Fourmula 1
Fourmula 1
Fourmula 1
for the medium term period, through Administrative Order No. 2005-0023 dated August 30, 2005. It is
designed to implement critical health interventions supported by effective management infrastructure and
financing arrangements. Its implementation is geared towards achieving health systems goals of the World
Health Organization, the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), and the Medium-Term Philippine
Development Plan (MTPDP) for (a) better health outcomes; (b) more responsive health system; and (c)
more equitable health financing.
FOURmula ONE for Health is the implementation framework for health sector reforms in the Philippines for the medium term
covering 2005-2010. It is designed to implement critical health interventions as a single package, backed by effective
management infrastructure and financing arrangements.
This document provides the road map towards achieving the strategic health sector reform goals and objectives of FOURmula
ONE for Health from the national down to the local levels.
FOURmula ONE for Health engages the entire health sector, including the public and private sectors, national agencies and
local government units, external development agencies, and civil society to get involved in the implementation of health reforms.
It is an invitation to join the collective race against fragmentation of the health system of the country, against the inequity of
healthcare and the impoverishing effects of ill-health. With a robust and united health sector, we can win the race towards better
health and a brighter future for generations to come.
Over-all Goals:
The implementation of FOURmula ONE for Health is directed towards achieving the following end goals, in consonance with the
health system goals identified by the World Health Organization, the Millennium Development Goals, and the Medium Term
Philippine Development Plan:
General Objective:
FOURmula ONE for Health is aimed at achieving critical reforms with speed, precision and effective coordination directed at
improving the quality, efficiency, effectiveness and equity of the Philippine health system in a manner that is felt and
appreciated by Filipinos, especially the poor.
Specific Objectives:
Fourmula One for Health will strive, within the medium term, to:
* Secure more, better and sustained financing for health;
* Assure the quality and affordability of health goods and services;
* Ensure access to and availability of essential and basic health packages; and
* Improve performance of the health system
Ensuring the accessibility and availability of basic and essential health care
Assuring the quality and affordability of health goods and services
a. On the supply side, systems and processes for licensing, accreditation and certification shall be harmonized
and streamlined
b. On the demand side, a “seal of approval system” on health products, devices, services or facilities shall be
c. Consistent with the over-all financing strategy of FOURmula One for Health, cost recovery with income retention
other revenue-generating mechanisms shall be pursued to ensure financial sustainability
d. The availability of low-priced, quality essential medicines shall be assured
3. Improving availability of and access to low priced medicines for the poor
* A total of 7,437 BnBs established/functional nationwide, in partnership with the Kabalikat and Botika Binhi
and the National Pharmaceutical Foundation
* Continuous price monitoring of 37 Essential Drug from leading private drugstore chains, pharmacies of
