CSE3213 17 NetLayer IP F2010

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Network Layer: Network Layer and IP Protocol

Required reading: Garcia 7.3.3, 8.1, 8.2.1

CSE 3213, Winter 2010 Instructor: N. Vlajic

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Introduction Router Architecture Network Layer Protocols in the Internet IPv4 IP Addressing and Subnetting

Network Layer supervises host-to-host packet delivery hosts
could be separated by several physical networks
data-link layer provides node-to-node delivery, transport

layer provides process-to-process delivery

Major (Basic) Network Layer Duties

addressing: identify each device uniquely to allow global communication addressing routing: determine optimal route for sending a packet from one host to another routing packetizing: encapsulate packets received from upper-layer protocols packetizing fragmenting: decapsulate packets from one and encapsulate them for another fragmenting


Introduction (cont.)
Example [ network layer duties in the Internet, at the SOURCE ]
find interface from which packet must be sent

encapsulate packet from upper layer, i.e. add header: 1) add universal source and destination address; 2) add fields for error control, etc.

verify whether destination address is host address if so, routing is not needed

Internet network layer at the SOURCE

make sure packet is of correct size for datalink layer, i.e. protocol

Introduction (cont.)
Example cont. [ network layer duties in the Internet, at a ROUTER ]

check if packet has reached its final destination or needs to be forwarded (TTL!) + header error checking !!!

Internet network layer at a ROUTER

find interface from which packet must be sent

Introduction (cont.)
Example cont. [ network layer duties in the Internet, at the DESTINATION ]

verify whether destination address is host address

Internet network layer at the DESTINATION

check if packet has been corrupted during transmission

if packet has been fragmented, wait until all fragments have arrived, reassemble them, and then deliver the reassembled packet to transport layer

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Introduction Router Architecture Network Layer Protocols in the Internet IPv4 IP Addressing and Subnetting

Internet Router Architecture

run routing algorithms/protocols (RIP, OSPF, BGP) forward/switch IP packets from incoming to proper outgoing links manage congestion

Router 3-layer (physical, data-link, network) device, with 3 key functions:

Router Architecture

input ports / interfaces (see pp. 10) interconnection (switching) fabric (see pp. 11) output ports / interfaces (see pp. 12) routing processor (switch controller) general-purpose processor in charge of

1) executing routing protocol 2) maintaining routing information and forwarding tables, etc.

Internet Network Layer Protocols (cont.)

Example [ forwarding / routing table ]

Internet Router Architecture



Input Port has an associated line card (NIC) which implements

physical and data-link layer functions, as well as certain network layer functions

Input Line Card Functions

physical layer: bit-level reception data-link layer: decapsulation, error checking, etc. network layer: decentralized switching / packet forwarding = decide to which output line to forward each packet based on packet header
looks up output port using forwarding table in

input line card memory (table is created and updated by routing processor)

Decentralized switching prevents creating a processing bottleneck Decentralized switching prevents creating a processing bottleneck at a single point within the router. at a single point within the router.

Internet Router Architecture (cont.)

Switching Fabric Function (physically) transfer packets between
input and output line cards


Types of Switching Fabric

via memory: datagram is received through memory

input port, stored in memory, then send to appropriate output port slow
via a bus: datagram is sent directly from bus

input port to output port via a shared bus does not scale well
(packets are send serially so buss speed needs to be N-times input line speed)

todays bus bandwidths 1 Gbps switching

via bus is sufficient for routers in LANs via a crossbar: interconnection network crossbar

consisting of 2N busses that interconnect N input and N output

packet travels along horizontal bus until it
intersects with vertical bus leading to desired output port if vertical bus is busy, queueing at input port is needed

Cisco 12000 Family 60 Gbps routers

Internet Router Architecture (cont.)

Output Line Card Functions


network layer: 1) buffering required when datagrams arrive from fabric at rate faster than output line transmission rate 2) buffer management decide when and which packets to drop if there is not enough memory to store all incoming packets 3) scheduling / packet classification decide which packet, of those queued, to send out next
packet scheduling plays crucial role in

in providing quality-of-service (QoS)

data-link layer: encapsulation, address mapping, etc. physical layer: bit-level forwarding


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Introduction Router Architecture Network Layer Protocols in the Internet IPv4 IP Addressing and Subnetting

Internet Network Layer Protocols

Network Layer Protocols in the Internet


IP main protocol, responsible for best effort host-to-host delivery ARP maps IP address of next hop to its MAC/physical address (used when passing packets to lower data-link layer) RARP maps MAC/physical address to IP address (used at diskless machines for IP address recovery) ICMP used by hosts and routers to handle unusual situations such as IP packet-header errors, unreachable hosts and networks, etc. IGMP used by host and routers to achieve efficient network-layer multicasting Routing Protocols responsible for routing table maintenance

Internet Network Layer Protocols (cont.)


