Tarot Intentions Guide
Tarot Intentions Guide
Tarot Intentions Guide
Through this e-guide, you can find my top tip for performing accurate romantic Tarot card
readings, as well as some quick meanings and a spread. For this guide, I have adapted a
small number of meanings from my Love Tarot Meanings E-Book and one of 50 spreads
from my Love Tarot Spreads E-Book.
So, here is my top Tarot tip: if you want to perform accurate love Tarot readings, it is very
important that you get the foundations right beforehand. Record your question before the
reading takes place; this way you will not be tempted to change your question if you do
not get the answer you are looking for. Do not just jump frantically into your readings.
Using the spread and meanings in this guide? If you are, then your question would be
along the lines of, “I would like to know what x’s intentions are towards our relationship in
the past, present, and future.” This is a very clear question and leaves no room for doubt.
I should point out that if your answer doesn’t make sense, your issue may not be your
meanings or spread. You may struggle with forming interpretations or applying the
techniques to your Tarot. I often run online courses where I teach reading techniques.
Enrollment for my courses is only available for a short time per year, so keep your eyes
peeled for the doors opening.
Good luck with your relationships, your readings, and your Tarot journey. You can look
forward to more Tarot goodness from me in the future. Happy reading!”
Lisa xx
Section 1
Intentions Spread
The Relationship Intentions Spread is for those who would like to know what the intentions
are for their partner past, present and future. The Intentions Spread should be thrown
when you are unsure where you stand with your partner, or if you want to make sure you
share similar aspirations for the relationship.
9. The joint intentions we will share in the future; this position represents what we will both
want to happen.
Section 2
The Meanings
The Majors
0 The Fool: This person is not very serious, and has a rather immature view of
relationships. It is even possible they put friendships, going out, etc. before romance.
01 The Magician: This person is being rather ego-centric. They may feel they are
considering the other’s feelings, but this is not really the case. They are out for themselves.
02 The High Priestess: This person is currently unsure how they feel. They need more
information in order to decide whether pursuing a relationship is worth it.
03 The Empress: This person sees the other as a good potential mother/father. They are
the type of person they can see themselves raising a family with, together.
04 The Emperor: This person likes traditional gender roles. If they are not going to get
them then they do not see the point in pursuing a relationship.
05 The Hierophant: This person does want marriage. However, they may or may not
believe they are in the life position where they are ready for such a commitment.
06 The Lovers: This person is in love, almost supernaturally drawn to their lover. Be careful
that the relationship is not superficial and only about sex.
07 The Chariot: This person is very selfish. They like the status which comes with a
relationship. They only want marriage because of how they have been socialized.
08 Strength: This person feels as though they are carrying the weight from multiple areas
of their life. They are focused on friends and family members who need assistance.
09 The Hermit: This person feels lonely. It is also possible that they do not want a
relationship just not and need time to breathe.
10 The Wheel of Fortune: The feelings of this person are positive. However, they are just
going with the flow, taking it one day at a time, not planning too much into the future.
11 Justice: This person is starting to see this relationship for the way it really is. If
everything is all negative, then they view the bad side. If this partnership is positive, then
they are starting to see the benefits.
12 The Hanged Man: This person is unsure of what they want; they can sway either way.
Because of this, they have the habit of sending the other one mixed signals.
13 Death: This person is beginning to see an end to the way the relationship has been in
the past. It may or may not be what they want, but they are viewing it that way.
14 Temperance: If you do not already live together, this person has considered what it
would be like to co-habit. If you do live together, this person is comfortable.
15 The Devil: This person craves a relationship for the wrong reasons. Perhaps, they do
not want to be alone, or only desire sex, status, and money. There may also be obsessed.
16 The Tower: This person worries that a relationship with the other is going to crumble to
the ground. They are currently fearing the worst.
17 The Star: This person is hopeful with regards to the relationship. They want this
partnership to work. The other person should not worry as everything is looking positive
for now.
18 The Moon: This person does not see the feelings of the other accurately. Whatever it is
they think the other’s motives are, they are actually the complete opposite.
19 The Sun: This person has only positive intentions for this relationship. If things seem
negative now, try not to worry too much as this will pass.