leading private hospitals and government medical centers nationwide
1. Finalized critical Flagship Programs, Projects and Activities (PPAs)
2. Issued necessary policy/legislative instruments (through the accomplishment of policy matrix)
3. Firmed-up F1 structures - DOH Execom, PSDT, FICTs, HSR-TCG, F1 Fellows
4. Undertook National Investment Planning to determine cost requirements and TA needs to implement F1 PPAs
5. Started the development of M/E framework
6. Developed a Health Human Resource Master Plan and a DOH Rationalization program
7. Adopted SDAH through joint planning, monitoring process with development partners.
8. Mobilized a total of US$545.1M resources from different dev't partners.
9. Local Health Systems Development:
* firmed up commitments from the 16 F1 sites chief executives
* finalized and reviewed 16 PIPHs through the Joint Appraisal Committee (JAC)
* scaled-up advocacy for health reforms in coordination with FICTs
* started with the documentation of good practices in preparation to roll out planning
1. Financial Management
* Redefinition of Finance Service functions
* Rationalization of Financial Management and Support Center (FMSC)
* Improvement of Internal Control including:
- revision of delegated approving authorities for various financial transactions
- streamlined operations, implementing centralized cash advance, guarantee deposits
for fuel and lubricants, payroll integration of regular employees, check vs. direct credit
to ATM of employees, remittances, payment for utilities, asset management, E-NGAS
roll out
3. Internal Audit
* PAGC's recognition to the DOH for ranking first among 70 agencies in terms of
compliance to the requirements of the IDAP for the 1st semester 2006
* Continuous implementation of DOH Integrity Development Program (Prevention,
Education, Deterrence, Strategic partnership)
4. Information Management
* Developed 8 new computerized systems: UMIS, FHIS, DOH Alert System, Web-based
Public Assistance Information System (WBPAIS), Political Profiling System, Suppliers
Registry System, Web-enabled Price Monitoring System, Web-enabled Stock Inventory
* Implemented 2 systems: Rural Health Unit Management Information System
(RHUMIS) and Filariasis Health Information System (FHIS)
* Conducted Users' Orientation and Training on HOMIS, UMIS, Radiation Facilities
* Monitored system implementation (HOMIS and Health Care Equipment Information
* Conducted application system and technical trainings for users/ICT staff on HOMIS,
Systems Maintenance and Web Development
* Maintained 13 application systems
* Provided TA or support to various systems/projects/programs
* Administrative Order (AO):
Health Financing
AO 2006-0022 Guidelines for Establishment of Performance-Based Budget for Public Health
AO 2006-0023 Implementing Guidelines on Financing F1 for Health Investments and Budget Reforms
AO 2006-0027 Implementing Guidelines for Performance-Based Budgeting for DOH Retained Hospitals
Health Regulation
AO 2006-0033 Guidelines for the DOH-PITC Expanded Drug Access Pilot Program using Convenience Stores as BNB Express Outlets
Amendment to AO 2006-0033 entitled: Guidelines for the DOH-PITC Expanded Drug Access Pilot Program using Convenience Stores as
AO 2006-0033-A
BNB Express Outlets
Health Service Delivery
AO 2006-0008 Guidelines of Public-Private Collaboration in Delivery of Health Services including Family Planning for Women of Reproductive Age
AO 2006-0029 Guidelines for Rationalizing the Health Care Delivery System based on Health Needs
Good Governance
AO 2006-0006 Implementation Guidelines of the Technical Assistance Packages in Support to ARMM Strategy for Health Improvement (ASHI)
Incentive Scheme Framework for Enhancing Inter-LGU Aug. 3, 2006 Coordination in Health through Inter-Local Health Zones (ILHZ)
AO 2006-0017
and Ensuring their Sustainable Operations
AO 2006-0020 Guidelines for Evaluation of Consumer Participation Strategies in Fourmula One for Health
AO 2006-0025 Guidelines in Establishing the Health Commodities July 25, 2006 Reference Specification Information System (HCRSIS)
AO 2005-0023 Implementing Guidelines for FOURmula One for Health as Framework for Health Reforms
AO 2006-1133 Designation of Fellows for the Implementation of Formula One for Health
Guidelines for Operationalizing the Competency- Sept. 6, 2006 Based Human Resources for Health Management and Development
AO 2006-0031
(HRHMD) Systems
Good Governance
Creation of TWG to formulate a Policy for Establishing a Collaborative Partnership between the National Cooperative Sector and the
DOH in support to F1 Implementation
2005-1862 FOURmula ONE for Health Functional Management Arrangements
2006-1133A Amendment to Department Personnel Order No. 2006-1133, Designation of Fellows for the Implementation of Formula One for Health
Health Regulation:
1. Upgrading, Harmonizing and Streamlining of Regulatory Processes
2. Seal of approval in the context of ASEAN harmonization
3. Improving availability of and access to low priced medicines for the poor
Health Service Delivery:
1. Public Health Program Development
- Disease free zone initiatives – Malaria, Filariasis, Schistosomiasis, Rabies and Leprosy
- Intensified disease prevention and control of the following diseases:
a. Vaccine preventable diseases
b. TB
d. Emerging/Re-emerging infections
5. Health Promotion
- Review of health promotion interventions and technology upgrade
- Incorporation of health promotion in service packages
- Integration of patient education in Clinical Practice Guidelines
- Proposed creation of health promotion foundation
Good Governance:
1. Sectoral Management
* Local Health Systems Development
* National Human Resource for Health Program
* Sectoral Development Approach for Health
* Philippine Health Information System
2. Internal Management
* Public Finance Management
* Procurement and Logistics Management
* Internal Audit
5. Health Promotion
- Advocacy/BCC
- Localization of IEC messages
- Reproduction of localized IEC messages
Good Governance:
1. LGU Sectoral Management
* Local Health Systems Development
* Sub-national Human Resource Strengthening
* Sectoral Development Approach for Health as the management approach to health reforms
* LGU Scorecards Development/implementation
* Local Health Information System development/utilization
2. Internal Management
* Finance Management
* Procurement Management
* Logistics Management
* Internal Audit