It Ali A No
It Ali A No
It Ali A No
See you later Per favore / Per piacere pehr fah-voh-reh / pehr pee-ah-cheh-reh Please Mi dispiace mee dee-spyah-cheh Sorry Come sta? / Come stai? koh-meh stah / koh-meh sty How are you? (formal / informal) Abbastanza bene. ah-bah-stahn-tsah beh-neh Pretty good. Come si chiama? koh-meh see kee-ah-mah What's your name? (formal) Piacere / Molto lieto. pee-ah-cheh-reh / mohl-toh lee-eh-toh Pleased / Nice to meet you. Di dov'? dee doh-veh Where are you from? (formal) Quanti anni ha? kwahn-tee ahn-nee ah How old are you? (formal) Parla italiano? par-lah ee-tahl-ee-ah-no Do you speak Italian? (formal)
Buona sera Buona notte bwoh-nah seh-rah bwoh-nah noht-teh Good evening Good night Arrivederci ArrivederLa ah-ree-vuh-dehr-chee ah-ree-vuh-dehr-lah Goodbye Goodbye (formal) A presto / A dopo A domani ah press-toh / ah doh-poh ah doh-mahn-ee See you soon See you tomorrow Grazie (mille) Prego graht-zee-eh (mee-leh) preh-goh Thank you (very much) You're Welcome Scusi / Scusa Andiamo! skoo-zee / skoo-zah on-dee-ah-mo Excuse me (formal / informal) Let's go! Sto bene. Non c' male. stoh beh-neh nohn cheh mah-leh I am fine / well. Not bad. Cos cos. S / No koh-zee koh-zee see / noh So so. Yes / No Come ti chiami? Mi chiamo... koh-meh tee kee-ah-mee mee kee-ah-mo What's your name? (informal) My name is... Signore, Signora, Signorina seen-yoh-reh, seen-yoh-rah, seen-yoh-reen-ah Mister, Misses, Miss Di dove sei? Sono di... dee doh-veh seh-ee soh-noh dee Where are you from? (informal) I am from... Quanti anni hai? Ho venti anni. kwahn-tee ahn-nee ah-ee oh vehn-tee ahn-nee How old are you? (informal) I am 20 years old. Parli inglese? Parlo italiano. / Non parlo par-lee een-gleh-zeh inglese. Do you speak English? (informal) par-lo ee-tahl-ee-ah-no / non par-lo een-gleh-zeh I speak Italian. / I don't speak English. Capisce? / Capisci? [Non] capisco. Non so. / Lo so. kah-pee-sheh / kah-pee-shee [non] kah-pees-koh non soh / low soh Do you understand? (formal / informal) I [don't] understand. I don't know. / I know. Pu aiutarmi? / Puoi aiutarmi? Certamente / D'accordo. Come? pwoh ah-yoo-tar-mee / pwoh-ee ah-yoo-tar- cher-tah-mehn-teh / dah-kohr-doh koh-meh? mee Sure / OK. What? / Pardon me? Can you help me? (formal / informal) Desidera? / Desideri? Come si dice "house" in italiano? deh-zee-deh-rah / deh-zee-deh-ree koh-meh see dee-cheh "house" een ee-tah-lee-ah-noh May I help you? (formal / informal) How do you say "house" in Italian? Dov' / Dove sono...? Ecco / Eccoli... C' / Ci sono... doh-veh / doh-veh soh-noh eh-koh / eh-koh-lee cheh / chee soh-noh Where is / Where are... ? Here is / Here are... There is / There are... Cosa c'? Non importa. / Di niente. / Di nulla. Non m'importa. koh-zah cheh nohn eem-por-tah / dee nee-ehn-teh / nohn meem-por-tah What's the matter? / What's wrong? dee noo-lah I don't care.
Non ti preoccupare. nohn tee preh-ohk-koo-pah-reh Don't worry. (informal) Ho fame. / Ho sete. oh fah-meh / oh seh-teh I'm hungry. / I'm thirsty. Salute! sah-loo-teh Bless you! Buona fortuna! bwoh-nah for-too-nah Good luck! pazzo! / Sei pazzo! eh pats-soh / seh-ee pats-soh You're crazy! (formal / informal)
Ho freddo. / Ho caldo. oh freh-doh / oh kal-doh I'm cold. / I'm hot. Congratulazioni! kohn-grah-tsoo-lah-tsee-oh-nee Congratulations! Tocca a me! / Tocca a te! tohk-kah ah meh / tohk-kah ah teh It's my turn! / It's your turn! (informal) Sta zitto! / Stai zitto! Va bene! stah tseet-toh / sty tseet-toh vah beh-neh Be quiet / Shut up! (formal / informal) OK!
Devo andare adesso. deh-voh ahn-dah-reh ah-dessoh I have to go now. Mi annoio. mee ahn-noh-ee-oh I'm bored. Benvenuti! behn-veh-noo-tee Welcome! Ti amo. tee ah-moh I love you. (informal)