Rejoice, Pray, Give Thanks! 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18: Names For Valentines
Rejoice, Pray, Give Thanks! 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18: Names For Valentines
Rejoice, Pray, Give Thanks! 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18: Names For Valentines
FEBRUARY 3, 2012
practice telling time and learning about money. In Language we studied the vowel O and enjoyed some special stories about the octopus and had a wonderful visit to the organ! We also practiced our handwriting and are working on writing sentences in our journals!
Next week we will begin our study on Jesus miracles; letter K; our special weather project; time and money!
Keep up the nice job reading for AR and the splendid work on homework calendars! Try to practice address, phone number and tying shoes too!
We will be singing in Church for the 10:40 service on February 12th! Please make plans to attend!
We had such a fun and exciting week! Ask your child to share some of his or her favorite activities of the week!
I know this is early, but I just wanted to let you know . . . The Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower center confirmed our field trip date for Thursday, May 3rd @ 9-12:30.