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Copyright 2011 by tarotlyn (Lynnette Monrean)

Questions to ask: Who, What, When, Where, Which, Why, How, Is, Are Tarot card meanings will depend upon your interpretation, so try to follow your inner feelings and go with your first impressions. Here is a brief list and/or phrases of some of the traditional Tarot Card Meanings:

The Fool Foolishness. Watch your step or you could make a mistake. Confronting fears and taking risks. Can be an exciting new journey or project. Being spontaneous. REVERSED: Too late, you already made a mistake and it cannot be changed and the damage is already done. So pick yourself up and dust yourself off and try to do better next time. The Magician The magician Extraordinaire! You already have the tools and talents to make things happen. You can do anything you want to IF you set your mind to it. Skill. Triumph of mind over matter. REVERSED: Cunning. Unskilled and closed minded with a lack of ambition. Does not have the tools necessary for the job or situation.

Copyright 2011 by tarotlyn (Lynnette Monrean) All Rights Reserved.

The High Priestess Knowing secret things and being psychic. Realizing that something is out of your hands now and the situation is left up to the Cosmosthe Universe. A need to look deeper into the situation at hand. REVERSED: Very superficial, unskilled and selfish. Not relying on inner knowledge, and not trusting the Universe to help you. The Empress Creative, active, and productive. Indication for pregnancy or reproductiveness. Beauty and harmony. Motherly (nurturer) and close to nature. Abundance. Talented. REVERSED: Lacking creativity and not wanting to be productive (basically lazy). May be barren. Miscarriage or abortion of a child or of a creation of some sort. The Emperor In control. Top dog, ruler, father or father figure. Authoritative stable male. CEO of company, leader, or boss. In charge of the situation. Older, strict, male. REVERSED: Rigid with self-interests. A control freak. The Hierophant Moralistic teacher (sometimes means religious leader or teacher). Learning to play by the traditional structured rules of society. Very conservative. REVERSED: Rebellious, refuses to listen or learn. Has to do it their own way. The Lovers A decision (or choice) will need to be made about a relationship or a situation. Choosing between right and wrong things or people. Tempted to do the wrong thing. REVERSED: You dont get to make a choice now. Someone else will make it for you! You will have no say in the matter. You will be paying for making a bad choice. The Chariot You will win the battle! You are on the road to victory. A winning situation. You are driven to succeed. The motion is started and you are able to control all aspects of the situation. REVERSED: You are just wasting your time on this situation because it will be unsuccessful. Defeat. Strength Courage and strength to overcome all difficult situations you find yourself in, with love, understanding, and kindness. REVERSED: No real stamina, courage, or strength in the situation. The Hermit Seeking solitude to find your answers. You can be a beacon of light to others, guiding them wisely on their paths. Seeking answers from an experienced person. REVERSED: Doesnt listen or respond to wisdom. Doesnt learn from their mistakes.

Copyright 2011 by tarotlyn (Lynnette Monrean) All Rights Reserved.

Wheel of Fortune Fated major changes that happen quickly. What is up now, must come down and what is down now, must go up. Unexpected luck or changes. REVERSED: Likely reversals or reversals of luck. No changes now, but dont take any chances with anything important. I have seen this to mean an actual end to life, with the Soul going into renewal. Justice Legal implications could win. Whatever is decided will be fair. Need to be fair with others. A card of Karmagetting what you deserve. Reaping what you planted. REVERSED: Decisions made are or were not fair at all. The Hanged Man Forced sacrifice. Your life is on hold for now. You are called on to sacrifice and you have no choice in the matter. Once you surrender, then it will get easier and then you will gain compassion and see things from a different perspective or different light. REVERSED: Self-centered and would not sacrifice anything for anybody. Only thinking of yourself. No compassion. Drug/drink addictions may be involved. Death Death or end of something or of a relationship. Can also mean an actual death. Transformation takes place. Out with the old and outdated and in with the new. REVERSED: Everything stops. Stagnation. Nothing is moving or happening. Temperance Moderation, balance, and blending is necessary for harmony. You must blend the positives with the negatives to achieve the best in a situation. REVERSED: Can indicate overindulgence in drug or drink. Everything is unbalanced. Discord. The Devil Bad habits or vices. Addicted to things (or people) that are not good for you. You stay with someone that you know is wrong for you. In bondage. In jail. In a trap of some kind. Materialistic. Greed. Damaging physical indulgences and pleasures. REVERSED: Overcoming bad habits and vices or addictions. Divorce. Letting go of something bad for you. On the road to recovery. Able to overcome temptations now. The Tower Sudden changes through a crisis or breakdown. False images you have built up will be torn down quickly. Something destroyed. REVERSED: Not able to see the positive possibilities in a situation. Lesser crisis situationor crisis just barely avoided. The Star All things are possible now. There is still hope so aim high and let yourself be inspired. Follow your dreams. REVERSED: Not able to see the positive possibilities in a situation. Feeling hopeless or uninspired. Copyright 2011 by tarotlyn (Lynnette Monrean) All Rights Reserved.

