EM-I 2-nd Int QP
EM-I 2-nd Int QP
EM-I 2-nd Int QP
PART A (7 2 =14 Marks) 1.Write the relationship between electrical and mechanical degree. 2.Define distribution factor. 3.Define term synchronous speed. 4.What are the advantages when the stator coil are short pitched? 5. Explain the following terms with respect to rotating electrical machines. a)pole pitch b)chording angle 6.State the necessary conditions for production of steady torque by the interaction of stator and rotor fields in an electric machine. 7.Define rotating magnetic field. PART B (3 12 =36 Marks)
8. a) (i) Derive an expression for induced e.m.f in a synchronous machine (8) (ii) What is the function of an exciter ?(2) (iii)Define breadth factor. (2) (OR) b) (I) Explain the various concepts of magnetic fields in rotating fields.(6) (ii) Explain with neat diagram the concept of m.m.f. space wave of a single coil.(6) 9. a)Derive the torque equation of round rotor machine .also clearly state what are the assumptions made? (12) (OR) b).Draw the developed diagram of mmf space wave of a single phase distributed a.c winding and explain.(12) 10. a). A 3 phase 50 kw 4 pole 50hz induction motor has a winding (ac) designed for delta connection. The winding has 24 conductors per slot arranged in 60 slots. The rms value of the line current is 48 A. Find the fundamental of the mmf wave of phase-A. when is the speed and peak value of the resultant mmf/pole? (12) (OR) b)In a3 phase star connected alternator there are 2 coil sides per slot and 16 turns per coil.Armature has 288 slots on its periphery .When driven at 250 rpm it produces 6600 V between the lines at 50Hz .the pitch of the coil is 2 slots less than the full pitch. Calculate the flux per pole. (12)