20 Judgment: This person is at a crossroads. They are deciding whether or not this
partnership is going to progress to the next level, or if you’ll separate for good.
21 The World: This person wants to give you the world (and more). This romance makes
them feel young and has given them a new lease on life.
The Wands
Ace of Wands: This person wants this relationship to be more than it currently is, but they
are not at the point they wish to walk down the aisle just yet. They need a push.
Two of Wands: This person feels as though the relationship would work well on paper, but
there is something missing in the partnership. It is not easily coming together.
Three of Wands: This person needs some time to think things through, but that is not a
bad thing. Perhaps they want to discuss the romance with their friends or family?
Four of Wands: This person, deep down, feels as though you two belong together.
However, there may be some concerns over their living situation or home life.
Five of Wands: This person has other love interests on their mind and they are still
choosing. Alternatively, they may not feel as though they are getting the attention they
Six of Wands: This person views the other as someone they have conquered or won.
Sometimes, this can mean that they feel as though they do not need to try too hard.
Seven of Wands: This person is starting to see the other as someone who is filled with
conflict and drama. They do not need this in their life, they have their own problems.
Eight of Wands: This person sees the other as someone they can easily communicate
with; they like having someone to text. Also, they may feel the romance is moving too fast.
Nine of Wands: This person is feeling trapped in their situation. They do not know how to
move forward or how to proceed. They are waiting for the other person making a move.
Ten of Wands: This person views relationships as hard work. They assume that the other
needs a lot of care, attention, and maintenance. Deep down, this is a turn-off.
Page of Wands: This person is living in the moment. They want a relationship for the fun
aspects because they would like someone whom they can have adventures with.
Knight of Wands: This person is highly sexually attracted to the other. Be careful that
sexual or physical benefits are not all that is on the other person’s mind.
Queen of Wands: This person assumes that everything will turn out fine and that
relationships do not require too much maintenance.
King of Wands: This person is highly attracted to individuals who are confident and self-
assured. As long as one is giving off this impression, the other will be attracted to them.
The Cups
Ace of Cups: This person is in the first stages of love; their feelings are growing and
developing into something more serious.
Two of Cups: This person is highly in love with the other. They view them as a best friend,
lover, and soulmate all wrapped into one. They cannot imagine life without the other.
Three of Cups: This person likes the other person's company. They feel as though they are
funny, great to be around and warm. All good foundations in the beginning!
Four of Cups: This person does not have the feelings needed to sustain a long-term happy
partnership. Perhaps they are starting to feel bored with the relationship and things need
to be spiced up a little.
Five of Cups: This person is very upset over this relationship. At one point, they may have
thought that it was going to last into the future but they now feel that this is not the case.
Six of Cups: This person is hung up on their ex and not thinking of the other person.
Alternatively, they’re viewing your relationship for what it was in the past, not how it is now.
Seven of Cups: This person is unsure how they feel about the relationship. They are
unsure how they want to proceed and how they should act; they need to be wooed more.
Eight of Cups: This person is considering walking away from this relationship. They feel as
though their needs have not been met and they want to find true love somewhere else.
Nine of Cups: This person is feeling the exact way which the other one wants them to feel.
Plus, they view this relationship as pleasurable and infatuating. A good result.
Ten of Cups: This person strongly desires a happy ever after and fairy-tale ending. They
are seriously committed to this relationship. They see the potential for marriage and a
Page of Cups: This person is viewing this relationship is a rather emotionally immature
way. It makes them emotionally causing their emotional state to be a bit up and down.
Knight of Cups: This person views the other as their knight in shining armour. Alternatively,
they wish to be that knight for the other person and feel as though they need to ‘save’
Queen of Cups: This person has nothing but loving intentions towards the other; they see
they’re a caretaker. Your lover views you as a potential wife and mother of their children.
King of Cups: This person has very strong feelings towards the other, but they are not
always the type of person to show their feelings. They keep their love under wraps.
The Swords
Ace of Swords: This person feels as though this relationship is moving very fast, so fast
they cannot think; this can be positive or negative depending on how they are acting.
