Sdmo Kerys Control Panel Manual

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User's guide

SDMO Control unit KERYS TACTIL - S 9000

V 1.05 (29/06/06)


1. MICS Kerys .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 2 1.1. Aim and structure .................................................................................................................................................................... 2 2. Using the interface ................................................................................................................................................................................ 2 2.1. Presentation of the keypad....................................................................................................................................................... 2 2.1.1 The display .............................................................................................................................................................................. 3 2.1.2 The alphanumeric keys............................................................................................................................................................ 3 2.1.3 The generating set operational keys ........................................................................................................................................ 4 2.1.4 The navigation keys ................................................................................................................................................................ 5 2.1.5 The signalling control keys ..................................................................................................................................................... 5 2.2. Interface ergonomics ............................................................................................................................................................... 5 2.2.1 Description of the screens ....................................................................................................................................................... 6 2.2.2 The home screen ..................................................................................................................................................................... 6 2.2.3 Navigation screens .................................................................................................................................................................. 7 2.2.4 Operating and configuration screens ....................................................................................................................................... 8 Upper band indicators ................................................................................................................................................ 8 Upper band commands............................................................................................................................................... 9 Lower band functions................................................................................................................................................. 9 2.2.5 The dialogue boxes.................................................................................................................................................................. 9 Confirming an entry in a main screen ........................................................................................................................ 9 Entering text ............................................................................................................................................................. 10 Entering numerical values ........................................................................................................................................ 10 Selecting from a list.................................................................................................................................................. 11 2.2.6 Saving modifications............................................................................................................................................................. 11 3. Using menus ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 12 3.1. Layout of the menus .............................................................................................................................................................. 12 3.1.1 Generating set operating modes ............................................................................................................................................ 13 3.1.2 Menu layout according to operating mode............................................................................................................................ 18 3.2. Operating menus.................................................................................................................................................................... 19 3.2.1 Driving .................................................................................................................................................................................. 19 3.2.2 Function keys ........................................................................................................................................................................ 19 3.2.3 Synchronisation column........................................................................................................................................................ 19 3.2.4 Power plant measurements summary .................................................................................................................................... 19 3.2.5 Measurements ....................................................................................................................................................................... 19 Generating set electrical measurements ................................................................................................................... 19 BUSBAR/grid(s) electrical measurements ............................................................................................................... 19 Mechanical measurements ....................................................................................................................................... 19 Generating set harmonic measurements ................................................................................................................... 19 BUSBAR/grid(S) harmonic measurements.............................................................................................................. 19 Rotating field measurements .................................................................................................................................... 19 Customised display of analogue values.................................................................................................................... 19 3.2.6 Alarms and faults .................................................................................................................................................................. 19 Help .......................................................................................................................................................................... 19 3.2.7 User settings .......................................................................................................................................................................... 19 Set points .................................................................................................................................................................. 19 Power thresholds ...................................................................................................................................................... 19 Wattmetric control / General parameters.................................................................................................................. 19 Wattmetric control / Thresholds............................................................................................................................... 19 Generating set priorities ........................................................................................................................................... 19 User parameters (1/2) ............................................................................................................................................... 19 User parameters (2/2) ............................................................................................................................................... 19 3.3. Regional parameters .............................................................................................................................................................. 19 4. Generating set starting modes ............................................................................................................................................................. 19 4.1. General information............................................................................................................................................................... 19 4.2. Prerequisites .......................................................................................................................................................................... 19 4.3. Manual starting...................................................................................................................................................................... 19 4.4. Starting using the no load test function ................................................................................................................................. 19 4.5. Starting using the load test function ...................................................................................................................................... 19 4.6. Starting in automatic mode.................................................................................................................................................... 19 5. Definitions .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 19 5.1. Glossary................................................................................................................................................................................. 19



1. MICS Kerys 1.1. Aim and structure

The MICS KERYS system comprises a range of electronic modules which are to be used for control and command operations, setting and protecting generating sets which stand alone or feature as part of a power plant. The system includes the following modules: industrial programmable automatic control module (A.P.I.) All or nothing logical inputs and outputs module Analogue inputs and outputs module temperature acquisition module electrical safety module Man-Machine Interface Module adjustment module An industrial programmable automatic control module and a Man-Machine Interface module form the basic configuration of the system.

2. Using the interface 2.1. Presentation of the keypad

Generating set control keys Signalling control keys

Alphanumeric keypad. Back-lit display with touch panel

Navigation keys Man Machine Interface operation indicator LED (flashing)



2.1.1 The display

The display has the following specifications: 7-inch colour TFT display, 16/9, 65536 colours dimensions: 154 mm x 86 mm neon backlighting 480 x 234 resolution touch panel (8 columns x 8 rows)

2.1.2 The alphanumeric keys

Pressing these keys successively allows the facial values to be entered. The characters entered appear in the order they were typed on the keypad.



2.1.3 The generating set operational keys

1 2 3

8 9 10 11 12 7 6 5

13 14 15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Manual mode selection. The illuminated led indicates that the mode is active Selecting stop mode. The illuminated led indicates that the mode is active Automatic mode selection The illuminated led indicates that the mode is active Test in progress In automatic mode: test sequence control In manual mode: starting and stopping the motor Generating set circuit breaker opening control Open generating set circuit breaker Grid circuit breaker opening control Open grid circuit breaker Grid circuit breaker closing control Closed grid circuit breaker Grid voltage status Grid circuit breaker closing control Closed generating set circuit breaker Generating set voltage status

If test is requested a screen is brought up with the choice of a test under load or test off load.



2.1.4 The navigation keys

These keys are described in the section on "Interface Ergonomics".

2.1.5 The signalling control keys

The key is used to clear any faults


keys stops the buzzer


key controls the keypad indicator test.

