CSP App Guide
CSP App Guide
CSP App Guide
Tear-Out Forms
• Application Form
• Professional Safety Experience Form
• Reference Form
General Information and Qualifications
The Certified Safety Professional Certifying Agencies (NCCA)3. In 2003, the CSP became one of
the first five certifications anywhere in any field to achieve
The Certified Safety Professional® or CSP®1 is a designation accreditation under ANSI/ISO/IEC 170244. It is also recognized
awarded by the Board of Certified Safety Professionals (BCSP). by the National Skill Standards Board (NSSB)5.
More information about the CSP and BCSP can be found on our
website at www.bcsp.org. In summary, the process of becoming a CSP includes the
Certified Safety Professionals are: • Complete and submit application materials. BCSP will
• Respected by other safety professionals. review your application materials to determine if you meet
• Honored by the safety profession. the academic and experience requirements and are eligible
• Preferred or required by most employers of safety professionals. for the Safety Fundamentals or the Comprehensive
• Required in many government and private contracts. Practice examination. If eligible, BCSP will tell you how
• Paid on average about $15,000 more per year than safety long you are eligible and when your eligibility will
professionals without certification. expire.
• Paid on average $300,000 or more than safety professionals • Register for, pay for, and pass the examination(s) leading
without certification over the span of a career. to the CSP designation. You may register with BCSP for
an examination at any time, as long as you are eligible.
The CSP designation: BCSP will notify our examination delivery service
• Is cited in many federal, state and local laws, regulations and provider that you are an eligible candidate, and BCSP will
standards. also inform you how long you have to make an
• Is recognized by U.S. and foreign safety and health organizations. appointment and complete your examination.
• Is held by 75% or more of the leaders in the safety profession. • Make an appointment to take your examination at a
• Adds $150 million to pay for safety professionals annually. testing center near you and sit for your examination at
the scheduled time. Testing centers are open every
Safety professionals may use the Certified Safety Professional business day around the world and many have evening
title when they meet all requirements established by BCSP and and weekend hours. You will take your examination by
are authorized by BCSP to use the CSP designation. A safety computer and receive pass/fail results as soon as you log
professional is one who applies the expertise gained from a off the computer system. If you fail an examination and
study of safety science, principles, practices, and other subjects are still eligible, you may register again as soon as you
and from professional safety experience to create or develop receive post-examination information from BCSP.
procedures, processes, standards, specifications, plans, and • Complete all requirements for the CSP designation. After
systems to achieve optimal control or reduction of the hazards completing all requirements for the CSP, BCSP will award
and exposures which may harm people, property, and/or the you use of the CSP designation on an annual basis as long
environment. as you pay an annual renewal fee and meet Continuance
of Certification (COC) requirements every five years.
The Associate Safety Professional (ASP) is a temporary
designation awarded by BCSP. It means that an individual has Qualifications
met the academic requirement for the CSP and has passed the
Safety Fundamentals examination—the first of two To qualify for the Certified Safety Professional title you must:
examinations leading to the CSP. You only submit one • Be of good moral character.
application for both the ASP and CSP designation. • Apply to the Board of Certified Safety Professionals.
• Meet an academic requirement.
The Certified Safety Professional designation meets the highest • Meet a professional safety experience requirement.
national and international standards for certifications and is • Pass the Safety Fundamentals examination (or be granted
accredited by the Council of Engineering and Scientific a waiver of the Safety Fundamentals examination) and the
Specialty Boards (CESB)2 and the National Commission for Comprehensive Practice examination.
The ASP is just a temporary designation to show that you have passed the first examination leading to the CSP
designation—the Safety Fundamentals examination. The CSP application is the only application you need to
complete. See page 1 for additional details.
Yes. The minimum education accepted is an associate degree in safety and health or a bachelor’s degree in any field
from an accredited school. The degree must be earned during the period of accreditation. The U.S. Department of
Education (www.ope.ed.gov/accreditation/) and the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (www.chea.org) both
maintain websites that can help you find an accredited school. See page 3 for additional details.
BCSP evaluates all degrees earned outside the U.S. for equivalency to U.S. educational standards. All non-U.S. degrees
are evaluated by BCSP’s independent international degree evaluation expert for a $100 fee. You must submit official
documents for evaluation. See page 3 for additional details.
All fees are nonrefundable and subject to change at any time without notice. See page 7 for additional fees.
