Improving Our Education System
Improving Our Education System
Improving Our Education System
The concept of total quality management (TQM) is quite popular in management circles today. TQM refers to a set of philosophies that re-orient management systems to focus on the efficient achievement of organizational objectives in order to exceed customer expectations and maximize stakeholder value. In the last two decades, TQM have enabled Japanese companies increase their competitive advantage in costs and quality, and to consequently gain significant global market share in a number of variety of industries. TQM in many ways is formalized common sense. Being customer-driven, it impacts on every process, job, and person in the organization. It becomes necessary to develop a systems approach to the organization taking into full consideration the nature of the interaction between departments. As such, facts and ideas generation, measurement and feedback systems, team work, cross-functional activities, customer interface, all become important beacons in the pursuit of excellence through TQM. While TQM was pioneered in the manufacturing sector, its benefits have been brought to service and public sector organizations. Federal Express (FedEx) and Florida Power and Light (FPL) are classic testimonies to the benefit of TQM to the service sector. FedEx processes close to a million parcels a day with an error rate of 1%. FPL is one of the most efficientlyrunned public utilities in the world. Many educational institutions in the US and Canada are applying TQM techniques to improve their organizational effectiveness and the quality of their programs. It is my opinion that TQM techniques, if properly applied in schools, can benefit the St. Lucian public immensely. Are we practicing a total quality approach in our schools in St. Lucia? I believe not. As in many other countries around the world, our schools: are not customer-driven; rarely consult the stakeholders in defining a mission; are highly departmentalized with little communication across departments; place little value on the opinions of persons outside administrative circles, do not practice continuous improvement; rarely manage by facts; are inflexible; rarely strive for excellence; do not benchmark their performance against " the leaders"; and they manage through a system of control versus facilitation. What kind of performance can you expect from our schools? Ill let you answer that question for yourself - I do not want to put words in your mouth. A total quality approach to running our schools is necessary for the following reasons: We live in an extremely dynamic world with depleting resources. Since schools have to equip learners to function to their fullest potential in such an environment, then the schools themselves must be dynamic and flexible.
The expectations of students, industry, parents, and the public in general vis vis educational priorities, costs, accessibility, programs, and relevancy, make it imperative for schools to undergo continual assessment and improvement. Economic conditions have created greater concern about economic well-being and career flexibility. Schools have to respond to this real fear of career obsolescence and career inadequacy. Funding resources for education are diminishing at a rapid rate. Schools have to find innovative ways of cutting costs without cutting quality. There is a false notion that quality is expensive. Quite the contrary, quality programs are very cost-efficient. There are several barriers to implementing total quality in education: 1) There is often a conflict between administration and academic functions. The two groups often form parallel worlds without a sharedvision or mission for the school. A total quality approach requires that the two groups work together to meet customer expectations; 2) Within the academic group, there is often too much divisionalization - I belong to the science subgroup vs. the arts and languages subgroup. Identity with the entire school must take precedence over subgroup identity; 3) Most schools have entrenched cultural practices and beliefs that may create resistance to change. The teaching profession is highly individualistic vs. teambased. Schools often claim a uniqueness that exempts them from having to change. There is a tendency to place the responsibility for poor performance on individuals as opposed to the system. The teacher was terrible, the student was ill-prepared, the text was in adequate. TQM requires that the entire (management) system be accountable; 4) The concept of a customer may be difficult to adopt in an academic environment; and 5) The need for control, measurement, and feedback systems for the purposes of standardization is somewhat foreign to academic environments. There may be the fear of stifling creativity. TQM promotes creativity as well as the standardization of processes that will yield desired outcomes. Dont be too quick to "shoot TQM in the foot". With creativity and ingenuity, these hurdles can be overcome. To successfully implement a total quality approach to education we must do the following: Obtain COMMITMENT to total quality from the Minister of Education; Recognize a school as a system with interacting subsystems, namely, a social/cultural subsystem dealing with human interactions and motivation, a
technical subsystem involving the transformation processes, and a management subsystem that integrates the whole; Identify all the customers and stakeholders; Develop and communicate throughout the school a shared vision and mission that re-enforce the needs of its customers Analyze the behavior of the school; Develop goals and objectives consistent with the vision and mission; Study the impact of each major process on the ability meet the schools goals and objectives; Develop measurement and feedback systems for each major process (such as curriculum development, student intake, teaching, etc.); Form cross-functional teams to improve major processes. Ensure that all the customers of each process are directly involved in the improvement effort; 9 Train all teams in techniques consistent with the nature of their activity; Implement systems to hold the gains that are made; Document all improvement exercises; Repeat Steps 1-12. Sounds like common sense? Common wisdom, unfortunately, does not translate to common practice. While school administrators are aware of these tools, more often than not, few can boast that they systematically apply these them. The benefits do not come from knowing them, they come from applying them!!! What can we expect from a total quality approach to education? Increased customer satisfaction, improved programs, improved responsiveness to changes in the economic environment, cost reductions, improved student performance, increase teacher motivation, increased flexibility, improved cooperation between teachers and administration, greater parental and public involvement in our schools, and others too numerous to mention. You dont believe me? If you dont, I understand your cynicism, but first ask the Minister of Education to try it before you give up. Let us be one of the few, if not the first, to pioneer the Total Quality approach to education in the Caribbean. With the state of our economy, we cannot afford not to embark on what is along fruit-bearing term journey.