BK City, Space Frame, Redesign Article, Delft, Holland
BK City, Space Frame, Redesign Article, Delft, Holland
BK City, Space Frame, Redesign Article, Delft, Holland
The re-design will include the installation of a laminated glass Barrel Vault Skylight.
The architectural goal is to maximum transparency by optimization of structure
and glazing.
The Skylight will be supported by a similar space frame structure, to the one which
exists already.
Further research has determined that it is necessary to remove the existing, roof
supporting, space frame structure, so therefore the installation would accompany
a completely new structure (rather than adding on to the existing one).
The Barrel Vault Skylight will let in an abundance of natural daylight, increasing the
working conditions, as good light is essential, whilst reducing the use of artificial
lights, therefore saving much energy (during the daytime).
Plus, the Skylight; aesthetically will make the Atrium much more spectacular.
4123875 - Nicholas Socrates - TU Delft
The problems of the need to provide extensive cooling in summer
and insulation in winter inevitably arise with the use of large glazed
With the design of a Barrel Vault, laminated glass, Skylight, with
installed Photovoltaic films on top of the glass creating a shading
system that optimizes the flows of heat and light energy, whilst
utilizing this energy. This in turn may has a significant positive effect
in reducing the heat load and glare, enhancing the use of natural
daylight, whilst harvesting this energy, and increasing the insulation
of the building, through the use of the appropriate choice of glass,
thereby enhancing working conditions and reducing the operating
costs of the building.
1. Glass Boxes
The redevelopment of the new Faculty of Archi-
tecture into BK City included the insertion of 2
glass box space frame structures to accommo-
date the thousands of architecture students.
My project is focusing on the redesign of one of
these structures; the Model Making Atrium.
Model Making Artiums Functions
Model making studio and 2 machine enclosed
The architecture has established as inexpensive
way of making huge interior surfaces.
Existing Situation
The glass box space frame structure is situated
adjoining the existing (listed) building.
The structure consists of only 9 central columns
(+ supports for its 3 glass facades.
One of these glass facades is South East facing
and another South West facing. On these two
facades, the existing situation is that, there are
descrete black roller blinds installed, for the top
quarter of these facades. The protect the atrium
from glare from the sun.
In my redesign, from the existing structure into a
Barrel Vault Skylight, I have chosen to keep this,
vertical sun-sading system, the same.
The structure consists of only 9 central columns
(+ supports for its 3 glass facades.
The nodes connecting the space frame structure
together are shown on the far left, of the column
on the right.
Photograph (far left): the construction of the BK
City Model Making Arium.
Far left images; photo credits; Wikipedia; space
frame structure
Space frame structures, originally invented
by Mr Buck-Minster Fuller, including his Dome
structure: (left, image; photo credits; Wikipedia;
space frame structure)
Photographs (far left): BK City Model Making
BK CITY - Barrel Vault Skylight
Laminated Glass + External Photovoltaic Film
Nicholas Orthodox Socrates 4123875
I propose to re-design the BK Cities model making Atrium.
The re-design will include the installation of a laminated glass Barrel Vault Skylight.
The architectural goal is to maximum transparency by optimization of structure and glazing.
The Skylight will be supported by a similar space frame structure, to the one which exists already.
Further research has determined that it is necessary to remove the existing, roof supporting, space frame structure, so therefore
the installation would accompany a completely new structure (rather than adding on to the existing one).
The Barrel Vault Skylight will let in an abundance of natural daylight, increasing the working conditions, as good light is essential,
whilst reducing the use of artifcial lights, therefore saving much energy (during the daytime).
Plus, the Skylight; aesthetically will make the Atrium much more spectacular.
Although the intention of the design is to allow in as much daylight as possible, there is then an issue of solar shading; it therefore
being necessary to shade, absorb and use the excess solar energy. No one wants to work in a green house. Therefore an innova-
tive solution, which will implement in my design is the installation of photovoltaic laminate flm, onto the laminate glass, on the
south facing half of the Barrel Vault Skylight, which as well as shading the direct sun light and reducing solar gain (as PV Laminate
has a rremarkable range for temperature and shadow tolerances; it also captures and harvest the suns energy. Perhaps to be then
transformed into electricity to power the Model Making Atriums functions (including the use of electrical lights once it gets dark),
therefore making this part of the Architecture Faculty 100% sustainable and carbon neutral.
PV laminates are extremely effcient; they produce more electricity than traditional crystalline panels on a watt per watt basis in
actual power output.
PV laminates are adhered directly onto the glass roof panels, there is no additional mounting system such as what crystalline solar
panels use so the costs of hardware and labor are drastically reduced.
Budgets are achieved by; frstly, implementing a light weight space frame structure, and secondly by the design of the structure,
which may appear curved, but in fact it is comprised of square glass panels (as curving glass is extremely expensive).
Current Situation: BK City: Faculty of Architecture, TU Delft (No time, no detail)
After the fre in the old architecture faculty building, the university relocated the students in the present building. There was a 6
month waiting period, but this was remarkably fast, as it only took 3-4 months to re-build and regenerate the new faculty, which
was renovated from an old unused administration building, which the university had just sold for housing development; they
quickly acquired it back on lease.
