Results in Physis, 1, (2011), 13-16

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Results in Physis, 1, (2011), 13-16.

Scattering of electromagnetic waves by many thin cylinders

A G Ramm
Department of Mathematics Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS 66506-2602, USA

Abstract Electromagnetic wave scattering by many parallel to zaxis, thin, perfectly conducting, circular innite cylinders is studied asymptotically as a 0. Let Dm be the crossection of the mth cylinder, a be its radius, and xm = (xm1 , xm2 ) be its center, 1 m M , M = M (a). It is assumed that the points xm are distributed so that N () = ln 1 a N (x)dx[1 + o(1)],

where N () is the number of points xm in an arbitrary open subset of the plane xoy. The function N (x) 0 is a given continuous function. An equation for the self-consistent (ecient) eld is derived as a 0. The cylinders are assumed perfectly conducting. A formula is derived for the eective refraction coecient in the medium in which many cylinders are distributed. These cylinders may model nanowires embedded in the medium. Our result shows how these cylinders inuence the refraction coecient of the medium.

PACS: 03.40.Kf, 03.50 De, 41.20.Jb, 71.36.+c Key words: metamaterials; refraction coecient; EM wave scattering


There is a large literature on electromagnetic (EM) wave scattering by an array of parallel cylinders (see, e.g., [2], where there are many references given, and [3]). Electromagnetic wave scattering by many parallel to zaxis, thin, perfectly conducting, circular, of radius a, innite cylinders is studied in this paper asymptotically as a 0. The cylinders are thin in the sense ka 1, where k is the wave number in the exterior of the cylinders, The novel points in this paper include: 1) The solution to the wave scattering problem is considered in the limit a 0 when the number M = M (a) of the cylinders tends to innity at a 2

suitable rate. The equation for the limiting (as a 0) eective (self-consistent) eld in the medium is derived, 2) This theory is a basis for a method for changing refraction coecient in a medium. The thin cylinders model nanowires embedded in the medium. The basic physical resul of this paper is formula (48), which shows how the embedded thin cylinders change the refraction coecient n2 (x). Some extension of the authors results ([7]-[13]) is obtained for EM wave scattering by many thin perfectly conducting cylinders. Let Dm , 1 m M , be a set of non-intersecting domains on a plane P , which is xoy plane. Let xm Dm , xm = (xm1 , xm2 ), be a point inside Dm and Cm be the cylinder with the cross-section Dm and the axis, parallel to z-axis, passing through xm . We assume that xm is the center of the disc Dm if Dm is a disc of radius a. Let us assume that the cylinders are perfect conductors. Let a = 0.5diamDm . Our basic assumptions are ka 1, (1) where k is the wave number in the region exterior to the union of the cylinders, and 1 N ()d[1 + o(1)], a 0, x x (2) N () = ln a where N () = xm 1 is the number of the cylinders in an arbitrary open subset of the plane P , N () 0 is a continuous function, which can be chosen as x we wish. The points xm are distributed in an arbitrary large but xed bounded domain on the plane P . We denote by the union of domains Dm , by its complement in P , and by D the complement of D in P . The complement in R3 of the union C of the cylinders Cm we denote by C . The EM wave scattering problem consists of nding the solution to Maxwells equations E = iH, H = i E, in C , such that Et = 0 on C, (5) where C is the union of the surfaces of the cylinders Cm , Et is the tangential component of E, and are constants in C , is the frequency, k 2 = 2 , k is the wave number. Denote by n2 = , so k 2 = 2 n2 . The solution to (3)-(5) 0 0 must have the following form E(x) = E0 (x) + v(x), x = (x1 , x2 , x3 ) = (x, y, z) = (, z), x (6) (3) (4)

where E0 (x) is the incident eld, and v is the scattered eld satisfying the radiation condition r v ikv r = o(1), r = (x2 + x2 )1/2 , 1 2 (7)

and we assume that E0 (x) = k 1 eiy+ik3 z (k3 e2 + e3 ),

2 2 + k3 = k 2 ,


{ej }, j = 1, 2, 3, are the unit vectors along the Cartesian coordinate axes x, y, z. We consider EM waves with H3 := Hz = 0, i.e., E-waves, or TH waves,