Mostly likely, yes. Only, candidates who passed certain other certification and licensing examinations, and currently
hold such certifications or licenses, may be granted a waiver of the Safety Fundamentals examination. BCSP only
accepts the following certifications or licenses: P.E., CIH, CHP, CRSP, NEBOSH National Diploma, SISO, or Safety
Management Specialty Credential from ABOHN. See page 6 for additional details.
My references mailed their forms instead of giving them back to me. Is that ok?
Yes. We can match up references and official transcripts with your application. Contact BCSP if your transcript is
being sent under a different name (e.g. maiden name). See page 10 for additional details.
You earn one point per month for professional safety work experience acceptable to BCSP. You can also earn 12
points if you hold the OHST or CHST certification. See page 4 for additional details.
If you have 48 points and meet the minimum education requirement, you are eligible to take the Safety Fundamentals
examination. You can hold the ASP designation while you earn more experience.
BCSP will contact you when we estimate you should have 96 points. At that time, you will need to complete an
experience update form. If you earn an additional degree, or if you earn the OHST or CHST certification after
applying for the CSP, contact BCSP to determine your points achieved. See page 5 for additional details.
No. Your signature has to be notarized and your transcripts must be official. See page 12 for additional details.
Can I take a computer-delivered examination outside the United States and Canada?
BCSP will begin offering computer-delivered examinations outside the U.S. and Canada at many testing
centers starting the second quarter of 2005. Please refer to www.bcsp.org for the latest information.
The Academic Requirement Course titles will be evaluated to ensure that the four courses
and 12 semester hours or 18 quarter hours of study include
Minimum Education subject matter from the following list:
• General safety
A CSP candidate must meet one of the following minimum • Safety management
educational qualifications: • Safety compliance
• A bachelor’s degree in any field; or • Safety technology
• An associate degree in safety and health • Occupational safety
• Safety relating to a particular industry (e.g. construction,
There is no waiver of the academic requirement and you must manufacturing, transportation, or health care)
provide proof that you were awarded the minimum qualifying • Safety and health communication and/or training
If you have an associate degree in safety and health, or a closely
For U.S. degrees, BCSP requires that the educational institution related field of study that does not meet this standard, you have
hold institutional accreditation from an accreditation body with the following options to resolve the deficiency:
institutional accrediting authority recognized by the Council • Acquire another associate degree which meets the
for Higher Education Accreditation6 (CHEA) and/or the U.S. standard.
Department of Education7. • Acquire a bachelor’s degree in any field.
• Complete appropriate safety courses at any acceptable
The degree must be awarded during the period of accreditation. school that will satisfy the course deficiencies in the
Check with your school, CHEA (www.chea.org), or the safety and health associate degree. Visit www.bcsp.org for
Department of Education (www.ope.ed.gov/accreditation) to the BCSP Database of Safety and Related Academic
determine whether your school was accredited when you earned Programs in the United States.
your degree.
International Degree Evaluation
Associate Degree Evaluation
BCSP evaluates all degrees from colleges and universities
BCSP has a broad view on the practice of safety and uses that outside the United States for U.S. equivalency. BCSP only
view to determine what associate degrees meet the minimum accepts official transcripts (mark sheets) and diplomas. BCSP
educational requirement. BCSP considers fields closely related cannot evaluate copies. The fee for evaluating these degrees is
to safety and health to be part of the safety and health domain. $100 and you must pay this fee prior to the evaluation. All fees
For example, associate degrees in safety, industrial hygiene, are payable in U.S. dollars drawn on a U.S. bank. If necessary,
occupational safety and health, environment, health physics, fire you are responsible for providing certified English translations.
protection, or fire prevention are likely to qualify as a “safety BCSP sends a copy of the independent evaluator’s report and
and health” associate degree. Associate degrees in other fields the original documents back to you via an expedited courier.
are not considered part of the safety and health domain.
BCSP Point System
BCSP reviews courses within safety and health (or closely
related fields) associate degrees to determine which degrees are BCSP uses a point system to determine eligibility for
acceptable. The following standard applies: examinations. You must have 48 points to sit for the Safety
Fundamentals examination and 96 points to sit for the
The associate degree must include at least four courses Comprehensive Practice examination.
