EDN's Best of Design Ideas - Volume 1
EDN's Best of Design Ideas - Volume 1
EDN's Best of Design Ideas - Volume 1
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Photoresistor provides negative feedback to an op amp, producing a linear response Bootstrap circuit speeds solenoid actuation Notch filter autotunes for audio applications Tricolor LEDs create a flashing array DC-voltage doubler reaches 96% power efficiency Methods measure power electronics efficiency Simple battery-status indicator uses two LEDs Get four colors from 2 bits Control a dc motor with your PC Current monitor compensates for errors Amplifiers deliver accurate complementary voltages Set LEDs hue from red to green Accurately simulate an LED Power USB devices from a vehicle Use LEDs as photodiodes Circuit achieves constant current over wide range of terminal voltages
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Figure 1 A metal tube with an HB LED and a photoresistor forms the optocoupler (left).
prises a cylindrical holder that accepts a standard 5-mm HB LED from one end and a photoresistor at the other end. An opaque nonconductive seal prevents external light from entering the device. The polished metallic inner
wall of the holder results in minimum light loss between the LED and the photoresistor. Available off-the-shelf photoresistors include the LDR 05, the LDR 07, and a standard white, 5-mm HB LED type L-53MWC*E, with out-
Figure 2 The optocouplers logarithmic response in a feedback loop produces a linear amplifier response.
unity, permitting correct processing of an inputsignal amplitude even larger than the regulatC2 C3 4.7 F 22 F ed output value. OptoC1 R1 A R6 2 3.9k 100 F 47M coupler IC1 is the core LF356N OUTPUT component of the sysINPUT D3 tem, whose output, the BAT46 photoresistor, serves as a IC1 variable part of A1s negR7 D4 R2 ative-feedback network. C4 10k BAT46 1M 47 F At no-signal conditions, the LED does not illumiD2 P1 POWER HB LED BAT46 10k nate the photoresistor. SUPPLY A3 Thus, its resistance rises C5 15V LF356N 47 F R3 C6 to a high value, which D5 47k 470 F R5 BAT46 D1 can cause dc runaway 3.9k BAT46 and the loss of the quiP2 C7 1M R4 470 F escent operating point of 470 15V A1. Such a condition is not harmful in principle because the signal path Figure 3 The adaptive-amplifier system has the optocoupler in a feedback loop. is ac-coupled, preventing the dc error value from put-light flux of 2500 mcd at a 20-mA the normal operating range, the overall getting any further. When a nonzero linearity of the system improves with signal suddenly appears at the input, drive current (Reference 3). Figure 2 shows the transfer func- increasing input-signal amplitude be- however, A1s open-loop amplification tion of the optocoupler using the LDR cause the amount of negative feed- would amplify it, causing a rapid rise in 07-type photoresistor. The output re- back increases with increasing signal LED current. This action would drop sistance of the device can vary from amplitude. the optocouplers output resistance alFigure 3 shows the amplifier system. most stepwise to a value sufficient to re100V to 10 MV with LED-drive currents from 34 mA to 0.1 mA, respec- The basic signal-processing device store the dc operating point of A1. The tively. The photoresistors linear VA is inverting op amp A1. Its inverting ac coupling transfers this transient to characteristic, even for large-amplitude connection lets you set the absolute the output, and it may cause problems signals, lets you use it as the control el- value of the overall amplification from in signal-processing circuits followement even in situations that require a input to output to a value smaller than ing the adaptive amplifier. To prevent edn100401di46393 DIANE relatively large signal voltage, such as (PLACED IN THE 4-8 FOLDER) when the photoresistor is part of the feedback loop of an operational amplifier. Figure 2 also shows that you can obtain a variation of linear output resistance over at least five decades with a maximum LED-drive current within the limits of permitted output current of common monolithic operational amplifiers. Such an amplifier can control the overall amplification of the system in the same range without additional current amplification. Due to the photoresistors linearity, the resulting degree of processed signal nonlinear distortion Figure 4 The amplifier system has a constant output from 0.1 mV to 1V-rms is almost solely due to the nonlinearinput. ity of the operational amplifier. Within
A 1 LF356N
this effect, you should limit the maximum value of the feedback resistance to a reasonable value, such as 47 MV, the value of R6. Because the op amps have JFET inputs, the value of R6 can be rather high. The value of 47 MV is a reasonable compromise, limiting the maximum absolute value of voltage amplification in A1 to approximately 82 dB. The limiting factors for selecting a value for R6 are the noise and the open-loop amplification of A1. Buffer A2 separates the nonlinear load through the rectifying diodes from the output signal, thus preventing the nonlinear load from the rectifying diodes from distorting the output signal. Diodes D3 and D4 compensate the threshold voltage, including its temperature coefficient, of rectifying diodes D1 and D2. If you do not need to set the regulated output-voltage amplitude to a value smaller than the threshold value that the bias current in R4 sets, you can replace D3 and D4 with a short circuit and omit R7. You can set a larger-than-unity voltage amplification in A2 to obtain a regulated output amplitude lower than the threshold that the bias in R4 sets. Just insert an additional resistance in series with the D3/D4 pair. The rectifier uses Schottky diodes, which have a lower threshold voltage than conventional PN diodes. They also have a short recovery time, keeping the same rectification efficiency at high signal frequencies. The rectifier operates as a full-wave voltage doubler, providing peak-to-peak rectification even for signals with nonsymmetrical waveforms. The rectifier output feeds to A3, a voltage-to-current converter, which drives the LED in the optocoupler. A rectification threshold-shifting
bias-current source connects to current-sensing resistor R4. In this case R5 simulates a current source, setting the regulated output-voltage amplitude. If the 15V supply voltage isnt perfectly stable, obtain bias current from a separate stable source. An opposite-polarity diode connects across the optocouplers input to protect the LED from reverse polarization at no-signal conditions. This LED current-control circuit has an important advantage: It permits an almost-independent adjustment of the attack and release time. You can adjust the attack time through variable resistor P1, using a higher value if necessary. You can also adjust the release time using P2. The photoresistors used have a rather good response speed, and the introduced delay at a stepwise illumination variation is acceptable for most practical requirements. Figure 4 shows the overall response of the adaptive amplifier system. The output signal remains constant at 350 mV rms 61 dB for input-signal voltages of less than 70 mV rms to more than 1.2V rmsthat is, over a morethan-85-dB range. The no-signal output noise is less than 6 mV rms, yielding an SNR (signal-to-noise ratio), or processed-signal dynamic range, better than 20 dB at the onset of regulation in the worst-case condition and improving proportionally with increasing input-signal level. The key parameter this design follows is its linearity. Because of the photoresistors linearity and the separation of the nonlinear rectifier load from the output, the gain control introduces negligible nonlinearity. Thus, A1 alone, in principle, determines the overall linearity of the system. Harmonic analysis of the output sig-
nal at 1 kHz yields higher harmonics with amplitudes lower than A1s noise level for all input voltages to 200 mV rms and below 275 dB for input voltages to 1.5V rms. The nonlinear distortion becomes noticeable only at large input amplitudes exceeding the regulation range of the system, raising the second harmonic to 245 dB and the third harmonic to 240 dB at 2.5V-rms input. Within the AGCs range limits, the overall transfer linearity improves with increasing input-signal amplitude due to the increasing degree of negative feedback to A1 at increasing input-signal amplitudes. With a value of 10 kV for P1 and 1 MV for P2 and a stepwise input-signal variation between 100 mV and 50 mV rms, the attack and release times are approximately 0.2 and 2 seconds, respectively. The recovery time from a 1-kHzmore than 10Vrms input overdriveto full no-signal sensitivity is less than 2 minutes. You can adjust all of these time intervals in a wide range by varying the values of C4, C5, P1, and P2, with P1 setting the attack time and P2 setting the release time.EDN R e fe R e nce s
Foit, Julius, AGC amplifier features 60-dB dynamic range, EDN, Aug 4, 2005, pg 87, www.edn.com/ article/ CA629309. 2 Foit, Julius, Logarithmic Processing Amplifier, Proceedings of the Fifth WSEAS International Conference on Microelectronics, Nanoelectronics, Optoelectronics, March 2006, pg 6. 3 Opto-isolator Catalogue, Tesla Blatn, www.tesla-blatna.cz.
