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Districts 3

Baker Columbia Union


Duval Clay Columbia Baker



Bradfo Putnam


voter guide

Alachua Flagler

u.S. House district 4


Volusia M

U.S. House District 7 ander crenSHaW

tax hikes and untie the hands of Americas job-creators before the country we know and love is destroyed. How would you deal with budget cuts? Nothing is more important than ensuring future generations are not saddled with the debt of today. I will continue to fight out-of-control spending and will not support tax increases. Weve cut $31 billion in total discretionary spending compared to last years level and $95 billion compared to fiscal year 2010 the last year Democrats controlled the Congress. Should defense spending be cut or increased, and how should it be paid for by Congress? I do not believe the defense budget should be reduced. While we all agree that tough budget decisions are ahead for every federal agency, I believe America must ensure that short-sighted budget decisions do not turn back a decades worth of rebuilding our nations military. The number one responsibility of the federal government is to protect American lives, and we keep America safe by keeping America strong.

BOB Black

Age: 72 Education: Bachelors degree, Penn State University, masters, University of Missouri; MBA, University of Akron Family: Wife, Harriet (50 years); two children Previous elected offices: None Qualifications: Military experience as an air force captain for seven years during the Vietnam War. Management experience as a corporate executive for 15-plus years, small business owner for 20-plus years, and long-time student of history and the Constitution. Most important issues: Elimination of the federal government in our lives by enacting the fair tax. Eliminate entire departments like the Department of Education that cost us $77 billion per year. Our education quality has decreased every year it has been in existence. Reduce federal regulation so

we can bring back business to the U.S. How would you deal with budget cuts: Mostly cut activities that are not part of the Constitution. Sell most federal land or turn it over to the states. Attack entitlements. The states have the constitutional authority to management entitlements. The federal government does not. Our foreign aid needs to be cut. Any foreign aid should be to countries that help us and should be in the form of technical and administrative support. Helping African countries fight AIDS is a good example of the help we should do. Should defense spending be cut or increased, and how should it be paid for by Congress? Cuts already made are likely to be OK. I would resist further cuts because they are likely to make us vulnerable. We need to be seen as too strong to attack or challenge. Weakness is likely to make our adversaries too bold and lead to conflict. We also need to stay out of fights that are not critical to our national security.

Age: 67 Education: Bachelors degree, University of Georgia, law degree, University of Florida Family: Wife, Kitty (42 years); two children Previous elected offices: U.S. House since election in 2000. Florida House of Representatives 1972-78. Florida Senate 1986-94. Qualifications: My strongest qualifications are my honesty, integrity and desire to serve the people I represent. I have called Northeast Florida my home all my life, and I raised my family here. I represents the residents of the Fourth District by voting on principle and by working tirelessly in their best interest each and every day. Most important issues: Creating jobs and reining in federal spending. The private sector creates jobs, not big government. Washington has forgotten this simple economic principle. I will fight to permanently stop all job-killing

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State Attorney Congressional Nassau Districts 4

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Nassau Age: 60 Education: Duval Clay Family: Husband,Johns Alec 44 St. Previous elected offices: Baker Duval None QualificaClay Clay St. Johns tions: Putnam Bradford St. Johns Analytical Flagler skills and 7 practical Alachua Putnam experience as Putnam Flagler civilian servant with Prince Georges County Police Department, FAA and Marion National Weather Service. I have Volusia been proactive on Capitol Hill for pro-life, federal employment and aviation issues for decades. Prior to Duval County I worked air traffic control, 95 in FAA Administrator-Office of consumption tax on what you School Board 17 Budget where appropriations consume, not what you earn. districts 6 were formulated and submitted How would you deal with to Congress. budget cuts: Government needs 295 serious tax reform and relief. Most important issues: Americans are losing Should defense spending 4 their freedom to a federal be cut or increased, and 4 6 1 6 government the forefathers 5 how should it be paid for determined to be limited in by Congress? The military, size and power. The problem which is a constitutional 10 facing our economy can be responsibility, needs to be 2 3 301 surmounted by lessening the 7 strengthened as no one burden or regulatory rules. The 17 dares to attack us knowing 9A 1 income tax is very regressive. that to do so will be met with 295 Alternatively, the fair tax is a overwhelming force.



