Strategic Marketing
Strategic Marketing
Strategic Marketing
This document aims to provide the reader with a synthesis of essential concepts in contemporary strategic marketing. It does not aim to provide a fully detailed and comprehensive overview of the complete 'toolbox' of Strategic Marketing. However, it should provide the reader with the essential flowchart of frameworks and concepts. While we are no fans of alliterations, this document is - in summary - about 7 C's :
Company strategy
Comprehend Commit
The document is quite concise (otherwise, it would never be read!). By definition, we had to make a selection. In making this selection, we aimed to provide you with a document that (1) follows a logical and consistent flowchart, and (2) enables you to acquire a solid overview of the key concepts in the strategic marketing domain.
'Growth for growth's sake is the ideology of the cancer cell' Edward Abbey
Honestly: which company does not want to grow? However, long-term profitable growth must be supported by a strong resource base if it wants to sustain it.
'If I had been a woman, I would be constantly pregnant, because I simply cannot say no' Robert Maxwell
Many industrial product companies venture a little bit of everything. While this seems a low-risk strategy, it is actually a very high risk strategy. A company must make choices.
'Those that implement the plans, must make the plans' Patrick Hegarty - HP
Why do many consultancy reports fail in the implementation phase? Because managers forget that without involvement, it is difficult to realize commitment.
A plan is only one of the outcomes. If managed well, the planning activities, involving different parties, creates something a lot more valuable: a momentum for change.
cash cows
The essence of a competitive advantage consists of differentiation, i.e., the act of distinguishing your offering from that of the competition. Competition is about differentiation, and the best differentiation is the one that truly delights the customer, but the customer cannot compare it with similar offerings in the market place. The essence is winning! When a manager says, 'We have a good product for a reasonable price', that's when you know a company is not successful in differentiating itself.
diversity knowledge
For instance, in the example above, we have summarized the activity system (business system) of a leading Dutch industrial engineering and technical service company. Its competitive advantages are : multidisciplinarity, customer intimacy, reliable and flexible proximity across the Netherlands, and a strong image. You want another word for assets and competences? Call them enablers, and it becomes clear a company must earn its competitive advantages. For each of these competitive advantages, the key enablers for this firm are indicated. The advantages of an activity system analysis are straigthforward: it allows for analysis and synthesis, while it is visually easy to communicate. It is important the company does such an analysis in a rational way. My suggestion is to include not more than five competitive advantages. Be honest about your company: if you have not convinced your customer with five most arguments, will you ever convince the customer?
Some leading consultants and academics are questioning the issue of sustainibility. However, we must not question the issue itself, rather the naive application of sustainability. In many industrial markets, sustainability lasts a maximum of 5 years... 'In the long run, we're all dead', is something Keynes already knew.
Risk moderate