2.2. Interface ergonomics

The KERYS interface screen has a touch panel enabling various menus and commands to be accessed. The active zones on the screen are indicated by rectangles. The extended zones indicate the control keys, the recessed zones indicate the indicators. However, in some cases, the indicators allow access to menus listing general information; for example, pressing the fault indicator displays the list of alarms and faults. When an indicator is active, pressing one of these indicators displays the list of faults and alarms 15/10/02 19:10 :00 GS 1 Event archives
Auto Faults Alarms

-1Electrical archives

-2Mechanical archives

-3 Event metering

Control key

Key selected.

These keys only need to be touched briefly. If they are pressed for too long and there is a key in the same position on the new screen, the corresponding command will be performed. Warning



It is also possible to navigate through the menus using the keypad. Scroll up

Move up one level or quit if in dialogue box

Scroll left

Scroll right

Confirms the function of the selected key

Scroll down

Lastly, it is possible to access a menu directly by pressing the corresponding number key.

2.2.1 Description of the screens

There are three types: the home screen the navigation screens the operation and configuration screens

2.2.2 The home screen

This screen is the entry point to the system. It enables the main functions of the navigation to be accessed. 15/10/03 19:10 :00 GS 1 Home Auto Faults Alarms

-1Operation -2Fault finding -3Archiving/Metering -5Configuration -4Maintenance




2.2.3 Navigation screens

These screens enable the various sub-menus to be accessed. Upper level Active menu title Lower levels


19:10 :00

GS 1






-1Operation -2Function keys -7User adjustments -6Alarms & Faults -4Central measurements summary -5Measurements

When a key is selected the lower level sub-menu appears if available or the allocated operation screen. A sub-menu can also be accessed by pressing the corresponding numbered key.



2.2.4 Operating and configuration screens

These screens bring up the information and commands relating to the active menu. They are divided into three zones: an upper band present on all types of screens the centre section in which the specific information relating to the selected menu appears a lower band Upper band Centre section


19:10 :00

GS 1

Event archives




-1Electrical archives

-3 Central measurements summary

Lower band

Upper band indicators

System date System time Number of generating set with which the man machine interface is in dialogue with Indication of alarm on the generating set concerned (flashing) Indication of fault on the generating set concerned (flashing) Indication of the operating mode of the generating set concerned

Name of the active screen

15/10/02 19:10 :00

GS 1







Upper band commands

Access to the regional parameters screen Access to the regional parameters screen Access to the Alarms & Faults screen Access to the Alarms & Faults screen

Access to the operation screen

19:10:00 15/10/03

Welcome GS 1
Auto Faults Alarms

If in power plant configuration, open a dialogue box enabling the generating set which you want to connect to be selected

1st action: access to the home screen 2nd action: return to previously selected menu

Lower band functions

Return to the navigation menu Pressing one or more of the short cut keys directs you to the functions linked to the active screen Return to previous active operation screen

-1Function keys

-3 Central measurements summary

2.2.5 The dialogue boxes

To make it easier to enter information, there are special screens called "dialogue boxes" which appear if required.

Confirming an entry in a main screen

When a value in the main menu has been modified the following dialogue box appears: Validation Validation of data entered Confirm Esc.

The "Confirm" key saves the change, the "Esc." escape key cancels the change.



Entering text
Name of the function modified Text to be modified or created.

Inserts a space to the left of the cursor Title configuration CDE AERO Insert Confirm Delete title Copy Delete a character Paste Esc.

Deletes the letter highlighted by the cursor Deletes all the text Closes the menu without saving the modifications.

Saves the modifications and closes the dialogue box Left or right arrows on the keypad are used to move within the text. Characters are entered via alphanumeric keys on the keypad.

Entering numerical values

The dialogue box heading displays the type of value entered,its unit of measurement and the variable concerned. These indications are linked to the type of modified parameter. When present, displays the minimum possible value When present, displays the maximum possible value

Time in 1/10 second (6000) 0<= Confirm 0000 <=9999 Esc.

Closes the dialogue box without saving the modifications Saves the modifications and closes the dialogue box



Selecting from a list

The box heading indicates the parameter which will be assigned from your selection. List showing possible selections Type of fault (6000) Without General Alarm Arrows enabling the cursor to be moved



Active selection Arrows visible only if the selection numbers do not remain on the screen

2.2.6 Saving modifications

After modifying a parameter, the new data is stored in volatile memory, which means that if the power supply is lost any changes will be lost. It is also necessary to transfer these values to permanent memory. This is a "Flash save" operation Following a modification, a red "Perform back-up" indicator light flashes at the top left-hand side of the screen. Pressing this indicator makes one of the following dialogue boxes appear. Save in flash



Save in flash





Pressing "Confirm.", confirms the operation, pressing "Esc.", cancels it. While the data is being saved, a screen indicates that the operation is in progress.



3. Using menus 3.1. Layout of the menus

The diagram below shows the layout of the main menus.


