A Nswer and Explanation: Tutorial
A Nswer and Explanation: Tutorial
A Nswer and Explanation: Tutorial
All othe r inte r conne ctivity and Inte rne t access for the ex isting locations of the company are work ing prope rly. The task is to identify the fault(s) and corre ct the route r configuration to provide full conne ctivity be tween the route rs. Access to the route r CLI can be gained by click ing on the appropriate host. All passwords on all route rs are cisco. IP addre sses are listed in the chart below.
R1 Fa0/0: S1/0: S0/1: S0/0: R3 Fa0/0: Fa0/1: Fa1/0: A nswer and explanation
(Note : If you are not sure how EIGRP work s, please read m y EIGRP tutorial: http://www.9tut.com /eigrp -routing-protocoltutorial. Note: You can download this sim to practice he re:http://www.9tut.com/download/9tut.com _CC NA_EIGRP_sim _question.zip ) We should che ck the configuration of the ne w adde d route r first be cause it does not function prope rly while othe rs work we ll. From the command line inte rface of R3 route r, e nte r the show running-config command
From the output above, we k now that this route r was wrongly configured with an autonomous numbe r (AS) of 22. When the AS numbe rs among route rs are mismatched, no adjacency is formed. (You should che ck the AS numbe rs on othe r route rs for sure ) To solve this problem , we simply re -configure route r R 3 with the following commands: R3>enable (you have to ente r cisco as its password he re ) R3#configure terminal R3(config)#no router eigrp 22 R3(config)#router eigrp 212 R3(config-router)#network R3(config-router)#network R3(config-router)#no auto-summary R3(config-router)#end R3#copy running-config startup-config Che ck R1 route r with the show running-config command:
Notice that it is m issing a definition to the ne twork R 3. The re fore we have to add it so that it can re cognize R 3 route r R1>enable (you have to e nte r cisco as its password he re ) R1#configure terminal R1(config)#router eigrp 212 R1(config-router)#network R1(config-router)#end R1#copy running-config startup-config Now the whole ne twork will work we ll. You should che ck again with ping command from route r R 3 to othe r route rs! Modifications: Maybe in this EIGRP Sim you will see the passive -inte rface command some whe re in R1 configu ration. If the link be twee n R1 to R 2 (or R3, r4) route rs has the passive inte rface then we have to remove it with the no passive -inte rface command be cause it pre vents EIGRP update from be ing se nt on that inte rface. But if the passive inte rface is a pplied to the link be tween R1 and ISP route r then we just leave it. Dont use the no passive-interface s1/0 on R1 be cause the link be twee n R1 & ISP doesnt need EIGRP to run on it. A static route from R1 to ISP & ip de fault-ne twork command in R1 are the corre ct answe rs. (Note : The ip de fault-ne twork command in R1 will adve rtise the static route of R1 (to go to the Inte rne t) to othe r route rs (R 2,R 3,R 4) so that the y can access the Inte rne t too). In the exam you will see these lines in R1 configuration: ! ip default-ne twork ip route ! If you want to learn more about ip de fault-ne twork command please read:http://www. cisco.com/en/US/te ch/tk 365/te chnologies_te ch_note 09186a0080094374.shtml I read re cent comments and realized that you will see the passive -inte rface in the link be tween R1 & ISP so just leave it.