This document provides instructions for Nadi Shodhana pranayama stage 2, an alternate nostril breathing technique. It describes how to perform the technique sitting comfortably with the spine straight, placing one hand in front of the face to alternately close the nostrils while breathing in and out of the other nostril. The initial stage involves equal inhalation and exhalation durations that can gradually be increased over time. Regular practice helps balance airflow between the nostrils and develops a calm, balanced mental state suitable for meditation. Precautions are to avoid strain and discontinue if uncomfortable.
This document provides instructions for Nadi Shodhana pranayama stage 2, an alternate nostril breathing technique. It describes how to perform the technique sitting comfortably with the spine straight, placing one hand in front of the face to alternately close the nostrils while breathing in and out of the other nostril. The initial stage involves equal inhalation and exhalation durations that can gradually be increased over time. Regular practice helps balance airflow between the nostrils and develops a calm, balanced mental state suitable for meditation. Precautions are to avoid strain and discontinue if uncomfortable.
This document provides instructions for Nadi Shodhana pranayama stage 2, an alternate nostril breathing technique. It describes how to perform the technique sitting comfortably with the spine straight, placing one hand in front of the face to alternately close the nostrils while breathing in and out of the other nostril. The initial stage involves equal inhalation and exhalation durations that can gradually be increased over time. Regular practice helps balance airflow between the nostrils and develops a calm, balanced mental state suitable for meditation. Precautions are to avoid strain and discontinue if uncomfortable.
This document provides instructions for Nadi Shodhana pranayama stage 2, an alternate nostril breathing technique. It describes how to perform the technique sitting comfortably with the spine straight, placing one hand in front of the face to alternately close the nostrils while breathing in and out of the other nostril. The initial stage involves equal inhalation and exhalation durations that can gradually be increased over time. Regular practice helps balance airflow between the nostrils and develops a calm, balanced mental state suitable for meditation. Precautions are to avoid strain and discontinue if uncomfortable.
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Topic 4
Pranayama: Nadi Shodhana (Stage 2)
Nadi shodhana pranayama stage 1 should be continued 1 , but now it can be supplemented by the second stage oI nadi shodhana. This practice is also commonly known as '"&$,% /22)C,&, (simple preliminary practice) and% B$,8% B$,#" (Iorehead bellows). In English this practice can be called the alternate nostril pranayama, Ior air is inhaled through one nostril and exhaled through the other. The importance oI equalizing the Ilow oI air in the nostrils has already been Iully discussed 2 , and nadi shodhana stage 2 in particular helps to develop this desirable condition. ")'(D@B'?K/ '*>*'*.)*,/ This is an important practice and is mentioned in a large number oI ancient yogic texts. The Iollowing Irom the% S$*),'(%Q,0$"#, is the most direct reIerence: "Inhale through the ida (leIt nostril) and exhale through the pingala (right nostril). Then inhale t hrough the pingala and exhale through the chandra (leIt nostril). The pooraka (inhalation) and the rechaka (exhala- tion) should be done without the slightest hurry. This practice will help to eliminate the problems oI cough and cold." (57 & 58) NADI SHODHANA - STAGE 2 Sit in a comIortable sitting position; sukhasana or vajrasana are most suitable Ior this purpose, together with other meditative asanas that we will introduce later 3 . Be calm and relax your whole body. Hold your head and back upright but without straining. Place your hands on your knees or in your lap. Close your eyes. Be aware oI your breath. Set yourselI the aim oI totally involving your- selI in the Iorthcoming practice. AIter a minute or so begin the practice. LiIt your right hand in Iront oI your Iace (or your leIt hand iI preIerred). Adjust the Iingers to Iorm nasagra mudra 1 . Close the right nostril with the thumb. Inhale through the leIt nostril. Breathe as deeply as possible utilizing the abdomen and chest to Iill the lungs to the maximum. Don' t strain however; it must be a relaxed practice. At the end oI inhalation close the leIt nostril. Open the right nostril and exhale. The exhalation should be slow and the lungs emptied as much as possible. At the end oI exhalation keep the right nostril open and then slowly inhale. AIter completing the Iull inhalation close the right nostril. Open the leIt nostril and exhale. This is 1 round. Do a Iew mor e r ounds in the same way maintaining awareness oI the breath. AIter a Iew rounds start to mentally count the time oI inhalation and exhalation. Each interval oI counting should represent approximately 1 second: 1 (sec) - 2 (sec) - 3 (sec) - etc. Try to keep the timing oI the counting Iixed; it is very easy to speed up the counting when one is short oI breath. Then adjust the duration oI inhalation and exhalation according to the instructions given under the next heading. Do not Iorce the breath in any way. Continue the practice Ior as long as time permits. Be aware oI the breath and the mental counting throughout the practice. AB'?@(-./ ->/ '*,D('?@(-./ For the Iirst stage oI practice the duration oI inhalation should equal the time oI exhalation. In other words iI you breathe in Ior a count oI Iive then you should also exhale Ior a count oI Iive. However, begin with whatever count you Iind comIortable whether it is two or ten or 117 any ot her dur at i on. No strain what soever should be involved in t he practice. Over a peri od oI weeks or mont hs, however, slowly try to increase t he durat i on oI inhalation and exhalation, at t he same time keepi ng t hem equal. For exampl e, iI you start with a durat i on oI t hree seconds Ior inhalation and exhalation, try to increase this to Iour when you are able. Thi s durat i on should be increased not only over t he weeks oI practice, but with each actual sitting. In ot her words start your practice with a comIort able durat i on, t hen aIter a short time you will automatically Iind that your breat hi ng will last longer. Increase your count i ng and durat i on as much as is comIortable. The relative dur at i on oI i nhal at i on and exhalation will be changed Ior t he next stage 4 . TN?'*.*,,/ ?.</ <B'?@(-./ Try to mai nt ai n Iull awareness oI breat hi ng and mental counting. This is important in order t o r eap t he maxi mum beneIits I r om prana- yama. However, don' t worry iI your attention continually wanders. Just try to be aware that it is wanderi ng and gently bri ng it back to the practice bei ng per I or med. Try to practise at least ten to IiIteen mi nut es daily (this time also includes nadi shodhana stage 1). "*MB*.)*/ Nadi shodhana stage 2 should Iollow directly aIter stage 1. They should be done aIt er asanas and beIore relaxation or medi t at i on. nor too active, too dull or too excitable. The prani c current s or poles (sun and moon) are br ought into balance with each ot her, thus increasing t he heal t h oI t he whole body-mi nd complex. &'*)?B@(-.,/ At t he slightest sign oI discomIort reduce t he dur at i on oI i nhal at i on and exhal at i on. II necessary discontinue Ior t he day. Make sure that you don' t Iorce in any way and that t here is no haste whatsoever. It should be done as t hough you have all the time in t he world. #*.*>(@,/ The beneIits are the same as we have already described Ior nadi shodhana stage 1 so we will not repeat t hem here 1 . However, nadi shod- hana stage 2 is much mor e powerIul and eIIective in bal anci ng t he air Ilow t hr ough t he two nostrils. For this reason it is particularly useIul beIore relaxational and medi t at i onal techniques. It develops a state oI harmony in the individual so that he is nei t her too lethargic /%#01* 1 Book I, Lesson 3, Topic 4 2 Topic 3 oI this lesson. 3 Book I, Lesson 2, Topic 5 and Book I, Lesson 7, Topic 2. 4 Book I, Lesson 5, Topic 4 118