Ej ej ,

H = H1 e1 + H2 e2 =

E . i


One can prove (see Appendix) that the components of E can be expressed by the formulas: Ej = where uxj := ik3 Ux eik3 z , 2 j j = 1, 2, E3 = U eik3 z , U= u, k (10)

u xj ,

u = u(x, y) solves the problem (2 + 2 )u = 0 in u| = 0, u = eiy + w, (11) (12) (13)

and w satises the radiation condition (7). Similar calculations are done with Borgnis potentials (see, e.g., [1]). The unique solution to (3)-(8) is given by the formulas: E1 = H1 = ik3 Ux eik3 z , 2 E2 = ik3 Uy eik3 z , 2 E3 = U eik3 z , H3 = 0, (14) (15)

k2 Uy eik3 z , i2

H2 =

k2 Ux eik3 z , i2

where Ux := U , Uy is dened similarly, and u = u() = u(x, y) solves scalar x x two-dimensional problem (11)-(13). These formulas are derived in the Appendix for convenience of the reader. Problem (11)-(13) has a unique solution (see, e.g., [4]). Our goal is to derive an asymptotic formula for this solution as a 0. Our results include formulas for the solution to the scattering problem, derivation of the equation for the eective eld in the medium obtained by embedding many thin perfectly conducting cylinders, and a formula for the refraction coecient in this limiting medium. This formula shows that by choosing suitable distribution of the cylinders, one can change the refraction coecient, one can make it smaller than the original one. The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 we derive an asymptotic formula for the solution to (11)-(13) when M = 1, i.e., for scattering by one cylinder. In Section 3 we derive a linear algebraic system for nding some numbers that dene the solution to problem (11)-(13) with M > 1. Also in Section 3 we 4

derive an integral equation for the eective (self-consistent) eld in the medium with M (a) cylinders as a 0. At the end of Section 3 these results are applied to the problem of changing the refraction coecient of a given material by embedding many thin perfectly conducting cylinders into it. In Section 4 conclusions are formulated. In Appendix formulas (14)-(15) are derived.

EM wave scattering by one thin perfectly conducting cylinder

Consider problem (11)-(13) with = D1 , being the complement to D1 in R2 . Assume for simplicity that D1 is a circle x2 + x2 a2 . 1 2 Let us look for a solution of the form u = eiy +
S1 (1)

g(, t)(t)dt, x

g(, t) := x

i (1) H (| t|), x 4 0


where S1 is the boundary of D1 , H0 is the Hankel function of order 1, with index 0, and is to be found from the boundary condition (12). It is known (see, e.g., [5]) that g(r) = () + where 1 1 ln + o(1), as r 0, 2 r (17)

i 1 2 + ln . (18) 4 2 The function (16) satises equations (11) and (13) for any , and if is such that function (16) satises boundary condition (12), then u solves problem (11)-(13). We assume suciently smooth (Hlder-continuous is sucient). o The solution to problem (11)-(13) is known to be unique (see, e.g., [4]). Boundary condition (12) yields () := u0 (s) = ()Q +

g0 (s, t)(t)dt,

Q :=


(19) (20)

u0 (s) := eis2 , s S1 ; g0 (s, t) = If ka

2 1, k 2 = 2 + k3 , then

1 1 ln , rst := |s t|. 2 rst

u0 (s) = 1 + O(a). Equation (19) is uniquely solvable for if a is suciently small [5]. We are interested in nding asymptotics of Q as a 0, because u() in (16) x can be well approximated in the region || x a by the formula u() = u0 () + g(, 0)Q + o(1), x x x u0 () = e x

a 0,

x2 = y. 5


To nd asymptotics of Q as a 0, let us integrate equation (19) over S1 and obtain 1 u0 (0)|S1 | = ()Q|S1 | ln rst ds, (22) dt(t) 2 S1 S1 where |S1 | is the length of S1 , |S1 | = 2a if S1 is the circle || = a, and x rst = |s t|. Denote I := 1 2 ln rst dt = O(a ln a),

a 0.


If S1 is the circle || = a, integral (23) can be calculated analytically: x I= a 2


0 2

2a2 2a2 cos( )d 2a2 d a + 2


a = 2 Thus,



2 sin d. 2


a ln 2 a I = a ln( 2a) + + 2 2 One can derive that


ln | sin

|d. 2


ln | sin

|d = 2 2

ln | sin |d = 2 ln 2.


