surchages, Calculation type : qty. based , Condition categpry : Freight Access sequence : JTAX taken as negative. I addthis condition in tax procedure before Excise. Made condition record (we are using TAXINN). When I made PO in tax. procedure value is showing for single, but it didn't calculate based on qty. I want to know can we do without SUBROUTINE or not. If so pls. let me know. For ur understanding I am sending screen shot also. In the screen shot problem is with last page.
Can any body tell how to write routine in tax pricing procedure. What information we need to give to ABAP. My requirement is given below : I want to make freight cost entries to GR / IR account. Changes in Pricing procedure: Added one new condition for freight qty. based, removed accrual & account key for this. Now cost adds to Basic cost. It is OK. Changes in Tax procedure: In this I want to deduct freight cost before applying duties like Excise etc. Here I want to write one routine to deduct this freight amount. can any body suggest how to write . what codes needed. Does I need to write in requirement or Alternate condition type or alternate condition value
understand in the material master there is a field to indicate if the material is A, B or C item. However, we would like to do 2 kinds of ABC analysis for each material: 1) based on 'dollar volume' (price X total qty issued) 2) based on 'transaction volume' (no. of goods issued transaction) First analysis can help to set inventory policies, second type can help to optimize storage location in warehouse for example. Can SAP R/3 support multiple ABC analysis on same material ?
can any one help me out to answer these questions, 1.wat is the hierarchy of an SAP Functional guy and where do i fall in this hierarchy? 2.Is it possible to configure delivery date based RFQ comparision? 3.Is it possible to configure the GR date as our required date? 4.What is the advantage of two step and one step plant to plant goods movement? 5.Wat is the difference between mvt type 303 and 305 and 351 and 301? 6.wat wil be the a/c doc when goods issue ? 7.By seeing the PR is it possible to say whether it si MRP run PR or manual PR? 8.Why do we have valuation area as plant other than company code? 9.explain about SLA? 10.Where do we give the procurment type in which view? 11.where do we configure order unit? 12.In STO how price is taken?
1. Project manager ---> Module lead ---> Consultant(Function al) 2. This is possible with the development. 3. Through user Exit 4. Advantage of two step movement, is to track the material. 5. 301 is single step material transfer from Plant to Plant where as 303 Stock in transit 305 is receing of the material in the receiver plant. 351 is the movement used when there is a devliery or shipping point. 6. Material account and offset account will be to the cost centre or storage location based on the movement type. 7.In the PR we can see in the display of the item details in the Contact person tab you can see the creation indiacator. 8.In the Given compan y code when many plants are available inorder to track the individual performance, it is always to go with Plant as Valuation area. 9. SLA is Schedule line agreement is one of the outline agreement and it is the type of PO where specified material for which quantity is required and at what time it is required. These individual schedule lines will be creatred as individual PO's as and when the time of GR. 10. I cannot explain properly. 11. In the Purchasing view, if the base unit of measure and Purchasing unit is varied then we have to give the conversion factor. 12. Price is calculated from the material master. If the company policy of transport cost to be added to the material then we have to add in the GR/IR account. Can any body tell me regarding Forerign Trade Imports scenario. What all things we maintain in this. Kindly help me regarding this.
Address is larger than the space provided in the pre- printed stationary invoice slip provided by our client, how to adjust the font, that fits for print out sheet of A- 4 size.kindly tell me how to adjust the size of layout. is there any need for ABAPer, to work on re-sizing of the layout of the slip, which is suitable for taking printout ? kindly sugggest how to dot this layout adjustements. When I have tried to post Inovoice the system give me following error The entry 1000 1000 is missing in table T043G 1000-Vendor 1000-company so plase tell me solution for this error has not been made for co code 1000,the masterdata is think the vendor 1000 missing vendor master & just check u assign reconcillation account or not U go to you have to create vendor master record centrally through T.code: xk01, here u can mention vendor name or number and company code
How I change base unit measure after cration of mmr for changing the uom ,there should be no open pr or po or contracts or even stocks etc...,first u have to delete them and than only can change the base UOM.when u try to change the UOM in MM01 the error will be diplayed and when u click on the display errors u can see why u cant change the UOM and what are the open documents. Changing base unit of measure (UOM) in material master is very tedious and complex task. I have sent this message in the past and I am sending this again. Here is an outline of what needs to be checked and done in SAP. This is mandatory and must be completed if you need to change the UOM. 1. Production Data: If it is a finished good or a component of a BOM, then remove BOM, remove assignment to Routing, delete production versions. Delete any process/production orders or complete then and set status to TECO. 2. Purchasing: the deletion flag must be set in all current and old purchase orders and purchase info recs. Delete entries in source lists, contracts and outline agreements. 3. Planning Data. Delete any forecasts or planned independent requirements or SOP/Flexible planning plans. 4. Sales: Cancel or complete the process for any sales documents (eg orders, deliveries). Remove or disable pricing records. 5. Warehouse Management: Cancel or complete transfer orders, transfer requirements, posting change notices. Ensure that no negative bin stock exists that cannot otherwise be balanced by other positive bin stocks.
I have 3 company code 1000, 2000, 3000 CCode 1000 has 2 plant. Equipment had been booked under 1000, plant 1. MRP has been run. Material received. Now I want to produce the equipment under Ccode 2000, which is a Special Economic Zone and also I want to dispatch the material through CCode 2000 only. Try changing the delivery plant in the Sale order. - Tranfer all the materials to the plant in the company code 2000. Hi go stock transfer to company code 2000 and to transfer to plant do inter stock transfer and dispatch the goods from the CCOde 2000.
I have gone thru MASS transaction and I have the following questions: 1. I dont see an Object for mass-updating Contracts. How can I add/create an object to resolve this problem. I have 1000+ contracts where certain header information need to be changed. 2. I saw object BUS2012 for updating POs. However, I have a Z-field (Cost Center) in PO header, and this field is not being updated through MASS. How can I add the Z-field sotherethis field is contact t-code:MEMASSCONTRA CT see if that helps its Actually, that is a mass also changed with new value in all my 2000+ POs. Any object BUS2014 1. Can anybody help me how to view PLA report or Balance of PLA 2. Without GR no. how to do JV entry to adjust the balance of Basic & Ecess either dr or cr.
Can you pls give me an example why i need to create new movement type it is use to move the material from one place ro another Let us say that you have production activity but have not got PP module, you need to self produce mango juice from mango stock. you will need to create material types [by copying from others] to 1. consume mango stock to the appropriate GLs 2. Recieve mango juice into stock from appropriate GLs take care both GLs are P&L GLs in this example. there can be many more such examples. Oh and yes you will need to create the propper reversal movements for these movements you create. i hav join sap mm module 10 days ago. can anybody tell me in mm module, how implementation is done. WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY IMPLEMENTATION? Can you pls give me some idea for USER EXIT. Can you pls give me an example.
Can anybody tell me how to create service PO for a material with material no? Senario: I created a material with material type HALB & material group 001. Now I want to send the material for service. I can't able to create a frame work PO with item category D. How can I create? material for subcontracting. In this case you may Looks like you are sending your have to use item category " L" Could anyone pls inform me how can i get a report with PO creation date, PO total value and PO number using standard SAP feature
ME2L and ME2M, ME2L how one can see the total landed cost of po i.e.including delivery charges in standard report plzz tell me how do we define inventory posting account that is used in automatic account determination( AAD) in BSX. we can do the cofig part in OBYC there we define n configure. in OBYC how do create new account in BSX,if we r giving new account than error is coming How to get the material overview on a particular day. Use MB5B & mc.9, Use MMBE transaction Friend I'm facing the following problem : We have 2 materials in our database , but this materials are exactly the same.(same description , same usage as well.) The company decided use 2 materials because we control batch. Now we need to planning material (purchasing purpose) based on stock of both materials. Does anyone knows an way to MRP run looking into stocks of material A and B to planning them ! like an unique material ? Could I do that ? I have found user exit EXIT_SAPMM61X_ 001 , could I use it to Please explain me the GRIR entry. Specifically with moving average price and standard price. Also if there is any difference in the entries when the variance exists Refer SAP help. It will provide all illustrated examples what you required. please give me t code of p.o. cancel and j1iex desplay to cancel po use me22n and delete all the line items Your question is not clear. for canceling PO . Use ME22N. Delete line item. J1IEX used for posting /capturing/Cancelli ng excise invoice. please give me T CODE of RG1 production & despatch report grade wise Please use T code J2I5 first and then use J2I6 I need help in configuring a Return PO. I want to default the Returns indicator to be flagged when document type Return PO is chosen. This would help when there are many line items being returned. As of now I have looked in SPRO -> GR/IR control and the R indicator is marked as required. Any suggestions?
How do you configure a movement type to be non-value updating? I have used transaction OMJJ to create a new movement type from 501 & 502 but do not see where to change the value updating flag. Is there another transaction? Any help would be greatly appreciated. We are on release 4.6C. You are refering correct transaction. Select respective movment type -->Go into accounting grouping --> Select indicator of value updation. The indicator is grayed out there. Transaction OMS2 allows you to change it based on material type. Can anyone elaborate the difference between transaction key BSD and BSX. And where do we use BSD. At the time of closing entries in the quarter or year end account dept will create the supplimentary stock account to accomodate the certain valuations like taxes,commercial into one single account this is what they maintain for BSD transaction event key, At the end they will add up this supplimentary account(BSD) with the stock account (BSX) to determine the final stock account Thanks for the info. Would you know what particular transacion does the accounting dept need execute in order to perform valuation adjustments? And also, would it be possible to provide documentations and specific business case for better understanding. Please I want report of all PO's how i can run in which report You can go for ME2L or ME2M and choose selection values for particular vendors or material groups as per your requirements. ME2N You can also use T Code ME80FN Can you pl explain me,how to create Service Catalog and Service Specifications.
Please let me know a SAP TCODE to view GR(Goods Reciepts) Report for a particular period. Use T.Code MB02, MB1C, mB51 Please let me know a SAP TCODE to view Nonstock Goods Reciepts (Account Assignment = "F" & "K") Why can't you try txn cd " me80fn" / me2n /me2w /me2k Please tell me the use of purchasing value key in purchasing view of material master. How it controls over and under delivery,
please see the following Purchasing Value Key is useful for setting reminder for the material you can find in material master in Purchasing view. Purchasing value key determines the following things: 1) Reminders keys- There are 3 keys which determine in how many days before or after the vendor has to be reminded or urging letters for the material procurement. 2) Over and under deliveries tolerances. 3) Order acknowlegdement requirements in PO. It gives all the conditons in which the procurement is made. You can have different purchasing value keys which has to be customized in IMG - MM - Purchasing - MM Define Purchasing Value Keys. Need your valuable help on following topic. I have maintained taxinn as a tax procedure and for taxcode v1 16% Excise 2 % ecess. After GR following a/c entry appears: A/C No. A/C Amount 24340000 RM&bought out comp 116.00 13110100 GR/IR-ext proc 116.00Where 160 is the excise duty. After MIRO-A/c No A/c name Amt. 1 31 KONIPEX Konipex Engg 130.862 86 13110100 GR/IR-ext proc 116.00 3 99 24340000 RM&bought out comp 16.004 40 13113920 CENVAT clearing 16.00 5 40 13113920 CENVAT clearing 0.32 6 40 13113310 VAT INPUT @ 12.5 14.54 from entry it is clear tht GR/IR is credited for Excise duty 16% and RM debited with Material + Excise duty then cleared to Cenvat a/c during IV. Actually RM material should be posted for material cost only during GR and during miro only cenvat clearing ac should be posted for excise duty. Plz help me to configure tht. I have checked OBYC, taxprocedure allsettings for CIN , unable to find theproblem. what is the importance of gr based invoice verification? what happens if u tick mark in vendor master/material master? what happens if u not tick mark in vendor master/material master? please explain me in detail There are two types GR base IV PO based IV Incase of GR based IV, the reference document is the GR document or delivery note.Here all the documents pertaining to the delivery note or GR document are proposed for the IV. Incase of PO based IV the referencce document is PO and all the GRs pending for IV will be proposed during IV stage.
am not able to cancel the Invoice verification document using MR8M for specific document which is posted in the previous year. I am geting the following error. Invoice document 5101000308 cannot be processed further Message no.M8422 Diagnosis The invoice document 5101000308 contains the purchasing document 4500005989, and the item 00010. You cannot enter the invoice for this item, or you cannot cancel the invoice document. This can have various causes, for example: - The PO item is locked - THE PO item is flagged for deletion - Another employee is currently processing the purchase order - The purchase order has not yet been released - The corresponding service entry sheet has been deleted - For a held invoice for planned delivery costs: the vendor in the held invoice does not match the vendor in the purchase order condition or with the vendor from the purchase order history. This is because the vendor in the purchase order condition has been changed in the meantime. -> In this case, you can no longer process the held document. You can use report Z_MRM_DELETE_ PP from note 501905 to delete the document. We checked in PO also, we have not deleted the item or flagged for deletion. Now I want to clear the GR/IR account. Can anyone help me in this regard. Hi! Try to issue a Credit note... on MIRO I tried in MR11. This type of GR/IR pending is not showing. Sometimes this may happen,ie.,the invoice cannot be reversed because of non availability of stock of that material currently also.So please check whether sufficient stock is available for that material.Otherwise, you can use T.Code F-02 to pass a journal entry giving effect to the same amount as mentioned in the invoice,and then you can knock off those items through T.Code F-44. Please reply whether this was useful to you What you had given is for clearing the Vendor Account. I want to clear GR/IR Account. In Import case, we do Clearing Invoice verification first. After that we do MIGO posting. In this case we have done Invoice verification, but MIGO posting has not been done. So GR/IR account is showing as debit amount. I want to clear this GR/IR clearing account. Use t. code MR11 You can generate a credit memo for the invoice in MIRO itself.Please try it and inform whether it was useful.
I tried in Credit Memo also. It is showing error. I have attached the error message. Kinndly check the attachment. You can follow the procedure what I said earlier,but instead of using T Code F44(Vendor Clearing),you can use TCode F-03 (G/L clearing) and give the FI doc number of the Invoice ver.doc and the journal doc number to clear it off(You should use the GR/IR A/c ledger code). PLease let me know whether it was useful. can anybody explain what is Automatic Account Determination
Can anyone help me with table names for the following data. 1.Invoices made by Vendors for a particular period. 2.Materials for which 105 mvt has been made for a particular period. 3.Invoices which have been booked through T.Code MIRO for a particular period. Materials For 105 Movement MKPF - Header,MSEG - Details Invoices VBRK Header ,VBRP - Detail For MIRO BSEG - Detail ,BKPF - Header I need to change a material from CBP based planning type to Regular MRP based planning. I changed the following in the Material Master 1) MRP Type from PV to PD 2) changed the MRP Profile suitable for Regular MRP 3) Changed the Forecasting type from G --> N Still the material is being planned under CBP mode. I am new but I am guessing that the material still has an entry in the planning file. Try doing a consistency check using OMDU and this should delete the invalid planning file entries and would add the changed materials. It might work. Can any body through some light on difference b/w ME27 and ME21N....mainly User want to use for Stock Transport Order ...can any body help? Usually ME27 is for creation of stock transport order (Intra Company), and by ME21N you can create all kind of POs including STOs. Can u tell me user can use ME27 for STO Purchase Orders instead of ME21N...i would like to know whther ME27 is outdated like ME21....Basically user happy with ME27 bcas data entry is easy in that for many items at a time..If any major differnce is there let me know... needs to decide which transaction they would like to use. Business team/Owner Technically they can use both ME21 & ME27, but if they use ME21N, they would have many advantages, and they need not to go for different screen/transaction everytime for different kind of orders. I would recommend you to go for Enjoy transactionstock from onetransactions. plant by means fo PO, we need to go for if u want a instead of old plant to other ME27.ME21N, here we can go for a normal standard PO, consignment and subcontract.
Generally Me21n is use for domestic stock transfer & ME27 is for stock transfer from out side country I think the better option is to go with the latest transaction SAP has provided. Who knows, down the line ME27 may not be supported by SAP. i created a PO for a material with consignment type..but when i doing Goods receipt with MVT type is giving error message :purchase info record not found with the .. but actually i've created consignment inforecord.. but still that msg i am getting ..hw can i receive goods..pls guide me 1.Why do yu want to do GR with 411K. It should be 101K. 2.Please check the validity of your info record. While the creation of Inforecord, the Pur Org should be of Standard one, which U can define using the following path: Spro - Enterprise Structure - Assignment - MM Assign Std Pur Org to Plant what I think there is a difference between GR with 101K and GR with 411K. If you do GR with 101K the stcok goes to vendor consignment unrestricted stock for which there is no accounting document also and it is not in the plant unrestricted use stock, while with 411K goes to plant unrestricted use stock from which you can issue to concerned department. Correct me if I am wrong. You are right We need to send the material from sales order stock to subcontracting stock.Material is having serial number. Please do Transfer Posting through Mov. Type 411 'E' and move the stock to unrestricted use (free it from Sales Order stock). Then use Mov type 541 for Goods issue to Sub-contractor. plz explain me the concept of vendor subrange in detail wat spro setting we have to do in customizing
Can I see in SAP report of Production Break downs or breakages. Did SAP generat any report this purpose.
I am new to this group We use t. code Me21n in Real time what are the field required to fill for prepartion of P.O. i required details step. When we receive the Invoice, If we find P.O value differ from Invoice what are procedure to follow.
can any body plz explain about the taxinn nd tax calculation nd plz give me the path.
Img - Financial Acctg - FA Glob setting - Tax on pur /sale thanks for the reply,but i need the path for fv11,plz reply asap. which tax procedure you are using ? TAXINJ or TAXINN ? FV11 is used for TAXINN while OBQ1 for TAXINJ You need to define condition type : OBQ1 While calculation schema for tax calculation can be defined by OBQ3. then only respective condition types with schema will be available in Tax code maintenance : FTXP Please gimme some idea about message determination in MM. Step by step configuration is appreciated. spro-materials management-logistic s invoice verification- message determinationmaintain conditions-change conditions. xk03-purchasing doc.-ers check invoice tab of po item details-ers check run ers in mrrl with ers vendor. i think u r wrong u write about the ers check , means evaluated receipt settlement(ers) , without posting the invoice , the system will take the invoice if u checks it in in vendor. I want to use reference condition type for taxes. when i m giving condn as a reference condition & when try to craete PO the condition will not appear in condition tab in PO. I want to make all tax conditions in pricing as reference conditions i.e. when i will make condition records for taxes that will automatically flow in pricing. : M/08 & For Tax conditions ( TAXINJ ) : OBQ1 For pricing conditions : T code How can i have a report on all the PR's which are yet to be released. Is there any standard report. It should show which release's is affected and which haven't and the documentr status. If i wanna take help of ABAPer for own reports what are the tables isshould search verifying the pending PR's me5a i the t code for for. Try T code ME55 You can develop a query by using table EBAN there you need to set the layout as per your requirement. also take a help from ABAPers regarding which will be helpful to you. I need a material to be blocked only for procurement. i should be able to release a production order for this material. What settings should I change in the Material Master for blocking the material for procurement. In material master's veiw (MRP2) --> E In-house production F External procurement No procurement X Both procurement types Choose E procuremt type material master in the basic view screen you can set the cross plant status In the field as Blocked for Procurement, IN MM02, in the Purchasing view in the feild Plant specific material status we can select either for procurement or for total block.
Block the material in source list, if only one vendor is supplying that material. i request you to kindly share the general Implementation problems in MM . This will help the guys who don't have implementation experience. From my whatever experience, number ranges are not usually well taken care of. Many of them cannot be reset once you have the master data in the system like Lexicographic, Vendor number ranges etc. So make sure from Number ranges perspective you are good to go. Other things are like maintaining source lists, quota arrangements and conditions. Make sure that during the As is - To be analysis, you gather the requirements on how to include freights, customs duty etc. We havent done that before and we are fire fighting alot these days. WANT TO A REPORT OF A PARTICULAR DATE & MONTH WISE WITH FOLLOWING DETAILS 1 WITH OPENING & CLOSING QUANTITY 2 WITH RECEIPTS & ISSUES QUANTITY 3 WITH OPENING & CLOSING VALUE 4 WITH RECEIPTS & ISSUES VALUE BUT I DON'T KNOW T-CODE. PLZ can all ME. details by using the standard report MB5B transaction You HELP these I want to download MB5B report at everyday night @ 12'o clock into my local system/sap server. Is there any possibilities to schedule a background job and download the report in excel format in my pc/server automatically. Please go through as per the below steps 1. Goto Trans -> SM36 2. Define a job with the report name and variant if any 3. Click on start condition in application tool bar 4. In the pop-up window, click on Date/Time 5. Below you can see a check box "Periodic Job" 6. Next click on Period Values 7. Select "Other Period" 8. Now give '15' for Minutes 9. Save the job When i am getting the output, the date on which the output has been ran is not appearing in the report. How to setup the same. I have customised the screen of SAP material master,Under foreign trade import customization is for excise data now actuall I don't know how to transport this screen in material master i.e in SAP user menu
We are Material Dept People.We are working on both SAP as well as web CRM .Please tell me how to link both this software so that if i make a entry in web CRM then it should get automatically update in SAP.
