Coach Joe: Rollaero Skating Competition Practice
Coach Joe: Rollaero Skating Competition Practice
Coach Joe: Rollaero Skating Competition Practice
Coach Joe
SAVE THE D ATE!! Rollaero Skati ng Competition Pr actice Saturday Nov ember 17th, 2012
5-6:30pm @ Rollaero Cost:$3
Be on the floor at all times. You only get an hour and a half, so make it count! Follow my directions and be ready to listen and learn!
Be polite and respectful to others who are practicing. We are guests and lets represent our team positively!
Club Meeting for all competitive skaters November 10 at 10am. Breakfast snacks and coffee will be provided.
practice fee is $6. If you join the club, it reduces that practice fee to $4. The club also provides members with the opportunity to pay $40 for the entire months worth of practice-if you practice 10 times a month or more, this is a great deal! Please refer to the schedule that is found on the back page of typical practice times that are available. If you have any questions about how to join the club, contact Coach Joe.
Open Practice: 3-7:30pm
Open Practice: 2:45-4:15pm Kids After School Class: 4:15-5:30pm Open Practice: 5:30-7pm
Open Practice: 2:30-5pm Open Practice: 8-10pm
Coach Joes Practice Expectation: Skaters should be practicing a MINIMUM of double their weekly lesson time. For example, if you have a one hour lesson, you should be putting in two hours of additional practice!
Scott Amato, sports writer for states, [practice] helps the individual athlete to eliminate mistakes and strengthen existing skills.