Cluster Housing Philippines

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Boardis and 3 to Pursuant Section of BP 220,lhe Housing LandUse Regulatory promulgate levels of standads and technical two to authorized establishand projecwunits housing and of for requirements the development economic socialized and PD provided PD957,PD 1216' "1096, PD in fromthose andruralareas in urban promulgated. the rules hence following arehereby 1185,

RULEI PROVISIONS GENERAL Section 1, Scope of APPlication and of shall Theserulesand standards applyto the development economic 2 of BP in as and projects urban ruralareas defined Section in housing socialized and a glg.ZZO. of either house lotor a house apply thedevelopment to fney sfiatt
or lot only.

Section 2. Declaration of Policies of the and encourage development to It is a policyof the government promote privatesectorin orderto projects, by and socialiiedhousing 'and primarily the and unitsfor average housing socialized "**"fr" available econimic adequate make and in eamers urban ruralareas' lowincome RULE II

Deve|opmentofeconomicandsocia|izedhousingprojectssha||beinaccordance hereinset forth' designstandards with the minimum

Designstandards section 4. Basisand obiectivesof the Minimum

to set designstandards forth hereinare intended provideminimum The minimum withii the generallyacceptedlevels of safety, health and ecological i"qrii...nir howeverare considerations.Variations,


publicwelfare. and and Protection safetyof life,limb,property general



order as in enumorated descending Basic needsof humansettlements' follows: 1. Water and 2. Movement circulation drainage 3. Storm disPosal waste andliquid 4. Solid 5. ParUPlaYground 6. Power

Theprovisionofthesebasicneedsshal|bebasedontheactua|settingw ' site whichthe Project is located C. Affordabilitylevelsof targetmarket

shelter priceof land_and. cost - refersto the mostreasonable Affordabte basedontheneedsandfinancia|capabi|ityofProgramBeneficiarie (RA Schemes 7279) Financing Appropriate D. Location housingprojectsshall be locatedwithin Both economicand socialized hazardprcneand prctection and outsidepotential site suitable for housing aneas.

for and Guidelines Standards Subdivisions Section 5. Technical

the shallbe allowed, housing and whether economic socialized an In determining guidelines beconsidered. shall following A. SiteCriteria 1. Availabillty basicneeds of with be The prioritized basic needsc,'ed earliershall preferably available reasonable fromthe prcject site,butwheretheseare rpt available, distance for the sameshallbe provided bythedeveloper.
2. Conformity wlth the Zoning Ordinance or Land Use Plan of the City/Municipality Generally,housingprojectsshouldconformwith the zoningordinanceof the city/municipality where they are locatedthus shall be in suitable sites for wherethere is no zoningordinance land use plan,the or housing. However, predominant factorscited hereinshall be land use principle and site suitability used in determining suitability a projectto a site. of Furthermore,if the prcject is undoubtedlysupportiveof other land uses and (e.9.,housing industrial workers) said prcjectshallbe allowed. activities for


3. PhysicalSuitability A potential site must have characteristicsassuring healthful, safe and environmentallysound community life. lt shall be stable enough to accommodate foundationload without excessivesite works. Criticalareas (e.9.,areassubjectto flooding, landslidesand stress)mustbe avoided. 4. Accessibllity The site must be sewed by a road that is readily accessibleto public lines. Said access road shall conform to the standardsset transoortation herein of these Rules to ac@mmodateexpecteddemand caused by the projectbe apprcved development the area.In no caseshalla subdivision of without necessary access road/right-of-way constructed either by the Unit. or developer the LocalGovemment B. PlanningConsiderations 1. AreaPlanning of Projectdesignshouldconsidernot only the reduction cost of development to i minimum but also the prcvisionfor possiblefuture improvement or of of expansion,as in the prescription lot sizes, right-of-way roads, open of space,allocation areasfor commonusesand facilities' of and alignment the variousutilities(roads,drainage,power Land allocation and water) of the subdivisionshall be integratedwith those of existing of networksas well as projectsoutsidethe boundaries the projectsite' e.9. of followthe standardspecifications accessroadsset forth hereinand should (DPWH)' of the Department PublicWorksand Highways 2. Slte Preservation/Alteration a. Slope Thefinishedgradesha|lhaveadesireds|opetoa|lorrrainwatertobe channeledinto street drains. Where cut and fill is necessary'an appopriategradesha||beattainedtopreventanydepressioninthearea. Grading and ditohingshall be executed in a manner that will prevent properties. of or erosion flooding adjoining b, Presewation of Site Assets or of suitabletreeswith a caliperdiameter 200 milimeters more,shrubs anddesirab|egroundcoversha||beprcserved.Whereagoodqua|itytop soil exists in the site, it shall not be removedand shall be presewedfor parksand gardenarea' gradesofyards, playgrounds, finishing
rX -.1 I


Cover c. Ground materials usedicr ground Grass,shrubs,plantsand otherlandscaping for use and location. covershall be of varietyapprcpriate its intended Theyshallbe so planted to allowcomplete permanent as and cover the of area. 3. Easements Subdivisionprojectsshall observe and conform to the provisionsof easements maybe required as by: a. Chapter Section of the WaterCodeof the philippines water lV, 51 on bodies National Power Corporation (NpC)on transmission lines Faulttraces identified pHTVoLCS Resorution 5i5, series as by per No. of 1992

Right-of-way otherpublic of companies otherentities and national roads (primary roads) adequate easement .abutting shallbe provided roa.d t91. including toiOing anOuntodOing as maybe required national/local by govemment units

e. For projgctg

t. Otherrelated laws
4. Clrculalion


,y#x ff1"$iHJ:,ffi'#x,
the suMivision mustbe so aligned faciritate to movement withinand in rinring subdivision ine to the nearest major transportation route ""0 "oij'jJ"iproperry. Whenever thereiVareexisting. roads withinthe project whichshall site be made part of tre suoiiviJo;, il;;;;;='be - -" improvedin accordance thestandards forihfrerein. with set

f roadsadjacent the suMivision to

b. Roads compremented pathwark with within

Streetsshouldconform to the contours of the land as much as practicable.

d . Provisions majorstreetextension of for

futureconnection adjoining to developed and/orunderdeveloped p.p"rti"* .nl'l Ue manOatory anO integrated atigned existing or with il;;, if il.