The circuit in this Design Idea bootstraps a large capacitor in series with the solenoid to provide a large actuation voltage (Figure 1). This higher voltage provides substantially more current to operate the solenoid (Figure 2, which is available at www.edn.com/100610dib), speeding the operation of the solenoid. You can also choose operating voltages or solenoid specifications that result in lower continuous current through the solenoid, reducing dc power consumption and resulting in a cooler-running solenoid with better
reliability. When there is a 0V input to the circuit, both transistors are off. Resistor R1 slowly charges the left side of capacitor C1 to the 24V power-supply voltage. D2 clamps the right side of capacitor C1 to 0.6V. When the input signal goes high, both the Q1 and the Q2 transistors turn on. This action quickly drives the left side of C1 to ground. Because voltage cannot change instantaneously across a capacitor, the right side of C1 goes down to 23.4V. D2 steers the solenoid current into the capacitor until it discharges, at which time the
VB 24V
The Time consTanT depends on The solenoids inducTance and The capaciTors value.
solenoid current conducts through D2 to ground. D1 prevents a voltage-overshoot spike when the circuit turns off, and current suddenly stops flowing in D1. It clamps the bottom leg of the solenoid to 24.6V until the current decays in the solenoid. The time constant of the circuit depends on the inductance of the solenoid and the value you choose for the capacitor, which you can calculate with the following equations: (2 VIN VD) e L t sinh(t) ;
I(t) =
R1 1k KUHNKE HU32-HS1756 L R D1 1N4007
Q2 BD135
R 2 1 2L ; and = . 2L LC R
C1 220 F + Q1 BD135 VD
D2 1N4007
In these equations, e is the mathematical constant, is the radian angular frequency, and t is time in seconds. In addition, L is inductance and R is resistance.EDN
Figure 1 This circuit bootstraps the power supply voltage across the solenoid to temporarily double the actuation voltage.
Tracking notch filters find use in harmonic-distortion analyzers; they also can remove heterodyne noise from ham-radio systems. A conventional tracking switched-capacitor notch filter relies on a bandpass filter, a voltageto-frequency converter, and a notch filter to track the incoming signal and
remove undesired tones. The bandpass filter in these circuits sometimes adjusts to the wrong frequency, meaning that the undesired tone would have no attenuation. The circuit in this Design Idea uses IC1, a 74HC4046 PLL (phase-lockedloop) IC, which operates as fast as 1
MHz, to improve the noise immunity of the system (Figure 1). IC2, an RDD104 IC from LSI Computer Systems Inc (www.lsicsi.com), provides a 1000-to-1 divider in an eight-pin package. IC3, Mixed Signal Integrations (www.mix-sig.com) MSHN5 1000to-1 clock-to-corner switched-capac-
C1 0.1 F
X1 C3 1 F
VCOIN C7 15 nF
Figure 1 This audio notch-filter circuit uses a PLL to improve noise immunity.
itor highpass/notch filter, comes in an eight-pin package. You feed IC1s VCO (voltage-controlled oscillator) output into the clock input of IC2. IC2 can perform 10-, 100-, 1000-, and 10,000-to-1 divisions using
the DIV1 and DIV2 pins. You tie the output of RDD104 to the COIN of IC1. By using IC1s EX/OR phase comparator, you can improve noise immunity. You apply the input signal to both IC1 and the input of IC3, whose clock you derive from the CLKOUT pin of Figure 2 You feed the circuit an input tone IC2. (top trace) and get the The MSHN5, output signal from the IC3, contains both MSHN5 (second trace). selectable highThe third and fourth pass filters and traces represent the clock signal from the selectable notch 74HC4046 PLL. filters. When you tie the FSEL pin
high, it selects notch; tying TYPE to AGND selects the narrow notch filter. This step ensures the removal of only one tone from the input signal with little information loss. IC3s 1000to-1 clock-to-corner ratio reduces the chance that aliasing signals will affect the output. For voice applications, for example, no signals of 500 kHz or higher would be available to alias into the passband. A sample setup uses an input frequency of 789.13 Hz at a clock frequency of 789.13 kHz, 1000 times the input signal (Figure 2). The PLL tracks the input, moving the notch filter to 1.24 kHz.EDN
You can build a matrix of RGB (red/green/blue) LEDs using a simple and inexpensive circuit comprising the control logic and driver circuit in Figure 1 and some LEDs (Figure 2). The center RGB LED is the first to come
on, after which each sequential LED in the 88-LED matrix follows. This process gives the appearance that the display is alive and moving outward. This sequence repeats, producing a rainbow effect of colors.