Duv City


u.S. House district 6



HeatHer Beaven

Age: 43 Education: Bachelors degree in Political Science from the University of Missouri; masters degree in Public Administration from UNF Family: Husband, Doug (10 years); daughters Olivia, Bella Previous elected offices: None Qualifications: I have spent about fifteen years I have devoted my professional life to one thing work. Specifically, how we get jobs, keep jobs and how we help people ready themselves for those jobs. Over the years, I have helped military veterans bring their skills to the civilian workplace, helped people who had their jobs shipped overseas prepare for a new job, and helped young people prepare academically for tomorrows jobs. I was also a cryptologist who was awarded a Navy Achievement Medal and selected by President Bill Clinton to serve on the USS Kinkaid, making me one of the first 10 female sailors to sail on a combat-ready vessel. Most important issues: Its time to admit that this is more than a recession; its a changing economy. I will not be a part of the crowd who continues to jam 20th century economic recovery tactics into 21st century economic problems. Its activity but it is not progress. How would you deal with budget cuts? I dont know. By-gone Congresses have patched together broken and archaic policies for decades now. In fact, we started talking about the paradigm shift of moving from the 20th century to the 21st century nearly twenty years ago. But here we are, 12 years in, and Congress has done nothing to position us as global leader in energy, education, health care or technology. What is currently the nations most important foreign policy concern? The new economy is going to be dominated by energy exporters. Countries that harness their own energy are going to be safer and more prosperous than those who dont.

society. Unlike my opponent, I stand firmly with President Obama. I fully support protecting Medicare, Social Security, the Affordable Care Act. Most important issues: Economy. Create Jobs. Balance the Budget: Protect Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid while charting a course for a balanced budget through tax reforms, spending cuts, and increased revenue through growing our economy. Fund Early Childhood Education programs such as Head Start. How would you deal with budget cuts? We need a balanced approach of additional revenue and the necessary cuts to set the country on the path to prosperity. We cannot balance the budget in one day or one fiscal year due to the structural deficits, but we can chart the path for deficit reduction. What is the nations most important foreign policy concern? Chinas currency manipulation to gain an unfair trade advantage. China has been systematically devaluing their currency to gain an unfair trade advantage and destroying American companies and jobs. republican

regulations which stifle the growth of jobs in America. How would you deal with budget cuts? Government is too big and it spends too much. This important belief, articulated by President Ronald Reagan, captures my view that we must cut the size of government.

Fred cOStellO

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Age: 25 Education: Bachelors degree, biochemistry, University of Florida; J.D., Florida State College of Law Family: Single Previous elected offices: None Qualifications: My greatest strength is the ability to understand peoples problems and concerns, and develop solutions to complex problems. I understand the need to reduce taxes on small businesses to spur economic growth, and how draconian cuts to Medicare and Social Security will hurt our seniors and most vulnerable in

Age: 42 Education: Bachelors degree, University of Florida Family: Wife, Dee (16 years); children, Keegan, McKenzie Previous elected offices: Vice president, president, Jacksonville City Council Qualifications: I am a proven, tested conservative who has been accountable by the voters for the principles in which I believe. I am a small businessman who understands what it takes to make payroll, build a business and grow jobs. And, having been raised in Congressional District 6, I understand the issues that are important to voters. These include keeping taxes low, limiting the size of government, protecting individual liberties and removing unnecessary and burdensome regulations which strange the growth of jobs. Unlike others in this race who tell voters what theyll do if elected they sometimes keep these promises I have proven my accountability to voters by standing up for the principles of low taxes and small government. Most important issues: Shrink the size of government, keep taxes low and greatly reduce government intrusion into the lives of individuals. This includes the repeal of ObamaCare, which I vowed to do early in this campaign by signing the pledge to make repeal a priority. And, perhaps most importantly, as the small businessman in the race, I will work to eliminate burdensome and unnecessary