(with at least 12 semester hours or 18 quarter hours) of
study in safety and health for the degree to meet the You can earn points through education, experience, and certain
minimum educational requirement for the CSP. other certifications. Table 1 on page 4 lists points awarded for
various degrees. You may use only one undergraduate and one
graduate degree for credit. If you hold more than one
undergraduate or graduate degree, only the degree yielding the
highest point value will be accepted. Continuing education
courses, seminars, and certificate programs are not a
substitute for, and do not receive credit toward, the academic
6 Council for Higher Education Accreditation, One Dupont
Circle NW, Suite 510, Washington, DC 20036-1135, Phone: 202-955-6126,
Web: www.chea.org.
7 U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue, SW,
Washington, DC 20202, Phone: 800-USA-LEARN, Web: www.ope.ed.gov/
Table 1. Degree Credit The model educational background for a candidate for the CSP
Degree/ Program Major ABET Associate Bachelor’s Master’s Ph.D.
designation is a bachelor’s degree in safety from a program
Accredited? accredited by the Accreditation Board for Engineering and
Safety and Safety Related Yes 24 48 12 24
Technology8 (ABET)—earning the maximum 48 points.
Environmental Engineering No 18 36 9 18 Contact ABET for accreditation standards and a listing of
Environmental Health
Fire Protection accredited degree programs.
Fire Protection Engineering
Health Physics
Industrial Hygiene Because many people enter the safety profession from other
Industrial Safety
Loss Control
educational backgrounds and their degrees are worth less than
Occupational Safety and 48 points, they may use advanced degrees and/or professional
Risk Control safety experience to earn additional points.
Safety Engineering
Safety Sciences
In addition to degrees and experience, candidates earn points for
Chemical Engineering
Yes N/A 42 11 21
holding the Occupational Health and Safety Technologist®
Civil Engineering (OHST) or Construction Health and Safety Technician® (CHST)
Electrical Engineering
Engineering Mechanics certifications from the Council on Certification of Health,
Engineering Science Environmental and Safety Technologists9 (CCHEST). If you
Industrial Engineering
Mechanical Engineering hold the OHST or CHST at the time of application, you are
Engineering Technology Yes N/A 30 8 15
awarded 12 experience points. If both certifications are held,
No N/A 24 6 12 the maximum number of experience points awarded is still 12.
Natural and Physical N/A N/A 30 8 15
Sciences Total points are the sum of academic points and experience
Agriculture Microbiology
Architecture Nursing points.
Astronomy Occupational
Aviation Health
Biochemistry Physics The Experience Requirement
Biology Public Health
Botany Toxicology
Chemistry Zoology In addition to the academic requirement, CSP candidates must
Computer Science
Earth Science have professional safety experience. The exact number of years
depends on their degree(s) and if they hold OHST or CHST
Environmental Management certification. BCSP has a broad definition of safety.
Environmental Science
Forestry Professional-level work experience in safety, health,
General Science environmental protection, fire protection, radiation protection,
Mathematics and industrial hygiene is considered professional safety
Waste Management
Industrial Technology N/A N/A 24 6 12
Industrial Education N/A N/A 18 5 9 All professional safety experience must meet all of the five
Industrial Arts following criteria to be acceptable to BCSP:
Industrial Arts Education
Industrial Education • Professional safety must be the primary function of the
Business N/A N/A 18 5 9 position. Collateral duties in safety are not considered the
Accounting primary function.
Aviation Management • The position’s primary responsibility must be the
Business Management prevention of harm to people, property, and the
Engineering Management
Industrial Management environment, rather than responsibility for responding to
Loss Control Management
Management harmful events.
Security Management • Professional safety functions must be at least 50% of the
Urban Planning
position duties. BCSP defines full-time as at least 35
Psychology N/A N/A 18 5 9
Educational Psychology
hours per week. Part-time safety experience is allowed
Psychology instead of full-time safety experience if the applicant has
Other N/A N/A 12 3 6 the equivalent of at least 900 hours of professional safety
Applied Art Humanities
Art Journalism
Communication Liberal Arts
Criminal Justice Political 8 Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology, 111
Education Science Market Place, Suite 1050, Baltimore, MD 21202-4012, Phone: 410-347-7700,
General Studies Social Work Web: www.abet.org.
