OSS Implementation Guidelines Update Final

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OSS Implementation Guidelines


 The Government of Malaysia retains the copyright of this document

OSS Implementation Guidelines

Table of Contents

1. INTRODUCTION...........................................................................1
1.1 Motivation For OSS Initiative................................................................4
1.2 Supplementary Documents..................................................................5
1.3 Purpose Of The Document....................................................................5
1.4 Objectives Of The OSS Implementation Guidelines..............................6
1.5 Scope ..................................................................................................6
1.6 Audience..............................................................................................7

2. ADOPTION .................................................................................8
2.1 Guidelines For Adoption.......................................................................9
2.1.1 Establish An OSS Team..........................................................................9
2.1.2 OSS Adoption Considerations In Agency’s ISP......................................11
2.1.3 Software Maturity Assessment.............................................................12
2.1.4 Identify And Develop OSS Opportunity Areas.......................................14
Recommended Tasks In Adopting OSS Opportunity For New Project ....18
Recommended Tasks In Adopting OSS Opportunity For On-going Project
Recommended Tasks In Adopting OSS Opportunity For Cut-over Project
2.1.5 Implement Pilot Projects.......................................................................23
Objectives of Pilot Projects......................................................................23
Selection Criteria for Pilot Projects..........................................................23
Solution Areas for Pilot Projects..............................................................24
2.1.6 Plan For Phased Deployment................................................................25
OSS technical Implementation In The Short Term..................................27
OSS Technical Implementation In The Medium Term.............................28
OSS Technical Implementation In The Long Term..................................29
2.1.7 Plan For Change Management..............................................................29

3. OSS PROCUREMENT .................................................................31

3.1 Guidelines For Procurement...............................................................32
3.1.1 Support For Open Standards................................................................33
3.1.2 Access To Source Code........................................................................34
3.1.3 Security In IT Solutions.........................................................................34
3.1.4 Best Value For Money...........................................................................35
3.1.5 Merit-Based Selection...........................................................................36
3.1.6 Sourcing Scenarios ..............................................................................36
In-House Sourcing...................................................................................36
External Sourcing....................................................................................39

4. OWNERSHIP .............................................................................43
4.1 Guidelines For Ownership...................................................................44
4.1.1 Understanding The Legal Background To OSS......................................44
4.1.2 Minimum Standards As Set Down By The OSI ......................................45
4.1.3 OSS Licenses In General.......................................................................47
4.1.4 Implementing/Using OSS Licenses In The GOM....................................49
4.1.5 A Summary Of Common And Relevant OSS Licenses ..........................50
4.1.6 Identify The Salient Considerations In Specific OSS Licensing Scenarios
Copying And Distribution.........................................................................58
OSS Implementation Guidelines

Warranties And Indemnities....................................................................63

4.1.7 Likely OSS Acquisition, Modification & Distribution Scenarios ..............64
Merely Using Existing OSS Applications/Tools........................................64
Using Existing OSS Code In The GOM’s Application................................65
Modifying Existing OSS Applications/Tools For Internal Use i.e. No
Modifying Existing OSS Applications/Tools And Distributing/Sharing The
Modified OSS Applications/Tools Amongst Different Legal Entities In The
Commissioning Modifications To OSS Applications For The GOM’s Use. 66
Making Contributions To OSS Projects ...................................................67
Linking ....................................................................................................68
4.1.8 Ownership............................................................................................69

5. TECHNOLOGY ...........................................................................70
5.1 Guidelines For Technology ................................................................70
5.1.1 Technology Recommendations............................................................70
5.1.2 Adhere To Standards Defined In MYGIFOSS..........................................71
5.1.3 Ensure Continuity of Support................................................................72

6. IMPLEMENTATION ....................................................................74
6.1 Guidelines For Implementation...........................................................75
6.1.1 Refer To Technical Implementation Plan, Knowledge Bank And
6.1.2 Implement OSS Within The Six (6) Solution Areas In Phases................75

7. KNOWLEDGE SHARING .............................................................77

7.1 Guidelines For Knowledge Sharing.....................................................77
7.1.1 Register and Share OSS Solutions and Projects In The OSCC Knowledge
7.1.2 Share All Modified OSS ........................................................................79
7.1.3 Report All Bugs....................................................................................79
7.1.4 Communicate And Share Information...................................................80

8. OSS EDUCATION ......................................................................82

8.1 Guidelines For OSS Education............................................................82
8.1.1 Proliferate OSS in IT Labs ....................................................................82
8.1.2 OSS Infrastructure In Learning Institutions...........................................85
8.1.3 Develop Education Materials Using OSS ..............................................86
8.1.4 Reskill Existing IT Coordinator .............................................................86
8.1.5 OSS At Teacher Training Colleges........................................................87
OSS For Teacher Training Colleges.........................................................87

9. TRAINING ................................................................................88
9.1 Guidelines For Training ......................................................................88
9.1.1 Training Roadmap................................................................................88
9.1.2 Technical Training................................................................................89
9.1.3 Non-Technical Training.........................................................................92
9.1.4 Train the Trainer .................................................................................92
OSS Implementation Guidelines

List of Figures
Figure 1.1 – Malaysian Public Sector OSS Framework and 7 Strategic Thrusts............................2
Figure 2.1 – OSS Team Structure.......................................................................................10
Figure 2.2 – OSS Adoption Considerations in Agency’s ISP.....................................................12
Figure 2.3 – OSS Implementation Scenario Matrix................................................................17
Figure 2.4 – Identify and Develop OSS Opportunity Areas......................................................17
Figure 2.5 – Type of OSS Solution Areas.............................................................................26
Figure 3.1 – Workflow for In-House Sourcing for OSS............................................................37
Figure 3.2 – Workflow for External Sourcing for OSS.............................................................40
Figure 4.1 – Minimum Licensing Terms set by the OSI...........................................................46
Figure 6.1 – OSS Technical Implementation Plan for the Public Sector.....................................76
Figure 9.1 – OSS Training Roadmap...................................................................................89
OSS Implementation Guidelines

List of Tables
Table 1.1 – Strategic Thrusts and Guidelines Matrix................................................................4
Table 2.1 – Roles and Responsibilities of the OSS Team.........................................................11
Table 2.2 – OSS Technical Implementation in the Short Term.................................................27
Table 2.3 – OSS Technical Implementation in the Medium Term.............................................28
Table 2.4 – OSS Technical Implementation in the Long Term..................................................28
Table 4.1 – Key Differences between Proprietary Software and OSS........................................45
Table 4.2 – Guidance in Deciding on the OSS License............................................................59
Table 4.3 – Reference Point as to Whether Sharing Amounts to Redistribution..........................60
Table 4.4 – Modification Guideline......................................................................................62
Table 4.5 – Guidance in relation to Specific Licensing Requirements of identified OSS Licenses....63
Table 4.6 – Questions in relation to OSS License’s warranties and indemnities availability...........64
Table 7.1 – Project Hosting...............................................................................................78
Table 8.1 – Available OSS for Education..............................................................................84
OSS Implementation Guidelines
OSS Implementation Guidelines

List of Appendices

Appendix 1 – Navica OSMM Model

Appendix 2 – Cap Gemini OSMM Model

OSS Implementation Guidelines


On 19 June 2002, the Government of Malaysia (GOM)

decided to encourage the adoption of Open Source Software
(OSS) in the Public Sector. The Malaysian Administrative
Modernisation and Management Planning Unit (MAMPU) of
the Prime Ministers Department is entrusted to lead and
implement this OSS Initiative.

On 16 July 2004, the Malaysian Public Sector OSS

Master Plan (OSS Master Plan) was published together with
the launching of Open Source Competency Center (OSCC).
The Master Plan outlines a long term roadmap to achieve the
OSS vision and objectives. The roadmap comprises three
phases of implementation, of which Phase I has successfully
completed the stage of Laying Foundation and Early
Adoption. The project now enters into Phase II of Accelerated

Within the Master Plan, the OSS Framework was designed

and developed to provide guidance for its implementation. In
line with the framework, seven (7) strategic thrusts were
identified that defined the high level implementation action
plan of the OSS Initiative:

i. Develop OSS Technical Implementation Plan for the

Public Sector

ii. Entrust a governing body to champion, monitor & drive

OSS implementation

iii. Train and develop human resource to support OSS


iv. Promote creativity and innovativeness via R&D to

OSS Implementation Guidelines

harness competitiveness

v. Continuous development of policies & legal direction to

encourage utilisation and production of OSS

vi. Provide incentives to prosper the development of OSS


vii. Optimise resources by encouraging smart partnerships

with relevant organisations

1 7

Public Sector’s ICT Vision Optimise Resources By

Develop OSS Technical
Encouraging Smart
Implementation Plan For
Public Sector’s OSS Vision Partnerships With Relevant
Public Sector
Public Sector’s OSS Objectives

Solution Areas

W orkload
Consolidation Cluster Infrastructure

2 6
>>>> Implementation Phases <<<<

Distributed Application
Enterprise Solution

Entrust a Governing Body To Accelerated

Knowledge Bank
Provide Incentives To
Champion, Monitor & Drive Prosper The Development of
Enabling Environment`
The OSS Implementation Early
OSS Solutions
Policy & Legal Incentives & People &
Direction Funding Culture

Leadership & Infrastructure
Foundation Coordination and R & D

3 4 5

Train and Develop Continuous Development of

Promote Creativity And
Human Resources to Support Policies & Legislation To
Innovativeness Via R & D To
OSS Implementation Encourage Utilisation &
Harness Competitiveness
Production of OSS

Figure 1.1 – Malaysian Public Sector OSS Framework and 7 Strategic Thrusts

above illustrates the components of the Malaysian Public

Sector OSS Framework and its seven (7) Strategic Thrusts.

To support the strategic thrusts, eight (8) policy areas were

identified as follows:
OSS Implementation Guidelines

 Adoption
 Procurement
 Ownership
 Technology
 Implementation
 Knowledge Sharing
 Education
 Training

For each of the strategic thrusts, guidelines were developed

with the objective of creating conducive enabling
environment for successful OSS implementation in the Public
Sector. The following matrix highlights each strategic thrust
with corresponding OSS implementation guidelines.

Strategic Thrusts Guidelines Description

Develop OSS Technical Implementatio Implementation guidelines to ensure rapid,
Implementation Plan n consistent and well coordinated
for The Public Sector deployment

Entrust a Governing Adoption Adoption guidelines of software

Body to Champion, applications and operating systems by
Monitor & Drive OSS Government Agencies in its current ICT
Implementation infrastructure and system

Procurement Procurement practices and guidelines of

software applications and operating
systems by Government Agencies

Train and Develop Education Guidelines to foster use of OSS through

Human Resource to primary, secondary and tertiary education
Support OSS programmes
Training Guidelines to ensure competency in OSS

Promote Creativity and Technology Compatibility and compliance guidelines of

Innovativeness Via R&D existing and running technology with open
to Harness standards

Continuous Ownership Ownership and licensing guidelines of OSS

Development of Policies based software applications and operating
& Legal Direction to systems
Encourage Utilisation &
Production of OSS
OSS Implementation Guidelines

Strategic Thrusts Guidelines Description

Optimise Resources by Knowledge Guidelines to enforce and facilitate sharing
Encouraging Smart Sharing of information, knowledge, and
Partnerships with implementation experiences and best
Relevant Organisations practices.

Table 1.1 – Strategic Thrusts and Guidelines Matrix

1.1 Motivation For OSS Initiative

The vision for OSS in the Malaysian Public Sector is to create

and enhance value by using OSS within the public sector ICT
framework in providing efficient and quality services. The
Government of Malaysia (GOM) will implement OSS wherever
it indicates to be the most appropriate option.

It is envisioned by the GOM that all Public Sector agencies

will align their respective ICT plans, resources and actions
toward achieving objectives of the OSS Initiative, which are

 Reduce total cost of ownership

 Increase freedom of choice of software usage
 Increase interoperability among systems
 Increase growth of the ICT industry
 Increase growth of the OSS industry
 Increase growth of OSS user and developer community
 Increase growth of knowledge-based society
 Reduce digital divide

Among the steps taken to support this Initiative is the

establishment of the Open Source Competency Centre
(OSCC). OSCC was established to be the single point of
reference, to lead, guide, facilitate, coordinate and monitor
the implementation of OSS in the public sector. Information
OSS Implementation Guidelines

and documents related to the OSS Initiative are available at

http://opensource.mampu.gov.my and

1.2 Supplementary Documents

This document should be read together with The Malaysian

Public Sector OSS Master Plan. The OSS Master Plan
charts the overall approach and strategy for the adoption
and implementation of OSS and related technologies in the
Public Sector.

This document should also be read concurrently with The

OSS Technical Implementation Plan and The Malaysian
Government Interoperability Framework for Open
Source Software (MyGIFOSS).

Additional reference guidelines for implemenation also

include Open Source Software Reference Architecture
(OSSRA) and Web Application Guidelines (WAG).

The above documents are available at OSCC portal at

and http://opensource.mampu.gov.my.

