Advertisement Professor and Associate Professor

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Established by Govt. of Delhi vide Act 6 of 2009


(Tel : 011-27871031, fax : 011-27871023)

Advt. No. DTU/Rectt./Faculty/01/2011

Dated: December 03, 2011


Delhi Technological University (formerly Delhi College of Engineering) is a nonaffiliating; teaching cum research University engaged in education, research, technology incubation, product innovation and extension work in Applied Sciences, Engineering and Management and is committed to foster excellence. The University invites applications from the talented individuals who are inspired for teaching and have a strong zeal towards research and innovation to fill up the following posts of Professor in PB-IV with Academic Grade Pay of Rs.10000/- (Minimum pay: Rs.43000/-) and Associate Professor in PB-IV with Academic Grade Pay of Rs.9000/- (Minimum pay : Rs.37400/-) in the under mentioned disciplines by direct mode of recruitment: Sl. No. Discipline 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Automobile Engineering Bio-Technology Applied Chemistry Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electronics & Communication Electrical Engineering Electrical & Electronics Engineering Environmental Engineering Engineering Physics Humanities Information Technology Mechanical Engineering Applied Physics Polymer Science & Chemical Technology Production Engineering Software Engineering School of Management Applied Mathematics Total Professor 1 2 1 3 3 4 3 1 1 1 1 2 4 2 1 1 2 1 NIL 34 No. of Posts Associate Professor 3 4 2 3 2 3 4 4 2 3 3 4 7 4 3 NIL 3 2 4 60

The Prescribed Application Form along with relevant details regarding requisite Fees, Educational Qualification, Experience, reservation of posts for various categories and specialization required for the post can be downloaded from the Universitys website or with effect from 04.12.2011. The last date for submission of application form is 06.01.2012 by 05.00 PM. Candidates claiming benefits of reservation under SC and OBC should have certificate issued by the Govt. of NCT of Delhi. Registrar


Established by Govt. of Delhi vide Act 6 of 2009


(Tel : 011-27871031, fax : 011-27871023)

Advt. No. DTU/Rectt./Faculty/01/2011

Dated: December 03, 2011


Delhi Technological University (formerly Delhi College of Engineering) is a nonaffiliating; teaching cum research University engaged in education, research, technology incubation, product innovation and extension work in Applied Sciences, Engineering and Management and is committed to foster excellence. The University invites applications from the talented individuals who are inspired for teaching and have a strong zeal towards research and innovation to fill up the following posts of Professor in PB-IV with Academic Grade Pay of Rs.10000/- (Minimum pay: Rs.43000/-) and Associate Professor in PB-IV with Academic Grade Pay of Rs.9000/- (Minimum pay : Rs.37400/-) in the under mentioned disciplines by direct mode of recruitment:


Sl. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Discipline Automobile Engineering Bio-Technology Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electronics & Communication Electrical Engineering Electrical & Electronics Engineering Environmental Engineering Engineering Physics Information Technology Mechanical Engineering Professor No. of Posts 1 (UR) 2 (UR) 3 (UR) 3 (1-UR, 2-OBC) 4 (1-UR, 2-SC, 1-OBC) 3 (1-UR, 2-OBC) 1 (OBC) 1 (SC) 1 (OBC) 2 (1-UR, 1-OBC) 4 (2-UR, 1-SC, 1-OBC) Associate Professor No. of Posts 3 (1-UR, 1-SC, 1-OBC) 4 (3-UR, 1-OBC) {including
01post reserve for PH category, subcategory VH (LV)}

3 (2-UR, 1-OBC) 2 (1-UR, 1-OBC) 3 (1-UR, 1-SC, 1-OBC) 4 (3-UR, 1-OBC) 4 (2-UR, 1-SC, 1-OBC) 2 (1-UR, 1-SC) 3 (2-UR, 1-OBC) 4 (2-UR, 1-SC, 1-OBC) 7 (4-UR, 1-SC, 2-OBC) 3 (2-UR, 1-OBC) ----3 (2-UR, 1-OBC)

Polymer Science & Chemical 1 (OBC) Technology Production Engineering 1 (UR) Software Engineering 2 (1-UR, 1-SC)

Qualifications & Experience: Professor

Essential Qualification Relevant Experience Ph D in the relevant area along with Ist class in B Tech/BE and M Tech/ ME degrees. 06 years as Associate Professor or equivalent with AGP Rs 9,000/- and above in PB-4

