Ubd Unit Plan: Title: Subject/Course: All Subject Areas Topic: Grade
Ubd Unit Plan: Title: Subject/Course: All Subject Areas Topic: Grade
Ubd Unit Plan: Title: Subject/Course: All Subject Areas Topic: Grade
Title: Topic: Helping ESL Students Thrive in the Classroom Supporting ESL students in the classroom Grade: Subject/Course: All Subject Areas 1 Grade Teachers Designers: Meghan Roberts
Established Goals & Understandings Technology can be used for educational purposes. Web 2.0 tools are tools used to allow interactive learning, collaboration, and creativity. Participates will gain a greater knowledge of how to help ESL students in their classroom. Participates will be able to use resources presented to better enhance the learning of their ESL students. Participates will have a greater understanding of how to support while also challenge ESL students while they are learning.
Essential Questions: Overarching Questions: How can I successfully support my ESL students? How can I use technology to aid in teaching my ESL students? How can students be given options and control of their learning? Why is reflecting after lessons a critical part of lesson planning? Topical Questions: What are the most important concepts you want students to grasp in each lesson/unit? How can all learners be challenged and motivated during lessons?
Key Criteria: Participates will demonstrate their understanding of the material presented through discussions and a written response following the class. Participates will be given the opportunity to be observed using the technology resources provided in the class.
Section 1: What are key components to include in lesson plans to help support ESL students? - Instructor will provide information on the basic components needed in lesson plans in order to support and encourage ESL students in their learning. The information will be available to view through a powerpoint presentation. W,E - The instructor will provide examples of what and how the components look when incorporated in daily lesson plans. E, T - Participants will divide into small groups and discuss what they currently use in their classrooms and what they plan on using in their lessons in the future. R Section 2: What are some resources available to help ESL students? - Instructor will model and demonstrate how to successfully incorporate PebbleGo into a science, social studies, reading, and writing lesson. E - Particpants will be given the opportunity to develop a lesson incorporating PebbleGo. The lesson will need to apply to one of the AKS-COSS (Academic Knowledge and Skills Common Core State Standards). T, E - Participants will share the lesson they created with the whole group. At this time, each person will write down - Instructor will model and demonstrate how to successfully incorporate voicethread as a project tool and assessment tool.
W- where the unit is going and what is expected, where learners are coming from H - hook learners and hold their interest E - equip learners, experience key ideas, explore issues R - rethink/revise understanding and work E-2 - evaluate work and implications T - tailored to needs of learners 0 - organized learning(this is not labeled in the learning plan, as the entire plan has been used to organize the learning)
Materials Needed for Staff Development: - Chart Paper & markers - Access to wireless network - Laptop/computer - Projector - Laptops for participates to use (optional) Resources Needed: - Access to PebbleGo
Overall, I feel very good about the development and execution of my professional development course. I enjoyed planning the course as well as teaching the course. I was very nervous at first about creating a professional development course as I am a fairly new teacher and I did not have much experience with presenting in front of fellow teachers. The planning process took a bit longer than I expected. At first, I had to decide on what topic or skill would be most beneficial to present on. I decided to incorporate items that I did feel comfortable with and items that I did have experience and background knowledge to speak from. I received my ESOL endorsement with my undergraduate degree and I also teach in a school that is has a high ELL population. Along with that, the tools I used in my course are tools with which I have used over and over again and I have found them to be successful. Even though I was viewed as the instructor in developing this course I found that I was reflecting quite often on what did and did not work in my classroom and it gave me an opportunity to stop and think about the various ways these tools have helped my students succeed. With that being said, it was a very rewarding project for myself let alone the participants. One of the main obstacles when preparing this course was the fact that the technology ability levels of the participants varied. Some participants already used technology in their classroom and didnt need as much instruction on how to actually use the tools. With this in mind, I didnt plan set time frames for each section, which allowed me to move quicker or slower if needed. The implantation of the course went really well. I found confidence in the fact that I was familiar with the tools and topic. I am not usually a great public speaker and often let my nerves get the best of me. However, this course went well and I feel that I was able to really connect with my participants. Creating the online version of this course was so much fun! I enjoyed being able to go back and use the different Web 2.0 tools that I have learned about throughout my time at Georgia Southern. I had really forgotten how many tools I had learned about. Being able to see all of the tools come into play for one course was exciting and made me feel very accomplished. I also feel that having the online version and tutorials will allow participants from the in-person course a reference to fall back on. Often times we have so many thoughts running through our head during a planning period session that having the resources to go back and look through when we have more time is very useful. I wanted to make sure that the participants felt confident in
their ability to use the tools in their classroom and the resources from the online version will certainly give them the confidence. I am excited for my future as a technology educator even though I will still be in the classroom teaching. I am looking forward to sharing my knowledge with fellow co-workers and friends involved in education. This experience has given me the confidence I needed to feel successful in planning and implementing professional development courses.