Geography Sociology 9 Council on Certification of Health, Environmental and Safety
Technologists, 208 Burwash Ave., Savoy, IL 61874, Phone: 217-359-2686,Fax:
217-359-0055, Email: cchest@cchest.org, Web:www.cchest.org.
work during any year (75 hours per month or 18 hours do not meet these time limits or purchase the eligibility
per week) for which experience credit is sought. extensions must reapply as a new candidate. A detailed outline
• The position must be at the professional level. This is of eligibility and other time limits and eligibility extension
determined by evaluating the degree of responsible options is provided once an application has been approved.
charge and reliance of employers or clients on the Note: Eligibility time limits are independent of examination
person’s ability to defend analytical approaches used in authorization time limits. Examination time limits are defined
professional practice. This also encompasses their in the CSP Examination Guide.
recommending how to control hazards through
engineering and/or administrative approaches. Student Applicants
• The position must have breadth of professional safety
duties. This is determined by evaluating the variety of Students in ABET-accredited safety or safety-related degree
hazards about which the candidate must advise and the programs at the bachelor’s and master’s level may sit for the
range of skills involved in recognizing, evaluating, and Safety Fundamentals examination during the last semester (or
controlling hazards. Examples of skills are analyzing, quarter) of their academic program. A list of schools with
synthesizing, designing, investigating, planning, ABET-accredited safety and related degrees can be found at
administrating, and communicating. www.bcsp.org (under “The Safety Profession”). Like other
candidates, they must follow application instructions as
Each month of acceptable professional safety experience outlined on page 10. However, in place of a supervisor they
earns one point. Please note that there is no partial or must use a current faculty member of the degree program as a
additional credit for experience. reference. The faculty reference must verify on the reference
form that the student applicant is expected to graduate at the
Experience Updates end of the current semester (or quarter).
At the time of application, many candidates have enough points CRSP Applications
to sit for the Safety Fundamentals examination (48), but do not
have the points required for the Comprehensive Practice BCSP has a reciprocal agreement with the Board of Canadian
examination (96). In this instance, BCSP estimates when you Registered Safety Professionals10 (BCRSP). If you hold the
will achieve 96 points assuming you remain employed in a CRSP certification, please use the BCSP/BCRSP Reciprocal
position that meets professional safety practice requirements. Agreement Application Form. You can find one on the
Near that estimated date, BCSP sends a Professional Safety Downloads page at www.bcsp.org or contact BCSP.
Experience Update Form. You have 30 days to complete and
return the form to BCSP. There is no fee involved.
To help identify your weak areas and become familiar with the All candidates must pass the Comprehensive Practice
style of the Safety Fundamentals and Comprehensive Practice examination. The first examination, Safety Fundamentals,
examinations, BCSP sells self-assessment examinations. The covers basic knowledge appropriate to professional safety
self-assessment examinations, $95 each, are about 60% of the practice. Candidates who meet the academic standard and
length of a full examination. They contain items that are similar achieve 48 points through their degree and/or experience can sit
in depth and style to the actual examination. A self-assessment for the Safety Fundamentals examination. Upon passing the
examination order form is on the Downloads page at Safety Fundamentals examination, candidates receive the
www.bcsp.org or on page 14. temporary ASP designation to denote their progress toward the
Examination Security and Integrity
Some candidates who have been examined through other
One key to a successful and respected certification program is acceptable certification and licensing programs, and currently
examination security. BCSP relies on the ethical behavior of hold such certifications or licenses, may be granted a waiver of
candidates and certificants to maintain the security of BCSP the Safety Fundamentals examination. BCSP only accepts the
examinations. The CSP Application Guide, CSP Examination following certifications or licenses for waiver of the Safety
Guide, and CSP Self-Assessment Examinations are available to Fundamentals examination:
anyone. When those who hold the CSP credential, or those who • Certified Industrial Hygienist (CIH) from the American
are pursuing the CSP credential, reveal information about the Board of Industrial Hygiene.
content of BCSP examinations (other than that which is • Certified Health Physicist (CHP) from the American
published by BCSP), they violate the agreement all candidates Board of Health Physics.
accept when they apply for certification and take an • Professional Engineer (P.E.) from the engineering
examination. They also violate the BCSP Bylaws and the BCSP registration board of any U.S. state or territory.
Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct. BCSP has taken • Chartered Engineer (CE) from the Engineering Council
action and will continue to take action against individuals who (United Kingdom).
violate this trust. Penalties may include permanently barring • National Diploma in Occupational Safety and Health by
individuals from pursuing the CSP credential and revoking the the British National Examination Board for Occupational
certificates of those holding the ASP or CSP designation, in Safety and Health (NEBOSH).
addition to other legal remedies. • Canadian Registered Safety Professional (CRSP) from
the Board of Canadian Registered Safety Professionals.