Sireets shall be so laid out to minimizecritical intersections such as blindcomers,skewjunctions, etc.

f. Roads shall conformwith civil work design criteria as per Seclion practices. engineering and of 10.B.3 thisRules sound DesignParameterc 1. LandAllocation Areas a. Saleable the There shall be no fixed ratio between saleableportionand nonproject. portion a subdivision of saleable Areas b. Non-saleable for areas shall conformwith the minimumrequirements Non-saleable system'community for thoseallofted circulation oj"n .p""" comprising and and facilities parks playgrounds. and of b.1 Allocation Areafor Parks Playgrounds lor shall be mandatory for Area allocated parks and playgrounds locatedwithin projectst hectareand aboveano inatt be strategicatly thesubdivision Project. A||ocatedareasforparksandp|aygroundssha||benon.a|ienab|eand court' lt for fritt for non-buildable community 6ut buildable basketball and facilities for allocated community oJ be shall exclusive tt'o." areas unitsin the dwelling of .n"fi u"ry accodingio-ttteOensity lotsand/or below: as is whichever applicable, shown subdivision, Allocation Tablet. Parksand Playgrounds HouslNG rcoruoutc
DensitY (No.of lots/Du'
nar hanlaral

HouslNG socLnuzeo
Density (No. of lots/Du' per hectare)_ 150and below 151- 160 161-'175 Allocation (% of gross area for PP")

150and blow 151 160 161- 175 176- 200

Albcat|on (% of gr6s area for PP.') 3.5%

4 olo

4 olo

5% 6%
7Yo 9lo

5 olo


176-mO fil -225




P6ove 225 * Parksand Playgrounds

beplaygrounds less for ln no caseshallan areaallocated parks.and every10 or for of iii"" roo iqr"ie meters.An addition 1% increment 225' above thereof fraction The site shall not be subjeclto floodingnor situatedin steepslopes' of to or Sit"" pot"nii"f|yhazardous dangeroirs. the healthand safety e'g', alongrivers'near , ,r"" lip"Ci"rly children shouldbe avoided,


site,etc. , dumping

and accessibility shall of Location parksshallbe basedon hierarchy' etc' baniers' risks, befreefromhazards, Facilities for b.2 AreaAllocated Community

@nter multi-purpose provision area for neighborhood of Mandatory arel.of projecqwitha.gross houJing anO bothfor economic socialized me However' t hectareand above.Theseareasare non-saleable' deve|opermayprovideforareasforcommunityfaci|itiessuch centersin excessof the requirement schooli and convenience/retail setforthinthisRu|ewhichsha||bedeemedsaleab|e.Theuseo saidareashat|beindicatedinthep|anandannotatedinthetit|e 2) (Refer Table to thereto. Units Lots/Dwelling of to According the Number saleable Table2. Facilities
for Subdivision Proiects 1 Hectareand Above
No. of Saleable Neighborhood Convenience/ Elementary Tricycle High Retail Lotsand/or Terminal* School"* School" Multi-Purpose Center* Unit Dwelling Center' 10 & below 11-99 x 100- 499 - 999 X 500 - 1499 1000 X - 1999 x x X 1500 x x x 20ffi-2459 - 3000 x X x 2500 area * Optional but in saleable whenprovided the planthe sameshallbe annotated the title. in

Community facilities be strategically shall located easily and accessible population, preferably wherethey can seruea maximum number of near sidebysidebyparUplayground. or Theareaallocated community for facilities shallvarywiththedensity of the subdivision, number lotsand/or i.e., of dwelling unitswhichever is applicable, shown as below:
Table 3. GommunltyFacilities Allocation

b.3 Circulation System The area allocated circulation for systemshall not be fixed,as long as prescribed the dimension and requiiements accesslOottr pro]J for tor ' site and dwellingunits)specified these Rulesare complied in wit'h. Landcirculation systemshailcompry with the pertinent requirements of BP 344 othenrvise knownas the Accessibility iaw. Beloware the planning considerations be observed circulation to for layout: a. Observance the hierarchy roads of of within subdivision. the b. Conformance naturaltopography. to c. Consideration access and safety,e.g., adequateradius, for minimum number of roads at intersections,moderate slope/grade, adequate sightdistance, blindcorners, no etc. g. Optimization to numberof lotsto lessenareafor the as sametimeenhances community interaction. b.3.1 HIERARCHY ROADS OF Hierarchy roads(withrespect function, of to dimensions project and area) shall be observedwhen planningthe road networksuch that no majoror minorroadalignwith an alleyor pathwalk. Table4. Hierarchy Roads of
2-5 has. And below

ECONOMIC HOUSING HOUSING major,minor,motorcourt, alleY


SOCIALIZED HOUSING major,minor,motor court,pathwalk, -oo-do-

Above - 5 2.5
Above 5 - '10 Above 10 - 15

minor, major,collector, motorcourt,alley


major, collector, minor, motorcourt,pathwalk, -oo-do-

Above15 - 30 Above30


b.3.2 ROAD RIGHTOF.WAY of for right-of-way hierarchy roadsshallbe as The corresponding follows: Table 5. Road Right'of-WaY
SIZE PROJECT RANGE (has) 2.5 and belo t 2.5 Above - 5.0 5.0 Above - 10 Above 1 0 - t 4 Above15 - 30 Above30 RIGHTOF WAY (m) HOt ECONOMIC 8 10 6.5