The Moon Things are not really what they seem to be. Confusion in a situation. The truth is hidden from you. Something is not quite right, but the truth will be revealed later on. REVERSED: Feeling betrayed by someone close to you. Dont expect too much from others now. The Sun Very happy, positive, successful period. Recognition. Advancement. Joyous times. REVERSED: Some losses or failures. Missing the mark. Judgement A call to take action on something. Also a time to make things right. REVERSED: Refusing to take action when called on . The World The successful completion of something. Rewards and recognition for job or something well done. Everything goes well at this time. The successful end of a cycle. Upright this is a Yes answer. REVERSED: Plans defeated or delayed. No success or gain at this time. This is a NO answer.

SUITS (element meanings) (In alphabetical order) Coins = Finances or Health Cups = Relationships, Friendships, Feelings Swords = Thoughts and Ideas, or belief systems, or problems and troubles Wands = Career or Job, or Family, or Friends, or Social life Note: Major Cards (#s 15 through 21 + #0) = Spiritual (path)

Numbers on the Minor cards and their Meanings And Which Major Arcana card they are connected to:
(1s) All Aces connected to The Magician New start, powerful project = Beginning of something
Ace of Coins: New powerful start or project regarding your finances or health REVERSED: No new money or resources for business, work, or project now. Copyright 2011 by tarotlyn (Lynnette Monrean) All Rights Reserved.

Ace of Cups: New powerful start or project regarding your new love or relationships REVERSED: No new starts with love or friendships. Possible drain due to an unhappy relationship or separation. Ace of Swords: New problems begin, as old ones are now resolved. New powerful start or project regarding your thoughts, ideas, or beliefs. REVERSED: No new problems right now, but still dealing with the old ones. No new ideas at this time. Ace of Wands: New powerful start or project regarding your job, career, family or friends. REVERSED: No new energy or creativity regarding job, career, family, or friends.

(2s) (All Twos connected to The High Priestess deeper knowledge) = Know or understand
Two of Coins: Knowing and understanding how to handle your finances or health REVERSED: Not knowing how to make ends meet or to multitask. Two of Cups: Knowing and understanding the deepness of your relationships. Love or relationship union or commitment. REVERSED: No commitments and possible separation (maybe even a silent separation) or divorce. Two of Swords: Not wanting to know or understand your problems. Understanding that things have come to a standstill. Knowing and understanding your thoughts, ideas, or beliefs. A truce is called. A stalemate. REVERSED: Not knowing your problems and you cant see them. Two of Wands: Knowing and understanding your job, career, family, or friends. Desiring more in life. REVERSED: Not knowing or understanding your job, career, family, or friends.

(3s) (All Threes - connected to The Empress creating or reproductive ) = Improving or Creating
Three of Coins: Master of your craft or skills that can bring you money and admiration. Improving or creating in your finances or health. Making yourself Happy. REVERSED: No skills and cannot make enough money, need to re-skill yourself. Not happy. Three of Cups: Time for fun or party with friends. Artistic abilities are enjoyed. Improving or creating in your relationships. Happiness with doing the things you love. REVERSED: Not happy and not doing what you love to do. Drinking or overindulgences. Emotional drain.