-2Fault finding

-3Archiving & Metering




- 1.1 Operation

- 2.1 Digital I/O

- 3.1 Events archives

- 4.1 Provider

- 5.1 Equipment

- 6.1 Regional parameters

- 1.2 Function keys

- 2.2 Analog variables

- 3.2 Electrical archives

- 4.2 E-mail

- 5.2 Applications

- 6.2 Identification application

- 1.3 Synchro. column

- 2.3 REG & PRO variables

- 3.3 Mechanical archives

- 4.3 Service intervals

- 5.3 Regulations

- 6.3 Software versions

- 1.4 Central unit measure, summary

- 2.4 Curves (Kerys Tactil)

- 3.4 Events metering

- 4.4 Consumables

- 5.4 Safety features

- 6.4 Printing

- 1.5 Measurements

- 2.5 -Electrical faults

- 3.5 Mechanical metering

- 4.5 Progress reports

- 6.5 Access management

- 1.6 Alarms & faults

- 2.6 Help

- 3.6 Electrical metering

- 4.6 Reports

- 6.6 Management of Web access

- 1.7 User adjustments

- 2.7 All or nothing personalised display

- 6.7 Factory

Only the menu functions on the white background are described in this manual. Warning



3.1.1 Generating set operating modes

The operational modes are as follows: generating set operating alone / without normal / emergency inversion (configurations A612) generating set operating alone / with normal / emergency inversion and alternator circuit breaker (configurations A622) generating set operating alone / generating set coupled to the network (configurations A641 / A642 / A651 / A661) generating set operating as part of power plant / operating without shared normal/emergency switching unit. (configurations A633) generating set operating as part of power plant / operating with shared normal/emergency switching unit. (configurations A634) generating set operating as part of a power plant / operating with shared switching unit (configuration A635) Configuration A612

TC: X/5A 5P5 10VA

Protection card 3Ph+N 5VA Bus CAN no. 3

Standard module


Configuration A622

TC: X/5A 5P5 10VA Protection card

CAN 3 bus 3Ph+N 5VA Standard module Power voltage detection




Configuration A641

TC: X/5A 0.5 10VA

Control card 3Ph 5VA

CAN 3 bus 3Ph+N 5VA Standard module


Configuration A642

TC: X/5A 0.5 10VA

Control card

TC: X/5A 0.5 10VA 3Ph 5VA

CAN 3 bus 3Ph+N 5VA Standard module ETHERNET Network



Configuration A651

TC: X/5A 0.5 10VA

Control card

TC: X/5A 0.5 10VA 3Ph 5VA

CAN 3 bus 3Ph+N 5VA


Standard module


Configuration A661

TC: X/5A 0.5 10VA

Control card

TC: X/5A 0.5 10VA 3Ph 5VA

CAN 3 bus 3Ph+N 5VA

Circuit breaker Alternator OPTIONAL MANUAL OR Auto

Standard module




Configuration A633

TC: X/5A 0.5 10VA

TC: X/5A 0.5 10VA

Control card


Control card 3Ph+N 5VA

3Ph 5VA

CAN 3 bus 3Ph+N 5VA Standard module ETHERNET Network

CAN 3 bus Standard module


CAN 4 bus


Configuration A634

TC: X/5A 0.5 10VA

TC: X/5A 0.5 10VA

Control card

Control card

3Ph+N 5VA

3Ph+N 5VA CAN 3 bus Standard module CAN 4 bus

CAN 3 bus Standard module ETHERNET Network Power voltage detection


3Ph 5VA

3Ph 5VA

Normal/emergency control via each base



Configuration A635

TC: X/5A 0.5 10VA TC: X/5A 0.5 10VA

Control card

Control card

Control card 3Ph 5VA

3Ph+N 5VA

3Ph+N 5VA CAN 3 bus Standard module CAN 4 bus

CAN 3 bus Standard module ETHERNET Network

CAN 3 bus Standard module ETHERNET Network


3Ph 5VA

3Ph 5VA

Central measurements are required if there are several grids



3.1.2 Menu layout according to operating mode

The layout of the menus according to operation mode is as follows: Modes: A612 - A622 -0Home Modes: A633 - A634 - A635 - A641 - A642 - A651 - A661 -0Home

-1Operation - 1.1 Operation

-6System - 6.1 Regional parameters

-1Operation - 1.1 Operation

-6System - 6.1 Regional parameters

- 1.2 Function keys

- 1.2 Function keys

- 1.3 Synchronisation Column - 1.4 Central measurements summary - 1.5 Measurements - 1.6 Alarms & Faults - 1.7 User settings - 1.4 Central measurements summary - 1.5 Measurements - 1.6 Alarms & Faults - 1.7 User settings

The description of menus and associated screens refers to the above-mentioned operating modes. If there is no particular information, the menus are considered as being general and applicable to all operating modes defined above. Warning



3.2. Operating menus

The operating menus combine all the menus required for operating the generating set. Operating modes: A633 - A634 - A635 15/10/03 19:10 :00 GS 1 Operation Auto Faults Alarms


-1Operation -2Function keys -3Synchronisation column -4Central measurements summary -7User adjustments -6Alarms & Faults -5Measurements

Operating mode: A612 - A622 - A642 15/10/03 19:10 :00 GS 1 Operation Auto Faults Alarms


-1Operation -2Function keys -7User adjustments -6Alarms & Faults -5Measurements



Operating mode: A641 - A651 - A661 15/10/03 19:10 :00 GS 1 Operation Auto Faults Alarms


-1Operation -2Function keys -3Synchronisation column -7User adjustments -6Alarms & Faults -5Measurements


00 : 00 :00

GS 1







3.2.1 Driving
This general screen displays all the main electrical parameters of the generating set. It is the general operating and monitoring screen for the generating set. This screen can also be displayed by pressing indicator displaying the operation mode of the generating set. The frequency, U23 voltage, active and reactive power indicators, can be displayed in analog or digital form. Switching from one mode to another is performed by pressing the desired indicator. 15/10/2003 00 : 00 :00 GS 1 Operation 2701 P.F Manu 0.9 L Faults Alarms


Q(kVAr) Speed (rpm) Operating time: +Speed

-1Function keys -2-

1505 10:05 +U -U



Synchronisation column

-3Power plant measurements summary

Motor rotation speed control

Alternator voltage control Generating set output position indicator

The speed and voltage adjustment buttons are only present on coupled applications in manual mode. Warning



3.2.2 Function keys

Pressing one of these keys, activates a particular function programmed in production, according to the generating set user configuration selected by the user. This menu has the additional commands required for operating the generating set. The most frequently used commands are: Restore mains in EJP Forced global operation Close emergency circuit breaker

Confirm mains return Inhibit safety features Open emergency circuit breaker

Normal maintenance Open emergency circuit breaker Close normal emergency circuit breaker

It is possible to change the text describing the function of the key. The procedure is as follows: press the"title configuration " key, select the key concerned and the text box will appear.