Associate Professor
Ph D in the relevant area along with Ist class in B Tech/ BE and M Tech/ME degrees 06 years as Assistant Professor or equivalent with AGP Rs 7,000/- and above in PB-3 or 8 years of service as Assistant Professor with the AGP of Rs. 6,000/- in the PB-3 05 research publications in International refereed journals, during last 6 years. Candidates with published research work of high SCI and /or post doctoral experience from IITs, and other reputed institutions /National Research labs/ Reputed foreign Universities will be preferred. Independent supervision of 01 PhD and 04 M Tech dissertations, conduct of minimum 02 weeks short term courses/ Summer Schools /Winter Schools etc. Involvement in faculty development programs. Experience of establishing new lab/experiments, modernizing the labs, handling of 02 sponsored projects/Industrial consultancy/sponsored industrial research, PDF in reputed universities in India / abroad, award of patents, experience of administrative responsibilities at Institute / University level.

Additional desirable requirements

06 research publications in International refereed journals during last 6 years. Candidates with published research work of high SCI and /or post doctoral experience from IITs, and other reputed institutions /National Research labs/ Reputed foreign Universities will be preferred. Independent supervision of 02 PhD and 06 M Tech dissertations, organizing of national/ international conferences in the Institute, conduct of minimum 04 weeks short term courses/Summer Schools/Winter Schools etc., award of 02 sponsored research project/Industrial consultancy/sponsored industrial research of not less than Rs 25 lacs. Experience of establishing new lab/experiments, modernizing the labs, handling of 04 sponsored projects/Industrial consultancy/sponsored industrial research, PDF in reputed universities in India / abroad, award of patents, experience of administrative responsibilities at Institute / University level.

1. Experience shall be counted only when it is earned in a Govt Institute/University/Institution recognized by AICTE/ UGC/ Research Laboratory or Industry on a job relevant to the department to which a Candidate is applying. 2. When publications are in highly reputed journals (with highest impact factors in the relevant fields) or the candidate has done PDF/awarded with patents, the selection committee, at its discretion, may suitably reduce the requirement of number of publications. 3. Selection Committee may, in cases of exceptional merit, recommend additional increments in case of higher qualifications, experience and academic achievements by the Candidates at all levels, i.e. Assistant Professor, Associate Professor and Professor. 4. Candidates from Industry/R&D Organizations with relevant experience and Research Publication in Journals of repute shall also be considered if otherwise found suitable. 5. For all regular appointments all incumbents shall be subjected to the rules for probation and service conditions as prescribed by the University. 6. For candidates who have completed Ph.D degree directly after Graduation, the qualification of Masters Degree shall not be insisted.

Special Note: (i) For the Discipline of Mechanical Engineering, candidates possessing B.Tech./ BE and M.Tech / ME Degree in Production and Automobile Engineering and viceversa are also eligible. (ii) For the discipline of Civil Engineering, candidates possessing B.Tech./ BE and M.Tech/ ME Degree in Environmental Engineering are also eligible. (iii) For the discipline of Environmental Engineering, candidates possessing B. Tech. /BE and M.Tech/ ME Degree in Civil Engineering/Environmental Management are eligible. The candidates possessing Master of Science in Chemical Science/Technology and ME/M.Tech in Civil Engineering/Environmental Management are also eligible. (iv) For the Discipline of Computer Engineering, candidates possessing B. Tech./ BE/MCA and M.Tech/ ME Degree in Electronics & Communication Engineering/Electrical Engineering and Software Engineering are also eligible. (v) For the Discipline of Software Engineering, candidates possessing B. Tech./ BE/MCA and M.Tech/ ME Degree in Computer Engineering and Electronics & Communication Engineering are also eligible. (vi) For the Discipline of Information Technology, candidates possessing B. Tech./ BE/MCA and M.Tech/ ME Degree in Electronics & Communication and Computer Engineering/Computer Science & Engineering are also eligible. (vii) For the Discipline of Electrical Engineering, candidates possessing B. Tech./ BE and M.Tech/ ME Degree in Electrical & Electronics Engineering and vice-versa are also eligible. (viii) For the Discipline of Electronics & Communication Engineering, candidates possessing B. Tech./ BE and M.Tech/ ME Degree in Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering, Electronics Engineering and Electrical Engineering are also eligible. (ix) For the Discipline of Bio-Technology, candidates possessing B. Tech./ BE and M.Tech/ ME Degree in Bio-Informatics and Bio-Chemical Engineering are eligible. The candidates possessing Master of Science in Applied Bio-logical Sciences/Zoology/Botany/Microbiology/Genetics and Ph.D. in Applied Biological Sciences are also eligible. (x) For the Discipline of Polymer Science & Chemical Technology, candidates possessing B. Tech./ BE and M.Tech/ ME Degree in Polymer Technology/ Chemical Engineering are eligible. The candidates possessing Master of Science in Chemistry/Applied Chemistry/Polymer Science and Ph.D. in Polymer Science & Technology / Chemical Engineering are also eligible. (xi) For the Discipline of Engineering Physics, candidates possessing Masters of Science in Applied Physics/Material Science/Electronics Science and Ph.D. in Applied Physics in areas such as Electronic Sciences, Photonics, Material Sciences, Nano Science and Technology, Plasma Physics, Energy Sciences, Nuclear Science and Technology are also eligible.