1.3 Purpose Of The Document

This document serves as a guide for the implementation of

OSS in the Public Sector. In addition, this document aims to:

 Create awareness of OSS within the Public Sector

 Provide a consistent approach to the deployment and
OSS Implementation Guidelines

implementation of OSS in the Public Sector

 Provide a common framework based on best practice
principles to support and encourage utilisation of OSS
within the Public Sector

1.4 Objectives Of The OSS Implementation Guidelines

The OSS implementation guidelines are designed to assist

and guide the stakeholders within the public sector in
understanding and taking the right direction in the utilisation
and production of OSS. These guidelines are intended to
provide the right enabling environment for the
implementation of OSS in the Public Sector. These
guidelines will be reviewed and adjusted from time to time,
in order to reflect advances in technology and the
requirements of the public sector.

1.5 Scope

The scope of the OSS Implementation Guidelines covers the

following areas:

 Adoption
 Procurement
 Ownership
 Technology
 Implementation
 Knowledge Sharing
 Education
 Training
OSS Implementation Guidelines

1.6 Audience

This document is intended for use by Public Sector agencies

to gain understanding on how to implement OSS in their
respective agencies. The target audiences for this document
are the Head of Departments (HODs), Chief Information
Officers (CIOs) and all ICT personnel.
OSS Implementation Guidelines


The objective of the OSS Adoption Guidelines is to assist the

process of adoption of OSS and its success within the Public
Sector. To this end, Public Sector agencies are required to
consider adopting OSS in their respective agencies in
accordance with the OSS Master Plan, this document and the
agencies ICT Strategic Plan (ISP).

Within the OSS Master Plan, potential areas in which OSS can
be deployed have been categorised into six (6) solution
areas, namely;

■ Workload Consolidation

■ High Performance Computing

■ Distributed Enterprise

■ Application Solution

■ Infrastructure Solution

■ Desktop Solution

Public Sector agencies are required to identify opportunities

(opportunity areas) for implementing OSS within the said six
(6) solution areas (please refer to Section 2.1.4 for further

The selection of opportunity areas for OSS implementation

must be based on the guiding principles detailed in the OSS
Master Plan, namely:

■ Fit for purpose in terms of functionality, the technology

platform and user requirements as a whole.
OSS Implementation Guidelines

■ Least disruptive to operations specifically in relation to the

Public Sector agency’s technical infrastructure, users and
day-to-day operations.

■ Co-exist with other legacy proprietary systems in the

current environment.

■ Leverage on existing facilities, hardware, software and

expertise. Skills of existing resources should be enhanced
through OSS training and knowledge.

■ Not driven or controlled by hardware or software vendors.

Government Agency should seek to gradually achieve
independence from hardware and software vendor(s) by
cultivating OSS skills and expertise.

2.1 Guidelines For Adoption

The Public Sector agencies are encouraged to consider the

following steps in the process of adopting OSS:

 To establish an OSS team

 To consider OSS in agency’s ISP
 To assess software maturity
 To identify and develop OSS opportunity areas
 To implement pilot project
 To plan for phased deployment
 To plan for Change Management

2.1.1 Establish An OSS Team

Public Sector agencies are encouraged to establish an OSS

team with appropriate skills and management support. The
roles and responsibilities of the team include among others
OSS Implementation Guidelines

the following:

■ Become the OSS champion

■ Secure buy-in from the senior management, technical

management and financial management

■ Perform change management programme

■ Construct the Term of Reference of agency’s OSS project

The new team setup shall consist of management, end-user

and IT technical staff. Figure 2.2 below depicts the
recommended structure of the OSS team.

Team Leader

Technical &
E nd User Process
Team Team

Figure 2.1 – OSS Team Structure

The responsibilities listed in the following table are just a few

of the many functional roles that may exist in the project.

No Team
Roles Responsibilities
. Members
1. Head of OSS Team The Team leader is expected to become the
Department/ Leader Project Champion for OSS in the respective
Deputy Head agency. This person must be able to identify a
of Department need for OSS adoption and has the authority
to make all decisions relating to the change to
OSS at the agency.
2. End Users User Team End users form valuable resources in the team
- they can be used for many purposes related
OSS Implementation Guidelines

No Team
Roles Responsibilities
. Members
to the design, construction and delivery of the
OSS solution. As members of the team they
will act as experts and coaches for the new
OSS solution.
3. End Users / Process Process team shall be responsible for defining
System Team business or operational needs within the six
Analysts / Web solution areas at the agency. Together with
Designers the Technical and End User Team, the Process
Team shall be responsible to identify the
suitable OSS solution to serve the business or
operational requirements. They shall also
gather data, conduct Cost Benefit Analysis,
perform risk assessment and mitigation plan
as well as identify issues regarding the OSS
solutions of interest.
4. System Technical Technical personnel must be expert in defining
Analysts/ and OSS technical components and architecture of
Programmers/ Application any particular OSS solution within the agency.
Database s Team

Table 2.1 – Roles and Responsibilities of the OSS Team

2.1.2 OSS Adoption Considerations In Agency’s ISP

In line with the Public Sector vision and direction, each Public
Sector Agency should define/redefine its ISP, with due
consideration given to the adoption of OSS solution

This process of definition/redefinition of ISPs by Public Sector

Agencies will take place at various stages of ISP
implementation by each Public Sector Agency, including but
not limited to the following:

■ A Public Sector agency has an ISP but has yet to

OSS Implementation Guidelines

■ A Public Sector agency has an ISP and is in the midst

of implementation

■ Public Sector agency has an ISP and has completed


The following diagram seeks to illustrate how OSS adoption

can take place at the various stages of ISP implementation
by Public Sector agencies as identified above:

Figure 2.2 – OSS Adoption Considerations in Agency’s ISP

2.1.3 Software Maturity Assessment

Each agency should also consider the maturity of the OSS

before deploying it. It is recommended that the agencies
adopt Open Source Maturity Model (OSMM) in order to
determine if an OSS is suitable for implementation. This
OSMM allows Public Sector agencies to determine if or which
OSS Implementation Guidelines

OSS is suitable for use within that particular agency. The

OSMM is an effective method to prevent interesting but
immature products from being implemented at Public Sector
agencies. It serves as a useful tool to rationalise the
adoption of OSS in the Public Sector.

The OSS is measured based on the following indicators.:

i. Functionality: How well will the software meet the

average user’s requirements?

ii. Usability: How good is the User Interface? How easy

is the software to use for end-users? How easy is the
software to install, configure, deploy, and maintain?

iii. Quality: Of what quality are the design, the code, and
the tests? How complete and error-free are they?

iv. Security: How well does the software handle security

issues? How secure is it?

v. Performance: How well does the software perform?

vi. Scalability: How well does the software scale to a

large environment?

vii. Architecture: How well is the software designed?

How modular, portable, flexible, extensible, open, and
easy it is to integrate?

viii. Support: How well is the software component


ix. Documentation: Of what quality is the

documentation for the software?

x. Adoption: How well is the component adopted by the

community, market, and industry?
OSS Implementation Guidelines

xi. Community: How active and lively is the community

for the software?

xii. Professionalism: What is the professionalism level of

the development process and of the project agency as
a whole?

The above mentioned indicators shall be assigned a

weighted score value based on the relative importance of
the indicators to the agency’s specific requirements. The
value of the final score of the weighted indicators concludes
the general maturity level of the product.

The basis of identifying the relevant indicators, assigning

weightage to the identified indicators and scoring will need
to be based on the OSMM Model adopted. There are various
OSMM Models available to assess OSS maturity, of which two
(2) have achieved prominence, namely:

■ The NAVICA OSMM Model developed by Bernard

Golden of Navicasoft, and publicised in his book
Succeeding with Open Source (Addison Wesley, 2004);

■ The CapGemini OSMM Model, available from


Summaries of these models are available in the appendix of

this document. Nevertheless, Public Sector agencies are free
to create and/or use other OSMM models as appropriate.

2.1.4 Identify And Develop OSS Opportunity Areas

In order to realise the full benefits of OSS, implementing

agencies should identify the relevant opportunity areas
OSS Implementation Guidelines

within their respective agency. Each agency’s ICT

infrastructure and business requirements have their own
unique characteristics. Each in turn would require specific
economic and strategic considerations. Hence, it is vital for
each agency to identify the correct areas in which OSS can
be implemented. The Public Sector agencies should identify
and develop OSS opportunity within the six (6) solution

 Workload Consolidation - Workload consolidation

applies to projects that involve many applications that
reside on multiple servers to move to fewer numbers of
 High Performance Computing (Clusters) - High
performance computing applies to projects that seek to
reduce computing time in computational intensive jobs.
Specifically, tasks need to be able to run in parallel in
order to achieve this.
 Distributed Enterprise - Distributed enterprise applies
to projects that seek to optimise infrastructure by
deploying client-server or similar models.
 Application Solution - Application solutions apply to
projects that involve the implementation of a total
solution in order to meet business needs. Examples of
these are Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Customer
Relationship Management (CRM), portal and e-
 Infrastructure Solution - Infrastructure solutions
apply to projects that consist of basic infrastructure
related services. Examples of these are LDAP, mail,
DNS, database, high availability, firewall, IDS, file/print,
web servers.
 Desktop Solution - Desktop solutions apply to projects
that are intended at implementing client-related
OSS Implementation Guidelines

applications for users. Examples of these are office

productivity tools, development tools, mail readers.

Within each solution area, there are potential OSS projects

that can fall under any of these three (3) project lifecycles:

 New Projects - Public Sector agencies that would have

a business need but have not defined a solution to meet
the need
 Ongoing Projects – Public Sector agencies that are in
the process of designing/deploying a solution based on
commercial closed source software
 Cut-over Projects – Public Sector agencies that have
already implemented and are currently using a solution
based on commercial closed source software

Each combination of a particular solution area and project

life cycle phase is defined as a scenario. The scenario
provides an opportunity for OSS implementation. The
eighteen (18) possible scenarios are shown in the scenario
matrix in Figure 2.3.

OSS Opportunities Scenario Matrix Project Life Cycle

On-Going Project Have Cut

OSS Solution Areas New Projects
Projects Over

OSS Solution Areas Workload Consolidation

High Performance Computing

Distributed Enterprise Opportunities within the

Malaysian Public Sector

Application Solutions

Infrastructure Solutions

Desktop Solutions
OSS Implementation Guidelines

Figure 2.3 – OSS Implementation Scenario Matrix

Public Sector agencies can use this matrix to identify and

validate OSS opportunity for implementation. For each of the
opportunity areas identified, Public Sector agencies are
recommended to perform the following tasks to develop the
project implementation plan. The diagram below depicts the
relevant tasks to be carried out for each project.

Figure 2.4 – Identify and Develop OSS Opportunity Areas

OSS Implementation Guidelines

Recommended Tasks In Adopting OSS Opportunity For New


A Define Business Needs

The first step to a new project implementation is to

define the business requirements. It is important that
the OSS solution will improve the efficiency and
effectiveness of service delivery by the agency.

B Data Collection

The next step is collecting data on the existing

environment. This would form the basis for the
analytical work. Typical data that should be collected
are user functionality requirements, current wide area
network utilisation and costs as well as current
operational skills.

C Define Possible Solutions

Agencies should define possible platforms and

applications that would suit their needs. It is here that
they would specify the number of hardware, software
licenses and network bandwidth required for the
solution to work. Agencies should endeavour to include
as much OSS in their solutions as possible. It is
important that agencies consider all possible OSS
solutions at this point to ensure that none would be
missed. Data flows and formats would be defined for
interoperability of the various components of the
solution. Technical feasibility checks involving
OSS Implementation Guidelines

operations, application development and user groups

should also be carried out on all solutions.

D Analyse CBA Projection For Each Solution

Based on the data gathered, agencies should consider

the Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA) projections for each of
the defined solutions. In performing CBA projections,
agencies should compare cost data of OSS solution
against proprietary solution. For example, for Desktop
Solution, OpenOffice is compared to Microsoft Office.
Solutions that do not meet favourable CBA projections
can be discarded

E Produce Detailed Implementation Plan

Based on the selected solution, agencies should then

define an implementation plan detailing the exact steps,
timeline and budget to implement the project.

Recommended Tasks In Adopting OSS Opportunity For On-

going Project
OSS Implementation Guidelines

A Define Possible Solutions

Agencies seeking to migrate an ongoing project to an

OSS based system would already have relevant data
gathered on the existing environment. Agencies should
define possible platforms and applications that would
suit their needs. It is here that they would specify the
number of hardware, software licenses and network
bandwidth required for the solution to work. Agencies
should work towards including as much OSS in their
solutions as possible. It is important that agencies
consider all possible solutions at this point to ensure
that none would be missed.

B Analyse CBA Projection For Each Solution

Based on the data gathered, agencies should consider

the CBA projections for each of the defined solutions. In
performing CBA projections, agencies compare data of
the current proprietary solution against the new OSS
solution. For ongoing projects, CBA projections for the
current implementation should only include future costs
as the cost that they have already incurred may not be
recoverable. Solutions that do not meet favourable CBA
projections are discarded.

