Astro Astrological Calculations
Astro Astrological Calculations
Astro Astrological Calculations
1) calculate the oblique ascension of the ascendant Convert the longitude of the ascendant (ASC) to equatorial coordinates (RA, d): RA = arctan (cos (E) * tan (ASC)) d = arcsin (sin (E) * sin (ASC)) where E is the obliquity of the ecliptic (average 24 28', but you can get the value for a given date from Sweph) Calculate OA of ASC: OA = RA - arcsin (tan (d) * tan (L)) where L is the geographic latitude 2) subtract 90 degrees to get the RAMC Then RAMC = OA +90 Add 180 if ASC is between 0 to 90 and 270 to 360 Given the RAMC (= local sidereal time * 15) and the geographic latitude, you're in business for calculating the houses. 3) calculate the houses with the RAMC. swe_houses_armc