You can adjust the frequency of each clock by changing the values of R17, R19, and R23. Use different frequencies for each clock, which will display eight colors from the 65 tricolored LEDs, because using the same frequencies for all
the clocks causes your display to appear white. The cost of building this circuit should be $25 to $30. You can purchase 100 5-mm RGB LEDs from eBay for a total of about $18. Be sure to use common-cathode LEDs.
This simple circuit comprises three clocks and three counters, one for each of the three LED colors. Setting each clock frequency to a different rate causes each color of each LED to appear to be random. All resistors are 0.25W,
except for R3, R8, and R13, which are 0.5W; R4, R9, and R14, which are 1W; and R5, R10, and R15, which are 1.5W resistors. These high-wattage resistors and the 12 NPN transistors are necessary because all LEDs in this matrix, ex-
1 ORANGE 12V C7 470 F Q1 R1 500 3 0.25W 2 4 7 10 1 5 6 9 11 12 12V 2N2222A R2 500 0.25W 12V 2N2222A R3 500 0.5W 12V 2N2222A R4 500 1W 2 YELLOW 3 GREEN 4 BLUE 5 VIOLET 12V C1 0.01 F 14 5 OUT 3 1 CTRLV DCHC 2 THR 4 RST 6 TRIG + IC4A LM556C GND 7
14 13 15
RED C2 10 F
CLOCK 1=10 Hz 6 GRAY 12V C8 470 F Q5 R6 500 0.25W 3 2 4 7 10 1 5 6 9 11 12 12V 2N2222A R7 500 0.25W 12V 2N2222A R8 500 0.5W 12V 2N2222A R9 500 1W 7 WHITE 9 BROWN 10 RED LED1 RED R18 500
14 13 15
11 ORANGE R19 50k 9 OUT 12 13 THR DCMG 10 RST 8 TRIG IC4B + LM556C CTRLV 11 C4 0.01 F 12V
R20 1k
C3 10 F
R21 520
12 YELLOW 12V C9 470 F Q9 R11 500 0.25W 3 2 4 7 10 1 5 6 9 11 12 12V 2N2222A R12 500 0.25W 12V 2N2222A R13 500 0.5W 12V 2N2222A R14 500 1W 13 GREEN 14 BLUE 15 VIOLET 16 GRAY 12V 8 4 RST 2 TRIG 6 THR 7
14 13 15
Q1 TO Q12
C5 10 F R24 500
CLOCK 3=14 Hz
Figure 1 Three 555 timers generate clock signals, and CD4017 counters provide the drive signals for the transistors. DESIGN IDEAS | 6
cept the center one, connect in parallel. Start by bending all of the ground leads flat and connecting them together. When wiring the LEDs, begin in the center and work outward. You can then mount the LED board onto the top of the PCB (printed-circuit board). See
10 BLUE 4
the online version of this Design Idea at www.edn.com/100624dic for photos, a parts list, and a video of this circuit in action. To add the finishing touches to your project, use a small picture frame and install waxed paper onto the inside of
the glass. Mount the LED board to 1 in. away. The magnifying lens of the LEDs will produce a beautiful effect when they shine through the waxed paper.EDN
R G B 1
R G B 3
R G B 4
R G B 5
R G B 6
R G B 7
Figure 2 The LED in the center lights first, and the light then moves outward until the circuit products an 88-LED display.
The voltage-doubler circuit in Figure 1 can convert 2.5V dc to 5V dc or 1.8V to 3.3V. Most voltage doublers use an inductor, but this circuit doesnt need one. The circuit uses a capacitor, C, by charging it through serially connected switches. The charge switches let capacitor C charge, and the discharge switches are open. In the subsequent discharging phase, the charge switches are off, and the discharge switches close. The two discharge switches now connect capacitor C between the source of the input voltage, VS, and the output capacitor, COUT. This connection scheme lets the applied voltages combine. Thus, the voltage at the output termi-
nal has a value close to 2VS. The two phases of operation repeat periodically at frequency f, which clock generator IC2 determines. The duty cycle is about 50%, but the value isnt all that critical. One half of the Analog Devices (www.analog.com) high-performance ADG888 analog multiswitch provides the switching. The ICs two halves have independent control, so the other half occasionally shorts RP, the 10 inrush-currentlimiting resistor, which protects the charge switches from an initial overcurrent. That current occurs after power-on, before the output voltage reaches the predetermined percentage of the outputs full voltage.
A micropower op amp, IC3A, runs as a comparator with hysteresis. It compares input voltage to output voltage. Its output starts low and then goes high, which turns on paralleled switches S3 and S4. The comparators action is ratiometric because the reference input voltage at the inverting input is the input-supply voltage, VIN. This connection is possible because of the AD8617s rail-to-rail input/output operation. The circuit also provides overload protection for an excessive load, which connects to the circuits output before power-on. During soft start, the output voltage cant reach the threshold level for loads below a certain value. Consequently, the circuit remains in softstart mode. The minimum value of RL, which activates the protective subcircuit, is RLm2(/(1))RP, where the multiplication factor
D1 IC1 ADG888
COUT 3.3 F
S3B S3A S4B S4A IC1 ADG888 VDD1 IN1 IN2 GND S1B C 1 F S2B IC1 ADG888 S2A VIN R1 56k _ VIN IC3A AD8617 + RGEN 69.8k 100 nF
VS Rp 10 CIN 4 F
IC3B AD8617 +
R2 100k
R3 2M
Figure 1 You can use this step-up dc/dc converter in applications in which power efficiency is a critical issue. DESIGN IDEAS | 8
m=(VOUT/VIN) and is a fraction of VOUT, at which the soft start turns off. For m=2, =0.8, and RP=10, RL is 160. Thus, loads of 160 or less will overload the circuit if you connect them to the circuits output before power-on. IC2 and IC3 get their power from the input supply. IC1, however, switches voltages of as much as 2VIN, and its VDD1 supply-voltage pin must remain at the same level. An analog OR switch comprising Schottky barri-
er diodes D1 and D2 provides that voltage. The higher of the input or output voltages appears at the VDD1 pin of IC1. The high levels of output voltages for both IC2 and IC3 suffice for control of IC1 because the ADG888s data sheet allows a 0.36VDD1 value for the high value at the control inputs. The circuit has been tested at an input voltage of 2.386V, RL of 178.46, a frequency of 200 kHz, a supply voltage of 2.377V, an input supply current of
51.285 mA, and an output voltage of 4.588V. Evaluating these data gives a multiplication factor of 1.929 and power efficiency of 96.39%. This power efficiency remains more than 96% for frequencies of 150 to 350 kHz. The 9-mV drop at the switchshorted RP at the given input current indicates that the on-resistance of the paralleled switches has a value of approximately 0.175.EDN
Validating the sytem efficiency of a power-electronics circuit is essential in evaluating the overall system performance, design optimization, and sizing of cooling systems. Figure 1 shows the conventional method of performing efficiency measurement. The power-electronics system operates at the rated output-power level, and, by measuring the input power and output power, you can calculate the systems efficiency using the equation =(POUT/PIN)100%, where POUT is
output power and PIN is input power. In other words, the measured input power is equal to the output power plus the power loss of the system. However, measuring the efficiency of a high-power system that delivers power to loads such as motors, generators, or industrial-computer equipment requires a source that delivers the rated power. The infrastructue therefore should comprise a suitably rated source and an equivalent load that can sup-
Figure 1 In a conventional method of performing efficiency measurement, the power-electronics system operates at the rated output-power level.