Minor E 10

6.5 8 I '10



15 ROW

6.5 8 6.5 8 AR 10 Caniageway


10 10
10 ROW

6.5 6.5


Court Motor
Alley Pathwalk

of The minimumright-of-way major roads shall be in accordance table. However,in cases wherethe major road with the preceding right-ofroad, willserveas interconnectihg it shallhave a minimum mix way of 10 shall have a 1s-centimeter gravel(pit run) wellcompacted subgrade. on basecourse Malor roads shall maintaina uniform width of road right-of-way' Taperingof road width shall not be allowedwhere the road right-ofstandardfor the interconnecting way is wider than the prescribed roadof the proposed subdivision. of Minorroadsshallhavea right-of-way 6.50 meterswide. projectmust secureright-of-way the nearest to Interiorsubdivision public road and the right-of-way shall be designated as interconnecting road wilh a minimumwidth of 10 meters.This fact shall be annotatedon the title of the said road lot and must be of donatedand deemedturned over to the LGU upon completion Road) the said interconnec.ting (SeeFigure1: Interconnecting road. Subdivision projects abutting main publio road must provide sufficient setbackswith a minimum dimensionof 3.0 meterc in depth and 5.0 meters in length at both sides of the subdivision entranceto accommodate loadingand unloadingof passengec. (SeeFigure : Setback Road) 2 Requirement AlongMainPublic projectsor projects be developed phasesshallbe Contiguous by to provided of roadswith a minimumright-of-way with interconnecting 10.0 meters. (Approvedas per ResolutionNo. R-374 dated 03 March1987).


a intended break blockand to Alleyshallhavea widthof 2.0meters purposes, bothends and to serveboth pedestrian fur emergency to notbe usedas access the property. lt to connecting streets. shall only intended to provide Pathwalk shallhavea widthof 3.0 meters for pedestrian accessto property socialized length 60 meterc. of a shall have maximum

s u 6 D .1




t. Figure lnterconnectingRoad



i Flgure2. Setback Requircment

STRIPS b.3.3 PLANTING with the following Plantingstrips shall be observedin accordance table:

Table6. Wdth of PlantlngStripsand Sidewalks

HOUSING ECONOMIC RIGHT.OF. WAY Slda ralk Strip Planting (m) (m) (m) 1.2 1.3 15 1.2 0.8 12 1.2 0.8 10 0.6 0.4 8 0.5 Optional 6.5 HOUSING SOCIALIZED sidewalK SriP Planting (m) (m) 1.2 1.3 1.2 0.8

0.8 0.4

1.2 0.6 0.5

b.3.4 RoadPavement and socialized for Major,minorroadsand motorcourt ecnnomic projectsshall be paved with asphalt with minimum housing of thickness with minimum or thicknelsof 50 milimeters concrete of strength 20.7Mpa compressive 150milimeters a minimum and finish. be or shall of macadam Sidewalk alley at 28days. b.3.5RoadIntersection at Roadsshouldintersect right anglesas much as practicable' Multiple intersections along major roads shall be minimized. Distance shouldnot be lessthan 20 between offsetintersections meters fromcomer comer. to Road intensections shall be povided with adequatecurb radii principles. (SeeFigure : Curb 3 consistent soundengineering with Radii Dimension) b.3.6 RoadGrade/Slope Crpwnof the roadsshallhavea slopeof not lessthan 1.5 to 9 percent. (SeeFigure : Road 4 Grade Slope) Grades vertical and curbsshallconform the design reguirements to of the Department Public of Workr




( AXttrluf{)



E o

': C U R BR A 0 l u s
Figure 3. Curb Radii Dimension








Figure 4. RoadGrade(StoPe)

Lot Requirement a. Lot Planning accesseitherby a'road, a.1 A lot shall be servedby an independent lengthof shallhave a maximum Pathwalk motorcourt,or pathwalk. access to property for 60 meters intendedonly as pedestrian housing socialized Proiects. lots shaped shallbe avoided. a.2 Deeplotsand irregularly level. possible, frontage shallbe at street lot elevation a.3 Whenever physical hazards.No lot shallbe laid against a.4 Lotsshallbe protected out where potentiaIrisks exist (e.g. erosion, slides, flooding, faultlines, etc.) uses and/orother againstnon-conforming a.5 Lots shall be protected protective walls, provision adequate strips, of bufier the risksthrough simtlar devices. or androads other water boundaries, a.6 Lot shall be so laid out that administrative the linesdo notbisect lots. ways courses/drainage utility



b. l$inimum LotArea The minimum lot area of various types of housing for economic and housingprojectshallbe as follows: socialized

Table7. tinimum Lot Arca

TYPESOF HOUSING a. SingleDetached A,ttached b. Duplex/Single ECONOMIC





c. Rowhouses


NOTE: attached and/or 1. Saleable lots designated as duplex/single " r.o,t -." lots shall 6e providedwith housingcomponents' unitsshallnot for 2. Prieof saleablelots intended singledetached of the houseand lot ot exeed 4Oo/o tf'e maiimum sellingprice Package' c. Lot Frontages o1housingbothfor economic for The minimumlot frontages varioustypes shallbe as follows: housingprojects anJ sociatized Table 8. Minimum Lot Frontage
TYPESOF / HOUSING LOT 1. SingleDetached a. ComerLot Lot b. Regular c. lnegularLot Lot d. Interior 2. Duplex/SngleAttached 3. Ro{house

I 8
4 3 5 4

NOTE: per blockor oJ thereshallbe a maximum 20 unitsin length' For rowhouses, G tot" than100meters clusterbut'n no ca"J "ln"'iiirt-i" 3. Lengthol Block

is lensth 4oometers'otn"I1 ?l-o:1,':^:9tl^::::*lH,i M umblock axim .ll 1? at arrrey ,ith a 2-meter approximatelv




ShelterGomPonent a. FloorAreaRequircment shallbe 2? dwelling for floor Theminimum arearequirement single-family for socialized meters and tor mefers economiihousing 18 square square housing. b. MinimumLevelof Completion

