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of which CdO is an example, commonly exhibit large thermoelectric (e.m.fs.) against a pure metal ;and if this property isassociated with low resistance, as it is in CdO, measurements of thermoelectric power can be made by the ordinary methods applicable to metals. These measurements yield information about the nature of the semi-conductor, and of the current carriers to which the electrical conductivity and thermoelectric properties are due. In terms of the accepted terminology of the subject, this information obtainable may be summarized thus :(i) The algebraic sign of the thermoelectric power indicates whether the semi-conductor is to be regarded as of defect or excess (or alternatively abnormal or normal ) type, The conductor will be of normal or excess type if the current is carried mainly by electrons ; and will be of abnormal or defect type if conduction is mainly due to holes which behave like positively charged particles. It is worth noting at this point that in a semi-conductor whose current is carried by both electrons and holes, another distinction arises. According to Fowler (1933) a semi-conductor of this kind which is normal at low temperatures retains a negative thermoelectric power at high temperatures ; whereas the thermoelectric power of a semi-conductor which is abnormal at low temperatures will change from a positive value at low temperatures through zero to a negative value at high temperatures. Above a certain neutral tenqerature, then, the sign of the thermoelectric power would indicate an excess or normal conductor.
E M I-c o N D U c T o R s,
(ii) In simple instances, where only one type of carrier need be considered, the thermoelectric power of a semi-conductor against a metal is given (Wilson, 1939) by
.... .(1)
and it is often permissible to ignore the specific contribution of the pure metal In this formula n2,n, are the numbers of electrons or holes per unit volume taking part in the process in the semi-conductor and metal respectively, a negative sign being associated with normal or excess conductors. The equation is of the type derivable from classical theory and is an example of the sort of simplification occurring in semi-conductors, where the number of carriers is so small that the electron gas responsible for the conduction may be considered non-degenerate and having a Maxwell distribution of velocities. It has to be applied to actual semi-conductors with some reserve, since in the first place it implies only one kind of carrier, and in the second place is strictly applicable to metals in which n and n, do not vary appreciably with temperature, whereas a fundamental feature of semi-conduction is the increase of n2 with increslse of temperature. However, if the law of intermediate temperatures applies to a thermoelectric circuit containing a semi-conductor as one material, then the change of e.m.f. dE round the circuit when the temperature of the hot junction is raised from T to T + dT (the cold junction being kept at constant temperature) is equal to the e.m.f. in the circuit when the hot junction is at T+ dT and the other at T, the mean temperature in this case being very close to T throughout. According to this argument, therefore, the gradient of the e.m.f./temperature curve gives the thermoelectric power which would be obtained from a thermocouple substantially at a temperature T , and the value of n2 resulting from equation (1) is the electron density in the semi-conductor at a temperature T. Some of this information is obtainable from other measurements (e.g. of conductivity and Hall effect), which are often preferred to measurements of thermoelectric power because the interpretation offered by current theory appears to be easier, particularly simple relations connecting them with carrier density and charge. It may be, however, that this impression is rather illusory, at any rate where samples in the form of powders are used ; for then the shape of the individual grains enters the calculation of both conductivity and Hall effect. This fundamental difficulty is generally ignored, perforce ; nevertheless, even in compressed samples, a large uncertainty must remain, Thermoelectric measurements on the other hand are likely to be free from this trouble ; and for materials like CdO, the measurements certainly are easier and more accurate than measurements of the Hall effect. The principal work already carried out on the thermoelectric properties of CdO includes the experiments of Badeker (1907) on very thin films and over a limited temperature range, and that of Fischer, Dehn and Sustman (1932) for a single temperature difference between hot and cold junctions. Badekers experiments yielded a value of 30 to 35 microvolts per degree for the thermoelectric power, while Fischer, Dehn and Sustman (1932)gave 84 microvolts per degree for junction temperatures of 9 and 5 9 5 ~ . Experiments on the allied topic of electrical conduction were carried out by Baumbach and Wagner on bulk material in 1933.