Copyright 2011 by tarotlyn (Lynnette Monrean) All Rights Reserved.

Three of Swords: Making your own problems. Time of sorrow. Loses. A third person came into the situation and caused you a separation and/or pain. A very sad time or mourning. Feeling betrayed. REVERSED: Unhappiness in a love relationship. Feeling stabbed in the back. A rival is involved. Untrustworthy friend. Dont let it make you sick! Three of Wands: Waiting for profits. Perhaps looking for a partner to help and share in your successes. New ideas bring profits and success. Improving or creating in your job, career, or family REVERSED: Not making money and not happy with social situations. No new ideas that are successful right now. No growth in biz or life.

(4s) (All Fours connected to The Emperor authority, planner) = Planning

Four of Coins: Hanging onto your money. Finances are stable but money is the most important thing to you. Shallow and uptight. Not sharing with others. Planning and juggling your finances or health. REVERSED: Spendthrift and need to balance your budget. Money problems can cause health problems. Financial setback. Four of Cups: Bored or disillusioned with plans regarding your relationships. Much is offered but nothing satisfies. Need to get rid of your old habits. REVERSED: Unhappy in your relationship situation or disappointed with love. Separation or loss possible. Dont expect too much from your present relationships. Four of Swords: A time for much needed rest. Recuperation from illness or operation. Make plans to improve your health situation. Plans on hold regarding your thoughts, ideas, or beliefs. REVERSED: Nervous stress. Burning the candle at both ends. Not resting and need to. Not realizing your problems or troubles are making you sick or could make you sick. Four of Wands: Your work is done and time for a celebration or holiday! Planning celebrations regarding your job, career, or family. Can be a marriage. REVERSED: Business activity is lessening. You are spending too much. Extravagance depletes your financial assets. Possible divorce or separation now.

(5s) (All Fives) = Dealing with challenges (connected to The Hierophant)

Five of Coins: Unemployment and low funds or destitution. Making money your God actually causes you to be lacking financially. Dealing with challenges regarding your finances or health. Poverty minded. REVERSED: A new job or work, but it can be difficult work. You are not making money your God, so things should turn around for you. Beginning of faith in yourself. Watch your health at this time. Copyright 2011 by tarotlyn (Lynnette Monrean) All Rights Reserved.

Five of Cups: Bitter and sad over a past loss, separation, or falling out with someone and cannot forget it or let it go. Missing out on good things because of being focused on a regretful past. Dealing with challenges regarding your relationships. Was emotionally hurt in past situation. REVERSED: Divorce or separation possible. Not sure about love now. Afraid of the future. Five of Swords: Dont bully anyone or let anyone bully you. Be careful of being on an ego trip or gloating about winning over someone else. Dealing with challenges with others regarding your thoughts, ideas, or beliefs. Dont be so cruel! REVERSED: You may have negative thoughts of revenge, but you wont carry it out. You really dont want any problems or friction with others now. Five of Wands: Confrontations at work or with friends or family. Facing arguments or hassles from coworkers or others in your life but feeling that your ideas or ways are the best. You want changes in your life or work. Dealing with challenges regarding others on your job, career, or family, or friends REVERSED: Legal problems. Fear of confrontations at work or at home. Fear of disharmony.