Theminimumleve|ofcomp|etionforeconomichousingsha|| nouseoaseoonthesubmittedspecifications.Forsocia|izedhous the unit. to and with fro;ect,it shallbe shellhouse doors windows enclose provision firewallshaltbe mandatory duplexand singleattached for of unitfor owhouses. unitsandat every
5. Setback/Yard The minimum setback of dwelling unit both for economic and socialized housingprojectshallbe as follows: a. Frcnt Setback b. Side ya'd c. Rear yard


m 1.5 . line) the 1.5m (from building 2 . 0m . per requirements the of Maybe allowed Building Code thePhilippines of National

6. Water Supply Whenever a public water supply system exists, connectionto it by the is subdivision mandatory. (regardless Each lot and/orlivingunit shallbe sewedwith waterconnection of the type of distribution system). Water supply providedby the local water potable and district shall be shall adequate. lt be complemented/supplemented other sources,when necessary,such as by @mmunalwell which may be locatedstrategically ease and convenience for in fetching water by residentsand at the same time not closer than 300 metersfrcm each other. lf publicwater supplysystemis not available, developershall providefor the project.Minimum an independent watersupplysystem withinthe subdivision guantityrequirement shallbe 150 litersper capitaper day. Each subdivision must have at least an opemtional deepwelland pump sets with sufficient capacity to provide average daily demand (ADD) to all prcvideda sparepumpand motorset is reserved. homeowners Likewise, requircdpermits frcm the NWRBshallbe obtainedand standards of (LWUA)shallbe complied the LocalWaterUtilities Administration with.


lf groundreservoir to be put up, an area shall be allocated this purpose is for (partof allocation community for facilities).The size shalldependon volume of water.intended to be stored. lt shall be protectedfrom pollution by providing bufferof at least25 metersfrom sourcesof pollution/contamination. structural designshallcomplywith accepted For elevatedreseNoir,structural the NationalBuildingCode of the Philippines. The elevated standardsor dailydemandplus fire average reseryoir watertank capacitymust be 20Vo or reserve. Altemativesourcesof water supplymay be availedof such as collectedrain capacity. waterand otherdeviceswithwaterimpounding of shall complywith the requirements the .lir9 Provision fire protection for Unit the whicheveris applicable, LocalGovernment code of the Philippines. hydrants and a cistern that are shall provide each communrtywith fire at operational all times. building,a water tank shall be providedif the height of the For mufti-storey pressure excessof that in the mainwaterline.capacity in requires building dailydemandplusfire reserye' avetaQe be 20o/o shoufd ?. Electrical Power SuPPIY to withinthe localityof the projectsite, its connection when poweris available on the however,may depend is required. Ac{ualconnection, in" "u6Oiui"ion of usersas required the powersupplier' by number minimum Provisionofstreet|ightingperpo|esha||bemandatoryifpo|esare50-meter distaG and at ever! otherpole if the distanceis lessthan 50 meters. Installationpractices,materialsandfixturesused,shallbeinaccordancewith Etectrical the in" p.uSion" of the existingrules and regulations,of National Electric Holder/Local or CjOL ot the phitippines tfle Local Ebaiic Franchise or Cooperative the localutilitycompany' by shouldered the userspriorto issuance Electricbillsshallbe proportionately over of open space to Local J c"rtifi".t" ot Comptetion(COi) and tum Unit Government (LGU). 8. SewageDisPosalSYstem Tank a. SePtic septictank or systemshallbe communal individual disposal The sewage to ine Oesign standard of the Sanitation Code of the *if"*i^S Philippines. SewerSystem to b. Connection Community

to shall connections be made an approved applicable, Whenever PYbI::: of and to subject the requirements provisions iewer system, community

rulesand Codeot the Philippines 9ihrapplicable lng the Sanitation practices' and to i"irr"ti""t tith regard materiais installation SYstem 9. Drainage

with sound engineering design prir engineer.Drainlinesshal civil/sanitary practices. installation housingshall be and socialized The minimumdrainagesystemfor economic concretelinedcanalwith loadbearingcover. of ln case of non-existence drainagesystemin the locality,catchmentarea for drainage discharge shall be pr6vided for and developed by the owner/devJloperin consultationwith local authoritiesor private entities concerned, to prevent flooding of adjacent property. Moreover, said catchmentarea shall be made safe and maintained. drainagesystemshall be providedwith adequate underground lf applicable, and cross reirf6rced concrete pipes (RCP), catch basins, manholes/inlets Minimumdrainage pipe shall be 300 drain for efficient maintenance. millimeters. '10.GarbageDisposal System Garbage disposal shall be undertakenby the local govemmentor in the with absencethereof, by individuallot owners or homeownersassociation, properobservance sanitarypractices and methods. of 11. Fire Firefightlng

with in Association formfire brigade collaboration the The Homeowners shall fire shallbe partof the watersupply Waterfor firefighting barangay brigade. fire of the requirements the locaUdistrict with and requirements shallcomply
National Police. unitof the Philippine




Within suitablesites for housing and outsidepotentialhazardprone areas. and orotection Land Allocation fot Projects I hectareand above a. Variable Area a. Saleable as area b. Seeopenspacerequirement per b.1, b.2 and b'3 b. Non-saleable Mandatoryallocetionfor parks and playgroundsper tabulation belo\rr:

%d b.1 Area for Parks Density Area (No,of Lotsot Gross and Playgrounds Unit for Parks & projects 1 Dwelling for & PerHectare) Playgrounds hectare above. 3.5Yo 150& betow
151- 160 161_ 175 fl6_mg 201_225 Above225 4.Oo/o S.0% 6.Ooh 7.QYo 9.0o/o

Density (No.of Lot3or Unit Dwelling Per Heclars) 150& below 151- 160 161- 175 176- NO 201 -225 Above225