J . P. Andrews
TWO varieties of material were used, after the manner of Baumbach and Wagner. These were :-(a) CdO powder, the purest obtainable. A chemical analysis carried out on this powder revealed the following quantities of small impurities : 0.022 oh Lead 0.009 Iron 0,016 yo Zinc Copper Trace This material is of a light chocolate brown colour, which darkens temporarily at high temperatures. (b) CdCO, powder, which, when made into a paste with water, can be moulded into appropriate shapes, dried and calcined, when the brown oxide CdO is obtained, Considerable reduction of volume occurs on heating the white carbonate specimen, and it was in practice impossible to prevent distortion and fissures. T h e resulting sample of CdO is quite hard and coherent and has a density of about 4*9gm./c.c., the density of solid CdO being given as 8 - 1 in the International Critical Tables.
Of the methods used, the most fruitful was the following (see figure 1). The specimen in the form of a rod or block, or else of a more or less loose powder contained within a porcelain collar, was placed upright on a thin platiThermometer num disc, which in turn was silver-Water soldered to a brass block on which an electric furnace was wound. The brass block was bored to take the leads and protecting sheath of a chromel-alumel junction which was silver-soldered on to the lower surface of the platinum disc, after Rrnace/ passing through a small aperture in the top of the brass block. On top of the specimen, an exactly similar platinum disc was pressed, the disc forming the bottom of a vessel in To Cold Junehon which cold water circulated. PlatiFigure 1. num wires from each disc lead to a potentiometer. The chromel-alumel thermo-junction, by which the temperature of the hot end of the specimen was to be measured, was carefully calibrated at a number of fixed points between 0" C. and the melting point of NaCI.
U Il 11
s4. R E S U L T S
In all experiments above room temperature the results resembled those illustrated in the curves of figure 2, but considerable variation occurred between diferep: specimens and for different heat treatments.
In order to summarize the results the curves were fitted to an empirical equation E= -aT+b.log,T-c, from which dE = - a + b dT T' Values of the 'constants a, b, and c in this equation are given in table 1 for various specimens subjected to different treatments. T is the absolute temperature of the hot end of the specimen. It may be remarked that the equation E= -aT+b.log, T - c used for this summary is not the only type of equation to which the curves may be fitted ,over a considerable interval of Tonip of' liuf cwl of ~prcrnti% temperature. It is nevertheless Figure 2 Results of experiment 5 of Table 1 The e m.f. true that whether this formula scale applies to the lowest curve, viz. 5 ( v ) . For the IStaken to represent the whole other curves the origin should be raised successively in - ._ . family of curves, or whether it steps of i o mliilvoiti
Table 1
Specimen Temp. range
a (volt/deg.
x 103)
x 13 0)
x 13 0)
1. Loose powder i glass tube n 2. Stick, from C d C 0 3 , 3 cm. long, heatec 4 hours at 800"c.
3. Flat pellet from CdC03 4. Same, repeated 5. Series of cylinders made from CdCOa : (i) heated for 1 hour at 750"c. (ii) ,, ,, 1.75 hours at 750"~. (111) ,, ,,2.5 ,, ,, ,, (1v) ,, >,3.25 >, I , , ?
0.165 0.183
34.5 33.7 26.1 28.5 32.7 34.1 43.5 36.0 35.4 37.0 38.3 31.6 2809 34.9 39.7
149 139
0,114 0.155 0.159 0,185 0.177 0.170 0,153 0,160 0.146 0.132 0,145 0.160
(v) ,, ,, 4.0 I , ,, ,, 6. CdO powder packed in a 'narrow silica tube 7. Loose CdO powder in porcelain collar 8. Same, repeated
9. Pellet, pressed with a hand-press from CdO, ' after grinding and heating the powder 3. Same, repeated 1. Machne pressed pellet, from CdO powder Density 55 % of solid density
,> ,, ,,
2o 0o : ; 20-700 20-700 20-735 20-720 20-750
7. P.Andrews
is used for individual curves, it does appear to fit satisfactorily over a wider ternperature range than several other 3-constant equations tried. It is chosen for that reason, and because there are some theoretical grounds for anticipating a relation of this character. The agreement between calculated and observed e.m.f, is sufficiently exemplified by the curves of figure 2, which are quite typical.