Operating modes: A641 - A642 - A651 - A661 Active key Key active and selected

15/10/2003 U23(V)

00 :00 :00

GS 1 I 1(A) Status messages

Function keys


Faults F (Hz)




TCH FCT 1 (3710) RESTORE MAINS POWER TCH FCT 3 (3712) TCH FCT 4 (3713)

TCH FCT 5 (3714)

TCH FCT 6 (3715)

TCH FCT 7 (3716)

Operating time

0: 00

TCH FCT 8 (3717)

Title configuration -1Synchronisation column -3Measurements



Operating modes: A633 - A634 - A635 Active key Key active and selected

15/10/2003 U23(V)

00 :00 :00

GS 1 I 1(A) Status messages

Function keys


Faults F (Hz)




TCH FCT 1 (3710)

TCH FCT 5 (3714)

TCH FCT 2 (3711)

TCH FCT 6 (3715)

TCH FCT 3 (3712)

TCH FCT 7 (3716)

TCH FCT 4 (3713)

Operating time

0: 00

TCH FCT 8 (3717)

Title configuration -1Synchronisation column

-2Central measurements summary




Operating modes: A612 - A622 Active key Key active and selected

15/10/2003 U23(V)

00 :00 :00

GS 1 I 1(A) Status messages

Function keys


Faults F (Hz)




TCH FCT 1 (3710)

TCH FCT 5 (3714)

TCH FCT 2 (3711)

TCH FCT 6 (3715)

TCH FCT 3 (3712)

TCH FCT 7 (3716)

TCH FCT 4 (3713)

Operating time

0: 00

TCH FCT 8 (3717)

Title configuration -3Measurements



3.2.3 Synchronisation column

This screen allows the user to view the synchronisation in progress of two sources (frequency, voltage and phase deviations). Operating modes: A633 - A634 - A635 Indication of frequency deviation Indication of voltage deviation Synchronisation column 0 Delta F
20 20


00: 00: 00

GS 1




Delta V



0% +V -V

+ Speed

- Speed

-1Function keys

Synchro in progress -2-3Central unit measure. Measurements summary Graph showing voltage deviation

Graph showing frequency deviation

The TOP COUPLING button, the + Speed and Speed controls, and +V V only appear in Manual mode Warning



Operating modes: A641 - A 642 - A651 - A661

Indication of frequency deviation

Indication of voltage deviation Synchronisation column 0 Manu Faults Alarms


00: 00: 00

GS 1

Delta F
20 20

Delta V



0% +V -V

+ Speed

- Speed

Synchro in progress -1Function keys -3Measurements Graph showing voltage deviation Graph showing frequency deviation

The TOP COUPLING button, the + Speed and Speed controls, and +V V only appear in Manual mode Warning



3.2.4 Power plant measurements summary

This screen can only be accessed in "power plant" operation. It displays electrical measurement values for each generating set in the power plant as well as power plant outputs. Operating modes: A633 - A634 - A635

15/10/2003 00 : 00: 00 Choice of sets to display

Gen set no. Gen set no. Gen set no.

GS 1 P(kW)

Central unit measure. summary

Stop I1(A)

Faults P.F.




01 02 03

0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0

0 0 0

0L 0L 0L
Kerys Tactyl


Control unit


-1Function keys

-2Synchro. column




3.2.5 Measurements
This command brings up a sub-menu from which the following measurements can be taken: Operating modes: A633 - A634 - A635 - A641 - A642 - A651 - A661 15/10/03 19:10:00 Genset Measurements Auto Faults Alarms

-0Operation -1Electrical measurements -2BUSBAR/Grid(s) elect. measurements -3Mechanical measurements. -4Harmonics -7Customised analogue display -6Rotating fields -5Grid(s) harmonics

Operating modes: A612 - A622 15/10/03 19:10:00 GS 1 Measurements Auto Faults Alarms


-1Electrical measurements
-2BUSBAR/Grid(s) elect. measurements

-3Mechanical measurements.



Generating set electrical measurements

This screen displays all the electrical measurements of the generating set: starter battery voltage (Vbat) voltages between phases expressed in Volts (V12, V23 and V31) phase currents expressed in Amps (I12, I23 and I31) power factor (PF) frequency F expressed in Hertz active power per phase (P1, P2 and P3) expressed in kW total active power (PT1) expressed in kW reactive power per phase (Q1, Q2 and Q3) expressed in kvar total reactive power (QT) expressed in kvar active energy (AE) supplied, expressed in MWh reactive energy (RE) supplied, expressed in Mvar

Operating modes: A633 - A634 - A635 - A641 - A642 - A651 - A661



Operating modes: A612 - A622



BUSBAR/grid(s) electrical measurements

This screen enables all the grid electrical measurements to be displayed: the starter battery voltage (Ubat) the voltages between phases expressed in (U12, U23 and U31) the phase currents expressed in Amps (I12, I23 and I31) the power factor (P.F.) the frequency expressed in Hertz the active power by phase (P1, P2 and P3) expressed in kW the total active power (PT1) expressed in kW the reactive power by phase (Q1, Q2 and Q3) expressed in kvar the total reactive power (QT) expressed in kvar

Operating modes: A633 - A634 - A635 - A641 - A642 - A651 - A661 15/10/2003 00 : 00 :00 GS 1 BUSBAR/Grids electrical measurements Stop Faults Alarms

U12(V) U23(V) U31(V) P.F.