BCSP will also pursue legal action against organizations or • Member, Singapore Institute of Safety Officers (SISO).
individuals not seeking certification who reveal information • Safety Management Credential from the American Board
about the content of BCSP examinations (other than that which for Occupational Health Nurses (ABOHN)11.
is published by BCSP).
Those who receive a waiver of the Safety Fundamentals
BCSP examinations are closed book, except for your authorized examination do not receive and cannot use the ASP title.
calculator(s), the Examination Reference, and the materials Candidates who have passed the Safety Fundamentals
provided by examination management staff. Once your examination (or been granted a waiver of it) and have earned 96
examination clock starts, you may not access any materials points are eligible for the Comprehensive Practice examination.
beyond those given to you by the examination management
11Only those individuals holding the Certified Occupational Health
staff until you formally submit your examination for scoring.
Nurse (COHN) or Certified Occupational Health Nurse-Specialist (COHN-S)
During self-scheduled breaks, you are not permitted to access certification may earn the Safety Management Credential from the American
Board for Occupational Health Nurses, 201 East Ogden Road, Suite 114,
Hinsdale, IL 60521-3652, Phone: 630-789-5799, Web: www.abohn.org.
Program Fees and Policies
The Board of Certified Safety Professionals charges the Carolina business residential addresses, BCSP invoices ASPs
following fees: and CSPs to reimburse BCSP for fees required by the North
Carolina Safety Professional Act to maintain a registry of ASPs
and CSPs in North Carolina.
Application Fee $125
Foreign Degree Evaluation Fee (only for degrees earned $100 Unemployed certificate holders may request a one-year waiver
outside the U.S.) of the annual renewal fee in writing only once during their
Examination Fees (for computer-delivered examinations to history with BCSP.
be taken inside the US or Canada)
Safety Fundamentals $275
Comprehensive Practice $275
Examination Fees (for computer-delivered examinations to BCSP evaluates all candidates seeking the CSP designation
be taken outside the US or Canada)
Safety Fundamentals $375
without regard to religion, ethnicity, gender, age, national
Comprehensive Practice $375 origin, disability, or sexual orientation.
* Partial refunds are possible for examinations scheduled at special Second Appeal and Request for Adjudication. If, after a re-
locations that are canceled 30 or more days prior to the
examination date. evaluation, you still disagree with the results, a second and final
** When you first achieve the ASP or CSP designation, your annual appeal is possible. You may request a review by the
renewal fee for the first year is prorated for the remainder of that Adjudication Committee. Three senior members of the Board of
first year.
*** When an ASP or CSP annual renewal fee is not paid by the due Directors make up this Committee. Rulings by the Adjudication
date, a late fee is added to the annual renewal fee. Committee on eligibility of candidates are final and binding.
Fees are nonrefundable and nontransferable. Checks and Appeals of Examination Scoring
money orders must be payable to BCSP. All fees are payable
in U.S. dollars drawn on a U.S. bank. Fees are subject to If you believe that an error may have been made in scoring, you
change at any time without notice. may request in writing that your examination be rescored. The
request must state the basis for believing that an error in scoring
Non-sufficient fund (NSF) checks will stop action on the was made. If you seek rescoring, you may be required to pay a
application/examination process for any candidate covered by rescoring fee.
the check and the check originator will be billed for any related
NSF fees. You may also petition BCSP in writing to reconsider your score
on an examination relative to the passing score. The request
Other fees may apply upon achieving the ASP or CSP must explain why a passing score change is justified for you.
designation. For example, individuals who pay their annual These appeals are considered at semiannual Board of Directors
renewal fee late may incur a late charge or a reinstatement fee if meetings only. Appeals of examination scoring must be made
BCSP has acted to terminate certification. For those with North within one year of the examination date.