Figure 2 This method eliminates the test load by shorting the output-load terminals. DESIGN IDEAS | 9
port the rating of the power-electronics system you are evaluating. These requirements can drive up the facilitys infrastructure cost; for one-time design-validation measurements, this cost is difficult to justify. This Design Idea describes alternative methods of measuring the efficiency of a high-power power-electronics system that simplifies the test-infrastructure requirement by eliminating the test load and using a source that must support only the loss of the power-electronics system. Figure 2 shows the proposed method, which eliminates the test load by shorting the output/load terminals. The systems control algorithm maintains the required input- and outputcurrent amplitude and frequency by developing circulating reactive power. IGBTs (insulated-gate bipolar transistors) and magnetic components dominate the systems losses, which are functions of the amplitude and frequency of the input and output currents. The loss is also less sensitive to the power-factor and PWM (pulse-width-modulation) index. To know the required input and output current, you must estimate the systems power factor, the motors back EMF (electromotive force), and the systemss source voltage. This example uses a field-oriented control for both
source- and load-side inverters, resulting in the following equations: IROUT = IROUT_RE+jIROUT_IM = IRIN = IRIN_RE+jIRIN_IM = PRIN P / = OUT E , 3VGRID 3VGRID where IROUT is the required output current, which comprises real current, IROUT_RE, and reactive current, IROUT_IM; IRIN is the required input current, which comprises the real current, IIN_RE, and the reactive current, IIN_IM; PRIN is the required input power; POUT is the output power at the test condition; VBEMF is the motors back EMF; VGRID is the grid voltage; and E is the estimated efficiency of the circuit. By maintaining the input current to be IRIN and the output current to be IROUT, the measured input real power will be close to the power loss, PLOSS, at the actual output-power level, POUT. Therefore, you can calculate the efficiency as follows: =(POUT)/ (POUT+PLOSS)100%. If the measured efficiency, which you calculate using this equation, does not quite match the estimated efficiency, E, update the second equation using the measured efficiency, , and repeat POUT ; 3VBEMF
the measurement until they are close. Calnetix (www.calnetix.com) has used this method to evaluate the efficiency of a 125-kW power-electronics system, compared the results with the conventional measurements, and found them to be closely matching. Most high-power power-electronics systems have high efficiency, which means that the real current is much less than the reactive current. To reduce the required current from the grid, you can use the method in Figure 3, which uses another identical system to offset the input reactive current that the test system creates. By
providing a path for circulating reactive power, the utility sources the lost power only, not the total power. In Figure 3, the input current of the second power-electronics circuit is IRIN= IRIN_RE+jIRIN_IM. By setting the first circuit to have an input current of IRIN1IRIN_RE jIRIN_IM,the power from the source is only ISOURCE=IRIN1+IRINIRIN_RE+IRIN_RE+ j(IRIN_IMIRIN_IM)=2IRIN_RE. The circuit uses the input current from the source only to overcome the power losses of the two circuits, thereby eliminating the need for a high-power infrastructure.EDN
Figure 3 This method uses two identical power-electronics systems. The second system offsets the input reactive current that the test system creates.
Properly maintained rechargeable batteries can provide good service and long life. Maintenance involves regular monitoring of battery voltage. The circuit in Figure 1 works in most rechargeable batteries. It comprises a reference LED, LEDREF, which operates at a constant current of 1 mA and provides reference light of constant intensity regardless of battery voltage. It accomplishes this task by connecting resistor R1 in series with
the diode. Therefore, even if the battery voltage changes from a charged state to a discharged state, the change in current is only 10%. Thus, the intensity of LEDREF remains constant for a battery state from a fully charged state to a fully discharged state. The light output of the variable LED changes with respect to changes in battery voltage. The side-by-side-mounted LEDs let you easily compare light intensities and, thus, battery status.
Figure 1 This circuit works in most rechargeable batteries. It comprises a reference LED, LEDREF, which operates at a constant current of 1 mA and provides reference light of constant intensity regardless of battery voltage.
DZ1 9.1V D1
Figure 2 This circuit can withstand 13V because it has a 10-mA margin. If the LEDs are bright, quickly release pushbutton switch S1.