Iam Booking the vendor invoices for materials under TCode MIRO.Iam using the generated during 105 mvt as a reference.I want to check whether MIRO has been made for all 105 documents.Is there any standard report linking the two documents.Or if I can make a Quickviewer, What are the tables that I have to link?? Step by report of GR/IR balances. MB5S : step procedure will be helpful. The scenario is like that- all the Purchase orders should be released by the Manager and if the P.O. value is above Rs. 50000, then Auditor should release the document after Manager. I have tried my level best but both the conditions are not satisfied add one more characteristics in release Strategy as PO ValueBy that you you can at a time can COntrol the same as per u asked for. This can be done through Workflow; you have to change the workflow; so that when auditor release; manager should receive the workflow workitem. I want to know that what is the split valuation and how many types of valuation exist in my SAP ERP system. With split valuation, we have the option of differentiating between partial stocks of a material according to particular criteria and handling them differently, regarding the valuation, within a plant. A split valuation may be necessary in the following cases: 1-When the stock of material from in-house production has a different valuation price to the stock of the same material from external procurement 2- When the stock of a material is to be distinguished by quality and the value is also determined depending on the quality 3-When the different batch stocks of a material have different valuation prices For every valuation type, there are two types of data in the system, as follows: 1.Valuation data (for example, valuation price, total stock quantity, total stock value), which is defined for every valuation type at valuation-area level and applies to all dependent storage locations. 2. Stock data, which, like batch data, is managed separately for each storage location. If a material that is subject to split valuation is also subject to management in batches, its stock data is not managed by valuation type, but rather by batch. Every batch is assigned to a valuation type. The stock quantity, stock value, and valuation price for all valuation types are managed cumulatively at valuation-area level.
The split valuation can also be done depending on the origin of the material. Example: Value of the procured material from India could be different and material purchased from other country could be different. Here split valuation is simplified 1.0 You need to activate split valuation: T code : OMWO 2.0 Define Valuation categories and Valuation type and local categories: T code OMWC 3.0 IN MMR assign Vlautation category in Accounting view. Maintain MMR then for plant level and valuation type. 4.0 Pin PO select valuation type on delivery Tab. 5.0 In goods receipt it will take according to valuation type in PO 6.0 for Goods Issue : you need to select the valuation type Interviewer will ask following questions : How you will configure : Answer : step 1 and 2 How you will maintain split valuation in MMR Answer : Step 3, How you will use split valuation for ordering materials Answer : Step 4 How you will carry out GR/GI of Split valuated materials Answer : Step 5 and 6 I want to maintain an inforecord for split valuated materials I created a catogery type as valuation catogiry = z valuation types = A external B internal i want to maintain split valuated materials for a & b can u plz explain me step by step how to maintain inforecords for materials from External &catagory to aterial & then assign ur Valuation type in Info records Assign ur internal I have a specific query to you all. How many maovement type are there in Standard SAP to provide stocks to a sub-contractor. As fer as my knowledge goes there are 3 ie 101 O , 561 O , 541 O Is there anything more than that ?? If it is then please let me know . GR for individual components through movement type: 501 or 561 ; GI to subcontracting vendor: through movement type 541. ; GR from sub contracting vendor: through movement type: 101 ; Movement type 543 is displayed to cancel the material cost Susequent ADJUSTMENT. Mvt type 121 for account. I WANTO CREATE A CONSIGNMENT MATERIAL AND WANT TO RECEIVE MATERIAL FROM THAT CONSIFNMENT TO UNRESTRICTED. .PLS HELP ME WITH DETAILED STEPS..I AM GETTING ERRORS WITH MY PROCEDURE
create material master record for consignment material(mm01) and maintain inforecord (ME11) for consignment material, info catagory as consignment. create PO (ME21N) select item catagory as consignmaent( K) and post it, recieve the material through MIGO(101) transaction, post it. then goods are automatically posted into vendor consignment. check the stock over view (MMBE). here we can see material at vendor consignment, check the the material document. here we can see the the movement type,what system would be taken. NO accounting documents will be generated during MiGO transaction, once you issue the material to consumtion then only A/C documents are generated. check it out, and mail to me what kind of material but acc. to me i dont think that u want to create a consignment G/L accounts are generated consignment material will be created. bcz u can create a material for only mat.type and industry sector. consignment material is a special stock type that u store .u can create a material and then u can store it as consignment stock in info.record.ans.of q2.- u can moves the stock type of consignment to un rest. by using movement type343 and for reversal 344. WHEN I AM DOING TRANSFORPOSTING WITH 411k FROM CONSIGNMENT ..ERRORS 1) "CONSIGNMENT INFORECORD NOT FOUND IN PURCHASE ORG".. 2) VENDOR IS DETERMINED AUTOMATICALLY (WARNING) COMING.. BUT I VE CREATED PO (WITH THE HELP OF CONSIGNMENT INFORECORD) TO THAT MATERIAL WITH CONSIGNMENT ATTRIBUTE AND IS SHOWING AS CONSIGNMENT STOCK IN MMBE TRANSACTION. BUT UNABLE TO DO TRANSFOR POSTING HOW TO SOLVE IT..PLS HELP organisation WRONG You can solve this problem by maintaining std purchase ME..IF I AM hw to maintain std pur org..when i go for assigning std pur org , iam unable to do it( which is non editable mode)..pls help me Kindly explain me the configuration steps for creation of cost centre , profit centre & cost element . Kindly also explain the relation and the significance of these terms, if possible. creating Cost element & fr creating cost center KS01 KA01 for Thats ok, but whether I need to configure something on the spro before making creating the cost centres and the cost element etc. using tcodes ka01 & ks01 and how ? A step by step will be appreciated These configuration to be done by FICO consultant. The T code provided are configuration t. code. For more details you need to visit controlling section of SPRO That true, it needs to be configured by a fico personnel. as I am working on ides, I need to configure all these fico relevent settings , while working with a newly created company code , not with 1000 etc. I have ventured in the Controlling part, but nothing much could be achived. kindly suggest me the configuration steps in controling.
We have problem in bill passing for VMI items Fund is being consumed during consumption of material and also during Bill Passing .We are issing Consignment Stock through Movement type 201k and MRKO transactionfor settlent and not MIRO What are T.code for interest paid to vendor and interest received from the customer and what programe have to run. interest payment to vedor whether to post T.Code F-58 or through APP If it through APP how to make payment
When create P.O t.code Me21N what are the configuration have to MIGO and MIRO and what is required field to Fill and how it is used since I am new to the groupcreating PO with information After i require details T. Code Me21n you can run Migo with Goods Receipt and Purchase order, ensure that the movement type is 101. after doing GRN, run the T. Code MIRO and reference the PO. System will propose the amount which you can change . In SPRO, we r creating purchasing groups which we r not assigning to anywhere. Then why we are telling that Purch grps comes below Purch Org. in organisation structure. A purch Grp can be used with any Purch org and any plant or company code. Puchasing group is not assigned in enterprise strcture. Puchasing group help for reporting purpose. Pls. let me know if it is wrong. Purchasing Groups can also be used in: 1. Release strategies 2. Output determination 3. Authorization Purchasing group is group of persons/buyer resposible for purchasing of materials,it is maintain in Purchaing view in Material Master before maintaing it you have to specify is maintain at Plant Level Pls. let me know if it is wrong. In my openion Puchasing group can be used for purchaser order of any plant. MMR can not restrict you on this. Pls. have your valuable suggestion on this. please note that purchasing group in not part of the organization structure as you said it can be used across the SAP organization structure Purchasing Group is just like a label for our identification purpose for the procurment of materials and it will come under Purchase Organisation and we can use across the plant. Normally Purchasing Grp is for the identication of persons who is dealing with what kind of materials. for example, in big organisation, for Mechanical related items, we have to identify the buyer(Purchaser) who is responsible and with whom we are able to contact for the procurement of materials. as per RIL, purchasing GRP are ME1 - for mechanical spares, ME0 - Electrical Spares like that.. for the easeness of identication of persons(buyer) who is repsonsible for the procurement.
We are working in Material Dept.We are working on both on SAP as well as Web CRM .Please tell me how i can link both this software so that if i pass a entry in Web CRM,then it should get automatically update in SAP. Use t code CF8M to link CRM to R/3 Thank you for providing the T CODE,but will you be able to make me understand this transcation step by step. I have received certain quantity of a material through 501Movement type that is goods receipt without PO refference & now i want to do Invoice verification for the same,Kindly guide me how could i go about it. Plz tell me whether i will have to do MIRO or any other Transaction code for settlement of this material receipt. Plz reply at the earliest as Tommorrow (12.06.07) is my presentation atthis type of goods reciept through by entering in vendor invoice You can settle client site. settlement , so you can use the transaction FB60 --Enter the vendor invoice, here you can post this directly to the vendor account, so need any reference document like PO etc... so post directly to Vendor account in FB60 while doing GR from 501 mvt type, enter delivery note above say. 123xyz. Then go to MIRO, in PO reference tab below select delivery note, then infront of that enter that delivery note. 501 mvt is used for stock adjustement or at intial stage when ur starting implemntation to get stock for material. I donot think u have to do any transaction like miro used for stock adjustment it is used for GR without reference to PO some 501 is not times we need to purchase the materials without PO but need to book for inventory that time we use this mvt type and the invoice will be processed through FB60 transaction. 561 is the mvt type used at the initial stage for stock upload to sap system when u r starting the implementation, Mvt Code 561 is used for initial loading of inventory in SAP (from Legacy). For GR with Mvt 501, you receive settle the invoice using FB60. delhimk <delhimk@gmail. com> wrote: We are looking for a person who is having around 10 years of functional experience in purchase / planning / stores and at least 2 years in SAP environment. Compensation will be based upon the merit and experience. Location is Uttranchal - Haridwar Please send your resume in Doc stating current CTC & Expected CTC.
When we receive the material we will make following entry Raw Material DR 100 GI / IR a/c cr 90 Excise payable 10 I Ecise payable of Rs.10 will shoud take in RG23A credit What is procedure for take in Credit of RG 23 A and please send the what are Excise configuration are with T.Code If consider you are procuring CENVATABLE material of Rs. 100.00 with Excise tax 16@ BED , 2@ Educess and 1% Higher Edu Cess and 4% Sales Tax Then following will be entries GR : Debit Rs. 104.66 : Stock Account basic price + ST Credit Rs. 104.66 : GR IR Part 2 entry while GR CENVAT ON HOLD 8.24 Higher ECS 0.08 ED PAID 8.00 ECS 0.16 CENVAT CLEARING -16.48 For credit transfer use code J2I8 for configuration : SPRO --> Logistics General --> Tax on Goods Movement --> India Could u pl. tell me how to introudce Batch Management for already existing material ? I have tried by putting tick in the Batch Mangement in material master ,after making zero in STOCK qty & P.O Qty , But system not allowing me to change by giving the Following reasons "Storage Location and Stock is already exists " Expecting ur immedite answer . Could u pl. tell me how to do mass deletion of assinged subcontracitng chalaan for particular material and particular P.O. ?
Batch is activated at the time of creation of the materials. now in your case the material is craeted and you want to activate the batch. Issue all the mataerisl athat are there in the stoc . The stoc level (MMBE) for that material should be zero. After doing this in the change mode of the material Master for that material , put the tick for the Batch. The batch filed will be there in many views like Plant data . It needs to be activated in one of the views . Hope this will resolve your problem.
There has been some changes in the address details of our company. Whats the effect if the Master data (in IMG) is not updated with the same. For documents like Inv / DN / Sales order / C/n / PO, I've changed the address in the form layout.
I have a question about maintaining the material description in the PO instead of material number. can you tell in which case this is used. I created a PO with material description( without any material number) which is a asset item. then i created GR now i do not see any stock avail for the GR material. is it std? if i have to do a return GR itconsumables. or material available. not have materials code Generally used for gives error saying no qty which does and used for consumption basis. GR of Asset is cosumbales and no valuated the asset is not the stockable for any company. It can only be capitalised. So how to return it back? imagine the same material description maintained for std account assignment still there will be no stock received at time of GR so nothing can be returned also. how to overcome this? In this case when you do the MIGO for Asset PO, Asset gets capitalised. Now if you want to return this to vendor you have to do the IV and after doing IV, This asset will be retired by FI module and accounting entry will be done thru FI. I am not sure what your concern is. I had a similar condition when I created a PO and tried to do MIGO it said there are no items in the PO. Is this what you are getting?
I am working on reorder point planning and getting puchase requisitions in ME57. how can I assign these purchase requisitions to scheduling agreements and by which transaction code I can confirm the assignment.
Can any body explain to me in detail about the Release Procedure if possible with a simple example and the relevant steps which are involved in it?? I am a bit confused aboutanswered by member. He has provided link for downloading This qury were it. document. It is really nice one. Pls. serach on group. Purchaing Group is group of buyers/persons responsible for purchasing of certain materials/sevices. in a Plant While maintaining purchasing group in purchasing view you must specify plant Let me know,if i am wrong
give the clarification for TAXINJ and TAXINN is it both are same also explain how to configure with T.code Both Tax procedure are diff. either of one can be used in system Pls. visit spro in your system To create Tax code use T code : FTXP TAXINJ -> Is STD Formulae based Tax procedure For Country India TAXINN--> Is STD Condition based Tax Procedure for Country India You can choose one of the above for your tax calculation in MM / SD Pricing ( This is thru the TAX Conditon type UTXJ- Taxcode for other country like Germany / Japan its is MWST) T code Description OBQ1 - Define TAX Condition type OBQ2- Define Ascess Sequence QBQ3 - Maintain Tax Procedure OBYC- Maintain Acc Keys OBCN - Assign GL account to Acct Keys FTXP - Maintain Tax Code Assign the Tax Procedure to the Country ID in Finacial Accounting - Global setting- Tax on Sale/ Purchase - Basic setting Extremely comprehensive. Appreciated for posting. I want to know what is use of Classification view,How it Create? how to create it class,characteristi cs?is it possible to have bdc program for uploading characteristics for all Material?
Does any one has gone through the additional excise duty for domestic purchase of imported goods (ZADC ) in ECC6.0. How to go about the config ?
I have a problem in 412 E move ment type. once the goode are being transferd to sloc to sloc ( to a sales order) . before do the goods movement moveing average price has changed ( T code MR21) Then do the MB1B transaction. after being done the trans action material document (MB51)still show the previous value. how this new pricecan be included . Is it a configuration cvhange or costing config. If so please let me know the steps. . Is it possible to change in VK12 .
can any one tell me, how tax code is linked to pricing schema? Or how tax comes in to purchase order?like excies...cdt/ vat/servie tax...... Tax code is linked with Tax calculation procedure. You need to maintain tax code in po . Standard program calculates then taxes on po. the tax code is linked to tax procedure which in turn linked to the company code. for GL ac determination the tax is linked thruogh transacton ev key VST through condition type MWST/MWAS I defined some scrap qty in planned order for repetitive manufacturing and process order in MFBF. Please tell me By which transaction code I can see that scrap movement or material consumption (MT 551) for that scrap qty.
My Problem is the User is Entering the Posting date less than Docuement Date while posting the 105 document.. I want the Posting Date to be Sysdate.The User Should not Change that.if He Changes , the Error Message Should be Displayed that the Posting Date shouldbe Sysdate. Is there Any Configuration Settings or i have to go to User Exit. i have Wriittne codingYou can use TCode OB52not open or block different periods for posting.If I think in all the 8 User Exit. It is to Working.What shall i Do ? you keep only the period in which you want the entries to be posted as open,then if the user tries to posta document in a different period,system will show errort message. Correct me if Iam wrong Earlier than the 103 Docuemnt Date.i want to Our Users Post the 105 Document Avoid that. What Should i Do For that.
There are different ways to resolve your problem.You try the following one if your not satisfied i shall tell you other way. Method:1 IN spro>mm>Inventory management and phy.inventory> setting for enjoy transaction> settings for goods movement>field selection for miro>here you select GOHEAD-BUDAT as display mode. This problem will come when you are posting the GR documents at the beginning of the month, as at the beggining for the financial purposes the FI guys will not close the posting periods for the previous month, so the stores users will have some documents pending when they are receiving the goods at the end of the month so they have to book that goods for the previous month only otherwise it will be problem to inventory, so users change the posting date to previous month. You can set this field as display mode as per mani guidance (below) in IMG settings by using transaction OMJX (ver ECC 6.0) but will create a problem at the month beggining for closing the accounts of previous month for pending GR's so take care and consult the concerned dept and advise them whether they need and take further step I need your help. Here is the procedure and error message. In tthe inventory sampling, I want to set up cycle counting ( T-Code:omco) , I can not put a new entries for my plant, the system give me the following error, see the screen dump in the attached ffile.. My factory calendor is updated for this plant. You can't send attachments in this email group. They all get deleted before we get the email.Include the error in the main body of your email acco. to me i think u go to the relevant material master and select the cc indicator. it also related to plant.try this.if i am right then revert back to me. Pls guide me that how to maintain the pricing conditions in Blanket PO for the consumable materials or services. I have also given the limits for the same.
It is advisable to delete the existing material group or is there a way that someone can put an indicator for whatever reason that can be to block/disallow any user to make use of that particular material group in the system. Bearing in mind that there might be open docs, ie. Pending invoices/Open Orders etc.
I want to know the difference between Deductable tax and Non-deductable tax in which situation this both be used.Moreover i also want the CIN notes if any one having this,please send to my mail i.d.If any one send its very helpful for me ya....
Nice that ur doing controlling part. Use OKKP to set up controlling area use KS01 to create cost center use KA01 to create cost element. First in OBY6 set all ur company code details like fiscal year variant, field status variant, chart of accounts,etc. . then go to OKKP, to maintain controlling area. then link it with company code. then after controlling area has been set, create cost center from KS01 t-code in that control area. then use KA01 for cost element means GL account say G/L 400000 then go FS00 (g/l account maintenance) enter that Cost element that u created say 400000 enter company code.. then press button " Edit cost Element" above in that screen. then enter ur cost center there.
Is it there any way to set a default value for the Price Unit field when creating a Material Master Record?
I am giving details of my scenerio. We want to add freight cost to GR / IR account. Presently we are making PO with settings : GR based IV and freight condition. PO made & 5 GRs done. While doing MIRO in Std. SAP we can't do delivery note and planned delivery cost. For this reason I select purchase order/ schedule agreement, item no. then lay out goods services + planned delivery cost and delivery note.By this all open GR details will come , I selected required delivery note. "When I saw another line for freight it shows accumulating all 5 GRs freight cost." This is problem area for customer. Whether he has to accept all cost or elese manually change this freight amount. In this whole process they are wasting much time in processing. For that reason simply they book amount in unplanned delivery cost & complete MIRO which is correct way. For this reason customer wants this freight cost to hit directly GR/ IR A/C To do this I tried following way: Made freight condition in pricing procedure with manual has priority +ve Cond. class:Discount or surcharge cal. type : qty cond. cat: delivey cost without accrual add this condition in pricing schema without accrual key, manual. Made another condition manual has priority -ve I tried setting value update indicator at account grouping but it wouldn't allow me to as it is greyed out. could you please tell, how one could chnage value or quantity indiactors as they are greyed out. any programming required I have tried out again on system. When you will copy movement type then select copy all entries. As soon as system goes into section update control and wM section , you can select /delect both indicator for each entry with and w/o special stock. The purchasing organization is further subdivided into purchasing groups (buyer groups), which are responsible for day-to-day buying activities. A purchasing group can also act for several purchasing organizations. Purchasing organization can be maintained at Plant level/company code level/Corporate level. While Creating Master data-Material Master,while Maintaining Purchasing group field,you have to mention plant,thus it get directly allocated to respective Purchasing organization of Plant/company Code Thus if you have assign purchasing org. at company code level,there should not be any error.
i have one error while recieving the G.R i'm facing the problem of Excise Tab is not available. Check Whether the Material Has Tax. Check the Entries in J1iD. maintain chapter id, exice duty, educess, h.cess in t code J1id by this u will get it After JIID entries, check whether you have filled excise details in material master (foreign data imports - purchasing view details and also CIN details of vendor master I want to get a list that is material number and its planning material number. Does anyone can give me some advice ? try MB52 MB52 gives warehouse stocks of material on hand. I think this is not the specific answer to the question. Please try MD04 and MMBE while creating data i am getting the below error. system error in routine FI_TAX_CHK_PRICING_ DATA error code 13 function builder TAX2
I'm getting error while posting G/L. I did not touch the tax section, still I'm getting this error... "System error in routine FI_TAX_CHK_PRICING_ DATA error code 13 function builder TAX2". The description of error is: "System error in routine FI_TAX_CHK_PRICING_ DATA error code 13 function builder TAX2 Message no. FF769 Diagnosis A serious program error has occurred. System Response The current processing step cannot be carried out. Procedure If the program error occurred In a standard SAP program, then the bug. but i came across the error. and it is i don't know the exact location of create an OSS message related to the company code and tax procedure. get necessary help from ur FI consultants. if u do for some other company it'll work nice. I have a problem regarding printing of Contracts. Contracts created in the production server using Tcode ME31K are not getting printed despite having all the message settings right. The output type, device, form ..etc. are all in place, similar to those in the settings for PO's which are getting printed successfully.
first what is valuation class ? where valuation class in material master entered ? and how G/L account and commitment item assign to valuation class ? It is done in MM or FICO module Valuation class is something related to account Dept. It will create a problem while updating MRP views if this is not maintained.I hope this is ok? Could anyone give information on KANBAN and how to implement it. KANBAN System is used for controlling the material flow, which is based on the actual stock consumed in production. (It is a visual control system). A different terminology is being used in SAP-KANBAN which are given below: The work center / Super market storage location that requires the material is called Demand Source. The work center / Unit stores / Vendor that is responsible for manufacturing the material is called Supply Source. The link between supply source & demand source is established by Control cycle. Control cycle will have details of no: of Kanban, Qty per Kanban, Who is the supply source, Mode of JIT CALL Transmission etc., When Kanban becomes empty in demand source, a message called JIT CALL will be sent to the supply source. CAN ANYBODY HELP ME IN CREATING USER EXIT FOR MIGO? MY PROBLEM IS WHILE DOING MIGO I WANT TO HAVE A CHECK ON THE DOCUMENT DATE SO THAT WHENEVER A MATERIAL CHALLAN ARRIVES AFTER ITS ORIGINAL DELIVERY DATE MENTIONED IN THE SCHEDULING AGGREMENT IT WILL BLOCK ME TO DO THE GR. I am trying to create a PR for a material with master record , where the items are to be procured for two different cost centres, by the use of multiple account assignment with distribution according to quantity. But, while trying this , I am finding the single account assignment selection as the default in the item menu under the account assignment head. I cant make any changes and select the multiple account assignment. Can u guys can explain the procedure ? Is it a system problemgroup and SAP MM as well. I have a suggestion in this regard. In Iam new to this or else? the Item Detail - Account Assignment Tab- did you clicked on the icon for changing the Single Account Assignment to Multiple Account assignement? ?
