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The document outlines a literacy curriculum for 4th grade students focusing on developing reading, writing, speaking and listening skills as members of a literate community.

The curriculum discusses developing skills in word study, vocabulary, comprehension strategies like predicting, inferring and using prior knowledge to understand texts.

The curriculum says expressive writing should have purpose, voice, organization and details. Narratives should have a clear storyline while reflective pieces reflect on thoughts and feelings.

FNWSU Literacy Curriculum GRADE 4 Power Standard #1 Literate Community Students participate as members of a 21 century literate community by creating,

comprehending, and responding purposefully to a range of media, images, and texts. (Aligns with Standards 1.4, 5.14)
Literate Community




Power Indicators

Common Local Assessment

Reading Extensively

-Read the equivalent of two instructional or independent level books a month (including summer months)

Active Listening
-Ask clarifying questions -Individual and Class Reading Logs? -Teacher Observations?

Reading Widely and In-Depth

- Read at least three different genres/ kinds of text and a variety of authors as in the following: literary texts: poetry, plays, fairy tales, fantasy, fables, folktales, realistic fiction, historical fiction informational: content trade books, textbooks, childrens magazines, dictionaries, glossaries, encyclopedias, childrens newspapers practical/functional texts: procedures, instructions, announcements, invitations, book orders

-Restate information -Respond appropriately in a variety of modes -Be responsive, respectful to the speaker -Extend and apply -Make connections

-Share knowledge and perspectives -Show awareness of audience by adapting language & style -Respond effectively to audience -Use language expressively -Speak clearly with appropriate pacing and volume -Assume roles in group communication tasks

- Read four books (or the equivalent) by an author, about a subject or in one genre -Develop reading stamina by increasing reading to 40-50 minutes per day (*******not in GEs but was in our last curriculum) - Self-select reading materials of personal interest and reading ability -Participate in discussions about text: offer comments support evidence recommend books and other materials respond to comments and recommendations

FNWSU Literacy Curriculum Grade 4 Fall 2010

FNWSU Literacy Curriculum GRADE 4 Power Standard #2 Reading Strategies Students effectively apply a combination of word identification, vocabulary, monitoring, & broad comprehension strategies to help them read.
Analyzing word structure Word identification Word Study/Word Identification/Phonics
Concepts Skills/Strategies Power Indicators Common Local Assessment

Word ID/Vocabulary
Apply word identification skills (including six syllable

-Read grade-level words with automaticity

types & syllable division) & uses resources to identify and understand unfamiliar vocabulary words

(act of reading)
(Aligns with Standards 1.1, 1.13, 1.14, 1.18, 1.19, 2.1, 2.2, 2.6, 2.9, 3.2)

Sound-symbol correspondence

Word patterns -Decode multi-syllabic words using sounds, sixSyllables syllable types, word patterns including prefixes and suffixes

FNWSU Literacy Curriculum Grade 4 Fall 2010

Vocabulary Identifying meaning of words -Use strategies to unlock word meaning including: prefixes, suffixes, base words, context clues, and prior knowledge -Use resources to unlock word meaning including: dictionaries, glossaries, and thesauruses

Word ID/Vocabulary
Apply word identification skills (including six syllable types & syllable division) & uses resources to identify and understand unfamiliar vocabulary words -Identify synonyms, antonyms, homonyms,

^GatesMacGinitie Forms T & S

Relationship of words (e.g. synonyms, antonyms)

homophones, or shades of meaning (i.e. cold/freezing) -Describe words in terms of categories, functions, or features -Select appropriate words to use in context, including content-specific vocabulary, multiple meaning words, or precise vocabulary

Comprehension Applying reading strategies to understand text

-Use prior knowledge -Predict and make text-based inferences -Determine importance and summarize -Ask literal and clarifying questions -Visualize or imagine

Broad Comprehension
Construct meaning of varied texts by activating prior knowledge, predicting, inferring, making connections, visualizing, asking questions, determining importance, ^F & P Text Level S ^GatesMacGinitie

FNWSU Literacy Curriculum Grade 4 Fall 2010

-Make connections -Locate and use text features -Use strategies in response to comprehension questions or prompts -Self-select and read a variety of texts at their independent reading levels -Participate in a conversation and or group discussion about text -Identify components of text organization including: chronological, cause/effect, compare/contrast, proposition and support, description, and classification Context and SelfCorrection Strategies -Use context and self-correction strategies including: predicting, monitoring, adjusting and confirming through the use of syntactic and semantic clues -Sample a page of text for readability and interest Monitoring and Adjusting Strategies -Preview text selection -Reread, adjust pace and use other strategies as needed

using text structure clues, & summarizing while reading

Forms T & S

Monitor and adjust reading by selfcorrecting using sentence structure and context cues.