0 0 0 0L

I1(A) I2(A) I3(A) F (Hz)

0 0 0 0

P1(kW) P2(kW) P3(kW) PT(kW)

0 0 0 0

Q1(kVAR) Q2(kVAR) Q3(kVAR) QT(kVAR)

0 0 0 0

-1Electrical measurements

-2Mechanical measurements

-3Grid(s) harmonics

The grid selection dialogue box is only present if the installation is managing several power supplies. Warning



Operating mode: A612 - A622 15/10/2003 00 : 00 :00 GS 1 BUSBAR/Grids electrical measurements Stop Faults Alarms

U12(V) U23(V U31(V P.F.

0 0 0 0L

I1(A) I2(A) I3(A) F (Hz)

0 0 0 0

P1(kW) P2(kW) P3(kW) PT1(kW)

0 0 0 0

Q1(kVAR) Q2(kVAR) Q3(kVAR) QT(kVAR)

0 0 0 0

-1Electrical measurements

-2Mechanical measurements

The grid selection dialogue box is only present if the installation is managing several power supplies. Warning



Mechanical measurements

This screen enables the main motor parameter values to be displayed. Operating modes: A633 - A634 - A635 - A641 - A642 - A651 - A661 15/10/2003 00 : 00 :00 GS 1 Mechanical measurements Stop Faults Alarms

Temp. LT coolant(C) Temp. HT Coolant(C) Air intake Temp.(C) Fuel temp. (C) Oil temp. (C)

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

F display

Oil pres. (bar) Air intake pres. (bar) Common rail pres. (bar) Fuel pres. (bar)

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Display in PSI -3Harmonics

-1Electrical measurements

-2BUSBAR/grid (s) electrical measurements

In this zone, when supplied by the motor regulation system, operational information is supplied



Operating modes: A612 - A622 15/10/2003 00 : 00 :00 GS 1 Mechanical measurements Stop Faults Alarms

Temp. LT coolant(C) Temp. HT Coolant(C) Air intake Temp.(C) Fuel temp. (C) Oil temp. (C)

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

F display

Oil pres. (bar) Air intake pres. (bar) Common rail pres. (bar) Fuel pres. (bar)

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Display in PSI

-1Electrical measurements

-2BUSBAR/grid (s) electrical measurements

In this zone, when supplied by the motor regulation system, operational information is supplied

The type of values displayed varies according to the type of motor selected. Warning The Display in " keys enables the temperature measurements to be read in degrees Celsius or degrees Fahrenheit and the pressure measurements in bar or in PSI.



Generating set harmonic measurements

This screen lets the user find out level 3, 5 and 7 harmonic rates on generating set currents and voltages. Operating modes: A633 - A634 - A635 - A641 - A642 - A651 - A661 15/10/2003 00:00:00 GS 1 Voltages 0% L1 0% 0% 0% Genset harmonics Stop Currents 0% 0% Faults Alarms

0% L2


0% 0%



0% L3


0% 0%



3 -1 Electrical measurements

-2Mechanical measurements

-3Grid(s) harmonics

BUSBAR/grid(S) harmonic measurements

This screen displays the emergency Bus bars or grid harmonics. Operating modes: A633 - A634 - A635 - A641 - A642 - A651 - A661 15/10/2003 00 : 00 :00 GS 1 Voltages 0% L1 0% 0% 0% Grid(s) harmonics Stop Currents 0% 0% Faults Alarms

0% L2


0% 0%




0% L3


0% 0%



3 -1BUSBAR/Grids electrical measurements

3 -3Harmonics

-2Mechanical measurements



Rotating field measurements

This screen enables the direction of rotation for each power supply field to be compared. Operating modes: A633 - A634 - A635 - A641 - A642 - A651 - A661 15/10/2003 00 : 00 :00 Grid(s) R S T GS 1 Rotating fields Stop Faults Alarm

Generating set(s) R S T


B Phase sequence

B Phase sequence

-1BUSBAR/grid (s) electrical measurements

normal -2Mechanical measurements

Inverse -3Harmonics


The data supplied is directly linked to the correct voltage connections on the I.A.S. inputs The user must always check that the indication is correct. Warning



Customised display of analogue values

This screen lets the user view the specific analogue values.
Personalised analog display FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE - 3Harmonics


00 : 00: 00

GS 1




FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE - 1 Electrical measurements

+000000 +000.00 +00.000 +0000.0 +000000 +000000

-2Electrical measurements JDB/Grid(s)

+000000 +000000 +000000


+000000 +000000 +000000

Kerys Tactyl


Each set of analogue values only appears when an associated variable has been configured Warning



3.2.6 Alarms and faults

This menu can be brought onto screen by pressing the Alarms and Faults buttons on the upper bar. This screen allows the user to view the list of faults present on the installation. The first two columns give details of the date and time that the fault appeared. The Status column shows whether or not the fault is still present: 1 = yes or 0 = no. The @ column gives the location of the variable associated with the fault. The Title column gives details of the fault. A line on a red background shows a fault, and a line on an orange background shows an alarm. 15/10/2003 Date 26/11/03 26/11/03 26/11/03 00: 00: 00 Time 11:11:1255 10:35:1628 10:10:1010 GS 1 Status 1 0 0 Alarms & faults @ 6131 6017 60C3 Stop Title HT LOW COOLANT LEVEL FAULT INSULATION 1 ALARM CIRCUIT BREAKER FAULT ON GENERATING SET OUTPUT Faults Alarms

-1Function keys Active line

-2Synchronisation column

-3Central unit measure. summary

Scroll down buttons for when the list is longer than the number of lines on the

To clear a fault, it is necessary to: check that the fault has disappeared (status 0) and, if necessary, remove the causes of the fault select the line in question; the text on the line is displayed in white press the Reset button on the keypad, and the line is cleared When a fault is displayed, its effect on operation remains active even if the cause has disappeared. When in Manu or Auto mode, if the user wants to clear a fault with an "In stopped" clearance mode, a screen will inform the user to switch to Stop mode. Warning




This screen displays possible causes of a problem and what to check. 15/10/2003 Fault number Title 00:00:00 60D6 GS 1 Keywords Help Stop THEN Faults Alarm

ACTIVE OUTPUT MAXIMUM ALARM (32) Genset overload in active power.

