Chapter6 - Feeds and Feeding The Fish
Chapter6 - Feeds and Feeding The Fish
Chapter6 - Feeds and Feeding The Fish
Chapter 6 Feeds and Feeding the Fish assures that the starches have gelatinized and this helps hold the pellet together. 4. The pellets should be of uniform size and of correct size so the fish can swallow them. A size of about the gape of the mouth is advised. 5. The feed should be palatable to the fish with a good taste, smell and feel. Fish will spit out or only slowly consume feed that is not palatable. One of the major differences between feeding fish and feeding terrestrial animals is that once fish have been fed, the excess feed cannot be retrieved from the water in pond, unless an extruded floating pellet is used, and even this is impractical. Land animals are fed from containers and excess feed can be retrieved, but even land animals have problems when there are too many fines in the feed. The fish in this case will be unable to eat all the feed and obtain all the nutrients it needs for growth as the feed will have disintegrated before they can consume it. This results in poor growth performance and a higher risk of poor water quality. Therefore, the higher the quality of feed that is used, the less wasted feed and the easier it is to manage pond water quality. With better water quality, the greater the ponds potential carrying capacity. Catfish do much better when the starches in the feed are adequately cooked, which is more likely to happen with extruded feeds, as opposed to pelleted feeds. However, some pellet mills will cook the ingredients. A farmer can tell by checking the integrity of the pellets. If the pellets of feed can float, it usually means that the ingredients have been cooked. Floating feed provides an added advantage in that the farmer not only knows when the fish have started feeding, but the farmer will know when the fish have stopped feeding. Even though catfish are thought to feed on the ponds bottom, they are easily trained to feed wherever the food is, even at the surface. Therefore, it is much easier for the farmer to evaluate feeding response when using a floating feed. However, floating feed often costs more. It is therefore up to the farmer to decide if floating feed is worth the added expense by evaluating fish performance and feed conversion
< 4%
Vitamin C 50 ppm
Selecting a Feed
When selecting a feed, bear in mind the following: (i) The species of fish being cultured. Different species have different nutritional requirements. The nutritional requirements for catfish are listed in table 6.1 above. (ii) The age and size of the fish. Juvenile fish require higher protein in their feed. For grow-out production, a feed with a protein level of 32% is adequate (see feeding chart in appendix 5). (iii) The quality of Feed being used. (iv) The anticipated feed conversion (FCR) of the feed. The costeffectiveness of the feed being used is governed by the FCRs obtained. For commercial grow-out ponds, FCRs should never go above 2.
Chapter 6 Feeds and Feeding the Fish Choosing the Right Feed Poultry Farmers:
Would you buy maize bran to feed to your layers or broilers raised under a deep litter system? Why would you rather purchase layers mash or broilers mash to feed the birds, since maize bran is cheaper? The reasons you opt for the correct feed for the right bird are the same reasons you should opt for quality feed for fish. All poultry farmers know that when one compares ones production when maize bran is fed versus the correct feed, yields are higher when the correct feed is fed and the costs of production are lower when the correct feed is fed, despite the fact that the unit cost of the poultry mash is higher than that of maize bran.
Dairy Farmers:
Assume you had a cross-bred cow. If you fed it only dry grass, would you expect the cow to give you 15 litres per day? Definitely not. If it did, you would regard it an absolute miracle straight from heaven. If you provided this same cow with better quality pasture plus legumes, the yield would go up to about 5-7 litres per day. If on the other hand you topped this with some concentrate, you could get up to 10 litres per day or more. How many of you dairy farmers think it would be a good idea to feed your dairy animals with maize bran instead of dairy meal? Several of you would make such a decision cautiously as the maize bran might destroy the benefits in yield that you would have obtained from giving the right pasture only; milk yield would drop and the cows might fall sick instead. In such situations where you cannot obtain the correct concentrate, most dairy farmers would opt to continue giving the best pasture they have access to and having reduced yields, rather than making losses by feeding disproportionate amounts of maize bran. So, what feeding maize bran is to catfish, is what feeding dry grass is to milking cows, or feeding maize bran to layers. A dairy farmer who only feeds dry grass knows that because of the nutritional limits of the food he is giving the cow, it is unlikely that the cow will give the same milk yield as one fed on pasture with legumes as well as concentrate, even if they were of the same breed. Fish are animals too. They need the correct kind of food in the right quantities if they are to give high yields. Fish need the right food to grow, they dont only need water. The quality and quantity of feed given an animal is directly affects outputs and returns. The same applies in fish farming. Aquaculture yields, productivity and consequently returns, are directly related to the quality and quantity of food given to the fish.
