The Worldly Philosophers
The Worldly Philosophers
The Worldly Philosophers
What was the relation between the Wall Street Crash of 1929 and the intangible
property markets?
This essay will argue that Wall Street and the Wall Street Crash of 1929 are indissolubly
considered as the main cause, effect and accelerator in the crash of 1929.
To come to this conclusion, this essay will start with a description of the causes, processes
and consequences of the Wall Street Crash of 1929. Second, this essay will offer a
definitions, aspects and scales. And thirdly the links between Wall Street and intangible
property will be described. Finally, this essay will conclude with an assessment of how
interwound Wall Street and intangible property markets are and how interlinked the Wall
Street Crash of 1929 and the intangible asset markets exactly were.
The Roaring Twenties signified a time in the US that the country could get ʻdrunk with the
elixir of prosperityʼ (Heilbroner, 2000, p.248). ʻThe United Statesʼs share of world
manufacturing production peaked in 1929 at over 42 per centʼ (Meredith & Dyster, 1999, p.
85) with a specifically rapidly growing business in steel and cars. The New York Stock
Exchange (NYSE) was the largest stock market ʻfed by higher domestic savings, inflow of
short-term speculative foreign capital and the use of marginal share trading.ʼ (Meredith &
Dyster, 1999, p.85) Right before the crash ʻIrving Fisher, … a noted Yale economist,
famously declared that shares had reached ʻa new and permanently high
But it was not all that positive. Farming problems emerged around 1925 and markets
started to get saturated causing prices to drop. More and more consumers became credit
dependent because of paying for goods in installments and taking up major mortgages. All
this led to the creation of an asset bubble. Although not all academics agree on this
actually being a proper bubble. Most notably Sirkin (1975) and Bierman (1991) both using
Malkielʼs formula (1963) to claim that prices of stocks were not overvalued at this time
The start of the Wall Street Crash of 1929 is generally explained in three phases: Black
Monday, Black Thursday and Black Tuesday. Consecutively October 19, October 24 and
October 29 in 1929. On Black Monday, the New York Stock Exchange was about to plunge
but it was not until October 29 - after a successful attempt to stem the decline by the
exchangeʼs vice president Richard Whitney on Black Thursday - that the frenzy really
The US Federal Reserve eased too slowly and too restrictive exposing frailties in
fragmented US banking system that ended up contributing to the process of the collapse,
instead of easing it. ʻMonetarists like Friedman and Schwarz (1963) to Keynesians such as
Temin (1989) agree that this restrictive monetary policy … was the cause of the initial
economic slowdown that eventually turned into the Great Depression.ʼ (Emerson Hall &
The main factors that led to this collapse excerpted: ʻThe United States had serious
balance-of-payments problemsʼ (Kindleberger, 1986, p.162) ʻJust prior to the 1929 crash,
NYSE broker loans totaled 9.8 percent of market capitalization.ʼ (Jacobs & Markowitz,
1999, p.175) of which the majority were margin loans that were suddenly called back on a
big scale. There were problems in the international monetary system specifically with the
gold standard. In the end this gold standard led to wrong parities: overvaluation of British
Pound Sterling and undervaluation of French Franc for example. Interest rates were based
on domestic rather than international trends and ʻinterest rates rose sharply beginning in
the spring of 1928ʼ (Kindleberger, 1986, p.59) Flexible prices and wages created the
increased competition between main financial centers: New York, London and Paris. And
long term capital movements that were distorted by reparations and war debts, thus not
All of this contributed to the sudden and extreme collapse of the US stock markets in 1929.
Heilbroner acknowledges that it were not the stock markets that ʻdamaged the faith of a
But ʻit was the unemployment that was hardest to bearʼ with ʼ14 million unemployedʼ (2000,
The setbacks this crash caused were significant, especially in Europe, North & South
America and Australasia. The effects on the Russian and Japanese economies were a lot
smaller. Especially the decline of 46% in GDP in the US was enormous - measured from
August 1929 until March 1933 (U.S. World & News Reports, 2008, p.28). The US being
In 1929, $7.4 billion was made available to the world by the US imports on current
account and capital exports; by 1932 the outflow had fallen by 67 per cent to $2.4
billion.ʼ (Dunning, 1976, p.45)
The impact of this decline in available capital spread wider and faster than expected. Even
though the US encouraged investments in the US during the boom in the early twenties, it
now started a sharp decline in overseas lending. This presented a huge challenge for the
primary producing countries to repay their debts to the US. And while they tried to increase
protectionismʼ (Jackson & Sorensen, 2007, p.36) causing further price depressions. And
even another crisis in 1931, caused by export control, problems with the British Pound
To try and recover from these major financial impacts, some other measures followed. The
biggest and most significant ones being the suspension of the gold standard. ʻThe Bank of
England actually ran out of gold and on 19 September 1931 the gold standard was
suspended.ʼ (Chown, 1994, p.269) with the US following in 1933. However, the recovery
was still too uneven. World trade was still depressed having too big an emphasis on
domestic markets and this economic nationalism led to continuous rejection of free market
The second part of this essay will explain and elaborate on the intangible property markets
with a specific focus on Wall Street before, during and after the 1929 crisis.