% of GrossArea for Parks& Playgrounds 3.5o/o 4.OYo 5.0Yo 6'OYo 7.0% 9.O%

225. be.less and for allocated parks playgrounds ln nocasethallanarea located bestrategicallv Th" il;1d;;r";Ct"r". ""m" "hall the Prqct' within subdivision

in the titlethereto'(Referto Tabl62) 7oof GrossArea Density % of GrossArea Density (No.of lotsor for Community (No.of lotsor for Community Facilities bwellingUnits Facilities DwellingUnits Per Hectare) Per Hectare) 150& below 151- 225 Above225 1.Oo/o 1'5% 2.Oo/o 150& below 151- 225 Above225 1.o% 't.5% 2'Oo/o

Observehierarchyof roads

3. Minimum Lot Areas a. SingleOetached b. DuPlex/SingleAttached c. Rowhouse

72 sqm. 54 sqm. 36 sqm.

ilcnr-zEo HouslNG
64 sqm. 48 sqm. 32 sqm.

and/orrowhouse as lots Saleable designated duplex/single-attached components' with housing lotsshallbe provided units shall not Price of saleablelots intendedfor singledetached selling price for house and lot exceed 40% of the maximum package. 4. flinimum Lot Frontage 4.1 SingleDtachd a. comerlot b. regularlot c. inegularlot d. interiorlot 4.2 SingleAttached/ Duplex 4.3 Ro\ryhouse 5. Length of Block

8m. 8m. 4m. 3m. 6m. 4m.

However, blocksexceeding length blockis 400 meters. Maximum of at with alleyapproximately 250moters shallbe provided a 2-metr midlngth.

7. Road Rightof4Yay ProjectSizeRange 2.5 hes.& blow Abovo2.5-5has. AboveS-10has. Above10- 15 has. Above15 - 30 has. Abov30 has. Major Collector (m) (m) 8-6.5 10 10 8 10 I 12 8 15 10 ROW Minor (m) 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 Major Colloctor (m) (m) 8-6.5 10 10 I 10 10 8 12 10 ROW Minor (m) 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5



MotorCourt AIley Pathwalk

6 2

6 2 3

The minimumright-of-way major roads shall be in accordance of with the precedingtable. However,in cases where the major road will seryeas introonnec{ing it shall havea minimum road, right-ofway of 10 meters. lt shallhavea 1s-contimeter gravel(pit run) mix basecourse well compactedsubgrade. on Major roads shall maintain a uniform width of road right-of.{,vay. Taperingof road width shall not be allo ,ed whero the road right{fway is wider than the prescribd standardfor the intorconnocting roadof the proposed subdivision. Minorroadshallhavea minimum right-of-way 6.50mebrs. of

6. RoadRight-of-Way (cont'd)

NOTE: 1. Interior subdivision p'roiect must secur dght-of-way to ttle as shall b designated neareslpublicroad and the right'of-way of right-of-way 10 meters. roadwith a minimum interconnocting on Thisfact shallbe annotated the titleof said roadlot and must be donated and deemed tumed over to the LGU upon foad. (Sefigur1) of comoletion the said interconnecting must projects abutting main public thoroughfare. 2. Subdivision (at least 3.0 metersin depth by 5'0 setbacks orovidesufficient mete6 in length) at both sides of the subdivisionenhance to of and accommodate-loading unloading passengers(Sefigure 2l 3. Contiguousprojectsor projectsto be developedbv ph""9:-1h41 road with a minimum right-ofUe pr6"iO"Owiih interconnocting wayof 10 meters. 4. Alleyshall hava width of 2.0 mtersintendedto break a block ' purposes' both and t!t" bothpedestrian for emergency "nJ'to sbeets. lt shall not bc used as accss to tb "nO" "onn""ting property. lo 5. Pathwalkshall have a width of 3'0 mete6 intendedonly pfopertyfor-socializedhousing providepedestrianaccess to 60 meters' lrolects.' lt shall havs a maximumlongthof

8. Hierarchy of Roads Per ProjectSlze Range 2.5 has.& belont Above2.5-5has. Above5-10has. Above'10 15 has. Abov15 - 30 has. Above30 has. 9. RoadsSpcificatlons StriP(PS) 9.1 Planting (SW) . Sidewalk ROW m. 15.0 12.0m. m. 10.0 8.0m. 6.5m. Maior,minor,motorcourt,alley {(> minor'motor collector, Malor, court, alleY do{odo-

court' motor minor, Major, pathwalk



Malor,collector,minor, motor court, Pathwalk {o{o-

9.2 RoadPavement Major Minor MotorCourt Sidewalk PathwalUAlleY


ouslNc l

Conctete/Asphalt Concrete/Asphalt Macadam Macadam Macadam thicknessot 150 ed;lte road pavementstrattnave a minirnum of strength 20'7 MPa al 28 compressive and milimeters i minimum J"i".- n"pn"rt pavementshali have a minimumthicknessof 50 milimeters.

supply 10. Wator

publicwater system' Each to connection appropriate Mandatory and deepwell pump haveat leastan operational shall subdivision ADD to all homeowners to capacity provide sufficient sets with provided further a jpare pumpandmotorset is reseNedWater that and shall potable adequate be supply per connection 150liters capibperdayforhousehold
Provision tor fire protection facilities shall comply with the requirements the FireCodeof the Philippines. of Mandatoryindividualhouseholdconnectionto primaryand aKmate sourcesof porer if serviceis availablein the locality. provision streetlightingper pole if so-meterdistance; Mandatory of at everyother pole, if the distanceis less than 50 meters. by Electricbills shall be proportionately shouldered users prior to issuance Coc andtum overof openspaceto LGU. of Installation practices, materials and fixtures used shall be in accordan@ with the provision the Philippine of Elctrical Code and localutility company-

Water 10.1Minimum Supply Requirement 10-2Fire Protectlon Demand 10. Electrlcal Power Supply

12. DralnageSystem

The drainagesystem for e@nomic and sochlized housing projects shall be madeof concrete and lined canal with adequate capacity withloadbearing cover. pattem The drainage drainage systemmustconbrm withthe natural weterbodies, of the subdivision and shalldrainintoappropriate site, publicdrainage system natural or outfalls. lf applicable,undergrcund drainagesystemshall be provided with adequate reinforced concrete pipes (RCP), catch basins, manholevinlets crossdrainfor eflicientmaintenan@. Minimum and pipediameter drainage shallbe 300 milimeters.


