Edison Inventions
Edison Inventions
Edison Inventions
By:Haleigh Krantz
I wrote this essay on three inventions Thomas Alva Edison created.The Motion
Picture Camera,The Phonograph, and Waxed Paper. All of these are brilliant in
their own way. Waxed paper is useful for cooking adn Edison created an efficient
way to make it. And what would be do without cameras and films? Then we have the
phonograph which was basically an early stereo or CD player.
Here is the history of these three apparatus' .
The first machine patented in the United States that showed animated
pictures or movies was a device called the "wheel of life" or "zoopraxiscope".
Patented in 1867 by William Lincoln, moving drawings or photographs were watched
through a slit in the zoopraxiscope. However, this was a far cry from motion
pictures as we know them today. Modern motion picture making began with the
invention of the motion picture camera.
The Motion Picture Camera takes a rapid series of photographs on a strip of
film,once developed it can be projected as a motion picture.Human eyes and brain
merge the separate pictures together to generate the illusion,this is called the
"persistence of vision".Basically,when the shutter is open, the film is
illuminated. When it is completely covering the film gate, the film is being moved
one frame further by one or two claws which advance the film by pulling it through
the holes.One of the "Downfalls" is that most film cameras do not record sound
internally; instead, the sound is captured separately by a precision audio device.
Wax paper (also called waxed paper) is a kind of paper that is made moisture
proof through the application of wax.
The practice of oiling paper in order to make it semi-translucent or moisture-
proof goes back at least to medieval times. Thomas Edison claimed to have invented
wax paper in 1872, but what he really invented was a cheap and efficient means to
manufacture such paper.
Wax paper is commonly used in cooking, for its non-stick properties, and wrapping
food for storage, as it keeps water out or in. It is also used in arts and crafts.
Another use of wax paper is to apply wax to objects. By rubbing the wax paper on
an object the wax will rub off the paper and onto the object. This is useful for
adding a slight polish or to reduce friction.
As you can see,Inventions in the 1800's were amazing. Opening the door for
future inventors to improve on and perfect these devices.