In order to avoid over or under feeding the fish, the right amount of feed must be given each time. The amount of feed to be provided to the fish per day, the feeding rate (ration), is dependent on the fishs body weight. Fish adjust their food consumption rates to meet their metabolic energy requirements. Therefore, the required ration varies with time during the production cycle depending on: a. the fish size (i.e. its average weight) b. the pond water quality - notably in terms of water temperature, dissolved oxygen and pollutant levels. The amount of feed required per ration can be estimated with the help of a feeding chart and calculated as follows (see appendix 5): = average fish size (weight) x feed rate (%) x total number of fish in the pond. Equation 5
Where, The feed rate is the amount recommended in the feeding chart as a percentage of the fishs average weight at that time.Box 4: Examples on Calculating
ii) If a catfish fish of 180 g requires a ration of 2.5% of its body weight, how much food should it be given per day?
Amount of feed to be fed per day = 180 grams x 2.5/100 = 4.5 grams feed to be fed per fish per day, so for 1,000 fish = 4,500g Note: 1. The daily ration calculated above is 4.5 grams for the day but what the fish shall actually consume will depend on the water quality as well as other factors on that day. If, for example, the water temperatures or dissolved oxygen levels drop that day for some reason, the fish will consume less feed. Likewise, if there is a lot of dietary energy in the pellet, the fish may get satisfied sooner than they can consume what was calculated out for them. 2. According to the feeding chart, the fish should be receiving 2 meals a day. Therefore, divide 4.5 grams by 2 = 2.25 grams. Feed about 2.25 grams of feed at each meal. But because water temperatures are normally lower in the mornings, the fish may tend to eat less feed in the morning than they do in the afternoon.
The optimum ration is the one that gives best growth rates, uniform growth and the optimum FCR. This is because at this level of feeding, 102
Chapter 6 Feeds and Feeding the Fish there is minimum feed wastage and minimum deterioration of water quality. This is often achieved when fish are maintained at a feeding level just below that of satiation. DO NOT overfeed fish because it results in feed wastage, deterioration of water quality and subsequently poor growth. Overfeeding only serves to reduce your profit margin. Likewise, substantial underfeeding results in poor growth and production.