(6s) (All Sixes) = Choosing between right and wrong (connected to The Lovers)
Six of Coins: Paying your bills. Sharing with those less fortunate. Choosing between right and wrong regarding your finances or health. Someone pays you what they owe you or you pay off a debt. REVERSED: Lots of bills and could use more money to pay them. Not getting paid for your work. Non repayment of a loan. Not wanting (or able) to share with others right now. Six of Cups: Someone from your past comes back and you have to decide whether you want them back in your life. Living in past memories makes it hard to live in the present. Choosing between right and wrong regarding your relationships (past). Giving or receiving gifts. Having dinner or enjoying and spending time with an old friend. REVERSED: Indecision causes you emotional drain. There can be losses, a separation or a divorce. Dont make yourself sick over things gone wrong. Six of Swords: You CAN move away from your problems. You can leave them behind if you chose to do so. Choosing between right and wrong regarding your thoughts, ideas, or beliefs. REVERSED: You cannot get away from the responsibilities of your problems. You may want to run away, but you cannot. You have to stay and face your problems. Plans delayed. Only you can make the decisions about your troubles, dont let anyone else do it. Six of Wands: You find victory by doing the right thing at work or in your life. Admiration from others now. Choosing between right and wrong regarding your job, career, or family. Use of your energy in the right direction pays off. REVERSED: Making wrong choices and not using your energy in the right way or positive way. Dont give in to temptations. Setbacks at work or socially. Not winning.

Copyright 2011 by tarotlyn (Lynnette Monrean) All Rights Reserved.

(7s) (All Sevens) = Analyzing options, direction in life, and the path to get there (connected to The Chariot)
Seven of Coins: Wanting to throw in the towel! Worried about whether you have invested too much in resources and/or time into a project and whether it will ever pay off. If you will stick with it, even though it will take a while longer, it can and will be worth waiting for. Analyzing your options and path with your finances or health. REVERSED: Material losses now can make you sick. Was (or is) a bad investment in time or resources. Seven of Cups: Dreaming but maybe confused about what you really want. Too many choices in the mix. Looking through rose colored glasses. (You need to take those off!) Analyzing your options and path with your relationships. Watch the use of too many meds or alcohol, which will only confuse things more. Not sure what you want to do. REVERSED: Loss or separation cause emotional drain. Anger and/or jealously raises its ugly head. Feeling defeated. Seven of Swords: Warning cardcan be a theft or loss of some kind. Watch out for a con or thief in your midst. Mentally creating problems in a relationship with someone. Analyzing your options and path with your thoughts, ideas, or beliefs. Nothing going right. When it rains, it pours. Change of plans. Unexpected upset. Watch out for underhanded people. A rip-off. You should be suspicious of someone. REVERSED: Listen to advice now. Something is found or returns. Forget your false pride. Seven of Wands: Good changes at work or at home. Holding your own and you have the advantage at the present. You do have the best ideas or ways of doing things. Staying on top of things. Having to fight your way clear but dont give in. Analyzing your options and path with your job, career, or family REVERSED: No changes now. Unsure of the future regarding a situation. Getting no respect in a situation. Not winning the game.

(8s) (All Eights) = Having inner strength with (connected to Strength card)
Eight of Coins: Education. Re-skilling. Learning to master something. Perfecting something of value. Stick to it and it will bring you financial reward, if you want it. Having inner strength in your finances or health REVERSED: Wants everything without working hard for it. Doesnt want to work. Possible criminal activities. Can be lazy, unconfident, and cant handle money or know how to earn it. Eight of Cups: Turing your back on love or situation and walking away looking for something more satisfying. Having inner strength in your relationships REVERSED: Emotional drain from losses, separations, or divorce or negative situations.

Copyright 2011 by tarotlyn (Lynnette Monrean) All Rights Reserved.

Eight of Swords: Feeling trapped in a situation. You have the strength to get out of your prison created by your own thought or actions. Having inner strength in your thoughts, ideas, or beliefs. REVERSED: Lacking in strength to get out of the problems you have created for yourself. Very unhappy. Let go of the situation or you will suffer unhealthy consequences. Eight of Wands: Sending or receiving messages. Communication by email, phone, or letter, or by gossip. Travel. Having inner strength in your job, career, or family REVERSED; Delays in travel or receiving or sending messages. Problems with traveling or communications. Frustrating times.