We can make a settings like some of the G/L accounts(cost element here) can be defaulted for some valuation class to avoid end user confusion of entering the correct G/L account( Cost element) in the Purchase requisitions and Purchase orders. So in your case this is the problem,(most cases in the Non stock items,& Non valuated Material types) So take a help from FI guy and check which accounts has been assigned. This is not a System problem,as this is preconfigured G/L accounts and the FI guys knows that which materials need this G/L account number no need to worry, but for your information please check with FI guys we are implementing now SAP R/3 4.70 system, and i am the administrator of the MM module. I got the LO020 manuals for the MM module, but i heard that their are more specific manuals for MM module like LO515,LO520, LO525,LO540, LO55, LO510, LO925,LO930 and other more manuals for Inventory Management. I wonder, can any one help me and give me web site to download these manuals as PDF Files, or can any one send me these files. thank you alot for your support. Which website did you download the ones you are having? I tried simulating the scenario on my system. i did the same thing, system wouldn't allow me to tick the value/quantity update indicator even at update control/wm section. the system copies all and wouldn't stop at update control and wm section. if u did it right, would u send me the screen shots please?
Please provide the procedure for goods receipt through inbound delivery. Please expalin what actually is the Goods receipt through inbound delivery .
Can we define a New Item Category ..if yes ..where ? its not possible to define new item catecories in standard system bse there s no option for provided to do so.
Does SAP Support Open tendering process for Vendor Selection. I men in my clients scenario. For vendor selection process for any material starts with advertisement of tender innewspaper. Vendor replies back with his quotation. After receiving technical and commercial quotation, the organization go for technical bidding and those who qualify in technical bidding they contest for commercial bidding. After commercial bidding, comparative statement is prepared and then purchase committee approves the vendor. The problem is that any no. of vendors from any where can give their reply to the tender as it is a government organization. So, how to map this process in SAP as we are not directly sending RFQ to the vendor, instead he reply back with quotation directly once he sees the advertisementuin newspaper. I want you all to type AB. medoing thisto keephave i can suggest to go for bidding RFQ by doc suggest by whether u can this some idea. For open tendering in SAP, we have to have an seprate desk for creating vendors in SAP as soon as the RFQ comes for a particular tender on paper. Otherwise we cant maintain data in SAP for that vendor, Second step will be creation of RFQs for all quations. Technical comparison cant be done in SAP, there shall be diffrent team of expert who decided whos fit and whos not. After that only selected vendors will be there for commercial bid. Second option is SRM, or E-tendering, where Tender will be posted on the website and registered vendors who will have user ids and password will login and maintain there quations on website. The only solution of open tender where any vendor can quote is instant creation of vendors in SAP. The exact process oof Tendering is not supported in SAP and we have to do it outside.I have been working on this area for quite some time trying to find out how to integrate the Tendering and Rfq PROCESS(AS PER GOVERNMENT PRCEDURES)in the SAP and we have done some development work on this specific area. There still would be an issue if you are closing a Service PO's that has not used all committed funds set aside in PO#. Selecting the delivery complete check in the PO, as shown below, does not decommit the funds for a service PO. . A "Final" entry must be made on the service entry sheet. That is the only way to decommit the funds if not all dollars are used in the service PO. . Can any one guide me how to close PO in MM? Tick delivery complete indicator in PO . i have read in help file that, you link the tax procedure to MM via a condition type NAVS, which we mainatin in mek1. and this will help in automatic determination of tax in purchase order. and also in PO, item level, invoice tab, we have a feild for taxcode... i am looking for how that particular tax code came there , eventhough i have other taxcodes which are having tax category as INPUT tax. hope you got my point.. the same procedure is done for the sd part also, they use the cond:type utxj to link to tax procedure... ..
U can see planning file in MD21 with material and planning file. And if MRP has been run for any material, planning file is automatically created,u can see in MD21 U can also create ur own planning file in MD20
anyone suggest me that can we have release strategy for material type/ qty or else which is not found in the structure CEKKO. it was asked in 1 of my inteview. my 2nd query is when we do inter STO, while GR what is the difference between refering the PO or refering the outbound delivery. in system both are accepted. as per my knowledge there is no release stratergy for mat type. 2 nd question the sto in GR is only when you want to block the stock which is supplied by the vendor. if the answer is correct ples revert back but how u can say it s for blocking the stocks while doing GR in STO? my question s by refering both by PO or by Outbound delivery we can recieve the Stock in inter STO. what s the difference between them? When you enter the GR w.r.t to Outbound delivery the system will picks the quantity whatever in the Outbound delivery means the exact quantity you did the PGI(Post goods issue). When you enter the GR w.r.t to Purchase Orders the system will show all the ordered quantity(full qty of PO) that you mentioned in the PO and you need to select the quantity of entry that did for the PGI , So always better to do the Inter Company STO GR w.r.t to Outbound delivery, other wise you can inward all the open quantity from PO if you do w.r.t PO I think you understand the difference b/w among them. How to blcok the plant for procurement. We had closed one plant. I need to block the respective plant for purchasing only. Can you please help me in this regard. Set the Plant-sp.matl status 01/BP as blocked for Procurement for that particular material in the Material master data in the Purchasing view screen so that you can block that material for any further purchasing I want to block entire plant itself, not material.
Can anybody give me detail information about how ABC Analysis done from transaction Code-MC40 process
I had posted this message earlier on the group but I have not yet received any advise. Kindly help me on this issue, please! I have a problem regarding printing of Contracts. Contracts created in the production server using Tcode ME31K are not getting printed despite having all the message settings right. The output type, device, form ..etc. are all in place,get it release it, then u settings forprint it.make aream wrong or right acc. to me first similar to those in the wil able to PO's which it i getting printed plz revert back to me. Thanks a ton for your reply. However, the contracts are released successfully but in the message output the indicator is set to RED colour when we try to print. Strangely enough, some Contracts are printing while most of them are not, all having the same config settings in SPRO. not printing is not the problem of SPRO, If some Contracts is printing and some are Better check the transaction MN08 i.e messages condition records means the key combination for the Output is correct or not with that Pur Org, Vendor, and Document type, And also you are telling the message indicator is showing the red button so better check this message condition record.May be combination is not working properly. First check this transaction MN08/MN09 then get back on the same. Ihave a dought plz clear Iraised a P.o with gross price = 25 rs Fright value = 10 rs when ever i'm doing G.R system was posting Gross price into mat a/c & fra1 into fright clearing a/c But i want 25+10=35 should be posted into mat a/c Can u plz clear & tell me what pre-defined settins can be done this frieght charges and extra duties u just congirute it in info record from there u pick the details to PO then it will cumulate as ur problem, in gr posting enter rs 25 in mat. a/c and rs 10 in freight clearing a/c but when u are going to post the invoice then enter rs + 35 in vendor a/c and mat.a/c rs -25 and fri.clearing a/c rs 10. i hope u understand, if i am wrong then revert back to me and right Can anybody help me Return Process in Intercompany STO like what are the pre requisites like configuration required and process in details.
I would like to seek a help. Our dept planning to change the structure to commodity buying or by category (i.e. Electrical, Mechanical, Instrumentation and OThers). However our purchasing group classified as per Department (i.e. IO3>Maintenance, IO4-> Engineering, IO5-> Operations) If we are going to change the classification of purchasing group it will create a resistance from the end-user. So, we will not change the classification. From the SCM side how we could classify and assign to buyer the commodity buiying. Do we need to add an additional field during the creation of Work Order. Example E = Electrical M = Mechanical I = Intrumentation Which field in Master Data to be configured (Material Master) ? The category would be populated to PR, PO and also in report. From that perception the buyer could see or run a report for relaease PR base on the commodity / category field as we mentioned above. I need your immediate suggestionmeanfeedback as soon purchasing group you can In SPRO you can configure that,i and under creation of put description as a buyer instead of mantenance and just keep the I03,so now the new config will be I03=the name of the buyer A possible solution is to use Material Group, you need to maintain this in Material Master and it will be copied to your PO upon creation. Reports and authorization can also be set at material group level. Other than the material group what other parameters we could use?
I got one mail from client. It is a word document. In that word file, client has inserted on excel file (by icon) My other team mates can open it on their PC. But I can't open that excel file. (I can open word file) Seems there is some problem in my PC's MSOffice - Excel Programme. I think it is related to Macros. Security level i changed for Macros (low, medium, high). Still can't open file. Open file name with All files / Excel file once u open ur excel sheet Just place ur cursor at font menu bar in the excel file and change the font it will get open, try and see. It is nothing related with macros. Yes I agree with Satish. When others can open that file in their PCs, then problem could be with your computer only Does anyone knows a way to charge MRP reas into the system ? Im not able to find other objects, like direct input , idoc, bapi etc tried to work with batch input but several errors occur !
Use have the same material master in two different Plants. Plant A and B. We are trying to remove the Batch control to material in only one Plant (B). But after do that , Plant A and B remain without this flag activated. I think that system is having a wrongly behavior. Does anyone have passed for this situation ? Does SAP is right ? heck if the Batch Management is enabled at the client level. If so activate it for C only Plant level in OMCE Can Service Entry sheet be used for Service Management, without setting up the Service Master Data. If so any leads to the basics of using Service Entry Sheet will be greatly appreciated at the earliest.
In our organisation MRP gives schedule lines. Our production controller did a mistake he entered wrong production order into the system. He ran the MRP it gave schedule lines later he realized that he did a mistaake. How to solve this problem. Ours is a process industry. MRP gives schedule lines for weekend as well but, we dont want to receive any goods over weekend. We want to receive only weekedays. How to fix this problem. Can some one explain step by stem Ours is a process industry, we have some expensive motors. We buy those motors and also we get it repaired, it depends on problem. In house person examines the motor creates a work order for repair in that he includes what are the components need to be sent to external service person along with Motor. We have two purchase organizations and two info records. One for purchasing and other for repairs. We work with reservations. When ever we run MRP it picks up the reservation on motor and creates PR. The purchaser has to change the item category to sub contracting then store person has to send Motor along with components to service person. This is the business flow. Here I couldn't understand how to differentiate PR for new motor and repair. The only way I could understand is by email Maintenance person has to send an email to purchaser with PR number and components required to be sent to service person. Can some one suggest me any other options.
Use t-code NACE in priceing procedure ( M/08 ), make necessary settings like in freight condition, click statistical button. Save. Now in PO u can see that freight cost is added to material cost.
For inter company STO, u need to maintain company code clearing account in OBYA, could any one explain the important movement types used in Inventory management, and also give complete overview of how it effects on material valuation and accounting documents,and also give picture of how G/L accounts are allocated to particularKNOW THAT A LARGE NO. OF MVMT TYPE ARE AS UR QUESTION I movement types. THERE.SO ITS IMPOSSIBLE TO DESCRIBE ALL OF THESE. BUT I AM GIVING SOME. 101- GR FOR PO 201- GI TO COST CENTER 301- TRANSFER OF MATERIAL FROM ONE PLANT TO ANOTHER PLANT 343- MATERIAL MVMT FROM BLOCKED STOCK TO UNRESTRICTED STOCK 344- ,, ,, ,, UNRESTRICTED STOCK TO BLOCKED STOCK AND I AM GIVING U HOW MOVMENT TYPES CONFIGURE. STOCK TRANSFER PLANT TO PLANT STIRAGE LOCATION TO STORGE LOCTION TRANSFER POSTING 1.STOCK TYPE CHANGE- QUALITY STOCK TO BLOCKED STOCK LIKE THIS 2. BATCH TYPE CHANGE 3. MATERIAL NO. CHANGE- OLD TO NEW MATERIAL 4. PHYSICAL MOVEMENT OCCURS MATERIAL VALUTION: WHEN GR OCCURED MATERIAL STOCK INCREASE AND IN ACCOUNTIN DOC. U CAN SEE MOVING AVA. PRICES CHANGES WITH EVERY GR OR GI. ALSO U CAN SEE AFTER EVERY GR THAT U GO TO THE ACCOUNTING TAB pls give me a solution for the following scenario: In purchase order i have to set the Document date in '*DISPLAY'* mode. how can i make this possible. and also let me know how to set the remainig options(Required and optional) for the same document date in purchase order. i checked the screen layout for purchase order but there is not field entry in the name of document date. pls give me a solution how to do this.
You don't have the option to set the field document date as per options in the SPRO settings for Screen layout for Purchase order in the SAP standard process. So what you need is contact the ABAP guy , and ask him to do Screen variant for this ME21N transaction for the field document date. This can be done through that screen variants there you will have the options -- Required, invisible, display only and optional. So take itshelp fromfine Thanks a working ABAPers, its simple for them. Can you plz tell me the basic settings for implement reorder point planning for consumable(' C' class) items and how it will work. What is RTP? Kindly give an example for our understanding RTP is nothing but returnable transport packages. eg:ballets used for carry the milks in milk shop. after selling the milk it is returned to the owner that is the property belonger. The company orders goods from a vendor. The goods are delivered with returnable transport packaging (pallets, containers) that belongs to the vendor and is stored on the customer premises until they return it to the company. reorder point are of 2 types manual and automatic it depends on mrp type that is mrp type indicator vb for manual reorder point and vm for automatic reorder point. I am very new to MM field.Our industry wants to physical inventory for a storage location.Basically we want to first make total stock zero for this storage location and then from excel sheet we update stock physical inventory posting batch and quality wise. Now I want to know the total process of physical inventory in SAP along with step by step T.Code.Also I want to maintain posting block at the time of physical inventory.After completion of process how posting block remove for this material.
SAP provides Clear Process on Physical Inventory.As your requirement ,System Automatically Block the Trasnactions ( GR & GI ) at the time of Physical Inventory. How ever u have to make some setting for this. Physical Inventory Process is like Below : 1 . Create Physical Inventory Document (PID ) Using t. Code : MI01. or If materials are large number use T. Code MI 31 for Interval. 2 . Print the PID Using T. Code : MI21. 3 .than go to physical count of material and get count from Ware house Clerk 4. Enter the Physical Count in to the system Using T. code : MI04. 5. is there any Recount Use T. Code MI11 6.Send Deferences to Finance Department . Take Defferences Report Using MI20. 7.Post the Deference Count Using TMI 01 to enter the material,and MI04 to enter You can use the Transaction codes code : MI07. the physical stock that you have taken.Then if you go to TCode MI07,you will see the differences between your physical stock and system stock there.You check it one time and post it.Your system stock will be reconciled.You can use the option of Posting block also details. tc.-MI01 CREATION OF PI AND IF MORE THAN 1 physical inventory in these TCodes. MATERIAL THEN FOR THIS tc.-MI37 then print pi doc. tc.-MI21 THEN ENTER PI COUNT TC.-MI04 THEN POST PI DIFFERENCE TC.-MI07 CHECK PI DOC. FOR MATERIAL TC.- MI22 OK I THINK U WILL GET IT. I want to make Batch Management is mandatory for Raw Materials how we will configure please give me solution. Please give me solution in stepwise while creating rawmwterial in mm01,check the batch management indicator What u told is that i have to do for every material but i need that the batchmanagement is to be made mandatory for all raw materials. if any setting is there in customizing for batchmangement please tell me Go to OMS9, select ROH and the field selection group 75 for ROH. This selection group is usually checked as optional entry and you can check this selection group to be a required entry and for all ROHs the system would throw an error message if the indicator is not checked. Can you tell me what is the Batch Management? And uses also.
Create Frame work order. I used doc type FO,Validity dates,item category B,account assignment U,no material/service number but description, overall limit and expected value.But I get error as "Indicator for invoice receipt used not allowed".Message no. MEPO 026.I found that invoice receipt box is checked and grey in colour.I tried to make this message as warning only in SPRO at "Define system messages attributes" by creating this message with version & application area. I could not succeed in p.o creation.Can you suggest what is to be done. Also for Frame work p.o,no GR/Service entry sheet is required.Invoice verification can be donesame problem with thatthe control of GR/Servicein po item overview I also faced without GR.Then how invoice receipt indicator entry is monitored. found gray in colour. I proceeded with item category definition through spro screen and found invoice receipt binding in po in item category configuration but problem is that it also showing in gray and i cant change the indicator invoice receipt binding in po box there. can u anybody tell me how to solve this problem.Is this the method to solve this problem. . IR indicator is mandatory for theitem category " B". As per my logic goes could any one explain the follwing scenario briefly, this is one of my interview question.many companies willing to install the SAP ERP package not for ORACLE software,why? what are the differences between the these two applications. oracle is more focused on financials (apps), and database administration( DBA),moreover its not complete industry solution,unlike sap which is integrated ERP package.suppose if a company which implemented oracle wanna go for production means want to include production scenarion, they need to buy one more add-on to integrate it.which cost extra. But sap is like shopping mall wre all modules are integrated. if u buy sap software it wil come with complete pckg. One more thing sap is known for data security and data integration. and versatile compared to rival a days mysap has hit the market which covers adavancedexpert in Finance Module. Hence, people are preferred to for SAP Oracle - is industry solutions like data sharing like in cProjects, cFolders, crm, Can we create New Item Catergory in SAP . If yes ..pls tell where we do it ...SPRO or ABAPcreate new item category we can just rename it. we cant I think you can create a new one in OS13 In a SAP standard enterprise system, Item categories are neither created nor changed.They are defined in SAP system. My request is stop replying mails on this subject. We need knowledge members like Mr. Manohar. He really explain solutions in lucid manner. I respect his knowledge.
I have a doubt regrading the line item number in P.Req or P.O or any other document.. To make it more clear..Is it possible to change or configure the line item number such as 10, 20, 30 etc to 1, 2, 3 etc... 10. Pencils 20. Pen 30. Eraser If yes, could you please explain where i should make these in that you can change Goto spro/material management/purchase /document type settings?? item no either you can increase or decrease hi, u go to spro-mm -pr-document types there u find item intervals u can configure. I am creating a PO with Pricing attached to it(I mean Gross Price,Discount etc). It is calculating the net price perfectly but on saving the document there is an error msg saying "Unable to determine net price" But if I dissociate the pricing procedure from the vendor the PO goes through. u have to maintain the condition in img guide. go to img-mm-purchasing- conditionthere a drop down list is there m maintain all fields.then make it to po. if wrong revert back to me. All the conditions were already maintianed in IMG. In the PO That did not work.... even if I remove all other condition types and keep only Gross price I am getting the same error i.e. "Error in net Price calculation" there is value string in automatic account postings how to define value string we01,we06 define vlaue string and item category. These are SAP standard You can not settings.
Kindly help me in resolving my problem as i m new to sap. I have creatd two tax code namely V1 & V2 & i m using TAXINJ & all the settings related to calculation of Tax are done & they are OK. Because when i had created Just one tax code i.e V1 the systeme was calculating the tax properly.However when i created second Tax code V2 for Service tax the system was not able to calculate the tax & gave wrong results i.e after the calculation of the tax certain amount was left balance in Balance coloumn at the Time of Invoice verification. Hence i tried to deactivate the erlier tax code i.e V1. & i got an error following error. System error: Error in routine CHANGE_CONDITION_ MULTIPLE A053TXJIP2 Later i Tried to delete the tax rate & saved it. Now my concern is how could i make the systeme to calculate the tax properly with the either of my tax codes plz tell me if any tCode is there for the same. Its very urgent.As i have a presentation in front of client on Monday(18.06.2007) . its better to delete that tax code as JIp2 condition is overlapping. So go to FTXP enter tax code(already existing) jurisdiction code if any. check whether JIP2 is activated (above click tax account and levels) then in menu bar, delete tax code is there. for ur prompt reply however Condition JIp2 is cativated for both the Tax Thanks codes & hence i am not able to delete any of them if anyother solution is there for my problem plz let me know. I want to know the stock Qty given to cost center, where i want to see this issuing stock Qty details its very urgent,please reply ya Try report MB51 or MB59 with movement type 201 (Goods Issue to costcenter) Cna anybody explain more about the Serial No.Profile field in the Plant Data1 view under Material Master..
The serial number profile defines under which > conditions and in which transactions serial numbers > can be entered. You define serial number profiles in > Customizing. > Serial number profiles include the following > control data: > > Business transactions during which serialization: > Must take place > Can take place > May not take place > > Information about whether, during a business > transaction, you can: > Enter new serial numbers > Select from serial numbers already created and > stored in the system > > Business transactions where, during > serialization: : > You must create an equipment master record > You do not need to create an equipment master record > > Profile numberexplain about the serial number profile and the purpose of Could any body serilization. pls explian me on the business transactions which are used in profiles as well. Serialization at GR is to track the material during GI or in case of any complaints on a later date.
I use MM71 to archive a material. But, I found that the 2 views, basic data 1 and basic data 2, can not be archived. When I use MM03 to display this material, the 2 views are always appeared. How can I archive the material completely?
I have a scenario where my Local supplier is suppling me materials with CVD Cess & Additional import duty In this i can declare CVD as BED but for additional import duty i did not have any option it should also reflact in the MIGO. Additional duty is getting calculated before CST but after BED+CESS How to handle his duty and is there any standard codition available or do i have to call for a development
I am not able to do Goods receipt (MIGO) due to following error Excise modvat accounts not defined for GRPO transaction and EO excise group The error states that proper settings have not been done for the postings during GR. the proper GL accounts need to be linked for the positngs to happen during GR. In case, you are doing the config yourself, you need to discuss with the FI person and proceed further. In ME49, price comparison is based on inforecord and not on the price that was maintained in RFQ (ME47). An inforecord for a particular material that is supplied by a certain vendor needs to be created first in order to show price in ME49. If an inforecord has not been created yet, no price is registered in ME49 eventhough there's one maintained in the RFQ. Is there a way to compare quotation prices based oncompare the prices from all quotations received as a result of a You can the RFQ and not the inforecord? competitive bidding process using the price comparison list . The comparison list ranks the quotations by item from lowest to highest price. Before you generate the price comparison list, you need to consider the following: If possible, each quotation should have pricing data for the same item. Only then is the correct interpretation of the mean and total values possible. If quotations 1 and 2 have pricing data for item 1, but quotation 3 only has price information for item 2, then the system does not have enough information to accurately compare the prices of all three quotations. If a quotation is submitted in a foreign currency, the price is automatically translated into the currency of the company code, which is determined by your purchasing organization. You should therefore make certain that up-to-date exchange rates are defined in your system.