Age: 62 Education: Bachelors degree, Graceland University; DDS, University of Iowa Family: Wife, Linda (39 years); children, Angela, Luke, Eric; four grandchildren Previous elected offices: Ormond Beach City Commissioner, 99-02. Ormond Beach Mayor, 0210. State Representative, 10-Present Qualifications: I have experience standing up for smaller government, against special interests and even against my colleagues when they go astray and I have experience cutting budgets. I was one of only three out of 120 Representatives to be awarded the Defender of Home Rule by the Florida League of Cities. I was the only Republican on the House floor to vote against the Medicaid bill which resulted in 47 counties joining a lawsuit against the State. And I refused to run the bill authorizing expansion of eminent domain into historic residential neighborhoods in St. Augustine. As a State Representative, I have voted to cut over $6 billion from the state budget, and prioritized spending to fund the core functions of government. Most important issues: Emphasizing an understanding of and adherence to our Constitution, States Rights, and resolving our debt crisis. How would you deal with budget cuts? I would cut spending, beginning with the elimination of the following federal departments: Energy, Commerce, Interior, Education, Environment Protection, Housing & Urban Development. Those functions should be contracted to and/ or left to the states. What is the nations most important foreign policy concern? Our support of Israel is the most important foreign policy issue to the United States.

the Reagan tradition, not someone looking to advance to the next office or gain a title. I am running to restore our founding principles of constitutionally limited government, individual freedom and the rule of law and to advance a reform agenda composed of bold conservative colors, not pale establishment pastels. Most important issues: 1) Limit the size and scope of government reach by reasserting constitutionally limited government, cutting the deficit and balancing the budget. 2) Repealing ObamaCare and Dodd-Frank on Day 1, as well as giving across the board tax relief and working to overhaul the tax code. 3) Make Congress live under the same rules as the rest of us (term limits, pay for performance and no taxpayerfinanced pensions). How would you deal with budget cuts? I will not vote to raise taxes. Indeed, I believe higher taxes tend to fuel even more spending. Getting our budget under control and stopping the reckless spending need to be the top priority of the new Congress. What is the nations most important foreign policy concern? Under Barack Obama, our enemies have been treated with deference and respect while our most trusted allies Israel, Great Britain and Poland have been treated with disrespect if not outright hostility. It is very important that the U.S. stand by its allies and treat our enemies with firmness.

William B. kOgut

rOn deSantiS

Age: 56 Education: High school / college Family: Married, 35 years Previous elected offices: Wallington New Jersey councilman 1985-1993 Qualifications: Common sense Most important issues: Bugdeting every year, reevaluate foreign aid, not only balanced budgets but reducing current debt. How would you deal with budget cuts? Proper spending, nothing like Solyndra What is the nations most important foreign policy concern? Securing our borders, not reducing military spending.

Age: 33 Education: Yale University, BA in History, magna cum laude; Harvard Law School, J.D., cum laude Family: Wife, Casey Previous elected offices: None Qualifications: We need new blood in Congress. I am not a politician. I am an Iraq veteran, a citizen and current Navy reserve officer concerned about the future of our country. I am a conviction candidate in

craig S. miller

Age: 62 Education: Bachelors degree, accounting, University of Central Florida Family: Married; daughter, Tishka; sons, Bradley, Jeffrey Previous elected offices: None Qualifications: I have spent the past 40 years building businesses and putting capital to work and balancing budgets. I understand what barriers exist to job creation