(9s) (All Nines- connected to The Hermit) = Seeking or having wisdom and guidance
Nine of Coins: Financially independent. Having everything you need to enjoy yourself. You have planned well or invested well so you will have enough resources to live comfortably and enjoy all the things you like to do and have. Seeking (or having) wisdom and guidance in your finances or health REVERSED: Not using wisdom in your financial planning. Loss through wrong investments or through friends. Spendthrift. Get a hold of your senses in over spending! Nine of Cups: A satisfied feeling. Filled with contentment. You get what you wish for! The answer is YES. REVERSED: Emotional drain through separation or loss or other thing that is a negative situation. .Seeking (or having) wisdom and guidance in your relationships Nine of Swords: Crisis period. Making yourself sick with worrying. Arguments. Waking up in the night and worrying and fearing the worst! But things are not as bad as you may thing. It is only your mind telling you things are that bad. Seeking (or having) wisdom and guidance in your thoughts, ideas, or beliefs. REVERSED: Time to make changes because you are heading for a crisis. Problems can become insurmountable unless you do something about it now to reverse the crisis. Nine of Wands: On guard! You do not trust anyone or anything because you have been hurt before. You are just waiting to see what will happen, but not trusting totally. Seeking (or having) wisdom and guidance in your job, career, or family. REVERSED: Not stable and making unwise decisions causes despair and grief. You are allowing others to abuse you in business or in your relationships making it hard to be successful.

Copyright 2011 by tarotlyn (Lynnette Monrean) All Rights Reserved.

(10s) (All Tens connected to The Wheel of Fortune, major change) Karma = ending situations that clear the way for new starts
Ten of Coins: Major changes are coming in your finances. Getting a new home is a possibility. Financial success now. Stable times ahead of you. Having it all. Having inner strength in your finances or health. Family helps you. Possible inheritances. REVERSED: Family member causes a financial drain. No changes financially. No inheritances now or loss of inheritance. Spending too much. Ten of Cups: Major changes in your relationships and taking them to a new higher level. Joy and happiness surround your home and family now. Positive things happening now. Having inner strength in your relationships REVERSED: Family matters are very draining right now. There are broken promises and problems with your kids or relatives and feeling betrayed by them. Unhappy in love. There are many problems of a family nature that causes you unhappiness and tears. Ten of Swords: Feeling like you are stuck in a situation but it is over now! The situation is dead! You may feel like you were stabbed in the back. Major changes coming. Actual back problems will get better. REVERSED: No changes in your problems now, they are not going away yet and you will just have to deal with them. It is not as bad though as you might think. Possible back problems at this time causing you much pain and anguish. Pick yourself and get on with life. Ten of Wands: Overburdened because of allowing others to dump more on you than you should. It is your own fault. However, this is soon coming to an end and your burdens will be lifted, finally. So, major changes in work or at home coming soon. Having inner strength in your job, career, or family REVERSED: No changes at work now brings you despair. Feeling trapped and overburdened and not seeing a way out yet. Delays and obstacles to new plans happening.

Age: 35 up Father image, one with experience and wisdom. A master. An authority figure. I read the "Kings" as the MASTER authority...or has (or is or will) be able to MASTER the situation. There is more wisdom with the Kings. Wise advice will be available to you regarding this situation. Look around you to see where that advice could come from. *Reversed: Can be a female. One abusing authority...coldness, selfishness, maybe even greed, according to the suit etc. surrounding the situation.

Copyright 2011 by tarotlyn (Lynnette Monrean) All Rights Reserved.

King of Coins: An earth sign. Could be a landlord, real estate broker, financial broker, a successful business owner, or a property owner. They are very good in business and give good financial advice. Stable and not afraid of working hard. Indicates good health. Usually well off financially. REVERSED: Dont trust this person. Usually selfish and lazy and doesnt want to work for anything. A real pleasure seeker! Not good in business nor stable. King of Cups: A water sign, that is very sensitive to others and nurtures and cares about them. He could be a counselor or minister and is a person that gives great advice. Very emotional person. Usually a family type person and is very protective of his family. REVERSED: Can be a female or very closed off and cold person. Cannot show emotions outwardly. Cold and calloused, I wouldnt trust this person at all. A calculating, dishonest, or even manipulating person. King of Swords: Air sign, mentally sharp type of person. Could be someone in the legal field, such as a lawyer, judge, or policeman. Someone in authority such as a policeman. Could also mean that you need to get a lawyer! He gives good advice. REVERSED: A gossip with a sharp tongue that can hurt! An unstable rebellious person. Legal losses. Bad lawyer or judge. (Could be a woman) King of Wands: A fire sign. Brilliant with great ideas that would be very successful IF they had someone to back them financially. They make the best leaders. Very independent and doesnt like to be trapped in a small space. Needs to roam. Master flirtso charming! Has so much energy! REVERSED: A tyrant and has tantrums if he or she doesnt get their own way! Acting like a spoiled childish brat! Bossy person.