Actually, i'm more concerned with the source of data when quotation prices are being compared. As I was comparing my quotations in transaction ME49, I noticed that they are based on Purchasing Inforecord (Transaction ME12) and not the prices that I indicated when I maintained the quotation (transaction ME47). If the vendor for the material being quoted has been defined in the material master prior to the creation of the Request for Quotation (RFQ), ME49 gets the price from the inforecord. On the other hand, if the vendor is only being defined for the material during the creation of RFQ, there is no price shown in ME49 even if I have maintained a price in ME47. Either way, ME49 does not get the price from what has been maintained in ME47. Is there a way to let me tell you what I did and tested in my system. Looks strange... do this? 1. Create RFQ for 1 material to 3 vendors in ME41 2. Convert the RFQ into Quotations in ME47 3. Ran ME49 and got the result correctly. Ty to do the same and see if it works. There must be something I've missed in the configuration. How did you set it up? see that you have grouped the respective RFQ's under the same collective number, this coll number is also an important aspect in comparing quotations. i've done this already. any more ideas? I am Getting the result up to ME49-with No 1 , 2 and 3 Vdrs Thanks Can you pls explain me Whether the system Adopts the No 1 Vendor, when we create ME21 , Auotomatically ?? Or We need to enter the no 1 vdr manually Looking forward for yr Reply system will show the lowest vendor , but u have to assign source manually . by clicking assign souce in po.
Change the Item number interval from 10 to 1 for the document type (for POs t code OMEC). Can we set tolerance for delivery date. i.e. if we mentioned in PO delivery date as 20.06.07, system should not do GR for say after 5 days of 20.06.07. Where can we do settings . Days can be changed as per requirement. U can do the settings in Schedule marin key.Wherein u maintain floats & these floats will act as a controllers. while creating material by mm01 in organization levels valuation typp pe field screen is not visible,this problem i have faced for creating split valuation
as i saw ur problem, and i think if valuation type is not visible. then u go to img-materials management -valu. & account assignment-configur e split valu.. then u find global type ,go to and click and maintain valu. type and all attrbutes. then u maintain global categories. then assign valu. type to valu. categories for the material type. then u find a activate and deactivate buttons . u first select a valu.type and then select activate button then u find the valu. type for relevant material type in mmo1 org.level. i think u will get it.if not then convey me.ok First you will create material with Accounting Views, Thereafter you will extend the material code with valuation. First u Create material by MM01,and Maintain Accounting views and save data.Then again goto MM01 give material Code u have Created,System will asked Plant and Valuation type. Can anybody give me a broad outline about configuring Field Selection Group for Material master. The problem is the field 'Automatic PO Creation' in Purchasing view is not to be seen in my client whereas its available in other clients. AS UR PROBLEM I THINK GO TO TC- OMSR AND OMS9 OMSR - FOR ASSIGN FIELDS TO FIELD SELECTION GROUP OMS9- MAINTAIN FIELD SELECTION ON THE DATA SCREEN TRY THIS , IF U FIND AUTO. PO THEN ITS RIGHT OTHERWISE GO FOR THE HELP OF ABAPERS BCZ ITS SCREEN LAYOUT OR MASS MAINTENCE. OK acc. to me when u maintain the accounting views in mm record , u have maintained all related data.once u created a material for one material type then u can display or change the material by going to mm03 or mm02 respectively. if u again goto mm01 then u are trying another mate. creation.then i am sure system will asked for plant and valuation type. by going to mm03 or mm02. in this TC. ALSO SYSTEM ASKS FOR PLANT AND VALUTION TYPE. PLZ CHECK.
I would like to know about IDoc. Can you give me information about the same. Hi idocs are intermediate documents these are used where edi is there , first customer sends his requirements in raw file,inovace converts this in to idoc and updates sales order ,which by batch job run creates purchase order, immediately another idoc goes to vendor, and vendor sends mtl and sends another idoc,which triggers goods receipt inbound delivary-etc this is simple process.idocs are used for fast processing and redusing cost. Can you please explain in details process. What is this term "inovace ". Please explain the process on my personnel Id. Please give your cell no if you do not mind for MM Discussion. Waiting for your valuable reply. Hi ajit u may contact me on-9920742741 I did not understand clearly. example: example: i am customer and sending requirement to Vendor then how sales order is created in the vendor's system. then how sales order is creating purchase order in my system. pls explain EDI & IDOC Can you please explain in details process. What is this term "inovace ". Please explain the process on my personnel Id. Please give your cell no if you do not mind for MM Discussion. Waiting for your valuable reply. Kindly explain us below query How does the PO pick up the pricing schema? The pricing procedure assigned to a vendor has a calculation schema attached to it. This schema defines the various conditions pre-requisite, calculation & sequence in the PO. Generally, only one type of pricing procedure is followed for all the vendors. calculation scema is there which contains condition types, this calculation schema is assined to vendor schema,this vendor scema is assined in vendor master record in purchasing view, if that is blank means standard calculation is asined.this vendor is assined to purchase order Can you explain What is a reference purchase organization? When can it be used?
I have creatred business scenario and tried to configured. It works fine. Pls. let me know whether it helps you. Here are details Reference purchasing organization defined same as normal purchasing organization. You need not to assign reference purchasing organization to any company code or plant You can either assign a reference purchasing organization to a company code or not assign it to any company codes. As a rule, no plants are assigned to the purchasing organization. However, if you wish, you can assign one, two, or several plants to it. Vendoryou mean by INOVACE be same for local and reference purchasing what do master number should is it invoice or interface A purchasing organization whose conditions or contracts other purchasing organizations linked to it may access and use. A reference purchasing organization can make especially favorable conditions or contracts available to other purchasing organizations.
I would like to verify that the free indicator on the PO can be automatically set by Document Type using the field selection $DE1 - Without entry of Price. The sandbox were are using does check the free inicator and also grays out. It also removes the invoice receipt indicator. However other clients do not work. It maybe be other BAPi's or enhancement are causing this. I just want verification regard setting the document type with field selection $DE1. MM>Purchasing> Purchase Order>Define document types > set field selection to $DE1 It may sound funny to you all,but I am confused. What will be the material type of the main material when we are creating main material with BOM to send to the Subcontractor? would it be finihed product or semifinished product. Mind it when we are sending the main material with the components to vendor,it is not a finihed product but when we receive it from the vendor it is a finished product. Please clarify me with examples. Thanks in advance for your help. If the finished product which you processed at the subcontrator will again go for some process at the other vendors or at your plant then keep this material type as Semifinished only. If this is the final product to your customer and the billing will be on this material then keep the material type as Finished material.
in subcontracting po i gone throughly ur queries. acc. to me we are making a po for the main material/assembly product in subcontracting. but not sending the main material what u have quoated.i am giving the whole process. in subcontracting we want a finished or assembly product but we dont have a arrangements. so we are sending the components are to be used in asseembly product. while u make a po aganist a assembly in item line just u enter a assembly product and quantity and u will find a source of component in header button , click it, then enter no of components.when u procure a finished product from vendor then it goes to finish material type.component type - semifinished product u can store in ur mm record or in subcontracting can justwith semi aswellas finisshed product. see, the materialfor A inventory.on billing be vendor will charge the labour cost or processing cost which you want to get it done from your s.c. knows to you very well(whether semi or finished). so,naturally you will generate the p.o. for that and you also know what components it requires. e.g.,if you want to get the BALL PEN manufactured from your s.c. then you will generate the p.o. for BALL PEN.and attach the components like plastics,colour, metel etc. in the BOM. the concept of navs is that, it has to add to the cost of how it adds to the value, where and how its linked? any way...navs is condition type for non deductable tax..and it will be added to material cost.....any one....pls help You need to maintain NAVS conditions type in purchasing procedure ( m/08) You need select statistical indicator and try to use routine 60 in reqt column w.r.t. condition type. Pls. check and let me know whether it solves your full problem. req 60 is there, its says,.dont use if service tax comes, the reason is there is no setoff available on st. can u say how its added to the cost of materail.... where i can see that...... I HAVE JUST COMPLETED TRANING AND DOING WORK ON DUMMY PROJECT WHILE CRATING INFO RECORD (ME11) ON PURCHASING ORGANISATION 1 AFTER FEELING EACH ENTRY THE SYSTEM SHOWS THAT MAKE ENTRY IN ALL REQUIRE FIELD AND DUE TO THIS PROBLEM I AM UNABLE TO CREATE INFO RECORD PZ HELP ME TO SOLVE MY PROBLEM Hi while creating info record there is a sum fields are mandatory like curency purchasing org,u must to entre the fields then only u can move further or u can save urto transaction code me12 you fill mandatories (compulsary fill), then no you go record. problem creating Info record such problem i too faced..may be it is hi..while arise, due to planned del'y period not entered ..enter 0(zero) in it..or make it as optional entry with Goto SPRO..customize ur inforrecord screen with planned del'y period as optional it.. try this procedure..let me know whether u created inforecord or not
I have created Import PO for retail sector. When i try to release using ME29N it gets released and saved.When i try to make inbound wrt this PO system doesn't allow me. On checking PO in display mode i found that PO release was not effected i.e. released PO is not getting saved. Suggest me where i need to check (data entry / configuration) . I made POs for local procurement, STO & service PO and u getting any error massage ?, what's not for import PO. have u used to crate are for these POs release is effected but the document type import PO?.... I have received the goods against a Purchase Order that is linked to sale order. Hence the goods are now available under sales order stock. No delivery is created against the sale order. Now when I try to reverse this material document using movement type 102E, the system gives the error "Date for creating delivery is incomplete". What might bedatereason. have mentined in PO and use the same HI u just check the delivery the which u delivery date in the sale order. I have recived the goods against Production Order and not Purchase Order. While confirming the transfer order using LT12 in warehouse mgmt active site for retail industry, system gives error "there were no deliveries that matched the criteria you specified". I tried to checked the delivery document in the system but system doesn't show this delivery document. Probably some one has deleted the delivery document after creating transfer order.. # How delivery document can be deleted after making transfer order? # And if possible, how an out bound delivery document can be retrieved? I would like to know how movement type 561 is blocked from use once the initial stock upload has been done. why don't you just restrict the movement type from roles, so only the consultants could be able to use it? Contact your Basis person and request him to block all users for 561 movement. 561 movement is very dangerous and is used only in the initial up load or closure of SAP ( forever ) as it creates entries in Dummy account. only on need basis, and clear approval from Financial authorities, the block to be opened. Or you can block the G/L account assigned to movement type 561 for posting, by so doing no one can use until you unblock it. You can do this by removing the 'Allowed Transactions' for the movement type 561 in IMG. T.Code - OMJJ. While maintaing a quotation for a vendor net price is picked as '0' (From where does this price gets picked?) Moreover the Net Price Field is Greyed and hence it is not allowing any editing. Can somebody throw some light on it ???
Please let me know why SAP does not allow me to cancel a GR (MIGO) . It is throwing an error saying "Account Determination for entry not possible" pls setup OBYC Can anybody highlight me how to maintain Material Master Data, creation Of BOM for civil work. Actually I am working in a Construction Company whose major project is making road, rail etc. Brief me how to implement is SAP. For services you need to maintain service master. T. code AC03 for materials : MM01 I am doing some research and need to know when a purchase order was created in SAP MM, not changed, created? I've checked the EKKO and EKPO tables with no luck. know if anyone has given you a reply on this. If you want to know the date and Dont time a PO was created, you can go to SE16. The table is CDHDR. CLick on the TABLE CONTENTS icon. This will bring you to a next screen. Object Class is EINKBELEG. OBject ID is your PO#. In our case, we had to key in 3 zeros and then our PO#. This depends on the number of digits you have assigned in your PO numbering system. There might be an easier and faster method of finding the time of PO creation. SOmeone is the created on. be able to enlighten us In table ekko field AEDAT in this group might it worked! I appreciate your reply. how to assign the same material to different plant can any one help me copy the material to the other plant using t. code "MM01" Hi friend mmo1 to create new material. my querie is how to procure the same material for different plant u can go by mm01,,,evry time u can assign created mat to different plant,,,b'coz the material is created at company code level,,,,at plant level,,u can maintain different purchse data of different plant. MM01 is not only for the creation of new material and it can be used for the extending/copying the material from one plant to another by maintaining the same material type and industry. there we can select the plant and storage location from where we are copying and to where we are going to maintain. as ur queries, u can maintain same material in diff. plant by creating new material and enter a diff. plant in ur org.levels while creating material mm01 for the same mate. type and industry sector,
We're upgrading to ECC6.0 from 4.6C we use movement type 551 to do a transfer to scrap in MB1A which doesnt ask for a cost centre Now that this functionality is rolled up into MIGO, when we try do same thing using 551, it now wont process unless we put in a cost centre Anyone know how to use MIGO to do a 551 without having to put in a cost centre (if you're scrapping why would you need to charge a costvaluated inventory, the system needs to balance the GL accounts between For centre?) issue and receipt. If you are scrapping the goods, you are not really issuing the goods to any order and since accounting document has to be generated, it asks for a cost center. why SAP would have allowed it then when using MB1A Just wondering You say that in MB1A there is no cost centre, but in ECC6.0 the system asks you to enter a G/L ac and a cost centre. Just check it once again. I've created my own company at my home PC and did configuration while creating a PO i am getting the error as --> FI_TAX_CHK_PRICING_ DATA error code 13 function builder TAX2 just try below and let me know if it works gud. Are you I too got the same error using US Tax jusrisdiction Code? I found some Notes in OSS: 117983, 337706, 306506, 565864 & 561472. I also found Program RFCORR26 that is able to take inconsistencies between the tax Codes in the different relevant tables. Check that the following Transactions have been configured: 1 Basic Settings 1.1 Assign Country to Calculation Procedure (OBBG) 1.2 Check Calculation Procedure (OBQ3) 1.3 Check and Change Settings for Tax Processing (OBCN) 1.4 Specify Structure for Tax Jurisdiction Code (OBPO) 1.5 Define Tax Jurisdictions (OBPC) 1.6 Change Field Control for Tax Base Amount (SPRO) 1.7 Switch Off Tax Translation between Local and Document Currency (SPRO) 2 Calculation 2.1 Define Tax Codes for Sales and Purchases (FTXP) 2.2 Assign Company Code to Document Date for Tax Determination (OBCK) 2.3 Specify Base Amount (OB69) 2.4 Change Foreign Currency Translation (OBC8) 3 Posting 3.1 Define Tax Accounts (OB40) 3.2 Define Account for Exchange Rate Difference Posting (OBYY) 3.3 Assign Tax Codes for Non-Taxable Transactions (OBCL) 3.4 Transfer Posting of Tax for Cross-Company Code Transactions (SPRO) Can somebody tell me how to print "PR"
Is it possible that whenever the (spare parts)material stock is below the min. stock level, SAP automatically sends a mail to the super-user? If yes, how (please elaborate on the steps/config) .If no, whats the alternative?
Do any body have access to screen shots of SAP IS_OIL , IRS (Inspection Report System) ? The report contains different tabs like Inspetion company,Official Sample analysys etc., each tab contains multiple fields for data entries by Inspectors. Request to forward if anynone has access to those.
this is physical inventory procedure used for material counting at different intervals in a fiscal year. could anyone explain how to configure in SPRO In spro, go to .. Material management -> Inventory management -> physical inventory -> cycle counting.. Here you shall see the settings for each ABC indicator for cycle counting. your reply, can you explain short cut about ABC indicators, i am very thankful physical intervals. percentages and float time.and how set these are all in that partcular u have to assign this indicator in material master and also table How can we delete/archieve the Purchase order and Material. How Can we take print out of RFQ. use ME9A to print rfq You need to do 2 steps: 1. Flag the material for deletion - mm06 2. Run the archiving progam - mm71 This is regarding the problem i am facing during Requirement Planning run for the requirement i have created diffrent STO doc type and want to use this doc type while running RP but when i am running the replenishment cycle system is picking up the standard doc type not the one i have created . Can anyone tell me where am i going wrong ...... WE ARE RECEIVING SUB CONTRACTED MATERIAL FROM ONE VENDOR AND ISSUED TO MACHINE SHOP. MATERIAL IS MOVED TO NEXT OPERATION. SOME MATERIAL GET REJECTED DUE TO SUB CONTRACTOR,S FAULT . NOW WE WANT TO SEND BAC K THE REJECTION. KINDLY GIVE PROCEDURE TO RETURN THE REJECTION ,DURING WHICH CHILD PARTS GET UPDATED AT SUB CONTRACTOR END.
While doing MIR7,ONE MESSAGE IS COMING- " TAX CODE VO COUNTRY IN DOES NOT EXIST IN PROCEDURE TAXINJ". PLS. GIVE ME THE SOLUTION IMMED. TO RECTIFY THE ERROR. Pls use T. Code FTXP to assign the V0 tax code with country India. use FTXP, enter country(before that taxinj should be assigned to country key IN) enter taxcode V0, enter tax account The company where Im working has used release strategies to Contract ! But until now only Contracts WK=Quantity Contrat was used, and from now we want to use Contracts MK = Value contract. Does anyone use this type of document with release strategies by Quantity ? If yes could give me some help to setup release strategy quantity based !? hi gurs while creating po i am getting this msg how to solve this " define a chart of accounts first for company code 8001" first assign chart of account to the company code..b'coz evry company code maintains its individual chart of account,,, Are you copied the Company code or Define the new company code, If you copied I don't think you will face this error.If you defined the new company codes, then all the tables related to Chart of Accounts is not copied to the new company, One more thing are you assign the controlling area to your company code 8001 in the Enterprise structure Contact to your FI consultant, as this is the problem at FI end not at MM Does anyone tell me how to change the buyer's address displyed on the PO sheet printed by ME9F?
We know that reservation of material is always particular to amovement type and account assignment. Our client has requirement of making virtual reservation i.e a general reservation without any particular account assignment. i.e. User want to create reservation of a material (MB21)without reference to an Asset Actual asset number at the time of material consumption can be entered in MIGO Good Issue with reference to that Reservation OR If above is not possible in SAP then alternate requirement is as follows >>>> User want to create reservation to a temporary cost center/asset number. At the time of material issuance with reference to that reservation, user can replace actual cost centre/asset number with the temporary one.
my users from my company issued 100 EA to a vendor using ME2O but they supposed to issue only 90 EA. How can I bring the 10 back to my unrestricted stock? do a transfer posting using movement type 542 for the 10pcs. Where Can I get the relation between sales order & production order like which production order is created for which sales order. Pl help. It's urgent . 1. use CO03 to display the production order. > 2. in production order, select tab page "Assignment". > 3. then you find the sales order and order item number . Thanks for your reply, but in this way I'll have to find out one by one. I need a consolidated list e.g. in a table. try T-code: COOIS have tried COOIS & it is partially successful, however it doesn't accept STO as sales order is not created for STO however production order is created. is there any table available for the same which I can see in SE16. If sales order is booked in system, same can be linked to Prod order in COOIS. But production is also planned & dispatched against STO - Stock transfer order to another plants for which production order is made but same can't be tracked in COOIS. I need a table or consolidated list of sales orders & STOs linked with corresponding prod orders. , By defining strategy in MRP : We can see sales order In Make to Order Scenarios is assigned to production order. basically it applicable only for MTO scenario .Production Order will be created for particular Sales Order. Thanks for your reply, however I know this. I need a consolidated list of production order which are assigned as per sales order
Kindly suggest, how can I block Vendor Payment if materials are unapproved or rejected? I want to block MIRO.
Can I get GR/IR clearing list for a particular month, as the current Txn code MB5S does not have the duration
I want to change material type PERISHABLE to SEMI-FINISHED, but system gives me following error - The old and new material types have different material type IDs. ID of new material type: No material type ID ID of old material type: Perishables Please help me out
USE T CODE MMAM AND CHANGE MATERIAL TYPE under that code only we r getting that error Did you check your valuation class? is it same for both mateial type? pls check at tx code OMS2 When I am Creating Vendor master , I am getting A Warning message that Country IN has not been assigned with any calculation schema Kindly explain how to correct this Also explain what error is likely to occur in later stage
have some trouble when using MI04. Before physical inventory count, i always download current data from MB52 to Ms Excel, then insert one column for physical counted. I want to copy the data from excel to SAP, but the problem is, MI04 screen user 2 rows for each material. Using copy-paste from excel to SAP just can do one by one, not all item. My question is, can i copy all material from excel to MI04? Or at least 12 materials a listMB1B? Not one number you want, in session in pyhsical inventory You can get like of all materials by one. menu. But in the list there isn't any stock value orquantity. Kindly explain the Steps Involved in Physical inventory We will be greatful to u as ur queries i am giving u the steps do following . tc.MI01 -creation of pi docu. TC MI37 - FOR MORE THAN ONE MATERIAL TC. MI04 - ENTER PHYSICAL COUNT TC. MI07 - POST COUNT RESULTS TC. MI21- PRINT DOCUMENT TC. MI22- POST THE DIFFERENCE TC.MI24- CHECK RESULTS(PI LIST) For physical inventory first it needs to create inventory document t-code MI01, then it needs to count materials and to enter in inventory document for that use T-CODE MI04, after counting it needs to post the count in the system for that use T-code, MI07. then check material documents and accountind documents generated it becomes more clear. Difference between Stock transfer from one plant to another Pls clarify what is the of same company code And to that of plants of different company code
Within a Company Code assume 1111, any transfers say from Plant A to Plant B will be called as transfer within a company code & from Plant A of company code 1111 to Plant A of company code 2222 will be called as different level. Trust it clarifies. as ur queries, stock transfer from one plant to another plant of same company code called- intra company stock transfer and only stock is less in plant1 and stock rise in plant -2 and account or liabilites is same because it is maintained in company (same co.code). but stock transfer from one plant of co.code -1 to one plant of other co.code-2 called inter co.code stock transfer. in this stock lessens in one plant and risens in another plant and also account or liabilites are changed totaly bcz of different co.code. i think u will catch it properly .if any problem then revert back to me. Thanks for yr Reply and explanation Can ypu pls brief what are the Steps involved in these 2 transactions as ur acknowledgement and ur request , just give me some time bcz i am busy with my work . so i will send it to u with in a day or 2 days . sure . acknowledge it .