^F & P Text Level S

FNWSU Literacy Curriculum Grade 4 Fall 2010

FNWSU Literacy Curriculum GRADE 4 Power Standard #3 Reading Accuracy Students read grade appropriate text with accuracy and fluency in a way that makes meaning clear
Rate & Accuracy Accuracy & Fluency ^F & P
Concepts Skills/Strategies Power Indicators Common Local Assessment

- Read grade appropriate material with at least 9094% accuracy at the end of grade 4 - Read grade-appropriate text with oral fluency at a rate of 115-140 correct words per minute.

Accuracy: Read
material appropriate for the end of grade 4 within the instructional range of 90-94% accuracy.

Benchmark Assessment Text Level S

(Instructional Level)

^Grade Level

Aligns with Standard 1.2

- Read grade-appropriate text in a way that makes Phrasing (e.g. expression, punctuation) meaning clear by: ^reading with correct phrasing ^using good expression ^paying attention to punctuation, text features, and dialogue

Fluency: Oral reading

of material appropriate for end of grade 4 demonstrates phrasing, expression and attention to text features at rates of 115-140 correct words per minute (cwpm).

Fluency Measure

FNWSU Literacy Curriculum Grade 4 Fall 2010

FNWSU Literacy Curriculum GRADE 4 Power Standard #4 Reading Comprehension Students read, understand, interpret and analyze informational texts.
Initial Understanding of Informational Text
Concepts Skills/Strategies Power Indicators Common Local Assessment

-Obtain information from ALL text features

(including index, transition words/phrases) -Use text to answer questions about main ideas and key details -Identify features of a variety of informational text including reference (encyclopedias) and practical/functional (instructions) -Organize information to show understanding

-Use text features (the index, transition words, phrases, and subheadings) to locate information in order to answer literal and inferential questions about the text -Communicate learning by organizing information, paraphrasing and summarizing key details within or across texts

^F & P Level S

(Instructional Level)
^VT Item Bank ^Progress Assessment 1 OR 2 OR 3

Aligns with Standards 1.15, 2.1, 2.2, 2.7, 2.11

through charting, mapping, paraphrasing, and summarizing

FNWSU Literacy Curriculum Grade 4 Fall 2010

Analysis & Interpretation of Informational Text/Citing Evidence

-Connect and synthesize information within or across texts (i.e. create appropriate titles or form judgments/opinions about central or controlling ideas) -Make inferences about text including authors purpose or message -Make inferences about cause and effect -Distinguish fact from opinion

-Synthesize information from a variety of text -Determine authors purposes

FNWSU Literacy Curriculum Grade 4 Fall 2010

FNWSU Literacy Curriculum GRADE 4 Power Standard #5 Reading Comprehension Students read, understand, interpret and analyze literary texts.
Initial Understanding of Literary Text (Comprehension)
Concepts Skills/Strategies Power Indicators Common Local Assessment

^F & P Level C

When reading text, students will be able to cite evidence from the text to:
Identify and describe characters physical characteristics, personality traits, interactions, and motives as they change over time Paraphrase or summarize the setting, plot, major events, and key ideas in order Identify and describe possible causes and effects Identify characteristics of a variety of types of literary texts (e.g. poetry, plays, fairy tales. fantasy, fables, realistic fiction, folk tales, and historical fiction) Identify literary devices /authors craft appropriate to genre (e.g. rhyme, alliteration, dialogue, description, and similes) Reread, recall relevant details, and find answers to literal questions