Age: 35 up Mother figure with nurturing quality, Also an authority figure. Woman in power. I read Queens as BEING ABLE TO DO or TAKE CARE OF something according to the suit. *Reversed: Dominating, jealous, boastful, and generally a self-centered and selfish person. Can be a male when reversed. Queen of Coins: Earth sign. A real money maker and is focused on the material. Can be slow, opinionated and stubborn but is very stable and steady. Has a great understanding of business and how to profit. Has worked hard in their life and can now enjoy the rewards. Good health is indicated. REVERSED: Doesnt know how to budget and is a spendthrift. Also a lazy person that doesnt want to work. Indicates a lack of money. Not a true friend. Queen of Cups: A water sign. A loving family type person that nurtures and protects her family. A very psychic, emotional, sensitive person. She gives excellent advice. A good friend to have indeed. REVERSED: A cold, uncaring, and turned off person! Can be the jealous type. Overly emotional because she has had more than her share of losses and separations. Not an honest person with her true feelings.

Copyright 2011 by tarotlyn (Lynnette Monrean) All Rights Reserved.

Queen of Swords: An air sign. Extremely mentally sharp air sign that can see through people. She is usually a woman that is separated or divorced and may be looking for a relationship. Watch out for her sharp tongue! Can indicate legal problems. REVERSED: (could be a man) She is in the middle of problems and may not acknowledge that. She can (or he) can be cold and/or dishonest. Queen of Wands: A fire sign. I think that the "Queen of WANDS" here (as a situation) means that it could be a time of high energy (wands are full of energy) and a period of creativity. A person capable of using a LOT of ENERGY and CREATIVITY in running a business as well as a family at the same time. She has no fear and will dive right in to take over and do the job. REVERSED: No energy or ideas to do what you need to do. Can be a male. Is on an ego trip and is very demanding. Wants to be worshiped! Domineering and is a control freak! Needs a LOT of attention or gets angry and jealous.

Age: 19 to 40 (a male or a female) Bringers of messages. Upright = good messages, Reversed = Not good messages I read the "Knights" as "the situation is MOVING AHEAD" and has ALREADY started bring you the "news and information" you need to know at this time about this situation in question. * or information you need (maybe travel plans) BLOCKED and delayed...or not received at all. Knight of Coins: Message or good news about your finances, assets, land, inheritances, etc. A solid and very sensual person that enjoys luxury and things that money can buy. He is willing to work for them as well. Slow but sure. REVERSED: News about money that is delayed or not received as expected. A person that doesnt want to work for a living and is quite lazy and self indulgent. Lack of financial stability. Knight of Cups: A loving sensitive messenger that brings a proposal of love or invitations to parties or weddings. Messages of birth, love, or regarding relationships or friendships. A very romantic man that can steal your heart away at night and then break it the next day. A sexual, sensual person. REVERSED: Messages delayed or not received. Or negative news regarding relationships or family. Losses, separations and emotional drain from family, relationships, or friends, or in the ones in general. Knight of Swords: A bringer of trouble or frustrated or angry messages! This is a very aggressive person that has a sharp tongue and is very bold mentally! They will tell you what they think! REVERSED: News or messages are delayed. Travel plans delayed. Communication problems. Being an air sign, this person is threatening but without any follow though. His bark is worse than his bite, but is extremely accusatory or threatening.

Copyright 2011 by tarotlyn (Lynnette Monrean) All Rights Reserved.