Intangible capital is capital that has an economic value but is not something you can
drop on your foot.
It's the preponderant form of wealth. When we look at the shares of intangible
capital across income classes, you see it goes from about 60 percent in low-income
countries to 80 percent in high-income countries. That accords very much with that
notion that what really makes countries wealthy is not the bits and pieces, it's the
brainpower and the institutions that harness that brainpower. It's the skills more than
the rocks and minerals.ʼ (interviewed by Bailey, Our Intangible Riches, Aug/
Sept 2007)
Or as Smith & Parr define intangible assets: ʻall the elements of a business enterprise that
The value of intangible property depends greatly on the anticipated future earnings of the
entity it represents. So stocks in company X are valued based on the anticipated future
earning of that company. This also presents us one of the first major issues with intangible
property: the unconnectedness. Because the actors trading the stocks are not the ones
that manage the company, we can see a chasm in the precise valuation of the property.
The brokersʼ decisions might not have a good impact in managerial terms, whereas
managers might make decision that can have a strong negative effect on the stocks. The
two rely on each othersʼ information and anticipation, but act on different premises and
principles. This aspect of intangible property will be elaborated on in more detail towards
Another major issue with intangible property is the aspect of goodwill and the
goodwill is valued as the unidentified residual after the values of the total identified
tangible assets are subtracted from the total value of the subject business. (Reilly &
Schweihs, 1998, p.385)
Since intangible property is intangible and based on the future it is basically impossible to
translate it to tangible terms, other than money. Money however is in a sense also
intangible, for it is not based on the gold standard anymore but on currency trade and
ʻanticipated future earningsʼ of states and their economies. Intangible assets ʻhave a
p.160) So not only can intangibility be a problem, but the possibility of adding goodwill to
trade creates more issues in valuing property correctly. ʻWhen we determine the selling
price of a business we rate the goodwill, which we can not measure or weigh or put in a
shop-window…ʼ (Dickson, 1926, p. 339) Goodwill gives actors the option to value their
property higher than the standard (accounting) valuation, through putting more emphasis
on anticipated future earnings and growth and other external factors involved in giving up
their property. Classic example is Carnegie selling his Carnegie Steel Company to the
United States Steel Trust - a conglomerate founded by J.P. Morgan and E.H. Gary in 1901
- for $300 million instead of the $75 million that is was originally valued at by the
accountants. Carnegie argued that by selling his company, he not only gave up the profits
it represented, but also the potential growth and the fact that he was a major competitor in
the market. He claimed his goodwill of giving up being a competitor and giving up the
potential of his company was worth an additional $225 million in this case.
Regular examples of intangible property are stocks, bonds and funds. According to Smith
and Parr, the current age is one especially based on information and intangibility. They
provide us this short overview showing the development of markets and their approach to
age characteristics
some of the case studies conducted by Smith and Parr. They show for example that
Procter & Gamble Co. consists for 88.5% of intellectual property and intangible assets,
worth $112,906.3 at the time. (2000, pp. 142-5) An even clearer abundance of intangibility
is shown by Yahoo! Inc. having 98.9% of their value allocated in intellectual property and
As influence of intangible property has become so big that it now makes up the majority of
assets. The fact that these assets are intangible makes them sensitive to fluctuation and
speculation, since their value can be so hard to determine as shown in the Wall Street
Crash in 1929 and more recently the global credit crunch in 2008. The creation of
intangible assets does not necessarily mean a negative influence; it creates more fruitful
markets and even bigger possibilities. However, the enormous reliance on these intangible
assets makes them a huge cause and effect that have the ability to create ʻholesʼ or
This essay has argued that it was the abundance and volatility of intangible assets that
caused the Wall Street Crash of 1929. Consecutively, weak government interference did
not manage to subdue the posed problems in the intangible property markets. Wall Street
and intangible assets are indissoluble and were therefore the major effect, cause and
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Dickson, S., (1926), ʻOur Intangible Assetsʼ in The Classical Journal, Vol. 21, No. 5, pp.
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Kindleberger, C.P., (1986), The World in Depression, 1929-1939, New York: University of
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Meredith, D. & Dyster, B., (1999) Australia in the Global Economy: Continuity and Change,
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Reilly, R.F. & Schweihs, R.P., (1998), Valuing Intangible Assets, Grand Rapids: Irwin
Scott, D.L., (2003), Wall Street Words, Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company Trade &
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Smith, G. & Parr, R., (2000), Valuation of Intellectual Property and Intangible Assets 3rd
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U.S. News & World Report (Oct 27, 2008) The Deepest Downturns, 145.9: 28. (viewed on
Dec 4, 2008)