Other Appeals Disciplinary Action
Applicants and candidates who achieve qualifications after the According to the BCSP Bylaws (Article XIV) the Board shall
initial application can submit them at any time to determine have the power to reject or suspend the application of any
whether they affect the certification process. Applicants and applicant, to terminate or suspend the eligibility of any
candidates for the CSP have the right to appeal decisions candidate, to reprimand a certificate holder, suspend, refuse to
relating to BCSP policies other than eligibility and examination renew or revoke the certificate of any certificate holder and to
scores. Appeals must be in writing and addressed to the terminate or suspend the status with BCSP held by anyone who
Executive Director. An appeal should provide any information is found guilty of one or more of the following:
or documentation that assists in evaluating the appeal. The
BCSP Board considers appeals relating to its policies at semi- A. Obtaining or seeking to obtain a certificate or a renewal
annual meetings. of a certificate through the use of fraud or deceit. The
making of any fraudulent, misleading or untruthful
Retaining the ASP statements in any application or documentation
submitted to the Board by any applicant, candidate or
Because the ASP is an interim designation showing progress certification holder, or person holding any status with
toward the CSP, you may continue to hold the interim ASP title BCSP in an effort to obtain, retain or renew certification;
if you: or
• Meet all time limit rules. B. Violation of one or more of the provisions in the BCSP
• Pay the annual renewal fee. Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct; or
• Pay all applicable late payments or other fees. C. A criminal conviction of a felony; or
D. Any other criminal conviction for acts done in
Retaining the CSP connection with activities for which the certificate was
issued or considered by BCSP to encumber those who
If you achieve the CSP designation, you may continue to use it rely on the certifications issued by BCSP, whether the
if you: conviction arises by a finding of guilty by a judge or
• Meet Continuance of Certification (COC) requirements. jury, a plea of guilty, or a plea of nolo contendere; or
• Pay the annual renewal fee. E. Unauthorized or illegal use of a certificate issued by the
• Pay all applicable late payments or other fees. BCSP or the unauthorized or illegal use of a certificate
or license issued by another certification or licensing
Annual renewal fees are due on January 1 each year and apply to organization; or
persons holding the ASP, CSP, and CSP-Retired designations. F. Unauthorized or illegal use of any BCSP document; or
Your designation becomes invalid if you fail to pay your annual G. Unauthorized possession, distribution or use of any
renewal fee. You may reinstate an invalid designation within BCSP testing or examination materials including but not
BCSP-established time limits by submitting a written request for limited to, copying and/or reproduction of any BCSP
reinstatement, paying applicable late fees, a reinstatement fee, examination questions or test related items; or disclosing
and complying with COC and other applicable requirements. to others any examination question or test related item.
H. Unauthorized or illegal use of any registered certification
Once you achieve the CSP, you must meet COC requirements mark or logo owned by the BCSP.
every five years. The COC program helps ensure that CSPs stay
current in the safety profession. Your CSP designation becomes Disciplinary actions may include any of the following:
invalid if you fail to meet COC requirements. The CSP • Reject or suspend an application;
Continuance of Certification Guide explains these requirements • Terminate or suspend a candidate’s eligibility;
in greater detail. Visit the Downloads page at www.bcsp.org to • Issue a reprimand;
obtain a copy or contact BCSP. • Suspend, refuse to renew or revoke the ASP or CSP; or
• Terminate or suspend any status with BCSP.
Protecting the ASP and CSP Designation
The BCSP Bylaws (located on the Downloads page of the web
BCSP acts to challenge those who use the ASP and CSP site) provide detailed procedures for bringing charges and for
designations without authority from BCSP. Penalties may hearings related to disciplinary charges.
include being barred from pursuing the certifications and
publishing the names of violators. A directory of those holding BCSP Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct
certification from BCSP appears at www.bcsp.org.
When applying for the CSP designation, you agree to abide by
the BCSP Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct on page 9.
Board of Certified Safety Professionals
1. Hold paramount the safety and health of people, the protection of the environment and
protection of property in the performance of professional duties and exercise their obligation to
advise employers, clients, employees, the public, and appropriate authorities of danger and
unacceptable risks to people, the environment, or property.
2. Be honest, fair, and impartial; act with responsibility and integrity. Adhere to high standards of
ethical conduct with balanced care for the interests of the public, employers, clients, employees,
colleagues and the profession. Avoid all conduct or practice that is likely to discredit the
profession or deceive the public.
3. Issue public statements only in an objective and truthful manner and only when founded upon
knowledge of the facts and competence in the subject matter.
4. Undertake assignments only when qualified by education or experience in the specific technical
fields involved. Accept responsibility for their continued professional development by acquiring
and maintaining competence through continuing education, experience and professional
5. Avoid deceptive acts that falsify or misrepresent their academic or professional qualifications.
Not misrepresent or exaggerate their degree of responsibility in or for the subject matter of prior
assignments. Presentations incident to the solicitation of employment shall not misrepresent
pertinent facts concerning employers, employees, associates, or past accomplishments with
the intent and purpose of enhancing their qualifications and their work.