C Revise The Implementation Plan

Once a solution has been defined, the project

implementation plan would have to be revised to reflect
the new solution. Migration activities from the current
implementation to the new one should be detailed out.
OSS Implementation Guidelines

Recommended Tasks In Adopting OSS Opportunity For Cut-

over Project

A Redefine Business Needs

Since the agency has already gone through an ICT

implementation, it is presumed that the initial business
requirements were met. However, after the exercise,
agencies may have found that new requirements may
have shifted their needs. Thus, the first step is to
redefine the business needs.

B Data Collection

The next step is collecting data on the existing

environment. This would form the basis for the
analytical work. Typical data that should be collected
are user functionality requirements, current wide area
network utilisation and costs as well as current
operational skills.
OSS Implementation Guidelines

C Define Possible Solutions

Agencies should define possible platforms and

applications that would suit their needs. It is here that
they would specify the number of hardware, software
licenses and network bandwidth required for the
solution to work. Agencies should endeavour to include
as much OSS in their solutions as possible. It is
important that agencies consider all possible OSS
solutions at this point to ensure that none would be
missed. Data flows and formats would be defined for
interoperability of the various components of the
solution. Technical feasibility checks involving
operations, application development and user groups
should also be carried out on all solutions.

D Analyse CBA Projection For Each Solution

Based on the data gathered, agencies should consider

the CBA projections for each of the defined solutions. In
performing CBA projections, agencies compare data of
the current proprietary solution against the new OSS
solution. For cut-over projects, CBA projections for the
current implementation should only include future costs
as the cost that they have already incurred may not be
recoverable. Solutions that do not meet favourable CBA
projections are discarded.

E Produce Detailed Implementation Plan

Based on the selected solution, agencies should then

define an implementation plan detailing the exact steps,
timeline and budget to implement the project.
OSS Implementation Guidelines

F Perform Risk Assessment And Develop Risk

Mitigation Plan

Since the implementation would replace a current

production environment, it may introduce some risk.
This risk should be assessed and a risk mitigation plan
would need to be developed. The plan should include
considerations on applying patches, upgrades and bug
fixes, staff and user training requirements, recovery
from system failures and other general project
implementation issues.

2.1.5 Implement Pilot Projects

Objectives of Pilot Projects

OSS pilot project is important in assessing the potential

implementation risk associated with a full-fledged OSS
deployment exercise. The objectives of the pilot projects are:

 To develop proof of concept

 To obtain buy-in from key stakeholders within the


 To measure the benefits and recommend OSS solutions

for roll out

Selection Criteria for Pilot Projects

In implementing pilot projects, the agencies should consider

the following guidelines:
OSS Implementation Guidelines

■ Manageable and feasible projects – It is advisable to

start with small scale and manageable pilot projects,
involving a small number of users. The implementation cost
must be within the allocated budget

■ Quick-wins - Choose pilot projects that are easy to

implement with quick-wins and high impact
■ Short duration – The pilot projects should be completed
within a short time period. It is recommended that the
specified time frame for any particular pilot project is
carried out within three (3) months period.

■ Easy to replicate - The pilot projects must be highly

visible and have great impact and easily replicable

Solution Areas for Pilot Projects

It is recommended that the pilot projects to be implemented

should begin with the following solution areas:

A Infrastructure Solution

Begin implementing OSS in secondary applications at

the server level (i.e. server applications, operating
system, database, backup, recovery and security). This
is because many of the changes done at the server
side are compatible to the existing environment thus
minimising the disruptive effect.

B Desktop Solution

Adopt OSS equivalent such as OpenOffice and Mozilla

browser as alternative to Microsoft Office and Internet
Explorer browser. These applications are able to
operate both in Microsoft Windows and Linux operating
systems (e.g. Redhat, Novell Linux Desktop, etc.).
OSS Implementation Guidelines

C Application Solution

Adoption of specific application solutions to address

business needs. Version Control, Portals and Content
Management component can be implemented with
ease and fairly quickly in order to realise most of the

2.1.6 Plan For Phased Deployment

It is highly recommended for agencies to adopt OSS in

phases. Agencies planning for phased deployment approach
shall consider the various implementation factors such as
the complexity of the implementation environment and
solution maturity. Solutions should be the least disruptive,
have the ability to co-exist with other solutions, have the
ease of deployment and require minimal training cost. The
phases are defined as short term, medium term and long

A Short term (less than 2 years)

The short-term phase focuses on OSS solutions that

are mature, widely used and able to operate on
existing proprietary operating systems.

B Medium term (2 to 5 years)

The medium-term phase focuses on prioritising OSS

solution areas through the implementation of complete
OSS infrastructure components and of more complex
OSS solutions.

C Long term (Beyond 5 years)

OSS Implementation Guidelines

The long-term plan aims for self-reliance through

continuous improvement of OSS solutions that are
highly complex and to reduce dependency on
proprietary systems in all solution areas.

Figure 2.5 provides the type of OSS Solution Areas and its
related components, that can be deployed over the three (3)
OSS Implementation Guidelines

Examples of Application Types

OS Virtualization, Monitoring Tools

High Performance Workload Schedules, Cluster Manager


Distributed Groupware, Collaborative Tools,


Enterprise Search Management

Application Portal & Content e-Learning & Knowledge ERP, CRM,

Solution Management Management HR

Web Servers,
Server OS, E-Mail
Infrastructure Servers, Security LDAP, Databases
Tools, DNS

E-Mail Readers, Client OS, Graphic Manipulation,

Desktop Solution Web Browsers, Development Tools
Office Suite

Short Term Mid Term Long Term

0 – 2 years 2 – 5 years > 5 years
Pilot Projects

Figure 2.5 – Type of OSS Solution Areas

OSS technical Implementation In The Short Term

With reference to Figure 2.5 above, the following OSS

opportunities are recommended to be implemented in the
short term, between the zero (0) to two (2) year timeframe:
OSS Implementation Guidelines

OSS Solution
No Application Types Example of OSS Applications
1 Desktop Solutions E-Mail Readers Thunderbird, Evolution,Kmail
Web Browsers Firefox, Konqueror, Chrome
Office Productivity OpenOffice,KOffice,Abiword,GNUmeric
2 Infrastructure Web Servers Apache httpd, lighttpd, cherokee
Solutions Server Operating Ubuntu Linux, Red Hat Enterprise
System Linux, CentOS, Suse Linux Enterprise,
FreeBSD, OpenBSD
e-Mail Servers Sendmail, Postfix, Exim
Security Tools and ClamAV AntiVirus, Snort IDS, Bind
3 Application Version control Subversion (SVN), Bazaar, Git
Portal and Content Joomla!, Drupal, Typo3

Table 2.2 – OSS Technical Implementation in the Short Term

OSS Technical Implementation In The Medium Term

With reference to Figure 2.5 above, the following OSS

opportunities are recommended to be implemented in the
mid term, between the two (2) to five (5) year timeframe:

OSS Solution
No Application Types Example of OSS Applications
1 Desktop Graphic Manipulation GIMP, Inkscape, Krita
Solutions Development Tools Eclipse, Netbeans
Client Operating System Ubuntu Linux, Suse Desktop Linux
2 Infrastructure LDAP and databases MySQL, PostgreSQL, Firebird,
Solutions OpenLDAP
3 Application Knowledge Management Alfresco, Plone, MediaWiki
e-Learning Moodle
4 Workload Operating system Xen, KVM
Consolidation virtualisation and Nagios, Zenoss
OSS Solutions monitoring tools
5 High Workload schedules and Beowulf,Oscar, HA-JDBC
Performance cluster manager
Computing OSS
6 Distributed Groupware collaborative Alfresco, Plone, Horde, Zimbra
Enterprise OSS tools
OSS Implementation Guidelines

Table 2.3 – OSS Technical Implementation in the Medium Term

OSS Technical Implementation In The Long Term

With reference to Figure 2.5 above, the following OSS

opportunity is recommended to be implemented in the long
term, after the five (5) year timeframe:

OSS Solution
No Application Types Example of OSS Applications
1 Application OSS ERP, CRM and HR Compiere, SugarCRM, TigerCRM,
Solutions OrangeHRM

Table 2.4 – OSS Technical Implementation in the Long Term

2.1.7 Plan For Change Management

Change Management is critical to the success of any

implementation. Since the use of OSS will be new to many
users, it is natural for users to fear and resist change.
Therefore, Change Management programmes; such as
awareness and training programmes, would need to be
developed in detail and undertaken, within each
implementing agency

It is recommended that Public Sector agencies to consider

the following strategies in implementing Change
Management programme to further ensure successful
adoption and implementation of OSS:

A Introduce OSS to enthusiastic users first

There will be users who are naturally more inquisitive

and open towards trying something new. It is these
people who should first be introduced to OSS. Through
them it can be proved to others that there is not much
OSS Implementation Guidelines

difference between using OSS and proprietary


B Provide extensive OSS support mechanism

The second group of users who may be more reserved

and less enthusiastic about OSS will need to have
greater support facilities in the form of help desks,
intranets and experienced local users.

C Train people who have the most knowledge of the

existing systems and setup

The people who know the existing systems and setup

may have some amount of authority over the system.
They may be reluctant to give this up if the new OSS
environment is perceived as very different from the
existing one, thus effective change management is
essential. They may need to be among the first to be
trained in the new systems to maintain their relevance
and minimise resistance to change.

D Make system administrator as effective change

agents within the agencies

The system administrator must be among the first to

be trained in OSS. The system administrator in
particular, needs to have their fears allayed at an early
stage. They will be the focal point for occurring

Public Sector agencies are also encouraged to adopt

Communication Lifecycle Model AIDA (Awareness,
Interest, Desire and Action) to create a greater
awareness and readiness for change among the staffs.
OSS Implementation Guidelines
OSS Implementation Guidelines


The objective of OSS Procurement Guidelines is to guide

Public Sector agencies in the procurement of OSS for
implementation. These guidelines will facilitate Public Sector
agencies to derive best value for money and all other
benefits of OSS. OSS procurement should be based on
merits, value for money, transparency, security and
interoperability, as well as in accordance with the
Government procurement policies and procedures.

Public Sector agencies are required to consider the following

five (5) key principles in the procurement of software and
such other ICT equipment:

i Interoperability

Public agencies should only use products for

interoperability that support open standards and
specifications in all future ICT developments.

ii Transparency

The move towards greater transparency of IT

governance is central to the principle of accountability.
Procurement activities of public sector agencies must
adhere to standard GOM procurement policies and
procedures and tender specifications must be free of
ambiguity. Access to source code must be available
wherever possible.

iii Security

Potential ICT solutions should be carefully evaluated on

case by case basis prior to being accepted as safe and
free from security flaws for use in GOM operations.
OSS Implementation Guidelines

iv Value For Money

Public sector procurement exercises seek to avoid

unnecessary public spending. Hence, procurement
decisions are always to be based on the best value for
money solution.

v Merit

Public agencies support a level playing field between

OSS and proprietary software procurement within the
public sector. Procurement decisions are to be based
on the merit.

Preference will only be given to OSS in the event that both

OSS and Proprietary Software, after thorough evaluation in
accordance to standard GOM procurement procedures and
policies, are considered to be equal in terms of their
advantages and disadvantages.

3.1 Guidelines For Procurement

Public agencies are required to follow the OSS procurement

guidelines during all procurement activities such as but not
limited to software, hardware, IT related products and
services acquisitions. The following guidelines are
formulated to assist public agencies in their OSS
procurement activities.

In order for the selection exercise to be conducted

effectively, the following needs to be ensured at the tender
specification stage:

 Ensure that OSS solutions are not directly or indirectly

excluded in tenders whether by inclusion of any
OSS Implementation Guidelines

specifications that unjustifiably discriminate against OSS

or otherwise.
 Whenever possible, acquire hardware that also supports
 Whenever possible, avoid lock-in to IT products and
services that are not compliant with open standards.

3.1.1 Support For Open Standards

Open Standards are defined as “Specifications for systems

that are publicly available and are developed by an open
community and affirmed by an internationally recognised
standard body”1.

 When planning for IT investments such as but not

limited to software procurement or development, public
agencies must consider Open Standards compliant as a
■ Open Standards relate to file formats, data formats and
protocols used with respect to GOM applications and
 Open Standards imply that multiple vendors can
compete directly based more on the features and
performance of their products.
 Open Standards would result in the GOM’s IT solutions
being portable and capable of being replaced with that
of another vendor with minimal effort and without major
 OSS does not necessarily mean Open Standards
compliant. Compliancy to Open Standards must be
carefully evaluated without any discrimination or bias as
to whether the products are OSS or proprietary
OSS Implementation Guidelines

3.1.2 Access To Source Code

 Whenever possible, selected IT solutions should be

available in source code form in order to allow
inspection such as but not limited to examine the code
to verify that it performs as expected and contains no
hidden features.
 Whenever possible, selected IT solutions must come
with the rights to modify and enhance the source code
for various GOM operations purposes.