Sl. No.
1 2 3 4 Discipline Applied Chemistry

No. of Posts 1 (UR)

Associate Professor
No. of Posts 2 (1-UR, 1-OBC) 3 (2-UR, 1-SC) 4 (2-UR, 1-SC, 1-OBC) 4 (2-UR, 2-OBC) {including 01 post reserve for
PH category, subcategory OH (OA/OL/BL/OAL)}

Humanities 1 (UR) Applied Physics 2 (1-UR, 1-OBC) Applied Mathematics -----

Qualifications & Experience: Professor

Essential Qualification Relevant Experience

Associate Professor

Ph D in the relevant area along with Ist Ph D in the relevant area along with Ist class in UG and PG degrees. class in UG and PG degrees 06 years as Associate Professor or 06 years as Assistant Professor or equivalent with AGP Rs.9,000/- and equivalent with AGP Rs.7,000/- and above in PB-4 above in PB-3 or 8 years of service as Assistant Professor with the AGP of Rs.6,000/- in the PB-3 06 research publications in 05 research publications in International refereed journals during International refereed journals during last 06 years. last 6 years. Candidates with published research Candidates with published research work of high SCI and /or post doctoral work of high SCI and /or post doctoral experience from IITs, and other experience from IITs, and other reputed institutions /National Research reputed institutions /National Research labs/ Reputed foreign Universities will labs/ Reputed foreign Universities will be preferred. Organizing of national / be preferred. Independent supervision international conferences in the of 01 PhD or equivalent sponsored Institute, conduct of minimum 04 short project work. Exposure of term courses/Summer Schools/Winter modernization of laboratories / Schools etc., successful completion of establishment of labs in new and at least 02 sponsored research emerging areas of applied science / project/Industrial consultancy of not contribution to advanced level less than Rs 10 lacs during the last 06 research reports / successful years. completion of the sponsored projects Experience of establishing new labs in and consultancy work. emerging areas of Applied Sciences Experience of administrative and Humanities, PDF in reputed responsibilities at Institute level. universities abroad, award of patents Conduct of 02 week short term and experience of administrative courses/Summer Schools/Winter responsibilities at the Institute level is Schools etc. desirable.

Additional desirable requirements

Notes: 1. Experience shall be counted only when it is earned in a Govt Institute/University/Institution recognized by AICTE/ UGC/ Research Laboratory or Industry on a job relevant to the department to which a Candidate is applying.

2. When publications are in highly reputed journals (with highest impact factors in the relevant fields) or the candidate has done PDF/awarded with patents, the selection committee, at its discretion, may suitably reduce the requirement of number of publications. 3. Selection Committee may, in cases of exceptional merit, recommend additional increments in case of higher qualifications, experience and academic achievements by the Candidates at all levels, i.e. Assistant Professor, Associate Professor and Professor. 4. Candidates from Industry/R&D Organizations with relevant experience and Research Publication in Journals of repute shall also be considered if otherwise found suitable. 5. For all regular appointments all incumbents shall be subjected to the rules for probation and service conditions as prescribed by the University. 6. For candidates who have completed Ph.D degree directly after Graduation, the qualification of Masters Degree shall not be insisted.

