Caribbean Studies - (Research) Module 3
Caribbean Studies - (Research) Module 3
Caribbean Studies - (Research) Module 3
What is research? This is the act of rethinking and reassessing traditional ideas and stero-typical knowledge. Purpose of research: Generate new knowledge; solve a problem, to predict an event or outcome and to test a theory. What is reliability? Reliability in research refers to the degree in which an instrument is interpreted the same way by each subject being interviewed. What is validity? Validity in research is when the questions asked and the method used are likely to give relevant answers to the questions posed by the researcher. Types of validity: Internal validity External validity Internal validity is concern with the results of the research; can be interpreted accurately and with evidence. External validity is concern with the extent to which the research results can be generalized to other population and conditions. Types of research conceptions: Main stream conception Alternative conception Feels there is no new knowledge to be revealed and that the subjects already contain the beliefs etc. Concern more about the feelings of each individual. Uses qualitative methods of research. E.g.: interview. Rely on cultural knowledge of the people. Reliability is obtained through document analysis and observations.
Radical conception
Characteristic of research: Its scientific, systematic, empirical and versatile (can be use for various purposes). Quantitative research uses a numerical method of describing observation of materials or characteristic. Tends to involve the use of instrument such as rating scale, questionnaires and test that yield numerical data or data that can be quantified. Data analysis procedures tens to be statistical with the aim being to test the hypotheses and answer the research question. Qualitative research is studies in which description of observation is not orderly express in quantitative terms. Qualitative research involves the large quantities of narrative data usually by interviews, field notes from observation or textual data from documents, photographs, diaries, journals and so on. In using the quantitative vs. the qualitative research is based on the methodology used to carry out the research. Characteristic of a good research: Should be of interest to you Should be manageable Should be do-able Worthwhile and significant Should lie within your expertise What is a magazine? A periodical publication containing articles and stories e.g. with photographs. Abstract- to do with existing thought rather than matter; not tangible or concrete. Journal- A newspaper or periodicals or daily record of events. Delimiting factors of the research: Age Ethnic Environment Particular methodology Behaviour as opposed to attitude
Delimiting- a deliberate control of the research by making it clear and focus. Problem statement- a clear statement of the purpose of the study, this statement must have a dependent and independent variable. Guidelines in writing a good problem statement: Should address a important question Should advance knowledge A problem statement that results in a yes or no answer is not suitable. A problem statement that is only seeking to address or compare two sets of data is not suitable. A variable- a condition or characteristic that the researcher manipulates controls or merely observed. Also deal with quantity, numbers which maybe alter. Independent variable-are those conditions you try to manipulate in order to observe their effect or some other variable. Is a factor that have direct effect on the outcome, it cause (influence) another variable (effect). Dependent variable-is the occurrence of a phenomenon based on its cause by another factor, in general the dependent variable is the characteristic or condition you expect to change or vary for different groups. Its the characteristic or condition on which all the research participants are asses and which you make no attempt to manipulate. Target population- is the largest possible group who are affected by the problem and who can be a source of information. Access population is those members of the target population who are accessible to the researcher.
Target population
Accessible population
Sample population-those members of the accessible population chosen by the researcher of the investigation. Characteristics of researcher objectives and researcher question: Relevant Directly linked to the researcher problem Should be inform by sources Clarity The major research questions are the five Ws and the H of journalism. Therefore in writing the researcher question us the following: Who What When Where Why How How and why question are meant to explain because such questions demand that you trace how things are done overtime. Different types of questions require different types of answer and as the researcher you should be aware of this. Sources of information: Internet Newspaper Archive Oral histories Existing literature Minutes of meeting
In selecting and using the various areas you must be aware of their (1) relevance (2) degree of validity to your study and (3) adequacy. A literature review: Is a clear, succinct and logically develop summary of the major readings that have influence your findings in planning your study. Should be able to summarize your point made by each author or to whom you quote, author cited should be name with the major year of the publication you name, quotation should not be long which you will be using, should include a justification for the focus which your are studying with reference to the literature. Existing literature is the available materials that are out there on a topic, that is under review and can give you information on your topic. E.g.: Books, journal and pictures. Methods of enquiry: Survey Focus group In-depth interview Participants and non-participants observation Usually have a series of questions aim at answering at eliciting answer to a topic under research. Can contain background questions, open ended and fixed choices. Background questions get personal data that may add value to the study. E.g.: Age, gender, occupation and religion. Your research questions must then be sub-divided to formulate your questionnaire questions. For questionnaires to give you quality research you need, they are some things you must do: Word, form and order the questions. Four principles in wording your questions: (1) (2) (3) (4) Relevance Simple-should be phrase in a simple manner and shouldnt use double negative. Neutral-should not be worded in a way that suggests a particular answer is correct. Forming the questions-questions must be structured in such a way as to anticipate the type of responses and presents respondents with fixed alternation (pre-coding).
An introduction must be on your questionnaire, explaining what the research is about and why the research is being studies. Likert Scale:
Strongly agree Agree Undecided Disagree Strongly disagree Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Poor Likert scale is often using to measure the attitude of the respondents in certain issue. A number of statements have been made about a certain subject, these should reflect opinion held of a number of people on the topic and should include equal number of favorable and unfavorable statements. Method of enquiry Survey- involves the collection of data from a selected group of persons in order to test the hypotheses, about feeling, believes or opinion held by topic or issues. This type of research usually uses to describe a problem at a particular point in time.