Transport layer: TCP, UDP

Routing protocols path selection RIP, OSPF, BGP IP protocol addressing conventions datagram format packet handling conventions

Network layer

forwarding table

ICMP protocol error reporting router signaling

Link layer physical layer


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Introduction Router Architecture Network Layer Protocols in the Internet IPv4 IP Addressing and Subnetting

IP Protocol
Internet Protocol (IP) host-to-host network-layer delivery protocol
for the Internet with following properties
connectionless service each packet is handled


independently (possibly along different path)

best-effort delivery service 1) does its best to deliver packet to its destination, but with no guarantees 2) limited error control only error detection, corrupted packets are discarded 3) no flow control must be paired with a reliable transport- (TCP)

and/or application- layer protocol to ensure reliability

IP Protocol Versions

IPv4 version currently in wide use (1981) IPv6 new version of IP protocol created to correct

some of significant problems of IPv4 such as exhaustion of address space (1996)

Mobile IP enhanced version of IPv4 supports IP in

mobile environments (1996)

IP Datagram Fields


Datagram IP packet = variable length packet consisting of header & data

header 20 to 60 bytes in length, contains information essential to

routing and delivery data length determined by Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) of link layer protocol (theoretically between 20 to 65536 bytes)

IP Datagram Fields (cont.)

Version Number


4-bit field specifies IP protocol version of the datagram (IPv4 or IPv6) different version of IP use different datagram formats by looking at version number router can determine how to interpret remainder of datagram

Header Length

4-bit field defines total length of datagram header

in 4-byte words
when there are no options header length is 20 HLEN = 5

Differentiated Service 8-bit field allows different types of datagrams to be distinguished from each other (formerly Service Type)
based on their associated / requested QoS
high throughput, or reliability
Although each TOS bit has a special meaning, only one bit can be set to 1 in each datagram. 0000 normal type of service 0001 minimize cost 0010 maximize reliability 0100 maximize throughput 1000 minimize delay

e.g. datagrams particularly requiring low delay,

Precedence defines the priority of datagram in case of congestion. If a router is congested and needs to discard some datagrams, those datagrams with lowest precedence are discarded first. Network management datagrams have the highest precedence!

IP Datagram Fields (cont.)

Total Length
16-bit field defines total datagram length in bytes,


including header
16 bits maximum size = 65,535 bytes some physical networks are not able to encapsulate a datagram

of 65,535 bytes, so datagram must be fragmented to be able to pass through those networks
some physical networks have restriction on minimum size of

data that can be encapsulated in a frame, so datagram must be padded (e.g. Ethernet min size of data 46 bytes)

IP packet

3 fields used in fragmentation Identifier, Flags, Fragmentation Offset IPv6 does not allow fragmentation at routers

since it is time consuming operation if an IPv6 packet is too big, it is simply dropped and an ICMP message is sent back to the source

IP Datagram Fields (cont.)

Time-To-Live (TTL)
by datagram and/or time spend in the network
field is decremented by one each time datagram


8-bit field controls max number of hops visited

is processed by a router when TTL reaches 0, datagram must be dropped

ensures that

1) datagram does not circulate/loop forever, or 2) to limit its journey (e.g. LAN only: TTL = 1)


8-bit field indicates specific transport-layer protocol to

which data portion of this IP datagram should be passed

used only at final destination to facilitate demultiplexing process protocol number is glue that binds network & transport layer,

while port number is glue that binds transport & application layer
values: 1 ICMP, 2 IGMP, 6 TCP, 17 UDP, 89 OSPF

IP Datagram Fields (cont.)

Header Checksum


16-bit field aids in detecting errors in header only!

checksum must be recomputed & stored again at each

router as TTL and some options fields may change

routers discard datagrams for which an error is detected checksum calculation:

1) divide header into 16-bit (2-byte) sections checksum field itself is set to 0 2) sum all sections using 1s complement arithmetic
Each intermediate router must: 1) verify / recompute checksum on every incoming packet 2) compute checksum for every outgoing packet

Error detection / correction is not the responsibility of network-layer. Why is, then, IP willing to perform error detection on IP headers?!

IP Datagram Fields (cont.)

Source and Destination 32-bit fields must remain unchanged until IP datagram reaches its final destination IP Addresses



32-bit field(s) not required for every datagram! allows

expansion of IP header for special purposes

(a) Record Route option used to trace route that datagram takes
source creates empty fields for IP addresses up to 9 (40 bytes options 4 bytes option header) / 4 bytes for IP address each router that processes datagram inserts its outgoing IP address

options type / code total length of options fields (including the first three bytes) in bytes options fields occupied so far; i.e. byte number of first empty, or to be used, entry

options header

R1 R2


IP Datagram Fields (cont.)

Options (cont.)
(b) Timestamp option similar to (a), plus records datagram end-processing time by each router, in milliseconds


(c) Strict Source Route option used by source to predetermine route for datagram
source provides a list of IP addresses (sequence of routers) that datagram must (is allowed) to visit on its way to destination

(d) Loose Source Route option similar to (c), but it is more relaxed each router in the list must be visited, though datagram can visit other routers as well

IP Datagram Fields (cont.)