1, The empirical equation selected suggests that at a temperature T, = b/a, the thermoelectric power becomes zero, and at lower temperatures positive. The interest in this extrapolation derives from the prediction of Fowler, mentioned above, that a semi-conductor whose thermoelectric power is positive at low temperatures, and in which carriers of both signs take part in the effect, ought to show just such a change from positive to negative thermoelectric power. From the values of a and b in table 1, the mean value of T,,, should be 2 2 5 " ~ . , -48". or Experiments were accordingly carried out to continue the curve below room temperature, by the following method (see figure 3). The specinien was firmly
Teniu of' colder rrrd (Fig 4d
Figure 3.
Figure 4
held between two platinum discs from which platinum wires led to the potentiometer. The upper disc was maintained at about room temperature by flowing water, while the lower disc was supported on a copper rod capped by a copper disc to bear against the platinum. A Dewar vessel containing liquid air was slowly raised until a chosen length of the rod was immersed. In this way the lower platinum disc was cooled by conduction to a temperature depending on the length of rod left exposed. The temperature was measured as before by a chrome!alumel junction soldered to the platinum disc, The calibration of the couple was checked by measuring the freezing point of absolute alcohol. The result obtained (see figure 4 a ) shows that over this restricted range of temperature, the e.m.f. is very nearly proportional to the difference of temperature
between the hot and cold ends of the specimen. The complete curve for this. specimen, from - 110" to 700" C. is given in figure 4b. Similar results were found for two other specimens.
dT= - a + T'
though applicable over a range of several hundred degrees, cannot be extrapolate8 to low temperatures. It may be, therefore, that thecquation is to be regarded as purely empirical, without much physical significance. On the other hand, however, it is not uncommonly found that the electrons may be excited to the conduction band in a semi-conductor from two different energy levels. The number of conduction electrons may then be supposed given by an expression like n = Ae-dkl' + Be-BlkT the activation energies cc and /3 being different. In such a case the term with higher activation energy tends to take over at the higher temperatures, the other at thelower. It is possible that the higher term is dominant in the CdO results above
Reciprocal of Temp.
* 001
' 003
~005 I 200
Temperature T (X)
Figure 5 The marked points represent the measured mean values dE/dT over a range fo temperature, usually 50" either side of the temperature T,except at the lowest temperatures where half this range 1s taken.
loooc., while the influence of the lower term begins to appear at lower temperatures (cf. Mott and Gurney, Electronic Frocesses in Ionic Crystals). I n the experiments of Baumbach and Wagner (1933) there is indeed some indication of a change in the law of variation of conductivity with temperature, somewhere between 20 and 500"c., and the change is of the kiod descsibed. T o settle the point for thermoelectric measurements requires experiments over a wider temperature range, but that there is evidence in the present results for a transition of the required type is shown in figure 5 where values of dEidT are plotted against 1/T for three representative experiments. In practically all cases a fairly sharp change in the
J . P. Andrews
slope of such curves appears between 400" and 500" K. In a11 cases the graphs are approximately rectilinear above that temperature. Assuming then a process like that described above, the value of n2 in equation (1) may be put equal to Be-fiIhT, It then follows that p = b , eergs, where e is the charge on the electron, or alter. natively, p=S electron volts. From table 1, the mean value of b then gives the activation energy of P as '0.034 electron volts. 3. Over the temperature range - 120" to 800" C. the thermoelectric power is negative against platinum. CdO behaves therefore as an excess or normal semi-conductor. 4. While it is clear that the treatment of the specimen has a considerable effect on the values of the constants a, b, and c-an observation conforming to the usual and often-recorded experience in work on semi-conductors-it is not easy to lay down consistent rules, It is generally true that prolonged heating raises thevalues, though exceptions appear in table 1. In the series No. 5 of the table, it appears that the constants were increased when the specimen was-heated up to a period of 2g hours, but thereafter decreased. It is generally found that the higher the temperature of heating the more pronounced the effect, and as a rule all three constants increase and decrease together. After prolonged heating at a high temperature, the oxide tends to become darker, and although the darkening fades to some extent on cooling, there often remains a noticeable permanent effect, There is some evidence that a darker colour is associated with a greater stoichiometrical excess of cadmium (Cowley and Rees, 1946). 5. The state of compression or solidity of the specimen appears to have no consistent effect on the thermoelectric properties. This is to be expected, altd constitutes the advantage of thermoelectric measurements over those which do depend on the state of aggregation of the specimen, as in experiments on conductivity.