Two of Swords: This person views the other as their equal match. If you have arguments or
disagreements, they fear that this is something that you cannot work past.
Three of Swords: This person is heartbroken over this relationship Alternatively, they may
have some deep-rooted trauma from past relationships to work through and move past.
Four of Swords: This person needs a break and time to themselves so that they can
become their own person, work out what they want, and form a game plan.
Five of Swords: This person is making the relationship very one-sided. They are taking
advantage of the other person because they are selfish. Infidelity is a possibility.
Six of Swords: This person’s feelings are evolving into something more. They are moving
in a positive direction. Progression is happening, even if it is happening slowly.
Seven of Swords: This person is trying to cover up lies and hide parts of themselves from
their partner. All is not as it seems with this individual as they are wearing a mask.
Eight of Swords: This person feels as though they are being suffocated by this
relationship. They feel as though they cannot think or act without having to consider the
other’s feelings and whether or not they will upset them.
Nine of Swords: This person has lost a lot of sleep due to this relationship and other areas
of their life. They assume the worst and have very high anxiety.
Ten of Swords: This person is at their wit's end. They are seriously considering ending this
relationship as they are not seeing how it is benefiting them or their life.
Page of Swords: This person has their eyes on you. If you’re not yet a couple they have
noticed the other. If you are a couple, they take too much interest in what the other is
Knight of Swords: This person does not have genuine feelings towards the other. They are
either too keen, in an aggressive way or they have no feelings what so ever and are
annoyed by the other’s existence.
Queen of Swords: This person views the other as cold and emotionless. They do not view
the other as being loving enough.
King of Swords: This person does not have strong feelings towards the other. They do not
deal with feelings and are very aloof and matter of fact. If you’re getting along, this is fine
for them but, if not, it is not the end of their world.
The Pentacles
Ace of Pentacles: This person is happy to be around the other. They do not wish harm to
the other and view them in a relatively good light. More can be built from this.
Two of Pentacles: This person is trying very hard to juggle everything in their life.
Something has got to give and, unfortunately, it is usually their romantic life which suffers.
Three of Pentacles: This person views this relationship as something which needs a lot of
work; this can be a bit of a turn off if they are not up for the challenge.
Four of Pentacles: This person is interested in the other. However, be warned that they
have a burning desire to keep their lovers under their thumbs and tied to their hips.
Five of Pentacles: This person is very concerned with other areas of their life, such as
family, work and money. Although they have an interest in the other, these things are
currently occupying a lot of their time and energy. They need more support, less pressure.
Six of Pentacles: This person wishes to protect the other. This can mean they are in love,
but it can also mean that they do not want to hurt the other by revealing they are unhappy.
Seven of Pentacles: This person feels as though this relationship has the potential to go
somewhere. They wish to let the partnership naturally grow and develop.
Eight of Pentacles: This person wants it all; they are trying to devote energy to all parts of
their life. They spread themselves a bit thin, but their intentions are harmless.
Nine of Pentacles: This person wishes to support the other emotionally, spiritually, and
financially. However, they must be in a position to do so first.
Ten of Pentacles: This person wants nothing more than marriage, children, and pets.
Tradition is important to them. They have to make sure first that they are with the right
Page of Pentacles: This person does not have the right emotions needed to sustain a
relationship. They do not have the right priorities which the other person needs.
Knight of Pentacles: This person wants to move the relationship along slowly. Be warned,
as this can mean that they have a habit of dragging their feet in relationships.
Queen of Pentacles: This person has strong feelings towards the other, teamed with a
desire to settle down into family life. However, this card is not a good sign if one of you is
already in a committed relationship.
King of Pentacles: This person is looking for a lover that they can provide for. They are
looking for that traditional family life, and this will go in the other’s favor if they feel as
though they are the ones which can provide this for them.
Section 3
Learn More!
With fifty Tarot card spreads designed just for relationship readings,
the layouts contained in The Love Tarot Spreads E- Book will give you
direction for every type of love reading imaginable!
Are you a professional Tarot card reader? Do you cringe any time
someone asks how your business is going? Then you need the
Psychic in Business E-Book. After reading this e-book you’ll have
more reading clients, diversify your income, and have a healthy
money mindset.