and want to be ensure that Congressional Congressional the American economy is Districts 6 Districts 3 given all the tools it needs to Nassau be able to succeed. Nassau Most important issues: Baker Jobs. Jobs. Jobs. Immediately embark on an array of issues Duval Columbia that will foster a better Baker Duval Columbia economic environment Clay Union resulting in improved Clay Bradford consumer confidence and 3 Bradford St. Johns small business optimism. 1) Make permanent the Bush Alachua Putnam Era Tax Cuts. 2) Approve the Alachua 6 Flagler Putnam Keystone Pipeline. 3) Repeal Flagler Obama Care and create free market insurance elexibility; Marion 4) Promote a balanced budget Volusia Marion amendment; 5) Eliminate the Volusia estate tax; 6) Enact mandatory e-verification by all employers; 7) Fix Legal Immigration System And Enforce Our Congressional Immigration Laws. Beverly SlOugH Districts 4 How would you deal with Age: 63 budget cuts? Cut spending Education: B.S., biology, Nassau promote economic growth Stephen F. Austin State What is the nations most University 4 important foreign policy Family: concern? Iran and the Husband, Baker Duval volatile Middle East. Prevent Wes (37 Iran from securing nuclear years), Clay capability and work with our daughters, Bradford St. international partners to Johns Julie, foster peace and stability in Elizabeth the region. Previous elected offices: St. Alachua Johns County School Board Putnam alec e. pueScHel Flagler Qualifications: A proven leader and team builder who Age: 66 breaks through partisan Education: Bachelors, law Marion gridlock to produce results enforcement, University of Volusia and is responsive to the Maryland; masters, divinity, voters. Earned her reputation Concordia as a fiscal conservative by Theological balancing a $500 million Seminary annual budget for the past 10 Family: Wife, years while on the St. Johns Deborah (20 County School Board, whose years) school system, under her Previous leadership, has maintained a elected No. 1 ranking in the State of offices: Duval County Florida four years in a row. Republican precinct Most important issues: The committeeman two most pressing issues Qualifications: Life of facing our nation are the experience. a medic in the dangers of Obamacare and military, a law enforcement the out of control federal officer with Prince Georges spending that, together, County where Air Force One are bankrupting our nation, is located, a co-pilot on an wrecking our economy, air ambulance, an aviation weakening our national instructor, a small business security, and hurting millions investor, a Lutheran Church of small businesses and MS Pastor and a primary American families. care-giver for my father, How would you deal with a retired military veteran budget cuts? Opposes tax until his death in 2010 my increases and will vote against life centered on service for any bill in the House that others. Also, through my raises taxes on hardworking marriage to a federal civil American families and servant and our advocacy on businesses. Will lower Capitol Hill, I have dealt with corporate taxes on American federal issues. businesses to make them Most important issues: 1) competitive. Our economy Liberty: Out with tyranny cannot survive as long as we was the Founding Fathers have the highest corporate cry, but today the federal tax in the world. Also supports government has become the the overhaul of the IRS code tyrant. What they envisioned to implement a lower, flatter, was a very limited central and fairer tax rate. government; however, the What is the nations most federal government has important foreign policy become a giant with gluttony, concern? America faces a reaching for even more power range of threats of equal and control. Obamacare is importance that includes an egregious example of this the foreign ownership of point. American debt; the daily How would you deal with threat of non-state- and budget cuts? Let us begin state-sponsored terrorism; with a balanced budget. The global cyberterrorism; debt must be eliminated. No the growing pains of new raising taxes but the Fair Tax, democracies in the Middle a consumption tax, must be East and North Africa; the implemented along with the uncertainty of the future repeal of the income tax. of the European Union; What is the nations most saber rattling by regimes important foreign policy in Iran, North Korea, and concern? America must Venezuela; a rising military retain its sovereignty and the supremacy of our Constitution. and economic challenge by the increasingly authoritarian Time has come for us to leave Russia; and the growing the UN and let the UN leave military presence of China. America.

St. J Com Boar

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