Version 1.0
developed by Dimitris P. Zeccos, available by the Geoengineer Website
Input values N 5 ER 60 SPT Correction factors Cs 1 Cr 1 Cb 1 Ce 1 N60 5 D/B 0.5 effective unit weight (kN/m^3) 9.23 Foundation Width (m) 0.6 1 1.5 Depth of interest (m) 0.6 1 1.5 Vertical effective stress (kPa) 5.538 9.23 13.845 Liao&Witman depth correction factor 0.2353 0.3038 0.3721 N1,60 10.00 10.00 10.00 TERZAGHI BEARING CAPACITY EQUATION FOR SANDS Applied Factor of Safety 3.00 Using Hatanaka & Uchida (1996), Mayne (2001) equation Friction angle (degrees) 32.4 32.4 32.4 Ngamma (Chen) 40.4 40.4 40.4 Ngamma (Brinch-Hansen) 22.2 22.2 22.2 Nq (same for all) 24.3 24.3 24.3 Ultimate capacity (kPa) 128.9 214.8 322.1 Allowable stress (kPa) 43.0 71.6 107.4 Using De Mello (1971), Schmertmann (1975) and Mayne (2001) equation Friction angle (degrees) 35.6 35.1 34.5 Ngamma (Chen) (not used) 68.2 62.7 56.9 Ngamma (Brinch-Hansen) 37.6 34.6 31.4 Nq (same for all) 36.0 33.8 31.4 Ultimate capacity (kPa) 203.9 315.7 435.0 Allowable stress (kPa) 68.0 105.2 145.0 Using Empirical Meyerhof (1956) equation for bearing capacity Ultimate capacity (kPa) 73.8 123.0 184.6 Allowable stress (kPa) 24.6 41.0 61.5 DEFORMATION CRITERION Using Burland & Burbridge (1984) Approach Allowable settlement (mm) 25.4 Inducing mean- stress (KPa) 111.3 77.9 58.6 Inducing mean stress (kPa) 202.6 141.7 106.7 Inducing mean+ stress (KPa) 368.7 257.9 194.1
32.4 40.4 22.2 24.3 429.5 143.2 34.0 52.1 28.7 29.4 536.1 178.7 246.1 82.0
32.0 38.1 21.0 23.3 622.6 207.5 32.9 44.0 24.2 25.9 705.3 235.1 375.0 125.0
Allowable Stress
400.0 350.0
Allowable stress, kPa
300.0 250.0 200.0 150.0 100.0 50.0 0.0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 Foundation width, m
Bearing Hatanaka Meyerhoff Burland mean- stress Bearing Schmertman Burland mean stress Burland mean+ stress
Notes: Methods developed according to correlations provided in the references. No responsibility is assumed for the results of the spreadsheet. The values in the yellow boxes are those that the user can change. Corrections for the blowcount according to Youd et al (2001)
References: Burland, J.B., Burbidge, M.C. (1984), Settlement of foundations on sand and gravel , Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Part 1, 1985, 78, Dec., 1325-1381. Hatanaka, M., Uchida, A. (1996). Empirical correlation between penetration resistance and effective friction of sandy soil . Soils & Foundations, Vol. 36 (4), 1-9, Japanese Geotechnical Society. Mayne, P.W. (2001), Geotechnical site characterization using Cone, piezocone, SPTu, and VST , Civil and Environmental Engineering Department, Georgia Institute of Technology Meyerhof, G.G. (1956), Penetration tests and bearing capacity of cohesionless soils , Journal of the soil mechanics and foundation division, ASCE, Vol. 82, No. SM1, January, pp. 1-19. Schmertmann, J.H. (1975), Measurement of insitu shear strength , keynote lecture, Proceedings of the conference on in-situ measurement of soil properties, June 1-4, 1975, vol. II, American Society of Civil Engineers.