It is not the high-end sophisticated architecture technology, which makes this building so admired; it is its practicality, it monumen-
tality - its symbolic nature; of the sophisticated management organization and time planning behind the renovating of the building;
being built in 4 months with 2 months planning is remarkable and outstanding.
The architecture has established an inexpensive way of making the huge interior surfaces.
Glass Studios;
The insertion of 2 box-frame structure/ 2 green houses to accommodate the thousands of architecture students.
Internal Functions;
1. Model Studio: 2 x Machine rooms
2. Orange Room: Orange stairs, Why Factory studio and open lounge
Typical Dutch green house (space frame) structure.
The roof was developed from the bottom and then lifted up with a crane, however usually, for these kinds of structures, it is much
better to be developed up there on the top. The bottom up approach, here, creates too much tension in the structure.
A very important factor, when building space frame structures is how to maintain water tightness over a long period of time.
Space Frame Structures
Space frame structures, originally invented by Mr Buck-Minster Fuller (left column below), has now been developing for 30 years.
A space frame or space structure is a truss-like, lightweight rigid structure constructed from interlocking struts in a geometric pat-
tern. Space frames usually utilize a multidirectional span, and are often used to accomplish long spans with few supports. They
derive their strength from the inherent rigidity of the triangular frame; fexing loads (bending moments) are transmitted as tension
and compression loads along the length of each strut.
Internal Climate
Traditional green houses have a target of being warm, all year round, even in the winter time.
The height of these structures are increased;
By increasing the height is a way to deal with these complete open green houses, which do have a lot of impact from the sun.
The temperature at the top can reach up to 60 - 70 degrees C, whereas at standing level the temperature would be 30 -35 degrees
The temperature in these glass houses varies quite drastically from being very cold in the winter time to being overly warm in the
Somehow the conditions of internal temperature are somewhat secondary as these building were to be built with very little time.
Other solutions which were thought of during the design process, included;
1. Using Polycarbonate Sheets instead of laminated glass
2. External solar photovoltaic fns on top of the south half of the Barrel Vault Skylight
3. The installation of a double skin faade.
1. A brief over-view into polycarbonate sheets;
Polycarbonate Sheets have an excellent light transmission, they are thermally insulating (depending on the sheets thickness,
which ranges from 6mm to 41mm)
When the Polycarbonate sheets are treated with a UV resistant coating they produce 2/3s less solar gain than regular glass.
When curving polycarbonate sheets, as is the case with the Barrel Vault Skylight, the complete structure becomes so tough, even
Hurricane proof.
Also when curving or bending translucent materials polycarbonate is up to 5 times more cost effective than (bending) glass.
Polycarbonate is used for aeroplane windows and compact discs.
Design Alternitive
Left diagram;
Double Skin Facade (possiblity)
Implimented Design diagram;
Barrel Vault Skylight
Far Left diagram;
Make up of the Photovoltaic (PV) Film
Photo Credit: GSM Roofng website: www.
The sheets in themselves are virtually unbreakable.
The use of polycarbonate sheets was decided against, due to it not being necessary to curve the glass, therefore the
main advantage of using polycarbonate sheets (its cost effectiveness when curving), was out-weighed by the, high quality, trans-
parency of laminated glass.
2. The installation external, electronically censored self-moving solar photovoltaic fns on top of the south half of the Barrel Vault
This was decided against for several reasons;
i. Cost and maintenance demanding
ii. Aesthetically unrelated.
iii. Orientation of the fns to shade the roof would have to be raised vertically-diagonally upwards; therefore being a hazard
to strong winds and also an eyesore.
3. The installation of a double skin faade;
There were several options thought of;
1. Use the existing faade as the exterior faade, including the space frame vertical structure, and the sun shading de-
vices, within the cavity.
2. Re-build a completely new double skin faade.
3. Replace the existing glass faade (and supporting structure) with a higher performing insulating, low e, glass (and con-
4. Leave the existing faade intact; (it is not broken and it performs ok).
The aim of the project was to conserve energy and improve the internal climate of the Atrium.
After much research a decision was made not to install a double skin faade, but to follow choice 3, which is to replace the existing
glass faade (and supporting structure) with a higher performing insulating, low-e, glass.
The same black roller blinds on the top part of the south-east and south-west facades will be used, as they are effective and
The problems of the need to provide extensive cooling in summer and insulation in winter inevitably arise with the use of large
glazed structures. With the design of a Barrel Vault, laminated glass, Skylight, with installed Photovoltaic flms on top of the glass
creating a shading system that optimizes the fows of heat and light energy, whilst utilizing this energy. This in turn may has a sig-
nifcant positive effect in reducing the heat load and glare, enhancing the use of natural daylight, whilst harvesting this energy, and
increasing the insulation of the building, through the use of the appropriate choice of glass, thereby enhancing working conditions
and reducing the operating costs of the building.
Far Left Photograph: an examply of the PV thin
Photo credit: Good Clean Tech website; www.
Left diagram: Steel Support Pole/ Column
Left diagram: showing the Tie Down Detail
Left diagram: Pulin Connection
Left diagram: Node Connection
1. Pipe
2. Cone
3. Internal Bolt
4. Coupler
5. Pin
6. Node