How to find out shortages of material against sales order if configurated BOM is attached in sales order. tried MF60 but unless it is converted in planned order, it doesn't show. But if it is converted in production order it shows. I wanna find out shortages against planned orders. proposal and I dont think you can really check Planned order is just a procurement shortages. Even if you have zero quantity you can commit quantity against the planned order.
This problem related to Indian taxes. We are facing following problem : While posting excise invoice some times value goes to Credit due, rather than credit availed. Material is Raw material. In J1ID, we maintainted this as ra wmaterial. For this material & same Po many times we did GR , J1IEX_C, J1IEX_P and MIRO. Entries were perfect. But some time when we do GR it shows qty. & excise details OK. When do J1IEX_C value shows as credit available. But when post in J1IEX_P value goes to credit due. For this transaction I checked tables : J_1IPART1 , J_1IPART2 , J_1IEXCDTL, J_1IEXCHDR and found entries of qty. & value OK. When I checked table J_1IGRXREF , I found following entries. GR qty. - 10 qty. in excise invoice - 10 qty. credited - 0 How can convert sheduling agrment and contract in purchase order Hi in po at item level outlineagreement option is there u enter outlineagreement number then system picks up data from outline agreement. Please explain in details. I think you are asking about creating a PO referencing Outline agreement. if you create a PO refering contract then its a contract release order. In PO screen top left hand side there's a option document overview there click on selection variant and choose contracts, a new screen is displayed enter your contract number and execute. Click adopt or click on the contract number and drag the same into basket ( near PO docu type). For scheduling agreement you can rmaintain delivery schedules using ME38 i think no need to go for PO.
Is there away to hide safety stock? This is the problem that I am having, because of work in process (wip) materials are always running low. So I need to know if wip can be turned off so that system will continue to suggest deliveries and not look at WIP as available inventory?
Hi u can hide the saftey stock field in material master, for this configuration required. go to t-code omsr there select field marc-eisbe then there is yellow arrow mark select that for saftey stock field selection group is 51 and field reference is cad infront of that hide option is there select that then saftey stock field will not appear in lot. I have one more question in transaction MD04 the inventory displayed Thanks a material master. shows whse inventory as well as inventory that is tied up in Wip is there a way to not show inventory in wip. Please let me know soon as possible?
This is Vikram, I am new to MM module, right now I am working as a end user for a automibile company, ours is ECC5.0. We have scenario like this, We raise subcontracting PO to vendor using ME21N for one month delivery with 44 line items(Every day to loads we receive), then issue goods using ME2O. To receive the goods we have to create inbound delivery with 44 line items deliveries are for a month. What is the transaction code to create inbound delivery and what are the fields do i need to maintan? (I tried VL31N and VL34) what is the transaction code to create shipping n filds to be maintained? What is the transaction code to create shipping PO n fields to be maintained? What is the transaction code to do G/R n fields to be maintained? Ours is lean WM. If any one got documents to create above with screen shots can you please send me. Can u please tell me.If Batch management is not active for a products & we dont want to system ask for a batch at the time of MIGO and generate the Batch ,What procedure we can follow.Also Plesse advice me this Batch Nos generation is system generated or we have assign the nos.Please advice the path 2. What is SPRO function. How it works and what its linkage with system. 3.IN MD04 when we are converting PR to PO its PR qty value change from its orginal qty why its happen .
I Have faced a peculiar problem while creating the Goods Receipt ( MIGO ) in the receiving Plant . Stock Transfer PO : Number fo Line items : 30 1. IN J1IS, BED Value in the Suppling plant is 12152.00 ( Assume ) 2. While Creating J!IEX in the Receiving Plant the same BED value is Populated (i.e 12152.00) 3.But while creating MIGO ( On Refer to the Excise Invoice ) the BED Value is displayed only for the First line items ( Say 10.00) the Remaining 29 line items BED values are not calculated .
Please check whether J1id & Excise part is maintain for remaining item If your excise invoice number is same for all items then it should not be problem as excise invoice is at header level and applicable for all items. System wont accept if it is is different. Pls. correct me if I am wrong. The Excise Invoice number is same for all the items .While creating MIGO , we are just referring the Excise Invoice only . Excise Related master data's are captured for all the items . We are in ECC 6.0 , TAXINN procedure All the masters are maintained correctly . If we capture individually ( line item by line item ) in J1IS and J1iex , no problem arises while creating the MIGO. But if we capture all the items ( 30 Items ) in the Single J1IS and J!IEX , of PIPE LINE value populates in the MIGO ? What are the different Wht is use the incorrect MATERIAL CONFIGURATION Steps involved ?
CAN ANYONE DEFINE TRACKING NUMBER AND ITS USE IN PURCHASING PLS? number is used to group purchasing documents as per user requirment. it tracking makes possible to easly track the purchasing documents created by particular user. I AM PRESENTLY FACING A PROBLEM WHILE CREATING SERVICE ENTRY SHEET. WHILE CREATING A SERVICE ENTRY SHEET WITH REFERENCE TO A PO BY TAKING 100%,I AM SEEING THAT MY NET VALUE INCL. TAX IS COMING HALF THE TOTAL VALUE i.e.IF THE TOTAL VALUE IN PO IS 2000,THE NET VALUE INCL. TAX IS COMING 1000. PLS HELP ME AND SHOW SOME LIGHT WHERE THE ERROR IS CAUSINGto service entry sheet. also chek Pls check whether all the items in PO are taken in the prices of the same in PO i have checked each and every thing.i think that there is some error in the setup.because when i am doing the service entry sheet in quality server the error is taking place.but when i am doing it in IDEAS everything is coming properly.where can be the fault? I have configured Release strategy for PO. User can take print of the PO only after it is released by respecttive authorities thru transaction ME9F. But what I have observed is printing of PO is possible thru ME22n even if it is not released. Please let me know how to avoid this printing of PO prior to release thru ME22n
----Original Message----From: sapmaterialsmanagem ent@yahoogroups. com [mailto:sapmaterialsmanagem ent@yahoogroups. com] On Behalf Of shivakkumar venkatesan Sent: Thursday, June 21, 2007 9:09 PM To: sapmaterialsmanagem ent@yahoogroups. com Subject: [sap mm] kindly help -give blood donation dear friends, kindly help: by giving blood donation. Hi All, My Brother's Son 6 years old, suffering from Brain tumor. He is admitted in V.S Hospital, Chetpet, Chennai. He requires A2B+ve blood platelets. Since this is one of the rare groups, they need more donors. Pls pass this message to all your friends to save a child. If any one is interested, Pls contact me(Chandrasekar 9840093863) For your information: For a normal person blood platelets will be
Dear chanderasekar , There is site : <http://www.rediffma bin/red.cgi? red=http% 3A%2F%2Fwww% 2Eindian blooddonors% 2Ecom&isImage= 0&BlockImage= 0> www.indianblooddono where in you can search for a particular blood group. You will get 100s of donors address(that too city wise). Can you pls look in to this Thanks and regards Bharathivinayagam. S 9940083745 Dear Mr Chandera Sekar There is one more site given below wher you will get immediate support <http://www.friends2> www.friends2support .org I will come back if I get any other address Thanks BharathiVinayagam 9940083745 Could you please explain about item category "L" In MM we are using this item category L in subcontracting. In Project System the same letter "L" used to represent stock item. Can you please explain more with examples Following are the item categories used in MM. Project system may have its own. Standard B Limit K Consignment L Subcontracting S Third-party T Text D Service CAN YOU GIVE SOME REALTIME SCENERIOS ON STO
Where do we have to Assign Customised Document Type for Purchse Order to the Plant. to assign P.O doc. type to plant, because when you create you have to No need enter plant. Assign allowed item categories and link Purh. req. doc.type with Tcode OMEC. I want to delete a material. when users want to use this material, system should propose alternative/ new material. we don't have SD module. how can we do that. it should also carry out MRP functionalities.
A lot of material we are buying without material number. So we are using free text and buying it. Now my question is how can make a report to see: how much we are buying with matetial number how much we are buying with free text how much we buying through service PO (ITEM CATEGORY D)
I have faced one problem i will explained u. In SAP MM Module MM60 Tcode is there. In that MM60 screen ihave to insert one more field that is profit center. any body tell me. your ABAP team to create a new field and tie it to the table where Should request you have this value. If u have authorisation in SPRO Pleas go to spro OBC4 Select material management & selt the fields what ever u whant u will find Supress Optional mandatory i thing it will guide u pleas reply ok Is there any way to see how many PO has QUALITY INSPECTION OR if i have list of po, how can see from a report that will show a list of QI PO T Code QA32, You will select in Insp.lot origin as per your requirement (01) then execute, How can I attach a file in Material Master record?.
Use Services for object foound in the PO. Use t.code ME22N to access the PO. At the beginning of the title bar that tells you the PO number and who made it, you will see an icon. Click on it, then select "create attachment". You should be able to figure it out from there....... This question has been posted earlier but i could not find the answer. Therefore i'm reposting it. I would like to know the solution steps. Does SAP Support Open tendering process for Vendor Selection. For vendor selection process for any material starts with advertisement of tender in newspaper. Vendor replies back with his quotation. After receiving technical and commercial quotation, the organization goes for technical bidding and those who qualify in technical bidding they contest for commercial bidding. After commercial bidding, comparative statement is prepared and then purchase committee approves the vendor. The problem is that any no. of vendors from any where can give their reply to the tender as it is a government organization. So, how to map this process in SAP as we are not directly sending RFQ to the vendor, instead he reply back with quotation directly once he sees the advertisement in newspaper. I want you all to suggest me whether to keep this process in SAP or out of SAP Either you need to go for SRM or develop ZTendring process.
This problem related to Indian taxes. > > > > We are facing following problem : > > > > While posting excise invoice some times value goes to Credit due, rather > than credit availed. > > > > Material is Raw material. In J1ID, we maintainted this as ra wmaterial. > > > > For this material & same Po many times we did GR , J1IEX_C, J1IEX_P and > MIRO. Entries were perfect. > > > > But some time when we do GR it shows qty. & excise details OK. When do > J1IEX_C value shows as credit available. But when post in J1IEX_P value While doing GR cancel , system picks new value rather than value at whcih GR capture. Here material is raw material. Price control is MAP. Can anybody tell how this can rectified. GR captured at 10, after that another GR took place place and MAP changed to 12. When we are trying to cancel 1st GR it is picking material price as 12, rather than 10. Does anyone tell me how to get a list / report of all of the POs that are generated manually instead of coverted from PRs? T.code;ME2L or ME2M By ME2L or ME2M, I don't think it can list the PO that is not converted from PR. Pls tell me in details. Does anyone know how to make the INCOTERMS field in Purchase Order creation a required field?
You can define it as follows SPRO-->Materials Management --> Purchasing --> Purchase Order --> Define screen lay out at document level --> The selelct respective field selection group --> Select group of Terms of delivery and payment -> Make the Incoterm as mandatory field. how r you this is sisi ur friend from sap groups and sunil i have some doubts plzz send me with scenarios and also the procedures for how to do subscequent debit and credit and also credit memo actually when we use them and plzz send me the steps as early as possible and iam waiting for ur reply.
can any body tell where can I get details of roll out project, what activities to be done. If roll out is in different country, what steps need to be taken. Roll out is depends on client. normally when new structure or functional activity is added to client bussiness rollout will be executed. Client has many plants, they implemented in some plants which are in other countries. Now they want to do in another country / plant. Can we send material from Vendor to Customer with Subcontract PO like third party.......if it is possible then how.... send through zdub type po Yes you can do it: Mention the delivering address of your subcontractor in the PO Item Details for Third party vendor by selecting the vendor and tick the SC check box I am sending this message third time within two weeks but i am not found any ans from fourm side. Chekc it. I delete TAXINJ. Can any option to recover the deleted entry.
after confoguring split valuation and creating valuation type and making it active in valuation category H, and changing material mater it is still saying to maintain valuation data while GR. at the Purchase order item level whether have youentered Check the valuation data the valuation type in the item level, unless you maintain the valuation type in item level of PO it will not allow you to do GR for that material as already you have activated the Split valuation for this material. but i have entered the valuation type in po while creating in item overview. but it is still showing error. try to create new PO and see Can anyone provide step by step configuration detail for Catalog and vendor managed inventory for ECC 5.0.
Could u pl. tell me how to find the no of batches avaialble in stock for a particular material group ? Please try MMBE I need for a particular group which contains more than 100 items . Not for a single item. Check MB52,MB53 Please for physical inventory the steps r MI01 MI21 MI04 MI11 MI20 MI07 but while doing MI01 i am getting an error as " Number range for trans./event type IB in year 2007 does not exist" plzz help me out from this n guide me You need to define number range for year 2007 year using T Code OMBT. Can any one give the clear information about release procedure for purchase order(PO). I am new to SAP MM.I am a beginner infact in learning stage.I have a few queries. 1.)Hey can anyone tell me the full form of SPRO is it "SAP Project Runtime Object" 2.)I have got SAP 4.6 installed on my system for practice but I have to change the system date from 2007 to previous years like 2002 or 2005 to get it working properly.Can anyone guide me what changes should I make so that I need not change the system date to previous years again n again. Full form of SPRO IS SAP PROJECT REFERENCE OBJECT Using T-code "MMPV" change the last Periord to current date Hai instead of changing the system time go to ob52 to change your SAP year from 2002 to 2007.Then go to mmpv and open and close every month from 2002 up to 2007.
I hope you might have received the reply frm the users nevertheless you can follow as under. 1. There is no full form of SPRO. 2. No matter you install SAP 4.7 its good to start off. You should know how drive a car no matter its upgradation once you are perfect upgradation vechile takes no time to takeoff. 3. One way to practice is to change the dates or once you create company code, assign plan to company code goto T.code OMSY update the period to the company assigned. how i can create the table K9RC110070001 using the configuratuion
Plz guide me with the following issues 1.Whether customer master is to be maintained for STO between two cocodes.Does it mean this customer is the supplying Plant 2.What r the Transaction Codes for creating STO. 3.What kind of document such as PO/STO is created for the Stock transfer between two plants of same co code & what are the T Codes?
I'm using MRP type VB and we want to include into MRP Run the Reservations created by PM module. We have setting up the MRP type VB to use external requirements (field V438A-ICBED with value 2 from customizing) but no Reservations were taken into account. Does anyone know a way to MRP type VB consider this reservations from PM module? type VB the net requirements In reorder point planning,where you use MRP calculation is only carried out once the stock level has fallen below the reorder level. Issue elements, such as, customer requirements, planned independent requirements, or reservations are only displayed but are not included in the net requirements calculation. Use MRP type PD
I am using FRC schedules with scheduling agreement, can someone please share your expertise about how to resolve the issue related to release number. My issue is once I execute ME84 and then ME9E to release/ print delivery schedules. Next time when i execute ME84, new release number is not getting generated and therefore i dont have new transmission number. Can someone please share your experience about how to resolve this issue?
Can anybodey tell me the whole process of third party purchase order. I want to procure the materail from vendor and delivery should be at customer directly. So please tell me How is it possible? maintain cusomer master data (VD01),if u want to maintain customer material info record maintain it. create PO item catagory as third party, give the delivery address at customer place in po either at header level or item over view screen,if the delivery is completed at customer place then vendor send a invoice to ur place. if i am wrong revert back What report can I run or which tables should I join to get the following information on what report 1. Company Code 2. Vendor Number 3. Vendor Primary Address (Postal) 4. Vendor Telephone 5. Vendor Fax 6. Vat Number 7. Vendor email address 8. contact person at& give the Table name LFA1 & execute,you will get all the Go to T-code Se16 Vendor details. I got EKKO, EKPO, etc. Have written several queries in SQVI, but can't find where all those texts are and how to join up to get them. Any help?
We can bring in fully assembled parts from sister plants or make them ourselves. What techniques, if any, exist to be able to do both at the same time with w/o wreaking havoc on MRP? Currently, we can only have one part number in the system and it can only be make OR buy, not both (obviously). So, short of creating two parts for each part this applies to (one number for making, one for buying) are there any other ideas? Please respond with 100% accuracy.Those who are like me, please wait for the real people to answer. In this way we all will be benefitted. Thank you for your help. Sachin Certification Questions: 1.Can a purchasing document (PO or PR) in their procurements item have more than one item category? 2.A company has 0 initial stocks. MAP is $10/pc. Received goods 50pcs @$10/pc and then issues 10pcs. Invoices was received for 50 pc @$20/pc, Show the different account postings. 3.Physical inventory is done in the following levels (tick the right one) a. Plant b. Material c. Stock type d. Plant/storage location//Stock type. 4.A accounting document will be created when stocks are transfer to ( more than one answer is correct) a. GR block to Unrestricted use of stock b. Quality inspection stocks to Unrestricted use of stock c. Materials with different valuation types from one Storage 1) Yes 3) Plant/SLoc/Stock Type 4) Will be created only for A & D 5) Yes 6) Yes
1.Can a purchasing document (PO or PR) in their procurements item have more than one item category? Ans. yes 2.A company has 0 initial stocks. MAP is $10/pc. Received goods 50pcs @$10/pc and then issues 10pcs. Invoices was received for 50 pc @$20/pc, Show the different account postings. Ans. 3.Physical inventory is done in the following levels (tick the right one) a.Plant b.Material c.Stock type d.Plant/storage location//Stock type. Ans. 4.A accounting document will be created when stocks are transfer to (more than one answer is correct) a.GR block to Unrestricted use of stock b.Quality inspection stocks to Unrestricted use of Can you please explain what are the differences between SAP 4.7EE version and SAP 5.0 version? Some one has replied me on this subject. Please refer the link http://solutionbrow fmpmedia. com/ It gives good info about difference in functionality of two version I met a very strange question. 2 POs are converted by ME28 from one PR. The 2 POs are exactly same except the creation time. The quantity of one PO equals to the quantity of the PR. Only the creation time of the 2 POs are not the same. There are about 10 hours between. Does anyone tell me the possible reason? I think the material are subject to source determination or quota arrangement, another possiblity is that the two materials are ordered from two different vendors, if you procure both materials from a single vendor and the materials are source determined to same vendor 1 PR will be converted to 1 PO or else two. hope you go it right, revert me if you have any items with different source of supply,might be I think you are created one PR for 2 confussion. release stratagy exited at item level for 2 items in PR. if I am wrong revert back
The reaon for that is " On your transaction code - me59, Processing status (Ebanstatu) field was blank", so they system will obviuosly allow you to create another STO How to add extra text field in MIGO transaction al Header level.
am here sitting in the internet caffe. Found your email and decided to write. I am 25 y.o.girl. I have a picture if you want. No need to reply here as this is not may email. Write me at
i am facing a strange problem.if anyone can help me out. while doing entry sheet in ml81n,i am finding that the netvalue exclusive tax is becoming half the total value. this is taking place whenever i am doing this in quality server.while doing it in ideas or production server it is taking place as desired which clearly depicts that it is a setup problem. pls help me in finding where the problem in setup has occured.
It doesnt provide email details If you wants Vendor Email details In Table Name ADR6 you can gat Email Id and address no. As per address no. you can find Vendor code etc My clients wants to carry out MIRO with reference to Bill of Lading. There is a provision in MIGO at the header level to put some number in "Bill of Lading "field. The necesssary number has been uodated in the " BILL of LADING " Filed at the time Goods receipt ( against Out bound Delivery), but while trying to do MIRO with referencing to Bill of lading Number ( given at the time of GR), it is showing that the said Bill of Lading number does not exits. Shall be grateful, if you could help me our urgently to address the problem Normally we know that Stock Transfer from Plant to plant is possible with using 301 movement type or using 303 & 305 ( 2 steps ) . But Using STO ( Stock Transport Oder ) benifits are Like below : A goods receipt can be planned in the receiving plant. You can enter a vendor (transport vendor) in the stock transport order. Delivery costs can be entered in the stock transport order. The stock transfer order is part of MRP: Purchase requisitions that were created in MRP can be converted into stock transport orders. The goods issue can be entered using a delivery via Shipping (LE-SHP). The goods receipt can be posted directly to consumption. the Entire Process can be monitored via the Purchase Order History. U can Get more Information in on STO
pl tell me how to make purchase requisition mandatory at the time of making purchase order Go to SPRO->Pur->Authoriz ation mgmt->func author PO ->flag checkbox for PR We are going to ease the strain of your monthly expenses in a quick, and hasslefree manner. Here is a simple easy way to pay them off quickly and have more money for the things you have not been able get for a while. We have several options just for you at So why wait until it gets worse? We simply have a better solution. No cost to you all credit histories accepted. You can remove on the site. Pls clear me following questions: 1. What is difference between material type and material group? with proper defination 2. What is the difference between non-deductable taxes and deductable taxes? 3. Is the BOM is mandatory for Subcontracting and consignment? 4. Is Info Record is mandatory for Subcontracting and Consignment? 5. For purchase service, how will be the excise duty calculated? what will be key combination for maintaining condition record?