The way feed is administered to the fish affects their access to the feed and subsequently plays a great role in influencing growth rates, 103
Chapter 6 Feeds and Feeding the Fish uniformity in size and FCRs. When administering the feed, one must therefore aim at ensuring: 1. Rapid and Positive Consumption of Feed by the Fish. This is to increase ingestion rates and ensure that pellets do not remain for a long time in the water before they are consumed. Otherwise the pellets will fall apart, and nutrients will leach from the pellet into the water resulting into wastage, and reduced water quality. 2. Minimal Metabolic Energy Expenditure Associated with Feeding. Feed the fish the largest particle size it can consume. For example, do not feed adult fish with powdered feed but rather with larger sized pellets. This allows the fish utilise most of the energy they derive from the feed for growth, rather than for obtaining the feed. When fish are feed particles that are too small they end up spending a significant proportion of their energy trying to get enough food. Therefore, a 300 g fish should be fed a 5 mm pellet not a 1 mm pellet. Imagine yourself being asked to pick and eat all the rice for your lunch a grain at a time. It would be easier and more satisfying to consume the rice on the plate within a short time using a spoon. 3. Ensure all the Fish have Equal Access to the Feed. When all fish have equal access to feed of good nutritional quality, uniform growth rates are achieved and better FCRs are obtained. It is important to prevent a situation, whereby, only a few fish dominate the access to the feeding area. When only a few fish dominate the feeding area, the fish that can get to the feed grow much larger and start predating upon the smaller fish. In such a case, there will be a few jumper fish plus several small fish. Consequently overall survival rates and FCRs at harvest become negatively affected. Feed can be offered to fish in ponds by one of the several ways: a. By broadcasting (floating and sinking pellets). Slow broadcasting of pellets is the recommended way for administering pellets to catfish grow-out ponds (See Plate 6.2a and for details see section 4.2.5 below). b. Via feeders (floating and sinking pellets). c. Applied within feeding rings (floating feeds especially for juveniles in ponds)
Chapter 6 Feeds and Feeding the Fish When deciding what feeding technique to adopt, the following should be taken into account: 1. How much feed should be fed per day per fish (ration size)? 2. How many times a day the fish should be fed (i.e. the feeding frequency)? 3. When the feeding times should be? The amount of feed consumed and the rate at which fish can metabolise it depends on water quality. Therefore, avoid feeding early in the morning when water temperatures and oxygen levels are usually at their lowest. 4. How you intend to administer the feed (i.e., the feeding technique)? 5. Labour availability and costs.
Feeding Frequency
The feeding frequency is the number of times fish in a pond are fed in a day. The feeding frequency affects the efficiency of feed utilisation (i.e. the FCR) so it is important to establish the optimal frequency of feeding so as to attain the best possible (optimal) FCR and uniform sizes of fish. The following should be taken into account, when deciding how frequently fish should be fed each day: 1. For optimum growth and feed conversion, each feeding should be about 1% body weight. However, it is expensive in terms of labour to feed 4 or 5 times per day. In grow-out ponds, feeding 2 or 3 times a day is adequate. 2. Proper feeding frequencies reduce starvation and result into more uniform sizes. 3. Juvenile catfish need to be fed more frequently than adults, because they have higher metabolic rates and their stomachs are too small to hold all the feed they require for a day (see feeding chart in appendix 5). 4. Catfish from 400 g can be fed once a day, because at this size the stomach can hold enough food for the day. At this stage, feeding all the fish at the same time once a day, results into more uniform growth rates because the greedy ones will still be full when there is still food around in the pond. This provides a good chance for the smaller fish to come and feed, hence, they also grow. 5. The feed administered at a meal should be consumed within the first 15 minutes of the feeding if you are using floating feed. If it is not, reduce the amount given to match how much can actually be consumed. This is a bit tricky with sinking feed but it is possible.