Possible causes


Previous fault -1Digital I/O -2Curves

Search -3Electrical faults

Next fault

Searches can be done in two ways: enter a keyword enter the fault number Pressing in the "Checks" area displays a description of the checks. 15/10/2003 Fault number Title 00:00:00 60D6 GS 1 Keywords Help Stop THEN Faults Alarm

ACTIVE OUTPUT MAXIMUM ALARM (32) Adjust output to genset capacity. Drop part of the load.


Possible causes

Previous fault -1Digital I/O -2Curves

Search -3Electrical faults

Next fault

Pressing in the "Possible causes" area displays a description of the cause. The "Search" key launches a search.



How to search: 1. 2. 3. Enter a keyword or fault number. Launch the search by pressing on "Search". When the search is over, the user can display the possible cause or what to check by pressing the appropriate icon (right of screen). The user can display the previous or next fault found by the search by using the appropriate keys.


3.2.7 User settings

This command has the following options: Operating modes: A612 - A622 - A641 - A642 - A651 - A661 15/10/2003 19:10:00 GS 1 User adjustments Auto Faults Alarms


-1Set point -2Power threshold

-4User parameters 1/2

-5User parameters 2/2



Operating modes: A633 - A634 15/10/2003 00:00:00 GS 1 User adjustments Stop Faults Alarms


-1Set point -2Power threshold -3Wattmeter control -4User parameters 1/2 -5User parameters 2/2

Operating mode: A635 15/10/2003 00:00:00 GS 1 User adjustments Stop Faults Alarms


-2Power threshold -3Wattmeter control -4User parameters 1/2 -5User parameters 2/2



Set points

This menu is used for defining set point values for adjusting the generating set. Designed for multi-voltage applications, this menu enables the required value for each set point to be defined. These values relate to the following parameters: Generating set Voltage Active power Power factor Reactive power Grid Active power Power factor Reactive power

A green background indicates the active set point

Operating modes: A612 - A622 - A641 - A642 - A651 - A661 Voltage setting Designed for multi-voltage applications, enabling the required value for each set point to be defined. Power setting Enables the power and power factor values to be assigned for periods of operation coupled to the grid. Grid set point: the grid supplies a fixed output and the generating set control unit provides any additional power Genset set point: the generating set supplies a fixed output and the grid provides any additional power



Operating modes: A633 - A634 Voltage setting Designed for multi-voltage applications, enabling the required value for each set point to be defined. Power setting Enables the power and power factor values to be assigned for periods of operation coupled to the grid. Grid set point: the grid supplies a fixed output and the generating set control unit provides any additional power Genset set point: the generating set supplies a fixed output and the grid provides any additional power



Power thresholds

In this menu the threshold values are defined, which, with the digital variables, authorise the creation of additional functions linked to the generating set or grid power. The green background indicates that the threshold value has been reached or exceeded.

Operating modes: A612 - A622 - A641 - A642 - A651 - A661 05/10/2003 00 : 00 :00 GS 1 Power threshold Stop Faults Alarm

Gen set P thresholds as % of gen set Pn 4780 10 4781 15 4782 20 4783 30 4784 40 4785 50 4786 75 4787 100

Power plant P threshold as % of Power plant Pn 4788 0 -1 Set points 4799 0 478A 0 478B 0 478C 0 478D 0 478E 0 478F 0

-2User parameters

Operating modes: A633 - A634 05/10/2003 00 : 00 :00 GS 1 Power thresholds Stop Faults Alarm

Gen set P thresholds as % of gen set Pn 4780 10 4781 15 4782 20 4783 30 4784 40 4785 50 4786 75 4787 100

Power plant P threshold as % of Power plant Pn 4788 10 -1 Set points 4799 30 478A 45 478B 60 478C 75 478D 90 478E 105 478F 120

-2User parameters

-3 Wattmetric control



Operating mode: A635 05/10/2003 00 : 00 :00 GS 1 Power thresholds Stop Faults Alarm

Gen set P thresholds as % of gen set Pn 4780 10 4781 15 4782 20 4783 30 4784 40 4785 50 4786 75 4787 100

Power plant P threshold as % of Power plant Pn 4788 10 4799 30 478A 45 478B 60 478C 75 478D 90 478E 105 478F 120

-2User parameters

-3 Wattmetric control



Wattmetric control / General parameters

Operating mode: A633 - A634 - A635 This section allows you to define the icommissioning criteria of generating sets in a power plant according to the power requirements of the installation. The setting entry fields only appear if the With Wattmeter control selection is confirmed. 15/10/2003 00:00:00 GS 1 General parameters Stop Faults Alarms

Wattmeter control Global operation time delay (sec): Power on time delay (seconds) Minimum number of GS Number of additional generating sets -1Generating set priority

70 10 01 0 Power off time delay (seconds) Maximum number of GS 10 05


Global operation time delay: Time taken for all generating sets to be started and for generating sets to power the installation. Power on time delay: Time taken for the generating set to perform the power on keyway needed to power the installation. Power off time delay: Time taken for the generating set to perform the power off keyway needed to remove power from the installation. Minimum number of generating sets: Determines the minimum number of generating sets needed to start in order that the power plant can authorise the switching on of the installation. Maximum number of generating sets: All generating sets start when there is a request for emergency operation; the Wattmeter control only intervenes after an operation period allowing load stabilisation after the restart. This adjustment enables the number of generating sets starting during this sequence to be limited. Number of additional generating sets: Corresponds to the number of generating sets which have started in addition to the minimum number of generating sets needed to power the installation.