50 to 30
0 to 10
Using diffused LEDs as crystal-clear LEDs can damage your eyes. Instead, mount the LEDs with sufficient optical isolation so that the light from one LED does not affect the intensity of the other LEDs. The variable LED operates from 10 mA to less than 1 mA as the battery voltage changes from fully charged to fully discharged. Zener diode DZ in se-
ries with resistor R2 causes the current 1 shows how LED intensity indicates to change with battery voltage. The battery charge. sum of the zener voltage and the drop The following equation calculates the across the LED should be slightly less variable intensity for the green LED: than the lowest battery voltage. This VBATT=IG100+VD1+VD2+VLEDG+VDZ1. voltage appears across R2. As the bat- For a green-LED current of 1 mA, VB tery voltage varies, it produces a large ATT=103100+0.6+0.6+1.85+9.1=12.2 variation of current in R2. If the volt- 5V. The selected LEDs have a drop of age is approximately 1V, then 10 mA 1.85V at 1 mA. If the LED has different characterwill flow through LEDVAR, which is much brighter than LEDREF. If the volt- istics, then you must recalculate the age is less than 0.1V, then the light in- resistor values. At this voltage, the tensity of LEDVAR will be less than LE- LEDs have the same intensity, and the DREF, indicating that the battery has battery is 60% charged. See Reference 1 for lead-acid-battery voltages. discharged. The following equation calculates Immediately after the battery has charged, the battery voltage is more the variable intensity for the red LED: than 13V. The circuit can withstand VBATT=IR100+VD3+VLEDR+VZD2. For a this voltage because it has a 10-mA green-LED current of 1 mA, VBATT= margin. If the LEDs are bright, quickly 103100+0.6+1.85+9.1=11.65V. release pushbutton switch S1 to avoid At this voltage, both red LEDs have equal intensities, and the battery is 20% damage to the LEDs (Figure 2). The figure uses a 12V lead-acid charged. LEDVARG is off. Figure 3 shows battery indicator as an example, but you can extend LEDREF the design to accommodate other LEDVAR types of chargeable batteries. You can also use it for voltage monitor- Figure 3 Both variable-intensity LEDs are brighter than the reference LEDs, indicating that the battery is 100% ing. It uses two charged. green LEDs to indicate whether the battery has charged above 60%. that both variable-intensity LEDs are A set of red LEDs indicates whether brighter than the reference LEDs, indithe battery charge drops below 20%. cating that the battery is 100% charged. LEDREFG and LEDREFR feed through EDN 10-k resistors R1 and R2. For the variable-intensity LEDs, a zener diode R e f e R e n c e works in series with 100 resistors R3 1 Lead Acid Battery Charging, Solar and R4. Diodes D1, D2, and D3 provide Navigator, 2005, www.solarnavigator. the required clamping voltages. Table net/battery_charging.htm.
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Filler-2.indd 1
2/25/11 1:37 PM
Three-color LEDs contain red, green, and blue LEDs in one package. Using two digital control signals, you can drive these LEDs to produce four colors. The circuit in Figure 1 uses an Analog Devices (www.analog.com) ADG854 dual analog 1-to-2 demultiplexer that lets you select the current through each LED. The circuit uses a distinct current, I or 2I, to drive each LED. The demultiplexers determine the routes of the currents through transistors Q1, Q2, and Q3 in transistor array IC2 to the LEDs. These transistors act as both current sources and summing elements. The following equation yields the value of the current: I=(VREFVBE)/RE, where VBE is the base-emitter voltage of bipolar transistors Q1, Q2, and Q3. The base-emitter-voltage value varies slightly depending on the total collector current, but you can neglect this variation. Refer to the data sheet of your transistor array for this information. One unit of current constantly flows through the green LED. Demultiplexer D1 routes another unit of current to either the red LED or the blue LED, and D2 routes the third unit of current to either the green LED (2I total) or the red LED. Table 1 shows the states and colors that this circuit produces. The sum of currents flowing through all LEDs is 3I at one time for all four combinations of control variables. Thus, the generated light is approximately of the same intensity regardless of color. The decreasing value of the baseemitter voltage with temperature, which is approximately 1.42 mV/C, causes an increase in current through the LEDs by approximately 0.33%/C. It has a beneficial effect because it compensates for the decreasing radiance of the LEDs as temperature increases. Drops in radiance are approximately 0.27%/C for the blue LED and about 0.35%/C for the green LED.
The radiance of these two LEDs, which mately 0.77%/C, and the current are both indium-gallium-nitride types, source roughly halves this drop. The R0 resistors force the logic inthus remains almost constant over ambient temperature. The red LED is an puts to logic zero at manual control by aluminiumTABLE 1 DISTrIbuTIoN of currENT aND coLorS indiumIN1 IN2 IR IG IB Color galliumphosphorus 0 0 I I I White type, hav0 1 Off 2I I Aqua ing a radi1 0 2I I Off Red-orange ance drop 1 1 I 2I Off Yellow of approxi5V
D1 I
D2 I
IN2 I R0 470k RE 33
100 nF
RE 33
R0 470k
RE 33
Figure 1 A three-color LED IC emits mixtures of two or three spectrally pure colors. The human eye perceives the mixtures as special colors. DESIGN IDEAS | 12
connecting or not connecting the IN1 and IN2 control leads to VDD, the power-supply voltage. The maximum current flowing through the LEDs, about 26 mA, is far below the nominal current of 350 mA that Avago Technologies (www.avagotech.com) rates for the ASMT-MT00 power RGB (red/green/ blue) LED that this circuit uses. The radiance is sufficient, yet the
junction temperature of the LEDs is low. Junction-to-pin thermal resistance for the green LED is 20C/W. IC1 dissipates approximately 0.1W. Therefore, you can estimate the junction temperature to be higher than the ambient temperature by less than 2C (Reference 1). Consequently, you increase the LEDs expected lifetime well beyond thousands of hours.EDN
Oon, Siang Ling, The Latest LED Technology Improvement in Thermal Characteristics and Reliability: Avagos Moonstone 3-in-1 RGB High Power LED, White Paper AV02-1752EN, Avago Technologies, Jan 20, 2009, www.avagotech.com/docs/AV02-1752EN.