6. Conduct their professional relations by the highest standards of integrity and avoid compromise
of their professional judgment by conflicts of interest.
7. Act in a manner free of bias with regard to religion, ethnicity, gender, age, national origin, sexual
orientation, or disability.
8. Seek opportunities to be of constructive service in civic affairs and work for the advancement of
the safety, health and well-being of their community and their profession by sharing their
knowledge and skills.
Application Instructions
Applicant Personal Data List each full-time position (for which you are seeking credit) in
reverse chronological order (i.e. most recent first). Also account
• Check Mr. or Ms. Use your legal, given name as it for any discontinuity in employment, such as being a full-time
appears on your government-issued identification. Do not student or unemployment. Each position must cover a separate
use nicknames. You must notify BCSP about any and distinct time period and positions should not overlap.
subsequent name changes, and we require a copy of the
legal document (marriage certificate, divorce decree, etc.) • List each professional title of the position.
creating the change. • List the employer for each position.
• Provide your social security number if you have one. It will • List the month and year for each start and end date.
become your identifying number. BCSP does not release it. • List the number of months in each position.
• Provide your home address. You must notify BCSP
about any address changes. You must enclose a Professional Safety Experience Form for
• Provide your date of birth. each position for which you are seeking credit. You should not
• Select one North American Industry Classification complete an experience form for any time as a student or for any
System (NAICS) code from the table of NAICS codes position which does not meet all of the qualifications listed on
(Table 2 on page 11) which best fits your current page 4. See the section entitled “Completing Professional
position. If your employer has multiple functions, you Safety Experience Forms” on page 12 for more details.
may add a second NAICS code on the application.
NAICS has replaced the U.S. Standard Industrial Professional References
Classification (SIC) system.
• Provide your home, work, mobile, and fax phone numbers. Professional references are people who can attest to your
For numbers outside the U.S. and Canada, please include professional safety experience. You must submit at least two
the country and city codes. Reference Forms.
• Provide your email address(es).
One Reference Form must be from a current supervisor. If you are
College Education self-employed, use a client as a reference. If you are a student in
an ABET accredited safety program, you must use a current
For each degree: faculty mentor from your degree program. The other reference
• List the college name(s), city, and state. must be another professional who is familiar with your
• List the graduation date. professional safety experience.
Table 2. NAICS Codes
At least one reference must hold one of the following Application Payment Information
certifications or licenses: Certified Safety Professional (CSP),
Certified Industrial Hygienist (CIH), Certified Health Physicist • Please indicate how you are paying your $125
(CHP) or Professional Engineer (P.E.) in the United States, application fee. The application fee is not refundable or
NEBOSH National Diploma, Canadian Registered Safety transferable.
Professional (CRSP), or Member of the Singapore Institute of • If you pay by check or money order, fees must be in
Safety Officers (SISO). Verify that your reference currently holds U.S. dollars and all checks must be drawn on a U.S.
the designation and is in good standing or BCSP may reject bank. Make checks or money orders payable to the
your reference. If you absolutely cannot locate a reference with Board of Certified Safety Professionals or BCSP. Attach
one of these credentials, you may submit three references the check or money order to the front of the Application
instead of two. However, one reference must still be a current Form.
supervisor. For further information on reference requirements see • If you pay by credit card, please record the type of
“Completing and Submitting Reference Forms” on page 13. card, credit card number and expiration date, sign your
name, and enter the date.
Current Licenses, Registrations, and Certifications
Professional Advancement Mentor Program
Of the ones listed, mark all licenses, registrations, and
certifications that you currently hold. You must enclose a copy Over the years, many CSPs encouraged, assisted, or required
of the license, certificate, etc. BCSP will also verify the status fellow safety professionals to pursue certification to advance
with the issuing organization. their careers. In the past, BCSP did not have a way to recognize
these contributions. A small step in that direction is a program
Professional Society Memberships that traces the role CSPs play in assisting aspiring CSP’s career
development and then recognizing their contributions.
Of the ones listed, check all professional health and safety Applicants and mentors can participate in this program by
societies of which you are a current member. completing a Professional Advancement Mentor Program Form
and submitting it with the candidate’s application. Forms can
Primary Safety Specialty be found on the Downloads page at www.bcsp.org.