For facilities for carrying out these experiments in his laboratory, and for helpful advice, my thanks are due to Prof. H. R. Robinson.
BADEKER, K., 1907. Ann. Phys., Lpz., 22, 749. VON BAUMBACH, H. H. and WAGNER, 1933. 2.Phys. Chern., B. 22, 199. c., COWLEY, M.and REES,A. L. G., 1946. Natuve, Lond., 158, 550. J. FISCHER, DEHN,K. and SUSTMANN, 1932. Ann. Phys., Lpz., 15, 109. F., H., FOWLER, H., R. 1933. Proc. Roy. S O CA, 140, 5 0 5 . , WILSON, H., 1939. Metals and Semi-Conductors, p. 56. A.
Prof. G. I FINCH. I wish to draw attention to the possible effects of crystal structure and particularly crystal habit variations on the results. Cadmium oxide IS of rock-salt structure and it is quite probable that compression, heating and so forth might well change the crystal habit in a mlcro-crystalllne mass and hence affect the values of Dr. Andrews' constants. Perhaps we could be told whether Dr. Andrews is quite satisfied Dr. H. H. HOPKINS. that the variations in the values of the constants of his equation do not derive from his method of " fitting " the equation to the experimental results, and that they do, in fact, indicate different physical conditions in the various samples under test ?
Mr. J. H. AWBERY. In fitting equations to his results, Dr. Andrews starts with the
E=nT+b. In T+c, . * , , , (11) where E is the thermal e m f . when the hot side of the specimen is at temperature T , the cold side remaining always at a temperature To, In presenting the paper, he showed a slide of E versus T , with points calculated from the equation marked on it, and pointed out that in every case, thc calculated point for the lowest temperature lay above the experimental curve. This is a serious matter, for it means that if the curve calculated from his equation were plotted, it would not give E=O at T=To. This is clear, because according to (1) dE/dT is monotonic, and thus the curve representing (11) cannot have a hump on it, which would correspond to a minimum of dE/dT. Without the hump, it cannot be correct at higher temperatures, high at lower ones, and correct a t TO. I t follows that Dr. Andrews' calculated curve cannot be correct, and further, that the constants in the equation (ii) to this curve cannot be correct The error could arise if the thermometer with which he measured the temperature of the-cold face did not agree with the thermocouple with which he measured that of the hot face, or if either did not in fact read the temperature of the face of the specimen, but a more likely explanation (especially in view of the author's skill as an experimenter) is that the calculated curve does not in fact properly represent the observations. It was mentioned in the course of the discussion on the paper that the " calculated ' y curve was obtained by fitting an equation of the form (ii) by selecting three points (presumably on a curve drawn graphically). I would suggest that a better procedure, whenever there are conditions which a curve must satisfy, is to enforce compliance with these conditions first. T h u s equation (11) requires O=aTo+b. In To-/-c, whence by subtraction E=a(T- To) TITo . . . . (111) E b In TITo or . * (ill a ) -"+To TT-To In this form, the equation should give a linear plot of E/(T - To) against (In T/To)/( To), Tand the slope of the line should give b, its intercept giving a. c would then follow as - (aTo+b In To). I suggest that by this procedure, all points could be given &e weight, that the curve would necessarily comply with the condition at To,and that the values of a, b and c deduced would thus be more reliable.