This question is related to Indian taxes (CIN). Scenerio is given below : We made PO with base price as 100 & did GR on 20/06/07. GR picked base amount as 100 . PO price changed on 21/06/07 to 105. Excise captured with J1IEX on 22/06/07. J1IEx base amount is 105, rather than 100. While doing IR against GR, base amount is 100. My problem is while IR is taking GR price , why J1IEX is considering current price as 105 rather than 100. Is std. SAP. Is it correct. As per me it is not correct. Pls. cooment & give solution if any one knows. While creating the IR you may referencing the GR delivery note number not the Purchase Order number.(my guessing) thats why it is taking the Old PO price.If you reference the PO definatly it will pick the new PO price. so Check the IR once again But in the J1IEX transaction you are referencing the Purchase Order and that too new changed PO reference thats why it is picking the new base amount of Rs.105 not Rs.100. So check the Reference document for IR.Please check and confirm on the same.Then will look for alternate.
Both J1IEX and IR is done with ref. GR/ dlivery note not PO. We can book J1IEX against vendor delivery note or PO. I think if you cancel the GR material document & make a fresh GR your problem would be solved. This is because the GR has taken the P.O price before the P.O wasmade correctly. Pls. see my mail clearly, I had given all info in that GR changed. I already confirmed that J1IEX & IR is based on vendor delivery note. I want to pay only 100 (old price) to vendor. In case of Ir it is picking GR price only. I want to know is there any setting to be done at SPRO for getting old price in J1IEX like in IR or else is it SAP std. functionaly By mistake if I close the current period in MMPV, how to open / reverse it. Is it possible. When I try it is throwing error. it can not be reversed. now there is no alternative but to create a new company code. should be some answer. We didn't get correct way. Do think u can create there comapny code whatever like in the real scenerio, in production environment. Use Tcode MMRV to open the closing period When i try to post the custom duty through T.Code J1iex, the system does not allow to put any value in the column S&H ECESS though one can put the rate of duty in the column. What could the fault and how it can be removed.
Hi Gurus, > > Plz help me out, 1.wats the A/C DOCUMENT FOR MVT TYPE 101? 2.VALUATION GROUPING CODES AND ITS USES? Ans. Valuation Grouping Code is used to Group different valuation areas(Plants) . Once this grouping is activated, system uses the same Automatic Account Determination process for all Val area under the group. Other wise you'l have to define Auto Account Determination for each val area ie plant. 3.WHY WE USE GR BLOCKED STOCK Ans. If you dont want to take the custody of material in value terms ie the material is not to be taken in your valuated inventory, then you use GR Blocked Stock. For eg, if soe documents are missing or material is totally damaged or a decision to accept the material is pending. 4.IN PRICING PROCEDURE DO WE USE STATISTICALS? Ans. Yes help me out, tax is configured and linked in PO 2.what s the output type for Po 3.can a/c category reference fixed for any material type delivery cost met in STO tax is configured and linked in PO @@@ Tax code is assigned to purchasing document with T code : FTXP in case of TAXINJ procedure. 2.what s the output type for Po @@@ NEU 3.can a/c category reference fixed for any material type @@@ one a/c category can be assigned to many material types. delivery cost met in STO @@@ You need to maintain respective conditions n STO.
My client want to receive the packaging material from vendor-1 to another vendor-2 site, then he will supply the finished goods for packing to the vendor-2 as a subcontracting. Finnaly he received the packed material. Pl explain the steps. Hi in po at item level sc vendor check box is there select and give vendor.
From what I understand with your scenario is You Client receiving packaging material from Vendor 1. Your Client supply the packaging materail with Vendor 2. Vendor 2 supply the finished goods to your Client (Company). Is the correct Correct? If Yes, The following Steps are; 1.Create the Vendor Master for V1 and V2. 2.Create Info Records for V1 as Standard PO for V2 as sub-contract PO. 3.Create a BOM for the Assembly to be produced. -> Components of Assembly will supply by V1 -> Components of Assembly will issue to V2 -> Assembly units will supply by the Sub Contratctor (V2) 4. Run the the MRP to create Planned Order. 5. Convert the PR to PO -> PO (Standard) for the components -> PO (Sub-Contract) for the Assembly 6. SAP will list the Vendor Information Supply Slip with respect to PO for Sub-Con. It will list all the materials to be issued to V2. Movement Type (541)
Hey Kishore, Account group also determines 1)Number Range 2)Number assignment 3)Field Selection 4)One time or Regular Vendor 5)Partner Roles/Schemas are allowed or not 6)Screen/Areas of Vendor Master Records 7)Plant specific data..whether it can be maintained or not Regards Sonu --- In sapmaterialsmanagem ent@yahoogroups. com, amit Choudhary <amitnchoudhary@ ...> wrote: > > > --- kishore kumar <kishoresuuri@ ...> wrote: > > > Hi Gurus, >> > > Plz help me out, Pl explaine what is Inbound Delivery and how we use this. Hi inbound delivery is a shipping notification from vendor through which goods receipt is made , inbound delivery and outbound delivery are used where EDI interface is used. an example with 2 to 3 steps where we use Inbound Delivery Can u explane me HI for example if a gr is to be made through inbound despatch idoc, it first makes inbound delivery or if u wanted to make gr for scheduling agreement then go to vl31n then vl32n post goods receipt. Pls go thru the scnario and suggest the way to resolve the problem. I have created on PO on 27/06/07. Done the GRN on 29/06/07. But when I have issued the material to cost center on 28/06/07, system is not showing any error. It is allowed in the system which I think should not be allowed. Pls reply the solution. System can not issue any goods w/o stock in warehouse. According to navneet the GRN date is 26/06 and the issue date is 28/06. Logically the system should not allow to issue. it will not be possible while seeing your GRN and Material Issued date.
THERE MUST BE STOCK AVAILABLE ERLIER HENCE NO ERROR. Ideally the system should not allow future date GRN.(29/06/2007) ...Backdated is OK but nor future date. Just check the posting date for the GRN. This will be posible in following two cases: 1. There was earlier stock available in the system 2. Secondly and most probably, Negative stock is activated for the plant in config and material in the material master hi check whether negative stock is allowed no, system response is correct since you already GR, it does not matter after GR that when you done GR. at the time of GI system checks the existing stock. If you making reservation, so reservation take open quantity Also if negative stock is allowed no error is displayed. In sap material management what is the meaning of material consumption (i.e goods issue is treated as consumption or when the goods are actually consumed in production order?)Are there any standard reports whcih show the material consumption that when goods are issued. T. code MB51, MC.A and MC.2 for goods I would think and to which cost centres. issue issue automatic consumption upon the execution of production results. Good The ff movement type for consumption are: 1. 261- automatic consumption of ROH upon posting of production results. 2. 201 -DIrect consumption for with out any references 3. 601 -Post Good issues for Delivert (D/R) 4. 543 - Post Good issues for Sub_Contract stocks.
how to create a new g/l account for the transaction key BSX You can define new G/L Account in Transaction - FS00 Then assign the same account to Transaction Key BSX can u pls explain how to issue goods against STO use 351 movement type by putting STO NO IS MIGO Use t. code MB1B to transfer the goods with movement type 351 Using STO with out delivery: doc.type: UB GI:351, GR:101 Use the Transactions Code MIGO Movement Type 641(-) for the supplying plant and for the demanding plant 641(+) and 101.
Im Facing on eproblem in ECC6.0.When I tried to configure the Excise Part., there is no any such a condition types for Excise. Like., for Excise normally we need Setoff Conditions like JMO1. this is not there in ECC6.0 as well as there is no condition types for BED, AED ECESS (JAO1,JSO1,JEC1 ) So how we have to get it in to ECC...?? is there any Procedure or We need to copy from any other exsist one.. I think SAP Provided some Note on this...Please share with me and also please let me know any Procedure if you have.....Waiting for your very valuable reply.. hi dear friends someone tell me when i try to change the user password then an error occured that user is locked which t code can unlocked it close all the screen and make sure no one else login with user name. SU01 try su01. Fill-in the user ID that you desire to chnage or lock/unlock then press the lock icon to unlock and right beside the lock icon is the change password icon. At the time of Log In just click on New password lefh hand corner than u change ur password dear friends which t code can be used to restrict the whole user that they cant be able to log on sap hi user ewz5 How to Lock / Unlock users? Use t code EWZ5 Or Execute program EWULKUSR in SE38 One query... Could anyone tell me whether it is possible to view the total PO amount (including Taxes, overheads, etc.) in any SAP reports?
dear friend when i use this t code su10 to lock the user then again how we can unlock it WE ARE HAVING SINGLE MATERIAL IN TWO PLANTS OF DIFFERENT MATERIAL TYPE,NAMELY ROH AND CONSUMABLE. KINDLY ADVICE WHAT TREATMENT TO BE GIVEN WHILE EXTENDING THE MATERIAL. Also maintain description of material separate i guess the material attributes lies at the client level so the material at one plant is roh and at another plant to be hawa is not possible. if u wanna to extend the material views go to mm50 Just Check Plant Parameters whether you have allowed Negative Stock for the Plant & Sloc Combination.
These are the questions i faced in the interview.This is the scenario. 1) In our company we create a subcontract PO for items based on customer PO. i.e., Sales order creation drives the PR and so PO (3rd Party order processing). This PO item category is S-3rd party as per standard SAP. For subcontracting items, we want it to be L-subcontracting in the PO. So our requirement is: If you get a 3rd party order for sub contracting items, system should create a subcontracting PR/PO. Any ideas/suggestions please? 2) Can anybody tell me about workflow and its relevance with release procedure? can anyone please tell how to create material subgoup. and assign it to a material group. Use T.Code SPRO. THEN SCREEN APPEARS CUSTOMISING: EXECUTE PROJECT. GO TO SAP REFERENCE IMG-SAP CUSTOMIZING IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE-LOGISTIC GENERAL--MATERIAL MASTERSETTING FOR KEY FIELDS-DEFINE MATERIAL GROUP-ASSIGN MATERIAL GROUP AND DESCRIPTION CLICK ON SAVE BUTTON AND TRANSPORT THE REQUEST TO PRD. Please explain me that, in which Table Materials purchase order text have stored,
How to cancel one material document created through t-code COGI. How it can be reversed. early reply will be highly appreaciated by me.
Can anybody explain me the following scenario. Whenever i create a sales order and a delivery is created,the system should check which batch is due to expire soon and pick up stock from that batch and then it should look for the next batch due to expire. How will Batch determination: I preassume you know we configure for this? In the Batch Condition type: incorporate the Sort rule. In the sort rule you set if for Charactersitic LOBM_SLED ( Self life expiry date) in descending order. The system will check & select the earliest SLED.
Scenario We have more than one plant and PRs are generated manually (not thru MRP)from Plants/storage location/cost centre for common materials. 1. Is it possible to get consolidated PR ? 2. Since we are getting seperate PR from different location, that many line items need to be created in the PO by referencing individual PRs. can it be avoided ? 3. Party supply the total PO qty as single item, Store keeper will have book qty against each line items in the PO considering tolerance.
I want to create a BOM for finish material pl. tell me the Tcode or steps. USE CS01 tcode cs01 Enter finish material enter Plant enter bom usage enter item no ict L child partno no off save T CODES FOR MASTER BOM'S CS01 CREATE CS02 CHANGE CS03 DISPLAY FOR CHILD BOM'S CS61 CS62 CS63 FIRST CREATE BOM IN EXCEL AND THEN U CAN COPY OT IN SAP FROM EXCEL
Our system has been configured to (Check Purch. OrderNo=A) in sales order type. But, in standard system, only display Warning message. We can change message category to E for Error message;. But all user in all plant will be affected. My question: Is it possible to create specific Error message that only applied to a specificUser/ user group? Or may be plant? Let know how to configure! thanks ahnugroho
WHAT IS THE ACTUAL MEANING OF INITIAL ENTRY. MOVT TYPE 561 WITH MB1C SAP is implemented in any company, after complete configuration, All 1. When master data and transaction data are uploaded in the system. The Initial Entry means the initial stock (available stock) that is getting registered / booked to the system. 2. After implementation, if there is stock of any material, for which material master is not created in SAP system (for some reasons) and if that material need to be tracked through the system,or for the available stock is entered into the system it is ues to upload the stock then opening stock Please tell me what is the usage of component in SCAT Programme.
m a member of sap yahoogroup, can u please help me . while doing pricing for po net price is different than the cal culated price i have mentioned condition type gross price as 50 vendor dis 1% packaging cost 10 excise duty 10% education cess 1% discount 1% insurance 1% freight charge rs but net price is showing 47.87
I have three companys with different company codes (Ex: A,B,C). Now i have to combine these three company into one company (with one code ). Can you please give me overview how configure.
What is the way to make a credit memo to the vendor for the goods returned (RTV) after invoicing. Please consider it has to include the conditions of P.O as well like freight, duty...etc. Please include transaction code for credit memo as well. the codes that i know is MIRO and FB65. MIRO with ref. to the returns PO does not show freight and duty, but does show original price of goods. I have no idea how FB65 works. The real issue is conditions (freight and duty) not being displayed for a credit memo being sent to the vendor. FYI.. I use goods movement 122 and 161 for goods return process. Try MR8M Can anyone explain in detail all the 16 fields of Pricing Procedure? can anyone explain how to find netoff vat in price comparison?
Is it possible to have many warehouse under 1 plant Yes, it's possible. If you want to have many warehouse in one plant, so you must create many Sloc in one plant.
My question is I will send the material to Subcon Vendor. Now I would like to send the Material to Customer from Subcon Vendor. What you have replied that if I want to send the componets from Vendor to SubCon Vendor by activating the check box SC Vendor. This is virupaksha. Answer for ur question. 1st mathod: As you said you can tick SC vendor in the PO. Here you have to maintain your customer as a vendor master.( This is the prerequisite) 2nd step: You can do business as THIRD PARTY. ie you can create third party po.
Can you pls shed some light on MPN. If i wanna maintain Non stock material how MPN can be used. even material is non stock you can create material master record. create the material master, and maintain MPN profile in IMG. assign this file to your material. IN ONE OF THE STO, WHE HALF OF THE PO QTY IS EXHAUSTED AUTOMATICALLY OUTBOUND DELIVERY IS GENERATE FOR THE BALANCE QTY . BUT PO STATUS SHOWS BALANCE QTY SINCE NOT CELIVERED AND INVOICED?IT IS HAPPENING IN A PARTICULAR VENDOR ORDER ONLY. KINDLY RECTIFY ME
Can the service entry sheet be cancelled? If yes could you please tell me the procedure. 1) Open service entry sheet (2) Go in change mode (3) use ctr+f2 or "Revoke acceptance" button & then save. Could you please clarify me whether GR can be done against Contracts and Scheduling agreements. If yes, what could be the prerequisites. Thanks in advance.
My client is planning to use RWD as a training and script recording tool.Can anybody give some idea/info about it. Thanks in advance. I will appreciate your quick reply.
can anyone help me how to up load material master in real time implementation. thru' LSMW Can any body please let me know how to add more material groups in SAP?
USE TCODE OMSF Pl note the path IMG-Logistic general-Material Master-setting for key fields-Define Material Groups. & get the result. I need create and maintenance from "release strategy/release group" and purchase group (PO).. please send me steps-by-step of SPRO...CUSTOMIZING. ..
In what condition we use Scheduling agreement or PO? If the the frequency of material inward is more like daily or weakly then you will use SA.SA generally use for packing materials which are more space consuming. In SA you can make agreement for any quantity require in year & inform your supplier weakly schedule of dispatches. In PO, whole PO quantity we generally inward at a time depends on availability of material with supplier I have assigned a number range to a Customised PO document type.I created a PO but was not able to see the output message for the aforesaid PO. I clicked the Print Preview option but system gives a message "No Output Defined". Please help me inprinter the problem, Give fixing name LP01 where,which T.code..... Is it fixed to be at document type level.
For print preview or printout you need to set up messages. Following path will take you to print preview option ME23N and go to messages, Select output type NEU print then select medium as printer. and press enter. and pop up will be appeared and give the print name and press save. Then again execute txn me23n and select print preview you will get the printout if no config done on messages, you need to configure.
We are implementing for an engineering client who deals with Titanium and tantulum metal sheets. He purchases the metals in Sheets of various dimensions. the base unit is KG. serial numbers are followed for the individual sheeets. The sheets are issued to the production in full and the left over sheet after production is returned back to the stores. the store people will cut the maximum size of the sheet and stock it. the left over bits are managed as cutbit material code. like this the metals are optimum utilised. My questions are where can I capture the sheet dimensions in material master?(length, width & thickness) how can I generate reports on dimension basis?(length, width & thickness). if i give the dimensions my report should give me the weight of the sheet i have in the inventory. In Basic Data1 view of material master you enter weight,dimensions. & also get a report by using this field name in your report.
You could alternatively think of a differnet approach. If you use batch management it would be easy to accomplish. Let us assume that 1. all sheets of a particular material code are of standard [same] Length , Width and Thickness. That gives us a standard volume for the sheet. 2. All sheets of a particular material code are of standard density by having 1 and 2 we have a weight per sheet. As all sheets are numbered, we can easily have a batch for a sheet or a bunch of sheets. So for all batches we have weight. All you need to do for your report [custom] is to do a total of all the weights of all the batches and you will have your stock in weight and in number of sheets. in case of the cut sheets, all you need to do is change the characteristic value for volume in the batch classification. i hope this has been helpful. in case you have a better idea i would love to hear of it.
Dear All can anyone explain to me the report MC50 for Dead Stock analaysis coz i think am missing reading it
There is such report for pending 105 material documents means we have done 103 posting and still waiting for 105 material documents. You need to develop the report for the same. Also remember in SAP there wont be link between 103 material document to 105 material document after doing MIGO-105. T code MBLB reflects the delay between 103 and 105 MBLB gives stocks at subcontractor
I have created a P.O. w.r.t P.REQ , maintained RS. 5/- EACH in P.REQ and RS.500/-EACH in P.O. no error / warning comes I WANT TO PUT A CHECK , plz suggest how i can do this ?
you have not send the error , any maintain the same error as errror message in message settings, if it is false reply back.
Hi Kishore Good Job, keep up the good work Naveen On 6/28/07, amit Choudhary <amitnchoudhary@ in> wrote: > > > --- kishore kumar <kishoresuuri@ <kishoresuuri% 40hotmail. com>> > wrote: > > > Hi Gurus, >> > > Plz help me out, > > 1.wats the A/C DOCUMENT FOR MVT TYPE 101? > > 2.VALUATION GROUPING CODES AND ITS USES? > Ans. Valuation Grouping Code is used to Group > different valuation areas(Plants) . Once this grouping > is activated, system uses the same Automatic Account > Determination process for all Val area under the > group. Other wise you'l have to define Auto Account
I'm new to SAP-MM and learning a lot from this forum. I've a doubt regarding exchange rates in Purchasing. How do I know if the pricing (exch. Rate conversion) is done using the rate on PO date or GR date? Is there any configuration / settings for this? Any docs / links to know more about this is appreciated Exchange rate is maintained by FI person periodically. The T-code For maintain Exchange rate is OB08.Hope it will work. Can someone tell me detailed procedure to configure GR Message to Buyer? reply to the qustion is mark indicator in vendor master record for order acknoledgement . to be generated & sent to Buyer when store person posts GR. I require message I am working in a constructions company whose main work is making highway, laying rail etc. My requirement is how to generate Purchase Requisition automatically without making BOM. we are using WBS for various level. Kindly guide methe mrp datathe the material master record. maintain and tell me in details illaborately. Can someone explain me detailed steps for Configuring GR Message to the Buyer? I hav some issues to create a standard purchase organisation for a consigment process? 2.I have created a new material type using OMS2 but that was not appearing while creating a material (MM01) 3.What is invoice verification in back ground and what is its use?
Ans to Q1Go to SPRO->Enterprise Structure->Definiti on->Materials Management-> Maintain purchasing organization ( here you define the Pur Org) Then you go to SPRO->Assignment- >Materials Management-> Assign standard purchasing organization to plant ( here you assign the std PO to the plant) Ans to Q2Just check that you have copied the material type from a similar type and maintained the details and qty & value updating in oms2 and then save. Ans to Q3- Inv verification in background is used when there are a no of line items and you need not check each line items. you run a program and the inv ver is done.
I tried to assign MM02 to my Query list(Material list query) and succeed. But when I double click one of the row of the list , sap brings mm02 without selected row's material code. what can be done? can you pls guide me how to make query list We have a requirement of maintaining all the stock in our warehouse as non valuated and still be able to track Usage Value ($$$) and i proposed the following options: 1: Maintain a Z-table and copy the logic behind Moving Averabe Price calculation and multiply it with the quantity provided by standard reports in SAP (LT22-LT26) 2: Add a New View to Master data (a new field) Moving average price and not use it anywhere else except for calculation of value based on the quantity at a given instance. 3: Use either SAP standard R3 report and modify it or use a Z table logic in R3 and get reporting (analysis) done in BW and get reports We haven`t finalized on this ....but what do you think about the above options....and My question is...did any one go through a similar situation?? if so how did you guys Does anyone know how to change the Base Unit of Measure for a material after you have started using it? The material has inventory and open purchase orders in the Base unit of Measure.
