When a fault in a Regional Processor (RP) is detected 2. When there is a fault in the application, connected to the RP (if the application supports this function) 3. When a recovery attempt is made of an RP, located in a magazine which is adapted to the Regional Processor Bus of Serial type (RPB-S), and where the magazine has no valid address 6.if u receive any alarm regarding seizure supervision of device RALT then Reset seizure supervision alarm for device type RALT using the command RASAR:DETY=RALT;. And RALT is the device connected between BSC and MSC. 1.APG--Adjunct Processor Group it is nothing but an I/O device,an interface between user and the node what ever input we r giving r receiving is through APG only 2.RP--Regional Processor used for event handling we can get different types of RP fault we have to work according to that fault. 3.CP--Central Processor 1. APG - it's input-output system like IOG, but consist of 2 cluster-servers: Primary Domain Controller and Backup Domain Controller. With him you must have an improved speed of CPcommand load, FTP-connection, statistic collection - because servers have 100mbit's interfaces. Of cause - you have another command for manage APG (statistic and CP user configure, and much more) 2. RP fault (regional processor) - in many magazines RP have an manage function of em-board in that magazines, he can load software in etc5, pdspl, etc. This RP consists in 2 position of magazin (working and twin state). But whole RP may be in 1 plate - like RPG (signalling terminal, trx-handler), RPP (high speed (2M) signalling terminal and.. sorry, forget :) ). Solution - from block-deblock rp, to change board. 3. CP - central processor. It's manage whole switch, make and fill CDR-files, manage signalling from all links, and, of cause, manage grooup switch for call handling, and other and other. It's a brain in your system. Solution - very carefully - by OPI, wrong operation may lead to full traffic stoppage. 4. AP fault is various from far end ftp (for collect your statistic) is not reachable or insufficient space on drive C: to node down or cluster service problem. 5. Seizure supervision occur when memory block for some variables will filled and needed more spaces. often arise when traffic increase. Just make an SAAII. 6. Ralt - type of device for work in A-interface with MSSC. You can filled you etc5 or et155 with ralt/rblt or rtltt/rtltb function. regards, Danil RXBLI:MO=RXOCF-157,SUBORD,FORCE; RXESE:MO=RXOCF-157,SUBORD;
RXESI:MO=RXOCF-157,SUBORD; RXBLE:MO=RXOCF-157,SUBORD; ********************************** RXBLI:MO=RXOTRX-94-1,SUBORD,FORCE; RXESE:MO=RXOTRX-94-1,SUBORD; RXESI:MO=RXOTRX-94-1,SUBORD; RXBLE:MO=RXOTRX-94-1,SUBORD; To reset the TG/CF/TRX/TS RXBLI:MO=RXOCF-202,SUBORD,FORCE; RXESE:MO=RXOCF-157,SUBORD; RXESI:MO=RXOCF-157,SUBORD; RXBLE:MO=RXOCF-202,SUBORD; ********************************** RXBLI:MO=RXOTRX-94-1,SUBORD,FORCE; RXESE:MO=RXOTRX-157,SUBORD; RXESI:MO=RXOTRX-157,SUBORD; RXBLE:MO=RXOTRX-94-1,SUBORD; In case of TS,just remove the SUBORD. In case of BTS INT AFFECTED alarm,just try to reset the CF by just blocking or deblocking the CF,if its still appaered then try to reload the software also.But amke sure there is no alarm code appeared by MFP command. For point 1 use also for TG configuration: rxcdp:mo=rxotg-xxx; for A bis rxapp:mo=rxotg-xxx; For point 5, you can run every 1h these commands to reset all DIP alarm: dtqsr:dip=all,ses2,es2,sf; dtqsr:dip=all,ses,es,sf; dtqsr:dip=all,df; dtqsr:dip=all,unacc,degr; tpqsr:sdip=0etm2,bbe,bbe2; tpqsr:sdip=1etm2,bbe,bbe2; tpqsr:sdip=2etm2,bbe,bbe2; tpqsr:sdip=3etm2,bbe,bbe2; tpqsr:sdip=4etm2,bbe,bbe2; tpqsr:sdip=5etm2,bbe,bbe2; tpqsr:sdip=5etm2,ses2,es2; tpqsr:sdip=4etm2,ses2,es2; tpqsr:sdip=3etm2,ses2,es2; tpqsr:sdip=2etm2,ses2,es2; tpqsr:sdip=1etm2,ses2,es2; tpqsr:sdip=0etm2,ses2,es2; tpqsr:sdip=0etm2,ses,es; tpqsr:sdip=1etm2,ses,es; tpqsr:sdip=2etm2,ses,es; tpqsr:sdip=3etm2,ses,es; tpqsr:sdip=4etm2,ses,es; tpqsr:sdip=5etm2,ses,es
1. Type of RBS you can find by rxmfp:mo=rxocf-xxx, in answer printout will be ROJ of DXU; mo=rxotrx-xxx, - ROJ of tru/dtru. This info can help you identify your hardware. 2. reset the "AP fault" alarm: aploc; alist acease xxx - where xxx is Alarm Identifier in alist-printout. But, many alarms can't be ceased, like MIRRORED DISKS NOT REDUNDANT or General Error. You must follow OPI in Alex to resolve problem. 3.find the alarm history of the site. allip; 4. reset the history alarm history can't be resetting by one command, only by resolving every alarms history will be cleared 5.To reset the "size alteration" alarm: dbtsp:tab=saactions; saaii:sae=xxx[block=yyy],ni=zzz; where xxx,yyy - in answer printout from dbtsp... NI= old ni+15-20% (by practice) besides - see Alex, many sae is hardware dependent, and many is turn to another sae. 5.To reset the "Digital path fault Supervision" Alarm if dip no more used, you can blocked'em : dtbli:dip=...; if else, trouble must transmit to transport department. 6.To reset the "CP Fault" Alarm CP fault alarm - handling only by Alex OPI, because wrong operation may lead to CP restart or system halted. In many cases CP fault arise by hardware fault (you must change card in CP-magazine). this is my experience job only in GSM.. regards 2. 1. To find the configuration as well as type of RBS. 2.To reset the "AP fault" alarm 3.To find the alarm history of the site. 4.To reset the history alarm 5.To reset the "size alteration" alarm 5.To reset the "Digital path fault Supervision" Alarm 6.To reset the "CP Fault" Alarm !Internal cell definition; RLDEI !Internal cell description data; RLDEC !Cell power configuration data; RLCPC !Cell frequency configuration data; RLCFI !Cell channel control configuration data; RLCCC !Cell frequency hopping configuration data; !Cell channel allocation profile; RLCHC
!Cell locating data; RLLOC !Cell locating urgency data; RLLUC !Cell locating disconnect data; RLLDC !Cell locating penalty data; RLLPC !Cell locating filter data; RLLFC !Cell intra-cell handover data; RLIHC !Cell BCCH system information data; RLSSC !Cell BCCH & SACCH system information data; RLSBC !Cell downlink DTX data; RLCXC !Cell dynamic MS power control data; RLPCC !Cell activation of Dynamic MS power control; RLPCI !Cell dynamic BTS power control data; RLBCC !Cell activation of BTS power control; RLBCI !Cell idle channel measurements data; RLIMC !Cell activation of ACTIVE Channel Measurements; RLIMI !Cell load sharing data; RLLCC !Cell activation of Cell Load Sharing; RLLCI !** NEIGHBOURING CELL DATA **; RLNRI RLNRC !** DEFINITION OF CELL MEASUREMENT FREQUENCIES **; RLMFC ! ****** MANAGED OBJECT INITIATE ******* ; RXMOI RXMOC !cell , tg tie RXTCI !tie to dip,dev RXAPI EXDAI BLODE ! **** EQUIPMENT IN SERVICE **** ; RXESI
RXBLE ! ***** ACTIVATE CELL(s) ***** ; RLSTC !gprs-edge add RLGSI RLBDC