Wattmetric control / Thresholds

Operating mode: A633 - A634 - A635 Power-on thresholds These parameters are located in the left half of the on-screen configuration field. They define the active power threshold leading to an additional generating set start request. The power-on request is delayed for the duration of the time delay period to prevent the installation being started with a temporary overload, i.e. a motor starting, Power-off thresholds These parameters are located in the right half of the on-screen configuration zone. They define the active power threshold leading to the power-off request when the power consumption of an installation is reduced. If the threshold appears,the request to switch off the generating set is delayed for the duration of the time delay period.


00: 00:00

GS 1 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%

Thresholds 0 kW 0 kW 0 kW 0 kW 0 kW 0 kW

Stop 2 GS => 1 GS 3 GS => 2 GS 4 GS => 3 GS 5 GS => 4 GS 6 GS => 5 GS 7 GS => 6 GS -3Thresholds 2

Faults 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%

Alarms 0 kW 0 kW 0 kW 0 kW 0 kW 0 kW

1 GS => 2 GS 2 GS => 3 GS 3 GS => 4 GS 4 GS => 5 GS 5 GS => 6 GS 6 GS => 7 GS -1General parameters

-2 Generating set priority

This only appears if there are more than 7 generating sets




00: 00:00

GS 1 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%

Thresholds 2 0 kW 0 kW 0 kW 0 kW 0 kW 0 kW

Stop 8 GS => 7 GS 9 GS => 8 GS

Faults 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%

Alarms 0 kW 0 kW 0 kW 0 kW 0 kW 0 kW

7 GS => 8 GS 8 GS => 9 GS 9 GS => 10 GS 10 GS => 11 GS 11 GS => 12 GS 12 GS => 13 GS -1Thresholds

10 GS => 9 GS 11 GS => 10 GS 12 GS => 11 GS 13 GS => 12 GS

-2Thresholds 3

This only appears if there are more than 13 generating sets


00: 00:00

GS 1 0% 0%

Thresholds 3 0 kW 0 kW


Faults 0% 0%

Alarms 0 kW 0 kW

13 GS => 14 GS 14 GS => 15 GS

14 GS => 13 GS 15 GS => 14 GS


-2Thresholds 2

On each threshold screen, only generating sets which do not exceed the maximum number of generating sets are monitored on screen.



Generating set priorities

Operating mode: A633 - A634 - A635 This function is used to select the order in which the generating sets are controlled by the Wattmetric control. Select the generating set of which you want to modify the priority level New level of priority selection 15/10/2003 00: 00:00 GS 1 Generating set priority Modification Genset selection Stop Faults Alarms


Priority selection Cancelling modifications Display


Gen set

2 02

3 03

4 01

5 05

6 06

7 07

Priority 04

-1General parameters


Displays the priority attributed to each generating set again The number of generating set displayed depends on the number of the generating set declared in the power plant To modify the priority level assigned to a generating set: select the generating set (number) select the new priority confirm The previous priority of the modified generating set is assigned to the generating set affected by this change. Gen set Priority Modified priority 04 1 01 2 02 02 3 Before 03 After 03 4 04 01 5 05 05 6 06 06 7 07 07

The "Return to previous parameters" key allows the initial setting to be restored. This command is confirmed until it is saved in flash



User parameters (1/2)

This menu enables the user to modify certain settings in order to adapt operation to his requirements. 15/10/2003 00 : 00 :00 GS 1 Without User parameters Stop Faults 600 Alarm

Power return confirmation request

No load test time delay (sec): Power 2 3 30


Power 1 Power loss time delay (sec): Power return time delay (sec): Inversion in noncoupling in emergency mode Inversion in noncoupling in normal mode -1 Set points According to the number of grids managed by the system 3 30



Mains return confirmation request If the choice is "With ", when the grid voltage reappears, the mains return sequence is conditioned by additional signal. Before confirming this selection, ensure that the equipment has been designed for this and that the command is present. Warning Power cut time delay Defines the time between the actual loss of the grid voltage and the beginning of the starting sequence. Mains return time delay Defines the time between the actual loss of the grid voltage and the start of the switching off sequence. If the "with mains return" selection is operational, this triggers the switching off sequence. Inversion in non-coupling in normal Enables a programme to be selected in the event of the grid synchronisation failing. If the "Without" selection is active, the installation remains supplied by the replacement power supply, if not, the installation cuts-off the supply. Inversion on non-connection in emergency Enables a program to be selected in the event of the grid synchronisation failing. If the "Without" selection is active, the installation remains supplied by the grid, if not, the installation cuts-off the replacement power supply.



User parameters (2/2)

Access to this screen depends on the configuration.

Function (CRF/CRP): Choice of the type of coupling. This choice appears if the user has selected Long term synch (CRP) on the Configuration/Parameters/General screen. Power surge keyway (sec): Definition of the time delay associated with the power surge keyway (Range of values: 0 to 32767). Power off keyway (sec): Definition of the time delay associated with the power off keyway (Range of values: 0 to 32767). Starting mode: Choice of Starting mode. This choice is possible if the user has programmed 2 starters: non alternating alternating Starter priority: Choice of starter priority. This choice is possible when two starters have been configured. Pump priority: Choice of pump priority. This choice is possible when two pumps have been configured.