13. Sewage Disposal System Tank 13.1Septic and designof to septictank conforming the standards Individual of the Philippines Code Sanitation to septictanksshallconform the standards of Construction individual Codeof thePhilippines. of anddesign Sanitation to 13.2 Connection Community SewerSystem connectionshall be made to an approved Wheneverapplicable, and publicor oommunity sewersystemsubiectto the requirements 'sanitation of the Philippinesand other Code lrovisions of the rules applicable andregulations. and disposalsystem refusecollection Providesanitaryand efficient with the local govemment or wnetnerinOepenOently in conjunction seNices. and garbage collection disposal

14. GarbagOisposal System

SholterComPonnt Floor 15.1Minimum Area a. Single Detached b. DuPlex/Single Attached c. Rowhouse

18 sqm. 18sqm. 18sqm' units Mandatoryprovisionof firewallfor duplexesJsingle-atteched (SeeFigure11) unitfor rowhouses "nA "i "u"ry 20 units per The number of rowhouses shall not exceed 100 metersin than but blocucluster in no cse snall this be more length.

Levelof 15.2Minimum ComPletion a. Single Detached b. DuPle)dsingle Attached c. Rowhouses

16. SetbacldYard Front setback Side yard Rear yard Abutmenls

house ComPlete the submitted on (Based specifications) same

Shellhouse (withdoorsandwindo\rsto the enclose unit) same

Codeof the Building the per Maybe allowed requirementof National

1 . 5m line) 1.5 m (fromthe building m 2.0

andGuidelines Section6. BuildingDesignStandards

shall complywith the followingdesign housingcomponents Projectsincorporating and guidelines. standards Housing) and Socialized for A. Single Family Dwelling (Applicable bothEconomic 1. Lot Planning a. Access to the ProPerty

Directaccesstothesing|e.fami|ydwe||ingsha||beprovidedby.meanso pathwalk shallonly be allowedas publicstreetor iatnwati. However, aUutting Housingprojects' for feoestidn accessto property Socialized b. Access to the DwellingUnit Anindependentmeansofaccesstothedwe||ingunitshal|beprovided meansof accessto the adjoiningproperties.Acceptable withouttrespassing without passingthroughany un1 rear yard oi tne Owettiirg shall be provided unit otherdwelling or anyotheryard. c. Open Space Requirements anywherewithinthe lot in open spacesshall be locatedtotallyor distributed into lightandventilation the building. maximum as sucha manner to provide d, Sizes and Dimensionsof Gourts or Yards of dimension courtsand yards shall not be less than The minimumhorizontal or to 2.0 meters.All innercourtsshallbe connected a street yard,eitherby a meters or by a door through a passageway with a minimumwidth ot 1.20 roomor rooms. Every court shall have a width of not less than 2.0 metersfor one and two this may be reducedto not less than 1.50 meters storeybuildings. However, rowhouses and the like one or in cluster living units such as quadruplexes, two stories in height with adjacentcourts with an area of not less than 3 further,that the separation walls or fences,if any, square meters. Provided, shapedlots such as triangular shall be not higherthan 2.0 meters. tnegularly lots and the like whose courts may be also triangularin shape may be ptovided widthof 2.0 meters, that no side from havinga minimum exempted ' meters. thereofshallbe lessthan 3.0

e. Abutments prcvided the linesmaybe allowed on Abutments the sideand rearproperty with: requirements becomplied shall following
in ,1. Openspaceas prescribed the tablebelow: ,"rt


Table10. PrivateOpenSpaceRequirements
Type of Lot in lot a. tnterior (lot located the interior troma of a blockmadeaccssible publicstreetor alleybYmeansof a privateaccessroad) lot) or b. Insidelot (non-corner singlfrontage thtough lot c. Cornerand/or d. Lots boundedon 3 or more sides by public ot open spacessuch as stregts'easement etc. esteros, rivers, seashores, Percentof Open Space Residential

All Others 25o/o

20% 10% 5%


in 2. Windowopeningas prescribed Section6'A'2'c below' of shallhavea minimum ona'hourfire resistive rating' 3. Firewall Socialized for Building Design Standards (Applicable both Economicand Housing) a. Space Standards Spaceswithinthedwe|lingstructuressha||bedistributedinaneconomica|, to affordthe maximumlivingcomfortand ,"nn"iso efficientand practical lt.shall ". and to insurehealth and safetyamong.theoccupants' convenience for provisions living' for facilities one famllyincluding .irpf"t- tiving "r"ii" !i""pinS, irf'dry, cooiing, eating,bathingand toiletfacilities' b. ceiling Heiihts from the roomsshallbe measured ceilingheightfor habitable 1. Minimum line. Whereceilingsare not provided'a finishedfloor linetoin" be provided' (See ""iiing minimumneaooom cLarani of 2'0 metersshall CeilingHeights) Figure5 : Minimum shallhave a clearceitingheightof not lessthan 1'80 2. Mezzaninefloors o"i"* itl Jt"iO"d that-itshill not cover 50% of the metersabove Floor) ""0 belowit. (See Figure6 : Mezzanine floo, "te" c. Openings 1. Doots

-' '"i,iiuii a . A m i n i m u m o f o n e e n t r a n c e i e x i t s h a l | b e p entrances/exits t h e rovidedwhere is ot occupants not morethan 10 and-2 than10' is of *f,"r" tn" number occupants greater

D o o r s s h a | | h a v e a m i n i m u m c | e a r h e i g h t o f 2 . 0 m eclear. E x c e p t f o r ters doorswhichshallhavea minimum U" andmezzanine of height 1.80meters'

shallbeas follows: of clearwidths doors c. Minimum m. 0.80 Door Main 0.70m. Doors Service/Bedroom m. 0.60 Door Bathnoom 7 (SeeFigure : DoorOPenings)


Figurc5. ilinimum GellingHeights

Figure 6, MezzanlneFloor


0.80 m.