Chapter 6 Feeds and Feeding the Fish 4. What proportion of the fish comes to the feed? 5. What the weather was a few days before, and on that day? Is (was) it rainy, cold or hot? Therefore, the farmer must always stay around during feeding to watch how the fish feed every single day. Simply calculating and feeding the amount prescribed by the feeding chart results into wastage, high FCRs and poorer water quality. Feeding based on calculations only, is therefore dumping the feed, or feeding the pond; not feeding the fish. Criteria for Judging Feeding Response The following is a description of the criteria used to judge the fishes feeding response: E Excellent Fish are very active and come to feed immediately. The feed administered is all consumed by the fish within 5 to at most 10 minutes of feeding. G Good Fish are less active and come to feed over a longer duration. Feed gets consumed in about 15 to 20 minutes. F Fair Fish are sluggish but do consume about three quarters of the feed. However, they do so in over more than 30 minutes. P Poor When feed is applied, fish do not come to feed. More than three quarters of the feed administered is left over. NOTE: The grading criteria listed above are subjective. Therefore, it is upon each farmer or the person feeding, to study the fish and their feeding behaviour. As much as possible, the same person should feed the fish on a daily basis. Likewise, the person who feeds the fish should be the one who keeps the daily feeding records, not someone else. Training Fish to Feed by Response Fish should be trained to come up, and get their feed at the water surface. In order to do this, the following steps should be followed when fish are fed by the slow broadcasting technique: a. Administer the feed at the same place in the pond and at about the same time every day. This gets the fish into the habit of being in a certain area of the pond at feeding time. If the fish do not come to the area to feed initially, do not add any more feed until they learn to come to the assigned feeding area. It may take 107
Chapter 6 Feeds and Feeding the Fish up to a week to train fish to come and feed from the same area and learn their feeding times. Do not worry if in the mean time they do not get much. One may stomp at the edge of the pond, to call the fish at feeding time before administering the feed to them. b. Broadcast a handful or plate full of the feed once most of the fish have collected at the feeding area. If the fish come out to get the feed and immediately consume the tester, then the rest of the feed may be added. However, do not trickle the rest of the feed into the pond bit-by-bit. Rather, slowly broadcast large scoopfuls or bucketfuls at a time, until the fishs response starts to slow and the fish show no more interest in coming back for more feed. Weigh any leftover feed and keep it for the next meal. By training fish to feed in this way, one is deliberately creating competition for food. The fish soon realise that if they do not come to feed at meal times, then they will not have food until the next meal time. Therefore, the fish actively compete to get to the feed at meal times and eat as much as they can, as fast as they can. Because all the fish eat at the same time, growth rates become more uniform and FCRs consequently improve. The effect is similar to that obtained when several children are made to sit around, and eat from the same plate.
Chapter 6 Feeds and Feeding the Fish transportation. In so doing, water quality in transport containers can be better maintained and stress levels during transportation reduced. The other objective is to improve quality of the harvested product for the market. 4. The Afternoon before Sampling and on the Sampling Day before Sampling. Fish should not be fed the afternoon before sampling for the same reason as above. Also, do not feed them on the actual day of sampling especially before they are sampled. This is because they will be subjected a lot to stress from physical handling during seining, weighing and counting. In addition, the act of passing a seine through the pond has a temporal negative effect on water quality because of the mixing of the top and bottom pond water. The bottom water is often of poorer quality. Young fish still being fed more than once a day, may be fed that day after sampling at their normal feeding time. Adults fed once a day should be fed next the day after. Because of the stressors the fish will have been exposed to at sampling, their feeding response is likely to be poorer for up to two days after sampling or partial harvests. The fish will still be recovering from the handling stress. Therefore, do not insist on giving the fish their full ration, if they show no interest in feeding after sampling or partial harvests. Only give the full ration when their response picks up. 5. When Treatments are applied to the Pond. When some treatments like formalin are applied to the pond, the fish get stressed because the water quality within the pond will have temporarily been altered. Their appetite subsequently drops. It is best to allow the water quality to improve and when it does, so will the fishes feeding response. 6. When Water Temperatures are Low on Rainy Days. After a series of rainy days if the water temperatures drop below 22 oC, the fish are unlikely to be interested in feeding. Therefore, do not feed.
Chapter 6 Feeds and Feeding the Fish important to closely monitor the performance of feeding during the course of production, in feed-based systems.
Equation 6
Box 5: Example on How to Calculate FCR and use FCR to Assess Returns to Feed
i) If at the end of a production cycle, a total of 150 kg of fish are harvested from a pond and a total of 200 kg of feed was fed to the fish during production, how much feed was required (used) to produce each kilogram of fish harvested? The FCR will be: = 200 kg (total amount of feed fed during production) ( 150 kg fish harvested- 10 kgfish stocked) = 1.4 This means a total of 1.4 kg of feed was used to produce each kilogram of fish. ii) If each kilogram of feed cost USh.500/=, how much did it cost to produce 1 kg of fish? = Amount of feed required to produce 1 kg of fish (FCR) x Unit Cost of feed (USh.s.) = 1.4 kg X USh.s. 500/ = USh.s 700/= USh.700/= was spent on the feed to produce each kg of fish.