3.3. Regional parameters

The various display parameters can be selected from this menu: language selection for display setting the date and time setting the module synchronisation time 15/10/2003 00 : 00 :00 GS 1 Regional parameters Stop Faults Alarm






Language option

Day 26

Month 11

Year 03

Hours 16 00

Minutes 20 00

Seconds 00

Synchronisation time: Inhibit the keys -1Application identification

-2Software versions


The top on the bus enables the resetting of various time settings in real time defined by the synchronisation time. To authorise cleaning the touch panel, the key inhibition function locks for approximately twenty seconds and does not register any presses on the screen. A special screen shows the time elapsing.

4. Generating set starting modes 4.1. General information

The aim of this section is to describe the actions to be carried out for starting a generating set in the various possible modes: starting in manual mode starting using the no load test function starting using the load test function starting in automatic mode

4.2. Prerequisites
Make sure that you use an operational installation which includes a standard module and a KERYS IHM.



4.3. Manual starting

Check there are no faults : grey: no fault. red: fault present. grey: no alarm. red: alarm present.

If faults are present, the fault management screen can be accessed by pressing the reset button.

If no faults are present, manual mode can be activated by pressing the Manu button.



The manual starting phase will begin once button 1 in the test unit is pressed.

The starting request is maintained until the generating set group starts. This method may not under any circumstances be used to turn the motor over.

During the starting phase and until the alternator voltage stabilises, the green LED underneath the generating set symbol flashes, and then lights up permanently once the phase is complete.

The generating set may be stopped at any time by pressing the stop button or the 0 button in the test unit. The green LED underneath the generating set symbol goes out to indicate that the generating set has stopped.



4.4. Starting using the no load test function

Check there are no faults: grey: no fault. red: fault present. grey: alarm not present. red: alarm present.

If faults are present, the fault management screen can be accessed by pressing the reset button.

If no faults are present, automatic mode can be activated by pressing the Auto button.



The test starting phase will then begin once button 1 of the test unit is pressed.

If you press button 1 on the test unit, the following window will appear in which the type of test can be selected. 15/10/2003 00: 00:00 GS 1 Operation 2701 P.F Manu 0.9 L Faults Alarms

Test selected

Select the test to be carried out

Under load test Esc No load test

Q(kVAr) Speed (rpm) Operating time: + Speed

-1Function keys -2-

1505 10:05 +U -U


- Speed

-3Power plant Synchronisation column measurements summary

Using the KERYS touch-sensitive Man-Machine Interface, the no load test is started by pressing the corresponding touch key.

The orange LED in the test unit lights up permanently once the test is confirmed

During the starting phase and until the alternator voltage stabilises, the green LED underneath the generating set symbol flashes, and then lights up permanently once the phase is complete.



The generating set may be stopped at any time by pressing the stop button or the 0 button in the test unit.

The generating set will stop automatically once the no load test is complete (600 seconds by default).

The green LED underneath the generating set symbol goes out to indicate that the generating set has stopped.



4.5. Starting using the load test function

Check there are no faults: grey: no fault. red: fault present. grey: alarm not present. red: alarm present.

If faults are present, the fault management screen can be accessed by pressing the reset button.

If no faults are present, automatic mode can be activated by pressing the Auto button.



The test starting phase will then begin once button 1 of the test unit is pressed.

If you press button 1 in the test unit, the following window will appear in which the type of test can be selected. 15/10/2003 00: 00:00 GS 1 Operation 2701 P.F Manu 0.9 L Faults Alarms

Test selected

Select the test to be carried out

Under load test Esc No load test

Q(kVAr) Speed (rpm) Operating time: + Speed

-1Function keys -2-

1505 10:05 +U -U


- Speed

-3Power plant Synchronisation column measurements summary

Using the KERYS touch-sensitive Man-Machine Interface, the no load test is started by pressing the corresponding touch key.

The orange LED in the test unit lights up permanently once the test is confirmed

During the starting phase and until the alternator voltage stabilises, the green LED underneath the generating set symbol flashes, and then lights up permanently once the phase is complete. The installation is then controlled via the automatic systems in accordance with the configuration of the application: inversion of normal/emergency supply grid coupling




The generating set may be stopped at any time by pressing the stop button or the 0 button in the test unit.

Important: Pressing the stop button may cause an interruption in the power supply depending on its status when the button is pressed (e.g. isolated grid operation) The generating set will stop after a cooling delay (180 seconds by default). The green LED underneath the generating set symbol goes out to indicate that the generating set has stopped.



4.6. Starting in automatic mode

In AUTO mode, except for during the test functions, the generating set starts as a result of an external command which may be triggered by various sources: power loss EJP command (France only) customer command The installation is then controlled via the automatic systems in accordance with the configuration of the application: inversion of normal/emergency source grid coupling etc The generating set may be stopped at any time by pressing the 0 button in the test unit.

Important: Pressing the stop button may cause an interruption in the power supply depending on its status when the button is pressed (e.g. isolated grid operation) The generating set will stop after a cooling delay (180 seconds by default). The green LED underneath the generating set symbol goes out to indicate that the generating set has stopped.



5. Definitions 5.1. Glossary

I.A.S. Coupling I.H.M. I.N.S. Led Synchronisation Industrial Automated System Grouping together of more than one power supply on the same distribution grid Man Machine Interface. Tool enabling data to be exchanged between the user and the machine Emergency/Normal Switching Describes the device (switch) which enables the installation to be supplied by the grid (normal) or by the replacement power supply (emergency) or the operation (switching) from one power-supply to the other with a cut-off in supply to the installation Light-emitting diode Continuous operation to equalise the voltage and frequency of several electrical supplies before linking them to the same Bus bars



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