Check only one specialty that best describes your overall Completing Professional Safety Experience Forms
Beginning with your current position, complete a separate
Validation Professional Safety Experience Form for each position in which
you are seeking credit. If you held more than one position with
Complete this section before a notary public and have the an employer, you must complete a separate Professional Safety
notary sign and seal their witness. Your signature means that Experience Form for each position.
you agree with the statements printed above the signature block.
BCSP will return applications that are not signed, dated, and All sections must be completed. Please refer to page 4 for an
notarized. explanation of acceptable safety experience before completing
your forms. In the SUMMARY OF ACTIVITIES section write in
BCSP requires applicants to disclose any criminal convictions each space the percent of time that you devoted to each of
issued by a court to the applicant. BCSP uses its policy relating twelve major areas of professional safety practice. All functions
to criminal convictions to determine whether the application must total 100%. Refer to Table 3 on page 13 for a description
can proceed or whether it is terminated. In some cases, the of each category.
BCSP attorney must contact the applicant to clarify information
about the conviction. A copy of the BCSP criminal conviction One of the most important items included with your application
policy appears on the BCSP web site at www.bcsp.org. is the Professional Safety Experience Form. Provide a complete
description of your three primary position functions that deal
BCSP also requires applicants to disclose any disciplinary with areas A through K. Do NOT provide a description for area L
actions or denial of certifications or licenses taken against the (Functions that are not Safety, Health, or Environmental).
applicant by a certification board or agency issuing professional Evaluators can only consider the information provided. If
licenses or registrations. BCSP determines whether the action information does not clearly define job functions in detail, or
should be considered in the CSP application process. give specific examples of work activity, evaluators cannot
award credit for the work experience.
BCSP may request additional information to decide on credit for Table 3. Professional Safety Job Functions
a position, and such requests may delay the evaluation process.
Do not submit formal job descriptions or resumes.
Hazard Identification: All activity related to the identification/verification of
conditions, methods, or processes having the potential to cause damage or
Completing and Submitting Reference Forms injury to people or property. Examples of tasks: visual inspections, review
of documentation, interviews or inquiries, literature searches, application
of hazard analysis methods or system safety analyses.
Professional references provide important information in
determining your eligibility. The Reference Forms submitted Hazard Evaluation: The review of recognized hazards associated with
must be from the references listed on your Application Form. In conditions, methods and processes or the comparing of existing hazard
levels to standards. Examples: safety testing of equipment or processes,
certain cases, the Board may request additional references. The industrial hygiene sampling and analysis, and making computations to establish
references must meet the criteria described on page 10. the level of hazard or risk.
Reference Forms must be completed by the reference, not the
Hazard Control Design: Developing or proposing new methods, devices,
equipment or processes that will reduce the level of hazard exposure by an
acceptable amount. Examples: literature searches and consultations with
Submitting Your Application experts, managers or others to identify potential hazard controls and their
integration into existing designs or actually designing controls.
A complete application must include: Hazard Control Verification: All activity carried out to ensure that existing
qA current CSP Application Form (signed and notarized). hazard control measures are performing as designed. Examples:
qA $125 application fee. conducting physical audits and tests of methods, devices, equipment and
processes and determining if hazard controls are in place and functioning
qAn official transcript for each degree for which credit is properly.
sought. BCSP only accepts and evaluates official
transcripts. BCSP cannot evaluate copies. Safety/Health Program Design: The planning, preparation and proposal of
written policies and programmatic descriptions explaining systematic methods
qA Professional Safety Experience Form covering each
and procedures and assigning responsibilities for reducing the risk of personal
period of professional safety experience for which credit injury, death or property damage. Examples: consultations and discussions
is sought. with managers and officials about new or modified safety and health programs
qReference Forms from at least two people. directly related to hazard control efforts.
Illinois residents add 6.5% sales tax ($6.18) per copy: $ __________
Address _____________________________________________________________
Phone _________________________________
(Checks and money orders must be payable in U.S. dollars and made payable
to the Board of Certified Safety Professionals. Foreign checks must be drawn
on a U.S. bank. Purchase orders are not accepted.)
Signature ___________________________________________________________________
Phone: 217-359-9263 Fax and phone orders must use a credit or debit card.
Fax: 217-359-0055