Ultra Fast Boriding
Ultra Fast Boriding
Ultra Fast Boriding
There are several economic benefits of Ultrafast boriding. It can increase productivity and product quality by shortening treatment time and by enabling much deeper and harder surface layers on borided parts (which can prolong life in actual applications). It can also markedly reduce cost due to initial capital investments as well as in-plant operations and maintenance.
Project Description
The main objective of this project is to further develop, optimize, scale-up, and transfer for commercial use an ultrafast boriding (or boronizing) process that can provide much higher energy efficiency, productivity, and near-zero emissions in many of the high-temperature materials processing industries. Other goals of this project are to demonstrate scalability, costcompetitiveness, superior property, performance, and durability characteristics of the ultrafast borided surfaces as well as transferring the optimized technology to an industry partner.
Start-up cost related to capital equipment and/or construction of
After proven successful, the technology will be transferred to Bodycote for full-scale commercialization. Bodycote will obtain a license from Argonne and will build several production units. Bodycote will then start the production of borided parts for commercial sale. Once the technology is fully operational, sales will be expanded to other geographical areas.
dictability and minimize distortion from high-temperature processing. result in process predictability and reliability and furnace design
Demonstrating system controls and operating practice that Demonstrating reliability of boriding equipment heating system
Project Partners
Argonne National Laboratory Argonne, IL Principal Investigator: Ali Erdemir E-mail: erdemir@anl.gov Technology Transfer Manager: William D. Ingle E-mail: wingle@anl.gov Bodycote Thermal Processing Americas Melrose Park, IL Principal Investigator: Mario Ciampini E-mail: mario.ciampini@bodycote.com
Researchers will mainly focus on the scalability and viability of the new process for a broad spectrum of industrial applications and materials. The team will also perform extensive structural, chemical, mechanical, and tribological characterizations of the borided surfaces using a large variety of microscopic, tribological, and surface analytical tools. Effects of contact pressure, temperature and other test parameters will be studied in detail and appropriate friction and wear maps will be generated. These bench tests will be followed by extensive performance and durability tests in actual or intended applications. Industrial and economic impacts of this new technology will also be assessed.
This project started in September 2008.
Process development and optimization: design and develop
a medium-size ultrafast boriding unit and demonstrate the feasibility of larger-scale processing using test samples and industrial parts. (Completed)
(end note)
ogy maturation, process validation, and field performance testing of a large number of industrial parts and components. (Completed)
start-up an industrial-scale boriding system; prove the production of borided parts and components with an industrial partner, resulting in licensing of the technology for commercialization