Sl. No. 1 Professor Associate Professor No. of Post No. of Posts School of Management 1 (UR) 2 (1-UR, 1-OBC) Discipline

Qualification & Experience: Professor

Essential Qualification Relevant Experience Additional desirable requirements Ph D with Ist class in MBA/UG/P.G degrees. 06 years as Associate Professor or equivalent with AGP Rs.9,000/- and above in PB-4 06 research publications in International refereed journals during last 6 years, independent supervision of 02 PhD and 06 MBA / M.Tech dissertations. Published work in Journals of repute with High SCI and teaching / research experience in institutions of repute. Organizing of national/international conferences in the Institute, conduct of minimum 04 weeks short term courses/Summer Schools/Winter Schools etc., award of 01 sponsored research project/Industrial consultancy/ sponsored industrial research for Rs 25 lacs. Experience of establishing new lab/experiments, modernizing the labs, PDF, award/filing of patents, experience of administrative responsibilities at Institute level Involvement in faculty development program.

Associate Professor
Ph.D with Ist class in MBA/UG/PG/ M.Tech degrees 06 years as Assistant Professor or equivalent with AGP Rs.7,000/- and above in PB-3 05 research publications in International refereed journals, during last 6 years. Published work in Journals of repute with High SCI and teaching / research experience in institutions of repute. Independent supervision of 01 PhD and 04 MBA / M.Tech dissertations/ minimum 02 weeks short term courses/ Summer Schools /Winter Schools etc. Involvement in faculty development programs. Experience of establishing new lab/experiments, modernizing the labs, handling of 02 sponsored research project/Industrial consultancy/sponsored industrial research, PDF, award/filing of patents, experience of administrative responsibilities at Institute level.

Notes: 1. Experience shall be counted only when it is earned in a Govt Institute/University/Institution recognized by AICTE/ UGC/ Research Laboratory or Industry on a job relevant to the department to which a Candidate is applying.

2. When publications are in highly reputed journals (with highest impact factors in the relevant fields) or the candidate has done PDF/awarded with patents, the selection committee, at its discretion, may suitably reduce the requirement of number of publications. 3. Selection Committee may, in cases of exceptional merit, recommend additional increments in case of higher qualifications, experience and academic achievements by the Candidates at all levels, i.e. Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, and Professor. 4. Candidates from Industry/R&D organizations with relevant experience and Research Publication in Journals of repute shall also be considered if otherwise found suitable. 5. For all regular appointments all incumbents shall be subjected to the rules for probation and service conditions as prescribed by the University. 6. For candidates who have completed Ph.D degree directly after Graduation, the qualification of Masters Degree shall not be insisted.

General Instructions for all Candidates

i. ii. iii. iv. The candidate must be a citizen of India. Age Limit (desirable) : 55 years for Professor and 50 years for Associate Professor as on the closing date of the receipt of the applications, i.e., on 06.01.2012. Prescribed application form can be downloaded from the Universitys website or with effect from 04.12.2011. Application Form must be accompanied by a demand draft of Rs.500/- in case of General candidates and Rs.250/- in case of SC/OBC/PH Category candidates drawn in favour of Registrar, Delhi Technological University, payable at Delhi. No other mode of payment will be accepted by the University. Application Form must also be accompanied by attested copies of Educational and Professional Qualifications, Experience, Caste Certificate/PH Certificate (in case claiming benefit of reservation). If a class/division is not awarded at BE/B.Tech, ME/M.Tech/MBA/equivalent degree, a minimum of 60% Marks in the aggregate shall be considered equivalent to Ist Class/Division. If a grade point system is adopted, the CGPA will be converted to equivalent marks and minimum CGPA shall be 6.75 in the scale of 10. If the Grade Point System is adopted, the CGPA will be converted into equivalent marks as given below: Grade Point % of marks 6.25 55 6.75 60 7.25 65 7.75 70 8.25 75 Prescribed Educational Qualifications are minimum & mere possession of the same does not entitle candidates to be called for interview, where number of applications received are more, the University reserves the right to short-list the candidates to be called for interview and no claim for refund of fee shall be entertained in any case. The University reserves the right to fill or not to fill any or all the post advertised, no correspondence whatever will be entertained from the candidates regarding postal delays, conduct and result of interview and reason for not being called for interview. The number of posts advertised is provisional and can be varied as per the requirement of the University.








SC/OBC candidates claiming benefits of reservation should submit the SC/OBC certificate issued to them by the competent authority of Govt. of NCT of Delhi on or before the prescribed closing date. The OBC candidates shall also submit the duly filled Annexure I, that he/she does not belong to the creamy layer on the crucial date in addition to the community certificate (OBC). Unless otherwise specified, the closing date for receipt of applications for the post is to be treated as crucial date.




xv. xvi.

xviii. xix.