Example [ IP Datagram fields ]
An IP packet has arrived with the first 8 bits as shown: 01000010 The receiver discards the packet. Why? Solution: There is an error in this packet. The 4 left-most bits (0100) show the version, which is correct. The next 4 bits (0010) show the header length, which means (2 4 = 8), which is wrong. The minimum number of bytes in the header must be 20. The packet has been corrupted in transmission.


Example [ IP Datagram fields ]

In an IP packet, the value of HLEN is 1000 in binary. How many bytes of options are being carried by this packet? Solution: The HLEN value is 8, which means the total number of bytes in the header is 8x4 or 32 bytes. The first 20 bytes are the main header, the next 12 bytes are the options.

IP Datagram Fragmentation


Maximum Transfer Unit maximum amount of data that link-layer frame can carry = hard limit on IP datagram (MTU)
MTU differs from one data-link layer protocol

to another
(a) Token Ring (4 Mbps): MTU = 4,464 bytes (b) Ethernet: MTU = 1,500 bytes (c) PPP: MTU = 296 bytes

Hard limit on IP datagram size is not a problem. Hard limit on IP datagram size is not a problem. What is a problem is that each of the links along the route between sender What is a problem is that each of the links along the route between sender and receiver can use different link-layer protocols, and receiver can use different link-layer protocols, and each of these protocols can have different MTUs. and each of these protocols can have different MTUs.

IP Datagram Fragmentation (cont.)

IP Datagram Fragmentation process of dividing datagram into
smaller fragments that meet MTU requirements of underlying data-link layer protocol
datagram can be fragmented by sourcefragmentation: in: one large datagram out: 3 smaller datagrams



host or any other router in the path; however reassembly of datagram is done only by destination host! parts of a fragmented datagram may take different routes !!!
once fragmented datagram may be further

fragmented if it encounters network with even smaller MTU

when a datagram is fragmented, each

fragment gets its own header with most fields repeated, but some changed
host or router that fragments datagram must change values of three fields: flags, fragmentation offset and total length

IP Datagram Fragmentation (cont.)

Example [ Example, from the book by D. E. Comer ]


IP Datagram Fragmentation (cont.)

16-bit field uniquely identifies datagram originating


from source host

to guarantee uniqueness, IP uses counter to label each datagram when IP sends a datagram, it copies current counter value to

identification field, and increments counter by one

when datagram is fragmented, identification field is copied into all

identification number helps destination in reassembling datagram

all fragments with same identification value should be assembled into one datagram


3-bit field
1st bit is reserved 2nd bit is called do not fragment bit fragment if its value is 1, machine must NOT fragment datagram if fragment cannot pass through physical network router discards packet and sends ICMP error message back to source host 3rd bit is called more fragment bit fragment if its value is 1, datagram is not last fragment there are more fragments after this one if its value is 0, this is last or only fragment

IP Datagram Fragmentation (cont.)

Fragmentation Offset 13-bit field shows relative position of


fragments data with respect to whole datagram

because offset field is only 13 bits long and otherwise could not represent sequences greater than 8191

the offset is measured in units of 8 bytes this is done

this forces hosts and routers to choose fragment sizes

divisible by 8

Example [ fragmentation ]
Example 4000 byte datagram MTU = 1500 bytes length ID fragflag offset =4000 =x =000 =0 =0 One large datagram becomes several smaller datagrams length ID fragflag offset =1500 =x =001 =1 =0 length ID fragflag offset =1500 =x =001 =185 =1 length ID fragflag offset =1040 =x =000 =370 =0


1480 bytes in data field offset = 1480/8

IP Datagram Fragmentation (cont.)

Example [ fragmentation of a fragment ]
note: 175 = (1400-20) / 8


IP Datagram Processing
Header-adding module encapsulates the data from the transport-layer protocol by adding the IP header Processing module 1) checks if destination IP address = host IP address 2) decrements TTL by 1 (done only at router-nodes) Reassembly module orders and reassembles the fragments belonging to the same datagram. Reassembly table keeps track of received fragments Routing module finds the IP address of the next station along with the interface number to which the packet should be sent. Fragmentation module consults MTU table to find the MUT for the specific interface number.


1. A packet has arrived with Flags M bit value of 0. Is this the first fragment, the last fragment, or a middle fragment? Do we know if the packet was fragmented? 2. A packet has arrived with an M bit value of 1. Is this the first fragment, the last fragment, or a middle fragment? Do we know if the packet was fragmented? 3. A packet has arrived with an M bit value of 1 and a fragmentation offset value of zero. Is this the first fragment, the last fragment, or a middle fragment? 4. A packet has arrived in which the offset value is 100. What is the number of the first byte? Do we know the number of the last byte? 5. A packet has arrived in which the offset value is 100, the value of HLEN is 5 and the value of the total length field is 100. What is the number of the first byte and the last byte?


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