The circuit in this Design Idea controls the speed of a 5V permanent-magnet dc motor through the PCs parallel port (Figure 1). You use the C++ computer program, available at www.edn.com/100826dia, to run the motor at three speeds. The circuit uses PWM (pulse-width modulation) to change the average value of the voltage to the dc motor. You connect the motor to the PCs parallel port with an interface circuit. The design comprises IC1, a 74LS244 buffer; IC2, a ULN2003
driver; relay switches S1, S2, and S3; IC3, a 555 astable multivibrator circuit; and Q1, a 2N2222 driving transistor. The 555 timer operates as a variable-pulsewidth generator. You change the pulse width by using relays to insert or split resistors in the 555 circuit. The computer program controls these resistors. When S1 is on and both S2 and S3 are off, the timer output is set to logic one, thereby driving the motor with its maximum speed. When S1 and S2 are on, the 555 timer generates
a pulse signal with a 50% duty cycle. In this case, the charging resistor, RA1, is equal to the discharging resistor, RB. In the third case, S1 and S3 are on, and the charging resistor is RA2,where RA2=0.1RB, reducing the on time of the pulse signal and, consequently, the speed of the motor to the lower limit. Table 1 summarizes the on/off-operation conditions of the relays and the corresponding dc-motor speeds. The code prompts you to select a certain speed, stores your selection as
RA1 47k
4 7
10 1 19
IC3 NE555 3 6 2 1 5
R1 1k 5V C2 0.1 F
+ M
Q1 2N2222
Figure 1 This circuit controls the speed of a 5V permanent-magnet motor through the PCs parallel port. DESIGN IDEAS | 13
an integer variable choice, generates the proper digital sequence, and stores it at another integer variable. You place the value of the integer variable data at a PCs parallel port using the outportb function. The program uses the kbhit function to stop the motor when you hit any key on the keyboard.EDN
You sometimes need to measure load currents as large as 5A in the presence of a common-mode voltage as high as 500V. To do so, you can use Ana-log Devices (www.analog. com) AD8212 high-voltage currentshunt monitor to measure the voltage across a shunt resistor. You can use this circuit in high-current solenoid or motor-control applications. Figure 1 shows the circuit, which uses an external resistor and a PNP transistor to convert the AD8212s output current into a ground-referenced output voltage proportional to the ICs differential input voltage. The PNP transistor han-
dles most of the supply voltage, extending the common-mode-voltage range to several hundred volts. An external resistor, RBIAS, safely limits the circuit voltage to a small fraction of the supply voltage. The internal bias circuit and 5V regulator provide an output voltage thats stable over the operating temperature range, yet it minimizes the required number of external components. Base-current compensation lets you use a low-cost PNP pass transistor, recycling its base current, IB, and mirroring it back into the signal path to maintain system precision. The common-emitter break-
down voltage of this PNP transistor becomes the operating common-mode range of the circuit. The internal regulator sets the voltage on COM to 5V below the powersupply voltage, so the supply voltage for the measurement circuit is also 5V. Choose a value for the bias resistor, RBIAS, to allow enough current to flow to turn on and continue the operation of the regulator. For high-voltage operation, set IBIAS at 200 A to 1 mA. The low end ensures the turn-on of the bias circuit; the high end is limited, depending on the device you use. With a 500V battery and an RBIAS
Figure 1 An external PNP transistor lets you operate the circuit at high voltages. DESIGN IDEAS | 14
value of 1000 k, for example, I BIAS =(V + 5V)/R BIAS =495V/1000 k=495 A. The circuit creates a voltage on the output current approximately equal to the voltage on COM plus two times the VBE (base-to-emitter voltage), or V+5V+2VBE. The external PNP transistor withstands two times the base-to-emitter voltage of more than 495V, and all the internal transistors withstand voltages of less than 5V, well below their breakdown capability. Current loss through the base of the PNP transistor reduces the output current of the AD8212 to form the collector current, IC. This reduction leads to an error in the output voltage. You can use a FET in place of the PNP transistor, eliminating the base-current error but increasing the cost. This circuit uses base-current compensation, allowing use of a low-cost PNP transistor and maintaining circuit accuracy. In this case, current-mirror transistors,
1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 OUTPUT- 0.2 0 CURRENT ERROR (%) 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 0
the AD8212s internal resistors, and amplifier A1 combine to recycle the base current. Figure 2 shows a plot of output-current error versus load current with and without the base-current-compensation circuit. Using the compensation circuit reduces the total error from 1 to 0.4%. You should choose the gain
of the load resistor, RL, to match the input voltage range of an ADC. With a 500-mV maximum differential-input voltage, the maximum output current would be 500 A. With a load resistance of 10 k, the ADC would see a maximum output voltage of 5V.EDN
The circuit in Figure 1 generates two analog voltages, which you can vary in a complementary manner. When the straight output voltage rises, the complementary output voltage decreases, and vice versa. The sum of both output voltages is a constant: VOUT+VOUTC=VREF, where VOUT is the straight output voltage, VOUTC is the complementary output, and VREF is a reference voltage you derive from bandgap cell IC1. You choose the ratio of the resistor divider that connects to the output of IC1 so that the reference voltage is approximately 400 mV. Potentiometer RP sets the desired analog voltage, which connects to the noninverting input of voltage follower IC2A. The output of IC2A provides the straight output voltage, which connects to the inverting input of unity-gain inverter IC2B. The noninverting input of IC2B has a gain of two and connects to the
RS +
100 nF
IC1 ADR1581 R1 100k RP 0.2%
8 IC2A 4
6 1 5 AD8692
IC2B +
R2 100k 0.2%
Figure 1 The circuit outputs two analog voltages whose sum always equals the reference voltage. DESIGN IDEAS | 15
middle of the high-precision resistive divider comprising R1 and R2, which halves the reference voltage. The following equation calculates the output voltage of IC2B with respect to ground: V OUTC= V OUT+ 2 ( V REF/ 2 ) = VREFVOUT. Thus, the straight output voltage plus the complementary output voltage give the desired constant value equal to the reference voltage. You should use either a quad resistor or two pairs of matched resistors
ly 60 mV, and it would severely degrade the circuits VOUT (mV) VOUTC (mV) accuracy. The output of 411.45 0.15 the Analog Devices (www. 0.45 410.45 analog.com) AD8692 op 205.8 205.1 amp, however, typically approaches the lower rail by 0.75 mV at a 10-A load for precision resistors R1 through R4. Resistors R3 and R4 form the negative current. The guaranteed value of the feedback in IC2B, and the other pair margin is 1 mV at this current. The circuit has undergone testing for of resistors halves the reference voltage. You can omit these four resistors three values of test voltages: the referif you use an instrumentation amplifier ence voltage, which represents a fullinstead of IC2B. In this case, you must scale; half the reference voltage; and use an RRIO (rail-to-rail-input/output) 0V. Table 1 lists the measured voltagtype of instrumentation amplifier. The es at both outputs. Any of the output output of a contemporary RRIO instru- voltages can approach the lower supply mentation amplifier approaches the rail with an error of less than 0.25% at low side by a margin of approximate- 400 mV full-scale.EDN
