2012 Reaction Paper
2012 Reaction Paper
2012 Reaction Paper
Reaction Paper
Geologists identified changes in the patterns of neutrinos which led them to the conclusion that due to the suns solar flares, the Earth would soon experience changes that had the potential to kill all living organisms. The government opted to keep the whole discovery confidential, not for the well-being of their citizens, but for the continuance of the human race. Financed by billionaires, the government was able to create several arks in the mountains of China that were purposed to protect selected representatives of each human race. Meanwhile, John Cussack, during a vacation with his kids at Yellowstone National Park, meets Charlie Frost where he learns about the Governments Plans to save a fraction of the human population. He then uses this information to find his ways to the secret arks which were in China, while escaping death as the Earths destruction is underway. Earthquakes, Exploding Volcanoes, and shifting continental plates are some of the phenomena where he and some of his new acquaintances had to travel through in order to reach them. The movie was fascinating, but during many parts of the movie, many of the things became too fascinating to be true. Here are some of the things Ive noticed that are scientifically impossible: A building cannot remain standing when its foundation is split into two. A limousine cannot drive through a crumbling building; the air trapped below the building is enough to put the limousine to a stop. An airplane cannot fly over explosions; the warm air bursting upward would tear the wings off the plane. Although the pilot of the twin-engine plane was very inexperienced and nervous, he was able to take his hand off the control stick to pull up the gear within moments of leaving the ground. The ship that carried the father of the scientist wouldnt have continued its cruise without making repairs due to it hitting the pier. An Antonov cannot fly on its side in between buildings especially if its carrying a heavy load of cars. The gasses escaping from the volcanic eruptions above Hawaii would have choked the engines of the Antonov. As the Antonov crashed, it blew up even though its fuel tanks were empty. With all the noise in the plane, the Bentley wouldnt have been able to use its voice control features. I liked the idea of the modern-day version of Noahs Ark where choppers, instead of poor old Noah, transported animals to the ships that would save them from the floods. But not only humans and animals were saved, like in the Bible, also pieces of art like the Mona Lisa was brought along; truly figuring mans immorality for taking more priority in museum pieces over human lives. The movie shows how desperate the human race is to continue surviving. Some would find comfort in religion while other would just use their bank accounts as protector. It resembles Darwins Theory of Survival of the Fittest. The tickets cost one billion per seat, thus only the richest people would be able to survive, including some of the lucky ones who could hitch along. People have thought about the end of the world from the start of time. Hundreds have made predictions about the end of the world, but so far, no one has been correct. Even in the Bible, Jesus gave his longest answer ever to the question, What will be the signs of the end of time? He stated that even he, the son of the all-knowing God didnt know when the end of time will bethus who are we, simple mortals, to make any predictions?