-Identify character motivation and change over time Summarize major events in sequence Make logical predictions and connections based on evidence from text Make inferences about conflict, problem, and solution Identify literary devices such as simile Identify narrator Identify authors message/theme

(Instructional Level)
^VT Item Bank ^Progress Assessment 1 OR 2 OR 3

Aligns with Standards 1.3, 1.15, 2.1, 2.2, 2.7, 2.11

FNWSU Literacy Curriculum Grade 4 Fall 2010

Analysis and Interpretation of Literary Text/ Citing Evidence

When reading text, students will be able to cite evidence from the text to:
Make logical predictions and inferences about text to describe: ^Physical and personality traits of main characters through their thoughts, words, or actions ^Main idea, problems, conflicts, and solutions ^Who the person telling the story (e.g. narrator) is and what is the authors purpose or message/theme Make connections with personal experience, prior knowledge, or other text to make text-to-self, text- to text, text-to-world connections Generate a personal response to what is read by comparing stories or other texts to related personal experience, prior knowledge, or books

FNWSU Literacy Curriculum Grade 4 Fall 2010

FNWSU Literacy Curriculum GRADE 4 Power Standard #2 Writing Dimensions/ Process Students apply the processes of writing including drafting, revising, editing, and critiquing to create a written product for the purpose of communication, discovery, or expression.
Prewriting, Drafting, Revising, Editing, Publishing
Concepts Skills/Strategies Power Indicators Common Local Assessment

In addition to previous:
Pre-write -Use graphic organizers to arrange thoughts and details -Take notes or mark up text to prepare to write a piece -Determine purpose and audience Draft -Establish voice/tone that is appropriate to the content and audience - Organize related sentences into paragraph form with a topic sentence and supporting details - Write a cohesive piece which includes: Revise introduction with setting and context controlling idea (focus/thesis) supporting details transitions and elaboration

Generate and share ideas on a specific topic or focus by selecting appropriate details through note-taking and/or using a graphic organizer

Drafting and Revision

^Discover and develop a controlling idea by exploring details and elaborating ideas, transitions and a conclusion ^Revise writing length and connection of details for effectiveness by looking at benchmarked models,

FNWSU Literacy Curriculum Grade 4 Fall 2010


- Reread own writing to check for meaning - Check for coherence and structure - Add details that enhance the story - Delete irrelevant details - Reflect on and improve writing using established criteria - Select vocabulary and title for more precise meaning - Rearrange sections of text to improve organization of ideas - Confer with others and use feedback to revise - Reflect on and improve writing using established criteria Edit -Edit with help from adults and peers -Use resources to correct spelling of unknown words -Use grade-appropriate grammar, usage, and mechanics Publish

rubrics and goals and conferencing ^Uses rich transitions to connect ideas within the piece.

Editing and Publishing

^Check for flow and organizational structure by conferencing and reading aloud ^Share their final drafts with an intended audience

-Create and share text with an audience in a variety FNWSU Literacy Curriculum Grade 4 Fall 2010 11

of forms (handwritten, electronic, or visual display

FNWSU Literacy Curriculum Grade 4 Fall 2010


FNWSU Literacy Curriculum GRADE 4 Power Standard #3 Writing Conventions & Structures Students demonstrate command of the structures of English language by writing with appropriate English grammar and conventions.
Grammar, Usage, Mechanics & Spelling
In addition to previous:
Concepts Skills/Strategies Power Indicators Common Local Assessment

Students will build meaning with

Statements, questions, imperatives, and exclamations; adverbs and more transitional words.

Structure - Constructs sentences with a subject and predicate - Writes a variety of complete simple sentences (declarative, exclamatory, and interrogative) Punctuation - Uses apostrophes for contractions and possessives -Uses hyphens to divide words at the end of a line - Use commas for lists, between town and state, and after the closing of a friendly letter - Writes common abbreviations with a period Capitalization - Uses capital letters correctly for titles of books and magazines, and proper nouns - Capitalizes abbreviations with period Formatting

Students will edit for clarity

Commas in a series, quotation marks in dialog, and basic formats for a story, friendly letter, and essay.