Chapter 6 Feeds and Feeding the Fish In grow-out operations, a good FCR should be between 1.5 and 2 when using the pellets currently available on the market. The FCR should never be above 2. Having it equal to 2 means 2 kg of feed is used to produce a kilogram of fish. A feed conversion above 2 is poor and arises when: i) Poor quality feed is fed. This occurs when feed is of poor nutritional value or the pellet is of poor physical quality. ii) The feed (size or nutritional quality) given is not suitable for the age of fish being grown. For example, the pellet may either be too big or too small, contain nutrients in the wrong proportions, etc. iii) The culture conditions are stressful to the fish. For example, if dissolved oxygen levels are continuously below 1 mg/l and/or ammonia levels are high (>20 mg/l), as commonly occurs when ponds have attained their carrying capacity. iv) Fish are over-fed. v) Survival rates at harvest are low. Low survival rates may arise as a result of stocking small sizes, poor handling at stocking, predation, etc. vi) Feeding for growth when the pond is at its carrying capacity.
Complete diet/pellets
920/= 1.8 1.8 kg = 1.8 kg pellets x USh. 920/= = 1,656/=
The lower the FCR, the lower the amount of feed used to produce a kilogram of fish. Therefore, the feed which gives the lowest FCR, even though it might be more costly, is often the one that gives the lowest cost of production.
Chapter 6 Feeds and Feeding the Fish Table 6.3 illustrates how, by harvest time, expenses on feed shall be about 70% of Total Variable Costs. It is therefore important to use feed as efficiently as possible in order to optimize returns. Person feedingmanagement
The Feed
The Fish The Water quality
Figure 6.1: Factors Affecting the FCR Therefore: 1. The Person Feeding is the most important person on the farm. He or she must be in position to: a. Train fish to the fish feed based on response. b. Keep track of and evaluate fish feeding response as well as fish performance through actual observation and keeping of records (i.e., with quantitative as well as qualitative information). c. Keep track of fish numbers and sizes in the various production units during the course of production. d. Deduce correctly from the pond and feeding records as well as the fishs feeding behaviour, what the next course of action should be
(e.g. what type of feed to give, how much feed to give, whether or not to adjust or withhold feeding, how best to administer the feed, what pond/water management details need adjusting, etc.).
If the person feeding cannot do this, then it is not worth spending money on commercial feeds as you will end up losing money instead. 2. The Feed a. Quality (both physical and nutritional). Having a well made pellet of the correct size and of the right nutrient value for the size of fish being raised, is extremely important. Pellet integrity is also important. b. Quantity. It is important that the right amounts are fed.
Chapter 6 Feeds and Feeding the Fish 3. The Fish a. The species being raised. For example, tilapia fingerlings will perform better than catfish fingerlings in an earthen pond receiving only fertiliser as an input. b. The size of fish. Fry require a higher protein level in their feed as well as a smaller feed pellet compared to adult fish. c. Quality of seed stocked. For example, was the fish stressed at stocking? Was it of the correct stocking size for the unit and intention for which it is being raised? For example, catfish growout ponds should be stocked with fish of not less than 5 g but preferably with fish of 10 g and above. Nursery ponds on the other hand, are managed to ensure survival young fry and can therefore be stocked with fish of 1-5 g. . 4. The Water Quality within the Production Pond, notably; a. the water temperature, b. levels of oxygen, c. levels of ammonia, pH and other pollutants in water.