0.60 m.




Figure7. DoorOPenlngs 2. Yllindows with windo\^'s a total use for Rooms hab'rtable shallbe provided-with floorareaof the 10%of the freeareaof openings "q,"lio?i""st room. with an area not loss with shallbe provided window/s Bathrooms than1/20of itsfloorarea' the where porch: may windows openintoa oofed porch Required or openwatercourse 1. abutscourt,yard,publicstreetor alley' openspaces; andotherPublic of height notlessthan2'0 meters' 2. hasa ceiling 3. InterlorStairs even and for safety a-scent descent' structural The stairsshallensure headrcom tt sirall afford adequate in extremecasesof "r-"rg"-*y. of for andspace the passage fumiture' clearwidth of 0'60 shall have a minimum 1. Width' Stairways meter. riser heightof 2. Riserand Run' Stairsshallhavea maximum meter' Stair treadwidth of 0'20 0.25 meter ptojections' "-ilinim'm "no treadsshallut et"f iVu of nosingandlorother head-room Stain shallhavea minimum Glearance. 3. Headroom be estabtished ehatt Suchclearance oi'i]i-tii"o.' clearance

by measuring vertically froma placeparallel tangent the and to stainvay treadmoving thesoffitabove points. to all
4. Landings.Everylanding shallhavea dimension rneasured in

the directionof tnavelequal to the width of the stairway. Maximurn height between landing shallbe 3.60meters.

5. Handrails.Stairways shallhaveat leastone handrail one on


7. Windtng Circular and Ste maybe usedif the requ not more than 300 milli wherethe treads nar are run be lessthan 1SO m variation the in of risersanclthe widthof treads one flisht .height rh:ll.?:, mitimerers. rd; d ,.\,il;# in anv S tsee ;j Circular Stairuays) 8. Ladders.Tn:_::" ofjaddersmaybe provided the ailowed that ..,maximum distance between tanOings Oef .gO shalt mlGrs.-. d. Roofing


Roofingmaterial that is impervious watershallbe provided. to "it''


W M I N .S T A I R W A Y I D T H


I o.asr {t'ttt'tI

<t E


o q

(, = o z

Design Figure8. StairwaY



Figure9. Winding and Circular StairwaYs


Electrical Requirements and one convenience There shall be providedat least one light outlet area. outletPeractivitY Fircblocks When any 2 living units abut each c which case the fireblockshall be the hollow blocks, bricks, reinforcedcor and shall extendfrom the lowestpol t" inl pointjust belowthe roof coveringor purlins' (See Figure ""il.: Fireblocks Drvelling UnitsThat AbutEachOther) for 10 "p

Figure 10. Fircblocks for Dwelling Units That Abut Each Other h. Firewall Whenevera dwelling abuts on a pnrpertyline, a firewallshall be required. The firewall shall be of masonryconstruction,at least 100 milimeters thick, and extendvertically from the lowestportionof the wall adjoiningthe livingunits up to a minimumheightof 0.30 meterabovethe highest point of the roof attachedto it the firewall shall also extend horizontally to a minimum up distance 0.30meterbeyondthe outermost of edgeof the abuttinglivingunits. A firewallshall be prcvidedfor duplex/single attachedunits and at every unit for rowhouses.No openingswhatsoevershall be allowed except or when the two abuttingspacesof 2 adjacentlivingunitsare unenclosed partiallyopen, e.g. carports,tenaces, patios,etc.; instead a separation wall shall be required. (See Figure 11 : Firewallfor Drvelling Units on PropertyLine)




G?l o.l

3i --r


c?l ol

Figurc 11. Fircwall for DurellingUnits on Property Line

B.tul$.Fami|yDwe|lings(App|icab|eforbothEconomicandSocia|izedHousing) l. Lot Planning accessto the propertyshall be Access to the property. Directvehicular publicstreet' an pi""iO"Oby means-of abuttingimproved o. Access to the dwelling. An inde orovidedto each dwelling'or group irespassingadjoining properties' I without trespassingat maintenance for mustbe independent eachdwellingunit' facilities with a sanitarymeansfor the removal Eachdwellingunit shallbe provided of garbageand trash. meansof accessto each living Access to living units. An independent proiid"d wiihout passingthroughany yard of a livingunil or L"it "n"ril" anyotherYaId. designedfor nond. Non-reeidentialuse. Portionsof the propertymay be -' or use the use iesioentiat provided type of non+esidential is harmonious


compatible the residential with character the property. of Someexamples of allowablenon-residential uses are private clinic/office, garages, carports.


> 25O/o

Figure i2. Non_Residential Use e. Cooperative store, structures the homeowners, and for association.

The computation the, non-residential of area shall includehalhrvays, coridors or similar slgoes which serve -riron_n"iia"it"rresiOential OJth and non_ residentiat areas.(See F6ui,eri : u*l r SpaceRequireT:lF__.lg.rtignsof the property ^O!g_n shailbe devoted to openspace provide to adequate tigr,t, ventilaiiSn-ino safety. Rre 1. Setbacks fromthe line - - ve "rq'.r' the ?lopgrty - shallbe maintainect, minimum of which shall be the followingl
Table11. Minimum Setbacks Storey per
Minimum Setback per Requirement Storey

eomerlThrough Lot abutting 3 or more sreets, alleys, nvers,esteros,eb.