The circuit in Figure 1, which lets you create light of 32 of hues, uses red and green LEDs. A con-
stant current divides into two components. One component flows through a red LED, and another one flows
through a green LED. You can vary the current from 0 to 100% through the red LED, and thus you simultaneously
NC Q1R Q2R BF137 RB 470k 3.9k 1.25V VOUT R 100k 0.2% 100 nF VDD IC3 AD5228 2 W IC2 ADR1581 R 100k 0.2% R 100k 0.2% VSET 3 + 4 B AD8692 R 100k 0.2% RE 4.7 RE 4.7 Q1G RB 470k Q2G BF137
8 IC4A 1
6 5
8 IC4B 4 7
2 3
8 + IC5A 4 AD8692 1
6 5
8 + IC5B 4 7
Figure 1 This circuit lets you set one of 32 of hues between red and green using a short-term grounding of the pullup or pulldown control pins. DESIGN IDEAS | 16
high Preset, the color is 100% red when you apply power. At a low Preset, a midposition t0 t8 SEC is preset at the resist tive DAC and thus the color at power-on Figure 2 The light output changes quasicontinually from red to green within approximately 8 seconds, using is 50% red and 50% long-term grounding of the pullup pin or a continuous green; you perceive it grounding of the pin at power-on. as yellow. The circuit uses two LEDs in IC1, vary the current through the green LED as a slave-type complement to 100%. a high-performance, tricolor ASMTWhen this scenario happens, your eye MT00 LED from Avago Technologies perceives the resulting light mixture as (www.avago.com). The blue LED reany hue between red and green. Rough- mains unused. You can, however, conly speaking, the transition from red to nect any of the remaining five red/ green passes through orange, amber, green, red/blue, blue/red, green/blue, and yellow. You can set any of the 32 or blue/green combinations instead of hues between red and green, passing the green/red combination this circuit through orange, amber, and yellow. uses. IC3, an Analog Devices (www.anaAlthough the sum of currents flowlog.com) AD5228 resistive DAC, has ing through the red and green LEDs is one-in-32 resolution, and it thus sets approximately one-fourth of the nomthe resolution of this circuit. In this ap- inal per-LED current, the radiance is plication, the resistive DAC functions high, and you should not look directly as a digital potentiometer. You can at the lid of IC1 when it is on from a manually set its wiper position through distance of less than approximately 1 short-term grounding of its PU pullup foot. and PD pulldown control pins. The IC2, IC3, and IC4 comprise a low-side resistive DAC has no memory, so you source of two complementary analog have to make this setting after each voltages (Reference 1). The resistive power-on. DAC replaces the classic potentiomHolding the PU and PD pins to a eter in the earlier Design Idea. These logic low, the wiper position incre- complementary analog voltages are the ments or decrements with an in- input voltages for the two power stages creased speed of one step per 0.25 sec, comprising transistor Q1 and midrangeso the output lights color varies step- power transistor Q2. wise for a low pullup (Figure 2). You The power stagevoltage-to-curcan also preset the hue of the LED, rent converters you make by cascadwhich appears at power-on. For a ing two bipolar transistors and an op
ampdrives each of the two LEDs. The circuit senses output current at resistor RE. The RB resistors eliminate the leakage currents of both bipolar transistors in the cascaded series. These power stages would be functional even with one bipolar transistor instead of two. The cascaded bipolar transistors provide precision in the voltage-to-current converter. With a single power transistor, the relative error would be approximately 1/, whereas using the cascaded series, the error is approximately 1/(12), where 1 and 2, the current gains of the bipolar transistors, are approximately 300 and 100, respectively. The error results from the current flowing through resistor RE, which is the sum of the output current and the base current of transistor Q1. You can use this circuit in industries ranging from entertainment to toys; it may eventually find use in experimental psychology and in modern fine arts, which involves the use of optoelectronics. Holding PD low and feeding a 50% duty cycle, 0.05-Hz-frequency logic waveform to the PU pin produces a slow, periodic, quasicontinuous waving of the color from red to green and back.EDN RefeRence
Stofka, Marian, Amplifiers deliver accurate complementary voltages, EDN, Sept 23, 2010, pg 44, http://bit. ly/cIjzKQ.
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Filler-3.indd 1
2/25/11 1:36 PM
Solid-state-lighting applications are quickly moving into the mainstream. Although they are more efficient, the LEDs that produce the low-cost light often require a complicated driver circuit. Testing the driver circuit using LEDs, although easy, yields only typi-
current/voltage curve. An electronic load may prove to be a more useful approach. The control loops of the driver circuit and the electronic load, however, often result in system instability and oscillations. Figure 1 illustrates a typical LEDdriver circuit using a low-cost simulated-LED circuit. The simulated LED accurately mimics a real LED at a user-proVIN 8 2 grammable threshold voltR2 Q1 VIN BOOT CBOOT 6.2k RON 2N6282 HEAT age. A simple Darlington CIN 1 0.1 F 5% SW SINK 1 F 46.4k current sink, Q1, provides a 1% 6 R1 L1 COUT MAXIMUM RON 20k wide range of LED threshD1 100 H IC1 10 F LEDold voltages. The size of the LM3402 MINIMUM STRING 3 5 heat sink attached to Q1 and CS DIM CURRENT RS R3 the power capability of Q1 ADJUSTMENT 0.56 1 1% 7 5% are the only limits on the VCC GND C1 amount of power the simuSIMULATED 0.1 F 4 LED lated LED can dissipate. You can easily tune the LEDDRIVER CIRCUIT circuit for any LED voltage. Place a constant voltage across the simulated LED. Figure 1 Use this circuit for quick testing of an LED-driver circuit over minimum, typical, and maximum LED parameters. Tune the circuit by adjusting resistor R1 until the circuit draws the desired current. 250 You can adjust the shape of the voltage knee by making small changes to resistor R3, 200 although this step is not usually necessary. Figure 2 compares the CONSTANT 175 RESISTANCE LED (CL-L251A-MC6L1-A) simulated LEDs current 150 SIMULATED LED and voltage characteristics LED CURRENT to those of a real LED and (mA) a constant resistance. The 100 soft turn-on of the simulated LED accurately mimics that of a real LED. Furthermore, the simulated LED 50 quickly retunes to test minimum and maximum LED characteristics, thus giving 0 you confidence that the cir28 30.5 33 35.5 38 cuit will work over all load LED VOLTAGE (V) conditions.EDN cal results because the tests dont factor in worst-case LED parameters and often generate undesirable light and heat during driver debugging. Although using a constant resistance might seem to be an appropriate approach, a resistor approximates an LED load at only one point on the
Figure 2 The simulated LED approximates the turn-on characteristics of a real LED. A constant-resistance load approximates a real LED load at only one point on the curve.
