AVR313: Interfacing The PC AT Keyboard: 8-Bit Microcontroller Application Note
AVR313: Interfacing The PC AT Keyboard: 8-Bit Microcontroller Application Note
AVR313: Interfacing The PC AT Keyboard: 8-Bit Microcontroller Application Note
Interfacing Standard PC AT Keyboards Requires Only Two I/O Pins. One of them must be an External Interrupt Pin No Extra Hardware Required Complete Example in C, Implementing a Keyboard to Serial Converter
Most microcontrollers requires some kind of a human interface. This application note describes one way of doing this using a standard PC AT keyboard.
VCC INT0 (or INT1)
Vcc +5V
Data GND
Rev. 1235BAVR05/02
6 4 2
5 3 1
AT Computer Signals Clock Data nc GND +5V Shield DIN41524, Female at Computer, 5-pin DIN 180o 1 2 3 4 5 Shell
The timing for the data transferred from the keyboard to the host is shown in Figure 2. The protocol is: one start bit (always 0), eight data bits, one odd parity bit and one stop bit (always 1). The data is valid during the low period of the clock pulse. The keyboard is generating the clock signal, and the clock pulses are typically 30-50 s low and 30-50 s high. The host system can send commands to the keyboard by forcing the clock line low. It then pulls the data line low (the start bit). Now, the clock line must be released. The keyboard will count 10 clock pulses. The data line must be set up to the right level by the host before the trailing edge of the clock pulse. After the tenth bit, the keyboard checks for a high level on the data line (the stop bit), and if it is high, it forces it low. This tells the host that the data is received by the keyboard. The software in this design note will not send any commands to the keyboard.
Scan Codes
The AT keyboard has a scan code associated with each key. When a key is pressed, this code is transmitted. If a key is held down for a while, it starts repeating. The repeat rate is typically 10 per second. When a key is released, a break code ($F0) is transmitted followed by the key scan code. For most of the keys, the scan code is one byte. Some keys like the Home, Insert and Delete keys have an extended scan code, from two to five bytes. The first byte is always $E0. This is also true for the break sequence, e.g., E0 F0 xx AT keyboards are capable of handling three sets of scan codes, where set two is default. This example will only use set two.
The Software
The code supplied with this application note is a simple keyboard to RS-232 interface. The scan codes received from the keyboard are translated into appropriate ASCII characters and transmitted by the UART. The source code is written in C, and is easily modified and adaptable to all AVR microconrollers with SRAM.
Note: The linkerfile (AVR313.xcl) included in the software archive has to be included instead of the standard linkerfile. This is done from the include menu under XLINK Options. The linker file applies to AT90S8515 only.
The Algorithm
Keyboard reception is handled by the interrupt function INT0_interrupt. The reception will operate independent of the rest of the program. The algorithm is quite simple: Store the value of the data line at the leading edge of the clock pulse. This is easily handled if the clock line is connected to the INT0 or INT1 pin. The interrupt function will be executed at every edge of the clock cycle, and data will be stored at the falling edge. After all bits are received, the data can be decoded. This is done by calling the decode function. For character keys, this function will store an ASCII character in a buffer. It will take into account if the shift key is held down when a key is pressed. Other keys like function keys, navigation keys (arrow keys, page up/down keys etc.) and modifier keys like Ctrl and Alt are ignored. The mapping from scan codes to ascii characters are handled with table look-ups, one table for shifted characters and one for un-shifted.
If the host falls out of sync with the keyboard, all subsequent data received will be wrong. One way to solve this is to use a time out. If 11 bits are not received within 1.5 ms, some error have occurred. The bit counter should be reset and the faulty data discarded. If keyboard parameters like typematic rate and delay are to be set, data must be sent to the keyboard. This can be done as described earlier. For the commands, see the keyboard manufacturers specifications. Figure 2. Timing for Keyboard to Host Transfer
Clock Data
Start Bit 0 Bit 1 Bit 2 Bit 3 Bit 4 Bit 5 Bit 6 Bit 7 Parity Stop
void main(void) { unsigned char key; init_uart(); init_kb(); // Initializes the UART transmit buffer // Initialize keyboard reception
int __low_level_init(void) { UBRR = 12; UCR = 0x08; GIMSK= 0x40; // 19200bps @ 4 MHz // TX enable // Enable INT0 interrupt
_SEI(); return 1; }
#include <stdio.h> #include <pgmspace.h> #include <io8515.h> #include "serial.h" /* SFR declarations */
flash char CLR[] = {ESC, [,H, ESC, [, 2, J,0}; unsigned char UART_buffer[BUFF_SIZE]; unsigned char *inptr, *outptr; unsigned char buff_cnt;
int putchar(int c) { if (buff_cnt<BUFF_SIZE) { *inptr = c; inptr++; buff_cnt++; // Put character into buffer // Increment pointer
// Pointer wrapping
inptr = UART_buffer;
UCR = 0x28;
interrupt [UART_UDRE_vect] void UART_UDRE_interrupt(void) { UDR = *outptr; outptr++; if (outptr >= UART_buffer + BUFF_SIZE) outptr = UART_buffer; if(--buff_cnt == 0) UCR = UCR && (1<<UDRIE); } // If buffer is empty: // disabled interrupt // Send next byte // Increment pointer // Pointer wrapping
#include <pgmspace.h> #include "kb.h" #include "serial.h" #include "gpr.h" #include "scancodes.h"
#define BUFF_SIZE 64
unsigned char edge, bitcount;// 0 = neg. unsigned char kb_buffer[BUFF_SIZE]; unsigned char *inpt, *outpt; unsigned char buffcnt;
1 = pos.