3.1.3 Security In IT Solutions

Public agencies should ensure maximum national security is

maintained at all times with regard to the GOM’s computer

 Whenever possible, selected IT solutions should have

been certified by rigorous security evaluation
programmes such as but not limited to Common Criteria
for Information Technology Security Evaluation (CCITSE)
commonly known as “Common Criteria”.
 While OSS products should not be considered more
secure than proprietary products, having access to view
and modify the source code would eliminate a level of
risk posed by potential threats in closed source code
such as but not limited to back doors and inherent
weaknesses that may be exploited by hackers.
 On the other hand, the OSS development process does
not insure security in itself. Careful evaluation must be
conducted to ensure that OSS products are safe to be
used for GOM operations. If security issues are found,
decisions must be made to either fix the issues
identified or wholly eliminate the solution as an option.
OSS Implementation Guidelines

 Vendors should be required to provide evidence of the

security of their proprietary or OSS solutions by
providing proof of the solutions as being validated
products or in lieu thereof, providing their contractual
undertaking as to the security of the same.

3.1.4 Best Value For Money

Whenever possible, public agencies must choose solutions

that can provide best value for money - defined as “optimum
combination of whole-life cost and fitness/ability to meet the
user’s requirement”.

 Fitness is to be determined by reference to the ability of

the solution to meet the requirements identified for a
specific procurement, e.g. the ability to modify the
solution (which will require the availability of the source
code) and/or the freedom to distribute/share the
solution without having to pay additional licensing fees.
The requirements are to be determined on a
procurement per procurement basis.
 Evaluations conducted must take into consideration
total cost of ownership of owning IT products and
services through out their full life-cycle including but not
limited to support, maintenance, integrations, future
upgrades and enhancements cost.
 Best value for money does not necessarily mean lowest
price among the evaluated options.
 Best value for money does not necessarily mean market
domination by the evaluated solutions.
OSS Implementation Guidelines

3.1.5 Merit-Based Selection

Selection of IT solutions must be based on merit which

covers but not limited to performance, reliability, quality,
flexibility, and user friendliness.

 Performance, reliability, quality, flexibility, and user

friendliness shall be among the criteria to be considered
in evaluating procurement options. Reference should be
made to benchmark and comparison studies done by
independent international bodies or in-house team
wherever possible.

3.1.6 Sourcing Scenarios

There are two basic sourcing scenarios for the introduction

of open source software within the GOM, namely in-house
and external sourcing:

 In-house sourcing: direct procurement of open source

software, using in-house skills for sourcing and
 External sourcing: using one or more external solution
providers to deliver and deploy OSS-based solutions

There will also be instances when there is an amalgam of

both these sourcing scenarios, e.g. where part of the
solution identified by an agency is sourced in-house (and
perhaps modified further by the agency) while some of the
other parts of the said solution are sourced from external
solution providers.

In-House Sourcing

If an agency has the requisite skills in-house and flexible

OSS Implementation Guidelines

software procurement guidelines, it can obtain, install and

use a substantial number of OSS products that are directly
available from various online repositories. Browsing or
searching these repositories allows agencies to find and
download OSS products to meet their needs.

Direct in-house sourcing enables agencies to bypass formal

procurement processes, purchase orders and expense
requisitions; the principal costs relate to bandwidth usage
and staff time. However, agencies still need to follow the
standard risk assessment and change management
procedures required by each agency’s policy.

Figure 3.1 below sets out a model workflow for in-house

sourcing of OSS products.

Figure 3.1 – Workflow for In-House Sourcing for OSS

OSS Implementation Guidelines

The following is an overview of a sample process for the in-

house sourcing of OSS (as diagrammatically represented in
Figure 3.1 above) which takes into consideration the key
principles in the procurement of software as addressed

i. STEP 1: Formulate agency’s baseline expectations,

whether based on user requirements and/or
functionality perspective and thereafter locate open
source solutions that meet the agency’s baseline
expectations. This can be done by reference to OSS
repositories such as sourceforge.net, freshmeat.net and
OSCC Knowledge Bank. Proceed to check the identified
OSS against the agency’s baseline expectations and
where necessary modify the baseline expectations
ii. STEP 2: Check the applicable licences for each of the
identified OSS and assess the suitability of the licence
for the agencies intended purpose as well as the ability
of the agency to comply with such licence terms and
conditions (Please refer to Section 4 on Ownership).
iii. STEP 3: Proceed to select the preferred solution based
on ability to meet the agency’s baseline expectations,
suitability of the applicable licence for the agency’s
intended purpose and such other pertinent criteria, e.g.
the availability of external support, ease of use, whether
it uses a language preferred by the agency (e.g. PHP,
python, Java).
iv. STEP 4: Review the fitness for purpose and value for
money of the selected OSS (Please refer to 3.2.2 above)
v. STEP 5: Analyse the quality, security and
interoperability of the selected OSS. In relation to
quality, the agency may refer to its robustness and
ability to recover from crashes, whilst in respect of
security, the agency should assess whether there have
OSS Implementation Guidelines

been any reported hacks or other exploits in relation to

the identified OSS. Agencies can also refer to third party
sites, e.g. securityfocus.com for objective reports.
vi. STEP 6: Where considered necessary, undertake a pilot
project. This is an optional step which is to be taken only
where considered necessary, e.g. where the deployment
of the OSS will affect many (e.g. OpenOffice.org), or
where the project is complex (e.g. Sugar CRM). As
opposed to this, where the OSS selected is tried and
tested, e.g. Apache, there is no need to mount a pilot
vii. STEP 7: Where a pilot project is undertaken and once it
has come to a conclusion, review the pilot project
results against the agency’s baseline expectations. The
results can be derived from such user and functionality
tests carried out as well as user feedback.
viii. STEP 8: If everything is satisfactory, plan for production
and implementation of the OSS as per the agency’s
usual procedure.
ix. STEP 9: Deploy the production OSS, conduct training of
users and obtain external support where necessary.
x. STEP 10: Register and upload2 the OSS (where it has
been further modified or developed by the agency) with
the OSCC Knowledge Bank.

External Sourcing

Agencies that do not have the in-house technical capabilities

to source OSS products directly may prefer to acquire open
source solutions through external service providers.

Figure 3.2 below sets out a model workflow for external

  All   agencies   are  required  to   upload   the   source   and   object  codes   of  any   OSS  that   have   been   customised,  modified   or 
developed for or by the agency UNLESS there are valid overriding national interests involved, e.g. security concerns.
OSS Implementation Guidelines

sourcing of OSS products where an agency does not have

either a proprietary or open source solution in mind.

Figure 3.2 – Workflow for External Sourcing for OSS

The following is an overview of a sample process for the

external sourcing of OSS which takes into consideration the
key principles in the procurement of software as addressed
above, where an agency does not have either a proprietary
or open source solution in mind (as diagrammatically
represented in Figure 3.2 above):

i. STEP 1: The agency will need to plan and prepare the

requisite tender specifications without discriminating
against OSS.
ii. STEP 2: The procurement process is to be in
accordance with standard GOM procurement procedures
OSS Implementation Guidelines

and policies.
iii. STEP 3: Evaluate bids in accordance with standard
GOM procurement procedures & policies
iv. STEP 4: When assessing vendor proposals for OSS
based solutions, the agency must assess the suitability
of the applicable OSS license to its intended purposes
with regard to the solution being procured.
v. STEP 5: Where both proprietary and OSS solutions are
proposed by vendors responding to the tender, and
subsequent to the agency’s thorough evaluation in
accordance with standard GOM procurement procedures
and policies, both are assessed to be equal in terms of
their advantages and disadvantages, preference will be
given to the OSS solution.
vi. STEP 6: Agencies should insist on the provision of
suitable warranties with regard to the compliance of the
OSS based solution with the agency’s specifications.
vii. STEP 7: Thereafter, the selected vendor will modify,
develop, deliver and put its proposed OSS solution into
production subject to having successfully completed the
relevant user acceptance and final acceptance tests.
viii. STEP 8: Register and upload3 the OSS (where the OSS
has been customised or modified) with the OSCC
Knowledge Bank.

In situations where an agency, based on its specific

requirements, has already predetermined that the solution
required to be sourced must be OSS based, the agency
needs to ensure that the tender specifications should
specifically require vendor proposals to provide OSS or
equivalent solutions.

  All   agencies   are  required  to   upload   the   source   and   object  codes   of  any   OSS  that   have   been   customised,  modified   or 
developed for or by the agency UNLESS there are valid overriding national interests involved, e.g. security concerns.
OSS Implementation Guidelines

As part of vendor due diligence, agencies should evaluate

the financial strength, stability and technical capability of the
short listed vendors.

Agencies may also refer to the OSCC for a list of vendors

identified as being capable to provide OSS solutions and
related services to agencies.
OSS Implementation Guidelines


The objective of OSS Ownership Guidelines is to provide a

guide for Public Sector agencies to manage the licensing and
ownership issues related to the modification, development
and distribution of OSS in the public sector. This section on
Ownership sets out the legal background to OSS, identifies
the issues that need to be ascertained in assessing the
suitability of OSS licences to a public agency’s purposes,
details the likely scenarios in which the licensing and
ownership issues related to OSS may arise, identifies specific
issues that need to be addressed with respect to the same
and identifies the process to determine the suitability of an
OSS licence to an agency’s purposes. OSS ownership should
include software licensing that allows rights to use and
modify the software. Licensing for software developed within
the public sector should be compatible with the GPL license,
the BSD license or a formulated GOM license based on

These guidelines relates to the acquisition by the GOM of the

legal rights to use modify and share OSS that is deployed
within the public sector.

When OSS is being sourced or procured for use in the public

sector, agencies will need to confirm their ability to comply
with the applicable OSS licence terms and conditions bearing
in mind the agencies intended use of the OSS.

Where agencies are modifying or developing OSS, agencies

should consider (where applicable) the most suitable licence
to apply to the same, whether it is a license compatible with
the GPL license, the BSD license, a GOM license or such
other OSS preferred license.
OSS Implementation Guidelines

4.1 Guidelines For Ownership

This Ownership section must be read in conjunction with the

Procurement section and such applicable GOM circulars and
guidelines in relation to the acquisition and ownership of
intellectual property by and/or for the GOM.

As users of this document will already be familiar with the

proprietary software model and its related legal and
licensing issues, this section principally focuses on the
licensing and ownership issues related to OSS.

4.1.1 Understanding The Legal Background To OSS

In general, OSS refers to software which is licensed to users

under certain minimum terms. Pursuant to these terms,
users have the right to use, copy, access, modify and
distribute the software (whether in original or modified
form), without the payment of any royalty or other
significant fee.

The alternative to OSS is proprietary software which

generally restricts the right to use to the number of “seats”
paid for, prohibits copying, modifying and distributing of the
software and does not provide access to the source code of
the software.

The following table briefly describes the key differences

between proprietary software and OSS:
OSS Implementation Guidelines

Proprietary Software Open Source Software

Intellectual Property Rights Based on copyright Based on copyright
Licensed to users Yes Yes
Cost High (i.e. licensing fees) Low / Nil (i.e. usually no
licensing fees)
Source code Unavailable Available
Distribution Restricted Permitted (sometimes with
Modification Restricted Permitted
Warranty Limited Limited / Nil
Indemnity Limited Limited / Nil
Support Limited Limited / Nil

Table 4.1 – Key Differences between Proprietary Software and OSS

4.1.2 Minimum Standards As Set Down By The OSI

For software to be considered OSS, the licence governing the

use of that software must be recognised by the Open Source
Initiative (“OSI”) as being one of its approved licences. Please
refer to http://www.opensource.org/licenses for a list of the
currently approved OSS licences.

In order for a software licence to be approved by the OSI, the

said software licence must comply with the minimum
licensing terms set down by the OSI as embodied in its “Open
Source Definition” which can be found at

In brief, in order for software to be considered OSS, the

licence under which the software is distributed must embody
the following rights and obligations. The diagram below
illustrates the minimum set of criteria required of OSS licences
and by extension the software that is distributed under the
said licences:
OSS Implementation Guidelines

The minimum
licensing terms Free distribution of the software by users
set by the OSI* without need to pay the proprietor any
royalty or fee

Source code is made available to the user

Modifications and creation of derivative

works by the user are allowed

Integrity of source code, i.e. proprietor may

require the user to distribute the modified
version as the original version plus patches

No Discrimination against persons/groups

who may or may not use the software

No Discrimination against specific fields of

endeavour i.e. can be used for any purpose

The rights granted to the software must not

require the execution of an additional

The license must not restrict other software

that it is distributed with

License must not be technology specific i.e.

be technology neutral

* Please note that the list above is not exhaustive and has been abbreviated for your
ease of reference. Please refer to OSI’s “Open Source Definition” available at
http://www.opensource.org/docs/definition.php for more detail.