Chapter 6 Feeds and Feeding the Fish 5. Do not stack bags on feed directly against a wall or on a concrete floor. Stack them on top of pallets off the walls of the building to prevent moisture coming in contact with the bags (see Plate 6.3a). 6. Protect the feed from rodents, bats, chickens and other animals. The feed can be stored in cages made of coffee wire mesh to keep off such animals (See Plate 6.3b). 7. Try to minimize insect contact and infestation. 8. Do not use pesticides or other toxic materials near the feeds. 9. Do not keep feed that has been molded or spoiled. Learn what the normal colour, smell and taste of the feed you use is. If the feed looks gray, blue or green in color; has a sour, musty or mildew odour (smell); or has been wet and has clusters of fused pellets - do not use it (Plate 6.4b).
NOTE: If you are feeding during the rain and the feed gets wet, feed all that wet feed that day or as soon as possible. Do not store wet feed, as it will get moldy.
Chapter 6 Feeds and Feeding the Fish Summary Guidelines for Feeding Formulated Pellets to Catfish
Besides the quality of the fish stocked, feed is the most important input in commercial catfish pond production because: 1. Feed is the highest proportion of operational costs and, therefore, the profitability of the operation depends largely on the performance of a feed (i.e. FCR). Remember, the aim is to convert the feed into fish to sell. 2. Pond production performance is attributable to the feed quality and the feeding technique. 3. Using a feeding technique based on feeding response is the best way a farmer can keep track of the: i. number and size of fish in the pond between samplings and at harvest ii. health status of the fish In order to get the best out of a feed, one must: 1. Construct and prepare ponds for stocking as recommended in Chapter 3. 2. Stock the ponds based on their ponds carrying capacity in relation to targeted harvest size (see Chapter 4). 3. Ensure best water quality (see Chapter 5). 4. Feed the best quality feed available and aim for an FCR less than 2 as follows: a. Feed the right feed correctly based on the fishs feeding requirements and response. b. Be conservative when using feed because it costs money. c. The feed used must match the ponds inventory. Know the numbers and sizes of fish in the pond. Adopting a single batch system of management (stock one size and harvest all before restocking pond) allows better knowledge of what is actually in the pond and the populations size distribution. This is extremely important in catfish production because the larger fish will predate upon the small fish. d. Avoid overfeeding. One would rather keep fish slightly hungry than overfed. e. Avoid swings in feed input i.e. impromptu or haphazard feeding. Other than increasing FCRs such feeding results in increased size variation within the population which in turn results into increased cannibalism and lower survival rates. Catfish lose weight fast when not fed for a while. f. Base your feeding rate on the fishs feeding response using the feeding chart only as a guide. Feeding by response means the person feeding MUST take time to feed and observe how the fish are feeding. 5. Keep and regularly evaluate pond and feeding records. The person responsible for feeding should keep the daily feeding records. Adjust pond management and feeding based on the information derived from the records. 6. Harvest the production ponds before they reach carrying capacity. In the event that it is not possible to harvest the pond or reduce the fish density, i. flush water through the pond before it gets to carrying capacity when there are signs of water quality deterioration, and ii. feed only a maintenance ration: about 0.5% to 1% body weight per day.
Good fish feed pellets maintain their integrity in water for several hours. This is what is referred to as the feeds water stability. A poor quality pellet disintegrates rapidly in water.
If you were feeding small catfish, you would want all of the pieces of feed to be small so the fish would not have to wait for them to dissolve before eating. Many feed companies have trouble adjusting their cutters on the pellet mill and do not make uniform-sized pellets. This will result in wasted feed.
Plate 6.1:
Plate 6.2:
b. Feed Cage.
A simple cage made of timber and coffee wire mesh all around to keep out vermin.
a. Good Pellets.
Note the uniform colour and with no powdery substance
b. Moldy Pellets.
Note (i) the colour of pellets is not uniform, (ii) the powdery substance that remains on the hand and (iii) the holes in the pellets. The whitish tinge and powdery substance that remains on the hand are due to mold. The holes are due to insects.
Plate 6.4: