Regulation Mapping (For India) : Operating Conditions Electrical Installations
Regulation Mapping (For India) : Operating Conditions Electrical Installations
Regulation Mapping (For India) : Operating Conditions Electrical Installations
Equipment & Installations Involved for In-Service Verifications OPERATING CONDITIONS Electrical Installations
Electricity Act (1910, 1948, 2003) The Indian Electricity Rules, 1956 Periodic Inspection + Electrical inspectors inspection and approval is required when the electrical installations are changed Periodic Inspection - Results to be duly recorded by the supplier/owner Regular Inspection At least once every 5 years (Indian Electricity Rule #46) Electrical Inspectorate, Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Ministry of Power) Electrical Inspectorate, Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Ministry of Power)
Verification Requirements
Verification Periodicity
Verification Authority
Consumer Installation
Cables protected by bituminous materials Street Boxes Protective Equipment (fire buckets, extinguishers, etc at generating stations, substations and switch stations) Connection with Earth Additional Precautions for Mines and Oil-fields Plans - Fixed apparatus and conductors (at mines/oilfields) Protective Equipment at Mines/Oil-fields Emergency lighting and lightning protection systems Service conditions for electrical equipment
Periodic testing
Periodic testing of resistance Periodic Notices (returns giving the size and the type of apparatus together with particulars) to be sent to the Inspector Periodic examination Periodic checking of switchgear and protective system
At least once every 2 year On or before the first day of Feb every year
Mobile cranes
Pressure Equipment
Pressure vessels IS 2825 Static & Mobile Pressure Vessels Rules, 1981 Test and Inspection of the vessel from the manufacturer or the inspecting agency of the country of origin Markings of particulars on the vessel Location of boilers installations and boiler houses Acceptance tests on industrial boilers IS 8633: 1977 IS 13980: 1995 Boilers Act, 1923 Indian Boiler Regulation, 1950 At least once in 5 yr; In case the vessel contains corrosive gas then once every 2 yr. Chief Controller of Explosives (as per Indian Explosives Act)
Inspection during manufacture, erection & use; legibility of stamping; visual inspection; pressure test Test and inspection by concerned authority with approval of Chief Controller along with inspection of valves; Pass the Hydraulic Test; Markings of specifications in the correct way and proper identification colours
Gas cylinders
Welded or brazed cylinder should bear the certificate for 3 months; at least once every 1 yr
Visual inspection of low pressure welded steel gas cylinders during manufacture
IS 9639:1980
Bombay Lifts Act 1939 and rules, 1958 Inspection of lift wire ropes Electric traction lifts (installation, operation & maintenance; components, specification, inspection) Hydraulic lifts (installation & maintenance) Home lifts (installation & maintenance) Lifts for handicapped (installation & maintenance) Lift without conventional machine rooms (installation & maintenance) Electric Service Lifts IS 8216: 1976 IS 14665: 2000 DOC.ETD 25(6105) Once every 6 months Submit necessary drawings
IS 14671: 1999 Public Works Department, The Electricity Board IS 15259: 2002 IS 15330: 2003 Annually
If any such change has taken place in the building which requires an audit; Safety conscious generally carry out once every 3 yr
Fire Department
Extinguishers Sprinklers Smoke and heat detectors Dry chemical powder for fighting A,B,C class fire Preventive measures against fire at workplace
IS 13849, IS 15397, IS 12835 Part 1, IS 15493, IS 15496, IS 15528 IS 15105, IS 9972 IS 11360 IS 14609 IS 13416 IS 14689 Ensure installations of these in sufficient amount and that they are according to the relevant standards Periodically as required.
Escalators installation and maintenance IS 4591: 1968 DOC.ETD 25(5975)
GHG: Specification
Hazardous substance
Chemical substances
Periodic reporting
As such not much regulation in India and most of the companies follow global standards
Pollution Boards
Working at Height
Currently not much regulation for working at heights apart from some guidelines in the Factories Act, 1948 Ensure safety belts are being used, safe anchorages on firm footing are being provided, etc., Ladders should be checked weekly/periodically (IS 3696 Part 2 : 1991)
IS 13416 (Part 2)
Explosive Atmosphere
Explosive atmosphere Installation of electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres IS 11064, IS 13346, IS 13408, IS 15142, IS 15451, IS 5780, IS 6381, IS 7389, IS 7693, IS 7724, IS 8240, IS/IEC 60079
IGBC awards various levels of rating Certified, Silver, Gold and Platinum; based on certain credit system. Each of the following categories has a minimum requirement (mandatory) which has been listed.
Compliance with local regulations approval of the plan from competent government authority; Soil Erosion Prevention & Control provide photographs to show stockpiling of topsoil Provide details of rainwater harvesting system and capture at least 50% run-off; Select water fixtures with a certain flow rate and submit manufacturers data to confirm the same Refrigerants used in HVAC equipment and unitary airconditioners must be CFC-free; Whole Factory Building Energy Simulation OR The project should meet the criteria of ECBC/ASHRAE 90.1-2004 Submit detailed drawings of waste storage area and their location; with facility to segregate the non process waste generated Tobacco Smoke Control and installation of fresh air delivery systems in all the occupied spaces
3 years
Water Conservation
3 years
Energy Conservation
3 years
Material Conservation
3 years
3 years
ASHRAE The American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-conditioning Engineers ECBC Energy Conservation Building Code HVAC Heating, Ventilation & Air-Conditioning