Figure 4.1 – Minimum Licensing Terms set by the OSI

Some of the criteria are absolute (e.g. availability of source

code, right to modify and create derivative works, the right
to redistribute without having to pay royalties) while others
are optional (e.g. requiring the software to be distributed as
the original version plus patches, requiring the same licence
be used to distribute modified and derived works).
OSS Implementation Guidelines

However there is room for variance in the terms of an OSS

licence, wherein licensors of OSS are in fact free to impose
other terms and conditions upon users of their software so
long as they do not conflict with the above said minimum

4.1.3 OSS Licenses In General

A. There are numerous types of OSS licences4 but they

basically fall into two categories:

i. Academic Licences

Generally, academic licences allow software to

be used for any purpose and do not impose an
obligation on the user to provide the source code
of the software (whether in original, modified or
derivative form) when distributing it further.
Academic licences also do not specify the type of
license that must govern any further distribution
of the software.

Academic licences allow anyone to take the

software and use it for whatever purpose,
whether commercial or otherwise (e.g. modify it
and offer it as a proprietary product), without the
need to make available the source code to either
the original authors of the software, the open
source community or even the persons to whom
it is redistributed to.

ii. Reciprocal Licences

 Currently there are around sixty nine (72) different forms of OSS which have been OSI certified.
OSS Implementation Guidelines

Generally, reciprocal licences allow the software

to be used for any purpose, so long as (i) the
source code of the said software is made
available to the persons it is redistributed to, and
(ii) redistribution of the software (whether in
original, modified or derivative form) is made
under the same licence the software was
originally distributed under.

OSS licences such as the General Public License

(“GPL”), Lesser General Public License (“LGPL”)
and MIT License (“MIT”), which fall within this
category, grant free rights to users to use, copy
or modify without payment or restriction. These
licences however prohibit users from distributing
the software on any terms other than the original
licence, and impose this requirement on any
programme derived from or based in whole or
part on the software.

B. Some software developers offer the same software

under more than one license. For example, a software
developer may offer its software under a proprietary
license (which requires the payment of a license fee)
and also under an OSS license (which is usually free).
This practice is known as “dual licensing”. The main
difference between the two offerings in the prior
example is that under the proprietary license, users
will be provided support and warranties, whereas
neither will be provided for the same software
distributed under the OSS license.
OSS Implementation Guidelines

4.1.4 Implementing/Using OSS Licenses In The GOM

A. Reasons For Having Such Assessment

As part of the implementation and use of any OSS

within the GOM, an assessment of the applicable OSS
license(s) must first be conducted in order to decide
whether the OSS license(s) in question are indeed
suitable for the GOM’s purposes. It is therefore highly
advisable that agencies must familiarise themselves at
the outset with the terms and conditions of the major
OSS licences and the legal issues relating to the choice
of OSS license.

Failure to carry out a proper assessment of the

licences of the OSS chosen may result in adverse
consequences being faced by such agencies, e.g.:

i. Breach of the OSS licenses

In the event of non-compliance with or breach of

the applicable OSS licensing terms, the agency
may lose the right to use such OSS unless and
until such breach is rectified.

ii. Different and incompatible OSS licences

Where several different OSS

modules/codes/libraries falling under different
OSS licenses are combined and used together,
there is a risk that the said OSS licenses contain
terms that make them incompatible with one
another and therefore unsuitable to be combined
and used together (e.g. GPL and Sun licenses).
Not all OSS licences can be adapted and
OSS Implementation Guidelines

combined without restriction in order to produce

or modify software.

iii. Loss of GOM Intellectual Property

Where an agency commissions modifications to

an OSS with the intention of keeping such
modifications private (i.e. not providing the
source code to such parties that the modified
OSS may be distributed to), the agency may be
forced to provide the source code of
modifications made to the said OSS as a
consequence of having chosen an OSS falling
under a reciprocal license instead of an
academic license.

iv. Breach of GOM’s secrets and confidentiality

There may also be situations where there is a

need to maintain the GOM’s secrecy and
confidentiality which is in conflict with the
disclosure requirement under a Reciprocal
Licence. An example of such an instance would
be where the source code of an OSS modified by
an agency discloses attributes and/or processes
related to the GOM that are in fact confidential,
but must be revealed to users when distributed
under a Reciprocal License (as opposed to an
Academic License).

4.1.5 A Summary Of Common And Relevant OSS Licenses

It is important to understand that each OSS licence varies in

terms of its restrictions and implications. In any OSS use
OSS Implementation Guidelines

scenario, it is therefore necessary to study the relevant OSS

licence carefully before using or agreeing to its licensing
terms. For general reference purposes a summary of the
more common and relevant OSS Licenses to the GOM, is
provided below:

A. General Public License (GPL)

The GPL emphasises freedom wherein users are

permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of
the licensed software, and are required to ensure that
any derivative products remain free and open for
public use. Users are also permitted to examine the
source code and improve the software. However if
there is redistribution, the improvements and
derivative works must be released back to the public in
source code form and under the terms of the GPL. For
example, after releasing a code as GPL, the GPL can
never be removed and any derived work from the GPL
must also be GPL.

Since the GPL does not allow users to take

improvements and derivative works private, the GPL
does not permit the incorporation of GPL software into
proprietary software.

An example of software available under the GPL is

Linux Kernel. The software can be found at

Please refer to http://www.opensource.org/licenses for

the full text of the GPL.

B. Lesser General Public License (LGPL)

OSS Implementation Guidelines

The LGPL is a derivative of the GPL and is therefore

quite identical to the GPL in many of its provisions. The
LGPL was designed for software libraries. However
unlike the GPL, LGPL software can be incorporated into
proprietary software.

An example of software available under the LGPL is

GTK graphical user interface toolkit. The software can
be found at http://www.gtk.org

Please refer to http://www.opensource.org/licenses for

the full text of the LGPL.

C. Berkeley Software Distribution Licence (BSD)

The BSD is intended to permit the free use,

modification and distribution of the University of
California software without obligation on the users.
This license requires users to put a copyright notice,
comply with the conditions (such as the name of
authors/owners must not be used in endorsing
products and/or promotions without permission) and
the disclaimer of liability.

Basically the BSD allows a person to do absolutely

anything with the code (including using it with
proprietary software) as long as the above conditions
are fulfilled. The BSD is one of the least restraining
OSS licenses.

An example of software available under a BSD license

is FreeBSD Operating System. The software can be
found at http://www.freebsd.org

Please refer to http://www.opensource.org/licenses for

the full text of the BSD licence.
OSS Implementation Guidelines

D. MIT Licence (MIT)

The MIT license is also known as the X or X11. This

license permits redistribution subject to the publication
of copyright notice and permission notice (to use,
modify, merge, publish, distribute, sub-license, sell

An example of software available under a MIT license

is PuTTY, a free telnet/SSH client. The software can be
found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/

Please refer to http://www.opensource.org/licenses for

the full text of the MIT licence.

E. Mozilla Public Licence 1.1 (MPL)

The Mozilla Public License, though similar to the GPL, is

often seen as being the middle-ground between the
GPL and the BSD. The MPL is subject to the following

i. all distributed copies (original or modified) must

include the source code or advice on how to
obtain the source code

ii. all modifications are described in accompanying


iii. any patent rights necessary to operate the

software are clearly described in accompanying

iv. all copies of the code, original or modified, have

a statement of copyright and an exclusion of
OSS Implementation Guidelines

warranties attached

v. all modified code must be distributed under the


An example of software available under the MPL is

Mozilla Firefox Web Browser. The software can be
found at http://www.mozilla.com/firefox

Please refer to http://www.opensource.org/licenses for

the full text of the MPL.

F. Apache Software License (Apache)

The Apache license is very different from the GPL and

LGPL. This license allows users to do nearly anything
with the software licensed under it. The Apache permit
users to copy, modify and distribute the covered
software in source and/or binary forms provided that
all copies, modified or unmodified, are accompanied
by a copy of the license.

An example of software available under the Apache

license is Apache HTTPD Web Server. The software can
be found at http://httpd.apache.org

Please refer to http://www.opensource.org/licenses for

the full text of the Apache licence

G. Eclipse Public License (EPL)

The Eclipse Public License is an Open Source Initiative

(OSI) approved license which is similar to the Common
Public License. Its primary use is for Eclipse software
development tools. The Eclipse Public License is not
compatible with the GNU General Public License
OSS Implementation Guidelines

because it has various specific requirements that are

not in the GPL.

An example of software available under the EPL is

AspectJ Development Tools (AJDT). The software can
be found at http://www.eclipse.org/ajdt

Please refer to http://www.opensource.org/licenses for

the full text of the Eclipse Public Licence.

H. XFree86 License (XFree86)

Under this license, the code must be redistributable by

users in either source or binary form. Users must be
permitted to modify the code, and to distribute
modified code or derived code without being required
to pay a licensing fee or other financial consideration
to the copyright holder. Users must be permitted to
distribute binary-only forms of the code if they which
to do so.

In February 2004, with version 4.4.0, The XFree86

Project adopted a license change that the Free
Software Foundation considered GPL incompatible.

An example of software available under the XFree86

license is X Window System. The software can be
found at http://www.x.org

Please refer to http://www.opensource.org/licenses for

the full text of the X license.

I. Sun Public License Version 1.0 (“Sun License”)

Sun Microsystems has introduced the Sun Public

License Version 1.0 which is a "Community Source
OSS Implementation Guidelines

License Agreement". The Sun License contains

significant restrictions that make it substantially
different from the "classic" open source licenses such
as the GPL and BSD-style licenses. The Sun License is
a GPL-incompatible license.

The Sun License in some instances requires the

licensee to pay Sun a fee. The Sun License also
contains restrictions on modifications that do not pass
a large set of conformance tests, and purports to treat
the source code as "confidential information," even
though it is downloadable from the Internet.

This licence is now rarely used in new SUN projects,

with Sun using CDDL and GPLv3 licensing for the
latests releases of their software.

An example of software available under the Sun

licence is SLAMD Distributed Load Generation Engine.
The software can be found at http://www.slamd.com

Please refer to http://www.opensource.org/licenses for

the full text of the Sun licence.

J. The Artistic License

The Artistic license is generally less restrictive than the

GPL. However the Artistic license does not allow sale of
the software, but allows a software/programme to be
added to another software/programme and to be
resold as a bundle, i.e. an aggregate software
distribution of more than one programme to be sold.
The Artistic license also requires that modified
software be free, but allows additions to be made to
OSS Implementation Guidelines

the original software and the addition together with

the original software to be taken "private" or allows
parts of the Artistic-licensed programme to be placed
in the public domain.

Most Artistic-licensed software is now dual-licensed,

i.e. offering the choice of the Artistic license or the

An example of software available under the Artistic

licence is Perl. The software can be found at

Please refer to http://www.opensource.org/licenses for

the full text of the Artistic licence.

4.1.6 Identify The Salient Considerations In Specific OSS

Licensing Scenarios

It should be noted that the following section will seek to

identify the salient provisions of an OSS licence being
considered for use by an agency. However, there may be
additional terms and conditions which will also need to be
taken into consideration when assessing the
suitability/applicability of a particular OSS licence.

The salient features of an OSS licence can be generally

categorised in the following categories:

i. Copying and distribution;

ii. Modification;

iii. Licensing; and

OSS Implementation Guidelines

iv. Warranties

Copying And Distribution

In determining the most acceptable OSS license for an

agency’s project, the agency will need to first take into
account whether there will be copying and redistribution of
the particular OSS.

Below are some of the questions that an agency should ask

in relation to the OSS license and its provisions relating to
the issue of copying and redistribution:

i. Does it allow free copying and redistribution?

ii. Does it allow a fee to be charged for the physical

transfer of the software?

iii. Does it require a copyright notice to be attached

(when redistributing)?

iv. Does it require that all notices referring to the license

to be kept intact (when redistributing)?

v. Does it require the complete source code or a written

offer to provide complete source code at nominal cost
be included (when redistributing)?

In addressing/answering the above questions, an agency

should start with the end in mind. It is important to decide
whether there will be redistribution of the OSS or not, as the
strict requirement of complying with a particular OSS license
(such as the GPL) is triggered when there is redistribution of
the software.

The following table may be referred to for guidance in

OSS Implementation Guidelines

deciding on the OSS license most suited to an agency’s

intentions and needs.

GNU Mozilla
GNU Library Public BSD MIT
GPL GPL License License License
(LGPL) 1.1
Can freely copy and
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Can charge royalty for
No No Yes Yes Yes
copying or distribution
Can charge a fee for physical
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
transfer of software
Must attach a copyright
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Must keep intact all notices
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
referring to license
Must include complete source
Yes Yes Yes No No

Table 4.2 – Guidance in Deciding on the OSS License

If there is to be redistribution to other government agencies

and/or third parties and the agency does not want to reveal
or provide the source code, the agency should avoid OSS
that are governed by licences that are reciprocal in nature
and instead opt for OSS that are governed by academic
licences such as the BSD licence.