Indeed, if J :=

ln | sin |d, then



ln 2| sin

cos |d = ln 2+ 2 2

ln sin d+ 2

ln | cos |d = ln 2+2J. 2

Thus, J = ln 2. From (24) and (26) one gets I = a ln a(1 + O From (22) and (27) it follows that Q= 2u0 (0) [1 + O 1 ln a 1 ], | ln a| a 0. (28) 1 | ln a| , a 0. (27)

Therefore, the asymptotic solution to the scattering problem (11)-(13) in the case of one circular cylinder of radius a, as a 0, is u() u0 () x x 2 x x 1 g(, 0)u0 (0), a 0, || > a. ln a (29)

Electromagnetic wave, scattered by the single cylinder, is calculated by formulas (14)-(15) in which u = u() := u(x1 , x2 ) is given by formula (29). x 6

Wave scattering by many thin cylinders

Problem (11)-(13) should be solved when is a union of many small domains Dm , = M Dm . We assume that Dm is a circle of radius a centered at the m=1 point xm . Let us look for u of the form

u() = u0 () + x x
m=1 Sm

g(, t)m (t)dt. x


We assume that the points xm are distributed in a bounded domain D on the plane P = xoy by formula (2). The eld u0 () is the same as in Section 2, x u0 () = eiy , and Greens function g is the same as in formulas (16)-(18). It x 1 follows from (2) that M = M (a) = O(ln a ). We dene the eective eld, acting on the Dj by the formula ue = u(j) = u() x e

g(, t)j (t)dt, x

| xj | > a, x


which can also be written as


ue () = u0 () + x x
m=1,m=j Sm

g(, t)m (t)dt. x

We assume that the distance d = d(a) between neighboring cylinders is much greater than a: a = 0. (32) d a, lim a0 d(a) Let us rewrite (30) as

u = u0 +

g(, xm )Qm + x
m=1 Sm

[g(, t) g(, xm )]m (t)dt, x x


where Qm :=

m (t)dt.


As a 0, the second sum in (33) (let us denote it 2 ) is negligible compared with the rst sum in (33), denoted 1 , |2 | |1 |, a 0. (35)

The proof of this is similar to the one given in [6] for a similar problem in R3 . Let us check that |g(, xm )Qm | x |

[g(, t) g(, xm )]m (t)dt|, x x

a 0.


If k| xm | x

1, and k > 0 is xed then 1 ), | xm |1/2 x |g(, t) g(, xm )| = O( x x a ), | xm |1/2 x

|g(, xm )| = O( x

and Qm = 0, so estimate (36) holds. If | xm | d x then |g(, xm )| = O( x 1 1 ), ln a


a |g(, t) g(, xm )| = O( ), x x d

1 as follows from the asymptotics of H0 (r) = O(ln 1 ) as r 0, and from the r 1 0 x formulas dr = H1 (r) = O( 1 ) as r 0. Thus, (36) holds for | xm | r d a. Consequently, the scattering problem is reduced to nding numbers Qm , 1 m M. Let us estimate Qm asymptotically, as a 0. To do this, we use the exact boundary condition on Sm , which yields dH 1 (r)

ue (s) =

g(s, t)j (t)dt,

s Sj .


The function ue (s) is twice dierentiable, so ue (s) = ue (j )(1 + O(ka)). x Neglecting the term O(ka) as a 0, rewrite equation (37) as ue (j ) = x

g(s, t)j (t)dt.


This equation is similar to (19): the role of u0 (0) is played by ue (xj ). Repeating the argument, given in Section 2, one obtains a formula, similar to (28): Qj = Formula, similar to (29), is u() u0 () x x 2 1 ln a

2ue (j ) x [1 + o(1)], 1 ln a

a 0.


g(, xm )ue (m ), x x

a 0.


The numbers ue (m ), 1 m M , in (40) are not known. Setting x = xj in x (40), neglecting o(1) term, and using the denition (31) of the eective eld, one gets a linear algebraic system for nding numbers ue (m ): x ue (j ) = u0 (j ) x x 2 1 ln a g(j , xm )ue (m ), x x

1 j M.