Distance between building shall also be adequatelymaintainedto ensurelightandventilation In general,the minimumdistancebetween2 buildingsin which the tallerbuildings does not exceed2 storeysshallbe 4.0 meters. And the minimumhorizontalclearancebetweenthe two roof eaves shall be 1.50 meters. (See Figure 13 : DistanceBetween2 Storey Building) The minimumdistancebetweentwo buildingswherein the taller buildinghas 3 or 4 storeys,shall be 6.0 meters. And the minimum horizontal clearancebetweenthe two rood eavesshall be 2.0 meters. (See Figure14 : Distance Between 3 StoreyBuilding) The minimumdistance betweenbuitdingswith more than 4 storeys horizontal clearance shall be 6.0 shall be 10 meters. The minimum meters. Except,however,in cases when the two sides of the buildingsfacing or each otherare blankwalls,i.e.,eitherthereare no openings only distancebetween for minimalopenings comfortrooms,the minimum the buildings shall be 2.0 meters. And the horizontal clearance betweenthe roof eavesshall be 1.0 meter. (See Figure15 : Distance Between BlankWallsof Two Buildings) measurement of In the measurement distancebetweentwo buildings, shall be made where the distancebetweenthe two buildingsis shortest. (See Figure 16 : Measurementof Distance Between Buildings)

Flgure 13. DistanceBetween2-Storey Bullding



qls -'o-1


Figure14. Distance Between - StoreyBullding 3


Figure15. Distance Between BlankWallsof Two Buildlngs




Figurc16. Measurement Dlstance of BctweenBuildings g. Parking Requlrements. For multi-family dwellings,the parking requirement shall be in accordance the provisioniof the Nationat with BuildingCode of the Philippines and its lmplementing Rules and Regulations. parking Off-site maybe allowed addition the on-site in parking to provided thatdesignated parking areais partof theproject provided and further that it shallnotbe 100meters awayfromthecondominium prcject. Mandatory compliance with additional parkingspace requiredby local ordinances. 2. BuildingDesign Standards a, Living Units In general, building all design standards the single-family for dwelting shall for all livingunitsof muhi-family dwellings, exceptthat, the miiimum lpplV floorareaof a livingunitin multi-family dwellings shallbe 22 square meters for economic housing 18square and meters socialized for housing.Minimum floorarea shallbe in one floorlevelexclusive mezzanine, iny. For Bp of if 220 condominium projects, the minimumfloor area shalf be 1-gsouare meters. b. Exits,Corridorc,EzleriorExit Balconies and CommonStairways standards exits,conidors, for exterior balconies comrnon exit and stainaays shall conformwith the provisions the NationalBuildingcode of the of Philippines, lmplementing andRegulations wellas the Firecode its Rules as of thePhilippines. c, Utilitiesand Services To ensurehealthful livableconditions the prcject,basicutilities and in and services shallbe provided, minimum the requirements whicnshailbe: of


c.l Watsr Supply Water supplyshall be potableand adequatein amount ; a main service connectionind a piping system with communalfaucets to serve the etc. commonareas like the garden,drivevvays, shall be provided' Pipes branchingout from the main water line shall servicethe individualunits watermeters. with individual whichshallbe provided c.2 PowerSupply/Electical Servlce lf availablein the vicinity,a main porer serviceshatl be providedwith a main circuitto servicecommonlightingas well as commonpower needs branch circuitswith ot*rringt' Like the watei system' hotl''evel: "ilh" livingunits' separatemetersshallservicethe individual c.3 DrainageSystem repositories' to Surfacerun-oftsshallbe channeled appropriate c.4 SewageDisPosalSYatem by Sewage disposal may be accomplished any of the following means: a. b. c. system' to discharge an existingpublicsewerage treatmentin a communitydisposalplant, or communalseptic tank. septictanks with disposalby absorption in Treatrnent individual field or leaching Pit.

c.5 GarbageDisPosalSYstem and disposalof gafiage and Adequateservicesfor the regularcollection localordinances. with applicable rubbishin compliance c.6 ElevatorRequirements(lf Applicable)

of with the requirements the shall be in accordance of Provision elevators The same shall conformwith NationalBuildingcode of the Philippines. designarchitecuengineer licensed of the plansand specifications the duly the inctuding numberot for the who shalldetermine requirement etevators and standards,elevatortype, speed and cars, capacity,safety features The io locaiion'inrelation the over all designand use of the building. shall certify under oath that all components design architect/engineer tneriot are in accordance with the National Building Code of the Law, NationalIndgtry Standardsand other the Philippines, Accessibility No. pertinent as laws.(Approved per Resolution 554, Seriesof 1994)' shall be of complianceto the provisions the Fire code of the Philippines

mandatory. o(h."

3. GeneralConstruction Requirements a, Struchrral Requirements of shall conformwith the provisions the latesteditionof the All construction Structural Code. Philippine b. Electrical Requirements All electric systems, equipment and installationshall conform with the provisionsof the latest edition of the PhilippineElectricalCode and the of requirements the electricutilitythal servesthe locality. c. SanitaryRequirements All sanitary systems, equipment and installationshall conform with the provisions the latesteditionof Sanitration and its Code of the Philippines of Rulesand Regulations National Plumbing Code. lmplementing and d. Gonstruction Mabrials The use of indigenousmatedalsfor site development and construction of with the dwellingsshall be encouraged, long as these are in conformity as requirements these Rules and ensure a buildinglife span of at least 25 of yeas, or in conespondence loantermspayment. to

Section7. Variances/Exemptions
Variances from these standardsand requirements may be grantedpursuantto the conditions stipulated BoardResolution R-97,seriesof 1982(Annex under in No. A) strict observancehereof will cause unne@ssary hardshipto the case of regional peculiarities the location considerationVcharacteristics, of and otherrelevant factors.

No developmentof economic and socializedhousing projects shall be allowed without having compliedwith the standardsand approvalproceduresset forth in theseRules. An approvedsocialized housingprojectshalt not be upgraded any other type of to prqect. housing



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