edge = 0;
// 0 = falling edge
1 = rising edge
bitcount = 11; } interrupt [INT0_vect] void INT0_interrupt(void) { static unsigned char data;// Holds the received scan code
if (!edge) // Routine entered at falling edge { if(bitcount < 11 && bitcount > 2)// Bit 3 to 10 is data. Parity bit, { // start and stop bits are ignored. data = (data >> 1); if(PIND & 8) data = data | 0x80;// Store a 1 }
} else {
MCUCR = 2;// Set interrupt on falling edge edge = 0; if(--bitcount == 0)// All bits received { decode(data); bitcount = 11; } } }
void decode(unsigned char sc) { static unsigned char is_up=0, shift = 0, mode = 0; unsigned char i; if (!is_up)// Last data received was the up-key identifier { switch (sc) { case 0xF0 :// The up-key identifier is_up = 1; break; case 0x12 :// Left SHIFT shift = 1; break;
case 0x59 :// Right SHIFT shift = 1; break; case 0x05 :// F1 if(mode == 0) mode = 1;// Enter scan code mode if(mode == 2) mode = 3;// Leave scan code mode break;
default: if(mode == 0 || mode == 3)// If ASCII mode { if(!shift)// If shift not pressed, { // do a table look-up for(i = 0; unshifted[i][0]!=sc && unshifted[i][0]; i++); if (unshifted[i][0] == sc) { put_kbbuff(unshifted[i][1]); } } else {// If shift pressed for(i = 0; shifted[i][0]!=sc && shifted[i][0]; i++); if (shifted[i][0] == sc) { put_kbbuff(shifted[i][1]); } } } else{ // Scan code mode print_hexbyte(sc);// Print scan code put_kbbuff( ); put_kbbuff( ); } break; } } else { is_up = 0;// Two 0xF0 in a row not allowed switch (sc) { case 0x12 :// Left SHIFT shift = 0; break;
void put_kbbuff(unsigned char c) { if (buffcnt<BUFF_SIZE)// If buffer not full { *inpt = c;// Put character into buffer inpt++; // Increment pointer
if (inpt >= kb_buffer + BUFF_SIZE)// Pointer wrapping inpt = kb_buffer; } } int getchar(void) { int byte; while(buffcnt == 0);// Wait for data
return byte; }
#include "gpr.h"
// High nibble
// Low nibble
putchar(h); putchar(l); }
void delay(char d) { char i,j,k; for(i=0; i<d; i++) for(j=0; j<40; j++) for(k=0; k<176; k++); }
// Keyboard konnections #define PIN_KB PIND #define PORT_KB PORTD #define CLOCK 2
#define DATAPIN 3
// Unshifted characters flash unsigned char unshifted[][2] = { 0x0d,9, 0x0e,|, 0x15,q, 0x16,1, 0x1a,z, 0x1b,s, 0x1c,a, 0x1d,w, 0x1e,2, 0x21,c, 0x22,x, 0x23,d, 0x24,e, 0x25,4, 0x26,3, 0x29, , 0x2a,v, 0x2b,f, 0x2c,t, 0x2d,r, 0x2e,5, 0x31,n, 0x32,b, 0x33,h, 0x34,g, 0x35,y, 0x36,6, 0x39,,, 0x3a,m, 0x3b,j, 0x3c,u, 0x3d,7, 0x3e,8, 0x41,,, 0x42,k, 0x43,i, 0x44,o, 0x45,0, 0x46,9, 0x49,., 0x4a,-, 0x4b,l, 0x4c,'', 0x4d,'p', 0x4e,'+', 0x52,'', 0x54,'', 0x55,'\\',
0x5a,13, 0x5b,'', 0x5d,'\'', 0x61,'<', 0x66,8, 0x69,'1', 0x6b,'4', 0x6c,'7', 0x70,'0', 0x71,',', 0x72,'2', 0x73,'5', 0x74,'6', 0x75,'8', 0x79,'+', 0x7a,'3', 0x7b,'-', 0x7c,'*', 0x7d,'9', 0,0 }; // Shifted characters flash unsigned char shifted[][2] = { 0x0d,9, 0x0e,'', 0x15,'Q', 0x16,'!', 0x1a,'Z', 0x1b,'S', 0x1c,'A', 0x1d,'W', 0x1e,'"', 0x21,'C', 0x22,'X', 0x23,'D', 0x24,'E', 0x25,'', 0x26,'#', 0x29,' ', 0x2a,'V', 0x2b,'F', 0x2c,'T', 0x2d,'R', 0x2e,'%', 0x31,'N', 0x32,'B', 0x33,'H', 0x34,'G', 0x35,'Y', 0x36,'&',
0x39,L, 0x3a,M, 0x3b,J, 0x3c,U, 0x3d,/, 0x3e,(, 0x41,;, 0x42,K, 0x43,I, 0x44,O, 0x45,=, 0x46,), 0x49,:, 0x4a,_, 0x4b,L, 0x4c,'', 0x4d,'P', 0x4e,'?', 0x52,'', 0x54,'', 0x55,'`', 0x5a,13, 0x5b,'^', 0x5d,'*', 0x61,'>', 0x66,8, 0x69,'1', 0x6b,'4', 0x6c,'7', 0x70,'0', 0x71,',', 0x72,'2', 0x73,'5', 0x74,'6', 0x75,'8', 0x79,'+', 0x7a,'3', 0x7b,'-', 0x7c,'*', 0x7d,'9', 0,0 };
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