VIN Automotive accessories such 7.5 TO 76V as PNDs (portable navigation devices) usually receive their power VIN BST INA + ONA ONA 100 F or charge using a simple adapter that 0.1 F ONB ONB 100 H 5V a user plugs into a cigarette lighter. INB LX IC1 R1 Sometimes, however, you may want OUTA OUTPUT A D1 + MAX5035B 100 F 50SQ100 to power or charge two devices at IC2 1 F 100k MAX1558 FB ON/OFF once. The circuit in Figure 1 can VD ON FLTA FAULTSGND GND OUTB OUTPUT B handle that task. R2 0.1 F 100k INDICATOR 1 F OFF IC1 generates 5V from any 7.5 to OUTPUTS FLTB 76V inputa wide enough range to GND ISET include the complete range of car56k battery voltage plus the 40V spike that can occur during a load dump. The IC is simple to use because it has an internal power switch and requires Figure 1 An automotive USB power supply generates two regulated, supply-voltage outputs from an unregulated input. no compensation circuit. IC2 distributes to two outputs the 5V automatically after the removal of the feature brings Output A back online. Output B is unaware of the problem in that IC1 generates. It not only distributes overload condition. Figure 2 shows the protection feature Output A (Figure 2b). The fault-indipower but also protects against overload conditions. Most portable equipment in action. Output B has a constant load cator output, however, goes low to in-
Figure 2 These current/voltage waveforms from Figure 1 show that an overload on Output A (a) has no effect on Output B (b).
receives its power or charge through a USB (Universal Serial Bus) interface, whose current limit is 500 mA. Because IC2 targets use in USB applications, it latches off any port that tries to deliver more than 500 mA but does not affect the other port. Automatic-restart capability ensures that the port recovers
of 300 mA, and Output A switches between a 100-mA load and a 600-mA overload. IC2 switches off Output A after an overload but allows a 20-msec delay to avoid responding to brief transients (Figure 2a). The circuit removes the overload 80 msec later; after another 20-msec delay, the automatic-restart
dicate a problem in Channel A. This circuit is small because it requires few external components. You can build it into a cigarette-lighter plug or place it in a small space behind the dashboard.
The simple circuit in Figure 1, which can be powered with a 3.6V nickel-cadmium rechargeable battery, lets you use an LED to detect light. The circuit consumes practically no quiescent power. Two LEDs act as photodiodes to detect and respond to ambient light. When ambient light is present, the upper LED, a small, red, transparent device covered with a black pipe, has a higher effective resistance than the lower, large, green LED. The voltage drop across the input of the NAND gate is less than its threshold voltage for logic 1, making the output of the NAND gate low. When the ambient light goes off, the voltage drop across the reversebiased green LED increases, forcing the NAND gates output high.
voltage. The NAND gates power conThis type of light detector is highly sumption rises sharply at the threshold power-efficient and is ideal for battery voltage. When the gates input voltapplications. You can use the NAND age is within the defined limits for the gates logic output to drive an LED logic state, its power consumption is exdriver or a relay driver, or you can con- tremely small.EDN nect it to a microcontroller. Place the 3.6 TO 6V circuit so that COVER WITH sufficient light OPAQUE falls on the MATERIAL TO RELAY 3-mm green sensor DRIVER, RED LED CD4011 LED DRIVER, LED. Doing OR OTHER so avoids any CIRCUIT 5-mm voltage buildGREEN LED up near the junction that could be close to the NAND Figure 1 An LEDs resistance changes with ambient light, which changes a voltage that drives a logic gate. gates threshold
Analog-circuit design often requires a constant-current sink. An example would be for a TRIAC (triode-for-alternating current) dimmer holding current in fluorescent or solid-state lighting. Other examples include a precise current sink at the end of a long line, such as a cable or an
VIN R2 50k V1=0V V2=200V TD=1 SEC TR=4 mSEC TF=1 SEC PW=100 SEC PER=4.1 mSEC R3 50k V1
Q1 MJD50
Q2 2N3904 R1 13
ADSL (asymmetric digital-subscriber- rent the transistor requires. Figure 2 line) modem, which produces a signa- shows the circuit using a MOSFET, Q2, ture current value that alerts the de- for the power device. With a MOSFET, vice at the source end, such as an ex- you can use smaller biasing resistors, change office or a cable center, that the and the circuit comes into regulation remote equipment is attached. The at a much lower terminal voltage. trick is to make a circuit that gives a Unfortunately, the current-sense constant current over a variety of ter- resistor, R1, in figures 1 and 2 doesnt minal voltages. A common cirVIN cuit for achievR2 ing this task uses 50k a sense resistor, a transistor, and a V1=0V R3 power device. FigV2=200V 50k Q1 TD=1 SEC ure 1 shows the cirIRF640NS TR=4 mSEC V1 cuit using a power TF=1 SEC transistor, Q1. The PW=100 SEC PER=4.1 mSEC circuit provides an Q2 2N3904 approximate conR1 stant current at 13 high voltages, but it doesnt enter regulation until it reaches nearly 60V due to the base cur- Figure 2 This circuit substitutes a MOSFET for Q1 in Figure 1
and uses smaller resistors. | 20 DESIGN IDEAS
VIN R2 50k V1=0V V2=200V TD=1 SEC TR=4 mSEC TF=1 SEC PW=100 SEC PER=4.1 mSEC R3 50k
R4 10k
Q1 IRF640NS Q3 2N3906
Q2 Q2N3904 R1 13
sense the bias current. As the terminal voltage increases, the terminal current also increases because of the increased bias current. A simple way to improve the regulation of both circuits is to add resistor R4 and PNP transistor Q 3 (Figure 3). R4 and Q3 form a con-
VIN R2 50k V1 0V V2 200V TD 1 SEC TR 4 mSEC TF 1 SEC PW 100 SEC PER 4.1 mSEC R3 50k V1 R4 10k
Q1 IRF640NS Q3 2N3906
stant-current source to the collector of Q2. The circuit diverts any excess bias current through the collector of Q3 to sense resistor R1. Thus, as the terminal voltage increases, the bias current remains relatively constant, and the current regulation appears much flatter. The negative temperature coefficient of the base-to-emitter junction of transistor Q2 causes another problem with this kind of circuit. The temperature coefficient is approximately 1.6 mV/C, which causes the current value to vary widely with temperature. One way to approach this problem is to add a 6.2V zener diode, D1, in series with the emitter of Q2, which increases the sense voltage (Figure 4). A 6.2V diode has a positive temperature coefficient, which counteracts the negative temperature coefficient of the transistor. Furthermore, the total sense voltage is much larger, so 100 mV or so of voltage change with temperature does not seriously affect the regulated current. Figure 5 shows a PSpice simulation of the circuit that uses a MOSFET for Q1.EDN
Filler-4.indd 1
2/25/11 1:37 PM