Knight of Wands: Messenger brings good news about work, a job, or a business or good news about a planned trip. A player or a total flirt that is very charming but not in it for the long haul. Always looking for new horizons. Very energetic and full of great ideas. REVESED: Negative news or messages regarding work or business. Trip plans are delayed. Or messages you are waiting for regarding a job, your business, about your family or friends, do not come. Delays regarding your plans cause one to be upset or frustrated.

Age: 1 year to 19sometimes up to 25 years old. (a male or female) Also can be messengers(same as Knights above) Can be young children that are learning whatever the suit (cups, coins, etc.) indicates. I read the "Pages" as "GOOD NEWS or INFORMATION" (according to the suits) *Reversed" as news or information you need about the situation is NOT good news. News of problems (according to the suit) regarding the situation. Page of Coins: Good news or messages about finances. Interested in learningthe student. Ambition for success and willing to work for it. Wanting money and is very interested in the material side of life. REVERSED: Negative news regarding finances or health. Not interested in learning anything, going to school, or working. Is lazy and can be selfish. Will always take the easy way out. Wants material things (and everything) to come easily to them without having to work for it. Page of Cups: Getting good messages about your relationships, births, or marriages. They are very psychic, artistic, and sensitive. Sometimes this card indicates that a person prefers their same sex in a love relationship. The can be the Empath with healing powers. REVERSED: Deception soon uncovered. Overindulgence in drink and /or drugs. Delusion, guile, obstacles. Page of Swords: Messages of problems or bad news. Or Sometimes indicates a very troubled kid or one that is always getting into trouble (at school, or with the law). REVERSED: Very mentally troubled person (youth or child). Messages delayed. Doesnt care that they may be causing problems. Page of Wands: Positive news about a job, business, a family or social situation. Like the Knight of Wands, this person is a wanderer and likes to be free to roam wherever and whenever they want to. They like to travel and meet people. They get excited and have a lot of energy for new experiences. They cant wait to get to work. REVERSED: News you dont want to hear. Not a person you should have faith in or trust because they cant keep secrets and they will gossip behind your back. They can be lazy, not wanting to work, and not wanting to fit into society either. Kind of a reclusive person. They have very little ambition or desire to improve their lives.

Copyright 2011 by tarotlyn (Lynnette Monrean) All Rights Reserved.


(Three of the most popular spreads)

Three card spread

This spread only uses three cards, laid out from the left to the right. CARD 1 ~ Shows the querents past situation or problem CARD 2 ~ Shows the querents present situation or problem CARD 3 ~ Shows the future for the querent regarding their situation or problem.


Copyright 2011 by tarotlyn (Lynnette Monrean) All Rights Reserved.

Five card Horseshoe spread

Lay out five cards (from left to right) in an arc shape or horseshoe shape, as below. CARD 1 ~ Shows the querent's present situation CARD 2 ~ Shows their present wants and desires CARD 3 ~ Shows what can happen unexpectedly CARD 4 ~ Shows the querents immediate future (the next 3 to 7 days) CARD 5 ~ Shows the final outcome for the question asked


Copyright 2011 by tarotlyn (Lynnette Monrean) All Rights Reserved.


(My favorite spread that TELLS ALL):

Here is a fantastic format for the Celtic Cross spread that I wrote and use myself: Note: The querent means the questioner but can mean the person the questioner (or client) is asking about. Cards upright = a yes answer Cards reversed = a no answer Cards facing or looking left indicate the end of something Cards facing or looking right indicate the beginning of something


This card shows you the querents problems (or what they are thinking about right now) and describes the current situation in question. Shows where the person is now. Note: The CARD 4 position shows how you came to be in this situation in question. This card gives you more information into the situation being asked about and shows the atmosphere or influence surrounding the question or the questioner.

Copyright 2011 by tarotlyn (Lynnette Monrean) All Rights Reserved.


This shows the challenge you face regarding the situation being asked about. This will be the obstacle/s you will face soon. It talks about the help that the querent may receive OR about the obstacles which the querent will have to deal with in regards to the question (card 1). Note: If card is positive or upright = will aid or help the querent. If card is negative or reversed = will oppose or challenge the querent.