Base is set once created. (We've had to create a few new parts because of this.) However, you can change the Ordered U of M and the Unit of Issue. Thanks Todd, this has been my experience as well. I have also used the Order unit, the sales unit and unit of issue. Do a PGI of all stock using mov typ 562 and close all open PO's then you can change the UOM Following are the ans. for your question:amit Choudhary <amitnchoudhary@ in> wrote: 1.Can a purchasing document (PO or PR) in their procurements item have more than one item category? Ans. yes 2.A company has 0 initial stocks. MAP is $10/pc. Received goods 50pcs @$10/pc and then issues 10pcs. Invoices was received for 50 pc @$20/pc, Show the different account postings. Ans. Ist at the time of goods receipt the stock A/C will get debited with @$10 /pc and GR/IR A/C will get credited with @$10 . at the time of Inv. will becomes GR/IR A/C ........DR $10/pc PRD A/C......... .....CR $10/pc VENDOR A/C ............ .....CR $10/pc at the time of issue, goods issue a/c dr. $20/PC PRD A/C......... .....CR $10/pc stock a/c......... ...CR$10/ pc 3.Physical inventory is done in the following levels In my opinion , you can maintain TEXT , in P.O. the same should get adopted. since GRN is made wrt P.O.
i am afraid , you can't change base unit of measure the condition is , there should be no stocks. there should be no open P.O'S etc
Mr.Kalidas/Mr. AMit Ans to Question 2 I at the time of goods receipt stock A/C will get debited with i.e $500/- @$10 /pc and GR/IR A/C will get credited with $500/II at the time of issue, Consumption a/c dr. $100-@$10/PC stock a/c......... ...CR$100 III at the time of Inv. will becomes > GR/IR A/C ........DR $500 > PRD A/C......... .....DR $100 for 10 pieces > VENDOR A/C ............ .....CR $1000 - @ $20/pc > Stock a/c--------- --------- -DR $400 - for 40 pieces Ans to Question 4 A&D regards epm
We have a requirement of maintaining all the stock in our warehouse as non valuated and still be able to track Usage Value ($$$) and i proposed the following options: 1: Maintain a Z-table and copy the logic behind Moving Averabe Price calculation and multiply it with the quantity provided by standard reports in SAP (LT22-LT26) 2: Add a New View to Master data (a new field) Moving average price and not use it anywhere else except for calculation of value based on the quantity at a given instance. 3: Use either SAP standard R3 report and modify it or use a Z table logic in R3 and get reporting (analysis) done in BW and get reports We haven`t finalized on this ....but what do you think about the above options....and My question is...did any one go through a similar situation?? if so how did you guys deal with it?
Please help me with the following: My client would like to bring the retention functionality in the Purchase Order. For example, if the PO value is $1000 only $900 will e paid to the vendor upon goods receipt and invoice receipt and the remaining $100 should be posted to a retention payable account. The accounting should lokk like as follows: Dr. 1000.00 - Expense account CR. 900.00 - Vendor Account (Accounts Payable) CR. 100.00 - Retention Payable account. Is there any way to configure this? Did any one of you has come across with retention funtionality like this? Appreciate your reply.
I am adarsh here , you can configure SPRO-->IMG-- >MM-->P.O- -> SET TOLERANCE LIMITS ( SET IT FOR 10% , ) ( this i am rock sure ) also , you can create a separate G/L account for retention value check with FI/CO guys for postings related to RETENTION ACCOUNT POSTINGS i think you can also try RECONCILLATION ACCOUNT , please check if highly doubt whether that will work The purpose of tolerance is totally different and I it works for us. Tolerance and reconcilation will not help. However a separate GL account which is related to the same vendor account could help.But during IR,MRIR will get DR for X,Vendor a/c get CR for 90%X and Vendor retention a/c get CR 10%X.How to differentiate the CR to 2 different a/c on percentage basis?Also retention is for a specified period.If there are 'N' purchases in a year,then there will be 'N' retention amounts.Each need to be paid after expiry of each retention expiry date.How to handle this? when you open the configration part , & do it the invoice which is parked will accept ten percent less then p.o. value , i hope that serves the purpose
issue: i want to settle in mrko for invoicing party not for goods supplier, i maintained in vendor master for invoicing party at partner functions. please help me it is very urgent
customising: material manage ment ->purchasing- >purchase order ->release procedure for po. edit characteristic edit class define releaseprocedure for po in this create release group then release code then release strategy click on release pre requite then release status then classification enter and save
Adailson Batista <adailsoncb@gmail. com> wrote: Hello Colleagues, I need create and maintenance from "release strategy/release group" and purchase group (PO).. please send me steps-by-step of SPRO...CUSTOMIZING.
HI , DON'T feel panicky over there , plz follow , this may help you 1)take consignment material 2)take a vendor ( central ), don't include invoicing party , not required here 3)make info record ( consignment) 4)make a P.O ,item category consignment only, DON'T give price here 5)make GR 6) MB1A , TWO ONE ONE ,mvt type or MB1B , FOUR ONE ONE , mvt type finally go for MRKO settlement , (include invoicing party iff asks as VENDOR SO CREATED )thats ALL
HI , DON'T feel panicky over there , plz follow , this may help you 1)take consignment material 2)take a vendor ( central ), don't include invoicing party , not required here 3)make info record ( consignment) 4)make a P.O ,item category consignment only, DON'T give price here 5)make GR 6) MB1A , TWO ZERO ONE ,mvt type or MB1B , FOUR ONE ONE , mvt type finally go for MRKO settlement , (include invoicing party iff asks as VENDOR SO CREATED )thats ALL On 7/4/07, adarsh srivastava <adarshsriv@gmail. com> wrote: > HI , DON'T feel panicky over there , > > plz follow , this may help you > > 1)take consignment material > 2)take a vendor ( central ), don't include invoicing party , not required > here > 3)make info record ( consignment) > 4)make a P.O ,item category consignment only, DON'T give price here I am facing one problem while invoice posting.I am able to park the invoice, but unable to post. The error is as mentioned below - Internal error in FORM/FUNCTION CKML_F_BUILD_ INDEX in position 1 with RC 0 The material is a non-valuated material type, no accounting & costing views are maintained. PO type is a refined purchase order. Is their anything to deal with period or automatic a/c determination? I am able to make posting in the sandbox. But in Development & Quality server I am facing the error. Secondly, I didnt receive this error in previous month while posting the invoices. But, I have started receiving this error from this month. Is it possible that the no costing / accounting view is maintained for a material, but in IMG some costing / accounting related settings are done for the material type. I looked for the OSS notes 933809, 950466. But before applying these notes I am Whether the SCAT is working in ECC6.0 Yes it works in ECC6.0
The Record Transaction & Record functional module is not active ( greyed ) . Pl advice me how this can be activated. I could not able to create any Test cases. Hello, does anyone know how to set up land load UPC numbers in Basic Data 1 in the material master? Is there customizing that needs to be done? If so what would I need to do. For example I have a product with a UPC code 57379 10501 and I tried to load it but I got the message 'The interval 14 was not found'
Plz.Help Me to solve the following issue of the TAXINN. I have done all the settins i.e Basic Settings,Master Data,Account Detrminition, Incoming Invoices in Business transactions i Logistics genereal. However Ihave not changed anything in Define Processing Modes Per Transaction & will be using standard modes. Even in Define Reference Documents Per Transaction i have not made any changes. I have taken the same movement types from Specify Which Movement Types Involve Excise Invoices.Which are 101 & 103. I have created Tax code to & havent maintained any Tax Rate I have maintained all the Condition types i.e JMOP,JSOP & JAOP via VK11. Ihave maintained all the required data in tax Maintainance Via.J1ID. But i am not able to have Excise Tabs in Migo so that i can maintain the Excise Data. Pl explane how we use Alternet BOM for a subcontracting PO
I am working for a client who wants a common GRN note for all the items maintained in MATERIAL DOCUMENT / GR I have seen configuration part for printer control , there they are giving print code 1 , applicable for any GR my question is CAN'T WE RESTRICT IT TO SHOW COMMON GRN NOTE for all items accountable for material document ? please accept thanks in advance
for a subcontract p.o., follow this , 1) you must be using finish good / trading good here * create all materials which will be components for finish good * create a bom by T/C CS01( In this give name of ur master material say finish good , then go for universal type of bom , in second screen , include components then save it ) 2) take a central vendor 3) create info record , subcontract type include bom here. 4)go to p.o. with item category subcontracting 5)T/C MB1C , for keeping materials in our stock , mvt type 561 6) provide material to vendor T/C MB1B , mvt type 541 7)make GRN against P.O mvt type 101 8)then subsquent settlement T/C MB04 9)VERIFY STOCKS WITH VENDOR T/C ME 2 Oh 10) stocks with subcontractor T/C ME2M
I want to create 2 BOMS for the one Finish Material. 1st is main BOM and 2nd is alternet BOM. if any material is not available in 1st BOM, we have a option for using 2nd BOM for subcontracting or anywhere else, Please describe me how we use 2 BOMS (Choice Option of any one BOMS)
Please enlighten some ideas for implementing procedures in ECC 6.0. Currently we are going to implement ECC 6.0 in construction industry. If there is any site/SAP notes available please let me know .Thanks in advance.
could you plz tell me answers for the following questions? 1. What are the major problems or hurdles faced during implementation, how do you solve the same as a consultant? 2. What are Tickets? Give some examples of the Ticket which you have solved ? 3. What is meant by SLA,what are the different means by which tickets are transfer ed to SAP consultant? 4. What is meant by SAP integration of different modules ? 5. What is Configuration and Customisation in SAP ? 6. What is difference between End to End Implementation and Life Cycle implementation ? 7. How can distinguish between MRP run PR and Manual PR ? 8. What is ABC analysis in SAP? What is its significance? 9. What is meant by Distributed Contracts (Outline Agreement) ? 10.What is the role of Work-flow in Release Strategy ? 11.What is meant by Accruals ? 12.What is condition Exclusion? What is its role in pricing procedure ? What are the DATA retention levels for Master DATA in MM ? 13.What do you mean by Match codes explain briefly ? 14.What does "Administer" function do in scheduling agg ?
we have created a physical inventory document and posted the physical document and as a result material document has been generated . But we found that qty is showing under both as 'unrestricted' and as well 'blocked' . Now I want to know . 1. can i cancel the physical invenotry document or material document. 2.If not , I want to remove the stock from 'Blocked' to 'Scrapped' , in that case what is the movement type I should use and if i do so will there be any future implication. Please let me know ASAP.
I use EDI method to transfer invoice data into SAP. Can SAP hold the invoice instead of posting the invoice automatically even if there is no difference among PO, GR and IR?
I am looking for information regarding release number and transmission number used in scheduling agreements. What is the process to generate a new release number, as in our system, SAP is showing the release number always 1 and it is not getting incremented even after we send the delivery schedule to vendor. I appreciate your suggestions/ comments. How do i block or stop the creation of purchase orders that do not reference a purchase requisition. in IMG or any other environment. Use OMET, there tick the Ref to PR. In Authorisation assign parameter EFB with the value given in omet. * material document can be cancelled , go to MIGO , select cancellation , give material document no. , take mvt type as 102 * for scrapped quantity , create another material say it as scrap & proceed
I want to know that how can I get the infoupdate checkbox ticked for every PO qutomatically. Where is this set in the config
How can we change Sequence of Views in Material Master,How can we customize this. Please elaborate the steps involved
Use Txn OMT3R and change the sequence number. example: Baic Data 10 PURCHASING 20 If you want purchasing view as first change the number to 10 and basic data to 20. Where is the Release creation profile assigned to Vendor Master? I checked LFM1 and LFM2 tables and the Field ABUEB (Release creation profile) is available . But I am not able to locate the same in the Vendor Master Purchasing Data. I checked the Screen layout for Account groups also and I am not able tp locate the same in Purchasing data. Can some one throw light in this issue? Release creation profile is not assigned in vendor master record; you can assign it in scheduling agreement in details view.Pl assign release creation profile there. how batch to batch transfer is there any movement type plz tell me
plz tell me is there any movement type to transfer batch to batch. Movement type 309, let try In transaction code IW32 Change Re-Active Maintenance Order Fleet. when you choose Components tab and check delivery address I am getting a default address in Equipment Master Data. How can i have it default to the address in the Plant.
I just wanted to know or the very basic understanding of the use of Standard Price and Moving Average Price. I know how the G/L accounts are updated and all those things. But i need to get a clear idea of why a company would like to have either 'S' or 'V'? What is the criterion or how does they decide that a particular material should be valuated as S or V? Can any one explain it from Domain point of view as well as from SAP??material is one which donot change with the Qty of the stock in standard price of a it is defined by the warehouse with a stanadrd value regardless of PO price.. In case of MOving avg price, it will vary with qty of Storage location. eg: if a vendor supplies soaps for 100 pcs @ 10/- each = 1000 if the other vendor supplies for 100pcs @9/- each = 900 then MVG avg price : (1000+900)/200 = 9.5/upto that stock finishes.. I think u understood ..if any problem let me know... How can i round figure the Excise duty / Education Cess in print as well as in P.O. price calculation.
When I am trying for the above subject, by clicking on option, "Create Batch" in Purchase Order (ME21N) , I am geting optiona msg pop box "Catuation! Internal number Allocation for material handled in batches" with yes, no & cancel option. When I am going for yes option I am geting msg "Number Range Object not found". For this I had already chked 1. Activate Batch Number Assign - Active 2. Internal Batch Number Assignment for Assigned Good - chked for plant 3. Maintain Internal Batch Number Assignment Range - for object "BATCH_CLT" with Ext indicator un chked. Can any one help me further to this seeting what else I had to do for geting internal number for batch automatically.
yaar i have not come across yet two BOMS but i know there exist something like super BOM
what i have gathered so far is STANDARD PRICE :applicable for FINISH GOODS MAP : applicable mostly for RAW materials LIKE suppose you have a stock inhouse valuated for fifty per kg you need some more stock say hundred kg, so bought out stocks are at price of say hundred kg then average price of inhouse stocks plus bought out stocks will be MAP.
We are taking printout of P.O. from T-code Me9f.i want to add new Field in selection opition as well as output screen.
While doing Asset G.R. Storage location is not coming in item level.and if we do G.R.,it's not showing in MMBE. It's urgent.Please help me out. Asset materials are Non-Stocking materials... .so stop scratching your head in amazement!! Anybody tell me which T-code shown me All GRN (Goods Received note.) in desiered period type 101 for desired date range. Use MB51 & Mvt TCode MB51 mvt type 103 I Believe you can go for ENHANCEMENT FEATURE of SAP , a TECHNICAL GUY like ABAPER could of great help , he must be knowing coding & all , he can definatly help you with that
Need help regarding a problem i am getting during implementation: Golden Client: Excise groups defined and transported to test client Test Client: Excise groups got transported properly. When doing MIGO, excise group is getting attached properly. When checking i am getting the folllowing error: Maintain number range object for object J_1IRG23A1, year 2007, excise. Once in transaction SNRO for maintenance of number ranges for RG registers, I am not getting the defined excise group in the dropdown and system saying input excise group does not exist. As a result i am not able to maintain number range and post GR.
1) can anybody explain me the processflow from the point of goods receipt until the stock gets stored in the warehouse in storage bins. 2) also explain me the linkage between any Inventory activity and financial linkage. for ex in goods receipt how will the system know what G/l account to hit and etc.
All process is started When you Receive goods from Transport. 1) can anybody explain me the process flow from the point of goods receipt until the stock gets stored in the warehouse in storage bins. Ans. 1. Count the articles (C/B, Gunny, W/C, Loose etc.) as per L.R. & Invoice. Check all goods defected or damaged. 2. Check P.O. No. all goods are ok or not also count and get inspected from concern person. For goods is ok as per requirement. 3. Put Sap code or tag on all item and description too. 4. If everything is ok then you can make G.R. And goods stored in bins.
2) also explain me the linkage between any Inventory activity and financial linkage. for ex in goods receipt how will the system know what G/l account to hit and etc. Ans. Financial activity is started When you complete GR. You have to dispatch original document (invoice) to H.O. HO is informed that you made GR it means you received goods. After this they will make payment to vendor. Regards, lot. Thanks a If more concept is there we want to understand from you. Waiting for your positive reply.
*Question No: 1* *Ans:----* ** *Goods receipt: physical process* When goods are received, they are usually transferred first to the goods receipt (GR) area. Stock placement into the warehouse takes place after a suitable storage bin has been determined for the goods. *Goods receipt: process within the system* *Inventory Management (IM)* A Material Document is created to represent the movement of goods into the warehouse. It is possible to enter palletization data at this point. An Accounting Document is created to represent the change in value of the goods in the warehouse. *Warehouse Management (WM)* A quant is created in the Goods Receipt area to represent the existence of goods now in the warehouse. A Transfer Requirement is created since the goods must later be transferred 1.What are the types of inforecords? 2.What is meant by consignment stock? 3.What are the steps involved in consignment cycle? 4.How is scrap accounted in subcontracting? 5.How are the byproducts taken care of in subcontracting? 6.What is meant by a release strategy? 7.What is the movement type for return to vendor? How to reverse it? 8.What is the difference between LSMW and CATT? 9.What is RTP? 10.What is the movement type used in receipt of RTP?
1.a.Standard b.Consignment 2.Vendor material available at our premises.It is physically available at our premises but not valuated in our stock.No liability to us till it is consumed or transferred to our own stock. 3.Create a consignment info record and release p.o with item category K.On material receipt only material document generated.While consumtion or transfer to own stock,accounting document generated along with a material document.Message can be send to vendor on each withdrawal from stock.Settlement will be done for each agreed period. 4.Either value of scrap is taken care while negotiating the price or get back the scrap as a by-product. 5.Can be taken care in S/C BOM itself. 6.Electronic form of approval.Ex. PR-release strategy mean whether that item can be procured or not,whether enquiry can be send or not,whether p.o can be placed or not.Different approval stages are depending on approval level and their authority. 7.I think 161 & 162 8.LSMW is a tool used for migration of legacy datas into SAP system. I think CATT also same kind of tool. AND T CODE IS 501 M FOR SR NO 10 ;MIGO ) The different types of Info Records are a) Standard Info Record b) Sub Contracting Info Record c) Consignment Info Record d) Pipe Line Info Record
Can any one help me urgrntly. Currently two Pur.Orgs are maintained A & B for 8 Plants. Now for one specific plant ( out of 8 plants) needs to change the Pur.Org 'A" to C. Is it possible? if possible, what are the steps to be followed You may try the following: Assign the plant to Pur.Org 'C' also in addition to 'A'.Once all pending p.o's in 'A' for this plant are completed,you can deassign 'A' form plant.Otherwise all pending p.o in 'A' are need to be cancelled and reissued in 'C'. many thanks for prompt reply. I have some doubt on the following what will Many happen , if the P,Org is deasigned after all the pending P.O's are completed, but yet to do invoice verification ?
I urgently need help on planning consumables. The problem is there is not a good method to determine actually usage of consumables in the BOMs. The exact quantities do not backflush in SAP. What is the best method to determine what quantities should be ordered?
I create material Zbikebob. And created Class & Character. How I will assign material to Class. How I will assign material to Character. How I will create the order with order number. I did not have order number. would you please explain step by step. I will appreciate if you will help me out In MM01 T-Code, Classification View you can assign material to class. In classification View first you will select class then Enter. In QS61 T-Code, you can assign Material to characteristics, Can u pls help with any table which will show the reserved stock field. I wanna see what is the reserved stock (booked against production orders, planned orders, sales orders ) for all materials in tabular form. I can see it for individual material in MMBE , but for all materials at a time ???? hi u can try it in table RKPF or in field BDMNG It shows reservation no. i.e. for mvt. 261 etc. I want the reserved stock of material which will be required for booked production orders. N where to see the field BDMNG. can anybody tell the following master datas will be maintained at which level ? 1. Material Master 2. Vendor Master 3. Service Master 4. Inforecords 5. source lists 6. quata arrangement power user level If I am not wrong, Syed is asking whether this masters and info. recs. are used at Plant Level / Company Level / Client Level. Am i correct mr. syed?? Yes that is what i am expecting. material master at plant level Vendor master at company level inforecords at plant level sourcelist at company level Quota Arrangement at plant level
hi can can you please tell me who will write the program for ABAP Query whether Functional Cunsoltant or ABAPer ABAper only write a program Functional cunsoltant - check that program Functional consultants will give the technical specifications like table n field names and the goals of the program, based on the specs ABAPers will write a technical program to achieve the end result. To develop Query is not only work of ABAPer,Funtional consultant can also develop Query if they knows the table only.if you want how tha develop i will explain.what is the steps involve to make a Query. iam new to mm.i have a problem regarding message out put determination. when iam assigning my own out put device(with all IMG settings),after creating a purchase order,iam getting the purchase order number also.but when iam checking with me9f,the message is "no such documents are avilable ". I don't under stand where is the problem.please can any one give me the answer.
can anyone suggest me how to take back some broken or rejected consumables which have been issued to the cost center by movt type 201 ,till now we were taking it back by movt type 202 ,but when we take it back as 202,there are accounting documents being created and the consuption to that cost center is negative,but actually that consumables are already consumed and the one which is coming back cannot be used ,so we want that the accounting documents should not be created and the stocks can be put to block stock .can anyone suggest ,if my question is withclear valuation,but it should be planned at the initial stage. U can do it not split ,please ask for more clarification
We are going to start Bonding & Exbonding scenario for import materials in SAP. Can anyone explain me how this will work in SAP and also give me the steps involved in SAP. I Need the following scenario in SAP. 1. Purchase requisiton for import material 2. PO for import material 3. During Bonding time, a) MIGO for the Material and MIRO for Vendor should happen ( Goods value) & Warehouse charges MIRO 4. During Exbonding time, a) MIGO for Material and MIRO for Import duty and clearing charges. Material should go to Quality. b) Part 2 Excise posting should happen at the time of Exbonding. Note: Material should credit only once, during exbonding time. We need Goods receipt during Bonding time also. Is this secanrio will work in sap? If this is correct, can you explain me how to implement step by step.
We are going to start Bonding & Exbonding scenario for import materials in SAP. Can anyone explain me how this will work in SAP and also give me the steps involved in SAP. I Need the following scenario in SAP. 1. Purchase requisiton for import material 2. PO for import material 3. During Bonding time, a) MIGO for the Material and MIRO for Vendor should happen ( Goods value) & Warehouse charges MIRO 4. During Exbonding time, a) MIGO for Material and MIRO for Import duty and clearing charges. Material should go to Quality. b) Part 2 Excise posting should happen at the time of Exbonding. Note: Material should credit only once, during exbonding time. We need Goods receipt during Bonding time also. Is this secanrio will work in sap? If this is correct, can you explain me how to implement step by step.
