Alternate Nostril Breathing Info Sheet
Alternate Nostril Breathing Info Sheet
Alternate Nostril Breathing Info Sheet
Information Sheet
How to practice
Bring your right hand up and place the fore finger and middle finger
between the eyebrows (nasagra mudra). Use the right thumb to close off
the right nostril and breathe in through the left nostril. Then close the left
nostril with the ring finger, release the thumb and breathe out through the
right nostril. Breathe back in through the right nostril, close with the thumb
and out the left again. This makes one round.
Continue like this out and in through one nostril, then out and in through
the other. Keep the breath comfortable and relaxed. There is no need to
Practice tips
1. Keep your breath natural and relaxed. You dont need to deepen or
lengthen the breath and definitely dont strain or force the breath.
2. If you find that one nostril is blocked or the nose feels a bit stuffy, then
close the other nostril and do a few short sharp sniffs through the open
nostril. If necessary, repeat on the other side.
3. When you first practice start with 1 or 2 minutes. Slowly build up to 5
4. If your right arm becomes tired, you can support the right arm by
holding under the elbow with the left hand.
5. If you are left handed you might prefer to use your left hand in which
case your thumb closes your left nostril and your ring finger closes your
right nostril.
5. Its a great preparation for meditation bringing the mind quite quickly
into theta brain wave deeply settled mind.
6. Alternate nostril breathing can help to clear the nose and sinuses,
however if really blocked dont force the breath and practice anuloma
viloma (psychic alternate nostril breathing) instead.
1. Never force the breath during alternate nostril breathing if you feel like
you are straining then discontinue the practice.
2. Gradually build up your practice, start with the basic practice and
gradually build up the time. Only move on when you are very
3. This should not be practiced straight after eating wait at least an hour.
This is where you breathe normally, but imagine you are breathing through
alternate nostrils.
Start by breathing naturally and comfortably and having your awareness
on the breath at the nostrils. Imagine the breath goes in and up through
both nostrils and meets at a point in between the eyebrows. Then
breathe out and the breath separates and goes down and out through
the nostrils. Do this a few more times so you have a sense of the triangular
shape of the breath.
Then imagine the breath comes in through the left nostril and up to the
eyebrow centre and down the right nostril. Back in the right to the
eyebrow centre and down the left continue like that.
After practicing regularly you may find that you can actually control the
breath moving in the nostrils without using your hands so you are
actually breathing in and out through alternate nostrils. If you focus your
attention behind the nose above the upper palate you can find the
switch that controls this (its a subtle muscular contraction).
This practice is more effective if you can count the breaths, otherwise
there is a tendency for the mind drift off. Counting keeps the mind
Now instead of breathing naturally the duration of the in breath and the
out breath is controlled/measured and the breath is held in.
So see if you can: breathe in for a count of 3 through one nostril; then hold
the breath in for a count of 3 before swapping nostrils and breathing out
for a count of 3. After each exhalation, inhale immediately through that
nostril again for a count of 3 and continue like that.