This card position shows you what is possible or what can happen IF you do what this card suggests. If you do it, it will then reinforce the meaning of CARD 10 This is the final results card. This card can also show you the solution to the problem or situation and what they should be doing about the problem or situation. It can show what you or the querent is thinking or what he/she consciously wants to happen. It hasnt happen yet and can be brought into beingor not! (that is up to the querent to decide). Note: If the card is negative, that indicates that this may be an experience you need for growth.

CARD 4 ~ FOUNDATION OF THE PROBLEM (what caused it) (the far past)
If this is a strong positive card, then the problem wont be as bad. If this card is weak then it will weaken the meanings of the rest of the card in the spread. This card shows how the person got into this situation or problem (indicated by CARD 1), and shows what they could have done about it but didnt. Note: to person doing the reading: This card can tell you what the querent really thinks (subconsciously) in regards to the situation or problem. This card shows the is the hidden things that the querent is not aware of themselves. Or maybe they just dont want to see the truth about the situation. This card also points to the true motivation of the querent.

CARD 5 ~ WHAT IS JUST PASSING AWAY (the immediate past)

This card shows something you did or something that happened in regards to the situation or problem (in CARD 1) and the event is just fading away now. It shows you what the querent has been going through.

Copyright 2011 by tarotlyn (Lynnette Monrean) All Rights Reserved.


This card describes something that will happen in the next 3 to 7 days regarding this situation or problema future event or influence regarding CARD 1. Note: Now and then it may take 2 weeks before it happens.


This is a very important card, because it shows you the querents present real attitude about the situation or problem. AND if it is a negative or reversed card that indicates that they are not honest with the reader or that they dont believe the reader. Meaning what they are telling you about the situation may not be the whole truth or not telling you what they really think about the situation or problem. Note: If this card is a positive card, then they do believe the reader and the reading and are taking it seriously and will accept the readers advice.


This card represents the thinking and attitude of the querents friends and family and whether they will help the querent or not. It shows what family and friends really think about the querent and about the situation or problem. Note: If there is a positive card here, others WILL be able and want to help the querent with their problem and give them good advice. If there is a negative or reversed card here, then they will NOT help the querent, or even if they want to, they will NOT be able to for some reason. So, if the card is negative, dont depend on any help from othersor beware because they might give you bad advice.

CARD 9 ~ The card shows what the querent hopes will happen regarding the situation or problem.
It also shows what the querent really wants to know about. If the card is negative or reversed, then it shows what the querent is afraid of happening in the situation or problem. Note: Positive card here shows what they hope fornegative card shows what they are afraid of.

Copyright 2011 by tarotlyn (Lynnette Monrean) All Rights Reserved.

CARD 10 ~ This card reveals how the situation will turn out regarding the situation or problem
If the 9 of Cups card is here, then you get want you want. If the Emperor card is here, then you are in control of the outcome. If the Emperor card is reversed here, then later on you will be given too much power. Note: For clarification of Card 10, I usually look to CARD 3 and it will tell me how to solve the problem It is the solution for the outcome. Note: In case CARD 10 is a negative sounding outcome, then CARD 3 will give you the advice or solution that is needed in the matter.

Other tips:
If suits (Coins, Cups, Swords, or Wands) change, then the situation will change. If suits stay the same, then the situation stays the same. Knights bring a change according to their suit. Pages upright bring good news. Pages reversed bring bad news. Cards facing left show endings. Cards facing right show beginnings. Kings are older authority or father. Queens are maternal or women in power. CARDS 1, 7, and 9 show what the querent really wants to know from the reading If CARD 1 and CARD 4 are different in suit, then a change took place. If both cards 1 and 4 are the same suit, then it shows that conditions are harmonious. Did they improve or are they still doing the same thing? Reversed cards in a reading show there IS a problem, and Upright cards shows there really is no problem in that area of the particular card position.

Copyright 2011 by tarotlyn (Lynnette Monrean) All Rights Reserved.

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