How to process returnable transport packaging in the purchasing module, there is a function that you provide the transport package to vendor and you also ask vendor to return this kind of transport package. 1. how to appear in the PO item that this material is transport package material? 2. GI and GR process and account affects? 3. how to return this goods? does anybody know this function usage?
I tried on this.Goto CUNI and select units of dimensions anddefine new UOM and save. No need of assigning any where.It will come automatically to MMR base UOM f4 help. I have not worked on this earlier.I tried and was able to get it in MMR.
Select the field and go to F1.Select technical fields and from there u get what is the table name and field name etc
Do u want to create spl pro.type.Proc. type is defined in the system or enough Try SPRO-Production- Material Requirement Planning-Master Data-Define Special Procurement Type I have a quick question. Hope you guys can answer. I am required to reassign all the purchasing documents from one P Grp to another P Grp. There are about 400 documents existing that need to be reassigned. Please advise what is the procedure. The end users are not willing to do it due to the quantity. u can do it by mass maintainance PO Can anyone guide me as how to change the Unit of Measurement in Material Master against which PR already exists.
We have a scenario in which we need to trigger a workflow when an error occured while processing an idoc. Please lemme know the steps to configure the same.
I have a question? can we have name for a material rather than a number. For ex in MM01 transaction we create the material and give some name to it. Finally when the material is created it is given a number like material 1260 created etc etc. I want to have like material cell phone chip created. ( name of my material is cell phone chip). You have to set the number range for the Material from 00000...(18 zeros) to ZZZZZZZ(18 Zs).. Then you need to configure for External assignment for Material name. you can. Assign an external number with alphabetical intervals. You can use surely t code MMNR for this. YES BUT THERE WILL BE LIMITATION IN RANGE. YES U CAN CREATE material with alphanumeric code. There is material number range in the config and you need to activate wether internal or external number range you want similarly alpha numeric or numeric which one you want , you may config Can anyone tell me about a scenario where we are required to create new movement types apart from using the movement types what SAP has delivered.
can u pls elaborate hw 2 get table name & field name of field which is there in a transaction. .let us say MM01 where i want to get storage location deatils in which table it is storing and its field name of that table ..pls Select the field and go to F1.Select technical fields and from there u get what is the table name and field name etc Got to mm01 tcode. Then go to Production/Storage Location view and in the field where it says Storage location, select F1 and then click Technical information as mentioned MARD, to find table name SE15 can be used Use Table earlier. I am able to find out table name & field name, but in SE16 it says it's a structure not table. How to see the table.? u will try to enter the table name in SE11 t-code. A structure is not a table,it is some kind of a programm As kalyan said, - Click in the field for which you want to know the table name - Press F1 - Click on 'Technical Info' This will show you a lot of information about the field, where you'll find table name, field name etc. What are the function of BOM and where they are used ? BOM (Bill of Materials) is a structre of all the Part Numbers showing how each component and how many of each component is used to form an assembly. Lets say a Transmission has 600 parts. 200 parts are 1per Transmission 300 parts are 2 per transmisison 100 parts are 3 per Transmission. When you get a BOM, this shows the tree structure of how each parts are used and at what level. 3 types of BOM 1.Production BOM - used in production to explode the components to manufature the main product 3.Materail Bom - use in Engineering or subcontract orders where find the componenets 4.Sales BOM - BOM used to explode when some body orders the main materail .Eg Sales kit. main item (parent item) and sub-items (child item) in BOM . can we show
these are nothing but formulation, which are used by PP...BOM-> Bill Of Materials one product may have different formulations, and these different formulations can be listed as alternate BOM by CS01 susequently we need to create production version for each alternate BOM bs C201 What are alternate BOM ? How are they created and where are they used ?
If the consignment (for example 10000nos) coming in batches (6 batches) how can we create the grn for partial qty. Please give the solution immly very urgent No problem, you can post as many no. of GR as u want. Change qty in MIGO to partial which is received. PO will be open until you receive the total GR subject to you have not specified the delivery date or you are receiving total qty before due date.understand my question Same invoice number how can we create more than First one consignment coming in batches thats i want the result. 1. Your reply is very rude 2. If he didnt understand your question on epossibility is that you didn't ask what you wanted to. He replied that is it possible to carry out several goods receipt for an order. You didn't mention anything about any invoice. 3. This is a free forum and people post here to help others. Asking people to reply immediately doen't help very much. They could simply tell you to go away and learn how to work with the SAP system. If you are doing IR after your last consignment and also if it is GR based IR,you will be posting only one invoice for that p.o. If I understand you, do you want to receive this stock in 6 batches? I want a report about non stock item particular material with cost centre. you mean to say that stock & value update. If that is the case select the option qty update and value update in material type in customizing
Step 1 Assign Characteristics to Class First you maintain all Characteristics in respective Class by transaction CL02. Step 2 Naw you can assign material to class by two ways : MM02 : Select Classification view and Maintain data. CL24N : Select the Class,and assign material to it Note :As Class is get assign to material,Characteri stics are also get assign.
what is full form IMG and SPRO ? How are they different from each other ? IMG :- Implementation Guide. SPRO :- SAP Project Reference Object. SPRO----->IMG. Type in the T-Code SPRO under That got to Main Menu which is IMG. I dont find any difference. For both meanings are same but usage is different. dear there is no difference as such but if u think logically u will understand hw these two differs. Please let me know a SAP - TCODE to carry out Vendor Evaluation . Thanks try MC$6 I have tried MC$6 but cannot get any existing data - should any configuration be done HAVE to go to SPRO-->MM--> PURCHSING- ->VENDOR EVALUATION-YOU before? >*DEFINE WEIGHTING KEYS *DEFINE CRITERIA * DEFINE SCOPE OF LIST *DEFINE PURCH.ORGN. DATA 4 VENDOR EVALUATION Trnsn code for vendor evaluation is ME49. One material document has been created in past in the period 03 2007. Now I want to reverse that document. System is allowing me to do that . How can I do that . first you have to approach FI for reversal of ERS then only you can cancel the document and try to do it Goto MBST
go to T/C MIGO , SELECT CANCELLATION , MATERIAL DOCUMENT give document no. use mvt. type I O TWO What is the integration between PM and QM in SAP ?
I Am working in an orgn where they are using name ,but you have to config number ranges , external acceptable
I think there should not be a open P.O / P.REQ, then only stock value can be changed, similarly then only unit can be changed in M.MASTER delivery schedule pending should also be nill,change info recod also.and then change base unit of measurement I have a different scenario. I have plant A with storage Locs A and B. The requirements comes through on the sales side and are loaded as schedule lines for each storage location( Representing different subsidaries) . We buy and sell at the same time. My problem is that I need to transfer this requirements as individual requirements when I buy from the supplier. I'm also using plant A on the purchasing side. Up to now it was ok to consolidate requirements from both requirements when generating delivery schedules, now the process has to change. I tried MRP areas before but I can't flag source list at this level. I use source list to determine the outline agreement that MRP passes the nett requirements. I am trying to create a new physical inventory document but I am getting an error message as Physical invenotry document 9001 0001 50001 is already active.How I can check that which are the previous physical invenotry documents still active. Can you suggest me any t-code or any table from there I can get some information of the previous physical invenotry document which are still active. Use t. code MI24 Go to T-code MI03,in the Phys inventory doc text feild,click the drop down list and on the next screen put your plant,you will see all the documents under your plant and their status. Hope it will help can anyone tell me about account category ref transaction key account grouping key valuation grouping code how they are related what's there role in material valuation.
Five key elements - Chart of accounts,account category ref,transaction key,account grouping key,valuation grouping code will help to identify the G/L account which has to be updated for any value involved transaction. Chart of accounts - Group of G/L accounts. ACR - Helps to group several valuation class and attached to material type. Transaction key - For each transaction key,posting rule is predefined in SAP through movement type and value string.BSX,WRX, PRD and GBB are the transaction keys. Account Group - An element which helps to further classify the G/L for offsetting entries.(GBB) Valuation grouping code -please explain this with examples areas for which G/L what is offsetting entries, Groups together several valuation
Can anybody share some real time scenarios(user exits and BADI's) in purchasing, IM and WM suppose there is one material wherein the quality is active. After wrong stock posting through T.Code QA32 how can one reverse the same to quality. cancel the material document and you can see the inspection lot status will be changed as cancel My company wants to extract all the processed POs in a certian period ,for legal purposes.They want to put the data on a CD Diskette. Can anyone help me to achieve this. I'd appreciate your help. go to table level and extract al those relevent datas I have an urgent question. i have 2 items. I want to set up pricingprocure with a frieght condition type at the header level and this should distribute the value at the item conditions. Suppose $ 100 for total freight entered at the header and it should get split in the item. Problem is that i am getting 100$ for the both the items. Could you let me know what config i need to do. And the frieght 100$ should the hit the freight vendor account defined as a partner function(FA)check the group condition in customizing of condition type you have to
1.In consignment PO settlement when I run MRKO and choose processing option "display" and display option "withdrawals not settled" I don't get the document created during this transaction, I got the document no which was created during MBIB with mvt type 411. After running MRKO the info column says "not settled". If I change the processing option to "settle" and display option to "settled withdrawals" same thing happens with only difference in info column shows "No tax info found". In this case also I don't find the document no. Then how I will settle the vendor liabilities and see the detailed ac postings? Please help me in details. 2. What is the difference between PB00 and PBXX. Can you please give an example with business scenario where we can change the condition in PBOO according to business need? Maintain the taxes in consign info record. Then run the settlement program again ans for 1st question: any invoice if u want to post u should have 1.Consignment info record with taxcode. 2. In vendor master u should tick an option ERS settlement i.e.u have to activate this vendor is an ERS vendor(In purchasing screen) 3. this means that wrt to GR u r doing IR. so u also have to select an option GR based IV. If u have these prerequisites u can do MRKO. the function of this T-Code is system automatically creates Invoice instead of manual. for 2nd question: If the system picks the price by any source (i.e. masters like inforecord, quotation,and SA) the condtion is PB00.(condition with masters maintained)
We have a requirement to maintain in SAP stock levels of material xyz. We will have the following scenario where a particular tonnage of the stock will be owned by the company and therefore will need to be valuated but we will also have stock of material xyz where we are only performing a service by storing the stock in our warehouse, client will be charged by the tonne, there can be multiple clients for material xyz, we do not want to value this stock in SAP. The business requirement is to report on total stock levels of material xyz, as well as to differentiate between company owned stock and stock warehoused for clients. The question is what is the best way to configure SAP to support this business process? Want to maintain only one material if at all possible
my client has many plants (each state as a plant) he wants saperate release strategy for each plant for PO. for example in up plant the PO limit is >50000 to released by plant hod. How it is possible ?. because in PO release procedure we maintain Co. wise Release Strategy. Pl explane steps. You can maintain Plant (as many as you have in SAP )while defining the release stragies. stratedy has to work for individual plants,u have to if release maintain strategy for plants. For the following field maintain edit characteristics and assign to ur class. hints Table name:cekko Field name:werks. Check and Reply,
Can anybody tell me the following master datas will be maintained at what level ? that is either client level/company level/plant level/ Purchase organization level ? 1. Material Master 2. Vendor Master 3. Service Master 4. Inforecords 5. source lists 6. quata arrangement MMR at Client, Plant and stor olc VMR at client, Comp Code and Pur Org SMR at client, Plant Info Rec at client plant and pur org level Source list at Plant level Quota arrangement at Plant level. I hope this will help u. me with the following. I have configured CIN for my client & have reached till Invoce capture & Posting too. However i am not able to see any excise Register updated. For ref : I have maintained the Bed Set off % (JMOP),AED Set off % (JAOP),SED Set off% (JSOP). Because of the maintainance of these Condition type the excise duty is getting calculated in PO (ME21N),I am able to capture Invoice at MIGO too. However after posting the same Excise Invoice my Excise Registers are not getting FV11, J1ID I wants to attach a word document with PO. How it is possible. The word doc can be attached by clicking the icon for " SERVICES FOR OBJECT" just above the icon " DOC OVERVIEW". SAVE your P.O. Again go for change P.O GO FOR menu-->system- ->service for object button click this , say create attachment .. select the file fm window directory , system shows massage " service create attachment started ..." save the P.O again
If the Validity End Date of a scheduling agreement is in the past, meaning that this Scheduling Agreement is overdue, what can I do on it? GR? IV? Pay? Create new delivery note? Change the Validity End Date ? Change target QTY?.... Can anyone give me a clear summary on this issue? U just check that SA release with JIT schedule. It may help u to solve the Problem.Customise in MMR and VMR. what are the types of procurements in MM
I am in a tricky situation , after GRN / INVOICE & CREDIT MEMO , How can i cancel GRN.. to reverse Invoive / Credit Memo.without that you cann't revese First You have GRN. , use t-code mbst to cancell grn There is setting in customization for doc reversal after invoice creation please check in Materials management-- > Inventory Management and Physical Inventory-> Goods Receipt-->For GR-Based IV, Reversal of GR Despite Invoice. In Purchase Order, there are Invoice with Tax details ,which I can see. But at the time of Goods Receipt(Movt Type 105), Excise Invoice Tab is not getting displayed. Pls. suggest the solution for the same. Pl. maintain excise relevent information through t code j1id Before GRN you have to maintain J1id for material with required excise details. Then in the Tax box you can check excise calculation is coming and Excise Invoice tab will also appear in GR.
Scenario is as follows: (Rate unknown) Manufacture( nirma) Rate Known Dealer(jain acid PO (Rate, Amount Qty is mentioned and remarks provided for provision Excise Duty Continue GRN continue Invoice (Tax Invoice + Duplicate for Transporter Copy) Dealer Manufacture For provision of Excise Duty This scenrio is called first stage dealer. You make the P.O against your supplying vendor. maintain exception rate in j1id also. can anyone tell me about call tracking system in sap?
can anyone tell me about the release procedure for purchase requisition. what are the table and feild name required for it
iam new to mm.i have a problem regarding message out put determination. when iam assigning my own out put device(with all IMG settings),after creating a purchase order,iam getting the purchase order number also.but when iam checking with me9f,the message is "no such documents are avilable ". I don't under stand where is the problem.please can any one give me the answer.
I have configured pricing procedure with header freight condition type.(FRB1) with Vendor in GR field as 2. I have configured the partner function, VN for vendor, CR for frieight forwarder for purchase order also. When i do good receipt for the PO , i get a freight tab in which only the vendor defined for partner function VN is displayed. I have to manually change to frieght forwarder CR for each and every item in MIGO. After this i was able to process MIRO for goods vendor VN and frieght vendor CR seperately. But i want the partner function CR-frieght forwarder to be automatically picked up from the partner schema when i do MIGO. Has anyone come across this scenario and could help me? go the the condition record itself and maintain the CR-frieght forwarder in the details. what are the types of procurements in MM. They are External Procurement and Internal Procurement How do we handle unplanned and planned scrap in subcontracting?
Anybody can guide me how to mainatain fuel management in SAP ECC 6.0. I need the techonology urgently. This is pipeline material accordingly the configuration to be done. I shall forward you EXCISE FOLDER attachment which would help you in excise issues ( possible to post on or before saturday )
Don't be so panicky , i I feel you need to maintain FUEL as *material type PIPE. *CREATE P.I.R. with info category as " PIPI LINE " * NO P.O. *NO G.R. *G.I.with mvt type two oh one ( 201 ) ACCOUNTING DOCUMENT : consumption account :+ consignment /pipiline payables ( minus ) SETTLEMENT OF PIPI LINE : * go to MRKO *GIVE VENDOR / COMPANY CODE * check "PIPILINE " , " Not Settled " *RUN system generates invoice for all documents ACCOUNTING DOCS : VENDOR :( MINUS ) CONSIGNMENT PAYABLES :( PLUS ) Thanks for the idea, but I want to know how to issue the fuel among say 500 nos of various vehicles in one sort, we are having PM module . So i need to distribute a lumpsum qty of fuel among the 500 nos of vehicle, how to manage ? I m facing a problem for making release orders for value contract. System is allowing to create release order exceeding target value. For example, if target value for contract is 50000, then system should give error msg if it creates PO more than valueto make settings in system messages the path is SPRO -> MM -> Purchasing u 've 50000 > Environment data - Definne attributes for system messages. in that u've to maintain (00-06-042) Version 00 - appln area 06 - No. 042. as error / warning. thanks its done Cleint want to create a reservation on cost centre(201) and then want to issue material using same reservation to a Asset(241). Is it possible or any workaround. In reservation once you create you can't change account assignment catagory. so from cost centre to asset account you can't change
Please give me the answers of the following interview questions. I have to face an interview this week. 1. What is segregation of materials?You are procuring same material from 2 vendors, one of them has consignment Contract with you.How the materials would will be segregated or procured? 2. Release PO/PR with classification. What is Classification? 3. Give the business scenario for automatic creation of storage location. Where, when and why we need it? 4. You need to change the price shown in PB00, Can you change it? How? 5. How client will know that material procured will go to the consignment stock? (With item category K in PO but how it will be configured in the system so that every time you don't have to mention it in the PO). 2. in classification you can check both at item and at header level. 4. you can change it in po or in info record in condition.
The following are the answer of your questions: Ans 1: You can split the material by using batch management. For this you have to extend the material in MM01. Ans 2: Classification means that you can release the document either at item level or header level. We can release PO only at header level means with classification. For PR we can use both. All the external documnets we use with classification and for Internal documents we can use both. Ans 3: When we do the GR then we have to decide that we want to creat automatic storage location at that time or not. If not then we give manually storage location in GR. If Yes the we have two scenarios for creating automatic storage location: 1. Plant Level 2. Movement Level. In this you can customized for which particular plant or for which particular movement type you want to create automatic storage location. Ans 4: Yes you can change the price by changing the calculation schema. In which you have to change the condition type and the values assigned to it. can you please clarify me about 1.what is meant by standard purchase org. and where to we define it? 2.In a consignment process we make a PO with otem category K and while making a GR what is the movement type to be used 411 K or 101? please explain me the consigmn\ent process. 3.when i am posting the invoice documents it is throwing an error 51 number range for year 2007 is missing and when trying to maintain in FBN1 it is showing no free intervals exit or enter intrevals with out over lap.
Question 1 *Ans: *If for your plant you have more than one purchasing org then you can assign one purchasing org as standard pur org for the transaction *Piplline procurement, Consignment and Stock Transfer*. We only assign one pur org to plant as a standard pur org in *IMG-Enterprise structure-Assignmen t-Material managementAssign standard pur org to plant* Ques 2 *Ans: *First of all you have to recieve the Consignment PO by doing MIGO with 101 K. And after that you have to do the Transfer posting by MB1B using 411 K. The process is very simple: As you recieve the Consignment PO, the material is still belong to the vendor but in our premisses. Thats why we do the transfer posting for the quantity of material you need from consignment stock. You can transfer the full quantity in to your own stock. Ques 3 *Ans:* You can maintaine the number in FBN1, if you are still facing problem ask can u please explain me about the role of mm consultant in CBP consumption based planning? I am using ECC 5.00. Can you please tell me what change number in MM01 initial screen. How can I create or see the change number,please
when i am trying to create rate routing(ca21) ,i am getting a warning message while allocating work centre to activity type. the error is as follows:Activity type 1422 is not set up for cost center 1000 4230 in the year 2007. if i ingone this message and proceed,i am not able to get the cost in prouct cost collector,
Please tell me the report of materila list with rate MM60 & MC.a Try ti use the T.Code: MC.a Materials Anlaysis. The said report will show the Material Number (Material MAster) and the moving average (MAP). Please help me how to get the details in the material type
I have a specific requirment. I want the document type of purchase order to be displayed somewhere in MIRO screen when I do the MIRO. Pls help me out.
I feel that when the cost of P.O. is divided into several objects, The only option will be to go for " MULTIPLE ACCOUNT ASSIGNMENT ", we have * account assign P.O. , When procurement is for consumption ,material is issued for cost centres for consumption. .. * I would love to hear if there is any other possibilities. ..
Can any body tell me what is meaning of "EVALUATED RECEIPT SETTELMENTS" , in SAP MM we are using MRRLT-code for this. Kindly give me some have an agreement with the vendor that they do not need to send you a if you example also. physical invoice every times something is delivered you use ERS. Using this procedure whenever a goods recipt is posted against a PO you can run the transaction MRRL which in turn creates an invoice against that vendor. BEfore you use ERS for that vendor in the vendor master ERS & GR based IV fields must be flagged. also in the PO we should mae sure that the ERS flag ison(generally this flows in from the vendor master) I want to know why I am unable to create a P.O. with reference to a Scehduling Agreement. Please help me ASAP. I had noted some points while implementing Scheduling agreement at my place. try to go through it & let me know, it's working or not. Find attachment here I want to know 1) Can we change the storage location in material master record once it is saved. If yes how, if not why? 2) In the scenario like " if we are sending some unfinished material to vendor to carry out some operations on it and return it back. Ex: we r subcontracting automobile Engine to carryout operations like milling/reaming and return it back to complete inhouse operation. how can we do this?
i want to pay the freight to freight. pl tell me how it is possible in miro We can add freight charges as unplanned delivery cost in inovice item in HEADER Detail Tab while MIRO.
Pls go throgh this If you want to block MIRO, first of all you have to do some settings in Vendor master. Go through - XK02 Vendor change mode select Company Code Data in that Automatic payment transactions, in this tab select payment block and give the block indicator A. If you set this indicator it will be affected on invoice during MIRO.
Hi Please find details for the GR/IR Clearance account in SAP system GR/IR Clearing Account Maintenance Quantity differences between goods receipt and invoice receipt for a purchase order result in a balance on the GR/IR clearing account. _ If the quantity invoiced is larger than the quantity received, the system then expects further goods receipts for this purchase order to clear the balance. _ If the quantity received is larger than the quantity invoiced, the system then expects further invoices for this purchase order to clear the balance. You can also clear differences for delivery costs. If no more goods or invoices are to be received, you must clear the