This system can be solved numerically if the number M is not very large, say M O(103 ). If M is very large, M = M (a) , a 0, then we derive a linear integral equation for the limiting eective eld in the medium obtained by embedding many cylinders. Passing to the limit a 0 in system (41) is done as in [13]. Consider a partition of the domain D into a union of P small squares p , of size b = b(a), b d a. For example, one may choose b = O(a1/4 ), d = O(a1/2 ), so that there are many discs Dm in the square p . We assume that squares p and q do not have common interior points if p = q. Let yp be the center of p . One can also choose as yp any point xm in a domain Dm p . Since ue is a continuous function, one may approximate ue (m ) by ue (p ), provided that x y xm p . The error of this approximation is o(1) as a 0. Let us rewrite the sum in (41) as follows: 2 1 ln a

g(j , xm )ue (m ) = 2 x x

g(j , yp )ue (p ) x y
xj p /

1 1 ln a

xm p


and use formula (2) in the form 1 1 ln a 1 = N (p )|p |[1 + o(1)]. y

xm p


Here |p | is the volume of the square p . From (42) and (43) one obtains: 2 1 ln a

g(j , xm )ue (m ) = 2 x x

g(j , yp )N (p )ue (p )|p |[1 + o(1)]. (44) x y y

xj p /

The sum in the right-hand side in (44) is the Riemannian sum for the integral
P a0


g(j , yp )N (p )ue (p )|p | = x y y

p=1 D

g(, y )N ()u()dy, x y y

u() = lim ue (). x x


(45) Therefore, system (41) in the limit a 0 yields the integral equation for the limiting eective eld u() = u0 () 2 x x

g(, y )N ()u()d. x y y y


One obtains system (41) if one solves equation (46) by a collocation method. Convergence of this method to the unique solution of equation (46) is proved in [10]. Existence and uniqueness of the solution to equation (46) are proved as in [6], where a three-dimensional analog of this equation was studied.

Applying the operator 2 + 2 to equation (46) yields the following dierential equation for u(): x 2 u() + 2 u() 2N ()u() = 0. x x x x (47)

This is a Schrdinger-type equation, and u() is its scattering solution correo x sponding to the incident wave u0 = eiy . Let us assume that N (x) = N is a constant. One concludes from (47) that the limiting medium, obtained by embedding many perfectly conducting circular 2 cylinders, has new parameter 2 := 2 2N . This means that k 2 = 2 + k3 N 2 := k 2 2N . The quantity k 2 is not changed. One has is replaced by k 3 k 2 = 2 n2 , k 2 = 2 n2 . Consequently, n2 /n2 = (k 2 2N )/k 2 . Therefore, the 0 0 new refraction coecient n2 is n2 = n2 (1 2N k 2 ), 0 (48)

Since the number N > 0 is at our disposal, equation (48) shows that choosing suitable N one can create a medium with a smaller, than n2 , refraction 0 coecient. In practice one does not go to the limit a 0, but chooses a suciently small a. As a result, one obtains a medium with a refraction coecient n2 , a which diers from (48) a little, lima0 n2 = n2 . a


Asymptotic, as a 0, solution is given of the EM wave scattering problem by many perfectly conducting parallel cylinders of radius a. The equation for the eective eld in the limiting medium obtained when a 0 and the distribution of the embedded cylinders is given by formula (2). The presented theory gives formula (48) for the refraction coecient in the limiting medium. This formula shows how the distribution of the cylinders inuences the refraction coecient.

E1 = eik3 z E1 (x, y), E2 = eik3 z E2 (x, y), E3 = eik3 z u(x, y), H1 = eik3 z H1 (x, y), H2 = eik3 z H2 (x, y), H3 = 0, (49) (50)

Let us derive formulas (14)-(15). Look for the solution to (3)-(4) of the form:

where k3 = const. Equation (3) yields uy ik3 E2 = iH1 , ux + ik3 E1 = iH2 , E2,x = E1,y , where, e.g., Ej,x :=
Ej x .


Equation (4) yields (52)

ik3 H2 = i E1 , ik3 H1 = i E2 , H2,x H1,y = i u. 10

Excluding Hj , j = 1, 2, from (51) and using (52), one gets ik3 ik3 E1 = 2 ux , E2 = 2 uy , E3 = u, k 2 ux k 2 uy , H2 = ux , H3 = 0. H1 = 2 i i2 (53) (54)

Since Ej = Ej eik3 z and Hj = Hj eik3 z , formulas (14)-(15) follow immediately from (53)-(54).


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