It should be noted that distribution to other federal

government agencies does not qualify as redistribution, as
all such federal agencies are part of the legal entity that is
the Government of Malaysia. However, should the
distribution be from a federal agency to a state government
or entity, it would likely be deemed as redistribution. Thus
and in the case of reciprocal OSS licences, the said OSS that
is being redistributed will need to be provided under the
terms of the original OSS license and the source code of any
modifications must be provided in any further redistribution.
OSS Implementation Guidelines

The following table provides a simplified reference point as

to whether sharing between various GOM related bodies
amounts to redistribution or not. However, it is advised that
in major OSS acquisition scenarios, the confirmation of
internal legal counsel is obtained.









Ministry N N N Y Y Y Y Y
Department N N N Y Y Y Y Y
Federal Agency N N N Y Y Y Y Y
Statutory Body Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Public University Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
State Government Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y*
Local Authority Y Y Y Y Y Y Y* Y*

* Unless they are in the same state, in which case it will not be considered redistribution

Table 4.3 – Reference Point as to Whether Sharing Amounts to Redistribution


In determining the most acceptable OSS license for an

agency’s project, the agency will also need to take into
account whether there will be modification of the particular

Below are some of the questions that an agency should ask

in relation to the OSS license and its provisions relating to
the issue of modification:

i. Does it allow modification of the software or parts of

the software to form a new work?

ii. Does it allow the free copying and distribution of the

OSS Implementation Guidelines

modified version of this software?

iii. Does it allow a royalty to be charged for distribution of

the modified software?

iv. Does it require that the source code of any

modifications must be included if the modified
software is distributed?

v. Does it require that interactive programmes must

display notices regarding warranty, copyright
information, redistribution information, and how to
view the license?

In so far as modification of OSS is concerned, all OSS

licences permit the same. Modification only becomes an
issue where there is redistribution of the modified OSS as
some OSS licences require the source code of the modified
OSS to be provided in any redistribution and may
additionally require that the modified OSS is licensed under
the initial OSS license. This is typically the case with
reciprocal licenses such as the GPL.

The following table provides a guideline as to whether there

can be modification and if so, it shows the requirements
imposed on such modified OSS application.

GNU Mozilla
GNU Library Public MIT
GPL GPL Licens License
(LGPL) e 1.1
Can modify the programme or use it
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
to form a new work
Can freely copy and distribute the
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
modified version of the software
Can charge royalty for distribution of
No No Yes Yes Yes
modified software
OSS Implementation Guidelines

Must prominently include notice and

date of modification on the modified Yes Yes Yes No No
Must include source code of any
Yes Yes Yes No No
modifications if distributed

Table 4.4 – Modification Guideline


Upon the clarification of the first two salient features of OSS

licences (i.e. redistribution and modification) the agency
would have a fair view as to the OSS licences (and
consequently the OSS) that are suitable to their intentions
and purposes.

Thereafter, the agency should consider the other licensing

requirements imposed by the applicable OSS licences and
assess their suitability and appropriateness to the agency,
especially with regard to the issue of whether the OSS
license requires the modified OSS to be licensed under the
original licence that it was first distributed under.

Below are some of the important questions that an agency

should consider in relation to the OSS license and its
provisions in relation to specific licensing requirements:

i. Does it require any OSS or modified work that is

distributed, to be strictly licensed under the terms of
the original license?

ii. Does it allow the imposition of new license restrictions

on distributed/modified copies?

The following table provides guidance in relation to the

specific licensing requirements of the identified OSS
OSS Implementation Guidelines

GNU Mozilla
GNU Library Public BSD MIT
GPL GPL License License License
(LGPL) 1.1
Must license any modified work
distributed under the terms of the Yes Yes Yes No No
original license
Can impose new license restrictions Un
on distributed/modified copies No No Yes Yes Specifie

Table 4.5 – Guidance in relation to Specific Licensing Requirements of

identified OSS Licenses

Warranties And Indemnities

In general, most OSS does not come with any warranties

and/or indemnities, and is usually provided “as is”. The
primary reason for this is because most OSS is free and it
would therefore be unreasonable to expect any warranties
and/or indemnities to be given by the authors and/or
distributors of the same.

Below are some of the questions that an agency should ask

in relation to the OSS license and the warranties and
indemnities available (if at all):

i. Is it provided "AS IS", i.e. no express or implied


ii. Does it disclaim liability for damage caused by the


iii. Does it permit distributors of the software to provide a

warranty in exchange for a fee?

iv. Does it require distributors of the software to include

warranty disclaimer?


OSS Implementation Guidelines

Library Public
GPL GPL License License License
(LGPL) 1.1
Provided "AS IS"--No express or
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
implied warranties
No liability for damage caused
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
by software
Distributors can provide a Un Un
Yes Yes Yes
warranty in exchange for a fee specified specified
Distributors must include
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
warranty disclaimer
*Please note that the above is not exhaustive as there may be additional terms and conditions
that need to be taken into consideration when assessing the suitability/applicability of a particular

Table 4.6 – Questions in relation to OSS License’s warranties and indemnities


4.1.7 Likely OSS Acquisition, Modification & Distribution


As can be seen from above, OSS licences can differ

significantly from one another. As such, prior to procuring
OSS, the provisions of the applicable OSS license needs to be
assessed to its suitability for the agency’s purpose and

Some of the more likely scenarios to be faced by agencies in

relation to the acquisition, modification, development and
distribution of OSS within the GOM have been identified
hereunder, together with illustrations as to the choice of
appropriate license for specific purposes.

Merely Using Existing OSS Applications/Tools

Example: Using OpenOffice.org for the generation of

documents, spreadsheets and presentations.

Issues: None. The mere use of an OSS application such as

OSS Implementation Guidelines

OpenOffice.org (which is under the LGPL) has no impact

whatsoever on the output of the same, e.g. the documents,
spreadsheets and presentations, and the GOM continues to
have full rights in such output.

Using Existing OSS Code In The GOM’s Application

Example: Where the source code from an OSS module

relating to the performance of an authentication function is
extracted from the said OSS module and included within the
body of a GOM application.

Issues: Where the source code is extracted from an OSS

module that is governed by a reciprocal license (e.g. GPL)
and included in an application owned by the GOM which is
then redistributed (e.g. shared with a State Government),
the modified GOM application will be deemed to fall under
the reciprocal license. This would entail the release of the
source code of the modified GOM application to whichever
party it is redistributed to. One way of avoiding such an
outcome is to only use source code from OSS that is
governed by academic type licenses (e.g. BSD) that allow
code being taken “private” so long as the minimal
requirements specified are adhered to.

Modifying Existing OSS Applications/Tools For Internal Use

i.e. No Redistribution

Example: Where an open source security tool (e.g. NMap,

SNORT) is modified by an agency for its own use (i.e. it is not
redistributed or shared with another party).

Issues: None. Even if the said open source security tool is

governed by a reciprocal license (e.g. the GPL), as long as
OSS Implementation Guidelines

there is no redistribution, the source code of the

modifications does not need to be provided to be contributed
back to the source from which the open source security tool
was obtained.

Modifying Existing OSS Applications/Tools And

Distributing/Sharing The Modified OSS Applications/Tools
Amongst Different Legal Entities In The GOM

Example: Where an open source security tool (e.g. NMap,

SNORT) is modified by a federal agency and thereafter
redistributed or shared with local authorities.

Issues: Where the said open source security tool is

governed by a reciprocal license (e.g. the GPL), as there has
been redistribution, the source code of the modified open
source security tool will need to be provided to the local
authorities that it is redistributed to. Further, if the reciprocal
license requires that any further distribution be under the
original license (e.g. the GPL) governing the open source
security tool, the redistribution by the federal agency of the
modified open source security tool to the local authorities
will also have to be under that same license (i.e. the GPL).
However, where the said open source security tool is
governed by an academic license (e.g. the BSD license), the
source code does not need to be provided by the federal
agency in any redistribution and further, the federal agency
may license it on such terms as it wishes to the local
authorities and even charge fees for the same.

Commissioning Modifications To OSS Applications For The

GOM’s Use

Example: Where a GOM ministry commissions a third party

OSS Implementation Guidelines

to modify an existing OSS application for the management of

schools (e.g. the Learning Management System (“LMS”)).
Upon delivery of the modified OSS application, the GOM
ministry makes the modified OSS application available to all
schools and public universities.

Issues: First, as the modifications were effected via third

party developers, the ownership of the modifications needs
to be ascertained (i.e. whether the copyright in the
modifications is that of the GOM or of the third party
developers). The default position at law, is that copyright
vests in the commissioner of the work unless expressly
agreed between the parties otherwise. In this scenario, it is
presumed that ownership vests in the GOM. Secondly, where
the said OSS application is governed by a reciprocal license
(e.g. the GPL), as there has been redistribution (i.e. public
universities are considered distinct entities from the GOM),
the source code of the modified OSS application will need to
be provided in any redistribution of the same. Further, if the
reciprocal license requires that any further distribution be
under the original license (e.g. the GPL) governing the OSS
application, the redistribution by the GOM ministry of the
modified OSS application will also have to be under that
same license (i.e. the GPL). However, where the said open
source security tool is governed by an academic license (e.g.
the BSD license), the source code does not need to be
provided in any redistribution and it may in fact be
distributed under a different license all together.

Making Contributions To OSS Projects

Example: An employee of the GOM participates in an open

source project and assigns the copyright in his/her
OSS Implementation Guidelines

contributions to the project owner.

Issues: Any works developed by an employee of the GOM

belongs to the GOM. The issue here would be whether the
GOM employee has obtained authorisation to participate,
make contributions and transfer the intellectual property
rights of the GOM in his works to the project? Failing such
authorisation, any contributions to the project will be in
infringement of the GOM’s intellectual property rights and in
breach of the said employee’s terms of service.


Example: Where the proprietary code in an application

developed by an agency links to a library falling under a
reciprocal license. The said application is then redistributed
or shared with third parties.

Issues: Where proprietary code in an application developed

by the GOM links (whether statically or dynamically) to a
library that is governed by a reciprocal license (e.g. GPL) and
is then redistributed (e.g. shared with a State Government),
it is arguable whether the application itself will be deemed to
fall under the reciprocal license. There are varying views on
this issue that have yet to be determined by a court of law. If
it does indeed result in the application itself falling under the
said reciprocal license, this would require the said agency to
release the source code of the said GOM application to
whichever party it is redistributed to. One way of avoiding
such an outcome is not to link in any way to software
governed by reciprocal licenses unless legal clearance has
been obtained.
OSS Implementation Guidelines

4.1.8 Ownership

Ownership in any modifications made to OSS will vest in the

author of the modifications. Where the author is an
employee or where the author has been commissioned to
make the modifications, ownership will be with the
employer/commissioner of the work, unless specifically
agreed otherwise.

In commissioning third party developers to make

modifications to OSS, it should be ensured that ownership of
the modifications effected vests in the GOM and is supported
by the usual warranties and indemnities in respect of the
functionality, fitness for purpose and non-infringement of
third party intellectual property rights of the said
modifications and where appropriate, the modified OSS in
OSS Implementation Guidelines


The objective of OSS Technology Guidelines is to ensure that

OSS technology used comply with worldwide open
standards. The technology acquired should be able to be
supported by any other party to ensure continuity of

Public Sector agencies are required to consider open

standards. Open standards promote interoperability between
software, computer systems, and also between machines
that run them. Public Sector agencies that deploy open
standards in its ICT infrastructure solutions are able to take
advantage of better and more effective intra and inter
agency communication which would result in increased
productivity and efficiency.

Public Sector agencies implementing OSS should ensure that

the technical specifications for the technology conform to
internationally recognised standards to ensure continuity of

5.1 Guidelines For Technology

Public Sector agencies are required to follow the following

guidelines in order to adhere to the above mentioned

5.1.1 Technology Recommendations

Public Sector agencies must ensure that all OSS related

OSS Implementation Guidelines

technical specifications for every OSS initiatives

implemented must conform to the international recognised
OSS technology standards. It is recommended that the
agencies adopt the following recommendations:

i. It is recommended that hardware servers are able to run

on multiple platforms
ii. It is recommended that hardware peripherals (such as
printer, scanner, tape backup, external storage) are
compatible to OSS based operating system
iii. It is recommended that software is able to run on OSS
based operating system
iv. It is recommended that application software is able to
support OSS based database software

5.1.2 Adhere To Standards Defined In MYGIFOSS

Public Sector agencies should adhere to the recommended

technology standards for OSS implementations contained in
MyGIFOSS. MyGIFOSS provides recommendations on the

 OSS that is compatible and comparable to commonly

used technology, including, brief description, rationale
and limitation of each software.
 Information access standards and specifications to
enable interoperability and access to Public Sector
information, including, brief description, rationale and
limitations of each standards.
 Application notes and guidelines that address OSS
technology migration and co-existence with proprietary

MyGIFOSS is an evolving document and will be regularly

updated to take into account new developments and
OSS Implementation Guidelines

requirements that are suitable for adoption. Public Sector

agencies are advised to always refer to the most current
MyGIFOSS version when implementing software. Agencies
may also propose updates or additions to the MyGIFOSS
document through the OSCC. MyGIFOSS document is
available and can be downloaded at

5.1.3 Ensure Continuity of Support

Public Sector agencies are required to set-up a support

mechanism to enable users to convey their issues, provide
feedback and give suggestions regarding the implemented
OSS solution. There are several methods of support:

I Refer to In-house Support

An agency may opt to in-source the procurement and

support of an OSS solution. This method requires the in-
house technical staffs to have the necessary skills to
deploy and manage the solution on daily basis.