SC/OBC certificate obtained after the closing date shall not be considered and the prospective candidate will be considered under UR category, if eligible otherwise. It is clarified for the prospective candidates of SC/ST categories, that the reservation benefits in these categories for the vacancies shall be admissible as per judgment dated 04/08/2009 of Honble Supreme Court of India as passed in Civil Appeal No. 5092/09 (arising out of SLP Civil No. 24327 of 2005) Subhash Chander & Ors. Vs Delhi Subordinate Services Selection Board and Ors. with WP(C) No. 507 of 2006Sarv Rural & Urban Welfare Society Vs. Union of India & Ors and the related instructions of the Government. Therefore, the candidates who have obtained the SC/ST certificates in Delhi on the basis of the certificates of their parents issued by other States and have migrated to Delhi are not entitled for the benefit of reservation and shall be considered under UR category, if eligible otherwise. All prospective candidates are advised to check their eligibility regarding admissibility of benefit of reservation accordingly. In view of Judgment dated 04/08/2009 of Honble Supreme Court of India and in the absence of Presidential notification under Article 342 of the Constitution of India declaring any tribe to be a ST in the UT of Delhi, the vacancies under ST category are not being advertised. All the positions are not identified as suitable for HH persons. The positions of Applied Chemistry, Applied Mathematics, Engineering Physics, Applied Physics and School of Management are also identified as suitable for OH category. The positions of Electronics & Communication, Computer Engineering, Information Technology, Polymer Science & Chemical Technology, Environmental Engineering, Bio-Technology and Software Engineering are also identified as suitable for OH/VH category. However, it is clarified that the positions reserved for PH category have already been mentioned in the abovementioned tables. The positions mentioned in rest of the Disciplines are not identified as suitable for PH Candidates. Abbreviations used are denoted as under : UR-Un-Reserved (General), SC- Scheduled Caste, OBC-Other Backward Classes, PH - Physically Handicapped, VH Visually Handicapped, LV-Low Vision, OH-Orthopedically Handicapped, BL-Both Leg, OAOne Arm, OLOne Leg, OAL-One Arm and One Leg, HHHearing Handicapped. Application must be sent in the prescribed format only. The candidates applying for more than one discipline should submit separate application form alongwith requisite fees. The Educational qualification, age, experience and other conditions of eligibility as stipulated above against the post shall be determined as on the closing date of receipt of applications. All columns must be filled in the application form. No column should be left blank, instead it should be marked N.A. wherever not applicable.
The persons already in employment in Govt. Department/Autonomous Bodies/ Universities should apply through proper channel. Incomplete/unsigned applications/application without photograph and those received after due date or without demand draft shall be rejected and no claim for refund of fee shall be entertained in any case. Candidates must ensure that their application must reach the University well in time. The University will not be responsible for any postal delay or loss. No TA/DA in connection with the submission of application form or appearing in the interview will be paid to the candidate. If the qualification possessed by the candidate is equivalent, then the authority (with number and date) under which it has been so treated must be indicated and its copy may also be attached. No documents will be accepted or considered by the Universality after submission of application form by the candidate and no subsequent request for its change will be considered or granted. Any dispute with regard to this recruitment will be subject to the Courts/Tribunals having jurisdiction over Delhi.

xx. xxi. xxii. xxiii. xxiv.

The complete application, on the prescribed form, duly filled in alongwith all the desired documents and requisite fees should be submitted in the University campus at the Reception Counter, Administrative Block OR sent by post, so as to reach the Registrar, Delhi Technological University, Shahbad Daulatpur, Bawana Road, Delhi-110042 latest by 06.01.2012 at 05.00 p.m. (In case the closing date happens to be a public holiday the next working day will be the last date for receiving of applications). The University will not be responsible for any postal

delay or loss.

Annexure - I





resident of Village/town/city________________________________________________________ district ________________________State_________________________ hereby declare that I belong to the ______________Community which is recognized as a backward class by the Government of India for the purpose of reservation in Services/admission in Central Govt. institutions as per orders contained in the Department of Personnel and Training Office Memorandum No.36012/22/93-Estt.(SCT) dated -8/09/1993. It is also declared that I do not belong to persons/sections (Creamy Layer) mentioned in Column 3 of the Schedule to the above referred Office Memorandum dated 08/09/1993, which is modified vide Department of Personnel and Training Office Memorandum No.36033/3/2004-Estt.(Res.) dated 14/10/2008.


__________________________ (Signature of the Candidate)


__________________________ (Name of the Candidate)

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