FNWSU Literacy Curriculum Grade 4 Fall 2010


-Indents or uses block paragraphs -Uses friendly letter format and addresses envelopes -Begins to use business letter format Syntax - Uses a variety of sentence beginnings and structures including compound sentences - Writes increasingly detailed sentences Usage/Grammar -Maintains verb tense (past, present, future) - Understands subject/verb agreement - Understands and correctly uses nouns, verbs, adjectives, and pronouns - Uses homonyms, synonyms, and antonyms Spelling - Correctly spells grade-appropriate, high-frequency words - Uses es to form plural words ending in s, -x, -ss, sh, and ch - Adds ed to words to show past tense - Gives a readable and accurate phonetic spelling for

FNWSU Literacy Curriculum Grade 4 Fall 2010


words that have not been taught - Represents each sound heard in a word with a feature of print - Correctly spells phonetically regular words with short vowels, consonant digraphs and blends, silent e words Handwriting - Consistently forms letters correctly - Consistently prints legibly on standard lined paper using appropriate margins and spacing -Uses cursive formation to write

FNWSU Literacy Curriculum Grade 4 Fall 2010


FNWSU Literacy Curriculum GRADE 4 Power Standard #4 Informational Writing Students will write informational pieces with purpose, organization, voice and details in order to show thinking through analysis, synthesis and evaluation.
Report -Establish a topic (purpose) -State and maintain a focus/controlling idea on a topic -Use transition words or phrases -Elaborate by including sufficient facts and details Purpose, Voice, Organization, and Details (Elaboration) Response to Informational Text -Set context in introduction using author, title, and one reference to what text is about -State and maintain a focus (purpose) when responding to a given question -Use specific details and references to text to support focus -Use transition words or phrases -Develop a conclusion
Concepts Skills/Strategies Power Indicators Common Local Assessment

Set the context by establishing a topic while maintaining a focus/controlling idea.

Begin to use appropriate voice & tone.

Logically organize ideas by writing a strong introduction (which sets the context) middle, and concluding statement/sentence, and uses transition words and phrases.

FNWSU Literacy Curriculum Grade 4 Fall 2010


relevant to focus/controlling idea -Develop a conclusion -List sources at end, if appropriate

Details (Elaboration):
Elaborate on the focus by selecting appropriate information to set

Procedure - Provide purpose for the procedure with clear directions and explanations - Arrange the steps in a logical manner using numbering, bullets, or phrases -Use details that help the reader understand the process -Create a list of materials to be used, if appropriate -Develop a conclusion

background context using sufficient and specific details from text(s) while making connections and inferring.

FNWSU Literacy Curriculum Grade 4 Fall 2010


FNWSU Literacy Curriculum GRADE 4 Power Standard #5 Expressive Writing Students will write creatively with purpose, organization, voice and details in order to express identity, their own thoughts, ideas and feelings.
Reflective -Use details to establish place, time, and situation (purpose) -Establish focus, when responding to a given question or idea -Show evidence of individual voice -Exhibit questioning, comparing, or connecting techniques for reflecting on thoughts or feelings Expressive Writing: Purpose, Voice, Organization, Details (Elaboration) Narratives -Create a clear, understandable story line with a coherent beginning, middle, and end -Establish a problem and solution -Use relevant and descriptive details including figurative language, similes and metaphors -Describe characters
Concepts Skills/Strategies Power Indicators Common Local Assessment

-Create a clear understandable story line/focus -Write poems that express feelings

-Show evidence of individual voice -Exhibit techniques for reflection on thoughts or feelings through questioning, comparing or connecting

-Utilize coherent

FNWSU Literacy Curriculum Grade 4 Fall 2010


-Maintain coherent organization -Make connections

organization including a beginning, middle and end or simple poetic forms

Poetry -Establish a clear topic or focus (purpose) -Express feeling -Create sensory details and multisensory images -Use simple poetic forms Limerick Formula poems (poems with patterns) Acrostics -Use figurative language, simple metaphors and similes

-Begin to use transitions that move the piece forward

Details (Elaboration):
-Establish a problem and solution by connecting relevant events -Use relevant and descriptive details to elaborate on characters, setting and plot -Connect sensory details and multisensory images to feelings

FNWSU Literacy Curriculum Grade 4 Fall 2010


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