II Refer to OSCC for Advice

Public Sector agencies can also seek advice and support

from the OSCC on issues arising from OSS

III Refer to Web Support

Web support includes frequently asked question,

forums, OSS online community resources and email
OSS Implementation Guidelines

IV Engage External Support Vendor

In the absence of any existing OSS expertise within the

implementing agency, engaging an external vendor to
provide support for the OSS is recommended. The
external support vendor should provide first level
support, second level support and undertakes the
necessary collaboration and correspondence with the
developer community that originally created the
OSS Implementation Guidelines


The objective of OSS Implementation Guidelines is to ensure

successful implementation of open source software in the
Public Sector. The guidelines also ensure consistency in
development of OSS solutions, interoperability and support.
OSS implementation should be based on guidelines specified
in the Malaysian Public Sector OSS Technical Implementation
Plan. The implementation should leverage on the shared
knowledge in the Knowledge Bank and with minimal impact
to the day-to-day business operations.

 OSS Technical Implementation Plan

Public Sector agencies are required to follow the OSS

Technical Implementation Plan in implementing
OSS. The plan provides a broad guide on the
implementation of ongoing and future OSS projects.

The document is available for the public at the OSCC

Portal at http://www.oscc.org.my

 OSS Knowledge Bank

In addition to the OSS Technical Implementation

Plan, the Public Sector agencies shall refer to the OSS
Knowledge Bank at http://knowledge.oscc.org.my to
leverage on OSS solutions that are already
implemented in Government Agencies. Knowledge
Bank is a repository aimed to harness and share OSS
knowledge, application development knowledge and
support among Government Agencies.
OSS Implementation Guidelines

6.1 Guidelines For Implementation

Public Sector agencies are required to follow the following

guidelines in order to have a more systematic approach in
implementing OSS in their respective agencies.

6.1.1 Refer To Technical Implementation Plan, Knowledge


During implementation of OSS, Public Sector agencies need

to refer to the Technical Implementation Plan,
Knowledge Bank and MyGIFOSS.

Technical Implementation Plan details OSS solution areas

that may be implemented over the short, medium and long
term. Public Sector agencies can also refer to Knowledge
Bank on the availability of similar OSS solutions that have
been developed as well as MyGIFOSS that provides OSS
technology standards, information access and application
notes for guidance in usage and migration. These references
provide essential guide for Public Sector agencies to
successfully implement OSS.

6.1.2 Implement OSS Within The Six (6) Solution Areas In


With reference to Section 2 on Adoption, all Public Sector

agencies are encouraged to implement OSS within the six
(6) solution areas in phases; short term, medium term and
long term. Refer to Figure 6.1 below:
OSS Implementation Guidelines

Examples of Application Types

OS Virtualization, Monitoring Tools

High Performance Workload Schedules, Cluster Manager


Distributed Groupware, Collaborative Tools,

Enterprise Search Management

Application Portal & Content e-Learning & Knowledge ERP, CRM,

Solution Management Management HR

Web Servers,
Server OS, E-Mail
Infrastructure Servers, Security LDAP, Databases
Tools, DNS

E-Mail Readers, Client OS, Graphic Manipulation,

Desktop Solution Web Browsers, Development Tools
Office Suite

Short Term Mid Term Long Term

0 – 2 years 2 – 5 years > 5 years
Pilot Projects

Figure 6.1 – OSS Technical Implementation Plan for the Public Sector
OSS Implementation Guidelines


The objective of OSS Knowledge Sharing Guidelines is to

facilitate and encourage sharing of Open Source Software
experience, expertise and resources within the Public Sector.
Public Sector agencies implementing OSS are encouraged to
share information on OSS initiatives in the OSCC
Knowledge Bank at http://knowledge.oscc.org.my. The
Knowledge Bank shall serve as a platform for sharing
knowledge and experience.

The OSCC Knowledge Bank serves as a medium of sharing

OSS knowledge and also as a guide for implementing OSS in
the Public Sector. It provides Public Sector agencies with a
one stop portal where they can interact and exchange ideas.
The resources and features available in the OSCC Knowledge
Bank would allow the Public Sector agencies to perform the
following functions:

 Share information on OSS initiatives at the Knowledge

 Download solutions and information related to OSS
 Request for technical support and OSS solution updates
 Provide feedback to OSCC for continuous improvement
of OSS skills, knowledge and solutions
 Engage in online discussion on OSS related issues

7.1 Guidelines For Knowledge Sharing

The establishment of the OSCC Knowledge Bank is intended

to cultivate a knowledge sharing culture amongst Public
Sector agencies in respect of OSS. These guidelines provide
OSS Implementation Guidelines

guidance on how to share OSS knowledge by leveraging on

the functions, resources and information provided by the
OSCC Knowledge Bank.

Additional support on using the Knowledge Bank is available

at http://knowledge.oscc.org.my/support.

7.1.1 Register and Share OSS Solutions and Projects In

The OSCC Knowledge Bank

All Public Sector agencies are required to register their OSS

projects and implementations that have been developed or
modified into the OSCC Knowledge Bank. Agencies can do so
by adding a new Project under the appropriate Solution Areas
in the OSCC Knowledge Bank.

It is strongly recommended that Public Sector agencies refer

to existing government OSS Projects registered in the OSCC
Knowledge Bank first before considering to implement a new
OSS project.

All Public Sector agencies are also encouraged to upload the

OSS solutions that have been developed or modified to a
publicly avaiflable project repository unless there are
overriding reasons for not doing so, e.g. security or
investment considerations. Agencies may chose to host at
OSCC, on their own servers using OSS or on popular OSS
project repository.

Project Hosting Solutions

OSCC OSCC Knowledge Bank

Agency Trac, Mantis, GForge

Hosting Service Launchpad.net, Sourceforge.net, Savannah.gnu.org

Table 7.1 – Project Hosting

OSS Implementation Guidelines

Availability of these OSS solutions should be shared and

updated by adding a link or page in the OSCC Knowledge

Where the original OSS was acquired from external parties

and further modified, agencies need to take the following
precaution prior to uploading the modified OSS into the
OSCC Knowledge Bank:

■ Agency must confirm the contractual terms governing

the acquisition of the original OSS from the said
external party, particularly with respect to whether the
modifications to the original OSS are the property of
the agency. Please note that the modified OSS may
only be uploaded into the OSCC Knowledge Bank
where the modifications to the OSS are the property of
the agency.

7.1.2 Share All Modified OSS

All users duly registered in the OSCC Knowledge Bank may

register, copy, modify and distribute the OSS projects hosted
in the OSCC Knowledge Bank within the Public Sector
agencies, subject to such restrictions indicated in the OSCC
Knowledge Bank.

7.1.3 Report All Bugs

When using OSS solutions it is highly recommended that all

bugs, problems and feature requests be reported to the
respective OSS projects. This process ensures that upcoming
versions of OSS may include fixes and features as reported
by users. Examples include http://bugzilla.gnome.org for
OSS Implementation Guidelines

Gnome Desktop applications and for OpenOffice.org


For OSS projects hosted by OSCC, the developers section

accessible at http://trac.oscc.org.my of the Knowledge Bank
provides an issue tracker function that allows users to
submit bugs, feature requests, patch submission and other
relevant information for OSS projects hosted by OSCC.

In the event any user finds a problem with OSS applications

registered in the OSCC Knowledge Bank, the user must
report and enter the findings in the Tracker section within
the Knowledge Bank.

For projects hosted by OSCC, please refer to respective

project wiki pages for assistance in contributing towards
shared development of the OSS projects.

7.1.4 Communicate And Share Information

A E-mail

The most effective and efficient communication tool to

share OSS knowledge is through e-mail. It is highly
recommended for Public Sector personnel to join the
OSS mailing list established in the OSCC Knowledge
Bank and other OSS communities.

OSCC Discussions lists


B OSCC Knowledge Bank Forum and Practice Areas

Online forums are available on the Knowledge Bank for

users to exchange thoughts and discuss topics related
OSS Implementation Guidelines

to OSS applications. All users are encouraged to

capitalise on these facilities made available to

C OSS Global Online Communities

There is a number of OSS community sites on the web

that offer recommendations, bugs fixes and
applications that Public Sector agencies' personnel can
leverage upon to facilitate knowledge sharing.
OSS Implementation Guidelines


The objective of OSS Education Guidelines is to ensure

continuous supply of and development of competent human
capital in OSS, hence ensuring continuous support and
sustainability of the OSS initiative in the public sector. Open
Source Software education should be introduced through
structured programmes for IT labs in primary, secondary and
tertiary education levels.

The guidelines targeting IT labs at primary, secondary and

tertiary education levels, is meant to introduce and promote
OSS at an early stage to ensure continuous supply of quality
human resource. Structured adoption of OSS in the education
system can be promoted by:

 Introducing OSS training for IT labs teachers and

relevant administrative personnel
 Promoting OSS tools and applications in structured
education programmes in all IT labs
 Promoting the use of OSS in learning, teaching and
administrative IT infrastructure

8.1 Guidelines For OSS Education

The following guidelines need to be adhered to by the

relevant agencies.

8.1.1 Proliferate OSS in IT Labs

Learning institutions shall use OSS as part of teaching and

learning tools. Most software currently used in teaching IT at
OSS Implementation Guidelines

the IT labs, including basic productivity software for teaching

computer literacy, compilers for programming courses and
relational database management system, are proprietary.
However, there are OSS equivalents available that can be
suitable replacements.

OSS can be introduced in the six (6) IT knowledge fields

within the current school syllabus at the IT labs as follows:

I Computer Systems

Students should be introduced to open source

operating systems such as SuSe, Slackware,
Mandrake, Fedora, Debian, Open BSD and Mandriva.

II Software Applications

Open source educational software should be used for

teaching specific subjects or courses in schools,
colleges and universities. The following table represent
only a very small sample of OSS available for
education. Please refer to MyGIFOSS for other various
useful OSS resources.
OSS Implementation Guidelines

No Application Types Example of OSS Applications

1 Productivity software suite OpenOffice Suite (http://www.openoffice.org)
Tux Paint for primary school students
2 Drawing software
Kig (http://edu.kde.org/kig)
Non-IT subjects
Gnome Chemistry
■ Geometry software
3 (http://www.nongnu.org/gchemutils/)
■ Chemistry software
Open-Source Physics Education
■ Physics software
4 Technical drawing subject QCAD (http://www.qcad.org/)
5 Numerical analysis subject Scilab (http://www.scilab.org/)

Table 8.1 – Available OSS for Education

III Multimedia

All IT labs in learning institutions are encouraged to use

multimedia OSS to enhance their educational content
and its delivery. A wide range of multimedia OSS is
available, including graphics editors and video players
that can serve as tools, such as Blender and

Ubuntu Studio (http://ubuntustudio.org/) is aimed at the

GNU/Linux audio, video and graphic enthusiast as well
as professional. This Linux distribution comes pre-
packaged with multimedia software.

IV Programming

■ Open source programming and development tool

should be used in programming subjects and
OSS Implementation Guidelines

■ There are numerous computer languages

available on the Linux platform that can be used
for this purpose. The GNU Compiler Collection
(GCC) is a collection of programming language
compilers that are included in most Linux
distributions. It currently supports computer
languages such as C, C++ and Java.

V Information System Management

■ Students should be introduced to the concept of

information system and hands-on application of
simple databases.
■ The OSS database systems such as MySQL and
PostgreSQL are full-featured and can be used to
teach the basics of database systems.

VI Network and Communication

■ Learning institutions should fully utilise the

flexibility and effectiveness of networking and
communicating using OSS. Open source offers rich
and industry standard Internet communication
tools such as remote access software, email
servers and clients, web browsers and website
■ There are a number of Open Source browsers
available such as Firefox, Safari and Konqueror.

8.1.2 OSS Infrastructure In Learning Institutions

Make OSS infrastructure ubiquitous at four (4) different

levels in public schools, colleges and universities by:

 Running OSS servers and providing school-wide or

OSS Implementation Guidelines

campus-wide services such as Internet access

 Providing OSS operating systems for classroom and
administrative computers
 Providing OSS desktop applications for classroom and
administrative computers
 Providing OSS training for teachers, lecturers, lab
administrators and personnel responsible for the IT

Please refer to the Adoption and Implementation section for

detailed guidelines on various OSS applications that can be
applied at the above-mentioned levels. For a list of
equivalent OSS, please refer to MyGIFOSS.

Learning institutions are can also refer to implementation

case studies shared by other institutions available from the
Knowledge Bank.

8.1.3 Develop Education Materials Using OSS

Learning institutions are encouraged to develop and use

courseware which is developed based on OSS. For example,
Linux distribution typically comes with an offering of desktop
software such as productivity suite, multimedia and Internet
tools. With the bundling of this software, teachers and
lecturers have access to courseware development tools
without having to acquire expensive tools.