.. . .
Do I correctly understand ( a ) that the curves were fitted by Prof. R. W. DITCHBURN. the method of least squares and (b) that the differences between samples are large compared with the difference between measurements on the same sample ?
AUTHOR'Sreply. I think it very likely that Prof. Finch is right, and that some part of the variation found ought to be ascribed to the processes he mentioned. T h e same is true of nearly all measurements on semi-conductors-and, I suppose, on solids in general. I would like to refer Mr. Awbery to the paper itself, when a printed copy reaches him ; for I believe he will find his criticisms already dealt with there. I n fact, the matter of the absence of a minimum in dE/dT, which he feels is so serious, is regarded in the same light in my paper, and was made a prominent part of my verbal account to the Society ; and I am grateful to him for adding such skilful re-emphasis. I n the paper he will see that recognition of the failure of this test of the empirical equation led to further experiments and a suggested revision or restriction of the equation. Perhaps he would agree that under the circumstances, provided the equation is fitted as well as the curves show that it was, the particular method of arriving at the values of the constants IS of secondary importance. That is not to say that his suggested method is ungratefully received, or wilI not be made good use of. 4s Dr. Hopkins suggests, I daresay it is possible that with a different method of computation of the constants of the equation, there might be some slight difference in the variations I have given ; but the effects are large enough to leave no doubt of their existence.
A. L. G. Rees
I would not, however, be inclined to base any important conclusions on the numerical values given for these changes until more is understood about their origin, or about the right kind of experimental con ition for their determination. I n reply to Prof. Ditchburn I may sav that the method of least squares was not used, It 1s not easy to give a short answer to the second question, but I believe Prof. Ditchburn will be able to judge the relative differences on consulting the annotated table of results given i the paper. n
ABSTRACT. Analytical expressions equivalent to the Rydberg-Klein graphical construction have been derived for the calculation of potential-energy curves of diatomic
molecules from band-spectroscopic data. These expressions have been shown to lead to satisfactory values for De and re and, in contrast to the Rydberg method, enables the potential-energy (p.e.) curve to be evaluated with accuracy in the region of the minimum. T h e Morse function has been shown to satisfy the analytic expressions where a quadratic i n (v+# has been used to express the band data. A method for dealing with electronic states in which a discontinuity in the law of force occurs has been outlined. By using a series of quadratics to satisfy the band data, the calculation of p.e. curves by the use of expressions given in this paper is reduced to a rapid and accurate procedure. The methods autlined have been illustrated by the computation by several procedures of the p.e. curve for the state of the bromine molecule.
1. I N T R O D U C T I O N
closed expressions have been suggested to facilitate the construction of a potential-energy curve for a particular electronic state of a diatomic molecule (Morse, 1929; Rydberg, 1931 ; Rosen and Morse, 1932); these have been chosen to lead to an exact solution of the Schrodinger equation (Morse, 1929 ; Rosen and Morse, 1932) or have been derived as the result of approximation (Rydberg, 1931). For the interpretztion of much of the band-spectroscopic data it is necessary to construct more accurate functions than those referred to, and recourse is then had to the laborious graphical procedure of Oldenberg (1929), Rydberg (1931 and 1933) and Klein (1932). This method cannot be appliedwith accuracy at low vibrational quantum numbers, for which the power-series expansion method of Crawford and Jorgensen (1936) must be employed, The power series for the potential energy in terms of the displacement of the atoms from their equilibrium position does not converge rapidly for any range of displacements, and involves even more computation than the Rydberg-Klein method. Taking advantage of the fact that a cubic in the vibrational quantum number will describe with sufficient accuracy the spectroscopic data for vibrational states, an analytical