8.1.4 Reskill Existing IT Coordinator

Existing IT Coordinators shall be reskilled by providing them

appropriate OSS training to build competency and to keep
them updated with the open source technology. The IT
OSS Implementation Guidelines

Coordinators shall provide OSS technical support to

students, teachers and lecturers, as well as maintain the IT

8.1.5 OSS At Teacher Training Colleges

Strategically, it is imperative to equip teachers with

necessary OSS skills and knowledge at the training colleges.
Below are recommended guidelines on how to incorporate
OSS knowledge during teachers’ training at the colleges.

OSS For Teacher Training Colleges

■ All teachers shall acquire ICT literacy skills through the

use of OSS as the basis of the computer literacy
curricula. Teachers who have already gone through ICT
literacy programme shall be retrained in OSS.
■ All teachers who teach Information Technology,
Computer Studies and Computer in Education (CIE)
subjects shall go through more detailed OSS training
courses, in which they will be exposed to open source
language programming such as PHP, MySQL database
course and other courses related to OSS.
■ All teachers are encouraged to take short-term ICT
courses including those in OSS (for example,
Introduction to OpenOffice, PHP Programming
Language) to increase their OSS skills.
OSS Implementation Guidelines


The objective of OSS Training Guidelines is to enhance the

knowledge and build the skill of public sector personnel to be
competent in OSS implementation. Agencies must be
committed in educating and re-skilling its personnel to
ensure their competency in Open Source Software.

Public Sector agencies are required to ensure that their

personnel are trained in both technical (i.e. OSS technical
support, system and network administrator, programming
and desktop) and non-technical areas (i.e. OSS licensing,
OSS opportunity identification and OSS software maturity

The OSS training strategy will be aimed at providing basic

skills to end users, programmers and administrators in an
establishment where OSS is implemented.

9.1 Guidelines For Training

Public Sector agencies are recommended to follow the

following guidelines in order to adhere to the above
mentioned objective.

9.1.1 Training Roadmap

It is recommended that Public Sector agencies to train their

personnel with OSS basic skills before taking any OSS
certification programme. The following diagram shows the
OSS training roadmap.
OSS Implementation Guidelines

Figure 9.1 – OSS Training Roadmap

It is recommended that Public Sector agencies obtain a list of

the available OSS trainings from local training providers.
OSCC Knowledge Bank provides a list of training providers,
though this may not be a complete list. Agencies may also
contact OSCC or refer to the OSCC website
http://training.oscc.org.my for OSS trainings.

9.1.2 Technical Training

A End User Training

An introductory class to OSS that covers topic such as,

Introduction to Linux Desktop and OpenOffice.org, is
highly recommended for agencies personnel to attend.
OSS Implementation Guidelines

It allows beginners to explore the basics of Linux OS

for the purpose of using the system for Word
Processing, Office Automation and Communications.
The OpenOffice.org trainings should provide users with
familiarity of functionalities for purpose of migrating to
the OpenOffice.org productivity suite.

B Developer Training

Public Sector agencies are recommended to train their

developers with the following types of training:

■ Developer Course : For example Fundamental

PHP Programming, PHP Programming with
MySQL Database, Fundamental of Content
Management Systems (example Joomla!)

C Administrator Training

Public Sector agencies are recommended to train their

administrators with the following types of training:

■ Technical Support Course : This will provide the

basic skills to use Linux from the command line.
For example, Linux Fundamentals.

■ System Administration Course : This will provide

the basic skills to install Linux, its softwares,
networking tools, manage users and security. For
example, Linux System and Network
Administration, Network, Security and Database

D OSS Certification Program

OSS Implementation Guidelines

A certification is recommended to complement the

retraining effort. Certification ensures that all technical
personnel possess a consistent and sufficient level of
skill before they are allowed to implement OSS

The Public Sector OSS Certification programmes should

be completed before attempting other external OSS
Certification Programmes. Details of the certification
can be obtained from http://www.oscc.org.my.

The following are the recommended external open

source certification programmes for the agencies to

■ GNU/Linux Certification : Linux Professional

Institute (LPI)'s Certification (LPIC). There
are three (3) levels of LPI certification (Junior
Level Administrator, Intermediate Level
Administrator and Senior Level Administrator).
LPI is recognized worldwide as the premier
organization advocating and assisting in the
professional use of Linux, Open Source, and Free
Software. Please refer to http://www.lpi.org for
information on LPI certificate.

■ Database Certification : MySQL Certification

Program is a certification programme that
provides developers and Database
Administrators with the credentials to prove they
have the knowledge, experience and skills to use
and manage the MySQL products. Please refer to
http://www.mysql.com for information on MySQL
OSS Implementation Guidelines

■ Programming : Zend PHP Certification is the

industry standard in PHP certification. It
recognises outstanding PHP expertise and serves
as a measure of distinction for PHP developers.
Please refer to http://www.zend.com for more
information on Zend Certified Engineer (ZCE).

9.1.3 Non-Technical Training

A OSS Ownership

Users must also receive training on how to manage

licensing and ownership issues related to the
development and redistribution of OSS within the public
sector. They must be trained to assess the appropriate
licenses to be used under different scenarios as well as
to identify and address related issues that may arise
from the situation.

Public sector agencies must be trained to identify the

relevant OSS opportunity areas in their respective
agencies within the six (6) solution areas:

■ Workload Consolidation
■ High Performance Computing (Clusters)
■ Distributed Enterprise
■ Application Solution
■ Infrastructure Solution
■ Desktop Solution

9.1.4 Train the Trainer

Besides the above mentioned training areas, another

OSS Implementation Guidelines

training initiative that is highly beneficial towards a wider

use of OSS in the public sector is the Train the Trainer

The objective of this course is to train the potential trainers

at the agencies to teach OSS to the end user, programmers
and system administrators. The training can be divided into
two (2) parts.

(a) Basic end user OSS application trainer training.

(b) Developer and administrator trainer training.

For part (a), the basic OSS application training will be

covered. For part (b), the main focus of training is to equip
the personnel with the necessary skills to set up and
maintain the training environment at the agencies, i.e.
network, security, users management, backup/restore etc.
as well as tips on teaching topics on Open Source Software.

Public sector agencies shall send suitable personnel that

have the following pre-requisite to this course:

i. Experience in delivering IT or similar programmes

ii. Able to use computers in a networked environment
iii. Preferable but not compulsory:
■ Knowledge of open-source software and its issues
■ Knowledge in installing and setting up Linux in a
networked environment

Agencies could enquire on such a programme at OSCC.

Appendix 1

Navica OSMM Model


OSMM developed by Navica is designed to enable organisations to

evaluate open source products and to assess whether a product can
fulfill the organisation’s requirements.

The OSMM assesses a product’s maturity in three (3) phases:

 Phase 1: Assess vital product elements (software, support,

documentation, training, integration, and services) for maturity
and assign a maturity score.
 Phase 2: Define a weighting for each element based on the
organisation’s requirements.
 Phase 3: Calculate the product’s overall maturity score.

A graphical representation of the OSMM is presented in figure below.

It illustrates the OSMM process and gives a good understanding of
the relationships between the three phases.

Page 1 of 4
Figure 1 – Open Source Maturity Model (OSMM)

A Phase 1 : Assess Element Maturity

The first phase identifies key product elements and assesses

the maturity level of each element. Key elements are those
that are critical to implementing a product successfully; product
software, support, documentation, training, product
integrations and professional services.

Each element is assessed and assigned with a score via a four-

step process:

Step One: Define Requirements. The purpose of this step is

to define the agency’s requirements for a particular element.

Page 2 of 4
For example, if an agency wants to implement an open source
Web content cache, it must determine what functionality it
requires in the software based on the agency’s purpose—if it’s
attempting to reduce bandwidth load, reduce response time, or
the like. As another example, if an agency is implementing an
open source J2EE application server, its training requirements
will be vastly different if it already has significant experience
with a commercial application server rather than to begin using
one for the first time. Defining the requirements for an element
is a key step in assessing the usefulness of a product for a
particular agency.

Step Two: Locate Resources. Locating the resources for an

element is challenging, but there are a number of methods to
identify resources that can assist an agency in implementing
open source software. As an example, product forums can be
searched to locate a service provider that can supplement an
agency’s own personnel resources.

Step Three: Assess Maturity. This is the key activity in

determining how useful a product element is to the agency.
Determining where the element lies on the maturity scale (from
nonexistent to production-ready) allows an agency to
determine how likely the product will be to satisfy its

Step Four: Assign Maturity Score. After the maturity

assessment is complete, a maturity score between 0 and 10 is
assigned to document how well the product element meets the
agency’s requirements. The score serves as a concrete output

Page 3 of 4
of Step Three: It documents the consensus of the agency.
Assigning a score also compels the agency to crystallise its

Element scores are also helpful when comparing different

products—it’s easy to compare, say, the training maturity of
two different open source content management systems in
light of the agency’s needs. This can help the agency as a
decision tool, enabling it to select one product or another based
on the specific requirements of the agency.

Finally, the maturity score serves as an input into improving the

element’s maturity. If a product’s overall maturity score is
satisfactory, but one element’s maturity score is low, the
agency can take steps to improve that element’s maturity.

B Phase 2 : Assign Weighting Factors

The OSMM assigns a weighting to each element’s maturity

score. Weighting allows each element to reflect its importance
to the overall maturity of the product. For example, the
heaviest weighting is typically assigned to the product
software, whereas other elements have lower weighting factors
to reflect the fact that they are less critical than the software
itself in determining overall product maturity.

Agencies might choose to adjust the default weighting factors

based on their specific needs. For example, if an agency is
stretched very thin in terms of personnel, it might plan to have
an open source product implemented by a professional services
firm. In that case, it might increase the weighting factor for
professional services to reflect the relative importance of

Page 4 of 4
professional services. This allows the OSMM the flexibility to
apply to every agency’s situation. A product’s maturity score
will reflect the agency’s specific needs and resources.

The only requirement for adjusting the maturity weighting is

that the element scores must sum to 10, since the final step of
the OSMM is to create an overall maturity score that is
normalised to a 100 point scale.

C Phase 3 : Calculate the Product’s Overall Maturity Score

After each element has been assessed and assigned a

weighting factor, the overall product maturity score is
calculated. The element scores are summed to give an overall
product maturity score on a scale of 1 to 100.

Page 5 of 4
Appendix 2

Cap Gemini OSMM

Page 6 of 7

The Cap Gemini OSMM model in close cooperation with the customer
allows to deliver the following:

a. Determine the maturity of an Open Source product,

b. Access an Open Source product’s match to the business


c. Compare Open Source products with commercial alternatives,

d. Show the importance of an Open Source Partner (OSP).

This model allows you to determine if or which open source product is

suitable using just seven clear steps.

Page 1 of 7
The OSMM describes how to determine product and application
indicators, how to score based on these indicators and how the selection
a product is achieved.

Product indicators are grouped into four (4) different groups.

 Product - The Product group focuses on the ‘internals’ of the

product, things like the development and stability of the developer
group or the purpose of the product.

 Integration - The Integration group measures the options to link

the product to other products or infrastructure. In addition it is also
a measure for the product’s modularity.

 ·Use - The Use group tells us something about the way in which
the user is supported in everyday use of the product. For instance,
by reviewing the number of support options made available to the

 ·Acceptance - The Acceptance group is all about the way the

product is received in the user community, as this is largely
indicative of the product’s ability to grow and become a prominent

An Open Source product cannot (just as any other products) be

introduced into a working environment based solely on a measurement
of its strengths and weaknesses. To properly assess the product, one
must also take into account several environmental aspects and naturally
the present and future demands of the user by defining the following
application indicators:

 Usability – The intended user audience, the experience of that


 Interfacing – Required connectivity, which standards are

Page 2 of 7
applicable. How does this fit into the organisation?

 Performance – The expected load and processing capability. The

performance demands that must be met.

 Reliability – What level of availability should the product deliver?

 Security – What security measures are required, what restrictions

are imposed onto the product?

 Proven technology – Does the product use technology that has

proven itself in daily production?

 Vendor independence – What level of commitment between

supplier and user does the product demand?

 Platform independence – Is the product available for particular

ICT environments only, or does the product allow a wide range of

 Support – What level of support is required?

 Reporting – What reporting facilities are required?

 Administration – Does the product allow the use of existing

maintenance tools, what are the demands for operational

 Advice – Does the client require validation / recommendation by

independent parties, if so, what is required?

 Training – Required training and facilities.

 Staffing – Is product expertise bought, taught or hired?

 Implementation – What is the preferred implementation


These product and application indicators receive a score valued between

Page 3 of 7
one and five. One is poor, five is excellent and three is average. All the
scores are summed to produce a product score. The value of this score
tells us something about the general maturity of the product. Each of
these groups consists of a number of indicators, which together form the
product score.


To show how the OSMM calculates an example is presented below. In

this example, we will compare two non-existing products, A and B. First
the product indicators are discussed, followed by the application

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